
第27卷第2期CT理论与应用研究Vol.27, No.2彭秀华, 顾晓丽, 张士玉, 等. 三维动脉自旋标记技术评估正常人脑血流量的研究[J]. CT理论与应用研究, 2018, 27(2): 241-248. doi:10.15953/j.1004-4140.2018.27.02.12.Peng XH, Gu XL, Zhang SY, et al. The study of 3D-ASL in assessing cerebral blood flow in normal persons[J]. CT Theory and Applications, 2018, 27(2): 241-248. (in Chinese). doi:10.15953/j.1004-4140.2018.27.02.12.三维动脉自旋标记技术评估正常人脑血流量的研究彭秀华,顾晓丽,张士玉,梁宗辉(上海市静安区中心医院放射科,上海200040)摘要:目的:研究磁共振三维动脉自旋标记(3D-ASL)技术测量正常人的脑血流量的可行性、准确性。
采用常规MRI、ASL及3D T1序列进行检查,经图像后处理得到血流量(CBF)图,将CBF伪彩图与3D-T1序列相匹配,分别测量各部位的脑CBF值,利用方差分析法分析CBF值与年龄、男女不同性别以及部位之间的关系。

ASL代表动脉自旋标记(Arterial Spin Labeling),是一种无创的核磁共振成像技术,用于测量脑组织的脑血流(CBF)。

D O I : 1 0 . 3 8 7 4  ̄ . i s s n . 1 6 7 4 — 1 8 9 7 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 1 . Z O 1 l 1
Ar t e r i a l s p i n l a b e l i n g : a d v a n c e s a n d i t s a p p l i c a t i o n i n i s e h e mi c c e r e b r o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e L UO Ha i l o n g , HUANG
n o n i n v a s i v e l y u s e d f o r p e r f u s i o n we i g h t e d i ma g e o r a n g i o g r a p h y . Ho we v e r , t h e s i g n a l - t o - n o i s e r a t i o o f AS L i s i n t r i n s i c a l l y l o w a n d i t i s i n t e fe r r e d b y a v a ie r t y o f f a c t o r s . I n r e c e n t y e a r s , a v a ie r d o f i mp r o v e d t e c h n o l o g i e s w i t h d i s t i n c t i v e a p p l i c a t i o n
国 际 医 学 放 射学 杂 志 I n t J Me d R a d i o l 2 0 1 4 J a n ; 3 7 ( 1 ) : 5 8 - 6 2

--磁共振动脉自旋标记技术在常见成瘾疾病中的研究进展张洁综述陈军审校【摘要】随着社会、经济的发展,成瘾疾病患病率逐渐升高$长期吸烟%饮酒、阿片药物及兴奋剂滥用成为全球关注的公共卫生问题&以往对成瘾疾病的脑灌注研究多采用PET及SPECT技术,相比之下,动脉自旋标记技术(ASL)具有无创%易操作%、低成本等优点,成为对成瘾患者进行横向或纵向研究的有工具$本文就磁共振ASL技术在常见成瘾疾病中的研究应用进行综述$【关键词】动脉自旋标记;磁共振成像;成瘾;脑灌注;慢性酒精依赖;阿片依赖;兴奋剂;吸烟吸毒和酗酒对健康、经济和社会造成的不良全球关注的问题,在全球残疾调整寿命年中,0.8%的总病酒精叫美国成瘾医学会提出成瘾患者具有难以中,「求药物,情绪失常,行为自,人际关叫随着影像技术的发展,成瘾的神经化学及神经生PET发射型计层摄影术(single photon emission computed tomography,SPECT)进研究,并发滥用药物之在相大多的成瘾疾病多以心理学为进,经生物学对成瘾疾病的&相PET及SPECT技术,动脉自旋标记技术(arterial spin labeling,ASL(作为一种无需使用对剂的MR灌注成像方法,能在个体水平供定量的灌注测量值,对成瘾患者在治疗期间区域灌注变化进行监测,从而个体化的给予,有助于减轻戒断症状,遏制患发&此外其无创、易操作、、低成本、成像较快优点,便于对成瘾患进研究,适合中枢经系统成瘾性物质的磁共振成像研究,动态研究成瘾物质如何改变大脑灌注状态,进改变神经元活动,以及对神经功能的影响,探讨治疗药物对成瘾疾病的相关区域脑功能的变化及治效果的评估&文将对磁共振ASL技术在常见成瘾疾病中的研究进展予以/述&ASL原理及分类动脉自旋标记是利用动脉血中水分子作为示踪剂的无创MR技术,通过采集两次数据,生成一对标记像及控制像,标记像中磁化的血液水质子在进入感兴趣组织之前通过施加高频脉冲来反转进行标记,控制像中磁化后的血液水质子未进行反转⑷,之将标记像与对照像进剪影即得到灌注像,由于灌注像号,多次采集进平均,得到最终的脑血流图⑸。

闭塞组35人 闭塞组37个病灶(一个病人 有多个部位阻塞)
多部位损伤 多部位狭窄(数据没有还原)
方法:对171名患者进行MRA、SWI、ASL 、Flair图像分析,以MRA为一般标 准,用配对卡方检验来比较SWI、ASL在定位血管闭塞中的敏感性。 图像分析的要求: 所有的图像经肉眼分析以下方面:(1)DWI图像上弥散障碍的部位、大小, 是否为多发(2)FLARI图像中血管或损伤部位信号(3)SWI磁敏感血管征象 (4)MRA中血管狭窄或闭塞(5)ASL明亮血管影 MRA一旦显示出血管狭窄或闭塞,就能确定其位置.根据ASL明亮血管出现, 分析阻塞或狭窄部位如下:(1)近端(2)远端或(3)近端或远端的阻塞部位。
入组标准及方法 搜集了从2014年1月到2014年4月被怀疑急性脑卒中度患 者的MRI图像。其中117名患者的磁共振图像有病灶。54 名患者被排除的原因有以下几点:⑴无ASL图像⑵图像质 量差(采集时间不足或有伪影)(3)颅脑外血管阻塞, 而没有足够的血管标记。因此,117名患者被纳入研究范 围。
ASL明亮血管征象在急性脑卒中患者定位闭塞血管的应用 Bright Vessel Appearance 明亮血管征象 ??
背景: 一些研究表明,动脉自旋标记(ASL)灌注加权成像(PWI)可以检测在急 性脑卒中低灌注及灌注–扩散不匹配现象。比起灌注磁共振成像,动态磁敏 感造影灌注成像有良好的相关性。 最近,在工作中,动脉自旋标记(ASL)灌注加权成像(PWI)被加入到评估 急性脑卒中中,随着应用的逐渐增多,我们遇见急性脑卒中病人,用ASL明 亮血管可以找到其梗塞部位。据我们所知,ASL的敏感性在急性脑卒中的应 用尚未阐明。因此,这项研究的目的是:评估是否可用ASL明亮血管征象定 位急性脑卒中闭塞的血管。

动脉自旋标记在神经系统疾病诊断中的临床应用孙文静;付旷;孙媛芳;赵明【摘要】中枢神经系统疾病是危害人类健康的一大因素,组织灌注异常是诸多疾病的病理基础.利用磁共振(MR)灌注成像可了解脑组织局部血液动力学及功能变化,对临床诊疗均有重要参考价值.动脉自旋标记(arterial spin labeling,ASL)技术最早在1992年提出并在动物实验中采用[1],随后于1994年将该项技术初步应用于人脑灌注研究[2].ASL技术是磁共振灌注成像中两大技术之一,因其具有非侵袭性、无放射性、重复性好的优势,逐渐广泛地应用于临床.现就ASL技术在中枢神经系统疾病诊断中的临床应用进行综述.【期刊名称】《临床荟萃》【年(卷),期】2011(026)023【总页数】4页(P2107-2110)【关键词】神经系统疾病;磁共振成像;诊断【作者】孙文静;付旷;孙媛芳;赵明【作者单位】哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院磁共振室.黑龙江哈尔滨150086;哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院磁共振室.黑龙江哈尔滨150086;哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院磁共振室.黑龙江哈尔滨150086;哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院磁共振室.黑龙江哈尔滨150086【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R742中枢神经系统疾病是危害人类健康的一大因素,组织灌注异常是诸多疾病的病理基础。
动脉自旋标记(arterial spin labeling,ASL)技术最早在1992年提出并在动物实验中采用[1],随后于1994年将该项技术初步应用于人脑灌注研究[2]。
1 ASL简介1.1 基本原理 ASL成像的内源性对比剂为磁标记的动脉血,内在示踪剂为流动血液中的水分子,对成像层面近端施加非选择性的反转脉冲,使血液中的质子磁化矢量反转,经过一定的反转恢复时间(inversion time,TI),微血管中已经标记的质子与组织水中的质子进行交换,导致局部组织纵向弛豫时间的缩短,所得图像为标记像。

动脉自旋标记磁共振(asl)的神经放射学家指南概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本文将介绍动脉自旋标记磁共振(ASL)的神经放射学家指南,并对其进行解释说明。
ASL 技术通过无需注射造影剂,利用水分子中带有自旋的核磁共振信号进行非侵入性窥视,从而实现对脑血流情况的直接观察和定量测量。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为5个部分。
1.3 目的本文旨在为神经放射学家提供一份关于动脉自旋标记磁共振(ASL)技术的指南,帮助他们理解和运用该技术,并推动其在神经放射学研究和临床实践中的广泛应用。
同时,通过对ASL技术原理、临床应用和使用指南等方面进行详细阐述,也可以向其他相关专业人员传递有关这一新兴技术的知识,促进多领域间在ASL 技术研究和应用上的合作与交流。
2. 动脉自旋标记磁共振(asl)的神经放射学家指南2.1 什么是动脉自旋标记磁共振(asl)动脉自旋标记磁共振(Arterial Spin Labeling, ASL)是一种非侵入性的神经成像技术,用于测量和衡量脑组织中的局部血流情况。

它也应用了hadamard 编码的原理,即将信号与一组特定的编码序列相乘,从而得到多个线性组合的测量结果。
具体来说,动脉自旋标记hadamard编码的成像过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 动脉自旋标记:通过特定的脉冲序列来标记感兴趣区域中的动脉自旋,使其产生特定的信号。
2. hadamard编码:利用hadamard编码的技术,对标记后的动脉自旋进行编码,得到一组测量结果。
3. 信号解码:利用hadamard变换的逆变换,对得到的测量结果进行解码,得到原始的动脉自旋信号。

结论 3.0磁共振动脉自旋标记(ASL)技术应用于中枢神经系统疾病影像诊断中有很高的诊断价值。
关键词:中枢神经系统疾病(CNS);磁共振动脉自旋标记(ASL)技术;磁共振灌注加权成像(PWI) ;阿尔兹海默病(AD);短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA) 随着日新月异各种医学影像检查技术在临床疾病中广泛应用,尤以功能磁共振新技术为著:磁共振波谱成像(MRS)、弥散加权成像(DWI)及灌注加权成像(PWI)均已经大力应用于临床工作之中,尤以对中枢神经系统疾病诊断具有很高的实用价值。

里 } 学 射 分 oi ec ic lil aogaF cl2 6 e 2 ( : 43 夕 J 墨 ! 旦 学 册F en daSe e CnaRdli a i 0 S ; 5 3 ~ 6 r M ilcn s i i c sc 0 p 9 ) 5 5 g c ol e
AS L成像原理及 方法
A L 指利用 选择性的反转脉 冲标记供血动 S是 脉 中的水质子 , 当标记的水质子流到毛细血管床和 细小 静脉 水 平 时与 组织 中 的水 质 , 。 这种变化反映了组织局 部 的血流量( 即灌注) 此方法用磁化标记的水质子 。
放 射 技 术 学
动脉 自旋标记在 MR灌注成像中的研究进展
第二 军 医大学附属长征 医院影像科
范 丽 综述
摘要 关键词
( 0 0) 2 03 0
刘 士远 肖湘 生审校
随着 MR成像技术 的不断改进 ,动脉 自旋标记技术作 为一种 MR灌注成像新方 法 已得 到应 用。它具 磁共振成像 ;灌注 ;动脉 自旋标记
n t giv r o e oey F I ) U F I F I E a n es nrcv r, A R 、 N A R、 A R R、 i n i
F I E T及 B S AR S A E等 ; 非对称式包 括 : 信号靶 向交 替 射 频 (i atreigaent grdo f q ec , s nlagt l ran i-r uny g n t i a e
有无创性、可重复性 高和组织对比度较好的优点, 目前 已初步应用于脑、肾、肺及心脏等组织器官的灌注成像研究。
M R灌注成像是指利用快速扫描技术显示组织 的微血管分布及血液灌注情况 , 提供组织 的血流动 力学信息 , 从影像学角度评估组织活力和功能的成 像方法。 目 , R灌注成像方法有 3 : 前 M 种 ①扩散性


《3D ASL技术在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后侧支循环中的价值研究》篇一一、引言近年来,随着医疗科技的发展,血管疾病在临床上的诊断与治疗都得到了极大的改善。
为此,三维动脉自旋标记(3D ASL)技术作为一种新型的医学影像技术,已经在该领域中发挥了重要作用。
本文旨在探讨3D ASL技术在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后侧支循环中的价值。
二、3D ASL技术概述3D ASL(三维动脉自旋标记)技术是一种基于磁共振成像(MRI)的血管成像技术。
三、研究方法本研究采用3D ASL技术对前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄患者进行血管成像,并对其后侧支循环进行评估。
研究对象为确诊为前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄的患者,通过3D ASL技术获取其血管图像,并对其后侧支循环的血流情况、代偿能力等指标进行分析。
四、研究结果通过3D ASL技术获取的血管图像清晰显示了前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄患者的血管结构及血流情况。
研究发现在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后,3D ASL技术能够更准确地评估后侧支循环的血流情况及代偿能力。
与常规影像学检查方法相比,3D ASL技术具有更高的敏感性和特异性,能够更早地发现后侧支循环的异常情况。
五、讨论本研究表明,3D ASL技术在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后侧支循环中具有重要价值。
同时,由于3D ASL技术无需使用外源性造影剂,无创、无辐射,使得患者接受度更高。

磁共振动脉自旋标记成像在阿尔茨海默病脑血流灌注的研究张娜;樊东升【期刊名称】《神经损伤与功能重建》【年(卷),期】2013(008)002【摘要】目的:应用全脑3D 伪连续动脉自旋标记(pcASL)磁共振成像技术对阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者的脑血流灌注特点进行初步研究.方法:16例AD患者(AD组)和16例年龄匹配的认知功能正常老年人(对照组)进行核磁共振形态学和ASL 灌注成像检查.利用SPM8 软件对获得的脑血流图像进行预处理并统计分析,比较2组的脑血流灌注差异,并探讨AD患者的脑血流特点.结果:与对照组相比,AD组内侧颞叶萎缩明显,双侧额颞顶枕血流灌注普遍减低(P<0.001),主要累及左侧额叶、右侧眶额下部、右侧海马旁回、双侧顶叶下部、右侧顶叶上部、右侧缘上回、右侧楔前叶、右侧中扣带回、左侧中央后回、右侧颞叶中部(P=0.000).经部分容积校正后,AD组双侧颞叶及顶枕交界区脑血流灌注明显减低(P<0.001).结论:3DpcASL通过测定脑血流可以监测AD 患者脑功能变化.%Objective: To investigate cerebral blood flow (CBF) characteristics in patients with Alzheimer' s disease by using a whole-brain 3D pseudocontinuous arterial spin-labeling technique. Methods: Sixteen AD patients and 16 age-matched cognitively normal control subjects were studied at 3.0T MR system. CBF maps were preprocessed by SPM8 software and compared by two-sample t test between the AD and control groups. Results: Patients with AD showed lower CBF values compared with that in control group throughout the brain (P<0.001), most prominently in the following regions: frontal lobe (L),inferior orbitofrontal (R), parahippocampal (R), inferior parietal (R and L), anterior parietal (R), supermarginal (R), precunei (R), middle cingulated (R), postcentral (R) and middle temporal (R) (P=0.000). Regarding partial volume effects, corrected CBF in patients with AD decreased obviously in bilateral temporal gyris and parieto-occipital border zones (P<0.001). Conlusion: 3D pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling imaging technique can monitor brain function by measuring CBF changes in patients with AD.【总页数】5页(P109-113)【作者】张娜;樊东升【作者单位】北京大学第三医院神经内科,北京,100191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R741;R741.04【相关文献】1.应用动脉自旋标记技术分析阿尔茨海默病脑血流灌注成像的研究 [J], 张世娟;王志群;梁佩鹏;赵志莲;卢洁2.三维动脉自旋标记成像技术下的阿尔茨海默病病人脑血流灌注特征分析 [J], 肖铮;刘树学;洪云恒;曹明明;陈菁3.磁共振动脉自旋标记灌注成像技术及其评价缺血性卒中患者脑血流灌注的研究进展 [J], 王敏;王宝军;刘国荣;李玮4.基于磁共振动脉自旋标记成像的首发精神分裂症脑血流灌注研究 [J], 折霞;何海宁;印弘;席一斌;刘康;杨小斌;杜萍5.结合氢质子磁共振波谱成像与磁共振动脉自旋标记技术对阿尔茨海默病早期诊断的应用研究 [J], 郑泽熙;马国林;邓明秀因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

《3D ASL技术在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后侧支循环中的价值研究》篇一一、引言随着医学影像技术的不断发展,非侵入性的诊断方法在神经血管疾病的诊断中显得尤为重要。
本文旨在探讨3D ASL技术在诊断前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄后侧支循环中的应用价值。
二、方法1. 研究对象本研究选取了近一年内,经临床和影像学检查确诊为前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄的患者共50例,年龄在40-75岁之间。
2. 技术方法使用高分辨率3D ASL技术进行影像学检查,包括采集动脉自旋标记数据和血管三维图像数据。
三、3D ASL技术在诊断中的应用1. 图像质量分析3D ASL技术能够清晰显示脑动脉的形态和血流情况,对前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄的定位和定性的准确性较高。
与DSA相比,3D ASL技术具有更高的空间分辨率和更低的噪声水平,使得图像质量更为优良。
2. 侧支循环评估3D ASL技术能够评估侧支循环的代偿情况,包括侧支血管的开放程度、血流方向以及流量大小等。
3. 辅助诊断和预后评估通过对患者的3D ASL图像进行分析,结合临床和实验室检查数据,可以为医生提供更全面的诊断信息,从而为制定个体化的治疗方案提供依据。
此外,3D ASL技术还可以用于评估患者的预后情况,为患者提供更为精准的康复指导。
四、结果1. 诊断准确性本研究中,3D ASL技术对前循环单侧脑动脉狭窄的诊断准确性达到90%。

v e r t e b r a [b o d i e s f r o m 2 7 s u b j e c s . Ea c h v e r t e b r a l b o d y wa s c o v e r e d b y o n e r e g i o n o f i n t e r e s t( R0I )a n d t h e o r i g i n a l i ma g e s
邢栋 , 查 云 飞 ,李 勤祥 ,闫力永 , 龚 威 ,王 克军
【 摘要】 目的 : 分析 动 脉 自旋 标 记 ( AS L ) 与 动 态 对 比 增 强 MR I ( D C E — MR I ) 脊 柱 骨 髓 灌 注 成 像 参 数 间的 相 关 性 , 探 讨
A S L测 量脊 柱 骨 髓 血 流 灌 注 的 可 行 性 。方 法 : 对2 7位 志 愿 者 的 5 4个 腰 椎 椎 体 行 AS L及 D C E — MR I 扫描 , 将 原 始 图像 传
【 关 键 词 】 磁 共振 成 像 ; 灌 注 ;动 脉 自旋 标 记 ; 动 态对比增强 ; 脊 柱 骨 髓 【 中 图 分 类 号 】R4 4 5 . 2 【 文 献标 识 码】A 【 文章 编 号 】1 0 0 0 — 0 3 1 3 ( 2 0 1 4 ) O 3 一 O 3 1 8 一 O 5
we r e a l l r e p r o c e s s e d wi t h F u n c t o o l a n d Ci n e t o o l a t AW 4 . 4 wo r k s t a t i o n。 r e s p e c t i v e l y . Th e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t we e n t h e b l o o d

( De p a r t me n t o f Ge n e r a l I n t e r n a l Me d i c i n e, Aff i l i a t e d Xu a n wu Ho s pi t a l o f C a p i t a l Me d i c a l Un i v e r s i t y, Be i j i n g 1 0 0 0 5 3, Ch i n a )
脑 结 构 和 功 能 的 改 变 密切 相 关 。
关键词 : 阿 尔茨 海 默 病 ; 自旋 标 记 物 ; 血液灌 注; 磁 共振 成 像
Ap pl i c a t i o n o f a r t e r i a l s p i n l a be l i ng t e c h ni qu e i n c e r e b r a l p e r f u s i o n i ma g i n g o f p a t i e n t s wi t h Al z he i me r d i s e a s e
Ab s t r a c t : Ob j e c t i v e To s t u d y t h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f p u l s e d a r t e r i a l s p i n l a b e l i n g ( PAS L)t e c h n i q u e i n
中 华老 年 心脑 血管 病 杂 志 2 0 1 3年 1月 第 l 5卷 第 1 期
Ch i n J Ge r i a t r He a r t B r a i nVe s s e l D i s , J a n 2 0 1 3 , Vo l 1 5 , No . 1
兔软组织VX2肿瘤的3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像研究的开题报告

兔软组织VX2肿瘤的3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥
针对兔软组织VX2肿瘤的3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像的研究,可以为临床肿瘤的诊断提供更加全面和精确
本研究旨在利用3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像技术对兔软组织VX2肿瘤的成像特征进行分析研究,以期能够为临床肿瘤的诊断和治
2、建立3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像的成像方案,进行实
本研究通过对兔软组织VX2肿瘤的3T MR动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像数据的分析,得出有关肿瘤生长速率、血流灌注量等相关参数,为肿瘤的早期诊断和治疗提供有效的参考和建议。
同时,本研究为3T MR 动脉自旋标记灌注和弥散成像技术的应用提供了实验数据和研究方法,为未来相关研究提供参考和借鉴。

动脉自旋标记序列对前列腺癌血流灌注无创定量测量的可行性研究张晓东;蔡文超;王晶;张珏;杨学东;王霄英【摘要】Objective:The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of arterial spin labeling (ASL)se-quence for non-invasive quantitative measurements of prostate blood flow (PBF)in prostate cancer.Methods:Whether the measurement of PBF by FAIR-SSFSE-ASL can reflect prostate blood flow changes induced by prostate cancer in 1 5 prostate cancer subjects (confirmed by biopsy)with a mean age of 70.9 years was evaluated.Moreover,different levels of inversion times (TI= 1000,1200,1400 and 1600ms)were utilized to obtain the optimal time ofthe inflow of labeled blood into pros-tate on the estimation ofPBF.Results:The estimated PBF was (52.04±8.69)ml/min/100g in the prostate normal region, and significant increase of PBF in the prostate cancer region was (79.28±28.89)ml/min/100g (P<0.01 at optimal TI), reflecting an increase of blood flow in the prostate cancerregion.Conclusion:In summary,we have demonstrated that non-in-vasive quantitative measurement prostate blood flow can be obtained using an FAIR-SSFSE-ASL sequence.The measure-ment can reflect the expected prostate perfusion changes induced by prostate cancer.%目的:探讨基于流动敏感交替反转恢复标记技术(FAIR)结合单次激发快速自旋回波(SSFSE)成像技术的动脉自旋标记(ASL)序列无创定量测量前列腺血流灌注(PBF)的可行性。
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TECHNICAL NOTEA comparative study between arterial spin labeling and CT perfusion methods on hepatic portal venous flowYoshiaki Katada •Toshiro Shukuya •Miho Kawashima •Miwako Nozaki •Hiroshi Imai •Takeshi Natori •Masaya TamanoReceived:16April 2012/Accepted:20August 2012ÓJapan Radiological Society 2012AbstractPurpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and potential usefulness of unenhanced mag-netic resonance (MR)hepatic portal perfusion using arte-rial spin labeling (ASL)among healthy volunteers and hepatocellular carcinoma patients.Materials and methods The five healthy volunteers underwent unenhanced MR perfusion with inversion time 2(TI2)values at 500-ms intervals between 2,000and 4,000ms,and the 12patients underwent unenhanced MR perfusion using ASL and computed tomography (CT)perfusion during superior mesenteric artery (SMA)por-tography.The regions of interest were placed in both the right and left lobes of the liver or both the right anterior and posterior segments of the liver and were placed over the tumor if a lesion was located within a particular perfusion study slice.Results In the healthy volunteer study,perfusion rate in hepatic parenchyma showed a peak at the TI2value of 3,000ms (254.3ml/min/100g ±58.3).In patients,a fair correlation was observed between CT and MR perfusion (r =0.795,P \0.01).Conclusion Our results demonstrate a significant fair correlation between unenhanced MR hepatic portal perfu-sion imaging using ASL and CT perfusion during SMA portography.Keywords Arterial spin labeling ÁLiver portal perfusion ÁUnenhanced MRI ÁCT perfusion ÁMR perfusionIntroductionHepatic blood flow has been evaluated using various methods based on advances in imaging modalities,such as ultrasonography (US),computed tomography (CT),and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)[1–3].Various meth-ods of independently investigating portal and hepatic arterial blood flow in the liver have been studied [1–3].CT perfusion imaging during superior mesenteric arterial (SMA)portography and hepatic arteriography can be used to quantify pure arterial and portal blood perfusion [4,5],although these examinations are highly invasive.Unen-hanced MR perfusion imaging using the arterial spin labeling (ASL)technique was introduced to quantify per-fusion in the brain [6–8],and several researchers have already reported that unenhanced MR perfusion using ASL is a promising tool for noninvasive estimation of perfusion in various organs,including brain and kidney [9–11].The portal vein shows relatively slow flow,and in normal breathing synchronization timing,labeled portal blood does not reach hepatic parenchyma.For accurate quantificationY.Katada (&)ÁT.Shukuya ÁM.Kawashima ÁM.Nozaki Department of Radiology,Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital,2-1-50,Minami-Koshigaya,Koshigaya,Saitama 343-8555,Japan e-mail:yoshiaki@dokkyomed.ac.jpH.ImaiSiemens Japan K.K.,Takanawa Park Tower,3-20-14,Higashi-Gotanda,Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 141-8644,Japan T.NatoriSecond Department of Surgery,Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital,2-1-50,Minami-Koshigaya,Koshigaya,Saitama 343-8555,JapanM.TamanoDepartment of Gastroenterology,Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital,2-1-50,Minami-Koshigaya,Koshigaya,Saitama 343-8555,JapanJpn J RadiolDOI 10.1007/s11604-012-0127-yof portal perfusion,we introduced and evaluated a two-respiration interval method.Only a few reports have been published of unenhanced MR perfusion imaging of the liver using ASL[12,13],and pure hepatic portal perfusion imaging has not been previously reported.Hence,the purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and potential usefulness of unenhanced MR portal perfusion imaging using a1.5-T device and the ASL technique by comparing results with CT perfusion imaging during SMA portography and to test the data acquisition technique during a two-respiration interval.Materials and methodsHealthy volunteer study for reproducibility assessmentIn September2010,unenhanced MR portal perfusion imaging studies were performed infive healthy male vol-unteers(mean age30years).All were instructed to breathe normally during the scanning.Sequence parameters are described below in the‘‘MRI protocol and application of unenhanced MR portal perfusion imaging’’section.For the purpose of determining the optimal inversion time2(TI2) for measuring hepatic portal perfusion,a series of TI2 values at500-ms intervals from2,000to4,000ms were used,and repetition time(TR)and echo time(TE)were minimum values for all TI2values.Patient study for comparison with CT perfusionduring SMA portography in patients with liverfibrosisBetween October2010and December2010,unenhanced MR portal perfusion imaging studies were performed in30con-secutive patients.This study was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki).Institutional review board approval and written informed consent from all the patients were obtained before patient registration.All patients were instructed to breathe normally during the scanning.Of these 30patients,12underwent CT perfusion during SMA por-tography before transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),and these12patients(nine men,three women)with a mean age of66.5(range 53–81)years were enrolled.All patients had HCC with liver cirrhosis(Child-Pugh A in nine and B in three),and the cause of chronic liver disease was viral in ten(hepatitis type C in eight and type B in two)and unknown in two patients. MRI protocol and application of unenhanced MR portal perfusion imagingEach examination was conducted with the individual in the supine position;a 1.5-T MRI system(MAGNETOM Avanto;Siemens Medical Systems,Erlangen,Germany) equipped with a phased-array coil was used for all exam-inations.MRI sequence for ASL was as follows:syngo ASL imaging application software,quantitative imaging of perfusion using a single subtraction,and second version (QUIPPS II)with thin-slice TI1periodic saturation (Q2TIPS)[6,14].This ASL imaging application software was adopted as a single-compartment model,and perfusion calculations were performed with an assumed T1of blood (T1B)of1,200ms.Signal difference D M(control-tag)is proportional to bloodflow in the below equation:D M¼M0BÁfÁTI1ÀM0Bð1À2expÀTI2/T1B½ ÁqÞfÁTI1 D M¼2M0BÁfÁTI1ÁexpÀTI2=T1B½ Áqand relative bloodflow was summarized by the following equation:f¼½D M=M0B exp TI2=T1BðÞ=2tÁqwhere M0B is fully relaxed magnetization of arterial blood, f is the bloodflow in milliliters of blood/milliliters of issue/ minute,q is a correction factor that accounts for a shift in the T1decay of the tag due to exchange of tagged spins from blood into tissue,and t is duration time of tag.The ASL parameters were as follows:2D echo-planar imaging (EPI)with a respiration trigger;TR)/TE=3,303.4(mini-mum)/21ms;field of view(FOV)380mm975.4% (286.7mm);104986imaging matrix; 3.793.7mm voxel size/10-mm slice thickness(four slices);distance factor20%;flip angle(FA)90°;fat suppression with a chemical-shift selective(CHESS);TI1=1,000ms;satu-ration stop time=2,000ms;TI2=3,000ms;flow limit 5cm/s;measurement,31times;parallel imaging(iPAT) generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA);EPI factor78;bandwidth2,090Hz/pixel;echo spacing0.58ms;data acquisition time1min52s.The labeling area was defined as an oblique rectangular area covering the mesenteric and portal venous area,and the celiac trunk was excluded to avoid mislabeling as hepatic arterial blood.In patients with anomalous right hepatic artery originating from SMA,the labeling area was set on the distal side to the right hepatic artery to avoid misla-beling.This labeling area is shown diagrammatically in Fig.1a,and a respiration trigger image is shown in Fig.1b.CT perfusion during SMA portography and CTAP protocolsA4-F catheter(CHC-A;Terumo-Clinical Supply,Gifu, Japan)was inserted into the SMA.CT perfusion during the SMA portography protocol consisted of20ml of diluted contrast medium[10ml of iopamidol(Iopamiron300; Bayer,Germany)and10ml of sterilized saline solution]Jpn J Radiolinjected at a rate of 5ml/s via a catheter placed in the SMA.CT images were acquired during the 50-s period starting immediately after the beginning of contrast med-ium injection.During the procedure,all patients received nasal oxygen inhalation at 4L/min to prevent motion artifacts arising from insufficient breath-holding [5].Three-slice cine CT images were acquired at 120kV,100mA,and 1.0s/rev,followed by image reconstruction at 1.0-s intervals and a slice thickness of 8mm.Data were trans-ferred to a workstation for analysis using commercially available CT perfusion analysis software (syngo Body Perfusion;Siemens),which uses the maximum-slope method to analyze hepatic blood flow.All contrast medium injections were performed using a power injector.Statistical analysisTo evaluate reproducibility of this perfusion technique,intraclass correlation coefficients of the variable TI2values were calculated to estimate blood flow values in the five healthy volunteers.Regions of interest (ROIs)were placedin almost the same area for all TI2values.To determine the relationship between pure portal blood flow data for CT perfusion and the same for MR perfusion using ASL in patients,ROIs were placed in almost the same area between CT and MR perfusion studies,and this area encompassed the liver tumor (if the tumor was located in the perfusion study slices).ROIs were placed in liver parenchyma in both right and left lobes or in both right anterior lobe and posterior lobe to avoid blood vessels.As a rule,ROIs of he liver parenchyma were at least 100mm 2in size.The significance and strength of relationships examined in this study were expressed using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r )and regression line slope.Agreement between different perfusion methods was assessed with the Bland–Altman method [15].Statistical analyses were performed using a commercially available software package (IBM SPSS Statistics version 19;IBM Inc.).A p value \0.05was regarded as significant.ResultsMR portal perfusion imaging was successfully obtained in all healthy volunteers and patients,with no adverse events or technical failures during image acquisitions (Fig.2a,b),and CT perfusion during SMA portography was also suc-cessfully performed (Fig.2c).Among the healthy volun-teers,hepatic parenchyma perfusion rate was very high [3,000(mean 254.3ml/min/100g ±58.3)or 3,500(230.8ml/min/100g ±93.0)ms](Fig.3).At shorter TI2values,the portal branch itself exhibited very high signal intensity and the hepatic parenchyma relatively low signal intensity.This means that labeled portal blood reached the portal branch but not the hepatic parenchyma,and an accurate assessment of portal perfusion was not achieved using shorter TI2values.Longer TI2values tended to result in higher blood flow measurement,and the standard deviation (SD)also tended to increase at TI2values of C 3,500ms.Blood flow data for variable TI2was signifi-cant (P \0.05).The error bar graph is shown in Fig.3.In the patient study,correlation between the pure liver portal blood flow data obtained using CT perfusion and that using MR perfusion was significant.A simple logistic regression model yielded a significant linear regression (r =0.795,P \0.01),as shown in Fig.4a.A strong cor-relation (r =0.672,P \0.01)was also found in a sub-group of ROIs without an HCC lesion (n =24),as shown in Fig.5a.According to Bland–Altman plot analysis,mean differences and limits of agreement were 83.80ml/min/100g (limits of agreement -78.78,237.82)for all ROIs,as shown in Fig.4b,and 114.76ml/min/100g (limits of agreement 0.03,229.49)for ROIs without HCC,as shown in Fig.5b.This analysis shows an overestimationofFig.1a Labeling area (shaded area ).Celiac trunk was excluded from the labeling area.b Respiratory trigger display beling pulse occurred at the onset of the first exhale phase;data was acquired during the late phase of the second exhale phaseJpn J Radiolhepatic portal perfusion volumes using MR perfusion compared with hepatic portal perfusion volumes using CT,and the variability of the difference is decreased with increasing magnitude of measurements.DiscussionMR perfusion is usually performed using the dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)method,which involves contrast medium [1,4].However,following introduction of the ASL method [6–14],MR perfusion can be performed without the use of a contrast medium,but only parameters reflecting relative blood flow can usually be obtained.In comparison with CT perfusion,MR perfusion using ASL can be performed without radiation exposure,but the latter method is not yet capable of accurate quantifications that take into account the effectiveness of transit time.MR perfusion using the Look-Locker sequence,known as quantitative signal targeting by alternating radiofrequency pulses (STAR)labeling of arterial regions (QUASAR),enables quantification of cerebral blood flow using a deconvolution method [16].The liver has a dual blood supply comprising hepatic arterial and portal flow,and various methods have been proposed to visualize these two blood supplies separately.However,only CT perfusion during SMA portography and during hepatic arteriography are capable of accurately analyzing pure portal and arterial blood perfusion of the liver [4,5].These methods are highly invasive compared with CT or MR perfusion using contrast medium via an intravenous injection [1–3].Furthermore,unlike measuring brain perfusion,measuring liver perfusion can be influ-enced by respiration,making a good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)difficult to obtain [17].In ASL,water in the blood itself is used as an endoge-nous tracer,allowing perfusion assessments without the risk of nephrotoxicity.One drawback of ASL,however,is the relatively long acquisition time due to patientbreathingFig.2A 78-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma compli-cated by mild liver cirrhosis.a Blood flow map of magnetic resonance (MR)perfusion using arterial spin labeling (ASL).b True fast imaging with steady-state precession (FISP)image of the same slice of the MR perfusion map.c Blood flow map of computed tomography (CT)perfusion during superior mesenteric artery (SMA)portography.CT perfusion image shows an axial plane;MR perfusion and True-FISP images show an oblique axialplaneFig.3Data from five healthy volunteers.An inversion time 2(TI2)value of 3,000ms resulted in the highest hepatic portal flow;a TI2value of 3,500ms resulted in a wider variation of valuesJpn J Radioland the relatively poor spatial resolution compared with contrast-enhanced perfusion studies.Nevertheless,the fact that perfusion studies can be performed without using contrast media is a major advantage of ASL.Portal blood flow is relatively slow and steady,with a value of about 20cm/s [18],which has been a major obstacle to per-forming accurate portal perfusion studies.Portal blood labeled within mesenteric and splenic veins reached the main portal branch about 1,000–1,200ms after the labeling tag pulse and was perfused to liver parenchyma within a few seconds [18–20].This slow and steady portal blood flow led to a long TI2time,and this long TI2made it difficult to obtain complete data acquisition during one respiration interval.In our study,we introduced data acquisition during an interval of two respirations to cope with the long TI2time.The introduction of this two res-piration interval technique enabled good liver perfusion of the labeled portal flow.The TI2value of 3,000ms used in this study required a TR value of 3,300ms,and this long TR value required data acquisition over tworespirationFig.4a Correlation between liver portal blood flow data obtained using computed tomography (CT)perfusion and magnetic resonance (MR)perfusion for all regions of interest (ROIs).Dotted lines show 95%confidential intervals (CI).b Bland–Altman plot of agreement between CT and MR perfusion for all ROIs.Dashed lines represent mean differences ±2standard deviations (limits of agreement -78.78,237.82)Fig.5a Correlation between liver portal blood flow data obtained using computed tomography (CT)perfusion and magnetic resonance (MR)perfusion for regions of interest (ROIs)without hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Dotted lines show 95%confidential intervals (CI).b Bland–Altman plot of agreement between CT and MR perfusion for ROIs without HCC.Dashed lines represent mean differences ±2standard deviations (limits of agreement 0.03,229.49)Jpn J Radiolintervals.Our methods reduced the measurement value to 31times,compared with an original of81times,to reduce respiratory motion artifacts.According to results,our method enabled unenhanced portal perfusion images of people with healthy livers and patients with mild hepaticfibrosis to be obtained,and a fair correlation(r=0.795,P\0.01)was observed between unenhanced MR perfusion and CT perfusion during SMA pared with previous methods of liver perfusion,our method has several advantages:First,it does not require contrast media.Second,although accurate quantification remains difficult,only this ASL method using a two-respiration interval technique can obtain a pure liver portal perfusion image,compared with CT and MR perfusion with contrast media via an intravenous injection. The low spatial resolution perfusion image obtained using our method is comparable with that obtained using CT perfusion;however,the perfusion defect areas of the liver tumor can be evaluated in patients with mild to moderate liverfibrosis(Child–Pugh class A and B).In patients with severe liverfibrosis,such as Child–Pugh C,however,our method of obtaining liver portal perfusion images had a very low success late(data not shown).Portal bloodflow and volume of the severefibrotic liver tissue was remark-ably reduced compared with values for healthy liver,and mean transit time was also greatly extended.These factors made accurate evaluations of liver portal perfusion diffi-cult,as a longer TI2time was required and the labeled blood signals were greatly weakened,resulting in a poor SNR.Our study had several limitations:First,the cohort was small,evaluating two groups:healthy volunteers and HCC patients with mild to moderate liverfibrosis.Second,CT perfusion used the maximum-slope method,and various methods used to quantify liver perfusion are controversial.A dual-input one-compartment model method was pro-posed by Materne et al.[21],and significant linear corre-lations were observed between perfusion parameters obtained in the maximum-slope and dual-input one-com-partment model methods except for hepatic arterial perfu-sion with arterial injection[22].Kanda et al.[2]showed the mean hepatic portal perfusion with venous bolus injection using the maximum-slope method was significantly lower than that of the dual-input one-compartment model,and we may have underestimated hepatic portal bloodflow. However,our CT perfusion during arterial portography was adopted using intra-arterial bolus injection via SMA, and the bolus of the portalflow was sharp compared with an aortic injection[22].Third,the study was conducted as a technical development research,and various parameters of our ASL application software were suitable only for brain perfusion study and adopted a single-compartment model.A two-compartment exchange model for perfusion quantification using ASL is now available,which corrects for the assumption that the capillary has infinite perme-ability to water[23,24].As the T1of blood is longer than the T1of tissue,signal decay will be slower than predicted by the single-compartment model,causing perfusion overestimation[23,24].We adjusted some parameters to make the method more suitable for liver portal perfusion studies,and according to the Bland–Altman plot analysis, our unenhanced perfusion method may contain systematic error.In the brain,perfusion is overestimated by approxi-mately60%in white matter for typical human perfusion rate at1.5T with a measurement time of3s using the single-compartment model.T1value of liver parenchyma was about600ms at1.5T[25],and this value gives sig-nificant overestimation because there is a larger difference between blood and liver parenchyma T1values[23,24],as is the case with white matter.However,T1values of liver are close to the T1value of white matter,and this may be one advantage for determining whether the application for the brain may be applicable to that of liver parenchyma. Although the development of our method is ongoing and in was necessary to adjustment various parameters,further study and development of MR imaging technologies will resolve this problem.Our perfusion method may require further optimization to ensure that quantitative data on pure hepatic portal bloodflow is accurate.In the brain,quanti-tative data on cerebral bloodflow can be obtained,but similar mathematical calculations and assumptions are not applicable to liver portal perfusion studies.However,the pure portal bloodflow data obtained using CT and MR perfusion were significantly correlated.Forth,a TI2value of3,000ms weakened blood labeling compared with results in brain perfusion studies.However,the magnitude of liver portal perfusion was much higher than that for brain perfusion,and signal intensity was also higher than that for brain perfusion.Finally,our method did not con-sider the effectiveness of transit time.As mentioned earlier, respiratory liver movement has been a major barrier to the introduction of the Look-Locker sequence,taking into account the focal transit time difference.In this study,liver portal perfusion was influenced by TI2value,but portal perfusion data for CT and MR perfusion using a TI2value of3,000ms exhibited a fair linear correlation.Despite the limitations,our study demonstrated that unenhanced MR portal perfusion imaging using ASL and a two-respiratory interval technique in individuals with healthy livers and HCC patients with mild to moderate hepaticfibrosis was significantly correlated with the results for CT perfusion during SMA portography.This perfusion method,which does not require the use of contrast media, is a noninvasive MR perfusion technique that may offer great potential as an alternative imaging method for pure liver portal perfusion.Jpn J RadiolAcknowledgments We thank Tsubasa Kaji,Siemens Japan K.K., for technical assistance.References1.Pandharipandle PV,Krinsky GA,Rusinek H,Lee VS.Perfusionimaging of the 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