小学中高年级英语话剧剧本Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out

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Never Want My Wobbly Tooth to Fall Out Script

人物:Charlie, Lola, Joey, Berry, Tooth Fairy, Lucy, Narrator


Narrator:Charlie and Lola are playing in the sitting room.

Charlie : 【玩汽车声】Hello, I’m Charlie. I have this little sister Lola. She is small and very funny. 【Lola手拿猪玩具学猪叫】Today, she’s talking funny. Because she

has got a wobbly tooth.

Lola: Look, here,Charlie.【用手指牙,口齿不清】

Charlie : I can’t understand you, Lola.

Lola: I have a wobbly tooth. 【用手指牙,口齿不清】

Charlie: Sorry, I can’t understand you.

Lola: I have a wobbly tooth. 【用手指牙,口齿不清】

Charlie: Oh, you’ve got a wobbly tooth. 【Lola点头】This is Lola’s first ever wobbly tooth.

Lola: Yes, I got a wobbly tooth. I do not ever never want my wobbly tooth to fall out. Joey: Yeah, three years ago, when I had my first wobbly tooth, I nearly swallowed it.

【Lola吸气】B ut luckily I was eating a toffee… and my tooth got stuck in it! Charlie: Once I headed a football and my wobbly tooth just flew out of my mouth!


Lola: But I do not ever never want my wobbly tooth to fall out.

Joey: Which one is it, Lola?

Lola: This one.

Joey: Why don’t you want it to fall out?

Lola : I just need to keep completely all my teeth.

Charlie: Those are just your baby teeth and they are meant to get wobbly and fall out, Lola. Then you will get new teeth- and they are your grown-up ones.

Joey: Yeah. They’re stronger. And you will keep them forever.

Charlie: It’s like mooses. Mooses’ antlers fall off and then they get new ones which are better and stronger.

Lola: But I am not a moose, Charlie!

Charlie: We must have lost a lot of teeth. How many teeth is it, Joey?

Joey: I think I have lost 54.

Charlie: Maybe not 54, Joey. Maybe more likely 67.

Lola: It’s my wobbly tooth and I want to keep it… wobbly.


Narrator:Joey is Charlie’s good friend. They’r e making the pathway to have a train race.

Joey: Put it here.

Charlie: It doesn’t go like that…

Lola: Charlie, before Berry comes, can you make the fence for the pig?

Charlie: Lola, we are building a track for an very important race. Can’t you see?

Lola: Yes, but Joey can still do the track and you can make me a fence. And maybe a farm house.

Charlie: I can’t do that. Maybe later you can do a fence and we fight on a race .OK, come on, Joey.

Joey: OK.

Lola: 【门铃】It’s Berry. Berry, I’m here.

Berry: Lola, Lola!

Lola: Hello, Berry. What is it?

Berry: I’ve got…

Lola:What is it, Berry? What is it?

Berry: I’ve got…Look, my tooth fell out! 【Lola吸气】【Berry傻笑】

Charlie: Wow, let me see. Do that just happen?

Joey: That’s a huge gap.

Berry: I can do this. 【吹口哨】【Charlie and Joey笑】

Lola: I don’t like whistling.

Berry: Bu~

Joey: Did your mother pull it out or did you pull it out on your own?

Berry: I did on my own.

Joey: So what did you get?

Berry: I’ve got…

Lola: What do you mean, what did you get?

Berry: Well, the too th fairy came and…

Lola: Who is the tooth fairy?!

Berry: The tooth fairy is the tooth fairy…I lost my wobbly tooth, I put it under my pillow, and in the middle of the night the tooth fairy came【Lola Wow】and then

I got a coin under my pillow, and in the morning I bought this from the farm.

It’s a chicken!

Lola: I didn’t know there was a special fairy who gave you presents when your teeth fell out! Why didn’t somebody tell me this before? 【Lola Hu~做梦】【仙女跳舞】My wobbly tooth must completely come out! Now!

All: Yeah. Haha~

Berry: 【手拿小鸡】Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck8个, when your teeth falls out, Lola, what are you going to get? Because we need lots of things. We need a horse, a sheep and a cow.

Lola : En, I am going to get a giraffe.

Berry: Do you get giraffes on the farm?

Lola : Yes, absolutely I do, Berry.

Joey: No, you don’t.

Lola:… You do, Joey. I have seen them.

Charlie: Who first the wobbly too th fall out…

Lola: But how do I get my wobbly tooth to fall out?

Berry: Does it feel wobbly enough?

Lola :I think it’s almost nearly about to come out【口齿不清】…Ah, Charlie, you have to go.
