ROLAND VS2400CD数字音频工作站
YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小计
![YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小计](
回归模拟YAMAHA AW2400音频工作站使用小记在使用电脑音乐制作手段覆盖几乎所有音像制作领域的今天,Y AMAHA推出AW2400音频工作站貌似功能重复,又没什么优势,但是经过拆包测试,还真是有许多录音上可取的优点!下面我们来看看它的具体功能。
作为数码调音台,AW2400拥有24BIT的AD/DA转换精度,以及32BIT的内部处理精度,比以前的AW1600G要好得多,在实际测试中,小编觉得它的MIC PRE很上档次,甚至比YAMAHA一些数码调音台还要好,声音有光泽、清晰,既不会“肥”得像电子管那样高音往下掉,也不会“瘦”得跟电脑声卡录音一般只有大电平而没有相当的响度,声音非常“模拟”,很接近以前NEVE调音台的风格。
小编在实际的使用中,觉得AW2400自带的效果器有几个相当不错,效果器数量少,但是很经典,比如混响,只有REVB系列:REVB ROOM、REVB HALL等,效果可是比的上YAMAHA的DM2000上的混响!加载后声场有纵深,原音不虚,混响的残留痕迹不大,估计国人会比较喜欢这样的混响,至于其他的效果器类型用的比较少,我就不一一介绍。
“VS-2480CD”—数字音频工作站的基本使用方法6.1 “VS—2480CD”的顶部面板的插孔及键功能介绍:“VS—2480CD”的面板可分成几大部分如图6.1.1所示:图6.1.1面板区域划分6.1.1 模拟输入插孔及控制部分如图6.1.2所示图6.1.2 面板顶部的模拟输入插孔1—XLR Input 1—8(模拟卡侬接口输入插孔1-8):这8个输入插孔中的每一个输入插孔可以连接来自平衡XLR(卡侬接头)的输入信号。
2—TRS Input1-16(TRS输入插孔1-16):此16个TRS输入插孔中的每一个都可以连接1/4吋插头的平衡或不平衡的音频的TRS型话筒(输入1-16是1/4吋耳机型平衡端子)。
3—GUITAR HI-Z(吉他高阻抗插孔)如果需要给VS—2480连接电吉他或电贝司,就连接到大音量、信号清楚、低噪音的1/4英寸的话筒插孔。
你既可以用GUITAR HI-Z输入插孔,又可以用16个TRS输入口,但不能同时使用。
GUITAR HI-Z ON开关的设定决定这两个插孔的启用与否。
4—GUITAR HI-Z ON Switch(电吉他开关)按下GUITAR HI-Z ON开关开启GUITAR HI-Z输入插孔,若置于off将关闭16个TRS输入,当开关锁定于它的“in”位置时,GUITAR HI-Z输入插孔被开启。
5—PAD Switches 1-16(PAD开关1-16)当按下此钮时,相应的连接到XLR或TRS模拟输入插孔的信号就被衰减20dB。
6—SENS Knob 1-16(灵敏度旋钮1-16)可以通过旋转XLR和TRS的SENS旋纽调整其输入插孔1-16的灵敏度。
一、功能特点1. 高品质音频转换器:Roland声卡采用高性能的音频转换芯片,能够实现高保真的音频录制和播放。
2. 强大的信号处理功能:Roland声卡内置多种信号处理效果,包括均衡器、压缩器、混响器等,可以对录制的音频进行精细调整和修饰,使其达到想要的效果。
3. 多通道录音功能:Roland声卡支持多通道录音,可以同时录制多个音频信号。
4. 低延迟监控功能:Roland声卡具有低延迟的监控功能,可以实时监听录制的音频信号,方便音乐制作时的即时调整和效果预览。
5. 多种连接接口:Roland声卡支持多种连接接口,包括USB、MIDI、线性输入和输出等,可以与计算机、乐器、音响设备等各类音频设备进行连接和通信。
三、操作方法1. 连接设备:将Roland声卡与计算机或其他音频设备进行连接。
正文:1. 概述罗兰Jv1000合成器是一款高性能数字合成器,具有强大的音源输入、多种合成音色、多种控制功能以及数字音频处理功能,适用于音乐制作、录音棚工作、演出等场合。
2. 输入端口罗兰Jv1000合成器的输入端口包括耳机接口、麦克风接口、光纤接口和USB 接口。
3. 输出端口罗兰Jv1000合成器的输出端口包括耳机接口、麦克风接口和光纤接口。
4. 功能罗兰Jv1000合成器具有多种功能,包括:- 音源输入:支持多种数字音源输入,包括CD、USB、网络等。
- 均衡器:可以调节合成器中的均衡器,使声音更加自然、均衡。
- 音量控制:可以控制合成器中的音量,使音乐更加生动、有趣。
- 音色控制:可以控制合成器中的各种音色,使音乐更加丰富多彩。
- 混音:可以进行音源混合、声音混音和数字音频处理等操作,使音乐更加专业、完整。
- 控制功能:具有自动增益控制、混响、延迟等功能,使音乐制作更加灵活、高效。
5. 操作界面罗兰Jv1000合成器的操作界面友好、直观,用户可以通过屏幕查看合成器中的音乐、音色、均衡器和音量等信息。
拓展:6. 连接罗兰Jv1000合成器可以通过光纤接口、USB接口和耳机接口等多种方式连接外部设备,用户可以根据自己的需要选择适合自己的连接方式。
7. 保养和维护罗兰Jv1000合成器的保养和维护非常重要,以下是一些保养和维护的建议: - 避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。
- 避免过度使用和过度充电。
罗兰(Roland)FR-8x V-Accordion商品介绍说明书
![罗兰(Roland)FR-8x V-Accordion商品介绍说明书](
The Ultimate Fusion of Technology and TraditionWith the incredible new FR-8x, Roland has perfected the synergy between traditional accordion playability and modern digital power. The latest flagship piano-type V-Accordion is jam-packed with features and enhancements developed with input from the world’s top players, bringing a previously unattained level of expression and versatility to every accordionist. Innovative Dynamic Bellows Behavior technology delivers the true bellows response of an acoustic accordion, while the expanded sound set, four powerful multi-effects, anonboard looper, and much more offer atreasure chest of tools for dynamic musical exploration. Seamlessly fusing top-level technology with familiar acoustic tradition, the FR-8x V-Accordion ushers in a new era of creative freedom for players everywhere.Flagship piano-type V-Accordion, filled with many enhancements requested by pro accordionistsNewly developed Dynamic Bellows Behavior technology emulates the true bellows response of an acoustic accordion in every registerSimple and convenient onboard battery charging with an AC adapterA large selection of accordion sounds from around the world, plus 180 orchestra and percussion sounds and world-class Virtual Tone Wheel organsFour powerful multi-effects engines (MFX), with dedicated MFX for Accordion, Orchestra 1, Orchestra 2, and Orchestra Chord sections.All-new user interface, featuring a large, easy-to-read color display, intuitive panel layout, and three programmable chin switches for hands-free control of a variety of functions1400 user program memories allow players to save custom setups for every performing situation Onboard looper for creating instant backing accompanimentRecording and audio playback via convenient USB memory; USB host port for connecting to computers Available in red and black finishes■■■■■■■■■■mp3True Acoustic Response with Dynamic Bellows BehaviorRedesigned Interface with Color Display and Intuitive Panel LayoutAll-in-One Operation and Onboard Battery ChargingNewly developed for the FR-8x, Dynamic Bellows Behavior technology represents a real breakthrough for digitalaccordionists. In an acoustic accordion, sounds are produced by reeds that vibrate with airflow generated by the movement of the bellows; the resistance of the bellows constantly varies, depending on how many reeds are selected and how many notes are played at once. In the FR-8x, Dynamic BellowsBehavior automatically adjusts the air transfer in the bellows in real time based on the selected register and the number of notes played, accurately replicating the familiar andcomfortable bellows feel of an acoustic accordion. Dynamic Bellows Behavior can be easily disabled for players that prefer the bellows feel of previous V-Accordions.The FR-8x features a completely redesigned user interface that’s more powerful and easier to use than ever before. A large, recessed color display makes it simple to see and edit various parameters, while the revamped panel layout provides fast, intuitive operation via many dedicated buttons and knobs. Three all-new programmable chin switches let you control a variety of functions such as changing registers, selecting user programs, and more, all without lifting your hands off the keyboards. Additionally, 1400 user program memories provide ample storage for custom settings, with quick fingertip recall in every performing situation.The FR-8x is a totally self-contained instrument, complete with a rechargeable onboard battery and built-in stereoamplification system. Battery charging is accomplished simply by connecting the included AC adapter directly to the FR-8x, and you can play without interruption during the charging process. In addition, all device connections are now located right on the instrument, including MIDI, USB, and audio jacks for connecting to an external amplification or recordingsystem.Expanded Collection of World-Class SoundsZones, Layers, and DrumsPowerful Multi-Effects and Onboard LooperIn addition to a full selection of authentic accordion sounds from around the world, the FR-8x is equipped with over 180 orchestra and percussion sounds, giving you the power to expand your music into unexplored territory. Included are traditional instruments such as strings and brass, plus electric and acoustic guitars, choir, church organ, harp, ethnic sounds, synthesizers, and a wide range of drum kits. With the Virtual Tone Wheel sound engine, you can play amazing organ sounds using Treble (upper), Chord (lower) and Bass (pedal) sections, with harmonic bar controls to personalize your organ sounds for any musical style. Four internal memory areas (8 MB each) are provided for loading new sounds from the Roland sound library.With the FR-8x, more layering and zone setup options are possible in the right-hand keyboard modes than ever before. Whole, Zone, High, and Low modes are provided, giving you the ability to play up to four different tones at once. Left-hand keyboard modes now include layering options as well. The programmable Drum function takes accordion performance to a fun new dimension, letting you play percussion sounds manually with the Bass & Chord buttons.Explore all-new sonic textures with the FR-8x’s fourindependent multi-effects engines (MFX), which provide dedicated processing for the Accordion, Orchestra 1,Orchestra 2, and Orchestra Chord sections. Each engine has 84 different effects types, offering a wide range of enhancement from subtle to dramatic. With the onboard looper, you can instantly record and overdub accordion performances using the FR-8x’s enormous selection of sounds, creating impressive,on-the-spot backing accompaniment for improvisation.USB Song Playback, Recording, and MoreThe handy MP3/WAV song player lets you play along with pre-recorded musical tracks for practice and live backing via optional USB memory. Just plug your USB stick into the convenient front-panel plug, then select and play songs with dedicated, easy-to-reach controls. And with the touch of a button, your accordion performances can be recorded directly to USB memory as well, perfect for archiving, evaluation, and education. Via the USB host port on the side panel, you can connect the FR-8x to your computer for data storage, customization ofV-Accordion sound sets, and easy-to-install software updates.[Keyboard, Bass & Bellows]- Right Hand41 keys piano type with velocity sensitive and aftertouch- Left Hand120 bass buttons velocity sensitive. Standard, Free Bass mode, Orch. Bass, Orch. Chord, Orch. Free Bass.- Bass & Chord Mode2 Bs Rows,3 Bs Rows A-7th, 3 Bs Rows A-5dim, 3 Bs Rows B-7th, 3 Bs Rows B-5dim, 3 Bs Rows Bx-7th , 3 Bs Rows Belgium- Free Bass ModeMinor 3rd, Bajan, Fifth, North Europe, Finnish- BellowsAdvanced “Dynamic Bellows Behavior” technology to manage the behavior of bellows.- Bellows ResistanceOn, Off, -63 to 0 to +64- Bellows CurveFixed Low, Fixed Med, Fixed High, X-Light, Light, Standard, Heavy, X-Heavy[Sound Source]- Max Polyphony128 voices- Tones (Accordion Set)100 Accordion Sets, each one including: 14 Treble Registers, 7 Bass/Chord registers, 7 Free Bass registers, 7 Orchestra Free Bass registers, 7 Orchestra Bass registers, 7 Orchestra Chord registers, 180 Orchestral sounds (28 real time + others selectable by MENU), 18 Drum Sets- Reed Footages7 Treble, 5 Bass, 3 Chord, 2 Free Bass- Additional SoundsUploadable from USB memory and saved on internal memory[Orchestral Sounds]180: 28 real time (14x2) the others selectable by MENU[Organ Sounds (Virtual Tone Wheel)]32 presets for Treble, Chord and Free Bass sections, 16 presets x Bass section.Up to 28 Harmonic Bar combinations customizable, can be controlled and shaped by bellows.[Orchestral Bass Sounds]180: 7 real time, the others selectable by MENU[Orchestral Chord Sounds]180: 7 real time, the others selectable by MENU [Orchestral Free Bass Sounds]180: 7 real time, the others selectable by MENU[Drum Sets]18[User Programs]1400: 100 User Program Bank x 14 registers[APBM (Advanced Physical Behavior Modeling)]- NoisesStopping-reed growl, Closing valve noise, Left button noise- Individual Reed SimulationHysteresis threshold, Expression curve, Pressure variant filter, Pressure variant pitch deviation- Switching Reed Sound WaveBy bellows accelerationBy note repetition speed- Bellows Opening/Closing Sound ChangeBy bellows opening/closing detection- Bellows BehaviorDynamic Bellows Behavior technology for a perfect simulation of the bellows behavior in an acoustic accordion[Musette Tuning]- Micro-Tuning Presets16 Types: Off, Dry, Classic, F-Folk, American L/H, North Europe, German L/H, D-Folk L/H, Alpine, Italian L/H, French, Scottish- Fine Tuning Reed Footages 8- / 8+-100 to 0 to +100[Effects]- Reverb/Chorus/Delay8 types, 8 types, 10 types- MFX Multi EffectsMFX x 4 (84 types) for: Accordion, Orchestra 1, Orchestra 2, Orch Chord/Orch Free Bass- Rotary for Organ SoundSlow/Fast with Vibrato, Chorus, Overdrive and VK-Rotary- “Cassotto” SimulationYes[Panel Controls]- Knob Controls & RegistersVolume, Balance, Reverb Chorus, Delay, Effect (assignable knob), 14 x Accordion/Orchestra1/Orchestra2/OrganFR-8x Specifications- EncoderData Edit with Enter- Navigation SwitchesUp, Down, Menu/Write, Exit/Jump- Other SwitchesSet Up, Set Down, Orch 1 On/Off, Orch 2 On/Off, Organ On/Off, Accordion On/Off, Orch Bass On/Off, Orch Chord/Free Bass On/Off, Free Bass On/Off, Bass&Chord On/Off, Drums On/Off, Bass to Treble On/Off, User Program On/Off, Song List On/Off, Power On/Off, Charge On/Off, Loop/Wave/MP3 player: Loop, Reset/Stop, Play/ Pause, Audio Rec- Chin Switches3 programmable chin switches- Additional Switches6 user assignable function switches on last row of bass buttons[Operation Mode]- Accordion, Orchest1/Organ, Orchest2, DrumZone, High, Low- Octave-1, 0, +1 for Treble, -3, 0, +3 for Orchest1, Orchest2- Drum Shift-36 to 0 to +36- Orchestra Chord Guitar ModeGtr Table1, Gtr Table2, Gtr Table3- Sound EditOrchest1, Orchest2, Orch Bass, Orch Chord, Orch Free Bass- Bass to TrebleOn/Off- Part MuteAccordion, Orchest 1, Orchest 2, Organ, Bass&Chord, Free Bass, Orch Bass, Orch Chord, Orch Free Bass- Bass & Chord with Drum/Percussion Sounds Programmable drum/percussion sounds for Bass/Orch Bass 2 rows, Chord/Orchestra Chord 4 rows.- Audio Player and Audio RECMP3/Wave player from USB memory and REC on USB- Audio LoopREC (with Overdub function) and Play- Speakers OffOn/Off adjustable via Menu parameter- Editing and WriteFull parameters for each section - New Graphic User Interface [MIDI Functions]- Ext. Seq. Playback (MIDI IN) or USB Computer Accordion, Bass&Chord, Orchest1, Orchest2, Organ, Orch Bass, Orch Chord, Orch Free Bass, ALL (Local Off function)- Start/Stop MIDI TXSend Start/Stop by pushing Alpha dial[Others]- Display ColourLCD 2,4” 320 x 240 pixel- Rated Power Output2 x 25W RMS- Speakers2 x 9 cm neodymium speakers2 tweeters- Wave Expansion4 internal areas (8Mb each) to load new sounds- Power SupplySupplied AC adaptor PSB-14U, rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack 24V-4500mAhExpected battery life under continuous use: 8-hours speaker ON mode, 11-hours speaker OFF mode- Onboard ConnectorsOUTPUT jacks L/Mono (Treble), R/Mono (Bass): 1/4”phone type, PHONES jack: 1/4” phone type, MIDI OUT connector, MIDI IN connector, USB MEMORY connector type A, USB COMPUTER connector type B, DC IN connector (use Roland PSB-14U AC adaptor only)- AccessoriesPSB-14U AC Adaptor, Power cord (for connectingthe AC adaptor), rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack24V-4500mAh, Owner's Manual, Reference caps for the bass buttons, Straps, Accordion Cloth, accordion soft bag- Options (sold separately)USB flash memory (M-UF-series), Headphones RH-200, RH-300, rechargeable Ni-MH battery pack 24V-4500mAh, external pedal footswitch- Colour VariationBlack, Red[Size and Weight]- Size415 (H) x 543 (W) x 280 (D) mm16-3/8 (H) x 21-7/16 (W) x 11-1/16 (D) inches- Weight12.1 Kg, 26 lbs 11 oz without strapsAll specifications and appearances are subject to change.FR-8x Specifications。
附件1:实验中心主要设备清单1、基础实验平台实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注微型电子计算机 超越1200N 2501300000DSP实验箱 ICETEK-VC5509-A-EDU- 51200000数字存储示波器 TDS210 1581333825 通信原理实验箱 JH5001A+ 123494000 函数信号发生器 EE1640D 123205646 DSP评估板 2191 2063820 误码测试仪 JH9001A 860000 程控原理实验箱 JH5003A 40168000 IEIJCT数字中继语音卡 11200000 16线模拟语音/人工座席处理板/语音资源卡 2254000 工控机 定配 10680002兆数据传输系统(E1) E14XETH+1XV.35+8XVOI 649000移动通信实验箱 JH5005A 40248000 嵌入式工控实验系统 JH5028DARN9 40157120 触摸一体机 QX-LD 427400 指纹门禁 LW520-FSC-CS 430000 调制解调器 CDM-570L 294708 仿真器 LC-500 148050 逻辑分析仪 TLA520 198005 雕刻机 ZY3220 148000 监示系统 自制 264400 数码展台 PS550 111000 射频通讯训练系统 RF2000 165101 功率计 E-4418B 140400 专用计算机设备 嵌入式示波系统 147500 数字音频教学实验系统 EBF-561 116800 SDH网络传输设备 155M/21E1 267600 智能网产品 ZXSS10 1530000 频谱分析仪 MS560J 1106912 计算机逻辑分析仪 HP1651A 131000 04年中央地方共建投入500万微型电子计算机 超越1200N 3051576015其它设备 1691232796 基础实验平台合计 140187370992、移动通信实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额 备注归属位置寄存器 HLR 1套 移动交换控制服务器 MSCSERVER 1套 媒体网关 MGW 1套 无线基站控制器 RNC 2套 无线基站 NODEB 2套 GPRS 业务节点 SGSN 1套 GPRS 网关节点GGSN 1套 WCDMA设备移动交换中心 MSC 1套 GSM 基站控制子系统 GBSC 2套 GSM 基站子系统 GBTS 2套 GSM设备核心网交换机 C&C08 1套 CDMA 基站 RAU 2套 CDMA 基站控制器 RAC 2套 分组数据业务节点 PDSN 1套 CDMA设备 业务控制节点(SCP) IBM 服务器 2套 智能网网管服务器 SUN 工作站 6套 移动通信实验室(07年华为共建)网管客户端 操作维护台 120套 7000万 M2000计算机 Dell 双核处理器 40 170000 服务器 Dell PowerEdgeTM 英特尔至强4核 2 15000 交换机 Dell PowerConnect3448P4 10000 示波器 泰克TDS3014B 数字荧光示波器 2 50000 绘图仪 HP Designjet Z6100ps 1 150000 GIS 软件ArcEngine 9.2 4 370000 移动GIS 教学实验箱ARM 嵌入式实验系统SinoSys-M31 35 240000 PDA HP PDA5965 4 20000 笔记本英特尔酷睿™2双核处理器 4 22000 全数字化摄影测量系统 VirtuoZo NT 2 310000 遥感处理软件 ENVI4.4/IDL6.4 1 30000 便携式光谱仪 欧普特FieldSpec Handheld 1 150000 便携式光谱仪 ISI921VF-128T 1 90000 全站仪 NTS-302B 8 120000 全球定位系统 S60 GPS 6 200000 全球定位系统 天宝R8(1+1) 1 300000 移动通信实验室(移动GIS)其它4826000007年中央与地方共建250万2、移动通信实验室(续表)实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注移动通信电话交换机 EMX250 1 7678437移动电话基站 B45LED0287AD 1 1626667高频整流架(开关电源) SAIT200-SA 1 140000微型电子计算机 兼容机 47 401326示波器 TEK2465B,400MHZ 1 76000频率计数器 CDC250 11 73383绘图机 DMP-42 1 23500话路分析仪 4934A 1 38123天线 * 1 20150仿真器 SEED-XDSVSB 1 7880脉码调制终端机 MDT2-06C 1 18900开发系统 TI320C54 1 9850电信传真机 施乐7208 2 2575编程器 ALL07 1 3850工作站 SUNA11-UBA1-1A-T64AB 1 67980PCM信道测试仪 PCM-4 1 261151选频电平表 ML422C 1 59612信道分析仪 MS371A 1 75592综合/电平振荡器 MG433B 1 42250数字传输分析仪 ME520B 1 102423电容电导电桥 YY2810 1 3395其它设备 44 440075 移动通信实验室合计 318 83673123实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额备注移动电话基站 B45LED0287AD 11626667 话路分析仪 4934A 138123 天线120150 信道分析仪 MS371A 175593 综合/电平振荡器MG433B142251 无线通信实验室(与敏讯共建)PCM 信道测试仪 PCM-4 1261151 06年企业提供设备158万学校投入50万 移动通信电话交换机 EMX250 17678437 高频整流架(开关电源) SAIT200-SA 1140000 微型电子计算机 兼容机47401326 示波器 TEK2465B,400MHZ 176000 频率计数器 CDC250 1173383 绘图机 DMP-42 123500 数字传输分析仪 ME520B 1102424 仿真器SEED-XDSVSB 17880 脉码调制终端机 MDT2-06C 118900 开发系统 TI320C54 19850 电信传真机 施乐7208 22575 编程器 ALL0713850工作站 SUNA11-UBA1-1A-T64AB 167980选频电平表 ML422C 159612 电容电导电桥 YY2810 13395 其它设备 44440075 无线通信实验室合计12211173123实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注40GHz矢量网络分析仪 N5230A PNA-Lnetwork analyzer172208242GHz频谱分析仪 E4447A PSA 3Hz to 42 GHz 1499090经济型频谱分析仪 E4408B ESA-L9kHz-26.5GHz 117725440GHz模拟调制信号源 E8257D PSG 1374073 峰值均值功率计 E4416A 153669 80MHz信号发生器 33250A 80 MHz 129752 600MHz混合示波器 MSO8064A 1118595 数字存储示波器 DPO4104 200MHz 111350007年中央地方共建200万数字卫星通信地球站 5002 SCPC/PSK/CVSD 1190000卫星通信倾斜摇摆转台 订制 115000卫星通信天线 * 18500卫星天线控制器 * 156500卫星天线 * 165000微波测试系统 ME538L 162368数据传输分析仪 ME520B 174850抖动调制振荡器 MH370A 121081数字通信设备 WSF8-07D 1285000频谱分析仪 HP8592 2227949微型电子计算机 文祥600 1077127其它设备 1426495 卫星通信实验室合计 4331978885、光网络与传输实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额 备注10Gb/s MSTP 节点设备ZXMP 385 4100万10Gb/s 综合传输分析仪 FTB-400 FTB-8130NG MSTP/SDH FTB-8510G FTB-8510B 1光谱分析仪\宽谱光源套件 FTB-400 FTB-5240 FLS-2200 1光纤分析综合测试平台 FTB-400 FTB-5800 FTB-5500 FTB-7400E 1无源光网络PON 测试系统 FTB200+FTB PPM-352B1 网管服务器 DELL PowerEdge SC14301 终端PC 机DELL Dimension E520 20 200万07年中央地方共建300万光同步数字复用教学系 SLT16 1 2013230 微型电子计算机世纪精英C+ 27 187507 光纤熔接机 AV33119A 3 432646 光端机 FD-4013A 4 1022121 光时域反射仪 AV3662 4 75106 信道分析仪 MS371A 1 75106 长波长光时域反射计 AV3661智能 1 93300 传输分析仪 HP-37717A 1 131118 光万用表 HP8153A 1 62322 PCM 复接器 NE5511A 1 119717 光衰减器 HP-8158B 1 55681 误码抖动分析仪HP37717A 2 554666 工作站 S20TX1-712-64-P46 1 230000光纤熔接机 FSM-20CS 1 115623 色散补偿滤波器 F-P 1 119027 数字存储示波器 HP54503A 2 83970 数字传输分析仪器 HP3784A 1 112345 光纤放大器 OFA-PA-30 2 220000 传输分析仪 HP-37717A 2 170595 数据复用设备 64Kb/s 2 62272 其它设备 73 697298 光网络与传输实验室合计13266336506、网络交换实验室实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注程控交换机 EWSD 11384706程控交换机 NEAX61C-VS 11201577开关电源 SAIT200-SA 1140600数字程控用户交换机 JSQ-31 179700七号信令测试仪 DN-7A 198000工作站 LX4/30,GX-32-P46 1237400信令测试仪 HP37900D 1179615信道测试仪 MS371A1 190736工作站 B132L 182298工作站 R180L 1100922服务器 R380/1 1147187程控交换设备 S1240J 1468061呼叫模拟器 EF111A 1214271组合电源设备 DUZ-02 114406回线跳线架(配线架) 30-1800L 117634逻辑分析仪 HP1651B 123602绘图机 HP3170 136500网络交换实验室数字配线架 * 111000液晶显示板 3M2080C 120425数字配线架 * 111000回线跳线架 HPX22 18790彩色终端 宏基 33150服务器 联想万全T168 19750摄录一体机 CCD-TRV66E 15781脉冲信号发生器 XC-14 29145示波器 SS-5711 2163117磁带机 Archive2150s 17800适配器 951 12500缩微胶片阅读器 YT-P 12600频率计数器 QB307 25000扫描仪 640 OUT 12400磁带机 5000E 16100微型电子计算机 超越3500D 79649894其它设备 1081137599合计 24364732667、电磁兼容与微波技术实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额 备注矢量网络分析仪 N5230A 1 745000 频谱分析仪 E4447A 1 520000 信号源 E8257D 1 340000 接收机ZN4020 10 192000 人工电源网络 ZN3760 10 86000 信号耦合网络 ZN46102 10 45000 信号源 ZN1061A 10 46000 功率放大器 ZN3860 10 150000 小屏蔽体10 20000 手电钻+电视机+DVD10 30000 双锥天线 ZN30505A 10 89000 电磁兼容与微波技术实验室合计832263000 06年中央地方共建200万8、图像通信实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号数量总额 备注被动立体显示主系统一体机 1100000 微型电子计算机 兼容机 66612330 视频采集卡 德-加拉 412670 摄影显微镜 01YMPUSCX31-32102 126500 开发系统 MDS 及JTAG 6115170 仿真器 DSPC80 7166570 开发工具 UP-1500-KIT 124400 80/860SAR 开发器 Visionice8xx 181000 逻辑分析仪 TLA5201 7280585 数字存储示波器 TDS5052B 14239350 03年省财政投入160万 ADSC 评估系统 MTB-20131/20140EBC/R 155000 服务器 超强2080L 127300 TI 仿真系统ICETEK-DM642-IDK-M 116600 彩色电视信号发生器 S-D305 PAL 28100 彩色监示器 多制式 651398 图象工作站 WT5-IP225SE9 2576533 外设* 138360 3维立体显示器 * 148000 静止图像压缩编码器 JK550F-1 125200 误码测试仪 QWM06B 117100 编辑机 DSR-80P 155000 开发系统 Trimedia 227300 彩色摄相机 DSP-200AP 13158510 图象压缩卡 V-202 14500 彩色四画面分割器 MCC4001 16015 编程器 SP3000 15920 开发应用板 EVM30 19800 其它设备 87310091 图像通信 实验室合计23230993029、广播电视实验室实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注视频非线性编辑系统教学网络D3-EDIT-3500B、D3-EDIT-1250等1 555200音频非线性编辑系统 Roland VS-2480CD 1 84000数字有线电视系统 E4402B 89601ADVB-C分析仪等1 749300数字电视测量系统 SD-7401 视音频A/D、D/A实验箱MPEG-2/H.264编解码实验台1449000IPTV系统服务器 直播、点播组播时移应用开发WCG门户服务器等123000006年中央地方共建200万微型电子计算机 真爱800 60 363132工作站 D3 EDIT 3500B 21 403000视音频编码器 MPEG2 6 96000数字卫星接收机 DCH-3000P 3 8100TS再复用器 NPS 3101 2 48000光端机 DODO 7 21200QMA数字调制器 NDS 3303 2 32000场强测量仪 LFC-945 1 7000逻辑分析仪 HP-1651A 1 29500电平振荡器 SH5061A 1 3900选频电平表 SH5011A 1 4200音场测定器 IH5151 1 2200频率计数器 CN3165 1 1700矢量仪 TEK1721 1 15764卫星接收系统 PBI 1 7000数据独立加扰器 NDS 3701 1 21543电压测量仪器 HP34401 1 11000电视图象信号发生器 0836 2 10500电子计数器 CN3165 1 2300电视标准信号发生器 TSG273,PLA制 1 51071矢量示波器 1725 1 23374波形监示器 1735 1 18338高级通用编程器 SUPERPRQⅡ扩展器 1 5600视频图像采集卡 * 1 12200摄像机 DSR-190P 4 78565视频测量系统 VM700T 1 354434数字存储示波器 DS5062M 1 5100便携式DVB/ATSC分析仪 AD954 1 92213彩色电视机 PT4206B 3 27997多格式视频发生器 TG700 1 48452音视频阵转换器 * 2 19500服务器 Power Edge 1950 1 18200示波器 Tek2465B,400MKZ 1 74500其它设备 53 108929 广播电视实验室合计 188 409401210、下一代网络实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额 备注 软交换核心设备 ZXSS10 SSIB 1 4007730 综合网管系统 ZXNM01 1 464350 网关设备 ZXMSG 7200 1 2017240 以太网交换机 ZXR10 2826E 1 29350 IAD ZXSS10 I508A,ZXV10 P801 1 6800 宽带智能网Parlay Server 1 676920 宽带智能网系统支持软件 支撑软件,协议栈,系统软件 1 7871890 宽带智能网业务软件14930000下一代网络实验室合计820004280 05年中央与地方共建实验室250万 企业投入500万 3.7折购设备实际750万11、射频与天线实验室实验室名称仪器名称型号 数量总额 备注微型电子计算机 真爱2000 77613149 矢量网络分析仪 安捷纶N5230A 1752068 频谱分析仪 安捷纶E4447A 1520402 信号源 E8257D 1332530 矢量网络分析仪 8720ET 1470374 信号发生器E8257C 1272651 频谱分析仪 TEK2794 1222181 标量测量系统 5447A,20KMHz 1206498 矢量网络分析仪 PNA3623 171500 单轴测试转台 WH24D1 180000 数字存储示波器 54642A 155350 单轴测试转台研制开发 WH24D 150000 逻辑分析仪 TLA5201 180364 其它设备 109512607 射频与天线实验室合计198423967412、移动视频实验室实验室名称 仪器名称 型号 数量总额 备注数字电视地面广播激励器+DEV-II DMB-T 1210000功率放大器DMB-T天馈系统 110000数字电视移动接收终端 1010000微型电子计算机 P41.6G/256M/40G 16106238扫描仪 SX36 161700绘图仪 HPDJ500+A1 119800移动视频实验室智能型全站速测仪 NFS-3S2 230200仿真器 ME-52P 23100服务器 DELLPE850 19800编程器 西尔特 44810其它设备 1341030合计 5250667863。
JUPITER系列合成器:Roland JUPITER-80和JUPITER-50的产品介绍说明书
![JUPITER系列合成器:Roland JUPITER-80和JUPITER-50的产品介绍说明书](
n Four types of LPFs with unique behavior
The JUPITER-80 and -50 feature four types of LPFs. Each filter behaves differently, even if their cutoff and resonance parameters are the same. The LPF is personalized by its parameter settings and real-time control cutoff frequency and resonance.
Seven types of analog waveforms provide the DNA of vintage synthesizers.
1978 — Roland's first polyphonic analog synthesizer (4 voices). The 4VCO sound in unison mode is superb, and it also has a user patch-memory function built in.
SuperNATURAL sound — ultimate expression and authenticity
Enhanced SuperNATURAL Synthesizer Tones
Authentic synth sounds — from classic vintage analog to modern digital
1983 — Scaling down the JUPITER‑8 to 6‑voice polyphony, coupled with creative tweaking by Roland's engineers, allowed the JUPITER‑6 to hit the market at half the price of its big brother. It also made news with its MIDI terminal and highly stable oscillator.
罗兰(Roland)MDX-40A 3D 蚀刻机产品说明说明书
![罗兰(Roland)MDX-40A 3D 蚀刻机产品说明说明书](
MDX-40A3D Milling MachineNo Special Training RequiredRoland SRP Player CAM software is included and features simple step-by-step settings for easy operation and high quality milling. With SRP Player, you can preview your job on-screen to confirm the cutting path for superior results every time. In addition, every MDX-40Aincludes ClickMILL™ software, allowing you to easily complete surfacing work. You can round edges, add pockets and holes, make fixtures and add last minute modifications, all without your CAD software.New Rotary Axis Unit for Larger ApplicationsIn addition to a flat work table, the MDX-40A features a optional rotary axis unit that supports materials up to 10.63" (270mm) long by 4.72" (120mm) indiameter, three times the capacity of the previous model. You can now mill a 16.9oz. (500ml) PET bottle. Objects can be milled unattended at any angle from 0 to 360 degrees.Enhancements for Maximum Ease-of-UseDesigned for greater ease-of-use, the MDX-40Asupports a new on-screen operation panel that allows you to adjust the location of the endmill and quickly program settings. Using this panel, you can move the cursor in vertical, horizontal and transverse directions and to the desired position for the most efficient tool path. You can also adjust the speed of cursor movements for easier origin setting. The MDX-40A saves time and material by allowing you to adjust milling conditions such as spindle rotation and speed while the unit operates (override function).FOR COMPLETE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION S AN D FEATURES, OR MORE IN FORMATION , CALL 800-542-2307 OR VISIT WWW.ROLAN ROLAN D DGA CORP. | 15363 BARRAN CA PARKWAY | IRVIN E, CALIFORN IA 92618-2216 | 800.542.2307 | 949.727.2100 | CERTIFIED ISO 9001:2000RDGA-MDX40A-01 June 2014Remote Control Prototype from Chemical Wood MP3 Player Cover Prototype from ASB Plastic Correction Roller Prototype from Clear Acrylic PlasticClickMILLSRP Player。
在VS 系列录音座上的自动混音功能,还能够让您记录同一轨中的效果器变换,如此,您就可以很方便地重复使用它内建的效果器。
技巧:VS-2480CD 及VS-2400CD 的动态自动混音技巧V-Studios 会帮助你记录下混音过程中推子的所有操作,并在回放过程中实现自动混音。
Roland 公司的V-Studios 调音台就以其简捷的动态自动混音操作闻名。
在你使用的过程中仿佛有多个助手随时听候你的差遣,V-Studios 会记录下你混音过程中每一个推子的具体操作,使你只要将精力集中在音乐的处理上。
1. 使用鼠标选定UTILITY 菜单中的AUTOMIX SETUP 选项;2. 核对你将要处理的具体参数(诸如音量、均衡EQ 、辅助输出等)。
在默认情况下,在创建一个新项目后,电平、声像/ 均衡都需要进行检测;3. 按下AUTOMIX 按钮,此时会亮起指示灯;4. 在按住AUTOMIX 按钮时,按下你想进行自动混音操作的推子的Channel Edit 按钮。
此时Channel Edit 按钮指示灯会闪烁,表示该推子的AUTOMIX RECORD 功能已经启动;5. 确定音轨的编辑区域;6. 点击AUTOMIX RECORD 按钮,或者按下AUTOMIX+ RECORD 。
Roland VS-1680 V-XPANDED数字工作站系统用户手册说明书
![Roland VS-1680 V-XPANDED数字工作站系统用户手册说明书](
Owner’s ManualThank you, and congratulations on your choice of the Roland VS-1680 V-XPANDEDDigital Studio Workstation.As the owner of the VS-1680 V-XPANDE D, you can begin using all functionsimmediately. Please read the V-XPANDED Owner’s Manual (this document) togetherwith the VS-1680 Owner’s Manual (three volumes).If you purchased the V-XPANDED system Zip disk, refer to this manual and upgradethe system software of VS-1680 (to add the V-XPANDED functions). Then, read the V-XPANDE D Owner’s Manual (this document) together with the VS-1680 Owner’sManual (three volumes).All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective owners.Copyright © 1999 ROLAND CORPORATIONAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form withoutthe written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.Roland international website: Roland U.S. website: 01898978 ‘99-3-E3-11T3Table of Contents (3)Precautions...................................................................4Added functionality(main features).............................................................5Mixdown using the VS-1680 alone......................5Additional effect algorithms................................5Automix editing functionality.............................5Enhanced support forCD-R/CD-RW drives............................................5Enhanced operations.............................................5Enhanced screen display.. (5)Expanding the functionality of the VS-1680 (6)If you purchased theVS-1680 V-XPANDED...........................................6If you purchased theV-XPANDED system program Zip disk (6)Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks(Mastering Room) (8)Added mastering tracks.............................................8Mixing down to the mastering tracks.......................8Mixdown shortcut 1............................................10Mixdown shortcut 2............................................10Playing back the mastering tracks..........................10Mixing down while inserting effects. (11)New effects algorithms (14)Making the volume consistent for each frequency band(Mastering Tool Kit)..................................................14EQ (Equalizer)......................................................14BCut (Bass-cut filter)............................................15Enh (Enhancer).....................................................15In (Input)...............................................................15Exp (Expander).....................................................15Cmp (Compressor)..............................................16Mix (Mixer)...........................................................16Lmt (Limiter)........................................................16Out (Output).........................................................16Modeling various speakers (Speaker Modeling)..17SpMod (speaker modeling)................................17BCut (Bass-cut filter)............................................17LFT/HFT (Frequency trimmer).........................17Lmt (Limiter)........................................................18Effective ways to use speaker modeling. (18)Editing an automix (19)Erasing data from a specific area (Erase)...............19Copying data to another location (Copy)..............20Smooth data transitions (Gradation)......................21Increasing or decreasing all data values (Shift/Expand) (23)Using the VS-1680 with a CD-R/CD-RW drive (25)Creating an audio CD...............................................25Creating silence between songs (Disc At Once and Track At Once)..............................................25Specifying the writing speed (Speed)...............25Song writing procedure......................................25Saving a song to a CD-RW disc (Backup)..............27Checking whether the song was saved correctly (+Verify)................................................................27Specifying the speed of saving (Speed)............27Backup procedure................................................27Restoring songs from aCD-RW disc (Recover)..............................................28Specifying the speed of recovery (Speed).........28Recovery procedure (28)Enhancements related to operation.30Shortcut to the Phrase Edit window.......................30Creating a new phrase (Phrase New).....................30Sorting the take list (Sort)...................................30Deleting a take (Delete).......................................31Naming a take (Name)........................................32Dividing a phrase(Phrase Divide/Split)................................................33Automatically dividing a phrase (Phrase Divide)33Dividing a phrase into two parts (Phrase Split)..34Using the MONITOR knob to adjust the pan(MONITOR knob +[SELECT]).................................35Linking the faders of two or more channels(Fader Group)............................................................36Copying mixer settings.............................................37Shift Lock on/off ([SHIFT]+[YES]).........................38Removing direct current offset from the mix bus.38Enhancements to the display and specifications (39)Checking inserted effects (Icon and Patch Name display)........................................................................39Checking effects that cannot be used in otherchannels (Effect insertion location display)...........39Switching the Song Select window (List display).40Easy Routing ..............................................................40Additional template (Mastering).......................40Immediate application of step-edited changes41Settings not stored in a scene (Monitor Level)......41Master Send switch display has been changed(PanÆMIX) (41)Index (42)456There are several ways in which the new functions can be added to the VS-1680. Please read the section that applies toyour VS-1680.hard disk that you are currently using without any changes. It is not necessary to initialize the hard disk. However, as a precaution against unforeseen accidents, we recommend that you back up your song data before performing the upgrade.If you purchased the VS-1680 V-XPANDEDIf you purchased the VS-1680 V-XPANDED, you need not perform any procedure. Skip this section and begin reading Chapter 2 (p.8).If you purchased theV-XPANDED system program Zip diskYou can use the V-XPANDED system program Zip disk to add the V-XPANDED functionality to your VS-1680. Prepare the following items.-VS-1680-SCSI Zip drive-VS-1680 V-XPANDED system program Zip diskwhich installs the software update. Be careful not to initialize it on the VS-1680.1.Make sure that the power is turned off on all devices.always turn down the volume, and turn off the power on all devices before making any connections.2.Disconnect all cables that were connected to the VS-1680.3.Connect the SCSI Zip drive to the VS-1680. On the backof the Zip drive, make sure the termination switch is setto ’on’.disk drives.4.Turn on the power of the SCSI zip drive.5.Insert the VS-1680 V-XPANDED system program Zipdisk into the SCSI Zip drive.6.Connect the power cable to the VS-1680.7.Turn on the rear panel power switch of the VS-1680.8.Wait for the display to prompt “Update SystemProgram?” and then press [YES].recognize the Zip disk. Turn off the power, re-insert the disk correctly, and turn the power on once again.9. A message will ask whether you wish to keep the usersettings that are stored in your VS-1680. Press [YES] and proceed to step 11. If you wish to initialize (erase) the user settings, press [NO], and proceed to step 10.The user settings that can be left in the VS-1680 are as follows.-Easy routing (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 41)-Effect user patches (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 110)-Alarm function message (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 193)Expanding the functionality of the VS-168078From the 256 V-tracks you can now select any two tracks, and mixdown to these two tracks as you play back 16 tracks simultaneously.Added mastering tracksUntil now, you had to use an external DAT recorder or MD recorder if you wanted to mixdown a song that used all sixteen tracks. For example if you wanted to produce an original audio CD, you needed to first mixdown to an external recorder (DAT or MD), and then re-record that song onto the VS-1680.(DAT or MD) are provided on the VS-1680 itself.mastering tracks. With the factory settings, V-track 16 of tracks 15/16 (i.e., 15-16 and 16-16) are assigned as the mastering tracks.For example, you can play back V-tracks 1-1, 2-1, 3-1...15-1, and 16-1 (a total of 16 tracks), and record the result on V-tracks 15-16 and 16-16 (a total of two tracks).is set to “MAS (mastering),” you can play back V-tracks 1-1, 2-1, 3-1...7-1, and 8-1 (a total of 8 tracks), and record on V-tracks 7-16 and 8-16 (a total of two tracks). Tracks 9–16 cannot be used.Mixing down to the mastering tracksHere’s how to select the mastering tracks, and perform a mixdown.mastering tracks (two tracks) is significantly affected by the speed of the hard disk. For this reason, depending on the structure of the song data (sampling rate and recording mode, or when punch-in/out is used frequently, etc.), or depending on the drive that you use, the display may indicate “Drive Busy,” and the operation may nottake place correctly. In order to take full advantage of theVS-1680’s potential, such as the number of tracks thatcan be recorded/played simultaneously, and the recording capacity, we recommend that you use a hard disk which capacity is 2.1 GB or more.1.Press [MASTER].2.Press [PAGE] so that [F6] indicates “M.Tr,” and thenpress [F6 (M.Tr)].3.Press [ENTER (YES)].4.Press [], [], [], or [] to move the cursor.Use the TIME/VALUE dial to specify the value for eachparameter.Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks (Mastering Room)9Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks (Mastering Room)Playing back the mastering 10Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks (Mastering Room) MEMO11Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks (Mastering Room)Mix 16 tracks down to 2 tracks (Mastering Room) Track 1--16you use it, EFX2/EFX4 will be unavailable.EQ (Equalizer)This is a four-band equalizer with low, low-mid, high-mid, and high ranges.Turns the equalizer on/off.InputG (Input gain) -24–+12dBAdjusts the overall volume level of the signal before entering the equalizer.Low Type Shlv, Peak High Type Shlv, PeakSelects the type of the low range (Low) and high range(High) equalizer. (Shlv: shelving type, Peak: peaking type).Low Gain -12–+12dBLoMid Gain (Low middle gain) -12–+12dB HiMid Gain (High middle gain) -12–+12dB High Gain (High gain) -12–+12dBAdjust the gain (the amount of boost or cut) for each equalizer band.Low Freq (Low frequency) 20–2,000Hz LoMid Freq (Low middle frequency)20–8,000Hz HiMid Freq (High middle frequency)20–8,000Hz High Freq (High frequency) 1.4–20kHzAdjust the center frequency of each equalizer band.Low Q (Low Q) 0.3–16LoMid Q (Low middle Q) 0.3–16HiMid Q (High middle Q) 0.3–16High Q (High Q) 0.3–16Adjust the width of the area around the center frequency (Freq) that will be affected by the Gain. As these values are raised, a narrower range will be affected.Lvl (Level) -24–+12dBAdjusts the overall volume of the signal that has passed through the equalizer.New effects algorithmsNew effects algorithmsNew effects algorithmsNew effects algorithmsfunction (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 160).1.Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].2.Hold down [SHIFT] and press [F6 (UTIL)].3.Press [PAGE] so that [F5] indicates “A.Mix,” and thenpress [F5 (A.Mix)].4.Press [F2 (Micro)].5.Press [PAGE] so that [F1] indicates “In.”from which you wish to erase automix data, and press [F1 (In)]e [][] to move to the last marker of the areafrom which you wish to erase automix value, and press [F1 (Out)]. Check marks will be added to the area specified for the button in the order of [F1 (In)]→ [F1 (Out)] at the same marker location.setting value at the cursor location. If you wish to re-select the automix value that will be erased, press [].9.Press [F2 (Erase)].Editing an automixEditing an automix TargetEditing an automixValueEditing an automixEditing an automix TargetTrack At Once)When writing two or more songs together to a CD-R disc, you can select how the space between songs will be handled.Disc At OnceThe song data and the track number markers attached to the song data will be written to the CD-R disc without change. However, additional song data cannot be added later to a CD-R disc that was written using Disc At Once. (It will be in the same condition as if Finalize had been performed.)Two seconds of silence will automatically be written to the CD-R disc before each track number marker attached to the song data. (This is the same condition as when additional songs are written to the disc later.) Additional song data can be written to a CD-R disc that was written using Track At Once.of songs, Disc At Once would be the appropriate choice. This is because Track At Once would add approximately two seconds of silence, which would cause the playback to sound fragmented.Specifying the writing speed (Speed)When writing songs to a CD-R disc, you can now select the speed at which the data will be written.Song writing procedure1.Insert a CD-R disc into the drive.2.Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].3.Hold down [SHIFT] and press [F1 (SONG)].4.Press [F3 (CD Wt)]. If [F3] does not indicate “CD Wt,”first press [PAGE] so that “CD Wt” appears, and then press [F3 (CD Wt)].Using the VS-1680 with a CD-R/CD-RW driveUnused area onthe internal IDE hard disk Unused area on the CD-R discUsing the VS-1680 with a CD-R/CD-RW driveMEMOThe message about the license agreement is the same as“About the License Agreement” on the back cover of theSource SongThe marked songs will be backed up. Move the cursor to asong that you wish to back up, and press [F3 (MARK)]. ByUsing the VS-1680 with a CD-R/CD-RW driveUsing the VS-1680 with a CD-R/CD-RW driveSource SongMarked songs will be loaded. Move the cursor to a song thatyou wish to recover, and press [F4 (MARK)]. By pressingShortcut to the Phrase Edit windowIn Play condition, you can now select the phrase that you wish to edit, and open the editing window directly.1.Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].2.Move the current time so that it falls within the phrasethat you wish to edit.3.Use [][] to highlight the phrase that you wish can also use the TIME/VALUE dial to highlight the phrase that you wish to edit.4.Press [PAGE] so that the function buttons display thephrase edit menu.operations. Press the function button for the desired editing operation.[F1 (Copy)]:Opens the Phrase Copy window (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 93).[F2 (Move)]:Opens the Phrase Move window(VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 96).[F3 (TrimI)]:Opens the Trim In window(VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 97).[F4 (TrimO)]:Opens the Trim Out window(VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 98).[F5 (Del)]:Opens the Phrase Delete window (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 99).[F6 (Split)]:Opens the Phrase Divide/Split window (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 100).Creating a new phrase (Phrase New)In the Phrase New window (VS-1680 Owner’s Manual, p. 101), you can now sort takes and reassign names.Sorting the take list (Sort)1.Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].2.Hold down [SHIFT] and press [F2 (TRACK)].3.Press [F1 (Tr/Ph)] so that the Phrase Edit menu appears.4.Press [PAGE] so that [F3] indicates “New,” and thenpress [F3 (New)].5.Press [F1 (Take)].6.At this time, pressing [F3 (Sort)] will switch the order inwhich the takes are sorted, cycling through the followingchoices.HIST :The order in which the takes were recorded V.Tr :The order of the V-tracks on which the takes are recordedNAME :The alphabetical order of the take namesEnhancements related to operationTakeThis will show the take that you selected in step 8. You may re-select the take if desired.Enhancements related to operation7.Press [F5 (Del)]. A message will ask you to confirm. fig.6-10_90Enhancements related to operationEnhancements related to operationTypeSelect how the phrase will be divided. In this case, select “Divide.”Enhancements related to operationTypeSelect how the phrase will be divided. In this case, select “Split.”Enhancements related to operationGroupSelect the group (1–8) to which you wish to assign the fader.Enhancements related to operationNOTEIf the Channel Link setting is OFF for the copy-destinationEnhancements related to operationChecking inserted effects (Icon and Patch Name display)Effects that have been inserted into channels/tracks can now be confirmed through icons and patch names.1.Press [SELECT] for the channel to which you wish toapply an effect.2.Press [PAGE] so that [F1] indicates “Ef1In,” and thenpress [F1 (Ef1In)].or [F4 (Ef4In)] respectively.3.Press [YES].e the TIME/VALUE dial to select how the effect willbe inserted. At this time you can view the effect as an icon and as a patch name (up to ten characters).5.Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)]. You will return to Playcondition.Checking effects that cannot be used in other channels (Effect insertion location display)When there are effects which cannot be used for a channel/track (because they are inserted into another channel/track), the location of the effect inserted is now displayed.1.Press [SELECT] for the channel to which you wish toapply an effect.2.Press [PAGE] so that [F1] indicates “Ef1In,” and thenpress [F1 (Ef1In)].or [F4 (Ef4In)] respectively.3.Press [YES].e the TIME/VALUE dial to select how the effect willbe inserted. At this time, you can view the effects that are inserted into other channels/tracks.Enhancements to the display and specificationsAlso, you can press [F5] to cycle the displayed contents between date of creation → time of creation → e the TIME/VALUE to move the cursor to the songthat you wish to select.6.Press [F4 (Exec)].7.Press [YES].8.The display will ask “STORE Current?” If you wish tosave the current song, press [YES]. If not, press [NO]. fig.7-08Icon display List display Icon / Date of creation Icon / Time of creation Icon / Size List / Date of creation List / Time of creation List / SizeEnhancements to the display and specifications42Symbols+Verify (28)AAfter Rec (after recording).............................................. 9Alarm function................................................................. 6Automix (19)CCD Speed............................................................. 26, 28, 29Channel Link................................................................... 37Copy (20)DDestination Mark............................................................ 21Destination Target.......................................................... 21Disc At Once. (25)EEasy Routing............................................................... 6, 40Effect expansion board.................................................. 11EFX1 (effect insert switch 1)......................................... 12Erase................................................................................. 19Erase All Songs............................................................... 29Expand....................................................................... 23, 24External recorder.. (8)FFinalize....................................................................... 25, 26GGradation......................................................................... 21Gradation Curve............................................................. 22Group. (36)IIcon display..................................................................... 40IN Margin........................................................................ 34IN Threshold. (34)LLicense agreement.......................................................... 27List display. (40)MMarker................................................................................ 9Marker Add..................................................................... 22Master Send switch........................................................ 41Mastering......................................................................... 40Mastering Room............................................................... 8Mixdown........................................................................... 8MONITOR knob............................................................. 35Monitor level. (41)OOUT Margin.................................................................... 34OUT Threshold (34)PPhrase Copy (30)Phrase Delete................................................................... 30Phrase Move.................................................................... 30Phrase New..................................................................... 30Phrase Split...................................................................... 34Playlist (11)RRecording mode............................................................... 8Rtn (effect return level).. (12)SSampling rate.................................................................... 8Shift................................................................................... 24Snd (effect send level).................................................... 12Source Song............................................................... 27, 29Speed.......................................................................... 27, 28Status...................................................................... 9, 10, 12Step-editing (41)TTake.................................................................................. 31Target................................................................... 20, 21, 24Threshold......................................................................... 24To...................................................................................... 31To (to point)..................................................................... 35Track................................................................................. 31Track At Once................................................................. 25Track number marker...................................................... 9Trim In............................................................................. 30Trim Out.......................................................................... 30Trk L (track L)................................................................... 9Trk R (track R)................................................................... 9Type............................................................................ 34, 35UUser patch.......................................................................... 6User setting (6)VValue................................................................................ 22VS-1680 V-XPANDED..................................................... 6VS8F-2.............................................................................. 11V-XPANDED system program Zip disk.. (6)WWrite Method (26)ZZip drive (6)。
Roland VS-2000 数字录音室 TurboStart TBS214 说明书
![Roland VS-2000 数字录音室 TurboStart TBS214 说明书](
Digital RecordingStudioWelcomeCongratulations on your purchase of the RolandVS-2000. This TurboStart contains step-by-step instructions that will quickly introduce you to theVS-2000’s major features.Loading and Playing ProjectsUse the following procedure to load and listen to the demo song “U Wanna Play:”1.While holding down the SHIFT button, press F1(PROJECT).2.Press PAGE to select Page 1.3.Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to select U WannaPlay, and then press F1 (Select).4.When the screen displays “Select Project,Sure?” press ENTER/YES.5.When the screen displays “Save CurrentProject?” press ENTER/YES if you wish to saveyour changes to the current song.6.Once the song has loaded, press PLAY to beginplayback and slowly raise the track andMASTER faders to a comfortable listening level.7.Adjust the MONITOR knob as necessary.Using the Internal VS8F-2 EffectsThe VS-2000 includes a VS8F-2 Effects Board with 250 high-quality effect patches. Let’s add some reverb to the Male Vocal track in “U Wanna Play:”1.Load “U Wanna Play” as described above.2.Press the CH EDIT button so that it’s lit orange,and then press the TRACK/STATUS 2 button. 3.In the CH EDIT VIEW screen for Track 2, usethe and buttons to select the dB field in the FX1 box at the bottom of the screen—its currentvalue looks like the number 8 turned on its side.4.Turn the TIME/VALUE DIAL to set the dB valueto at least 0.0dB.5.Press PLAY—Track 2 now has reverb.6.To change the effect, hold down SHIFT andpress F3 (Effect).7.Press F1 (FX1), and then press F1 (Patch).8.Turn the TIME/VALUE DIAL to selectP007:Multi-Tap Delay.9.Press F5 (Select)—the Male Voice track nowhas a delay effect applied.10.Press HOME to return to the Home screen.13.Press CH EDIT to return the TRACK/STATUSbuttons to normal operation.Creating a New ProjectHere’s how to create a new project in which you can record a song.1.While holding down SHIFT, press F1(PROJECT).2.Press PAGE to select Page 1, then Press F2(NEW)—the PROJECT NEW screen appears,and the first character of the new project’s name is highlighted.3.Turn TIME/VALUE and press to create aname for your project. Use F2-F4 to movebackwards, or to delete or insert characters.e to move down to Recording Mode. TurnTIME/VALUE to select either M16 (16-bitrecording) or M24 mode (24-bit recording).5.Press F5 (OK), and then press ENTER/YES tofinish creating a new project.Basic Audio RecordingSince the VS-2000 is a digital mixer and recorder in one package, it has extensive channel- and track-routing flexibility. Still, recording a track is simple:1.After creating a new Project, turn the MONITORknob and the first INPUT knob counterclockwiseuntil they’re both all of the way down.2.Plug a microphone or some other audio sourceinto Input 1 at the top left of the front panel.3.If your microphone is a condensor mic andrequires phantom power, disconnect any mic ordevice that doesn’t need phantom power fromInput 2, and turn on the PHANTOM POWER 1/2 switch on the VS-2000’s rear panel.Note: A mic or other device that doesn’t require phantom power can be damaged by phantom power supplied to its jack.4.Press F2 (IN Mix)—the display shows levelmeters for signals coming into the input jacks. 5.Talk into the microphone or play the soundsource connected to INPUT 1, and turn up thefirst INPUT knob until the level for Input 1 isbetween the -12 and -4 level markings on the left side of the LCD screen.6.Set the MASTER Fader to 0dB.7.Slowly turn up the MONITOR knob to acomfortable listening level—you hear the signalcoming into the VS. If you experience feedback(high-pitched screeching), turn down theDigital RecordingStudioMONITOR knob and move your microphonefurther away from your speakers.8.Hold down the REC (for “Record”) button andPress TRACK/STATUS 1—its light flashes red to show that Track 1 is ready for recording.9.Move Fader 1 up to its 0dB marking.10.Press and hold REC, and then press PLAY tobegin recording.11.After you’ve recorded your performance, pressZERO, and then press PLAY to hear back whatyou recorded.12.To record on another track, repeat Steps 2through 10 above, using INPUT 2 and Track 2.Using The Rhythm TrackThe VS-2000’s Rhythm Track feature allows you to use its internal drum sounds for playing preset patterns and arrangements.Note: In the VS-2000. a rhythm arrangement is called a “rhythm arrange.”Here’s how to use the Rhythm Track feature:1.If the CH EDIT or HARMONY button is lit orflashing, press it until it’s unlit.2.Press all of the green TRACK/STATUS buttons1-15/16 so they’re also unlit. The onlyTRACK/STATUS button that should be green is17/18. All of the tracks are now turned off except for Track 17/18.3.Press the RHYTHM TRACK button.4.Turn the TIME/VALUE dial to change theTRACK 17/18 Assign from AUDIO to RHYTHMon the VS-2000’s LCD.5.To hear a preset Rhythm Arrange, press tocursor down to Group. Turn the TIME/VALUEdial counterclockwise to select PRESET.6.Press ZERO, and then press PLAY.7.To listen to different Rhythm Arrange, pressto cursor over to No. and turn theTIME/VALUE DIAL to change the preseting The Built-in TunerThe VS-2000 has an on-board chromatic tuner that allows you to accurately tune any instrument plugged into any of the analog inputs.1.Press the TUNER button.2.Turn the TIME/VALUE DIAL to select the input towhich the instrument you want to tune isconnected to. If you’re using the GUITAR/BASSHi-Z input (Input 8), make sure that the purpleHi-Z switch next to it is set to ON (presseddown).3.Press F1 (THRU) if you want to hear theinstrument you’re tuning.4.Play a note on the instrument—the note closestto the one you play lights under the ChromaticNote indicators.5.When you’re in-tune, the tuning needle standsstraight-up and both tuning guide arrows light.。
S -2416S TAGE UN I TIntroducing the nex t step in audio transport f lexibility - the 24x16 Digital SnakeM-48040in 32outCascade connection exampleS-2416S-1608Signal PinHot 1 2 3 4Cold 14 15 16 17 5 6 7 810,12,13,2223,24,2518 19 20 219 , 11Data In Ch.Data Out C h.Open GND1-2 3-4 5-6 7-81-2 3-4 5-6 7-8MODE SWITCH1OFF O N REAC SLAVE MODECLOCK SLAVE CLOCK MASTER1-24inAnalog1-16out Analog17-24out (AES/EBU )25-40in Analog25-32out Analog2OFF O N REAC BACKUP MODEBACKUP CASCADE5OFF O N AES/EBU INPUT ENABLE DISABLE6OFF O N AES/EBU OUTPUT1-817-243OFF OFF O N O N 4OFF O N OFF O N CASCADE OUTPUT 1-40 9-4017-4025-40 7OFF OFF O N O N8OFF O N OFF O NSAMPLE RATE 96 KHz 48 KHz 44.1 KHzWORD CLOCK24 inputs and 16 outputs in a 4U rack sizeThe chassis houses 24 analog inputs and 16 analog outputs in an EIA rack-mount size of 4U. All input sections are equipped with discrete mic preamps that have been freshly designed to be transparent with uncolored sound. What's more, each XLR jack features three-colored lights that clearly communicate the status of phantom power,clipping, and signal presence. The use of Neutrik connectorsassures ruggedness for demanding environments.Two REAC connectors, enabling support for redundant transmissionWith two REAC connectors – a main and a backup – a redundant REAC network is possible. If a problem occurswith the main line, operation instantly switches to the backup with no break up or click /pop in sound. What'smore, use of Neutrik Ethercon connectors assures both a reliability and ruggedness for any type ofenvironment.High sampling rate of 96 kHz and word-clock input/outputThe S-2416 supports a high bit rate of 24 bits and a high sampling rate of 96 k Hz. A mode switch enables selectionof 96 kHz, 48 kHz, or 44.1 k Hz, when the S-2416 is switchedto Clock master mode. The unit isalso equipped with word-clock input and output connectors (BNC ) for supplying a master clock signal when using the AES/EBU connection.DIP switches for easily adjusting the configurationDIP switches set the REAC mode,AES/EBU in/out, cascade settings, and sampling rate.MUTE ALL OUTPUTS button for silencing all outputThe S-2416 is equipped with a MUTE ALL OUTPUTS button to temporarily silence all outputs - a handy feature when changing cable connections.AES/EBU ports provide a digital input/output environmentThe rear panel provides AES/EBU connectivity (25-pin D-subtype ) for 8 channels of input and output, enabling connection to speaker processors, amps, and other devices capable of AES /EBU input and/or output. Input via AES is assigned to channels 25 through 32 and output is selectable by a mode switch. When combined with analog input and output, theS-2416 can achieve up to 32 inputs and 24 outputs.*When using AES/EBU input/output, external syncing to a master clock is required. Use third-party AES/EBU breakout cables to make connections.Easily expand I/O with a cascade connectionThe S-2416 is the firstDigital Snake capable of a cascadeconnection. Switching the device to Cascade mode andconnecting another Digital Snake makes it possible to expandinputs and outputs up to 40x40 channels. Any of four patternscan be selected for the number of channels output to the additional Digital Snake with a cascade connection: 40 (1 -40ch ), 32 (9 - 40 ch ), 24 (17 - 40 ch ), and 16 (25 - 40 ch ).Mode control via REAC, USB, or RS-232CMic preamps can be controlled using any V-Mixer, R-1000, an S-4000R unitconnected by RS-232C, or by using the S-4000 RCS remote-control software on a computer (Mac or W indows ) connected via USB.Front/back adjustable rack mounting for greater freedom in installationRack-mount angle brackets can be attached not only at the front panel, but also at the rear. This makes it possible to mount the S-2416 with ei ther front or rear orientat ionas needed.Newly developed, high-grade discrete mic preamps*S-4000RCS can be downloaded from .S -2416S TAGE UN I T24 input x 16 output analog and 8 input x 8 output digital, for a total of 32 input and 24 output channelsTwo REAC por ts to cascade to additional snake for expanded inputs and outputs or for a fully redundant , zero -loss audio backup Newly developed high-grade discrete mic preamps on all analog inputsA new standard in digital stage unitsRoland S-2416: STAGE UNITNumber of Channels 32 in 24 outDA Conversion Sample Rate : 96.0 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz Signal Processing: 24 bitsTotal Harmonic Distortion + Noise 0.007 % (Pad: Off, Input Gain: -10 dBu, 20 Hz to 20 kHz, typ.)AD Conversion Sample Rate: 96.0 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 k Hz Signal Processing: 24 bitsFrequency Response-2 dB / +0 dB (@ +4 dBu, 10 Hz to 40 kHz, Sample Rate : 96 kHz, typ.)Dynamic RangeINPUT jacks (1 to 24): 110 dB (typ.)Channel Separation @ 1kHz INPUT jacks (1 to 24): 103 dB (Input Gain: +4 dBu, IHF-A, typ.)OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): 110dB (typ.)ConnectorsINPUT jacks (1 to 24): XLR type, balanced, phantom power OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): XLR type, balanced AES/EBU connector: DB-25 type REAC port: RJ-45 EtherCon type WORD CLOCK connector: BNC type REMOTE connector: DB-9 type COMPUTER port: USB type B* XLR type: 1 GND, 2 HOT, 3: COLD* phantom power: DC +48V (unloaded maximum), 14mA (maximum load) (All XLR type inputs)Equivalent Input Noise Level (E.I.N.)INPUT jacks (1 to 24): -128 dB (Input Gain: -65 dBu, IHF-A, typ.)Residual Noise Level (IHF-A, typ.)OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): -84 dBuNetwork Latency 375 microseconds when using REAC cable only (AD to REAC to DA Latency: about 1.2 ms)*1Power Consumption 62 WDimensions 482 (W) x 348 (D) x 177 (H) mm 19 (W) x 13-3/4 (D) x 7 (H) inches (EIA-1U rack mountable)Weight9.7 kg 21 lbs 7 ozOperation Temperature . +0 to +40 degrees Celsius . +32 to +104 degrees Fahrenheit Accessories. Power cord . Owner's manual . Rubber foot x 4Nominal Input Level (Variable). -65 to -10 dBu (PAD: Off) . -45 to +10 dBu (PAD: On)Input Impedance INPUT jacks (1 to 24): 7 k ohmsNon Clip Maximum Input level INPUT jacks (1 to 24): +28dBu (1 kHz, 10 k ohms load, typ.)Nominal Output Level OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): +4 dBu (Load impedance: 10 k ohms, typ.)Maximam Output Level OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): +22 dBu (Load impedance: 10 k ohms, typ.)Recommended Load Impedance OUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): 10 k ohms or greater Output ImpedanceOUTPUT jacks (1 to 16): 600 ohms (typ.)* 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms* In the interest of product improvement, the specifications and/or appearance of this unit are subject to change without prior notice.*When a REAC Splitter S-4000D or a switching hub is used in-line with REAC cables, the network latency will increase by the amount of processing delay introduced by the splitting device itself. The actual delay is dependant upon the specifications of the splitting device, though the maximum delay amount for a single splitting device should be about 200 microseconds.Printed in Japan. Mar. 2014 RAM-20044 PRS-PDw w w.r o l a n d s y s t e m s g r o u p.c o m /s 2416All specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice. Company names and product names appearing in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. Roland, REAC and V-Mixer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Roland Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. It is forbidden by law to make an audio recording, video recording, copy or revision of a third party's copyrighted work (musical work, video work, broadcast, live performance, or other work), whether in whole or in part, and distribute, sell, lease, perform, or broadcast it without the permission of the copyright owner. Do not use this product for purposes that could infringe on a copyright held by a third party. We assume no responsibility whatsoever with regard to any infringements of third-party copyrights arising through your use of this product. Copyright 2014 Roland Corporation. All right reserved.DIMENSIONS337.27177101.6328.2430430482Unit : mm。
罗兰电子有限公司 2012年音响产品目录说明书
![罗兰电子有限公司 2012年音响产品目录说明书](
SPIRIT&TECHNOLOGYOriginalityThe Lineup Quality Portable & Battery-PoweredGAJCCUBECMACBAn n n n n n n n n n n nGA Series JC JAZZ CHORUSn Original COSM amp model with incredible feel, attack, natural compression, and sustainn Morph from clean to super-extreme tones with the DRIVE knob and BOOST buttonn Sound Indicator displays the level of distortion in a range of colorsn LEDs embedded in the knobs show current settings; great for dark stagesn Intuitive operation with simple, fast-access structure; two volume controls, three tone controls, presence, and reverb n Smart Channel automatically memorizes the current position of knobs for all channelsn Control channel switching and other functions via GA-FC foot controller (sold separately)n Two models available — GA-212: 200W amp with two 12″ speakers, GA-112: 100W amp with one 12″ speaker n Pure, pristine sound across the entire frequency rangen Excellent picking responsen Spatially synthesized stereo chorus through twin-amp/twin-speaker designn Versatile tone creation, from lush ambience and reverb to powerful distortion n Stereo effects loop for processing flexibilityn Effects loop circuitry with series and parallel routing optionsn Heavy-duty construction with tough, tacked exteriorFORGUITARFORGUITARGroundbreaking stage amps with original tone. A masterpiece of pure tone, power, and legendary stereo chorus.GA-212/GA-112Guitar AmplifierJC-120Jazz Chorus Guitar AmplifierProgressive Amp Smart ChannelConvenient hands-free performance Control your sound from the floorAccelerate your workflowA new world of versatile tone Stack your amps for extraordinary power!World’s first spatiallysynthesized chorusStereo effects loop Footswitch jack and stereoline output With a simple twist of the DRIVE knob and push of theBOOST button, you can morph through a diverse soniclandscape of new amp sounds, from Clean to Super Extreme.* Front- and rear-panel specifications are the same for GA-212 and GA-112.l Switch instantly between four channels and two routings of loops,reverbs, boost settings, etc. l Simultaneously connect two expressionpedals for real-time control of volume and drive l Simultaneouslycontrol stacked amps via Link In/Out portThe GA’s innovative Smart Channel featurescans and saves your panel settingsautomatically, and you can recall all fourchannels of settings with a single buttonpush. The bright LED knobs clearly indicatethe positions of each parameter, visuallyconfirming the settings even on dark stages.The GA series lets you stack amps via the Linkconnector — great for guitarists who arelooking for even higher decibel levels. Connecttwo GA-212s for up to 400W of power!* Up to two units can be stacked.Do not stack three or more units.The combination of two independentamplifiers, two enclosed speakers, and thespecially designed cabinet results in legendarychorus with unmatched width and depth.The stereo effects loop, with level and modecontrols, lets you interface with a variety ofexternal effects — from multi-effectsprocessors to compact pedals.The footswitch jacks can be used to controlchorus/vibrato, reverb, and distortionindividually. The stereo line output lets youroute your JC tone directly to external mixers,recorders, etc.Clean Crunch Lead Extreme SuperExtremeNo BoostBoostEV-5FV-500H FV-500LGA-FC GA Foot ControllerExpression Pedal Foot Volume/Expression Pedal Foot Volume/Expression PedalFront PanelFront Panel Rear Panel〈GA-212〉〈GA-112〉Rear Panel45CUBE XL SeriesCOSM AMP TYPEDLX COMBOMETAL STACKACOUSTIC SIMJC CLEANTWEEDEXTREMEBLACK PANELCLASSIC STACKDYNA AMPBRIT COMBOR-FIER STACKEFFECTSCHORUSTREMOLOREVERB “SPRING”FLANGERHEAVY OCTAVEREVERB “PLATE”PHASERDELAY* COSM Amps ** COSM DistortionsAMP TYPEDISTORTION**EXTREME**JC CLEAN*METAL**ACOUSTIC SIM*OVERDRIVE**METAL STACK**CHORUSTREMOLODELAYFLANGERSOLOREVERB “SPRING”PHASERHEAVY OCTAVEREVERB (PLATE)EFFECTS* BOSS Designed DistortionsAMP TYPECLEANDISTORTION*EXTREMEOVERDRIVE*METAL ZONE*n 80W guitar amp with 12″ high-performance custom speakern Footswitchable channels, including JC Clean, Lead, and Solowith memory capabilityn 11 COSM amp models, including the new Extreme ampn Eight effects, including the new Heavy Octave andCOSM vintage Spring Reverbn 80-second Phrase Looper built inn Hands-free channel switching via footswitch (sold separately)n 20W guitar amp with 8″ high-performance custom speakern Two channels: Independent JC Clean and Lead plus Solo function for extra boostn Six Lead types, including the new Extreme ampn Nine effects, including the new Heavy Octave and COSM vintage Spring Reverbn Power Squeezer for full gain at low volumen Convenient audible tuner lets you tune your guitar without unpluggingn 15W guitar amp with 8″ high-performance custom speakern Two independent channels: Clean and Leadn Three authentic BOSS Lead tones, including Metal Zone and Extremen80W of high-powered sound for the stage. Meet the flagship of CUBE XL amps.Perfect for small spaces. Solid, heavy XL-quality tone.Compact CUBE with EXTREME amp and BOSS distortion.CUBE-80XLGuitar AmplifierCUBE-20XLGuitar AmplifierCUBE-15XLGuitar AmplifierControl Panel Control PanelControl PanelRear PanelCOSM AMP TYPEBRIT COMBOR-FIER STACKJC CLEANCLASSIC STACKDYNA AMPBLACK PANELMETAL STACKACOUSTIC SIMTWEEDEXTREMEEFFECTSCHORUSTREMOLOREVERB “SPRING”FLANGERHEAVY OCTAVEREVERB “PLATE”PHASERDELAYn 40W guitar amp with 10″ high-performance custom speakern Footswitchable channels, including JC Clean, Lead, and Solowith memory capabilityn 10 COSM amp models, including the new Extreme ampn Eight effects, including the new Heavy Octave andCOSM vintage Spring Reverbn 80-second Phrase Looper built inn Power Squeezer for full gain at low volumeFor gigs, for practice — XL sound in a streamlined cabinet.CUBE-40XLGuitar AmplifierControl PanelRear Panel67CUBE XL BASS Series MICRO CUBE Seriesn Professional 120W amp with custom-designed 12″ coaxial speakern Dual custom-designed air-flow port for deep bass and punchy soundn Eight COSM bass amp models, including the new Super Lown Seven effects, including the new Poly Octave and Driven Solo function with memory for use as a second channeln Looper function for layered solos and one-person performancesn Built-in chromatic bass tuner with drop tuning supportPowerful 120W amp with flagship features and massive sound.CUBE-120XL BASSBass Amplifier 〈CB-120XL〉nUltra-compact 20W bass amp with custom-designed 8″ speakern Six COSM bass amp models, including the new Super Flatn Seven effects, including the new Poly Octave and Driven Power Squeezer function for powerful bass tones at low volumesn Built-in tuner that’s easy to useXL BASS quality in an amp sized for the bedroom.CUBE-20XL BASSBass Amplifier 〈CB-20XL〉Micro body, battery powered, shockingly BIG sound!MICRO CUBEGuitar Amplifierl AC Adaptor IncludedFlexible input options support a widerange of applications.Improve your chops withRhythm Guide.The MICRO CUBE RX series features a Record output for directconnection to recording devices. It also has Aux input, which letsyou plug in an MP3/CD player or instrument such as a drummachine. The Footswich input lets you tap tempo or start/stop thebuilt-in Rhythm Guide tracks.* MICRO CUBE RX/BASS RX share the same rear-panel design.Build your skills with the MICROCUBE RX series’ Rhythm Guide.Choose from 11 genres of rhythms(rock, R&B, jazz, and more) withthree types of rhythms per genre.Set your desired tempo with theTap Tempo button, and play alongwith pro-quality backing patterns.You can also use an optionalfootswitch for tap-tempo inputand start/stop control.COSM AMP TYPESUPER FLATBASS360FLIP TOPSESSIONT.ESUPER LOWB MANCONCERT 810EFFECTSDELAYDRIVEREVERB “ROOM“CHORUSREVERB “PLATE”POLY OCTAVECOMPRESSORSUPER FLATBASS360B MANCONCERT 810FLIP TOPSESSIONCHORUSDELAYDRIVEPOLY OCTAVECOMPRESSORSOLOREVERBCOSM AMP TYPEEFFECTSControl PanelPowerful stereo sound from a battery-powered amp.MICRO CUBE RXGuitar Amplifier 〈MCUBE-RX〉l AC Adaptor Includedn Highly efficient stereo amp and four custom speakersn Speaker material reproduces harmonics with full clarityn Seven COSM amps produce tones based on masterpiece amplifiersn Built-in mic preampn High-quality chorus, flanger, delay, and reverb onboardn Rhythm Guide function for rhythm training and accompanimentn Boost switch provides instant tonal variationn Built-in chromatic tuner; can also be set for E-flat tuningUp to 13 hours of continuoususe with AA alkaline batteries.COSM AMP TYPEJC CLEANCLASSIC STACKACOUSTIC SIMBLACK PANELMETAL STACKMICBRIT COMBOR-FIER STACKEFFECTSCHORUSTREMOLOFLANGERDELAYPHASERREVERBControl PanelCustom made for bass. Play anywhere on battery power.MICRO CUBE BASS RXBass Amplifier 〈MCB-RX〉l AC Adaptor Includedn Four high-efficiency speakers with custom-coated cones that reduce unwantedvibrations and provide clear, tight soundn Seven types of COSM amps developed specifically for bassn Built-in mic preampn Onboard effects include high-quality chorus, delays, reverbs, and T-Wahn Built-in bass compressor to even out dynamicsn Rhythm Guide function for rhythm training and accompanimentn Built-in tuner with support for E-flat tuning as well as low B and high Cfor six-string bassesUp to 11 hours of continuoususe with AA alkaline batteries.COSM AMP TYPEOCTAVE BASSB MANCONCERT 810SUPER FLATBASS360MICFLIP TOPSESSIONEFFECTSCOMPRESSORT-WAHCHORUSDELAYFLANGERREVERBControl PanelControl PanelRear Paneln Seven COSM amps provide a diverse range of tonen Great spatial effects onboard; use simultaneouslywith delays and reverbsn Built-in mic preamp for sing-along performancen Digital tuning fork provides quick tuning referencen Recording/Headphones output and stereo Aux inputfor CD players, etc.Up to 20 hours of continuoususe with AA alkaline batteries.CB-MCC1Protective Cover for MICRO CUBECustom-fitted coverCOSM AMP TYPEJC CLEAN BLACK PANEL BRIT COMBOR-FIER STACK ACOUSTIC MICCLASSIC STACKEFFECTSCHORUS FLANGERDELAYPHASERREVERBTREMOLOControl PanelRear Paneln Compact 60W bass amp with custom-designed 10″ coaxial speakern Dual custom-designed air-flow port for deep bass and punchy soundn Eight COSM bass amp models, including the new Super Lown Seven effects, including the new Poly Octave and Driven Solo function with memory for use as a second channeln Power Squeezer and Phrase Looper onboardn Built-in chromatic bass tuner with drop tuning supportVersatile 60W amp for studio sessions and gigs.Bass Amplifier 〈CB-60XL〉COSM AMP TYPEFLIP TOPSESSIONT.ESUPER LOWB MANCONCERT 810SUPER FLATBASS360EFFECTSDELAYDRIVEREVERB “ROOM”POLY OCTAVECOMPRESSORCHORUSREVERB “PLATE”Control PanelRear Panel〈M-CUBE〉〈M-CUBE-R〉〈M-CUBE-W〉Audio Player, etcInstrument, etc89CUBE Series CUBE MONITOR CM SeriesorMIC/LINE CHANNELDELAY REVERBGUITAR/INSTRUMENT CHANNELCHORUS FLANGER PHASERREVERBTREMOLO DELAYJC CLEAN BLACK PANELCLASSIC STACK R-FIER STACKINSTRUMENT MICBRIT COMBOACOUSTIC SIMCOSM AMP TYPE EFFECTSA-GUITARKEYBOARD/INSTRUMENT FATE-GUITAR CLEANE-GUITAR DISTKEYBOARD/INSTRUMENT NORMALAUDIOE-GUITAR OVERDRIVEAMP TYPECHORUS DELAY REVERBEFFECTSThe world is your stage. Use the CUBE Street anywhere! 2.1 monitor system for electronic instrumentsMulti-purpose portable mixing monitorInstruments and microphones welcome. Plug in the entire band!CUBE StreetBattery Powered Stereo Amplifierl AC Adaptor IncludedCM-220/CM-110Cube MonitorCM-30Cube MonitorMOBILE CUBEBattery Powered Stereo Amplifier 〈MB-CUBE〉l PSA Series Optional AC Adaptorn Compact, lightweight stereo amplifier with slanted cabinet designn Two high-performance 6.5″ speakersn Runs on batteries or AC adaptorn Dual-channel architecture with Guitar/Inst and Mic/Line inputsn Aux In jack for playing along with external audio players orrhythm machinesn Eight COSM Amps, six digital effects, and chromatic tuner built inn 2-band EQ, Delay/Reverb for the Mic/Line-channelnnnnnand RCA phono typennn High-power 30W amp in a compact bodyn Three channels and two Aux inputs to handle five simultaneous sourcesn Supports a wide range of applications ranging from instruments, audio playback,live monitoring, and basic sound reinforcementn Channels 2 and 3, and Aux support stereo inputsn Stereo Link function lets you connect two CM-30 units for a total of ten simultaneous inputchannels with stereo playbackn Three inputs for microphone, stereo instrument, and stereo Auxn Built-in stereo effects including delay, reverb, and chorusn Center Cancel feature for minus-one-type vocal practicen Play at full power for up to 15 hours on six AA alkaline batteriesn Mount on ST-CMS1 speaker stand or mic standCB-CS1CB-MBC1ST-CMS1Carrying BagCarrying CaseMonitor SpeakerStandOpen the flap and start playing.Water-repellent material.Powerful model with 200W outputCustom-fittedCarrying CaseAttach satellite speakers to these stands andlisten to music at an ideal height.Control Panel Side PanelTop PanelControl PanelRear PanelRear PanelControl Panel Rear PanelPlay at full power for 15 hourson six AA alkaline batteries!Up to 15 hours ofcontinuous use withAA alkaline batteries.〈Left〉〈Right〉〈CM-220〉〈CM-110〉〈CM-110-WH〉〈CUBE-ST〉〈CUBE-ST-R〉* Top- and rear-panel specifications are the same for CM-220 and CM-110.10111213ACOUSTIC CHORUS AC Seriesn AC-90: 90W (45W + 45W) stereo amps, a powerhouse for the stagen AC-60: 60W (30W + 30W) stereo amps, a big stereo sound that’s portable n Switchable piezo and magnetic pickup input typesn Guitar and Mic/Line channels for vocal duos and singer/players n Mic channel with phantom power for condenser mics n 3-band EQ per channel for fine-tuning your soundn Spatially synthesized, bandwidth-divided chorus, plus reverbs, delays, and Shape feature for acoustic guitarn Anti-feedback function for eliminating howln Aux input, XLR out, DI out, and subwoofer outputn AC-60 is available in two colors: black and wood-color finishesPure quality, pristine beautyAC-90/AC-60Acoustic Chorus Guitar Amplifiern 30W (15W + 15W stereo)* power in a compact, portable package n Runs on batteries or AC powern Guitar and Mic channels plus Aux input for connecting an external audio playern Reverb, chorus, and ambience effectsn Ambience effects create spatial depth akin to concert halls and cathedrals, particularly beautiful with nylon-string guitarsn Eliminate howling with the onboard Anti-feedback feature n Phrase Looper with 40 seconds of record timen Available in two colors: black and wood-color finishesWorld’s first AA-battery-powered acoustic guitar ampAC-33Acoustic Chorus Guitar Amplifierl AC Adaptor Includedn 5W (2.5W + 2.5W) stereo amplifier delivers rich acoustic guitar sound n Three channel inputs to connect microphone, guitar, and audio player n Chorus, Reverb, and Wide effects add depth to your sound n Simple, intuitive controlsn Runs on batteries or optional AC adaptor n Speaker-stand mountableFits in a backpack, light enough to carry — take it anywhere!MOBILE ACAcoustic Chorus Guitar AmplifierG SoloG Duo GJam with songs〈AC-90〉〈AC-60〉〈AC-90〉〈AC-60〉〈AC-60-RW 〉〈AC-33〉〈AC-33-RW 〉Up to nine hours of continuous usewith eight AA rechargeable batteries.15 hours of use with six AA alkaline batteries.ST-CMS1Monitor Speaker StandQuality carrying case included.* MOBILE AC can also be mounted on standard mic stands.CB-MBC1Carrying CaseTilt stand enables optimal monitoring angle.Control PanelControl PanelControl Panel Side PanelRear PanelRear PanelHighly stable, height-adjustable speaker e this handy case to conveniently transport your MOBILE AC.〈Left 〉〈Right 〉Tilt stand enables optimal monitoring angle.1415BASeriesn All-in-one portable digital PA system suitable for use anywhere n Amazing sound pressure; delivers up to 109 dB SPL even when running on batteriesn Four 16 cm speakers and two tweeters cover a wide frequency spectrum n Powerful high-quality stereo sound for small-to-medium rooms n High-quality stereo effects, EQ, and Anti-feedback feature onboard n Expand to larger system with the Stereo Link feature n Built-in tilt stand for optimal performance anglenn High-efficiency digital amp driving two 6.5″ speakers; delivers 108 dB of powerful, high-quality soundn Digital microphone included; connects wirelessly for clean, clear reception n Two power modes: size AA batteries and AC adaptorn 3-channel mixer with two mic inputs and one instrument/audio input n Built-in echo effect that you can turn on/off from the microphone n Anti-feedback function prevents unwanted howlingn Expand the setup with two mics; add a second wireless mic [DR-WN55] or connect a wired micThe go-anywhere battery-powered amp for street bands.Superb system for conferences, speeches, and musical performances.BA-330Stereo Portable Amplifierl AC Adaptor IncludedBA-55Battery Powered Portable AmplifierlMicrophone and AC Adaptor IncludedControl PanelRear PanelST-A95Speaker StandCB-BA330Carrying CaseST-CMS1Monitor Speaker StandCB-MBC1Carrying CaseDR-WM55Wireless MicrophoneST-A95Speaker StandMounts on anoptionalspeaker standConveniently transport the BA-330Two built-in wireless receivers; add asecond wireless mic.Highly stable, height-adjustable speaker e this handy carrying bag to transport your MOBILE BA.Companion speaker stand that telescopesfor custom height adjustment.Rechargeable Battery HR6 (AA) type (nickel metal hydride): approx. 10 hours (MAX), approx. 15 hours (ECO)Approx. six hours of continuous use with eight size AA alkaline batteries. Also supports rechargeable batteries.Also features a pocket foran audio player.Control PanelRear PanelAn internal sensor automatically switches between stereo output (when positioned horizontally) and mono output (when positioned vertically).n Lightweight, compact amp with carrying strapn Big, dynamic stereo sound that defies its small bodyn 3-channel design supports a variety of inputs, including mics, instruments, computers, and audio players n Simple, intuitive controlsn Anti-feedback feature prevents annoying howlingn Center Cancel feature lets you create karaoke sing-along tracks n Speaker-stand mountableThe compact, battery-powered mobile amp you can take anywhere.MOBILE BABattery Powered Stereo AmplifierUp to 15 hours of continuous operation with six size AA alkaline batteries.Use as amplified speakers for your computer.〈BA-55〉〈BA-55-WH 〉Digital Wireless SystemControl Panel* MOBILE BA can also be mounted on standard mic stands.。
Roland MV-8800 Production Studio 用户指南.pdf_17020697
![Roland MV-8800 Production Studio 用户指南.pdf_17020697](
To learn how to operate an external MIDI instrument or a computer/ soft synth setup, see its documentation.
When you’re not using the PHONO jacks, keep the included shorting pin inserted in them.
• digital output—to a digital input on an optional MV8-OP1 Audio I/O Expansion board (purchased separately) installed in your MV-8800.
In addition t advantage to listening directly through the MV-8800: If you decide to sample your MIDI instrument(s), you’re already set up to do so.
MV-8800 Production Studio
Working with External MIDI Instruments
© 2007 Roland Corporation U.S. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the
Roland S-330 550数字采样器补充说明书
![Roland S-330 550数字采样器补充说明书](
SupplementalNotesMarch 20, 1998S-330/550 BasicsThe S-550 and S-330 digital samplers are 12-bit mono samplers which were first made in 1987. The S-550 is eight part multitimbral with a memory capacity of 64 Tones and 32 Patches. Its total sampling time is 28.8 seconds at 30kHz. The last operating system for the S-550 was the CD-5 system, which was included with the Roland CD-5 CD-ROM player. The S-330 is eight part multitimbral with a memory capacity of 32 Tones and 16 Patches. Its total sampling time is 14.4 seconds at 30kHz.The last operating system for the S-330 was version 1.03. This document is intended to provide a step by step guide to a few of the S-330/550’s most commonly used procedures. First, we will show you how to create a Performance disk. Next, we will discuss some of the features added with the CD-5 operating system. Then, we will create a Patch and show you how you can conserve memory by using Sub Tones. Next, we will show you the basic sampling procedure. Finally, we will discuss the use of external SCSI devices with the S-550 and provide a list of compatible peripheral devices. It is our hope that you will find this document a useful companion to the Owner’s Manual.I. Creating a Performance Disk (S-550 Only)An S-550 Performance disk is a set of up to 8 Patches saved as a group on a single floppy disk. Creating a Performance disk allows you to assemble a group of your own Patches from multiple source disks. Start the S-550w ith the CD-5 system disk (SU-04) in the drive and use the following procedure to create a Performance Disk:1) Insert the desired S-550 sound disk into the disk drive.2) Use the mouse to highlight “MODE” and press the left mouse button. The available modes will be displayed.3) Use the mouse to highlight “DISK” and press the left mouse button.4) Use the mouse to highlight “FD Load P” (Floppy Disk Load Patch) and press the left mouse button.“FD P# I11 _______” (the first Patch) will be displayed.5) Select “DISK” from the SUB menu to display a list of available Patches on the disk.6) Use the mouse to highlight the desired Patch and double click the right mouse button.7) Select “FD Load Patch” from the COM menu and press the left mouse button. “Now Loading” will be displayed.8) Select “PLAY” from the MODE menu to display the Patch you just loaded as Patch I-11.9) Repeat steps 2-7 to load additional Patches as desired. Make sure you select a new Patch location for eachPatch (i.e. I-12, I-13, etc.).10) O nce you have loaded all the Patches that you want to use in your Performance, select “DISK” from theMODE menu.11) U se the mouse to highlight “FD Save” and press the left mouse button. Highlight “Save Set 1” and press the leftmouse button. This will save the currently loaded Patches together onto a disk (or disks if necessary).NOTE: To perform this function it is necessary that you use the CD-5 System version. Earlier versions of the operating system do not allow an individual Patch to be loaded into the S-550. This file is available withoutcharge from the Roland U.S. website (). Both the disk and manual for the S-550 CD-5 System are a vailable from the Roland U.S. Customer Service department. They can be reached by calling (213) 685-5141, ext. 289. The part number for the disk is SU-4 and the part number for the manual is 79514299.II. Features Added with the CD-5 System (S-550 Only)•Name Input- You can enter Tone names, Patch names and disk labels through mouse commands. •Map Input- The parameters of a Patch or Tone can be copied to a separate Patch.•DC Cut- If you have made a sample that has low range noise due to DC current elements, DCCut will help reduce this noise.•Split Settings- Tones can be set while viewing the Tone list. The Tones in a Patch that is currentlybeing used will be displayed in white, the others will be in black.•New ConversionFunctions- You can now convert disks that were in S-550 format to S-50 format.•Loading Patches- You can now load complete Patches from a disk.•Floppy Disk Backup-You can back up the CD-5 System disk (the CD-5 System can not be saved to a sound disk).III. Creating a Patch (S-330/550)When a sound is first sampled, that sample is referred to as a Tone. In order to use a Tone, it must be assigned to a Patch. A Patch consists of one or more Tones, each mapped to a key or range of keys across the keyboard. In Edit Mode, the Patch PRM page contains parameters that determine how the Tone(s) will respond when played. To create a Patch, you must first load or create a Tone (or a number of Tones).Loading TonesU se the following procedure to load Tones on the S-330/550:1) Highlight “MODE” and press the left mouse button.2) Highlight “DISK” and press the left mouse button.3) Highlight “FD LOAD T” and press the left mouse button.4) Insert the disk containing the desired Tone(s) into the S-330/550’s disk drive.5) Highlight the Tone number displayed next to “FD T #” and use the left/right mouse buttons to select the Toneyou wish to load.6) Highlight the Tone number displayed next to “Int T #” and use the left/right mouse buttons to select adestination for the Tone in the S-330/550’s internal memory.NOTE: If you select a destination Tone that is not empty, the Wave data for the current Tone will be replaced by the Wave data for the Tone you are loading. Any Sub Tone that uses Wave data of the previous Tone will also be deleted, becoming an empty Tone (see Section IV for more information regarding Sub Tones).7) Highlight “COM” and press the left mouse button. “FD Load Tone” will be displayed.8) Press the left mouse button to begin loading the Tone.9) Repeat steps 4-8 to load additional Tones as desired.Creating a PatchU se the following procedure to create a Patch with one or more Tones assigned to the keyboard:1) Load the desired Tone or Tones into the S-330/550’s memory (as described previously).2) Select “EDIT” from the MODE menu .3) Highlight “MENU” and press the left mouse button.4) Highlight “Split” and press the left mouse button. The Split page will be displayed.5) Use the left/right mouse button to select “Normal” next to Key Mode (if necessary).NOTE: There are five Key Modes to choose from: Normal, Unison, V-SW (Velocity Switch), X-Fade (Velocity Cross Fade), and V-MIX (Velocity Mix). Normal and Unison modes will only play the 1st Tone, even if the 2nd Tone is shown to be assigned.6) Use the left/right mouse button to select the desired Tone next to 1st Tone.NOTE: Do not load Tones into Tone location I-11. Use Tone locations I-12 and higher.7) Use the left/right mouse buttons to select “1st” next to Type Select (if necessary).8) Use the mouse to highlight the key (on the onscreen keyboard in the lower half of the display) you wish toassign the sample to and press the left mouse button. A pair of hash marks will appear above the note indicating that a Tone has been assigned.NOTE: You can also assign Tones with a MIDI keyboard that is connected to the S-330/550. Simply pressing the desired key on your MIDI keyboard will assign the selected Tone to that note.9) Repeat steps 8-10 to continue assigning Tones as desired.10) U se the left/right mouse button to select “Info” next to Type Select. Play your MIDI keyboard to hear theTones that were assigned.IV. Creating Sub Tones (S-330/550)Sub Tones are used by the S-330/550 to conserve memory. A Sub Tone allows you to share the same sample data between two different Tones. You can edit sample information on a Sub Tone without affecting theoriginal Tone. Since Sub Tones read the waveform data of an original Tone, the original waveform must be inmemory along with the Sub Tone. Use the following procedure to create a Sub Tone:1) Load the desired Tone(s) into the S-330/550’s memory (as described previously).2) Highlight “MODE” and press the left mouse button.3) Highlight “EDIT” and press the left mouse button.4) Highlight “MENU” and press the left mouse button.5) Highlight “Tone PRM” and press the left mouse button.6) Highlight the currently selected Tone location (upper left of the display, under MODE) and use the left/rightmouse buttons to select a blank Tone location.7) Highlight “---“ next to Original Tone and use the left/right mouse buttons to select the Tone whosewaveform data you would like to use. That Tone number will appear next to “Sub” in the display. You have now created a Sub Tone. You can edit and place the Sub Tone in any Patch as long as the original Tone is in the memory of the S-330/550.V. Sampling (S-330/550)The steps below provide a basic set of instructions for sampling a sound with the S-330/550. More detailedinformation on sampling and editing samples can be found in the S-330/550 Owner’s Manual beginning on page 34.1) Connect the audio output of your sampling source to the Input jack on the front of the S-330/550.2) Set the LINE/MIC switch on the S-550’s front panel accordingly (depending on the source signal). Forexample, if you are recording directly from a microphone, press the LINE/MIC switch so it is lit (mic level). If you are recording the output of a CD player, press the LINE/MIC switch so it is not lit (line level).NOTE: The LINE/MIC setting is not available on the S-330.1) Make sure that the system disk is inserted and select “UTILITY” from the MODE menu.2) Highlight “MENU” and press the left mouse button.3) Highlight “Sampling” and press the left mouse button.4) Highlight the currently selected Tone (next to Source) and use the left/right mouse buttons to select an emptyTone location.5) Highlight the number next to Time and use the left/right mouse buttons to select a sample time that is slightlylonger than the sound you wish to sample.6) Highlight the number next to Freq and use the left/right mouse buttons to select “30K” (if necessary).7) Highlight the number next to Threshold and use the left/right mouse buttons to select “0” (if necessary).8) Highlight the number next to Pre-Trig and use the left/right mouse buttons to select “0” (if necessary).9) Highlight the number next to Orig Key and use the left/right mouse buttons to select “C4” (if necessary).10) H ighlight “COM” and press the left mouse button.11) H ighlight “Manual” and press the left mouse button to begin sampling.12) S tart your source sound. The S-330/550 will stop sampling after the amount of time specified in step #7.13) P lay middle C (C4) on your keyboard to hear the results.VI. Using SCSI (S-550 Only)In order to use the S-550 with external SCSI devices, you will need the HD5-IF interface. This was an optionalkit that added a 25 pin SCSI port to the S-550. Unfortunately, this kit is no longer available. Up to 4 SCSI devices can be connected to the S-550.TroubleshootingThe S-550 will search for the SCSI devices that are connected to it as it first starts up. Make sure that your drives are up and running before starting up the S-550. If the system locks up as it is booting, check for thefollowing:1) Make sure that the cable is completely inserted into the ports.2) Make sure the SCSI drive is set to an ID other than 7. ID 7 is reserved for the S-550 and can not be changed.3) Be sure the drive that is last on the SCSI chain is terminated and that the other drives connected in themiddle of the SCSI chain are unterminated. Most hard drives use either internal or external DIP switches to change termination and SCSI IDs. If the drive you are using has no termination, you can terminate it with a external termination plug. Usually, external terminators are inserted into the line between the SCSI port and the cable or into the other available SCSI port on the drive.Make the appropriate changes and then restart the drives and the S-550 in that order. If the S-550 doesn't recognize the drive(s), check the table below to ensure that you are using SCSI devices that are compatiblewith the S-550.VII. Compatible Peripherals with the S-330/550The S-550 was a current product during 1987-89. The majority of SCSI devices manufactured during this period were more primitive and used Sony drive mechanisms. The drivers in the S-550’s system software were created for drives that were available during that time period. The S-550 can format up to a total of 80MB per drive.RGB Monitors (S-550 and S-330)These monitors require special adapter cables from Redmond Cable (206) 882-2009 / (615) 478-5760.Atari 1224 Atari 1435 Mitsubishi DiamondScan Commodore 1080 & 1084 Darius TSM-1431 Taxan 610/420 Sony KV1311 Sony PVMNEC 3D Magnavox 8762 Zenith ZVM133Compatible Hard Drives (S-550 Only)Drives that were know to work with the S-550DynatekCMS Microtech MicroNet EltekonThe SyQuest 105MB removable drives will work with the S-550, but will only be formatted as an 80MB drive.CD-ROM Drive (S-550 Only)The Roland CD-5 is the only type of CD-ROM drive known to work with the S-550. It used a Sony CDU-6111 mechanism. The CD-5 came with a CD-ROM disc that contained the S-550 sample library.We hope that this document has provided you with a better understanding of the S-330/550 Digital Sampler. The operations we have covered such as sampling, creating Patches, Performance Disks, and Sub Tones, are fundamental to the basic operation of the S-330/550. A thorough understanding of these concepts will be helpful when you begin to create you own samples. For further information on these and more advanced operations, please consult the S-330/550 Owner’s Manual.。
ROLAND 罗兰 HPD-10 中文说明书
![ROLAND 罗兰 HPD-10 中文说明书](
410 种打击乐/鼓音色
音色分类组或字母排序方式将便于您选 择音色。
您可以同时使用声场(5 种)和多重效果 (20 种)。
大型 LCD 屏幕显示不同功能和信息。面 板按键操作和通俗易懂的界面使套鼓编 辑十分便捷。另外,您可以使用控制旋钮 实时进行编辑。预置套鼓按键同样便于您 调用 5 组套鼓和 5 组您最喜爱的套鼓。
极具表现力的打击垫和其扩展性 10 个打击垫具有力度感应和压力感应。 最靠近您的 2 个较大打击垫配置有打击 位置感应。您可以使用 D BEAM 光感控 制器得心应手的控制音色的触发和效果。 通过应用外置触发器的立体声输入,您可 以使用选购的底鼓触发器、鼓面/支持鼓 边打击的打击垫、镲片和脚踏开关。您可 以将不同功能指定于脚踏开关。
HandSonic 的设计十分轻巧,您可以将其 安 装 于 选 购 的 PDS-10 支 架 上 或 使 用 APC-33 将其安装于镲片支架上。
本使用说明书不仅为您介绍 HandSonic 10 的功能和操作方法,还为您说明如何 使用面板音色、功能和结合的技术。
HandSonic 10 中内置有 5 首示范乐曲以呈现其演绎表现力。
预置套鼓按键 [SHIFT]按键
当您按下 5 个预置套鼓按键([1]~[5])将调用出其对应的套鼓。由于这 5 个预置套鼓不属 于 64 个用户套鼓,您不能进行编辑和储存。当您选择预置套鼓时,您可以使用[-]/[+]按键 切换 5 个套鼓。当您按下[KIT]按键讲返回用户套鼓。您同样可以使用[1]~[5]和[SHIFT]组 合键快速跳跃至预先决定的选项。关于该操作的详细信息请参阅随后章节(29 页)。 本说明书将使用一系列套鼓说明 HandSonic 10 的各项功能。
产品简介:随着音乐制作技术的不断传入,相信很多朋友都加入了家庭化工作室(Home Studio)的音乐制作队伍中来,使用安装有特定软件的计算机以及相关周边设备,现在我们能够制作出出版级别的音乐唱片。
因此在使用中便会感觉到一些(专业)声卡(音频接口)的不足,更不能始终停留在"鼠标王"的概念上,但是否只能看着那些专业的图片来解解渴呢?假如有这样一种产品,它融合了调音台、音频接口、MIDI接口以及软件控制台的功能,甚至还可以进行环绕声直接控制,这岂不正是我们所急需的吗?或许你会说价格呢?但确确实实的是,一贯秉持设计未来理念的Roland这次又给我们带来了惊喜--这就是Roland Studio Pro Package。
主要由三大部分组成,一台支持24bit/96kHz带有8个音频输出输入的调音台SI-24(实际上功能远远超越了调音台的概念),一个计算机内置PCI数字音频卡RPC-1,以及一套世界知名的音序/音频软件Logic 5 Rpc。
SI-24 Studio Interface打开SI-24的产品包装,其内含有SI-24产品本身,一本用户手册(非光盘,印刷品),电源线以及Protools 标签(奇怪吗,这个留在后面讲)。
它支持Roland独有技术R-BUS 录音数据传输格式,通过插在计算机内的RPC-1音频卡,可以进行8进8出的数字音频传输,并可通过MIDI控制软件!让我们先来看看它的主要特性。
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ROLAND VS-2400CD 数字音频工作站
这款小巧的设备继承了ROLAND旗舰级VS-2480CD的许多功能——如优秀的模拟部分,自动马达推子和强大的软件控制——另外还增加了一些新的功能,如RSS 3-D声像,以及同视频产品整合的V-LINK功能。
●新型的RSS 3-D声像可以创建三围声音效果
●优秀的模拟部分,包括8 XLR/平衡 TRS输入,HI-Z输入
●两个立体声效果器,COSM MIC、扬声器和吉他扩声模拟,外带母带处理工具
现在同样简单的操作界面也可以在VS-2400CD 里找到。
新的RSS 3-D声像效果
D-RW还可以用在导入WAV 文件上,可以直接导进到歌曲捏,特别是在从采样CD上导入Loop的时候。