机车信号 cab signaling
轨道电路 track circuit
GSM-R天 线
无线接收 模块
列车司机 人机界面
P ro fib u s 总 线
欧洲安全 计算机
列车接口 单元
轨道电路 处理模块
司法记录器 诊断记录器
雷达 应答器天线 轨道电路天线2 1或 2 1或 2
Train 车辆 Vehicle、car、 客车 passenger car 货车 freight car 电力机车 Electric locomotive 内燃机车 Diesel locomotive
双绞线 twisted wire pair 光纤 OGF Optical Glass Fiber 终端 terminator ; 特征阻抗 characteristic impedance 屏蔽 shielding; 终端 terminator ; 拓扑 topology; 现场总线 field bus 多功能车辆总线 MVB -Multifunction Vehicle Bus 铰接式列车总线 WTB - Wire Train Bus 实时协议 Real-Time Protocols 初运行 Inauguration
列车总线 (WTB) 网 关 车辆 控制 单元 网关 车辆 控制 单元 车辆总线 (MVB) 制动 控制 单元 诊断系统
车辆总线 (MVB) 空调 控制 单元
1 编制目的为了在工程设计文件中正确使用英文缩写词和理解英文词表达的函义,特编制本文件。
2 适用范围英文缩写词可以在英文注释的专业图纸和设计文件中使用。
3 注意事项3.1 在绘制工程设计图纸时,英文缩写词一律采用大写字母。
3.2 编制设计标准和设计文件时,除国家、机关、学会、工程单位等名称需采用大写字母的缩写词外,其余均应优先采用小写字母的缩写词,没有小写字母的缩写词时,再采用大写字母的缩写词。
顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义A1 a absorption吸收(作用)2 A ① ammeter安培计、电流计② ampere安培③ assembly装配,组合,成套设备,机组,部件3 AAC acoustical-absorption coefficient吸音系数4 AACC American Automatic Control Council美国自动控制委员会5 A.A.F American Air-Filter Co.F—A14-96第 2 页共 60 页美国空气过滤器公司6 AB anchor bolt地脚螺栓7 ABA1 American Boiler & AffiliatedIndustries美国锅炉和附属设备制造厂商协会8 abb abbreviation缩写,简体9 abr abridgement简介、简述10 abs ① absolute绝对的② absorption吸收顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义11 A.B.S American Bureau of Standards美国标准局12 ABS.H absolute humidity绝对湿度13 ABS.T absolute temperature绝对温度14 a.c absorption coefficient吸收系数15 AC ① air condenser空气冷凝器② air cooling空气冷却③ alternating current交流电F-A14-96第 3 页共 60 页16 A/C ① air condition (-ing,-ed,-er)空调(机)② air compressor空气压缩机17 acc accessories附件,零件,附属设备18 ACR automatic controller自动控制器19 ACS automatic control system自动控制系统20 act.std actual standard现行标准21 ACU air-conditioning unit空调机组顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义22 AD ① air duct风道② anemostatic diffuser恒速式散流器23 adj.sp adjustable speed可调速度24 ADP apparatus dew point机器露点25 AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee美国工程标准委员会26 AEV automatic expansion valve自动膨胀阀27 AF air filterF—A14-96第 4 页共 60 页空气过滤器28 AG asbestos gasket石棉垫片29 AGA American Gas Association美国煤气协会30 AGC automatic gauge controller自动测量控制器31 AHU air-handling unit组合式空调机,空气处理机组32 AIR CHG air change(s)换气量,换气次数33 ALM alarm警报器,信号装置,警报顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义34 alt altitude高度,标高35 amb.temp ambient temperature周围温度,室温,环境温度36 AN air natural(cooled)自然通风(冷却)的37 A.N.S.I American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会38 AO air outlet送风口39 A.P American Patent美国专利40 APCA Air Pollution Control Association美国空气污染控制协会41 APHA American Public Health Association美国公共卫生协会F-A14-96第 5 页共 60 页42 appx appendix附录、补遗43 APS accessory power supply辅助电源44 ARI Air conditioning and RefrigerationInstitute空调制冷研究所(美)45 AS ① air speed风速② American Standard美国标准顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义46 A.B.C American Standard Association美国标准协会47 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers美国土木工程师学会48 ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigerating and AirConditioningEngineers美国供热制冷和空调工程师协会49 ASHVE American Society of Heating andVentilation Engineers美国供暖通风工程师学会(ASHRAE的前身)50 at ① air tight不透气,气密的② atmosphere大气,大气压51 ATS absolute temperature scale绝对温标52 AUTO automaticF—A14-96第 6 页共 60 页自动的53 AUX auxiliary辅助的,附件,辅助装置54 AV angle valve角阀55 av;avg average平均,平均的56 AVD automatic vent damper自动风阀顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义57 a.w.p actual working pressure实际工作压力58 AWT average water temperature平均水温B59 B bolt螺栓60 BAR barometer气压计,气压表61 BAS British Association Standard英国协会标准62 b.c between centers中心间距,轴间63 BESA British Engineering StandardAssociation英国工程标准协会64 BF ① boiler feed锅炉给水② bypass factor旁路系数F-A14-96第 7 页共 60 页65 BFP boiler-feed pump锅炉给水泵66 BHN Brinell hardness number布氏硬度数67 BHP brake horsepower制动马力,轴功率68 B.I black iron黑铁(皮)顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义69 bibl bibliography书目,文献目录70 BL ① base line基线② base load基本负荷③ boundary line边界线④ battery limits界区71 BLD blind盲板,档板72 BLDG building建筑物73 BLK blank空白,盲板74 BLR boiler锅炉75 B.O.D bottom of duct风道底(标高)F—A14-96第 8 页共 60 页76 BOM bill of material材料表,材料单77 B.O.P bottom of pipe管底(标高)78 B.P ① base plate底板,底座② back pressure背压顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义③ barometric pressure表压力,大气压④ boiler pressure锅炉压力⑤ boiling point沸点⑥ bypass旁路,旁通管⑦ British Patent英国专利79 br branch支线(管)80 BRA British Refrigeration Association英国制冷协会81 BRACA British Refrigeration and AirConditioning Association英国制冷空调协会82 BRKT bracket托架,支架F-A14-96第 9 页共 60 页83 BS ① British Atandard英国标准② Bureau of Standard标准局(美)84 BSD Building System Design美国《建筑系统设计》期刊85 BSI ① British Standards Institution英国标准协会顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义②Building Societies’ Institute建筑学会联合会86 bsmt basement地下室87 BSP British standard pipe英国标准管88 BSS British Standard Specification英国标准规范89 BTUH British thermal units per hour英热单位每小时90 BU bushing内外螺纹接头91 BV ① ball valve球阀② butterfly valve蝶阀92 BW butt weld对焊,对缝焊接CF—A14-96第 10 页共 60 页93 C ① centre中心② circuit电路,回路③ close闭合的,关闭,接通④ constant常数顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义⑤ cycle循环,周期94 CA ① cooled in air风冷的② cold air冷空气,冷风③ compressed air压缩空气95 CAD computer-aided design计算机辅助设计96 cap capacity容量,生产能力97 CAS cast steel铸钢98 cat catalog目录,条目,总目,样本99 CB ① control board控制盘,操纵盘F-A14-96第 11 页共 60 页② control button控制按钮③ catch basin集水井,滤污器100 CC cooling cail冷却盘管101 C/C center-to-center中心距102 CCR critical compression ratio临界压缩比顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义103 CD ceiling diffuser吊顶散流器104 CE ① chief engineer总工程师② civil engineering土木工程105 CEM cement lined水泥衬里,水泥抹面106 CENT centrifugal离心(式)的107 CEP condensate extraction pump凝结水排水泵108 cert certificate证明书,合格证109 CF contact factor接触系数110 CFM cubic feet per minute立方英尺每分F—A14-96第 12 页共 60 页111 CFS cubic feet per second立方英尺每秒112 CG ceiling grille吊顶风口113 CH chimney烟道114 ch chapter章115 CHAN channel槽钢,通道顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义116 chem chemical化学的117 CHWP chilled water pump冷冻水泵118 CHWR chilled water return冷冻回水119 CHWS chilled water supply冷冻供水120 C.I cast iron铸铁121 circ.pump circulating pump循环水泵122 CIR.WF circulating water flow循环供水123 CIR.WR circulating water return循环回水124 CL ① center line中心线,轴线② classF-A14-96第 13 页共 60 页类别,级别125 CLG ceiling吊顶,天花板126 CM colour mark色标127 CN construction north建北128 CO ceiling outlet吊顶送风口顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义129 Co. company公司130 coeff coefficient系数,率131 col column柱,纵行,栏,项目132 COMPR compressor压缩机133 conc concentration浓度134 CONC.DT concrete duct水泥风道135 cond ① condenser冷凝器,电容器② conductivity传导系数③ condens(e)(-ing,-ed,-er)冷凝(器)136 COND.WR vondenser water returnF—A14-96第 14 页共 60 页冷凝器回水137 COND.WS condenser water supply冷凝器供水138 CONT.V control valve调节阀,控制阀139 Conv convector对流器140 COP ① coefficient of performance(制冷)工作系数,性能系数顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义② center of pipe管中心141 corr correction修正,校正,改正142 CP ① calorific power发热量,热值② Canadion Patent加拿大专利③ check point检测点④ constant pressure恒压,等压143 CPLG coupling联轴节,连接,管箍144 cpm cycles per minute周每分145 c.r. continuous rating连续(额定)功率F-A14-96第 15 页共 60 页146 CPG ceiling return grille吊顶回风口147 cr.s. cross section横截面148 CS carbon steel碳钢149 CT cooling tower冷却塔150 CTR cooling tower retun冷却塔回水顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义151 CTS cooling tower supply冷却塔供水152 cu. cubic立方的,三次的153 CU.FT cubic feet立方英尺154 CV ① calorific value热值,发热量② check valve止回阀,逆止阀③ constant volume定风量,定容155 CW ① cold water冷水② cooling water冷却水③ continuous weldingF—A14-96第 16 页共 60 页连续焊156 CWP cooling water pump冷却水泵157 CWR cooling water return冷却回水158 CWS cooling water supply冷却供水D159 D ① degree度,程度顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义② density密度③ diameter直径④ drop降落,温度降,压力降160 DB.A decibels of sound on an A-scale在A音阶上的分贝音量161 DBT dry bulb temperature干球温度162 DC direct current直流电163 DD dual duct双风管164 def. definition定义165 deg.cent. degree centigrade摄氏度F-A14-96第 17 页共 60 页166 deg.F degree fanrenheit华氏度167 deg.K. degree Kelvin开氏度168 DET detail零年,详图169 diag diagram图表,图解,曲线图,示意图170 DIN Deutsche Industrie Norman德国工业标准顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义171 disch discharge排出,流出172 dist distribution分布,分配173 d.l.a. dust lade air含尘空气174 DN ① down下② nominal diameter公称直径175 DP ① dew point露点② differantial pressure压差,压降③ design pressure设计压力④ drain pipeF—A14-96第 18 页共 60 页排水管176 DPA days per annum每年日数177 DPT ① dew point temperature露点温度② dew point thermostat露点温控器178 dr. drain泄水,排水179 DS duct shaft竖向结构风道顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义180 DSS The Society of Domestic and SanitaryEngineering Standard美国卫生工程协会标准181 DWG drawing图纸,制图182 DWG.NO drawing number图号183 DX.C direct expansion coil直接膨胀管E184 E east东185 EA exhaust air排风186 EAC electrostatic air cleaner静电滤尘器187 EBP exhaust back pressure排汽背压F-A14-96第 19 页共 60 页188 ECS environmental control system环境控制系统189 ED ① edition版本,版次② exhaust duct排风管190 EDP engineering design plan工程设计方案191 EF exhaust fan排风机顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义192 eff efficiency效率193 EG exhaust air grille排风口194 EH exhaust hood排风罩195 EHP elcctric horsepower电功率196 EI ① exhaust inlet排风入口② Engineering Index工程技术文献索引(美)197 EJ expansion joint伸缩器,伸缩缝,补偿器198 EL ① exhaust loss排出损失② expansion lineF—A14-96第 20 页共 60 页膨胀管199 ELB elbow弯头200 elev elevation标高,海拔,正视图201 EM engineering manual工程手册202 emg emergency事故,紧急情况203 ENCL enclosure, enclosed外壳,套,界限,封闭式的顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义204 ENGR engineering工程,设计205 EP ① explosion proof防爆② English Patent英国专利206 EPA Environmental Protection Agency环境保护局(美)207 EPR evaporator pressure regulator蒸发器压力调节器208 ERT electric resistance thermometer电阻温度计209 ESHF effective sensible heat factor有效显热系数210 est estimate估计,预算,概算211 ESV emergency stop valve紧急切断阀F-A14-96第 21 页共 60 页212 ET expansion tank膨胀水箱213 ETR evaporator temperature regulator蒸发器温度调节器214 EV ① elevator电梯② expansion valve膨胀阀215 EVAP evaporat(e)(-ing,-ed,-or)蒸发(器)顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义216 exh exhaust排气217 EXIST existing现行的,现有的218 exp expansion膨胀,增大219 ext ① extension伸长,发展,附加物② external外部的,表面的F220 F filter过滤器221 FA fresh air新鲜空气,新风222 FAI fresh air inlet通风孔,新风入口223 FC ① fire controlF—A14-96第 22 页共 60 页消防② fan coil unit风机盘管224 f.d forced draft强制通风,送风225 FD ① fire damper防火阀② floor drain地漏顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义226 FDF forced-draft-fan送风机227 FDN foundation基础228 FDW feed water供水229 F/F field faricated现场制造230 FG flue gas烟气231 FH fire hydrant消火栓232 fig figure图,插图233 FIN finish完成,成品,加工234 FL ① floor层,地板② full loadF-A14-96第 23 页共 60 页全负荷,满载235 flg flange法兰,凸缘236 FOB free on board离岸价(船上交货)237 FOR fuel oil return回(燃料)油管238 FOS fuel oil supply供(燃料)油管顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义239 FP fire proof防火,耐火的240 FRP fiber reinforced plastic玻璃钢241 FRT freight运费,货运242 FS forged steel锻钢243 FTG ① fitting配件,管件,装配,组装② footing基础脚,底座脚244 FVD fire volume damper防火调节阀245 FW ① field weld现场焊接② fresh water新鲜水,淡水GF—A14-96第 24 页共 60 页246 g gas气体,煤气247 g.a.d general assembly drawing总装配图248 G.B Great Britain大不列颠,英国249 GEN generator发电机,发生器顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义250 GHC greenhouse controller温室控制器251 GHR gross heat rate总热耗252 G.I galvanized iron镀锌薄钢板,白铁皮253 gl glass玻璃,镜254 GLV globe valve截止阀255 gor governor调节器,调速器256 gp gauge pressure表压257 G.P German Patent德国专利258 gr grade级,度,坡度259 grad gradient梯度260 GRD ground地坪F-A14-96第 25 页共 60 页261 GRTG grating棚,格栅262 GSHF grand sensible heat factor总显热系数263 GSKT gasket垫片,密封垫顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义264 GTH grand total heat总热量265 GV gate valve闸阀266 GW gross weight总重,毛重H267 H ① hardness硬度,硬性② head高差,压头③ heat热量,加热,热④ heater加热器⑤ height高度⑥ humidity湿度⑦ humidistat恒湿器,湿度调节器F—A14-96第 26 页共 60 页268 HA hot air热风269 HC ① heating coil加热盘管② hand control手(动)控制顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义③ hose connection软管连接,软管接头270 hdbk handbook手册271 HDR header集气管,联管箱,顶盖,端板272 HE high efficiency高效273 HH handhole手孔274 HMF humidifier加湿器275 hor horizontal水平的,卧式的276 HP ① horse power马力,功率② high pressure高压277 HPAC Heating Piping & Air Conditioning美国《供热、配管、空气调节》期刊278 HR heat rate热耗率F-A14-96第 27 页共 60 页279 HRA heating,refrigerating and air-conditioning供暖制冷和空气调节280 HRD half round diffuser半圆散流器顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义281 HSD high speed duct高速风管282 h/S diagram Enthalpy/Entropy diagram焓熵图,h-S图283 H.T.C heat transfer coefficient传热系数284 HTW high temperature water高温热水285 HV ① heating and ventilation供暖通风② heating value热值286 HVAC heating ventilation,air conditioning供暖通风空气调节287 HVE heating and ventilating engineer暖通工程师288 HW hot water热水289 HWP hot water pump热水泵290 HWR hot water return热水回水管291 HWS hot water supply热水供水管F—A14-96第 28 页共 60 页292 HX heat exchanger换热器293 HYDT hydraulic testing水压试验顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义294 I input输入295 IAMAP International Association ofMeteorology and Atmospheric Physics国际气象和大气物理协会296 IBR Institute of Boiler and RadiatorManufacturers锅炉和散热器制造业协会297 ID ① induced draft引风② inside diameter内径298 IDF induced-draft-fan引风机299 IDHA International District HeatingAssociation国际区域供热协会300 IG inlet grille吸风口301 ih indirect heating间接加热302 i.hp indicated horsepower指示功率303 IHVE Institute of Heating and VentilatingEngineers英国暖通工程师学会F-A14-96第 29 页共 60 页顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义304 I.I.R International Institute of Refrigeration国际制冷学会305 IL intensity level声强级306 IME Institytion of Mecnical Engineers机械工程师学会(英)307 ind indicator指示器308 in.H2O inches of water英寸水柱309 ins insulated绝热的,绝缘的310 inst installation安装设备311 INSTR instruction说明书312 INTLK intotlock连锁装置313 INTMT intermittent间歇的314 IO inlet opening吸风口315 IPS iron pipe size铸铁管径316 ISA International StandardizationAssociation国际标准化协会顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义317 ISO International AtandardizationOrganizationF—A14-96第 30 页共 60 页国际标准化组织318 isoth isothermal等温的319 ISU international standard unit国际标准单位320 IT inlet temperature进口温度321 IU ① induction unit诱导器② international unit国际单位J322 J.E.S.A Japanese Engineering StandardAssociation日本工程标准协会323 JICST Japan Information Center of Science &Technology日本科技情报中心324 JIS Japan Industrial Standard日本工业标准325 jnt joint接头,接合326 JOB.NO job number项目号顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义K327 K heat transfer coefficient传热系数328 KB knee brace斜撑,角撑。
电子行业常用名词缩写中英文对照hc360慧聪网电子行业频道 2004-07-28 16:16:45A:Actuator 执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:Attenuation衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器AA:Architectural Acoustics建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Automatic Call Distribution 自动分配话务ACS:Access Control System出入控制系统AD:Addressable Detector地址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoustic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines Unit 模拟用户线单元AM:Administration Module管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM:Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Administration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU告警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer管理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:American Wire Gauge美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM:Background Administration Module后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Optic Connector大口式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验N位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISDN 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统BRI:Basic Rate ISDN 基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station基站BSC:Base Station Controller基站控制器BUL:Back up lighting备用照明C/S: Client/Server客户机/服务器C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable 同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Function 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector 感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed Data 合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguisbing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulation 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CISPR:Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 配置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inversion传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader )卡读写器/编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗佘校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe 显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum 旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂壁CS:Convergence Sublayer合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误码秒CSF:Cell Site Function 单基站功能控制CTB:Composite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD:Cable Thermal Detector 缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:carrier to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control Word 控制字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数据库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字DECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication增强数字无绳通讯DFB:Distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing 直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLI:DECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:Directional Response Cahracteristics 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS:Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency lighting照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier掺饵光纤放大器EDI:Electronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC:Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMI:Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性EN:Equivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES:Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial疏散照明ESA:Error SecondA 误码秒类型AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型BESD:Electrostatic Discharge静电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time Division Multiplexing电时分复用ETSI:European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter 滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol Unit 火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC:Frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU:Favn Coil Unit风机盘管FD:Fire Door 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分双工FDDI:Fiberdistributed Data Interface光纤缆分布式数据接口。
HVAC 专业术语(暖通空调专业英文缩写词)
![HVAC 专业术语(暖通空调专业英文缩写词)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/240fc34d0029bd64793e2cc9.png)
1 编制目的为了在工程设计文件中正确使用英文缩写词和理解英文词表达的函义,特编制本文件。
2 适用范围英文缩写词可以在英文注释的专业图纸和设计文件中使用。
3 注意事项3.1 在绘制工程设计图纸时,英文缩写词一律采用大写字母。
3.2 编制设计标准和设计文件时,除国家、机关、学会、工程单位等名称需采用大写字母的缩写词外,其余均应优先采用小写字母的缩写词,没有小写字母的缩写词时,再采用大写字母的缩写词。
顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义A1 a absorption吸收(作用)2 A ① ammeter安培计、电流计② ampere安培③ assembly装配,组合,成套设备,机组,部件3 AAC acoustical-absorption coefficient吸音系数4 AACC American Automatic Control Council美国自动控制委员会5 American Air-Filter Co.美国空气过滤器公司6 AB anchor bolt地脚螺栓7 ABA1 American Boiler & AffiliatedIndustries美国锅炉和附属设备制造厂商协会8 abb abbreviation缩写,简体9 abr abridgement简介、简述10 abs ① absolute绝对的② absorption吸收顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义11 American Bureau of Standards美国标准局12 absolute humidity绝对湿度13 absolute temperature绝对温度14 absorption coefficient吸收系数15 AC ① air condenser空气冷凝器② air cooling空气冷却③ alternating current交流电16 A/C ① air condition (-ing,-ed,-er)空调(机)② air compressor空气压缩机17 acc accessories附件,零件,附属设备18 ACR automatic controller自动控制器19 ACS automatic control system自动控制系统20 actual stondard现行标准21 ACU air-conditioning unit空调机组顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义22 AD ① air duct风道② anemostatic diffuser恒速式散流器23 adjustable speed可调速度24 ADP apparatus dew point机器露点25 AESC American Engineering StandardsCommittee美国工程标准委员会26 AEV automatic expansion valve自动膨胀阀27 AF air filter空气过滤器28 AG asbestos gasket石棉垫片29 AGA American Gas Association美国煤气协会30 AGC automatic gauge controller自动测量控制器31 AHU air-handling unit组合式空调机,空气处理机组32 AIR CHG air change(s)换气量,换气次数33 ALM alarm警报器,信号装置,警报顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义34 alt altitude高度,标高35 ambient temperature周围温度,室温,环境温度36 AN air natural(cooled)自然通风(冷却)的37 American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会38 AO air outlet送风口39 American Patent美国专利40 APCA Air Pollution Control Association美国空气污染控制协会41 APHA American Public Health Association美国公共卫生协会42 appx appendix附录、补遗43 APS accessory power supply辅助电源44 ARI Air conditioning and RefrigerationInstitute空调制冷研究所(美)45 AS ① air speed风速② American Standard美国标准顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义46 American Standard Association美国标准协会47 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers美国土木工程师学会48 ASHRAE American Society of HeatingRefrigerating and Air ConditioningEngineers美国供热制冷和空调工程师协会49 ASHVE American Society of Heating andVentilation Engineers美国供暖通风工程师学会(ASHRAE的前身)50 at ① air tight不透气,气密的② atmosphere大气,大气压51 ATS absolute temperature scale绝对温标52 AUTO automatic自动的53 AUX auxiliary辅助的,附件,辅助装置54 AV angle valve角阀55 av;avg average平均,平均的56 AVD automatic vent damper自动风阀顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义57 actual working pressure实际工作压力58 AWT average water temperature平均水温B59 B bolt螺栓60 BAR barometer气压计,气压表61 BAS British Association Standard英国协会标准62 between centers中心间距,轴间63 BESA British Engineering StandardAssociation英国工程标准协会64 BF ① boiler feed锅炉给水② bypass factor旁路系数65 BFP boiler-feed pump锅炉给水泵66 BHN Brinell hardness number布氏硬度数67 BHP brake horsepower制动马力,轴功率68 black iron黑铁(皮)顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义69 bibl bibliography书目,文献目录70 BL ① base line基线② base load基本负荷③ boundary line边界线④ battery limits界区71 BLD blind盲板,档板72 BLDG building建筑物73 BLK blank空白,盲板74 BLR boiler锅炉75 bottom of duct风道底(标高)76 BOM bill of material材料表,材料单77 bottom of pipe管底(标高)78 ① base plate底板,底座② back pressure背压顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义③ barometric pressure表压力,大气压④ boiler pressure锅炉压力⑤ boiling point沸点⑥ bypass旁路,旁通管⑦ British Patent英国专利79 br branch支线(管)80 BRA British Refrigeration Association英国制冷协会81 BRACA British Refrigeration and AirConditioning Association英国制冷空调协会82 BRKT bracket托架,支架83 BS ① British Atandard英国标准② Bureau of Standard标准局(美)84 BSD Building System Design美国《建筑系统设计》期刊85 BSI ① British Standards Institution英国标准协会顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义② Building Societies’ Institute建筑学会联合会86 bsmt basement地下室87 BSP British standard pipe英国标准管88 BSS British Standard Specification英国标准规范89 BTUH British thermal units per hour英热单位每小时90 BU bushing内外螺纹接头91 BV ① ball valve球阀② butterfly valve蝶阀92 BW butt weld对焊,对缝焊接C93 C ① centre中心② circuit电路,回路③ close闭合的,关闭,接通④ constant常数顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义⑤ cycle循环,周期94 CA ① cooled in air风冷的② cold air冷空气,冷风③ compressed air压缩空气95 CAD computer-aided design计算机辅助设计96 cap capacity容量,生产能力97 CAS cast steel铸钢98 cat catalog目录,条目,总目,样本99 CB ① control board控制盘,操纵盘② control button控制按钮③ catch basin集水井,滤污器100 CC cooling cail冷却盘管101 C/C center-to-center中心距102 CCR critical compression ratio临界压缩比顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义103 CD ceiling diffuser吊顶散流器104 CE ① chief engineer总工程师② civil engineering土木工程105 CEM cement lined水泥衬里,水泥抹面106 CENT centrifugal离心(式)的107 CEP condensate extraction pump凝结水排水泵108 cert certificate证明书,合格证109 CF contact factor接触系数110 CFM cubic feet per minute立方英尺每分111 CFS cubic feet per second立方英尺每秒112 CG ceiling grille吊顶风口113 CH chimney烟道114 ch chapter章115 CHAN channel槽钢,通道顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义116 chem chemical化学的117 CHWP chilled water pump冷冻水泵118 CHWR chilled water return冷冻回水119 CHWS chilled water supply冷冻供水120 cast iron铸铁121 circulating pump循环水泵122 circulating water flow循环供水123 circulating water return循环回水124 CL ① center line中心线,轴线② class类别,级别125 CLG ceiling吊顶,天花板126 CM colour mark色标127 CN construction north建北128 CO ceiling outlet吊顶送风口顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义129 Co. company公司130 coeff coefficient系数,率131 col column柱,纵行,栏,项目132 COMPR compressor压缩机133 conc concentration浓度134 concrete duct水泥风道135 cond ① condenser冷凝器,电容器② conductivity传导系数③ condens(e)(-ing,-ed,-er)冷凝(器)136 vondenser water return冷凝器回水137 condenser water supply冷凝器供水138 control valve调节阀,控制阀139 Conv convector对流器140 COP ① coefficient of performance(制冷)工作系数,性能系数顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义② center of pipe管中心141 corr correction修正,校正,改正142 CP ① calorific power发热量,热值② Canadion Patent加拿大专利③ check point检测点④ constant pressure恒压,等压143 CPLG coupling联轴节,连接,管箍144 cpm cycles per minute周每分145 c.r. continuous rating连续(额定)功率146 CPG ceiling return grille吊顶回风口147 cr.s. cross section横截面148 CS carbon steel碳钢149 CT cooling tower冷却塔150 CTR cooling tower retun冷却塔回水顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义151 CTS cooling tower supply冷却塔供水152 cu. cubic立方的,三次的153 cubic feet立方英尺154 CV ① calorific value热值,发热量② check valve止回阀,逆止阀③ constant volume定风量,定容155 CW ① cold water冷水② cooling water冷却水③ continuous welding连续焊156 CWP cooling water pump冷却水泵157 CWR cooling water return冷却回水158 CWS cooling water supply冷却供水D159 D ① degree度,程度顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义② density密度③ diameter直径④ drop降落,温度降,压力降160 decibels of sound on an A-scale在A音阶上的分贝音量161 DBT dry bulb temperature干球温度162 DC direct current直流电163 DD dual duct双风管164 def. definition定义165 deg.cent. degree centigrade摄氏度166 degree fanrenheit华氏度167 deg.K. degree Kelvin开氏度168 DET detail零年,详图169 diag diagram图表,图解,曲线图,示意图170 DIN Deutsche Industrie Norman德国工业标准顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义171 disch discharge排出,流出172 dist distribution分布,分配173 d.l.a. dust lade air含尘空气174 DN ① down下② nominal diameter公称直径175 DP ① dew point露点② differantial pressure压差,压降③ design pressure设计压力④ drain pipe排水管176 DPA days per annum每年日数177 DPT ① dew point temperature露点温度② dew point thermostat露点温控器178 dr. drain泄水,排水179 DS duct shaft竖向结构风道顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义180 DSS The Society of Domestic and SanitaryEngineering Standard美国卫生工程协会标准181 DWG drawing图纸,制图182 drawing number图号183 direct expansion coil直接膨胀管E184 E east东185 EA exhaust air排风186 EAC electrostatic air cleaner静电滤尘器187 EBP exhaust back pressure排汽背压188 ECS environmental control system环境控制系统189 ED ① edition版本,版次② exhaust duct排风管190 EDP engineering design plan工程设计方案191 EF exhaust fan排风机顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义192 eff efficiency效率193 EG exhaust air grille排风口194 EH exhaust hood排风罩195 EHP elcctric horsepower电功率196 EI ① exhaust inlet排风入口② Engineering Index工程技术文献索引(美)197 EJ expansion joint伸缩器,伸缩缝,补偿器198 EL ① exhaust loss排出损失② expansion line膨胀管199 ELB elbow弯头200 elev elevation标高,海拔,正视图201 EM engineering manual工程手册202 emg emergency事故,紧急情况203 ENCL enclosure, enclosed外壳,套,界限,封闭式的顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义204 ENGR engineering工程,设计205 EP ① explosion proof防爆② English Patent英国专利206 EPA Environmental Protection Agency环境保护局(美)207 EPR evaporator pressure regulator蒸发器压力调节器208 ERT electric resistance thermometer电阻温度计209 ESHF effective sensible heat factor有效显热系数210 est estimate估计,预算,概算211 ESV emergency stop valve紧急切断阀212 ET expansion tank膨胀水箱213 ETR evaporator temperature regulator蒸发器温度调节器214 EV ① elevator电梯② expansion valve膨胀阀215 EVAP evaporat(e)(-ing,-ed,-or)蒸发(器)顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义216 exh exhaust排气217 EXIST existing现行的,现有的218 exp expansion膨胀,增大219 ext ① extension伸长,发展,附加物② external外部的,表面的F220 F filter过滤器221 FA fresh air新鲜空气,新风222 FAI fresh air inlet通风孔,新风入口223 FC ① fire control消防② fan coil unit风机盘管224 forced draft强制通风,送风225 FD ① fire damper防火阀② floor drain地漏顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义226 FDF forced-draft-fan送风机227 FDN foundation基础228 FDW feed water供水229 F/F field faricated现场制造230 FG flue gas烟气231 FH fire hydrant消火栓232 fig figure图,插图233 FIN finish完成,成品,加工234 FL ① floor层,地板② full load全负荷,满载235 flg flange法兰,凸缘236 FOB free on board离岸价(船上交货)237 FOR fuel oil return回(燃料)油管238 FOS fuel oil supply供(燃料)油管顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义239 FP fire proof防火,耐火的240 FRP fiber reinforced plastic玻璃钢241 FRT freight运费,货运242 FS forged steel锻钢243 FTG ① fitting配件,管件,装配,组装② footing基础脚,底座脚244 FVD fire volume damper防火调节阀245 FW ① field weld现场焊接② fresh water新鲜水,淡水G246 g gas气体,煤气247 general assembly drawing总装配图248 Great Britain大不列颠,英国249 GEN generator发电机,发生器顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义250 GHC greenhouse controller温室控制器251 GHR gross heat rate总热耗252 galvanized iron镀锌薄钢板,白铁皮253 gl glass玻璃,镜254 GLV globe valve截止阀255 gor governor调节器,调速器256 gp gauge pressure表压257 German Patent德国专利258 gr grade级,度,坡度259 grad gradient梯度260 GRD ground地坪261 GRTG grating棚,格栅262 GSHF grand sensible heat factor总显热系数263 GSKT gasket垫片,密封垫顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义264 GTH grand total heat总热量265 GV gate valve闸阀266 GW gross weight总重,毛重H267 H ① hardness硬度,硬性② head高差,压头③ heat热量,加热,热④ heater加热器⑤ height高度⑥ humidity湿度⑦ humidistat恒湿器,湿度调节器268 HA hot air热风269 HC ① heating coil加热盘管② hand control手(动)控制顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义③ hose connection软管连接,软管接头270 hdbk handbook手册271 HDR header集气管,联管箱,顶盖,端板272 HE high efficiency高效273 HH handhole手孔274 HMF humidifier加湿器275 hor horizontal水平的,卧式的276 HP ① horse power马力,功率② high pressure高压277 HPAC Heating Piping & Air Conditioning美国《供热、配管、空气调节》期刊278 HR heat rate热耗率279 HRA heating,refrigerating and air-conditioning供暖制冷和空气调节280 HRD half round diffuser半圆散流器顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义281 HSD high speed duct高速风管282 h/S diagram Enthalpy/Entropy diagram焓熵图,h-S图283 heat transfer coefficient传热系数284 HTW high temperature water高温热水285 HV ① heating and ventilation供暖通风② heating value热值286 HVAC heating ventilation,air conditioning供暖通风空气调节287 HVE heating and ventilating engineer暖通工程师288 HW hot water热水289 HWP hot water pump热水泵290 HWR hot water return热水回水管291 HWS hot water supply热水供水管292 HX heat exchanger换热器293 HYDT hydraulic testing水压试验顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义294 I input输入295 IAMAP International Association ofMeteorology and Atmospheric Physics国际气象和大气物理协会296 IBR Institute of Boiler and RadiatorManufacturers锅炉和散热器制造业协会297 ID ① induced draft引风② inside diameter内径298 IDF induced-draft-fan引风机299 IDHA International District HeatingAssociation国际区域供热协会300 IG inlet grille吸风口301 ih indirect heating间接加热302 indicated horsepower指示功率303 IHVE Institute of Heating and VentilatingEngineers英国暖通工程师学会顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义304 International Institute ofRefrigeration国际制冷学会305 IL intensity level声强级306 IME Institytion of Mecnical Engineers机械工程师学会(英)307 ind indicator指示器O inches of water3082英寸水柱309 ins insulated绝热的,绝缘的310 inst installation安装设备311 INSTR instruction说明书312 INTLK intotlock连锁装置313 INTMT intermittent间歇的314 IO inlet opening吸风口315 IPS iron pipe size铸铁管径316 ISA International StandardizationAssociation国际标准化协会顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义317 ISO International AtandardizationOrganization国际标准化组织318 isoth isothermal等温的319 ISU international standard unit国际标准单位320 IT inlet temperature进口温度321 IU ① induction unit诱导器② international unit国际单位J322 Japanese Engineering StandardAssociation日本工程标准协会323 JICST Japan Information Center of Science &Technology日本科技情报中心324 JIS Japan Industrial Standard日本工业标准325 jnt joint接头,接合326 job number项目号顺序号缩写词英文全文及中文涵义K327 K heat transfer coefficient传热系数328 KB knee brace斜撑,角撑工程专用语一、问候与介绍(GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS)1 How do you do? 你好吗? (初次见面)2 How are you? 你好吗? (日常见面)3 Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢你.4 I am very well, thank you. 我很好,谢谢你.5 Good morning, Mr. Jack. 早安,杰克先生6 Good afternoon, Miss Mary. 午安,玛利小姐7 Good evening, Dr. John. 晚安,约翰博士8 Very pleased to meet you, you are welcome. 我很高兴见到你,欢迎你9 I am very glad to see you. 我很高兴见到你10 Welcome to China. 欢迎你到中国来11 Welcome to our job site. 欢迎你到我们工地来12 For our friendship and cooperation, I wish we shall have a friendlycooperation in coming days. 祝愿友谊与合作,希望今后友好共事.13 Let us work together for our common job. 让我们为共同的事业一起工作吧.14 Happy New Year! 新年快乐!15 Happy Spring Festival. 春节快乐!16 Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!17 Congratulations to your National Day! 祝贺你们的国庆节!18 Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!19 Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Li Han请允许我自我介绍,我的名字叫李汉.20 Please allow me to introduce a fellow of mine, Mr.请允许我介绍一位我的同事,某先生21 I am a manager. (project manager, resident construction manager,construction superintendent, controller, staff member, engineer,technician, economist, supervisor, foreman, worker).我是经理(项目经理,驻地总代表,工地主任,管理员,职员,工程师,技术员,经济员,检查员,工长,工人)22 I work in the SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation (SEI) finanicialDepartment(Construction Department, Project Department,).我在中石化工程建设公司财务部(施工部,项目部)工作.23 My technical specialty (speciality) is civil engineering. (chemicalengineering,process,mechanical equipment,electrical, instrumentation,piping,welding,furnace building,corrosion prevention,thermal-insulationheating ventilation,quality control).我的技术专业是土建工程(化工工艺,工艺,机械设备,电气,仪表,管道,焊接,筑炉,防腐,保温,采暧通风,质量管理)24 What's your specialty? 你的专业是什么?25 I am a mechanician (electrician, pipelayer, welder, carpenter,turner,blacksmith,builder,erector,riveter,rigger,concrete worker,enginedriver,repair worker)我是一个机械钳工(电工,管工,焊工,木工,车工,铁工,建筑工人,安装工人,铆工, 起重工,混凝土工,司机,修理工).26 What's your nationality? Are you American?(English, Japanese, German, French, Italian, Romanian)你是什么国籍的?你是美国人吗?(英国人,日本人,德国人,法国人,意大利人, 罗马尼亚人)27 What's your name? 你的名字叫什么?28 Can I have your name, please? 请问你的名字?29 What company do you work for? 你在哪家公司工作?30 Which department do you belong to? 你属于哪个部门?31 Kindly give us your advice, please. 请多指教!32 Thanks for your direction. 感谢你的指导.33 Good-bye. 再见34 See you again. 再见35 See you later. 回头见36 See you tomorrow. 明天见二.交谈语言(TALKING ABOUT LANGUAGES)37 Do you speak English? 你能讲英语吗?38 Let us talk in English? 让我们用英语交谈吧!39 I can speak English only a little,do you understand me?我只能说一点英语,你能听懂吗?40 Excuse me,sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.请原谅,我讲英语有时会出错.41 Speak slowly ,please. I intend to learn to speak English.请讲慢一点,我想学一点英语.42 I am very sorry,I can not speak English very well ,but I can readdocument in English. 我很抱歉,我的英语说得不好,但我能看懂英语资料.43 Please write down the English words of this for us.请用英文字写出来给我们看.44 Write this word in English,please. 请将这字出英文来。
HVAC系统培训资料GMP增补培训课程空气处理系统HVAC是 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning 首字母的缩写,通称为供热,通风和空气调节.空气处理系统目的理解以下内容: 1. 制药行业中空气处理系统的需求和原因;2. 3. 4.空气处理系统的技术要求; 空气处理系统的不同类型; 确认和监控要求.第一部分第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 1 of 20介绍和概况WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况2 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统影响产品质量的因素:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.空气处理系统影响产品质量的因素已验证工艺程序人员原材料和包装材料已验证的工艺人员程序设备厂房的设计和质量制造环境原材料设备包装材料如果不能充分满足以上因素,将会导致产品质量不合标准.第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 3 of 20WHO - EDM厂房环境第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况4 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统生产环境对于产品质量至关重要:1.空气处理系统什么是污染?污染是:1. 2. 3. 4. 5.照明温度湿度空气流动微生物污染微粒污染不受控制的环境会导致产品质量降级产品污染产品和利润的损失5 of 20WHO - EDM2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.所生产的产品以外的其它产品或物质外来产品微粒微生物内毒素 (微生物代谢产物之一)交叉污染是污染的一种特例.第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 6 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况空气处理系统交叉污染(1)什么是交叉污染? 交叉污染的定义: 在生产过程中,一种原材料,中间产品,成品与另外一种原材料或产品之间的污染现象. (世界卫生组织) 附件 1, 术语空气处理系统交叉污染(2)交叉污染的起源?1. 2. 3. 4.空气处理系统和除尘系统设计不当空气处理系统和除尘系统操作或保养不当人员和设备的操作程序不适当设备未充分清洁第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况7 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况8 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统交叉污染(3)来自环境/操作者自身的污染物污染来自设备的污染物空气处理系统交叉污染(4)可以通过以下方法可将交叉污染降到最少:1. 2. 3. 4.人员的行为规范足够的厂房面积采用密闭式生产系统恰当并且经过验证的清洁方法适当的产品保护正确的气压气流分布10 of 20WHO - EDM来自环境/操作者自身的产品交叉污染来自设备的产品5. 6.第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况9 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况空气处理系统保护等级的概念1.空气处理系统确定环境要求帮助防止污染和交叉污染使产品处于最佳的卫生环境重视产品对污染的敏感程度治疗风险生产环境要求其它级洁净等级级 C 洁净等级 A/B 级2. 3. 4.洁净等级 D治疗风险第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 11 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况12 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统保护等级几个参数:1.空气处理系统保护等级洁净厂房等级分类: 国际WHO 国家EC,PIC/S,TGA等US FDA ISPE 企业附件1, 17.3, 17.4 附件1, 17.3, 17.4空气洁净度要求 (过滤器类型和位置,空气换气次数,气流形式,差压,微粒和微生物的污染等级) 人流和物流方法生产操作允许的洁净等级建筑物的设计和装饰A,B,C,D A,B,C,D 重要的和受控的 1,2,3级或洁净区等级不尽相同2. 3. 4.第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况13 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况14 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统保护等级制药设施内的所有运行与洁净厂房的洁净等级是密切相关的,并一起纳入了卫生概念之中. 例如:容器的清洗最终灭菌产品的溶液配置无菌灌装产品的溶液配置容器的去热原处理最终灭菌产品的灌装无菌产品的灌装其它 X X X X X X X空气处理系统保护等级根据洁净厂房的洁净级别要求,必须建立不同的保护等级,其中包括: 工艺操作和洁净级别的关联性在各保护等级区内允许的操作类型洁净厂房的洁净等级A B C D X洁净厂房的洁净级别定义(参数,建筑材料,房间要求,空调系统) 在不同级别的洁净厂房内,人员和物料的要求(服装,培训,物料类型等) 人员和物料入口状态的要求(更衣的步骤)附件 1, 17.3, 17.4, 17.515 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况16 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统影响保护等级的参数(1)空气处理系统空气处理系统影响保护等级的参数(2)1 2 3 4空气中的微粒数空气中和设备表面上的微生物数量每个房间的换气次数空气流速气流形态过滤器 (类型,位置) 房间之间的差压温湿度18 of 20WHO - EDM送风有确定要求的生产房间排风5 6 7附件 1, 17.48第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况17 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况空气处理系统影响保护等级的参数(3)空气处理系统影响保护等级的参数(4)按关键参数定义的洁净厂房等级空气处理系统: 是达到所需参数的主要工具但是仅仅有它还不够完整还必需附加一些措施适当的更衣(衣服的类型,合适的更衣间) 经验证的清洁和消毒处理程序合适的人员和物料传输程序附件 1, 17.10 至 17.16空气处理系统附加措施第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况19 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况20 of 20WHO - EDMGMP增补培训课程空气处理系统HVAC是 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning 首字母的缩写,通称为供热,通风和空气调节.空气处理系统空气处理系统的目的空气处理系统第二部分第3 章第二部分:构成 21 of 20构成WHO - EDM送风具有规定要求的生产房间排风第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况22 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统目的通过以下内容,我们来学习空气处理系统的构成:1. 2. 3. 排风空气处理系统主要的子系统熟悉系统构成了解它们的功能知道可能的问题空气处理单元补充新风+ 生产房间末端空气处理生产房间第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况23 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况24 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统构造概况排风格栅消音器流量控制器风机过滤器空气处理系统构件(1)防水百叶风口防止昆虫,树叶,灰尘和雨水进入降低空气循环/气流产生的噪声自动调整风量(根据昼夜,压力等来控制) 固定的风量调节阀防水百叶风口控制风阀加热器消声器末端过滤器+预过滤器加湿器流量控制器控制风阀冷盘管及二级过滤器挡水板热盘管再循环空气生产房间第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况25 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况26 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统构件(2)加热单元制冷单元/ 除湿器加湿器过滤器风管加热空气到适当温度冷却空气到要求的温度或除去空气中的水分流速控制器控制风阀加湿器如果空气湿度太低,将空气加到适当湿度冷盘管除去预定尺寸的颗粒和/或微生物过滤器输送空气风管27 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统部件常出现的问题堵塞调节不良,压差系统不正常水/汽质量不好/排水不畅不能去除空气露水/排水不畅选用等级不正确/损坏/安装不当不适当的材料/内部保温处的泄漏第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况28 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统空气类型粒子数 / 立方米空气处理系统国际洁净区级别比较US 209D 英制≥ 0 .5 m 1 3 ,5 10 35 100 353 1 .0 0 0 3 .5 3 0 US 209E 1992 公制欧盟 cG M P 附件 I 1997 德国 VDI 2083 1990 英国 BS 5295 1989 日本 J IS B 9920 1989 IS O 1 4 6 4 4 -10 1 10 100 M M M M M M 1 1 .5 2 2 .5 3 3 .5 1 2 A, BA= 单向流 B= 乱流2 3 4 E or F 52 3 4 5新风 (补充新风)送风+排风3生产房间回风再循环1 0 .0 0 0 3 5 .3 0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0 3 5 3 .0 0 0 1 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 3 .5 3 0 .0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 01 .0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0M M M M M M M4 4 .5 5 5 .56 6 .5 74 C D5 6G or H J K6 7 86 7 8第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况29 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况30 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统过滤器分类标准空气过滤器气溶胶测试F9空气处理系统过滤器的分类(按照过滤效率划分)平均效率整体效率捕获率% 穿透率85 95 99.5 99.95 99.995 0.15 0.05 5x10-3 5x10-4 5x10-5 97.5 99.75 99.975 25x10-3 25x10-4 25x10-5 最大捕捉率逐点效率效率穿透率初效Dp > 10 m中效10 m > Dp > 1 m高效Dp < 1 m超高效H11 H12G1 - G4F5 - F9H 11 - 13U 14- 17H13 U14EN 779 标准EN 1822 标准第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况31 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况32 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统加湿器高效/第三级过滤器空气处理系统消音器加热和冷却单元初效平板式过滤器中效/第二级过滤器第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 33 of 20 WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况34 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统1 2空气处理系统带终端过滤器的漩流型散流器空气流量调节阀潮湿的房间空气吸附轮干空气AHU风机的变速控制器3 4再生空气潮湿的房间空气过滤器压差表空气加热器除湿机第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 35 of 20空气处理单元WHO - EDM1 2 3 4过滤器固定框架通风口通风口大小调节螺丝36 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况空气处理系统办公用柯恩达效应散流器漩流散流器空气处理系统房间压力调整-压差概念减少诱导气流诱导房间空气与送风混合回风回风回风回风房间压力表高诱导办公型散流器 (避免)第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 37 of 20 低诱导漩流型散流器 (首选)WHO - EDM房间压力表面板附录 1, 17.26第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 38 of 20 WHO - EDM空气处理系统注射剂压力梯度的设置以防止微粒和微生物的进入1#房间1#房间30 Pa 60 Pa空气处理系统固体制剂压力梯度的设置以防止交叉污染2#房间15 Pa3#房间15 Pa2#房间3#房间45 Pa15 PaLFD气闸室45 Pa气闸室B C气闸室气闸室气闸室30 Pa15 Pa 30 PaD过道气闸室0 PaE0 Pa 15 Pa过道备注:房门开启方向与压差有关附件1, 17.24, 17.25WHO - EDM备注: 房门开启方向与压差有关第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况39 of 20第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况40 of 20WHO - EDMHongwu Guo: Hongwu Guo: Hongwu Guo: Hongwu Guo:GMP增补培训课程空气处理系统Hongwu Guo: Hongwu Guo:空气处理系统空气处理系统特性在下面内容中,我们将学习空气处理系统的一些要点: 乱流和单向流过滤器位置空气再循环与新风回风系统(位置) 正压要求HVAC是英文 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning 首字母的缩写, 通称为供热,通风和空气调节.第三部分第3 章第三部分:设计,确认和维护设计,确认和维护41 of 27WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况42 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统气流组织方式(1)乱流稀释玷污的空气单向流/层流置换玷污的空气空气处理系统气流组织方式(2)净化空气进入生产房间或覆盖生产过程时可以是: 乱流单向流(层流) GMP方面经济方面新技术:隔离器技术0,30 m/s附件 1, 17.3第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 43 of 20WHO - EDM附件 1, 17.3, 17.4第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 44 of 20 WHO - EDM空气处理系统气流组织方式(3)预过滤器附件 1, 17.3空气处理系统气流组织方式(4)工作台(垂直层流) 通风柜吊顶安装空气处理单元主过滤器123乱流单向流乱流第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况45 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况46 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统过滤器安装位置(1)空气处理单元内安装的末道过滤器终端过滤器高效过滤器空气处理系统过滤器安装位置(2)预过滤器空气处理单元主过滤器 +1生产房间高效过滤器生产房间吊顶排风口 2 3低位排风口第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 47 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况48 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统过滤器安装位置(3)空气处理单元预过滤器终过滤器空气处理系统空气再循环送入生产房间的净化空气可以被: 100% 排放一定比例再循环GMP方面经济方面附件 1, 15.10, 17.24149 of 202WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况50 of 20空气处理系统100%新风通风系统(无空气再循环)排风机组清洗设备(可选) 排风机组空气处理系统再循环风+新风的通风系统W中央空气处理机组生产车间中央空气处理机组附件 1, 17.24第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 51 of 20WHO - EDM回风第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况 52 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统状态定义空态空气空气处理系统确认/验证要点动态好的设计是基本的,但是还必须补充以下部分:空气静态空气空气处理系统确认生产过程验证维护和周期性再验证足够的支持文档第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况53 of 20第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况54 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统(OQ,PQ)确认(1)测试过滤器压差房间压差气流速率/均匀性流量 / 总量平行性气流形态 IQ 测试未在此提及 2 N/A 2, 3 2 2 2 单向流 / LAF 2 2, 3 可选 2 N/A 3 1 = 空态 (执行IQ) 2 = 静态 (执行OQ) 3 = 动态 (执行PQ) 恢复时间房间级别 (空气微粒) 温度湿度测试乱流/ 混合流描述空气处理系统(OQ,PQ)确认(2)单向流 / LAF N/A 2 N/A 2乱流/ 混合流 1 = 空态 (执行IQ) 2 = 静态 (执行OQ) 3 = 动态 (执行PQ)描述2,3 2,3附件 1, 17. 4附件 1, 17. 4IQ 测试未在本页中提及第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况55 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况56 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统微生物验证1. 2. 3.空气处理系统洁净室监控程序(1)洁净室要监测微生物和空气微粒行动限定义洁净区域报警/行动界限确定和标记采样点定义运输,储存和培养条件行动限报警限报警限空气请考虑此问题:"何为报警和行动界限, 如果这些限制点被超过要采取哪些行动? "设计条件正常运行范围运行范围-经验证的可接受标准采样点第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况57 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况58 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统洁净室监控程序(2)日常的检测程序是质量保证的一部分附加的监控和行动条件1. 2. 3. 4.空气处理系统洁净室维护程序(1)证明持续符合的测试时间表测试参数微粒计数测试洁净度 A, B <= ISO 5 C, D > ISO 5 所有级别所有级别最大时间间隔 6月 12 月 12 月 12 月测试程序 ISO 14644 -1 附录 A ISO 14644 -1 附录 A ISO 14644 -1 附录 B5 ISO 14644 -1 附录 B4停机过滤器元件更换空调系统维护超过既定的界限压差测试空气流量测试附件 1, 17.37第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况59 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况60 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统洁净室维护程序(2)附加可选测试时间表测试参数已安装过滤器的泄漏测试密闭性泄漏测试恢复气流可视化测试洁净度所有级别所有级别所有级别所有级别最大间隔 24 月 24 月 24 月 24 月测试程序 ISO 14644-1 附录 B6 ISO 14644-1 附录 B4 ISO 14644-1 附录 B13 ISO 14644-1 附录 B7空气处理系统文件要求安装和功能描述技术规范明细操作程序性能控制手册维修手册和档案维护记录人员培训 (计划和记录)第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况61 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况62 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统检查空气处理设备1.空气处理系统结论空气处理系统: 在制药质量方面扮演主要角色必须有专业人员进行合理设计必须作为重要系统对待检查设计文件,包括:安装和功能描述要求的详细说明2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.操作程序维修手册维修记录培训日志环境记录数值超限后的纠偏行动讨论巡视整个工厂63 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况64 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统进一步行动完成了一系列的解释,现在要做的是: 小组讨论,做一个简单练习测验气闸室1 风淋室仓库取样间空气处理系统小组讨论服务走廊(包含真空和RO水供应)气闸室2称重间压片间1压片间2液体混合间软胶囊包装级区走廊应急出口男更衣室2 无菌滴眼液配料和无菌灌装女更衣室2 已包装产品隔离间滴眼液 2级人员入口内外包装气闸室3设备清洗间男更衣室1女更衣室1气闸室4服务间第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况65 of 20WHO - EDM第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况66 of 20WHO - EDM空气处理系统小组讨论–调整后的平面布局20Pa取样室0Pa 30Pa服务走廊(包含真空和RO水供应) 30Pa风淋室20Pa 10Pa称量间传递间20Pa 30Pa仓库0Pa物料缓冲1ISO 9级或 E级区物料缓冲2压片间115Pa压片间215Pa液体混合间30Pa软胶囊包装气闸室15Pa 30Pa级区走廊应急出口人员缓冲物料缓冲340Pa 40Pa20Pa20Pa男更衣室2女更衣室210Pa无菌滴眼液配料和无菌灌装10Pa 10Pa 60Pa已包装产品隔离间外包装20Pa内包装30Pa15Pa物料缓冲450Pa更衣室50Pa设备清洗间男更衣室1女更衣室1气闸室0Pa服务间0Pa0Pa第3 章第一部分:介绍和概况67 of 20WHO - EDM。
IMO(Intergovernmental Maritime Organization)国际海事组织IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization)国际海事质询组织International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社协会ABS(American Bureau of Shipping) 美国船级社BV(Bureau Veritas) 法国船级社Lloyd's Register of shipping 英国劳埃德船级社RINA(Registo Italiano Navade) 意大利船级社Load Line Convention 载重线公约Lloyd's Rules 劳埃德规范Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船Supervision of the Society's surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表BSRA 英国船舶研究协会HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程CAPP(computer -aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部advance coefficient 进速系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar/plate 角钢angle of attack 攻角angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船base line 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板爱beam knee 横梁肘板bearing 轴承bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli's law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船,双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow's nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量)design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力爱dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drill ship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/after perpendicular 艏/艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架frame spacing 肋骨间距freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁爱gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨,short for GT)group technology 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖(板)hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HV AC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的icebreaker 破冰船immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipment (向水中)投放设备leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向棱形系数longitudinal strength 总纵强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距ipitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架爱propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器9 rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder horn 挂舵臂rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数section 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shaft coupling 联轴节shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft/forward 艉/艏舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线,纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway/slipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板sloping bottom plate of topside tank 顶边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板爱stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面预处理与喷涂surge 纵荡sway 横荡yaw 首摇surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tender 交通小艇timber carrier 木材运输船tugboat 拖船tee T型构件,三通管tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉/艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率LCC 大型原油轮ULCC 超级大型原油轮VLCC 巨型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性V oith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器vortex 梢涡v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板welder 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁--。
HVAC是Heating, Ve...HVAC是Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 的英⽂缩写,就是供热通风与空⽓调节。
空⽓调节系统,是包含温度、湿度、空⽓清净度以及空⽓循环的控制系统,被称为HVAC(英语:Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Cooling)。
历史 在超过⼀千年前,波斯已发明⼀种古式的空⽓调节系统,利⽤装置于屋顶的风杆,以外⾯的⾃然风穿过凉⽔并吹⼊室内,令室内的⼈感到凉快。
19世纪,英国科学家及发明家麦可·法拉第(Michael Faraday),发现压缩及液化某种⽓体可以将空⽓冷冻,此现象出现在液化氨⽓蒸发时,当时其意念仍流于理论化。
1842年,佛罗⾥达州医⽣约翰·哥⾥(John Gorrie)以压所落成的新⼤楼设有中央空调。
⼀名新泽西州Hoboken的⼯程师Alfred Wolff协助设计此崭新的空⽓调节系统,并把技术由纺织⼚迁移⾄商业⼤厦,他被认为是令⼯作环境变得凉快的先驱之⼀。
确定可能导致堆芯损坏或早期大量释放的始发事件、安全功能、 系统失效或成功的组合的过程。 电厂运行工况,其特征是反应堆处于临界且产生功率,重要的安 全系统的自动触发信号没有被隔离,必要的支持系统处于正常功 率运行组态。 不可用度的补。
Initiating event, IE
离终止。V-LOCA 的发生通常是由于与一回路相联的低压系统因
Large early release 单位时间内(通常为堆年)发生早期大量释放的预计次数。
frequency, LERF
Accident sequence
Accident sequence
At power
Basic event
共因故障 7 Common cause failure
一、采暖术语标准中英文对照:1. 供暖系统:heating system2. 暖通空调:heating ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC)3. 热力:thermal energy4. 采暖:heating5. 传热:heat transfer6. 燃气采暖:gas heating7. 热泵采暖:heat pump heating8. 暖气片:radiator9. 电采暖:electric heating10. 中央空调:central air conditioning二、通风术语标准中英文对照:1. 通风机:ventilator or fan2. 通风系统:ventilation system3. 排气扇:exhaust fan4. 送风口:air outlet, air diffuser5. 归风口:air intake6. 变风量系统:Variable Air Volume System(VAV)7. 新风机组:fresh air handling unit8. 正压通风:positive pressure ventilation9. 负压通风:negative pressure ventilation 10. 局部通风系统:local exhaust ventilation system三、空气调节术语标准中英文对照:1. 空气调节:air conditioning2. 温度:temperature3. 湿度:humidity4. 压力:pressure5. 风量:air volume6. 空气过滤器:air filter7. 空气处理单元:AHU (Air Handling Unit)8. 冷却塔:cooling tower 9. 风管:air duct 10. 避免凝露:prevent condensation总结:本文介绍了一些采暖通风与空气调节术语标准中英文对照,这些术语在实际应用中非常重要。
HVAC TermsABSOLUTE HUMIDITYThe weight of water vapor in a given amount of air.Grains per cubic foot or lbs water per cubic foot airABSOLUTE PRESSUREPressure measured with a base of zero.ABSOLUTE TEMPERATUREA temperature scale expressed in degrees F0 or C0 using absolute zero as a base. Referred to as the Rankin or Kelvin scale.ABSOLUTE ZEROThe temperature at which molecular activity theoretically ceases. -456.69 F0 or -273.16 C0AIR CONDITIONINGThe process of controlling the temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution of the air. AIRFLOWThe distribution or movement of air.AIR HANDLING UNIT (AHU)Equipment with a heating element and/or cooling coil and other components in a cabinet or casing.AIR BALANCINGAdjusting an air conditioning system so that the right amount of air is delivered to the right places in your home in order to achieve the right heating or cooling effect.AIR BALANCE TESTA test used to measure airflow across a tower or air handler system.AIR, STANDARD CONDITIONSConditions at which BTU ratings for summer air conditioning equipment is rated. 95 F0 dry bulb, 75 F0wet bulb at the condenser inlet and 80 F0 dry bulb, 67 F0 wet bulb at the evaporator inlet. AMPThe practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electric current that is equivalent to a flow of one coulomb per second or to the steady current produced by one volt applied across a resistance of one ohm.AMBIENTRefers to the temperature surrounding a body or unit under test.ARIAir Conditioning and Refrigeration InstituteATMOSPHERIC PRESSUREThe weight of a 1 square inch column of the earth's atmosphere. At sea level this pressure is 14.696 pounds per square inch.BIMETALTwo metals with different rates of expansion fastened together. When heated or cooled they will warp and can be made to open or close a switch or valve.BOILING POINTThe temperature at which the addition of any heat will begin a change of state from a liquid to a vapor.BRITISH THERMAL UNIT (BTU)The amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of 1 pound of pure water 1 degree Fahrenheit (o F).Btuh: British thermal units per hour.MBH: 1000 British thermal units/hourCAPILLARY TUBEA refrigerant control consisting of a small diameter tube which controls flow by restriction. They are carefully sized by inside diameter and length for each particular application. CENTIGRADEA temperature scale with the freezing point of water 00 and the boiling point 1000 at sea level. CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMSystem in which air is treated at a central location and distributed to and from rooms by one or more fans and a series of ducts.CFMStands for Cubic Feet per Minute. This measurement indicates how many cubic feet of air pass by a stationary point in one minute. The higher the number, the more air is being moved through the ductwork by the system.CHECK VALVEA valve designed to permit flow in one direction only.CHILLED WATERChill water is the water in the closed loop (closed to the atmosphere) or evaporator system of the chiller.COMPRESSIONThe reduction of volume of a vapor or gas by mechanical means.COMPRESSION RATIOThe ratio determined by dividing the discharge pressure, in PSI, by the suction pressure in PSI. COMPRESSORA mechanical device used to compress gases. Three main types are: reciprocating, centrifugal and rotary.CONDENSATION POINTThe temperature at which the removal of any heat will begin a change of state from a vapor to a liquid.CONDENSING MEDIUMThe substance, usually air or water, to which the heat in a condenser is transferred. CONDENSING UNITThe portion of a refrigeration system where the compression and condensation of refrigerant is accomplished. Sometimes referred to as the 'high side'.CONDUCTIONThe transfer of heat from molecule to molecule within a substance.CONTACTORAn electromagnetic actuated relay. Usually used to refer to the relay which closes the circuit to a compressor.CONVECTIONThe transfer of heat by a moving fluid.COOLING ANTICIPATORA resistance heater (usually not adjustable) in parallel with the cooling circuit. It is 'on' when the current is 'off", adding heat to shorten the off cycle.COPRatio of work performed or accomplished as compared to the energy used.COILA heating or cooling element made of pipe or tubing, usually with plates or fins.CRANKCASE HEATERElectric heating element that is used to heat the compressor crankcase to prevent migrating refrigerant from condensing and diluting the crankcase oil during the off-cycle.CUBIC FEET PER MINUTEA common means of assigning quantitative values to volumes of air in transit, usually abbreviated CFM.CYCLEThe complete course of operation of a refrigerant back to a selected starting point in a system. Also used to describe alternating current through 360 space degrees.DAMPERA movable plate, located in the ductwork, that regulates airflow. Dampers are used to direct air to the areas that need it most. Typically used in a zoning application.dBA decibel is a unit used to measure the relative intensity of sound.DEHUMIDIFIERA device that removes excess moisture from the air.DENSITYMass or weight per unit of volume. For example, standard air = .075 pounds per cubic foot. DISCHARGE LINEA tube used to convey the compressed refrigerant vapor from the compressor to the condenser inlet.DISCHARGE PRESSUREThe pressure read at the compressor outlet. Also called head pressure or high side pressure. DRY AIRAir which contains no moisture vapor.DRY BULB TEMPERATURETemperature read with an ordinary thermometer.DUCTWORKThe method by which air is channeled from the furnace or the blower coil throughout your home. EFFECTIVE TEMPERATUREAn arbitrary concept which combines into a single value the effect of temperature, humidity, and air movement as sensed by the human body.ENTHALPYTotal amount of heat in one pound of a substance calculated from accepted temperature base, expressed in BTU's per pound mass.EQUIVALENT LENGTHThat length of straight tubing which has the same pressure drop as the fitting, valve or accessory (of the same nominal size) being considered.EVAPORATIVE COOLINGThe cooling effect of vaporization of a liquid in a moving air stream.EVAPORATORA device in which a liquid refrigerant is vaporized. Some superheating usually takes place. EVAPORATOR SUPERHEATThe actual temperature of the refrigerant vapor at the evaporator exit as compared to the saturated vapor temperature indicated by the suction pressure.EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSUREThe sum of the static and velocity pressures of a moving air system at the point of measurement. FAHRENHEITA temperature scale with the freezing point of water 320 F and the boiling point 2120 F at sea level. FEET PER MINUTEA term assigned to a velocity of a moving air stream, usually express FPM.FILTER-DRIERA device that removes moisture, acid and foreign matter from the refrigerant.FLASH GASInstantaneous evaporation of some liquid refrigerant at the metering device due to pressure drop which cools the remaining liquid refrigerant to desired evaporation temperature.FREEZING POINTThe temperature at which the removal of any heat will begin a change of state from a liquid to a solid.GAUGE PRESSUREPressure measured with atmospheric pressure as a base.HEATA form of energy causing the agitation of molecules within a substance.HEAT EXCHANGERA device for the transfer of heat energy from the source to the conveying medium.HEAT FLOWHeat flows from a warmer to a cooler substance. The rate depends upon the temperature difference, the area exposed and the type of material.HEAT OF COMPRESSIONThe heat added to a vapor by the work done on it during compression.HEAT OF THE LIQUIDThe increase in total heat (Enthalpy) per pound of a saturated liquid as its temperature is increased above a chosen base temperature. (Usually - 400F for refrigerants). It is expressed in BTU's.HEAT TRANSFERThe three methods of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.HUMIDIFIERAn indoor air quality device that introduces moisture to heated air as it passes from the furnace into the ductwork for distribution throughout the home.HUMIDISTATAn automatic device used to maintain humidity at a fixed or adjustable set point.HVACHeating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.INCHES OF MERCURY - Atmospheric pressure is equal to 29.92 inches of mercury. INFILTRATIONAir that enters your home through holes, gaps, and cracks, (e.g., plumbing or electrical holes, the heating and air conditioning system, doors, and windows).LATENT HEATHeat that produces a change of state without a change in temperature; i.e., ice to water at 32 F0 or water to steam at 212 F0 .LATENT HEAT OF CONDENSATIONThe amount of heat energy in BTU's that must be removed to change the state of one pound of a vapor to one pound of liquid at the same temperature.LATENT HEAT OF FUSIONThe amount of heat energy, in BTU's required to change the state of one pound of a liquid to one pound of solid at the same temperature.LATENT HEAT OF MELTINGThe amount of heat energy, in BTU'S, that must be removed to change the state of one pound of solid to one pound of vapor at the same temperature.LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATIONThe amount of heat energy in BTU's required to change the state of one pound of a liquid to one pound of vapor at the same temperature.LIFTTo elevate a fluid from one level to a higher level.LIQUID LINEA tube used to convey the liquid refrigerant from the condenser outlet to the refrigerant control device of the evaporator.LOAD CALCULATIONA mathematical determination of how much cooling and heating (BTUs) an HVAC system must deliver for occupant safety and comfort. It is based on a variety of factors: square footage, building orientation, number of occupants, size and placement of rooms, number and size of windows and doors, amount of insulation, number of floors, and climate.MANOMETERA tube filled with a liquid used to measure pressures.MBHOne MBH is equivalent to 1,000 BTU's per hour.MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCESThe mean of difference between the temperature of a fluid receiving and a fluid yielding heat. MELTING POINTThe temperature at which the addition of any heat will begin a change of state from a solid to a liquid.MERCURY MANOMETERUsed to measure vacuum in inches of mercury.MOLLIER DIAGRAMA Diagram describing the phase characteristics of a fluid such as steam or refrigerant. MUFFLERDevice installed in hot gas line to silence discharge surges.OIL SEPARATORA device for separating out oil entrained in the discharge gas from the compressor and returning it to the crankcase.PARTIAL PRESSUREThe pressure exerted by any individual gas in a mixture.PITCHThe slope of a pipe line for the purpose of improving drainage.PITOT TUBEA device comprising a small diameter orifice projecting directly into an air stream measuring total pressure and surrounded by an annular section with small diameter entrances normal to the flow, measuring static pressure; both sections are usually connected to a manometer to indicate velocity pressure.PRECHARGED LINESRefrigerant line's which are filled with refrigerant and are sealed at both ends. The seals are broken when the lines are installed and the line charge becomes part of the total system charge. PRESSURE DROPThe decrease in pressure due to friction of a fluid or vapor as it passes through a tube or ductor/and lift.PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RELATIONSHIPThe change effected in temperature when pressure is changed or vice versa. Only used at saturated conditions. An increase in pressure results in a temperature increase. A decrease in temperature results in a pressure decrease.PUMPDOWNProcess of pumping refrigerant out of the evaporator and suction line at the end of the on- cycle by closing a solenoid valve in the liquid line and letting the compressor shut-off by the low pressure control.PSYCHROMETERA devices having both a dry and wet bulb thermometer. It is used to determine the relative humidity in a conditioned space. Most have an indexed scale to allow direct conversion from the temperature readings to the percentage of relative humidity.PSYCHROMETRIC CHARTA chart on which can be found the properties of air under varying conditions of temperature,water vapor content, volume, etc.QUICK CONNECTName given to the end connections on precharged lines which screw on to mated fittings of the outdoor and indoor sections. Tightening the quick connections ruptures the seals on the fittings and the line charge becomes part of the total system charge.RADIATIONThe transfer of heat without an intervening medium. It is absorbed on contact with a solid surface. RECEIVERA vessel for holding refrigerant liquefied by the condenser.REFRIGERANTA substance which produces a refrigerating effect while expanding or vaporizing. REFRIGERANT CONTROLA device used to meter the amount of refrigerant to an evaporator. It also serves as a dividing point between the high and low pressure sides of the system.REFRIGERANT DISTRIBUTORA device which meters equal quantities of refrigerant to independent circuits in the evaporator coil. REFRIGERANT MIGRATIONThe movement of refrigerant through the system to the compressor crankcase during the off-cycle, caused by its attraction to oil.REFRIGERANT OPERATING CHARGEThe total amount of refrigerant required by a a system for correct operation.REFRIGERANT VELOCITYThe rate at which refrigerant is moving at a given point in a system, usually given in feet per minute (FPM).REFRIGERATIONThe transfer of heat from a place where it is not wanted to a place where its presence is not desirable.REFRIGERATION EFFECTThe amount of heat a given quantity of refrigerant will absorb in changing from a liquid to a vapor at a given evaporating pressure.RELATIVE HUMIDITYThe percentage of water vapor present in a given quantity air compared to the amount it can hold at its temperature.RELAYA device used to open and close an electrical circuit. The relay may may be actuated by a bimetal electrically heated strip, a rod wrapped with a fine resistance wire causing expansion when energized, a bellows actuated by expansion of a fluid or gas or an electromagnetic coil.REVERSING VALVEA device in a heat pump that is electrically controlled to reverse the flow of refrigerant as the system is switched from cooling to heating; also called a four-way valve.RETURN, RETURN AIR, RETURN SIDEThe path the air takes to get to an air-handling unit or furnace so it can be cooled or heated. It is the “return” path.The return side should be “balanced” with the supply side to ensure proper air flow and comfort.RISERA vertical tube or pipe which carries refrigerant in any form from a lower to a higher level.SATURATED VAPORVapor in contact with a liquid.SATURATIONA condition of stable equilibrium of a vapor and a liquid. SENSIBLE HEATHeat that can be measured or felt. Sensible heat always causes a temperature rise.SIGHT GLASSA glass installed in the liquid line permitting visual inspection of the liquid refrigerant for the purpose of detecting vapor in the liquid. They also generally have a device included to monitor moisture content of the refrigerant.SLUGGINGA condition in which a quantity of liquid enters the compressor causing hammering and possible compressor damage.SPECIFIC HEATThe amount of heat necessary to change the temperature of one pound of a substance 10 F.SPECIFIC VOLUMEThe volume of a substance per unit of mass; i.e., standard air 13.33 cubic feet per pound. The reciprocal of density.STANDARD AIR DENSITY0.075 pounds per cubic foot. Equivalent to dry air at 700 F and at sea level pressure.STATE CONDITIONSubstances can exist in three states - solid, liquid or vapor.STATIC PRESSUREThe normal force per unit area at a small hole in the wall of a duct.STATIC TAPA means by which static pressures of a duct system may be read directly, usually consisting of a small diameter hole in the side of the duct connected to a manometer.SUB COOLINGCooling of a liquid, at a constant pressure, below the point at which it was condensed. SUBLIMATIONA condition where a substance changes from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid. SUCTION LINEA tube used to convey the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator outlet to the suction inlet of compressor.SUCTION LINE ACCUMULATORA device located in the suction line that intercepts quantities of a liquid refrigerant and thereby prevents damage to the compressor.SUPERHEATHeat added to a vapor after all liquid has been vaporized.TEMPERATUREA measurement of heat intensity.SPLIT SYSTEMA two-component heating and cooling (heat pump) or cooling only (air conditioner) system. The condensing unit is installed outside, the air handling unit is installed inside (preferably in conditioned space). Refrigerant lines and wiring connect them together.SUPPLY or SUPPLY SIDEThe part of an HVAC system that takes (supplies) the conditioned air from the air-handling unit or furnace to your home. The supply side should be “balanced” with the return side to ensure proper air flow and comfort.THERMISTORBasically a semiconductor which has electrical resistance that varies inversely with temperature. THERMOSTATA bimetal actuated switch to close and open a circuit to indicate or terminate operation of a heating or air conditioning system.THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVERefrigerant control which monitors the flow rate according to the superheat at the evaporator outlet.THERMOSTAT SUBBASEWhen installed with a thermostat it permits selection of function for heating, cooling, automatic changeover and blower cycling or continuous operation.TON OF REFRIGERATIONThe amount of heat necessary to completely melt one ton of 320F ice in 24 hours. 200 BTUs per minute, 12,000 BTUs per hour, 288,000 BTUs in 24 hours. This is based on the latent heat of fusion for ice which is 144 BTUs per pound.TOTAL HEAT (Enthalpy)Total heat energy in a substance. The sum of sensible and latent heat.TOTAL PRESSUREThe sum of all partial pressures in a mixture of gases.TRAPA depression or dip in refrigerant piping in which oil will collect. A trap may be placed at the base of a suction or hot gas riser to improve oil return up the riser.VACUUMAny pressure below atmospheric pressure.VAPOR BARRIERThe term applied to an impervious layer of material superimposed upon a layer of insulation. Vapor barriers are always applied on the warm side of the insulation layer.VAPOR PRESSUREThe pressure exerted by vapor.VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE (VFD)Automated speed control for electric motors like fans, pumps and centrifugal chillers for precise control and energy savingsVELOCITY PRESSUREIn a moving fluid, the pressure capable of causing an equivalent velocity as applied to move the same fluid through an orifice such that all pressure energy expanded is converted into kinetic energy.WATER MANOMETERUsed to measure pressure in inches of water.WET BULB TEMPERATURETemperature read with a thermometer whose bulb is encased in a wetted wick.ZONES, ZONED SYSTEM, ZONINGA single HVAC system that can meet different heating and cooling needs in different areas (zones). Each zone of a home has its own thermostat with which it can regulate the temperature and humidity in its area. One “zoned air conditioner” could be set for a high temperature in one zone and for a lower temperature in the other zone. Zone systems have two or more zones.。
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WHO 937 Annex 附件2Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms在GMP的基础上补充指导药剂生产的供暖,通风,空调系统的指导条例。
1. Introduction 介绍2. Scope of document 文本范围3. Glossary 术语表4. Protection 保护4.1 Products and personnel 产品和人员4.2 Air filtration 空气过滤4.3 Unidirectional airflow 单向空气流4.4 Infiltration 渗透4.5 Cross-contamination 交叉污染4.6 Temperature and relative humidity 温度和相对湿度5. Dust control 固体颗粒污染物控制6. Protection of the environment 环境保护6.1 Dust in exhaust air 排气中的固体颗粒6.2 Fume removal 烟尘的祛除7. Systems and components 系统和构造7.1 General 概论7.2 Recirculation system 循环系统7.3 Full fresh air systems 送风系统8. Commissioning, qualification and maintenance 运转,资格和维护8.1 Commissioning 运转8.2 Qualification 资格8.3 Maintenance 维护References 文献451. Introduction 介绍Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) play an important role in ensuring the manufacture of quality pharmaceutical products. A well designed HV AC system will also provide comfortable conditions for operators.加热,通风,空调(HVAC)系统在保证药品质量的生产上起着至关重要的作用。
暖通专业常用术语中英文对照暖通专业常用术语中英文对照(English-Chinese Terminologies in HVAC)在建筑工程中,暖通专业负责建筑物的空气调节、采暖、通风、空调、管道等方面的设计和施工工作。
1. 空气调节(Air Conditioning)1.1 空气调节系统(Air Conditioning System)1.2 中央空调系统(Central Air Conditioning System)1.3 分体式空调(Split Air Conditioner)1.4 多联机空调(Multi-Split Air Conditioner)1.5 窗式空调(Window Air Conditioner)1.6 壁挂式空调(Wall Mounted Air Conditioner)1.7 水冷式空调(Water Cooled Air Conditioner)1.8 空气源热泵(Air Source Heat Pump)1.9 地源热泵(Ground Source Heat Pump)1.10 风柜(Air Handling Unit,AHU)1.11 风管(Air Duct)2. 采暖(Heating)2.1 输配热系统(Heat Distribution System)2.2 水暖系统(Hydronic System)2.3 电暖系统(Electric Heating System)2.4 辐射采暖器(Radiant Heater)2.5 热泵采暖(Heat Pump Heating)2.6 锅炉(Boiler)2.7 热水器(Water Heater)3. 通风(Ventilation)3.1 通风系统(Ventilation System)3.2 自然通风(Natural Ventilation)3.3 强制通风(Mechanical Ventilation)3.4 关闭式通风系统(Closed Ventilation System)4. 管道(Piping)4.1 硬质管道(Rigid Pipes)4.2 管道系统(Piping System)4.3 排水系统(Drainage System)4.4 防火管道(Fire Protection Piping)4.5 吸声管道(Silenced Piping)以上是暖通专业中常用的一些术语,但并不是全面的。
HVAC专业词汇表Chinese EnglishA声级A-weighted sound pressure level 安全阀pressure relief valve安全阀safety valve安息角angle of repose氨-水吸收式制冷机aqua-ammonia absorption type-refrigerating machine百叶窗louver百叶窗shutter板式换热器plate heat exchanger饱和含湿量saturation humidity ratio饱和蒸汽saturated steam保温thermal insulation保温材料thermal insulation material保温层insulating layer保温窗heat insulating window报警信号alarm signal背景噪声background noise被控参数controlled variable比电阻resistivity比电阻specific resistance比焓specific enthalpy比例带proportional band比例积分调节proportional-integral(PI)control比例积分微分调节proportional-integralderivative (PID) control比例调节proportional control比摩阻specific frictional resistance 闭环控制closed loop control闭式回水closed return闭式满管回水closed full flow return闭式水箱closed tank避风天窗wind-proofed monitor变风量空气调节系统variable air volume(VAV)airconditioning system变风量末端装置variable air volume(VAV)terminal device变送器transmitter标准工况standard condition标准制冷量standard rating[ofrefrigerating machine]表面换热系数surface coefficient of heattransfer表面换热系数surface(film)thermalconductance表面换热阻surface[film]resistance of heat(thermal)transfer表面式换热器indirect heat exchanger表面式换热器surface-type heat exchanger补偿器compensator补给水泵make-up water pump补心bushing不凝性气体foul gas不凝性气体non condensable gas不凝性气体分离器gas purger不凝性气体分离器non condensable gas purger采暖space heating采暖管道heating pipeline采暖期度日数degree-days of heating period 采暖期度日数number of degree-day of heatingperiod采暖期室外平均温度outdoor mean air temperatureduring heating period采暖期天数days of heating period采暖设备heating appliance采暖设备heating equipment采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature turefor heating采暖室外临界温度outdoor ctitcal air temperaturefor heating采暖系统heating system参数检测parameter detection槽边排风罩lateral exhaust at the edge ofa bath槽边排风罩rim exhaust槽边排风罩slip exhaust hood槽边通风rim ventilation槽边通风slot exhaust on edges of tanks 侧面送风sidewall air supply侧吸罩lateral hoodlength of pipesection侧吸罩sidehood测孔sampling hole测孔sampling port插板阀slide damper插板式送(吸)风口air supply(suction)openingwith slide plate差压流量计differential pressure typeflowmeter超声波加湿器ultrasonic humidifier超调量overshoot朝向修正率correction factor fororientation尘化作用pulvation action尘源dust source沉降室gravity separator沉降室settling chamber沉降速度setting velocity程序控制program control程序控制sequence control冲激式除尘器impact dust collector冲激式除尘器vortex scrubber出口风速outlet air velocity初始浓度initial concentration of dust 除尘dust control除尘dust removal除尘dust separation除尘器dust collector除尘器dust separator除尘器particulate collector除尘系统dust removing system除尘效率collection efficiency除尘效率overall efficiency ofseparation除尘效率total scparation efficlency除污器strainer穿堂风cross-ventilation穿堂风through flow穿堂风through-draught穿透率penetration rate传递率transmissibility传热heat transmission传热冷负荷cooling load from heat传热系数coficient of effective heatemission传热系数overall heat transmissioncoefficient传热阻resistance of heat transfer串级调节系统Carnot cycle窗式空气调节器window air conditioner吹吸式排风罩push-pull hood垂直单管采暖系统vertical one(single)pipeheating system催化燃烧cast iron radiator催化燃烧catalytic oxidation大气尘atmospheric dust大气尘particulates大气扩散atmospheric diffusion大气扩散dispersion大气透明度atmospheric transparency大气透明系数coefficient of atmospherictransparency大气湍流atmospheric turbulence大气稳定度atmospheric stability大气污染air pollution大气污染atmospheric pollution大气压力atmospheric pressure大气压力barometric pressure大容积密闭罩closed booth大容积密闭罩large space enclosure带状辐射板strip radiant panel袋式除尘器bag filler袋式除尘器baghouse袋式除尘器fabric collector单风管空气调节系统single duct air conditioningsystem单风管系统single duct system单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system 单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe circuit(cross-over) heating system单管顺序式采暖系统one(single)-pipe seriesloopheating system单双管混合式采暖系统one-and-two pipe combinedheating system单位面积送风量air supply volume per unit area 单向流通风unidirectional flow ventilation单效溴化锂吸收式制冷机single-effect lithium bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine弹簧隔振器spring shock absorber当量局部阻力系数equivalent coefficient of localresistance当量长度equivalent length挡风板back plate挡风板wind shield挡水板eliminator导流板guide vane导流板turning vane导热系数heat conduction coefficient导热系数heat conductivity导温系数thermal diffusivity倒吊桶式疏水器inverted bucket type steam trap 倒灌down draft等百分比流量特性equal percentage flowcharacteristic等焓线isoenthalpy等湿加热sensible heating等湿冷却sensible cooling等湿线isobume等温加湿isothermal humidification等温射流isothermal jet等温线isotherm等效〔连续A〕声级Equivalent[continuous A]soundlevel低频噪声low-frequencynoise低压蒸汽采暖low-pressure steam heating地板辐射采暖floor panel heating地道风air through tunnel地方太阳时local solartime电(气)动两通阀motorized (pneumatic)电(气)动三通阀2-way valvemotorized(pneumatic)3-way valve电除尘器electric precipitator电磁阀solenoid valve电动调节阀motorized valve电极式加湿器electrode humidifier电加热段electric heater电加热器elbow电—气转换器electro-pneumatic converter电热辐射采暖electric panel heating电阻式加湿器Electric resistance humidifier 电阻温度计resistance thermometer吊扇ceiling fan蝶阀butterfly damper顶棚辐射采暖ceiling panel heating定风量空气调节系统constant volume airconditioning system定期除灰intermittent dust removal定期除灰periodic dust dislodging定时温(湿)度fixed time temperature(humidity)定位器positioner定值调节constant value control 定值调节fixed set-point control冬季空气调节室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature forwinter vemtilation冬季围护结构室外计算温度outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter动态偏差dynamic deviation动压velocity pressure堆积密度bulk density堆积密度volume density对开式多叶阀opposed multiblade damper对流采暖convection heating对流散热器convector对喷two banks opposing spraypattern多工况控制系统multi-operating mode controlsystem多管〔旋风〕除尘器Multi-cyclone二次回风secondary return air二次扬尘Re-entrainment of dust二次蒸汽flash steam发生器generator阀权度valve anthority防爆explosion proofing防冻剂antifreeze agent防回流装置back-flow preventer防回流装置sub-duct assembly防火fire prevention防火阀fire damper防烟smoke control防烟阀smoke damper房间得热量space heat gain房间空气调节器room air conditioner房间冷负荷space cooling load房间湿负荷space moisture load房间吸声量room absorption放气阀air vent非等温射流non-isothermal jct非共沸溶液制冷剂non azeotropic mixturerefrigerant非共同段non-commonsection非空气调节区unconditioned zone非稳态传热unsteady-state heat transfer分层空气调节strantiicated air conditioning 分程控制split ranging control分割粒径cut diameter分级除尘效率fractional separationefficiency分级除尘效率grade efficiency分汽缸steam manifold分体式空气调节器split air conditioning system 粉尘采样仪dust sampler粉尘采样仪dust sampling meter风管air duct风管支架suppot of duct风管吊架hanger of ductfan section风机盘管机组fan-coil unit风机盘管加新风系统primary air fan-coil system风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil air-conditioningsystem风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil system风口air opening风冷式冷凝器air-cooled condenser风力附加率additional heat loss风量平衡air balance风速wind speed风向wind direction风向频率frequency of wind direction风压wind pressure氟利昂freon浮球阀float valve浮球式疏水器float type steam trap浮桶式疏水器upright bucket type steam trap 辐射采暖radiant heating辐射强度radiant intensity辐射照度irradiance负反馈negative freedback负荷特性load pattern负压区zone of negative pressure附加耗热量adiabatic humidification干工况dry cooling condition干空气drv air干球温度dry-bulb temperature干湿球温度表pulvation action干式除尘器dry dust separator干式凝结水管dry return pipe干式蒸发器dry expansion evaporator干蒸汽加湿器dry steam humidifier钢制散热器steel radiator高度附加率additional factor for windforce高频噪声high-frequency noise高温热水采暖high temperature water heating 高压热水采暖high-pressure hot water heating 高压蒸汽采暖high-pressure steam heating隔热thermal insuation隔热屏heat screen隔热屏heat shield隔热水箱water tank forheat(thermal)insulation隔热水箱water-cooled absorptiveshielding隔声sound insulation隔振vibration isolation隔振器isolator隔振器vibration isolator给定值set point工况自动转换multi-operating mode automticconversion工业通风industrial ventilation工艺性空气调节induced air conditioning工艺性空气调节process air conditioning工质working substance工作地点work place工作地点working place工作地点空气流速air velocity at work place工作地点温度spot temperature工作地点温度temperature at work place工作压力working pressure共沸溶液制冷剂azeotropic mixture refrigerant 共同段common section共振resonance共振频率resonant frequency供回水温差temperature difference betweensupply and return water供汽压力pressure of steam supply供热heat supply供水温度supply water temperature固定支架fixed support固有频率natural freguency管道配件pipe fittings管段pipe section管段长度length of pipe section管接头coupling贯流式通风机tangential fan惯性除尘器inertial dust separator光面管放热器pipe coil光面管散热器pipe radiator锅炉房boiler plant锅炉房boiler room过渡过程transient过冷Sub-cooling过冷度degree of sub-cooling过滤段filter section过滤器初阻力initial resistance of filter过滤器终阻力final resistance of filter过滤速度filtration velocity过滤速度media velocity过滤效率filter efficiency过热superheat过热度degree of superheat过热蒸汽overheat steam过热蒸汽superheated steam含尘浓度dust concentration含湿量humidity ratio焓enthalpy焓熵图enthalpy entropy chart焓湿图push-pull hood耗热量heat loss黑球温度black globe temperature恒湿器humidistat恒湿系统constant humidity system恒温恒湿系统constant temperature andhumidity system恒温器thermostat恒温式疏水器expansion steam trap恒温式疏水器thermostatic steam trap恒温系统constant temperature system红外线辐射器infrared radiant heater红外线加湿器infrared humidifier滑动角angle of slide滑动平均overlapping averages滑动平均running means环境噪声ambient noise环境噪声environmental noise环路circuit环路loop缓蚀剂anticorrosive缓蚀剂corrosion inhibitor换气次数air changes换气次数ventilating rate换热器heat exchanger回风return air回风百分比percentage of return air回风方式air return method回风方式air return mode回风机return fan回风口return air inlet回风口吸风速度suction velocity at return airinlet回流区return flow zone回水温度return water temperature混合段mixing box section混水器water-water jet活动支架movable support活接头union活塞式压缩机reciprocating compressor火炉采暖stove heating机器露点apparatus dew point机械除尘mechanical cleaning off dust机械排风系统mechanical dust removal机械式风速仪mechanical anemometer机械送风系统mechanical air supply system机械通风forced ventilation机械通风mechanical ventilation机械通风系统mechanical exhaust system积分时间integral time基本耗热量basic heat loss极端最低温度extreme minimum temperature极端最高温度extreme maximum temperature极限流速limiting velocity极限压缩量limit deflection集合管air manifold集气罐air collector集中采暖central heating集中采暖concentrated heating集中控制centralized control集中式空气调节系统central air conditioning system 集中送风采暖localized air supply for air-heating计数浓度number concentration计数浓度particle number concentration 计算参数design conditions继电器relay加热段heating coil section加湿humidification加湿段humidifier section加湿器humidifier加压泵booster间接制冷系统indirect refrigerating sys间歇采暖intermittent heating间歇附加率additional factor forintermittent heating监督控制系统supervisory computercontrol(SCC)system检测元件detecting element检查门access door减湿dehumidification减湿冷却dehumidifying cooling减压阀pressure reducing valve减压阀reducing valve建筑气流区building flow zones降温、冷却cooling降温系统cooling system角阀angle valve接受式排风罩receiving hood节流膨胀throttling expansion洁净室clean room截止阀stop valve解吸desorption金属辐射板metal radiant panel金属辐射板采暖metal radiant panel heating进风口air intake进风量supply air rate经济传热阻economic resistance of heattransfer经济流速economic velocity静态偏差static deflection静态压缩量static deflection静压static pressure静压箱plenum chamber就地控制localized air control局部采暖local heating局部密闭罩partial enclosure局部排风local exhaust ventilation (LEV)局部排风系统local exhaust system局部排风罩exhaust hood局部排风罩hood局部区域空气调节local air conditioning局部送风local relief局部送风系统local air supply system局部送风系统local relief system局部通风local ventilation局部阻力local resistance局部阻力系数coefficient of local resistance 绝对粗糙度absolute roughness绝对湿度absolute humidity绝热加湿adiabatic humidification卡诺循环capturing hood卡他温度计katathermometer开环控制open loop control开式回水open return开式水箱open tank抗性消声器reactive muffler颗粒层除尘器granular bed filter颗粒层除尘器gravel bed filter壳管式冷凝器shell and coil condenser壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser壳管式蒸发器shell and tube evaporator可逆循环reversible cycle可湿性wettability空气弹簧隔振器air cushion shock absorber空气动力阴影区recirculation cavity空气动力阴影区zone of aerodynamic shadow空气动力阴影区zone of re-circulating flow空气动力噪声aerodynamic noise空气分布器air distributor空气过滤器air filter空气加热器air hater空气间层air space空气间层airspace空气洁净度air cleanliness空气冷却器air cooler空气幕air curtain空气湿度air humidity空气—水系统air-water system空气调节air conditioning空气调节房间conditioned space空气调节机房air conditioning machine room 空气调节机房air handling unit room空气调节区conditioned zone空气调节设备air conditioning equipment空气调节设备air handling equipment空气调节系统air conditioning system空气调节系统冷负荷air conditioning system coolingload空气温度air temperature空气污染物air contaminant空气污染物air pollutant空气预热器air preheater空调工况air conditioning condition空调工况制冷量rating under air conditioningcondition孔板送风perforated ceiling air supply 控制风速capture velocity控制风速control velocity控制屏control panel控制装置control device块状辐射板unit radiant panel快开流量特性quick open flow characteristic 累年值normals累年最冷三个月normal coldest 3-month period 累年最冷三个月normal three winter months累年最冷月normal coldest month累年最热三个月normal hottest 3month period累年最热三个月normal three summer months累年最热月normal hottest month冷风机组cooling unit冷风机组self-contained cooling unit冷风幕cooling air curtain冷风渗透耗热量heat loss by infiltration冷风渗透耗热量infiltration heat loss冷负荷温度cooling load temperature冷剂水water as refrigerant冷凝condensation冷凝器condenser冷凝温度condensing temperature冷凝压力condensing pressure冷盘管cooling coil冷却段cooling coil section冷却水cooling water冷却塔cooling tower冷水chilled water离心式加湿器spinning disk humidifier离心式暖风机unit heater with centrifugalfan离心式通风机centrifugal fan离心式压缩机centrifugal compressor历年值annual [value]历年最冷月annual coldest month历年最热月annual hottest month立管riser立式壳管式冷凝器open shell and tube condenser 粒径particle size粒径分布granulometric distribution粒径分布particle size distribution粒子particle粒子particulate粒子计数器particle counter连续采暖continuous heating连续除灰continuous dust dislodging连续除灰continuous dust dislodging联合除尘mechanical and hydrauliccombined dust removal联合通风natural and mechanical combinedventilation联锁保护interlock protection两管制水系统two-pipe water system淋激式冷凝器atmospheric condenser菱形叶片调节阀diamond-shaped damper露点温度dew-point temperature螺杆式压缩机screw compressor螺纹接口close nipple落地浓度ground-level concentration氯化锂电阻湿度计lithium chloride resistancehygrometer滤筒采样管filter cylinder for sampling满液式蒸发器flooded evaporator毛发湿度计hair hygrometor毛细管capillary tube煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired infrared heating密闭罩enclosed hood密闭罩exhausted enclosure敏感元件sensing element摩擦系数friction factor摩擦阻力friction loss摩擦阻力frictional resistance泥浆处理sludge handling逆卡诺循环reverse Carnot cycle逆喷upstream spray pattern逆温temperature inversion逆温层inversion layer逆温层thermal inversion layer年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature(humidity)凝结水背压力back pressure of steam trap凝结水管condensate pipe凝结水盘condensate drain pan凝结水箱condensate tank凝缩水泵condensate pump浓溶液strong liquor浓溶液strong solution暖风机unit heater排放浓度emission concentration排风柜fumehood排风柜laboratory hood排风机exhaust fan排风机室exhaust fan room排风口exhaust outlet排风量exhaust air rate排风温度temperature of outgoing air排气管vent pipe排气温度discharge temperature排气压力discharge pressure排气烟囱exaust vertical pipe排污管blow off pipe排污管blowdown排污管drain pipe排烟smoke extraction排烟阀smoke exhaust damper旁通阀by-pass damper旁通管by-pass pipe抛物线流量特性parabolic flow character-istic 泡沫除尘器foam dust separator喷口送风nozzle outlet air suppluy喷淋式蒸发器spray-type evaporator喷射器ejector喷水段spray chamber喷水段spray-type air washer section 喷雾风扇air-douche unit with wateratomization喷雾风扇spray fan喷嘴spray nozzle喷嘴密度spray nozzle density膨胀expansion膨胀管expansion pipe膨胀水箱expansion tank皮托管face tube皮托管impact tube皮托管pitot tube频程frequency interval平行式多叶阀parallel multiblade damperin平均风速mean wind speed平均相对湿度mean relative humidity气布比air-to-cloth ratio气布比specific gas flow rate气-电转换器pneumo-electrical converter气动调节阀pneumatic valve气力输送pneumatic conveying气力输送pneumatic transport气流组织air distribution气流组织space air diffusion气体冷凝condensation of vapor气体燃烧combustion of gas and vapor气体吸附adsorption of gas and vapor气体吸收absorption of gas and vapor汽水混合式换热器direct-contact heat exchanger 汽-水混合式换热器steam-water mixed heatexchanger汽水混合物steam water mixture汽-水式换热器steam-water type heat exchanger 前馈控制feed-forward control潜热latent heat墙壁辐射采暖wall panel heating亲水性粉尘hydrophilic dust亲水性粉尘lyophilic dust轻作业light work清扫孔cleaning hole清扫孔cleanout opening区域供热district heat supply区域供热district heating区域温差space temperature variation全空气系统ail-air system全面排风general exhaust ventilation(GEV)全面通风entirely ventilation全面通风general air change全面通风general ventilation全热total heat全热换热器air-to-air total heat exchanger 全水系统all-water system全压total pressure群集系数percentage of men,women andchildren燃气热风器gas-fired unit heater燃油热风器oill-fired unit heater扰动频率disturbance frequency热泵heat pump热泵式空气调节器heat pump air conditioner热泵式空气调节器packaged heat pump热车间hot shop热车间hot workshop热动力式疏水器thermodynamic type steam trap 热惰性指标index of thermal inertia热风采暖hot air heating热风采暖warm-air heating热风采暖系统hot air heating system热风采暖系统warm-air heating system热风幕warm air curtain热风速仪heated thermometer anemometer 热风速仪thermal anemometer热负荷heating load热管heat pipe热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve热力燃烧flame combustion热力燃烧thermal oxidation热力入口building heating entry热力循环thermodynamic cycle热力制冷heat-operated refrigeration热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigeratingsystem热流计heat flowmeter热流量heat flow rate热媒heating medium热媒参数heating medium parameter热敏电阻温度计thermistor thermometer热盘管heating coil热平衡heat balance热湿比angle scale热湿交换heat and moisture transfer热水采暖hot water heating热水采暖系统hot water system热水管hot water pipe热水锅炉hot water boiler热网heat distributing network热网heat supply network热稳定性heat endurance热稳定性thermal stability热压stack effect pressure热压thermal buoyancy热压thermal pressure热源heat source热阻heat resistance热阻thermal resistance人体散热量heat gain from occupant人体散湿量moisture gain from occupant日较差daily range日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature(humidity)日平均综合温度average daily sol-airtemperature日照率percentage of possible sunshine 容尘量dust-holding capacity柔性接头flexible joint软管flexible duct三管制水系统three-pipe water system伞形风帽cowl伞形风帽wather cap伞形罩canopy hood散流器diffuser air supply散流器送风diffuser air supply散热量heat release散热量有效系数coefficient of effective heatemission散热器heat emitter散热器radiator散热器采暖radiator heating散热器采暖系统radiator heating system散热器供热支管feeding branch tlo radiator散热器回水支管return branch of radiator散热器调节阀radiator valve散热强度specific heat load散热源source of heat release散湿量moisure gain筛板塔perforated plate tower筛板塔sieve-plate column闪发气体flash gas熵entropy上分式系统downfeed system设备散热量heat gain from appliance andequipment设备散湿量moisture gain from applianceand equipment射流扩散角jet divergence angle射流扩散角spread射流区forward flow zone射流轴心速度jet axial velocity声功率级sound power level声级sound level声级计psychrometric chart声级计sound level meter声强级sound intensity level声压级sound pressure level声源sound source湿法冲洗wet flushing湿法除尘wet dust collection湿法除尘wet dust extraction湿工况wet cooling condition湿空气moist air湿球温度wet-bulb temperature湿式除尘器wet dust collector湿式除尘器wet scrubber湿式除尘器wet separator湿式凝结水管wet return pipe湿式作业wet method operation拾振器vibration pick-up事故通风emergency ventilation事故通风系统emergency ventilation system室内空气流速indoor air velocity室内外计算参数indoor and outdoor designconditions室内温(湿)度indoor temperature (humidity)室内温湿度基数indoor reference for airtemperature and relativehumidity室内温湿度允许波动范围allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity室内在气计算参数indoor air design conditions 室外空气计算参数outdoor air design conditions 室外温(湿)度outdoor temperature(humidity)手动控制manual control手摇泵hand pump受限射流jet in a confined space舒适性空气调节comfort air conditioning 疏水器steam trap疏水性粉尘hydrophobic dust疏水性粉尘lyophobic dust输出量out put variable输入量input variable衰减倍数damping factot双风管空气调节系统Dual duct air conditioning 双风管空气调节系统dual duct system双管采暖系统two-pipe heating system双金属温度计bimetallic thermometer双位调节on-of control双位调节two-position control双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine水冷式冷凝器water-cooled condenser水力除尘hydraulic dust removal水力计算hydraulic calculation水力失调hydraulic disorder水膜除尘器water film cyclone水膜除尘器water-film separator水幕water curtain水幕water screen水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe loop circuitheating system水气比water-air ratio水-水式换热器water-water type heat exchanger 水系统water system水系统竖向分区vertical zoning of water system 水硬性hydraulicity水蒸汽分压力partial pressure of water vapor 顺喷downstream spray pattern丝堵screwed plug丝对screwnipple四管制水系统four-pipe water system四通cross fan送风supply air送风方式air supply method送风方式air supply mode送风机supply fan送风机室supply fan room送风温差effective temperaturedifference送风温差supply air temperaturedifference速度场velocity field随动系统follow-up control system太阳常数solar constant太阳赤纬solar declination太阳方位角solar azimuth太阳方位角sun's azimuth太阳辐射solar radiation太阳辐射热solar radiant heat太阳辐射热吸收系数absorptance for solar radiation 太阳辐射照度solar irradiance太阳高度角solar altitude太阳高度角sun's altitude太阳能采暖solar heating太阳直接辐射direct solar radiation套管式冷凝器double pipe condenser套管式冷凝器tube-in-tube condenser体积浓度volumteric concentration天空散射辐射sky radiation填料塔packed column填料塔packed tower条缝型风口slip diffuser条缝型风口slot outlet调节对象controlled plant调节对象放大系数amplification factor ofcontrolled plant调节对象时间常数time constant of controlledplant调节对象正升曲线response curve of controlledplant调节对象滞后lag of controlled plant调节对象自平衡inherent regulation ofcontrolled plant调节阀control valve调节阀流量特性flow characteristic of controlvalve调节阀流通能力flow capacity of control valve 调节机构correcting element调节器controller调节器regulator贴附射流wall attachment jet通风ventilation通风〕部件part通风部件components通风部件piece通风干管main duct通风管道ventilating duct通风耗热量ventilation heat loss通风机fan通风机室fan house通风机室fan room通风量ventilation rate通风配件fittings通风设备ventilation equipment通风设备ventilation facilities通风温湿度计aspiration psychrometer通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer 通风温湿度计sling psychrometer通风屋顶ventilated roof通风支管branch duct通风止回阀nonreturn damper通风总管trunk duct通过式风管passage ventilating duct通过式风管through air duct同程式系统reversed return system筒形风帽cylindrical ventilator筒形风帽roof ventilator外部吸气罩capture velocity外门附加率additional factor for exteriordoor弯头ejetor微穿孔板消声器Micro-punch plate muffler微分时间derivative time微压计Micro manometer围护结构building envelope围护结构温差修正系数temperature differencecorrection factor of envelope 尾流区zone of wake温度场temperature field温度梯度temperature gradient文丘里除尘器Venturi scrubber稳定气流区contour zone稳定性stability稳态传热steady-state heat transfer稳压层plenum space涡轮流量计turning flowmeter卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser卧式壳管式蒸发器closed shell and tubeevaporator卧式旋风水膜除尘器horizontal water-film syclonet 屋顶通风机Power-roof ventilator无定位调节floating control无组织进风unorganized air supply无组织排风unorganized exhaust无组织自然通风uncontrolled naturalventilation无组织自然通风unorganized natural ventilation 吸风口exhaust inlet吸风口exhaust opening吸附剂adsorbent吸附质adsorbate吸附装置adsorber吸附装置adsorption equipment吸气温度suction temperature吸气压力suction pressure吸声sound absorption吸声材料absorbent吸声材料sound absorption material吸声系数acoustic absorptivity吸声系数sound absorption coefficient吸收剂absorbent吸收器absorber吸收式制冷机absorption-type refrigeratingmachine吸收式制冷循环absorptiong refrige rationgcycle吸收质absorbate吸收装置absorption equipment稀溶液weak solution系统坐力system resistance下分式系统upfeed system夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning夏季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature forsummer ventilation夏季通风室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation纤维性粉尘fibrous dust显热sensible heat限位开关limit switch线性流量特性linear flow characteristic相对粗糙度roughness factor相对湿度relative humidity橡胶隔振器rubber shock absorber消声noise reduction消声sound attenuation消声sound deadening消声段muffler section消声量sound deadening capacity消声器sound absorber消声弯头bend muffler斜插板阀inclined damper泄水管drain pipe泄压装置pressure relief device新风〕焓值控制系统enthalpy control system新风机组fresh air handling unit新风冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air 新风冷负荷cooling load from ventilation 新风量fresh air requirement新风系统central ventilation system新风系统primary air system溴化锂lithium bromide溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium-bromide absorption-typerefrigerating machine蓄冷水池thermal storage tank蓄热heat storage蓄热thermal storage effect蓄热特性heat storage capacity蓄热特性thermal storage characteristic 蓄热系数coefficient of accumulation ofheat蓄热系数coefficient of thermal storage 悬浮速度suspended velocity旋风除尘器cyclone dust separator旋流风口swirl diffuser旋流风口twist outlet旋转送风口rotary supply outlet旋转送风口rotating air outlet withmovable guide vanes选择控制系统selective control system选择器selector旬平均温(湿)度ten-days averagetemperature(humidity)巡回检测data scanning循环泵circulating pump循环管circulating pipe压焓图pressure enthalpy chart压力表pressure gage压力式温度计pressure thermometer压力损失pressure drop压容图pressure volume chart压缩compression压缩冷凝机组condensing unit压缩式冷水机组compression-type water chiller 压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration 压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigeratingmachine压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigeratingsystem压缩式制冷循环compression-type refrigerationcycle烟囱有效高度effective stack height烟羽smoke plume烟羽抬升高度plume rise height延迟时间detention period延迟时间heat(thermal)lag遥控remote control液滴droplet液位计liquid-level gage一、二次泵冷水系统chilled water system withprimary-secondary pumps一次回风primary retirn air异程式系统direct return system异径管接头reducing coupling溢流管overflow pipe油冷却器oil cooler游离二氧化硅free silicon dioxide游离二氧化硅free sillica有害气体harmful gas and vapor。
数控技术常用术语中英文对照更新时间:2007-3-28 为了方便读者阅读相关数控资料和国外数控产品的相关手册,在此选择了常用的数控词汇及其英语对应单词,所选用的数控术语主要参考国际标准ISO 2806和中华人民共和国国家标准GB 8129—1987 以及近年新出现的一些数控词汇。
1)计算机数值控制(Computerized Numerical Control, CNC)用计算机控制加工功能,实现数值控制。
3)机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate Sister )固定于机床上,以机床零点为基准的笛卡尔坐标系。
4)机床坐标原点(Machine Coordinate Origin )机床坐标系的原点。
5)工件坐标系(Work piece Coordinate System )固定于工件上的笛卡尔坐标系。
6)工件坐标原点(Wrok-piexe Coordinate Origin)工件坐标系原点。
7)机床零点(Machine zero )由机床制造商规定的机床原点。
8)参考位置(Reference Position )机床启动用的沿着坐标轴上的一个固定点,它可以用机床坐标原点为参考基准。
9)绝对尺寸(Absolute Dimension)/绝对坐标值(Absolute Coordinates)距一坐标系原点的直线距离或角度。
10)增量尺寸(Incremental Dimension ) /增量坐标值(Incremental Coordinates)在一序列点的增量中,各点距前一点的距离或角度值。
CATIA 模块中英文对照[ 录入者:win | 时间:2007-05-26 19:17:06 | 作者: | 来源: | 浏览:673次 ]零件设计 PDG :Part Design装配设计 ASD :Assembly Design交互式工程绘图 IDR :Interactive Drafting创成式工程绘图GDR:Generative Drafting结构设计STD:Structure Design线架和曲面设计WSF:Wire frame and Surface钣金设计SMD:Sheet Metal Design航空钣金设计ASL:Aerospace Sheet metal Design钣金加工设计SHP:Sheet Metal Production三维功能公差与标注设计FTA:3D Functional Tolerance & Annotation 模具设计MTD:Mold Tooling Design阴阳模设计CCV:Core & Cavity Design焊接设计WDG:Weld Design自由风格曲面造型FSS:Freestyle Shaper自由风格曲面优化FSO:Freestyle Optimizer基于截面线的自由风格曲面造型FSP:Freestyle Profiler基于草图的自由风格曲面造型FSK:Freestyle Sketch Tracer创成式外形设计GSD:Generative Shape Design创成式曲面优化GSO:Generative Shape Optimizer汽车白车身接合ABF:Automotive Body In White Fastening数字化外形编辑DSE:Digitized Shape Editor汽车A级曲面造型ACA:Automotive Class A快速曲面重建QSR:Quick Surface Reconstruction创成式零件结构分析GPS :Generative Part Structural Analysis创成式装配件结构分析GAS :Generative Assembly Structural Analysis 变形装配件公差分析TAA:Tolerance Analysis of Deformable Assembly Elfin 结构分析EST:Elfin Solver Verification电路板设计CBD:Circuit Board Design电气系统功能定义EFD:Electrical System Functional Definition电气元件库管理员ELB:Electrical Library电气线束安装EHI:Electrical Harness Installation电气线束布线设计EWR:Electrical Wire Routing电气线束展平设计EHF:Electrical Harness Flattening管路和设备原理图设计PID:Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams HVAC 图表设计HVD:HVAC Diagrams电气连接原理图设计ELD:Electrical Connectivity Diagrams系统原理图设计SDI:Systems Diagrams管线原理图设计TUD:Tubing Diagrams波导设备原理图设计WVD:Waveguide Diagrams系统布线设计SRT:Systems Routing系统空间预留设计SSR:Systems Space Reservation电气缆线布线设计ECR:Electrical Cableway Routing设备布置设计EQT:Equipment Arrangement线槽与导管设计RCD:Raceway & Conduit Design波导设备设计WAV:Waveguide Design管路设计PIP:Piping Design管线设计TUB:Tubing DesignHVAC设计HVA:HVAC Design支架设计HGR:Hanger Design结构初步布置设计SPL:Structure Preliminary Layout结构功能设计SFD:Structure Functional Design设备支撑结构设计ESS:Equipment Support Structures厂房设计PLO Plant Layout数控加工审查NCG:NC Manufacturing Review数控加工验证NVG:NC Manufacturing Verification2轴半加工准备助手PMA:Prismatic Machining Preparation Assistant 2轴半加工PMG:Prismatic Machining3轴曲面加工SMG:3 Axis Surface Machining多轴曲面加工MMG:Multi-Axis Surface Machining车削加工LMG:Lathe Machining高级加工AMG:Advanced Part MachiningSTL快速成型STL:STL Rapid Prototyping知识工程顾问KWA:Knowledge Advisor知识工程专家KWE:Knowledge Expert产品工程优化PEO:Product Engineering Optimizer产品知识模板PKT:Product Knowledge Template业务流程知识模板BKT:Business Process Knowledge Template 产品功能定义PFD:Product Function Definition产品功能优化PFO:Product Function OptimizerDMU 漫游器DMN:DMNDMU NavigatorDMU 运动机构模拟KIN:DMU Kinematics SimulatorDMU 空间分析SPA:DMU Space AnalysisDMU装配模拟FIT:DMU Fitting SimulatorDMU优化器DMO:DMU OptimizerDMU工程分析审查ANR:DMU Engineering Analysis Review DMU空间工程助手SPE:DMU Space Engineering Assistant人体模型构造器HBR:Human Builder人体模型测量编辑HME:Human Measurements Editor人体姿态分析HPA:Human Posture Analysis 人体行为分析HAA:Human Activity Analysis刀具管理更新时间:2007-4-5 1.刀具管理的意义及其面临的挑战机械制造业的生产过程涉及大量的机械加工,特别是金属切削加工所加工产品的尺寸、形状、位置精度、表面形貌等都与刀具有关,刀具的性能、质量及其管理直接影响到能否顺利加工出所需要的合格产品,影响到加工节拍和生产效率,影响制造成本的控制和降低,关系到制造型企业的核心竞争力,这在汽车制造业中表现得更为突出。
目录如下:1 Introduction介绍1.1 Background背景1.2 Purpose目的1.3 Structure of the Guide指南结构2 Fundamental Concepts in Air Filtration空气过滤器的基本概念2.1 Filtration Theory过滤理论2.2 Filtration Efciency过滤效率2.3 Air Filtration Characteristics空气过滤特性3 Filter Standards过滤器标准3.1 GMP Regulatory RequirementsGMP监管要求3.2 Relevant Organizations相关组织3.3 Filter Classifcations/Grades/Performance Criteria过滤器分类/级别/性能标准4 Filter and Filter Housing Design and Construction 过滤器和过滤器外壳的设计与构造4.1 Filtration Media Structures and Media Manufacturing 过滤介质构造和介质制造4.2 Filter and Filter Housing Construction过滤器和过滤器外壳构造4.3 HEPA FiltersHEPA过滤器4.4 Containment/Biosafety隔离/生物安全5 Process Equipment Air Filters工艺设备空气过滤器5.1 Tablet Processing Equipment片剂生产设备5.2 Depyrogenation Tunnels/Ovens去热原隧道/烘箱5.3 Unidirectional Airflow Applications单向流应用5.4 Washing Machines清洗设备6 Filter Testing (HVAC Related Only)过滤器测试(仅HVAC相关)6.1 Introduction介绍6.2 Relevant Test Standards and Recommended Practices相关测试标准和建议的做法6.3 Factory Tests工厂测试6.4 In Situ/Field Testing of HEPA Filters: Filter Integrity Leak TestingHEPA过滤器的在位/现场测试:过滤器完整性泄漏测试6.5 Background on Leaks and Sizing有关泄漏的背景6.6 Challenge Aerosols挑战用气溶胶6.7 Equipment Used for Filter Integrity Leak Testing用于过滤器完整性泄漏测试的设备6.8 Acceptance Criteria接受标准6.9 Bleed Through or Excessive Widespread Non-Site Specifc Penetration渗滤或过度扩散的非现场特定穿透6.10 Filter Repairs过滤器修补6.11 Additional In Situ Filter Measurements附加原位过滤器的测试7 Verifcation (Commissioning and Qualifcation)确认(调试与确认)7.1 Introduction介绍7.2 Design, Specifcation, Verifcation, and Acceptance Process设计、规范、确认和接受标准8 Operations and Maintenance运行和维护8.1 Filter Storage过滤器储存8.2 Filter Inventory过滤器库存8.3 Filter Bank过滤器库房8.4 Filter Life过滤器生命周期8.5 Filter Repair Techniques过滤器修补技术8.6 Filter Replacement过滤器更换8.7 Filter Failure Modes过滤器失效模式8.8 Filter Serviceability过滤器适用性8.9 Specifying and Ordering HEPA/ULPA Filters指定和调整HEPA/ULPA过滤器8.10 HEPA/ULPA Filter InstallationHEPA/ULPA过滤器安装9 Training培训9.1 Vendor/Contractor Training and Qualifcation versus In-House Training and Qualifcation供应商/承包商的培训和确认以及内部培训和确认9.2 Responsibility责任9.3 Training Program, Policies, and Procedures培训计划、政策和程序9.4 Accreditation/Certifcation资质认定9.5 Education and Training教育与培训10 Lifecycle Costs生命周期成本10.1 Introduction介绍10.2 Annual Filter Energy Cost Factors每年过滤器能耗系数10.3 Additional Factors Impacting Total Cost of Ownership 影响总拥有成本的其他因素10.4 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)总拥有成本11 Appendix 1 – Regulatory and Other Guidance附录1 法规和其他指南11.1 Introduction介绍11.2 US GMPs美国GMP11.3 EU GMPs欧盟GMP11.4 Japan GMPs日本GMP11.5 Canada GMPs加拿大GMP11.6 Mexico GMPs墨西哥GMP11.7 China GMPs中国GMP11.8 Brazil GMPs巴西GMP11.9 Other Guidance其他指南12 Appendix 2 – Example Forms附录2 表格举例12.1 Example Form to Document the Installation of the Correct Filter用于记录正确过滤器安装的示例表格12.2 Example Form to Document Leak Testing of a HEPA Filter (Imperial Units)用于记录 HEPA 过滤器泄漏测试(英制单位)的示例表格12.3 Example Form to Document Leak Testing of a HEPA Filter (Metric Units)用于记录 HEPA 过滤器泄漏测试(公制单位)的示例表格13 Appendix 3 – References附录3 参考文献14 Appendix 4 – Glossary附录4 术语14.1 Acronyms and Abbreviations缩略语和缩写14.2 Defnitions定义。
暖通专业词汇中英文对照air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air wide pre.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷机组配件chiller assembly水冷机组组装clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system直接回水系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawing No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理机组ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图layout 设计图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air flame plate回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。
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暖通专业词汇中英文对照air conditioning load空调负荷air distribution气流组织air handling unit 空气处理单元air shower 风淋室air wide pre.drop空气侧压降aluminum accessories in clean room 洁净室安装铝材brass stop valve 铜闸阀canvas connecting termingal 帆布接头centigrade scale 摄氏温度chiller accessories水冷机组配件chiller assembly水冷机组组装clean bench 净化工作台clean class 洁净度clean room 洁净室无尘室correction factor修正系数dry coil units 干盘管district cooling 区域供冷direct return system直接回水系统displacement ventilation置换通风drawing No.图号elevation立面图entering air temp进风温度entering water temp进水温度fahrenheit scale 华氏温度fan coil unit 风机盘管ffu fan filter units 风扇过滤网组flow velocity 流速fresh air supply 新风供给fresh air unit 新风处理机组ground source heat pump地源热泵gross weight 毛重heating ventilating and air conditioning 供热通风与空气调节hepa high efficiency particulate air 高效过滤网high efficiency particulate air filters高效空气过滤器horizontal series type水平串联式hot water supply system生活热水系统humidity 湿度hydraulic calculation水力计算isometric drawing轴测图layout 设计图leaving air temp 出风温度leaving water temp出水温度lood vacuum pump中央集尘泵mau make up air hundling unit schedule 外气空调箱natural smoke exhausting自然排烟net weight 净重noise reduction消声nominal diameter 公称直径oil-burning boiler燃油锅炉one way stop peturn valve 单向止回阀operation energy consumption运行能耗pass box 传递箱particle sizing and counting method 计径计数法Piping accessaries 水系统辅材piping assembly 配管rac recirculation air cabinet unit schedule循环组合空调单元ratio controller 比例调节器ratio flow control 流量比例控制ratio gear 变速轮ratio meter 比率计rational 合理性的,合法的;有理解能力的rationale (基本)原理;原理的阐述rationality 有理性,合理性rationalization proposal 合理化建义ratio of compression 压缩比ratio of expansion 膨胀比ratio of run-off 径流系数ratio of slope 坡度ratio of specific heat 比热比raw 生的,原状的,粗的;未加工的raw coal 原煤raw cotton 原棉raw crude producer gas 未净化的发生炉煤气raw data 原始数据raw fuel stock 粗燃料油raw gas 未净化的气体real gas 实际气体realignment 重新排列,改组;重新定线realm 区域,范围,领域real work 实际工作ream 铰孔,扩孔rear 后部,背面,后部的rear arch 后拱rear axle 后轴rear-fired boiler 后燃烧锅炉rear pass 后烟道rearrange 调整;重新安排[布置]rearrangement 调整,整顿;重新排列[布置]reason 理由,原因;推理reasonable 合理的,适当的reassembly 重新装配reaumur 列氏温度计reblading 重装叶片,修复叶片recalibration 重新校准[刻度]recapture 重新利用,恢复recarbonation 再碳化作用recast 另算;重作;重铸receiving basin 蓄水池receiving tank 贮槽recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中receptacle 插座[孔];容器reception of heat 吸热recessed radiator 壁龛内散热器,暗装散热器recharge well 回灌井reciprocal 倒数;相互的,相反的,住复的reciprocal action 反复作用reciprocal compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocal feed pump 往复式蒸汽机reciprocal grate 往复炉排reciprocal motion 住复式动作reciprocal proportion 反比例reciprocal steam engine 往复式蒸汽机reciprocate 往复(运动),互换reciprocating 往复的,来回的,互相的,交替的reciprocating ( grate ) bar 往复式炉排片reciprocating compressor 往复式压缩机reciprocating condensing unit 往复式冷冻机reciprocating packaged liquid chiller 往复式整体型冷水机组reciprocating piston pump 往复式活塞泵reciprocating pump 往复泵,活塞泵reciprocating refrigerator 往复式制冷机recirculate 再循环recirculated 再循环的recirculated air 再循环空气[由空调场所抽出,然后通过空调装置,再送回该场所的回流空气] recirculated air by pass 循环空气旁路recircilated air intake 循环空气入口recirculated cooling system 再循环冷却系统recirculating 再循环的,回路的recirculating air duct 再循环风道recirculating fan 再循环风机recirculating line 再循环管路recirculating pump 再循环泵recirculation 再循环recirculation cooling water 再循环冷却水recirculation ratio 再循环比recirculation water 再循环水reclaim 再生,回收;翻造,修复reclaimer 回收装置;再生装置reclamation 回收,再生,再利用reclamation of condensate water蒸汽冷凝水回收recombination 再化[结]合,复合,恢复recommended level of illumination 推荐的照度标准reconnaissance 勘察,调查研究record drawing 详图、大样图、接点图recording apparatus 记录仪器recording barometer 自记气压计recording card 记录卡片recording facility 记录装置recording liquid level gauge 自动液面计recording paper of sound level 噪声级测定纸recording pressure gauge 自记压力计recording water-gauge 自记水位计recoverable 可回收的,可恢复的recoverable heat 可回收的热量recoverable oil 可回收的油recoverable waster heat 可回收的废热recovery plant 回收装置recovery rate 回收率relief damper 泄压风门return air flame plate回风百叶Seat air supply座椅送风Shaft seal 轴封Shaft storage 搁架式贮藏Shake 摇动,抖动Shakedown run 试车,调动启动,试运转Shake-out 摇动,抖动Shakeproof 防振的,抗振的Shaker 振动器Shaking 摇[摆,振]动Shaking grate 振动炉排Shaking screen 振动筛Shallow 浅层,浅的,表面的Shank 柄,杆,柱体,轴Shape 造[成]型,形状[态]模型。
轮廓Shape cutting 仿形切割Shaped steel 型钢Shape factor 形状因数Sharp 尖的,急剧的,灵敏的,准确的,明显的Sharp bend 小半径弯头Sharp freezer 快速冻结器,低温冻结间[接受未经降温的货物并使之冻结的冷藏间,其温度通常维持在-29°C到-15°C之间]Sharp freezing 快速冻结,低温冻结[在低温库内冻结产品]Sharp freezing room 急冻间sheath 外壳,复板,外套Sheathe 覆盖,装鞘,包,套Sheave 滑车轮,凸轮盘Sheet lead 铅皮Sheet metal 金属片,金属薄板Shell and coil condenser 壳管式冷凝器[盘管装置在壳内的一种冷凝器,冷却液在管内鞫???淠?闹评浼猎诳枪苤??Shell and coil evaporator 壳管式蒸发器Shell and coil heat exchanger 壳管式热交换器Shell and tube condenser 壳管式冷凝器[冷凝器的一种,冷却液在管内流动,而冷凝的制冷剂在壳内]Shell and tube cooler 壳管式冷却管Shell and tube evaporator 壳管式蒸发器[管束浸在沸腾的制冷剂中,而被冷却的流体则在管内流动的蒸发器]Shell and tube exchanger 壳管式换热器[组管速装置在壳体内,一种流体在管内流动,另一种流体在管壳之间流动]Shell and tube heat exchanger 壳管式热交换器Shell and tube type condenser 壳管式冷凝器Shell type attemperator 立式表面减温器,壳管减温器Shield carbon-dioxide arc welding 二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊Shielded arc welding 保护电弧焊Shifting bearing 活动支座,移动式轴承Shifting spanner 活络扳手shop drawing 施工图Shrinkage 收缩;收缩量Shunt regulator pipe 旁路调节管Shunt valve 旁通阀Shutoff damper 截止挡板,关闭风门Shutoff valve 关闭阀,截止阀Shutter grate 百叶炉篦,可调节的炉篦Siamese connection 复式连接Side opening with slide plate 插板式侧面风口Side spacer (过热器)定距梳形管夹,梳形间隔,梳形卡子Side wall 侧墙,侧水冷壁Side wall inlet 侧墙进风口Side wall register of horizontal and vertical louvers and shutters 带垂直和水平百叶的侧墙送风品Side wall register of vertical louvers and shutters 带重直百叶的侧墙送风口Sightglass 观察窗Signal 信号符号,信号Signal alarm 信号报警,警报器Signal bell 信号铃Signal call device 信号呼叫装置Signal equipment 信号设备Signal light 信号灯Simultaneous 同时的,同时发生的,联立的Simultaneous factor 同时系数Single-acting air pump 单动气泵Single-acting compressor 单作用压缩机Single-acting pump 单动泵Single admission 单侧进风Single and double deflection grille 单层及双层百叶风口Single branch pipe 单支管Single collar pipe 单盘直管Single column manometer 单管式压力计Single column radiator 单柱散热器Single duct air conditioning system 单风道空调系统[空气经过集中设备调节后,由单风道分送至各不同区域的系统]Single-inlet fan 单进风通风机Single lead 单管线Single leaf damper 单页风口[只有一个叶片的,并以铰链接于开口一侧的方形或矩形风门] Single package 单独整体式Single-pass 单程的,单流的Single path 单通路Single-phase kilowatt hour meter 单相电度表Single-phase motor 单相马达Single-phase three wire system 单相三线制Single pipe district heating system 单区域供热系统Single-range 单量程的Single seated valve 单座阀Single shell type absorption refrigerating machine 单筒吸收式制冷机Single sided heating panel 单侧供暖辐射板Single side draft hood 单面吸风罩Single sleeve valve 单套阀Single-stage absorption refrigerator 单极吸收式制冷机Single-stage air compressor 单极空气压缩机Single-stage centrifugal blower 单级离心鼓风机Single-stage centrifugal pump 单级title 图名two-speed motor双速电机ultra low penetration air filter 超高空气效过滤器unidirectional air flow clean rooms单向流洁净室vacuum 真空vibration isolation减振virbrate free double poles terminal防震双球软接头water flow水流量water piping fittings 水管吊支架water to water plate heat exchangers板换water wide pre.drop水侧压降由热心网友《补充》:air balance 风量平衡air barrel 空气室air blanket 空气夹层air blast 强气流,鼓风,强制通风air blast cooling 吹风式冷却air blast connection pipe 风管air blast freezer 强制通风冻结间air blast freezer tuunel 强制通风冻结隧道air blast freezing 强制通风冻结air blast freezing plant 强制通风冻结装置air bleed hole 排气孔air bleed system 抽气方式air bleeder 放气管air blow aeration 散气式通风air blower 鼓风机air blowing 吹气,空气吹污air blowpipe 吹气管air bottle 压缩空气瓶air box 空气室air brake 空气制动器air breather 通风装置,通风孔AEROFLEX “亚罗弗”保温ALCO “艾科”自控Alerton 雅利顿Alfa laval阿法拉伐ARMSTRONG “阿姆斯壮”保温AUX 奥克斯BELIMO 瑞士“搏力谋”BERONOR西班牙“北诺尔”电加热器BILTUR 意大利“百得”BOSIC “柏诚”自控BROAD 远大Burnham美国“博恩汉”锅炉CALPEDA意大利“科沛达”水泵CARL Y 法国“嘉利”制冷配件Carrier 开利Chigo 志高Cipriani 意大利斯普莱力CLIMA VENETA意大利“克莱门特”Copeland“谷轮”压缩机CYRUS意大利”赛诺思”自控DAIKIN 大金Danfoss丹佛斯Dorin “多菱”压缩机DUNHAM-BUSH 顿汉布什DuPont美国“杜邦”制冷剂Dwyer 美国德威尔EBM “依必安”风机ELIWELL意大利“伊力威”自控EV APCO美国“益美高”冷却设备EVERY CONTROL意大利“美控”Erie 怡日FRASCOLD 意大利“富士豪”压缩机FRICO瑞典“弗瑞克”空气幕FUJI “富士”变频器FULTON 美国“富尔顿”锅炉GENUIN “正野”风机GREE 格力GREENCOOL格林柯尔GRUNDFOS “格兰富”水泵Haier 海尔Hisense 海信HITACHI 日立Honeywell 霍尼韦尔Johnson 江森Kelon 科龙KRUGER瑞士“科禄格”风机KU BA德国“库宝”冷风机Liang Chi 良机LIEBERT 力博特MARLEY “马利”冷却塔Maneurop法国“美优乐”压缩机McQuary 麦克维尔Midea 美的MITSUBISHI三菱Munters 瑞典“蒙特”除湿机Oventrop德国“欧文托普”阀门Panasonic 松下RANCO “宏高”自控REFCOMP意大利“莱富康”压缩机RIDGID 美国“里奇”工具RUUD美国“路德”空调RYODEN “菱电”冷却塔SanKen “三垦”变频器Samsung 三星SANYO 三洋SASWELL英国森威尔Schneider 施耐德SenseAir 瑞典“森尔”传感器SIEMENS 西门子SINKO "新晃“空调SINRO “新菱”冷却塔STAND “思探得”加湿器SWEP 舒瑞普TECKA “台佳”空调Tecumseh“泰康”压缩机TRANE 特灵TROX德国“妥思”V ASALA芬兰“维萨拉”传感器WILO德国“威乐”水泵WITTLER 德国”威特”阀门YORK 约克ZENNER德国“真兰”计量相关下载:管道专业用中英对照词汇:/r/c3/2_1141959378890_0_0.htm?way=2暖通行业英语:/r/c3/2_1141694666043_0_0.htm?way=2阀门技术英语:/r/c3/2_1139985869205_0_0.htm?way=2暖通专业英语对照表:/r/c3/2_1134984346210_0_0.htm?way=2测绘相关法律概念英文翻译:/neteaseivp/resource/software/detail.jsp?pk=60839&way=8水利水电工程英汉(汉英)词典软件:/neteaseivp/resource/software/detail.jsp?pk=1348&way=8新世纪汉英科技大词典:/neteaseivp/resource/software/detail.jsp?pk=78802&way=4英语学习:/neteaseivp/resource/software/detail.jsp?pk=88148&way=2。