


苔丝被塑造成一个纯洁、善良、坚强的女性形象,她的遭遇反映了当时社会对 女性的压迫和束缚;而亚雷和安吉尔则分别代表了社会中的邪恶势力和虚伪道 德,他们的行为对苔丝的命运产生了深远影响。
哈代在小说中运用了现实主义的手法,通过细腻的描写和生动的叙述,展现了19 世纪末英国农村的生活面貌和人们的内心世界。同时,他还巧妙地运用了象征、 隐喻等修辞手法,使作品具有深厚的艺术内涵。
托马斯·哈代在文学史上的地位 和影响
哈代的作品中经常描写社会的不 公现象,如贫富差距、阶级矛盾 等,通过人物性格和命运的塑造 ,深刻反映了当时社会的弊端。
哈代在作品中批判了传统的道德 观念、宗教信仰等,提出了对人 性的新的理解和探索,对当时的
《无名的裘德》通过展现主人公裘德的斗争和失败,揭示了当时英国社会的种种弊端和 不公。小说呼吁人们关注社会底层人民的命运,追求自由、平等和真爱,具有深远的社
《无名的裘德》在出版后引起了广泛的关注和讨论,对当时的社会观念产生了深远的影 响。同时,小说中的艺术特色和文学价值也使得它成为后世研究和借鉴的重要对象。
自出版以来,《德伯家的苔丝》一直受到读者的喜爱和推崇,被翻译成多种语言并在世界范围内广为 流传。它对后来的文学创作产生了深远的影响,被誉为英国文学史上的里程碑之作。
《无名的裘德》以英国农村为背景,通过主人公裘德的人 生经历以及他与旧秩序、旧道德的斗争,展现了人性的复 杂性和社会的残酷性。故事情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜。



编 辑:康 慧 E-mail:sxmzxs3@
/ 名作欣赏 MASTERPIECES REVIEW/ 诗文品鉴 127
认为,时间的流逝是自然规律,人们本不该为此而过分 耀。只有双方相互理解、真诚相待,爱情才可以经得起

悲伤。但是,从感情上,他对爱情的追忆却从不间断。 时间的考验。爱情生活中如果缺乏相互理解,往往会导
/ 名作欣赏 MASTERPIECES REVIEW/ 诗文品鉴 126


的欢快时光同现在的凄凉生活进行对照,以此来表现 最深刻、最强烈的情感。他表达了这样一种思想:爱情

人们在失去美好时光后的惆怅和悲哀。从理智上,他 的花朵需要用真诚的雨露去浇灌,用理解的阳光来照
彩十分敏感,总能捕捉到最能体现他心情的颜色和物 对爱情的恳切诠释对后人具有很大的启迪意义。
词,如下,“这是最后的情话;最后的情话!/从此,一切 都默然死寂,/只有苍白的裹尸布罩着过去/它在那时,/ 爱人啊,对我不会具有/任何价值!”
既然是最后的情话,也就是爱情的结束,哈代在这 里提到了裹尸布。在色彩上,它是灰白的,意指爱情已 到尽头,没有生机;在形状上,那是薄薄的一层布,说明 爱情的脆弱淡薄;在空间上,他为我们塑造了一种停尸 房或太平间的氛围,因为“一切都默然死寂”,而爱情也 消失了,如同人的死亡一样。哈代将此刻的绝望、哀伤 和无奈表现得可谓淋漓尽致。

thomas hardy the darkling thrush 赏析

thomas hardy the darkling thrush 赏析

thomas hardy the darkling thrush 赏析
托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)是19世纪末至20世纪初英国最杰出的文学家之一,他的作品主题深邃,笔触细腻,深受读者喜爱。

其中,《The Darkling Thrush》是他众多诗歌中的一首,通过对一只在冬日暮色中鸣叫的暗淡的知更鸟的描绘,传达了深沉而独特的情感。

《The Darkling Thrush》这首诗的情感基调是哀伤与希望并存。








《The Darkling Thrush》这首诗以其独特的情感和哲理,让读者在欣赏其美的同时,思考人生的意义和价值。




























哈代创作的前期和后期,均以写 诗著称,只因他小说的光辉遮蔽了 诗歌的华彩,他洋洋大观的8部诗作 才鲜为人知。 哈代的诗达到了“诗与真理”合 一,理性与直觉无二,自然与情感 交融的“大诗”境界,比他的小说 更为精致耐读。
《威塞克斯诗集》 《时光的笑柄》 《幻觉的瞬间》 《人生小景》 《今昔之歌》 《即事讽刺诗》 《中晚期抒情诗》 《晚岁之歌》
1840年6月2日,托马斯·哈代出生 在英国西南荒原多塞特郡多切斯特县博 克汉普顿村。 1862-1867年,哈代在伦敦求学,此 外一生基本都在家乡“隐居”。 1928年1月11日,哈代去世,骨灰葬 在伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂“诗人之角”。 按照他的遗愿,心脏被安葬在故乡斯廷 斯福德教堂墓地。
诗人哈代所有的作品都具有浓郁 的抒情特色,比如小说情景交融的环 境,诗意氤氲的人物性格,凄婉动人 的心理描写,悲怆离奇的命运,朴素 从容、散文化的叙事风格„„都具有 一种强烈的情绪感染力。
四、“威塞克斯”小说 (Wessex Novels )
1912年哈代在编纂自己的作品全 集时,把他的小说分成三类:罗曼 史和幻想小说、机敏和经验小说、 性格和环境小说,命名为 “威塞克 斯系列”。 主要包括14部长篇小说和5部中 短篇小说集。
• 《一双蓝眼睛》 • 《号兵长》 • 《塔里的两个人》 • 《心爱的人》
• 《计出无奈》 • 《爱塞尔伯特的婚姻》 • 《冷漠的人》
• 这类小说成就最大,包括: • 《绿荫下》 《远离尘嚣》 • 《还乡》 《卡斯特桥市长》 • 《林地居民》《德伯家的苔丝》 • 《无名的裘德》



哈代作品中的生态女性主义思想摘要:哈代通过他的小说表达了对女性和自然的双重关注,揭示了女性和自然都是男性和文明社会的压迫对象,因而他是一位具有生态女性主义意识的作家,关键词:托马斯·哈代;生态女性主义思想;自然;工业文明;男权;女性Abstract: Hardy expressed the dual concern of women and nature through his novels, reveal women and nature are the oppression object of men and civilized society, and therefore he is a writer of the eco-feminist consciousness,Key words: Thomas Hardy; eco-feminist ideology; nature; industrial civilization; patriarchal; women生态女性主义是20世纪70年代女性主义和生态运动相结合的产物,其首要的内容就是认同自然和女性。









在 世纪末的最后 一个夜晚 , 外面环境 萧索 , 死 气沉沉 ,

个 老 人倚 门 沉 思 观 望 , 思 考 着 即 将 到来 的 世 纪 里 人 们 未
知的前途 , 对 人 们 的 苦 难 生 活 满 怀 同情 。 但 也 就 是 在 这 凄 冷 的夜 里 , 一直瘦弱 、 老衰 的鸫 鸟却 唱 出 了幸 福 希 望 。诗 人
穷的人们一样瘦弱老衰 , 但 是 在 新 世 纪 的 前 夜 却 发 出 了 欢
言 要 求 很 高 的 写作 形 式 。语 言 凝 练 , 寥寥数笔 , 就 能 勾 画 出

快 的吟唱 , 它 不理会环 境的 恶劣 , 不 因环 境 影 响 自 己 的 心 情。 勇敢 地 唱 出 对 未 来 的 希 望 , 这 只 鸫 鸟 是 大 自然 的 精 灵 , 我 们 只 能 知 道 它 唱 着 的 是 欢 快 的 曲调 , 但 是 那 种 幸 福 希 望 只 能 为 它所 知 , 不 能 为 我 们所 晓 。[ 4 1 尽 管 不 知道 未 来 究竟 会
穹( t l l e c l o u d y c a n o p y ) 等词语生动展现了环境的萧条 , 也 暗 指旧世纪 的现状 , 即将 毁灭 时的一 片凌乱 . 工 业 革 命 之 后
收稿 日期 :2 0 1 5 ~ 0 4 — 2 5 作者简介 :刘俊杰( 1 9 8 0 - ) , 女, 河 南巩义人 , 讲师, 硕士 , 研 究暗中 的鸫鸟) ( T h e D a r k l i n g hr T as h ) 是他最 具影响力
的代表作之一 , 在 这 首 诗歌 里 他 通 过 鸫 鸟 这 一 文 学 形 象 抒
发 了 自 己的 感 情 ,批 判 维 多 利 亚 时 代 资 本 家 的 丑 恶 嘴 脸 , 表达了对资本主 义的厌恶和憎恨 , 通 过 犀 利 而 富 有 内 涵 的 语言来影射社会现 状 , 但 同 时 又 在 新 世 纪 来 临 之 际 表达 对 新 生 活 的希 望和 向往 。



















(二)诗歌 世上的事物, 世上的事物,倒像一个浑浑噩噩的主宰 用手指不熟练地、漫不经心地、 用手指不熟练地、漫不经心地、玩耍似地在 编织, 编织, 自有生命以来, 自有生命以来,内在意志就心不在焉地编织 万物,今后亦将如此。 万物,今后亦将如此。 ——《列王》 《列王》
三、哈代悲剧小说中的现代性 (一)主题内容的现代性 表现了工业文明与宗法制农村的冲突。 1、表现了工业文明与宗法制农村的冲突。 对世界荒诞、人生痛苦的体悟。 2、对世界荒诞、人生痛苦的体悟。 情节设置突破传统。 3、情节设置突破传统。 艺术方面的现代性: (二)艺术方面的现代性: 隐喻象征手法
(四)苔丝——诗化的形象 苔丝 诗化的形象 善良纯朴,感情真挚,是美的化身。 1、善良纯朴,感情真挚,是美的化身。 2、坚韧顽强,嫉恶如仇。 坚韧顽强,嫉恶如仇。 性格软弱,逆来顺受, 3、性格软弱,逆来顺受,的苔丝》
(一)对社会传统道德的否定 “可怜你这受了伤的名 我的胸膛就是一张床, 字!我的胸膛就是一张床, 要给你息养! 要给你息养!” ——莎士比亚 莎士比亚
(三)命运观 “天神掌握着我们的命运,正像顽童捉到 天神掌握着我们的命运, 飞虫一样,为了戏弄而把我们杀死。 飞虫一样,为了戏弄而把我们杀死。” 典刑明正了, “典刑明正了,埃斯库罗斯所说的那个众 神的主宰对于苔丝的戏弄完结了。 神的主宰对于苔丝的戏弄完结了。”
爱敦荒原 : 传达作者对自然与人关系的哲理思 从而展开悲剧性主题。 考,从而展开悲剧性主题。
卡斯特桥市长》 《卡斯特桥市长》 (The mayor of Casterbridge,1886) 小说的重心从人与自然 转向了人与性格的关 系,进一步揭示作者 的命运观念。 的命运观念。



浪漫主义诗人托马斯哈代的诗歌精译托马斯哈代(Thomas Hardy)是英国浪漫主义时期的代表性诗人之一,他的诗歌充满着浪漫主义的情感和对生命本质的深刻思考。



















Hardy's work refimism and sense of tragedy in human life.
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hardy’s Major works
Poetry: 1898: Hardy published his first book of verse, Wessex Poems 1902: The Dynasts, in dramatic blank verse, was published 1914: A Changed Man and Other Tales was published
Hardy was frail as a child, and did not start at the village school until he was 8. One year later he transferred to a new school in the county town of Dorchester. At 16 he was apprenticed to a local architect.
Thomas Hardy
(1840 - 1928)
1. Hardy’s life 2. 3. 4.
Hardy’s works Features of his novels Tess of the D’urbervilles Discussion of Tess
Part I
Hardy’s life
Hardy’s Cottage
Pictures of Hardy
First: in 1874---Emma Gifford , sister-in-law of a vicar , died in 1912



托马斯哈代(Thomas Hardy,1840-1928)是19 世纪英国著名的诗人、小说家,他的创作涵盖了诗歌、小说、戏剧等多个领域。











自20 世纪初以来,哈代



《德伯维尔家的苔丝》苔丝的人物性格分析 英语毕业论文

《德伯维尔家的苔丝》苔丝的人物性格分析  英语毕业论文













AbstractThomas Hardy, one of the most influential English writers, helped forge a link between the 19th and 20th century literary tradition .Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of his representative works, best reveals the “Novels of Character and Environment” spirit. Tess is the crowning achievement of Hardy’s literary creation.Hardy considers the main female character of Tess as “A pure woman”, which made him encounter fierce and harsh criticism, for most of them could accept Hardy’s view . Hardy’s masterpiece Tess of the D’Urbervilles describes the miserable experience of a rural girl. But too unfortunate to overthrow this girl who calls Tess, she relies on her own hands to work, moving people with her own sincerity. She is “a pure woman”. Finally she winds up with the tragedy, which is why people often discuss her as the source of the tragedy. However, she has a powerful spirit of fighting, fighting against the society, the hypocritical religion. All she did was to abandon the old ethical society and to pursuit a happy marriage. Meanwhile Tess is a pure woman and she is responsible for her family and her love. She has shown in front of common people her own practical action that she is insulted, which indicates a resisting powerful woman's images.Key words: revolt, compromise, a pure woman ,responsibilityA personality analysis of TessIntroductionThomas Hardy (1840-1928) was a Britain’s critical realism novelist and poet at the end of the 19th century. Hardy’s creation period includes carrying out the transition to the stage of imperialism from non- monopoly capitalism. His novel is filled with his background in homeland, including the near prefecture district. He has observed the agricultural crisis to fill in miserable consequence that the special prefecture causes in one, describe this regional peasant’s disaster received. Tess of the D’Urberville, is the first famous work of Britain outstanding realistic writer. Because Hardy had once had experience of living in the Ministry of Agriculture, he was extremely familiar with peasants’life, personality, custom, language, etc. Works of Hardy reflect capitalist factor invading Britain social economy, politics, morals, and enormous custom changes of under countryside, showed the miserable destiny of the rural working people of specific historical period. The theme of Hardy’s novel is to show the antinomy between people and society, personality and environment, especially through the description of issues such as love and marriage, displaying the individual confliction when people fight against social outmoded practice, religion law, morals custom. In his works, especially woman images in the works of him have deeply shown this characteristic. Tess of the D’Urbervilles, is the essential reflection of Hardy’s style and the society he wanted to show.Chapter One The Personality of Tess ----the Spirit ofRevolt1.1 Tess’s Fight to the Moribund Society1.1.1 The Moribund SocietyAs industrial movement swept England in the 19th century, People pour into countryside in crowds, as wild animal pray on like the animal occupying that land liberated. In a short period of time, Britain rural resident many times since the period of Louis 14, and the number of people is also running up. When the number of them has exceeded the urbanite, they have exercised an influence on urbanite again. So, the difference between the city and village becomes smaller and smaller, the urbanite’s thought and lively style make the village getting vigorous. 1Been classified as eliminating the differentials between town and country of the socialist goal by us all the time, it was that falling has been realized like this unexpectedly here. Especially, Woman has to oppress seriously from moribund society, it cause to grow spirit of revolt.1.1.2 Resistance of the Moribund SocietyBecause of the social reason, many people have to revolt. Tess is the one of these people. Tess hates the moribund society and Alec. When seeing Tess, he set the trap that has destroyed the young girl’s chaste and the happiness in all her life. Alec not only has essence and characteristic of the landlord class but also reflect the essential characteristic of the capitalist class. He thinks he has money and high social status, and Tess will like him. But he is wrong, Tess disdain to Alec, she is surrender to Alec, she isn’t marry to Alec as her mother ask for her, she says:“Perhaps any woman will, but I exception.” This prove that Tess resist with moribund social evil force. She wouldn’t wait impatiently to save herself from society fully, she would rather rely on her own efforts to be impractical on evil forceunder the foot. Beg that gives alms. When Alec requires Tess stay at his side, Tess responds him firmly. “Never, never! I made up my mind as soon as I saw--what I ought to have seen sooner, and I won’t come.” These also show Tess’s spirit of revolt to the moribund society. Until the fact that Angel come back, Tess break out finally, “And my sin will kill him and not kill me! ... O, you have torn my life all to pieces ... made me be what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again! ... My own true husband will never, never--O God--I can’t bear this! -- I cannot!”2 She has lifted the knife, killed Alec, as the severe reaction unjust to this society. Even if she has accepted the judgment of the death, she is quiet leaving finally, because she got the fairness of her heart at last, got the balance. There is only one effective method to reach the moribund resistance---kill Alce.1.2Resistance of the Traditional Moral Concept1.2.1The Traditional Moral ConceptTess lived in a small village where people’s concepts are traditional. They could not accept someone to violate the concept. If someone violate, they will disdain her. Angel, husband of Tess, is one of the representatives of traditional moral concepts, being even the main rea son that causes Tess’s tragedy. In his eyes, Tess is “what a fresh and pure daughter of nature that dairymaid is!” holy and pure, but Tess is to her honest experience abused on the past at the newly married night, because of his traditional moral concept, he has not forgiven Tess, as Tess did forgive his dissolute behavior. This shows a deep-rooted traditional chastity idea is still in his mind. Angle could not forgive Tess because there are some traditional concepts in his mind, but Tess forgives him. These prove Tess’s spirit for the traditional concepts.1.2.2Resistance of the Traditional Moral ConceptTess dare saying her own past bold, she believes whether a woman is pure or not, is not to look chastity, the more important thing is the soul and quality, Tess has not been defeated after suffering misfortune. Not crushed by the traditional morals ethics idea, she still has deep love for working, relying on herself to live. Clare forgives Tess when return after going out, which prove traditional failure of moral concept after all and make the final victory in resistance of Tess. In addition, after Tess has illegitimate children, she has not abandoned him, but bring him up until he died. Tess does not give consideration to the view of the people around, using her own practical action to show common people the purity of a woman losing virginity, which is resistance of her traditional moral concept to the old society too --W hether can’t evaluate the woman’s purity or not with the woman’s chastity. It is obvious, Tess with her industrious and simple and sincere and strong traditional moral concept of resistance, and has won the victory.1.3Resistance of the Hypocritical Religion1.3.1The Hypocritical ReligionBritain followed Christianity in the 19th century, the religion was a spiritual tool that was used for liberating the people on the surface. When people see through its hypocritical side, they will resist it. Tess is also the one who object to it when looks through it. Alec turns respectable for a time with the help of old pastor, and after he meets Tess, evil thought regenerated. Tess sees through the soul of the pastor, pointing out precisely: “Don’t go on with it!” she cried passionately, as she turned away from him to a stile by the wayside, on which she bent herself. “I can’t believe in such sudden things! I feel indignant with you for talking to me like this, when you know--when you know what harm you’ve done me! You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitterand black with sorrow, and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted! Out upon such--I don’t believe in you--I hate it!” It is obvious that Tess discontented with the hypocritical religion, and Alec utilizes the coat of the religion, making the obscene behavior, scorned by Tess, the severe reaction of Tess: “But I have not defended the weak woman of ability, Alec! I am still grasping the honor of a good person in the hand! --Think carefully --You do not feel ashamed! “This is Tess that reprimand to Alec frivolous act, pointing out Alec’s mask of “good person”. Not merely, she has also beaten back the harassing and wrecking of Alec. In addition, after illegitimate child of Tess fall ill, Tess forewarns the finishing of this light life, she ignores the restraint of the religious doctrine of the religion, and has done baptism for this child. But now that her moral sorrows were passing away, a fresh one arose on the natural side of her: she knew nothing about social law.3When she reached home she learned that the baby had been suddenly ill since the afternoon. Such collapse had been probable, so tender and puny was its frame, but the event came as a shock nevertheless. But no one to help her, they disdain her, so Tess think the religion is hypocritical.1.3.2 Resistance of the Hypocritical ReligionThe calmness, which had possessed Tess since the christening, remained with her in the infant’s loss. In the daylight, indeed, she felt her terrors about his soul to have been somewhat exaggerated, whether well founded or not she had no uneasiness now, reasoning that if Providence would not ratify such an act of approximation she, for one, did not value the kind of heaven lost by the irregularity--either for herself or for her child. She returns reasoning and says: “If God is unwilling to sanction this kind of close method on the whole of hers, that piece lost paradise have value can speak either because this kind does not conform to normal baptism then.” Therefore Tess believes if religion is true, equal, then have the so-called paradise, if the religion is unfair to people, is hypocritical, this is whatshe’s judgment of the religion false, at the same time it is the resistance of the hypocritical religion too, she believes real religion is true, real religion should adhere rigidly to the form, norm, otherwise would rather not believe. The above behaviors and speech have proved Tess to the hypocritical resistance of one side of religion effectively. She despises to the representative of religion hypocritical, and it shows her spirit of revolt extremely especially to hypocritical religion.1.4Resistance to the Unfortunate Marriage1.4.1The Unfortunate MarriageUnder parents’advice, under the pressure of the family life, Tess has entered into d’Urbervilles home, the haggling business, which had mainly depended on the horse, became disorganized forthwith. Durbeyfield was what was locally called a slack-twisted fellow, he had good strength to work at times, but the times could not be relied on to coincide with the hours of requirement. And having been unaccustomed to the regular toil of the day laborer, he was not particularly persistent when they did so coincide. Tess, meanwhile, as the one who had dragged her parents into this quagmire, was silently wondering what she could do to help them out of it, and then her mother broached her scheme go. And it is unfortunate to suffer, but she didn’t want marry Alec, which would save her misfortune by obtaining the marriage. She still wants to pursue the real happiness and marriage. So, she met Clare, fall in love with him, and combine with him. In order to live in a happy life with Angel, she tried every means to forget her sad past and treat him sincerely. After Angel knows she was raped by Alec, their relationship is torn apart, and Angel Clare leaves for Brazil, then Tess has finally been forced to marry Alec. She never feels happy in the marriage with Alec. That is the unfortunate marriage she has. She wouldrather bear the shame sign of “woman losing virginity,”stands enormous social pressure and terrible discrimination, than to violate her own true feelings and spoil her own true love.1.4.2Resistance Tess to the Unfortunate MarriageTess of the D’Urbervilles, has a subtitle, “a pure woman”. This proves Tess’s unfortunate fight of marriage. She thinks the losing of the virgin’s chastity does not mean losing the purity of the love. So she again and again asks Angel: “I thought, Angel, that you loved me--me, my very self! If it is I you do love, O how can it be that you look and speak so? It frightens me! Having begun to love you, I love you forever--in all changes, in all disgraces, because you are yourself. I ask no more. Then how can you, O my own husband, stop loving me?” She does not think that love must be equivalent to chastity, but believes that real love should be the idea of abandoning common customs, natural, simple and honest. Though she fails to get understanding from Clare at the beginning when she was ready for the happy marriage that she dreams of, she never give up, still veining for a gleam of hope for the happy marriage. However, finally she could not get rid of the evil force. Before she gets pardon from Angel, she falls into inferior trap of Alec. She killed Alec. Obtain unprecedented ease and freedom. Tess has a happiest time while catching. She leaves happily finally. She has been lived again on younger sister, who get real purity marriage without prejudice and common customs.Chapter Two Tess’s Natural Instincts —Compromise, a New Woman and a Pure Woman2.1 Tess’s Compromise to AlecAfter Tess’s horse died, her life is change. In order to support her family, she has to live with Alec. When Tess comes across with Alec near four years later in the village of Ever Head, though Alec D’Urbervilles seems first to have undergone a remarkable transformation from a rake into a pious and religious man, he discards this posture so effortlessly and quickly that it seems to have been a superfluous charade. Alec can escape legal sanctions, unaffected. He represents a larger moral principle rather than a real individual man. Like Satan, Alec symbolizes the base forces of life that drive a person away from moral perfection and greatness. Tess continues to suffer as a social outcast because of a disgrace that is much more Alec’s fault than hers, yet the hypocritical Alec has the luxury to repent and even win acceptance as a preacher. Tess’s plight as a woman thus appears incredibly unjust, stressing “The Woman Pays”. So, Tess is observant and distrusting of Alec, and she views his conversion as a plot to win her back. She has learnt her lesson about risking herself and her happiness for the sake of money. She is much stronger woman now and is more knowledgeable about conniving men, especially Alec. This strength deters Alec and makes him feel weaker and more vulnerable because his plot is not working.Her second compromise to Alec is when she lives with Alec again, while enduring the abandoned life, as Tess struggles with Alec’s temptation, her need for Angel, becomes more and more desperate. If Angel were to return to her and do his duty as her husband, her problems would greatly diminish. She writes to Angel and pleads that he not judges her onher irretrievable past. Tess’s situation thus makes her very vulnerable to Alec’s persuasions. She is obviously heartbroken and needs to be loved more than ever. She is also distraught by her family’s ever-worsening financial situation. Alec’s reasoning seems more valid to Tess than it has in the past. In a way, Tess and Alec are similar in that they have both fallen and ask for forgiveness for their indiscretions. After a long wait for Angel’s reply, but nothing, Tess begins to realize that Alec may be her only hope. She gives up all hopes and becomes Alec’s mistress for the sake of her family. Tess’s love is not given the spirit of transcendence and physical beauty, but with the loss of self-emaciated blind and miserable, unrealistic to imagine that there is no hope with the chessboard, and all are attributable to the self-destiny of the fate and helplessness. Her life is not worthwhile to an attachment that her man and this is a profound tragedy. When she feels the opinions of all the sacrifices so insignificant, as all acts of levity, finally decides to angrily rebel. Of course, Tess once expressed her plainness angrily by the last letter to Angel under a completely disappointed condition. ”O why have you treated me so monstrously, Angel! I do not deserve it. I have thought it all over carefully, and I can never, never forgive you! You know that I did not intend to wrong you-why you so wronged me? You are cruel, cruel indeed! I will try to forget you. It is all injustice I have received at your hands.”Even when Angel comes back with love and loyalty to ask for her forgiveness, she says to him: “Too late, too late!”“Don’t come close to me, Angel!” All of these are still not Tess’s real intentions from her posterior acts. When she stays with Angel while escaping to be arrested, she says: “I want you to go on loving me. I’m afraid you might reject me one day for what I’ve done. Then I would rather be dead I must have been mad to kill him! But I don’t want to be alive when you reject me for it”. 4 Because she is disappointed with Angle, so she compromise to Alec.2.2 A New WomanTess is a new woman because she leaves her husband and lives with Alec. When she first meets Clare again, she does not dare to leave Alec, her current love, because she has committed adultery before marriage .When Clare turns back to Tess and finds her, he still notices the pure outlook of Tess.” Her great natural beauty was, if not heightened, rendered more obvious by her attire.” Her beauty cannot be covered, but she does not think she could live with Angle, she lives with Alec and becomes Mrs. D’Urbervilles at the moment. “She had not come forward, remaining still in the opening of the doorway.” She rather not goes near Angle. She reminds Angle “too late”. However, “her voice sounding hard through the room, her eyes shine unnaturally.”This shows that she still has good feeling with Clare .Gradually, she shouted, “I hate him now, because he told me a lie-that you would not come again; and you have come!” She is disappointed because she thinks that Clare would not look for her. She hates Alec because she loves Clare. Although she again asks Clare to go away, her loves makes Clare strong. She is fighting for her own way. She breaks through the convention because she is not submissive or docile. She is fortitudinous self-dependent. Tess is seduced by Alec, she is pregnant and has a son who dies in infant. Refused by a priest, Tess baptizes her son with the help of her sisters and brothers, and buries him herself. Without hesitation, Tess goes to a farm as a dairymaid. There she meets and marries to Angel. But Angel abandons her relentlessly after he knew her past. When she is conscious that Angel will never forgive her, she returns home. In order to hide this truth, she bravely leaves home again for work. These show her courage for live. She do not complain but want a new life. There is a setting in the novel about Tess finds several wounded birds. “Poor darlings-to suppose myself the most miserable being on earth in the sight of such misery as yours!”5 She exclaimed. And not a twinge of bodily pain about me! I be not mangled, and I be not bleeding, and I have two hands to feed and clothe me…The another setting is the description about Flintcomb-Ash “The stubborn soil around her showed plainly enough thatthe kind of labor in demand here was of the roughest kind, but it was time to rest from searching, and she resolved to stay,”These two settings reveal Tess’s fortitude and self-dependence.Tess is full of rebel spirit. It mostly is displayed in the relation between Tess and Alec. At the blush Tess dislikes Alec. No regard of his blandishments, she leaves him angrily after she is seduced by him. Later, when they meet again, Tess finds Alec suddenly changes his identity to be a priest. Tess feels it’s a great irony to religion. So she uncovers his filthy inbeing with the acid-tongued words. “Have you saved yourself? Charity begins at home, they say.”“…You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow, and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted! Out upon such-I don’t believe in you-I hate it!” In order to stop Alec’s pestering again, Tess hits him by her glove. At last, she wakes up to that she has been ruined completely by Alec, she takes up a knife and kill Alec in desperation. She is not submissive to man. She shouts to Alec when Clare has gone. “You had used your cruel persuasion upon me…I have lost him now-again because of you! You have torn my life all in pieces…made me is what I prayed you in pity not to make me be again! My own true husband will never-O God-I can’t bear this! I cannot!” Her shouting greatly indicates her character of a new woman. She dares to express her anger in front of her husband because she wants to fight for her true love. She does not want to be suppressed in such a patriarchal society. She is a representative of a new woman.2.3 A Pure WomanTess was born in a family of a poor rural tradesman, this is the reason why she is pure. T here were many children in her family. Her father drank a lot and didn’t work hard and her mother herself liked a child and never thought about the future. In order to earn some money, Tess and her little brother Abby had to set off with the beehives on the early morning. But unfortunately, the poor “Prince”, an old horse, the only possessive of her family died on the way. Who could support the family without “Prince”? Life became rather difficult for the Durbeyfields. Tess was so kind that she wondered how she could help her parents all day. But what she could do only was to look after the children and do some housework. Her mother sent her to claim kin with a distant relative of noble D’Urbervilles family in the hope of changing the poor and miserable condition of the family. Here she did not expect to have the life of the upper–class, she only wanted to work hard to support her family. Because of her pure she does not Alec is a bad man, so she was seduced under the circumstance of her innocence when they were lost in the forest. Tess lost her girlish purity. But we could not accept that it was Tess’s fault. As the people of her village said, “It was to be”. From then on, Tess’s life was to be completely different.For the sake of her family, she spared no effort to devote herself. After being deserted by Angel, her family was in trouble. Her father died of illness. Her mother was ill seriously. Her brother and sister were unable to go to school. The whole family begged along the street. In this case, Tess had to live together with Alec to improve her family’s living condition. It seemed that she was not a pure woman. But in that society and that time, women’s status was very low. They had no better way to earn a lot of money to support their family. So Tess had no choice but sacrifice herself in order to make the life of family improve. Tess is a selfless women, she still kept a noble spirit. In this sense, I think Tess was a pure woman.Chapter Three A personality of Tess ----Responsibilityand Honest3.1 Tess is Responsible for Her FamilyTess is able to bear great burdens placed upon her at a young age. She is between the ages of 16 and 23 when we read her tale. This ability to undergo so much at such a young age builds her character so that we see her as a powerful force in the novel. She accepts blame for Prince’s death; the death of her infant son, Sorrow; the loss of Angel and the destruction of her marriage; as well as her killing Alec with her own hands and leaving home three times in her life to “test the waters of the world” outside her village. Tess is a fresh country girl who is full of the sense of responsibility for her family because of father’s laziness and mother’s simple mindedness. The horse’s death let her think she is responsible for this accident and she must earn money to support her poor family. This guilt leads her to visit the D’Urbervilles and puts her into an uncertain and potentially dangerous situation. The death of her father adds her family’s eviction because her reputation makes it incumbent on her to act for her young brother and sisters. With no option, she bears sadness to live with Alec again. If not for Tess, the family may be very badly off indeed, but Tess’s self-sacrifice gains nothing except a series of blame.Tess came back home again after Angel’s leaving. She sent all her money to her poor family. Then she had to bear a heavy family’s burden again. In order to get enough food to keep herself and her family alive, she left Marlette again looking for work. She found irregular diary work for the spring and summer. It was so hard a job that once she was near to faint. And after the death of her father, her family had to leave their cottage. However,they had nowhere to live. Tess could not endure the burden of the life any more. In order to support the life of her family, she had no choice but to live with Alec again as his mistress.“Tess’s acute sense of responsibility, which may lead to the assumption of tasks to be done or to the sense of guilt for things done or left undone, is a strongly unifying element.”6 She first felt “self-reproach” for staying so long at the dance, and “remorse” for her mother’s labor in getting her frock ready. When her father was drunk, she took the wagon on an all-night trip toward the market. She fell asleep, and the horse was killed. Because she felt responsible, she undertook another venture that she disliked---visiting the D’urbervilles in the hope of improving the family fortunes. She always had a feeling of responsibility for her family’s difficulties. That was why she endured so many pains.She might had a comfortable life with the money Angel left for her, she might had a normal and happy life as other maidens if she refused to visit the D’urbervilles, but the character of endurance and responsibility made her did everything for her poor family.3.2 Tess is Honest to Her LoveTess’s true and pure love to Clare drives her to break the convention. She says, “I never loved him at all, Angel, as love you…Angel will you forgive my sin against you, now I have killed him?” Her ending of her relationship by means by murdering is unconventional. She can do anything even murders others just for her true love. She says, “O yes! I could walk forever and ever with your arm round me.” Although she is in a tough situation, her love for Clare is concrete and this drives her mad. She says again, “I feel strong enough to walk any distance.” Her love forces her to break-through. Her character of a new woman is clearly shown. Tess undergoes her self-discovery journey to look for her own happiness. Tess is free from the marriage convention after her killing Alec. She does not feel sad。





英国作家托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)以其独特的文学风格和深入的思考,将自然界的询问融入到他的作品中,展现了对人类与自然的关系的思考。













主人公贾菲·马德克(Jude Fawley)在爱情和事业上遭遇了一系列的挫折和困境,这与自然界中的多变和无常有着密切的联系。







哈代的写作风格托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)是英国十九世纪末、二十世纪初最杰出的小说家之一,他的写作风格独特而深邃。
























埃里克赶着马走进了森林。苔丝睁着疲乏 的眼睛问:“您走错路了吧?”“管它呢。 这是英格兰最古老、最美丽的森林。今晚 多美,我愿这良辰美景永无尽头……”苔丝 有些不安,但听到埃里克说他已送了一匹 马给她家时,又有些感激。埃里克拿起了 苔丝的手偷偷吻了一下,又要拥抱她,本 能的恐惧使苔丝猛力将埃里克推下马去。 埃里克跌倒在地,头撞在树桩上鲜血直淌。 苔丝紧张而又歉疚地蹲在他身旁抽抽嗒嗒 地哭了。埃里克趁势把她拥进怀里热烈地 吻她。苔丝被这长长的吻陶醉了,情不自 禁地依偎在他怀里。亚雷克慢慢解开了她 小夹的纽扣,撩起她的裙子,将整个身子 扑上去。此时才清醒了的苔丝拼命挣扎, 但已无济于事了……
《绿荫下》《远离尘嚣》《还 乡》《卡斯特桥市长》《林地 居民》《德伯家德苔丝》《无 名的裘德》
《计出无奈》《一个冷淡的女 人》《晚餐及其他故事》
哈代小说都是乡村题材,故 事发生在他的家乡,但是他 从来没有用过他家乡的真名 “多塞特”(Dorchester) 来称呼他所描写的乡村,而 是统一用“威塞克斯” (Wessex)这个古老的名 称。1874年,哈代在《远离 尘嚣》中第一次再现了威塞 克斯。他复活了一个被人遗 忘了的古老王国。
残酷的社会现实深刻影响了哈代的艺术观 点,使他在创作中采取坚定的现实主义立 场,揭露社会的黑暗和描写人民的不幸。 尤其是英国文学史上一直被忽视的农村题 材,哈代描绘了资本主义入侵农村所引起 的社会经济、道德和风俗的深刻变化,展 示了特定历史时期的农村劳动人民的悲惨 命运和心灵创伤。
3、作品主题 一般表现的均是人与社会、性格和环境的 对立,特别是通过爱情、婚姻等问题的描 写,表现个人对抗社会陈规、宗教法律、 道德风俗以及神秘力量的悲剧性冲突。体 现出浓厚的生命悲剧意识: • A揭示了人在社会历史中的渺小无奈、不能 自主和脆弱不堪。 • B表达了追寻美和自由的生命个体宿命式毁 灭的悲哀。 • C善于在强大浩瀚的时空生死的背景上烘托 人物悲剧命运。 • D强调偶然性和不可知的命运感。





关键词:写作技巧认知语用语言运用小说诗歌认知心理中图分类号:i106 文献标识码:a一引言托马斯·哈代(thomas hardy,1840-1928)是英国最为杰出的现实主义文学代表人物之一,他所创作的近20部文学作品,大部分作品都流传久远,包括1871年创作的第一部长篇小说《计出无奈》(desperate remedies),以及而后创作的《还乡》(the return of the native,1878)、《一双湛蓝的眼睛》(a pair of blue eyes,1873)、《远离尘嚣》(far from the madding crowd,1874)、《卡斯特桥市长》(the mayor of casterbridge,1886),等等。


他的小说作品中最为著名的应属于《德伯家的苔丝》(tess of the d’urbervilles),这部小说以其精妙的笔触描述了女主人公苔丝的生活和情感经历,尽管由于这部小说情节的离奇性而引起了当时人们的争论,但是却丝毫掩盖不了小说的杰出特点。




对世界文学的审视:哈代作品解读引言托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)是英国才华横溢的小说家和诗人,他以其深刻描绘自然景观和对社会问题的关注而闻名。


1. 自然与命运哈代的作品常常探讨人类与自然之间的复杂关系,暗示着命运和环境在个体生活中起到的决定性作用。


1.1 自然景观与情感表达哈代善于利用自然景观来传递情感和表达主题。


1.2 环境限制与社会压力哈代作品中的角色往往受到环境和社会压力的束缚,他们的命运被注定好像无法逃脱。


2. 社会与爱情哈代作品中普遍存在社会约束对爱情产生的影响,以及个体对社会压力做出选择的困境。

2.1 爱情与阶级在哈代作品中,阶级地位常常成为爱情障碍。


2.2 婚姻制度与自由意志哈代对婚姻制度提出了质疑,并探讨了个体应如何面对传统观念和自由意志之间的冲突。


3. 性别与社会地位哈代的作品经常关注女性在当时社会中的地位和挣扎。

3.1 女性反抗与自主权通过塑造独立、勇敢的女性角色,《苔丝·达佛人》和《雾都孤儿》等作品揭示了女性因为社会地位限制而付出的代价,以及她们对不公平对待反抗的力量。

3.2 社会压迫与女性命运哈代作品中也展现了女性在男权社会中命运无法改变的悲剧。



“Justice” was done, and the president of the immortals
Jude the Obscure
——Tomas Hardy
Main contentsof the novel Character analysis Comments on the novel
Alec D'urbervilles
He is a manipulative, sinister young man
Ⅱ Major characters’ feature
Tess Durbeyfield
• The novel’s protagonist. • Tess is a beautiful, loyal young woman living with her impoverished family
Ⅱ Major characters’ feature
Angel Clare
An intelligent young man who has decided to become a farmer to preserve his intellectual freedom from the pressures of city life.

Literary Theme
Hardy examines the social constraints on the lives of those living in Victorian England, and criticizes those beliefs, especially those relating to marriage, education and religion, that limited people's lives and caused unhappiness. Fate or chance is another important theme. Hardy's characters often encounter crossroads on a journey, a junction that offers alternative physical destinations but which is also symbolic of a point of opportunity and transition, further suggesting that fate is at work.
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