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1,Nowadays, with the miraculous economic take-off brought about by reform and opening up, Chinese cultural market has witnessed(见证)unparalleled (无与伦比的)blossom and unprecedented prosperity(空前的繁荣).(万能句子,可用于任何作文开头)

2,The wiser choice for these countries is to stick to the right track so that the conditions for relevant countries to sit down and discuss a code of conduct can ripen earlier.

3,Never let yourself get distracted by the chatters and noise别让自己受外界的喋喋不休所阻扰

4,What we should always do is to master up our courage to face the seemingly overwhelming or insurmountable hardships.鼓起勇气去面对似乎不可克服的困难

5,It is essential that all individuals rally around the goals set in the meeting so that a good momentum of regional cooperation and integration can be maintained.

6,To our relief, however, the employment of graduates has become a major concern in the agenda of the authority in recent years.(下划线处可以换成其他的内容)

7,Therefore, it’s high time that administration concerned took measures to curb the misconduct and encourage creativity in academic field.

8,The eradication of academic dishonesty, I am convinced, will clear the obstacles that prevent us from becoming a country of innovation(创新) and vitality(活力).

9,Life is full of challenges and difficulties to every individual(每一个人), people with strong wills can withstand(承受)the test of adversities(困境), while, others who are not ready for the battle against plight (困难)do nothing but surrender(投降).

10, Confronted with(遭遇) increasingly fierce competition from all aspects, such as entrance for a higher school, mate selection, job hunting, promotion and earning, etc.

11, By no means is the phenomenon uncommon in our society.

12,Nowadays the phenomenon has stirred a heated debate(引起热烈的议论) in China.

13,there is no doubt that this phenomenon has blocked(毫无疑问这种现象阻挡了。。。) the country’s scientific development

14,What is portrayed in the chart above is the phenomenon of …………., a figure that is keeping…….on pins and needles (让。。。如坐针毡)

15,At the same time, an undeniable(不可否认的) fact also lies ahead, a phenomenon that keeps us Chinese on pins and needles is that today’s teenagers pursue too much about western culture while neglect the importance of our traditional cultural heritage.

16,It is urgent that relevant policies and regulations(法令规章) be enforced by authorities concerned(相关当权机构)to prevent similar phenomenon from happening.

17,it is imperative that relevant departments enforce the laws and regulations, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage.(相关部门应当加强规章制度,不让不法分子有空隙可钻)

18, I am strongly convinced that only when we are equipped with the knowledge of self-protection can we conquer any challenges and difficulties ahead.

19, the government should serve as a driving force to this trend, doing its utmost to curb such happenings,(政府应权利阻止这种趋势,尽最大努力去组织其发生)

20, moreover, it is the responsibility of the mass media and schools of all levels to guide people to reduce or terminate such bad phenomena (此外,广大媒体和各级学校也有责任指引人们减少或终止这些现象)

21,above all , only when all individuals rally around the goals of making our surroundings more peaceful and try our utmost can a good momentum of peaceful environment be maintained, and this is the only right track forward,any deviation from which is unwise and shortsighted.(只有这才是唯一正确的途径,任何与此相悖的方法都是不明智和没有远见的)(最后一句为加分亮点,可以用于任何作文结尾)

22,as it has for decades, progress will come in fits and starts, it is not always a straight line nor will it be a smooth path.(几十年都是如此,我们将会徐徐渐进的取得进展,这不可能一直都是一条直线也不可能是一条坦途)
