象印ZOJIRUSHI CD-LGF30_LGF40_LGF50 Manual说明书



31. 听力题: The __________ is a region known for its heat and dryness.
32. 填空题: I can engage my senses with my ________ (玩具名称).
33. 填空题: The capital of the Central African Republic is ________ (班吉).
56. 填空题: I have a _________ (魔法玩具) that changes colors when you touch it.
57. 听力题: I want to ___ a new friend. (make)
58. 听力题: A habitat is where an animal __________.
66. 听力题: unch.
67. 选择题: How do you say "hello" in English? A. Goodbye B. Thanks C. Hello D. Please 答案:C
68. 听力题: We need to ________ the dishes.
14. 填空题: I enjoy learning about ______ in science class.
15. 听力题: The _______ changes its appearance with the seasons.
16. 填空题: Mount Fuji is a famous ________ (山) in Japan.
69. 听力题: Light takes time to travel across the vastness of _______.

菲雪派克 JZT-CG301D JZT-CG451D JZT-CG752D JZT-CG903D 玻

菲雪派克 JZT-CG301D JZT-CG451D JZT-CG752D JZT-CG903D 玻

在使用燃气灶时,切勿远离燃气灶。长时间煮沸会产生烟雾,并溢出可染性 油脂。
触电危险 在清洁或维护燃气灶之前,要把燃气灶电源插头从墙壁插座上拔下来。切勿 用破裂的燃气灶烹饪食物。如果燃气灶玻璃表面破裂,立刻切断气源和(墙壁 上的)燃气灶供电电源开关,然后联系资深技术员前来维修。
安全警告 3
在使用燃气灶时,让儿童远离灶台。 切勿让儿童玩弄家用燃气灶。 监护人应该指导儿童或残疾人如何使用燃气灶。监护人应该确保他们能在不危及自身安全 和环境安全的情况下使用燃气灶。 如果电源线破损,必须由授权人士进行更换。 如果用软管连接气源,要确保软管不接触燃气灶底面或任何锋利边沿。 确保电源插头在安装燃气灶之后便于插拔。 燃气灶应该连接装有隔离开关的供电线路,隔离开关在必要时把电源隔离开。 切勿在火焰和炖锅之间使用石棉毡或装饰盖,否则可能会严重损坏燃气灶。 切勿把铝箔或塑料碟子放在灶头上。 切勿把大炖锅、平底锅或铁锅放在正在烹饪的其他任何锅旁边。这可能会使大炖锅、平底 锅或铁锅不稳,或者把热量投向灶台损坏表面。 切勿使用蒸汽清洁器清洁燃气灶。 炖锅手柄可能很烫,以至无法触碰。确保炖锅手柄不在其他正在使用的灶头之上。让儿童 够不到手柄。 切勿站在燃气灶上,切勿在燃气灶上堆放重物。 切勿让任何重物或尖利物体跌落在燃气灶上。虽然微晶玻璃很坚硬,但尖利物体或重物 (例如胡椒磨和底很厚的平底锅)跌落在上面可能会造成灶面开裂或破碎。 确保在使用燃气灶之后把旋钮开关打到OFF(关)位置。 如果把燃气灶安装在船上或房车上,不得把燃气灶当作取暖器。 在使用燃气灶时,厨房温度和湿度会升高。确保厨房通风良好。打开自然通风口,或者 安装机械通风设备(抽油烟机)。如果长时间使用燃气灶,可能需要强制通风,例如打 开窗子,或者安装效率更高的通气设备,例如增大机械通风设备的通风口。 在打开燃气灶包装之后,确认燃气灶完好无损。如果怀疑燃气灶有任何损坏,切勿使用燃 气灶,请联系供应商或资深技术员。切勿把包装材料(例如塑料袋、聚苯乙烯泡沫、搭扣 和包装带)放在燃气灶附近,尤其不能放在儿童够得到的地方,否则可能会造成严重人身 伤害。 切勿改动燃气灶。 燃气灶只能由授权人士进行维修。


调查日期:2012年9月份 序号 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 商品名称 Fxunshi/华迅仕 MD-800 多功能电动自动磨豆机研磨机磨咖啡豆 Delonghi/德龙 EC410 泵压意式特浓咖啡机 全国联保两年 包邮 ACA/北美电器 AC-M125A 咖啡机家用全自动咖啡机商用魔豆特价包邮 小家电 全自动咖啡机咖啡壶 泡茶机Fxunshi/华迅仕 MD-211特价 Delonghi/德龙 EC155 泵压意式特浓咖啡机 全国联保两年 包邮 Petrus/柏翠 PE3800 家用意式高压蒸汽半自动咖啡机 可打奶泡 【狂暑季】Fxunshi/华迅仕 MD-2001 蒸汽压力咖啡机|壶|秒杀 Nathome NKF6002北欧欧慕美式滴漏式咖啡壶茶饮机 正品包邮送礼品 Electrolux/伊莱克斯 ECM-4100全自动磨豆 家用蒸汽 滴漏式咖啡机 送奶泡杯 Fxunshi/华迅仕 MD-2001 家用意式咖啡机 半自动打奶泡 艾薇 JS-65C 家用美式半自动咖啡机 滴漏式煮咖啡壶 包邮送咖啡粉 特价大码女式修身pu皮衣 休闲翻领朋克小外套 欧美风机车短款夹克 【品牌特卖】veilond 2012秋装新款女士机车短款皮衣上衣修身 Midea/美的 D004B 家用全自动咖啡机 煮蒸汽咖啡壶泡茶包邮 Philips/飞利浦 HD8745 Saeco/喜客 全自动意式咖啡机 联保2年 法慕小城 老式 复古打字机 作旧摆设/居家咖啡馆店铺复古装修必备 天猫促销 自动保温 咖啡机Fxunshi/华迅仕 MD-208咖啡壶小家电 #手机淘宝#比伦奴秋装新款韩版机车短款女士皮衣皮夹克女2024特价 可用咖啡胶囊 AAA 3A-C203M3 半自动泵式蒸汽压力意式咖啡机 包邮

卡萨帝冰箱 BCD-505WGCFDA4YBU1说明书

卡萨帝冰箱 BCD-505WGCFDA4YBU1说明书

冰箱使用说明书型号BCD-505WGCFDA4YBU1• 本说明书为通用手册• 本公司保留说明书解释权• 产品外观请以实物为准• 阅后请与发票一并妥善保存• 如遇产品技术或软件升级,恕不另行通知• 本产品只适合在中国大陆销售和使用1. 产品介绍1 1.1. 产品部件1 1.1.1. 部件介绍1 1.1.2. 装箱单2 1.2. 技术规格2 1.2.1. 技术数据21.2.2. 产品尺寸及安装要求32. 使用说明7 2.1. 安全注意事项7 2.1.1. 符号含义7 2.1.2. 电气7 2.1.3. 使用7 2.1.4. 维护7 2.2. 冰箱安装8 2.2.1. 安装步骤8 2.2.2. 首次使用步骤8 2.3. 冰箱操作9 2.3.1. 显示屏9 2.3.2. 通电/断电9 2.3.3. 制冰机9 2.3.4. 特色功能13 2.3.5. 温度调节15 2.3.6. 互联功能16 2.4. 食品贮存注意事项16 2.4.1. 贮存建议区间16 2.4.2. 冷藏室的使用17 2.4.3. 冷冻室的使用18 2.4.4. 婴爱空间的使用18 2.4.5. 节能使用注意事项19 2.5. 清洁保养19 2.5.1. 冰箱清洁19 2.5.2. 岩板清洁19 2.5.3. 部件清洁202.5.4. 搬运/停用263. 售后服务27 3.1. 疑难解答27 3.1.1. 结露27 冰箱外部的水珠? 冰箱内部的水珠?27 抽屉前盖凝霜?27 3.1.2. 制冷27 冰箱不工作27 冰箱的制冷效果差?27 冰箱的冷藏室、抽屉的食品冻住了?28 冰箱压缩机的工作时间?28 3.1.3. 发热28 冰箱外壳的温度?28 3.1.4. 异声28 冰箱启动时发出较大的声音?28 工作的声音经常提高28 冰箱在开停机时发出“嗒嗒”声?28 冰箱有水流声和水煮沸声28 冰箱在工作时发出“啪啪”声?29 冰箱在工作时有轻微吹风声?29 冰箱在工作时有“咝咝”声或“嗤嗤”声?29 冰箱在工作时噪音大?29 冰箱有运转声和冰块下落声29 冰箱有突突的声音29 3.1.5. 异味29 冰箱内有异味29 3.1.6. 制冰机30 制冰机不制冰?30 制冰量少,冰块小或融化?30 制出的冰块有混浊?30 制出的冰块有异味?30 冰块的形状奇怪?30 3.1.7. 其他31 开关门力大?31 3.2. 环保清单31 3.3. 保修说明321. 产品介绍1.1. 产品部件1.1.1. 部件介绍部件介绍可拆卸部件部件名称部件名称私享空间制冰机悬臂搁物架上冷冻抽屉MSA保鲜抽屉下冷冻抽屉托盘水盒空间抽屉下冷冻抽屉储水盒装饰件(自由式)婴爱空间抽屉踢脚线(嵌装)接冰盒1.1.2. 装箱单装箱单本产品因不断研究改进,保留冰箱各部件的变更权利,恕不另行通知,敬请谅解。



注(1)3极或4极产品时使用2极。此时,请勿使用4极产品的中性极。另外,右图所示的连接线允许使用3极可达到直流500V,使用4极可达到直流600V。 (2)在AC/DC通用型号的情况下,AC、DC的脱扣动作特性有所差别。 (3)不具有隔离适用性功能。 (4)150A、160A的电气寿命为15000次。
漏电断路器 NV-S
系列 NF-C
30 32
100 125
800 1000 1250 1600
NF400-CW NF630-CW NF800-CEW
NF400-SW NF400-SEW
NF630-SW NF630-SEW

象印 不锈钢真空保温杯 SE-KAE型SE-KAE48C 使用说明书

象印 不锈钢真空保温杯 SE-KAE型SE-KAE48C 使用说明书




部件的拆卸方法 续



清理 续
所购产品与使用说明书上的插图可能 会有不符之处。



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大家都知道,人体每天必需摄入一定量的主食才能保证身体健康,更何况,作为华人的我们,每天不吃米饭,会感觉浑身都没力气,所以电饭煲就显得至关重要。好的电饭煲煮出来的饭香甜可口,吃饭都能多吃两碗。那么,英国市场上的电饭煲品牌繁多,种类也各异,比如像电力压锅、智能电饭煲等等各种各样的,品牌型号大小该怎样去选择呢?这里小编就为大家整理了一篇最新最详细的英国电饭煲选购攻略,包含电 饭煲品牌以及畅销型号推荐,除了大家熟知的象印品牌外,其实还可以有更多选择!另外,更值得为大家一提的是,文中还会为大家附上购买网站,通过提示前去购买的话,还可以获得额外的现金返现,一起来看看吧!! 封面图来自于unsplash,版权属于Pille-Riin Priske丨电饭煲挑选指南选择一款合适的电饭煲,主要根据自己的实际情况去选择,比如你有多少预算?需要买多大容量的?需要的类型是哪种?以及品牌 的选择。那么接下来,小编就从这些方面为大家介绍下。一、电饭煲种类电饭煲的种类一般分为三种:传统电饭煲(Conventional Rice Cookers)、智



北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点查询,北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点电话是多少,北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点电话信息大全聚信口碑网汇总北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点查询,北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点电话是多少,北京象印电饭煲售后维修网点信息大全信息象印电饭煲售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京东方辉腾科技发展有限公司东坝福润四季B区9号楼1单元1101北京东方纳福源科技有限公司立垡村北京仁宇奥博电饭煲设备有限公司通州区北京弘世正达商贸有限公司后俸伯村北京广顺信达科贸有限公司辛力庄村北京市方海达家电维修中心崔各庄路132号北京博浩世纪机电设备有限公司大张本村北京科进万联电器工程技术有限公司朱庄村北京利瑞源盛商贸中心北京市平谷区新平东路8号1-1号北京中泰万通商贸服务有限公司北七家北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点北七家镇名佳花园对面北京佳联鸿源电饭煲制冷设备有限公司北城根小区北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点昌平镇北城根小区甲1号楼3单元一层北京益祥远哲商贸中心昌盛园北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点昌盛园3区7号楼106北京昌平牡丹电器服务中心香堂文化新村果园小区北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点崔村镇香堂文化新村果园小区底商8号北京超智伟业机电制冷设备有限公司东村家园北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东村家园底商北京旭昌伟业商贸有限公司东小口北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东小口镇龙锦二街44-2至44-32号1层44-18 北京昌平牡丹电器服务中心鼓楼北街北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点鼓楼北街北城根小区3号楼1号北京兄弟环球贸易发展有限公司鼓楼西街北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点鼓楼西大街9-27(和平家园旁)北京昊晨家合制冷设备有限公司回龙观北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点回龙观通达家园2号楼2-1北京进美时代科技有限公司华联北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点回龙观西大街112号北京进美时代科技有限公司回龙观万意北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点回龙观西大街万意百货A段1026A北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南口福燕制冷电器修理部南口北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南口镇东街暖瓶厂底商16#北京鸿远辉腾商贸有限公司昌平南口北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南口镇南大街1号北京飚韵科技有限公司万家灯火装饰城北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点沙河镇北二村昌平路131号万家灯火装饰城北京新兴际华商贸有限公司巩华成大街北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点沙河镇昌平路169号北京广新佳美家用电器销售部沙阳路北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点沙河镇巩华城大街14号北京鸿远辉腾商贸有限公司沙阳路北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点沙河镇巩华大街14号(沙阳路口西南角)北京秀晨英达家用电器商十三陵北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点十三陵镇胡庄泰湖路枫林苑底商10号北京大海伟业电饭煲设备有限公司天通东苑北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点天通苑东三区56号楼14门底商北京盛吉辉电子科技有限公司回龙观燕平路北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点燕平路清秀园北区8号北京永金瑞达商贸有限公司金平北京市昌平区象印电饭煲售后维修网点政府街13号售后售后维修网点服务商地址隽美信威(北京)国际科贸有限公司朝阳北路定福家园北京市朝阳北路定福家园底商3号楼3-1北京世纪创源商贸有限公司赛洛城北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点百子湾路百子湾桥东沿海赛洛城102-3底商北京瑞泰基业机电设备有限公司北沙滩北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点北沙滩桥西南角北京世纪宁辉商贸有限公司朝阳分公司北苑东路北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点北苑东路广华居17号楼底商北京易为宏业商贸有限公司立水桥南北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点北苑路6号北京兴亦晟星制冷设备有限公司博大路北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点博大路25号院13号楼1单元S01 北京回龙观小马家用电器销售中心朝阳北路北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点常营万象新天街412楼底商A1 北京华瑞冰山电饭煲制冷工程有限公司东坝北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点朝新嘉园东里5区18号楼一层107 北京华盛兴商贸有限责任公司大悦城北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点朝阳北路青年路口雅筑小区2-7号底商北京世纪华源商贸有限公司万象新天北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点朝阳北路万象新天415-C(常营)北京天润搏敖科技发展有限公司财满街北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点朝阳路67号财满街9-0141号北京东辰众合制冷设备有限公司朝阳路管庄北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点朝阳路管庄刨花板市场底商15号北京康权华泰商贸有限公司诚外诚旗舰北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点成寿寺路诚外城南广场甲1号(肖村地铁D 出口旁)北京红桥家宜制冷设备中心崔各庄北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点崔各庄乡北皋村京望家园16号底商19门北京中和汇佳机电设备有限公司大郊亭北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东四环中路大郊亭2号北京天润搏敖科技发展有限公司朝丰家园北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点富力又一城家家福超市旁边北京浩洋达电器技术有限公司高碑北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点高碑北京易为宏业商贸有限公司北苑北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点红军营南路新豹房建材商城1层1号北京昌恒辉空气节能设备有限公司酒仙桥北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点酒仙桥路甲11号北京恒家兴工程技术有限公司来广营红星美凯龙北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点来广营红星美凯龙北京源动力人工环境设备有限公司立水桥北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点立汤路188号北方明珠广场底商北京东辰众合制冷设备有限公司三元桥北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点曙光西里甲10号北京广润博泰商贸有限公司双桥东路北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点双桥东路7号院4号楼(塔营车站对面)北京瑞诚宏远家用电器经营部双桥北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点双桥铁路桥南东侧北京君阳东泰商贸有限公司水碓子北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点水碓子北里2号楼底商2-6北京绿地蓝天商贸有限公司西坝河北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西坝河光熙门北里34号楼北京华瑞冰山电饭煲制冷工程有限公司平乐园北京市朝阳区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西大望路平乐园10号售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京新兴雪松电器有限公司安定镇街北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点安定镇安定镇街5号北京鸿昌广达日用品商奥宁市场北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点采育镇采源路8号奥宇底商15号北京长子营家盛电器商长子营北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点长子营镇邮局东500米路南北京冬夜星辉电器有限公司黄村火车站北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点黄村林校北路站前广场北京心信祥电饭煲销售中心富强路北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点黄村镇富强路125号北京天诚瑞达商贸有限公司吉星德亿北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点吉星德亿家居广场门脸房11号北京亿兴泽豪商贸有限公司旧宫北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点旧宫镇旧宫西路街31号北京华尊卓越制冷设备有限公司康泰园北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点康庄路康泰园底商11号北京宏盛永腾商贸有限公司长丰园二区北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点狼垡长丰园二区3号楼1单元102 北京盛世兴隆达贸易有限公司三合南里北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点狼垡镇易发便利北京巨祥隆商庞各庄北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点庞各庄农商行南200米北京源泉鑫林工贸有限公司青云北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点青云北京金星立兴电器商贸有限公司团河北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点团河路69号(新安里西区门口一楼底商) 北京旺达诚信商贸有限公司魏善庄北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点魏善庄镇车站广场东侧北京祥和盛业机电设备有限公司瑞海家园北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西红门镇宏旭路街184号北京京福顺成商贸有限公司同华路北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西红门镇同华路8号北京京福顺成商贸有限公司西红门北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西红门镇欣旺北大街117号北京孙村永锋百货商西庄村北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西庄村卫生所北200米路东北京益合顺祥制冷设备有限公司亦庄北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点亦庄贵园东里55号楼1层501亦庄大中旁北京瀛海运久电器服务部瀛海镇政府北京市大兴区象印电饭煲售后维修网点瀛海镇红绿灯南300米路东售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京中盛世业商贸有限责任公司安定门北京市东城区安德路47号院1号楼首层2号北京宏照建声科技发展有限公司安贞北京市东城区安定路街20号院6号楼20-3售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京市聚龙添翼商贸有限公司长沟北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点长沟镇长沟大街华冠超市南100米北京燕龙佳兴制冷设备有限公司城关大街北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点城关大街38号(天缘市场斜对面)北京田氏制冷设备安装工程有限公司房山南大街北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点城关街道九州兴达B区7号楼4单元101北京芳桥飘逸家电经销部交道北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点窦北京芳桥飘逸家电经销部南召专卖北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点窦北京春雷永兴制冷设备经销中心窦旗舰北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点窦北京市聚龙添翼商贸有限公司窦山水汇豪北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点窦北京春雷永兴制冷设备经销中心窦北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点窦北京田氏制冷设备安装工程有限公司拱辰南大街北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点拱辰南大街荣鹏花园底商北京春华宜林电器设备有限公司官荣小区北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点官道镇官道村官荣小区北京丽华卫国家电修理部赵各庄北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点韩村河镇赵各庄村商业街北京田氏制冷设备安装工程有限公司良乡北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点良乡拱辰大街90号楼北京春华宜林电器设备有限公司官道村北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点良乡镇官道村北京市聚龙添翼商贸有限公司琉璃河北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点琉璃河镇二街村东大街北京农村商业银行对过北京田氏制冷设备安装工程有限公司窑上村北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点琉璃河镇窑上村北京鑫永诚恒源商贸有限公司坨里北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点青龙湖镇坨里中学对面北京永安伟业制冷设备售后维修网点部兴房大街北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点兴房大街22号北京燕山四海通商贸有限公司燕山北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点燕山向阳路60号甲2号北京联盛设备安装检修有限公司燕山燕房路北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点燕山燕房路北京燕龙佳兴制冷设备有限公司燕山迎风路北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点燕山迎风南路1号北京广泰鑫盛电器商张坊村北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点张坊镇张坊村北京市广泰鑫盛电器商张坊北京市房山区象印电饭煲售后维修网点张坊镇张坊大街供销社售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京市春雨海商贸有限公司葆台路大溪地小区北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点葆台路大溪地小区六号楼二区106室北京鼎盛通家用电器经营部二七厂北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点长辛北京北方鑫旺商贸有限公司杜家坎环岛北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点长辛北京中岩恒泰商贸有限公司靛厂路北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点靛厂路6号北京世纪德利通电器有限公司东大街北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东大街30号北京正德全顺制冷设备经营部六营门北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东高地梅源小区44号商业楼103室北京亿兴泽豪商贸有限公司夏家胡同北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东路育菲园小区3号楼底商北京北方鑫旺商贸有限公司杜家坎北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点杜家坎1号北京西南再创制冷设备经销中心杜家坎北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点杜家坎南路街1号北京亿兴泽豪商贸有限公司马家堡北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点海户西里31号北京兴亦晟星制冷设备有限公司西红门北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点槐房西路南口诚信五金建材城A30号北京亿兴泽豪商贸有限公司卢沟桥北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点卢沟桥东街18号北京京坤制冷设备售后维修网点中心南顶路北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南顶路3号北京华飞金顺制冷设备有限公司刘家窑旗舰北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南三环中路154-2(苏宁北京中宇鹏达商贸有限公司洋桥北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南三环中路乙71号国美北京华欣盛商贸有限公司蒲黄榆北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点蒲黄榆一里10号底商润龙伟业(北京)商贸有限责任公司青塔北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点青塔西路11号北京金利恒电器有限责任公司张各庄北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点王佑镇张各庄北京星火利明科贸发展有限公司恒源超市北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点王佐镇恒源超市东1号北京华腾兴业制冷设备有限公司看丹桥北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西四环南路看丹桥北100米润龙伟业(北京)商贸有限责任公司小屯路北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点小屯路149号北京海诚豪制冷设备销售中心花乡北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点新村一里3号楼1层北京市衡驰富闽坊沟电器售后维修网点中心文体路北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点游泳场北路14号北京博朗金盛科贸有限公司右安门北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点右安门外大街99号北京聚鼎盛商贸有限公司云岗北区北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点云冈街云冈中学对面北京首杰威创机电设备有限公司云岗北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点云岗宫文化商业街122号北京星火利明科贸发展有限公司南宫北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点云岗路1号北京荆航飞科技有限公司云岗南区北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点云岗云岗中学对面(云岗南区)北京星火诚信商贸有限公司正阳大街北京市丰台区象印电饭煲售后维修网点正阳大街8号售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京华飞金顺制冷设备有限公司林萃路旗舰北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点宝盛里观澳园街17号楼底商北京泽澳宝盛制冷设备经营部宝盛里北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点宝盛里小区1号楼底商北京宏照建声科技发展有限公司田村北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点畅茜园景宜里地下一层1-2号北京特佳新力机电设备有限公司大慧寺北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点大慧寺路37号北京源海通达制冷设备有限公司阜石路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点阜石路38-29北京庐京世明科技有限公司公主坟北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点复兴路甲18号(翠微广场正对面)北京昊晨家合制冷设备有限公司新都环岛北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点建材东路远程商务底商(新都环岛西超市发)北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西北旺镇王东家电修理部亮甲路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点亮甲北京新荣恒生仓储有限公司沙涧北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点前沙涧小区街A5商业房6号北京金泽松瑞商贸中心田村山南路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点山南路5号北京永鑫瑞华机电设备有限公司上地北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点上地南路14号院1号楼底商北京新荣恒生仓储有限公司苏家坨北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点苏家坨镇西小营村中心商业街北京华丰恒业商贸有限公司廖公庄北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点田村路廖公庄大街18号北京易和兴晨商贸中心太舟坞村北京江瑞宏业科贸有限公司厂洼街北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西三环北路23号(久凌大厦旁)北京宏照建声科技发展有限公司公主坟旗舰北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西三环中路甲18-7号(空军一楼)北京垚薇鸿运商贸有限公司西三旗北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西三旗建材城西路85-18润龙伟业(北京)商贸有限责任公司四季青北京合力信诚制冷设备有限公司香山南路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点香山南路北京新佳商贸中心香山南路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点香山南路69号北京华飞金顺制冷设备有限公司厢红旗北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点厢红旗东门外甲一号北京庆华通达机电制冷设备有限公司树村北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点厢黄旗万树园44号北京昊晨家合制冷设备有限公司清河精品北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点永泰园甲1号清河大中器北100米北京航宇天城电气设备有限责任公司友谊路北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点友谊路102号北京颐北永华制冷设备有限公司肖家河北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点圆明园西路肖家河东村甲80号北京金奥明珠科贸有限公司理工大学北京市海淀区象印电饭煲售后维修网点中关村南大街5号(理工大学院里)售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京坤鹏亿利商贸中心南环路北京市怀柔区南环路芳华园3区249号北京新正旺源科贸有限责任公司中医院斜街北京市怀柔区南斜街56号北京凌雪兴业电饭煲销售中心下园市场北京市怀柔区泉河二区甲1-2北京聚源广盛家电售后维修网点中心小中富乐一区北京市怀柔区小中富乐一区28号北京喜来墩电器有限公司迎宾路北京市怀柔区迎宾北路乙4号楼一层底商北京芳盛达物流有限责任公司于家园北京市怀柔区于家园23-2售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京大云广业技术服务有限公司门头沟北京市门头沟区象印电饭煲售后维修网点新桥大街40号北京星火诚信商贸有限公司永定镇北京市门头沟区象印电饭煲售后维修网点永定镇冯村北京荣耀传奇商贸有限公司月各园北京市门头沟区象印电饭煲售后维修网点永定镇永兴嘉园小区13号楼底商工商银行旁边售后售后维修网点服务商地址北京密宏光五金有限责任公司鼓楼北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点长安街1号楼2号门脸北京东方事事成电器商东菜园北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点东菜园小区3号楼3-6北京鑫中伟立电器有限公司鼓楼南大街北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点鼓楼南大街(中国银行对面)北京密宏光五金有限责任公司长安旗舰北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点鼓楼西大街长安小区1号楼3号底商北京明元鑫盛商贸有限公司密云果园北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点果园新里中街2-10号北京云创建成制冷设备有限公司明日花园北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点明日花园1号2单元101底商北京荣鑫易达商贸有限公司南更北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点南更街11号北京富百世通商贸有限公司太师屯北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点太师屯镇永安路61号北京兴华盛业电器城西门外大街北京市密云区象印电饭煲售后维修网点西门外大街16号院5号楼一层1-2号。

象印SR DFE155 Sn电饭煲说明书

象印SR DFE155 Sn电饭煲说明书

象印SR DFE155 Sn电饭煲说明书





推荐控制过程:先以800W功率加热→当水沸腾后→400W 加热→600W加热→200W加热→当蒸饭/米汤煮好→跳转至保温。









象印FFZ-802FS 保温杯 清洁保养注意事项说明书

象印FFZ-802FS 保温杯 清洁保养注意事项说明书








目录使用前 P.1 各部位的名称P.2 安全注意事项P.4 使用须知使用方法 P.5 使用方法P.7 清洁保养遇到问题 P.10 若出现以下情况…P.11 规格P.11 更换零件(另售)的购买方法P.11 咨询方式弹盖硅胶圈和密封圈的拆卸方法/安装方法■栓盖组件的拆卸方法●使用后,请立即将本产品清洗干净并充分干燥。















KitchenAid 冰箱模型说明文件说明书

KitchenAid 冰箱模型说明文件说明书

REFRIGERATOR MODELS:KRFC302ESS07(Stainless Steel)Illus.No.Part No.Description1Literature PartsW11468670Use and Care GuideW11308941Energy GuideW11542406Tech Sheet2W11046934Assembly,Fill Tube(Includes Tubing,FillTube Elbow,TubeInsert and Clamp) 3W10120087Block,Pivot4W11534848Gasket5Assembly,RollerW10515763Left HandW10515762Right Hand6W10528513Sweep,Dual Tube7M0104106Clip,Cord812961602Cover,Control Box912992603Screw10Cover,HingeRight HandW10120103Grey11W10673840Screw(Stainless)Illus.No.Part No.Description12Hinge,TopW10210891Right Hand13Cover,HingeLeft HandW11039391Grey1412992403Screw15Hinge,CenterLeft HandW10135096Grey16Hinge,CenterRight HandW10135097Grey17Cover,Corner12587703AP Grey18Hinge,TopW10892768Left Hand19Cabinet(Not AServiceable Part)20W10709365Screw21Shim,Hinge12999501Left Hand12999502Right HandIllus.No.Part No.Description22Assembly,Grille(Includes Clips)W10534155Grey23W10120827Control,Electronic24W10658542Block,Fill Tube25W10141645Screw2612726003Cover,Water Line27W10208593Guard,Dual WaterValve28688983Screw29W10356039Control,Electronic(Power Supply)30W10211855Cover,Unit31W11446816Valve,Water Inlet32M0108107Clamp,Tube33W10141622Brake,Roller34W10296541Lid,HV Control Box3512990504Screw36W10119790Box,HV ControlIllus.No.Part No.Description1Liner(Not AServiceable Part) 2W10464766Module,Light3W10742010Overlay4W10464767Module,Control5W11440737Board,Control612575502Switch,Limit7W11132917Cover,Light8W10443023Housing,Light9W11468934Light Module,LED10W10116529Cover,Waterline1112806801Insert,Damper Cover 1212990604Screw1312806701Cover,Damper Illus.No.Part No.Description1413012402Insulation,Damper15W10594329Control,Damper16W10204289Switch,Plunger1761006182Union,Water18W10117324Waterline,Dispenser19W11117106Tank,Water20W10204292Facade,Dispenser2112990504Screw2212955901Bracket,Filter Base23W11308018Head,Water Filter(Includes BypassCartridge)2412960301Cover,Filter25W11256384Filter,WaterIllus.No.Part No.Description2612664501SP Cartridge,Bypass27W10847852Switch,Rocker2812990302Screw2912791416ThermistorFOLLOWING PARTSNOT ILLUSTRATEDW10391289Harness,Control(Refrigerator,IncludesThermistor)Illus.No.Part No.Description1Liner(Not ASeviceable Part) 2A3189392Gasket,Foam312002497Gear412476401V Housing,Freezer Light 5W10802332Shaft,Rack612990501Screw7W10157765Diverter,Air812990521Screw9W11468934Light Module,LED10W11412315Guide,Fill Tube11W11331291Cover,Evaporator1212990511Screw Illus.No.Part No.Description13Bracket,DoorW10330994Left HandW10330995Right Hand14W10119832Module,Freezer Light1513058002Clip,Evaporator Motor16W10847849Switch,Light1712791417SP Thermistor18Cradle,BasketW10119848Left HandW10119849Right Hand1913055901Slide,Drawer20A3189396Gasket21Adapter,SideW10544403Left HandW10544404Right Hand2213024803Grille,Freezer AirIllus.No.Part No.Description2313057901Shroud,EvaporatorFan242169142Blade,Fan25W10121318Grommet26W10128551Motor,Evaporator27W10662407Assembly,DrainFunnel28M0500703Seal29B8381501Gasket,Drain3012815301Cover,Thermistor31W11456888Assembly,Icemaker(Complete)FOLLOWING PARTSNOT ILLUSTRATEDW10196195Harness,Lights(Freezer)Illus.No.Part No.Description1Door,Left13094747S Stainless2Door,Right13094739S Stainless312996601Clip,Bushing412990518Screw5W10119841Bucket,Medium612990204Screw Illus.No.Part No.Description7W11328753Screw8Gasket,DoorW10830046Grey9Handle,DoorW11339136Stainless10W10450018Gripper,MediumW10450019Gripper,Gallon11W10119846Bucket,GallonIllus.No.Part No.Description12Mullion,DoorW11128563Grey13Closure,Door12028505AP Grey14Stop,DoorW10120097GreyFREEZER DOOR PARTSFREEZER DOOR PARTSIllus.No.Part No.Description1Door,Freezer 13094918S Stainless 2Handle,Door W11339139Stainless Illus.No.Part No.Description3Gasket,DoorW10443320GreyIllus.No.Part No.Description4W11328753Screw5W10518672BadgeIllus.No.Part No.Description112992301Screw212825803Blade,Fan3W10480111Basepan412990511Screw5W10350564Capacitor6W11566588Tube,Suction7W11305543Harness,EvaporatorHeater8W10655368Pan,Drain9W10622701Screw10W11287565Heater,Defrost11W11379613Strap,Bale12W11359985Device,Start13W10137529Grommet,Condenser 142319835Grommet,Condenser 1512477102Roller1612992101Screw1710835903Grommet18W11540543Condenser(Also Order theFollowing LokringParts)W115066235NK MS00(Discharge Tube toCondenser)W115044326/5NR MS00(Heat Loop toCondenser)Illus.No.Part No.Description19W10281329Clip,Drier20W11337767Tray,Drip2112990701Screw22W11515437Assembly,Evaporatorand Heater(Also Order theFollowing LokringParts)W115044238/2NR AL00(Capillary Tube toEvaporator)W115044158.5/8NR MS00(Suction Line toEvaporator)23W11244122Gasket,Foam24W11505534Motor,Condenser Fan25W11380964Clip,Heater26W11525280Harness,MC(IncludesPower Cord)27W10805035Drier(Service DrierWithout Dye)(Also Order theFollowing LokringParts)W115044455/4NR MS00(Heat Loop to Drier)W115044475/1.8NR MS00(Capillary Tube toDrier)Illus.No.Part No.Description28W11484639Compressor(Also Order theFollowing LokringParts)W115044168.5/6NR MS00(Suction Tube toCompressor)W115044317/5NR MS00(Discharge Tube toCompressor)W115066216NK MS00(Charging Tube toCompressor)W11506635Tube,Charging(1/4"w/Schrader Valve)2910623002Clip,Evaporator3012477202Axle,Roller31W11463236Shroud,CondenserFan32W10236396Strap,Compressor33W10622099Extension,Drain Tube342169104Insulation,SoundDeadening35W10815863Clip,Condenser36W10303521SleeveREFRIGERANTCHARGE55grams(R600A)Illus.No.Part No.Description112204815Glass,Pantry2W10119220Front,Crisper3W10742811Rack,Wine412655902SP Trim,Pantry Glass512227305WHBrace,Pantry6AdapterW10163087Right HandW10163084Left Hand7W10170835Glide,Ice Pan8W10170836Glide,Upper Basket912656901Gasket,Pantry1012656202Housing,Control11W10878955Assembly,Shelf1212655402Slide,TemperatureControl13W10878945Assembly,Shelf14Glide,PantryW10132652Right HandW10132653Left Hand1512990504Screw16Track,PantryW10122078Left HandW10121977Right Hand Illus.No.Part No.Description17W10119219Pan,Crisper18W10490807Brace,Crisper Frame19W10451455Mat,Upper Basket20W10119215Frame,Crisper2112204827Glass,Crisper Cover22W10273463Ladder,Center23W10569182Ladder,Side2412990513Screw25W10215666Screw262204542Roller,Basket27W10119217Slide,Humidity Control2812655303Bar,TemperatureControl2912655703Drawer,Pantry3012655204Knob,TemperatureControl3112656822Lid,Pantry Drawer32W10119854Basket,Middle33W10174720Front,Ice Pan34W10120003Basket,Upper Freezer35W10119851Divider,Lower BinIllus.No.Part No.Description36W10120008Carrier,Ice Pan372207415Nut,Hex38W10905889Assembly,Shelf39W10144706Assembly,Bin40W10121002Latch,Coupler41W10121004Housing,Coupler42W10120014Support,Freezer Door43W10170987Assembly,CenterGlide44W10184030Lever,Ice Pan45W10720771Magnet,Latch46W10182881Scoop,Ice Pan47Slide,Crisper2302952Left Hand2302953Right Hand48W10119222Knob,HumidityControl49W10120005Pan,Ice50W10826105Assembly,ProducePreserverOPTIONAL PARTSPAINT,TOUCH-UP(1/2OZ.) Illus.No.Part No.Description72017White72032BlackW10134625Apollo GreyW10917540Midnight Grey511873White Porcelain(2oz.)4392899Biscuit/Bisque PAINT,PRESSURIZED SPRAY(12OZ.)Illus.No.Part No.Description350930White350939Enamel,Black285006Black350942White Primer4392901Biscuit/BisquePAINT,BULK(1QT.)Illus.No.Part No.Description799344White(Uncut)MISCELLANEOUSIllus.No.Part No.Description212643Sealer,Gum(4Feet)479502Tape,Vinyl(3/4x108")876370Insulation(2Pieces,3"x24"x48")876305Insulation Kit(14Pieces,3"x24"x48")978941Insulation,Fiberglass(631/2"x351/2"x25/8")876029Kit,Foam Slab(30"x321/2"x11/2")505587Sealer,Mastic(1Qt)503695Cork,Sealer542638Grease,Silicone(1/2Oz.)542639Cement,Alumilastic(11/4Oz.)833938Kit,TerminalConnector8003RP Kit,Water InletTORX SCREW WRENCHIllus.No.Part No.Description1117510Torx Key。



厦门2024年统编版小学五年级上册英语第4单元全练全测(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、In which country is the Great Wall located?A. JapanB. IndiaC. ChinaD. Thailand2、What instrument is used to measure temperature?A. RulerB. ScaleC. ThermometerD. Stopwatch答案:C3、填空题:My dog loves to dig _________ (洞) in the yard.4、填空题:In _____ (中国), you can see the Great Wall.5、听力题:There are _____ apples in the basket. (three)6、填空题:The _______ (The Age of Exploration) changed the course of history.7、What is the tallest mountain in the world?a. K2b. Kilimanjaroc. Everestd. Denali答案:cThere are five ___ on the tree. (birds)9、 (Globe) Theatre was associated with William Shakespeare. 填空题:The ____10、选择题:What do we call the sport played on ice with sticks and a puck?A. FootballB. BasketballC. HockeyD. Tennis11、听力题:The ________ (exhibit) shows historical artifacts.12、填空题:A ______ is a part of a plant that holds seeds. (果实是植物的一部分,包含种子。

象印 不锈钢手提式保温瓶SH-JAE15 18 使用说明书

象印 不锈钢手提式保温瓶SH-JAE15 18 使用说明书






请勿放入下述的饮料● 干冰、碳酸饮料本体内压力增加,导致中栓整体无法打开、由于压力使饮料喷出或有中栓整体破损飞散的危险。

● 味噌汤、热汤或昆布茶等含有较多盐分的流质本体内侧不锈钢材质已经过树脂防粘涂层加工,请避免其生锈而降低保温、保冷功能。

● 牛奶、奶类饮料、果汁等因成分容易变质,长时间放置不饮用,会因腐坏产生气体,导致本体内压力增加,造成内容物喷出或中栓整体破损飞散等危险。

● 果肉、茶叶会造成堵塞、外漏等。





)部件的拆卸方法、安装方法● 请务必将中栓垫圈、内栓胶圈拆卸后清理。

(参阅P.7)● 保管时,用塑料袋套好装入箱子,远离高温潮湿的环境。


放入运动饮料时,请务必遵守以下事项● 即使是外出时等不便清洗的情况下,也请使用后立即清洗本体内侧。


● 为避免刮伤本体内侧的防粘涂层,请使用柔软的海绵进行清洗。


压杆处于压下状态无法按压时● 内栓胶圈发生异常状况,请根据P.7所示先拆卸内栓胶圈,然后再将其正确安装。

● 内栓胶圈难以拆卸时,请使用前端不太尖锐的筷子等工具将其卸下,拆卸时请注意不要损伤内栓胶圈。

3正确的使用方法● 使用前请使用温水将中栓整体、本体内侧充分洗净。

清理● 为防止产生异味,污垢附着和发霉,一直长保清洁使用,请使用后务必清理。


松下 RZ-S500W RZ-S300W 数码无线立体声入耳式耳机 使用说明书

松下 RZ-S500W RZ-S300W 数码无线立体声入耳式耳机 使用说明书

Basic Operating Instructions使用说明书基本使用說明書Digital Wireless Stereo Earphones数码无线立体声入耳式耳机數碼無線立體聲入耳式耳機RZ-S500WRZ-S300WModel No. / 型号 /型號Panasonic Corporation© Panasonic Corporation 2020CnCoGEPNQW5821ZAF0420SR0until2020/4/30Thank you for purchasing this product.Please read these instructions carefully before using this product, and save this manual for future use.感谢您购买本产品。




制造商:松下电器产业株式会社日本大阪府门真市大字门真1006番地进口商:松下家电(中国)有限公司杭州经济技术开发区松乔街2号原产地:马来西亚2020年4月 发行在马来西亚印刷EnglishMore detailed operating instructions are available in“Operating Instructions (PDF format)”.To read it, download it from the website. (l below)•Click the desired language.中文(简体)更加详细的操作说明请参阅“使用说明书(PDF 格式)”。


(l 以下)•单击所需的语言。

中文(繁體)在“使用說明書(PDF 格式)”中可找到更詳細的操作說明。


韩国NO.1 CUCKOO电动多功能压力锅使用说明书

韩国NO.1 CUCKOO电动多功能压力锅使用说明书

CMC-Q5 Series (cETL approved)ICOOK Q5 PREMIUM & SUPERIOROperating InstructionKOREA NO.1CUCKOOElectric Multi Pressure CookerThank you very much for purchasing “CUCKOO ”Electric Multi Pressure CookerRead the following instruction manual carefully before use or when facing problems. 在使用产品之前或是使用过程中出现任何问题, 请仔细阅读该产品的说明书.Lea atentamente a las siguientes instrucciones antes de su uso o en caso de cualquier mal funcion.※Pictures may look different from the actual product.※图片可能与实际产品不同。

※Los dibujos pueden verse diferentes al producto actual.※사진은 실제 현물과 다를 수 있습니다.CONTENTS2CONTENTSBEFORE USINGIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS (3)HOW TO USE EXTENSION CORD (5)SPECIFICATIONS (5)SAFETY PRECAUTIONS …………………………………6~7NAME OF EACH PART (10)HOW TO CLEAN …………………………………………11~16FUNCTION OPERATING PART (17)WHEN USINGHOW TO SET FUNCTION (18)HOW TO PRESET COOKING (19)COOKER SETTINGS OVERVIEW (20)PREPARATION BEFORE COOKING (21)HOW TO COOK …………………………………………22~24KEEP WARM / REHEAT FUNCTION AND VOLTAGE SAGPROTECTION FUNCTION (25)PROBLEM CHECKLISTPLEASE CHECK BEFORE CALLING FOR SUPPORT…26~28TABLA DE CONTENIDOSANTES DE USARIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS (3)ESPECIFICACIONES (5)NOMBRE DE LAS PIEZAS (50)CÓMO LIMPIAR ………………………………………51~56PANEL DE CONTROL Y PANTALLA (57)CUANDO USASCÓMO CONFIGURAR (58)CÓMO PRECONFIGURAR LA COCCIÓN (59)TABLA DE RESUMEN (60)PREPARACIÓN ANTES DE COCINAR (61)CÓMO COCINAR ………………………………………62~64MANTENER CALIENTE, RECALENTAR, PROTECCIÓNDE CAÍDA DE VOLTAJE (65)LISTA DE COMPROBACIÓN DE PROBLEMASPOR FAVOR VERIFIQUE ANTES DE PEDIR SOPORTE…66~68TABLE DES MATIÈRESAVANT L'UTILISATIONMESURES DE PROTECTION IMPORTANTES (4)COMMENT UTILISER UNE RALLONGE (5)SPÉCIFICATIONS (5)MESURES DE SÉCURITÉ …………………………………8~9 (3) (5) (30)………………………………………………31~36 (37) (38) (39) (40) (41)……………………………………………………42~44 (45)………………………………………46~48ӈ ҍ ӲГ控制&显示板使用时设定功能预约煮饭方法压力锅设置概览煮饭前准备事项煮饭方法保温/再加热功能及保温温度设定问题检查表常见故障及处理方法IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS31. Read all instructions before using this appliance.2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.3. To protect against fire, electric shock and / or injury to persons do not immerse cord, plugs, or Pressure Cooker Body in water or any other liquid.4. Close supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by or near children. This appliance is not intended for use by young children without supervision.5. Unplug cord from outlet when not in use and before cleaning. Allow appliance to cool before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning the appliance.6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, after the appliance malfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Return the appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may result in fire,electric shock, and / or injury to persons.8. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer or your service agent.9. Do not use outdoors.10. Do not let the cord hang over the edge of a table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.11. Do not place on or near a hot gas, electric burner, or in a heated oven.12. Always attach the plug to the appliance first, then plug the cord into the wall outlet. To disconnect, orset all control to “off”, then remove the plug from the wall outlet.13. Do not use this appliance for other than its intended use.14. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot oil or any hot liquids.15. Oversized foods, metal foil packages, or utensils must not be inserted into the appliance as they are arisk of fire or electric shock.16. Fire may occur if the appliance is covered or touching flammable material, including curtains, draperies,walls, etc while in operation.17. To reduce the risk of electric shock, cook only in the provided removable container.18. This appliance cooks under pressure. Improper use may result in scalding injury. Before operating theunit, properly secure and close the unit. See “Operating Instructions.”19. Before use always check the pressure releasing device for clogging.20. Do not use this pressure cooker to fry in oil.21. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory ormental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. 22. Never immerse the appliance in water while cleaning.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSTHIS APPLIANCE IS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONL YWARNING :This appliance generates heat and releases steam during use. Use proper precaution toprevent risk of burns, fires, other injuries, or damage to property.1. Keep hands and face away from the Pressure Release Valve when releasing pressure.2. Take extreme caution when opening the Lid after cooking. Severe burns can result from steam inside.3. Never open the Lid while the unit is in operation.4. Do not use without the inner Pot in place.5. Do not cover the Pressure Valve with anything as an explosion may occur.6. Do not touch the inner pot nor any heating parts, immediately after use. Allow the unit to cool down completely first.This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as :- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;- farm houses;- by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;- bed and breakfast type environments.ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS1. Lisez toutes les instructions avant d'utiliser cet appareil.2. Ne touchez pas les surfaces chaudes. Utilisez les poignées ou les boutons.3. Pour prévenir les risques d'incendie, les chocs électriques et/ou les blessures, ne plongez pas le cordon, les prises ou le corps autocuiseur dans l'eau ou tout autre liquide.4. Une surveillance étroite est nécessaire quand cet appareil est utilisé par des enfants ou qu'il se situe à leur portée.Cet appareil n'est pas prévu pour être utilisé par de jeunes enfants sans surveillance.5. Débranchez le cordon de la prise lorsque vous ne vous servez pas de l'appareil et avant de le nettoyer. Laissez l'appareil refroidir avant de remettre en place ou de retirer des pièces, et avant de le nettoyer.6. N'utilisez aucun appareil si le cordon ou la fiche est endommagé, s'il ne fonctionne pas correctement ou s'il est endommagé de quelque façon que ce soit. Renvoyez l'appareil à un centre technique agréé le plus proche pour le faire examiner, réparer ou régler.7. L'utilisation d'accessoires non recommandés par le fabricant peut causer un incendie, un choc électrique et/ou des blessures.8. Si le cordon d'alimentation est endommagé, il doit être remplacé par un cordon ou ensemble prévu à cet effet,disponible auprès du fabricant ou de réparateurs agréés.9. N'utilisez pas l'appareil à l'extérieur.10. Ne laissez pas le cordon pendre d'une table ou d'un comptoir. Ne le laissez pas non plus en contact avec une surface chaude.11. Ne placez pas l'appareil au-dessus ou près d'un brûleur à gaz, sur une plaque électrique ou dans un four chaud.12. Branchez toujours la fiche sur l'appareil en premier, puis branchez le cordon dans la prise murale. Pour débrancher,ou désactiver toutes les commandes, retirez la fiche de la prise murale.13. N'utilisez pas cet appareil à des fins autres que celles pour lesquelles il a été conçu.14. Une prudence extrême est requise lorsque vous déplacez l'appareil contenant de l'huile chaude ou tout autre liquide chaud.15. Des denrées alimentaires de taille excessive, les emballages sous feuille métallique, ou les ustensiles ne doivent pas être insérés dans l'appareil car ils constituent un risque d'incendie ou de choc électrique.16. Un incendie peut se déclarer si l'appareil est couvert ou en contact avec des matériaux inflammables, y compris des rideaux ou des draperies, des murs, etc durant son fonctionnement.17. Afin de réduire le risque de choc électrique, faites cuire uniquement dans le récipient amovible fourni.18. Cet appareil cuit sous pression. Un mauvais usage peut entraîner des brûlures. Avant d'utiliser l'appareil, mettez l'appareil bien en place et fermez-le. Reportez-vous à la section « Instructions d'utilisation ».19. Avant toute utilisation, vérifiez toujours si le dispositif de relâchement de la pression est obstrué.20. N'utilisez pas cet autocuiseur pour faire frire dans de l'huile.21. Cet appareil n'est pas conçu pour être manipulé par des personnes (y compris des enfants) dont les capacités physiques sensorielles ou mentales sont réduites ou qui manquent d'expérience et de connaissance, à moinsqu'elles n'aient reçu une une formation ou des instructions sur l'utilisation de l'appareil par une personne responsable de leur sécurité22. Ne jamais immerger l'appareil dans l'eau pendant le nettoyage.CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONSCET APPAREIL EST DESTINÉ À UN USAGE DOMESTIQUE UNIQUEMENTAVERTISSEMENT :Cet appareil génère de la chaleur et libère de la vapeur durant son fonctionnement. Utilisez lesprotections appropriées pour prévenir le risque de brûlures, d'incendies, de blessures ou de dégâts matériels.1. Gardez vos mains et votre visage à l'écart de la soupape de décharge lors du relâchement de la pression.2. Faites extrêmement attention lors de l'ouverture du couvercle après la cuisson. La vapeur à l'intérieur peut provoquer des brûlures graves.3. N'ouvrez jamais le couvercle lorsque l'appareil est en fonctionnement.4. N'utilisez pas l'appareil sans la cuve de cuisson à sa place.5. Ne recouvrez pas la soupape de pression par un objet quelconque, une explosion pourrait survenir.6. Ne touchez pas la cuve de cuisson ni les éléments chauffants immédiatement après utilisation. Laissez tout d'abord l'appareil refroidir complètement. Cet appareil est prévu pour être utilisé à la maison à des fins telles que :- la cuisine pour le personnel dans des magasins, des bureaux et d'autres environnements de travail;- les fermes;- par des clients dans des hôtels, des motels et autres environnements de type résidentiel;- des environnements de type chambres d'hôtes.MESURES DE PROTECTION SUPPLÉMENTAIRESMESURES DE PROTECTION IMPORTANTES4Note:A.A short power-supply cord (or cord set) is provided to reduce the hazards from entanglement by a longer cord.B. Extension cord should be used properly.C. Extension cord usage for the multi cooker:(1) The correct rated voltage should be used for the multi cooker.(2) If the appliance is set on the ground, the extension cord should also be set on the ground.(3) The cord wires and extension cord should always be arranged to prevent hazards to children."This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other).To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug is intended to fit into a polarized outletonly one way. If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit,contact a qualified electrician. do not attempt to modify the plug in any way."Remarque :A.Un cordon d'alimentation court (ou câble) est fourni pour réduire les dangers d'emmêlement causés par un cordon plus long.B. La rallonge doit être utilisée correctement.C. L'utilisation de la rallonge pour le cuiseur à riz :(1) La tension nominale correcte doit être utilisée pour le cuiseur à riz.(2) Si l'appareil est installé sur le sol, la rallonge doit aussi être installée sur le sol.(3) Les câbles et la rallonge doivent toujours être disposés dans le but d'éviter les dangers pour les enfants."Cet appareil possède une fiche polarisée (une lame plus large que l'autre).Afin de réduire le risque d'électrocution, cette fiche est conçue pour s'adapter à une prise polarisée dans un seul sens. Si la fiche ne s'emboîte pas complètement dans la prise, inversez la fiche. S'il ne convient toujours pas,veuillez communiquer avec un électricien qualifié. N'essayez pas de modifier la fiche de quelque façon que ce soit."CMC-Q5 SeriesAC120V~, 60Hz1150W PREMIUM SUPERIOR1.3m78.4KPa(0.8kgf/cm 2)30.4cm 39.5cm 28.2cmSPECIFICATIONS / 规格 / ESPECIFICACIONES / SPÉCIFICATIONS / 제품규격7.5kg 7.2kgPower supply/电源/Alimentación eléctrica/전원Power consumption/功耗/Consumo de energía/소비전력Model name/型号名称/Modelo/모델명Power cord length/电源线长度/Longitud del cable eléctrico/전원코드길이Pressure/压力/Presión/사용압력Weight/重量/Peso/중량Width/宽度/Anchura/폭Length/长度/Longitud/길이Height/高度/Altura/높이Menu/菜单/Menú/메뉴Soup Meat Vegetables Rice Porridge Steam Cook Multi Cook Slow Cook Browning Fry Auto Clean Dimension/尺寸/Dimensiones/치수5HOW TO USE EXTENSION CORD / COMMENT UTILISER UNE RALLONGERead the following product safety guide carefully to prevent any accidents and/or serious danger.‘Warning’ and ‘Caution’ are different as follows.● ●SAFETY PRECAUTIONS67SAFETY PRECAUTIONSS A F E T Y P R E C A U T I O N SLisez attentivement le guide de sécurité du produit qui suit afin d'éviter les accidents et/ou les dangers graves.MESURES DE SÉCURITÉ89MESURES DE SÉCURITÉM E S U R E S D E S ÉC U R I T É※ Pictures may look different from the actual productDrain DishoccursDetachable CoverICOOK Q5 PREMIUM: STS+NON STICK COATING Lid AssyInsert the inner pot into multi cooker.Inner Pot Handle10ICOOK Q5PREMIUMICOOK Q5SUPERIORit down.with a neutraldetergent.cleaningdirection of the arrow (as shown in the picture above).How to Clean The Pressure Weight Nozzle11HOW TO CLEANH O W T O C L E A NPictures may look different from the actual productUnless the detachable cover is mounted, preset cooking cannot be done. The detachable cover must be mounted or the preset cooking options cannot c ommense. (Alarm may sound while keeping war m.) Array12• proper maintenance of the pressure packing helps keep the unit airtight. Also, adds durability to packing and ensures the taste of the food.• Read the directions below carefully to install your packing properly.How to remove and clean the pressure packingHow to install the Dual Motion Packing / Packing (ICOOK Q5 PREMIUM , SUPERIOR)The all-stainless cover is not only delamination-free and easy to clean, but it also lasts long, In addition, CUCKOO’s special stainless CSV-a CUCKOO’s patented technology, improves the product’s durability and makes it easier to clean.①Unplug the power cord and wait until the pot cools down before opening the Top Cover.※ICOOK Q5 SUPERIOR : Pictures may look different from the actual product③ After hand washing the pressure packingwith a neutral cleaning liquid and a sponge, wipe it clean with a well wrungdish cloth.② To remove the pressure packing, hold it asshown in the picture above and pull it out.Figure.1Standard pointsStandard notches 245136How to reassemble the pressure packing② ①to insert it into the groove. Repeat with points #2 to # 6.13HOW TO CLEANH O W T O C L E A N①Visual inspection• check the entire circumference carefully for any crack or damage between the Inner Pot lid and the pressure packing.③ Water boiling test• Pour water into the Inner Pot up to water level 2 (for “Rice”) and press the Menu/Selection button to select the self-cleaning mode.Then push the Pressure Cook button.• Within 10 minutes, the pressure regulator weight will start rattling and hissing while emitting stream. If there is no steam coming out from the pot other than through the pressure regulator weight the packing has been properly installed.• If steam comes out from other parts, stop the test and pull out the power cord. Wait until the pot unit cools down before removing the pressure packing from the lid. Once reinstalled repeat the boiling test.• For a more precise water boiling test, you can wrap plastic around the circumference of the closed Top Cover. By doing so, you can easily check where the steam leakage is.• If you still have a problem with reassembling the packing, please contact our Customer Service.② Physical inspection• Check if the pressure packing is thoroughly put into the groove by rubbing the inside rimeof the packing with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture above.• Check if the pressure packing is properly putinto the groove of the Inner Pot lid by pushing the outer rim with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture.• Check if the pressure packing is thoroughlyput into the groove by pushing the inside of the rim packing with a finger around the entire circumference as shown in the picture.How to double check whether the packing is well assembledNormal assemblyAbnormal assemblyNormal assembly Abnormal assemblyHOW TO CLEAN14※ICOOK Q5 SUPERIOR : Pictures may look different from the actual product.The method of installation for Dual Motion Packing / Packing is same.(ICOOK Q5 PREMIUM / SUPERIOR)1. Simple Ways to Clean Stainless Steel Inner Pot15HOW TO CLEANH O W T O C L E A NOPTION 1- Please do not use chlorine or any chlorine base detergent to wash stainless steel.Here is a guide on how to clean burnt food and remove stains from your stainless steel inner pot. Please follow the direction below to preserve your inner pot.(It is recommended to wash the inner pot in clean water before use.)HOW TO CLEAN16handle to unlock shown in the picture on the right. (Make sure to turn the handle to "unlock".)place correctly inside the main body.When top cover does not close perfectlyDo not try to close the top cover by force. It may damage your cooker and cause problems.grasping thedented part withyour fingers and pulling to the side while lifting gently.is locked in.pressing it in thedirection as shown above.※ Pictures may look different from the actual product17NAMES AND FUNCTIONS ON CONTROL PANEL / MALFUNCTION INSPECTION OF DISPLAY PANELH O W T O C L E A N / C O N T R O L &D I S P L A Y P A N E LREHEAT buttonUsed to keep warm or heat up food .COOK buttonUsed to start cooking (Refer to page 22)CANCEL buttonUsed to cancel a selected function or to automatically discharge steam(Press and hold the button for two seconds to cancel during cooking.)Menu buttonUsed to select among SOUP,MEAT, VEGETABLES, RICE,PORRIDGE, BROWNING FRY, MULTI COOK, STEAM COOK, SLOW COOK, and AUTO CLEANPRESET button(Refer to page 19)HEAT / TIME buttonUsed to set the heating level or the Used to set the heating level and the cooking time (Refer to page 23, 24).Used to change the preset time (Refer to page 19)This appears when the Inner Pot is not mounted.This indicates that the Temperature Sensor is malfunctioning.Contact our customer service center.This appears when you press the COOK or PRESET button without completely turning the Cover pletely turn the Cover Handle to “ ” (Lock).For any incorrect use or when the product is not properly working, the Display Panel will display the below signs to alert you. If a sign keeps showing even in normal conditions or after proper action has been taken,please contact our customer service center.Error Inspection Function of Display PanelThis appears when the Cover Handle is not turned to “ ” (Open) in the Keep Warm mode after cooking is done and you press the COOK or the PRESET button again after entering into Standby mode. This function is to check the operation of the Cover Fastening Sensor. Turn the Cover Handle to “ ” (Open) and then turn it to “ ” (Lock). If the problem persists, contact our customer service center.This indicates that there is an error with the externalmemory of MICOM. Contact our customer service center.This appears when you boil only water continuously or there is a malfunction with the product.Contact our customer service center.This indicates that the Environmental Sensor fails to work. Contact our customer service center.This indicates that there is an error with the internalmemory of MICOM. Contact our customer service center.HOW TO SET FUNCTION(LANGUAGE, VOLUME, KEEP WARM TEMPERATURE)19HOW TO PRESET COOKINGH O W T O S E T F U N C T I O N / P R E S E T C O O K I N GPress the HEAT / TIME button to enter the heating level Setting mode,and then press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the heating level.▶This only applies to the menus; BROWNING FRY, MULTI COOK, STEAM COOK, and SLOW COOK.Press the PRESET button.▶▶showing the set time and the PRESET sign blinking.▶▶time.▶In the Standby mode, the PRESET button will not work.▶minutes.▶Press the PRESET button or the COOK button, and the product presets cooking.▶Here, the preset starts with the voice saying “SOUP(the set menu) has been reserved.”.▶After pressing the PRESET button, if you don't press any buttons with in 7 seconds, the Preset mode will start automatically.▶When the Preset mode begins, the Preset lamp will stop blinking and the preset time will decrease (count down) by minutes until it starts the preset cooking.(While the preset cooking continues, the “ ”sign between the hour and the minute blinks.)▶The preset time is the time remaining until the preset cooking will be completed.(The time of completion may differ according to the quantity of food and conditions for use.)▶If you want to change the preset time, press the CANCEL button to cancel the preset cooking, and then start all over again.COOKER SETTINGS OVERVIEW20* All the cook mode(except BROWNING FRY and KEEP WARM mode) pressure range goes up to 80kPa.* PRESET (Delay cooking timer offers up to 12:50 hour. You can preset the time when you want the multi cooker to start cooking.) FIND MORE DEICIOUS RECIPES ON * Control Temperature may have difference from actual food temperature21PREPARATION BEFORE COOKINGO V E R V I E W T A B L E / B E F O R E C O O K I N GPress the HEAT / TIME button to enter the heating level Setting mode, and press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the heating level.•It is applied to the menus of BROWNING FRY, MULTI COOK, STEAM COOK, and SLOW COOK.23Press the COOK button.▶Press the COOK button, and the RICE cooking begins.HOW TO COOK24MULTI COOK, STEAM COOK, SLOW COOKTurn the Cover Handle to “ ”(Lock), and press the MENU buttonto select the desired menu.▶The selected Menu's lamp blinks.Turn the Cover Handle to “ ”(Lock), and press the MENU buttonto select BROWNING FRY.▶The BROWNING FRY menu lamp blinks.Press the COOK button.▶Press the COOK button, and the product starts cooking. When the product starts cooking,the remaining time is displayed.▶The Adjust lamp is turned off. If you press the HEAT / TIME button during cooking, theproduct displays the heating level and the cooking time.▶In case of Multi Cook, if you press down the Preset button for two seconds within 10seconds after cooking begins (while the Pressure lamp blinks), the product can cook with nopressure.Press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the time.▶Each time you press the button, the cooking time is adjusted by one minute.▶In the Cooking Time Setting mode, the Adjust lamp blinks.Press the HEAT / TIME button to enter the heating level Setting mode.▶Press the HEAT / TIME button again, and the product returns to the Time Setting mode.▶In the heating level Setting mode, the Adjust lamp blinks.Press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the heating level.▶Each time you press the button, the heating level is adjusted by one step.Press the COOK button.▶Press the COOK button, and the BROWNING FRY cooking begins.When the BROWNING FRY cooking begins, the remaining time is displayed.▶For the BROWYING FRY menu, the Adjust lamp is turned on during cooking, andwhile the Adjust lamp is turned on, you can adjust the heating level and the cookingtime.Press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the time.▶Each time you press the button, the BROWNING FRY time is adjusted by one minute.▶In the Cooking Time Setting mode, the Adjust lamp blinks.Press the SELECTION -, + buttons to set the heating level.▶Each time you press the button, the heating level is adjusted by one step.Press the HEAT / TIME button to enter the heating level Setting mode.▶Press the HEAT / TIME button again, and the product returns to the Time Setting mode.▶In the heating level Setting mode, the Adjust lamp blinks.12435e.g.) When MULTI COOK is selectede.g.) When MULTI COOK is selectede.g.) When MULTI COOK is selectedBROWNING FRY23546Type BROWNING FRY MULTI COOK STEAM COOK SLOW COOK Cooking TimeSetting1~30min(Def: 10 min)15~90min(Def: 20 min)15~90min(Def: 20 min)15 min~12 hr(Def: 2 hr) Heating LevelSettingLE1~LE6(Def: Level 4)LE1~LE9(Def: Level 7)LE1~LE6(Def: Level 3)LE1~LE6(Def: Level 3) The BROWNING FRY menu is used for stir-frying or roasting food.※Please be careful when using the Browning Fry function with the cover open, the food may splatter.1Open the Cover and prevent pressure from being applied into the Inner Pot.H O W T O C O O K / K E E P W A R M , R E H E A T , V O L T A G E S A G P R O T E C T I O N25KEEP WARM / REHEAT FUNCTION AND VOLTAGE SAG PROTECTION FUNCTIONCautions for Keeping Warm▶When you open the cover right after cooking or during the Keep Warm function, the cover may not open properly due to pressure. Always use caution when you bend back the pressure weight to completely remove the pressure before opening the cover.▶Always lock the cover handle when keeping warm or reheating food. (If not, there may be damage caused to the Cover Open button and the Keep Warm function.)▶If there is no food in the inner pot during the Keep Warm function or if you are not using the product, press the Cancel button to cancel the Keep Warm function or remove the power cord from the power outlet.▶Do not use the Keep Warm function with a rice spatula left in the inner pot. In particular, a wooden spatula may generate germs and odors.When you serve your meal▶If you want to serve your meal during the Keep Warm mode and want the food hot, press the KEEP WARM /REHEAT button, and then the Keep Warm / Reheat function begins with the voice saying “REHEATing is starting”. Reheating will conclude in 9 minutes.Warm function is 3 hours.minutes while the Keep Warm lamp is blinking with the “”sign on the Display going round and round."REHEAT has been completed" and the product starts the Keep Warm function again, displaying the time elapsed.▶Clean the product often. In particular, if the Cover is not cleaned completely, germs may grow, which can cause smell during the Keep Warm mode.▶Even if the product looks clean outside, germs may grow anywhere, which can cause smell during the Keep Warm mode. Thus, if the product smells, clean the product by using the Auto Clean menu.After the Auto Clean function is completed, the Inner Pot must be washed completely.▶If you don't wash the Inner Pot after cooking and then use the Keep Warm function, the food may smell or stink.When it smells during The Keep Warm mode▶This product remembers its status even when a blackout occurs, so if electricity gets back again within around 2 minutes, this product will normally work again. (There may be differences according to the product.)▶If cooking is canceled because of a blackout, you need to press the COOK button again to resume cooking.▶If a blackout occurs during cooking, the cooking time is delayed for the duration of the blackout, and the status of cooking may differ to some extent according to the time of the blackout.▶If a blackout occurs The Keep Warm function and when the food becomes cold, the Keep Warm function is canceled.Voltage Sag Protection Function?。





第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。


Ⅰ. 单项选择1、I love the weekend because I_______ get up early to go to school.A.can't B.mustm't C.needn't D.shouldn't2、Kate is ________ in her class.A.careful B.more careful C.most careful D.the most careful3、—Have you returned the book to the library ____?—Yes,I have ____ returned it.A.yet,ever B.ever,alreadyC.already,yet D.yet,already4、—Mum, I think I'm ________to get back to school.—Not really, my dear. You'd better stay at home for another day.A.so well B.so goodC.well enough D.good enough5、China is ________ country in the world.A.the third largest B.the largest third C.the third large D.a third largest6、The housing price in Hefei today is much_____ than that of ten years ago. I can't afford itA.Lower B.higher C.cheaper D.dearer7、It’s very important ______us _____ a second language.A.for, to learn B.for, learn C.to, to learn D.to, learn8、In many countries, it’s impolite to show up at someone’s house for the first time with empty hands. You should always _______.A.call the host ahead of timeB.pay a visit without taking anythingC.bring a small gift9、---Would you mind showing me how to open micro-blog?---Sure.It’s a piece of cake.Do it.A.in the way B.in this way C.by the way D.on the way10、—Now, where is my schoolbag?—________! We will be late for school.A.Just a moment B.Take it easy C.Don’t wo rry D.Come onⅡ. 完形填空11、Prana, our beautiful dog, isn’t with us anymore. She died several years ago. But while sharing our home, she brought so much joy and love into our lives that we still 1 her.It was an autumn day in Minnesota, US. We were 2 by a big snowfall for which no one was prepared.We have two 3 trees in our backyard. Prana loved apples. When she went outside, she’d catch an apple and sneak (偷偷地放) it into the 4 . The apples had been on the ground and were often muddy (沾满泥的). So I wasn’t always5 that Prana had brought them into the house. Every time, she would turn her head so I wouldn’t see her hidden6 . It was our little game.One year, it snowed earlier than usual. Prana went outside. I noticed that she was madly digging holes and bringing the apples to the 7 so they could be seen above the snow. She seemed busy digging up as many apples as possible during her yard time. I wondered 8 she was doing this.When I called her back into the house, she had her usual one apple in her mouth. About five minutes later, I looked outside. The yard was full of birds. Prana had 9 all those apples for her bird and squirrel friends to eat. She knew that they didn’t have enough food to 10 such an early winter!As I saw this beautiful act, tears filled my eyes. Prana taught us how to live life with love.1.A.think B.recognize C.know D.miss2.A.beaten B.hit C.carried D.buried3.A.pear B.apple C.banana D.strawberry4.A.house B.backyard C.car D.hole5.A.angry B.surprised C.happy D.doubtful6.A.pleasure B.treasure C.pressure D.measure7.A.front B.surface C.hole D.yard8.A.what B.why C.when D.where9.A.covered up B.dug up C.used up D.eaten up10.A.see through B.work through C.get through D.walk throughⅢ. 语法填空12、At the age of fifteen, I met 1.Australia teacher. He taught us English. One day, he wrote an English poem 2.the blackboard and asked us the meaning. There was a long silence. 3.(unlucky),the teacher4.(choose) me to answer the questions. I said in a low v5.,“Sorry, I don’t know.”That’s always my reply to difficult qustions.To my surprise, he spent the rest of the class 6.(explain) my answer. He said “I don’t know is a wrong answer.”Y ou should at least have some ideas about the questions, no m atter how difficult it is. It doesn’t mean that you don’t know. It meansthat you are not 7.(confidence), and you are afraid of making 8.(mistake).” I was shocked by 9.(he) words. He was right. From then on, I said goodbye to the wrong answer“I don’t know”,b10.any answers was better than that one. Now I always try my best to find a proper answer.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、Would you be able to go through a whole day without using a light bulb? Most people probably wouldn’t. Today, almost every building uses light bulbs as their main light source. Although we use them daily without much thought, light bulbs were once a costly and the newest technology. A lot of people’s hard work led to the light bulb’s invention, which has impacted our lives greatly.The first light bulbs were glass containers that release light when an electric current heated a part inside called a filament (灯丝). Electric light bulbs are also known as incandescent (白炽) light bulbs. These days, we use energy-saving bulbs that are better for the environment. Nick Holonyak, Jr., an American engineer, invented the first light-emitting diode light (LED) in 1962. An LED light bulb uses one-third the electricity as an incandescent light and lasts far longer. In 1802, a British scientist named Humphry Davy created the first electric light. Then, in 1835, other British scientists created the first constant stream of electric light, although the light didn’t shine very long. In the following decades, scientists experimented with light bulb filaments made of different types of materials, hoping to create a longer stream of electric light. In 1860, Joseph Swan found a material that produced a good light, but it burned out quickly. By this time, none of the light bulbs created were ready to be sold to the public for everyday use. Then, in 1878, Thomas Edison made more progress. He spent a lot of time researching what previous scientists had done. He and his team spent years experimenting with light bulb filaments. They eventually created the first light bulb that could release constant electric light for 1,200 hours. Edison immediately patented (取得专利) his light bulb design so that light bulbs could be produced and sold.Light bulbs were safer and more convenient to use than oil lamps and candles. Increased use of light bulbs resulted in people being able to have a longer work day, so the average work day increased. Light bulbs also led to changes in building designs. Architects created windowless buildings, and lights could be placed in elevators and other new places. 1.From Paragraph 1, we can learn that light bulbs were _______ in the past.A.common B.expensive C.hard D.great2.According to the passage, which one invented the first electric light bulbs?A.Nick Holonyak. B.Humphry Davy.C.Joseph Swan. D.Thomas Edison.3.According to the passage, what was the main problem in improving light bulbs?A.There was not enough money and engineering support.B.There were no materials that could be used to save power.C.Scientists from different countries couldn’t work together.D.It was hard to find a filament material that shone long.4.According to the passage, which of the following statements in TRUE?A.Light bulbs were as convenient as candles and oil lamps.B.Edison made it possible to sell light bulbs to the public.C.LED can save more power and make peo ple’s work time longer.D.Light bulbs make people stay in windowless rooms on work days.5.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?A.The invention we depend on.B.The great inventers.C.The history of science and technology.D.What changes building designs?B14、Character, courage and confidence are words you might use to describe your heroes. These words can describe you! Take action as follows and you’ll be a hero, too!Part 1: CharacterCharacter is something that makes you the person you are like being honest, friendly, and helpful. See the chart below. On the left is our standard of good character. Write down your promise for each line on the right. Then, get a witness(证人)to sign it. Put it up where you’ll see it every day and do your best to keep it.Part 2: CourageOf course it’s going to take a lot of courage t keep your promise. Courage is challenging yourself to do some thing even though you think it might be hard. For each promise, find out two or three ways to help you keep it. For example, if you think that Being Honest is the hardest promise for you to keep, one of the ways might be “Tell people about my promise so th at I won’t break it”.Part 3: ConfidenceConfidence is believing that you have the skills to do something. Do you have a beautiful singing voice? Are you a good painter? There are all talents that can make you feel good, as well as the people around you. O nce you’ve decided what your special skill is, think about how you can use your skill to make your corner of the world a better place. If you’re good at art, try painting a picture on an old wall in your school (of course, make sure you’re allowed).1.According to the writer, a hero should be .A.beautiful B.confident C.good-looking2.If your promise is “I’ll show good manners in class,” you’re trying to be.A.useful B.polite C.brave3.What is the most important thing to build your character?A.Do your best to keep your promise.B.Write down your promise.C.Look at your promise every day.4.If someone asks you for help, you will be .A.honest B.strong C.helpful5.What can we learn from the passage?A.A good painter can have confidence.B.It’s hard to make your promise.C.Y ou can build your character with the help of others.15、I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to sit above the top of it. Mother sat writing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be a most wonderful thing in the world.Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she said again, “ is for Elizabeth.”I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed in action. But as a young girl, I wanted to have heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened. And agulf opened between us. I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”. But she lived “on the surface(表面)”.As years passed and I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me.My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace —it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to Mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.But the present of her desk told me, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside — a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded(折叠) and refolded many times. It was my letter.“In any way you choose, Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.”1.The passage shows that __________.A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughterB.Mother was too serious about her daughter in wordsC.Mother wrote to her daughter in careful wordsD.Mother wrote to her daughter in careless words2.The word “gulf” in the passage means __________.A.deep understanding between the old and the youngB.different ideas between mother and daughterC.free talks between mother and daughterD.part of the sea going far in land3.What’s best title of the passage?A.My Letter to Mother B.Mother and ChildrenC.My Mother’s Desk D.Talks between Mother and me16、Last year, Webster and her family gave away 30 pairs of shoes, Webster, 13, is a seventh- grader at Calvary Christian school in the US.I never really thought that there were people that don’t wear shoes and don’t get to have them,” said Webster. Last year, Webster and her classmates and staff at the school and Calvary Church donated more than 1,000 of shoes.This year, the school and church are still holding the activity. They collect new or lightly used shoes to Soles4Souls. It is a global nonprofit organization that gives shoes and clothing to people in need for free.Head of the school Troy saw Sole4Souls as a good way to develop the charitable(慈善的) giving. ”It’s amazing how easy it is to give away what we have in our closet already. And it doesn’t hurt too much,” he said. ”it’s just growing generosity(慷慨) in our students. It’s helping them to think beyond themselves..”The goal this year is to collect 1,500 pairs of shoes, Troy said. A group of students including Webster is heading up the thing. They create posters to put up around their school yard and spread the word to church members and their neighbors.Taking part in Soles4 Souls has also changed the way Bella, 12, thinks of shoes. Last year, she gave five pairs–including some she wanted to keep. Now she is looking forward to doing it.1.Who may donate the shoes to people in need?A.The students B.The staff at the churchC.The workers and teachers at school D.All of the above2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Webster and Bella gave away 45 pairs of shoes last year.B.Students only give away the shoes they have used before to the Sloes4SoulsC.Students can become generous when they take part in the charitable giving.D.It’s really hard to give away in clothes and shoes that we own.3.The nonprofit organization in the fourth paragraph means the organizations that are run(经营) . A.to ask people for the profitB.not for the purpose of making moneyC.by the governmentD.by some tradersE17、Mr. Black decided to know more about the different jobs of his students’ parents. But some of students were laughing as he talked with Mary. Betty shouted, "Mary’s father is a garbageman!"Then everybody in the class laughed out loud. Mary felt her face tum red.“Be quiet! Stop laughing!"Mr. Black said, " It is difficult but useful to be a garbageman. We should all be thankful to Mary's father.”Mary’s father came to walk her home from school as usual, but she didn’t run up to him the way she always did. When they got back home, Mary went to her room and cried for a long time. Her father came into her room, "What happened? Why are you so sad?”Mary told her father what happened and looked at him sadly. He didn't seem angry or hurt, “Well. “He said, " They are right. Being a garbageman is a dirty job. Tomorrow’s Saturday. Come to work with me,Mary.”Mary wrinkled her nose because of the bad smell. "Don't worry. In five minutes you won't smell a thing.”said h er father.Everybody there was working hard, and they seemed to have a good time. Mary’s father handed her a pair of gloves and told her to get the little plastic bags and throw them into the truck.It was fun, but also hard work. At last, no more garbage was left and Mary felt very proud and happy.“Garbage makes us uncomfortable and unhealthy but when we clear it away, everything is nice and clean. You can make yourself happy only by making others happy.”Mary gave her dirty, smelly garbageman daddy a big kiss because she regarded him as an unselfish man. Now whenever someone asks Mary what her daddy does, she says, "He is a garbageman! Everyone makes garbage, but my daddy takes it away!”1.From the passage, we can know .A.Mary ran up to her father the way she always didB.Mary gave her father a sweet kiss after school(es usualC.Mary went to her room and cried for a long time after she got back homeD.Mary didn't tell her father what had happened2.Why did Mary's father take her to his workplace?A.To make Mary calm down.B.To prove how dirty his job is.C.To keep Mary away from her classmates.D.To help Mary learn about his Job.3.What's the main idea of the passage?A.How Mary changed her mind about her father's job.B.Why Mary's teacher asked the students such a question.C.What Mary's father's job is.D.What garbagemen do in their daily life.F18、阅读下面的短文,从每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

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