
中文系专业毕业论文 社会语言学视角下的网络语言变异分析

三、网络语言变异的主要表现形式1. 词汇变异在网络语言中,人们常常以音译、字母缩写、拼音缩写等形式对汉字进行转换,以适应网络交流的速度和便利性。
2. 句式变异由于网络语言通常以文字表达为主,为了加强语气的表达和注意力的吸引,人们喜欢使用感叹句和疑问句。
3. 表情符号和表情包的应用表情符号和表情包是网络语言中非常重要的元素,它们能够传达丰富的情感和信息。
例如,“哈哈哈”可以使用“ ”、“生气”可以用“ ”等。
四、网络语言变异的原因分析1. 快速高效的交流需求网络语言的产生和发展与网络通信的速度和便利性密切相关。
2. 群体归属感与身份认同网络语言作为一种新兴的交流方式,具有鲜明的独特性和个性化。
3. 跨地域文化交流的需要网络语言的大量使用使得地域文化差异减小,不同地域和文化背景的人们能够更容易地进行交流和理解。

1 社会语言学研究与对外汉语教学
1.1 社会语言学的基本概念
英语专业社会语言学论文 socialinguistics

社会语言学论文A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in Language******学号:************院系:外国语学院班级:英语1101指导教师:***二〇一四年五月二十三日A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in LanguageAbstractSociolinguistics is the descriptive study that concentrates on the study of how language is used, and the effects of language use on society. It also studies how language varieties differ between groups separated by certain social variables, for instance, ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc. With regard to this paper, the emphasis will be put onto the differences in the actual speech of different gender. We can classify the gender differences in language into two categories. The first category is mainly about sexism in language, as for this category, we mainly focus on how speakers demonstrate their different cultural attitudes toward different genders. The second category is about the differences in the actual speech of men and women.In the first part, I will make a brief introduction about sociolinguistics and gender differences in language. In the second part, it will concern the categories of gender differences in language and previous study of gender differences in language. The third part concentrates on the approach of the analysis. The fourth is about the data collection and research methodology. The fifth part analyzes the differences of the speech between men and women from three perspectives— the purpose of the speech, the topic of the conversation and the mode of the speech. The final part comes to the conclusion about the gender differences in language.Key words: Gender differences, sociolinguistics, analysisMain Body1、IntroductionThe knowledge of gender differences in language is very helpful for language learners, and gender differences may exist not only one but all languages. Men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language styles. These differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative. That is, to say that women make more minimal responses than men is akin to saying that men are taller than women. The initial identification of a women's register was by Robin Lakoff in 1975, who argued that the style of language served to maintain women's role in society. A later refinement of this argument was that gender differences in language reflected a power difference. However, both these perspective have the language style of men as normative, implying that women's style is inferior. More recently, Deborah Tannen has compared gender differences in language as more similar to 'cultural' differences. Comparing conversational goals, she argued that men have a report style, aiming to communicate factual information, whereas women have a rapport style, more concerned with building and maintaining relationships. Such differences are pervasive across mediums, including face-to-face conversation, written essays of primary school children, email, and even toilet graffiti. Communication styles are always a product of context, and as such, gender differences tend to be most pronounced in single-gender groups. One explanation for this, is that people accommodate their language towards the style of the person they are interacting with. Thus, in a mixed-gender group, gender differences tend to be less pronounced. A similarly important observation is that this accommodation is usually towards the language style, not the gender of the person. That is, a polite and empathic male will tend to be accommodated to on the basis of their being polite and empathic, rather than their being male.All in all, gender differences can be reflected in many aspects in our daily life, we should pay more attention to it, thus we can avoid many misunderstandings between men and women.2. Literature ReviewCategories of Gender Differences in LanguageAccording to Wolfson, the research about language and sex can be divided into two categories. The first category is about sexism in language and the ways in which speakers demonstrate their different cultural attitudes toward men and women. Two areas of sexism in English have been well-studied. One is that females are excluded from mention in English because the generic he/man problem. Men are regarded as the representatives of all human beings and their speech is the standard, while women are seen as inferior and secondary in society. The second is that females are give negative treatment in society. Bad words in our daily is always related to female words. Female words are often used to insult a male, whereas male words are usually used to compliment female.The second category is about the differences in the actual speech of men and women. The formation of these differences in language may have historical, physiological, social and psychological factors. Lakoff (1973) was one of the early articles to deal with the issue of differences in men’s and women’s speech. She has concluded six major characteristics of women’s speech: lexical choice, question intonation in statements, hedges which includes tag questions and statement modifiers which remove assertive force, emphatic modifiers and intonational emphasis, hypercorrect grammar and pronunciation and superpolite forms.3. Theoretical FrameworkThe contrast analysis of male and female language in daily conversation concerns many aspects, such as the topic of the conversation, the mode of the conversation and so on. The differences of the speech between men and women may result from their conception of value, their hobby and their interest etc. They hold different opinions according to the same matter. So we can refer to the ethnography of speaking in describing the gender differences in language. Ethnography refers to theinvestigation of cultures using a particular methodology, that of participant observation. The ethnography of speaking proposed by Dell Hymes in 1962.…The ethnography of speaking is concerned with the situations and uses, the patterns and functions, of speaking as an activity in its own right. (Hymes 1962:101) This ethnographic framework takes into account the various factors that are involved in speaking. An ethnography of a communicative event is a description of all the factors that are relevant in understanding how that particular communicative event achieves its objectives. (Wardhaugh1998)Conversation means to exchange ideas through interaction, so we can also employ the approach of interactional sociolinguistics—rapport talk proposed by Deborah Tannen (1984,1982) to analyze the gender differences in language. Tannen (1990a) has described the characteristics of men and women’s speech from nine dimensions: intimacy-independence, connection-status, inclusive-exclusive, relationship-information, rapport-report, community-contest, problems-solutions, novice-expert and listening-lecturing. From the description, we can conclude that women’s speech tends to be solidarity, yet men’s speech tends to be independent.4. Research MethodologyThere is a binary distinction between qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research is inductive, subjective, ungeneralisable, soft, process and verification oriented, hypothesis-driven, and hypothesis generating research, while quantitative research is deductive, objective, generalisable, hard, outcome and discovery oriented, data-driven and hypothesis testing research.In this paper, I employ the quantitative and descriptive methodology to discuss the differences of the speech between men and women. Firstly, the characteristics of women and men’s speech are collected. Secondly, the differences are described through the collection.5. Contrast Analysis of Speech of Men and Women in Daily ConversationThe speech of women differs from the speech of men in daily conversation. Men and women differ in the kinds of language they use because men and women often fill distinctly different roles in society. We can analyze the differences of the speech of men and women from many aspects, such as the purpose of the speech, the topics of the speech and the mode of the speech. Many of the differences may result from different socialization practices.5.1 The purpose of the conversationThe purpose of the women’s speech is to establish the rapport relationship among the members in the community. They try their best to become a member of the community. They want to keep intimate relationship through interaction. So in their speech, the main purpose is to express their feelings and listen to others. The style of their speech appears more obedient and negative.However, the purpose of men’s speech is task-oriented, they have a more analytical approach, so they try to solve problems and troubles through interaction. They seldom express their intimate feelings to others. They also want show their independence in the communication. So it is absolutely different from the purpose of the women’s conversation.5.2 The topic of the conversationThe topic of women’s conversation is different from that of men’s. The topic of the women’s conversation mainly concerns social life, emotion, this can not be separated from their position, profession, social status, and personality. Women’s speech is regarded as trivial and gossip-laden because in the speech community of women, they mainly discuss clothing, love, family, trifles in daily life, experience, emotion, food and drink, life’s troubles. The purpose of the speech is to show the intimate relationship with the addressees, and through the speech they want to reinforce their membership in the community.On the contrast, men show great interest in topics concerning business, politics, legal matters, sports, geography, economy and military etc., these aspects can reflect their solid position in society.6. ConclusionIt can never be denied that gender differences do exist in all languages. Since women and women play different role in social life, they will definitely employ the different skills or methods in their communication or conversation.Women’s speech is different from men’s speech in lexical choice, syntax and pragmatics in daily life. Like O’Barr and Atkins said, “women’s language ” would be more appropriately termed “powerless language”. It demonstrated to us that means this kind of language is less convincing, less intelligent, less competent, and less trustworthy, because women are more concerned about the emotion, intimacy, food, dress, relationship in conversation, they are always ready to share their happiness and sadness with people close to them or even strangers. However, men’s language is regarded as power because the controlling status in society, and what they are interested in is business, military, politics, sport and geography, they communicate with others in order to exchange ideas with them.After learned the sociolinguistics as well as this brief analysis of the gender differences in language, I came to realize that, as a language learner, we should not only learn the basic knowledge about language, but also know the culture of the language. What’s more, I realize that the gender differences in language can never be neglected in language learning for the essential role it plays.Reference1.Nessa Wolfson. Perspectiv e: Sociolinguistics and TESOL, Heinle & Heinle Publishers2.赵蓉晖.《语言与性别:口语的社会语言学研究》.上海外语教育出版社3.陈琳. 《英语中女性特点及其发展趋势探究》.《语文学刊》. 2010年第10期4.杨永林. 《社会语言学研究》.上海外语教育出版社20045.胡文仲.《超越文化的屏障》.外语教学与研究出版社。
语言学专业毕业论文 认知社会语言学的界定取向与外延


社会语言学论文(基础)Understanding of Sociolinguistics

Understanding of Sociolinguistics1 Introduction (1)2 Some definitions of sociolinguistics (1)3 The scope of sociolinguistic study (2)4 The comment on Fishman’s definition of sociolinguistics (2)5 Conclusion (3)References (3)Abstract:Sociolinguistics has drawn more and more attention since it became an independent discipline in 1960s.But scholars from various disciplines look at sociolinguistics from different perspectives,and carry out sociolinguistic study in different ways.This paper tries to understand sociolinguistics in terms of its definitions and the scope of sociolinguistic study to point out the lack of comprehensiveness in Fishman’s view on the definition of sociolinguistics.Key words:sociolinguistics;definitions;scope;lack of comprehensiveness1 IntroductionThough the social aspect of language attracted early attention,it was not until the mid 1960s that sociolinguistics became an independent discipline with its representatives William Labor and Dell Hymes.It has become an indispensable course in linguistic study together with syntax,phonetics and phonology, semantics. etc..But scholars from various disciplines have different answers to the questions:‘What is sociolinguistics?’,‘What does the sociolinguist do?’,‘What content should be included in sociolinguistic study?’,and ‘What methods should be adopted in carrying out sociolinguistic study?’.Fishman argued that sociolinguistics is the name commonly given to the study of who speaks (or writes) what language (or what language variety) to whom and when and to what end (cited from Wardhaugh,R.1986:16).Before we make any comment on this view,it is necessary to have a basic knowledge about the definitions of sociolinguistics and the scope of sociolinguistic study.2 Some definitions of sociolinguisticsSociolinguistics is a cross—disciplinary subject.Linguists and sociolinguists are not the only researchers involved in studies of language in society.Scholars such as anthropologists,psychologists,educators,and planners have an interest too.They study the socio—cultural aspect of language from different angles and come up with different understanding.Peter Trudgill says that sociolinguistics is a science that combines linguistic and social concerns in varying degrees (cited from Fasold,R.1990:FS0).This view seems to p1ay sociolinguistics at a high level by considering it “a science”, but is vague in the failure to specify the “varying degrees”.William Labov defines sociolinguistics as the secular linguistics.While William Downes sees sociolinguistics as that branch of linguistics which studies just those properties of language and languages which require reference to social,including contextua1 factors in their explanation.To quote Holmes’ view,sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between language and the context in which it is used.Gumperz states that sociolinguistics is an attempt to find relations between social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that occur.This definition covers a broad range,therefore is more inclusive of the scope of sociolinguistic study.Susan Pinlips in 1980 defines sociolinguistics b riefly as the ‘study of the ways in which a person’s speech conveys social information’.This view manifests that language is a social behavior.People’sdifferent choices of linguistic forms may reflect their different social background.Wolfson expresses his view by saying that sociolinguistics is the study of the interplay of linguistic,social,and cultural factors in human communication.In Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching &Applied Linguistics, sociolinguistics is defined as the study of language in relation to social factors, that is, social class,educational level and type of education, Age, sex,ethnic origins,etc.(Richard,J.C.1992:425).It seems that there is no agreement on the exact definition of sociolinguistics,just like what Dell Hymes has claimed:“Different people may have different understanding of the term ‘sociolinguistics’.Therefore,no one has the patent for its definition.”(cited in Fasold.1990:F 12) But however different views scholars hold,they are ready to agree at least one point.That is,sociolinguistics studies the relation between language and society.Whatever sociolinguistics is,it must be oriented toward both data and theory.But still scholars will come up with different answers to the question ‘What content should be included in sociolinguistic study?’.3 The scope of sociolinguistic studyWe can generally divide sociolinguistic study into the broad sense and the narrow sense.The former is also widely called the macro-sociolinguistics,and the latter micro-sociolinguistics.To make the division clear, Wolfson compared sociolinguistic study to a sort of telescope through which language behavior may be studied in its socio-cultural context.In looking through the small end of the telescope,we view speech at the level of face-to-face interaction,and this type of study is called micro-sociolinguistics.By looking through the large end of the sociolinguistic telescope,we are able to see the workings of language contact,choice,use,maintenance,and change at the social level,a field of study called the sociology of language or macro-sociolinguistics.Hudson in 1980 made a distinction between sociolinguistics and the sociology of language in stating that the former is the study of language in relation to society while the later is the study of society in relation to language(cited in Wardhaugh,R.1986:12-13). That is to say.sociolinguistics can be studied either from the perspective of language or from that of society.Hudson further argues that the influence which society exerts on language is the major concern of sociolinguistic study.Some scholars also classify sociolinguistic study into the theoretical research model and the practical research mode1.But no matter how scholars define and understand sociolinguistics,it is generally agreed that sociolinguistic study mainly deals with social variation, language varieties,the differences of language use conventions,and the socio-cultural factors that contribute to the variation, varieties and differences.Social variation in language including the variation of region,social class, register, style,age and sex has been one of the major focuses of sociolinguistics since its formation in the early 1960.Language variety has been and still is the main concern of sociolinguistics,but the scope of sociolinguistic study may be very wide such that it can cover almost everything.Sociolinguistics is an empirical science.it must be founded on an adequate data base.This requires that when we are considering sociolinguistics,we should take the various kinds of research methods Into account.It is better to collect data through observing naturally occurring linguistic events.The ethnomethodology makes one significant contribution to the development of sociolinguistic study.4 The comment on Fishman’s definition of so ciolinguisticsFishman says that sociolinguistics is the name commonly given to the study of who speaks(or writes)what language (or what language variety)to whom and when and to what end.The American sociolinguist Nessa Wolfson shares the similar view with Fishman in generalizing the scope of sociolinguistics to be‘Who says what to whom,when and how’(cited from Hudson.1980:F14).Brief as Fishman’s definition is,it includes the major elements in sociolinguistics:“what” representsthe language or language variety.“who”, “whom”, “when”and “to what end”represent those social variables.This may be better understood by considering the four components that influence linguistic choices,namely,the participants,the setting or social context of the interaction.the topic and the function(Holmes,Janet.1997:12).Hymes’s SPEAKING theory may also be adopted to account for Fishman’s definition to some extent.In spite of its brevity and reasonableness,this definition is not comprehensive enough to inform us the nature of sociolinguistics,the relationship between it and the sociology of language or other disciplines.Neither does it cover the broad range of the scope of sociolinguistic study.It looks at sociolinguistics from the viewpoint of interpersonal interactions,and covers social variation and language variety, thus belongs to the scope of micro-sociolinguistics.To mention only the language variety does not make the whole story.It also fails to mention the research methods and the theoretical base of sociolinguistic study.Therefore,Fishman’s definition can not provide us with an overall and thorough understanding of sociolinguistics.5 ConclusionThough scholars from various disciplines have shown great interest in the socio—cultural aspect of language,different researchers define sociolinguistics differently and come up with different understanding.In fact,sociolinguistic study is characterized by a wide variety or inclusiveness of its research scope.Cf.McGregor argues that as long as we are fully aware of this point,questions like “How to define sociolinguist ics?” and “What content should be included in sociolinguistic study?” seem to be not very imperative and important(quoted in Fasold,R.1990:F12).References1, Downes, William,1998.Language and Society【M】.2nd edition.Cambridge:CUP.2, Fasold,R.1 990 The Sociolinguistics【M】.Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.3, Holmes.Janet.I 997.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics【M】.New York:Longman Ltd.4, Hudson,R.A.1 980.Sociolinguistics【M】.2-edition.Cambridge:CUP.5, Richards,C.J.and Platt,J.and Platt,H.1 992.Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching&Applied Linguistics【M】.New York:Longman Ltd.6, Salzmann,Zdenek.1993.Language.Culture.& Social An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology 【M】.Boulder:Westview Press,Inc.7, Trask,R.L.I999.Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics【M】.London;Routledge.8, Wardhaugh.R.1986.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics:Issues of Society and Schooling 【M】.Oxford:Basil Blackwel1.9, Wardhaugh.R.1998.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics【M】.3 edition.Oxford:Blackwel1.10, Wolfson,N.1989.Perspectives.Sociolinguistics and TESOL【M】.Cambridge:Newbury.。
语言学专业毕业论文 试析社会语言学与二语习得的理论相容性

1. 研究背景社会语言学和二语习得是语言学领域的两大重要分支,它们通过不同的角度研究和解释了语言的现象和发展。
2. 社会语言学的理论社会语言学理论包括变体理论、话语分析、社会邻近性理论等。
3. 二语习得的理论在二语习得领域,有很多理论和模型被提出,如学习者语法理论、进化理论、社会认知理论等。
4. 社会语言学与二语习得的相容性社会语言学和二语习得的理论相互渗透,各自的成果也可以相互借鉴。
5. 案例研究本论文选取了一些相关的案例研究,通过实证数据和分析来验证社会语言学和二语习得理论的相容性。

在社会建构主义的理论框架下, 教师,学生,学习任务和学习语境四方面紧密联系。
社会语言学论文 关于社会语言学的论文

During the history of language development, people‟s attitudes toward slang have changed a lot. In 1828 Webster defined it as “low, vulgar, unmeaning language.” Slang is very informal language that includes new and something not polite words and meanings and is often used among particular groups of
从社会语言学角度分析美国俚语 一. Definitions of slangs 二. Characteristics of American slangs 三. Social analysis of slangs from the perspective of gender, age, occupation and social settings to use slang 四. Social functions of slang 五. Social reasons for the use of slang
1. Introduction To study slang scientifically,we can take the anthropological tradition of cultural relativism.“According to Bryjak and Soroka (1994:57),„cultural relativism is the belief that there is no universal standard of good and bad or right and wrong and that an aspect of any given culture can be judged only within its own context.‟Cultural relativists appear to suggest that all cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting and tend to assume that the mere presence of a cultural trait warrants our valuing it”(Lin Dajing,1997). 俚语作为语言的一种,引起特殊性发挥着自己独特的作用,然而很多人并未 对俚语有正确的认识,很多人把俚语作为地俗语对待,笔者认为,语言作为 一种社会现象,尤其存在的合理性,从社会语言学的角度讲,任何语言种类 都是平等的,没有层级之分。本文将从社会语言学的角度对俚语这一语言特 殊现象做一粗浅分析,希望能是大家改变对俚语的歧视态度。俚语常被定义 为粗俗的语言,这种语言有其特定的使用群体,虽然使用者大多为知识水平 不高的人群,但不能因此就对此语言有贬低,正是基于此观点,本文进行了 如下分析。 2. Definition of slang 2.1 definitions During the history of language development, people‟s attitudes toward slang have changed a lot. In 1828 Webster defined it as “low, vulgar, unmeaning language.” Slang is very informal language that includes new and something not polite words and meanings and is often used among particular groups of

Language and GenderAbstract:The observations of gender-related linguistic differences and social differences between the genders can help people see how closely language and social variation are related. According to this thesis, avoiding gender stereotyping and gender prejudiced language use is waiting for people to correct.Key words: gender men and women society language differencesIntroductionLanguage and gender is an area of study within sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, and related fields that investigates varieties of speech associated with a particular gender, or social norms for such gendered language use. A variety of speech (or sociolect) associated with a particular gender is sometimes called a genderlect.The field of language and gender is one of the most dynamic in sociolinguistics. It is characterized by a lot of discussion about the pros and cons associated with different ways of conceptualizing the relationship between language and society.The study of gender and language in sociolinguistics and gender studies is often said to have begun with Robin Lakoff's 1975 book, Language and Woman's Place, as well as some earlier studies by Lakoff.ContentSex or genderIn the 1980s, it was not at all unusual for a sociolinguist to describe their interests as being ‘language and sex’. However, in the intervening years, the term sex has largely been replaced by the term gender.There are more principled reasons for gender replacing sex in sociolinguistics, and they reflect many changes in the way sociolinguists go about gathering and analyzing their data. The following is the typical basis for differences of sex and gender.The typical basis for differentiating sex and gender is that sex is a biological category and gender is a social and cultural category. In other words, sex is something you have , and it can be defined in terms of objective, scientific criteria .Gender, on the other hand , is a social property: something acquired or constructed through your relationships with others and through an individual’s adherence to certain cultural norms and proscriptions.Some gender features in language One of the gender features in language is exclusive and preferential. First of all, let us comprehend the concepts of the exclusive and preferential features.A preferential feature is one that is distributed across speakers or groups, but is used more frequently by some than by others. An exclusive feature is one associated solely with a particular user or group of users or solely in a particular context.Y ou can think of some aspects of kinship terminology as being sex-exclusive terms, so for instance the phrase my Auntie Kath tells the listener that the perso n you are referring to is female .On the other hand, the term ’cousin’ might refer to a male or female. Besides, in German Enkel is gender-neutral ,but the English equivalents are the gender-specific terms ‘grandson’ and ‘granddaughter’.Direct and indirect indexing is another gender feature in a language. A linguistic feature directly indexes something with social information is a conventional implicature (e.g. speaker gender is directly indexed by some forms of some adjectives in French) However ,most variables associated with,for example, male vs female speakers only indirectly index gender. Their distribution is sex-preferential not sex-exclusive. They are generally associated with several other social meaning ,e.g. casualness and vernacularity with masculinity.Language and gender(一) V oicePitch, timbre, length are main basic elements of sound, and the gender differences are reflected in these aspects. Voice pitch refers to the voice of the high and low, depending on the vocal cords’ vibration frequency. Under the normal circumstances, adult male’s vocal cords are long and wide .On the contrary, women's vocal cords are short and narrow. When women speak , their vocal cords vibrate very fast , so the tone of their voice is higher than men’s tone. Pitch in speech act is just the tone level and transformation, namely tones. According to the survey, women prefer to use Ultra-high tone and Ultra low tone, and their tone types used are much more abundant, comparing with men. While men generally use moderate tone of voice. This has to do with women’s rich emotion and easily express in words. In order to express emotion, women usually take advantage of their different tone of voice. While men tend to want to establish a serious image in front of others, so they generally use moderate tone of voice to highlight a sedate feeling. Duration is the length of the sound. There exist surveys showing that under the normal speed, the length of women sound is longer than men’s. The reason is that women are usually considering the feelings of others, when they communicate with others. Timbre is feeling characteristics of the voice, which is mainly determined by the method of pronunciation, pronunciation object and the shape of the resonator. Indeed, when everyone is in pronunciation, these aspects could not completely be the same with another people, so everyone's tone is different. However, according to different sexes, timbre may be divided into two categories: male voice is loud and sonorous or low and deep, but female voice is general speak loud and clear or morbidezza. Therefore, this is not only determined by the men's and women's pronunciation organs, but also has a relationship with the men’s and women’s different social status and psychological status.(二)V ocabularies∙Vocabulary is the most sensitive and active element in the language system, and it can most reflect the change of language. Compared with the aspects of gender voices, the differences of men’s and women’ words choices are more direct and obvious. Basically having the following differences:women use more modal particles, interjections and reduplicated words, some adverbs of degree and some deeply emotional adjectives and some words of cutting tone; Men are more use straightforward words and inelegant words and slang ; Men used more certain words, while women using fuzzy words. This is because women pay more attention to emotional expression, while men pay more attention to composed temperament. Women is good at usingreduplicated words to express that they are quite, gentle and cute. They often consider the reactions of others to their words, and don’t often impose their intentions to others, so they will use more euphemism. This also hasrelationship with women status that is submissive, oppressed and despised for a long time, so they always pay attention to your words and deeds and tries to improve their status by their own words and deeds. Deterministic words are words that represent certainty, recognition, firm. Fuzzy words are doubt,uncertain, hesitate words. Men’s and women’s different uses of these wordsrelate to the social and cultural background.(三)Sentence structures∙Women use more exclamatory sentences, interrogative sentences, especially a rhetorical question, while men are more use of imperative and declarative sentence. This is because women's affection is more abundant, and exclamatory sentences, interrogative sentences can help women express rich and exaggerated emotions, and help to set up the image of gentle andconsiderate, and is good for maintaining communicators’ faces. However, men has been being in a dominant position in the relationship for a long time,which makes men have decision-making power, so when they speak in asmooth, direct and firm way.(四)The use of questions in conversationsMen and women differ in their use of questions in conversations. For men, a question is usually a genuine request for information whereas with women it can often be a rhetorical means of engaging the other’s convers ational contribution or of acquiring attention from others conversationally involved, techniques associated with a collaborative approach to language use. Therefore women use questions more frequently. In writing, however, both genders use rhetorical questions as literary devices. For example, Mark Twain used them in "A War Prayer" to provoke the reader to question his actions and beliefs. Tag questions are frequently used to verify or confirm information, though in women’s language they may also be used to avoid making strong statements.(五)Topic choicesWe found that men and women interested in different topic in the communication between men and women. Men tend to talk about political, military, science and technology, sports and work, whereas women tend to talk about emotion, family, life, fashion, etc. This also relate to the different social expectation to men and women for a long time. For a long time, our society requires men to work out Men are required to be strong, brave, enterprising, struggling in the outside for family support. So, in order to meet the social demands, men tend to choose some more powerful topics to discuss. While women are required to stay at home to keep family and educate children, and they are demanded to be gentle, kind, thrifty, so women are more attention to these problems.All in all, language is a symbol of social convention, and it has the characteristics of variability. Language has a direct reflection of social life. In the language speech practice, we should pay attention to every language speaker, and ensure that womenand men enjoy equality of language speech.参考文献[1] Holmes, J. 1984.Hedging your bets and sitting on the fence: Some evidence for hedges assupport structures. Te Reo,27, 47-62[2] Kramer, C 1974. Women’s Speech: Separate but Equal [J] Quarterly Journal of Speech.[3] Lakoff, R 1975. Language and Women's Place. New Y ork: Harper & Row[4]《社会语言学导论》[5]《从顺应论角度看语言性别差异》。

语言学专业毕业论文 社会语言学视角下的民俗语言研究方法以陕北说书研究为例

第二节社会语言学视角下的研究方法1. 问卷调查法问卷调查法是社会语言学中常用的一种方法,通过设计问卷并发放给受访者,可以了解他们对民俗语言的认知和使用情况。
2. 访谈法访谈法是直接与被研究对象进行面对面交流的一种方法,通过与说书表演者和听众进行深入的访谈,可以获取更加详细的信息和语言使用背后的社会背景。
3. 语音学分析法语音学分析法是社会语言学的重要研究方法之一,通过对民俗语言的语音特点进行分析,可以揭示其与当地文化环境的关联。
1. 陕北说书的表演形式陕北说书以口头表演形式呈现,说书人会运用生动的表情、手势和语言来吸引观众的注意力。


对双语公示语的解释,以荷兰学者Jan Blommaert 为首的欧洲学派的全球化社会语言学提出了新的视角,可供我们研究语言景观时借鉴。
一公示语研究的几个角度(一) 翻译视角随着国际化进程的加快,中国各级政府都非常重视良好的城市环境和城市形象。
比如,王德庆等(2012) 分析了天坛公园公示语的翻译; 李克兴(2000) 调查了深圳的公示语翻译状况,指出深圳的英文垃圾和翻译谬误既有损于开放城市的声誉,又损害整个国家和民族的形象; 戴宗显、吕和发(2005) 以2012 年奥运主办城市伦敦为例,多方位探讨公示语的相关知识和汉英翻译; 罗选民、黎士旺(2006) 考察了脏乱差的语言环境,指出公示语翻译的治理和整顿已成为翻译界一个严峻的课题,呼吁翻译理论要更好地为现实服务。


分析语言不平等的分类、产生原因及应对策略-社会语言学论文-语言学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——社会语言学是近10 多年来发展起来的一门的学科,它从社会学、民族学、人类学、地理学等多学科的角度研究语言和社会的关系。
两者的关系主要体现在四个方面: (1) 语言的存在离不开社会: (2) 社会的构成需要语言;(3) 语言行为同时也是社会行为; (4) 语言通讯的问题和对语言的态度都是可能产生严重社会后果的问题。
在语言世界里也存在不平等现象,各种语言(包括语言变体) 被人们划出高低和优劣,即在这些人眼中,语言是不平等的。
那么,何为语言不平等(language inequality) ? 针对这一问题,本文将从社会语言学角度分析语言不平等的分类、产生的原因及应对策略。
一、语言不平等分类及其产生的原因(一) 语言不平等分类所谓语言不平等就是有些使用者视自己的语言为先进语言,视其他使用者的语言为落后语言,这其实是一种偏见。
赫德森将语言不平等分为三类: 主观不平等(subjective inequality) ; 交际不平等(communicative inequality) ; 严格的语言不平等(strictly linguistic inequality) 。
来自同一个地方的人喜欢用方言进行交谈来加深对彼此的身份认同; 大学入学考试要求报考英语专业的考生英语应达到一定水平; 大学毕业时英语专业的学生英语应达到专业四级的水平,非英语专业的学生应达到大学英语四级的水平,否则不予颁发学位证书; 招聘时,招聘单位对应聘者语言掌握水平的要求,如某学校招聘英语教师时,要求应聘者普通话水平达到二级甲等,英语达到专业八级的水平,否则不予录用。
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