



护理英语期末考试答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a nursing intervention?A. Assessing patient's vital signsB. Administering medicationsC. Providing emotional supportD. Conducting medical researchAnswer: D2. The primary responsibility of a registered nurse is to:A. Perform diagnostic testsB. Develop nursing care plansC. Prescribe medicationsD. Conduct surgical proceduresAnswer: B3. Which of the following is an example of non-verbal communication in nursing?A. Listening carefullyB. Using medical jargonC. Maintaining eye contactD. Speaking loudlyAnswer: C4. The nursing process consists of the following steps except:A. AssessmentB. PlanningC. ImplementationD. EvaluationE. ReflectionAnswer: E5. Which of the following is not a principle of infection control?A. Hand hygieneB. Use of personal protective equipmentC. Isolation of infected patientsD. Sharing needles among patientsAnswer: D6. The acronym "ABC" in emergency care stands for:A. Airway, Breathing, CirculationB. Assessment, Breathing, CirculationC. Assessment, Blood pressure, CirculationD. Airway, Blood pressure, CirculationAnswer: A7. A nursing diagnosis is:A. A medical diagnosis given by a physicianB. A clinical judgment about an individual's response to health conditionsC. A nursing intervention to treat a health problemD. A nursing outcome to be achievedAnswer: B8. The purpose of a nursing care plan is to:A. Document the patient's medical historyB. Provide a guide for nursing interventionsC. List all possible nursing diagnosesD. Record the results of nursing interventionsAnswer: B9. Which of the following is not a component of the nursing assessment?A. Health historyB. Physical examinationC. Laboratory testsD. Patient's financial statusAnswer: D10. The Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes the following levels except:A. Physiological needsB. Safety needsC. Esteem needsD. Moral needsAnswer: D二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The first step in the nursing process is _assessment_.2. A nursing diagnosis should be stated in terms of_etiology_ and _defining characteristics_.3. The acronym _PQRST_ is used to assess a patient's pain.4. _Hand hygiene_ is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection.5. The nursing intervention of _positioning_ can help prevent skin breakdown.6. _Aseptic technique_ is used to maintain a sterile environment during invasive procedures.7. The nursing outcome related to patient education is oftenreferred to as _patient teaching_.8. _Documentation_ is essential for legal and continuity of care purposes.9. The nursing process involves a systematic approach to the delivery of _patient-centered care_.10. _Evidence-based practice_ involves using the best available research evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise to guide nursing practice.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Describe the role of a nurse in a multidisciplinary healthcare team.Answer: A nurse in a multidisciplinary healthcare team acts as a patient advocate, coordinates care, communicates effectively with team members, and provides direct patient care based on nursing assessments and care plans.2. Explain the importance of cultural competence in nursing practice.Answer: Cultural competence in nursing practice is important because it enables nurses to provide patient-centered care that respects and incorporates the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of diverse patient populations. This leads to improved patient satisfaction, better health outcomes, and reduced health disparities.3. What are the key components of a nursing care plan? Answer: The key components of a nursing care plan include a comprehensive patient assessment, nursing diagnoses, goals and expected outcomes, nursing interventions, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the care provided.4. Discuss the significance of evidence-based practice in nursing.Answer: Evidence-based practice in nursing is significant as it promotes the use of current, best research evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient preferences to guide nursing decisions. This approach leads to improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and enhanced professional nursing practice.结束语:本试题涵盖了护理英语期末考试的核心知识点,旨在帮助学生复习和巩固所学内容。




A. 护理伦理在护理工作中,伦理问题始终是一个重要的议题。




问题:1. 护理伦理中,护理人员需要考虑哪些方面?2. 为什么护理人员在进行敏感检查时需要征得病人的同意?B. 护理沟通技巧有效的沟通是护理工作中的关键。




问题:1. 为什么有效的沟通在护理工作中至关重要?2. 护理人员应如何提高自己的沟通技巧?二、词汇与语法(共30分)词汇填空:1. The nurse should always respect the patient's ________ (隐私) and confidentiality.2. It is important for nurses to communicate ________ (有效) with patients to understand their needs.语法改错:1. The patient was very anxious, so the nurse comfort himwith a gentle voice.2. The nurse must to respect the patient's cultural background and beliefs.三、翻译(共20分)将下列句子从英文翻译成中文:1. The nurse should always be aware of the ethicalimplications of their actions.2. Communication is a vital part of nursing practice, and itis essential for nurses to develop good communication skills.四、写作(共10分)题目:作为一名护理专业的学生,你如何看待护理工作中的伦理问题?要求:请写一篇不少于100字的短文,表达你的观点。



Unit 1 Development of Nursing护理学的发展一、单选题 : Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text. 1. Which one of the following statements is right (A)A.Nursing before 19th century was developed slowlyB.Nursing before 19th century was developed rapidlyC.Nursing before 19th century was developed smoothlyD.Nursing before 19th century was developed with ease2. Which one of the following statements is right (B)A. Florence Nightingale was born in 1825B. Florence Nightingale was born in a wealthy familyC. Florence Nightingale was born in GermanyD. Florence Nightingale was not well-educated3. How did Nurses’ Day come into being(A)A.It came from the Birthday of Florence NightingaleB.It came from the Death date of Florence NightingaleC.It came from the date of outbreak of Crimean WarD.It could not be verified4. What is the theme of nursing(C)A. DiagnosisB.TreatmentC.CaringD.Physical examination二、多选题: Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D,E and F accordingto the text.1.What major contributions have Florence Nightingale made fornursing (ABC)A.Establishing the professional nursingB.Writing numerous nursing documentsC.Establishing the First school of nursing in the worldD. Publishing the First nursing Journal in the worldE. Establishing the First Doctorial nursing program in the world2. Choose the following correct concepts that dominate and shape theprofessional nursing practice in modern nursing (A B E F)A. PersonB. EnvironmentC. EducationD. PracticeE. HealthF. Nursing3. What are the main goals of professional nursing (A C E F)A. Health promotionB. Health educationC. Health maintenanceD. Disease diagnosisE. Health restorationF. Care of the dying三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:health maintenance保持健康health restoration恢复健康care of the dying临终关怀四、简答题:1.Why is nursing called the oldest art and the youngest profession2.What are the four main concepts of professional nursing practiceUnit 2 Health and Illness健康与疾病一、单选题 : Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.1. Which definition of health is the most widely accepted ( D ) .A.traditional definition of healthB. Nightingale’s definition of healthC. the definition of ANAD. the definition of WHO2. Which factor is not a social factor that influence health (B ).A. family relationshipB. lifestyleC. cultural backgroundD. health care system二、多选题:Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D,E and F accordingto the text.1. According to WHO, Health involve__( A, C, E )_ well-being.A. physicalB. functionalC. mentalD. individualE. social2. People’s he alth is influenced by __________. ( A, B, C, D, E )A. physical factorsB. emotional factorsC. environmentalfactorsD. lifestyleE. social factors三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:illness生病disease疾病greenhouse effect温室效应You look pale. What happened你脸色苍白,发生什么事了Did you have something in your mind You look so concerned!你在想什么看起来你好像有心事.四、简答题:1. What’s the difference between the illness and disease2. What are the factors that influence the healthUnit 3 Health Promotion健康促进一、单选题 : Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.1.Which of the following is not included in the nursingstrategies of health promotion _________ ( D )A. supporting behavior changesB. teachingC. coordinatingD. giving injections2. During the planning process a nurse acts as _____. (B)A. an adviserB. a resource personC. a counselorD. aconsumer二、多选题:Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according t othe text.1. Positive health promotion is aimed primarily at ____________. ( A,C)A. improving health potential;B. treating diseases;C. maintaining health balance;D. giving injections.三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:health promotion健康促进self-care自我护理potential problems潜在的健康问题四、简答题:1.What are the purposes of health promotion2.briefly state the role of nurses in health promotion.Unit 4 Nursing Process护理程序一、单选题 : Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.1. W hich level of the Maslow’s hierarch y does self-esteem” belongto ___ ( C )A. the second levelB. the third levelC. the forth levelD. the fifth level2. The focus of nursing process is _______. ( B)A. doctor’s orderB. patient’s problemC. hospital’ s equipmentD. medical treatment二、多选题:Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D, and E according t othe text.1.The physical examination skills required by the nurse innursing assessment include __________. ( A,C, D, E )A. inspectionB. interviewC. palpationD. percussionE. auscultation三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:nursing process护理程序nursing diagnosis护理诊断nursing assessment护理评估nursing plan护理计划nursing evaluation护理评价nursing intervention护理措施v1.0可编辑可修改This patient has many problems. What should I consider first这个病人有许多护理问题,我应当首先考虑哪个According to the Maslow ’s hierarchy, you should consider the firstlevel need such as breath, fluid and food needs.根据马斯洛的需要层次论,你应当先考虑第一层次的需要,比如呼吸、体液以及食物等需要 .四、简答题:1.How many steps is the nursing process divided What are they2.How many levels is Maslow ’s hierarchy of needs divided What are theyUnit 5 Communication in nursing护理沟通一、单选题 : Choose the best answer from A,B,C and D according to the text.1. ______ is an example of verbal communication. ( D)A. touchB. eye contactC. facial expressionsD. writingletters二、多选题:Choose the correct answers from A,B,C,D,E and F accordingto the text.1. Communication serves four major functions, they are _________. ( A, B, D, E)A. controlB. motivationC. listeningD. emotional expressionE. information.2.Nursing practice involves three kinds of communication. They are_______(B,C,D)A. two-way communicationB. social communicationC. structured communicationD. therapeutic communication.E. effective communicationv1.0可编辑可修改三、牢记下面的单词或表达法:verbal communication言语沟通nonverbal communication非言语沟通communication model沟通模式Anything wrong你怎么啦(你有什么不舒服吗)You look so sad. There must be something bothering you. Maybe I can help.你看起来很伤心,一定有什么烦心的事。














1. 医学专业词汇:掌握与医学和护理相关的常用词汇,例如疾病、症状、药物名称等。

2. 医学英语语法:了解并正确运用医学英语的基本语法规则,例如句子结构、时态、主谓一致等。

3. 医学英语听力:能够听懂医生或其他医护人员在英语环境中的简单对话和指示。

4. 医学英语口语:能够用英语与患者或其他医护人员进行日常交流,并能够描述病情、询问症状等。

5. 医学英语阅读:能够阅读和理解医学文献、研究报告、病历记录等医学资料。

6. 医学英语写作:能够书写简单的医学报告、病历记录、医嘱等。

1. 学习医学英语词汇:通过背诵和使用专业的医学英语词汇书籍或在线资源来扩大词汇量。

2. 练习听力和口语:多听英语音频,例如医学英语教学材料、医生讲座等,同时多与他人进行英语口语练习,提高听力和口语表达能力。

3. 阅读医学英语文献:阅读医学期刊、书籍或在线资料,提高对医学英语文本的理解和阅读能力。

4. 写作练习:尝试写一些医学英语文章、病历记录等,提高医学英语写作能力。

5. 参加模拟考试:参加模拟考试以检验自己的英语水平,并发现需要改进的地方。








考试形式为计算机辅助考试,满分为100 分,60 分及格。


具体题型和分值如下:- 听力理解(20 题,每题2 分,共40 分)- 词汇与语法(15 题,每题2 分,共30 分)- 阅读理解(25 题,每题2 分,共50 分)- 翻译(英译汉,共10 分)- 写作(1 题,共10 分)考试评分标准以百分制计算,各项成绩达到及格线的视为通过考试。













护理专业英语人卫版答案1、She _______ love cats, but one attacked her and she doesn’t like them anymore. [单选题]*A. got used toB. was used toC. was used forD. used to(正确答案)2、John Smith is _______ of the three young men. [单选题] *A. strongB. strongerC. the strongerD. the strongest(正确答案)3、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves4、You _____ smoke in the library, or you will be driven away. [单选题] *A. can'tB. mustn't(正确答案)C. will notD. may not5、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *A. too manyB. too much(正确答案)C. much tooD. very much6、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy7、Mary _____ be in Paris. I saw her just now on campus. [单选题] *A. mustn'tB. can't(正确答案)C. need notD. may not8、You might not like the way Sam behaves, but please be kind to him. _____, he is your grandfather. [单选题] *A. After all(正确答案)B. Above allC. In allD. At all9、My father and I often go ______ on weekends so I can ______ very well. ()[单选题] *A. swim; swimmingB. swims; swimC. swimming; swimmingD. swimming; swim(正确答案)10、The managing director took the()for the accident, although it was not his fault. [单选题] *A. GuiltB. charge(正确答案)C. blameD. accusation11、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)12、The work will be finished _______ this month. [单选题] *A. at the endB. in the endC. by the endD. at the end of(正确答案)13、—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.—I can’t, either. We have to ______ new ways to solve the problem.()[单选题] *A. come up with(正确答案)B. get on withC. make up withD. catch up with14、(), it would be much more sensible to do it later instead of finishing it now. [单选题] *A. FinallyB. MildlyC. Actually(正确答案)D. Successfully15、--What are you going to be in the future?--I want to be _______ actor. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /16、( ) What she is worried __ is ____ her daughter is always addicted to chatting online./; that [单选题] *A /; thatB of thatC about that(正确答案)D about what17、The famous writer, _____ writings for China Daily I appreciate a lot , is invited to give a speech in our university. [单选题] *A. thatB. whose(正确答案)C. whomD. who18、The Titanic is a nice film. I _______ it twice. [单选题] *A. sawB. seeC. have seen(正确答案)D. have saw19、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down20、Let us put the matter to the vote,()? [单选题] *A. will youB. can weC. may ID. shall we(正确答案)21、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than22、Don’t ______. He is OK. [单选题] *A. worriedB. worry(正确答案)C. worried aboutD. worry about23、( ) Some students preferred to stay in the toilet ______ do morning exercises. [单选题] *A in order to notB in not order toC in order not to(正确答案)D not in order to24、98.There is a post office ______ the fruit shop and the hospital. [单选题] *A.atB.withC.between(正确答案)D.among25、—Where are you going, Tom? —To Bill's workshop. The engine of my car needs _____. [单选题] *A. repairing(正确答案)B. repairedC. repairD. to repair26、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way27、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get28、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ ameal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. [单选题] *A. shareB. to share(正确答案)C. having sharedD. shared29、He does ______ in math.()[单选题] *A. goodB. betterC. well(正确答案)D. best30、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *A. buyB. buyingC. to buy(正确答案)D. to buying。



护理专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a nursing intervention?A. Assessing patient's conditionB. Administering medicationC. Providing emotional supportD. Conducting medical research2. The primary goal of nursing care is to:A. Cure diseasesB. Maximize patients' quality of lifeC. Increase hospital revenueD. Minimize medical errors3. A nurse should always:A. Follow doctor's orders without questionB. Prioritize patient safety and comfortC. Focus solely on medical proceduresD. Ignore patient's emotional needs4. Which of the following is not a nursing responsibility?A. Patient educationB. Medication administrationC. Financial management of the hospitalD. Health promotion5. The nursing process includes the following steps except:A. AssessmentB. PlanningC. ImplementationD. Evaluation6. A nursing diagnosis is:A. A medical diagnosis given by a doctorB. A clinical judgment about individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health problemsC. A nursing interventionD. A nursing outcome7. The nursing role in patient advocacy involves:A. Defending the rights of the patientB. Ignoring the patient's complaintsC. Reporting the patient to the authoritiesD. Discouraging the patient from seeking medical care8. Which of the following is an example of a nursing outcome?A. Administering a medicationB. The patient's blood pressure is stableC. The patient's temperature is 37°CD. The patient's wound is dressed9. The nursing theory by Florence Nightingale is known as:A. The Theory of Human CaringB. The Theory of Humanistic NursingC. The Environmental TheoryD. The Theory of Patient-Centered Care10. A nurse should maintain professional boundaries by:A. Sharing personal information with patientsB. Accepting gifts from patientsC. Avoiding dual relationshipsD. Engaging in romantic relationships with patients二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The nursing process begins with a(n) ________ of the patient's health status.2. Nurses must adhere to the principle of ________ when providing care to ensure patient safety.3. A(n) ________ is a statement of the specific, desired patient outcomes that are measurable and time-specific.4. The nursing intervention of "teaching" involves providing the patient with information to help them understand their health condition and how to manage it effectively.5. Nurses are responsible for promoting health and preventing illness through various ________ activities.6. The nursing diagnosis of "ineffective airway clearance" may lead to the nursing outcome of "clear lung sounds."7. The acronym for the nursing process is ________.8. Nurses must maintain professional boundaries to ensure the ________ and safety of the patient.9. The nursing theory by Jean Watson is known as the ________ Theory of Human Caring.10. Nurses are expected to advocate for their patients by________ their rights and needs.三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the significance of the nursing process in patient care.2. Describe the role of a nurse in promoting health and preventing illness.3. Discuss the importance of maintaining professional boundaries in nursing practice.4. Explain how nurses can contribute to patient advocacy.四、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia. The nurse on duty notices that the patient is experiencing shortness of breath and has a high fever. The patient is also anxious about their condition and the possibility of being hospitalized for an extended period. Based on this scenario, discuss the following:1. What nursing assessments should be performed?2. What nursing diagnoses might be appropriate for this patient?3. What nursing interventions could be implemented to address the patient's physical and emotional needs?4. What nursing outcomes would be expected as a result of these interventions?答案:一、选择题1. D2. B3. B4. C5. D6. B7. A8. B9. C 10. C二、填空题1. Assessment2. Beneficence3. Outcome4. educational5. promotional6. clear7. APE8. well-being9. Theory 10. advocating三、简答题1. The nursing process is significant in patient care as it provides a systematic approach to assess, plan, implement,and evaluate care, ensuring that the care provided is patient-centered, goal-oriented, and evidence-based.2. Nurses play a crucial role in promoting health and preventing illness by educating patients about healthy lifestyles, providing immunizations, conducting health screenings,。



护理英语专业试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "nursing" is derived from the Latin word "nutrire," which means:A. EducateB. FeedC. ProtectD. Care2. Which of the following is not a nursing intervention?A. Medication administrationB. Patient assessmentC. Surgical operationD. Health education3. The primary goal of nursing care is to:A. Increase patient satisfactionB. Ensure patient safetyC. Maximize medical revenueD. Enhance hospital reputation4. The "Nightingale Pledge" is associated with:A. Florence NightingaleB. Clara BartonC. Mary SeacoleD. Elizabeth Blackwell5. In nursing practice, the principle of "First, do no harm"is known as:A. AutonomyB. BeneficenceC. Non-maleficenceD. Justice6. A nurse should wash their hands:A. Before and after patient contactB. Only after patient contactC. Only before patient contactD. Neither before nor after patient contact7. The nursing process includes the following steps except:A. AssessmentB. PlanningC. DocumentationD. Surgery8. The acronym "ABC" in emergency situations stands for:A. Airway, Breathing, CirculationB. Assessment, Breathing, CirculationC. Assessment, Blood pressure, CirculationD. Airway, Blood pressure, Circulation9. Which of the following is a nursing theory?A. Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsB. Freud's Psychoanalytic TheoryC. Piaget's Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentD. Skinner's Theory of Operant Conditioning10. The role of a nurse in patient advocacy includes:A. Enforcing hospital rulesB. Protecting patient rightsC. Ignoring patient complaintsD. Prioritizing medical staff needs答案:1. D2. C3. B4. A5. C6. A7. D8. A9. A10. B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The four cardinal signs of infection are fever, pain, redness, and _______.2. The nursing diagnosis should be based on a comprehensive _______ of the patient.3. The nursing care plan should include the patient's name, diagnosis, nursing diagnosis, goals, interventions, and_______.4. The nursing process is a systematic approach that includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and _______.5. The principle of _______ in nursing practice ensures that the patient's rights and dignity are respected.6. The nursing role in health promotion includes education, counseling, and _______.7. The "Nightingale Pledge" is a commitment to uphold the ethical standards and professional responsibilities of_______.8. Infection control measures include hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, and _______.9. The nursing care of a patient with a urinary catheter should include regular assessment of the catheter site for signs of _______.10. The nurse's role in pain management includes assessment, documentation, and administration of _______ as prescribed.答案:1. swelling2. assessment3. evaluation4. evaluation5. beneficence6. screening7. nursing8. disinfection9. infection10. analgesics三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. What are the core competencies of a nurse?2. Explain the concept of "holistic nursing care."3. Describe the steps involved in the nursing process.4. Discuss the importance of cultural competence in nursing.答案:1. The core competencies of a nurse include communication,critical thinking, clinical judgment, ethical reasoning, and leadership.2. Holistic nursing care is an approach that considers the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of the patient, aiming to provide comprehensive care that respectsthe patient's individuality.3. The steps involved in the nursing process are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.4. Cultural competence in nursing is important as it enables nurses to provide care that is sensitive to the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of diverse patient populations, thereby promoting patient-centered care and reducing health disparities.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)1. A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia. The nurse notes that the patient is experiencing shortness of breath, fever, and chest pain. What。



护理英语考研真题试卷考试时间:120分钟一、听力理解(共20分,每题2分)1. What is the nurse's primary duty when taking care of a patient?A) To provide medical treatment.B) To administer medication.C) To ensure the patient's comfort and safety.D) To perform diagnostic tests.2. Which of the following is NOT a common nursing task?A) Monitoring vital signs.B) Assisting with personal hygiene.C) Scheduling appointments.D) Performing surgery.3. What is the term used to describe the process of providing care to patients in a hospital?A) Home care.B) Ambulatory care.C) Inpatient care.D) Outpatient care.4. Which of the following is NOT a nursing specialty?A) Pediatric nursing.B) Geriatric nursing.C) Surgical nursing.D) Dental nursing.5. What is the most important aspect of patient-staff communication in nursing?A) The use of medical jargon.B) The ability to listen actively.C) The use of humor.D) The speed of communication.二、阅读理解(共30分,每题3分)阅读以下短文,回答随后的问题。



护理英语考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "nurse" is derived from the Latin word for:A. TeacherB. NurseC. NursemaidD. Nurse practitioner答案:C2. Which of the following is not a nursing intervention?A. Medication administrationB. Patient educationC. Wound careD. Legal consultation答案:D3. The nursing process includes the following steps except:A. AssessmentB. PlanningC. ImplementationD. EvaluationE. Reflection答案:E4. Which of the following is a primary nursing diagnosis?A. InfectionB. ConstipationC. AnxietyD. Impaired skin integrity答案:C5. The acronym "PQRST" is used to assess:A. PainB. Sleep patternsC. Bowel movementsD. Vital signs答案:A6. The "ABCs" of nursing assessment refer to:A. Airway, Breathing, CirculationB. Activities of daily living, Blood pressure, Cognitive functionC. Assessment, Body systems, Care planD. Ambulation, Blood sugar, Catheters答案:A7. A nursing care plan is developed based on:A. The patient's medical diagnosisB. The patient's nursing diagnosesC. The patient's cultural backgroundD. The patient's age答案:B8. Which of the following is not a nursing outcome?A. Relief of painB. Improved mobilityC. Decreased anxietyD. Increased blood pressure答案:D9. The nursing action of "positioning" is intended to:A. Enhance patient comfortB. Prevent skin breakdownC. Facilitate breathingD. All of the above答案:D10. The term "evidence-based practice" in nursing refers to:A. Using the latest research findings to guide patient careB. Following traditional nursing practicesC. Relying on personal experienceD. Using intuition to make clinical decisions答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The nursing process begins with a(n) __________ of the patient's health status.答案:assessment2. A(n) __________ nursing diagnosis is one that can beinfluenced by nursing actions.答案:intervenable3. The acronym "SOAP" in nursing documentation stands for Subjective, Objective, __________, and __________.答案:Assessment, Plan4. The nursing intervention of "ambulation" is aimed at promoting __________ and preventing __________.答案:mobility, complications5. The nursing action of "monitoring" involves __________ and __________ the patient's condition.答案:observing, recording三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the importance of cultural competence in nursing practice.答案:Cultural competence in nursing practice is crucial as it enables nurses to provide patient-centered care that respects and acknowledges the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of the individuals they serve. It promoteseffective communication, reduces health disparities, and enhances patient satisfaction and outcomes.2. Describe the role of a nurse in promoting patient safety. 答案:A nurse plays a vital role in promoting patient safety by implementing safety protocols, conducting regular risk assessments, educating patients and their families on safety measures, advocating for safe practices, and reporting any safety concerns or incidents to ensure a safe environment forall patients.结束语:本套护理英语考试题及答案旨在评估考生对护理专业英语知识的掌握程度,希望考生通过本次考试能够进一步巩固和提升自己的专业英语能力。




Text A:Nurses play a critical role in the healthcare system, providing essential care and support to patients. They are often the first point of contact for patients and their families, and their work extends beyond the hospital walls into the community. The nursing profession requires a unique combination of skills, including clinical knowledge, compassion, and the ability to communicate effectively with patients and their families.1. What is the primary role of nurses in the healthcare system?A) Conducting medical researchB) Providing essential care and support to patientsC) Administering medications onlyD) Supervising other healthcare workers2. Nurses are often the first point of contact for:A) DoctorsB) Patients and their familiesC) Hospital administratorsD) Medical students3. Which of the following is NOT a skill required for the nursing profession?A) Clinical knowledgeB) CompassionC) The ability to communicate effectivelyD) Legal expertise4. Where does the work of nurses extend to?A) Only within the hospitalB) Beyond the hospital walls into the communityC) Only in emergency roomsD) Limited to operating theaters二、词汇与结构(共20分,每题2分)用所给单词的正确形式填空。






(1〜32题,每小题1分,33〜2题,每小题2分,共52分)1.We didn't want to get in trouble,we parked in the lot around the corner.A. so B. but C. because D. although2, "Are you and Richard in the same apartment building?" "No, we ."A. isn't B. weren't C. are D. aren't3.My brother is studying hard to be.A. writer B. write C. a writer D. writes4.If you faster, we could have turned in the projectbefore the deadline.A. work B. had worked C. have worked D. working5.She has computer class noon.A. with B. at C. on D. in6.Myfamily and I through the desert on our last vacation.A. drive B. drives C. driving D. drove7.time do you spend on your homework every day?A. How much B. How well C. How often D. How 10ng8.What programs?" "He mostly uses Microsoft Word and Excel."A. is he using B. does he use C. he used D. he use9.Since they changed jobs, their life been much easier.A. are B. was C. has D. had10."Is that Martin'snew car?" "Yes, it's ."A. him B. himself C. his D. he11."What television shows did you watch when you were a child?" "I watchcomedies".A. was B. liked C. used to D. did12.My usually goes to theoffice on foot.A. best friend B. best friends C. best friend she D. best friend is13.If we some more money, we could go away this weekend.A. arehaving B. have C. had D. would have14,We went to the doctor shecouldn't seem to get rid of her cold.A. so B. for C. that D. because15.The secretary asked me I wanted to meet with.A. who B. how C. why D.when16.If you feel full, don't any more of that pizza.A. ate B. eatingC. eatD. eats17."I forgot my keys on the desk. giving me a lift home?"A. Could you B. Can you C. Will you D. Would you mind18.My classmates and I enjoy doing similar things.favorite activity is going cycling.A. Our B. We C. Us D. They19.Amy lives in Thailand now. Sheat a large university there.A. teach B. taught C. is teaching D. teaching20.She always gets good evaluations. She must be employee in the company.A. the most valuable B. more valuable C. the valuable D. valuable21.Has he ever to swim?A. learned B. learn C.learning D. learns22.When I last saw them, my sisters were on their waythe mall.A. on B. in C. at D. to23.I want to send the Smiths an email.Do you have email address?A. they B. them C. their D. there24.Themovie was over before we had time the plot.A. for understand B. tounderstand C. understanding D. understand25.was a big parade infront of the university campus.A. Their B. They C. These D. There26.My teacher was living in Dubai when she her future husband.A. willmeet B. met C. was meeting D. meets27.Before a decision on whatto order, John asked the waiter for hisrecommendation.A. make B. made C. making D. being made28.There isn't milk left. I need to go out andget some.A. many B. some C. no D. any29.If you don't slow down, youhave a heart attack.A. would B. will C. can D. should30.The project was complicated than they had expected.A. so B. most C. more D.too31.My father is a surgeon.works in a hospital.A. It B. Father C. He D. She32.If you eating so much junk food, you'll lose weight.A.stopped B. stop C. might stop D. are stopping33. A 65-year-old male is admitted to your unit. He says, “My wife and I have notbeen apart for 45 years. Your best response would beA, “It must be difficult for you to be separated from her.B, “Your wife will be able to visit you every day.C. “You’ll be fine once you get adjusted to the hospital routine.D, “Your time in the hospital will pass very quickly.34. A client recently diagnosed with lung cancer says to the nurse, “I'm still going tosmoke. The nurse,s best response to this client would beA, “I can,t believe you would still want to smoke.B, “When did you start smoking?C. “Let/s talk more abo ut this.D. “I’m sure your family will be upset.35. A client brought to the emergency department appears very anxious and tearful.The nurse’s best response would beA, “I’m sure you have been in the hospital before.B, “There is really nothing to worry about.C. “I know this is frightening for you.D, “The hospital really isn,t so bad.36. A newborn died from an intraventricular hemorrhage(颅内出血).Which of the following responses would be most appropriate for the nurse to make to the mother?A, “Well at least your b aby is with God now and is not suffering from braindamage.B, “Would you like for me to be with you while your hold your baby?C. “I know that it does not seem possible right now, but you can get pregnantagain.D, “Just try to think about how wonderful your p regnancy was.37. Which of the followingstatements, if made by a patient who has terminal cancer,demonstrates the stage of bargaining as described in the theory of death and dying?A, “I know I,m going to get better.B, “I have put my financial affairs in or der.C. “I do not understand why this happened to me.D, “I plan to be around until my grandson,s graduation.38. A nurse is assessing the stoma(人造孔)of a client after a urethrostomy(尿道造口术). Which of the following would the nurse expect to note?A.Pale. B.Red and moist. C.Dry. D.Dark-colored.39. A patient has a nasogastric(鼻胃管)tube which is draining(弓I流)large amounts of fluid. To which of the following nursing diagnoses would a nurse give priority?A.Diarrhea.B.Risk for infection.C.Ineffective thermoregulation.(体温调节无效)D.Risk for fluid volume deficit.40. To which of the following nursing diagnosis would a nurse give priority when caring for a patient in the immediate postoperative period following an ileostomy?(回肠造口术)A.Fluid volume deficit.B.Body image disturbance.C.Pain.D.Diarrhea(腹泻).41. A patient who has a borderline personality disorder(边缘性人格障碍)asks the nurse on a psychiatric unit (精神科病房)if she may stay up beyond the designated bedtime(规定的就寝时间).When the nurse says no, the patient says, “The nurse on duty(值班)last night let me stay up late. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be therapeutic?A. “You shouldn,t have been given that privilege.(特权)B. "You can stay up for one more hour.C. “Why do you want to stay up?D, “Everyone is required to go to bed n ow.42.The most appropriate approach for the staff to take with the client who demonstrates manipulative or aggressive behavior is toA. allow the client,s favorite nurse to be her primary counselor.B. sedate(镇静剂)the client with medication at signs of aggression.C. set clear limits on theclient,s behavior.D. tell the client that his behavior is disruptive(捣舌L的)to other clients.Airplane Hooligans (流氓)'Air rage' is now a major concern following moves by airlines to draw up a passenger blacklist after a number of violent in-flight incidents. German flight attendants report that one thing is certain, with the growth in air travel the number of in-flight violent incidents is also increasing. Otto Ziegelmeier, Director of the IndependentFlight Attendants' Organisation (UFO) reports that the range of incidents by people described as "unruly passengers" varies from racist remarks all the way to fistfights on board.A security expert for a pilots' association agrees that it is a serious problem. British Airways registered 260 incidents in 1997, four times the figure of three years earlier. There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously.While a number of foreign airlines are starting to take action against unruly passengers, the topic is not taken too seriously in Germany. Flight attendants and pilots groups feel that airlines, out of concern for their reputation, are covering up the problem. For example, Lufthansa officials speak only of some isolated incidents and say that so far there have been no serious cases reported. Compared to the total number of air travelers, unruly passengers remain a small minority. But then, a single passenger can become a security hazard if he starts to play with the doors, tries to force his way into the cockpit or secretly smokes a cigarette in the toilet.Experts say that often the fear of flying is a cause of aggressive behaviour. Usually alcohol plays a role because in the extremely low humidity of the airplane it has a much greater effect than on the ground. In many cases, when flight attendants deny a passenger another drink, thereis a heated reaction. In one instance, a man struck a stewardess so violently in the face that shesuffered a broken jaw.Airlines often have problems with business passengers because they are always used to being in control. However, as one airline official stated, "but up in the sky, it's the pilot who's in charge." Other agencies agree that many business passengers have a problem with following someone else's instructions. He said that American Airlines has even observed that the majority of unruly passengers are to be found in the first-class and business-class sections.How do airlines deal with these passengers? A pilot for a German charter airline once had to deal with a group of 10 to 15 vacationers who were dancing through the aisle while carrying a portable stereo playing loud music. He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop in New York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. British Airways has begun warning passengers that they would be banned from flying with the airline after two incidents.43. According to the text, making racist remarks to other passengers is a form of air rage.A. True B. False C. No information44.Air rage incidents have decreased slightly over the past few years for BritishAirways.A. True B. False C. No information45.United Airlines reported serious air rage incidents last year.A. True B. False C. No pared to the total number of people who travel, there is only a small number of unruly passengers.A. True B. False C. No information47.Most violent incidents on airplanesresult in broken bonesor other injuries.A. True B. False C. No information48.Alcohol does not seem to be a factor in air rage incidents.A. True B. False C. No information49.Many violent incidents on airplanes are caused by people in business and first class.A. True B. False C. No information50.One of the ways airlines deal with the air rage problem is by making passengers pay a big fine.A. True B. False C. No information51.Flight attendants usually handcuff passengers if they cause problems during a flight.A. True B. False C. No informationNursing at Beth Israel hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we are to solve the nursing shortage, hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel,s example.At Beth Israel each patient isassigned to primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from his medical history to his emotional state. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient,s illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization, keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment, it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague.Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized nursing administration; every floor, every unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse-managers instead of head nurses; in addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing, employee advising, and they make salary recommendations. Each unit,s nurses decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when.Beth Israel,s nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She also is a member of the Medical Executive Committee, which in most hospitals included only doctors.52.Which of the following best characterizes the main feature of the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital?A.The doctor gets more active professional support from the primary nurse.B.Each patient is taken care of by a primary nurse day and night.C.The primary nurse writes care plans for every patient.D.The primary nurse keeps records of the patient,s health conditions every day.53.It can be inferred from the passage pared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient.B.in most hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point of view.C.in most hospitals nurses get low pared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hours at Beth IsraelHospital.54.A primary nurse can propose a different approach of treatment when.A.the present one is refused by the patient.B.the patient complains about the present one.C.the present one proves to be ineffective.D.the patient is found unwilling to cooperate.55.The mainformer.A.is a member of the Medical Executive Committee of the hospital.B.has to arrange the work shifts of the unit,s nurses.C.can make decisions concerning the medical treatment of a patient.D.had full responsibility in the administration of the unit,s nurses.56.The author's attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospital is.A.negative B.neutral C.critical D.positive 三、将下列短文翻译成中文:(20 分)Doctors should keep quiet and let patients explain their problems instead of interrupting them, Swiss scientists said. Most patients can explain what is wrong with them in less than two minutes and many may even be swifter, according to Dr. Wolf Langewitz of University Hospital in Basle. But research from the United States has shown that doctors usually start talking after about 22 seconds. "Doctors do not risk being swamped by their patients' complaints if they listen until a patient indicates that his or her list of complaints is complete," Langewitz said in a report in the British Medical Journal. When he and his colleagues used a hidden stopwatch to time patients until they were finished talking , the average time was 92 seconds , although elderly patients tended to take longer, "Even in a busy practice driven by time constraints and financial pressure,two minutes of listening should be possible and will be sufficient for nearly 80 percent of patients, " Langewitz added.。



医护英语水平考试(Medical English Test System,简称METS)是为评










大专护理英语考试试题及答案详解一、选择题1. What is the primary role of a nurse in a healthcare setting?A. To perform surgeriesB. To prescribe medicationsC. To provide patient care and supportD. To manage hospital administration答案:C解析:护士在医疗环境中的主要角色是提供病人护理和支持,而不是执行手术、开处方或管理医院行政。

2. Which of the following is a common symptom of hypoglycemia?A. High blood pressureB. Rapid heart rateC. Severe dehydrationD. Chronic fatigue答案:B解析:低血糖的常见症状包括快速心率、出汗、颤抖和饥饿感,而高血压、严重脱水和慢性疲劳不是低血糖的典型症状。

二、填空题1. The abbreviation for "Registered Nurse" is _______.答案:RN解析:Registered Nurse的缩写是RN,指的是注册护士。

2. A patient's medical history should be kept _______.答案:confidential解析:病人的医疗记录应当保密,以保护病人的隐私。

三、简答题1. What are the basic principles of infection control in a healthcare setting?答案:The basic principles of infection control include hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), proper disinfection of surfaces, isolation of infected patients, and adherence to standard precautions.解析:在医疗环境中,控制感染的基本原则包括手卫生、使用个人防护装备、正确消毒表面、隔离感染病人以及遵守标准预防措施。



护理专业英语试题题目与答案(2)39. A patient has a nasogastric(鼻胃管) tube which is draining(引流) large amounts of fluid. To which of the following nursing diagnoses would a nurse give priority?A.Diarrhea.B.Risk for infection.C.Ineffective thermoregulation.(体温调节无效)D.Risk for fluid volume deficit.40. To which of the following nursing diagnosis would a nurse give priority when caring for a patient in the immediate postoperative period following an ileostomy?(回肠造口术)A.Fluid volume deficit.B.Body image disturbance.C.Pain.D.Diarrhea(腹泻).41. A patient who has a borderline personality disorder(边缘性人格障碍) asks the nurse on a psychiatric unit(精神科病房) if she may stay up beyond the designated bedtime(规定的就寝时间). When the nurse says no, the patient says, The nurse on duty(值班) last night let me stay up late. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be therapeutic?A. You shouldn t have been given that privilege.(特权)B. You can stay up for one more hour.C. Why do you want to stay up?D. Everyone is required to go to bed now.42.The most appropriate approach for the staff to take with the client who demonstrates manipulative or aggressive behavior is toA. allow the client s favorite nurse to be her primary counselor.B. sedate(镇静剂) the client with medication at signs of aggression.C. set clear limits on the client s behavior.D. tell the client that his behavior is disruptive(捣乱的) to other clients.护理专业英语试题:阅读理解Airplane Hooligans (流氓)Air rage is now a major concern following moves by airlines to draw up a passenger blacklist after a number of violent in-flight incidents. German flight attendants report that one thing is certain, with the growth in air travel the number of in-flight violent incidents is also increasing. Otto Ziegelmeier, Director of the Independent Flight Attendants Organisation (UFO) reports that the range of incidents by people described as unruly passengers varies from racist remarks all the way to fistfights on board.A security expert for a pilots association agrees that it is a serious problem. British Airways registered 260 incidents in 1997, four times the figure of three years earlier. There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously.While a number of foreign airlines are starting to take action against unruly passengers, the topic is not taken too seriously in Germany. Flight attendants and pilots groups feel that airlines, out of concern for their reputation, are covering up the problem. For example, Lufthansa officials speak only of some isolated incidents and say that so far there have been no serious cases reported. Compared to the total number of air travelers, unruly passengers remain a small minority. But then, a single passenger can become a security hazard if he starts to play with the doors, tries to force his way into the cockpit or secretly smokes a cigarette in the toilet.Experts say that often the fear of flying is a cause of aggressive behaviour. Usually alcohol plays a role because in the extremely low humidity of the airplane it has a much greater effect than on the ground. In many cases, when flight attendants deny a passenger another drink, there is a heated reaction. In one instance, a man struck a stewardess so violently in the face that she suffered a broken jaw.Airlines often have problems with business passengers because they are always used to being in control. However, as one airline official stated, but up in the sky, it s the pilot who s in charge. Other agencies agree that many business passengers have a problem with following someone else s instructions. He said that American Airlines has even observed that the majority of unruly passengers are to be found in the first-class and business-class sections.How do airlines deal with these passengers? A pilot for a German charter airline once had to deal with a group of 10 to 15 vacationers who were dancing through the aisle while carrying a portable stereo playing loud music. He warned the vacationers that if he was forced to make an unscheduled stop inNew York, it would cost them $25,000. That quickly calmed them down. British Airways has begun warning passengers that they would be banned from flying with the airline after two incidents.43. According to the text, making racist remarks to other passengers is a form of air rage.护理专业英语试题题目与答案护理专业英语试题:单选题1.We didn t want to get in trouble, _____ we parked in the lot around the corner.A. soB. butC. becauseD. although2. Are you and Richard in the same apartment building? No, we _____.A. isn tB. weren tC. areD. aren t3.My brother is studying hard to be _____.A. writerB. writeC. a writerD. writes4.If you _____ faster, we could have turned in the project before the deadline.A. workB. had workedC. have workedD. working5.She has computer class _____ noon.A. withB. atC. onD. in6.My family and I _____ through the desert on our last vacation.A. driveB. drivesC. drivingD. drove7._____ time do you spend on your homework every day?A. How muchB. How wellC. How oftenD. How long8.What programs _____? He mostly uses Microsoft Word and Excel.A. is he usingB. does he useC. he usedD. he use9.Since they changed jobs, their life _____ been much easier.A. areB. wasC. hasD. had10. Is that Martin s new car? Yes, it s _____.A. himB. himselfC. hisD. he11. What television shows did you watch when you were a child? I _____ watch comedies .A. wasB. likedC. used toD. did12.My _____ usually goes to the office on foot.A. best friendB. best friendsC. best friend sheD. best friend is13.If we _____ some more money, we could go away this weekend.A. are havingB. haveC. hadD. would have14.We went to the doctor _____ she couldn t seem to get rid of her cold.A. soB. forC. thatD. because15.The secretary asked me _____ I wanted to meet with.A. whoB. howC. whyD. when16.If you feel full, don t _____ any more of that pizza.A. ateB. eatingC. eatD. eats17. I forgot my keys on the desk. _____ giving me a lift home?A. Could youB. Can youC. Will youD. Would you mind18.My classmates and I enjoy doing similar things. _____ favorite activity is going cycling.A. OurB. WeC. UsD. They19.Amy lives in Thailand now. She _____ at a large university there.A. teachB. taughtC. is teachingD. teaching20.She always gets good evaluations. She must be _____ employee in the company.A. the most valuableB. more valuableC. the valuableD. valuable21.Has he ever _____ to swim?A. learnedB. learnC. learningD. learns22.When I last saw them, my sisters were on their way _____ the mall.A. onB. inC. atD. to23.I want to send the Smiths an email. Do you have _____ email address?A. theyB. themC. theirD. there24.The movie was over before we had time _____ the plot.A. for understandB. to understandC. understandingD. understand25._____ was a big parade in front of the university campus.A. TheirB. TheyC. TheseD. There26.My teacher was living in Dubai when she _____ her future husband.A. will meetB. metC. was meetingD. meets27.Before _____ a decision on what to order, John asked the waiter for hisrecommendation.A. makeB. madeC. makingD. being made28.There isn t _____ milk left. I need to go out and get some.A. manyB. someC. noD. any29.If you don t slow down, you _____ have a heart attack.A. wouldB. willC. canD. should30.The project was _____ complicated than they had expected.A. soB. mostC. moreD. too31.My father is a surgeon. _____ works in a hospital.A. ItB. FatherC. HeD. She32.If you _____ eating so much junk food, you ll lose weight.A. stoppedB. stopC. might stopD. are stopping33. A 65-year-old male is admitted to your unit. He says, My wife and I have notbeen apart for 45 years . Your best response would beA. It must be difficult for you to be separated from her.B. Your wife will be able to visit you every day.C. You ll be fine once you get adjusted to the hospital routine.D. Your time in the hospital will pass very quickly.34. A client recently diagnosed with lung cancer says to the nurse, I m still going tosmoke . The nurse s best response to this client would beA. I can t believe you would still want to smoke.B. When did you start smoking?C. Let s talk more about this.D. I m sure your family will be upset.35. A client brought to the emergency department appears very anxious and tearful.The nurse s best response would beA. I m sure you have been in the hospital before.B. There is really nothing to worry about.C. I know this is frightening for you.D. The hospital really isn t so bad.36. A newborn died from an intraventricular hemorrhage(颅内出血). Which of the following responses would be most appropriate for the nurse to make to the mother?A. Well at least your baby is with God now and is not suffering from braindamage.B. Would you like for me to be with you while your hold your baby?C. I know that it does not seem possible right now, but you can get pregnantagain.D. Just try to think about how wonderful your pregnancy was.37. Which of the following statements, if made by a patient who has terminal cancer,demonstrates the stage of bargaining as described in the theory of death and dying?A. I know I m going to get better.B. I have put my financial affairs in order.C. I do not understand why this happened to me.D. I plan to be around until my grandson s graduation.38. A nurse is assessing the stoma(人造孔) of a client after a urethrostomy(尿道造口术). Which of the following would the nurse expect to note?A.Pale.B.Red and moist.C.Dry.D.Dark-colored.。



护理专业英语高燕王晶晶版的答案1、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *A. pleasure(正确答案)B. pleaseC. pleasedD. pleasant2、Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot. [单选题] *A. becauseB. soC. but(正确答案)D. unless3、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)4、_______, making some DIY things is fashionable. [单选题] *A. Stand outB. In ones opinionC. In my opinion(正确答案)D. Out of fashion5、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up6、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *A. How much(正确答案)B. How longC. How manyD. How soon7、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts8、We were caught in a traffic jam. By the time we arrived at the airport the plane _____. [单选题] *A. will take offB. would take offC. has taken offD. had taken off(正确答案)9、When we take a trip,we usually have to _______ a hotel. [单选题] *A. takeB. stayC. book(正确答案)D. bring10、In 2019 we moved to Boston,()my grandparents are living. [单选题] *A. whoB. whenC. where(正确答案)D. for which11、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)B. mustC. shouldD. would12、--What’s your _______, Jim Green?--Jim. [单选题] *A. full nameB. first name(正确答案)C. last nameD. family name13、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke14、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check15、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)16、Look! There are some boats ______ the river.()[单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. overC. betweenD. in17、I think you should buy this novel. It is really worth _____. [单选题] *A. reading(正确答案)B. being readC. readD. to read18、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new19、I saw the boy _______?the classroom. [单选题] *A. enter intoB. enter(正确答案)C. to enter intoD. to enter20、In the closet()a pair of trousers his parents bought for his birthday. [单选题] *A. lyingB. lies(正确答案)c. lieD. is lain21、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges22、17.Joe is a good student and he is busy ______ his studies every day. [单选题] * A.inB.with(正确答案)C.byD.for23、If you know the answer, _______ your hand, please. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put downC. put onD. put in24、The bookstore is far away. You’d better _______ the subway. [单选题] *A. sitB. take(正确答案)C. missD. get25、You should stick to your()and tell him you won' t do the thing. [单选题] *A. principle(正确答案)B. qualityC. contactD. influence26、I _______ to the tape yesterday evening. [单选题] *A. lookB. listenC. listened(正确答案)D. hear27、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)28、She is _______, but she looks young. [单选题] *A. in her fifties(正确答案)B. at her fiftyC. in her fiftyD. at her fifties29、Li Jing often helps me ______ my geography.()[单选题] *A. atB. inC. ofD. with(正确答案)30、( ) What she is worried __ is ____ her daughter is always addicted to chatting online./; that [单选题] *A /; thatB of thatC about that(正确答案)。









例如,“cardiovascular system”(心血管系统)、“neurotransmitter”(神经递质)、“antibiotic”(抗生素)等等。




















全国医护英语等级考试三级简介全国医护英语等级考试(National English Test for Medical Professionals,简称NEMT)是国家教育部主管的,针对医务人员的英语语言能力考试,旨在提高医务人员的英语语言水平,促进医务人员国际交流与合作。
















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”Nurses agree the definition from WHO, that is “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.疾病是健康连续过程的中断,通过机体各部分、器官和系统的异常和紊乱表现出来Disease is an interruption in the continuous process of health, manifested by abnormalities or disturbance in the structure and function of body parts, organs or systems.健康促进是一个促使更好的控制和改善其健康状况的过程,其主要目的在于挖掘健康潜力,维持身体的平衡。

Positive health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their own health, aimed primarily at improving health potential and maintaining health balance. 护理程序是组织护理活动的一种方法,包括脑力和体力的活动The nursing process is a method for organizing nursing actions involving both intellectual and physical activities.护理程度具有系统性,要求护士具备解决问题、批判性思维、决策制定的能力,以及识别病人健康状况的基本的护理知识。

The n2ursing process is a systematic process and requires problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making , and a substantial knowledge basis to identify the status of client.护理诊断是陈述护士确立的并有能力解决的有关病人现存的或潜在的健康问题Nursing diagnosis is a statement of an actual or potential health problem that a nurse is licensed and competent to treat.病人的健康状况会随着时间的变化而有所变化。

所以护理计划和护理措施也必须进行相应的调整The client’s health status may change with time. So it is necessary to revise the nursing plan and nursing intervention accordingly.健康的定义既包含了健康定性的方面有包含了其定量的方面;即健康既可以用数字测量,又可用生活满意度、希望、个人和社会目标等因素进行测量This definition of health is both qualitative and quantitative; health is measured both in numbers and by factors such as satisfaction with life, hope, and personal and social goals.健康教育是一个集知识、心理和社会各方面因素为一体的过程,通过一系列的活动,以提高人们做出有利于个人、家庭和社区健康有关活动的决策能力。

Health education is a holistic process with intellectual, psychological, and social dimensions relating to activities that increase the abilities of people to make informed decisions that affect their personal, family, and community well-being.健康教育的目的是实现许多健康目标,包括个体及家庭的发展、康复、知情同意、应对和自我护理。

The purposes of health education are to reach a number of health goals, including individual and family development, rehabilitation, informed consent, coping, and self-care.康复是一个动态过程,它有计划地适应生活方式的改变,是对疾病或外伤事故所致的意外改变的反应Rehabilitation is a dynamic process of adaptive change in lifestyle in response to unplanned change imposed on the individual by disease or traumatic incident.影响压力源强度的因素有:压力源本身的强度、压力源的持续时间、个体应对压力的经验、个体对压力源重要性的感知,已经十分还存在其他的压力。

Factors affecting the impact of stressor are its magnitude or strength, its duration, the person’s prior experience with the stressor, the perceived significance to the individual, and the presence of additional stressor.循环负荷过重Circulatory overload输血液制品需要做血型测定和交叉配血Administration of blood products need typing and cross-matching由于成分血只向受血者提供需要的血液成分,这就使得较少的献血者能够满足更多人的需求,同时降低受血者由于输血引起的并发症,如血液传染性疾病和循环负荷过重Because blood products give the only needed elements to the recipient, this practice makes it possible to provide more needs with fewer donations and to decrease the risk of complication, such as blood carried disease and circulatory overload, to the recipient.呼吸机是用来供给病人氧气并帮助病人呼出二氧化碳的The ventilator is used to supply oxygen and help the patient to exhale carbon dioxide.插管Intubate intubation CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation除非病人气道的开放性受到威胁(需要立即进行吸痰外),吸痰前请仔细评估病人Carefully assess the patient before you proceed with suctioning unless the patency of the patient’s airway is threatened.心脏骤停是指心输出量的突然中止,如果循环和氧供得到迅速恢复,这一过程是可逆的。

Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of cardiac output, which is potentially reversible with prompt restoration of circulation and oxygen delivery.严格的说,基础生命支持是正对心脏急症实施抢救的第一步,包括识别心脏骤停,救治呼吸以及胸部按压。

Strictly defined, basic life support is the initial phase of emergency cardiac care, including recognition of cardiac arrest, delivery of rescue breathing (ventilation), and chest compressions (circulation)高级生命支持包括基本生命支持,心电图监测,心率的确认,通过插管、除颤和药物治疗而恢复血液动力学的稳定。

Advanced cardiac life support including BLS, ECG monitoring, rhythm identification, and restoration hemodynamic stability through intubation, defibrillation, and pharmacologic therapy. 请注意他的病情变化,并密切观察他的意识、生命体征、中心静脉压和尿量的变化Please pay attention to the changes of his conditions, and keep close observation of his consciousness, vital signs, CVP, and urine output.疼痛引起的恐惧和焦虑会降低个人的疼痛阈值和忍耐力,从而降低他/她应对疼痛的能力。

Fear and anxiety about pain decrease an individual’s threshold and tolerance for pain, which reduces his/her ability to cope with the pain.了解病人对疼痛刺激的反应可帮助护士更好的评价病人的疼痛程度,制定出有效的护理策略来减轻病人的疼痛An awareness of the client’s usual response to painful stimuli enables the nurse to better evaluate the level of pain and facilitates the development of effective strategies to minimize the pain experience.对于遭受极度疼痛的临终病人来说,不必太担心药物的成瘾。
