

必修三 Unit 3 纠错考

1. They __ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed A. will B. can C. must D. should


-- Could I use your computer for a few

minutes, please?--___. I

'm not using it myself

A. Come on

B. It depends

C. That 's great

D. Go ahead

3. --__I stop here, sir? -No, go on to the next paragraph, please A. Will B. Would C. May D. Ought

4. --- Can your factory really afford___ food for the people in the flooded area? --- I believe we can because we have___ workers A. a number of; plenty of

B. a large amount of; a number of

C. a great amount of; a great deal of

D. plenty of; the number of

5.I___ through that bitter period without your generous help

A. couldn 'thave gone

B. wouldn 'tgo

C. didn 'tgo

D. hadn't gone

6. Why don 't you bring___ to his attention that you 're too ill to work on?

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. him

7. Passengers are permitted__ only piece of hand luggage onto the plane A. to carry B. to be carried C. carrying D. being carried

8. When you stayed in a rent room in that town last month, you___ with my brother Tony. He lives alone there A. must have stayed B. shouldn't have stayedC. could have stayedD. need have stayed 9.It 'snot what we to once in a while___ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently A. which B. how C. that D. when

10. The tomato juice left a brown___ on my newly —bought dress

A. point

B. spot

C. track

D. trace

11. Wherever he goes, the poor young man is ready to accept___ help he can get A. whatever B. however C. whichever D. whenever 12. -- I probably shouldn 'h t ave any more cake.---Oh,__ .It A. go ahead B. you 're welcome C. hold on, please 13. He was _ by police boarding a plane for Paris A. realized B. known C. spotted D. stared 14. He bega n to cry whe n he heard the n ews.

-But you_

A. shouldn't tell

B. could not have told

C. shouldn't have told

15. You didn 'b t other me; __ , I like your company

A. as a result

B. on the contrary

C. in a way

D. in a word

16. We made a bet ___ Tare___ who was going to arrive first A. with; about B. with; / C. with; on D. with; over 17. He ___ speak to his mother like that

A. ought not to

B. not ought to

C. doesn't ought to

D. ought to not

18. And now he___ shifts to the house, where the murderer is lying in wait A. sense B. sign C. scene D. view

19. --Look at these tracks. It___ be a wolf — Do n 't b e so sure, I think it__ be a fox A. must; could B. need; must C. may; might D. could; need

won 't kill you D. that 'lldo

him the truth at that moment

D. needn 'ttell

20. T he fire spread through the net bar very quickly, but everyone___ get out A. was able to B. had to C. could

D. would

21. H e has great belief __ the lawyer A. about B. in C. with D. of

22.I think she hurt my feelings on purpose rather than ___ as she said

A. by design

B. by choice

C. by accident

D. by mistake

23. ___ should any money be given to a small child(安徽检测)

A. On no account

B. From all accounts

C. Of no account

D. By all accounts

24. You must ___ every penny you spend during a business trip

A. account for

B. make up

C. tale on

D. turn on

25. -- Have you seen the film “Under the Hawthorn Tree ”?

--- Of course, I have. It was in our village____ it was made (2011 重庆) A. that B. which C. when D. where

26. -- What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

--- You___ do anything except to be with them and be yourself

A. don't have to

B. mustn 't

C. oughtn 'tto

D. can't

27. ________________________________________ Whe n I woke up, I found myself _ in bed and by doctors and nu rses

A. lying; surrounding

B. laying; surrounded

C. lying; surrounded

D. lain; surrounded

28.It'snot worth___ for you to jump into the river to rescue others if you can'w t ait

A. to take a chance

B. to take chances

C. taking a chance

D. Both Band C

29.1 looked up to see a young woman___ standing at the side of the road, begging

A. in anger

B. in turn

C. in rags

D. in truth

30.I___ the new type of DVD, but I didn't get enough money with me

A. should have bought

B. need have bought

C. could have bought

D. must have bought

31. You are not permitted__ alone

A. to be taking a chance

B. take a chance

C. to take a chance

D. taking a chance

32. ___ your advice, I 'm sure to take it into account

A. In spite of

B. But for

C. Because of

D. As for

33. As far as I am remember, my mother always remind me of table __ during dinner

A. habits

B. manners

C. ways

D. conditions

34. -- Have you seen the film ”Under the Hawthorn Tree ”?

--- Of course, I have. It was in our village___ it was made

A. that

B. when

C. where

D. which

35.1 had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That 'swhy I ___ wait until the rain stopped

A. might

B. ought to

C. should

D. had to

36. The pilot, whether___ or design, made the plane do a sharp turn

A. by accident

B. suddenly

C. at times

D. all at once

37. --I ' sorry but the traffic is so heavy. -Does that _ why you are so late?

A. ask for

B. forgive

C. believe in

D. account for

38. --I don'r t eally like James, why did you invite him?

-Don't worry. He___ come. He said he wasn 'tcertain what his plans were

A. would not

B. must not

C. need not

D. might not

39. T om, you___ leave all your clothes in the floor like this!

A. wouldn 't

B. mustn 't

C. needn 't

D. may not

40. _______________________________________ A cook will be immediately fired if he is found

A. smoke

B. to smoke

C. smoking

D. smoked

41. W hen we were young, every evening my brother and I__ stay at home waiting for our mother

A. would

B. should

C. might

D. could

42. T he special medicine for the disease was difficult to find though___ everywhere

A. sought

B. being sought

C. having sought

D. having been sought

43. M ary was taking a holiday with her family in a wildlife park___ she was bitten on the leg by a lion

A. When

B. while

C. since

D. before

44.She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do___ it takes to save her life.(湖南高考)

A. whichever

B. however

C. whatever

D. whoever

45. ________________________________ The medicine works more effectively you drink some hot water after taking it( _______________ 浙江高考)

A. as

B. until

C. although

D. if

46. T he man__ go out for a walk after supper when he was young

A. might

B. would

C. could

D. should

47. “You___ smoke in the bedroom! ”Rose said to her husband and pushed him out of the room

A. needn 't

B. dare not

C. couldn 't

D. mustn 't

48.It was rude___ you to stare at the foreigner when he passed by just now

A. with

B. of

C. for

D. to

49.Some pirates appeared, so they ___ change their route

A. must

B. had to

C. should

D. ought to

50.It__ be the postman at the door. It 's only six o 'clock A. mustn 'tB. won 't C. can 'tD. needn 't 51.If

you__ go, at least wait until t the storm is over A. can B. may C. must D. will

52. --Why didn 'tyou come to Simon 's party last night?

--I wanted to, but my mom simply__ not let me out so late at night

A. would

B. could

C. might

D. could

53. T here is no light on —they__ be at home A. mustn 'tB. needn 'tC. can 'tD. shouldn 't

54. ___ felt funny watching myself on TV

A. One

B. It

C. This

D. That

55. B orn into a family with three brothers, David was ___ to value the sense of sharing

A. brought up

B. looked up

C. turned down

D. held back

56. M y sister met him at the cinema yesterday afternoon, so he___ your lecture

A. shouldn't have attended

B. needn 't have attended

C. mustn 't have attended

D. couldn 't have attended

57. -- Would you permit me___ here? ---Sorry, we

don't permit___ here in the lab

A. smoking; smoking

B. to smoke; to smoke

C. smoking; to smoke

D. to smoke; smoking

58. --Will you read me a story, Mummy?--Ok. You__ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible

A. can

B. will

C. shall

D. must

59. A computer__ think for itself, it must be told what to doA. can 'B t. may not C. couldn 'D t. might not 60. A lthough I liked the appearance of the house, what really made me decided to buy it was the

beautiful___ through the windows A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery

61. M any of the artists who___ didn't come

A. ought to appear

B. should appear

C. had to appear

D. ought to have appeared

62. _______________________________ He was hit by a falling tree and killed A. under the spot B. in the spot

C. on the spot

D. on spot

63. ____ -- I return the dictionary within three days? ---No, you ___ . You ___ keep it for five days

A. May ; needn t '; will

B. Must; don 't have to; can

C. Can ; mustn t '; would

D. Shall; can 't; should 64. H e can get used to the city life here because he was___ in the countryside A. grown up B. fed C. trained D. brought up

65.It was___ he came back from American that year___ he met the girl he would like to marry. (江西

高考 ) A. when; when B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when 66.

--- Bill , can I get you anything to drink? --- ( 江苏高

考 )

A. You 're welcome

B. No problem

C. I wouldn 't mind a coffee

D. Doesn ' t matter


Just as

Professor Scotti often___ it, success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude ( 安徽高考 )

D. means

right to Helen. That 's why she has made up he mind to live with

B. Whatever; however

D. No matter what; no matter what 69. --NO one__ be compared with Yao Ming in playi ng basketball. —Oh, you are really his big fan A. can B. must C. need D. might

70. Was it on a lonely island__ he was saved one month after the boat went down? A. where B. which C. that D. what

71. Don 't ___ at me in that way. It makes me uneasy A. glance B. glare C. stare D. watch

72. -- I wonder why Mr. Green hasn

'tshowed up at the meeting yet

---I 'm not sure, but he___ in a traffic jam driving here

A. could be struck

B. might have been struck

C. might have struck

D. must have been struck 73.It was not until midnight___ they reached the camp site A. that B. when C. as D. while 74. -- Hi, any idea where Bill is?

—He__ in the library. I say him reading books there just now

A. shall be

B. must be

C. should have been

D. might have been 75. We met___ and have become good friends since then A. by mistake B. by accident C. by ourselves D. by the way 76. The train was ten minutes late, so I ___ have run all the way to the station A. couldn't B. needn 't C. wouldn 't D. mustn 't

77. He__ his friend in the crowd, and he ___ his friend had changed a lot A. sought out; spotted B. worked; spotted C. spotted; sought out D. spotted; picked out 78. Recent pressure at work may___ his behavior A. account for B. stand for C. pay for D. leave for


A. gets

B. puts

C. makes 68. ___ David says sounds him ___ happens

A. Whatever; whatever

C. No matter what; whatever
