广州初二八下期末复习 题型专练-单词和完成句子

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66. The pollution is getting more and more s_______. We must do something to stop it.

67. The little girl is s_________ her head and said “no” to her mother.

68. My brother always r_______ me to bring my homework, so I never forget it.

69. They are suffering from great p________. What can I do to help them?

70. Her eyes p_______ out when she saw the super star.

71. I am used to __________(communicate) with people from other countries in English.

72. I’m giving you a fina l__________(warn)---- don’t be late again.

73. Do you have any __________(difficult) in completing the task?

74. With her __________(describe), the police drew the picture of the thief, and caught him quickly.

75. They have already __________(record) the a ll the character’s voices.



76. 他们教维恩唱歌使她鼓起勇气。

They taught Vivien to sing ________ ________ ________ ________.

77. 向别人微笑能留下好印象。

________ ________ others can ________ a good ________ ________ others.

78. 他一直不被允许玩电脑游戏。

He ________ ________ to play computer games ________ ________ ________.

79. 会议将在什么时候举行?

________ ________ the meeting ________ ________?

80. 我们还没有决定我们的旅游线路。

We haven’t ________ ________ our travel route.



71.I will call you as soon as I r___________ the station.

72.Wars are terrible, people from all over the world love p__________.

73.If you agree with me, please n________ your heads or raise you hand.

74.Don’t worry, th e problem is s_________ I am sure you can work it out.

75.We p________ 25 yuan for the food.




________ ________ ________ changed my life.


________ ________ ________ go skating?


________ he is over 65, he is very fit and still ________ ________.


First, he ties a piece of grass around their neck to ________ them ________ ________ big fish.


Each picture ________ ________ ________ a little different from the one before it.



56. The little boy played with the toy for a while and then became b________.

57. I don’t like dogs because they are too n________.

58. You must p_______ for the library book if you lose it.

59. I fell off my bike and h________ my leg.

60. ---I am going to take part in a speaking competition tomorrow.

---Good l________ and wish you success.


61. 亚洲象是濒危动物。我们必须阻止人们捕杀他们。

Asian elephants are endangered animals. We must ________ people ________ ________ them.

62. 对于我们来说,在两小时之内完成这项工作有点难。

________ ________ for us _______ _______ the work in two hours.

63. 这些动物足够强壮去保护他们自己。

These animals are _________ ________ _________ ________ themselves.

64. 去年我们学校建了一个新的学术报告厅。

A new school hall _______ _______ in our school last year.

65. 我不高兴是因为你可怜的考试成绩。

I am unhappy _______ _______ your poor marks in the exam.


第一节单词拼写(5 分)

66. Please help me f____ my pet dog when I go for a holiday.

67. Many p_____ can’t take off on time because of the heavy fog.

68. My mother often gets up e_____ to make breakfast for me every morning.

69. I often look at my old photos. They can r_____ me of childhood in my hometown.

70. The dancing music is so n_____ outside that we can’t get a good sleep.


71. 吃太多巧克力对我们的健康没有好处。

______ too much chocolate _____ _____ for our health.


______ _______ ________ _______ us to learn to be grateful.


A money raising activity _____ _______ for the disabled children by us last year.


The old man is ____ _____ to ____ _____ himself. He can’t stay at home alone.


We should ______ ______ _______ ________ the endangered animals.

五.写作(共三节,满分24 分)

第一节单词拼写(共4 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 4 分)根据下列句子意思及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在答卷填写时,要求写出完整单词。(每空只写一词)

54.My little brother h his leg badly yesterday, he is in hospital now.

55.The young l in white is my English teacher, her English class is interesting and funny.

56.Mr Smith needs more exercise to keep f ,we can see him running in the playground.
