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一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。 20’

( ) young cousin( ) fat glad ( ) sport short ( )skirt bird ( )head heavy

( )thin twin ( )taller shirt ( )chat classmate( )work worse ( ) forty doctor ( ) horse sports ( ) goat road ( )blouse house ( )country out ( )should loudly

( )girl first ( )tired skirt ( )world morning ( )slow show ( )early learn


1.擅长英语_______________________7. 乘2路车___________________________ 2.体育很好_______________________8. 和黄色的那个一样重_________________ 3.游得比我快_____________________9.have a lot of fun_______________________ 4.某些孩子_______________________10.flower show_________________________ 5.早起一些_______________________11.like Maths better______________________

6.玩球类运动_____________________12.well done____________________________ 13. 独生子_________________________14. be the goalkeeper ____________________

15. 比他小一岁_____________________16. meet him one day ____________________ 17. 一只强壮些的老虎______________18. the other boys _______________________

19. 周一早上_______________________20.the nurse with a pair of glasses __________

21. 看起来很像_____________________22.have a chat with Mrs White_____________

23.问路____________________________24. a good basketball player _______________

25.去公园的路______________________ 26. a bus every ten minutes________________

27.在第三个交叉口__________________ 28.run out of the shop ____________________

29. 11路车_________________________ 30.get back our kites _____________________


1.Jim runs ______ (slow), but David runs ______ (slow).

2.Ben _______ (jump) ________ (high) than some of the boys in the class.

3._______Nancy sing _______ (well) than Helen? Yes, she ______.

4._______the boys get up _______ (early) than the girls? No, they _______.

5.Who ______ (run) ______ (fast), Su Hai or Su Yang?

6.Yang Ling doesn’t go to bed as _______ (late) as Betty.

7.My brother is two years ________(old) than me.

8.Tom is as _______(fat) as Jim.

9.Who is _______(thin), you or Ben?

10.Whose pencil-box is bigger, _______(you) or _______(she)?

11.On Saturday morning, I ________(meet) my aunt in the park..

12.Look, they are _________(have) a chat.


1. 我跳得和迈克一样远. I _______ as ______ as Mike.

2. 杨林每天睡得比我晚。

Yang Ling _______ to bed _______ than me every day.


_______ Tom _______ ________ than you? No, he ______. He _____ as fast as


4. 多做练习,你会更强壮. Do more exercise, you’ll _______ _______ soon.



1.( )_____ the boys jump ______than the girls?

A. Do; higher

B. Does; higher

C. Do; high

2.( )Helen swims as______ as David. A. slower B. slow C.


3.( )Pigs are ________ than dogs.. A. fatter B. thinner

C. fat

4.( )Jim is good _____Maths. Ben does well _____PE. A. at; in B .in; at

C. at; at

5.( )They can get off at ______stop. A. three B. the third C. the


6.( )_____ pencils are there in your bag? A. How much B. How many C.

How old

7.( )_____is taller than David? A. Whose B. Who C. Who’s

8.( )_____ ruler is longer? A. Whose B. Who C. Who’s

9.( )Betty is twelve years _____. She is one year ______than me.

A. older; older

B. old; old

C. old , older

10( )Is Liu Tao as _____as Mike? A. tall B. taller C. tallest D.


11( )Are Helen’s pencils as long as _____? A. Nancy’s B. Nancy C. Su

Yang D Helen

12( )We’re good at ____ and ____.

A. run, jump

B. running, jump

C. running, jumping

D. jumping,

