11规则甲类大副航海英语阅读理解题真题 必看1---带答案

11规则甲类大副航海英语阅读理解题真题  必看1---带答案
11规则甲类大副航海英语阅读理解题真题  必看1---带答案


1. The carrier is entitled,at port of shipment and / or port of discharge,to verify the quantity,weight,measurement and contents of the goods as declared by the merchant. If the weight,measurement,and / or contents of such goods as stated in the bill of lading turn out to be inconsistent with that of the goods actually loaded,and the freight paid falls short of the amount which would have been due if such declaration had been correctly given,the carrier is entitled to collect from the merchant as liquidated damages to the carrier double the amount of difference between the freight for the goods actually shipped and that misstated. The merchant shall be liable for loss of and damage to the vessel and / or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents of the goods and shall indemnify the carrier for the costs and expenses in connection with weighing,measuring and checking such goods.

69. A cargo of 1000 tons was actually shipped with the freight rate of US$10 per ton, but the shipper declared that it was 800 tons and the freight paid short accordingly. The carrier is entitled to claim from the shipper as liquidated damages the sum of US$ ______.

A. 2000

B. 8000

C. 4000

D. 10000

70. The carrier is most likely to verify ______ of the goods.

A. the weight

B. the description

C. the marks

D. the damages

71. Damages caused by inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents of the goods will be responsible by ______.

A. the carrier

B. the shipper

C. the owner

D. the consignee

72. The purpose of this clause is to protect the interests of ______ .

A. the carrier

B. the shipper

C. the merchant

D. all the parties concerned

2. If,by reason of or in compliance with any such directions or recommendations,the vessel does not proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto,the Vessel may proceed to any port as directed or recommended or to any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide on and there discharge the cargo.Such discharge shall be deemed to be due fulfillment of the contract of affreightment and the Owners shall be entitled to freight as if discharge had been effected at the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which the Vessel may have been ordered pursuant thereto. (注意本题下面的答案仅供参考)

73.If the vessel does not, under the directions of the Charterer, proceed to the port or ports named in the Bill of Lading or to which she may have been ordered pursuant thereto to, she may proceed to all the following ports except ______ .

A. any port as directed

B. any port as recommended

C. any safe port which the Owners in their discretion may decide on

D. the port or ports of origin

74. At the substituted port, the carrier is entitled to claim ______ if he had delivered full cargo there.

A. full freight

B. half freight

C. no freight

D. reasonable freight

75. The contract of affreightment is referred to ______ .

A. a contract of carriage by which the carrier is entitled to carry certain amount of cargo in a specified time by any vessel or vessels either belonging to himself or to others

B. a contract of carriage, such as Gencon

C. a contract of trade

D. a contract of sales

76. This is a ______ .

A. a clause of a contract

B. an explanation of a clause in a contract

C. requirement from a government

D. an article of an international convention

3. No chart is infallible. Every chart is liable to be incomplete, either through imperfections in the survey on which it is based, or through subsequent alterations to the topography or seabed. However, in the vicinity of recognized shipping lanes charts may be used with confidence for normal navigational needs. The mariner must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances and the other aids available, such as the judicious use of the echo sounder and radar, and local pilotage guidance.

69.Why is every chart liable to defects?

1) the imperfect weather report 2) the imperfect survey

3) the subsequent alterations to the structure of the vessel

4) the subsequent changes to the terrain 5) the ensuing changes to the seabed

A. 1) 2) 4)

B. 2) 4) 5)

C. 1) 3) 4) 5)

D. 2) 3) 4)

70.The mariner should appeal to _______ for the reliance on the information available.

A. the judge

B. the port authority

C. himself

D. the agent

71.The mariner should take _______ into serious consideration when using the information given.

A. particular conditions

B. the number of crew

C. other aids available

D. bot h A and C

72.In the vicinity of well-established shipping route, ________.

A. no chart is infallible

B. the local pilotage guidance is required

C. charts may be used with confidence for normal navigational needs

D. other aids available should be inoperative

4. Bottom area from keel to light load line about 2600 sq. m. including rudder, post, stern frame, to be cleaned with high pressure fresh water. Rusted area about 300 sq. m to be sand-blasted and patched with tow coats of bottom primer on the bare metal surface. Then whole area to be applied with one coat anti-corrosive paint and one coat tropical anti-fouling paint.

Boot- topping strake, from light load line to full load line, about 1600 sq. m to be cleaned with high pressure fresh water. Rusted area 400 sq.m to be sand-blasted and patched with two coats of primer and one coat of boot-topping green paints. whole area to be applied one coat of boot topping green paint.

Topside about 1200 sq.m to be cleaned with high pressure fresh water. Rusted area to be painted. Then whole area to be applied with one coat of light gray paint.

All draft figures, plimsoll marks, ship’s name and port of registry to be repainted twice in original color.

73.Where is boot-topping?

A. The area of the hull out of the water in the light condition

B. The area of the hull under the water in full condition.

C. The area from keel to light load line.

D. The area between light load line to full load line.

74.How many sq.m rusted area should be sand-blasted totally?

A. 700

B. 1200

C. 2600

D. 4200

75.Which part of the vessel should be applied one coat of light gray paint?

A. bottom

B. topside

C. boot-topping

D. whole area

76.What is the passage about?

A. accident report

B. repair list.

C. sea protest

D. navigation warning


77. ________ to be repainted twice in original color.

A.Bottom area from keel to light load line about 2600 sq.m.,including rudder,post,stern frame B.The whole ar e a

C.Boot-topping strake,from light load line,about 1600 sq.m.

D.All draft figures,plimsoll marks,ship's name and port of registry

78.________ area to be applied with one coat anti-corrosive paint and one coat tropical anti-fouling paint.


B.The whole



5. In the early hours of a November morning, the fully laden 42,259gt Panamanian registered container vessel Ambassador Bridge was inbound to the English Channel, and had closed the south Devon coast to embark a pilot off Brixham.

In preparing to embark the pilot at the port side pilot station situated some 2m above the waterline, a seaman was detailed off to rig the pilot ladder and stand by to receive him. He made a radio check with the bridge when he arrived, but when the bridge tried to contact him again as the pilot boat approached, there was no reply. Chief officer was sent down to investigate.

The chief officer found the pilot door wide open, the ladder unrigged, water sloshing around the station deck, but no sign of the seaman detailed off to prepare the ladder for embarkation.

The body of a man, later identified as the deceased seaman, was recovered from the sea some four hours later.He was not wearing a lifejacket.

69.Ambassador Bridge was not ______.

A. an inbound vessel to the English channel

B. a Panamanian registered container vessel

C. in ballast

D. near the Devon coast

70.Of the following, ______ is not correct.

A. the vessel was receiving her pilot who was to come down from the pilot station which was 2m above the sea


B. the deceased did not rig the pilot ladder

C. the deceased reported to the bridge as soon as he arrived there

D. the vessel was receiving her pilot at port side

71.The body of the deceased seaman was recovered by ______.

A. the C/O

B. the Pilot

C. a salver

D. someone not mentioned

72.It can be concluded that the deceased seaman ______.

A. wore a lifejacket but lost it when overboard in the sea

B. committed suicide

C. dropped into the sea to catch the pilot ladder

D. was given instructions in detail before being sent to his station

6. While berthed alongside in Tenerife, the cruise ship Arcadia was carrying out a lifeboat drill. One lifeboat was successfully launched and as it was being recovered, the winch hoisting it failed. The lifeboat was still connected to the falls and it dropped back into the sea.

To investigate what had happened, the crew had to wind the falls back onto the winch drum. The lifeboat was

disconnected while the crew tried to restart the winch. They were unsuccessful because of a fault on the hand crank cutout switch.

The crew then attempted to wind the falls back on using the hand crank, but because of the time and effort involved, the cutout switch was bypassed and power restored to speed up the operation. The crank handle was left in place.

The winch was started. It began to turn and so too did the handle which hit one of the crew over the head.

The investigation found that the winch failed in the first place because the oil used in the winch gearbox was not one recommended. It was too viscose and would have prevented the coupling locking mechanism from operating correctly.

73.It was the fault on the ________ that caused the failure to recover the lift boat

A. crank handle

B. hand crank cutout switch

C. power system

D. falls

74.It was the ______ that hit the crewmember on his head.

A. falls B hand crank cutout switch C. crank handle D. winch drum

75.The cause of the accident was that______.

A. the oil used in the winch gearbox was too viscose

B. the winch drum was connected with the falls

C. the life boat was too heavy

D. the bypass to the cutout switch was misused by the crew

76.The lesson from this accident is that ______.

A. seafaring is not all about facing unforeseen situations

B. it is not necessary to wear hard hats to prevent sore heads

C. the wrong oil can not have serious repercussions

D. do not start lifeboat winch motors with the crank handle in place

7. Modern bulk carriers are normally designed to carry a variety of cargoes in order to provide operational flexibility. For cargoes such as coal or grain the ship would have all hold s filled with the cargo (homogeneous loading condition) and be down to maximum draught. If heavy cargoes, with a stowage rate of about one third of that for coal were to be carried in the homogeneous condition each hold would only be about one third full. In that condition the ship would have a large metacentric height and a low centre of gravity resulting in a very “stiff” ship.

Modern bulk carriers, intended for the carriage of ore, are designed for the carriage of ore cargoes in alternate hold s and in larger ships only the odd numbered hold s are loaded with ore. The advantages in this are that it is easier to achieve a satisfactory trim on the ship and a reduced time spent in port. However, the disadvantages are that the alternate hold loading pattern greatly increases the stresses in the double bottom structure and the shear forces in the side shell. The double bottom, hopper and topside tanks are arranged for the carriage of water ballast with the double bottom and hopper tanks often being inter-connected, by vertical trunks or pipes, with the topside tanks.

69.The homogeneous loading condition refers to loading pattern that ______.

A. all cargo hold s are fully loaded to the maximum of both volume and weight capacities

B. each hold would only be about one third full

C. only the odd numbered hold s are loaded

D. all cargo hold s are loaded with cargoes

70.“Stiff” ship is the condition that _______.

A. she has a large metacentric height

B. she has a high centre of gravity

C. her metacenter above baseline is high

D. her centre of gravity is low

71.The ______ are not arranged for the carriage of ballast water.

A. double bottom tanks

B. topside tanks

C. hopper tanks

D. vertical trunks or pipes

72.The disadvantage of the alternate hold loading pattern is that ______.

A. it is easier to achieve a satisfactory trim on the ship

B. it increases the stresses in the double bottom structure and the shear forces in the side shell

C. it is easier to achieve a reduced time spent in port

D. the double bottom and hopper tanks are often inter-connected, by vertical trunks or pipes, with the topside tanks

8. A 1,300gt general cargo vessel was on passage from the Medway to Antwerp and was starting to cross the Dover Strait traffic separation scheme at 8 knots and very nearly right angles on a course of 120°.

At approximately the same time a 40,000gt container ship had joined the south-west traffic lane some 4 miles to the north and steadied on a course of 215°at a speed of 14 knots. She was seen by the master of the smaller vessel who quickly assessed that a risk of collision existed. The smaller vessel was, by the 'Rules', the stand on vessel.

When the distance between both vessels had reduced to 2.75 miles and there was no sign of any avoiding action by the larger ship, the smaller ship's master reduced speed to half ahead and sounded five short and rapid blasts to attract attention.

When the distance between both vessels had reduced further to 1.5 miles the smaller ship's master stopped his engines. He was unable to alter course to starboard because of other traffic and was unwilling to alter to port in case the container vessel altered course to starboard at the last minute.

She did not, and passed ahead at a range of 5 cables.

The master of the smaller vessel called Dover Coastguard on VHF to report the encounter as a hazardous incident. The watchkeeper on board the container ship denied that any risk of collision had existed. Both ships continued on their respective passages.

73.The traffic direction in the separation schemes is approximately _______.

A. 120°

B. 215°

C. south-west

D. 035°~215°

74.______ is (are) the stand on vessel.

A. The general cargo vessel

B. The container ship

C. Neither of the two ships

D. Both of the two ships

75.The smaller vessel stopped her engine when the distance between the two was _______.

A. 2.75 miles

B. 1.5 miles

C. 5 cables

D. still to be assessed

76.The following are true except _______.

A. Since the smaller vessel had slowed down, the larger vessel would be watching a very different situation to that which had existed earlier.

B. It is unlikely that five short and rapid blasts on the whistle at a range in excess of 2.5 miles

will be heard if the watchkeepers in the other vessel are maintaining a lookout from an enclosed bridge.

C. Officers of the watch must take account of any other shipping that might become an embarrassment once the alteration has been made.

D. It is not necessary to make another homily for watchkeeping officers about keeping a good lookout, assessing whether collision exists or interpreting the Rules

9. The most common kinds of paint found on board ship are as follows: metal primers, which are applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust and to act as a key to the next coat; undercoats, which are used over the primer

before the top coat; top coats which provide a hard-wearing surface and give the required color; heat-resistant paints for radiators and pipes and for the ship’s funnel; non-slip paints for use on weather decks and other suitable surfaces such as companion-ways; and varnishes to give a clear protective coat to woodwork. For painting, the surface of a ship’s hull is divided into three distinct areas: the topside, boot-topping and bottom. Topside paint is supplied in the company’s colors.

It is applied to the area of the ship’s hull which is out of the water when the ship is loaded. Boot-topping is applied to that area of the hull which is out of the water when the ship is in the light condition and under water when the ship is loaded. A ship’s bottom is given a coating of anti-fouling paint. Anti-fouling paints contain toxicants which are poisonous to marine life. The toxicants have to dissolve out of the paint into the surrounding water in order to be effective.

69. According to the passage, the main deck should be applied with ___________.

A. heat-resistant paints

B. varnishes √

C. boot-topping paints

D. non-slip paints

70. The toxicants have to dissolve out of the paint into the surrounding water _____________ .

A. because they are poisonous to mariners’ life

B. because they are noxious to marine plants and marine animals

C. both A and B

D. neither A nor B √

70题应该选C,陆旭三道卷子里是另外一个选项(thet are toxic to marine life)

71. Boot-topping paints should be applied to ____________.

A. the ship’s bottom

B. the area of the hull which is out of the water when the ship is in ballast and under water when the ship is


C. the area of the hull which is out of the water when the ship is loaded and under water when the ship is in the light condition

D. the area of the hull which is out of the water when the ship is loaded √

72.The best heading for the passage should be ____________.

A. Maintenance on board

B. Types of paint on a ship’s hull √

C. How to apply the ship’s paints

D. The usage of the ship’s paint s


The toxicants have to dissolve out of the paint into the surrounding water in order to be effective because _______.A.they are poisonous to mariners' life

B.they are toxic to marine life

C.they support marine life in all aspects

D.they have nothing to do with both mariners? life and marine life

72题我选D. 别人三道卷子里选的是另外一个选项

the types of the ship’s paints and their applications


10. One, or a combination of, the following two failure scenarios could occur.

Firstly, the double bottom structure of girders and floors could sustain sufficient damage under the negative buoyancy condition where the double bottom structure is subjected to the cargo loading only. If the transverse floor and longitudinal girder web plating structures, have deteriorated due to corrosion or mechanical damage, then shear failure can result and the double bottom may collapse. The loss of the hull girder flange, formed by the double bottom, would invariably lead to the loss of the ship.

Secondly, where water enters a loaded hold , the transverse watertight bulkheads are subject to the cargo loading increased by a static head of water equal to the flooded draught and a dynamic effect due to the fluid motion in the hold .

If the watertight bulkhead has corroded then plastic collapse, or shear failure of the corrugated bulkhead connection to the lower shelf place, can occur followed by bulkhead failure. With two hold s flooded, the ship would in all likelihood sink.

73. It is implied in the passage that ________ will inevitably lead to the sinking of the ship.

A. the double bottom structure is subjected to the cargo loading only

B. water enters a loaded hold

C. bulkhead fails when there is no water in the hold

D. the loss of the hull girder flange or more than one hold are flooded

74. Negative buoyancy condition refers to the condition of ________.

A. hogging

B. sagging

C. rolling

D. pitching

75. The reason why the ship would sink with two hold s flooded is that she will loss her ________.

A. stability

B. strength

C. buoyancy

D. gravity

76. Where water enters a loaded hold , the transverse watertight bulkheads are not subject to ______.

A. the cargo loading

B. static head of water

C. dynamic effect due to the fluid motion in the hold

D. support from other deck covers


11. As part of a safety equipment survey on board the tanker Jahre Viking while she was lying alongside in Dubai, a totally enclosed lifeboat was being lowered when a suspension chain parted resulting in its falling 25m into the water. Two of its occupants were killed.

The lifeboat was manned by the chief officer and five others. They had embarked when the lifeboat was in its stowed position and had strapped themselves in their seats. The bosun controlled the winch locally.

The lowering operation progressed normally until the swinging arms of the davits made contact with their resting pads. At this stage one link of the suspension chain on the forward lower block failed and caused that end of the lifeboat to drop. As it swung down, the aft hook involuntarily released allowing the lifeboat to fall 25m into the water where it remained afloat, but upside down. Four people inside the lifeboat managed to scramble clear, but two did not. They both lost their lives.

Laboratory testing of the fractured chain link established that failure had occurred due to excessive brittleness leading to the creation of fine cracks in the link. These allowed the salt laden atmosphere to penetrate causing corrosion. Repeated mechanical load, together with the corrosion, caused the cracks to spread until the link was seriously weakened.

69.Before the lifeboat felt down, there were ________ occupants in it.

A. 2

B. 5

C. 6

D. 8

70.The two people who were killed inside the lifeboat ________.

A. stayed on deck of the lifeboat

B. did not strap themselves in their seats

C. tried to control the winch locally when the lifeboat was lowering

D. failed to manage to scramble clear

71.According to this paragraph, ________.

A. the fore end of the lifeboat was caused to drop first

B. the aft end of the lifeboat was caused to drop first

C. the whole lifeboat was caused to drop with its deck paralleling with waster surface

D. the lifeboat was turning while falling down into the water

72.________ was not the reason that caused the accident.

A. Excessive brittleness of the link

B. Repeated mechanical load

C. Corrosion caused by salt laden atmosphere

D. Careless operation of crew while lowering down the lifeboat

12. The hull structure within the cargo area of a bulk carrier can be considered as comprising two barriers; namely, the primary and secondary barrier. The primary barrier is formed by the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks, and the cross deck strips, hatch covers and coammings. A failure of the primary barrier would allow water to enter the hold space. The secondary barrier is formed by the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads and the inner bottom. A failure of the secondary barrier will permit flood water in the hold to enter the neighbouring hold space. The other areas at risk from damage that could contribute to primary and secondary barrier failure are these damages including cracking at hatch corners, buckling of cross deck strips, corrosion and cracking in topside tanks, and grab and bulldozer damage to the inner bottom.

The damage scenarios applicable to single side skin bulk carriers assume initial damage to the primary barrier, formed by the shell and hatch covers, followed by the failure of the secondary barrier formed by the double bottom and the transverse bulkheads.

73.Hopper tanks refer to the tanks which are located ________ of the ship.

A. the shoulder

B. the bilgeway

C. the inner bottom

D. the tween deck space

74.A failure of hatch coamings will allow water to enter ________.

A. the primary barrier space

B. the topside tanks

C. the double bottom space

D. the hold space

75.Buckling of cross deck strips means ________.

A. the bending, warping, collapsing or crumpling of the cross deck strips

B. repairing operation done to cross deck strips

C. improvement done to cross deck strips

D. change or alteration made to cross deck strips

76.It can be concluded that ________.

A. the damage to the primary barrier is more dangerous to the ship’s safety

B. the damage to the secondary barrier is more dangerous to the ship’s safety

C. the danger caused by damage to the primary barrier is the same as that caused by the damage to the secondary


D. the damage to both primary and secondary barriers will be done at same time

13. The Maritime Safety Committee has issued a circular in 1998 which makes the following suggestions on safety of personnel during container securing operations:

It has been noted that a number of fatal accidents to crew and dockworkers have involved falls from the top of containers during container securing and unsecuring operations. Although fall protection and fall arrest systems and equipment are available for use whenever container top work is involved, they are cumbersome and reduce the speed of loading and unloading operations of a ship, and thus of limited use and effect.

The conventional means of securing containers in non-cellular deck spaces are heavy and difficult to handle, resulting in accidents and non-fatal physical injuries. Newly developed equipment such as semi-automatic and dual function twistlocks are only partially effective in eliminating danger. They depend on the stacking height of containers on deck not exceeding four and require a safe work place on the quayside for their application or removal.

A safer environment for personnel involved in the securing of containers can be achieved by shipowners and ship designers focusing on the safety of container securement at the initial stages of the building of a ship, rather than relying on operational methods for this purpose after the ship is built.

69. Since fall protection and fall arrest systems and equipment are provided for use, why did so many persons still fall

down during securing operations?

A. The persons involved are usually careless

B. The persons involved are occasionally negligent

C. Fall systems and fall arrest systems and equipment are heavy and awkward to carry and decrease the

handling speed

D. Fall systems and fall arrest systems and equipment are of little use and effect

70. With regard to semi-automatic and dual function twistlocks, which of the followings is correct?.

A. They are very useful in eliminating danger

B. They are of little use in eliminating danger

C. Their application is limited

D. Their application may result in accidents and non-fatal physical injuries

71. The optimum opportunity is considered to be _______.

A. at the initial stages of the building of a ship

B. after the ship is built

C. before the ship is designed

D. depended on operational methods

72. Which one of the followings is not mentioned in the passage?

A. It is the fact that there are crew members and dockworkers falling from the top of containers during container

securing operations and get injured seriously

B. Shipowners and ship’s designers can give a safer environment to crew members involved in the securing of


C. MSC is seriously concerned with this problem

D. The specific measures have been suggested in order to solve the problem

14. A fire in dry-dock, with the ship connected to the shore water mains, can be a problem for fire fighting.I was chief mate on an old dry cargo ship in a British dry-cock when, during the lunch hour, a welder decided to work on the starboard lifeboat davit.He warned nobody of his intentions and climbed up into the lifeboat and started burning on the after davit.The lifeboat was made of wood and had a petrol engine, which had obviously been oozing out over the years onto the thwarts and bottom boards.A spark sent the whole thing up like a rocket and the welder only just managed to escape with his life.

There was no fire watch, either by the dockyard or the ship because nobody realized he was working through.We put the fire out before the fire brigade arrived, despite the lack of water pressure.By its very location, the fire in the boat was isolated from the rest of the ship so nothing else caught fire from it.The lifeboat itself was a write-off, though.69.How did the fire break out?

A.A welder set on fire B.A splashing spark made the oozing petrol on fire

C.A rocket in the boat set it on fire D.The lack of water pressure resulted in the fire

70.What did the welder do after the fire burning?

A.He set everything up with a rocket, then escaped B.He wanted to escape, but failed

C.He escaped successfully D.He did his best to put out the fire but failed, then he escaped

71.What’s the consequence of the fire?

A.The lifeboat was completely damaged B.A very little damage was caused to the boat

C.Nothing else was damaged except the after davit and engine D.Not mentioned in the passage

72.Which one of the followings is incorrect?

A.Nobody knew the welder’s intention

B.It is the boat’s position stowed that saved the rest of ship

C.The fire was put out in spite of the lack of water pressure 课后选C

D.Neither the dockyard nor the ship sent a fire watch with knowledge of the work 资料选两次D

15. Individuals involved directly and indirectly in the handling of dangerous goods shall receive training designed to provide familiarity with the general provisions of dangerous goods transport requirements.Such training shall include a description of the classes of dangerous goods; labelling, marking, placarding and packaging, segregation and compatibility requirements; a description of the purpose and content of the dangerous goods transport document; and a description of available emergency response documents.

These persons shall have to receive detailed training concerning specific dangerous goods transport requirements which are applicable to the function the persons performs.And of course they shall also receive the complete safety training.Commensurate with the risk of exposure in the event of a release and the functions performed, each person shall receive safety training on: Methods and procedures for accident avoidance, such as proper use of package-handling equipment and appropriate methods of stowage of dangerous goods; Available emergency response information and how to use it; General dangers presented by the various classes of dangerous goods and how to prevent exposure to those hazards, including if appropriate the use of personal protective clothing and equipment; and Immediate procedures to be followed in the event of an unintentional release of dangerous goods, including any emergency response procedures for which the person is responsible and personal protection procedures to be followed.

73.In this passage, Unintentional Release of dangerous goods means primarily _____ of the goods.A.accidental release B.proper release C.slow release D.emergency release

74.“Proper use of package-handling equipment and appropriate methods of stowage of dangerous goods” is an item covered by ______.

A.the training of familiarity with the general provisions of dangerous goods transport requirements

B.function-specific training C.the training of proper shipping business D.the safety training

75.The Use of Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment is an item of safety training covered by the ___.A.Methods and Procedures for Accident Avoidance

B.Available Emergency Response Information and How to Use it

C.General Dangers Presented by the Various Classes of Dangerous Goods and How to Prevent Exposure to Those Hazards

D.Immediate Procedures to be Followed in the Event of an Unintentional Release of Dangerous Goods

76.The best title of this passage should be ______.

A.Emergency Response Procedures for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea

B.Release of Dangerous Goods and Exposure in the Accidents

C.Proper use of Dangerous Goods

D.Training of Persons Involved in Handling of Dangerous Goods

附加:The immediate procedures to be followed in the event of an unintentional release of dangerous GOODs are covered by _______.

A.the safety training

B.the training concerning specific dangerous GOODs transport requirements

C.the training designed to provide familiarity with the general provisions of dangerous GOODs transport requirements

D.the protection procedures

16. Failing to identify pre-shipment damage and neglecting to make appropriate notations on mate’s receipts and bills of

lading will deprive the carrier of his rights, limitations and immunities under the contract of carriage and may prejudice club cover. Assertions are sometimes made by cargo interests that rust on a particular shipment is normal and will not affect its market value. Such comments should be disregarded.

In all cases where a steel cargo is found to be rusty, it is imperative that remarks are made on the bills of lading, irrespective of the apparent severity of the rust. The bills of lading should also be claused to reflect any physical pre-shipment damage to the steel and/or wrappers.

Selecting the most appropriate clauses to describe pre-shipment damage is not always easy, and the attending surveyor should be consulted for advice. Care must be taken to confine the remarks only to the apparent condition of the steel. Comments such as “damaged by stevedores” and “loaded during rain” have no value.

Similarly, words such as “slight”, “superficial”, “partial” and “atmospheric” may be open to misinterpretation and should never be used. Wherever possible, the remarks should be specific.

69. The carrier will be relieved of the responsibility if ______.

A. he fails to identify cargo’s pre-shipment damage

B. he fails to clause mates’ receipt and bills of lading.

C. he identifies cargo’s pre-shipment damage and make proper remarks on mate’s receipt and bills of


D. he makes assertion that the rust is normal and will not affect its market value.

70. Under what condition should the bill of lading be claused?

A. when pre-shipment damage is serious

B. so long as a steel cargo is found rusty

C. so long as its physical pre-shipment damage is not easy to describe

D. You should consult the attending surveyor for advice about it.

71. What do you think of the remark “partial damage to wrapper”?

A. It’s easy to cause misunderstanding.

B. It has no value.

C. It can not exempt the carrier from the liability if actual damage is found at the destination.

D. All of the above.

72. The best title of this passage may be ______.

A. Carrier’s rights, limitations and immunities

B. Cargo’s pre-shipment damage

C. Clausing bills of lading

D. Value of remarks

17. During an anchoring operation, a vessel's anchor was run out under gravity to 6 shackles, checked and finally adjusted to 9 shackles on deck. A crew member who was on the forecastle but not directly involved with the anchoring operation, was enveloped by the resulting dust/debris cloud and later complained of irritation to his eyes requiring treatment from the shore doctor to alleviate it.

When engaged in anchoring, there is always a hazard from dust and debris flying off the anchor cable. With this in mind, all persons in the vicinity should be wearing suitable personal protection including eye protection. The chief officer in charge must always ensure that neither himself nor any other crew member stands in line with the anchor cable either in front or behind the cable lifter, as there have been fatalities in the past caused by cables which have gone out of control.

If there is any doubt as to the efficiency of the brake, anchors should always be lowered in gear, using the windlass motor and never allowed to run so fast as to overheat the brake.

73. From the first paragraph, we can get that ______.

A. the crew member was directly engaged in anchoring operation.

B. the crew member was enveloped by anchor chains.

C. the crew member had been injured by anchor chains.

D. the crew member had foreign material in his eyes.

74.“Fatality” in the second paragraph means ______.

A. injury

B. death

C. fracture

D. fate

75. When engaged in anchoring, what you should not do is ______.

A. to stand near behind the windlass√

B. to wear goggles

C. to wear gloves

D. to lower anchors in gear if there is no doubt as to the efficiency of the brake

76. Which one of the followings is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Anchor can be lowered under gravity.

B. During anchoring, dust and debris are always flying off the anchor cable.

C. The chief officer should ensure the safety of those who engaged in anchoring.

D. The brake is always overheated during anchoring.

18. The objective of lashing the coils is to form one large,immovable block of units in the hold by lashing them together.

In general,strip coils in three end rows in the top tier should be lashed. To prevent fore-and-aft shifting in the top tier of bare-wound coils group-lashing should not be applied due to their fragile nature;the end row of a top tier should be secured by dunnage and wires,which are to be tightened from side to side,and by additional wires to the bulkhead. When coils are fully loaded over the entire bottom space and are well shored,no lashings are required except for locking coils.

The lashings can be of a conventional type using wire steel band or any equivalent means. Conventional lashings should consist of wires having sufficient tensile strength. The first tier should be chocked. It should be possible to re-tighten the lashings during the voyage. Wire lashings should be protected against damage from sharp edges.

If there are few coils,or a single coil only,they should be adequately secured to the ship,by placing them in cradles,by wedging,or by shoring and then lashing to prevent transverse and longitudinal movement.

69. The locking coil is ______.

A. a coil secured by shorings

B. a coil placed in cradle

C. a coil used to secure other coils

D. a coil secured by wedgings

70. The general objective of lashing coils is to prevent them from ______.

A. transverse and longitudinal movement

B. rolling in the hold

C. vertical movement

D. fore-and-aft shifting

71. When coils are fully loaded over tanktop and are well shored,______.

A. three end rows in the top tier should be lashed

B. no lashings are required except for locking coils

C. they should be secured to the ship by wedging

D. they should be placed in cradles

72. If there is a single coil,its securing should be done by ______.

A. placing it in cradle and then lashing it

B. shoring it and then placing it in cradle

C. placing it in cradle,wedging it,shoring it and lashing it

D. lashing the three end rows

19. As for sub-contracting and indemnity,the Repairer shall be entitled to sub-contract on any terms the whole or any part of the Works and any and all acts or things that are in the opinion of the Repairer necessary or desirable to carry out and complete the Works.

The Customer undertakes that no claim or allegation shall be made against any person by whomsoever the Works is performed or undertaken (including all sub-contractors of the Repairer),other than the Repairer,which imposes or attempts to impose upon any such person any liability whatsoever in connection with the Works,whether or not arising out of negligence on the part of such person and,if any such claim or allegation should nevertheless be made,to indemnify the Repairer against all consequences thereof.

73. If a claim is made by the Customer against a sub-contractor,_____.

A. the sub-contractor shall indemnify the Repairer against all consequences thereof

B. the Customer shall indemnify the sub-contractor against all consequences thereof

C. the sub-contractor shall indemnify the Customer against all consequences thereof

D. the Customer shall indemnify the Repairer against all consequences thereof

74. According to this passage,______ is true.

A. the Customer undertakes not to make claims or allegations against the Repairer

B. the Repairer undertakes not to make claims or allegations against the Customer

C. the Customer undertakes not to make claims or allegations against a sub-contractor

D. the Repairer undertakes not to make claims or allegations against a sub-contractor

75. The Repairer is entitled to sub-contract to ______on any terms all things that are in his opinion n ecessary to complete the Works.

A. any person

B. the Customer

C. a claimer

D. an alleger

76. This passage is likely extracted from ______.

A. a B/L

B. Gencon

C. Baltime

D. a Ship Repair Contract

20. The effectiveness of an anchor depends largely on the material that constitutes the sea or estuary (河口)bottom, normally determined by the hydrographers who have surveyed the sea and identified it for the convenience of mariners on the chart. When preparing to anchor, the ship’s Master needs to know, besides the water depth, the "quality of the bottom" whether it is of sand or mud, or rocky. The Master will try and avoid "foul ground" which may have underwater hazards that may snag the anchor, and will be happier where the bottom is of mud or sand, that will enable the flukes of the anchor to dig in and hold the ship fast. The holding quality is also helped by having plenty of cable out to lie on the bottom, which itself acts as a brake on movement.

Tides or winds may affect the safety of an anchorage and the officers of the watch need to watch the position of the ship carefully, lest the anchor drags and the ship be washed ashore. Visual compass bearings of shore marks can provide a good indication of any untoward movement, although care must be taken not to confuse an anchor dragging with the normal swinging around the mooring as the tide or wind changes.

While merchant ships tend to use a convention anchor with two flukes that can be housed in a tubular hawse pipe when recovered aboard ship, specialist anchors have been devised for different types of craft. Drilling rigs, for instance, have anchors that are optimal for the particular sea bottom, and a big semi-submersible will lie to a pattern of perhaps eight anchors, laid out by anchor handling supply boats which are in attendance when the rig is moved. Permanent moorings, for navigational buoys may use screw anchors which are screwed into the sea bottom, while light vessels often

employ very heavy anchors shaped like a mushroom.

69.______ is compared to “a brake” on movement by the passage?

A. The fluke of the anchor

B. The chains lying on the bottom

C. The chains hanging in the water

D. The brought-up of the anchor

70.The total holding forces of an anchor come from _____.

A. The digging in of the flukes of the anchor and the quality of the bottom

B. The quality of the bottom and the cables lying on the bottom.

C. The brake and the cables lying on the bottom.

D. The digging in of the flukes of the anchor and the friction of cables lying on the bottom

71.The order given to “house a convention anchor in a tubular hawse pipe” in merchant marine operations is ______.

A. Anchor home

B. Anchor back

C. Anchor house

D. Anchor positioning


A.the normal swinging around the mooring as the tide or wind changes

B.an untoward movement of the anchor

C.the ship being washed ashore

D.the ship being pulled along with difficulty or effort by another ship

72.Which of the following is correct as to the specialist anchoring?

A. The best ground for specialist anchoring is sand or mud.

B. Specialist anchoring can be done anywhere.

C. Specialist anchoring is usually designed to create larger holding forces.

D. The holding forces are derived from the flukes of the anchor and the cables lying on the bottom

21. One of the major problems is that flooding of a hold space may occur without the knowledge of the crew, particularly in heavy weather conditions where visibility may be minimal and any changes in the response of the ship may be masked by the storm. The influence of flooding No. 1 hold on a bulk carrier carrying ore, from a naval architecture(建筑) point of view, is of course to create a significant trim by the head. It is considered that on a well maintained ship this should be a survivable situation. In the event that flooding progress to the adjacent No. 2 hold then the consequent trim can immerse the deck forward and the survivability of the ship under storm condition becomes doubtful. Another is also important and if this is a consequence of transverse watertight bulkhead failure then the shock loadings, both in terms of over and under pressures could create a chain reaction involving hatch covers being displaced, bulkheads collapsing, etc. , within a few seconds resulting in an almost instantaneous loss of hull buoyancy and the ship sinking. Knowing when the hold s are taking in water is, therefore, considered very important.

73.The following ______ is not the reason that flooding of a hold space may occur without the knowledge of the crew.

A.that the visibility may be too poor at the moment

B.that changes in the response of the ship may be masked by the storm

C.that the conditions of the weather may prevent the crew members from detecting the response of the ship

D. that the crew members are poorly educated and have not enough knowledge

74.The flooding of No. 1 hold _______.

A. will result in an almost instantaneous loss of hull buoyancy and the ship sinking

B. will create a chain reaction involving the hatch covers being displaced, bulkheads collapsing

C. will progress to the adjacent No. 2 hold

D. is normally a survivable situation

75.If ______, the consequent trim can immerse the deck forward and the survivability of the ship under storm condition becomes doubtful.

A. No. 1 hold is flooded

B. No. 2 hold is flooded

C. both No. 1 and No. 2 hold are flooded

D. either both No. 1 or No. 2 hold is flooded

76.The best title of this paragraph shall be ______.

A. The flooding and division arrangement of the ship

B. Knowing when the hold s are taking in water is very important

C. Crew members will never know when the hold s are flooded

D. Flooding is unavoidable


22. At around 0545 hrs the Cutter PILOT-5 approached the Vessel. The cutter’s skipper drew the pilot’s attention to the fact that the pilot ladder was hanging free in the air and did not stick to the ship’s side surface and he suggested to transfer the ladder more to the midship position. The answer to his suggestion was that it was not him who had to climb the ladder. At that time the vessel weighed the anchor and started her engine. Half the propeller was emerged from the water. The pilot called the vessel and ordered to stop her engine.

Because the gangway was already extended, the skipper decided to approach the vessel from the bow. The 2nd Officer was standing at the upper platform of the gangway while the 3rd Officer was standing at the lower platform in order to secure the pilot. The ladder was correctly lit and the Officers had a radio contact with the bridge. At around 0600 hrs the pilot, assisted by the pilot boat engineer, stepped on the pilot ladder and started to climb up. PILOT-5 turned backwards and its crew was observing the Pilot embarkation.

When the Pilot climbed up to the lower platform he asked for help. The 3rd Officer extended his hand to him. At that moment the pilots’ hands slipped off the pilot ladder lines and the pilot fell from a height of 7 metres into the water.

73. The vessel has rigged _______.

A. pilot ladder only

B. gangway only

C. pilot ladder in combination with gangway plank

D. pilot ladder in combination with the gangway

74. The passage indicates _______.

A. the vessel has deep draughts.

B. the vessel has large freeboard

C. the vessel is in ballast.

D. the vessel is fully loaded.

75. Who are to blame for the accident according to the passage?

A. the pilot

B. the vessel

C. the pilot boat

D. the officers onboard the vessel

76. The most possible reason for the falling of the pilot is ________.

A. the rolling and pitching of the vessel

B. the far distance that the pilot has to climb up

C. the swing of the pilot ladder

D. the unstable movement of the vessel

23. It is hereby expressly agreed that every exemption from liability and every right, defence and immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to the Repairer or to which the Repairer is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect every Repairer or agent of the Repairer (including every independent contractor from time to time employed by the Repairer) while acting in the course of or in connection with his employment or engagement. The Repairer is or shall be deemed to be acting as an agent or trustee(受托人)on behalf of and for the benefit of all persons who are or might be employees or agents from time to time (including any independent contractors or subcontractors as aforesaid) and all such persons shall to this extent be or be deemed to be parties to the contract entered into by the Repairer.

73.This paragraph is most likely to appear in ______.

A.Ship Repairing Contract B.Time Charter C.V oyage Charter D.Demise Charter

74.The exemption from liability and every right, defence and immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to the Repairer or to which the Repairer is entitled hereunder will not extend to protect ______.

A.Agent of the Repairer B.Independent Contractor employed by the Repairer

C.Subcontractor appointed by the Repairer

D.Shipowners, shippers or any persons in connection with the ship

75.According to the passage, the Repairer is not or shall not be deemed to be acting as an agent or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of ______.

A.all persons who are or to be deemed to be parties to the contract.

B.subcontractors appointed by the Repairer C.independent contractors employed by Repairer

D.persons who are or might be employees of the Repairer

76.It can be concluded that this clause is formulated to protect the interests of ______.

A.Repairer's B.independent contractor's C.ship owner's D.cargo owner's

24. A pleasure craft (8 meters) whilst anchored 28 miles from the nearest land for the night in a shipping lane off the North East coast of Australia, with all hands on board sleeping, was struck by a passing bulk carrier. Fortunately there were no casualties. The collision went unnoticed by the OOW and the lookout on the bulk carrier.

Available evidence indicates that proper radar and visual lookout was maintained on the bulk carrier. There could be several possible reasons for the pleasure craft not being observed on the bulk carrier: (i) pleasure craft presented a poor radar target; (ii) anchor light on the pleasure craft was too weak and did not comply with COLREGs; and (iii) reflection

of moonlight from the water prevented the pleasure craft hull being seen from the bulk carrier bridge. Another contributory cause to the collision was the lack of a lookout on the pleasure craft which was anchored in a shipping lane

at night.

Numerous collisions occur between large ships and small craft every year resulting from lack of proper lookout on

one or both vessels. All watchkeepers need to be aware that small craft may not be readily sighted by radar or visually from the navigating bridge of large ships. The importance of proper lookout on all vessels, large and small, cannot be overemphasized and watchkeepers shall also be guided by Rule 5 on Look-out of the COLREGs. Smaller ships should consider warning larger ships of any developing collision risk by using all available means including light signals, sound signals and radio communication. Larger ships must remember that provision of proper radar lookout does not obviate the need for effective visual lookout and vessels with operational radar shall be guided by Rule 6 (b) of the COLREGs. All ships including small craft, shall avoid anchoring in a known shipping lane.

69.What happened in the story?

A.A pleasure craft grounded in the channel B.A pleasure craft was struck by a passing ship

C.A bulk carrier grounded in the channel D.A bulk carrier was struck by a pleasure craft

70.Which of the following was NOT the cause for the incident?

A.poor radar target of the bulk carrier (也有说这个答案)B.poor lookout of the pleasure craft

C.weak anchor light on the pleasure craft D.reflection of the moonlight

71.What is emphasized in the passage?

A.the importance of proper radar use B.the importance of proper lookout

C.the proper fitting of anchor light D.the proper assessment of the risk of collision

72.Which of the following actions is NOT right according to the author?

A.To observe the COLREGS B.To use radar properly in addition to lookout

C.To use radar all the time instead of lookout D.To avoid anchoring in the shipping lane

25. Reballasting at sea, as recommended by the IMO guidelines, currently provides the best-available measure to reduce the risk of transfer of harmful aquatic organisms(水生物), but is subject to serious ship-safety limits. Even when it can be fully implemented, this technique is less than 100% effective in removing organisms from ballast water. Some parties even suggest that reballasting at sea may itself contribute to the wider dispersal of harmful species, and that island states located ‘down-stream’ of mid-ocean reballasting areas may be at particular risk from this practice.

It is therefore extremely important that alternative, effective ballast water management and/or treatment methods are developed as soon as possible, to replace reballasting at sea. Options being considered include: Mechanical treatment methods such as filtration and separation; Physical treatment methods such as electric currents and heat treatment; Chemical treatment methods such adding biocides(杀生物剂)to ballast water to kill organisms, and various combinations of the above.

All of these possibilities currently require significant further research effort. Major barriers still exist in scaling these various technologies up to deal effectively with the huge quantities of ballast water carried by large ships. Treatment options must not interfere unduly with the safe and economical operation of the ship and must consider ship design limitations,and any control measure that is developed must meet a number of criteria.

73.What does the passage imply?

A.Reballasting at sea is not always advisable

B.Some alternatives may affect safety operations of the ship

C.It is difficult to develop a more effective way other than reballasting for large ships currently

D.All of the above

74.The main risk of ballast water according to the passage is that ______.

A.it may kill all other species in the oceans other than the organisms themselves

B.the disposal of ballast water may kill all other species in the oceans

C.The quantity of ballast water to be disposed of is huge

D.it may endanger other species in the oceans

75.According to your knowledge,which could be the best alternative to handle ballast water with least environmental effects upon the oceans?

A.filtrating and separating(也有说这个答案) B.using biocides C.reballasting D.all of a, b and c 76.What does the author suggest as the best alternative to handle ballast water?

A.Mechanical treatment methods B.Physical treatment method

C.Chemical treatment methods D.Not mentioned(也有说这个答案)

26. Prohibited weapons most commonly find their way onto a ship by being carried on board by embarking personnel. Here follows some examples of security measures to take at different security levels. For SECURITY Level 1, the reason for personnel seeking access to the vessel should be verified by checking tickets, boarding passes, work orders or ID cards. Crewmembers, passengers, vendors, dock-workers and authorized visitors should be positively identified prior to each embarkation. New crewmembers should be cross-referenced with company on-signers information. Body searches and the inspection of baggage for prohibited weapons, incendiaries and explosives should be carried out on a random basis. For SECURITY Level 2, the same measures should be done as defined above, but with an increased inspection

frequency on embarking persons, and for SECURITY Level 3, in addition to the measures set up in SECURITY Level 2, all embarking persons must be inspected and all persons except crew members must be escorted when onboard. 72.Body searches and the inspection of baggage for prohibited weapons, incendiaries A. cashes B. Flammable agents C. Wine and beers D. Bonded store articles


explosives should be

carried out on a random basis.

73. For the measures to be taken in SECURITY Level 2, the following are all correct EXCEPT ______.

A. Increasing the inspection frequency on embarking persons

B. Verifying the reason for personnel seeking access to the vessel

C. Inspecting all embarking persons and escorting all persons when onboard

D. Carrying out body searches and the inspection of baggage on a random basis

74. For the measures to be taken in SECURITY Level 1, ______.

A. New crewmembers should be checked with the company’ on-signers information

B. The reason for personnel seeking access to the vessel should be verified sometimes

C. Crewmembers, passengers, vendors, dock-workers and authorized visitors should be positively identified on a random basis prior to each embarkation

D. Body searches and the inspection of baggage for prohibited weapons, incendiaries and

explosives should be always carried out

75. Which of the best title for the passage?

A. Increasing the level of security watch

B. The ways of keeping your ship safer

C. The importance of security measures

D. The security measures

27. Since condensation will cause steel products to rust, the temperature of the steel at the time of loading together with the anticipated climatic conditions during the voyage must be carefully considered. At sea, wet and dry bulb ambient temperatures should be taken and compared regularly with hold temperatures as a matter of routine to gauge whether ventilation is necessary. If a falling ambient temperature causes the temperature of the ship's structure to drop below the dewpoint of the air in the hold , condensation will form on the hold frames and plating. These accumulations, known as ‘ship's sweat’, may subsequently drip or run on to the cargo. By monitoring both hold and ambient temperatures this situation can be predicted, and the development of ship's sweat may be prevented or minimized by timely ventilation. Should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient temperature is lower than might be encountered later on in the voyage, the hold should not be ventilated. If the cargo is exposed to warmer air having a dewpoint higher than the temperature of the steel, ‘cargo sweat’will form on the surface of the goods. Since much, if not all, of the steel in the hold will be affected in such circumstances, the consequences of cargo sweat are potentially more damaging than the effects of ship's sweat. 73. CARGO SWEAT will form when ______.

A. the steel in cargo hold is exposed to warmer air having a dewpoint higher than its temperature

B. the steel in cargo hold is exposed to cooler air having a dewpoint lower than its temperature

C. falling ambient temperature causes the temperature of the ship's structure to drop below the dewpoint of the air in the hold

D. increasing ambient temperature causes the temperature of the ship's structure to go higher than the dewpoint of the air in the hold

74. Ventilation is not necessary should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient

temperature is ______ later on in the voyage.

A. higher than might be encountered

B. lower than might be encountered

C. equal to that might be encountered

D. compared regularly

75. If a falling ambient temperature causes the temperature of the ship's structure to drop below the dewpoint of the air in the hold , ______ is likely to form.



C. dewpoint

D. accumulation of free moisture

76. It is inferred that most of the rust of steel cargo loaded on board ships is caused by ______.



C. low dewpoint of the air in the hold

D. unnecessary ventilation carried out by crew


(1)How to determine whether ventilation is necessary or not?

A. By comparing the hold temperature with that of the cargo

B. By comparing the hold temperature with wet and dry bulb temperature

C. According to the temperature of the cargo

D. According to wet and dry bulb temperature

(2)According to wet and dry bulb temperature

A. Having formed and accumulated gradually, ship’s sweat may drip on to the cargo

B. Ship’s sweat can be predicted

C. The damage caused by ship’s sweat may be greater than that by cargo sweat

D. Ship’s sweat can be prevented and minimized

(3)Cargo sweat may form when .

A. The dew-point of air at the loading port than that on the voyage

B. The temperature of structure higher than that of the cargo

C. The temperature encountered later on the voyage higher than the ambient temperature when


D. The dew-point of air outside the hold higher than the temperature of the cargo

(4)In what condition may ship’s sweat form?

A. When wet and dry bulb ambient temperatures are equal

B. When the temperature of ship’s structure is below the dew-point of the air in the hold

C. When the temperatures of the outside and ship’s structure are below the dew-point of

air in the hold

D. When ambient temperature is falling and below the dew-point of air in the hold

28. A block hold loading condition refers to the stowage of cargo in a block of two or more adjoining cargo hold s with the cargo hold s adjacent to the block of loaded cargo hold s empty. In many cases, block gold loading is adopted when the ship is partly loaded. Part loaded and block hold loading conditions are not usually described in the ship’s loading manual unless they are specially requested to be considered in the design of the ship. When adopting a part loaded condition, to avoid over-stressing of the hull structure, careful consideration needs to be given to the amount of cargo carried in each cargo hold and the anticipated sailing draft.

When a ship is partly loaded, the cargo transported is less than the full cargo carrying capacity of the ship. Hence, the

sailing draft of the ship is likely to be less than its maximum design draft.

The weight of cargo in each hold must be adequately supported by the buoyancy upthrust on the bottom shell to counteract the downward force exerted by the cargo in the hold. Therefore, when a ship is partly loaded with a reduced draft, it may be necessary to reduce the amount of cargo carried in any hold.

To enable cargoes to be carried in blocks, the cross deck and double bottom structure needs to be specially designed and reinforced.

83. The adoption of part loaded condition or block hold loading condition is to _____.

A. avoid over-stressing of the hull structure(也有说是这个)

B. achieve less than the full cargo carrying capacity or have a smaller draft of the vessel

C. reduce the amount of cargo carried in any hold

D. none of the above

84. When part loaded condition or block hold loading condition is adopted, careful consideration should be given to the amount of cargo carried in each cargo hold because____.

A. the cargo gravity force is acting downward in the hold

B. the buoyancy upthrust is acting on the bottom shell

C. over-stress of the hull structure is not likely to occur

D. they are not usually described in the ship’s loading manual

85. It can be inferred that block hold loading will ____.

A. leave some hold s to be empty

B. make the vessel have a larger draft than the maximum draft

C. carry more cargo than at full load D, reduce, in general , the stresses and shears in the structure of the ship

86. ____ is not the author’s opinion.

A. to specially design and reinforce the cross deck and double bottom structure is unnecessary when cargoes are to be carried in blocks

B. block loading results in higher stresses in the structure

C. the weight of cargo that can be carried in the block of the cargo hold s needs to be specially considered

D. in general, the cargo load that can be carried in blocks is much less than the sum of the full cargo capacity of the individual hold s at the maximum draft condition

29. The harbourmaster has responsibility for the movement of ships on the waters of the port. He closely involved with any emergencies which occur in his jurisdiction, and normally takes charge such incidents. Contingency planning for such emergencies, whether it is the aftermath of a collision, grounding, fire or a pollution incident, is an important part of his job as the people in the port’s marine department rehearse with the local emergency services.

They responsibility in the harbourmaster’s department is the security of the port, to prevent criminal acts or terrorism taking place. The harbourmaster is required to draft security plans and ensure that the port is physically secure, with proper gates, control of people and vehicles entering, and surveillance of craft on the port waters. Smaller ports may well see the harbour master doubling up in a commercial role, or undertaking the pilotage of bigger ships if there is no separate pilot. The “customers” of a port may be big merchant ships, but may also be fishing and leisure craft and tourist boats and the harbourmaster will have to adjust his policies for the customer base, and reconcile their various needs.

87.Which of the following statement is not correct?

A. harbourmasters are mainly responsible for the safety of ships and ports

B. harbourmasters in large ports play definitely more functions than those working in small ports

C. the marine department of the port co-operates with local emergency services for emergency drills


【单选】移向冷的下垫面气团具有的天气特征:i.气温日变化大;n.变性快;川.变性慢;w.气压高;V.气压低;w.气温日变化小。 A.川、V、W B. i、n、v D. i、n、w、 【单选】根据IMO 船舶报告系统文件,船舶报告分为一般报告和特殊报告,特殊报告有: I、危险货物报告(DG , Dangerous goods report) ;n、有害物品报告(HS, Harmful substances report);川、航行计划报告(SP, Sailing plan ) ;W、船位报告(PR, Position report) ;V、变更报告(DR, Deviation report ) ;W、最终报告(FR, Final report);四、海洋污染报告(MP , Marine pollutants report );忸、其他报告( Any other report ) A.I ?W B.川?W c. i、n 、四、忸 D. I?忸 【单选】北太平洋台风区内的最大涌区,常出现在台风前进方向的: A.右前方 B.左前方 C.右后方 D.左后方 【单选】适淹礁是指 _____ A.平均大潮高潮时露出的孤立岩石 B.平均大潮高潮面下,深度基准面以上的孤立岩石 C.深度基准面适淹的礁石 D.深度基准面以下的孤立岩石 【单选】船舶在VTS 区域内航行、停泊和作业时,在下述哪些情况下需要按主管机关颁发的《VTS 用户指南》所明确的报告程序和内容,通过甚高频无线电话或其他有效手段迅速向VTS中心进行报告?I、发生交通事故;n、发生污染事故;川、发生紧急情况;w、发生船员皮肤意外受轻伤事故


中华人民共和国海事局 海船船员适任证书全国统考模拟试题 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑.第1题至82题,每题1分,第83题至94题,每题1.5分. 一.单项选择题 1.The characteristic of a lighted cardinal mark may be ________. A.very quick flashing B.flashing C.fixed D.occulting 2.________gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks,lateral,cardinal,isolated danger,safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735) D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100) 3.A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________. A.Circle of equal altitude B.Parallel of declination C.Parallel of altitude D.Vertical circle 4.________is not contained in the NM Weekly. A. Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions B. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals C. Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals D. Supplement to Guide to Port Entry 5.The Coast Radio Stations are found in ________. A.Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals B.Admiralty Maritime Communications C.Admiralty List of Radio Signals D.Admiralty Digital List of Lights 6.A chart has extensive corrections to be made to it.When these are made and the chart is again printed,the chart issue is a ________. A.First edition B.New edition C.Revised edition D.Reprint 7.When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results ________. A. in the vessel's Official Logbook B. on the compass deviation card C. in the compass deviation log D. on a Napier diagram 8.The indemnity for damage to cargo shall be determined on the basis of the {difference} between the value of the goods before and after the damage. A. profit B. surplus C. balance D. interest 9.A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except ________. A. rising warm air B. proximity to a low pressure area C. inward spiraling circulation D. clear dry weather 10.On a nautical chart,the inner ring of a compass rose indicates _________. A.True directions B.Compass error C.Deviation D.Magnetic directions 11.The height of a tide can be increased by_________. A.A storm surge B.A high pressure area C.The jet stream D.A cold front 12.That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH W ATCH END means that _________.A.any list, no matter where it is posted, shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOW B.the vessel should not be removed C.any and all lists on board the vessel should be taken off D.the inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW 13.Protection of cargo against tainting damage can best be obtained by _________. A. Ventilating the space. B. Not ventilating the space. C. Proper use of paper separation and dunnage. D. Segregation of cargo by using different hatches 14.Instructions for training of new seamen are usually found in _________. A.Decklogs B.Night Orders C.Standing orders D.Muster List 15.I'll have the damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses _________. A.Incurred B.Happened C.Spent D.Paying out 16.The issue of Notices to Mariners of charts and these aids(Radar beacons)may be delayed until such time as they are assessed to be _________. A.temporary B.permanent C.occasional D.steady 17.The Owners to have a ________upon all cargoes and subfreights belonging to the Time-Charterers and any Bill of Lading freight for all claims under this Charter. A. laden B. lading C. lying D. lien 18.We regret that in view of the above,we are not in a position to ________liability for the shortage.A.Consume B.Perfume C.Assume D.Confuse 19.The helm command CHECK HER means ________. A.test the steering control B.read the compass heading C.stop the swing using hard over rudder D.slow the swing using moderate rudder 20.Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to a cargo when the damage arises from ________. A.Unseaworthiness when sailing B.Insufficient packing C.Quarantine delays D.Mismanagement of the vessel 21.The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertically and laterally is called the ________. A. swivel B. lizard C. spider band D. gooseneck 22.The vessel to be ________on the expiration of the Charter in the like goods order as when delivered to the Charterers. A. delivered B. redelivered C. taken over D. withdrawn


期大副班“航海学”模拟试卷A 卷(附答案)

————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

52期大副考证班“航海学”模拟试卷A卷(附答案) 姓名得分 答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。每题1分,共100分。 1.从海图上查得GPS船位修正的说明中有“Latitude 1′.0 Northward,Longitude 0′.2 Eastward”字样。GPS的经、纬度读数为:33°40′.2S,10°12′.5E。则用于海图上定位的数据应为。 A.33°39′.2S,10°12′.7E B.33°41′.2S,10°12′.7E C.33°39′.2S,10°12′.3E D.33°40′.0S,10°11′.5E 参考答案:A 2.某船在我船右前方成交叉态势,系统观察后断定该船能安全在我船首通过,则该船通过我船首线之后时,他船位于我船的舷角(半周法度量)如何变化。 A.舷角变大 B.舷角变小 C.舷角不变 D.无法确定 参考答案:A 3.某船真航向120°,该船右舷280°某物标的真方位为。 A.400° B.160° C.320° D.040° 参考答案:D 4.某轮计程仪改正率为0.0%,无航行误差,则在44°14'S~44°14'N范围内,无论航向是多少,推算船位永远比实际船位(不考虑风流影响)。 A.超前 B.落后 C.重合 D.无法确定 参考答案:B 5.测者眼高为16m,物标高程为25m,则测者能见地平距离为 n mile。 A.6.27 B.8.36 C.10.45 D.18.81 参考答案:B 6.英版海图和灯标表中所标射程仅与有关。 A.测者眼高和灯塔灯高 B.灯塔灯高和灯光强度 C.灯光强度和气象能见度 D.灯塔灯高、灯光强度、地面曲率和地面蒙气差 参考答案:C 7.对地航程是。 A.船舶在仅仅受到风的影响下的对地航程 B.船舶在仅仅受到流的影响下的对地航程 C.船舶在各种风流情况下的对水航程 D.船舶在各种风流情况下的对地航程 3 / 14


航海学习题集 (基础知识、船舶定位、潮汐与潮流、航标) 第二章海图 1.2.1比例尺与投影变形局部比例尺、普通比例尺 ·墨卡托海图纬度渐长 ·纬度越高局部比例尺越大 ·某一点各个方向的局部比例尺相等 ·同一纬度上局部比例尺相等 ·基准比例尺是取某一纬线或者说某一点的局部比例尺,这一纬线或点可以不包含在这一张海图上 554.【单选】在同样图幅的海图上,下列说法正确的是: A.基准比例尺越小,海图所表示的地理范围越大,精度越高 B.基准比例尺越小,海图所表示的地理范围越小,精度越高 C.基准比例尺越小,海图所表示的地理范围越大,精度越低 D.基准比例尺越小,海图所表示的地理范围越小,精度越低 555. 墨卡托海图的比例尺是____ 。 A.图上各个局部比例尺的平均值B.图上某基准纬线的局部比例尺 C.图外某基准纬度的局部比例尺* D.B或C 556. 基准比例尺是。 A.图上各点局部比例尺的平均值B.图上某经线的局部比例尺 * C.图上某纬线的局部比例尺D.A+B+C 557. 某海图基准比例尺C=1:750000(基准纬度45oN),若该图上30oN纬线的局部比例尺为C1,60oN纬线的局部比例尺为C2,则。 A.C1>C>C2*B.C2>C>C1C.C1=C=C2D.C=2(C1+C2) 558. 某海图基准比例尺C= 1:750000(基准纬度45oN),若该纬线上110oE经线处局部比例尺为C1,120oE经线处局部比例尺为C2,130oE经线处局部比例尺为C3,则。 A.C1> C2> C3B.C3> C2> C1* C.C1= C2= C3D.C2=2(C1+C3)559. 某海图基准比例尺C=1:750000(基准纬度45oS),若该图上30oS纬线的局部比例尺为C1,60oS纬线的局部比例尺为C2,则_____ 。 A.C1>C> C2*B.C2 >C> C1C.C1=C= C2D.C=2(C1+ C2) 560. 某海图基准比例尺C=1:750000(基准纬度45oS),若该纬线上110oW经线处局部比例尺为C1,120oW经线处局部比例尺为C2,130oW经线处局部比例尺为C3,则。 *A.C1= C2= C3B.C3> C2> C1C.C1> C2> C3D.C2 =2(C1+ C3)561. 某张墨卡托海图的基准纬度。 A.等于该图的平均纬度B.等于该图的最高纬度 C.等于该图的最低纬度* D.可能不在该图内 562. 设m,n分别为墨卡托海图上某点经线和纬线方向的局部比例尺,则。


2501驾驶航海英语甲类大副 [1]A cargo exception would appear on---A-- A. a Bill of Lading B. the cargo manifest . C. the-Export Declaration D. a Letter of Indemnity [2]A vessel emitting harmful substances into.the air or spilling oil into the sea is a---a- A: Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller. D. Oiler [3]Antiseptics are used principally to----B-- A. speed-healing B. prevent infection C. reduce inflammation. D. increase blood.circulation [4]Any partial loss or damage shall be --A----- pro .rata on the basis of such declared value. A. adjusted B. arranged C. determined D. fixed [5]At the time of B ,you will be credited with two days' extra basic salary. A: paying-off B. signing off C. sending off D. going off [6]Beams are cambered to B }, A. increase their strength B.. provide drainage from the decks C. relieve deck stress _ D. All of the above [7]I have. been instructed that on my voyage A 1 shall call at Maderra to pick up some cargo. *, . A. home B. family C. China D. returning [8]Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing A A. automobiles B. baled cargo C. large wooden crates D. palletized cargo


船用磁罗经 一、选择题 1. 磁罗经自差是指________ 与______ 的水平夹角。 A .真北,磁北 B .真北,罗北 C.磁北,罗北 D.船首基线,罗北 2. 磁铁的磁矩是________ 间距离之乘积。 A .同名磁量与两端 B .同名磁量与两磁极 C.磁场强度与两端 D .磁场强度与两磁极 3. 硬铁磁化较软铁磁化来得_________ ,且剩磁______ 。 A .容易,大 B .容易,小 C.不易,大 D .不易,小 4. 船舶硬铁船磁力在磁罗经三个坐标轴上的投影力分别为____________ A.P,Q,R B.P,fz,R C.cz,Q,R D.P,Q,kz 5. 表示船舶指向船首的硬铁船磁力的符号为___________ 。 A.P B.Q C.R D.fz 6. 表示船舶指向左舷的硬铁船磁力的符号为___________ 。 A.-P B.-Q C.+R D.+fz 7. 船舶硬铁船磁力与________ 因素有关。 A ?船位 B .航向 C ?航速 D ?罗经安装位置 8. 地磁南极具有________ 磁量,地磁北极具有 _______ 磁量。 A .负,正 B ?正,负 C ?负,负 D .正,正 9. 围绕地球空间的地磁磁力线是从_________ 。 A. 北半球走向南半球 B ?南半球走向北半球 C ?两地磁极走向磁赤道 D .磁赤道走向两地磁极 10. 磁倾角各地相等的点连成的曲线称为_________ 。

A .磁赤道 B .磁纬度 C ?磁经度 D.等磁差线 11. 磁赤道是指 ______ 的各点的连线。 A. 磁差为零 B. 磁倾角为零 C .地磁水平分力为零 D.与地理赤道相重合 12. 地磁力的水平分力在 ________ 为零,垂直分力在_________ 为零 A .地磁极,地磁极 B .磁赤道,磁赤道 C .地磁极,磁赤道 D .磁赤道,地磁极 13. 地磁南极的位置每年均 _________ 。 A?缓慢地变化 B. 迅速地变化 C ?固定不动 D ?无规律地波动 14. 磁倾角是指地磁磁力线与当地________ 的夹角。 A?罗经子午线 B. 地理子午线 C .水平面 D .垂直面 15. 船用磁罗经的指向力是 _________ 。 A. 地磁水平分力 B .地磁垂直分力 C. 永久船磁力 D. 感应船磁力 16. 当磁罗经位于 ______ 时,其指向力最大。 A .北半球 B .南半球 C?磁赤道附近 D.两磁极附近 17. 磁罗经在磁极附近不能指向,是因为此时__________ 。 A. 垂直分力较强 B ?垂直分力等于零 C ?水平分力较强 B .航向 C ?船速 D .时间 19. 安装在钢铁船上的磁罗经受到软铁磁力和硬铁磁力的作用而产生 A .磁差 B .罗经差 C ?自差 D .误差 20. 磁罗经在_______ 情况下不存在自差。 A .钢质船在船坞


1 D.B+A 基准比例尺可能是图上各个局部比例尺的平。均值,或者是_________ .图上各个局部比例尺的平均值A .图上某点某线任何比例尺B .图上某点或某线的局部比例尺C .任何比例尺D8 在墨卡托海图上,图上某个图形与地面上对当比例尺很小时,能够分辨出的图上最小距2 应图形相似是指_____________。 离所代表的实际距离也就越大,海图的精度A.具有一定面积的图形 。也就越差,这种相当于海图上_________ mmB.无限小的图形 005 .AC.任意大小的图形 01 B.D.整个图幅覆盖范围内的图形 015 C.9 如果海图绘制工作中绘画误差为0.1mm,比02 .D例尺为1:100000的海图的极限精度为比例尺越大,海图的海图的极限精度越3 _________。。_________A.5m A.越高B.10m B.越低C.15m .不变CD.2m D.不一定水深是海图深度基准面至海底的深度,凡海10 (基准纬度7500004 某海图基准比例尺C=1:图水面上的数字均表示水深。其中水深浅于经线处局部比°E),若该纬线上45°N110 。21m的注至_________,例尺为C1,C2E经线处局部比例尺为120°0.1m .A,则经线处局部比例尺为C3E130°0.2m .B 。_____________0.5m .C C3 >.AC1> C20.3m .D C1 C2>C3B.>11 表示对礁石、浅滩等的存在有疑_________ C1= C2= C3 .C 问。C2=2(C1+ C3) .D A.疑深5 分别为墨卡托海图上某点经线和纬线设mn,B.疑存 _________。方向的局部比例尺,则.据报Cn .Am>.Dn <mB.12 中,存在有在常见的高程、水深海图图式m=n C.疑问是指_____________。 D.以上都可能 A.礁石、浅滩等的存在有疑问纬线上某点经线方同一墨卡托海图上6 30°N B.深度可能小于已注明的水深注记纬线上某点纬线方31向的局部比例尺比N° C.对危险物的位置有怀疑 _____________。向的局部比例尺13 明礁是指 _________。 A.大 A.平均大潮高潮时露出的孤立岩石 B.小深度基准面以上的孤平均大潮高潮面下,B. C.相同立岩石 D.无法比较 C.深度基准面适淹的礁石下列有关墨卡托海图局部比例尺的说法中,7 .深度基准面以下的孤立岩石D _________。何者准确14 。干出礁是指_____________墨卡托海图上任意点各个方向的局部比例.A A.平均大潮高潮时露出的孤立岩石尺相同深度基准面以上的孤.B平均大潮高潮面下, B.墨卡托海图内各点局部比例尺均不相同立岩石墨卡托海图上某点各个方向的局部比例尺.C .深度基准面适淹的礁石C 可能都不相同 D.深度基准面以下的孤立岩石 22 英版海图图式中,缩写坜屋代表_____________。 A.沉船 B.灯塔 C.大型助航浮标 D.深吃水航路 _____________暗礁是指。15 23 海图图式\表示_____________。 A.平均大潮高潮时露出的孤立岩石A.已知最大吃水深度的航道深度基准面以上的孤平均大潮高潮面下,B.B.已知最大吃水深度的推荐航道立岩石C.已知最大水深的航道.深度基准面适淹的礁石CD.已知最大水深的推荐航道 D.深度基


中华人民共和国海事局 2007年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第42期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑. 第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题每题10分. 一.单项选择题 1.The pilot motor launches are ______ blue,with the PILOT in white. A. furnished B. painted C. prepared D. written 2. A Notice of Marine Casualty to a vessel must include ______ . A. the estimated cost of damage B. the name of the owner or agent of the vessel C. an evaluation of who was at fault D. the amount of ballast on board 3.In the absence of external forces,adding weight on one side of a floating vessel causes the vessel to ______. A. heel until the angle of loll is reached B. list until the center of buoyancy is aligned vertically with the center of gravity C. trim to the side opposite TCG until all moments are equal D. decrease draft at the center of flotation 4.We have come on board to check with you on the main items of repairs as stated in the ______. A.order list B.repair list C.store list D.spare parts list 5.Upon the survey it is found the deck control valve of the fore peak tank could not be ______. A.tightened formally B.shut tightly https://www.360docs.net/doc/786039959.html,bined properly D.closed suitably 6.Bulkheads which form part of the tanks on a vessel are stiffened to withstand ______. A. deck loads from above B. dynamic forces while afloat C. hydrostatic pressure D. over-pressurization 7.What is the worse consideration for the hull girder at sea? A. When the wave crest are fore and aft B. When a wave length between the crests is approximately equal to the length of the ship C. If the wave crest is amidships D. None of above 8.The receipts or certificates that the master obtains from the operator of port reception facilities, or from the master of the ship receiving the garbage must be kept on board the ship with the Garbage Record Book for ______ years. A. two B. three C. five D. half a year 9.The full utilization of berths can be achieved if ______.


航海学 1.海图比例尺: ①海图比例尺为图上长度与其对应的地面实际长度之比; ②一般在海图上标注的是普通比例尺或基准比例尺,大约是(其实不是这么算的)图上各局部比例尺的平均值,或等于图上某点或某条线上的局部比例尺; ③表示法:数字比例尺--- 直线比例尺--- ④墨卡托海图:A.比例尺是图上某基准纬线的局部比例尺或图外某基准纬线的局部比例尺, B.同一点各个方向上的局部比例尺相等 C.同一纬线各点局部比例尺相同; D.CΦ=C0/COSΦ(CΦ为纬度Φ处比例尺,C0为纬度为0处比例尺)。或CΦ1/CΦ2=COSΦ2/COSΦ1(各纬度处局部比例尺之比等于纬度余弦反比); ⑤在同一纬度局部比例尺越大,同一图上相同两经线间间距越大; ⑥同一图上,随纬度的升高,局部比例尺增大(纬度渐长率); ⑦海图上最细的线0.1mm(即海图极限精度),海图比例尺越小,精度越低;比例尺越大,极限精度越高; 2.高程和水深 ①高程基准面: A.中版:1985年高程基准面或当地平均海面; B.英版:平均大潮高潮面(半日潮地区),平均高高潮面(日潮地区),当地平均海面(无潮海区); ②深度基准面(也是干出高度的起算面): A.中版:理论最低潮面; B.英版:天文最低潮面; ③无论是中版还是英版,灯高和桥净高都是从平均大潮高潮面(MHWS)起算; ④平均海面是最基本的基准面,高程基准面和深度基准面都是以平均海面标注的; ⑤高程(和净空高度同): A.陆上的直接标数字,水上数字带括号; B.米制单位米,拓制单位英尺; C.不足10米,精确到0.1;大于10米,精确到整数; ⑥水深: 中版 A.小于21米,标注至0.1m; B.水深21-31米,标注0.5m,(即0.9,0.1,0.2,0.3归临近的整数,0.4-0.8归为0.5);大于31米,标注至整数; C.实测水用斜体字,直体字表示深度不准或采用旧水深资料或小比例尺海图; 英版:A.水深小于11拓,用拓和英尺表示; B.水深大于11拓,用拓表示; C.如果测量精确,11-15拓,也可用拓和英尺表示,大于15拓,用拓表示; ⑦1拓≈1.83米; ⑧底质: A.先用形容词,再用底质;形容词小写,底质大写; B.底质缩写;S(沙)、M(泥)、Cy(黏土)、Si(淤泥)、St(石头)、R(岩石)、Sh(贝)、Co(珊瑚)、Cb (鹅卵石)、G(砾)、Wd(海草);


驾驶英语标准化 题库 第一部分:日常用语 C 1.When a foreigner meets you for the first time and says “How do you do ?”to you , you should say . A. How are you ? B. Fine , thank you . And you ? C. How do you do ? D. Glad to see you . B 2.If you lost your way to the port, you should ask someone“Excuse me,?” A. I ‘d like a cup of tea . B. could you tell me the way to the port C. what’s the time D. is it May 4th D3.——Nice to meet you. ——. A. How do you do? B. Who are you ? C. How are you ? D. Nice to meet you,too. 答案:D (1分题) 4.Somebody does you a favor , you should say A. Here you are . B. Thanks a lot . C. That’s all right . D. That’s right . 答案:B (1分题) 5.At the department store, you want to know the price of the coat , you should say A. Tell me the way , please . B. Do you know the time ? C. How much is it ? D. Wait a moment ,please. 答案:C (1分题) 6.——Mrs. Mary , I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a new comer. —— A. All right . B. Never mind . C. Please to meet you. D. I’m wrong . 答案:C (1分题) 7.If a passer asked you the way , and you really don’t know , what’s the best answer A. I don’t know . B. Oh , tha t’s right . C. No , never mind . D. I’m sorry . I’m a stranger here myself . 答案:D (1分题) 8.You are now in the department store . You want to buy something . When a shop assistance says to you “ Can I help you ? ” , you should say A. Yes , you can . B. No , you can’t. C. I’m looking for a coat for myself. D. It has nothing to do with you . 答案:C (1分题) 9.You haven’t feeling well , and you are seeing the doctor ,you should tell the doctor A. I’d like have a look at the hats . B. I’m sorry . C. Could you give me your name? D. I’m afraid I had a bad cold. 答案:D (1分题) 10.If you want to buy something . You should go to the A. bank . B. supermarket . C. post office. D. customs. 答案:B (1分题) 11.Take the _____block on right and then ask again. A.2 B.two C.twice D.2nd 答案:D (1分题) 12.is it ? Fifty dollar s.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often 答案:B (1分题)


、大地坐标系 大纲:( 1)大地坐标系与坐标系误差的基本概念: (2)卫星坐标系与海图坐标系不同而引 起的船 位误差的修正。 1. 列下哪项是建立大地坐标系时应明确的问题 ? A ?确定椭圆体的参数 B.确定椭圆体中心的位置 C .确定坐标轴的方向 D .以上都是 2. 船用GPS 接收机给出的船位坐标,是在下列哪个大地坐标系下确定的椭圆体表面上建立 的? A . WGS- 84 B . WG 一 72 C . NWL 一 8D D . EUROPEA (1950) 3. GPS 卫星导航系统(美国)是在 WG 一 84大地坐标系下确定的椭圆体表面上测定船舶位置 的,该大地坐标系的原点在 ________ A .地心 B .地球表面 C .堪萨斯州 D .东京 4.下列那个系统采用 WGS — 84 地心坐标系 7 A . GPS B . DGPS C . ECDIS D .以上都是 5.英版海图的绘制基于下列哪一种大地坐标系 7 A . WG —S 84 B .东京 1918 C .欧洲 1950 D .A 或C 6.某船使用中、英版海图进行航线设计,当航行中更换海图进行定位时,发现在相邻两张 差) A .海图基准纬度不一致 C .海图坐标系不一致 7. 从海图上查得 GPS 船位修正的说明中有"Latitude 1. '10 Southward , Longitude 0. '4 Westward ”字样。GPS 的经、纬度读数为:30?!0. '2S , 15712. '5W 则用于海图上定位 的数据应为: A . 30?41.'3S , 15?12.'9W B . 30?41.'2S , 15?12.'7W C . 30?39.'2S , 15?12.'3W D . 30?40. '0S , 15?1.'5W & 从海图上查得 GPS 船位修正的说明中有"Latitude 2. '10 Northward , Longitude 1. '4 Westward 字样。GPS 的经、纬度读数为:30740. '2s , 15712. '5W 则用于海图上定似的 数据应为: A . 30741.'3S , 15712.'9W B . 30739.'2S , 15712.'3W C . 30738.'1S , 15713.'9W D . 30740. '0S , 15711.'5W 9. 从海图上查得 GPS 船位修正的说明中有"Latitude 1. '0 Southward , Longitude 0. '2 Westward ”字样。GPS 的经、纬度读数为:33740. '2N, 10712. '5E 。则用于海图上定位 的数据应为: 不同版本的海图上定位出现了差异, 则产生该误差的原因可能是 _____ ?( 不考虑作图误 B .海图比例尺不一致 D .海图新、旧程度不一致


观测天体最佳高度:15-70 蒙气差:天体高度15度时:0.2’ 天体高度30度时:0.1’ 两物标定位选用近距离的物标,30-150, 两天体定位夹角: 仅系统误差:0最好,180最差.(ε/cos(θ2)) 仅随机误差:90最好 单物标移线定位:船位线交角:30-60 太阳变化:30-50 间隔时间:1-2H 主要误差:船位线夹角、两次船位线间推算船程 误差三角形合理长度:5MM 可用恒向线代替恒位线距离:<30NM 三天体定位 _____________ 系统误差3个许相等: <180,旁心 >180,内心 最概率:三条方位线:平均方位线、同时增加或减距离、方位(不是天体方位)随机误差: 1.各边比例中心,靠近长边大角 2.反中线的交点 大船沿岸航线:20M或2倍吃水以外 小船沿岸航线:10M或2倍吃水以外 没有夜航灯标船测沿岸:10NM 能见度良好陡峭沿岸:2NM 能见度良好有避险标沿岸:1NM 珊瑚礁通过位置及方法: 背阳、上风、微风、太阳高度高 无线电信号表:第二卷:无线电信号雷达航标和各种定位系统 第六卷:VTS报告程序 沿岸航行:大船:>20米 小船:>10米或2D较大者 夜间无灯标:10NM 良见度良好距海岸线:2NM 能见度良好有显著物标:1NM 任何情况下最少:1NM 确定最小安全水深不考虑:潮高、海图水深、航道变迁 保留水深关系:潮高预报误差、底质、海图水深误差 避险物与危险物的连线与计划航线垂直:同侧:距离避险

异侧:平行线避险 冰区航行:维持舵效的最小速度、3-5节 危险货物报告:200NM 内散失危险货物的报告 中国船舶报告系统:进入前24小时或进入后2H 内 离开中国港口前2H 离开界限前后2H 内:最终报告 随机误差:1:68.3% 2:95.4% 3:99.7% 误差椭圆:1:39.4% 2:86.5% 3:98.9% 误差圆: 1:68.3-63.2%(a=b 时:63.2%;a=0或b=0时,68.3%) 夹角小、两位置线误差大:四边形 方位定位误差: 距离定位误差: 三角形随机误差: 之内,短边大角 …………系统……….: >180内心,<180旁心 单一方位距离定位最精确:六分仪+罗经 定位最准的: 两对物标串视定位 截距>0,即Dh>0, 朝向天体画船位线,测者在天文圆之外 误差e>0,天体反方向 天文船位计算时偏离不超过: 30NM 中天船位: 太阳高度与顶距名称相反 ψ=Z+δ (Z :顶距,δ赤纬,同名相加异名相减,方向取大者) 太阳真高度:-6: 民用(民用晨昏蒙影:太阳视出没与-6间) -12: 航海用(航海晨昏蒙影:-6~-12) -18: 天文用(天文晨昏蒙影:-12~-18) 测星定位最好时机: -3~-9(民用晨光始或昏影终) 高度差法需修正: 高纬、高度高、东西向 误差四边形:非等概率,小角度 ……..圆: 非等概率,作圆方便 ……..椭圆: 等概率,能反映方向 两天体定位:?A< 90°:船位系统误差的方向与随机误差的方向垂直
