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资信调查(Status Inquiry)





Dear Sirs,

Recently we have received a letter from ABC CO. who has given your name and address as a bank refere nee. ABC CO. wants to built bus in ess with us, but we are not acqua in ted with them . We won der if you could obta in for us in formatio n about their finan cial and credit sta nding.

We can assure you that any in formati on you may give us will be treated in absolute con fide nee.

Thank you in adva nee for your cooperati on.

Yours faithfully,





Dear Sirs,

We have received your letter of May 10, and we are sending you the in formati on you inquired about ABC Co. is one of the largest companies in that area. They are enjoying a good reputati on in the bus in ess world.

As far as our in formatio n goes, they are prompt and pun ctual in all their tran sactio ns. In our opinion,you may run no risk in doing bus in ess with them.

The in formatio n is con fide ntial and without any resp on sibility on our part.

Yours faithfully,






Dear Sirs,

In reply to your letter of MaylO, we would like to give you the followi ng in formati on.

The compa ny in questi on is known to be in experie need in bus in ess. Many suppliers ofte n have lots of trouble in settleme nt of their aeeo un ts.

For the matter of establishi ng bus in ess relati ons with them. We advise you take it into serious eon siderati on.

Please no tes that the in formati ons give n without any resp on sibility on our part and should be treated as strictly eon fide ntial.

Yours faithfully,
