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The surface roughness detect method


Surface roughness is the distance between the surface and has a smaller peak which consists of tiny micro-geometry characteristics. It is mainly formed by machining (surface roughness, surface waviness, surface defects, surface geometry), a direct impact on the nature of mechanical components with the surface of the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, tightness,thermal conductivity and useful life.

This paper level surface roughness to detect method were introduced. First of all, on the surface roughness, the concept of causes, and how to measure roughness some parameters were explained, and enumerates the surface roughness of test procedures. This article mainly surface roughness detection methods, lists the example comparison, light intercept method, interference microscope method, optical touch acupuncture, and the detection principle of each method, detection procedure and the results are discussed in detail. Finally, the article introduces the model comparison method in detecting cast iron surface roughness of application and light cutting methods in dynamic surface roughness detection application.

Keywords Level surface roughnes; Example comparison;Light intercept methodInterference microscope method;Optical touch stitches


摘要......................................................... I ABSTRACT...................................................... II 第一章绪论. (1)

1.1本文的主要研究目的及意义 (1)

1.2表面粗糙度检测办法国内外研究现状 (1)

1.3本文的主要内容 (2)

第二章粗糙度简介 (3)

2.1表面粗糙度概念 (3)

2.2表面粗糙度产生原因 (3)

2.3粗糙度基本参数 (3)

2.3.1最大粗糙度Ry (3)

2.3.2十点平均粗糙度(RzJIS) (3)

2.3.3算术平均粗糙度Ra (4)

2.4表面粗糙度的检测程序 (5)

第三章水平表面粗糙度检测办法 (6)

3.1样板比较法 (6)

3.1.1样板比较法简介 (6)

3.1.2样块的分类及参数值 (8)

3.1.3样块的制造方法 (8)

3.1.4样块的表面特征 (8)

3.2光切法 (8)

3.2.1物镜的选择、安装 (9)

3.2.2光带的出现、调整 (9)

3.2.3仪器的调整与校验 (10)

3.2.4工件的安置与固定 (10)

3.2.5正确的调焦与查验 (11)

3.2.6合理的定度与取值 (11)

3.2.7准确的读数与计算 (12)

3.3干涉显微镜法 (12)

3.4光学触针法 (15)

3.4.1光学触针法简介 (15)

3.4.2 滤波 (16)

3.4.3轮廓仪产品简介 (17)

第四章水平表面粗糙度检测的应用 (19)

4.1样板比较法在检测铸造表面粗糙度中应用 (19)

4.1.1范围 (19)

4.1.2表面特征 (19)

4.1.3分类及表面粗糙度参数 (19)

4.1.4结构与尺寸 (19)

4.2光切法在动态表面粗糙度检测中的应用 (20)

4.2.1系统原理及构成 (20)

4.2.2系统检测精度的对比实验 (22)

4.2.3动态检测实验 (22)

4.2.4振动对动态检测影响的实验 (23)

4.2.5 速度对动态检测影响的实验 (23)

结论 (26)

参考文献 (27)

致谢 (28)
