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select * from emp e where =20;


select * from emp where comm>sal;


select * from emp where comm>sal*;

--(4)查询10号部门中工种为MANAGER和20号部门中工种为CLERK的员工的信息。select * from emp e

where =10 and ='MANAGER')

or =20 and ='CLERK')



select * from emp

where job not in('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000;


select * from emp where comm is not null;


select +nvl,0)) from emp e;


select * from emp where comm is null or comm<100;


select * from emp where (sysdate-hiredate)/365>=10;


select initcap(ename) from emp;

select upper(substr(ename,1,1))||lower(substr(ename,2)) from emp;



select ename,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') year,to_char(hiredate,'MM') month from emp

order by month,year;


select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'MM')='02'


select ,floor(/365)||'年'



from emp e;


select ,,,,,

from emp a,emp b

where = and <>;


select ,count,avg,,

from emp e ,dept d

where =

group by ,,


select * from emp where empno in(

select mgr from emp where deptno=10) or deptno=10;


select * from emp

where sal in(select avg(sal) from emp group by deptno);


select * from emp e1

where sal >(select avg(sal) from emp e2 where =;

--(19)查询工资高于本部门平均工资的员工的信息及其部门的平均工资。select e.*,

from emp e,

(select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) a where = and >;


select count(*),,avg from emp e

group by


select deptno,job,count(empno),avg(sal) from emp e

group by ,


select * from dept where deptno in

(select deptno from emp

where deptno not in

(select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000));

--(23)查询所有员工工资都大于1000的部门的信息及其员工信息。select * from emp e join dept d


in (select deptno from emp

where deptno not in

(select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000))

and =;


select * from dept

where deptno not in(

select deptno from emp

where sal not between 900 and 3000);


select * from emp a

where in

(select distinct from emp e

where between 900 and 3000);


select d.* from dept d

where in

(select distinct from emp e1,emp e2

where =;


select * from dept

where deptno in

(select deptno from (select count(*) count,deptno from emp group by deptno) where count in(select max(count)

from (select count(*) count ,deptno from emp group by deptno)));


select * from

(select sal from emp where deptno=30 order by sal desc) e

where rownum<4


select e.* from emp e

start with ename='JONES'

connect by prior empno=mgr;


select e.* from emp e

start with ename='SCOTT'

connect by prior mgr=empno;
