常用单位换算表unit conversion
2240 1.12 907185 907.185 0.90719 1814.37 1520.04 24191.6 1511.98 32000 2000 0.89286 0.45359245 0.453592428 12 0.822857
1,163x10(-^3) 0,119 0,00158 0,00156 0,0661 3,97 17,606 0,0176 1,796 0,0239 0,02355 15,13 52.5 0,293
0,293x10(-^3) 0,299
0,398x10(-^3) 0,393x10(-^3)
0,252 0,016 單位換算表 熱量
ch Hp kcal/h BTU/min BTU/hr W kgm/s ch Hp kcal/h BTU/min BTU/hr W
1英碼= 1美碼= 1公尺= 1公尺=
0.3314 0.00019 0.00016
25.4 0.0254 0.00003 0.762 0.07938 0.08382 0.08333 0.02778 0.00002 0.00001 304.801 0.3048 0.00031 0.9144 0.9525 1.00584
1kgm= 1kcal= 1ch.h.= 1BTU= 1kWh= 1Hph=
0,000136 3,412 0,001 0,00134 9,81
2,725x10(-^3) 0,00234
3,71x10(-^6) 0,00929
2,725x10(-^6) 3,659x10(-^6)
常用单位换算表(Common unit conversion table)Volume conversion1 GI, =0.118 litres (1), 1 pints (PT), =0.473 litres (1)1 quarts (QT) =0.946 liters (1), 1 Gal (Gal) =3.785 liters (1)1 barrels (BBL) =0.159 cubic meters (M3) =42 American gallons (Gal)1 acres. Feet = 1234 cubic meters (M3)1 cubic inches (in3) =16.3871 cubic centimeter (cm3)1 billion cubic feet (BCF) =2831.7 million cubic meters (M3) 1 trillion cubic feet (TCF) =283.17 million cubic meters (M3)1 million cubic feet (MMcf) = 28 thousand and 317 cubic meters (M3)1 thousand cubic feet (MCF) =28.317 cubic meters (M3), 1 British gallons (Gal), =4.546 liters (1)1 cubic feet (FT3) =0.0283 cubic meters (M3) =28.317 liters (liter)1 cubic meters (M3) =1000 liters (liter) =35.315 cubic feet (FT3) =6.29 barrels (BBL)Mass conversion1 long (long ton) =1.016 tons (T) 1 kg (kg) =2.205 pounds (LB)1 pounds (LB kg) =0.454 (kg) [] (oz) 1 oz avdp =28.350 grams(g)1 short tons (sh.ton) =0.907 (T) =2000 pounds (LB)1 tons of (T) =1000 kg (kg) =2205 (LB) =1.102 ton pound (sh.ton) At the =0.984 (long ton)Density conversion1 lb / (lb/ft3) =16.02 kg / M3 (kg/m3)API = 131.5 proportion 141.5/15.5 C1 lb / gal (lb/gal) =99.776 kg / M 3 (kg/m3)1 Baume density (B) = 140/15.5 C when the proportion of 130 1 lb / inch 3 (lb/in3) =27679.9 kg / M 3 (kg/m3)1 lb / gal (lb/gal) =119.826 kg / M 3 (kg/m3)1 lb / (oil) barrel (lb/bbl) =2.853 kg / M 3 (kg/m3)1 kg / m, 3 (kg/m3) =0.001 g / cm, 3 (g/cm3) =0.0624 lb / ft 3 (lb/ft3)Kinematic viscosity conversion1 Si (St) =10-4 m 2/ s (m2/s) =1 cm 2/ sec (cm2/s)1 feet 2/ seconds (ft2/s), =9.29030 * 10-2 meters, 2/ seconds (m2/s)1 mm2/s (cSt) =10-6; meters 2/ seconds (m2/s) =1 millimeters 2/ secondsDynamic viscosity conversionThe dynamic viscosity of 1 poise (P) = 0.1 pa - seconds (Pa - s) 1 CPS (cP) =10-3 pa - (Pa - s).1 pounds per second / foot2 (LBF. S/ft2) =47.8803 PA sec (Pa. S)1 kg force per second / M2 (KGF = s, M2) =9.80665 PA sec (Pa. S)Force conversion1 Newton (N) = 0.225 pound force (LBF) =0.102 kg force (KGF)1 kg force (KGF) =9.81 cattle (N)1 pounds force (LBF) and Newton =4.45 (N) 1 dyne (dyn) =10-5 Newton (N)Temperature conversionK = 5/9 (DEG F+459.67) K= DEG C +273.15N DEG C = (5/9 = n+32) degrees F, n degrees F=[(n-32) * 5/9] DEG C1 degrees F=5/9 degrees centigrade (temperature difference)Pressure conversionThe pressure of 1 bar (bar), =105 (Pa) 1 dyne / cm 2 (dyn/cm2), =0.1 (Pa)1 bracket (Torr) =133.322 PA (Pa) 1 mmHg (mmHg) =133.322 PA (Pa)1 mm water column (mmH2O) =9.80665 kPa (Pa) 1 Engineering atmospheric pressure =98.0665 kPa (kPa)1 thousand PA (kPa) =0.145 lbs / inch2 (PSI) =0.0102 kg force / cm 2 (kgf/cm2)=0.0098 atmospheric pressure (ATM)1 lb / inch,2 (PSI) =6.895 kPa (kPa), =0.0703 kg force / cm2 (kg/cm2)=0.0689 bar (bar) =0.068 atmospheric pressure (ATM)1 Physical atmospheric pressure (ATM) =101.325 kPa (kPa) =14.696 lbs / inch 2 (PSI)=1.0333 bar (bar)Conversion of heat transfer coefficient1 thousand card / M2 M. (kcal/m2 * h) =1.16279 watt / M 2 (w/m2) 1 thousand card / (M 2 c c c) [1kcal/ (m2. H. C)]= 1.16279 watts / (M 2 Kelvin) [w/ (m2, K)]1 British thermal units / (feet 2. F. F) [Btu/ (ft2. H. C).] =5.67826 watts / (M2 Kelvin) [(w/m2, K)]1 m 2. M. C / kcal (M2 h /kcal)=0.86000 M 2 Kelvin / w (M2 ? K/W)Conversion of thermal conductivity1 thousand card (meter time Celsius) [kcal/ (M. H. C)]= 1.16279 watts / (Mi Kevin) [W/ (m, K)]1 British thermal units / (FT F) But/ (Ft. H. F)= 1.7303 watts / (Mi Kevin) [W/ (m, K)]Specific volume heat conversion1 thousand kcal / kg (kg) kcal/= 1 British thermal units / (pounds, DEG F) [Btu/ (LB. F)] = 4186.8 joules / (kg Kelvin) [J/ (kg, K)]Power conversion1 card (CAL) =4.1868 Joule (J) 1 kcal =4186.75 Joule (J)1 kilograms of force meters (KGF. M) =9.80665 joules (J)1 British thermal units (Btu) = 1055.06 joules (J)1 kilowatt hour (kW * h) =3.6 * 106 joules (J)1 feet pound force (Ft. LBF) =1.35582 Joule (J)1 metric horsepower hour (HP * h) =2.64779 * 106 joules (J) 1 hours per hour (UKHp * h) =2.68452 * 106 joules1 joules = 0.10204 kg m= 2.778 x 10-7 kilowatt hour= 3.777 x 10 - 7 metric horsepower hour= 3.723 x 10 - 7 inch horsepower hour= 2.389 x 10-4 kcal= 9.48 * 10-4 British thermal unitPower conversion1 British thermal units / time (Btu/h) =0.293071 watts (W) 1 kg force per meter / second (KGF. M/s) =9.80665 watts (W)1 card / second (cal/s) = 4.1868 watts (W), 1 metric horsepower (HP) =735.499 watts (W)Speed conversion1 miles per hour (mile/h) =0.44704 M / S (m/s)1 ft / S (ft/s) =0.3048 M / S (m/s)Permeability conversion1 Darcy = 1000 milli Darcy, 1 cm2 (cm2) = 9.81 * 107 Darcy Conversion of geothermal gradient1 F/100 feet = 1.8 /100 /m1 deg / km = 2.9 degrees F/ miles (F/mile degrees) =0.055 degrees F/100 feet (F/ft degrees)Conversion of oil and gas production1 barrels (BBL) =0.14 tons (T) (crude oil, global average)1 trillion cu ft / tcf/d=283.2 million cubic meters / day (m3/d)=10.336 trillion cubic meters / year (m3/a)1 billion cu ft / bcf/d=0.2832 million cubic meters / day (m3/d)=103.36 million cubic meters / year (m3/a)1 million cu ft / MMcf/d=2.832 million cubic meters / day (m3/d)=1033.55 million cubic meters / year (m3/a)1 thousand cu ft / Mcf/d=28.32 cubic meters per day (m3/d)=1.0336 million cubic meters / year (m3/a)1 barrels / day (BPD) =50 tons / year (t/a) (crude oil, global average)1 tons (T) =7.3 barrels (BBL) (crude oil, global average)Gas oil ratio conversion1 cubic feet / barrel (cuft/bbl) =0.2067 cubic meters / ton (m3/t)Caloric value conversion1 barrels of crude oil = 5.8 * 106 British hot units (Btu)1 ton coal =2.406 * 107 British thermal unit (Btu)1 cubic meters of moisture = 3.909 * 104 British hot units (Btu)1 kilowatts of water and electricity = 1.0235 * 104 British hot (Btu)1 cubic meters of dry gas = 3.577 * 104 British thermal units (Btu) (above us average calorific value in 1990)(source: National Bureau of standards)Heat equivalent conversion1 barrels of crude = 5800 cubic feet of natural gas (calculated by average calorific value)1 cubic meters of natural gas = 1.3300 kilograms of standard coal1 kilograms of crude oil = 1.4286 kilograms of standard coalMore and more cars are coming into the family now. Of course, in addition to domestic, joint venture vehicles, there are a considerable number of imported cars, and even non Chinese specifications of the models are also occupying people's line of sight. In order to buy a car, compared to the previous us to pick and choose, but in contrast to several cars, but often found that data specifications of each car, are not unified. If it were made in China, it would be better. If there are domestic cars and imported cars, then the metric and British data are really a big headache. After a period of comparison and summary, the editor will write some rules and some quick conversion methods between the public and the British, hoping to help you buy your car later.Length: the average import car likes to use length (feet) and inches (inch, usually abbreviated in.) to indicate length, then it is converted to metric:1 inches (in.) =2.54 cm, 1 feet (feet) =12 inches, =30.48 cm, 1 yards (yard) =3 feet, =0.9144 metersIn the distance, they prefer to travel miles rather than kilometers.1 miles, =1760 yards, =1.61 kilometersIt is advisable to use 1 miles =1.6 kilometers when using Volume: imported cars in the trunk volume, tank volume and soon, love with cubic feet (usually indicated by the abbreviation cu.ft.), gallons (usually indicated by the abbreviation Gal.) and other units, and we used the "rise" of this unit.1 cubic feet (cu.ft.) =28.317 liters,1 cubic meters =35.3147 cubic feet.Gallon into British US gallons and gallons:1 imperial gallon =4.546 liters,1 US gallons =3.785 litersIn addition, some American car manufacturers are accustomed to using cubic inches (cu.in.) to indicate engine displacement.1 cubic inches (cu.in.) =16.317 cubic centimeters =16.317 ml.Weight: the weight of imported cars, more accustomed to using "pounds" to say, generally "pound" is divided into "long imperial pounds" system and "two pounds short", is now more long pounds (usually indicated by the abbreviation lb.)1 pounds (lb.) =0.4536 kgIn the calculation, general 1 pounds long =0.454 kg, if in vehicles without a calculator, so you can compare the vehicle weight (pounds) * 0.9, then by 2 to obtain the approximate number of kilograms (error of 0.8%). For example, a SUV can pull 5000 pounds of trailers, then 5000 * 0.9=4500 (Shi Jin), 4500divided by 2, that is 2250 kilograms.Power: in Europe and the United States, "horsepower" (that is, horsepower, usually abbreviated HP), this unit is still widely used. Horsepower according to the current scope, and can be divided into British horsepower and metric horsepower, while the international standard used to measure the "kilowatt" to measure the power of the engine.1 imperial horsepower, =0.746 kW 1, metric horsepower =0.7355 kwGeneral metric horsepower conversion, you can take 1 metric horsepower =0.735 kW, 1 kW =1.36 horsepower.In addition by the above two equations we can see that the imperial horsepower than metric horsepower "worth", which is why the same numerical car with imperial horsepower show, than small reasons for metric horsepower show. A 147 kilowatt car, for example, should be 200 metric horsepower, but only 197 horsepower when performed in Imperial horsepower. However, in view of the relatively close numerical values, they are usually not specified at the time of conversion,Approximately 1 British horsepower =1 metric horsepower.Torque: relative to cattle, meters, European and American countries prefer to use the pound foot (usually abbreviated ft-lb, or lb.-ft) to indicate the torque of the automobile engine. If it is not a special understanding of the two units, the conversion will be more troublesome, the editor providesa simple algorithm:1 pounds, ft-lb, =1.355 ox, MFor example, TOYOTA Sequoia Limited's 4.7 liter engine torque is 314 pounds, feet, then converted to metric is 425.47 cattle meters.Fuel consumption: compared to L/100KM in our country and other countries, there is another fuel consumption algorithm that occupies half of the country: MPG, that is, miles per gallon per gallon of gasoline. Simply according to each of these English units to convert to L/100KM is more troublesome, editors recommend a relatively fast method.If it's 1 miles per gallon, then..:L/100KM=282.35/MPG numberFor example, a car every 1 gallons to 25 miles, or MPG=25, then divide 282.35 by 25, equal to 11.294, then it is converted into a 11.294 liter /100KM L/100KM.If every 1 miles to the gallon, so:L/100KM=235/MPG numberFor example, a car every 1 US gallon can run 25 miles, namely MPG=25, then with 235 divided by 25 is equal to 9.4, then it is converted into a 9.4 liter /100KM L/100KM.。
英美制到公制換算Linear Measure 长度1米=39.37inches.1 inch 英寸=25.4 millimetres 毫米1 foot 英尺=12 inches 英寸=0.3048 metre 米1 yard 码=3 feet 英尺=0.9144 metre 米1 (statute) mile 英里=1760 yards 码=1.609 kilometres 千米1 nautical mile 海里=1852 m. 米长度缩写或符号等值换算哩mi. 880英寻1.609公里英寻fm. 2码1.829米码yd.3尺0.914米尺ft. 12寸30.48厘米寸in.2.54厘米海里10链英=1.853公里国际海程制=1.852公里链美=185.3米国际海程制=185.2米Square Measure 面积1 square inch 平方英寸=6.45 sq.centimetres 平方厘米1 square foot 平方英尺=144 sq.in.平方英寸=9.29 sq.decimetres 平方分米1 square yard 平方码=9 sq.ft. 平方英尺=0.836 sq.metre 平方米1 acre 英亩=4840 sq.yd.平方码=0.405 hectare 公顷1 square mile 平方英里=640 acres 英亩=259 hectares 公顷Cubic Measure 体积1 cubic inch 立方英寸=16.4 cu.centimetres 立方厘米1 cubic foot 立方英尺=1728 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.0283 cu.metre 立方米1 cubic yard 立方码=27 cu.ft. 立方英尺=0.765 cu.metre 立方米Capacity Measure 容积Britich 英制1 pint 品脱=20 fluid oz. 液量盎司=34.68 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.568 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.136 litres 升1 gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=4.546 litres 升1 peck 配克=2 gallons 加伦=9.092 litres 升1 bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=36.4 litres 升1 quarter 八蒲式耳=8 bushels 蒲式耳=2.91 hectolitres 百升American dry 美制干量1 pint 品脱=33.60 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.550 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.101 litres 升1 peck 配克=8 quarts 夸脱=8.81 litres 升1 bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=35.3 litres 升American liquid 美制液量1 pint 品脱=16 fluid oz. 液量盎司=28.88 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.473 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=0.946 litre 升1 gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=3.785 litres 升Avoirdupois Weight 常衡1 grain 格令=0.065 gram 克1 dram 打兰=1.772 grams 克1 ounce 盎司=16 drams 打兰=28.35 grams 克1 pound 磅=16 ounces 盎司=7000 grains 谷=0.4536 kilogram 千克1 stone 英石=14 pounds 磅=6.35 kilograms 千克1 quarter 四分之一英担=2 stones 英石=12.70 kilograms 千克1 hundredweight 英担=4 quarters 四分之一英担=50.80 kilograms 千克1 short ton 短吨(美吨)=2000 pounds 磅=0.907 tonne 公吨1 (long) ton 长吨(英吨)=20 hundredweight 英担=1.016 tonnes 公吨公制换算到英制Linear Measure 长度1 millimetre 毫米=0.03937 inch 英寸1 centimetre 厘米=10 mm. 毫米=0.3937 inch 英寸1 decimetre 分米=10 cm. 厘米=3.937 inches 英寸1 metre 米=10 dm. 分米=1.0936 yards 码=3.2808 feet 英尺1 decametre 十米=10 m. 米=10.936 yards 码1 hectometre 百米=100 m. 米=109.4 yards 码1 kilometre 千米=1000 m. 米=0.6214 mile 英里1 mile marin 海里=1852 m. 米=1.1500 mile 英里Square Measure 面积1 square centimetre 平方厘米=0.155 sq.inch 平方英寸1 square metre 平方米=1.196 sq.yards 平方码1 are 公亩=100 square metres 平方米=119.6 sq.yards 平方码1 hectare 公顷=100 ares 公亩=2.471 acres 英亩1 square kilometre 平方公里=0.386 e 平方英里Cubic Measure 体积1 cubic centimetre 立方厘米=0.061 cu.inch 立方英寸1 cubic metre 立方米=1.308 cu.yards 立方码Capacity Measure 容积1 millilitre 毫升=0.002 pint (British) 英制品脱1 centilitre 厘升=10 ml. 毫升=0.018 pint 品脱1 decilitre 分升=10 cl. 厘升=0.176 pint 品脱1 litre 升=10 dl. 分升=1.76 pints 品脱1 decalitre 十升=10 l. 升=2.20 gallons 加伦1 hectolitre 百升=100 l. 升=2.75 bushels 蒲式耳1 kilolitre 千升=1000 l. 升=3.44 quarters 八蒲式耳Weight 重量1 milligram 毫克=0.015 grain 谷1 centigram 厘克=10 mg. 毫克=0.154 grain 谷1 decigram 分克=10 cg. 厘克=1.543 grains 谷1 gram 克=10 dg. 分克=15.43 grains 谷1 decagram 十克=10 g. 克=5.64 drams 打兰1 hectogram 百克=100 g. 克=3.527 ounces 盎司1 kilogram 千克=1000 g. 克=2.205 pounds 磅1 ton (metric ton) 吨,公吨=1000 kg. 千克=0.984 (long) ton 长吨,英吨=1.1023 短吨,美吨公制单位与美制惯例单位换算FROM U.S. CUSTOMAR TO METRIC 从美国惯例单位到公制单位WHEN YOU KNOWMULTIPLY BYTO FIND已知单位乘以求得单位inches英寸25.4millimeters公厘2.54centimeters公分feet英尺30.48centimeters公分yards码0.91meters公尺miles英里1.61kilometers公里teaspoons茶匙4.93milliliters毫升tablespoons大匙14.79milliliters毫升fluid ounces液盎司29.57milliliters毫升cups杯0.24liters公升pints品脱0.47liters公升quarts夸脱0.95liters公升gallons加仑3.79liters公升cubic feet立方英尺0.028cubic meters立方公尺cubic yards立方码0.76cubic meters立方公尺ounces盎司28.35grams克pounds磅0.45kilograms千克short tons (2,000 lbs)美吨0.91metric tons公吨square inches平方英寸6.45square centimeters平方公分square feet平方英尺0.09square meters平方公尺square yards平方码0.84square meters平方公尺square miles平方英里2.6square kilometers平方公里acres英亩0.4hectares公顷FROM METRIC TO U.S. CUSTOMARY 从公制单位到美国惯例单位WHEN YOU KNOWMULTIPLY BYTO FIND已知单位乘以求得单位millimeters公厘0.04inches英寸centimeters公分0.39inches英寸meters公尺3.28feet英尺1.09yards码kilometers公里0.62miles英里milliliters毫升0.2teaspoons茶匙0.06tablespoons大匙0.03fluid ounces液盎司liters公升1.06quarts夸脱0.26gallons加仑4.23cups杯2.12pints品脱cubic meters立方公尺35.32cubic feet立方英尺1.35cubic yards立方码grams克0.035ounces盎司kilograms千克2.21pounds磅metric ton公吨(1,000 kg)1.1short ton美吨square centimeters平方公分0.16square inches平方英寸square meters平方公尺1.2square yards平方码square kilometers平方公里0.39square miles平方英里hectares公顷2.47acres英亩TEMPERATURE CONVERSION BETWEEN CELSIUS AND FAHRENHEIT 摄氏与华氏的温度换算C = (F- 32) ÷ 1.8CONDITION FAHRENHEITCELSIUS条件摄氏华氏Boiling point of water水的沸点212°100°A very hot day炎热天气104°40°Normal body temperature正常体温98.6°37°A warm day暖热天气86°30°A mild day温暖天气68°20°F= (C x1.8) + 32CONDITION FAHRENHEITCELSIUS条件华氏摄氏A cool day寒冷天气50°10°Freezing point of water水的冰点32°0°Lowest temperature Gabriel Fahrenheitcould obtain by mixing salt and ice0°-17.8°将盐与冰混合后所能得到的最低加布里埃尔华氏温度U.S. CUSTOMARY SYSTEM 美国惯例制度UNITRELATION TO OTHER U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSMETRIC EQUIVALENT 单位与其他美国惯例单位的关系公制等量LENGTH长度drop 1/76 teaspooninch 1/12foot 2.54 centimeters英寸1/12英尺 2.54公分foot12 inches or 1/3 yard 0.3048 meter英尺12英寸或1/3码0.3048公尺yard36 inches or 3 feet 0.9144 meter码36英寸或3英尺0.9144公尺rod161/2 feet or 51/2 yards 5.0292 meters杆161/2英尺或51/2 码 5.0292公尺furlong220 yards or 1/8 mile 0.2012 kilometer弗隆220码或1/8英里0.2012公里mile (statute)5,280 feet or 1,760 yards1.6093 kilometers英里(规)5,280英尺或1,760码 1.6093公里mile (nautical)6,076 feet or 2,025 yards1.852 kilometers英里(航海)6,076英尺或2,025码 1.852公里VOLUME OR CAPACITY (LIQUID MEASURE) 容积或容量(液量单位) ounce1/16 pint29.574 milliliters盎司1/16品脱29.574毫升gill4 ounces0.1183 liter吉耳4盎司0.1183升pint16 ounces0.4732 liter品脱16盎司0.4732升quart2 pints or 1/4 gallon0.9463 liter夸脱2品脱或1/4加仑0.9463升gallon128 ounces or 8 pints3.7853 liters加仑128盎司或8品脱3.7853升barrel(wine)311/2 gallons119.24 liters(beer)36 gallons136.27 liters(oil)42 gallons158.98 liters桶(葡萄酒)311/2 加仑119.24升(啤酒)36 加仑136.27升(油)42 加仑158.98升VOLUME OR CAPACITY (DRY MEASURE) 容积或容量(干量单位) pint1/2 quart0.5506 liter品脱1/2 夸脱0.5506升quart2 pints1.1012 liter夸脱2品脱1.1012升peck8 quarts or 1/4 bushel8.8098 liters配克8夸脱或1/4蒲式耳8.8098升bucket2 pecks17.620 liters桶2配克17.620升bushel2 buckets or 4 pecks35.239 liters蒲式耳2桶或4配克35.239升WEIGHT 重量grain1/7000 pound64.799 milligrams格令1/7000磅毫克dram1/16 ounce1.7718 grams打兰1/16盎司1.7718克ounce16 drams28.350 grams盎司16打兰28.350克pound16 ounces453.6 grams磅16盎司453.6克ton (short)2,000 pounds907.18 kilograms吨(短)2,000磅907.18千克ton (long)2,240 pounds1,016.0 kilograms吨(长)2,240磅1,016.0千克GEOGRAPHIC AREA 地理面积acre4,840 square yards4,047 square meters英亩4,840平方码4,047平方公尺COOKING MEASURES 烹饪量器UNITRELATION TO OTHER COOKING MEASURESCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS 单位与其他美国烹饪量器的关系换算成公制单位drop1/76 teaspoon 0.0649milliliter滴1/76茶匙0.0649毫升teaspoon76 drops or 1/3 tablespoon4.9288 milliliters茶匙76滴或1/3大匙 4.9288毫升tablespoon3 teaspoons 14.786 milliliters大匙3茶匙14.786毫升cup16 tablespoons or 1/2 pint0.2366 liter杯16大匙或1/2品脱0.2366升pint2 cups 0.4732 liters品脱2杯0.4732升quart4 cups or 2 pints 0.9463 liter夸脱4杯或2品脱0.9463升英制单位到其它单位换算BRITISH IMPERIAL SYSTEM 英国制度UNITRELATION TO OTHER BRITISH IMPERIAL UNITSCONVERSION TO U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS单位与其他英制单位的关系换算成美国惯例单位换算成公制单位VOLUME OR CAPACITY (LIQUID MEASURE) 容积或容量(液量)pint1/2 quart1.201 pints0.5683 liter品脱1/2夸脱1.201品脱0.5683升quart 2pints1/4 gallon1.201 quarts1.137 liters夸脱2品脱1/4加仑1.201夸脱1.137升gallon8 pints 4 quarts1.201 gallons4.546 liters加仑8品脱4夸脱1.201加仑4.546升VOLUME OR CAPACITY (DRY MEASURE) 容积或容量(乾量)peck1/4 bushel1.0314 pecks9.087 liters配克1/4蒲式耳1.0314配克9.087升bushel4 pecks1.0320 bushels36.369 liters蒲式耳4配克1.0320蒲式耳36.369升APOTHECARY WEIGHTS 药用重量UNITRELATION TO OTHER APOTHECARY UNITSCONVERSION TO U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITSCONVERSION TO METRIC UNITS单位与其他药衡单位的关系换算成美国惯例单位换算成公制单位grain1/60 dram 1/5760 pound equal to the U.S. Customary grain 64.799 milligrams格令1/60打兰1/5760磅等于美国惯例格令64.799毫克dram60 grains 1/8 ounce2.1943 drams3.8879 grams打兰60格令1/8盎司2.1943打兰3.8879克ounce8 drams1.0971 ounces31.1035 grams盎司8打兰1.0971盎司31.1035克pound12 ounces 96 drams0.8232 pound373.242 grams磅12盎司96打兰0.8232磅373.242克国际制度的单位UNITS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM 国际制度的单位The International System (abbreviated SI, for Systeme International, the French name for the system) was adopted in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. An expanded and modified version of the metric system, the International System addresses the needs of modern science for additional and more accurate units of measurement. The key features of the International System are decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure. 国际制度(国际制度的缩写为SI,是国际制度的法语名称)被1960年的第十一届大会用于度量衡。
Unit-conversion单位转换Unit ConvertLift head 扬程1 m = 3.28 feet = 39.36 inch1 m = 0.1 bar = 1.45 PSI = 0.01 Mpa 1 m = 10kg/cm²G1 PSI = 0.69 m1 feet = 0.3048 m1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm1 bar = 0.1 Mpa = 10 m1 Mpa = 100 m1 kg/㎡= 10 m = 1 bar1bar=10mwcCapacity Flow 流量1 m³/h = 16.67 L/min = 0.2778 L/s1L/min = 0.06m³/h1 m³/h = 4.4 GPM = 0.0733 GPH1 GPM = 0.227 m³/h1 L/s = 3.6 m³/hPower 功率1 kw = 1.34 HP = 1.36 PS1 HP = 0.75 kw1KV A = 0.8 kw ≈ 0.85 kw50 HZ 60 HZFlow :× 1.2Head :× 1.44Power :× 1.728Speed :× 1.2Temperature 温度℃ = (℉32)/1.8 ℉ = 32 + ℃×1.8单位转换Dimension 容积1 BBL = 0.159 m³ = 42 gal = 1174 L1000 L = 1 m³1 L= 0.246 gal1 lbs = 0.4536 kg1 gallon = 3.87 L = 3870 cm3Weight 重量1Lb = 0.4536 kg1kg = 2.17Lbs1 pound = 0.45 kg1 carat = 0.2 g1 MT = 7.35 bbl常用换算单位流量:1m3/h=16.67L/Min (即:1m3/h=4.4GPM)压力:1Bar=1.02kg/cm2 1Bar=14.5PSI1MPa=10Bar=145PSI 1kg/cm2约为10M(扬程)黏度:SSU=CP×4.55/SG CP=CSt×SG SSU=CSt×4.55mPa.s=CPS (即:1CPS=4.55SSU) 1Pa·S=1000mPa·S功率:1HP=0.75KW温度:℃=(°F-32)/1.8重量:1Lb=0.4536kg1kg=2.17Lbs长度:l inch=25.4mm 1 foot=12inchs=0.3048m1m3=35.2ft3体积:1gallon=3.87L=3870cm3密度:水=1000kg/m3 SG=介质密度/水密度1大气压=14.7PSI=33.8feet水=760mmHg美英制单位:GPM,PSI,SSU,HP,°F,Lb,inch,gallon,foot重量换算(一)公制英制美制港制公吨长吨短吨司马担1 0.9842 1.1023 16.5351.016 1 1.12 16.80.9072 0.8929 1 150.05 0.04921 0.0551 0.82670.0508 0.05 0.056 0.84020.0605 0.0594 0.0667 1公制中国市制英美制公斤斤磅1000 2000 2204.61016 2032 2242907 1814 200050 100 110.2350.8 101.6 11260.48 120.96 133.331 2 2.20460.5 1 1.10230.4536 0.9072 1港制1司马担=100司马斤公制1公吨=10公担英制1长吨=20英担(CWT) 1英担=50.8024公斤美制1短吨=20短担(CWT) 1短吨=100磅=45.36公斤重量换算(二)公制英美制常衡英美制金衡或药衡基准价公斤克磅磅两1 1000 2.2046 35.2736 2.679 31.1507 200.001 1 0.0022 0.0022 0.00268 0.0321 0.020.4536 453.59 1 16 1.2135 14.5833 9.0720.02835 28.35 0.0625 1 0.07595 0.9114 0.5670.3732 373.24 0.82286 13.1657 1 12 7.4650.0311 31.10 0.06857 1.0971 0.08333 1 0.6220.05 50 0.1102 1.76368 0.13396 1.6075 1宝石:1克拉=0.2克 1金衡=155.5克拉容(体)积换算(一)公制中国市制英制美制升升英加仑美加仑1 1 0.22 0.2644.546 4.546 1 1.2013.785 3.785 0.833 11000升=1立方米 1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米(C.C.)英制1加仑=277.42立方英寸英制1加仑=231立方英寸容(体)积换算(一)公制英美制中国市制立方米立方厘米立方码立方英尺立方英寸立方尺1 1000000 1.303 35.3147 61024 270.000001 1 0.0000013 0.00004 0.06102 0.000027 0.7636 764555 1 27 46656 20.6430.02832 28317 0.037 1 1728 0.76460.000016 16.317 0.00002 0.00058 1 0.00044 0.037 37037 0.0484 1.308 2260 1木材体积单位换算板(BOARD FOOT MEASURE,BFM):指厚一英寸面积一平方英尺的木材板材的换算:100板=2.36立方米原木的换算:100板=5立方米(近似值)功率换算表1千瓦(KW)=1034英制马力(HP)1.36公制马力(HP)1英制马力=0.746千瓦(KW)1公制马力=0.735千瓦(KW)1千伏安(K.V.A)=千瓦(K.W.)/0.80粮谷重量容积换算1蒲式耳折合品名1公吨折合蒲式耳磅公斤小麦,大豆36.743 60 27.216 玉米39.368 56 25.402 大麦(英制) 44.092 50 22.68大麦(美制) 45.931 48 21.7731英制蒲式耳(-1.0321美制蒲式耳)合36.3677升石(原)油重量,容积换算1公吨折合国别千升美制桶英制加仑美制加仑美国,印度尼西亚 1.18 7.4 259.1 310.6 伊朗,沙特阿拉伯 1.19 7.49 261.8 314.5 日本 1.11 6.99 244.5 293.3 英国,科威特 1.16 7.31 255.8 306.7委内瑞拉 1.09 6.84 239.2 287.4注:世界平均比重的原油通常以1公吨=7.35桶(每桶为42美制加仑)或1174升计常用度量衡英文名称和简写名称英文名称简写名称英文名称简写克gram g. 码yard yd.公斤kilogram kg. 英尺foot ft.公担quintal q. 英寸inch in.公吨metric ton m.t. 平方米square metre sq.m.长吨long ton l.t. 平方英尺square foot sq.ft 短吨short ton sh.t. 平方码square yard sq.yd.英担hundredweight cwt. 立方米cubic metre cu.m.美担hundredweight cwt. 立方英尺cudic metre cu.ft.磅pound lb. 升litre l.(常衡) ounce oz. 毫升millilitre ml.(金衡) ounce oz.t 加仑gallon gal.司马担picul 蒲式耳bushel bu.米metre m. 克拉carat car.公里kilometre km. 马力horse power h.p.厘米centimetre cm. 千瓦kilowatt kw.毫米millimetre mm. 公吨度metric ton unit m.t.u. 附表八:计量单位换算表面(地)积换算公制英美制平方米平方厘米平方码平方英尺平方英寸平方尺1 10000 1.1960 10.7639 1550 90.0001 1 0.00012 0.00108 0.155 0.00090.8361 8361 1 9 1296 7.5250.0929 929 0.1111 1 144 0.8360.00065 6.45 0.00077 0.00694 1 0.00580.111 1111 0.133 1.196 172.2 1长度换算公制中国市制英美制米厘米尺码英尺英寸1 100 3 1.094 3.2808 39.370.01 1 0.03 0.01094 0.03281 0.39370.3333 33.33 1 0.3646 1.094 13.1230.9144 91.44 2.743 1 3 360.3048 30.48 0.9144 0.3334 1 120.0254 2.54 0.0762 0.0278 0.833 11米=100厘米=1000毫米psi 有听过吧,psig 就叫做(英制)蒸气压力,锅炉内[蒸气]的压力.蒸气归蒸气,空气归空气,空气中含有水气时,水分的重量是可以分离计算成(psig)的,但是我以为[psig]单独表示时,应该是指[锅炉内饱和水蒸汽的压力].psi是磅/平方英吋(念做每平方英吋xx磅) 如果是Kg/cm2 换算成psi,1Kg/cm2 = 14.21psi1psi = 0.454Kg/(2.54cm)2 = 0.07037kg/cm2 则倒数就是14.21~~~~~~~~1大气压= 760.00027 mHg1mHg = 133.322 pa1大气压= 101324.75 pa1kpa=>1000pa / 133.322pa X 13.6(水银比重) => 102.0087mH2OPSID指的应该是[压力差][PSI为单位]mpa应该写成Mpa M是[百万],十的六次方.PSID, psidPounds per Square Inch Differential. Not just a unit, but a comment that the number represents a difference between two pressures. PSID gauges have two input connectors. PSIA is PSID relative to vacuum, PSIG is PSID relative to local atmospheric pressure, and PSIS is PSID relative to a sealed 14.7-psi pressure vessel.PSI = Pound per Square Inch (磅/每平方英吋) PSID == PSI Differential (PSI 压差).PSIA == PSID to Vacuum (对真空的压差)PSIG == PSID to environment (对表外环境的压差)工作压力10-40PSID 表示仪器能承受10-40PSI 的压力差.温度的测算标准有两种:摄氏和华氏。
Unit Convert Tool常用单位换算Excel工具V1.02
![Unit Convert Tool常用单位换算Excel工具V1.02](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1f9b10bc7cd184254a35353b.png)
2.83E-11 2.83E-02 2.83E+01 2.83E+04
1.64E-14 1.64E-05 1.64E-02 1.64E+01
0.000001 0.001
1000000 6.214E-07 0.00328084 0.039370079
1E-09 0.000001 0.001
1000 6.214E-10 3.28084E-06 3.93701E-05
5E-12 5E-09 0.000005
5 3.107E-12 1.64042E-08 1.9685E-07
25.4 25400.00003 25400000.03 1.57836E-05 0.083333334
0.00033333 0.333333 333.3333 333333.3333 333333333.3 0.000207133 1.0936133 13.12335957
1000000 1000000000 0.0006214 3.2808399 39.3700787
2.43E-02 2.43E+04 2.43E+08 2.43E+10
单位换算Unit Conversation Factors
![单位换算Unit Conversation Factors](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65692b8e4028915f804dc2a5.png)
Grain MathWeights, Measures, and Conversion FactorsWeights1 bushel of wheat or soybeans = 60 pounds (77.2 Kg./hl.)1 bu corn = 56 lbs1 bu barley = 48 lbs36.74 bushels of wheat = 1 metric ton33.33 bushels of wheat = 1 short ton• The metric ton of 2204.6 pounds is the weight unit most widely used in reporting international trade statistics.• The short ton of 2000 pounds is domestically used in the United States, as well as in some other countries.• 1 bushel of wheat will make about 73 loaves of white bread, 1 lb. each.• 2.3 bushels of wheat will make 100 pounds of white flour (72% extraction).Measures1 pound = 0.4536 kg.1 metric ton (MT) = 2204.6 lbs.1 short ton (2000 lbs.) = 0.9072 MT or 907.18 kg.1 hectare = 2.47 acres1 acre = 0.40 hectare=4000m2=6mu1 acre also = 43,560 square feet or 91 yards of a football field 1 square mile = 640 acres (259 hectares)1 hundredweight = 100 pounds = 45.36 kg.ConversionsBushels to Metric Tons:bu. x 0.027216 = MT wheat or soybeansbu. x 0.025400 = MT cornbu. x 0.021772 = MT barleyBushels/Acre to Metric Tons/Hectare:bu./acre x .06725 = MT/ha. wheat or soybeansbu./acre x .06277 = MT/ha. cornbu./acre x .05380 = MT/ha. barleyPounds/Bushel to Kilogram/Hectoliter (wheat or soybeans):lbs./bu. x 1.287 = kg./hl.Metric Tons to Bushels:MT x 36.74 = bu. wheat or soybeansMT x 39.36 = bu. cornMT x 45.92 = bu. of barleyMetric Ton/Hectare to Bushels/Acre (wheat or soybeans): MT/ha. x 14.87 = bu/acreKilogram/Hectoliter to PoundsBushel (wheat or soybeans)kg./hl. x 0.777 - lbs./bu.Other:3 teaspoons=1 tablespoon=14.8 ml2 tablespoons=1 fluid ounce=29.6 ml1 mph=1.609 km/hr.1 mph=68 seconds/100 ft.1 lb/acre=1.1209 kg/ha1lb=0.4535kg1ha=2.47acre1 mph=88 ft. min.1 gallon/acre=9.3541 liter/ha1 qt/acre=2.3386 l/ha1 horsepower=0.746 kw单位换算表另附常用谷物品种国际单位换算标准1公吨大麦=45.93蒲式耳1公吨玉米=39.37蒲式耳1公吨麦芽=64.84蒲式耳1公吨燕麦=68.89蒲式耳1公吨稻谷=22.046英担1公吨黑麦=39.37蒲式耳1公吨高粱=39.37蒲式耳1公吨大豆=36.90蒲式耳1公吨小麦=38.01蒲式耳1蒲式耳大麦=48磅=21.772公斤1蒲式耳玉米=56磅=25.401公斤1蒲式耳稻谷=45磅=20.4公斤1蒲式耳麦芽=34磅=15.422公斤1蒲式耳土豆=60磅=27.100公斤1蒲式耳高粱=56磅=25.401公斤1蒲式耳大豆=60磅=27.100公斤1蒲式耳小麦=58磅=26.309公斤1 lb/acre= 1.12 kg/ha: 1ton/acre = 2,244 kg/ha: Wheat and Canola: 1 bu/acre (60 lb) = 67.25 kg/ha; barley: 1bu/acre (56 lb) = 62.75 kg/ha;oats and light barley: 1 bu/acre (48 lb) = 53.80 kg/ha。
公英制常用单位转换表公英制常用单位转换表英美制到公制换算公制到英制换算Linear Measure 长度单位: LinearMeasure长度单位:1 inch 英寸 =25.4 millimetres 毫米1 foot 英尺 =12 inches 英寸 =0.3048 metre 米1 yard 码 =3 feet 英尺 =0.9144 metre 米1 (statute) mile 英里 =1760 yards 码=1.609 kilometres 千米1 nautical mile 海里 =1852 m. 米1 millimetre 毫米 =0.03937 inch 英寸1 centimetre 厘米 =10 mm. 毫米 =0.3937 inch 英寸1 decimetre 分米 =10 cm. 厘米 =3.937 inches 英寸1 metre 米 =10 dm. 分米 =1.0936 yards 码 =3.2808 feet 英尺1 decametre 十米 =10 m. 米 =10.936 yards 码1 hectometre 百米 =100 m. 米 =109.4 yards 码1 kilometre 千米 =1000 m. 米 =0.6214 mile 英里1 mile marin 海里 =1852 m. 米 =1.1500 mile 英里Square Measure 面积单位 : Square Measure 面积单位 :1 square inch 平方英寸=6.45 sq.centimetres 平方厘米1 square foot 平方英尺 =144 sq.in. 平方英寸=9.29 sq.decimetres 平方分米1 square yard 平方码 =9 sq.ft. 平方英尺=0.836 sq.metre 平方米1 acre 英亩 =4840 sq.yd. 平方码 =0.405 hectare 公顷1 square mile 平方英里 =640 acres 英亩=259 hectares 公顷1 square centimetre 平方厘米=0.155 sq.inch 平方英寸1 square metre 平方米 =1.196 sq.yards 平方码1 are 公亩=100 square metres 平方米=119.6 sq.yards 平方码1 hectare 公顷 =100 ares 公亩 =2.471 acres 英亩1 square kilometre 平方公里=0.386 /doc/4416470388.html,e 平方英里Cubic Measure 体积单位 : Cubic Measure 体积单位 :1 cubic inch 立方英寸 =16.4 cu.centimetres 立方厘米1 cubic foot 立方英尺 =1728 cu.in. 立方英寸=0.0283 cu.metre 立方米1 cubic yard 立方码 =27 cu.ft. 立方英尺=0.765 cu.metre 立方米1 cubic centimetre 立方厘米 =0.061 cu.inch 立方英寸1 cubic metre 立方米=1.308 cu.yards 立方码Capacity Measure 容积1 millilitre 毫升=0.002 pint (British) 英制品脱1 centilitre 厘升 =10 ml. 毫升 =0.018 pint 品脱1 decilitre 分升 =10 cl. 厘升 =0.176 pint 品脱1 litre 升 =10 dl. 分升 =1.76 pints 品脱1 decalitre 十升 =10 l. 升 =2.20 gallons 加伦1 hectolitre 百升 =100 l. 升 =2.75 bushels 蒲式耳1 kilolitre 千升 =1000 l. 升 =3.44 quarters 八蒲式耳American dry 美制干量 Weight重量单位 :1 pint 品脱 =33.60 cu.in. 立方英寸 =0.550 litre 升1 quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱 =1.101 litres 升1 peck 配克 =8 quarts 夸脱 =8.81 litres 升1 bushel 蒲式耳 =4 pecks 配克 =35.3 litres 升1 milligram 毫克 =0.015 grain 谷1 centigram 厘克 =10 mg. 毫克 =0.154 grain 谷1 decigram 分克 =10 cg. 厘克 =1.543 grains 谷1 gram 克 =10 dg. 分克 =15.43 grains 谷1 decagram 十克 =10 g. 克 =5.64 drams 打兰1 hectogram 百克 =100 g. 克 =3.527 ounces 盎司1 kilogram 千克 =1000 g. 克 =2.205 pounds 磅1 ton (metric ton) 吨 , 公吨 =1000 kg. 千克=0.984 (long) ton 长吨 , 英吨 =1.1023 短吨 , 美吨American liquid 美制液量1 pint 品脱=16 fluid oz. 液量盎司=28.88 cu.in. 立方英寸 =0.473 litre 升1 quart 夸脱 =2 pints 品脱 =0.946 litre 升1 gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=3.785 litres 升Avoirdupois Weight 常衡单位 :1 grain 格令 =0.065 gram 克1 dram 打兰 =1.772 grams 克1 ounce 盎司 =16 drams 打兰 =28.35 grams 克1 pound 磅 =16 ounces 盎司 =7000 grains 谷=0.4536 kilogram 千克1 stone 英石 =14 pounds 磅 =6.35 kilograms 千克1 quarter 四分之一英担 =2 stones 英石=12.70 kilograms 千克1 hundredweight 英担=4 quarters 四分之一英担=50.80 kilograms 千克1 short ton 短吨 ( 美吨 )=2000 pounds 磅=0.907 tonne 公吨1 (long) ton 长吨( 英吨)=20 hundredweight 英担=1.016 tonnes 公吨压力单位一标准大气压约等于1.01*100000帕斯卡。
英制单位和国际单位互换in 英寸,ft 英尺,yd 码,mi 英里,kips 千磅,lb 磅,ounce 盎司,hundredweight(cwt)英担,ton 英吨,carat 克拉,nautical mile 海里,square 平方,pint 品脱,quart 夸脱,gallon 加仑,peck 配克,bushel 蒲式耳,psi (pounds per square inch)磅/平方英寸,bar 巴,mbar 毫巴,atm 标准大气压1. 英制单位换成国际单位(1)长度单位:Linear Measure1 in = 25.4 mm 1 ft = 0.3048 m1 mile = 1609.3 m 1 micron =10-6 m1 英寸=2.5400 厘米;1 英尺=12 英寸=0.3048 米1 英里=1760 码=1609.3 米;1 码=3 英尺=0.9144 米1 海里=1852米(2)质量单位:1 lb = 453.6 1 cwt = 50.8 Kg 1 ton(imp) = 1016 Kg1 top(up) = 907.2 Kg 1 tonne = 1000 Kg1 磅=16 盎司=0.4536 千克;1 英担=112 磅=50.802 千克;1 英吨=2240 磅=1016.1千克;1 美吨=2000 磅=907.2 千克;1 盎司=437.5 谷=28.350 克;1 美担=100 磅=45.359 千克;1克拉=0.2 克(3)力矩单位1 inlb = 0.113 Nm 1 ftlb = 1.356 Nm1 kgm = 9.807 Nm 1 ft poundal = 0.0421 Nm(4)温度单位(? F- 32) x 5/9 = ? C K-273.15 = ? C(5)功及能量单位1 lbft = 1.356 J 1 Nm = 1 J1 kgm = 9.807 J 1 kW/hr = 3.6 MJ(6)面积单位:Square Measure1 in2 = 6.45 cm2 1 ft2 = 0.093 m21 平方英寸=6.4516 平方厘米;1 平方码=9 平方英尺=0.8361 平方米;1 英亩=4840 平方码=4046.86 平方米;1 平方英里=640 英亩=259.0 公顷1 平方英尺=144平方英寸=9.29平方分米(7)压强单位1 psi = 6.89 kPa 1 kgf/cm2 = 98.07 kPa1 bar = 100 kPa 1 bar = 14.5 psi1 atmosphere = 98.1 kPa 1"(STANDARD) = 101.33 kPa1 cm water = 97.89Pa 1 in water = 248.64 Pa1 mm mercury = 133.3 Pa 1 in mercury = 3.39 kPa1 Torr = 133.3 Pa 1 ft water = 0.0298 bar1 bar = 33.33 ft water(8)体积单位:Cubic Measure1 litre = 0.001 m3 1 cu.ft. = 0.0283 m31 cu.in.= 16.39 cm3 1 gal(imp) = 4.546 L1 gal(us) = 3.79 L 1 fluid oz.(imp) = 28.41 mL1 fluid oz.(us) = 29.57 mL1 立方英寸=16.387 立方厘米;1 立方码=27 立方英尺=0.7646 立方米1 品脱=0.9689英制品脱=0.5506 公升;1 蒲式耳=64 品脱=35.238 公升美制液量;1 品脱=0.8327 英制品脱=0.4732 公升;1 加伦=8 品脱=3.7853 公升英制单位1 品脱=1.0321 美制品脱=0.5683 公升;1 加伦=8 品脱=4.5461 公升1 蒲式耳=8 加伦=36.369 公升1 立方英尺=1728 立法英尺=0.0283立方米(9)力单位1 lbf = 4.45 N 1kgf = 9.81 N 1 kp(kilopond) = 9.81 N1 poundal = 138.3 mN 1 ton force = 9.964 kM(10)功率单位(功/时间)1 lbft/sec = 1.356 W 1 kgm/sec = 9.807 W 1Nm/sec = 1 W1 Nm/sec = 1 W 1 Joule/sec = 1 W 1 H.P.(imp) = 745.7 W(11)流量单位Cv值:水流量(US gal/min)于60? F下,流经差压为1psi之阀门而所得出之流量定值。
square mile平方英里
?1cubic centimeter (cm3)立方厘米
cubic inch(in3)立方英寸
?1cubic centimeter (cm3)立方厘米
cubic foot(ft3)立方英尺
?1cubic centimeter (cm3)立方厘米
?1fluid ounce(fl oz)液体盎司
milliliter (m1)毫升
568milliliter (m1)毫升
1kilomiewton (kN)千牛顿
?1square inch (in2)平方英寸
square centimeter(cm2)平方厘米
?1square foot (ft2)平方英尺
?1 cubic inch(in3)立方英寸
cubic centimeter (cm3)立方厘米
?1cubic foot(ft3)立方英尺
cubic metre(m3)立方米
重量换算7. 重量换算 (一)公制英制美制中国市制英制港制公制中国市制英美制公吨长吨短吨担英担司马担公斤斤磅(Metric (Long (Short (Hundred Kilo-ton) ton) ton) weight) (Picul) gram) (Pound)1 0.9842 1.1023 20 19.684 16.535 1,000 2,000 2,204.621.016 1 1.12 20.32 20 16.8 1,016.05 2,032.1 2,2400.9072 0.8929 1 18.144 17.857 15 907.2 1,814.4 2,0000.05 0.04921 0.0551 1 0.9842 0.8267 50 100 110.230.0508 0.05 0.056 1.016 1 0.8402 50.8 101.6 1120.0605 0.05954 0.0667 1.21 1.19 1 60.48 120.96 133.331 22.20460.5 1 0.10230.4536 0.9072 18. 重量换算 (二)公制英美制常衡英美制金衡或药衡中国市制公斤克(公分) 磅两(盎司) 磅两(盎司) 两(Kilo- (pound) (Ounce)gram) (Gram) (Pound) (Ounce) (Troy or A pothecary) (十量制)1 1,000 2.20462 35.2736 2.679227 32.15072 200.001 1 0.0022 0.035274 0.0026792 0.03215 0.020.45359 453.592 1 16 1.2152777 14.5833324 9.0720.02835 28.3495 0.0625 1 0.07595486 0.91145833 0.5670.37324 373.2418 0.82285714 13.1657 1 12 7.4650.031103 31.1035 0.06857143 1.0971428 0.08333 1 0.6220.05 50 0.11023 1.76368 0.13396 1.60752 1单位长度重量换算9. 单位长度重量换算公制英美制中国市制公斤/米磅/尺磅/寸斤/尺(Kilogram/Meter) (Pound/Foot) (Pound/Inch)1 0.672 0.056 0.6671.488 1 0.083 0.99217.858 12 1 11.9051.5 1.088 0.084 1?单位面积换算10. 单位面积换算公制英美制中国市制公斤/公顷英担/亩磅/亩斤/亩(Kilogram/Hectare) (Hundred-weight/Acre) (Pound/Acre)1 0.008 0.8920.133125.537 1 11216.7381.121 0.009 10.1497.5 0.06 6.692 1密度换算11. 密度换算 (一)公制英美制中国市制公斤/公升(公吨/立方米) 磅/立方尺磅/立方寸斤/立方尺(Kilogram/Litre) (Pound/Cubic foot) (Pound/Cubic inch)1 62.428 0.036 74.0740.016 1 0.00061.18727.68 1,728 12,050.3630.014 0.843 0.0005 112. 密度换算 (二)公制英美制中国市制克/公升量/(英)加仑量/(美)加仑两/升(Gram/Litre) (Ounce/Imperial gallon) (Ounce/US gallon)1 0.160 0.134 0.026.236 1 0.833 0.1257.489 1.201 1 0.1550 8.018 6.676 1摄氏和华氏温度换算13. 摄氏和华氏温度换算华氏'F (Fahrenheit)= ℃ X 9/5+32摄氏℃ (Celsius or Centigrade)= 9/5X('F-32)粮谷重量、容积换算14. 粮谷重量,容积换算一公吨折合蒲式耳一蒲式耳折合(Metric ton to Bushels) 磅(Pound) 公斤(Kilogram)小麦,大豆 36.743 6027.216玉米 39.368 5625.402大麦(英制) 44.092 5022.68大麦(美制) 45.931 4821.7731 英制蒲式耳(=1.0321美制蒲式耳) 合 36.3677 公斤植物油籽榨油率15. 植物油籽榨油率 (每百公斤油籽榨油公斤数)椰干 64 大豆 16 蓖麻籽 45 棉籽16棕侣仁 46 花生(去壳) 43 亚麻籽 34 菜籽 35油橄榄 15 花生(带壳) 30 桐果 16 葵花籽 351 公斤去壳花生约等于带壳花生 1.5 公斤稻谷折合大米16. 稻谷折合大米 (每百公斤稻谷加工成大米公斤数)日本 73.7 美国 73.6 缅甸 67.9 泰国 65.0实用上一般按 65% 计小麦折合面粉17. 小麦折合面粉 (每百斤小麦出面粉公斤数)美国 71.5 澳大利亚,阿根廷及其他国家和地区 72原糖、精糖换算18. 原糖,精糖换算每百斤原糖大致可出 92 斤精糖和 8 斤糖蜜. 但最常用的换算率是: 原糖 100 公斤 = 精糖 90 公斤或, 精糖 100 公斤 = 原糖 111 公斤鲜蛋、蛋品换算19. 鲜蛋,蛋品换算1 吨鲜蛋一般平均约有鲜蛋 17,360 个.1 吨冰蛋 = 1.2 吨鲜蛋1 吨干蛋 = 4.4 吨鲜蛋活畜重量折合屠宰后重量20. 活畜重量折合屠宰后重量(活畜重量除去,蹄,皮,血等重量)牛: 为活牛重量的 57 %. 猪: 为活猪重量的 65-75 %. 羊: 为活羊重量的40-47 %.棉花的计量单位换算21. 棉花的计量单位换算从棉株直接摘取的棉花,叫籽棉.籽棉经轧花后得到的棉花称为皮棉 (或原棉).皮棉通常占籽棉的百分比 (或称衣分率) 为三分之一,或即 1 磅皮棉 + 3 磅籽棉(美国 1 磅皮棉 = 2.68 磅籽棉,其内包扩部分短绒和杂质).根据纤维的长度,棉花可分为:短纤维棉 = 7/8 寸以下.中纤维棉 = 7/8 -- 1.125 寸长纤维棉 = 1.125 --1.3125 寸.特长纤维 = 1.3125 寸以上 ("海岛棉").一些主要国家棉花 (指皮棉) 的计量单位换算为:美国: 每包净重 480 磅 (重为 500 磅),合 217.728 公斤. 1 公吨 = 4.593 包.埃及: 每坎塔 (Kantar) 重 99.05 磅,合 44.93 公斤. 1 公吨 =22.258 坎塔.巴西: 每包重 397 磅,合 180.08 公斤. 1 公吨 = 5.553 包.巴基斯坦: 每包重 392 磅,合 177.81 公斤. 1 公吨 = 5.624 包.1 蒙特 (Maund) = 82.28 磅 (37.32 公斤).羊毛、黄麻、生丝的计量单位换算22. 羊毛,黄麻,生丝的计量单位换算羊毛:澳大利亚油毛 1 包 = 300 磅 (136.08 公斤). 1 公吨 = 7.35 包澳大利亚净毛 1 包 = 220 磅 (99.79 公斤). 1 公吨 = 10.02 包.阿根廷羊毛平均每包重 926 磅 (420.03 公斤). 1 公吨 =2.38 包.黄麻:巴基斯坦黄麻 1 包 =400 磅 (181.44 公斤). 1 公吨 = 5.51 包.生丝:日本生丝 1 包 = 60 公斤 (132.28 磅). 1 公吨 = 16.67 包. 棉纱、毛纱的支数换计算23. 棉纱,毛纱的支数换计算棉纱或毛纱的支数是表示棉纱或毛纱粗,细成度的一种标志.通常用"S" 来代表"支".现在,国内外通常采用英制计算棉纱或毛纱支数的方法. 其计算方法为: 一磅重的棉纱,它的总长度达到八百四十码 (毛纱为一磅五百六十码),就是一支纱; 总长度如国有二十个八百四十码)毛纱为二十个五百六十码),就是二十支纱.余类推.另外,棉纱还有一种公制的计算方法. 其计算方法为: 一公斤重的棉纱,它的总长度是一千米,就是一支纱; 如总长度有二十个一千米,就是二十支纱.余类推.生丝支数计算24. 生丝支数计算生丝的支数计算属于定长制, 以但尼尔 (Denier) (或条分) 表示.它以450 米为定长基础,按其重量为 0.05 克的多少倍数来定支数.如 450 米,重 0.05 克.为一但尼尔;重 1 克,即为 20 但尼尔;余类推.棉布长度、重量换算25. 棉布长度,重量换算棉布通常每匹长 40 码. 1 磅 = 4.5 平方码. 1 公吨 = 9,920.8 平方码.(按各钟布平均计算.)木材、纸及纸浆重量、体积换算26. 木材,纸及纸浆重量,体积换算木材以长,宽各 1 尺,或其等量体积为 1 板尺(Board foot).1 立方米 = 423.8 板尺.各种木材平均每立方米的重量大致如下:圆木(针叶) 650 公斤圆木(阔叶) 975 公斤纸浆木 500 公斤交合板 650 公斤(意,法为500 公斤).新闻纸通常每令为 500 张.木(纸)浆(包括化学和机械浆)湿重约相当于干重的量倍.制化学浆(干重)每公吨约需用圆木 5.04 立方米,机械浆(干重)每公吨约需用圆木 0.25 立方米.造纸及纸板通常每公吨需用木(纸)浆 (公吨) 如下:机械浆化学浆新闻纸 0.92 0.13其他纸 0.09 0.68纸板(钢纸板除外) 0.07 0.32造纸原料除木(纸)浆外,还有废纸等.能源换算27. 能源换算"标准" 褐煤砖褐煤烟煤或石(原)油汽油天然气电力原子能煤或制焦碳或无烟煤煤油铀成煤砖沥青煤制成碳燃料油(235)(公吨) (公吨) (公吨) (公吨) (公吨) (公吨) (立方米) (千瓦-小时) (克)1 1.49 3.31 1.11 0.77 0.67 751.88 8,00 0.330.67 1 2.09 0.74 0.52 0.45 503.76 5,360 0.220.32 0.48 1 0.36 0.25 0.21 240.60 2,560 0.110.9 1.34 2.81 1 0.69 0.6 676.69 7,2000.301.30 1.94 4.06 1.44 1 0.87 977.44 10,4000.431.502.24 4.69 1.67 1.15 1 1,127.82 12,0000.501.33 1.99 4.16 1.48 1.02 0.89 1,000 10,640 0.440.125 0.19 0.39 0.14 0.10 0.08 93.98 1,000 0.043 4.48 9.38 3.33 2.31 2 2,255.64 24,000 1国外能源的换算一般以热量为基础,目前常用的是以发热量为每公斤 700万卡的煤为标准,即标准燃料.本表是按各种能源与"标准"燃料(煤)间的热量换算推算出来的. 其中褐煤同"标准"煤间的热量换算各国不同, 此处用的是除奥地利,法国,捷克和苏联等一些国家以外的一般换算率.小数点后第三位均四舍五入.1 公吨薪柴约合 0.5 公吨"标准"煤.石(原)油重量、容积换算28. 石(原)油重量,容积换算一公吨折合国别或地区千公升(公秉) 美制桶英制加仑美制加仑(Kilolitre) (US Barrel) (Imperial gallon) (US gallon)美国,印尼 1.18 7.40 259.1310.6伊朗,沙特阿拉伯 1.19 7.49 261.8314.5日本 1.11 6.99 244.5 293.3英国,科威特 1.16 7.31 255.8 306.7委内瑞拉 1.09 6.86 239.2 287.4台湾 1.12 7.07 246.9 296.7世界平均比重的原油通常以 1 公吨 =7.35 桶(每桶为 42 美制加仑)或 1.17 千公升计.钢材成材率29. 钢材成材率各国钢材成材率各有不同.根据联合国发表的数字,世界各种钢材平均每吨约需用原钢吨数为(括号内为成材率 %, 由锭到材):钢坯及半成品 1.12 (89.2)板材 1.135 (74.4)管材及线材 1.30 (76.9)其它钢材 1.20 (83.3)钨砂的计量单位换算30. 钨砂的计量单位换算 "公吨度"钨砂价格通常以"公吨度"为计量单位.每公吨钨砂含三氧化钨百分之一为一"公吨度".水银计量单位换算31. 水银计量单位换算1 罐(瓶) = 76 磅 = 34.47 公斤. 1 公吨 = 29.01 罐(瓶)压力换算32. 压力换算基数: 1 寸 = 25.4 毫米; 1 磅 = 0.453592428 公斤; 1 大气压 = 1.033228公斤/平方厘米; 1 大气压 = 在摄氏零度时为 760 水银柱(毫米); 1 大气压 = 在华氏 62 度时的比重 = 0.9988582公斤/平方(厘米) 水柱(米) 水银柱(毫米) 大气压水柱(寸) 水银柱(寸)磅/平方寸[Kg/cm2(at)] (m H2O) (mm Hg) (atm) (in H2O) (in Hg)(lb.sq in)1 10 735.6 0.9678 394.2 29.04 14.220.1 1 73.56 0.09678 39.42 2.9041.4220.00136 0.0136 1 0.001316 0.5359 0.039470.019341.033 10.33 760 1 407.2 30 14.70.002537 0.02537 1.866 0.002456 1 0.073670.036090.03444 0.3444 25.33 0.03333 13.57 1 0.48990.07031 0.7031 51.71 0.06805 27.71 2.041 1功和能换算33. 功和能换算公斤-米焦尔千瓦-小时千卡尺-磅英马力-小时英热单位(Kilogram- (Joule) (Kilowatt- (Kilocal- (Foot- (Horse- (Britishmeter) hour) orie) pound) power-hour)Thermal-Unit1 9.80665 0.0000027 0.00234 7.233 0.00000370.0092950.101972 1 0.0000003 0.00024 0.73756 0.00000040.000948367,100 3,600,000 1 859.8 2,655,200 1.341023,412.1426.94 4,186.8 0.001163 1 3,088 0.0015596 3.96830.13826 1.3558 0.0000004 0.00032 1 0.00000050.001285273,750 2,684,500 0.7457 641.2 1,980,000 1 2,544.4107.59 1,055.1 0.000293 0.251996 778.17 0.000393 1千瓦(Kilowatt),电的功率单位. 1 千瓦 = 1,000 瓦特 (Watt) = 1 焦尔(Joule)/秒(Second).焦尔为 1 牛顿力使物体移动 1 米的功.使质量位 1 公斤的物体得到每秒 1 米加速度之力,叫做 1 牛顿(Newton).1 千瓦小时(Kilowatt-hour)即 1 度(电).马力(Horsepower-HP)功率单位. 分英美制和公制.英美制 1 马力等于在 1 秒钟之内把 550 磅重的物体提高 1 英尺 ( = 每秒 76 公斤-米)所做的功; 公制 1 马力为在 1秒钟内把重 75 公斤的物体提高 1 米所做的功. 1 英美制马力 = 1.01387 公制马力1 BTU (British Thermal Unit,英制热量单位),为在最大密度的温度下,使 1 磅水的温度升高 1 `F 时所需的热量.公制热量单位为卡路里(Calorie),简称卡. 1 卡为在 1 个大气压力下,使 1 克水的温度从15`℃升至 16`C 时所需的热量. 1 千卡(Kilocalorie orKilogram calorie) = 1,000 卡."撒姆"(Therm),为英煤气销售使用的热量单位.1 撒姆= 100,000 英热单位(BTU)船舶吨位计算34. 船舶吨位计算(一) 用重量来算吨位.通常是按船体在水中部分的容积,即以排水量来计算.孩水每 35 立方尺重1 长吨(或每 0.9756 立方米重 1 公吨),由此即可算出船舶的排水量吨位 (Displacement tonnage).排水量吨位有轻载和满载之分.轻载排水量吨位只包扩船体,全船的机器和设备以及压仓物等; 而满载还须加上所装货物,旅客,行李,燃料,物料,淡水等.满载排水量减去轻载排水量后的余数,也就是船舶的载重吨位 (Deadweight tonnage).(二) 用容积来算吨位.轮船的总吨位与船舶的重量无关,它是以船舶的容积来计算的. 它以英制100 立方尺或公制 2.83 立方米为 1 吨. 两者计算出来的结果是一样的,所以总吨位没有公制与英制的区别. 它的计算方法是丈量船舶各部围蔽空间的容积,如用英尺量的话,就以容积的总和用 100 除; 如用公尺量,则除以 2.83, 得出的商数就是船舶的总吨位 (Gross tonnage).总吨位在船舶的各种吨位中占很重要的地位,因为船舶的登记,统计登都是以它作为根据.在船舶计算出总吨位后,减去驾驶室,轮机舱以及船上其他设备或工作需要的地方外,也就是说凡是可以装载货物,旅客等用的空间都是净吨位(Net tonnage).货吨计算35. 货吨计算货吨 (Cargo tonnage) 与船的吨位完全是两件事情.装在船上的货物如果是重货,都是以 2.240 磅为 1 长吨,或每重 1,000 公斤作为 1 公吨. 这种货物就只算重量,而不管它们占据多少容积.另外一种货物都是体积大而份量轻,所以计算时不管它们有多少份量,都是以它们占据舱位容积 40 立方尺或 1.13 立方米为 1 吨.特殊体积换算40. 特殊体积换算立方尺 = 31.143 蒲式耳(英) = 32.143 蒲式耳(美).。
单位换算公式(Unit conversion formula)[edit this paragraph] metric conversion and municipal system Unit abbreviation or symbol equivalent conversionMicron um1/1000000 metersCentmillimeter meter cmm.1/100000Decimillimetre dmm.1/10000 metersMm mm.1/1000 M.Cm cm. 1/100 M.M dm. 1/10 MMl meters 3 ShichiTen m dam.10 M.100m hm.100 M.Kilometers km.1000 meters, 2 citiesSquare Measure areaUnit abbreviation or symbol equivalent conversionSquare meters sq.m. square meters of 9 square ChiAre A.100 square metres of 0.15 Mu10000 square meters of 15 mu ha. hectaresSquare kilometers sq.km. 1000000 square meters in 4 square city Weight weightUnit abbreviation or symbol equivalent conversionMg mg. 1/1000000 kgA cg.1/100000 kgGrams dg.1/10000 kgGrams g.1/1000 kgDecagram dag.1/100 kgA hg. 1/10 kgKg kg. kg 2 jinKintal Q. 100 kg 200 JinMT MT (or T) 1000 kg 2000 kgVolume of Capacity MeasureUnit abbreviation or symbol equivalent conversionA slight increase of ul.1/1000000 litersMl ml.1/1000 litersA cl. 1/100 LDL dl.1/10 L1 liters L. ShengA 10 liter dal.A 100 liter hl.1000 liters kl. liters[Edit] British to metric conversionLength of Linear Measure1 inch inches =25.4 millimetres mm1 foot ft =12 inches inch =0.3048 metre M.1 yard yards =3 feet feet =0.9144 metre meters 1 (statute) mile mile =1760 yards code=1.609 kilometres km1 nautical mile nautical mile =1852 M. M.Length abbreviation or symbol equivalent conversion880 miles 1.609 kilometers at mi.At fm. 2 yards 1.829 metersCode yd.3 feet 0.914 metersRuler ft. 12 inches 30.48 centimetersInch in.2.54 cm10 knots in the sea, =1.853 km in EnglishInternational sea system =1.852 kmChain beauty =185.3 metersInternational sea =185.2 metersSquare Measure area1 square inch square inches =6.45 sq.centimetres square centimeter1 square foot square feet =144 sq.in. square inches=9.29 sq.decimetres square decimeter1 square yard square yards =9 sq.ft. square feet=0.836 sq.metre square meters1 acre acres =4840 sq.yd. square yards =0.405 hectare hectares 1 square mile square miles =640 acres acres=259 hectares haVolume of Cubic Measure1 cubic inch cubic inches =16.4 cu.centimetres cubic centimeter 1 cubic foot cubic feet =1728 cu.in. cubic inches=0.0283 cu.metre cubic meters1 cubic yard cubic code =27 cu.ft. cubic feet=0.765 cu.metre cubic metersVolume of Capacity MeasureBritich imperial system1 pint pint =20 fluid oz. fl oz=34.68 cu.in. cubic inch =0.568 litre liter1 Quart quart =2 pints pint =1.136 litres liter1 gallon =4 quarts =4.546 litres l gallon Quart 1 peck =2 gallons =9.092 litres l peck gallon 1 bushel =4 pecks =36.4 litres bushel peck L1 quarter eight bushels =8 bushels bushel=2.91 hectolitres a美国干美制干量1品脱品脱= 33.60铜。
Unit-conversion单位转换Unit ConvertLift head 扬程1 m = 3.28 feet = 39.36 inch1 m = 0.1 bar = 1.45 PSI = 0.01 Mpa 1 m = 10kg/cm²G1 PSI = 0.69 m1 feet = 0.3048 m1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm1 bar = 0.1 Mpa = 10 m1 Mpa = 100 m1 kg/㎡= 10 m = 1 bar1bar=10mwcCapacity Flow 流量1 m³/h = 16.67 L/min = 0.2778 L/s1L/min = 0.06m³/h1 m³/h = 4.4 GPM = 0.0733 GPH1 GPM = 0.227 m³/h1 L/s = 3.6 m³/hPower 功率1 kw = 1.34 HP = 1.36 PS1 HP = 0.75 kw1KV A = 0.8 kw ≈ 0.85 kw50 HZ 60 HZFlow :× 1.2Head :× 1.44Power :× 1.728Speed :× 1.2Temperature 温度℃ = (℉32)/1.8 ℉ = 32 + ℃×1.8单位转换Dimension 容积1 BBL = 0.159 m³ = 42 gal = 1174 L1000 L = 1 m³1 L= 0.246 gal1 lbs = 0.4536 kg1 gallon = 3.87 L = 3870 cm3Weight 重量1Lb = 0.4536 kg1kg = 2.17Lbs1 pound = 0.45 kg1 carat = 0.2 g1 MT = 7.35 bbl常用换算单位流量:1m3/h=16.67L/Min (即:1m3/h=4.4GPM)压力:1Bar=1.02kg/cm2 1Bar=14.5PSI1MPa=10Bar=145PSI 1kg/cm2约为10M(扬程)黏度:SSU=CP×4.55/SG CP=CSt×SG SSU=CSt×4.55mPa.s=CPS (即:1CPS=4.55SSU) 1Pa·S=1000mPa·S功率:1HP=0.75KW温度:℃=(°F-32)/1.8重量:1Lb=0.4536kg1kg=2.17Lbs长度:l inch=25.4mm 1 foot=12inchs=0.3048m1m3=35.2ft3体积:1gallon=3.87L=3870cm3密度:水=1000kg/m3 SG=介质密度/水密度1大气压=14.7PSI=33.8feet水=760mmHg美英制单位:GPM,PSI,SSU,HP,°F,Lb,inch,gallon,foot重量换算(一)公制英制美制港制公吨长吨短吨司马担1 0.9842 1.1023 16.5351.016 1 1.12 16.80.9072 0.8929 1 150.05 0.04921 0.0551 0.82670.0508 0.05 0.056 0.84020.0605 0.0594 0.0667 1公制中国市制英美制公斤斤磅1000 2000 2204.61016 2032 2242907 1814 200050 100 110.2350.8 101.6 11260.48 120.96 133.331 2 2.20460.5 1 1.10230.4536 0.9072 1港制1司马担=100司马斤公制1公吨=10公担英制1长吨=20英担(CWT) 1英担=50.8024公斤美制1短吨=20短担(CWT) 1短吨=100磅=45.36公斤重量换算(二)公制英美制常衡英美制金衡或药衡基准价公斤克磅磅两1 1000 2.2046 35.2736 2.679 31.1507 200.001 1 0.0022 0.0022 0.00268 0.0321 0.020.4536 453.59 1 16 1.2135 14.5833 9.0720.02835 28.35 0.0625 1 0.07595 0.9114 0.5670.3732 373.24 0.82286 13.1657 1 12 7.4650.0311 31.10 0.06857 1.0971 0.08333 1 0.6220.05 50 0.1102 1.76368 0.13396 1.6075 1宝石:1克拉=0.2克 1金衡=155.5克拉容(体)积换算(一)公制中国市制英制美制升升英加仑美加仑1 1 0.22 0.2644.546 4.546 1 1.2013.785 3.785 0.833 11000升=1立方米 1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米(C.C.)英制1加仑=277.42立方英寸英制1加仑=231立方英寸容(体)积换算(一)公制英美制中国市制立方米立方厘米立方码立方英尺立方英寸立方尺1 1000000 1.303 35.3147 61024 270.000001 1 0.0000013 0.00004 0.06102 0.000027 0.7636 764555 1 27 46656 20.6430.02832 28317 0.037 1 1728 0.76460.000016 16.317 0.00002 0.00058 1 0.00044 0.037 37037 0.0484 1.308 2260 1木材体积单位换算板(BOARD FOOT MEASURE,BFM):指厚一英寸面积一平方英尺的木材板材的换算:100板=2.36立方米原木的换算:100板=5立方米(近似值)功率换算表1千瓦(KW)=1034英制马力(HP)1.36公制马力(HP)1英制马力=0.746千瓦(KW)1公制马力=0.735千瓦(KW)1千伏安(K.V.A)=千瓦(K.W.)/0.80粮谷重量容积换算1蒲式耳折合品名1公吨折合蒲式耳磅公斤小麦,大豆36.743 60 27.216 玉米39.368 56 25.402 大麦(英制) 44.092 50 22.68大麦(美制) 45.931 48 21.7731英制蒲式耳(-1.0321美制蒲式耳)合36.3677升石(原)油重量,容积换算1公吨折合国别千升美制桶英制加仑美制加仑美国,印度尼西亚 1.18 7.4 259.1 310.6 伊朗,沙特阿拉伯 1.19 7.49 261.8 314.5 日本 1.11 6.99 244.5 293.3 英国,科威特 1.16 7.31 255.8 306.7委内瑞拉 1.09 6.84 239.2 287.4注:世界平均比重的原油通常以1公吨=7.35桶(每桶为42美制加仑)或1174升计常用度量衡英文名称和简写名称英文名称简写名称英文名称简写克gram g. 码yard yd.公斤kilogram kg. 英尺foot ft.公担quintal q. 英寸inch in.公吨metric ton m.t. 平方米square metre sq.m.长吨long ton l.t. 平方英尺square foot sq.ft 短吨short ton sh.t. 平方码square yard sq.yd.英担hundredweight cwt. 立方米cubic metre cu.m.美担hundredweight cwt. 立方英尺cudic metre cu.ft.磅pound lb. 升litre l.(常衡) ounce oz. 毫升millilitre ml.(金衡) ounce oz.t 加仑gallon gal.司马担picul 蒲式耳bushel bu.米metre m. 克拉carat car.公里kilometre km. 马力horse power h.p.厘米centimetre cm. 千瓦kilowatt kw.毫米millimetre mm. 公吨度metric ton unit m.t.u. 附表八:计量单位换算表面(地)积换算公制英美制平方米平方厘米平方码平方英尺平方英寸平方尺1 10000 1.1960 10.7639 1550 90.0001 1 0.00012 0.00108 0.155 0.00090.8361 8361 1 9 1296 7.5250.0929 929 0.1111 1 144 0.8360.00065 6.45 0.00077 0.00694 1 0.00580.111 1111 0.133 1.196 172.2 1长度换算公制中国市制英美制米厘米尺码英尺英寸1 100 3 1.094 3.2808 39.370.01 1 0.03 0.01094 0.03281 0.39370.3333 33.33 1 0.3646 1.094 13.1230.9144 91.44 2.743 1 3 360.3048 30.48 0.9144 0.3334 1 120.0254 2.54 0.0762 0.0278 0.833 11米=100厘米=1000毫米psi 有听过吧,psig 就叫做(英制)蒸气压力,锅炉内[蒸气]的压力.蒸气归蒸气,空气归空气,空气中含有水气时,水分的重量是可以分离计算成(psig)的,但是我以为[psig]单独表示时,应该是指[锅炉内饱和水蒸汽的压力].psi是磅/平方英吋(念做每平方英吋xx磅) 如果是Kg/cm2 换算成psi,1Kg/cm2 = 14.21psi1psi = 0.454Kg/(2.54cm)2 = 0.07037kg/cm2 则倒数就是14.21~~~~~~~~1大气压= 760.00027 mHg1mHg = 133.322 pa1大气压= 101324.75 pa1kpa=>1000pa / 133.322pa X 13.6(水银比重) => 102.0087mH2OPSID指的应该是[压力差][PSI为单位]mpa应该写成Mpa M是[百万],十的六次方.PSID, psidPounds per Square Inch Differential. Not just a unit, but a comment that the number represents a difference between two pressures. PSID gauges have two input connectors. PSIA is PSID relative to vacuum, PSIG is PSID relative to local atmospheric pressure, and PSIS is PSID relative to a sealed 14.7-psi pressure vessel.PSI = Pound per Square Inch (磅/每平方英吋) PSID == PSI Differential (PSI 压差).PSIA == PSID to Vacuum (对真空的压差)PSIG == PSID to environment (对表外环境的压差)工作压力10-40PSID 表示仪器能承受10-40PSI 的压力差.温度的测算标准有两种:摄氏和华氏。
1 litre(升)= 0.2201 Imp. gallon = 0.2642 U.S. gallon;
1 cu. metre= 219.9 Imp. gallons = 264 U.S. gallons.
= 1.033 kg. per sq. cm.
= 33.9 ft. head of water.
1 kg. per sq. cm.(千克/厘米2)=0.968 atmosphere.
= 29.1 in. mercury. = 14.223 lb. per sq. in.
= 32.81 ft. head of water.
= 219.9 Imp. gal. Per sec. = 13,200 Imp. gal. Per min.
1 cu. m. per hr.(米3/时)=5,279 Imp. gal. Per day.
1 m. per sec.(米/秒)=3.281 厘米/时)= 4.89 Imp. gal. per sq. ft. per hr.
1 sq. inch(英寸2)=6.45 sq. centimetres;
1 sq. foot(英尺2)= 929.03 sq. centimetres;
1 sq. yard(码2)=0.836 sq. metre;
1 acre(英亩)=4047 sq. metres = 0.4047 hectare;
= 0.883 in. mercury
= 0.0295 atmosphere.
= 0.0345 kg. per sq. cm.
Unit conversion单位转换
![Unit conversion单位转换](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c638cf36f111f18583d05a86.png)
Unit ConvertLift head 扬程1 m = 3.28 feet = 39.36 inch1 m = 0.1 bar = 1.45 PSI = 0.01 Mpa 1 m = 10kg/cm²G1 PSI = 0.69 m1 feet = 0.3048 m1 inch = 2.54 cm = 25.4 mm1 bar = 0.1 Mpa = 10 m1 Mpa = 100 m1 kg/㎡= 10 m = 1 bar1bar=10mwcCapacity Flow 流量1 m³/h = 16.67 L/min = 0.2778 L/s 1L/min = 0.06m³/h1 m³/h = 4.4 GPM = 0.0733 GPH1 GPM = 0.227 m³/h1 L/s = 3.6 m³/hPower 功率1 kw = 1.34 HP = 1.36 PS1 HP = 0.75 kw1KV A = 0.8 kw ≈ 0.85 kw50 HZ 60 HZFlow :× 1.2Head :× 1.44Power :× 1.728Speed :× 1.2Temperature 温度℃ = (℉32)/1.8℉ = 32 + ℃×1.8单位转换Dimension 容积1 BBL = 0.159 m³ = 42 gal = 1174 L 1000 L = 1 m³1 L= 0.246 gal1 lbs = 0.4536 kg1 gallon = 3.87 L = 3870 cm3Weight 重量1Lb = 0.4536 kg1kg = 2.17Lbs1 pound = 0.45 kg1 carat = 0.2 g1 MT = 7.35 bbl重量换算(一)港制1司马担=100司马斤公制1公吨=10公担英制1长吨=20英担(CWT) 1英担=50.8024公斤美制1短吨=20短担(CWT) 1短吨=100磅=45.36公斤重量换算(二)宝石:1克拉=0.2克 1金衡=155.5克拉容(体)积换算(一)1000升=1立方米 1升=1000毫升=1000立方厘米(C.C.)英制1加仑=277.42立方英寸英制1加仑=231立方英寸容(体)积换算(一)木材体积单位换算板(BOARD FOOT MEASURE,BFM):指厚一英寸面积一平方英尺的木材板材的换算:100板=2.36立方米原木的换算:100板=5立方米(近似值)功率换算表1千瓦(KW)=1034英制马力(HP)1.36公制马力(HP)1英制马力=0.746千瓦(KW)1公制马力=0.735千瓦(KW)1千伏安(K.V.A)=千瓦(K.W.)/0.80粮谷重量容积换算1英制蒲式耳(-1.0321美制蒲式耳)合36.3677升石(原)油重量,容积换算注:世界平均比重的原油通常以1公吨=7.35桶(每桶为42美制加仑)或1174升计常用度量衡英文名称和简写附表八:计量单位换算表面(地)积换算长度换算1米=100厘米=1000毫米psi 有听过吧,psig 就叫做(英制)蒸气压力,锅炉内[蒸气]的压力.蒸气归蒸气,空气归空气,空气中含有水气时,水分的重量是可以分离计算成(psig)的,但是我以为[psig]单独表示时,应该是指[锅炉内饱和水蒸汽的压力].psi是磅/平方英吋(念做每平方英吋xx磅)如果是Kg/cm2 换算成psi,1Kg/cm2 = 14.21psi1psi = 0.454Kg/(2.54cm)2 = 0.07037kg/cm2 则倒数就是14.21~~~~~~~~1大气压= 760.00027 mHg1mHg = 133.322 pa1大气压= 101324.75 pa1kpa=>1000pa / 133.322pa X 13.6(水银比重) => 102.0087mH2OPSID指的应该是[压力差][PSI为单位]mpa应该写成Mpa M是[百万],十的六次方.PSID, psidPounds per Square Inch Differential. Not just a unit, but a comment that the number represents a difference between two pressures. PSID gauges have two input connectors. PSIA is PSID relative to vacuum, PSIG is PSID relative to local atmospheric pressure, and PSIS is PSID relative to a sealed 14.7-psi pressure vessel.PSI = Pound per Square Inch (磅/每平方英吋)PSID == PSI Differential (PSI 压差).PSIA == PSID to Vacuum (对真空的压差)PSIG == PSID to environment (对表外环境的压差)工作压力10-40PSID 表示仪器能承受10-40PSI 的压力差.温度的测算标准有两种:摄氏和华氏。
數學科常用單位轉換一覽表(六年級)TSA六.整除性: (倍數)3的倍數: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42……7的倍數: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, 84 ……11的倍數: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 110, 121……12的倍數: 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132 ,144……十一.立體圖形的體積及表面積計算公式:邊長=十二.時間單位: 1 (平) 年=365日 1 (閏) 日=366日 1年=12月 1星期=7日 1日=24小時1小時=60分1分=60秒1日=24小時=1440分=86 400秒 1小時 = 60分=3600秒月大有:一月、三月、五月、七月、八月、十月、十二月各有31日 月小有、四月、六月、九日、十一月各有30日 平年二月有28日、閏年二月有29日註:(公元年份可被4整除的是閏年,否則是平年。
)典型應用題:1.和差問題:A.二數的和及差,求大小二數大數=( 和+ 差) ÷2 小數=( 和-差) ÷2B.三數的和及差甲乙丙之和=( 甲乙+ 乙丙+ 甲丙) ÷2甲數=甲乙丙之和-乙丙之和乙數=甲乙丙之和-甲丙之和丙數=甲乙丙之和-甲乙之和2.歸一問題:先求每一單位的值,再求總值3.平均問題:A. 平均數=各數之和÷個數B. 總和=平均數X 個數C. 個數=各數之和÷平均數4. 倍數問題:A. 倍和:小數=和÷(倍數+ 1) 大數=小數X 倍數或:大數=和-小數B. 倍差小數=差÷(倍數-1) 大數=差X 倍數5. 行程問題:A.同時同地同向而行:距離=( 兩人速度之差) X 時間追及時間=距離÷( 兩人速度之差) B. 同時異地相向而行:相遇時間=距離÷( 兩人速度之和) 距離出發點=相遇時間÷本身速度C. 同時同地背向而行: 距離=( 兩人速度之和 ) X 時間6.分數應用題:A. 部分=全體 X 分率B. 全體=部分 ÷ 分率C. 分率=部分 ÷ 全體D. 總數=全體 X ( 1 + 分率 )E. 全體=總和 ÷ ( 1 + 分率 )F. 餘數=全體 X ( 1-分率 )G. 全體=餘數 ÷ ( 1-分率 )7.百分數:子數=母數X 百分率 母數=子數 ÷ 百分率 百分率=子數 ÷ 母數X100% 子數和=母數 X ( 百分率 + 百分率 ) 子數差=母數 X ( 百分率-百分率 ) 母子和=母數 + 母數 X 百分率 或:母子和=母數 X ( 1 + 百分率 ) 母子差=母數-母數 X 百分率或:母子差=母數 X ( 1-百分率 ) 母子和求母數=母子和 ÷ ( 1 + 百分率 ) 母子差求母數=母子差 ÷ ( 1-百分率 ) 子數和求母數=子數和 ÷ ( 百分率 + 百分率 ) 子數差求母數=子數差 ÷ ( 百分率-百分率 ) 百分率=母數母數-母子差X 100%百分率=母數母子和-母數X 100%8.折扣:賣價=定價 X 折扣率定價=賣價 ÷ 折扣率折扣率=賣價 ÷ 定價便宜的價格=定價 X (1-折扣率) 9.賺賠:賺或賠價=成本 X 賺 ( 賠 ) 率 成本=賺價 ÷ 賺率 成本=賠價 ÷ 賠率 賺或賠率=賺價或賠價 ÷ 成本賣價=成本 X ( 1+賺率 ) 賣價=成本 X (1-賠率 )。
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常用单位换算表体积换算1美吉耳(gi)=0.118升(1) 1美品脱(pt)=0.473升(1)1美夸脱(qt)=0.946升(1) 1美加仑(gal)=3.785升(1)1桶(bbl)=0.159立方米(m3)=42美加仑(gal)1英亩·英尺=1234立方米(m3)1立方英寸(in3)=16.3871立方厘米(cm3)10亿立方英尺(bcf)=2831.7万立方米(m3)1万亿立方英尺(tcf)=283.17亿立方米(m3)1百万立方英尺(MMcf)=2.8317万立方米(m3)1千立方英尺(mcf)=28.317立方米(m3) 1英加仑(gal)=4.546升(1)1立方英尺(ft3)=0.0283立方米(m3)=28.317升(liter)1立方米(m3)=1000升(liter)=35.315立方英尺(ft3)=6.29桶(bbl)质量换算1长吨(long ton)=1.016吨(t) 1千克(kg)=2.205磅(lb)1磅(lb)=0.454千克(kg)[常衡] 1盎司(oz)=28.350克(g) 1短吨(sh.ton)=0.907吨(t)=2000磅(lb)1吨(t)=1000千克(kg)=2205磅(lb)=1.102短吨(sh.ton)=0.984长吨(long ton)密度换算1磅/(lb/ft3)=16.02千克/米3(kg/m3)API度=141.5/15.5℃时的比重-131.51磅/英加仑(lb/gal)=99.776千克/米3(kg/m3)1波美密度(B)=140/15.5℃时的比重-1301磅/英寸3(lb/in3)=27679.9千克/米3(kg/m3)1磅/美加仑(lb/gal)=119.826千克/米3(kg/m3)1磅/(石油)桶(lb/bbl)=2.853千克/米3(kg/m3)1千克/米3(kg/m3)=0.001克/厘米3(g/cm3)=0.0624磅/英尺3(lb/ft3)运动粘度换算1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s)=1厘米2/秒(cm2/s)1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030×10-2米2/秒(m2/s)1厘斯(cSt)=10-6;米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s)动力粘度换算动力粘度 1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s) 1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s)1磅力秒/英尺2(lbf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa·s)1千克力秒/米2(kgf·s、m2)=9.80665帕·秒(Pa·s)力换算1牛顿(N)=0.225磅力(lbf)=0.102千克力(kgf)1千克力(kgf)=9.81牛(N)1磅力(lbf)=4.45牛顿(N) 1达因(dyn)=10-5牛顿(N)温度换算K=5/9(°F+459.67) K=℃+273.15n℃=(5/9·n+32) °F n°F=[(n-32)×5/9]℃1°F=5/9℃(温度差)压力换算压力 1巴(bar)=105帕(Pa) 1达因/厘米2(dyn/cm2)=0.1帕(Pa)1托(Torr)=133.322帕(Pa) 1毫米汞柱(mmHg)=133.322帕(Pa)1毫米水柱(mmH2O)=9.80665帕(Pa) 1工程大气压=98.0665千帕(kPa)1千帕(kPa)=0.145磅力/英寸2(psi)=0.0102千克力/厘米2(kgf/cm2)=0.0098大气压(atm)1磅力/英寸2(psi)=6.895千帕(kPa)=0.0703千克力/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.0689巴(bar)=0.068大气压(atm)1物理大气压(atm)=101.325千帕(kPa)=14.696磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0333巴(bar)传热系数换算1千卡/米2·时(kcal/m2·h)=1.16279瓦/米2(w/m2)1千卡/(米2·时·℃)〔1kcal/(m2·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米2·开尔文)〔w/(m2·K)〕1英热单位/(英尺2·时·°F)〔Btu/(ft2·h·°F)〕=5.67826瓦/(米2·开尔文)〔(w/m2·K)〕1米2·时·℃/千卡(m2·h·℃/kcal)=0.86000米2·开尔文/瓦(m2·K/W)热导率换算1千卡(米·时·℃)〔kcal/(m·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕1英热单位/(英尺·时·°F)〔But/(ft·h·°F)=1.7303瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕比容热换算1千卡/(千克·℃)〔kcal/(kg·℃)〕=1英热单位/(磅·°F)〔Btu/(lb·°F)〕=4186.8焦耳/(千克·开尔文)〔J/(kg·K)〕热功换算1卡(cal)=4.1868焦耳(J) 1大卡=4186.75焦耳(J)1千克力米(kgf·m)=9.80665焦耳(J)1英热单位(Btu)=1055.06焦耳(J)1千瓦小时(kW·h)=3.6×106焦耳(J)1英尺磅力(ft·lbf)=1.35582焦耳(J)1米制马力小时(hp·h)=2.64779×106焦耳(J)1英马力小时(UKHp·h)=2.68452×106焦耳1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778×10-7千瓦·小时=3.777×10-7公制马力小时=3.723×10-7英制马力小时=2.389×10-4千卡=9.48×10-4英热单位功率换算1英热单位/时(Btu/h)=0.293071瓦(W)1千克力·米/秒(kgf·m/s)=9.80665瓦(w)1卡/秒(cal/s)=4.1868瓦(W) 1米制马力(hp)=735.499瓦(W)速度换算1英里/时(mile/h)=0.44704米/秒(m/s)1英尺/秒(ft/s)=0.3048米/秒(m/s)渗透率换算1达西=1000毫达西 1平方厘米(cm2)=9.81×107达西地温梯度换算1°F/100英尺=1.8℃/100米(℃/m)1℃/公里=2.9°F/英里(°F/mile)=0.055°F/100英尺(°F/ft)油气产量换算1桶(bbl)=0.14吨(t)(原油,全球平均)1万亿立方英尺/日(tcf/d)=283.2亿立方米/日(m3/d)=10.336万亿立方米/年(m3/a)10亿立方英尺/日(bcf/d)=0.2832亿立方米/日(m3/d)=103.36亿立方米/年(m3/a)1百万立方英尺/日(MMcf/d)=2.832万立方米/日(m3/d)=1033.55万立方米/年(m3/a)1千立方英尺/日(Mcf/d)=28.32立方米/日(m3/d)=1.0336万立米/年(m3/a)1桶/日(bpd)=50吨/年(t/a)(原油,全球平均)1吨(t)=7.3桶(bbl)(原油,全球平均)气油比换算1立方英尺/桶(cuft/bbl)=0.2067立方米/吨(m3/t)热值换算1桶原油=5.8×106英热单位(Btu)1吨煤=2.406×107英热单位(Btu)1立方米湿气=3.909×104英热单位(Btu)1千瓦小时水电=1.0235×104英热(Btu)1立方米干气=3.577×104英热单位(Btu)(以上为1990年美国平均热值)(资料来源:美国国家标准局)热当量换算1桶原油=5800立方英尺天然气(按平均热值计算)1立方米天然气=1.3300千克标准煤1千克原油=1.4286千克标准煤现在汽车越来越多地进入家庭了。
长度:一般进口车都喜欢用英尺(feet)、英寸(inch,一般用缩写in.来表示)来表明长度,那么它与公制的换算是这样的:1英寸(in.)=2.54厘米, 1英尺(feet )=12英寸=30.48厘米 1码(yard)=3英尺=0.9144米距离方面,他们多喜欢用英里而非公里。