英语必修Ⅲ外研版Module2Cultural Corner教案

Q3. Two similarcational, cultural and sporting events.
Step2. While-reading
Answer the following questions.
Suggested answers:
1. a. medium-sized towns of between 100,000and 200,000 inhabitants.
b. have universities and industries
c. tourism is important
d. close to some of the most beautiful countryside
2. It’s an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features.
3. The students and people who want to practise speaking another language.
2.Finish the other exercises of this module.
1. How areOxfordin theUKandGrenobleinFrancesimilar?
a. ____________
b. ____________
c. ____________
d. ____________
2. What is town twinning?
3.What kind of person will benefit from town twinning agreements most? Why?

M1-M6 B3 Cultural Corner译文M1B3 Cultural Corner译文The European Union欧盟What Is the European Union?欧盟是什么?The European Union is an organisation of European countries.欧盟是欧洲各国的一个组织。
The countries are independent and are governed in different ways.欧洲各国各自独立,国家管理各不相同。
In the United Kingdom, for example, the head ofstate is a king or queen.例如,英国的国家元首是国王或女王,In France, on the otherhand, the head of state is a president.而法国的元首是总统。
But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, which has some control over whathappens in each of the member countries.但每个国家都向欧盟委员会派遣代表,欧盟委员会负责管理各个成员国的事务。
How Did It Start?欧盟是如何开始的?The idea of the European Union began in the 1950s.创建欧盟这一想法始于二十世纪五十年代。
The first members were France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, theNetherlands and Italy.最初的成员国有法国、德国、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰和意大利。
Little by little, the number increased during the second half of the twentiethcentury. 逐渐地,成员国在二十世纪后半叶不断增加。
四川省宣汉县第二中学高中英语 Module 2 Cultural corner2课件 新人教版选修6

Module 2
I couldn't agree more. That couldn't be better\worse. That's a good point.这是一个很好的观点。 You can't be serious. 你不可能是认真的。 disagree with sb\sth.\sb's words\idea\食物\气候 disagree on \over sth. disagreeto ___ (plan\suggestion\arrangement\ opinion) be stongly against There's a ban___ on smoking in theatres.
whomever 还可以引导名词性从句,此
时不能转化为 no matter what (which, who, whom)。
2. Set a date when you’re going to stop. when在此处引导定语从句 set a date
-- Shall we set a date for the
Cultural corner Stop Smoking Now– We Can Help!
What kind of advice will you
give to a smoker
Read the passage, try to find the four Ds:
Deep breathing
-- How about this Friday?
set a rule制定规则
set a time定时间
步步高外研高中必修3:Module 2 Section Four Cultural Corner

13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/8/132021/8/132021/8/132021/8/138/13/2021
• 14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年8月13日星期五2021/8/132021/8/132021/8/13
• 17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2021/8/132021/8/132021/8/132021/8/13
• 2、Our destiny offers not only the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. (Richard Nixon, American President )命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。二〇二一年六月十七日2021年6月17日星期四 • 3、Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. (Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker)忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。10:516.17.202110:516.17.202110:5110:51:196.17.202110:516.17.2021 • 4、All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. ----R.H. Stoddard, American poet做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行6.17.20216.17.202110:5110:5110:51:1910:51:19 • 5、You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success. ----Charles Chaplin人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。-Thursday, June 17, 2021June 21Thursday, June 17, 20216/17/2021
高中英语M2 Cultural Corner优秀课件

brother towns friendship towns partner towns
The 20xx Week of International Sister Cities of Chengdu, a meeting of Chengdu’s sister cities
1. medium-sized towns 1) a four-legged table 2) a warm-hearted teacher 3) a golden-haired girl 4) a left-handed person 5) a round-faced baby 6) a single-minded girlfriend 7) a one-eyed monster
2. … and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.
• be close to 与……靠近的 Most parents want to be as close to their children as possible.
during this meeting.
The international sister city program serves as a
window and bridge for the city to enhance friendly
ties among the people, exchange ideas and
1. 人口在10到20万 之间的中等城
2. 靠近,接近
3. 面积、岁数相似的 城
1. medium-sized towns of between 100,000 and 200,000 inhabitants
外研 必修2 Module 2 Cultural Corner(34PPT)

Read the passage and answer the following questions:
1、What are the similarities between Oxford and Grenoble? 2、What’s Town Twining?
3、What happens when two towns have a town twinning agreement? 4、What’s the significance of the agreement?
Grenoble 格勒诺布尔
Grenoble 格勒诺布尔
格勒诺布尔(Grenoble)位于法国东南部。是法 国伊泽尔省的省会。位于阿尔卑斯山区。Grenoble 风景秀丽古迹众多, 有建于十四世纪的大学,还有 艺术博物馆、教堂等古典建筑。 Grenoble大学建于1339年, 是法国最老的大学之 一。司汤达(著名的法国作家),Berlioz(著名的 音乐家)和张伯伦(发现了埃及金字塔)都曾就读 于此。
To push the European people to know more about each other.
Oxford 牛津
Oxford University 牛津因闻名于它的世界一流学府的地位和遍布各
地的古迹, 使它成为人们极度梦想的城市。9世纪建 立,距今有1100多年历史的牛津城是英国皇族和学 者的摇篮。现在遍布城市各个角落的商业企业,特 别是高科技企业使牛津这座古老的城市焕发了青春 的活力。 牛津从公元7世纪已有人在那里居住。到公元912 年,它已成为英格兰的一个要地。泰晤士河和柴威 尔河在此会合,当时河水不深,用牛拉车即可涉水 而过,牛津由此得名。

Module 3
What do you know about Ye Xiaogang?
叶小钢 作曲家,男,汉族,1955年9月出生, 广东南雄人。现任中央音乐学院教授、博 士生导师、作曲系副主任,中国音乐家协会 副主席,第十届全国政协委员。
乡的天空下开车,会突然感到纳闷:我在哪儿?这就是我家吗? 我家,在不同的路标之间。
这世界上唯一扛的住岁月摧残的就是才华。 1、垂下的头颅只是为了让思想扬起,你若有一个不屈的灵魂,脚下就会有一片坚实的土地。曾几何时,我们做了 世上那最柔情的人,为一朵花低眉,为一朵云驻足,为一滴雨感动长的是磨难,短的是人生 生命之所以有意义是因为它会停止。生命可以随心所欲,但不能随波 逐流。如果出现了绝壁,那么就越过它,就能把绝壁变成桥了一曲终了,繁花散尽,伊人已逝,只余一声空叹。欲戴王冠,必承其重。有时候,同样的一件事情, 我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。行到水穷处,坐看云起时。 所谓的王,乃最贪婪,最豪爽,最易怒之人。且清且浊,追求极致人生。为臣者,因之而仰 慕,追随其左右。因此,臣民才会有称王之志,追寻自己的理想。 这个世界其实从不曾有一个人能取代另一个人的位置,所谓的取代,只是以前的那个人被遗忘 面对大河我无限惭愧我年华虚度 空有一身疲倦和所有以梦为马的诗人一样岁月易逝 一滴不剩你穷,是因为你没有野心 见了他,她变得很低很低,低到尘埃里。
1. Are there any similarities between Ye Xiaogang and the European composers you have read about in this module?
2. Do you think it is a good idea to mix Chinese and western music?
高中-英语-外研版-Module 2 Cultural Corner town twinning

Q4: What’s Town Twining? It’s an agreement between towns and cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.
Q5:For whom are the town twinning agreements most useful?
The agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practise speaking another language.
about and visit other countries and towns . Town twinning 5._a_g_r_e_e_m_e_n_t_s_(agreement) encourage people from the two
towns 6._t_o_v_i_s_it__(visit) each other. These agreements are perhaps most 7.u_s_e_f_u_l__(use) for students and people who want to practise 8._s_p_e_a_k_i_n_g_(speak) another language.This
Town twinning is not a new idea, but it 3.h_a_s__b_e_c_o_m_e_(become) more popular in recent years.That is because it's now 4. e_a_s_i_e_r_(easy) than before to find out
外研 高中英语必修4Module 2 Cultural corner 教学ppt课件(43张)

外研版 高一年级(必修4)
Module 2
Look at the following English definitions about means of transport. Can you give their names?
as two wheels. bike/bicycle
Read again and answer the questions.
1. What was the traffic problem in London? They think the charge should be higher.
do something about Many people have been worried about the hidden traffic problems. with…in mind
It’s a large boat for carrying people and goods on the sea.
Which means of transport do you think you will choose when travelling? Why?
外研版 高一年级(必修4)
It’s a flying vehicle with wings and
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C.Grenoble in France
D.the relationship between Oxford and Grenoble
3.Put the structure of this passage in order. ①definition ②how it works ③example
C.Tourism isins't important to them.
D.They are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside.
2.Why has town twinning become popular in
recent years? A.Because it is a new idea. B.Because it is easier to find out about and visit
other countries and towns. C.Because people like visiting very much. D.Because one town needs another town in
another country as its town twin.
3.Where did the visitors of town twinning agreements live when they visited the others of town twinning agreements? A.In the hotels. B.In the schools. C.In the theatres. D.In the private homes.
Q5:For whom are the town twinning agreements most useful?
The agreements are perhaps most useful for students and people who want to practisent
1.What kind of this passage is it? A.narration(记叙文) B.argumentation(议论文) C.exposition(说明文) 2.The passage is mainly about______ twinning agreement
Town twinning is not a new idea, but it 3.h_a_s__b_e_c_o_m_e_(become) more popular in recent years.That is because it's now 4. e_a_s_i_e_r_(easy) than before to find out
Fill in blanks
Town twinning is an agreement between towns or cities 1._t_h_a_t/_w__h_ic_h_ have many similarities, such as size and age, tourism,industry, culture and 2._e_n_t_e_r_ta_i_n_m_e_n__t (entertain).
about and visit other countries and towns . Town twinning 5._a_g_r_e_e_m_e_n_t_s_(agreement) encourage people from the two
towns 6._t_o_v_i_s_it__(visit) each other. These agreements are perhaps most 7.u_s_e_f_u_l__(use) for students and people who want to practise 8._s_p_e_a_k_i_n_g_(speak) another language.This
Twin towns refer to two different towns that have many similarities and have a close relationship with each other.
Do you know Ya'an has a twin town?
is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks 9._m__e_a_n_s_(mean) that you have to speak their language, and as 10.__a____ result you improve fast.
Oxford 牛津
Grenoble 格勒诺布尔
geographical location
Choose the best answer according to the text.
1.Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France are similar. Choose the WRONG statement about them: A.They both have universities and industries. B.They are both medium-sized towns in Europe.
Q4: What’s Town Twining? It’s an agreement between towns and cities of similar size and age, and which have similar features such as tourism, industry, culture and entertainment.