

Lesson 10

We still remember that assassinated world as idyllic, secure…., we will speak of it in the reverent tones reserved for the dead.

In our memory , the pre-September 11 world was peaceful ,happy and safe (overlooking the fact that this was not the case) and we will talk about those days with a feeling of deep respect and love which can only be found in talking about dead people.

...the spoils of war include some of our most cherished values and liberties.

In order to win the way, we might have to give up some of the basic values and liberties we treasure most. This might be the cost we have to pay.

Who are attempting to colonize the future with their own repressive agenda?

They are planning to carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home and of striking at the “axis of evil ” abroad so as to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach ,such as Central Asia .Hence ,the colonization of the future .

Which assumes the public is thinking in red, white and blue, when actually the spectrum of emotions, ideas and opinions is, like America itself, multihued.

Which takes for granted that people think in a simple and uniform way while actually the feelings, thoughts and views of the American people are as varied as America itself?

We too are mired near the bottom of Maslow’s pyramid, struggling to regain our lost sense of safety and security.

The terrorist attacks put us at the bottom of the hierarchy of human needs, trying hard to reestablish our confidence in physical safety, the lowest type of safety.

It is something we associate with repressive regimes, not with participatory democracies.

We are used to thinking that Western democracies practice rule of law and individual rights and freedom are protected by law. Violation of individual rights and suppression of dissenting voices can only be found in repressive regimes.

There was a relaxing of the rampant materialism, along with its ugly stepsisters isolation and compulsion, that has been the undoing of community in this country.

People began to put less emphasis on the pursuit of wealth and possession of worldly goods. And the other two dangerous symptoms that went with materialism, that is physical separation from others and irrational behavior as a result of impulse also became less serious .Materialism, together with the accompanying symptoms of separation and compulsion, had been the cause of the ruin of community in this country.

…D iscourages national introspection at a time when it would be most valuable.

At a time when it is highly important for Americans to look into ourselves and ask ourselves why “they hate us”, this concept directs our attention and thinking away from such analysis.

…H istory is a gallery of unspeakable crimes.

History records many crimes committed by human beings which are so horrible that they defy description. 10. We tend these images like poisonous flowers in a nightmare garden.

In spite of the fact that these images are horrible images, images of large-scale atrocity, we still take care to keep alive these images.

Lesson 1 How to get the poor off our conscience

1.Virtue is ... self-centered.

By right action,we mean it must help promote personal interest.

2....(poverty) was a product of their excessive fecundity...

The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.

3....the rich were not responsible for either its creation or its amelioration.

The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the


4.It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God.

It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature of to human society.

5.It declined in popularity, and references to its acquired a condemnatory tone.

People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of

sympathy,love and friendship.Therefore,when it was mentioned,it was usually the target of criticism.

6....the search for a way of getting the poor off our conscience was not at an end; it was only suspended.

The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned,it had only been put off.

7....only rarely given to overpaying for monkey wrenches, flashlights, coffee makers, and toilet seats.

Government officials,on the whole ,are good,it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get


8.This is perhaps our most highly influential piece of fiction.

It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true.

9.Belief can be the servant of truth---but even more of convenience.

Belief can be useful in the search for truth,but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving.

10.George Gilder... Who tells to much applause that the poor must have the cruel spur of their own suffering to ensure


George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great

efforts to change the situation,in other words,suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard.

Lesson 2 The woods were tossing with jewels

1.But these marks of wild country called to may father like the legendary siren song.

Though the place was not pleasant or disagreeable,my father was deeply attracted to it precisely because of its

unexplored,uncultivated natural state,and the challenge.

2."I'm afraid the day's going to catch us," I explained, wondering what great disaster might befall us if it did.

As a little girl,I believed my father's words ,and was genuinely afraid of the possible disaster--if we didn't hurry up,the day

would catch us and terrible things might happen.

3....from time to time he was halfheartedly sought for trial, though few crimes seemed to lead directly to his door.

In this place,though the police wound make some effort without real earnest to investigate Watson and bring him to court,there

seemed to be little concrete evidence to prove that he was responsible for certain illegal activities.

4.The stranglehold Watson had over this section of Florida was not dissimilar to the unscrupulous activities of certain

lawmen, other legal crooks, and even governors that our state was to suffer through its history.

The control Watson had over this part of Florida was much similar to the dishonest or illegal activities of the law-enforcing

officials and governors which Florida witnessed in the 20th century.

5.There was the little shack, not the most gracious of living quarters, and there was a murderer for our nearest and only

neighbor, about thirty miles away.

Before the family built their own house,they lived in a shabby cabin at Gopher Key,close to the merciless Watson.

6.King Richard in his gluttony neer sat at a table more sumptuous than ours was three times a day...

We had abundant food on the island,and even the meals enjoyed by King Richard,who was famous for his love of

food,couldn't possibly compare with ours.

7.Despite the unrelenting heat, we were happy to be let off from our hours of school indoors, sessions which our mother kept https://www.360docs.net/doc/7813180012.html,every day, rain or shine.

Although it was very hot outside in the sun,we were happy to be dismissed from my mother's sessions indoors.we would have

to read and write with her every day no matter what the weather was like.

lesson 3 At war with the planet

1...even droughts, floods, and heat waves may become unwitting acts of man.

What people do may unintentionally cause droughts, floods and heat waves. 2.But this image, now repeatedly thrust before us in photographs, posters, and advertisements, is misleading.

The Earth we see in photos,posters,and ads,which appears so beautiful,is not the true reflection of the world we live in ,such

image lulls us into complacency.

3.The technosphere has become sufficiently large and intense to alter the natural processes that govern the ecosphere.

Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensity that they have already caused disastrous effects

on ecology.

4....which could establish itself only because it fitted properly into the preexisting system.

the fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes preceding it and the processes following it in

the ecological system.

5.Defined so narrowly, it is no surprise that cars have properties that are hostile to their environment.

when cars are produced to serve such narrow purposes,it is not surprising that some of their characteristic qualities are harmful

to the environment.

6.Yields rose, but not in proportion to the rate of fertilizer application...

the farmer applied more and more fertilizer,and the production did rise but did not increase at the same rate of the fertilizer.

7....their waste is flushed into the sewer system altered in composition but not in amount at treatment plant...

people eat plants and animals,and their waste is flushed into the sewer system.After being processed,the waste is still waste.the

residue will go into rivers,oceans,and will have harmful effect on the aquatic ecosystem.

8.Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative...

if the ecosystems are not upset by outside intrusion,they will remain the same with very little change

9.In contrast to the ecosphere, the technosphere is composed of objects and materials that reflect a rapid and relentless

process of change and variation.

the characteristics of the objects and materials in the technosphere are rapid change and great variety.

10.But this is done only at the cost of understanding.

if we take side in the war of the two words,we are doing so at the risk of failing to have a clear understanding of the nature and

cause of the war,thus,we lose the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis.

Lesson4 nettles

1.How all my own territory would be altered, ad if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss

of Mike.

the impact of Mike's leaving on my life was beyond my imagination.I didn't expect that Mike's leaving would have such a

tremendous power that it would change the meaning of my existence completely.All my thoughts were about loss of Mike.

2.During that time of life that is supposed to be a reproductive daze, with the woman's mind all swamped by maternal juices,

we were still compelled to discuss Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and "The Cocktail Party".

At that time,we were young mothers,and we were supposed to lead a terribly busy life full of confusion and bewilderment

caused by giving birth to and raising babies.and our minds were supposed to be fully occupied by how to feed the babies and

things like that.However,in the midst of all this we still felt the need to discuss some of the important thinkers of our time like

Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and T.S.Eliot's sophisticated work"The Cocktail Party".

3....I would be frightened, not of any hostility but of a kind of nonexistence.

I would be frightened,and my fear was not caused by my neighbor's visibly hostile and violent way of life,but by a kind of

formless and hidden emptiness and meaninglessness of human existence.What happened around me was totally irrelevant to

me,and I felt very isolated and alienated. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7813180012.html,4.She did not ask me---was it delicacy or disapproval?---about my new life.

She did not ask me about my new life,either out of subtle consideration for my feeling about this sensitive subject or out of

disapproval for my new life style.

5.It would be a sleazy thing to do, in the house of his friends.

It would be a morally low thing,an indecent thing to commit infidelity in the house of a friend.

6.I knew now that he was a person who had hit rock bottom.

I knew that he was a person who had experienced the worst in life,the hardest experience a person might have to endure.

7.He and wife knew that together and it bound them, as something like that would either break you apart or bind you, for


They experienced the worst together and they knew what it was like and understood the meaning of that experience.such an

experience posed the gravest test to people.if they stood the test,their friendship or marriage would be strengthened,and a sacred

bondage would be formed between them.but if they failed the test,their relationship would be broken and they would flow on

gently and

8.Not risking a thing yet staying alive as a sweet trickle, an underground resource. With the weight of this now stillness on it,

this seal.

If they acted on love,they would take risks.they wouldn't do that or go further in their relationship,but they would rather let

their love remain as a sweet trickle,which would flow on gently and...

Lesson 5 The One Against the Many

1....the national rejection of dogmatic preconceptions about the nature of the social and economic order

As a nation, America has refused to cling to certain rigid principles concerning social and economic development. America has

been adaptable and flexible.

2 Nor can one suggest that Americans have been consistently vulnerability to immune to the ideological temptation...

1.No one can say that Americans have never been tempted by the approach of understanding ,preserving or transforming the

world according to rigid dogmas.

3..and any intellect so shaped was bound to have certain vulnerability to secular ideology ever after

A mind influenced by Calvinist theology would surely find it somewhat difficult to resist other ideological temptations to

ideological thinking.

4.Pragmatism is no more wholly devoid...experience

Pragmatism is not completely free from abstract ideas just as ideology is not completely free from experience,that is to

say,abstract ideas have a place in pragmatism just as experience has a role in ideology.

5.As an ideologist,however,Jefferson....historical curiosity

As a man following a fixed set of beliefs,Jefferson is only an interesting historical figure.His beliefs are out of date and are

irrelevant to present-day reality.

6....(and often )whose central dogma is confided to the custody of an infallible priesthood

Their central beliefs are imprisoned by the whole body of priests who are always effective.

7....where free men may find partial truths,but where ...on Absolute Truth

In this universe a person whose mind is unconstrained may be able to discover relation truths but no man on earth can claim

that he has already grasped the one and only truth.

8.But ideology is a drug; no matter how ...it still persists.

Ideology has the characteristic of a narcotic.In spite of the fact that it has been proved wrong many times by experience, people

still long to commit themselves to ideology.

9....the only certainty in an absolute system is the certainty of absolute abuse.

The only thing that is sure of a despotic system is the unrestricted exercise of power.

10. The distinctive human triumph...lies in the capacity to understand the frailty of human striving ...nonetheless

The most outstanding achievement of humanity is they know that no matter how hard they try,they cannot achieve Absolute

truth,yet they continue to make great efforts and refuse to give up.

Lesson6 Death of a pig

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7813180012.html, 1.It is a tragedy enacted on most farms with ...The murder,being premeditated,is in the first degree..and the smoked bacon

and ham provide...questioned

the tragedy has an ending---the killing of a pig and the serving of its meat.The killing deliberately planned and carried out

efficiently,is the most type of murder.However,whether pigs should end their lives that way has never been questioned.

2.A pig couldn't ask for anything better or none has, at any rate

A pig could not ask for any better living conditions;at least no pig has ever complained.In a word,my pig lived in a pleasant

environment. Note the humor here- a pid couldn't speak, therefore it couldn't let us know whether it was contented with its

living conditions.

3.... And when a pid (or a child ) refuses supper a chill wave of fear runs through any household, or ice-household.

The author is comparing a pig to a child. The two share quite some similarities: hungry all the time and dear to the family.

4. You could see him down there at all hours, his white face parting ...his stethoscope dangling ...and grinning his corrosive


Fred was quite excited about the event.He was down at the pigpen all the time.because of his swollen joints,he moved about

unsteadily.His face set apart the grass along the fence as he moved about.He was like a doctor,with his long ,drooping ears

dangling like a stethoscope,and he scrabbbled on the ground as if he were prescibing some medicine.

5. When the enema bag appeared, and the bucket of warm suds, his happiness...full charge of the irrigation

When it was time to dose the pig,Fred became even more excited,and he managed to get through the fence,and acted as if he

was taking charge of the medical treatment.

6. ...ours was a businesslike procession, with Fred,....so that inwards that... At last resting squarely ...own doing.

Our procession was a serious and efficient one. Fred, who acted as the pallbearer, walked unsteadily in the back, though he was

not qualified for that function. The sorrow of losing a family member was shown clearly in his face. The autopsy of the body's

inwards was done right at the side of the grave. The intestines of the pid were first thrown into the grave, so the pig could lie

exactly on those things that caused his death.

7.....and the premature expiration of a pig is...a sorrow in which it feels fully involved

If a pig dies before he is supposed to ,it is a serious matter for the whole community to remember.The whole community would

share the sadness for his death.

8.I have written this account in penitence and in grief,as a man who...and to explain my...so many raised pigs

The purpose of this essay is to show that I am sorry for what has happened to my pig,since I have failed to raise the pig and

cannot provide a reason why my pig could didn't grow the way other pigs have grown.

9.The grave in the woods is unmarked,but ...and I know he and I...on flagless ..own choosing

The pig's grave in the woods doesn't have a tombstone,but whenever somebody wants to visit it,Fred will show him the way.I

know we will often visit it,separate or together,when we need to ponder over problems or when we are depressed.

Lesson 7 Inaugural address

1.For man holds in his mortal hands....and all forms of human life.

rendering it uninhabitable and lifeless.

2....unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights...

We do not want to see or to allow the slow destruction of those human rights.

3.To those peoples in the huts and villages of half.....of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves...

To the people of the underdeveloped countries living in poverty in rural areas,we are committed to helping them to rid

themselves of mass poverty by their own efforts.

4.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.

But we should not let any communist power take advantage of this alliance for progress to expand its influence.

5.And let every other power know that this....of its own house.

We want to make clear to the communist powers that Americas are the Americas of the Americans.do not attempt to penetrate

into this area.

6....before the dark powers of destruction..... or accidental self-destruction. https://www.360docs.net/doc/7813180012.html,before the world is destroyed by a nuclear war launched in a preemptive attack or caused by accident.

7....yet both raing to alter the uncertain...of mankind's final war.

Yet both sides attempt to get an edge in the nuclear arms race so as to break the mutual deterrence which has so far prevented

the outbreak of a nuclear war.

8....civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.

To be ready to negotiate and establish friendly relations does not mean that we are weak or afraid.declarations of sincere

intention have to be tested by actions.

9.Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.

Let the two sides use the fruits of science for the benefit of humanity rather than using high-tech weapons to kill and destroy.

10....each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.

1.There have been occasions for each generations of Americans to be called upon to fight and die for their country.

10 Notes on the English Character

1.Saint George may caper on banner and in the speeches of politicians, but it is John Bull who delivers the goods.

As Saint George is a hero, the patron of arms, symbolizing chivalry, his image often appears on banners, and his name is often mentioned in the speeches of politicians. Saint George is used as a symbolic figure for political purposes. But John Bill is a tradesman and he delivers the goods we need in our daily life while making money at the same time.

2.With its boarding-houses, its compulsory games, its system of prefects and fagging, its insistence on good form and on esprit de corps, it produces a type whose weight is out of all proportion to its numbers.

The English public schools have unique features. First, all boys live in boarding houses. Second, sports and games are organized and compulsory as part of thee school curricula. Third, older students have special duties to help control younger students while the latter must do jobs for the former. Lastly, great emphasis is placed on good form and team spirit. These features enable the public school students to have disproportionately great influence.

3.Note the word "bankrupt". I spoke as a member of a prudent middle-class nation, always anxious to meet my liabilities.

Pay attention to my use of the word"bankrupt", a word related to business. This reveals my identity as a member of the

commercial nation, who would be careful and sensible enough to avoid any risks of failing to pay their debts.

4.But my friend spoke as an Oriental, and the Oriental has behind him a tradition, not of middle-class prudence but of

kingly munificence and splendor.

But my friend expressed his views as a member of the Oriental countries. They are nourished by a tradition of great generosity

and richness, which is different from the English tradition of middle-class prudence.

5."True love in this differs from gold and clay, That to divide is not to take away."

In this aspect, true love is different from material things such as clay or even gold which can be divided and taken away. Yet, if

we share true love, it will never diminish.

6.I will now descend from that dizzy and somewhat unfamiliar height, and return to my business of notetaking.

In the above anecdote, I have become an example of the Englishmen for the moment. That put me in a high position which

makes me dizzy and is unfamiliar to me. I will now come down from that height and return to my role as your commentator on

the characteristics of the Englishman.

7. Such a combination is fruitful, and anyone who possesses it has gone a long way toward being brave.

The Englishman's nervous system acts promptly and feels slowly. The combination of the two qualities is useful, and anyone who has this combination is most likely to be brave.

8.Since literature always rests upon national character, there must be in the English nature hidden springs of fire to produce the fire we see.

As literature is based on national character, there must be in the English nature hidden resources of passion that have produced that great romantic literature we see.

9."Oh, I'm used to Bernard Shaw,;monkey tricks don't hurt me."

That kind of criticism is just like Bernard Shaw's attacks. It is nothing new and I'm used to these tricks and jokes; they won't do any harm to me.

10.And the "tolerant humorous attitude " with which he confronts them is not really humorous, because it is bounded by the titter and the guffaw.

The Englishmen think they have a tolerant and humorous attitude toward criticism. In fact it is not so, because their attitude is limited by uncomfortable laughter, which indicates that beneath the surface of their tolerant humorous attitude, they are uneasy.

When they try to be humorous and brush aside criticism, they would titter and guffaw. Such uncomfortable laughter is a sign of uneasiness.

11.The cats are all out of their bags, and diplomacy cannot recall them.

I have already made all my opinions known to you. What is said is said, and being diplomatic cannot unsay what has been said.


第一课 大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10) 标签:答案教育分类:大学英语 V ocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In


U n i t 1 Baptist counsel encyclopedia agenda attitudinal contribute crisis endeavor ethical ethnic masculine resentment evaluate feminine adulthood option perceive project excessive functional genetic inherit interaction peer process stressful endowment ethnic adolescence affirm approval unquestionably heighten inhibition internalize newscast

rebel seminary theological wardrobe unit4 bearded Cynicism elegant guffaw lunatic monarch page pebble scant scratch block elaborately fountain half-naked nudge olive paradox privacy scoop squatter stroll titter sweat unit5 abundance adapt angler biocide birch bound built-in

chorus colossal confined considerable throb trout vegetation migrant suppress synthetic contamination counterpart deliberate ecologist evolve fern flame flicker gear harmony immune reserve score sicken span spiral subject mold outbreak potent primitive puzzle rapidity resurgence midst modify organism

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT5 The Nightingale and the Rose 课文翻译

2014101018 第五单元 Translation of Text A 夜莺与玫瑰 1 “她说如果我给她带去红玫瑰,她愿意和我一起跳舞。”年轻的学生哭喊道,“但满院子都没有一朵红玫瑰。” 2 这番话给在老橡树上自己巢中的夜莺听见了,她通过橡树叶张望,心中诧异。 3 “在我的花园没有红玫瑰!”他哭着说,他美丽的大眼满含泪水:“啊,圣贤之书我已读完,哲学奥妙尽藏心中,然而缺少一朵红玫瑰却使我的生活瞬时暗淡!” 4 “终于有一位重感情的人了,”夜莺说,“我曾日日夜夜为他歌唱,现在我终于见到他了。” 5 “王子明晚将举行一个舞会,”年轻的学生喃喃道:“我的爱人也将前往我若为他采得红玫瑰,她将和我一直跳舞到天亮。我会揽她入怀,而她也会偎依在我的肩头。但在我的花园没有红玫瑰,因此我只能独自坐那儿黯然神伤,心痛无比。” 6 “他确实是一个重感情的人,”夜莺说。真爱是美好的,它价胜千金。 7 “乐师们将奏乐助兴,”年轻的学生道,“我的爱人将和着竖琴和小提琴声翩翩起舞。她的身姿是如此的轻盈宛似蜻蜓点水般。但他是不会和我一起跳的,因为我没有红玫瑰献给她。”于是他扑倒在草地上,双手捂着脸放声痛哭起来。 8 “他为什么哭泣呢?”一只绿色的蜥蜴翘着尾巴经过他身边时问道。 9 “是啊,到底为什么呢?”一只在阳光下挥动着翅膀的蝴蝶问道。 10 “到底为什么呢?”一朵雏菊用低沉的声音对他的邻居说道. 11 “他为一只红玫瑰哭泣。”夜莺说。 12 “为了一朵红玫瑰?”他们叫道,“太荒谬了!”那本来就有点愤世嫉俗的小蜥蜴肆无忌惮的笑道。但是夜莺了解男孩的悲痛,默默无声地坐在橡树上。 13 突然她张开自己棕色的双翼,向空中飞去。她犹如影子般穿越树林,又如影子般越过花园。 14 在草地的中心一棵美丽的红玫瑰树傲然屹立。她看到后立即向它飞去:“给


Page 39 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. Sth. seems (to be) + adj.(表) + to sb. 2.We looked around. There wasn't a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. Sth. /sb. +(seem + to do)复合谓语3.He seems to be in low spirits these days. Sth./Sb. + seem to be + 表语 wonder why. I think it's because he doesn't seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates. Sb. + seem to do sth There seems to be 4.What are you looking for, Dick? I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5.If you find that a word doesn't seem to

make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That's the only way to learn to use a word. 6.They went on arguing for hours. Neither of them seem (to be) willing to listen to each other. I suddenly remembered someone saying "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance." 7.The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8.My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9.Economists have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. W orld economy is looking up. 10.When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in

现代大学英语精读1 UNIT6 The Green Banana 课文翻译

2014101018 第六单元 Translation of Text A 青香蕉 1尽管这种事情在任何地方都可能发生,但我与青香蕉的邂逅却源自于巴西腹地一条险峻的山路上。我那老式吉普车正吃力地穿过景色优美的乡村,这时,水箱突然漏水了,而离我最近的汽车修理站也还要十英里。发动机过热迫使我在临近的村庄停了下来。村里有一个小商店和分布在四处的几座房子。有村民围过来看,三股细细的热水柱从水箱外壳上的小孔喷出来。“这容易解决,”一个人说到。他让一个小男孩跑去拿些青香蕉来。这个人还拍了拍我的肩膀,安慰我问题会解决的。“青香蕉。”他笑了,其余的人都这么说着。 2我和他们闲聊起来,心里却一直在想他们用这青香蕉怎么能修补好水箱。毫无疑问,提问会暴露我的无知,因此我开始赞叹眼前美丽的乡村景色。耸立在我们周围巨大的岩石群,很像里约热内卢著名的糖面包山。“看见那边那块高高的岩石了吗?”那人指着一块特别高而且细长的黑色石柱问我,“那块岩石标志着世界的中心。” 3我看着他,想知道他是否在和我开玩笑,但他却表情严肃,反过来认真地审视着我,似乎想确定我是否领会了他那句话的深刻含义。这种情况要求我必须表现出认同。他点头说:“绝对是中心。这儿的人都知道。” 4这时,小男孩抱着青香蕉回来了。那个男子把其中一根掰成两半,将其断口处按在水箱的外壳上。香蕉遇到炙热的金属融成了胶,立刻就堵住了漏洞。面对如此情景,我惊呆了,我当时的表情一定是傻傻的,所有的人都笑了起来。他们把我的水箱装满水,又让我带上一些香蕉,以防沿途中水箱再出问题。路上,我又用了一次青香蕉,一个小时后,我开着车到达了目的地。当地的一修理工笑着问我:“谁教你用青香蕉的?”我告诉了他那个村子的名字。“他们有没有指给你看标志世界中心的那块岩石?”他问道。我告诉他,他们指给我看了。“我祖父就是那儿的人,”他说,“那的确是中心。一直以来这儿的人都知道。” 5作为美国教育的产物,除了把青香蕉当作还没长熟的水果,我从来就没注意过它。但突然在那条山路上,当我需要它时,它正巧出现了。可是仔细想一想,其实青香蕉一直在那儿存在着。时间可以追溯到香蕉的最初的起源。那个村子里的人都知道它已经很多年了,我现在也因此认识它了。我开始珍视村民们的聪明才智和青香蕉的特殊潜能。曾有一段时间,我一直困惑于教育家们提出的“领悟的瞬间”,而现在我知道自己刚刚同时经历了两个这样的瞬间。 6我又用了一些时间来领会村民们认为那块标志着世界中心的岩石的重要性。开始时我怀疑他们的说法,因为我知道实际上世界的中心是位于新英格兰的某个

大学英语精读第五册Unit 2 The Fifth Freedom

这一课的译文还需对照教参修改一下!! Unit 2 The Fifth Freedom More than three centuries ago a handful of(少数)pioneers(先驱者)crossed the ocean to Jamestown and Plymouth in search of freedoms they were unable to find in their own countries, the freedom we still cherish(珍视)today: freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of speech, freedom of religion(宗教)。Today the descendants(后代) of the early settlers (早期殖民者),and those who have joined them since ,are fighting to (斗争)protect(保卫)these freedom at home and throughout the world.(国内国外)(300多年前,少数拓荒者穿过大洋来到詹姆斯顿和普利茅斯,寻找他们在国内不能找到的自由,这些也是我们今天仍然珍视的自由:免于匮乏的自由,免于恐惧的自由,言论自由,宗教自由。今天这些早期殖民者的后代们和那些后来加入他们行列的人们还在国内国外为保卫这些自由而斗争。) And yet there is a fifth freedom----basic to those four ---that we are in danger of (处于--危险中)losing: the freedom to be one's best(达到自己最佳水平的自由)(然而,我们正面临失去第五种自由的危险,它是上述四种自由的基础,这种自由是:达到自己最佳水平的自由).St. Exupery(埃克苏佩里)


UNIT1 又一学年——为了什么? 约翰·切阿迪 1.给你们讲讲我刚当老师时候的一次失败经历吧。那是1940年的1月,我从研究生院 毕业不久,在堪萨斯城大学开始第一学期的教学工作。一个瘦高,长得就像顶上有毛的豆角架一样的男学生走进我的课堂,坐下,双臂交叉放在胸前,看着我,好像在说:“好吧,教我一些东西。”两周后我们开始学习《哈姆雷特》。三周后他双手叉腰走进我的办公室,“看,”他说,“我来这是学习当药剂师的。我为什么必须读这个?”由于没有随身带着自己的书,他就指着桌子上放着的我的那本。 2.虽然我是位新老师,我本来可以告诉这个家伙许多事情的。我本来可以指出,他考 入的不是制药技工培训学校而是大学,而且他在毕业时,应该得到一张写有理学学士而不是“合格的磨药工”的学位证书。这证书会证明他专修过药剂学,但它还能进一步证明他曾经接触过一些人类发展史上产生的思想。换句话说,他上的不是技能培训学校而是大学,在大学里学生既要得到培训又要接受教育。 3.我本来可以把这些话都告诉他,但是很明显,他不会待很长时间,说了也没用。 4.但是,由于我当时很年轻而且责任感也很强,我尽量把我的意思这样表达出来:“在 你的余生中,”我说,“平均每天24小时左右。谈恋爱时,你会觉得它有点短;失恋时,你会觉得它有点长。但平均每天24小时会保持不变。在其余的大约8个小时的时间里,你会处于睡眠状态。 5.“然后在每个工作日8个小时左右的时间里,我希望你会忙于一些有用的事情。假 设你毕业于一所药科大学——或工程大学,法学院,或者其他什么大学——在那8个小时时间里,你将用到你的专业技能。作为一个药剂师,你要确保氯化物没有和阿斯匹林混在一起;作为一个工程师,你要确保一切都在你的掌控之中;作为一个律师,你要保证你的当事人没有因为你的无能而被处以电刑。这些都是有用的工作,它们涉及到的技能每个人都必须尊重,而且它们都能给你带来基本的满足。无论你还干些什么,这些技能都很可能是你养家糊口的本领。它们会给你带来收入;但愿你的收入总能够用。” 6.“但完成一天的工作后,剩下的8小时你做什么呢?比如说你可以回家,和你的家 人待在一起。你所供养的是一个什么样的家庭呢?孩子们在家里能接触到一点还算是精辟的思想吗?你主持的家庭中有民主气息吗?家里有书吗?有那种一般敏感的人看了不会发怵的画吗?孩子们会听到巴赫的音乐吗?” 7.这差不多就是我所说的,但这个讨厌鬼不感兴趣。“看,”他说,“你们教授用你 们的方法培养孩子;我会以我自己的方式抚养我自己的孩子。我呀,我会尽一切努力挣钱的。” 8.“我希望你能赚很多,”我告诉他,“因为你在开支票的余暇会愁没事干的。” 9.14年后的今天,我仍然在教书,在此我要告诉你们,大学的职责并不只是在于培训 你,它还要使你接触人类思想的精髓。如果你没时间看莎士比亚的作品,没时间看哲学入门,没时间欣赏艺术的存续,也没时间学习我们称之为历史的人类发展的课


大学英语精读第五册 Unit 2 Translation Chinese to English 1.我认为向他求助是不现实的。事实上,他自己也需要帮助。 I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help.As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help. 2.越来越多的人正在意识到与空气污染作斗争的迫切需要。 More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution. 3.有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念采不再被年轻人珍视。 There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people. 4.我们许多人觉得宇宙无限这一概念难以理解。 Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp. 5. 因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞(loophole),一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没 有什么奇怪了。 There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight. 6. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前只住有三百人的边境小镇突然繁荣起来。 An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people. 7.根据这一信息,该国已经具有制造核武器的能力。 In the light of the information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. 8.他不顾朋友的反复警告,把所有的钱都投向了高风险企业。 Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends,he staked all his money on high-risk ventures. 大学英语精读第五册 Unit 4 TRANSLATION Chinese to English 1. 有人说对于不公正的批评的最好反映是原谅和忘却(不念旧恶)。 Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticies is to forgive and forget. 2. 天哪,你为什么不给我打电话? For God’s sake, why didn’t you call you? 3.绝望之中,我一脚把门踢开,结果发现他躺在床上,已经昏迷不醒。 I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconciously. 4.那机修工气愤地把工具扔到一边,再也不肯干了。


-* 第一课 大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10)转载 标签:答案教育分类:大学英语 V ocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In


现代大学英语精读教案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

U n i t1H a l f a d a y 教学目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 教育与背景 主要着作 创作观 3.作品赏析 结构分析 如何赏析文学作品 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 倒装句 “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 长难句解析 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary 介词练习 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构 3.构词法:前缀 教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。 ⅠAbout the author ★ Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面)


Book 4-Unit 5 Text A The Telephone Anwar F. Accawi 1.When I was growing up in Magdaluna, a small Lebanese village in the terraced, rocky mountains east of Sidon, time didn't mean much to anybody, except maybe to those who were dying. In those days, there was no real need for a calendar or a watch to keep track of the hours, days, months, and years. We knew what to do and when to do it, just as the Iraqi geese knew when to fly north, driven by the hot wind that blew in from the desert. The only timepiece we had need of then was the sun. It rose and set, and the seasons rolled by and we sowed seed and harvested and ate and played and married our cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox—and those children who survived grew up and married their cousins and had babies who got whooping cough and chickenpox. We lived and loved and toiled and died without ever needing to know what year it was, or even the time of day. 2.It wasn't that we had no system for keeping track of time and of the important events in our lives. But ours was a natural or, rather, a divine — calendar, because it was framed by acts of God: earthquakes and droughts and floods and locusts and pestilences. Simple as our calendar was, it worked just fine for us. 3.Take, for example, the birth date of Teta Im Khalil, the oldest woman in Magdaluna and all the surrounding villages. When I asked Grandma, "How old is Teta Im Khalil?" 4.Grandma had to think for a moment; then she said, "I've been told that Teta was born shortly after the big snow that caused the roof on the mayor's house to cave in." 5."And when was that?" I asked. 6."Oh, about the time we had the big earthquake that cracked the wall in the east room." 7.Well, that was enough for me. You couldn't be more accurate than that, now, could you? 8.And that's the way it was in our little village for as far back as anybody could remember. One of the most unusual of the dates was when a whirlwind struck during which fish and oranges fell from the sky. Incredible as it may sound, the story of the fish and oranges was true, because men who would not lie even to save their own souls told and retold that story until it was incorporated into Magdaluna's calendar. 9.The year of the fish-bearing whirlpool was not the last remarkable year. Many others followed in which strange and wonderful things happened. There was, for instance, the year of the drought, when the heavens were shut for months and the spring from which the entire village got its drinking water slowed to a trickle. The spring was about a mile from the village, in a ravine that opened at one end into a small, flat clearing covered with fine gray dust and hard, marble-sized goat droppings. In the year of the drought, that little clearing was always packed full of noisy kids with big brown eyes and sticky hands, and their mothers —sinewy, overworked young women with cracked, brown heels. The children ran around playing tag or hide-and-seek while the women talked, shooed flies, and awaited their turns to fill up their jars with drinking water to bring home to their napping men and wet babies. There were days when we had to wait from sunup until late afternoon just to fill a small clay jar with precious, cool water.


第一课 Vocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the sp ring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In 19. Find 20. Who 21. carefully 22. to


Unit8 Ⅲ. Vocabulary Activities 1. 1. guilty of 2. flames 3. equality 4. reminds of 5. was stripped of 6. justice 7. destiny 8. poverty 9. despair 10. discrimination 11. architect 12. pledges 13. degenerated 14. horror 15. threshold 16. crippled 2. 1. fallen heir to 2. obligation 3. legitimate 4. fatigue 5. fatal 6. thirst 7. transforms 8. bankrupt 9. In a sense 10. defaulted on 11. speeding up 12. sacred 13. tied up with 14. horror 15. underestimate 16. cool off 3. 1. The man confessed he had been guilty of theft. 2. David felt despair as he read the exam questions. 3. We are on the threshold of a new era in genetic engineering. 4. He was stripped of his knighthood after he was found guilty. 5. A taste of power left him with a thirst for more power. 6. A series of strikes have crippled some of the basic industries of that country. 4. 1. The increasing prosperity of the country was in a large measure attributable to the governm ent’s pursuit of a policy of economic reform. 2. The black leader took it as his sacred obligation to fight hard all his life to achieve racial equality. 3. The year 1976 saw the deaths of Premier Zhou En-lai, Marshal Zhu De and Chairman Mao Ze-dong, the three leading ar chitects of the People’s Republic. 4. On more than one occasion I reminded the principal of his promise to stand up for the legitimate interests of retired teachers. 5. The theme of the story is that a person’s destiny is closely tied up wit h that of the whole nation. 6. The large fortune the young man fell heir to enabled him to live out his dreams. 5. 1. stood up for 2. stand up 3. stand up for 4. stood for 5. stand by 6. stand up to 7. stood out 8. stand for 9. sit in 10. sat on 11. sit down 12. will sit for/sat for 13. sit up for 14. sitting in 15. sits up Ⅳ. Cloze
