

案例讨论 “燕舞”今非昔比_市场营销学_[共2页]

案例讨论  “燕舞”今非昔比_市场营销学_[共2页]









到20世纪90年代中期,江苏燕舞电器集团下辖18个企业,其核心企业江苏燕舞电器集团有限公司(以下简称燕舞)拥有职工4500人,其中各类技术人员800人,固定资产2亿元,厂房12万平方米,拥有进口、国产仪器、设备3000多台套,具有年产150万台收录机、组合音响,10万台空调器、 20万台汽车收放机、300万张激光唱片、影碟的生产能力。







三洋 MCD-BB838M收录音机 说明书

三洋 MCD-BB838M收录音机 说明书


1. 應依照使用說明書操作本機,並遵守說明書內之所有警告。

2. 本機不能置於潮濕及可能被水濺濕的地方使用,例如:浴缸、臉盆、廚房洗滌水槽、 洗衣機附近、地下室或游泳池旁等。

3. 本機不能置於灰塵太多的地方。

4. 本機應避免陽光直射,並遠離散熱器、調溫器、火爐或其他會產生熱量之裝置(包括擴大器)。

5. 本機放置位置請勿太靠近電視、電腦、錄影機及行動電話,以免遭受干擾。

6. 本機只可與使用說明書內或機身上所示之電源類型接連。

7. 不可擺放重物於本機上。

8. 使用本機的溫度範圍是5~35℃9. 請以說明書內所推薦之方法清潔本機。

10. 長期不使用本機時,應將其電源線插頭從電插座上拔出。

11. 慎防雜物或液體從機身開口處進入機身內部。

12. 當本機出現下列情況時,應請專業的維修人員進行維修。

A. 故障或插頭受損。

B. 雜物或液體落入本機內。

C. 受到雨淋。

D. 無法正常操作或性能出現明顯變化。

E. 不慎跌落或外殼受損。

13. 用戶請採用說明書內所述之方法維修本機,其他方面之維修請由專業之維修人員處理。

56CD/MP3CD電台電台指針匣匣7電池盒提把耳機插座A. 安裝電池(未隨機附)的方法:1. 打開電池盒,依照盒內的正負極極性標示,放入6枚2號電池。

2. 將音量調小使用可延長電池使用壽命。


3. 舊電池會漏液腐蝕機器,故請勿將舊電池留在機器內。

4. 以電池為電源時,AC 交流電源線必須拔離機體。

5. 當音量變小或幾乎聽不到聲音時,請更換所有的電池。

放入6枚2號的電池B. AC交流電源的使用:1. 將隨機附之交流電電源線尾端插入本機背面的交流電 (AC)插座,另一端則插入室內供交流電 (AC 110V) 插座中。


AA 1103 數碼錄音筆使用說明书说明书

AA 1103 數碼錄音筆使用說明书说明书

按”FOLDER”取消 A-B 播放,回到正常播放狀態.
播放狀態下,按 “T-MARK”設置第一個書簽/標記,再次按“T-MARK” 設置第二個,第三個....
一直到第 10 個書簽/標記(一個錄音文件最多可以設置 10 個書簽/標記).
播放狀態下,長按”T-MARK”可以查看所有的書簽/標記, 按

錄(如圖 5)。
Fig5 3. 錄音 程中,按 “REC”键暫停錄音 4. 再按“REC”键重新 始錄音 5. 按“ ”键停止錄音
5.1. 顯示剩餘錄音时間: 在停止模式中按“STOP ”键,存儲器顯示剩餘錄音時間小時和分鐘。
5.2.電話錄音: 按下圖方式連接線路,按“REC"開始電話錄音,錄音與播放方式和正常錄音一樣:
– 不重複播放 –全部重複播放 – 重複播放一個
出现速度調整界面(如上圖) ”選擇“重複一”,“全部重複”,“不重複”,
6.4.1 A/B 重複播放:
在播放狀態,按“FOLDER”這時 閃爍,代表設置重複開始點.再按”FOLDER”一次, 代表設置
重複终點. 停止閃爍,這時播放會由開始點和终點直接重複播放五次後會自動取消。再
數碼錄音筆 AA 1103
Fig1 2. :
A. 放入兩 3A 電池插槽. “POWER”向下滑動電源開關,並保持 3 秒鐘,屏幕顯示“ON”。(如
圖 2)
Fig4 A. 如要關機,再次 “POWER”向下滑動電源開關, 並保持 3 秒鐘,直至屏幕顯示“byE”
(只需 10 秒不按任何鍵,將自動進入待機模式)。(如圖 4).



Power Supply General Operation/ RadioUsing AC power1Check if the power voltage,as shown on the type plate located on thebottom of the set,corresponds to yourlocal power supply.If it does not,consultyour dealer or service center.2If your set is equipped with a voltage selector,adjust the selector so that itmatches with the local mains.3Connect the power cord to the ACINPUT inlet and the wall socket.The power cord is now connected and ready for use.4T o switch the set off completely,withdraw the power cord from the wall socket.5Install the unit near the AC outlet and where the AC power plug can be easily reached.•Disconnect the mains lead from the wall socket to protect your set during heavythunderstorms.Children could seriouslyinjure themselves as the free end of thecable may still be live if only the connector is removed from the MAINS socket at the back of the unit.Helpful hints :T o avoid unnecessary energy consumption,always adjust the Sourceselector to TAPE(OFF)after using theset.Also check that the tape deck keys arereleased.The type plate is located on the bottom of the set.General operationSwitching on and off and selectingfunctions1T o switch on,push the Source selector slider to TAPE or RADIO as desired.2T o switch off,push the Source selector to TAPE/OFF and check the cassette keysare released.Helpful hints:–To change from T APE to RADIO,or when you are switching off the set:first make sure you press the STOP•EJECT9/key to end playback and all the cassette keys are released.Adjusting volume•Adjust the volume with the VOLUME control.Radio reception1Adjust the Source selector to RADIO. 2Adjust the Band selector to select your desired waveband,MW,SW1,SW2or FM. 3Turn TUNING to tune to a station.-FM STEREO lights up when receivingstereo FM reception.-When receiving SW,you may also useFINE TUNING rotary to fine tune to astation.4T o switch off the radio,adjust the Source selector to TAPE(OFF)position.To improve radio reception:•For FM,SW2,extend and turn the tele-scopic antenna for best reception.Reduce its length if the signal is too strong.•For MW,SW1,the set uses a built-in antenna.Direct this antenna for best recep-tion by turning the whole set.T ape operation/recordingPlaying a tape (Cassette A or B)1Push the Source selector to TAPE2Press STOP•EJECT9/to open the cassette holder and insert a cassette and close the deck.3Press PLAY 1to start playback.4T o pause playback press PAUSE;.T o resume,press the key again.5By pressing F.F/REW5 or6,fast forwading/ rewinding of the tape ispossible in both directions.T o stop fastwinding,press 9//.6T o stop the tape,press 9//.Helpful hints:–During playback,the keys are automatically released at the end of a tape and the set isswitched off (unless PAUSE;mode has been activated.)–During fast forwarding/rewinding,the keys will not be released at the end of a tape.To switchoff the set,make sure the cassette keys arealso released.Non-stop playback from Cassette A to Cassette B1Push the Source selector to TAPE2Insert a cassette tape in both Cassette A and Cassette B,then close both decks.3Press PLAY 1on Cassette A to start play-back.4Press PLAY 1on Cassette B.•Cassette B is in standby for playback.5Cassette B playback will auto start when Cassette A comes to the end of the tape.•The playback will auto stop until the end of tape B.General information on recording •Recording is permissible insofar as copyright or.other rights of third parties are notinfringed.•For recording,use only NORMAL type cas-settes (IEC type I) on which the tabs havenot yet been broken.This deck is not suitedfor recording on CHROME (IEC II)orMETAL (IEC IV) type cassettes.•The best recording level is set automatically.Altering the VOLUME will not affect therecording.•T o protect a tape from accidental erasure, break out the tabs.If you wish to record again, cover the tabs with a piece of adhesive tape.Recording from the Radio(Cassette B only)1Select RADIO source.2T une to the desired radio station (see Radio reception).3Press9//on the Cassette B to open the cassette holder.Insert a blank tape and close the deck.4Press REC0to start recording.5For brief interruptions press ;.T o resume recording,press ;again.6T o stop recording,press 9//.Helpful hints:–When recording from radio stations,adjust DUBBING/BEAT CUT on the top panel to 1 or2,if necessary,to reduce interference.。



上个世纪80年代的电视广告词1、燕舞收录机广告内容:一个戴眼睛的小男生从屏幕中间冒出,喊出一句“哇~~燕舞收录机!”然后便载歌载舞起来“燕舞,燕舞,一曲歌来一片情~~~~~”那叫一个寒啊…… 我到现在还记得那旋律2、我们是害虫,我们是害虫,正义的来夫零,正义的来夫零,杀死,杀死!我小时候和小朋友玩,常在一起唱的歌就有这一首~~3、一个干渴的人走在沙漠里,忽然远方出现了幻觉,是海市蜃楼?不,是一部冰箱,男人跑到冰箱那里,拿出一瓶冰水浇在头上~~(没有医学常识,一般这样做的话一定会血管爆裂的),镜头一转,男人走出了沙漠。


——此为活力28全版!话说回来,如果不是因为合资失败,活力28可能要比雕牌还要强!5、印象最深的是:什么XXX 省优,部优,国优。




Yaesu IC-F9000系列手持式无线电产品说明书

Yaesu IC-F9000系列手持式无线电产品说明书

4-way navigation cross keypadThe 4-way cross keypad* on the front panel provides an intuitive user interface.* IC-F9011T/S and IC-F9021T/S only.Encryption button and3-position zone select switchOn the top of the radio, there is a toggle switch to turn the encryption on or off* and the 3 position switch allows you to quickly select an operating zone*.* According to the programming setting.Large dot-matrix displayThe IC-F9011T/S and F9021T/S have a large dot -mat rix display to show various operating status at a glance. At the bottom line of the display, t he key indicat or shows t he as-signed funct ions to the [I], [II] and [III] bu ons for more efficient op-eration.Slim dimensionsAt only 41.8 mm (1.65 in) thick, the IC-F9011 series is designed as a solid and ergo-nomic shape that will fi t comfortably in your hand.6 W RF output powerThe IC-F9011T/S/B provides 6 W* of high output power. The supplied 3040 mAh (typ.) Li-Ion bat t ery pack, BP-254, provides 9 hours* of operating time.* 5 W for IC-F9021T/S/B. Typical operation with Tx: Rx: standby=5:5:90.and t emporarily regroup memory chan-nels. Using the optional zone copy cable, memory channels in the tactical zone can be transferred from a master radio to other radios.Abundant scanning settingsThe dual priority scan monitors two primary channels alternately, while scanning other channels. The mode dependent scan func-tion automatically changes the scan list ac-cording to the operating channel. The talk back function with timer beep, TX channel and cancel channel settings allow you to preset the transmission channel when you push the PTT button during scanning op-eration or cancel the scanning.Optional Man Down unitWith the optional Man Down unit, UT -124R, the IC-F9011 series automatically sends an emergency signal when the radio is left in a horizontal position for a preset time.Other features• W ide frequency coverage • 512 channels/128 zones • Built-in audio compander*1• B uilt-in inversion type voice scrambler*1• VOX function for hands-free operation •O ptional waterproof speaker microphone, HM-184• T alk around function•C TCSS and DTCS encoder and decoder*1• DTMF autodial*1• 2-Tone encoder and decoder*1 and MDC 1200 compatible*1*1 Analog mode onlyInternal clock setting example1000 mW audio output powerThe built-in BTL amplifi er doubles the audio output power and delivers loud audio to re-ceive all calls under noisy environments. In addition, even when using an optional speaker microphone, t he BTL amplifier output is also available from the external accessory connector which increases the audio output via the microphone.IP67 dust-tight and waterproof protectionThe IC-F9011 series has dust -t ight and waterproof protect ion equivalent to IP67 and is tested to demanding MIL-STD 810 requirements. IP67 waterproof protection means t he IC-F9011 series can be sub-merged in 1 meter of water for 30 minutes. The radio can withstand rugged use even under harsh weather conditions.14-pin accessory connectorThe new 14-pin accessory connector en-hances the IC-F9011 series performance and capabilities. It has reserved pins for programmable key inputs.Tactical group functionThe tactical group function allows you to copy memory channels to the tactical zone1-1-32, Kamiminami, Hirano-Ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan Phone: +81 (06) 6793 5302 Fax: +81 (06) 6793 0013Count on us!www.icom.co.jp/world12421 Willows Road NE,Kirkland, WA 98034, U.S.A.Phone: +1 (425) 454-8155Fax: +1 (425) 454-1509E-mail: s ********************URL: Unit 1 / 103 Garden Road,Clayton, VIC 3168 Australia Phone: +61 (03) 9549 7500Fax: +61 (03) 9549 7505 E-mail: s *************.au URL: .auBlacksole House, Altira Park,Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 6GZ, U.K.Phone: +44 (0) 1227 741741Fax: +44 (0) 1227 741742E-mail: i *************.ukURL: Zac de la Plaine,1 Rue Brindejonc des Moulinais, BP 45804, 31505 Toulouse Cedex 5, France Phone: +33 (5) 61 36 03 03Fax: +33 (5) 61 36 03 00E-mail: i *******************URL: Ctra. Rubi, No. 88 "Edificio Can Castanyer" Bajos A 08174, Sant Cugat del Valles, Barcelona, SpainPhone: +34 (93) 590 26 70Fax: +34 (93) 589 04 46E-mail: i *****************URL: 39C Rennie Drive, Airport Oaks,Auckland, New Zealand Phone: +64 (09) 274 4062Fax: +64 (09) 274 4708E-mail: i ****************.nz URL: Glenwood Centre #150-6165 Highway 17A, Delta, B.C., V4K 5B8, Canada Phone: +1 (604) 952-4266Fax: +1 (604)952-0090E-mail: i******************URL:Y our local distributor/dealer:6F No. 68, Sec. 1 Cheng-T eh Road, T aipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.Phone: +886 (02) 2559 1899Fax: +886 (02) 2559 1874E-mail: s ******************URL:Rua Itororó, 444 Padre Eustáquio Belo Horizonte MG, CEP: 30720-450, Brazil Phone: +55 (31) 3582 8847Fax: +55 (31) 3582 8987E-mail: s *******************Communication Equipment Auf der Krautweide 2465812 Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany Phone: +49 (6196) 76685-0Fax: +49 (6196) 76685-50E-mail: i ******************URL: No.101, Building 9, Caifuxingyuan Park, No.188 Maoting Road, Chedun Town,Songjiang District, Shanghai, 201611, China Phone: +86 (021) 6153 2768Fax: +86 (021) 5765 9987E-mail: b ****************URL: Charges up to 6 battery packs.Charges the BP-254 in 4 hours (approx.).UT-124R MAN DOWN UNITUT-125 AES/DES ENCRYPTION UNIT UT-125 FIPS AES/DES ENCRYPTIONUNIT (FIPS version)UT -128 DESENCRYPTION UNITMULTI-CHARGERBC-121NSBC-157SDESKTOP CHARGER BATTERY PACK AND CASEBC-123SABC-119NSBP-254BP-237INTERNAL UNITSHS-95Behind-the-head typeHS-97Throat typeHS-94Earhook typeHEADSETS (VS-1MC or VS-4MC required)PTT/VOX UNITPTT SWITCH CABLEEither VS-1MC or VS-4MC is required when using any of these headsetsIcom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and/or other countries. AMBE+2 is a trade-mark and property of Digital Voice Systems Inc. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders. TM: A Certifi cation Mark of NIST , which does not imply product endorsement by NIST , the U.S. or Canadian Governments.SPECIFICATIONSGENERALFrequency coverage 136–174 MHz 380–470 MHz400–470 MHz450–520 MHzNumber of channels Max. 512 channels/128 zones T ype of emission 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E, 8K10F1E/F1D Channel spacing12.5/15/30 kHz 12.5/25 kHzPower supply requirement 7.2 V DC nominal Current drain (approx.) Tx HighRx Max. audioStand-by2.2 A (at 6 W)800 mA (Backlight off)300 mA (Backlight off) 2.1 A (at 5 W)800 mA (Backlight off)300 mA (Backlight off)Antenna impedance50 ΩOperating temperature range –30 °C to +60 °C; –22 °F to +140 °F Dimensions (W × H × D)(Projections not included)58.6 × 167 × 41.8 mm; 2.3 × 6.6 × 1.7 in(With BP-254)Weight (approx.)533 g; 1.17 lb (With BP-254)TRANSMITTER Output power6 W, 2 W, 1 W (Hi, L2, L1) 5 W, 2 W, 1 W (Hi, L2, L1)Max. frequency deviationMaximum pa t t ern±5.0/2.5 kHz (Wide/narrow)±2.85 kHz (Digital)Frequency stability ±1.0 ppmSpurious emissions 75 dB typ.80 dB typ. FM Hum and noise45/40 dB typ. (Wide/narrow)Audio harmonic distortion 2% typ. (40% deviation)Ext. microphone connector 14-pin multi-connector/2.2 k ΩRECEIVERSensitivity (Analog)(Digital)0.25 μV typ. (at 12 dB SINAD)0.30 μV typ. (at 5% BER)Adjacent channel selectivity(TIA/EIA603B) (TIA/EIA603) (digi t al)75/48 dB typ. (W/N)80/70 dB typ. (W/N)60 dB typ.75/50 dB typ. (W/N)76/70 dB typ. (W/N)60 dB typ.Spurious response 80 dB typ.Intermodulation 75 dB typ.Hum and noise 50/45 dB typ. (W/N)50/44 dB typ. (W/N)Audio output power 1000 mW typ. (at 10% distortion with an 8 Ω load)Ext. speaker connector14-pin multi-connector/8 ΩMeasurements made in accordance with TIA/EIA-102 (Digital), TIA/EIA-603B (Wide/narrow). All stated specifi cations are subject to change without notice or obligation. * 25 kHz bandwidth is no longer available for FCC Part 90 licensees for USA versions. Ask your dealer if you need 25 kHz bandwidth.Applicable U.S. Military Specifi cations & IP RatingMethod ProcedureLow Pressure 500.5I, II High Temperature 501.5I, II Low Temperature 502.5I, II Temperature Shock 503.5I-C Solar Radiation 505.5I Rain Blowing/Drip 506.5I, III Humidity 507.5IISalt Fog 509.5–Dust Blowing 510.5IImmersion 512.5I Vibration 514.6I Shock 516.6I, IVAlso meets equivalent MIL-STD-810-C, -D, -E and -F .Dust & Water IP67 (Dust-protection and waterproof protection)Supplied accessories: (May differ according to version)• Battery pack, BP-254 • Belt clip, MB-115• AntennaVHF & UHF P25 CONVENTIONAL & TRUNKED TRANSCEIVERSBattery packs and cases Type CapacityOperating Time*BP-254Rechargeable Li-ion 2900 mAh (min.)3040 mAh (typ.)9 hours (approx.)BP-237LR6 (AA) batteries × 6–* Tx: Rx: standby=5:5:90.BP-237 is IPX4 water resistant.Charges the BP-254 in 4 hours (approx.).OPTIONSSome options may not be available in some countries. Please ask your dealer for details.AD-118HM-184/H WaterproofOPC-1870Handheld to handheld cable OPC-1871Handheld to mobile cableSPEAKER-MICROPHONEZONE COPY CABLES ANTENNAS • FA-S25V : 136–148 MHz • FA-S65V : 148–160 MHz • FA-S66V : 160–174 MHz • FA-S30U : 380–430 MHz • FA-S58U : 430–470 MHz • FA-S75U : 470–520 MHzCUT ANTENNAS• F A-S67VC : 136–174 MHz • F A-S76UC : 380–520 MHz BELT CLIP• M B-115: Alligator type. Same as supplied.INTERFACE CABLE• OPC-1862:P C (USB) interface cable. CHARGER ADAPTER• AD-110: AD-110 charger adapt eris supplied wit h t he BC-119NS or BC-121NS.ACC ADAPTERVS-1MCVOX operation VS-4MC Manual PTT。





















R-05 WAVE MP3 录音机说明书

R-05 WAVE MP3 录音机说明书

The compact R-05 is easy to use, affordable, and packed with big-ticket features that raise the bar in its price class. Experience crystal-clear 24/96 capture, enhanced recording and editing features, and extended battery life (over 16 hours per charge). On stage, in rehearsal, at school, on the street, in the boardroom — whenever inspiration strikes, let the R-05 capture the moment with convenience and quality.Affordable Pocket Recorderwith Advanced FeaturesR-05WAVE/MP3 Recorder▼ High-quality stereo recording (24-bit / 96kHz) with the built-in stereo mic or external input▼Records directly to SD card with extended battery life (over 30 hours continuous playback, over 16 hours continuous recording)▼ Strong, attractive metallic exterior▼ Onboard editing functions; built-in reverb▼ Music-practice features (change tempo without changing pitch, loop playback, etc.)▼ Auto record start, auto song split, auto level adjust ▼ Pre Record function (captures 2 seconds of audio that precedes pressing REC)▼Use as a high-quality portable audio player (playsWAV and MP3 files)▼ Windscreen and tripod mount included R-05 Specifications[Recorder Part] ■ Tracks 2 (stereo) ■ Signal Processing AD/DA conversion: 24-bit, 44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz ■ Data Type [For Recording] *Stereo only, <WAVE> Sampling Rate: 44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz, Bit Depth: 16/24-bit <MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)> Sampling Rate: 44.1/48 kHz, Bit Rates: 64/96/128/160/192/224/320 kbps <WAVE + MP3> Sampling Rate: 44.1/48 kHz, Bit Depth: 16-bit, Bit Rates: 128 kbps [For Playback] <WAVE> Sampling Rate: 32/44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz, Bit Depth: 16/24-bit <MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3)> Sampling Rate: 32/44.1/48 kHz, Bit Rates: 32 to 320 kbps or VBR (Variable Bit Rate) ■ Memory Card SD Card, SDHC format compatible [Input/Output] ■ Audio Inputs Internal Stereo Microphone, Mic input (Stereo miniature phone type, plug-in powered mic), Line input (Stereo miniature phone type), *The Internal/External Mic and the Line input can’t be used at the same time; only the Line input is effective. ■ Audio Output Phones (Stereo miniature phone type) ■ Nominal Input Level (Variable) Mic input: -33 dBu (MIC GAIN is H, Default input level), Mic input: -15 dBu (MIC GAIN is L, Default input level), Line input: -7 dBu (Default input level) ■ Input Impedance Mic input (MIC GAIN is H): 7 k Ω, Mic input (MIC GAIN is L): 5 k Ω, Line input: 8 k Ω ■ Output Level 20 mW + 20 mW (In case 16 Ω load) ■ Recommended Load Impedance 16 Ω or greater ■ Frequency Response 20 Hz to 40 kHz ■ USB Interface Mini-B type connector (support USB 2.0/1.1 mass storage device class) [Effects] (Playback only. Excludes playback in 88.2 kHz or 96 kHz.) ■ Reverb 4 types (Hall1, Hall2, Room, Plate) ■ Speed change 50 to 150 % of playback speed [Others] ■ Display 128 x 64 dot graphic display ■ Power Supply AC Adaptor, Alkaline dry battery LR6 (AA) type x 2 or Nickel Hydrogen battery (HR15/51) x 2 ■ Current Draw 290 mA (MAX) ■ Duration of continuous use with Alkaline battery operation: (These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.) Playback: over 30 hours, Recording: over 16 hours ■ Dimensions 59.6 (W) x 103.0 (D) x 25.0 (H) mm/2-3/8 (W) x 4-1/16 (D) x 1 (H) inches ■ Weight 140 g/5 oz (including batteries) ■ Accessories Owner’s manual, Quick start guide, SD card, Batteries (two AA), USB cable (mini-B type), Windscreen * 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms* The specifications are subject to change without notice.®ÊRecording Time (unit: minutes)* Each recording time is approximate. The times may change depending on the card specifications.* In case that there are plural files, the sum of recording time would be shorter than above.。

AOR AR8200手持便携式收音机操作说明书

AOR AR8200手持便携式收音机操作说明书

AR8200 SERIES II - hand portable radio receiver ADDENDUM (paperwork V1.0)Due to continuous development of our products, the AR8200 SERIES II has been developed which differs from the original AR8200 in a few areas, please note the following changes to the AR8200 operating manual:1 The front ‘ten-key’ keypad has been rearranged in line with customer requests placing the ‘0’ zero key underneath the ‘8’ eight key as standard practice with push button telephones. On page 9 section 1-5-1 of the English language operatingmanual, the graphic should now look like:2 The AR8200 SERIES II now features a built-in TCXO (Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator) in place of the reference crystal. This ensures the best levels of frequency stability and minimum spurii.3 In place of the previous rubber covered compact whip aerial is a telescopic whip on a swivel base. This provides the very best performance, especially on the VHF bands with the ability to adjust the length of the telescopic whip aerial to ‘peak’received signal strength (the higher the frequency, the shorter the aerial). An alternative flexible smaller whip aerial (DA900) is available as an option where durability and smaller size is important. Please refer to page 7 section 1-4 of the English language operating manual, line two of the table should now read “telescopic whip aerial”4 The relationship between level squelch and signal meter has been revised. This affects VFO SEARCH LEVEL SQUELCH (page 47 section 4-4-3 of the English language operating manual), SCAN LEVEL SQUELCH (page 68 section 7-8-2 of the English language operating manual) and PROGRAM SEARCH LEVEL SQUELCH (page 84 section 8-7-2 of the English language operating manual).In each case, the following table replaces that previously employed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 148 13 18 24 29 35 39 44 50 55 58 62 71 77The typical level at which the “«” legend will be extinguished is now in the region of 5 - 60.5 High capacity NiCads are supplied with the AR8200, to ensure that a completely full charge is established, please assume the full charge time of 14 hours, this replaces the reference to 12 hours given on page 19 section 1-6-4 of the English language operating manual.6 The design of the battery compartment and compartment cover has been revised to assist the easy replacement of batteries,refer to page 16 section 1-6-1 of the English language operating manual. The cabinet colour of the AR8200 has also been changed from green to black.®AOR LTD, 2-6-4 Misuji, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 111-0055, Japan Tel: +81 3 3865 1695 Fax: +81 3 3865 1697e-mail:*****************:。

Truline 录音机 Pen Arm 换装包装指南说明书

Truline 录音机 Pen Arm 换装包装指南说明书

Model DR4500 & DR4500A Truline RecorderPen Arm Assembly KitReplacement InstructionPen Arm Assembly 30756304-501(High Speed) Pen Arm Assembly 30756304-502 (Abrasion Resistant)Document NumberForm: 44-45-33-35Effective: 3/05Supersedes: 44-45-33-35 3/99SummaryEnclose with this instruction is a pen arm assembly for either your• DR4500 Recorder (Truline)• DR4500A Recorder (Truline)Users of DR4500A Truline Recorders with the Abrasion Resistant pen (white end on penassembly) must connect the pen motor to J5 on the Main processor circuit board if the unit has firmware revision 64 or higher. If the firmware revision is 63 or earlier, connect to J6.The firmware revision can be found on the label attached to component U18 on the Mainprocessor board.Removing the Existing Pen ArmTable 1 Procedure for removing the existing pen armStep Action1 Open the recorder door.2 Press the [CHART] key. The pen arm will move to its outer limit and stop. Prompt“CHT HOLD” will appear in the lower display.3 Remove power from the recorder.4 Loosen the captive screw on the right side of the chart plate and swing the plate out.5 Disconnect the stylus wires by removing the plug connector from J8 on the Mainprinted circuit board (just above the large capacitor near the bottom of the board -under alarm PCB, if supplied).6 Remove the screw that fastens the pen arm to the plastic sector gear on the servoshaft, and remove the pen arm with stylus wires from the shaft.Installing the New Pen ArmTable 2 Procedure for installing the new pen armStep Action1 Feed the stylus wires through the hole in the center of the sector gear. Place the penarm on the sector gear and fasten it with the screw provided with the pen assembly,but don’t tighten it completely.2 Be sure a chart is installed and swing the chart plate out.3 Use finger pressure on the sector gear to move the pen arm toward the chart hubuntil the sector gear comes to its limit stop.4 Close the chart plate. Rotate the pen arm on the sector gear so that the stylus (pentip) sets on the chart plate next to the chart hub but not touching the chart hub. Thentighten the screw holding the pen to the sector gear. Swing the chart plate out.5 Route the plug end of the stylus wires to connector J8 on the Main printed circuitboard. Secure the wires to other wires with wire ties.6 Close the chart plate and tighten the captive screw.7 Follow the next procedure to adjust the printing.Adjust PrintingTable 3 Procedure for selecting pen and trace informationCheck Pen AlignmentCheck the pen alignment by creating a chart. The base or bottom line of the created chart should not print over the word HONEYWELL logo on the blank chart. The base line of the created chart should not be further than 1/8th of an inch away from the HONEYWELL logo.ATTENTIONAdjustment is linear.If the printing is too dark, repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 in Table 3.If any other problem occurs, call Honeywell Technical Assistance Center1-800-423-9883。

Pioneer AVH-4200NEX 双层DVD播音收音机说明书

Pioneer AVH-4200NEX 双层DVD播音收音机说明书

Application operation screenAV operation screenPhone menu screenAV operation keyThe AV operation screen appears.12 Displays the source list.Recalls equalizer curves.Refer to Using the equalizer on page 50 Selecting a sourceSource on the AV source selectionTouching an item on the list allows you to narrow down the options and proceed to the next operation.Appears when all characters are not displayed on the display area.If you touch the key, the rest are scrolled for display.Appears when items cannot be displayed on a single page.Drag the slider bar or the list to view any hidden items. Operating the time bar6Displays the characters that are entered.Moves the cursor to the right or left for a number of charac-ters equivalent to the number of touches.Enters the characters in the text box.Deletes the input text to the left of the cursor one letter at a time. Touching and holding the key deletes the letters to the left of the cursor in rapid succession.*6Switches to the preset dial screen.Refer to Using the preset dial lists on page 15 Switches to the phone book list.Refer to Calling a number in the phone book on page 15Recalls the preset channel stored to a key from memory.Stores the current broadcast frequency to a key.iTunes® tagging indicator andiTunes® tagging song status indicatorHOLDPerforms manual tuning.Performs seek tuning or non stop seek tuning.Releasing the key in a few seconds, skips to the nearest station from the current frequency.HOLDSkips files forwardor backward.*2Switches between playback and pause.Audio source screen 2Sets a repeat play range.: Repeats the current disc.: Repeats the current track.Video source screen 1Performs fast reverse orfast forward.Touch again to change play back thespeed.Stops playback.Sets a repeat play range.: Repeats all files.: Repeats the current chapter.: Repeats the current title.*6Resumes playback (Bookmark). This function is available for DVD-Video. You can memorize one point as a Bookmark for a disc (up to five discs).Skips files forwardor backward. Switches between playback and pause.*4Switches the current music information display.Sets a repeat play range.or : Repeats all files.: Repeats the current folder.or : Repeats the current file.Sets a repeat play range.: Repeats the current file.: Repeats the current folder. or: Repeats all files.Touch again to change the playback speed.Performs fast reverse or fast forward.*4Switches between Sets a repeat play range.: Repeats all files.: Repeats the current folder.Plays files in random order.Touch again to change the playback speed.Performs fast reverse or fast forward.*4Switches betweenAudio source screen 1Switches between playback and pause.Skips files forward or backward.Audio source screen 2Sets a repeat play range.: Repeats all in the selected list.: Repeats the current song or video.Video source screenPerforms fast reverse orfast forward.Apple Music Radio screenSwitches between playbackand pause.Skips tracks forward.Displays the pop-up menu forApple Music Radio.Displays the current source.Displays the menu screen.Press the button twice to hide the App control side bar.123 Touch to mute. Touch again to unmute.Sets whether to switch the sound mix function on or off. Left tab:The audio mix function is enabled (mix on) and the App volume is displayed.Right tab:The audio mix function is disabled (mix off).21Touch to mute. Touch again to unmute.21Touch to mute. Touch again to unmute.Skips tracks forward.Switches between playback Gives a “Thumbs Up” to the playing track.Adds information for the track currently playing to bookmarks.*2Skips files forward or backward.Plays files in random order. Playback screen 2Sets a repeat play range.Switches between playbackand pause.Selects a file from the list.Performs manual tuning.Selects a channel directly.*2Skips broadcasting channels.HOLDDisplays the preset channels.Select an item on the list("1" to "6") to switch to the preset channel.Skips files forward or backward.132Continues playing the current scanning song or channel.Skips to the previous/next song during TuneScan™ or to the previous/next channel during category scan.Cancels scan play.Using TuneMix™A High Speed HDMI® Cable (sold separately) is required forconnection.Refer to Using an HDMI input on page 64You can set the screen size for the video image.Refer to Changing the wide screen mode on page 55 CAUTIONFor safety reasons, video images cannot be viewed while yourSwitches between the video inputand the sound input.A Mini-jack AV cable (CD-RM10) (sold separately) is required for connection.Refer to External video component on page 63You can set the screen size for the video image.CAUTIONFor safety reasons, video images cannot be viewed while your vehicle is in motion. To view video images, stop in a safe place and apply the parking brake.Starting procedure (for AVSelects a track.Turns on or off the MIXTRAXoriginal visual display. Switches between playback and Sets to the original BPM (Beats Per Minute).Specifies the playback portion.: Plays back a middle portion.Displays the Parking Assist screen. Displays the Climate screen.Vehicle Information screen Climate screenParking Assist screenDisplaying the setting screen for iDatalinkFunctions and displays vary depending on the connected type of iDatalink adapter and the vehicle model.Display the “System” setting screen.。

AOR AR8200 手持式收音机说明书 (2)

AOR AR8200 手持式收音机说明书 (2)

AR8200 Mk3 hand portable radio receiver ADDENDUM (paperwork V1.0)Due to continuous development of our products, the AR8200 has evolved into the Mk2 and Mk3 versions. As a result, operation differs from the original AR8200 in a few areas, please note the following changes to the AR8200 operating manual:1 The front ‘ten-key’ keypad has been rearranged in line with customer requests placing the ‘0’ zero key underneath the‘8’ eight key, as is standard practice with push button telephones. On page 9 section 1-5-1 of the English language operatingmanual, the graphic should now look like (the revised keypad has been used on the Mk3 and Mk2 versions):2 The Mk3 and Mk2 versions feature a built-in TCXO (Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillator) in place of the reference crystal. This ensures the best levels of frequency stability and minimum spurii.3 In place of the previous rubber covered aerial, a telescopic whip on a swivel base is supplied (Mk3 and Mk2 versions).The whip provides the very best performance, especially on the VHF bands with the ability to adjust the length of the telescopic whip aerial to ‘peak’ received signal strength (the higher the frequency, the shorter the aerial). An alternative flexible smaller whip aerial is available as an option where durability and smaller size is important. Please refer to page 7 section 1-4 of the English language operating manual, line two of the table should now read “telescopic whip aerial”.4 The relationship between level squelch and signal meter has been revised. This affects VFO SEARCH LEVEL SQUELCH (page 47 section 4-4-3 of the English language operating manual), SCAN LEVEL SQUELCH (page 68 section 7-8-2 of the English language operating manual) and PROGRAM SEARCH LEVEL SQUELCH (page 84 section 8-7-2 of the English language operating manual).In each case, the following table replaces that previously employed:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Mk2 8 13 18 24 29 35 39 44 50 55 58 62 71 77Mk3 7 15 18 24 28 31 42 50 59 64 72 80 85 89As a result, the typical level at which the “«” legend will be extinguished has changed.5 The batteries supplied with the AR8200 have been changed. To ensure that a completely full charge is established, please assume the full charge time as follows, this replaces the reference given on page 19 section 1-6-4 of the English language operating manual.AR8200NiCads, 700mAhr12 hour chargeMk2NiCads, 1000mAhr14 hour chargeMk3NiMH, 1500mAhr22 hour charge SEE OVER >>>®AOR LTD, 2-6-4 Misuji, Taito-Ku, Tokyo 111-0055, Japan Tel: +81 3 3865 1695 Fax: +81 3 3865 1697e-mail:*****************:The AR8200 receiver employs standard ‘AA’ size batteries, so a range of different types can be used (NiCad, NiMH, alkaline etc). For this reason, the charging circuit cannot be optimised for any one specific type. It is most important that you do not over-charge the batteries and do not keep topping them up without first running them down. If the batteries are flat, do not attempt to ‘charge and operate’ the radio for the first hour of charging, this would lead to an increase in internal heat generated by the AR8200. Do not connect an external power supply, mobile power lead or charger if dry / alkaline batteries are fitted.In order to provide the optimum level of charge and life-span from the MiMH batteries (Nickel Metal Hydride) supplied with the Mk3, use of a specialist dedicated external battery charger is recommended, they are readily available from electrical suppliers. The AR8200 is not designed to charge rechargeable alkaline batteries.6 The design of the battery compartment and compartment cover has been revised to assist the easy replacement of batteries (Mk3 and Mk2), refer to page 16 section 1-6-1 of the English language operating manual. The cabinet colour of the AR8200 was green, the Mk3 and Mk2 cabinet is black.7 The operation of LCD/keypad illumination has been revised in the Mk3 version, refer to page 106 section 14-2 of the English language operating manual. When operating from internal batteries with AUTO LAMP selected, the illumination will activate for a few seconds when the squelch first opens. This is very useful for identifying transmission at night-time without using up excessive power from the batteries.8 The frequency coverage of the Mk3 version has been extended to 3GHz, the specified range is now 530kHz to 3GHz with actual minimum frequency input of 100kHz.9 Refer to the following specification for the Mk3 version which replaces that printed on page 140 of the English language operating manual:Frequency Range:530 kHz to 3000 MHz (3GHz)** Cell blocked in the USA for FCC rulesReceive Modes:WFM, NFM, SFM, WAM, AM, NAM, USB, LSB, CWSensitivity:500 kHz ~ 1.9 MHz AM: 3.5 µV (10dB S/N)1.9 MHz ~ 30 MHz AM:2.5 µV (10dB S/N)30 MHz ~ 470 MHz AM: 1.5 µV (10dB S/N)NFM: 0.85 µV (12dB SINAD)WFM: 1.5 µV (12dB SINAD)470 MHz ~ 1040 MHz NFM: 0.9 µV (12dB SINAD)1040MHz ~ 2040 MHz NFM: 9.0 µV (12dB SINAD)2040 MHz ~ 3000 MHz NFM: 25 µV (12dB SINAD)Selectivity:SSB/NAM3kHz (-6dB) / 9kHz (-40dB)AM/SFM9kHz (-6dB) / 20kHz (-40dB)WAM/NFM12kHz (-6dB) / 25kHz (-40dB)WFM150kHz (-3dB) / 360kHz (-20dB)Aerial input:BNC nominal 50 OHMAudio output:120mW (8 OHM) THD 10%Input voltage:9 ~ 16V DCPower Consumption:190mA (nominal)Operating temperature:-5°C to +50°CDimensions:61(W) x 143(H) x 39(D) mm approx excluding projectionsWeight:340 g approx including batteries and aerialSpecifications subject to change without notice due to continuous development of the receiver. E&OE.。



178/03Radio Service Software Part No. Radio Cross-ReferenceRVN4106B 3.5“-10” PROD CONFIG TOOL RVN4126E 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICE RVN4177M 2-CD 2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN4182F 1-CD 2-3.5XTS3000/SABER (PORT)YES RKN4046AHVN9085B 3.51-20 RNO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057C 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUGNO 3080385B23 & 5880385B30MDVN4965C 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KIT RVN4085C 3.5ADVAN. SECUREMENT CIU NO 0180358A25RVN4053Q 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO 3080385B23RVN4184F 2-CD RKN4046A (Portable)2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES 3080369B73 or 0180300B10(Mobile)RVN4183F 1-CD 3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA (MOBILE)YES (Low / Mid Power)0180300B10(High Power)RVN4185G CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NOMANY OPTIONS; SEE SERVICE BRIEF #SB-MO-0101RVN4186G CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF #SB-MO-0101RVN4154J 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003D 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO 3080399E31 Adpt. 5880385B34RVN4083A 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171B 3.5C200RVN4029K 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL 6881121E49RVN4112E 3.5COMMAND PLUS NO RVN4149D 3.5COMTEGRAYES 3082056X02HVN6053D CD CT250, 450, 450LSYES AAPMKN4004RVN4079G 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES 3080070N01RVN4093F 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES 3080070N01RVN4091C 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES 0180358A22RVN4107B 3.5FORMSGEN 9100-11RVN4114A 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021A HVN8177F 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400 M10/12/130YES 3080070N01RVN4159A 3.5GP 60 SERIES YESPMLN4074AHVN9128D 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152C 3.5GP350 AVS RVN4150H 3.5GTXYES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile)HVN9025L CD HT CDM/MTX/ER SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081 Ribless AARKN4075Ribless non-USA,RKN4074RVN4047A 3.5HT 10YES RTK4208B RVN4021C 3.5HT 50YES RTK4208B RVN4005H 3.5HT 600YES RTK4205C RVN4031C 3.5HT 800YES RTK4205C RVN4098H 3.5HT/JT1000-VISARYES3080371E46 (VISAR CONV’L)RVN4151B 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098H 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000)HVN9084B 3.5i750YES HLN-9102A RVN4130D 3.5INFOTAC MESSNG’R EDITOR RVN4156N 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YESHKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile)RVN4087A 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135A 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includes HVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES 3080070N01RVN4023G 3.5MARATRAC YES 3080070N01RVN4019K 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES 3080070N01RVN4139C 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES 3080070N01RVN4043S 3.5MAXTRAC TRK””D.DUPLEX YES 3080070N01RVN4178ACDMC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTOR DDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN4027B 3.5MCR 1000180358A52RVN4175M 1-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS 2000 RKN4062B RVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011B 3.5MCX 1000YES 3000056M01RVN4063A 3.5MCX 1000 MARINE YES 3000056M01RVN4117C 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICES FVN4312A 3.5MICOM 2NOFLN2423RVN4105A 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOL RVN4119C 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4059C 3.5MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRK’D.NO 3080367B90/ DUPLEX ADAPTER 0180359A29RVN4128A 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUAL RVN4025A3.5MSF 5000/PURC/ANALOGYES 0180355A30RVN4077G 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES 0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205C RVN4148N 3.5MTR 2000YES 3082056X02RVN4140C 3.5MTRI 2000NO RVN4176M 1-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131C 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIX RVN4131C 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIX RVN4142A 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES 3080070N01RVN4131C 3.5MTVA3.EXE RVN4013K 3.5MTX 800 & 800S YES RTK4205C RVN4065H 3.5MTX 810YES RTK4205C RVN4033J 3.5MTX 900YES RTK4205C RVN4055H 3.5MTX 900S YES RTK4205C RVN4097 1-CDMTX8000/9000, MTS2000,MT2000*, MTX8000,programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4081F 3.5MTX820/820S/888/888S YES RTK4205C HVN9067E CD MTX850/8250MTX950,9250RVN4138B 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035D RVN4035B 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203C RVN4073B 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000 “RVN4134B3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852J 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143HVN9262E 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205HVN9941B 3.5P500YES 0180358A62RVN4129A 3.5PDT220YVN4051C 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr. P1820/P1821AX RVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO 3080385B23 & 5880385B30RVN5002AF 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO 3O80369E31RVN4135A 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200,M110,M400YES 0180358A52RVN4146C 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002K 3.5SABER YES RTK4203C RVN4131C 3.5SETTLET.EXE HVN9007E 3.5SM50 & SM120YES RVN4039B 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825A HVN9054D 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES 3080070N01HVN9001D 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359A HVN9012D 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES 3080369B73 (STANDARD) 0180300B10(HIGH POWER)RVN4099B 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES 3080369B73RVN4110A 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO 3.08E+37RVN4049E 3.5STX YES 0180357A54RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES 0180357A54RVN4007E 3.5SYNTOR X 9000YES 0180353A75RVN4102B 3.5SYNTOR X 9000 DUAL YES 0180353A75RVN4069A 3.5SYNTOR X TRK’D.YES 0180353A75RVN4009F 3.5SYSTEM 9000E YES 0180353A75RVN4051F 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203B RVN4075D 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO 3080385B23HVN9060D CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123G 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES 3.08E+52FVN4333A 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE & ADAPTOR RVN4133K 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NO RVN4181G CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILE RVN4170D3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008ERADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V 0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN4438A 25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION)5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN “”D”” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)”0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)8/03Radio ServiceSoftwarePart No. RadioCross-ReferenceU tilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS is compatiblewith IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80. Requires 640K RAM. DOS3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration andDOS requirements. (For HT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visarand some newer products– IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 orhigher are recomended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as wellas the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed.The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimatedestination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software. Besure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number andship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensedcustomer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. Toobtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an orderin the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio Service Software/CustomerProgramming Software (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber tothree years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the subscribermust purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additionalthree years of free upgrades. If the subscriber does not elect to purchase thesame Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually asubscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPSitems on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Customer Care andServices Division (CCSD). Software not procured through the CCSD willnot be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not bemailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimatetag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.2.58E+92 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT) 3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT) RLN4488A SMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4106 3.5”-10” PROD. CONFIG”RVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICESMDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TNRVN4107 3.5FORMSGEN 9100-11RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4129 3.5PDT220PAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD6881024B15 3.5ADVISOR GOLD FLX6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX6881032B30 3.5BR850NLN3163C 3.5BRAVO PROG-KIT6881010B35 3.5BRAVO ALPHA6881012B37 3.5BRAVO CLASSIC6881015B76 3.5BRAVO ENCORE6881012B91 3.5BRAVO EXPRESS6881025B65 3.5BRAVO LX6881021B65 3.5BRAVO FLX6881012B37 3.5BRAVO PLUS6881031B70 3.5CP12506881029B20 3.5DIGITZ6881028B60 3.5EXPRESS XTRA / FLX6881028B60 3.5EXPRESS LUNA.6881016B06 3.5FREE SPIRIT6881028B10 3.5JAZZ6881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS950V.6881012B37 3.5LIFESTYLE PLUS6881020B65 3.5MEMO EXPRESS6881035B20 3.5MINITOR III6881031B80 3.5PF1500-R506881031B85 3.5PF1500-R256880496G02 3.5PAGEFINDER8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X6881021B65 3.5PRO ENCORE6881026B55 3.5PRONTO.6881023B55 3.5RENEGADE6880496G11 3.5TENOR6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P9306881023B65 3.5ULTRA EXPRESS6881025B75 3.5ULTRA EXPRESS FLX6881023B20 3.5V700 POCSAG6881029B90 3.5V700 FLEX6881029B25 3.5WORDLINE.6881029B05 3.5WORDLINE FLEXNLN3548B UNIVERSAL INTERFACE KIT18。











































A. 1万元B. 2万元C. 4万元6.某照相馆以房屋为抵押,向银行贷款1万元,后又以该房屋为抵押向裕丰商行借歀1.5万元。



A. 银行优先受偿B.裕丰商行优先受偿C. 两家债权人按比例受偿 D.两家债权人均等受偿7.房主甲出卖已出租的房屋,其后告知承租人乙,并要求其退租。







A. 甲丙买卖合同无效B.甲丙买卖合同予以撤销C. 甲丙买卖合同有效,乙应退租D.甲丙买卖合同有效,丙继受甲之出租人地位8.甲将汽车一部作价3万元,抵押给乙,由甲继续使用,甲在开车时不慎翻车,造成汽车严重毁损,应。


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A、有偿合同与无偿合同B、要式合同与不要式合同C、双务合同与单务合同5.甲乙两企业订立购销合同,为保证合同履行,甲企业依约给付对方2万元定金,后因乙企业违约,依法乙企业应给付甲企业( )。

A. 1万元B. 2万元C. 4万元6.某照相馆以房屋为抵押,向银行贷款1万元,后又以该房屋为抵押向裕丰商行借歀1.5万元。


按法律规定,该房屋应由( )。

A. 银行优先受偿B.裕丰商行优先受偿C. 两家债权人按比例受偿 D.两家债权人均等受偿7.房主甲出卖已出租的房屋,其后告知承租人乙,并要求其退租。






于是起诉,此案应判( )。

A. 甲丙买卖合同无效B.甲丙买卖合同予以撤销C. 甲丙买卖合同有效,乙应退租D.甲丙买卖合同有效,丙继受甲之出租人地位8.甲将汽车一部作价3万元,抵押给乙,由甲继续使用,甲在开车时不慎翻车,造成汽车严重毁损,应( )。


1个月过去了,乙方仍保持沉默,应认定( )。

A.甲乙双方合同成立B. 甲乙双方合同不能成立C. 不能确定 D,甲乙双方合同成立但不能生效10,乙借给甲50元钱;同时甲给乙制作了一套西装,其加工费为50元;如两项债务均已到期,则甲、乙之间的债务可以《 )。

A. 提存B,混同C. 免除D.抵消11.张大妈用10斤小米与李大嫂换12斤大米,这是( )。

A. 供应合同B.买卖合同C. 互易合同D. 零售合同12.李某把自己的房屋卖给王某,双方协商同意以3000元成交,这一房屋买卖合同应认为( )。

A. 未成立 B.已经成立C.房屋交付后成立D,办了过户登记手续后才成立13.送奶人误将王某的牛奶放入了郭某的牛奶箱中,郭某取得该牛奶属于( )。

A. 不当得利 B,侵权行为C. 无因管理D.自助行为14.公民甲与公民乙因买卖某艺术家的一幅艺术品而发生的债是( )。

A. 可选择之债B,连带之债C. 特定之债D.种类之债15.甲拒不接受乙的履行,乙可以将标的物向( )提存。

A.甲的哥哥 B. 甲的单位C.保管部门 D.国家法律指定的有关部门16.张某有水蜜桃树十余棵,果实成熟时,他生病住院。




依照法律李某应该( )。

A. 归还张某400元 B.归还张某210元C. 归还张某180元 D.与张某平分,各得90元17.下列情形中,( )为无因管理。

A.甲受乙的委托保管乙的物品B.监护人为被监护人利益而实施民事法律行为C. 甲把乙家走失的小猪藏匿起来D,张某在邻居李某外出时,给李某家装上被风刮掉的窗户玻璃18.下列情形中,( )为承诺。

A. 甲向乙发出要约,丙得知后表示接受甲的条件B. 丙向丁发出要约,丁考虑后向戊表示同意甲的要约C. 何某向刘某发出要约,要求十天内给予答复,过期视为承诺,刘某未能如期答复D. 袁某根据广告上刊登的价格,给某体育用品厂汇款购买某型号的体育用品19.甲欠乙5000元,4月底到期。

3月下旬,甲将自己价值10000元的房子和价值6000元的拖拉机赠与丙,经查,甲没有其他的财产,则乙( )。

A. 有权请求撤销甲丙间的赠与B.有权请求撤销甲丙间的部分赠与C. 无权请求撤销甲丙间的赠与D,以上答案均不对20.甲乙订立买卖合同,约定由买方乙自提货物。

合同订立后,甲于1月4日通知乙1月20日前提货,但乙一直未去提货,1月25日,标的物因不可抗力灭失,该损失应由( )承担。

A. 卖方甲 B.买方乙C. 在价款未支付的情况下由卖方甲 D.双方共同21.李某向徐某购买一头牛,钱已交付徐某,约定一星期以后,徐某将牛交付李某。

一星期后,徐某将牛交付李某时,李某以该牛比一星期以前瘦了为由拒绝接受,并要求徐某返还其已支付的牛钱,徐某不答应,将牛交付给有关部门提存( )。

A. 徐某的行为应认定为履行了债务B.徐某的行为不应认定为履行了债务C. 该牛在有关部门提存期间所支出的费用,应由李某承担D.该牛在有关部门提存期间所支出的费用,应由徐某承担22.上海某工厂向广州某公司购买一批物品,合同对付款地点和交货期限没有明确规定,发生争议。

依照民法通则规定( )。

A. 上海某工厂付款给广州某公司,应在上海履行B.上海某工厂付款给广州某公司,应在广州履行C.广州某公司可以随时交货给上海某工厂,该厂不得有任何异议D.广州某公司可以随时交货给上梅某工厂,但应给该厂必要的准备时间23.张某父子俩人生活。






王某( )。

A. 所作的行为是无因管理 B.所作的行为是受托行为C. 有权请求张家父子偿还所支出的费用D.无权请求张家父子偿还所支出的费用24.公民甲与公民乙合伙,开了一家服装厂,为扩大经营规模,二合伙人决定贷款,于1994年3月10日向某银行贷款10万元,以甲所有的一套住房作抵押,并订立了书面合同;在向银行贷款之前,公民甲于1993年10月30日已向公民丙借款l0万元,并以口头形式以其所有的那套住房向公民丙进行了抵押。

1995年3月10日,二合伙人向银行及甲向丙的还款期限均到,但均无能力还款,因此:( )。

A. 银行可以公民甲的住房折价或变卖优先受偿B. 公民丙可以公民甲的住房折价或变卖优先受偿C. 公民丙的抵押权无效D.公民丙的抵押权在先、银行的抵押权在后,故公民丙应先于银行受偿25.港商甲赞助某市工会举行的选美大会港币500万元。





请选择正确的判断和结论,( )。

A. 甲与选美大会之间形成了赠与的民事法律关系B.甲与选美大会之间没有形成赠与的民事法律关系C. 甲无权要求选美大会退还已交付的300万元港币D. 甲有权要求选美大会退还已交付的300万元港币E. 选美大会有权要求甲继续支付所承诺但未交纳的200万元港币F.选美大会无权要求甲继续支付所承诺但未支付的200万元港币26.甲向乙借了100元钱.双方约定乙可以还钱,也可以120斤大米折抵,但应在30日内还清。

这一债的关系属( )。

A. 单一之债B. 多数人之债 C。


在此,李某和冯某买卖名画的关系属于( )。

A、简单之债 B.多数人之债 C. 主债D. 选择之债 E.特定之债28.下列( )为合同关系。

A. 甲将自己的手表借给乙 B.丙送丁一幅名画C. 张三让李四转达他对李四家人的问候D. 孙某约朱某晚上看电影29.甲向乙购买一批货物,约定由乙送货上门,因乙看错到货地点,造成货物错发,致货物到达约定地点时比合同规定晚了l0天,且因错发花去数百元费用。

在此,乙应承担( )。

A. 错发货物花去的费用B.迟延交付的责任C、迟延交付的责任,但错发货物所花去的费用应由甲承担D. 错发货物所花去的费用,但不承担违约责任二、判断题1.某甲皮鞋店因经营亏损被并入乙皮鞋厂,成为乙厂的门市部。







( )4.某市教育局为了支持校办厂,自愿充当下属某校办厂与某信用社借款合同的保证人,根据有关规定,市教育局可以作为保证人。

( )5.甲厂与乙厂订立一购销合同,现乙厂因资金紧张欲将该合同转让给丙。


( )6.甲、乙为孪生兄弟,丙错将乙认为是甲,将向甲借的200元钱交给了乙。


( ) 7,1986年3月,东风商业集团合并了因经营管理不善,导致亏损的蓝天手表厂。




( )(2)假设蓝天手表厂在被合并之前,从光明机械仪表厂签订合同购入仪表,但却未履行交款义务,欠款1万元,这1万元欠款在蓝天手表厂被合并后由东风商业集团承担。

( )(3)东风商业集团合并蓝天手表厂,应当向登记机关办理登记并公告。

( )(4)东风商业集团被撤销后,应当由主管机关组织有关机关和有关人员成立清算组织,进行清算。


( )(5)在清算过程中,清算组织对涉及终止的东风商业集团债权的民事诉讼,可以用自己名义参加诉讼。
