1. 请简要介绍一下自己。
当面试官提出该问题时,大家可以从以下几个方面进行回答:- 姓名:自我介绍时首先报上自己的姓名;- 教育背景:提及所就读的大学及专业信息;- 实习经验:强调与计算机专业相关的实习经验;- 技术能力:介绍自己掌握的编程语言、软件开发技能等;- 祝愿:结束时可以表达感谢并表达对面试的期待。
2. 你对计算机专业有哪些兴趣和热情?该问题旨在了解求职者对计算机专业的兴趣程度,并考察其对专业的了解程度。
面试者可以从以下几个方面进行回答:- 学术兴趣:对于计算机领域的学术研究有兴趣,并关注当前的研究热点和前沿技术;- 技术兴趣:对于特定的编程语言、软件开发、网络安全等方面表现出热情;- 创新意识:关注行业的创新和发展趋势,并希望能够为行业的进步做出贡献;- 解决问题:喜欢通过计算机技术解决实际问题,并提高工作效率。
3. 请解释什么是操作系统?操作系统是计算机系统中的核心软件,它负责管理计算机的硬件资源,提供程序运行环境,并协调各种应用软件的工作。
4. 请解释什么是数据库?数据库是一个存储、管理和组织数据的系统。
常见的数据库管理系统有MySQL、Oracle和SQL Server等。
5. 请简要解释什么是面向对象编程(OOP)?面向对象编程是一种软件编程方法,它将现实世界的对象抽象为程序中的类,通过封装、继承和多态等概念来组织和管理代码。
5. 解释一下网络体系结构,它得实现和理论有什么区别?是指通信系统的整体设计,它为网络硬件、软件、协议、存取控制和拓扑提供标准。
1. 请介绍一下您的计算机技术背景和经验。
2. 您最擅长的编程语言是什么?能否举例说明您在该语言下的项目经验?
3. 请谈谈您对数据库设计和管理的理解和经验。
4. 您在团队合作中的角色和贡献是什么?能否分享一次成功的团队项目经历?
5. 您对于软件开发的方法论和流程有什么理解和实践?
6. 请举例说明您在解决技术问题时的思维方式和方法。
7. 您在处理技术挑战时遇到最大的困难是什么?您是如何克服的?
8. 请谈谈您对新技术的学习和应用的态度和实践。
9. 您对于信息安全的理解和经验是什么?您最近有参与过哪些安全相关的项目?
10. 您未来的职业规划和发展方向是什么?您对于加入我们公司有什么期望和计划?抱歉,我目前无法提供超过300个字的连续内容。
1、职业的发展计划;Q:What is most important in your life right now?(眼下你生活中最重要的是什么?) A:To get a job in my field is most important to me. (对我来说,能在这个领域找到工作是最重要的。
) A:To secure employment hopefully with your company. (希望能在贵公司仸职对我来说最重要。
)Q: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now on?A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be more exciting.2、为什么要离开现在的这家公司;Q: Why did you leave your current job?i am currently studying for an emba from national cheng chi university. my working experience has been gained from jobs in different industries which include the it field, service related companies, human resources and executive management. in terms of core competencies, i see myself as having the following skills, leadership, planning, prioritizing, time management and resource allocation. for the past 3 years, i have been the general manager of wall street institute taiwan.A: Well, I’m hoping to get an offer of a better position. I desired a challenge position which could improve my skills in testing field, especially I want to specialize in automation testing and performance testing field. I also like work in a bilingual work environment which could improve my oral English.今天,我想通过此次考试重新走上讲坛的愿望是那样迫切!我家共有三姊妹,两个姐姐在外打工,为了照顾已上了年纪的父母,我一直留在他们身边。
二、基础知识面试题1. 什么是操作系统?操作系统是计算机系统中的核心软件之一,它负责管理计算机硬件资源,并为用户和其他软件提供服务和接口。
2. 什么是数据结构?数据结构是指数据的组织方式和管理方式,包括数组、链表、栈、队列、树、图等。
3. 什么是数据库?数据库是一种结构化存储数据的方式,它采用表格和关系来组织数据,可用于存储、管理和检索数据。
4. 什么是网络协议?网络协议是计算机在网络中进行通信时遵循的规则和约定,它包括TCP/IP协议、HTTP协议等。
5. 什么是编程语言?举例说明。
三、技术面试题1. 什么是面向对象编程?面向对象编程是一种编程思想,强调通过创建对象、定义其属性和方法来实现程序的设计和开发。
2. 什么是多线程?多线程是指在一个程序中同时运行多个线程,每个线程都可以独立地执行任务并访问共享的数据。
3. 什么是数据库索引?数据库索引是一种数据结构,用于提高对数据库表中数据的访问速度。
4. 什么是代码调试和测试?有哪些常用的调试和测试工具?代码调试是用于查找和修复程序中的错误和问题的过程,测试是验证程序的正确性和稳定性。
5. 什么是网络安全?如何保护网络安全?网络安全是保护计算机网络免受未授权访问、病毒、恶意软件等威胁的一系列措施。
四、项目经验面试题1. 请介绍你最有成就感的项目经验。
2. 在你的项目经验中,你是如何解决困难和挑战的?面试官希望了解你在项目中面对困难时的应对策略和解决问题的能力。
1 . 用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明1年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL2. 嵌入式系统中经常要用到无限循环,你怎么样用C编写死循环呢?while(1){}或者for(;;){}3. 用变量a给出下面的定义a) 一个整型数(An integer)b)一个指向整型数的指针( A pointer to an integer)c)一个指向指针的的指针,它指向的指针是指向一个整型数( A pointer to a pointer to an intege)rd)一个有10个整型数的数组( An array of 10 integers)e) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针是指向一个整型数的。
(An array of 10 pointers to integers)f) 一个指向有10个整型数数组的指针( A pointer to an array of 10 integers)g) 一个指向函数的指针,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数(A pointer to a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns an integer)h) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针指向一个函数,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数( An array of ten pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer )答案是:a) int a; // An integerb) int *a; // A pointer to an integerc) int **a; // A pointer to a pointer to an integerd) int a[10]; // An array of 10 integerse) int *a[10]; // An array of 10 pointers to integersf) int (*a)[10]; // A pointer to an array of 10 integersg) int (*a)(int); // A pointer to a function a that takes an integer argument and returns an integerh) int (*a[10])(int); // An array of 10 pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer4.关键字static的作用是什么?这个简单的问题很少有人能回答完全。
软件测试英语面试题及答案### 软件测试英语面试题及答案1. What is software testing?Software testing is the process of evaluating a software application or system to determine whether it meets the specified requirements and to identify any defects or issues that might be present. It is a key phase in the software development life cycle and plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of the software product.Answer: Software testing is a systematic process that involves verifying and validating a software application to ensure it meets the requirements and is free from defects. It is essential to improve the quality of the software and to ensure that it functions correctly under various conditions.2. What are the different types of software testing?There are several types of software testing, including:- Functional Testing: Testing individual components or features for both expected and unexpected inputs and comparing the actual results with the expected results.- Non-functional Testing: Evaluating the performance, reliability, usability, and other attributes of the software. - Regression Testing: Ensuring that new changes to thesoftware have not adversely affected existing features.- Integration Testing: Testing the combination of software components to ensure they work together as expected.- System Testing: Testing the complete, integrated software system to evaluate its compliance with the specified requirements.- Acceptance Testing: The final testing stage where the software is tested to ensure it meets the user's acceptance criteria.Answer: The various types of software testing are designed to cover different aspects of software quality. They include functional, non-functional, regression, integration, system, and acceptance testing, each serving a specific purpose in the overall testing process.3. What is the difference between white box testing and black box testing?- White Box Testing: Also known as structural testing or code-based testing, it involves testing the software with knowledge of its internal structure and workings. It is used to check the internal logic and flow of the program.- Black Box Testing: This type of testing is performed without any knowledge of the internal workings of the application. It focuses on the functionality of the software and how it responds to inputs.Answer: White box testing requires an understanding of the software's internal code and structure, while black box testing is based on the software's functionality and externalbehavior. The choice between the two depends on the testing objectives and the information available to the tester.4. What is the purpose of test cases and test suites?Test cases are detailed descriptions of the test scenarios that are designed to verify specific aspects of the software. They include the input, expected results, and the steps to execute the test. A test suite is a collection of test cases that are grouped together to cover a particular feature or functionality of the software.Answer: Test cases and test suites are essential for structured testing. They provide a systematic approach to testing, ensuring that all aspects of the software are evaluated. Test cases help in identifying defects, while test suites help in organizing and prioritizing the testing efforts.5. How do you handle a situation where you find a bug that is not reproducible?When a bug is not reproducible, it can be challenging to diagnose and fix. The steps to handle such a situation include:- Documenting the Bug: Record all the details about the bug, including the steps taken, the environment, and any error messages.- Analyzing the Bug: Try to understand the conditions under which the bug might occur by analyzing the logs, code, andsystem state.- Isolating the Bug: Attempt to isolate the bug by changing one variable at a time to see if the bug can be reproduced. - Communicating with the Team: Discuss the bug with the development team to get insights and possible solutions.- Prioritizing the Bug: If the bug cannot be reproduced, it may be necessary to prioritize it based on its impact and the likelihood of it occurring again.Answer: Reproducibility is key to resolving bugs. However, when a bug is not reproducible, thorough documentation, analysis, isolation, communication, and prioritization are crucial steps in managing the issue effectively.6. How do you prioritize testing efforts?Prioritizing testing efforts is essential to ensure that the most critical parts of the software are tested first. The factors that influence prioritization include:- Risk Assessment: Testing areas with the highest risk of failure first.- Business Value: Prioritizing features that provide the most value to the business.- User Impact: Focusing on features that impact the user experience the most.- Resource Availability: Considering the availability of testing resources.- Development Progress: Aligning testing with the development schedule to ensure that testing is completed in time.Answer: Effective prioritization of testing efforts is a balance between risk, value, user impact, resource availability, and development progress. It's important to have a clear understanding。
第1篇一、软件工程基础1. 请简述软件工程的概念及其重要性。
2. 软件工程的发展经历了哪些阶段?3. 软件生命周期包括哪些阶段?4. 什么是软件危机?其产生的原因有哪些?5. 软件工程的基本原则有哪些?6. 什么是软件需求分析?其主要任务是什么?7. 软件设计的基本原则有哪些?8. 什么是软件测试?其主要任务是什么?9. 软件维护的类型有哪些?10. 请简述软件工程中的项目管理方法。
二、软件需求分析1. 什么是需求规格说明书?其主要内容有哪些?2. 需求分析的方法有哪些?3. 如何进行需求获取?4. 什么是用例?如何编写用例?5. 什么是用户故事?如何编写用户故事?6. 什么是需求变更管理?如何处理需求变更?7. 请简述软件需求分析中的风险评估。
8. 如何进行需求验证?三、软件设计1. 软件设计的基本原则有哪些?2. 什么是面向对象设计?请简述面向对象设计的三个基本要素。
3. 请简述软件设计中的模块化设计。
4. 什么是设计模式?请举例说明几种常见的设计模式。
5. 如何进行软件设计中的数据结构设计?6. 什么是接口设计?请简述接口设计的原则。
7. 请简述软件设计中的架构设计。
8. 如何进行软件设计中的安全性设计?四、软件测试1. 软件测试的目的有哪些?2. 软件测试的分类有哪些?3. 什么是黑盒测试?什么是白盒测试?4. 请简述软件测试的方法。
5. 什么是测试用例?如何设计测试用例?6. 什么是自动化测试?请简述自动化测试的优势。
7. 如何进行软件测试中的缺陷管理?8. 请简述软件测试中的回归测试。
五、软件维护1. 软件维护的类型有哪些?2. 软件维护的基本原则有哪些?3. 如何进行软件维护中的需求变更管理?4. 请简述软件维护中的版本控制。
5. 如何进行软件维护中的配置管理?6. 请简述软件维护中的变更管理。
7. 如何进行软件维护中的风险管理?六、项目管理1. 什么是项目管理?请简述项目管理的五大过程组。
1. 介绍一下计算机网络的体系结构。
2. 请解释一下HTTP和HTTPS的区别。
HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)是一种用于传输超文本的应用层协议,它是建立在TCP/IP协议之上的。
而HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)是HTTP的安全版本,它通过使用SSL (Secure Socket Layer)或TLS(Transport Layer Security)协议进行加密通信,从而保证了数据的机密性和完整性。
因此,HTTPS比HTTP 更加安全。
3. 什么是面向对象编程?面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming,简称OOP)是一种软件开发的方法论,它将问题拆分为一系列的对象,通过对象之间的交互来解决问题。
4. 请简要介绍一下数据库事务。
软件测试英文面试题及答案1. What is the difference between black-box testing andwhite-box testing?- Black-box testing focuses on the functionality of the software without considering the internal structure or code. White-box testing, on the other hand, involves understanding the internal workings of the software, including the code, to design test cases that cover all paths and branches.2. Can you explain the difference between unit testing, integration testing, and system testing?- Unit testing is the process of testing individual components or units of a software to determine if they function correctly. Integration testing is the phase where individual units are combined and tested as a group to ensure that they work together as expected. System testing involves testing the complete, integrated software system to evaluate the system's compliance with specified requirements.3. What is the purpose of regression testing?- Regression testing is performed to ensure that changes or bug fixes in the software have not adversely affected existing features or functionalities.4. How do you approach testing for a web application?- Testing a web application involves several steps, including functional testing to ensure all features work as expected, usability testing to check the user interface,performance testing to evaluate speed and responsiveness, security testing to identify vulnerabilities, andcompatibility testing across different browsers and devices.5. What is the role of a software tester in an Agile development environment?- In an Agile environment, a software tester is anintegral part of the development team, working closely with developers to ensure that the product meets quality standards. They are involved in the entire development cycle, from planning to delivery, and are responsible for identifying defects early and often.6. How do you prioritize test cases?- Test cases are prioritized based on several factors, including the risk associated with the feature, thecomplexity of the feature, the impact on the end-user, andthe dependencies on other features.7. Can you describe the process of test case design?- Test case design involves identifying the inputs, expected outputs, and the conditions under which a testshould be executed. It requires a thorough understanding ofthe requirements and the ability to think critically about potential scenarios and edge cases.8. What is the importance of test automation?- Test automation is crucial for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process. It allows for the rapid execution of test cases, reduces the potential for human error, and enables testers to focus on more complex andexploratory testing activities.9. How do you handle a situation where a bug is found in production?- When a bug is found in production, the first step is to verify and reproduce the issue. Once confirmed, it should be reported to the development team with detailed information. A plan should be devised to fix the bug, which may include rolling back to a previous stable version if necessary, and then conducting a thorough investigation to prevent future occurrences.10. What tools do you use for test management and automation? - There are various tools available for test management and automation, such as JIRA for test management, Seleniumfor web application testing, and Jenkins for continuous integration and test automation. The choice of tools depends on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the testing team.。
计算机专业英文面试问题(共2篇)计算机专业英文面试问题My name is XXX, you might be able to associate a qiong precious jade novel, word is indeed the two words, the difference is not so beautiful person, ha ha. Actually, my classmates more like call with my English name, so that the meaning of June, June, a royal partials.I’m from guangdong xx city, maybe you haven’t been to, is a small macro-assessment, these a few years just developed the hot spring industry, I think there will be more people know about this small city.In 2003, I EnPingShi city with the top score in admitted to the sun yat-sen university, learn is major in computer science. However, in cuhk, I can’t be as high as always ranked, so far, the comprehensive credits is ranked by around 40%. In professional course, I c + + programming relatively strong capacity, a year ago self-study Java, in the class is the earliest started learning Java.I participated in our teacher led a program, called LAN chat room, I’m responsible for development of them timely communication system of writing. In our class, the teacher only chose me a girl to participate in this project, mainly is my writing programs efficiency is higher, attitude is very seriously.In addition to study and project practice beyond, I work in student union for two years, a year do stewards, and the second was promoted to the secretary general. Everybody to my assessment is considered very thoughtful and reassuring.In my job on the list, IBM is my preference unit, causes and you interviewed many students are all the same, for the big brands trust. After all, big brand company means a lot we need something, such as training and the salary, can and excellent quality of the people working together, etc.Technical support engineer it also happens to be my first job, because I have technical background, also have as a woman and communicate with the customer’s natural advantage. Also, I’m not worried about frequent business trips, because my body quality is very good, I have insisted running in the morning for more than two years. In the IBM professional technical aspect, I trust company training system and my own fast learning ability! Hope to have the opportunity to join IBM team!#2楼回目录计算机专业英文面试问题(第2篇)计算机专业英文面试问题| 2015-10-22 10:41英文面试常见问题#e#1.家庭,成长环境。
一、数据结构与算法1. 请解释什么是数据结构和算法。
2. 请列举常见的数据结构。
3. 请解释什么是时间复杂度和空间复杂度。
4. 请解释什么是递归和迭代。
二、编程语言1. 请列举几种常见的编程语言。
2. 请解释面向对象编程(OOP)的概念。
3. 请解释动态类型语言和静态类型语言的区别。
4. 请解释什么是内存管理。
三、操作系统1. 请列举几种常见的操作系统。
2. 请解释进程和线程的区别。
3. 请解释什么是死锁。
4. 请解释什么是虚拟内存。
四、网络通信1. 请解释什么是IP地址。
2. 请解释什么是HTTP协议。
第1篇一、基础知识1. 请解释一下什么是位运算,并举例说明其应用场景。
2. 请解释一下什么是数据类型,并列举常见的几种数据类型。
以下是一些常见的几种数据类型:(1)整型(int):用于存储整数,如int a = 10;(2)浮点型(float、double):用于存储实数,如float b = 3.14;(3)字符型(char):用于存储单个字符,如char c = 'A';(4)布尔型(bool):用于存储布尔值,如bool d = true;(5)数组:用于存储一系列相同类型的数据,如int arr[10];(6)结构体(struct):用于存储不同类型的数据,如struct Person {int age; char name[20];};(7)指针:用于存储变量的地址,如int ptr = &a。
3. 请解释一下什么是面向对象编程,并举例说明其应用场景。
第1篇第一章:基础知识一、选择题1. 下列哪个语言是面向对象的编程语言?A. JavaB. CC. C++D. Python答案:A. Java解析:Java是一种面向对象的编程语言,它提供了丰富的面向对象特性,如封装、继承和多态。
2. 下列哪个操作系统是微软开发的?A. LinuxB. WindowsC. macOSD. Unix答案:B. Windows解析:Windows是由微软公司开发的一种广泛使用的操作系统。
3. 下列哪个数据库管理系统是开源的?A. OracleB. MySQLC. SQL ServerD. PostgreSQL答案:B. MySQL解析:MySQL是一个开源的关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于各种Web应用。
4. 下列哪个框架是用于Web开发的?A. SpringB. HibernateC. DjangoD. Struts答案:C. Django解析:Django是一个Python Web开发框架,它鼓励快速开发和干净、实用的设计。
5. 下列哪个协议用于在Web浏览器和服务器之间传输数据?A. FTPB. HTTPC. SMTPD. TCP答案:B. HTTP解析:HTTP(超文本传输协议)是用于Web浏览器和服务器之间传输数据的协议。
二、填空题1. 在Java中,类定义以关键字______开始,以关键字______结束。
2. 在Python中,定义一个列表使用______符号。
3. 在MySQL中,创建一个名为“users”的表,包含两个字段“id”和“name”,可以使用以下SQL语句:CREATE TABLE users (id INT,name VARCHAR(100));4. 在HTML中,用于创建一个标题标签的标签是______。
1 . 用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明1年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL2. 嵌入式系统中经常要用到无限循环,你怎么样用C编写死循环呢?while(1){}或者for(;;){}3. 用变量a给出下面的定义a) 一个整型数(An integer)b)一个指向整型数的指针( A pointer to an integer)c)一个指向指针的的指针,它指向的指针是指向一个整型数( A pointer to a pointer to an intege)rd)一个有10个整型数的数组( An array of 10 integers)e) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针是指向一个整型数的。
(An array of 10 pointers to integers)f) 一个指向有10个整型数数组的指针( A pointer to an array of 10 integers)g) 一个指向函数的指针,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数(A pointer to a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns an integer)h) 一个有10个指针的数组,该指针指向一个函数,该函数有一个整型参数并返回一个整型数( An array of ten pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer )答案是:a) int a; // An integerb) int *a; // A pointer to an integerc) int **a; // A pointer to a pointer to an integerd) int a[10]; // An array of 10 integerse) int *a[10]; // An array of 10 pointers to integersf) int (*a)[10]; // A pointer to an array of 10 integersg) int (*a)(int); // A pointer to a function a that takes an integer argument and returns an integerh) int (*a[10])(int); // An array of 10 pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer4.关键字static的作用是什么?这个简单的问题很少有人能回答完全。
软件工程 面试题目及答案
二、面试题目及答案1. 请简要介绍一下软件工程的基本概念。
2. 请解释一下软件开发生命周期的概念。
3. 请说明敏捷开发的特点和优势。
4. 请解释一下软件需求分析的重要性。
5. 请介绍一下软件测试的基本方法和策略。
1. C语言1.1 什么是指针?请描述指针的用途。
1.2 请解释C语言中的const关键字的作用。
1.3 请解释C语言中的数组和指针的关系。
2. 数据结构与算法2.1 请解释什么是栈和队列,并分别描述它们的应用场景。
栈是一种具有特定插入和删除操作的数据结构,遵循先进后出(Last In First Out,LIFO)的原则。
队列是一种具有特定插入和删除操作的数据结构,遵循先进先出(First In First Out,FIFO)的原则。
2.2 请解释二叉树和二叉搜索树的定义和特点。
二叉搜索树是一种特殊的二叉树,满足以下条件:- 左子树上的节点值小于根节点值;- 右子树上的节点值大于根节点值;- 左右子树也分别为二叉搜索树。
3. 操作系统3.1 请解释进程和线程的区别。
为什么考研(很重要的点,我是软件工程专业的,本段是关于软件工程的)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think furtherstudy is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is program design. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.自我介绍Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself. I come from Suqian city jiangsu province. I will graduate from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in july this year.In the university, my major is software engineering.I like this major, my ideal is to become an outstanding software engineer.I have learned a lot of courses in the college, data structure, database, software engineering, computer network, software testing, etc.I spent a lot of time to learn the course.In my spare time, I like reading some domestic and foreign literature and magazines, such as "Eugenie Grandet", "the reader". I think reading can increase their self-cultivation and logical ability, and it can exercise a person's patience. I am also very interested in the football, My favorite team is Real Madrid.(本段有语法错误,不过面试中,老师不会在意的,老师只会在意你的流畅度和发音。
计算机考研复试面试题库及答案一、专业基础知识1. 计算机组成原理题目:简述冯·诺伊曼体系结构的基本原理。
它的基本原理包括以下几点:- 存储程序:计算机通过将指令和数据存储在同一个存储器中,实现了程序的自动执行。
- 二进制系统:计算机使用二进制表示数据和指令,简化了计算机系统的设计和实现。
- 指令流水线:计算机通过将指令的执行过程划分为多个阶段,并同时进行不同指令的执行,提高了计算机的执行效率。
- 内存层次结构:计算机通过多层次的存储器结构,包括高速缓存、内存和外部存储器,提供了不同速度和容量的存储器选择。
2. 算法与数据结构题目:什么是二叉搜索树?如何实现插入和删除操作?答案:二叉搜索树(BST)是一种特殊的二叉树,满足以下条件:- 对于树中的每个节点,其左子树的所有节点的值小于该节点的值,右子树的所有节点的值大于该节点的值。
- 对于树中的每个节点,其左子树和右子树也是二叉搜索树。
实现插入操作的步骤:- 从根节点开始,将待插入的值与当前节点的值进行比较。
- 如果待插入的值小于当前节点的值,且当前节点的左子树为空,则将待插入的值作为当前节点的左子节点。
- 如果待插入的值大于当前节点的值,且当前节点的右子树为空,则将待插入的值作为当前节点的右子节点。
- 如果待插入的值小于当前节点的值,且当前节点的左子树不为空,则将当前节点更新为其左子节点,重复上述步骤。
- 如果待插入的值大于当前节点的值,且当前节点的右子树不为空,则将当前节点更新为其右子节点,重复上述步骤。
实现删除操作的步骤:- 如果待删除的节点为叶子节点,直接删除。
- 如果待删除的节点只有一个子节点,将子节点连接至待删除节点的父节点。
- 如果待删除的节点有左右子节点,找到其右子树中的最小节点,用该节点替换待删除节点,并删除最小节点。
二、算法设计与分析1. 动态规划题目:请简述动态规划算法的基本思想,并给出一个应用动态规划算法的例子。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
为什么考研(很重要的点,我是软件工程专业的,本段是关于软件工程的)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think furtherstudy is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here. The major that I hope pursue for my further education is program design. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.自我介绍Good morning. I am very glad to be here for this interview.First,let me introduce myself. I come from Suqian city jiangsu province. I will graduate from nanjing university of posts and telecommunications in july this year.In the university, my major is software engineering.I like this major, my ideal is to become an outstanding software engineer.I have learned a lot of courses in the college, data structure, database, software engineering, computer network, software testing, etc.I spent a lot of time to learn the course.In my spare time, I like reading some domestic and foreign literature and magazines, such as "Eugenie Grandet", "the reader". I think reading can increase their self-cultivation and logical ability, and it can exercise a person's patience. I am also very interested in the football, My favorite team is Real Madrid.(本段有语法错误,不过面试中,老师不会在意的,老师只会在意你的流畅度和发音。
大神可自行修改)I learnt a lot from university courses during the past four year. However,I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. And,I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after Two and a half years study here. I want to improve programming ability. Because I find software are playing a more and more important role in each part of our modern society. And nowadays in China, with the recognition by the government, our domestic software industry is growing rapidly and that may provide a lot of chances to us. I plan to concentrate on study and research in this field in my graduate time. And I hope I can form a systematic view of software engineering and make a solid foundation for future profession after two and a half years study in this famous university.That is all, thank you very much.问题篇(划线部分为必须掌握的点,听不懂的点千万别说pardon,就算再说一遍一般也听不懂)1、Where are you from?1、你来自哪里?I come from suqian in the north of Jiangsu province, it is not famous, but it has a very long history. Suqian is the hometown of Xiang Yu.The native place of xiang yu is located at the ancient wotong lane, birthplace of the overlord in the west chu period.Every year a lot of people come to visit it.Suqian also has a very good ecological and cultural environment, I love my hometown.2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?2、How long have you lived there?2、你住在那里多久了?I lived in my hometown for about 20 years, that is to say I was from birth until high school had been living in my hometown.How long have you lived here?( What do you think of nanjing?I have lived in nanjing for four years.Nanjing is a very beautiful and very famous historic city. there are many university, academic atmosphere is very good.There are many beautiful scenic spots, one of my favorite xuanwu Lake.It has a history of more than 1500 years.3、How do you like it? why?3、你喜欢它吗?为什么呢?I love my hometown. My parents, my family are there. Hometown is my childhood,where I spent many happy hours. I really miss my childhood. I will never forget my hometown.4、Do you live near here? where about?4、你住在这附近吗?在哪里?I live here, in third dormitories.5、What do you think are the good points about living in this city?5、你认生活在这个城市优点有?可从生态环境、地理位置、人文环境、学术氛围、发展速度等等。
6、Could you tell us something about you family?6、你能告诉我们一些关于你的家庭吗?At present there are six people in my family, my parents, my brother, my sister-in-law ,my nephew and me. My brother is a driver, he is married . Both of my parents are farmers, they are very hard, they paid a lot for me, I will repay them later.7、What does your family usually do for the weekend?7、什么您的家庭通常在周末做什么?My mother usually do housework, my father usually go to look at the crops in the field.My brother doesn't rest, he is a truck driver, he normal transport goods.I like to exercise, such as running, playing table tennis.8、What do you think about living together with your parents?8、你觉得和你父母一起住怎么样?I hope I can live with my parents. They gave me a lot. I want to repay them. I want to spend more time with them. I will always take care of them.9、Why do you choose to study at our institute?9、你为什么选择在我院学习?Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications has a long history. It has been 72 years. The academic atmosphere is very good. It is very strong in communication and computer. Nanjing university of posts and telecommunications set up the first Internet of things technology park. I like here.I hope I can study well here.So I chose it.10、Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?10、你为什么想去考研而不是寻找工作?I gave up the chance to work.Because I want to learn more computer knowledge. If I have achance in the future, I will take Dr Test.11、What are your favorite subjects?11、你最喜欢的科目是什么?I most like the subject is a data structure. Data structure in computer storage,method for organizing data. A good data structure can bring higher efficiency of the operation or storage. A carefully chosen data structure can solve somecomplicated problems.12、What kind of job did you do?12、你做什么工作?(根据实际情况,做过就说做过,没做过就说没做过。