收稿日期: 2018-12-10 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划支持(2018YFB0605703);上海市优秀学术/技术带头人计划(18XD1424600) 作者简介: 范 浩 (1990-),男,湖北洪湖人,博士生,主要研究方向为工业结晶和固废的资源化利用。E-mail:198941@ 通信联系人: 宋兴福,E-mail:xfsong@ 引用本文: 范 浩, 宋兴福, 许妍霞, 等. 煅烧对半水硫酸钙晶须稳定化的影响 [J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 45(3): 388-395. Citation: FAN Hao, SONG Xingfu, XU Yanxia, et al. Effects of Calcination on the Stabilization of Calcium Sulfate Whisker[J]. Journal of East China
热重分析仪(TG,Q600,美国 TA 公司)分析产物 组成。称取 5 mg 左右的样品,以空气为分析气氛,采 用 10 ℃/min 的升温速率升温至 300 ℃,记录样品的 质量损失,以分析产物的组成。
煅烧过程的主要影响因素为煅烧温度和煅烧时 间。文献中主要是研究煅烧温度对晶须稳定性的影 响,以制备出稳定性好的晶须;但是煅烧是一个高耗 能过程,煅烧时间对煅烧过程的经济性影响重大,同 时也能影响晶须的稳定性,因此也需要进行详细研 究。本文以水热法制备的 HH 晶须为原料,同时研究 了煅烧温度和煅烧时间对硫酸钙晶须晶体结构以及 稳定化的影响,确定了硫酸钙晶须稳定化的最佳煅
硫酸钙晶须是一种具有特殊形貌的晶体材料, 具有耐高温、机械强度高和质量轻等特点,能作为增 强补韧剂广泛应用于橡胶、造纸、沥青和聚合物材料 等领域[1-4]。我国工业石膏(主要成分为硫酸钙)产量 巨大,处理方式主要是露天堆放,这会占用大量土 地、污染环境,而将工业石膏制备为高附加值的硫酸 钙晶须,不仅可以解决工业石膏堆放产生的各种问 题,还能产生经济价值,为工业石膏的资源化利用提 供可行性方向。
第47卷第4期人工晶体学报Vol.47 No.4 2018 年4 月________________________JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS___________________________April,2018常温改性半水硫酸钙晶须及其稳定化机理研究陈畅1,史思涛1,伍勇华1,郭政1,李国新1,苏明周2,王会萌2(1.西安建筑科技大学材料与矿资学院,西安710055 ;2.西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,西安710055)摘要:性能优良的半水硫酸钙晶须常用于增强增韧有机复合材料和无机复合材料。
为防止半水硫酸钙晶须与水接 触或在潮湿的环境中发生水化反应而导致晶体结构与性能的破坏,因此需要对半水硫酸钙晶须进行表面改性。
本 文基于溶度积原理,探寻常温下复合改性介质中改性半水硫酸钙晶须的新途径。
采用单掺月桂酸钠、海藻酸钠、硅 酸钠、草酸钠和氟化钠作为改性剂,并设计正交试验探索影响改性效果的显著性因素和最佳改性工艺。
研究结果表明,复合改性介质体积比和改性剂种 类是影响改性工艺的显著性因素,改性剂在复合介质中的溶解度直接影响着最终表面改性产物层的性能。
单掺 15%氟化钠或海藻酸钠、复合介质体积比29: 1、改性时间5 min时,改性半水硫酸钙晶须在水中溶解度降低并且能 够保持晶体结构和性能的稳定。
关键词:半水硫酸钙晶须;表面改性;复合改性介质;常温中图分类号:TB383 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-985X (2018) 04-0695-08Stabilization Mechanism of Modified Hemihydrate Calcium SulfateWhisker at Room TemperatureCHEN Chang1, SHI Si-tao1, WU Yong-hua1, GUO Zheng1, LI Guo-xin, SU Ming-zhou2 , WANG Hui-meng2(1. School of Materials and Mineral Resources, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055 , China;2. School of Civil Engineering, Xian University of Architecture and Technology, Xian 710055 , China) Abstract:Calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers are used to enhance the mechanical properties of organic composite and inorganic composite because of their excellent performance. The structure and properties of the crystal were destroyed when the whiskers contact with water or are in wet environment, so it is necessary to modify the whiskers. Based on the principle of solubility product, a new modification method of calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers in composite modifying medium at room temperature was researched. The inorganic salts were individually used as the modifiers, such as sodium laurate, sodium alginate, sodium silicate, sodium oxalate and sodium fluoride. The significant affecting factors and the optimum modification process were obtained by orthogonal testing. The chemical composition and microstructures of the whisker before and after the modification were analyzed by XRD, FTIR and SEM. The volume ratio of composite modifying medium and modifiers were significant factors for the modification process. And the solubility of modifiers in different composite medium influenced the performance of the modified product on the surface of the whiskers. The solubility of the modified whiskers in water was reduced and the stability of the crystal structure and properties were maintained基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51478380)作者简介:陈畅(1977-),男,湖北省人,博士,副教授。
作者简介:侯婷婷(1990—),女,硕士生;通信作者:高大明(1970—),男,教授,dmgao@ 。
引文格式:侯婷婷,江晓敏,郑传阳,等.工业副产物磷石膏制半水硫酸钙晶须的研究[J ].南昌大学学报:工科版,2015,37(3):215-220,251.文章编号:1006-0456(2015)03-0215-06工业副产物磷石膏制半水硫酸钙晶须的研究侯婷婷a ,江晓敏a ,郑传阳a ,高大明b(合肥学院a.生物与环境工程系;b.化学与材料工程系,安徽合肥230601)摘要:固体废弃物磷石膏大量的堆放既占用土地,又会对环境造成污染,以磷石膏为原料制备半水硫酸钙晶须是拓展磷石膏综合利用的新途径。
通过FT-IR 、XRD 、SEM 等对样品与产品进行表征,并对其各项表征结果作对比分析。
关键词:固体废弃物;磷石膏;水热和煅烧合成;半水硫酸钙晶须中图分类号:TQ132.32 文献标志码:AStudy on preparation of calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskerusing industrial by-product phosphogypsumHOU Tingting a ,JIANG Xiaomin a ,ZHENG Chuanyang a ,GAO Daming b(a.Department of Biology and Environment Engineering ;b.Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering ,Hefei University ,Hefei 230601,China )Abstract :Solid waste phosphogypsum (PG )piled up both occupy the land and cause deleterious pollution tothe environment ,therefore.Thus ,a new strategy for developing the comprehensive utilization of PG was explored to use PG as the raw material to prepare calcium sulfate hemihydrate (CSH )whisKer.PG was utilized as the sample to synthesize CSH whisKer.The sample of phosphogypsum was washed with water to purify as raw materials.Calciumsulfate hemihydrate whisKers were synthesized at optimal conditions by hydrothermal and calcined methods ,respec-tively.FT-IR ,XRD and SEM were recorded to characterize the samples and products.By the comparison and analy-sis of characterization results ,which indicated that the synthesized whisKers from phosphogypsum purified with water were much purer than those of phosphogypsum unpurified.Under the optimized conditions ,both hydrothermal and calcined synthesis whisKers were CSH whisKer ,and the effect of calcined-synthesis whisKer was much better than that of the hydrothermal-synthesis whisKer.Key Words :solid waste ;phosphogypsum ;hydrothermal and calcined synthesis ;calcium sulfate hemihydrate(CSH )whisKer2012年以来我国磷石膏的产量每年约7000万t ,全年磷石膏的综合利用率只有24.28%,累计堆存量已达2.5亿t 之多。
微波干燥硫酸钙晶须的研究张锁龙;刘科【摘要】硫酸钙晶须是一种正在被广泛应用的添加组分,发挥着日益突出的作用.干燥是制备硫酸钙晶须工艺中的重要步骤.为了探究微波干燥方式对硫酸钙晶须干燥的可行性,首先阐述了微波干燥原理,并且通过以二水硫酸钙晶须为原料的实验,获得在多种主要影响因素条件下半水硫酸钙晶须的实验结果.优化干燥的实验条件为:硫酸钙晶须100g、微波干燥时间25 min、微波功率700W,此条件下硫酸钙晶须的相对脱水率达到97%;对样品进行XRD检测,其成分全部为半水硫酸钙晶须,与样品在120℃常规电加热干燥下所得样品成分相同,而微波干燥时间仅为其的加热干1/5.同时,通过材料性能测试实验,证明微波处理的硫酸钙晶须性能得到增强.【期刊名称】《常州大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(026)002【总页数】5页(P53-57)【关键词】硫酸钙晶须;结晶水;微波干燥;电加热干燥;功能性【作者】张锁龙;刘科【作者单位】常州大学机械工程学院,江苏常州213016;常州大学机械工程学院,江苏常州213016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM924.76;O784微波是指波长范围为0.001~1m、频率范围为0.3~300GHz、具有穿透能力的电磁波[1]。
为了规范使用微波频率,目前微波加热所采用的常用频率为915MHz和2 450MHz,其对应的波长分别为330mm和122mm,微波2450MHz频率已经合法应用于民用加热设备上。
Sichao Hou[3]等人研究结果表明:Mg2+对硫酸钙晶须一维方向生长有促进作用,形成的晶须长径比高。
Hongjuan Sun[4]等人以烟气脱硫石膏为原料,用常压酸化法制备CSW。
Taotao Fan[6]等人研究结果表明,两种CSW均能增强沥青混合料的抗车辙性能,且沥青混合料的高温性能随加入的硫酸钙晶须的含量增加而增加。
硫酸钙晶须在复合材料中的应用硫酸钙晶须可提高聚丙烯(PP)的结晶性能与力学性能,添加适量的CSW 可使PP的弯曲模量、拉伸强度增加。
用宁夏天然石膏制备半水硫酸钙晶须工艺研究张紫瑞;汪燕青;马自明;马英剑【摘要】以宁夏盐池县青山矿区天然石膏矿石为原料,经过水热合成反应,成功制备出了长度达(155.6±62.5) μm,直径为(3.82±1.3) μm的半水硫酸钙晶须.结合XRD 图谱、矿物文献,对比高纯生石膏中分别添加Fe3+和Mg2+后所得晶须的形貌,证实了宁夏天然石膏成分中Fe3+、Al3+等过量金属阳离子或为破坏石膏晶须品质的有害因素.随后验证了半水硫酸钙晶须经过300℃煅烧2h,成为无水硫酸钙晶须的转变过程.【期刊名称】《宁夏工程技术》【年(卷),期】2019(018)001【总页数】5页(P40-43,49)【关键词】宁夏石膏;水热法;硫酸钙晶须【作者】张紫瑞;汪燕青;马自明;马英剑【作者单位】宁夏大学物理与电子电气工程学院,宁夏银川 750021;宁夏大学物理与电子电气工程学院,宁夏银川 750021;宁夏大学物理与电子电气工程学院,宁夏银川 750021;宁夏大学物理与电子电气工程学院,宁夏银川 750021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ132.3+2宁夏拥有丰富的石膏资源,目前探明储量约26亿t,居全国第6位,是该地区潜在经济价值仅次于煤炭的优质矿产资源。
第36 5期2020 5 月无 机 化 学 学 报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRYVol .36 No .5908-920半水硫酸钙晶须的水化机理及稳定性调节高传慧.董亚洁.任 秀.陈 颖.王汇淄.胡尊富2王 静.刘月涛* 」(#青岛科技大学化工学院生态化学工程国家重D 实验室基地,青岛266042)(2临沂大学材料科学与工程学院,临沂276000)收稿日期:2019-07-26o 收修改稿日期:2020-03-05o国家自然科学基金(No.51872150),山东省自然科学基金(No.ZR2018M034),山东省生态化工协同创新中心人才基金(No.XTCXQNll)和 生态化工国家重点实验室开放课题(No.STHG1804)资助项目。
* 通P 联系人 ° E -mail : ******************.cn摘要:通过探讨半水硫酸钙晶须(HCSW )贮存过程在空气中形貌和晶形的变化,研究了半水硫酸钙晶须的水化机理,分析了不 同处理方法对其稳定性的调节°研究发现,HCSW 的水化是由晶须表面的-0H 基团和Ca"活性位点以及HCSW 存在的内部通道引起的,锻烧和二元醇改性均可提高硫酸钙晶须的耐水性。
结果表明,锻烧后,半水硫酸钙晶须转化为无水可溶硫酸钙晶须和无水 硫酸钙晶须,易于水化的内部通道消失,耐水性 ;水 过程 的加入,可利于醇軽基吸附在HCSW 的(200)'(020)和(220)表面,阻止比0分子中軽基在晶须表面的 ,进而提高晶须的耐水性, (TEG)且浓度为18.8 mmo (LT 时,HSCW 在空气中耐水稳定性不小于7 d 。
关键词:半水硫酸钙晶须;水化;锻烧;三乙二醇中图分类号:0784文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4861(2020)05-0908-13DOI : 10.11862/CJIC.2020.099Hydration Mechanism and Stability Regulation ofHemihydrate Calcium Sulfate WhiskersGAO Chuan -Hui 1 DONG Ya -Jie 1 REN Xiu 1 CHEN Ying 1 WANG Hui -Zi 1 HU Zun -Fu 2 WANG Jing 1 LIU Yue -Tao *」(State Key Laboratory Base for Eco -Chemical Engineering in College of Chemical Engineering,Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266042, China )f 2C ollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong 276000, China}Abstract : Hydration mechanism of hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker (HCSW) was studied by discussing thechange of morphology and crystal form in the storage process in the air, and the regulation of stability by different treatment methods was analyzed. It is found that the hydration of HCSW was caused by -OH group, Ca 2+ active site at the surface and the internal channel inside of the whisker. Calcination and diol modification could improve the water resistance of calcium sulfate whisker. The experimental results indicate that after calcination, the hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker are transformed into anhydrous soluble calcium sulfate whiskers and anhydrous dead calcium sulfate whiskers, the internal channels easy to hydration disappear, and the water resistance is enhanced. In the hydrothermal synthesis process, the addition of binary alcohol was beneficial to the adsorption of alcohol hydroxyl on the (200), (020) and (220) surfaces of HCSW, preventing the adsorption of hydroxyl in H 2O molecules on the whisker surface, and further improving the water resistance of the whisker. When the additive was triethylene glycol (TEG) and the concentration was 18.8 mmol (L R1, the water resistance stability of HSCW in the air was not less than 7 days.Keywords : hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker; hydration; calcination; triethylene glycol第5期高传慧等:半水硫酸钙晶须的水化机理及稳定性调节9090IntroductionIn recent decades,calcium sulfate whiskers (CSW,CaSO4)has been found to be one of the most promising reinforcing fillers in many inorganic fillers because of their unique properties such as excellent mechanical properties,chemical and thermal stability, high toughness and low cost卩弋In general,there are three types of CSW:dehydration,hemihydrate and dihydrate〔习.These three types of whiskers can be converted to each other under certain conditions. Compared with the dihydrate whisker and dehydration whisker,hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker(HCSW) is a new type of needle!like fiber sub!nanomaterial grown in the form of single crystal,which has a uniform cross!section,a complete profile and a perfect internal structure®%HCSW is a typical high strength, low cost,energy-saving,non-toxic and enviro^mentally friendly material widely used as the reinforcing agent in many fields,such as rubbers,plastics and adhesives[9-13D.There is direct relationship between structure,morphology and size of HCSW with its properties and functionalities.The mechanical properties of1D materials as HCSW are usually improved with an increase in the aspect ratios B14D. However,we found that HC S W was extremely sensitive to water in the air,and hydration was carried out at room temperature.After hydration,the length of whiskers was smaller,the diameter became larger,and the aspect ratio was significantly reduced,which seriously affected their performance B1习.Therefore,it is urgent to study the hydration mechanism and stabilization method of HCSW.In order to control the structure and morphology of HCSW,several chemical agents have been added to control the crystallization®171.Recently,the salt of the chloride is well developed,it could be MgCl2,KCl, CaCl2,NaCl,HCl and so on[18-19].For instance,Wang et al.[20]investigated the effects of CuCb on crystal morphology,phase structure,aspect ratio and crystallization of hydrothermal products prepared via hydrothermal crystallization in H2SO4!H2O solutions. The results showed that CuC^could influence the morphology,aspect ratio and crystallization of HCSW, but cannot affect their phase transformation.In order to eliminate the potential danger to the environment of Cl",Jiang et al.[21]developed a newly nitrate system which provided an improved alternative for HCSW preparation with controlled process and product quality, and helped to push forward the industrial recycling of FGD gypsum.Furthermore,metal ions and organics have been reported to have effects on crystallization and aspect ratio of the hydrothermal products[3,22-24D. The metal ions that influenced the morphology and aspect ratio of the whiskers included Na+,K+,Mg2+, Cu2+,Al3+,Fe M+and so on.And the organic additives including ethylene glycol were also proved to have relationship with morphology of the whisker.For instance,by simply tuning the volume ratio of ethylene glycol to water(G/W)in Na2EDTA-containing ethylene glycol aqueous solutions,the structure and morphology of hemihydrate calcium sulfate whiskers could be controlled[25].In addition,we have previously found that the adsorption of ethylene glycol could promote the1D growth of HH whiskers,leading to the formation of whiskers with high aspect ratios[2J|.In summary,although there were many reports on the prevention of hydration research by controlling the HCSW crystal form,almost all of the studies were centered on how to control the morphology of HCSW in crystal forming process,and the research on the hydration mechanism of HCSW instability was not reported.Research on the hydration mechanism and stability of HCSW was expected to provide an effective theoretical basis for the application of whiskers.The purposes of this study was to verify the hydration mechanism of HCSW to achieve its stabilization.Especially,the Diamond software was used to simulate the crystal structure to help us clearly understand the hydration process of HCSW.In addition,this experiment revealed the effects of crystal modifier on the structure,morphology and size of HCSW.In this context,triethylene glycol(TEG) was used as the crystal modifier to promote the one! dimensional growth of HCSW and improve their crystallization.The effects of TEG on the morphology,910无机化学学报第36卷phase structure,aspect ratio and crystallization of the hydrothermal products were investigated.1Experimental1.1MaterialsAnalytical grade CaSO4*2H2O was purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.Ltd.,Shanghai, China.The glycol-water was prepared by deionized water and ethylene glycol,diethylene glycol,triethylene glycol or polyethylene glycol400(reagent grade, Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.Ltd.,Shanghai, China).1.2 MethodsThe procedure was as follow:(1)Analytical grade CaSO4'2H2O was mixed with deionized water at room temperature to get the suspensions containing 1.0%〜5.0%(w/w)calcium sulfate dihydrate.The slurries were then treated under hydrothermal condition(140 ",5.0h),filtrated,and dried at105,300and600" for3h to obtain three kinds of whiskers.(2)Analytical grade CaSO>*2H?O was mixed with deionized water and minor amount of ethylene glycol,diethylene glycol or polyethylene glycol400with a purity of98.0%at room temperature to get the suspensions containing 1.0%〜5.0%(w/w)calcium sulfate dihydrate and18.8 mmol-L_1glycol-water solution.The slurries were then treated under hydrothermal condition(140",5.0h), filtrated,and dried at90"for6h.1.3CharacterizationScanning electron microscopy(SEM,JEOL JSM-6,Japan)was used to observe the morphology of HCSW and the test voltage was12kX,the magnification was 50〜10000.The former was previously sputter coated with gold before observation and analysis and the latter was dispersed in alcohol via ultrasonic disperser and placed on a copper grid by a dropper before detected.Energy-dispersive spectrometry device(EDS, TEAM EDAX Co.,USA)was used to analysis the qualitative and quantitative of elements in microregion. The structures of the samples were identified by powder X-ray diffractometer(XRD,D-MAX2500/PC, Rigaku,Japan)using Cu Ka radiation("=0.154178 nm)with a scanning rate of4O*m in_1,a scanning2#range of5#to80#,a tube voltage of40kX and a tube current of50mA.Fourier transform infrared spectrometry(FT-IR)(Thermo-Nicolet Avatar-360)was conducted to characterize HCSW in a wavenumber range from4000to400cm"1with a resolution of4 cm"1using an transmission infrared method.2Results and discussion2.1Surface property and structure of HCSWThe HCSW prepared by hydrothermal synthesis were dried and then exposed to the air.The ambient temperature was controlled at25"and the relative humidity of air was40%.Fig.1showed the morphological features observed after the HCSW had been exposed for different times in the air.The products mainly consisted of uniform fiber-like whiskers with the diameter ranging from2to5|!m,as shown in Fig. 1(a).As shown in Fig.1(b〜d),the surface properties and morphology of HCSW were directly related to the duration of whiskers when it was exposed in the air. The appearance of the whiskers was still fibrous when exposed to the air for12h,and cracks were only present on the surface of small part of whiskers.The diameter of whiskers was further increased when the whiskers were exposed to the air for24h,and the aspect ratio was further reduced,while the whiskers were still keeping fibrous in the air.When exposed to the air for48h,there are few flake and granular products on the surface of whisker surface.Saha et al.[27] have shown that calcium sulfate can produce amorphous particles through hydration,cracks appeared on the surface of the other whiskers,and even the fracture occurred.Nearly half of the whiskers were hydrated into a plate-like products after they were exposed to the air for7days,while a small number of products had jagged crystal defects on the surfaces of products,with a small part of products having an aspect ratio of only1〜3.Thus the hemihydrate calcium sulfate whiskers had a clear hydration phenomenon in the air,and the longer the duration exposing to the air,the shorter the whiskers,the smaller the aspect ratio,and the more chaotic morphology uneven.第5期高传慧等:半水硫酸钙晶须的水化机理及稳定性调节911In order to know the hydration reasons of HCSW, the HCSW were calcined at 105, 300 and 600 °C for 3 h, respectively, which were marked as CaSO 4- I ,CaSO 4- " and CaSO 4- # . Their surface properties andcrystal structure were studied, respectively. Fig.2 (a) was the XRD patterns of calcium sulfate whiskersunder three calcination temperatures. It was notdifficult to find that the major diffraction peaks ofcalcium sulphate whiskers at three calcinationtemperatures were compatible with the diffractionpeaks of hemihydrate calcium sulfate whiskers(CaSO 4 ・0.5H 2O, or HCSW), anhydrous soluble andanhydrous dead calcium sulfate whiskers in the PDF(No.03-0439, CaSO .- I ; No.26-0329, CaSO .-" ; No. 72-0503, CaSO 4- #) standard card shown in Fig.2(b).From Fig.2(a), it can be seen that the characteristic(a) 0 h, (b) 12 h, (c) 24 h, (d) 48 h, (e) 7 daysFig.1 SEM images of HCSW hydration process in the air10203040 50 60 70 8020/(。
文章编号:1008-7524(2011)04-0011-03磷酸钠对半水硫酸钙晶须的稳定作用*刘红叶1,刘富玲2,王宇斌2,袁致涛3(1.中国民航飞行学院空管学院,四川广汉618307;2.河南城建学院土木与材料工程系,河南平顶山467044;3.东北大学资源与土木工程学院,辽宁沈阳110004) 摘要:介绍了磷酸钠对半水硫酸钙晶须在水溶液中的形貌和晶型的稳定性影响。
关键词:磷酸钠;半水硫酸钙晶须;稳定;效果中图分类号TB32 文献标识码:A0 引言半水硫酸钙晶须作为石膏资源的一种新兴高附加值产品[1,2],可广泛用作填充材料、保温材料和环境材料等[3,4]。
1 试验与测试方法1.1 试验方法半水硫酸钙晶须采用水热法在10L反应釜内制备,反应完成后将反应釜卸压至常压,并保持釜内温度为100℃。
使用粉末X 射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜对制得的半水硫酸钙晶须进行表征,确认为半水硫酸钙晶须。
关键词:浓厚卤水;半水硫酸钙晶须;长径比中图分类号:TQ132.32文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4990(2020)04-0088-05Study on preparation of hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker from dense brineTang Na 1,2,Hei Yunhao 1,2,Wu Tengfei 1,2,Xiang Jun 1,2,Du Wei 1,2,Zhang Lei 1,2(1.College of Chemical Engineering and Materials ,Tianjin University of Science and Technology ,Tianjin 300457,China ;2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Brine Chemical Industry and Ecological Utilization of Resources)Abstract :Calcium sulfate hemihydrate whisker with high length/diameterm (L/D )ratio was prepared from high concentration brine abandoned in the production process of sea salt industry.The effects of material concentration ,crystal growth promoter concentration ,reaction time ,reaction temperature and reaction stirring rate on the preparation of calcium sulfate hemihydratewhisker were investigated.The prepared calcium sulfate hemihydrate whisker was characterized and confirmed by powder X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope.Through the orthogonal experimental ,the optimum conditions were con⁃firmed as follows :material mass fraction of 3%,crystal growth aid mass fraction of 3%,reaction time of 7h ,reaction tempera⁃ture of 130℃and reaction stirring rate of 30r/min.Under this condition ,calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers with the L/D ratio of 400were produced.The technology has the advantages of low production cost ,environment friendly and stablity.The prepared calcium sulfate hemihydrate whisker with average L/D ratio of 400is easy to produce industrially.Key words :dense brine ;Calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers ;length/diameter (L/D )ratio浓厚卤水为海盐行业氯化钾生产车间产出的含有大量氯化镁与硫酸镁的黑褐色液体,中国年排放浓厚卤水约1500万m 3,其中含有110万t 硫酸镁及250万t 氯化镁资源。
4 结论通过研究柠檬酸和磷酸钠对半水硫酸钙晶须水化过程的影响,可以得到以下结论:柠檬酸有助于半水硫酸钙的水化,磷酸钠则能抑制半水硫酸钙晶须的水化。
从晶须形貌的实时观测可以看出:在保持水 化条件下,半水硫酸钙晶须的水化过程较长.前 40 min晶须的形貌几乎没有改变,从60 rain开始 直到120 min(图1e~1h)晶须开始出现裂口、溶 解现象.在较小的水化浓度下,半水硫酸钙晶须首 先表面由光滑变为粗糙,逐渐发展至断裂,最后完 全溶解.另外,在120 min以内几乎观测不到晶须 的粗化现象,这些现象可能与晶须的水化浓度过 小,溶解的Ca2+和s萌一达不到二水硫酸钙的过 饱和浓度有关.由于实时观测时水化浓度不易测 定并且观测时间较短,为了对半水硫酸钙晶须的 水化过程有更完整的认识,对水化产物的形貌又 进行了非实时观测.取样时间分别为10,20 min, 1,4,24 h,观测结果见图2.
(School of Resources&Civil Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang 1 10004,China,Correspondent: WANG Yu-bin,E-mail:wangyubin 1972@sina.COITI)
Abstract:Both real—time and out—of-time observations and XRD analysis were carried out for the
水化时间和温度对半水硫酸钙晶须水化过程的影响刘天杰;范浩;许妍霞;宋兴福;于建国【摘要】对水热法产物半水硫酸钙晶须水化过程进行了研究,重点考察了水化时间和温度对晶须水化过程的影响.结果表明,在水化温度为25~90℃范围内,水化产物中半水硫酸钙晶须含量随着水化时间的增加而减少,最终全部转化为片状、薄板状或者块状二水硫酸钙;随着水化温度的增加,水化诱导期延长,特别是在90℃时,半水硫酸钙晶须可稳定存在60 min;根据水化产物观测结果以及物相组成分析发现,水化机理主要分为水化诱导期、半水硫酸钙晶须溶解以及二水硫酸钙重结晶3部分.%The hydration process of calcium sulfate hemihydrate (HH) whiskers by hydrothermal method was studied.Investigation mainly focused on the influence of hydration time and temperature on the hydration process of HH whiskers,and the determination of the hydration time and temperature on which HH whiskers could be relatively stable.The results showed that HH whiskers eventually transferred to flake,sheet,or lump calcium sulfate dihydrate (DH) with the time increasing at the hydration temperature within 25-90 ℃.With the increase of hydration temperature,the hydration induction period extended.Especially at 90 ℃,the hydration induction period of HH whiskers increased significantly from 3 min at 60 ℃ to 60 min at 90 ℃.Therefore,the hydration of whiskers could be suppressed by rapid dehydration above 90 ℃.According to the observation results of hydration products and phase composition analysis,the hydration mechanism is mainly divided into three processes,the hydration induction period,the dissolution of HH whiskers,and the recrystallization of the calcium sulfatedehydrate.That is to say that there is a period of the hydration induction during the process of the hydration process of HH whiskers.When the whiskers contact with water,the active Ca2+ ions on its surface perform hydroxylation reaction with water.Then the hydroxyl groups on the whisker surface contact with water molecules by hydrogen bonding,and the water molecules are adsorbed on the surface of the whiskers.With the increase of hydration time,the water molecules will intrude into the lattice body and destroy the crystal structure,resulting in the break of the whiskers.With the fracture of HH whisker crystal structure,the Ca2+ and SO42-ions spread to the solution which accelerates the dissolution of HH whiskers.With the continuous precipitation and growth of DH,the further dissolution of HH whiskers is accelerated,until all HH whiskers are transferred to flake or thin plate DH crystals.【期刊名称】《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(044)001【总页数】6页(P9-14)【关键词】半水硫酸钙晶须;水化时间;水化温度;水化机理【作者】刘天杰;范浩;许妍霞;宋兴福;于建国【作者单位】华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术中心,上海200237;华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术中心,上海200237;华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术中心,上海200237;华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术中心,上海200237;华东理工大学国家盐湖资源综合利用工程技术中心,上海200237【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB32半水硫酸钙(Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate,HH)晶须作为一种无机晶须,不仅具有良好的机械强度、电绝缘性、耐高温、耐磨、耐腐蚀性等,而且相比于其他晶须材料,无毒、环境友好且价格低廉,因此,HH晶须被广泛应用于橡胶、树脂、塑料、造纸等行业[1-4]。
通过X射线衍射(XRD)分析,得出硫酸钙晶须的结晶结构为六方晶系的,晶格常数为a=0.4539 nm,c=0.2962 nm。
第48卷第1期 人工晶体学报Vol.48 No.l 2019 年 1月_________________________JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS_______________________January,2019柠檬酸对半水硫酸钙晶须形貌稳定性影响羊道和,杨玉荣,易美桂(四川大学化学工程学院,成都610065)摘要:介绍了柠檬酸对半水硫酸钙晶须的形貌稳定性的影响及其作用机制,重点考察了柠檬酸添加量及稳定化温 度对晶须形貌稳定性的影响。
结果表明,在30〜100 t范围内,随着稳 定化温度的增加,半水硫酸钙晶须形貌稳定时间增长。
其中在1〇〇T:,柠檬酸添加量为〇. 5wt%,半水硫酸钙形晶 须形貌稳定时间可达4.0 h。
由于柠檬酸的-COO-与半水硫酸钙晶须表面Ca2+键和成-COO-Ca-结构,柠檬酸以化 学吸附方式吸附于晶须表面,使得晶须稳定性提高。
关键词:半水硫酸钙晶须;柠檬酸;稳定化温度;形貌中图分类号:TQ132.3 +2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-985X( 2019) 01-0095-06 Effect of Citric Acid on the Morphological Stability ofCalcium Sulfate Hemihydrate WhiskersYANG Dao-he,YANG Yu-rong,YI Mei-gui(College of Chemical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China)Abstract:The effect of citric acid on the morphology stability of calcium sulfate hemihydrate and its mechanism of action were studied.The effects of stabilization temperature and the addition of citric acid were investigated.The hydration products were characterized by XR D,SEM and IR spectra.The results implies that the stability of the calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers strengthened with the increase of the stabilization temperature in the range of30 Tl to 100 T l.Among them,when the addition of citric acid was0. 5wt%at 100 Tl,the stabilization time of calcium sulfate hemihydrate increased to4. 0 h.Due to the formation of -COO-Ca-structure between -COO-of citric acid and Ca2+ of whiskers,citric acid adsorbs on the surface of whisker by chemical adsorption,enhancing the morphology stability of whiskers.Key words:calcium sulfate hemihydrate;citric acid;stabilization temperature;morphology1引言半水硫酸钙晶须具有良好的耐磨、耐高温、耐腐蚀等性能而且对环境危害小,价格也相对低廉,因而在造 纸[1]、涂料[2]、废水处理[3]和复合材料增强[4]等领域都得到了广泛的应用。
聚丙烯酰胺对半水硫酸钙晶须形貌稳定性的影响杨玉荣;张清杰;易美桂;向兰【摘要】研究了使用聚丙烯酰胺对半水硫酸钙晶须进行表面改性,以提高晶须在水溶液中的形貌稳定性.通过扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(Fr-IR)等表征了晶须的性质.结果表明,聚丙烯酰胺添加量(以半水硫酸钙晶须质量计)由0增至2.0%时,晶须在水溶液中的形貌保持时间(长径比保持率大于80%)由0.5 h延长至4.0 h.聚丙烯酰胺以物理吸附(氢键)和化学吸附(形成-COOCa-键)两种模式吸附于半水硫酸钙晶须表面,由此降低晶须的表面能,提高晶须的形貌稳定性.【期刊名称】《无机盐工业》【年(卷),期】2018(050)012【总页数】4页(P13-16)【关键词】聚丙烯酰胺;半水硫酸钙晶须;形貌稳定性【作者】杨玉荣;张清杰;易美桂;向兰【作者单位】四川大学化学工程学院,四川成都610065;清华大学化学工程系;四川大学化学工程学院,四川成都610065;清华大学化学工程系【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ132.32半水硫酸钙晶须可由脱硫石膏、磷石膏等工业副产石膏经水热或常压酸化法制备,是石膏资源的新型高附加值产品[1-5]。
袁致涛等[7]在制备半水硫酸钙晶须过程中,先后加入0.025%硬脂酸钠(相对于干基晶须质量)和0.150%油酸钠(相对于干基晶须质量),可使半水硫酸钙晶须形貌保持2 h。
刘红叶等[8]添加0.1%磷酸钠(相对于干基晶须质量)处理半水硫酸钙晶须,也可使晶须形貌保持2 h。
前人对半水硫酸钙晶须稳定化处理后,晶须在水溶液中形貌保留时间较短(≤2 h),且长径比保持率偏低(<60%)。
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但是表面粗糙不平。晶体缺陷较多。油酸钠处理后的 晶须则表面光滑,基本没有晶体缺陷,效果最好。 2.2 稳定化处理后晶须的DSC.TG分析
根据以上结果。对油酸钠、硬脂酸钠、磷酸钠和 柠檬酸钠稳定化处理后的晶须分别做了DSC—TG分 析.以确定晶须的热稳定性和结晶水含量。结果显示
第24卷第7期 2008年7月
V01.24 No.7 1062—1067
袁致涛★ 王宇斌韩跃新 李丽匣
(东北大学资源与土木工程学院,沈阳 110004)
摘要:使用多种稳定剂对半水硫酸钙晶须进行稳定化处理.研究了稳定剂用量、稳定化处理温度和时间等对半水硫酸钙晶须稳 定性的影响。通过丌1R、SEM、DSC.TG和XRD对稳定化处理后的产物进行了表征,结果表明:在油酸钠用量O.3%,稳定化处理 温度100℃,稳定化处理时间20 min的条件下,实现了半水硫酸钙晶须的稳定;油酸钠在晶须表面的吸附既有物理吸附又有化 学吸附.并通过化学吸附在晶须表面形成了油酸钙。
半水硫酸钙晶须的制备方法为水热法:将浓度为 5%的生石膏悬浮液8000 mL经胶体磨粉磨后加入反 应釜内.当温度加热至120℃后反应20 min即可。
收稿日期:2008.01.10。收修改稿日期:2008.04-26。 国家自然科学基金项目(No.50502011)资助。 +通讯联系人。E·mail:dy”觚zlIit@163.com 第一作者:袁致涛,男,37岁,博士,副教授;研究方向:矿物材料合成与金属矿物的高效分离。
油酸钠在晶须表面的吸附既有化学吸附.又有 物理吸附.在半水硫酸钙晶须的稳定化处理的过程 中.能够影响油酸钠在晶须表面吸附进而影响稳定 化效果的因素很多。其中油酸钠用量、稳定化处理温 度以及稳定化处理时间是主要的影响因素。
2.4.1油酸钠用量对稳定化效果的影响 由于油酸钠在较小f>0.02%)的用量下就可以使 半水硫酸钙晶须的形貌长时间不变.因此试验用半
在制备的半水硫酸钙晶须悬浮液中每次加入 0.01%~0.3%(相对于干基半水硫酸钙晶须用量)的不 同种类稳定剂对其进行稳定化处理。稳定化处理时 间和温度分别为20 min和loo℃。 1.3产品表征方法
稳定化处理结束后晶须悬浮液静置到常温(2 h1 时取样并过滤。然后在50±5℃条件下干燥3~4 h。 将干燥过的试样用无水乙醇稀释并涂覆在玻璃基体 上。经喷金后在扫描电镜(SSX.550,日本岛津公司。 加速电压15 kV)下采用不同倍率(300×,2000×。 2400×.5 000×)观察其形貌;用傅立叶变换红外光谱 仪fNicolet380.美国尼高力公司。扫描范围4000。 400 cm~.扫描次数32次。样品采用KBr压片法)检 测硫酸钙晶须稳定化处理前后的表面基团:用X射 线衍射仪()【Pert Pro,荷兰帕纳科公司,铜靶辐射。 镍滤波.管电压40 kV。管电流40 mA。波长 O.154 l nm。固体探测器,扫描范围50~900,扫描速 度120.IIlin—t1对其物相进行分析;用同步热分析仪
根据某一化合物的红外吸收曲线的峰位、峰强、 和峰形.可以判断该化合物是否存在某些官能团,进 而推测该化合物的结构【n】。用n1R对0.3%油酸钠 稳定化处理后的晶须进行了测试。结果如图4。
图4是O.3%用量油酸钠稳定化处理后的半水 硫酸钙晶须经二甲苯一次、多次洗涤、没有清洗和油
1.1原料、试剂 生石膏(工业级,湖北应城石膏矿);油酸钠、硬
脂酸钠、十二烷基苯磺酸钠、草酸、月桂酸钠、磷酸钠 和柠檬酸钠等为分析纯(上海化学试剂总厂);除磷 酸钠和柠檬酸钠的配制浓度为1%外.其它试剂配 制浓度均为O.5%。 1.2硫酸钙晶须制备和稳定化处理方法
IS‘:}m文巧Resource3&C洳a E晦nee柏舀Nonhe也岱把rn Un妇e确ity,sk孔’^哩ng'uOQ哟
Abstract:The stabilization process of hemihydrate calcium sulfate whiskers with several additiVes was studied in dif亿rent additive amounts,reaction times and temperatures.The pmducts were characterized by FnR,SEM,DSC- TG and XRD.’rhe results show that the stabilization of CaS04·0.5H20 whiskells can be accomplished at 100℃with addition of 0.3%sodium 01eate for 20 min and tllat the absorption state of sodium 01eate includes both physical and chemical absorption by which calcium oleate is produced on the sud'ace of whiskers.
从图l可以看出.未经稳定化处理时.半水硫酸 钙晶须水化产物的形貌以片状和板状为主:与未经 稳定化处理的产物形貌相比。经十二烷基苯磺酸钠、 草酸处理后的部分晶须仍为针状.但是晶须有断裂 现象发生。并且纤维状晶须直径较粗;月桂酸钠可以 使大部分晶须的形貌保持不变。但仍有部分晶须形 貌变为板状:从图中还可以看出,经硬脂酸钠、油酸 钠、柠檬酸钠和磷酸钠稳定化处理的晶须仍是纤维 状。基本保持了半水硫酸钙晶须原有的形貌。
(sTA409PC,德国耐驰公司,升温速率10℃·IIlin_1, 升温范围40。l 000℃,氮气气氛)检测其热稳定性和 结晶水含量。
2.1不同种类稳定剂对晶须形貌的影响 试验将不同稳定剂的最佳结果进行了比较。稳
定剂处理后和未经稳定化处理静置到常温常压时的 晶须形貌(300×)如图l所示。
图2不同稳定剂化处理的晶须微区形貌扫描电镜照片 Fig.2 SEM images of whiske瑙with di恐rent additives
经油酸钠、硬脂酸钠、柠檬酸钠处理后晶须的分析结 果相同,如图3a所示。磷酸钠处理后的晶须分析结 果如图3b所示。
3O 25
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产.嚣喜事m)、≈5墨H8王 O旬J O
5 4之 O
f 窖 ≥ 邑 、
的吸热峰和相应的失重现象.这可能是由于油酸钠 用量较小的原因。结合对产物的形貌观察。可知经油 酸钠、硬脂酸钠和柠檬酸钠稳定化处理后静置到常 温时半水硫酸钙晶须没有发生水化.
从图3b可以看出:经磷酸钠稳定化处理后的产 物在200℃附近有2个吸热峰.根据热重曲线可知 此时样品失重率为20.8%左右.与二水硫酸钙结晶 水理论含量20.93%基本一致。这说明经O.1%磷酸 钠稳定化处理后的产品静置到常温时.虽然形貌保 持良好,但转变成了二水硫酸钙晶须。 2.3用油酸钠稳定化处理前后晶须的FTIR分析
SEM images of hemihydrate calcium 8ulfate whiske硌with册d without s讪lization恤anII明t
为比较能够保持晶须形貌的几种稳定剂的作用 效果。对晶须的表面微区进行了高倍率(2400×和 2000×)镜下观察。结果如图2所示。从图2可以看 出.经硬脂酸钠处理的晶须表面基本平滑.但是其表 面仍有锯齿状缺口.且单根晶须不同位置直径粗细不 一。而柠檬酸钠处理的晶须虽然仍然保持了纤维状,
Stability of Hemihydrate Calcium Sulfate Whiskers
YUAN Zhi.Tao+ WANG Yu.Bin HAN Yue.Xin Li Li.Xia
水硫酸钙晶须的含量来评价不同用量油酸钠的稳定 化效果。图5是油酸钠用量和半水硫酸钙晶须含量 关系曲线。从图中可以看出.油酸钠用量对半水硫酸 钙晶须的含量有很大影响.半水硫酸钙晶须的含量 随着油酸钠用量的增大而增大.当油酸钠用量为 0.3%时半水硫酸钙晶须的含量为100%。结合DSC. TG分析结果.油酸钠用量为O.3%时半水硫酸钙晶 须的晶型保持到常温时不变.因此确定油酸钠的最 佳用量为0.3%。
①讲thout washing;②one—time w酗hing; ③repeated w鹊hing;④sodium oleate
图4 O.3%油酸钠处理后晶须和油酸钠的红外光谱 Fig.4 FnR gpec吮0f stabili髓d calcium su肠te
whiskeI弓and sodium oleate
Key words:hemihydrate calcium 8ulfate;whiske玛;stabilizati叩
硫酸钙晶须和无水硫酸钙晶须与水接触后都可发生 水化反应。半水硫酸钙晶须转变为二水硫酸钙的水 化过程.以半水硫酸钙晶须的晶型和形貌的改变为 主要特点.水化原因在于晶须的内部孔道和表面活 性点钙离子的存在闭。要实现半水硫酸钙晶须的稳定 性.可以采用填充其内部孔道和覆盖表面活性点的 方法.但是填充其内部孔道的方法既对无水硫酸钙 晶须的制备不利.又可能会对晶须的性能造成一定 影响嗍。本工作通过稳定剂与晶须表面活性点反应 的方式.研究了稳定剂对半水硫酸钙晶须的稳定性 影响.并通过对半水硫酸钙晶须稳定化处理前后的