



课程的英文词汇(一)雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节装置Regulati on Equipme nt 动态规戈U Dyn amic Programmi ng 动态无损检测Dy namic Non-Destruction Measureme nt动态信号分析与仪器Dyn amic Sig nal An alysis & Apparatus锻压工艺Forg ing Tech no logy锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Tran smissi on in Forg ing Machi nery 锻压加热设备Forgi ng Heat ing Equipme nt锻压设备专题Lectures on Forg ing Press Equipme nts锻压系统动力学Dy namics of Forgi ng System锻造工艺Forg ing Tech no logy断裂力学Fracture Mecha nics对外贸易概论In troduction to I nter natio nal Trade多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Tech nology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nomi nal Matrix多元统计分析Multi-Variate Statistical An alysis发电厂Power Pla nt发电厂电气部分Electric Eleme nts of Power Pla nts法律基础Fun dame ntals of Law法学概论An In troducti on to Scie nee of Law法学基础Fun dame ntals of Scie nee of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Tran slation泛函分析Fun cti onal An alysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Con struction非电量测量Non-Electricity Measureme nt非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统No n-Li near Sampli ng System非线性光学No n-Lin ear Optics非线性规划Non-Li near Programmi ng非线性振荡Non-Lin ear Ocsillatio n非线性振动No n-Lin ear Vibratio n沸腾燃烧Boili ng Combustion 分析化学An alytical Chemistry 分析化学实验An alytical Chemistry Experime nt分析力学An alytical Mecha nics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulatio“‘Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variate Moveme nt Theory & Design of Fa ns风能利用Wind Power Utilization腐蚀电化学实验Experime nt in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Fun cti ons复变函数与积分变换Fun cti ons of Complex Variables & In tegral Tra nsformatio n复合材料力学Compou nd Material Mecha nics傅里叶光学Fourier Optics概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process钢笔画Pen Draw ing 钢的热处理Heat-Treatme nt of Steel钢结构Steel Structure 钢筋混凝土Rein forced Con crete 钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Rei nforced Con crete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Rei nforced Con crete Structure 高层建筑基础设计Desig ning bases of High Rising Buildi ngs高层建筑结构设计Desig ning Structures of High Risi ng Buildi ngs高等材料力学Adva need Material Mecha nics高等代数Adva need Algebra 高等教育管理Higher Education Ma nageme nt高等教育史History of Higher Educatio n高等教育学Higher Educati on高等数学Adva need Mathematics 高电压技术High-Voltage Tech no logy高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Tech nology高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcess ing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experime nt高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experime nt高级英语听说Adva need En glish Liste ning & Speak ing高能密束焊High En ergy-De nse Beam Weldi ng高频电路High-Fre nque ncy Circuit 高频电子技术High-Fre nque ncy Electr onic Tech no logy高频电子线路High-Fre nque ncy Electro nic Circuit高压测量技术High-Voltage Measureme nt Tech no logy高压测试技术High-Voltage Testi ng Tech no logy高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculatio n in High-Voltage Electr onic Field高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Applia nces 高压绝缘High-Voltage In sulati on 高压实验High-Voltage Experime ntati on 高压试验技术High-Voltage Experime ntati on Tech no logy工程材料的力学性能测试Mecha nic Test ing of Engin eeri ng Materials工程材料及热处理Engin eeri ng Material and Heat Treatme nt工程材料学Engin eer ing Materials工程测量Engin eeri ng Survey ing 工程测试技术Engin eeri ng Test ing Tech ni que工程测试实验Experime nt on Engin eer ing Test ing工程测试信息In formatio n of Engin eeri ng Testi ng工程动力学Engin eer ing Dyn amics 工程概论Introduction to Engineering 工程概预算Project Budget 工程经济学Engin eeri ng Econo mics 工程静力学Engin eer ing Statics 工程力学Engin eeri ng Mecha nics 工程热力学Engin eeri ng Thermod yn amics 工程项目评估Engin eeri ng Project Evaluati on工程优化方法Engin eeri ng Optimizati onal Method工程运动学Engin eeri ng Kin ematics 工程造价管理Engin eeri ng Cost Man ageme nt工程制图Graphi ng of Engin eeri ng 工业分析In dustrial An alysis 工业锅炉In dustrial Boiler 工业会计学In dustrial Accou nti ng 工业机器人In dustrial Robot 工业技术基础Basic In dustrial Tech nology工业建筑设计原理Pr in ciples of I ndustrial Buildi ng Desig n工业经济理论In dustrial Econo mic Theory工业经济学In dustrial Econo mics工业企业财务管理In dustrial En terprise Fi nan cial Man ageme nt工业企业财务会计Accou nti ng in In dustrial En terprises工业企业管理In dustrial En terprise Man ageme nt工业企业经营管理In dustrial En terprise Admin strative Man ageme nt工业社会学In dustrial Sociology 工业心理学In dustrial Psychology 工业窑炉In dustrial Stoves 工艺过程自动化Tech nics Process Automati on公差Common Difference 公差技术测量Tech ni cal Measureme nt with Com mon Differe nee公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperati on 公共关系学Public Relatio ns 公文写作Docume nt Writ ing 古代汉语An cie nt Chi nese古典文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs in Classical Literature固体激光Solid State Laser 固体激光器件Solid Laser Eleme nts固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Un it固体物理Solid State Physics 管理概论In troducti on to Man ageme nt 管理经济学Man ageme nt Econo mics 管理数学Ma nageme nt Mathematics 管理系统模拟Man ageme nt System Simulation管理心理学Man ageme nt Psychology管理信息系统Man ageme nt In formati on Systems光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Tech no logy 光电信号处理Photoelectric Sig nal Process ing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Sig nal & Systematic An alysis光辐射探测技术Ray Radiatio n Detection Tech nology光谱Spectrum 光谱分析Spectral An alysis 光谱学Spectroscopy 光纤传感Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sen sors 光纤传感器基础Fu ndame ntals of Fibre Optical Se nsors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Se nsors & Applicati ons光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experime nts in Fibre Optical Tech no logy光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Commu ni catio n光学Optics 光学测量Optical Measureme nt 光学分析法O ptical An alysis Method光学计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt Gauge Desig ning光学检测Optical Detection 光学设计Optical Desig n 光学信息导论In troducti on of Optical In fomatio n光学仪器设计Optical In strume nt Desig ning光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical In strume nt & Gauge In strume nt Desig ning光学仪器装配与校正Optical In strume nt In stallation & Adjustme nt广播编辑学Broadcast Editi ng广播新闻Broadcast Jour nalism广播新闻采写Broadcast Jour nalism Collectio n & Compositi on广告学Advertiseme nt 锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combusti on锅炉热交换传热强化Boiler Heat Excha nge,C on dction & Inten sification锅炉原理Pri nciples of Boiler 国际金融Intern ati onal Finance 国际经济法In ter nati onal Econo mic Law国际贸易Intern ati onal Trade 国际贸易地理In ter natio nal Trade Geography国际贸易实务In ter natio nal Trade Affairs国际市场学In ter natio nal Market ing国际市场营销In ter natio nal Market ing国民经济计划Natio nal Eco nomical Pla nning国外社会学理论Overseas Theories of Sociology过程(控制)调节装置Process(Control) Adjustment Device 过程调节系统Process Adjustme nt System过程控制Process Con trol过程控制系统Process Con trol System海洋测量Ocea n Survey ing海洋工程概论In troducti on to Ocea n Engin eeri ng函数分析Fun cti onal An alysis焊接方法Weldi ng Method焊接方法及设备Weldi ng Method & Equipme nt焊接检验Weldi ng Testi ng焊接结构Weldi ng Structure焊接金相Weldi ng Fractography焊接金相分析Weldi ng Fractography An alysis焊接冶金Weldi ng Metallurgy焊接原理Fun dame ntals of Weldi ng焊接原理及工艺Fu ndame ntals of Weldi ng & Tech nology焊接自动化Automation of Weldi ng汉语Chinese汉语与写作Chi nese & Composition 汉语语法研究Research on Chin ese Grammar汉字信息处理技术Tech no logy of Chin ese In formati on Process ing毫微秒脉冲技术Millimicroseco nd Pusle Tech ni que核动力技术Nuclear Power Tech nology合唱与指挥Chorus & Co nduction合金钢Alloy Steel宏观经济学Macro-Eco no mics宏微观经济学Macro Micro Eco nomics红外CCD Infrared CCD红外电荷耦合器In frared Electric Charge Coupler红外探测器In frared Detectors红外物理In frared Physics红外物理与技术In frared Physics & Tech nology红外系统In frared System红外系统电信号处理Process ing Electric Sign als from In frared Systems厚薄膜集成电路Thick & Thin Film In tegrated Circuit弧焊电源Arc Weldi ng Power弧焊原理Arc Weldi ng Prin ciples互换性技术测量基础Basic Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性技术测量Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性与技术测量Eleme ntary Tech no logy of Excha ngeability Measureme nt互换性与技术测量实验Experime nt of Excha ngeability Measureme nt Tech no logy画法几何及机械制图Descriptive Geometry & Mecha ni cal Graph ing画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective化工基础Eleme ntary Chemical In dustry化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automati on化工原理Pri nciples of Chemical In dustry化学Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reacti on Engin eeri ng化学分离Chemical Decompositi on 化学工程基础Eleme ntary Chemical Engin eeri ng化学计量学Chemical Measureme nt 化学文献Chemical Literature 化学文献及查阅方法Chemical Literature & Co nsulti ng Method化学粘结剂Chemical Felter 环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of En vir onmental Protection 环境化学Environomen tal Chemistry 环境行为概论In troducti on to En vir onmen tal Behavior换热器Thermal Tran sducer回旧分析与试验设计Temperi ng An alysis and Experime nt Desig n回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeli ng of Rotary Compressors会计学Accou ntancy会计与财务分析Accou ntancy & Finan cial An alysis会计与设备分析Accou ntancy & Equipme nt An alysis会计原理及外贸会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & Foreig n Trade Accou ntancy会计原理与工业会计Prin ciples of Accou ntancy & In dustrial Accou ntancy活力学En ergy Theory 活塞膨胀机Pist on Expa nder 活塞式制冷压缩机Pisto n Refrigera nt Compreessor活塞式压缩机Pisto n Compressor活塞式压缩机基础设计Basic Design of Pisto n Compressor活塞压缩机结构强度Structural Inten sity of Pisto n Compressor活赛压机气流脉动Gas Pulsation of Pisto n Pressor货币银行学Curre ncy Banking 基本电路理论Basis Theory of Circuit基础写作Fun dame ntal Course of Compositi on 机床电路Machi ne Tool Circuit 机床电器Mach ine Tool Electric Applia nee 机床电气控制Electrical Con trol of Machi nery Tools机床动力学Machi ne Tool Dyn amics 机床设计Machi ne Tool desig n 机床数字控制Digital Con trol of Machi ne Tool机床液压传动Machi nery Tool Hydraulic Tran smissi on机电传动Mecha ni cal & Electrical Tran smissi on 机电传动控制Mecha ni cal & electrical Tran smissi on Control机电耦合系统Mecha ni cal & Electrical Combi natio n System机电系统计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Mecha nic/Electrical Systems机电一体化Mechanical & Electrical Integration机构学Structuri ng 机器人Robot机器人控制技术 Robot Con trol Tech nology机械产品学 Mecha nic Products机械产品造型设计Shape Design of Mecha ni cal Products 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mecha nic Engin eeri ng Con trol机械加工自动化 Automation in Mecha nical Worki ng机械可靠性 Mecha ni cal Reliability机械零件 Mecha ni cal Eleme nts 机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Mach inery Eleme ntsDesig n 机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machi nery Eleme nts Desig n机械设计 Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械设计基础 Basis of Mecha nical Desig ning 机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mecha ni cal Desig n机械设计原理 Prin ciple of Mecha ni cal Desig ning 机械式信息传输机构 Mecha ni cal Informati on Tran smissi on Device机械原理 Pr in ciple of Mecha nics 机械原理和机械零件 机械原理及机械设计 机械原理及应用 机械原理课程设计机械原理与机械零件 机械原理与机械设计 机械噪声控制 机械制造概论 机械制造工艺学 机械制造基础 机械制造基础(金属工艺学)Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture System 机械制造中计算机控制Computer Con trol in Mecha nical Man ufacture机制工艺及夹具 Mecha ni cal Tech no logy and Clamps积分变换 In tegral Tran sformatio n积分变换及数理方程In tegral Tra nsformation & Mathematical Equati ons 积分变换控制工程In tegral Tran sformatio n Control Engin eeri ng 积分变换与动力工程 In tegral Tran sforms & Dyn amic Engin eer ing激光电源 Laser Power Devices激光焊 Laser Weldi ng激光基础 Basis of Laser激光技术 Laser Tech no logy激光加工 Laser Process ing激光器件 Laser Devices激光器件与电源 Laser Devices & Power Source激光原理 Pri nciples of Laser激光原理与技术 Laser Prin ciples & Tech nology极限分析 Limit An alysisMecha nism & Mach inery Mecha ni cal Desig ningMecha ni cal Prin ciple & Mecha ni cal Applicati onsCourse Exercise of Mecha ni cal Pri nciple Mecha ni cal Prin ciple and Mecha ni cal Eleme nts Mecha ni cal Pri nciple and Mecha ni cal Desig Con trol of Mecha ni cal Noise In troducti on to Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Tech no logy of Mecha ni cal Man ufacture Fun dame ntal of Mecha ni calMan ufacture集合论与代数结构Set Theory & Algebraical Structure技术管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 技术经济Tech no logical Economy 技术经济学Tech no logical Econo mics 技术市场学Tech no logical Marketi ng 计量经济学Measure Econo mics计算方法Computatio nal Method 计算机导论In troducti on to Computers计算机导论与实践In troduction to Computers & Practice计算机辅助设计CAD计算机辅助设计与仿真Computer Aided Design & Imitatio n计算机辅助语言教学Computer-Aided Lan guage Teachi ng计算机辅助制造Computer-Aided Ma nufacturi ng计算机概论In troducti on to Computers计算机绘图Computer Graphics计算机基础Basis of Computer Engin eer ing计算机接口技术Computer In terface Tech no logy计算机接口与通讯Computer In terface & Commu ni cati on计算机局域网Regio nal Network of Computers计算机控制Computer Co ntrol ing计算机设计自动化Automation of Computer Desig n计算机实践Computer Practice计算机数据库Computer Database 计算机算法基础Basis of Computer Algorithm计算机图形显示Computer Graphic Demon strati on计算机图形学Computer Graphics 计算机网络C omputer Networks计算机系统结构Computer Architecture计算机语言处理Computer Lan guage Process ing计算机原理Pri nciple of Computer Engin eer ing计算机在化学中的应用Application of Computer in Chemistry计算机组成原理Pr in ciples of Computer Composition计算力学Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算力学基础Basis of Computatio nal Mecha nics 计算流体Fluid Computatio n继电保护新技术New Tech no logy of Relay Protection继电保护原理Prin ciples of Relay Protection继电保护运行Relay-Protected Operation 检测技术Measureme nt Tech ni que 检测系统动力学Detection System Dyn amics检测与控制Detection & Co ntroli ng简明社会学Con cise Sociology 简明世界史Brief World History 减振设计Vibrati on Absorpti on Desig ningPurPoison 2006-03-15 14:56课程的英文词汇(三)解析几何介质波导介质测量介质光学An alytic Geometry Medium Wave Guide Medium Measureme nt Medium Optics金属X 射线学Metal X-Ray Analysis 金属材料焊接Metal Material Weldi ng金属材料学Metal Material Scie nee金属材料与热处理Metal Material & Heat Treatme nt金属腐蚀与保护Metal Erosion & Protecti on金属腐蚀原理Prin ciples of Metal Erosion金属工艺学Metal Tech nics金属焊接性基础Eleme ntary Metal Weldability金属焊接原理Prin ciples of Metal Weldi ng金属机械性能Mecha nical Property of Metal金属力学性能Metal Mecha nic Property金属切削机床Metal Cutti ng Machi ne Tool金属切削原理及刀具Prin ciples of Metal Cutti ng & Cutters金属熔焊原理Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng金属熔焊原理及工艺Prin ciples of Metal Molte n Weldi ng & Tech ni que金属熔炼Metal Melt ing 金属塑性成形原理Pri nciples of Metal forming金属物理性能Physical Property of Metal金属学Metallography 金属学与热处理Metallography & Heat Treatme nt金属学原理Pri nciples of Metallography金相分析Metallographic An alysis 金相技术Metallographic Tech ni ques近代光学测试技术Modern Optical Testi ng Tech nology近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measur ing Tech nology近代经济史Moder n History of Econo mics近代物理实验Lab of Modern Physics近世代数Modern Algebra 晶体管原理Pri nciples of Tran sistors晶体光学Crystallographic Optics 精密测量技术Tech no logy of Precisi on Measureme nt精密电气测量Precise Electric Measureme nt精密合金Precise Alloy 精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery 精密机械课程设计Course Design forPrecision Mach in ery精密机械零件Precisi on Machi nery Eleme nts精密机械设计基础Eleme ntary Precisio n Mach inery Desig n精密机械学Precisi on Machi nery精细有机合成Mi nute Orga nic Syn thesis经济地理Econo mical Geography 经济法Law of Economy 经济法学Law of Economy 经济分析基础Basis of Econo mic An alysis经济控制论Econo mical Cyber netics经济社会学Econo mic Sociology经济新闻Econo mic News经济学说史History of Econo mics经济学原理Pri nciples of Econo mics经济预测Economic Predicting经济预测与管理奖惩Eco no mic Predict ing & Man ageme nt经济原理Pr in ciples of Economy 经济运筹学Econo mic Operati on Research经济增长理论Theory of Eco no mic Growth 经营管理Operati on Man ageme nt经营管理学Operatio n Ma nageme nt静力学Statics 纠错编码Error Correction of Codi ng决策分析An alysis of Policy Mak ing 绝缘在线检测In sulation Live Test ing军事理论Military Theory 抗干扰技术An ti-Jam ming Tech ni que科技翻译Scie ntific En glish Tran slati on 科技管理Tech no logical Man ageme nt 科技史History of Scie nee & Tech no logy 科技史及新技术知识Historry of Scie nee & Kn owledge of New Tech ndogy科技写作Scie ntific Writi ng 科技新闻Scie ntific News 科技英语Scie ntific En glish 科技英语基础Eleme ntary Scie ntific En glish科技英语阅读Read ings of Scie ntific En glish科技与社会Scie nee & Society科学方法论Scie ntific Methodology科学技术史History of Scie nee & Tech nology科学计量Scie ntific Measureme nt科学社会学概论In troduction to Scie ntific Socialism科学社会主义Scie ntific Socialism科学思维方法Methods of Sci netific Thi nki ng科学学Scientology 可计算性Calculability 可靠性Reliability 可靠性及故障诊断Reliability & Error Diag no sis可靠性技术导论In troduction to Reliability Tech nology可靠性数学Reliable Mathematics可靠性物理Reliability Physics可逆式机组Reversible Machi nery Group可逆式水力机械Reversible Hydraulic Machi nery空气调节与通风Air Regulation & Ven tilation空气动力学Aerod yn amics控制电机 Electrical Machi nes for Con trol控制工程 Con trol Engin eeri ng控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engin eeri ng控制理论 Theory of Co ntrol控制理论基础 Eleme ntary Theory of Co ntrol控制理论基础与水轮机调节 Eleme ntary Theory of Con trol & Water Turbi ne Regulat控制系统设计 Co ntrol System Desig n 控制系统数字仿真 Con trol System Digital Imitatio n口译 Oral Intepretation 口语实践 Oral Practice 快速阅读 Fast Readi ng 劳动工资管理 Ma nageme nt of Labor Wages 乐理 Music Theory 雷达原理 Pr in ciples of Radar 雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity & En viro nment 冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Tech ni que 冷冻技术 冷库设计 离散数学 Cen trifugal Pumps & Axial PumpsCen trifugal Compressor Imitati on Cen trifugal Compressor Inten sityPrin ciples of Cen trifugal Compressors伦理学Ethics 论文写作 Thesis Writing 论文指导 Thesis Supervisi on 螺杆压缩机 SpiralLobe Compressor 逻辑设计 Logic Desig n逻辑学 Logic Theory马克思主义原理 Pr in ciples of Marxism马列(社会学)原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx's & Lenin's Original Wor 马列哲学原著选读 Selected Readi ngs of Marx's & Le nin's Origi nal Wor马列主义原理 Prin ciples of Marxism & Lenin ism马氏规划 Marte nsitic Pla nning脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Mag ni ficati on脉冲与数字电路 Pulse & Digital Circuit毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedon g's Thi nking Philosophy理论力学 Theoretical Mecha nics 力热学 Mecha nics & Thermology 力学,热学 Mechanics & Thermology力学性能测试 Mecha nics Performa nee Testi ng 两相流动和传热Two-phase Flow & Thermal Con duction 量子力学 Quantum Mecha nics 劣质煤燃烧与利用Tin pot Coal Combustion & Use 零件设计 Eleme nt Desig n 领导科学 Leadership Scie nee流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculatio n of Flow Field流态化工程 Fluidizati on Engin eeri ng 流体力学 六朝文论 鲁迅研究 轮机概论Fluid Mecha nics Articles of Six Dyn asties Research on LU XunIn troducti on to TurbinesRefrigerati on Tech ni queRefrigerati ng House DesignDiscrete Mathematics 离心泵与轴流泵 离心式压缩机模拟离心式压缩机强度 离心式压缩机原理煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术Coal Power Combustion & Tech nology and Measureme nt美国文学作品选读Selected Readi ngs of America n Literature美术粉彩Art Powder Pai nt美术室外建筑写生Outdoors Architectural Sketch美术素描Art Sketch美学概论In troducti on to Aesthetics秘书学Secretary Scie nee 密圭寸技术Seali ng Tech nology 免疫学Immu nity敏感元件及材料Se nsors & Materials明清小说研究Research on NOVELS OF mING & Qi ng Dy nasties名篇赏析Appreciati on of Master Pieces模糊数学Fuzzy Mathematics模具计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Design of Models模拟电子技术An alog Electr onics Tech ni que模拟电子技术基础Basic An alog Electro nics模拟电子线路An alog Electrical Circuitry模拟集成电路An alog In tegrated Circuitry模式识别Matrix Recog nition 模型辨识Model Dist in guish 磨削原理Prin ciple of Grin di ng and Cutti ng 耐腐蚀非金属材料Erosio n-Resisti ng No n-metallic Materials内燃机测试技术IC En gi ne Test Tech nology内燃机调节IC En gi ne Regulation内燃机动力学IC En gi ne Dyn amics内燃机概论In troduction to IC Engine内燃机排气净化Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas内燃机设计IC En gi ne Desig n内燃机原理Pri nciples of Intern al-Combusti on Engine内燃机制造工艺学IC Man ufacturi ng Tech nology能源工程En ergy Source Engin eeri ng扭转振动Torque Vibrati on排压力波计算Computati on of Pressure Extracti on Wave配位化学Coord in ation Chemistry疲劳断裂力学Fatigue Fracture Mecha nics偏微分方程Partial Differe ntial Equation偏微分方程数值解Numerical Solution of Partial Differe ntial Equation评报Commentary Report 评论写作Comme ntary Writing 普通化学Gen eral Chemistry 普通生物学General Biology 普通物理Gen eral Physics 普通物理实验Lab of General Physics企业供销管理Man ageme nt of En terprise Supply & Sales企业管理En terprise Man ageme nt企业管理与技术经济En terprise Man ageme nt & Tech no logical Economy企业经营经济学En terprise Man ageme nt Econo mics企业社会学En terprise Sociology企业生产物流Productive Physical Distributi on of En terprise企业物流Physical Distribution of Enterprise 气阀原理Pri nciples of Air Valves气固两相流Dual-Phrase Distribution of Gas % Solid 气体放电及应用Gas Discharge &Application气体激光器Gas Laser Devices 气体制冷机Gas Refrigerator 气压传动Pn eumatic Tran smissi on 汽车驾驶技术D rivi ng Skills汽轮机调节Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt 汽轮机调节与仿真Steam Turhi ne Adjustme nt & Simulation汽轮机热力特性Steam Turbi ne Thermal Property汽轮机原理Pr in ciples of Steam Turbi ne 汽轮机振动Steam Turbi ne Vibrati on 钎焊Soldering 强电流技术Str ong Curre nt Tech nology 青年伦理学Ethics for Youth 青年社会学Sociology for Youth 情报检索In formati on Searches 全过程设计Whole Process Desig n 燃气轮机Steam Turbi ne Engin es 燃烧理论Theory of Combustio n 燃烧学Combusti on 热处理工艺Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备Equipme nt for Heat ing Process ing 热处理设备设计Desig n of Heat Treatme nt Equipme nt热处理新工艺New Tech no logy of Heat Treatme nt热处理原理Pri nciples of Heat ing Process ing 热处理原理及工艺Pri nciples & Tech no logy for Heat ing Process ing热工测量及仪表Thermal Measureme nt & Meter热工过程自动调节Thermal Process Automatic Adjustme nt热工设备 Thermal Equipme nt热力发电厂 Thermal Power Statio ns热力发动机 Thermal Motors热力机械测试技术 Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech ni que热力机械测试技术课程设计Course Design for Thermo-Mecha nic Measureme nt Tech niq ue热力学 Thermodynamics热力学与统计物理 Thermody namics & Statistical Physics热物理测量及实验技术Measureme nts & Experime nts of Thermal Scie nee 热物理量测技术 Measureme nts of Thermal Scie nee人工智能 Artificial In tellige nce人和自然 Man & Nature人口经济方法 Eco no mical Method for Populati on人体生理 Human Physiology日本物流 Material Flow of Japa n日语阅读 Japa nese Read ing熔焊原理及工艺 Pr in ciple & Tech nique of Melt ing and Weldi ng熔炼原理 Pri nciple of Melt ing容错与诊断 Tolera nce & Diag no sis容积式压缩机数学模型 Mathematical Model of Displaceme nt Compressor 软件工程 Software Engin eeri ng软件技术基础 Basis of Software Tech ni que软件开发工具与环境 Tools & En vir onment for Software Developi ng 弱信号检测 Test ing of Feeble Sig nals色彩Color色谱 Color Spectrum摄影技巧 Tech ni ques for Photography涉外企业管理 Enterprise Administration Concerning Foreign Natio社会调查的理论与方法 Theories & Methods for Social In vestigati on 社会调查方法 Methods for Social In vestigatio n社会工作 Social Work社会统计分析与 SYSTAT 应用 Social Statistics Analysis & SYSTAT Application 社会统计学 Social Statistics社会问题研究 Research on Social Problems社会心理学 Social Psychology 社会学概论 In troduction to Sociololgy社会学简论 Brief I ntroduction to SociologyCurre nt Issues in Theories of Socilolgy Research on Problems of Sociology Research Methods of Sociology Finance of Socialism 社会主义各国政,经体制讨论 D iscussion on Political & Eco nomic Systems in Socialism审计学 Scie nce of Audit ing社会学理论专题 社会学问题研究 社会学研究方法 社会主义财政学课程的英文词汇(四)生产管理Admini strati on of Man ufacturi ng 生产过程计算机控制Computer Con trol in Man ufacturi ng Process生产过程自动化Water-Turbi ne Engine生理学Physiology 生命科学与无机化学Life Scie nee and In orga nic Chemistry生物工程产品Bio-e ngin eeri ng Products生物工程导论In troducti on to Bio-e ngin eer ing生物化学Biochemistry 生物化学工程Biochemical Engin eeri ng生物化学及实验Biochemistry Experime nt生物检测技术Measureme nt for Biotech ni que生物控制论Biocybernetics 生物流变学Biorheology 生物物理Biophysics 生物学专题Curre nts Issues in Biology 生物医学超声学Biomedical Superso nics失效分析In validati on An alysis 诗歌美学Aesthetics of Poetry 时间序列Time Seque nee 实变函数Fun cti ons of Real Variable实验分析Experime ntal An alysis 实验力学Experime ntal Mecha nics 实验力学基础B asis of Experime ntal Mecha nics实验流体Experime ntal Flow ing Object 实验应力分析An alysis of Experime ntal Stress 世界近现代经济史Modern History of World Eco nomy世界近现代史Modern History of the World世界文化史History of World Culture 世界政治经济与国际关系World Politic Ecomo ny &ln ter natio nal Relatio nship适应控制系统Adaption Co ntrol System市场学Scienee of Market 市场研究Research on Market 市场预测Market Predicting 输入输岀设计原理Pr in ciple of I nput and Output Desig ning书法Handwriting 数据结构Data Structure 数据库概论In troduction to Database 数据库基础Basis of Database 数据库技术Tech ni que of Database 数据库设计与分析Design & An alysis of Database数据库系统原理Prin ciples of Database System数据库应用Applicati on of Database数据库原理及应用Pri nciple & Applicatio n of Database数控机床Digit Con trol Machi ne Tool 数控技术Digit Co ntrol Tech ni que 数理方程Mathematical Equati ons数理方程积分变换In tegral Tran smissi on of Mathematical Equati on数理方程与特殊函数Equatio ns of Mathmatical Physics & Special Fun ctio ns数理逻辑Mathematical Logic 数理统计Mathematical statistics 数量经济Quan tity Econo mics 数学分析Mathematical An alysis 数学规划Mathematical Pla nning 数学模型Mathematical Mode ning 数学物理方法Method of Mathematical Physics数值电路Digital Circuit 数值分析Numerical An alysis 数值计算Digital Computatio n 数字测量技术Digital Measur ing Tech ni que数字测量实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Measuri ng数字测试实验技术Experime ntal Tech ni que of Digital Test ing数字电路Digital Circuit 数字电路及微机原理Digital Circuit & Computer Pr in ciples数字电视Digital Televisio n 数字电子基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electio nics数字电子技术Digital Electr on ic Tech ni que数字电子技术基础Fun dame ntal Digital Electro nic Tech ni que数字电子技术设计与实验Experime nt & Design of Digital Electro n Tech ni que数字电子线路Digital Electrical Circuitry数字电子与微机原理Digital Electr on ics & Prin ciple of Microcomputer数字仿真Digital Simulation 数字化测量技术Digital Measuri ng Tech ni que数字控制及微机控制技术Digital Control & Microcomputer Co ntrol Tech ni que数字逻辑Digital Logic 数字图象处理Digital Image Process ing数字系统逻辑设计Logical Design of Digital System数字系统设计Design of Digital System数字信号处理Digital Sig nal Process ing双曲线方程Hyperbolic Equati on水电能源学Scie nee of HydrOelectric En elgy水电站过渡过程的特殊问题Special Problems in the Tran sition of a Hydropower Station 水电站计算机控制C omputer Co ntrol in Hydropower Station水电站经济运行Econo mic Operati on in Hydropower Stati on水电站控制系统分析An alysis of Control System in Hydropower Stati on水电站自动化Automation of Hydropower Stati on水动力学Water Dyn amics水机工艺结构分析Tech nics Structure An alysis of Hydraulic Mach in ery水力机械测试技术Test Tech ni que of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械的汽蚀Gas Etchi ng of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械调节Adjustme nt of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械强度计算Inten sity Calculatio n of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械原理Pri nciples of Hydraulic Machi nery水力机械制造工艺及结构分析Man ufactur ing Tech ni que & Structure An alysis of Hyd raulic Mach inery水力机械制造工艺学Man ufacturi ng Tech ni que for Hydraulic Machi nery水力学Hydraulics水轮机Water-Turbine Engine水轮机调节Water-Turbi ne En gi ne Adaption水轮机调节系统Adaptive System of Water-Turbi ne Engine水轮机水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine水轮机原理及水力设计Prin ciples of Water-Turbi ne En gi ne & Design of Water En gine水轮机原理与CAD Prin ciple of Water-Turbi ne Engine & CAD水轮水力设计Hydraulic Design of Water Engine水现代控制理论Modern Theory of Water Con troli ng水质稳定技术Stability Tech nique of Water Quality思想教育Virtue Educatio n 素描Pencil Sketch 速冻技术Tech ni que of Speed Freez ing 塑性力学Plastic Macha nics 算法语言Algorithmic Lan guage随机过程Stochastic Process & Time Series An alysis 随机运筹学Ran domized Operati onal Research 锁相技术Phase Lock Tech ni que 谈判技巧Negotiation Skills唐宋诗词Poetry & Prose of Tang & Song Dyn asties 陶瓷材料学Scie nee of Ceramic Material 陶瓷工艺原理Pri nciple of Pottery Tech nology特种泵Special Pump 特种加工工艺Special Worki ng Tech no logy特种压缩机Special Compressor 特种铸铁Special Cast ing Iron特种铸造Special Processes of Metal Casti ngs体育Physical Education天线原理Prin ciple of Antenna 铁磁学Ferromag netics 铁电半导体Ferro-Electric Semic on ductor 铁电材料与器件Ferro-Electric Material and Eleme nt铁电压电材料与器件Ferro-Voltage Electric Material and Eleme nt铁氧体材料Ferrite Material听说训练Practice on Liste ning & Speak ing 通风机Ventilator 通信电子线路Electro nic Circuit of Commu ni catio n通信原理Prin ciple of Commu ni cati on 通讯写作专题Curre nt Issues on Report Writ ing 同步控制原理Pr in ciple of Syn chro nic Control统计Statistics 统计计算Experime nt of Applied Physics 统计检查与质量控制Statistic Check and Quality Con trol统计物理Statistical Physics 统计信号分析An alysis of Statistical Sig nal统计学Statistics 统计学原理Prin ciple of Statistics统计学原理与工业统计Prin ciple of Statistics & In dustrial Statistics统计原理Statistics 投入产岀分析An alysis of I nput and Output投入产岀技术In put and Output Tech ni que透平机械三元流动Three-dime nsio nal Flow of Turbi ne Machi nery透平膨胀机Turbi ne Expa nsion Engine 透平式压缩机特性模拟An alog of Performa nee of Turbi ne Compressor透平压缩机强度Ten sile of Turbi ne Compressor图论Graph Theory 图论算法Algorithm on Graph Theory 图论与组合Graphi ng & Group ing图论与组合优化Graphi ng & Optimal Group ing土力学与地基Soil Mecha nics and Fou ndati ons托福测试Test of En glish as a Foreig n Lan guage 拓朴学Topology 夕卜部设备讲座Lectures on Peripherial Equipme nt夕卜部设备维修Repairme nt of Peripheral Equipme nt外国古代建筑史History of Western An cie nt Architecture夕卜国文献阅读Readi ngs of Foreig n Literature夕卜国文学史History of Foreig n Literature夕卜国文学作品选译Selected Tran slati ons of Foreig n Literary Works外国物流Foreig n Material Flow 外国物资管理Overseas Material Man ageme nt外国新闻事业史History of Overseas Jour nalism夕卜贸会计Foreig n Bus in ess Accou ntancy 夕卜贸英语Foreig n Bus in ess En glish 夕卜设概论Introduction to Peripheral Equipment 夕卜设实验Experime nt on Peripheral Equipme nt 往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocat ing Pump & Other type Pumps微波测量技术Microwave Measureme nt Tech ni que微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit微波技术Microwave Tech ni que 微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Tech ni que。



激光雕刻英文专业用语Laser Engraving: A Technical Overview.Laser engraving is a precision technology that has revolutionized the art of engraving, offering unmatched accuracy, speed, and versatility. It involves the use of high-intensity beams of light, known as lasers, to etch intricate designs or text onto various surfaces. This process has found widespread applications in industries ranging from jewelry to automotive, electronics, and beyond.The Basics of Laser Engraving.The core of laser engraving lies in the laser beam, which is focused to a very fine point. This focused beam of light interacts with the surface material, either by burning, vaporizing, or changing the color of the material, depending on the type of material and the settings used.The resulting engraving is a permanent mark that cannot be easily erased.Types of Lasers Used for Engraving.Different types of lasers are used for engraving, each with its own unique characteristics and applications. Common types include:1. CO2 Lasers: These lasers emit infrared radiation and are suitable for engraving on non-metallic materials such as wood, acrylic, and some plastics. They are widely usedin commercial engraving applications due to their high power and ability to create deep, crisp engravings.2. Fiber Lasers: Fiber lasers offer high speed and precision, making them ideal for engraving metals and other hard materials. They emit visible light, which allows for more precise control over the engraving process.3. UV Lasers: UV lasers emit ultraviolet radiation, which is well-suited for engraving on sensitive materials like glass and some plastics. They provide excellent detail and resolution, making them popular in high-end engravingapplications.Materials Suitable for Laser Engraving.Laser engraving can be performed on a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, glass, wood, and even some paper products. The choice of material depends on the desired look, durability requirements, and the specific capabilities of the laser engraving machine.Applications of Laser Engraving.Laser engraving has found applications across various industries:1. Jewelry Industry: Laser engraving is commonly used to create unique designs, inscriptions, or logos on jewelry pieces such as rings, pendants, and watches.2. Automotive Industry: Laser engraving is used to create custom designs on car parts, such as engine blocks, interior trim, and exterior badges.3. Electronics Industry: Laser engraving is employed to mark components, circuit boards, and other electronics with identifying information, such as part numbers or serial codes.4. Signage and Graphics: Laser engraving can be used to create high-quality, durable signs and graphics for indoor and outdoor applications.5. Art and Crafts: Artists and crafters use laser engraving to create unique and personalized designs on wood, glass, and other materials.Advantages of Laser Engraving.Laser engraving offers several advantages overtraditional engraving methods:1. Precision and Accuracy: Laser engraving machines can achieve extremely high precision, resulting in crisp, clear engravings with fine details.2. Speed and Efficiency: Laser engraving machines operate at high speeds, allowing for faster production and increased throughput.3. Versatility: Lasers can be used on a wide range of materials, making them highly versatile and suitable for various applications.4. Non-Contact Processing: Laser engraving is a non-contact process, which means there is no physical interaction between the engraving tool and the material, reducing the risk of damage or deformation.5. Clean and Safe: Laser engraving produces minimal waste and does not require the use of harmful chemicals or solvents, making it an environmentally friendly process.Challenges and Considerations in Laser Engraving.While laser engraving offers many advantages, there are also some challenges and considerations to be aware of:1. Cost: Laser engraving machines can be expensive, especially high-end models with advanced features.2. Maintenance: Lasers require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure optimal performance and accuracy.3. Material Limitations: While lasers can be used on a wide range of materials, some materials may not be suitable for engraving due to their hardness, reflectivity, or other properties.4. Learning Curve: Operating a laser engraving machine requires skill and experience. New users may need to undergo training or certification to ensure safe and effective use.Conclusion.Laser engraving has revolutionized the art of engraving, offering unprecedented precision, speed, and versatility.It has found widespread applications across variousindustries and continues to evolve with advances in laser technology. As the demand for personalized and customized products grows, laser engraving will play an increasingly important role in meeting these needs.。



固体 YAG 激光 1064nm
光学 晶体 532nm
光学 晶体 266nm
激光基本谐波的倍频 = 基波波长的一半。对于YAG激光,它的含义是1064nm的一半,即532nm。

E -mai l : sales@chi
LD 泵浦
M 2( M 平 方 )
代表激光束横向模式的光强分布。 M2 本质上是光束质量的衡量标准。M2=1视作理想的单模激光
N d : YA G
掺钕钇铝石榴石。钕用于掺杂YAG晶体以帮助吸收光线。YAG晶体用作激光介质, 即由它生成用于产生打标激光的光线。
© KEYENCE CORPORATION, 2007Fra bibliotek入射光束
扩束器通常有一个凹透镜和一个凸透镜。激光束的入射角通过凹透镜按指定的比率扩大,使得光束 在通过凸透镜传播时成为平行光束。
[为什么要扩大光速直径?] 激光束在目标上的光点直径在很大程度上受激光束在f- 透镜处的直径影响。如果聚焦距离保持不 变,则通过增加激光束在f- 处的直径,可以减少目标上的光点直径。


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激光切割英文专业词汇English:Laser cutting, also known as laser beam cutting, is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials. It works by directing the output of a high-power laser, by computer, at the material to be cut. The material then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown awayby a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish. Laser cutting can be used for a variety of materials such as metal, plastic, wood, rubber, and ceramics. It is commonly used in industrial manufacturing applications, as well as in small businesses and hobbyists. The advantages of laser cutting include high precision, speed, versatility, and the ability to cut complex shapes without the need for tooling. However, the process can be relatively expensive due to the high initial cost of the equipment and maintenance.Translated content:激光切割,也称为激光束切割,是一种利用激光切割材料的技术。



激光、光电、光学词汇中英文对照1. 激光(Laser)2. 光电效应(Photoelectric Effect)3. 光学(Optics)4. 光纤(Fiber Optic)5. 光谱(Spectrum)6. 折射率(Refractive Index)7. 透镜(Lens)8. 反射(Reflection)9. 干涉(Interference)10. 衍射(Diffraction)11. 偏振(Polarization)12. 激光切割(Laser Cutting)13. 激光焊接(Laser Welding)14. 光电探测器(Photoelectric Detector)15. 光电传感器(Photoelectric Sensor)16. 光学显微镜(Optical Microscope)17. 光学望远镜(Optical Telescope)18. 光学镜头(Optical Lens)19. 光学滤波器(Optical Filter)20. 光学编码器(Optical Enr)21. 光学通信(Optical Communication)22. 光学存储(Optical Storage)24. 光学子系统(Optical Subsystem)25. 光学设计(Optical Design)26. 光学加工(Optical Fabrication)27. 光学镀膜(Optical Coating)28. 光学检测(Optical Inspection)29. 光学成像(Optical Imaging)30. 光学治疗(Optical Therapy)31. 光学材料(Optical Materials)32. 光学元件(Optical Elements)33. 光学路径(Optical Path)34. 光学平台(Optical Platform)35. 光学子件(Optical Component)36. 光学连接器(Optical Connector)37. 光学开关(Optical Switch)38. 光学调制器(Optical Modulator)39. 光学衰减器(Optical Attenuator)40. 光学放大器(Optical Amplifier)41. 光学显示器(Optical Display)42. 光学子午线(Optical Meridian)43. 光学分辨率(Optical Resolution)44. 光学畸变(Optical Distortion)45. 光学厚度(Optical Thickness)46. 光学密度(Optical Density)48. 光学干涉仪(Optical Interferometer)49. 光学相干断层扫描(Optical Coherence Tomography)50. 光学扫描器(Optical Scanner)51. 光学跟踪(Optical Tracking)52. 光学遥感(Optical Remote Sensing)53. 光学成像系统(Optical Imaging System)54. 光学跟踪系统(Optical Tracking System)55. 光学定位系统(Optical Positioning System)56. 光学子午仪(Optical Meridian Instrument)57. 光学补偿器(Optical Compensator)58. 光学补偿器(Optical Corrector)59. 光学基准(Optical Reference)60. 光学基准面(Optical Reference Plane)这些词汇涵盖了激光、光电和光学领域的基本概念、技术和设备。



生物物理学Biophysics真空冷冻干燥技术Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology16位微机16 Digit MicrocomputerALGOL语言ALGOL LanguageBASIC 语言BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言C LanguageCAD 概论Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCOBOL语言COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN语言FORTRAN LanguageIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCLSI设计基础Basic of LSI DesigningPASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCALX射线与电镜X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages板壳理论Plate Theory板壳力学Plate Mechanics半波实验Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料Semiconductor Materials半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论Semiconductive Theory半导体器件Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device 半导体物理Semiconductor Physics半导体专业Semiconduction Specialty半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor薄膜光学Film Optics报告文学专题Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学Newspaper & Magazine Editing报纸编辑学Newspaper Editing泵与风机Pumps and Fans泵与水机Pumps & Water Turbines毕业设计Graduation Thesis编译方法Methods of Compiling编译技术Technique of Compiling编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation变分法与张量Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学Calculus of Variations变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics & Neo-Ro 表面活性物质Surface Reactive Materials并行算法Parallel Algorithmic波谱学Wave Spectrum材料的力学性能测试Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料力学Mechanics of Materials财务成本管理Financial Cost Management财政学Public Finance财政与金融Finance & Banking财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统Disk Operating System操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System策波测量技术Technique of Whip Wave Measurement测量原理与仪器设计Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理Testing & Signal Transformation Processing产业经济学Industrial Economy产业组织学Industrial Organization Technoooligy场论Field Theory常微分方程Ordinary Differentical Equations超导磁体及应用Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用Superconductive & Application超精微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing城市规划原理Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学Urban Sociology成组技术Grouping Technique齿轮啮合原理Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数Abstract Algebra传动概论Introduction to Transmission传感器与检测技术Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学Heat Transfer传坳概论Introduction to Pass Col船舶操纵Ship Controling船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站Ship Power Station船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment船舶概论Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mechamic Towage船舶建筑美学Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构力学Structual Mechamics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进Ship Propeling船舶摇摆Ship Swaying船舶阻力Ship Resistance船体建造工艺Ship-Building Technology船体结构Ship Structure船体结构图Ship Structure Graphing船体振动学Ship Vibration创造心理学Creativity Psychology磁测量技术Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment 磁记录技术Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati磁盘控制器Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料Magnetic Materials磁性测量Magnetic Measurement磁性物理Magnetophysics磁原理及应用Principles of Catalyzation & Application大电流测量Super-Current Measurement大电源测量Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-Volume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks大学德语College German大学俄语College Russian大学法语College French大学日语College Japanese大学英语College English大学语文College Chinese大众传播学Mass Media代用运放电路Simulated Transmittal Circuit单片机原理Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers & Applications 弹性力学Theory of Elastic Mechanics当代国际关系Contemporary International Relationship当代国外社会思维评价Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought 当代文学Contemporary Literature当代文学专题Topics on Contemporary Literature当代西方哲学Contemporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影Contemporary Drama & Films党史History of the Party导波光学Wave Guiding Optics等离子体工程Plasma Engineering低频电子线路Low Frequency Electric Circuit低温传热学Cryo Conduction低温固体物理Cryo Solid Physics低温技术原理与装置Fundamentals of Cryo Technology & Equipment低温技术中的微机原理Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温绝热Cryo Heat Insulation低温气体制冷机Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管Cryo Heat Tube低温设备Cryo Equipment低温生物冻干技术Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology低温实验技术Cryo Experimentation Technology低温物理导论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概念Cryo Physic Concepts低温仪表及测试Cryo Meters & Measurement低温原理Cryo Fundamentals低温中的微机应用Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温装置Cryo Equipment低噪声电子电路Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计Low-Noise Electronic Designing低噪声放大与弱检Low-Noise Increasing & Decreasing低噪声与弱信号检测Detection of Low Noise & Weak Signals地理Geography第二次世界大战史History of World War II电测量技术Electric Measurement Technology电厂计算机控制系统Computer Control System in Power Plants电磁测量实验技术Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment & Technology电磁场计算机Electromagnetic Field Computers电磁场理论Theory of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场数值计算Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Fields & Micro-Wave Technology电磁场中的数值方法Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁学Electromagnetics电动力学Electrodynamics电镀Plating电分析化学Electro-Analytical Chemistry电工测试技术基础Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering电工产品学Electrotechnical Products电工电子技术基础Electrical Technology & Electrical Engineering电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工基础Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础理论Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础实验Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering电工技术Electrotechnics电工技术基础Fundamentals of Electrotechnics电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice电工实验技术基础Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering电工学Electrical Engineering电工与电机控制Electrical Engineering & Motor Control电弧电接触Electrical Arc Contact电弧焊及电渣焊Electric Arc Welding & Electroslag Welding电化学测试技术Electrochemical Measurement Technology电化学工程Electrochemical Engineering电化学工艺学Electrochemical Technology电机测试技术Motor Measuring Technology电机电磁场的分析与计算Analysis & Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagnetic Fields 电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply电机课程设计Course Exercise in Electric Engine电机绕组理论Theory of Motor Winding电机绕组理论及应用Theory & Application of Motor Winding电机设计Design of Electrical Motor电机瞬变过程Electrical Motor Change Processes电机学Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机Electrical Machinery Control & Technology电机与拖动Electrical Machinery & Towage电机原理Principle of Electric Engine电机原理与拖动Principles of Electrical Machinery & Towage电机专题Lectures on Electric Engine电接触与电弧Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc电介质物理Dielectric Physics电镜Electronic Speculum电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System 电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati 电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化技术Optimal Technology of Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术及实验Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments电路分析基础Basis of Circuit Analysis电路分析基础实验Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路分析实验Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路和电子技术Circuit and Electronic Technique电路理论Theory of Circuit电路理论基础Fundamental Theory of Circuit电路理论实验Experiments in Theory of Circuct电路设计与测试技术Circuit Designing & Measurement Technology电器学Electrical Appliances电器与控制Electrical Appliances & Control电气控制技术Electrical Control Technology电视接收技术Television Reception Technology电视节目Television Porgrams电视节目制作Television Porgram Designing电视新技术New Television Technology电视原理Principles of Television电网调度自动化Automation of Electric Network Management电影艺术Art of Film Making电站微机检测控制Computerized Measurement & Control of Power Statio电子材料与元件测试技术Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件测量Electronic Material and Element Measurement电子测量与实验技术Technology of Electronic Measurement & Experiment电子测试Electronic Testing电子测试技术Electronic Testing Technology电子测试技术与实验Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子机械运动控制技术Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control电子技术Technology of Electronics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用Application of Electronic Technology in Erosion Measurement 电子技术基础Basic Electronic Technology电子技术基础与实验Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术课程设计Course Exercise in Electronic Technology电子技术实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子理论实验Experiment in Electronic Theory电子显微分析Electronic Micro-Analysis电子显微镜Electronic Microscope电子线路Electronic Circuit电子线路设计与测试技术Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Technology电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuit电子照相技术Electronic Photographing Technology雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节装置Regulation Equipment动态规划Dynamic Programming动态无损检测Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement动态信号分析与仪器Dynamic Signal Analysis & Apparatus锻压工艺Forging Technology锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery锻压加热设备Forging Heating Equipment锻压设备专题Lectures on Forging Press Equipments锻压系统动力学Dynamics of Forging System锻造工艺Forging Technology断裂力学Fracture Mechanics对外贸易概论Introduction to International Trade多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Technology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nominal Matrix多元统计分析Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis发电厂Power Plant发电厂电气部分Electric Elements of Power Plants法律基础Fundamentals of Law法学概论An Introduction to Science of Law法学基础Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Translation泛函分析Functional Analysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Construction非电量测量Non-Electricity Measurement非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统Non-Linear Sampling System非线性光学Non-Linear Optics非线性规划Non-Linear Programming非线性振荡Non-Linear Ocsillation非线性振动Non-Linear Vibration沸腾燃烧Boiling Combustion分析化学Analytical Chemistry分析化学实验Analytical Chemistry Experiment分析力学Analytical Mechanics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulation,Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variate Movement Theory & Design of Fans风能利用Wind Power Utilization腐蚀电化学实验Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Functions复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation 复合材料力学Compound Material Mechanics傅里叶光学Fourier Optics概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process钢笔画Pen Drawing钢的热处理Heat-Treatment of Steel钢结构Steel Structure钢筋混凝土Reinforced Concrete钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Reinforced Concrete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Reinforced Concrete Structureblabo版主ID: 1337376 posted 10/13/2002 8:18:48 AM User Profile Edit Message Reply w/Quote 高层建筑基础设计Designing bases of High Rising Buildings高层建筑结构设计Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings高等材料力学Advanced Material Mechanics高等代数Advanced Algebra高等教育管理Higher Education Management高等教育史History of Higher Education高等教育学Higher Education高等数学Advanced Mathematics高电压技术High-Voltage Technology高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Technology高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcessing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experiment高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experiment高级英语听说Advanced English Listening & Speaking高能密束焊High Energy-Dense Beam Welding高频电路High-Frenquency Circuit高频电子技术High-Frenquency Electronic Technology高频电子线路High-Frenquency Electronic Circuit高压测量技术High-Voltage Measurement Technology高压测试技术High-Voltage Testing Technology高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculation in High-Voltage Electronic Field高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Appliances高压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高压实验High-Voltage Experimentation高压试验技术High-Voltage Experimentation Technology工程材料的力学性能测试Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials工程材料及热处理Engineering Material and Heat Treatment工程材料学Engineering Materials工程测量Engineering Surveying工程测试技术Engineering Testing Technique工程测试实验Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息Information of Engineering Testing工程动力学Engineering Dynamics工程概论Introduction to Engineering工程概预算Project Budget工程经济学Engineering Economics工程静力学Engineering Statics工程力学Engineering Mechanics工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics工程项目评估Engineering Project Evaluation工程优化方法Engineering Optimizational Method工程运动学Engineering Kinematics工程造价管理Engineering Cost Management工程制图Graphing of Engineering工业分析Industrial Analysis工业锅炉Industrial Boiler工业会计学Industrial Accounting工业机器人Industrial Robot工业技术基础Basic Industrial Technology工业建筑设计原理Principles of Industrial Building Design工业经济理论Industrial Economic Theory工业经济学Industrial Economics工业企业财务管理Industrial Enterprise Financial Management工业企业财务会计Accounting in Industrial Enterprises工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management工业企业经营管理Industrial Enterprise Adminstrative Management 工业社会学Industrial Sociology工业心理学Industrial Psychology工业窑炉Industrial Stoves工艺过程自动化Technics Process Automation公差Common Difference公差技术测量Technical Measurement with Common Difference公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperation公共关系学Public Relations公文写作Document Writing古代汉语Ancient Chinese古典文学作品选读Selected Readings in Classical Literature固体激光Solid State Laser固体激光器件Solid Laser Elements固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Unit固体物理Solid State Physics管理概论Introduction to Management管理经济学Management Economics管理数学Management Mathematics管理系统模拟Management System Simulation管理心理学Management Psychology管理信息系统Management Information Systems光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Technology光电信号处理Photoelectric Signal Processing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Signal & Systematic Analysis光辐射探测技术Ray Radiation Detection Technology光谱Spectrum光谱分析Spectral Analysis光谱学Spectroscopy光纤传感Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器基础Fundamentals of Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Sensors & Applications光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experiments in Fibre Optical Technology光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Communication光学Optics光学测量Optical Measurement光学分析法Optical Analysis Method光学计量仪器设计Optical Instrument Gauge Designing光学检测Optical Detection光学设计Optical Design光学信息导论Introduction of Optical Infomation光学仪器设计Optical Instrument Designing光学仪器与计量仪器设计Optical Instrument & Gauge Instrument Designing 光学仪器装配与校正Optical Instrument Installation & Adjustment广播编辑学Broadcast Editing广播新闻Broadcast Journalism广播新闻采写Broadcast Journalism Collection & Composition广告学Advertisement锅炉燃烧理论Theory of Boiler Combustion锅炉热交换传热强化Boiler Heat Exchange,Condction & Intensification锅炉原理Principles of Boiler国际金融International Finance国际经济法International Economic Law国际贸易International Trade国际贸易地理International Trade Geography国际贸易实务International Trade Affairs国际市场学International Marketing国际市场营销International Marketing国民经济计划National Economical Planning国外社会学理论Overseas Theories of Sociology过程(控制)调节装置Process(Control) Adjustment Device过程调节系统Process Adjustment System过程控制Process Control过程控制系统Process Control System海洋测量Ocean Surveying海洋工程概论Introduction to Ocean Engineering函数分析Functional Analysis焊接方法Welding Method焊接方法及设备Welding Method & Equipment焊接检验Welding Testing焊接结构Welding Structure焊接金相Welding Fractography焊接金相分析Welding Fractography Analysis焊接冶金Welding Metallurgy焊接原理Fundamentals of Welding焊接原理及工艺Fundamentals of Welding & Technology焊接自动化Automation of Welding汉语Chinese汉语与写作Chinese & Composition汉语语法研究Research on Chinese Grammar汉字信息处理技术Technology of Chinese Information Processing毫微秒脉冲技术Millimicrosecond Pusle Technique核动力技术Nuclear Power Technology合唱与指挥Chorus & Conduction合金钢Alloy Steel宏观经济学Macro-Economics宏微观经济学Macro Micro Economics红外CCD Infrared CCD红外电荷耦合器Infrared Electric Charge Coupler红外探测器Infrared Detectors红外物理Infrared Physics红外物理与技术Infrared Physics & Technology红外系统Infrared System红外系统电信号处理Processing Electric Signals from Infrared Systems厚薄膜集成电路Thick & Thin Film Integrated Circuit弧焊电源Arc Welding Power弧焊原理Arc Welding Principles互换性技术测量基础Basic Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性技术测量Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性与技术测量Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement互换性与技术测量实验Experiment of Exchangeability Measurement Technology 画法几何及机械制图Descriptive Geometry & Mechanical Graphing画法几何与阴影透视Descriptive Geometry,Shadow and Perspective化工基础Elementary Chemical Industry化工仪表与自动化Chemical Meters & Automation化工原理Principles of Chemical Industry化学Chemistry化学反应工程Chemical Reaction Engineering化学分离Chemical Decomposition化学工程基础Elementary Chemical Engineering化学计量学Chemical Measurement化学文献Chemical Literature化学文献及查阅方法Chemical Literature & Consulting Method化学粘结剂Chemical Felter环境保护理论基础Basic Theory of Environmental Protection环境化学Environomental Chemistry环境行为概论Introduction to Environmental Behavior换热器Thermal Transducer回旧分析与试验设计Tempering Analysis and Experiment Design回转式压缩机Rotary Compressor回转压缩机数学模型Mathematical Modeling of Rotary Compressors会计学Accountancy会计与财务分析Accountancy & Financial Analysis会计与设备分析Accountancy & Equipment Analysis会计原理及外贸会计Principles of Accountancy & Foreign Trade Accountancy 会计原理与工业会计Principles of Accountancy & Industrial Accountancy活力学Energy Theory活塞膨胀机Piston Expander活塞式制冷压缩机Piston Refrigerant Compreessor活塞式压缩机Piston Compressor活塞式压缩机基础设计Basic Design of Piston Compressor活塞压缩机结构强度Structural Intensity of Piston Compressor活赛压机气流脉动Gas Pulsation of Piston Pressor货币银行学Currency Banking基本电路理论Basis Theory of Circuit基础写作Fundamental Course of Composition机床电路Machine Tool Circuit机床电器Machine Tool Electric Appliance机床电气控制Electrical Control of Machinery Tools机床动力学Machine Tool Dynamics机床设计Machine Tool design机床数字控制Digital Control of Machine Tool机床液压传动Machinery Tool Hydraulic Transmission机电传动Mechanical & Electrical Transmission机电传动控制Mechanical & electrical Transmission Control机电耦合系统Mechanical & Electrical Combination System机电系统计算机仿真Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems 机电一体化Mechanical & Electrical Integration机构学Structuring机器人Robot机器人控制技术Robot Control Technology机械产品学Mechanic Products机械产品造型设计Shape Design of Mechanical Products机械工程控制基础Basic Mechanic Engineering Control机械加工自动化Automation in Mechanical Working机械可靠性Mechanical Reliability机械零件Mechanical Elements机械零件设计Course Exercise in Machinery Elements Design机械零件设计基础Basis of Machinery Elements Design机械设计Mechanical Designing机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Designing机械设计课程设计Course Exercise in Mechanical Design机械设计原理Principle of Mechanical Designing机械式信息传输机构Mechanical Information Transmission Device机械原理Principle of Mechanics机械原理和机械零件Mechanism & Machinery机械原理及机械设计Mechanical Designing机械原理及应用Mechanical Principle & Mechanical Applications机械原理课程设计Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle机械原理与机械零件Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Elements机械原理与机械设计Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design机械噪声控制Control of Mechanical Noise机械制造概论Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture机械制造工艺学Technology of Mechanical Manufacture机械制造基础Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture机械制造基础(金属工艺学) Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing (Meta 机械制造系统自动化Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System机械制造中计算机控制Computer Control in Mechanical Manufacture机制工艺及夹具Mechanical Technology and Clamps积分变换Integral Transformation积分变换及数理方程Integral Transformation & Mathematical Equations积分变换控制工程Integral Transformation Control Engineering积分变换与动力工程Integral Transforms & Dynamic Engineering激光电源Laser Power Devices激光焊Laser Welding激光基础Basis of Laser激光技术Laser Technology激光加工Laser Processing激光器件Laser Devices激光器件与电源Laser Devices & Power Source激光原理Principles of Laser激光原理与技术Laser Principles & Technology极限分析Limit Analysis集合论与代数结构Set Theory & Algebraical Structure技术管理Technological Management技术经济Technological Economy技术经济学Technological Economics技术市场学Technological Marketing计量经济学Measure Economics计算方法Computational Method计算机导论Introduction to Computers计算机导论与实践Introduction to Computers & Practice计算机辅助设计CAD计算机辅助设计与仿真Computer Aided Design & Imitation 计算机辅助语言教学Computer-Aided Language Teaching计算机辅助制造Computer-Aided Manufacturing计算机概论Introduction to Computers计算机绘图Computer Graphics计算机基础Basis of Computer Engineering计算机接口技术Computer Interface Technology计算机接口与通讯Computer Interface & Communication计算机局域网Regional Network of Computers计算机控制Computer Controling计算机设计自动化Automation of Computer Design计算机实践Computer Practice计算机数据库Computer Database计算机算法基础Basis of Computer Algorithm计算机图形显示Computer Graphic Demonstration计算机图形学Computer Graphics计算机网络Computer Networks计算机系统结构Computer Architecture计算机语言处理Computer Language Processing计算机原理Principle of Computer Engineering计算机在化学中的应用Application of Computer in Chemistry 计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Composition计算力学Computational Mechanics计算力学基础Basis of Computational Mechanics计算流体Fluid Computation继电保护新技术New Technology of Relay Protection继电保护原理Principles of Relay Protection继电保护运行Relay-Protected Operation检测技术Measurement Technique检测系统动力学Detection System Dynamics检测与控制Detection & Controling简明社会学Concise Sociology简明世界史Brief World History减振设计Vibration Absorption Designing渐近方法Asymptotical Method建筑材料Building Materials建筑初步Elementary Architecture建筑防火Building Fire Protection建筑概论Introduction to Architecture建筑构造Architectural Construction建筑结构Architectural Structure建筑结构抗震设计Anti-quake Architectural Structure Design建筑经济与企业管理Architectural Economy & Enterprise Management 建筑力学Architectural Mechanics建筑名作欣赏Appreciation of Architectural Works建筑入门Elementary Architecture建筑摄影Architectural Photographing建筑设备Architectural Equipment建筑设计Architectural Design建筑施工Construction Technology建筑绘画Architectural Drawing建筑物理Architecural Physics建筑制图Architectural Graphing胶体化学Colloid Chemistry交流调速系统Alternating Current Governor System教育心理学Pedagogic Psychology接口与控制器Interface and Controler接口与通讯Interface and Communication结构程序设计Structural Program Designing结构动力学Structural Dynamics结构化学Structural Chemistry结构检验Structural Testing结构力学Structural Mechanics结构素描Structure Sketching结构塑性分析Structural Plasticity Analysis结构稳定Stability Analysis of Structures结构先进技术Advanced Structuring Technology结构优化理论Optimal Structure Theory结构优化设计Optimal Structure Designing解析几何Analytic Geometry介质波导Medium Wave Guide介质测量Medium Measurement介质光学Medium Optics金属X射线学Metal X-Ray Analysis金属材料焊接Metal Material Welding金属材料学Metal Material Science金属材料与热处理Metal Material & Heat Treatment金属腐蚀与保护Metal Erosion & Protection金属腐蚀原理Principles of Metal Erosion金属工艺学Metal Technics金属焊接性基础Elementary Metal Weldability金属焊接原理Principles of Metal Welding金属机械性能Mechanical Property of Metal金属力学性能Metal Mechanic Property金属切削机床Metal Cutting Machine Tool金属切削原理及刀具Principles of Metal Cutting & Cutters金属熔焊原理Principles of Metal Molten Welding金属熔焊原理及工艺Principles of Metal Molten Welding & Technique金属熔炼Metal Melting金属塑性成形原理Principles of Metal Forming金属物理性能Physical Property of Metal金属学Metallography金属学与热处理Metallography & Heat Treatment金属学原理Principles of Metallography金相分析Metallographic Analysis金相技术Metallographic Techniques近代光学测试技术Modern Optical Testing Technology近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measuring Technology近代经济史Modern History of Economics近代物理实验Lab of Modern Physics近世代数Modern Algebra晶体管原理Principles of Transistors晶体光学Crystallographic Optics精密测量技术Technology of Precision Measurement精密电气测量Precise Electric Measurement精密合金Precise Alloy精密机械CAD CAD for Precision Machinery精密机械课程设计Course Design for Precision Machinery精密机械零件Precision Machinery Elements精密机械设计基础Elementary Precision Machinery Design精密机械学Precision Machinery精细有机合成Minute Organic Synthesisblabo版主ID: 1337392 posted 10/13/2002 8:22:31 AM User Profile Edit Message Reply w/Quote 经济地理Economical Geography经济法Law of Economy经济法学Law of Economy经济分析基础Basis of Economic Analysis经济控制论Economical Cybernetics经济社会学Economic Sociology经济新闻Economic News经济学说史History of Economics经济学原理Principles of Economics经济预测Economic Predicting经济预测与管理奖惩Economic Predicting & Management经济原理Principles of Economy经济运筹学Economic Operation Research经济增长理论Theory of Economic Growth。



2011年技术物理学院08级(激光方向)专业英语翻译重点!!!作者:邵晨宇Electromagnetic电磁的principle原则principal主要的macroscopic宏观的microscopic微观的differential微分vector矢量scalar标量permittivity介电常数photons光子oscillation振动density of states态密度dimensionality维数transverse wave横波dipole moment偶极矩diode 二极管mono-chromatic单色temporal时间的spatial空间的velocity速度wave packet波包be perpendicular to线垂直be nomal to线面垂直isotropic各向同性的anistropic各向异性的vacuum真空assumption假设semiconductor半导体nonmagnetic非磁性的considerable大量的ultraviolet紫外的diamagnetic抗磁的paramagnetic顺磁的antiparamagnetic反铁磁的ferro-magnetic铁磁的negligible可忽略的conductivity电导率intrinsic本征的inequality不等式infrared红外的weakly doped弱掺杂heavily doped重掺杂a second derivative in time对时间二阶导数vanish消失tensor张量refractive index折射率crucial主要的quantum mechanics 量子力学transition probability跃迁几率delve研究infinite无限的relevant相关的thermodynamic equilibrium热力学平衡(动态热平衡)fermions费米子bosons波色子potential barrier势垒standing wave驻波travelling wave行波degeneracy简并converge收敛diverge发散phonons声子singularity奇点(奇异值)vector potential向量式partical-wave dualism波粒二象性homogeneous均匀的elliptic椭圆的reasonable公平的合理的reflector反射器characteristic特性prerequisite必要条件quadratic二次的predominantly最重要的gaussian beams高斯光束azimuth方位角evolve推到spot size光斑尺寸radius of curvature曲率半径convention管理hyperbole双曲线hyperboloid双曲面radii半径asymptote渐近线apex顶点rigorous精确地manifestation体现表明wave diffraction波衍射aperture孔径complex beam radius复光束半径lenslike medium类透镜介质be adjacent to与之相邻confocal beam共焦光束a unity determinant单位行列式waveguide波导illustration说明induction归纳symmetric 对称的steady-state稳态be consistent with与之一致solid curves实线dashed curves虚线be identical to相同eigenvalue本征值noteworthy关注的counteract抵消reinforce加强the modal dispersion模式色散the group velocity dispersion群速度色散channel波段repetition rate重复率overlap重叠intuition直觉material dispersion材料色散information capacity信息量feed into 注入derive from由之产生semi-intuitive半直觉intermode mixing模式混合pulse duration脉宽mechanism原理dissipate损耗designate by命名为to a large extent在很大程度上etalon 标准具archetype圆形interferometer干涉计be attributed to归因于roundtrip一个往返infinite geometric progression无穷几何级数conservation of energy能量守恒free spectral range自由光谱区reflection coefficient(fraction of the intensity reflected)反射系数transmission coefficient(fraction of the intensity transmitted)透射系数optical resonator光学谐振腔unity 归一optical spectrum analyzer光谱分析grequency separations频率间隔scanning interferometer扫描干涉仪sweep移动replica复制品ambiguity不确定simultaneous同步的longitudinal laser mode纵模denominator分母finesse精细度the limiting resolution极限分辨率the width of a transmission bandpass透射带宽collimated beam线性光束noncollimated beam非线性光束transient condition瞬态情况spherical mirror 球面镜locus(loci)轨迹exponential factor指数因子radian弧度configuration不举intercept截断back and forth反复spatical mode空间模式algebra代数in practice在实际中symmetrical对称的a symmetrical conforal resonator对称共焦谐振腔criteria准则concentric同心的biperiodic lens sequence双周期透镜组序列stable solution稳态解equivalent lens等效透镜verge 边缘self-consistent自洽reference plane参考平面off-axis离轴shaded area阴影区clear area空白区perturbation扰动evolution渐变decay减弱unimodual matrix单位矩阵discrepancy相位差longitudinal mode index纵模指数resonance共振quantum electronics量子电子学phenomenon现象exploit利用spontaneous emission自发辐射initial初始的thermodynamic热力学inphase同相位的population inversion粒子数反转transparent透明的threshold阈值predominate over占主导地位的monochromaticity单色性spatical and temporal coherence时空相干性by virtue of利用directionality方向性superposition叠加pump rate泵浦速率shunt分流corona breakdown电晕击穿audacity畅通无阻versatile用途广泛的photoelectric effect光电效应quantum detector 量子探测器quantum efficiency量子效率vacuum photodiode真空光电二极管photoelectric work function光电功函数cathode阴极anode阳极formidable苛刻的恶光的irrespective无关的impinge撞击in turn依次capacitance电容photomultiplier光电信增管photoconductor光敏电阻junction photodiode结型光电二极管avalanche photodiode雪崩二极管shot noise 散粒噪声thermal noise热噪声1.In this chapter we consider Maxwell’s equations and what they reveal about the propagation of light in vacuum and in matter. We introduce the concept of photons and present their density of states.Since the density of states is a rather important property,not only for photons,we approach this quantity in a rather general way. We will use the density of states later also for other(quasi-) particles including systems of reduced dimensionality.In addition,we introduce the occupation probability of these states for various groups of particles.在本章中,我们讨论麦克斯韦方程和他们显示的有关光在真空中传播的问题。



激光加工专业术语英文翻译激光加工专业术语中英互译激光加工技术laser processing technology 送粉法激光熔覆laser cladding with powder feed 送丝法激光熔覆laser cladding with filler wire 预置法激光熔覆material preset laser cladding 激光表面合金化层laser surface alloying layer激光表面合金化厚度laser surface alloying layer thickness激光修复laser repairing 激光修复技术laser repairing technology前处理pre-treatment 后处理post- treatment激光熔覆laser cladding 激光熔覆材料laser cladding materials 激光熔覆层laser cladding layer 热影响区heat-affected zone 单道熔覆single-pass cladding 多道熔覆multi-pass cladding 搭接overlapping 搭接率overlapping ratio单层熔覆single-layer cladding 多层熔覆multi-layer cladding 抬升量lift distance 激光熔池laser molten pool重熔深度remelt depth 熔覆层堆高clad height熔覆层厚度clad thickness 结合界面bonging interface熔覆路径cladding track 熔覆速度cladding speed熔覆方向cladding direction 送粉速率powder feeding rate同轴送粉coaxial powder feeding 旁轴送粉paraxial powder feeding送粉头powder feeding head 载气carrier gas保护气shielding gas 推积速率deposition rate激光表面合金化laser surface alloying 稀释率dilution ratio激光重熔laser remelting 激光热处理laser heat-treatment激光淬火laser quenching 激光退火laser annealing激光冲击强化laser shock peening 激光焊接laser welding激光立体成形laser solid forming 激光再制造laserremanufacturing。



激光切割英文专业词汇Laser Cutting: A Technical Overview.Laser cutting is an advanced manufacturing process that utilizes high-powered laser beams to precision-cut materials, ranging from metals to non-metals. This technology has revolutionized the way we work with materials, offering unprecedented precision, speed, and efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the basicsof laser cutting, its applications, advantages, and challenges.Basics of Laser Cutting.The core of laser cutting lies in the laser beam itself.A laser beam is a concentrated stream of photons thattravel in a single direction with great coherence. Whenthis beam interacts with matter, it can either reflect, refract, or absorb, depending on the material's properties. In laser cutting, the beam is focused to a very fine point,creating intense heat at the material's surface. This heat melts, vaporizes, or burns the material, allowing for a clean and precise cut.The laser cutting process typically involves three stages: pre-processing, cutting, and post-processing. Pre-processing involves preparing the material for cutting, which may include marking, clamping, or positioning. The cutting stage is where the actual cutting occurs. The laser beam is guided by a precision control system to trace the desired path, cutting through the material. Post-processing involves cleaning, cooling, and finishing the cut piece to meet the desired specifications.Applications of Laser Cutting.Laser cutting finds applications across various industries due to its precision and adaptability. Here are some of the primary industries that benefit from laser cutting:1. Automotive Industry: Laser cutting is widely used inthe automotive industry for precision cutting of sheet metal, steel, and aluminum. It enables the production of complex parts with tight tolerances, such as engine components, chassis, and body panels.2. Aerospace Industry: In the aerospace industry, laser cutting is crucial for creating lightweight and strong components. It is used to cut high-performance materials like titanium, composites, and alloys, enabling the production of aircraft and spacecraft parts.3. Electronics Industry: Laser cutting is used in the electronics industry to cut precise patterns in materials like copper, stainless steel, and plastics. This is essential for creating components like circuit boards, sensors, and connectors.4. Jewelry Industry: Laser cutting offers an efficient way to create intricate designs in precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. It allows jewelers to create unique and complex designs with exceptional precision.5. General Fabrication: Laser cutting is also widely used in general fabrication shops for cutting a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, glass, and even some plastics.Advantages of Laser Cutting.Laser cutting offers several advantages overtraditional cutting methods:1. Precision and Accuracy: Laser cutting provides exceptional precision and accuracy, with the ability to cut complex shapes and tight tolerances. This ensures that parts fit together perfectly, reducing assembly time and errors.2. Speed and Efficiency: Laser cutting is much faster than many traditional cutting methods, such as sawing or punching. This increased speed translates into higher production rates and reduced operational costs.3. Clean and Smooth Edges: Laser cutting produces cleanand smooth edges, reducing the need for secondary operations like deburring or finishing. This saves time and money and enhances the overall quality of the cut piece.4. Material Flexibility: Laser cutting can be used on a wide range of materials, from metals to non-metals. This flexibility allows manufacturers to work with a variety of materials without changing tools or equipment.5. Reduced Waste: Laser cutting enables precise material utilization, minimizing waste and maximizing material yield. This is especially beneficial for expensive materials where every scrap counts.Challenges and Limitations of Laser Cutting.While laser cutting offers many advantages, it also has some challenges and limitations:1. High Initial Investment: Laser cutting equipment can be quite expensive, making it a significant investment for small or medium-sized businesses. However, the long-termbenefits of increased efficiency and precision oftenjustify the cost.2. Operational Costs: While laser cutting is fast and efficient, it does require a skilled operator to programand monitor the cutting process. Additionally, maintenance and repairs can be costly, especially for high-powered industrial lasers.3. Material Considerations: Although laser cutting can be used on a wide range of materials, some materials maynot be suitable for laser cutting due to their reflectivity, thermal conductivity, or chemical properties.4. Safety Considerations: Laser cutting generates intense heat and bright light, which can pose safetyhazards to operators and nearby personnel. Proper safety measures, including protective eyewear and shields, must be taken to mitigate these risks.Conclusion.Laser cutting is an advanced manufacturing process that offers unprecedented precision, speed, and efficiency. Its adaptability to a wide range of materials and industries makes it a valuable tool for modern manufacturing. While it has some challenges and limitations, the benefits of laser cutting far outweigh the costs, making it a viable optionfor businesses seeking to improve their manufacturing processes. As technology continues to advance, we canexpect laser cutting to become even more precise, efficient, and cost-effective, further revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape.。



光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)Laser GlossaryABLATION: The removal of material or tissue by melting, evaporation, or vaporization. ABSORB: To transform radiant energy into a different form, usually with a resultant rise in temperature.ABSORBANCE: The ability of a medium to absorb radiation depending on temperature and wavelength. Expressed as the negative common logarithm of the transmittance.ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT: The amount of radiant energy absorbed per unit or path-length.ACTIVE MEDIUM: A medium in which lasing will take place, rather than absorption, at a given wavelength.AFOCAL: Literally, “without a focal length”; an optical system with its object and image point at infinity.AMPLIFICATION: The growth of the radiation field in the laser resonator cavity. As the light wave bounces back and forth between the cavity mirrors, it is amp stimulated emission on each pass through the active medium.AMPLITUDE: The maximum value of the electromagnetic wave, measured from the mean to the extreme; put simply, the height of the wave. (See drawing under )ANGLE OF INCIDENCEANGSTROM UNIT: A unit of measurement for a wavelength of light (written ?, equal to one ten billionth of a meter (10-10 meter). Occasionally still used.ANODE: An electrical element in laser excitation which attracts electrons from a cathode. An anode can be cooled directly by water or by radiation.AR COATINGS: Anti-reflection coatings, used on the backs of laser output mirrors to suppress unwanted multiple reflections which reduce power. AUTOCOLLIMATOR: A single instrument combining the functions of a telescope and a collimator to detect small angular displacements of a mirror by means of its own collimated light.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.AXIAL-FLOW LASER: The simplest and most efficient of the gas lasers. An axial 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)flow of gas is maintained through the tube to replace those gas molecules depleted by the electrical discharge used to excite the gas molecules to the lasing state. (See .”)AXIS, OPTICAL AXIS: The optical center-line for a lens system; the line passing through the centers of curvature of the optical surfaces of a lens.BEAM BENDER: Hardware assembly or optical device, such as a mirror, capable of changing laser beam direction; used to re-point the beam and in “folded,” compact delivery systems.BEAM DIAMETER: The diameter of that portion of the beam which contains 86% of the output power.BEAM EXPANDER: Optical device increasing beam diameter and reducing divergence. Result: A smaller focused spot for more distance between lens and part. BEAM SPLITTING: Optically splitting a laser beam into two or more beams, allowing work on more than one side of a part at the same time—but at somewhat less power than with a multiple-output beam system.BREWSTER WINDOWS: The transmissive end (or both ends) of the laser tube, made of transparent optical material and set at Brewster’s angle in gas lasers to achieve zero reflective loss of vertically polarized light. Non-standard on industrial lasers, but a must if polarization is desired.BRIGHTNESS: The visual sensation of the luminous power of a light beam, as opposed to scientifically measured power of the beam.CALORIMETER: An instrument which measures the heat generated by absorption of the laser beam—another way to measure laser power.CATHODE: The element providing the electrons for the electrical discharge used to excite the lasing medium.CO2 LASER: A laser largely used in industry in which the primary lasing medium is carbon dioxide.COAXIAL GAS: Most laser welding is done with a shield of inert gas flowing over the work surface to prevent plasma oxidation and absorption, to blow away debris, and to control heat reaction. The gas jet has the same axis as the beam so the two can be aimed together.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.COHERENT LIGHT, COHERENT RADIATION: Radiation composed of wave trains vibrating in phase with each other. Simply expressed: parallel rays of light.COLLIMATED LIGHT: Divergent light rays rendered parallel by means of a lens or other device, allowing a sharp image of the object to be focused at the focal plane of the lens.COLLIMATION: The process by which divergent rays (white, or natural, light) are converted into parallel rays (coherent light).CONVERGENCE: The bending of light rays toward each other, as by a positive (convex) lens.CURRENT SATURATION: Maximum flow of electric force in a conductor; in a laser, the point at which further electrical charge will not increase lasing action.CW: The continuous-emission mode of a laser, as opposed to pulsed operation. DEPTH OF FIELD: The working range of the beam, a function of wavelength, diameter of the unfocused beam, and focal length of the lens. To achieve a small diameter spot size, and thus a high power density, a short depth of field must be accepted.DIVERGENCE: The angle at which the laser beam spreads in the far field; the bending of rays away from each other, as by a concave lens or convex mirror.DRIFT, ANGULAR: All undesirable variations in output (either amplitude or frequency); angular drift of the beam, measured in milliradians before, during, and after warm-up.DUTY CYCLE: The length of time the laser beam is actually cutting, drilling, welding, or heat-treating, as compared to the entire work cycle time.ELECTRIC VECTOR: The electric field associated with a light wave and having both direction and amplitude. Commonly represented by a line with an arrowhead. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE: A disturbance which propagates outward from an electric charge which oscillates or is accelerated. Includes radio waves; X-rays; gamma rays; and infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light.EMISSIVITY, EMITTANCE: Rate at which emission takes place; the ratio of the radiant energy emitted by a source or surface to that emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.ENHANCED PULSING: Electronic modulation of a laser beam to produce high peak power at the initial stage of the pulse. This allows rapid vaporization of the material without heating the surrounding area. Such pulses are many times the peak powerEXPOSURE: A measure of the total radiant energy incident on a surface per unit area; radiant exposure.FAR-FIELD IMAGING: An imaging technique with solid-state lasers that has several limitations: non-uniform energy distribution, very short working distances, and poor control of hole geometry.FLASHLAMP: Source of powerful light; often in the form of a helical coil and used to excite photon emission in a solid-state laser.FLEXOGRAPHY: A printing process involving laser-engraved, seamless rubber plates. FLUORESCENCE: The glow induced in a material when bombarded by light. Brewster windows of fused silica fluoresce in UV light, increasing absorption of laser radiation and degrading laser mode and output.FLUX: The radiant, or luminous, power of a light beam; the time rate of the flow of radiant energy across a given surface.FOCUS: Noun: The point where rays of light meet which have been converged by a lens, giving rise to an image of the source. Verb: To adjust focal length for the clearest image.FOCAL POINT in laser work, the focal point of the beam relative to the work surface has a critical effect, such as the depth and shape of drilled holes. When the focal point is at the surface, holes are of uniform diameter. When the focus is below the surface, conical holes are drilled.FOLDED RESONATOR: Construction in which the interior optical path is bent by mirrors mounted on corner blocks bolted into pre-aligned position, permitting compact packaging of a long laser cavity.FREQUENCY: The number of light waves passing a fixed point unit of time, or the number of complete vibrations in that period of time.GAIN: Another term for amplification, usually referring to the efficiency of a lasing medium in attaining a population inversion. High gain is typically more than 50% per pass of the light wave between cavity mirrors.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.4 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)GAS DISCHARGE LASER: A laser containing a gaseous lasing medium in a glass tube in which a constant flow of gas replenishes the molecules depleted by the electricity or chemicals used for excitation. The discharged gas can be filtered and 90% recycled for economy.GAS JET ASSIST: An assisting coaxial gas, such as oxygen, argon, or nitrogen, which may be used to achieve very high power levels for cutting certain metals.GAS TRANSPORT: A laser design which generates very high beam power within a fairly small resonator structure. Long electrodes parallel the axis and gas is circulated across the resonator cavity.GAUSSIAN: The “normal curve,” or normal distribution, an example of which is the symmetrical bell shape of the holes created by the uncorrected, unfocused laser beam in its optimum mode. A Gaussian laser beam has most of its energy in the center.HAZ: Heat-Affected Zone, or the area where laser beam and metal (or other) surface are in contact.HELIUM-NEON LASER: (“HeNe”), Laser in which the active medium is a mixture of helium and neon, which is in the visible range. Used widely in industry for alignment, recording, printing, and measuring, it is also valuable as a pointer or aligner of invisible CO2 laser light.HEAT SINK: A substance or device used to dissipate or absorb unwanted heat, as from a manufacturing process (or, with lasers, from reflected rays).HERTZ: The approved international term, abbreviated Hz, which replaces CPS for cycles per second.IMAGE: The optical reproduction of an object, produced by a lens or mirror. A typical positive le ns converges rays to form a “real” image which can bephotographed. A negative lens spreads rays to form a “virtual” image which can’t be projected.INCIDENT LIGHT: A ray of light that falls on the surface of a lens — or any other object. The “angle of incidence” is the angle made by the ray with a perpendicular to the surface.INTENSITY: The magnitude of radiant energy (light) per unit, such as time or reflecting surface.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.ION LASER: A type of laser employing a very high discharge current, passing down a small bore to ionize a noble gas such as argon or krypton. The ionization process creates a population inversion for lasing to occur. A research laser useful for some industrial applications. IONIZATION: The process by which ions are formed. IRRADIATION: Exposure to radiant energy, such as heat, X-rays, or light; the productof irradiance and time. JOULE: One watt per second; a measurement frequently given for laser output in pulsed operation. KEYHOLING: In welding, the deep-penetration holes, which fill quickly with molten metal, that can be made in a few milliseconds by laser. LASER: An acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is a cavity that has mirrors at the ends and is filled with lasable material such as crystal, glass, liquid, gas, or dye. These materials must have atoms, ions, or 光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)) molecules capable of being excited to a metastable state by light, electric discharge, or other stimulus. The transition from this metastable state back to the normal ground state is accompanied by the emission of photons which form a coherent beam. LASER ACCESSORIES: The hardware and options available for lasers, such as secondary gases, Brewster windows, Q-switches, and electronic shutters. LASER HARDENING: Laser-beam traversal of metal to harden quenching process producing the maximum hardness for most metals. LASER OSCILLATION: The buildup of the coherent wave between laser cavity end mirrors. In CW mode, the wave bounding back and forth between mirrors transmits a fraction of its energy on each trip; in pulsed operation, emission happens instantaneously. LASER ROD: A solid-state, rod-shaped lasing medium in which ion excitation is caused by a source of intense light, such as a flashlamp. Various materials are used for the rod, the earliest of which was synthetic ruby crystal. © Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 6LEADING EDGE SPIKE: The initial pulse in a series of pulsed laser emissions, often useful in starting a reaction at the target surface. The trailing edge of the laser power is used to maintain the reaction after the initial burst of energy.LIGHT: The range of electromagnetic radiation frequencies detected by the eye, or the wavelength range from about 400 to 750 nanometers. It is sometimes extended to include photovoltaic effects and radiation beyond visible limits.LIGHT REGULATION: A form of power regulation in which output power is maintained at a constant level by controlling discharge current.LUMINANCE: Commonly called illumination; the luminous or visible flux per unit area on a receiving surface at any given point.MENISCUS LENS: The lens used primarily in CO2 lasers by Coherent, Inc. It has one side convex, the other concave.METASTABLE, METASTABLE STATE: Unstable condition in which the energy of a molecule is at some discrete level above the lowest, or ground state. It is this condition which is necessary for emission of photons in a laser. (From quantum theory.) MICROM ETER: A “MY-kro’ mee-ter” is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter, or one micron. (Not to be confused with my-KROM’-a-ter, a measuring instrument used with a telescope, microscope, or laser for fine focusing). MILLIJOULE: One thousandth of a Joule.MODE: A particular functioning arrangement, setup, or condition for laser operation, such as continuous emission, pulses, or grouped pulses. “Mode” also describes the ) MODULATION: The ability to superimpose an external signal on the output beam of the laser as a control.MONOCHROMATIC LIGHT: Theoretically, light consisting of just one wavelength. Since no light is completely monochromatic, it usually consists of a very narrow band of wavelengths. Lasers provide the narrowest bands.NANOMETER: A unit of length in the International System of Units (SI) equal to one billionth of a meter (10-9 meter). Once called a millimicron, it is used to represent wavelength. Abbreviated ”nm.“光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.NEAR FIELD IMAGING: A solid-state laser imaging technique offering control of spot size and hole geometry, adjustable working distance, uniform energy distribution, and easily produced range of spot sizes.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)Nd:GLASS LASER: A solid-state laser of Neodymium:glass offering high power or short pulses, or both, for specific industrial applications.Nd:YAG LASER: A solid-state laser of Neodymium:Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet, similar to the Nd:glass laser. Both are pumped by flashlamp.NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association, a group which defines and recommends safety standards for electrical equipment.NOISE: Unwanted, minor currents or voltages in an electrical system.OBJECT: The subject matter or figure imaged by, or seen through, an optical system.OPTICAL DENSITY: Protection factor provided by a filter (such as used in eyewear, viewing windows, etc.) at a specific wavelength. Each unit of OD represents a 10x increase in protection.OPTICAL FIBER: Filament of quartz or other optical material capable of transmitting light along its conformation and emitting it at the end.OPTICAL PUMPING: Exciting the lasing medium by the application of light rather than electrical discharge from anode and cathode.OUTPUT COUPLER: The resonator mirror which transmits light; the one at the opposite end is totally reflective.OUTPUT POWER: The energy per second emitted from the laser in the form of coherent light, usually measured in watts for continuous-wave operation and joules for pulsed operation.OXYGEN ASSIST: In certain cutting operations, coaxial oxygen initiates an exothermic reaction to enhance the cutting rate for thick metals; in other words, oxygen actually does the cutting, with the reaction being maintained by the laser beam. PHOTOACOUSTIC EFFECTS: Arises with the use of very short-durationhigh-energy laser pulses, at pulse durations typically below 10 microseconds. Significant amounts of energy are absorbed and a rapid expansion occurs in the tissue, generating an acoustic shock wave that causes mechanical disruption to cellular structures.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. PHOTOCHEMICAL EFFECTS : Effects that occur from long exposure durations at energy dependent process (a function of the total quantity of radiation absorbed rather than its rate of absorption). PHOTOMETER: An instrument which measures luminous intensity. PHOTON: In quantum theory, the elemental unit of light, having both wave and particle behavior. It has motion, but no mass or charge.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)) incident power levels insufficient to cause damaging photothermal effects. It is an PHOTOTHERMAL EFFECTS: The damage mechanism for acute laser injury (i.e. for injury immediately following exposure). The radiation incident at the surface is absorbed in the underlying tissue, increasing the temperature of the tissue to the level at which damage can occur, and laser burns result. It is a power dependent process (a function of the RATE at which energy is absorbed rather than the total quantity of energy involved). PLASMA: In laser welding, a metal vapor thatforms above the spot where the beam reacts with the metal surface. Also used to describe the laser tube (plasma tube, discharge tube) which contains the completely ionized gas in certain lasers. POINTING ERRORS: Beam movement and divergence, often preventable by using short path-lengths. POLARIZATION: Restriction of the vibrations of the electromagnetic field to a single plane, rather than the innumerable planes rotating about the vector axis. This prevents optical losses at interfaces between the lasing medium and optical elements. Various forms of polarization include random, linear (plane), vertical, horizontal, elliptical, and circular. Of two polarization components (so-called), S and P, the P component has zero losses at Brewster’ angle. (See “ s BREWSTER WINDOWS.” l = wavelength E = electric vector H = magnetic vector. ) . Wave amplitude of a plane-polarized beam POPULATION INVERSION: When more molecules (atoms, ions) in a laser are in a metastable state than in the ground state (a situation needed for sustaining a high rate of stimulated emissions), a “ population inversion”is said to exist. Without a popul ation inversion, there can be no lasing action. POWER DENSITY: The amount of radiant energy concentrated on a surface. © Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 9 POWER METER: An accessory used to monitor laser beam power at the rear station.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)reflector, tune the beam for optimum power, or monitor power delivered to the work POWER RAMPING: A controlled change in the power level of a laser beam, either linearly, as up a ramp, across, and down again—or in several discrete steps. Useful for smooth completion of circular welds and for preventing fractures from rapid cooling.PULSE ENERGY: The power of a single, brief emission from a laser programmed for pulsed behavior rather than continuous operation. Pulse energy can be severalPULSE TAIL: Pulse decay time, which can be shortened (by using a special mixture of gases) to allow for fast repetition of laser pulses within a given length of time.PUMP). Q: The energy-storing efficiency of a laser resonator. The higher the “Q,” the less energy loss.Q-SWITCH: A device that has the effect of a shutter moving rapidly in and out of the beam to “spoil” the resonator’s normal Q, keeping it low to prevent lasing action until a high level of energy is stored. Result: a giant pulse of power when normal Q is restored. RADIAN: An arc in a circle, equal in length to the radius; an angle (57.3? at the center of a circle, formed by 2 radii cutting off such an arc. Thus one rad = 57.3?RADIANCE: Brightness; the radiant energy per unit solid angle and per unit projected area of a radiating surface.RADIANT ENERGY: Energy traveling as wave motion; specifically, the energy of electromagnetic waves (light, X-rays, radio, gamma rays).RADIANT FLUX: The rate of emission or transmission of radiant energy.RADIANT INTENSITY: Radiant power, or flux, expressed as emission per unit solid angle about the direction of the light in a given length of time.RADIANT POWER: The amount of radiant energy available per unit; the radiant flux. RAMAN EFFECT: Part of the energy in a photon is transferred to (or from) the vibrational/rotational energy of a molecule.© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource.RAMPER: Power controls for accomplishing the ramping steps; may becomputer-controlled.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)REFLECTANCE: The ratio of the reflected flux to the incident flux, or the ratio of reflected light to light falling on the object.REFLECTION: The return of radiant energy (incident light) by a surface, with no change in wavelength.REFRACTION: The change of direction of propagation of any wave, such as an electromagnetic wave, when it passes from one medium to another in which the wave velocity is different. Simply put, the bending of incident rays as they pass from one medium to another, such as air to water.RESOLUTION: Resolving power, or the quantitative measure of the ability of an optical instrument to produce separable images of different points on an object; the capability of making distinguishable the individual parts of an object, closely adjacent images, or sources of light.RESONATOR: The mirrors (or reflectors) making up the laser cavity containing the laser rod or tube. The mirrors reflect light back and forth to build up amplification under an external stimulus. Emission is through one of them, called a coupler, which is partially transmissive.RMS: Units of electronic noise; the letters stand for Root-Mean-Square. ROCKWELL C: A scale or test used to define hardness in metals, particularly steel and titanium.ROTATING LENS: Beam delivery in a circular movement for cutting large-diameter holes. (De-focusing the beam for this lowers power density and increases drilling time.) SPECTRAL RESPONSE: The response of a device or material to monochromatic light as a function of wavelength.STABILITY: Temperature, electrical, dimensional, and power stability areimportant attributes in a working laser. The Everlase™ series of industrial lasers achieve such stability through circulating coolant, cast iron end pieces, permanent alignment, electrical control, and kinematic mounting. Result: long-term variation of only +/- 2% of rated power.STIMULATED EMISSION: When an atom, ion, or molecule capable of lasing is excited to a higher energy level by an electric charge or other means, it will© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. spontaneously emit a photon as it decays to the normal ground state. If that photon passes near another atom of the same frequency which is also at some metastable energy level, the second atom will be stimulated to emit a photon. Both photons will be of the same wavelength, phase, and spatial coherence. Light amplified in this manner is intense, coherent (collimated or parallel), and monochromatic. In short, laser light. TEM: Abbreviation for Transverse Electromagnetic Mode, the cross-sectional shape of the working laser beam. An infinite number of shapes can be produced, but only a relatively small number are needed for industrial applications. In general, “the higher the TEM, the coarser the focusing.”• TEM00: A Gaussian-curve mode that is the best collimated and produces the smallest spot of high power density for drilling, welding and cutting.• TEM01: Divided into two equal beams for special applications.THRESHOLD: During excitation of the laser medium, this is the point where lasing begins.TRANSFORMATION HARDENING: A process well-suited to lasers which involves hardening metal by heating it to the critical temperature for transformation, quenching it, and solidifying it with uniform distribution of its carbon content.TRANSMISSION: In optics, the passage of radiant energy (light) through a medium. TRANSMITTANCE: The ratio of transmitted radiant energy to incident radiant energy, or the fraction of light that passes through a medium.TREPANNING THE BEAM: Relative motion of the beam with respect to the part, ). VIGNETTING: The loss of light through an optical element when the entire bundle does not pass through; an image or picture that shades off gradually into the background.VISIBLE LIGHT TRANSMISSION/TRANSMITTANCE: The amount of visible light usable to the eye that passes through a filter. As a rule of thumb, as optical density increases, visible light transmission decreases — but not always.WAVE: An undulation or vibration, a form of movement by which all radiant energy of the electromagnetic spectrum is thought to travel.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. WAVELENGTH: The fundamental property of light—the length of the light wave, crest to crest) are the micron, the nanometer, and (earlier) the angstrom.WINDOW: A piece of glass with plane parallel sides which admits light into or through an optical system and excludes dirt and moisture.光学在线:http://www.photics.net(光学及相关专业技术网站)光电论坛:http://www.oebbs.com(中英光电专业技术讨论板)光电资讯网:http://www.oecr.com(光电产业及资讯服务网站)which determines its color. Common units of measurement (which is usually from© Offering Optics, Electronics, Communication Resource. 13。






A•Acceleration: 加速度•Actuator:执行器•Angular velocity: 角速度•Automation:自动化•Axis:轴B•Bearing:轴承•Bevel gear:锥齿轮•Bolt:螺栓•Bore:孔径•Bushing:套筒C•Cam:凸轮•Carrier:承载体•Clutch:离合器•Crankshaft:曲轴•Cylinder:气缸D•Deflection:挠曲•Die:模具•Drive:驱动•Dynamic:动态的E•Efficiency:效率•Elasticity:弹性•Encoder:编码器•Engine:发动机F•Fastener:紧固件•Fatigue:疲劳•Friction:摩擦•Fuel:燃料G•Gear:齿轮•Generator:发电机•Grinder:砂轮•Guide:导轨H•Heat exchanger:换热器•Hydraulic:液压的•Hose:软管•Hub:轮毂I•Idle:空闲的•Inertia:惯性•Inlet:进口•Implement:工具•Jack:千斤顶•Joint:接头•Junction:连接点•Jig:夹具K•Key:键•Kinematics:运动学•Knurling:滚花L•Laser:激光•Lever:杠杆•Lubricant:润滑剂•Lathe:车床•Machine:机器•Machining:加工•Maintenance:维护•Martensite:马氏体N•Nozzle:喷嘴•Newton:牛顿•Nonferrous:有色的•Nylon:尼龙O•Orifice:孔隙•Outlet:出口•Overload:过载P•Piston:活塞•Pulley:滑轮•Pressure:压力•Pneumatic:气动的Q•Quenching:淬火•Quick-release:快速释放•Quill:芯轴•Queue:队列R•Reducer:减速器•Reliability:可靠性•Rivet:铆钉S•Shaft:轴•Screw:螺丝•Spring:弹簧•Static:静态的T•Torque:力矩•Tolerance:公差•Thread:螺纹•Turbine:涡轮机U•Ultrasonic:超声的•Upset:擴頭•Uniform:均匀的•U-bolt:U形螺栓V•Velocity:速度•Valve:阀门•Vibration:振动•Vacuum:真空W•Welder:焊工•Worm gear:蜗杆齿轮•Welding:焊接•Wear:磨损X•X-axis:X轴•Xenon:氙气•X-ray:X射线•Xerography:静电复印Y•Yoke:夹具•Y-axis:Y轴•Yield strength:屈服强度•Yarn:纱线Z•Z-axis:Z轴•Zinc:锌•Zero clearance:零间隙•Zone:区域以上是机械名词英译汉大全,包含了机械工程领域中常见的名词和术语。



激光数控技术专业英语词汇,你知多少?激光切割机、激光雕刻机、激光打标机在使用的途中,会遇到很多专业的术语,或者专属的英文解释单词,您又了解多少呢?1)计算机数值控制(Computerized Numerical Control, CNC)用计算机控制加工功能,实现数值控制。


3)机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate Systern )固定于机床上,以机床零点为基准的笛卡尔坐标系。

4)机床坐标原点(Machine Coordinate Origin )机床坐标系的原点。

5)工件坐标系(Workpiece Coordinate System )固定于工件上的笛卡尔坐标系6)工件坐标原点(Wrok-piexe Coordinate Origin)工件坐标系原点。

7)机床零点(Machine zero )由机床制造商规定的机床原点。

8)参考位置(Reference Position )机床启动用的沿着坐标轴上的一个固定点,它可以用机床坐标原点为参考基准9)绝对尺寸(Absolute Dimension)/绝对坐标值(Absolute Coordinates)距一坐标系原点的直线距离或角度。

10)增量尺寸(Incremental Dimension )/增量坐标值(Incremental Coordinates)在一序列点的增量中,各点距前一点的距离或角度值。

11)最小输人增量(Least Input Increment)在加工程序中可以输人的最小增量单位。

12)命令增量(Least command Increment)从数值控制装置发出的命令坐标轴移动的最小增量单位。




专业词汇第一期(2011-1-13)seam allowance 缝头pattern digitizing 抄板auto marker making/ nesting 自动排版face to face, tubular, folded fabrics 双层织物/筒状织物/ 折布matching point 匹配点automatic grading 自动放码joined pieces 共边裁片spread 铺料spreader 铺料机Piece alignment 裁片对齐bitmap images 位图图形digitizing and quality management module 抄板和质量管理模块acquisition module 采集模块contour extraction 轮廓提取stock management 贮存管理Models and Orders Management Module 模型和指令管理模块patterns & order management module 图形和指令管理模块standard automatic nesting & collecting module 标准自动排版和采集模块cutting and collecting module 切割和采集模块database server module 数据库服务器模块Belt drive 皮带传动Mesh web conveyor 网状传送带Flying optics 飞行光路Options 选配Sealed package 密封Framework 框架结构Positioning system 定位系统Honeycomb vacuum box 蜂窝式负压箱Simultaneous control 同步控制Motion system 运动系统Conveyor cutting platform 履带式切割平台Auto-feeder 自动送料机Roll rewind/ unwind 卷料收料装置Gantry/ galvo system 振镜系统Scoring 划线划痕Shuffle table 互移推板Roll to roll 卷对卷Ball screw drive 滚珠丝杆传动Welded steel frame 焊接钢架Five inch LCD display screen 五寸液晶显示屏Servo drive 伺服传动Rough/ splintered edges 毛边No burrs 切口无毛刺Fraying 须边Narrow kerf 切缝狭小No tool wear 无刀具磨损Sawdust 锯屑Air knife 气刀。



机械专业常用词汇翻译1. Introduction机械专业是一个重要的工程领域,涉及各种机械设备、制造工艺和相关技术。



2. 机械部件和设备以下是机械专业中常用的部件和设备的词汇翻译:•机床:Machine tool•机械臂:Robotic arm•传送带:Conveyor belt•齿轮:Gear•轴承:Bearing•轴:Shaft•螺丝:Screw•螺母:Nut•锁紧螺母:Locknut•螺栓:Bolt•螺母:Nut•螺旋弹簧:Coil spring•缸体:Cylinder block•活塞:Piston•液压系统:Hydraulic system •气压系统:Pneumatic system •水冷系统:Water cooling system •电机:Motor•发动机:Engine•减速器:Reducer•离合器:Clutch•制动器:Brake•摩擦片:Friction disk•活门:Valve•曲柄连杆机构:Crankshaft mechanism•曲线轴承:Cam bearing•铣床:Milling machine•钻床:Drilling machine•磨床:Grinding machine•压力机:Press machine•液压机:Hydraulic press•塑料注塑机:Plastic injection molding machine •金属切割机:Metal cutting machine•金属冲压机:Metal stamping machine 3. 制造工艺以下是机械专业中常用的制造工艺的词汇翻译:•制造工艺:Manufacturing process•机械加工:Machining•铣削:Milling•铣床加工:Milling machine process•钻削:Drilling•钻床加工:Drilling machine process•磨削:Grinding•磨床加工:Grinding machine process•冲压:Stamping•冲压机加工:Stamping machine process•注塑:Injection molding•注塑机加工:Injection molding machine process •焊接:Welding•焊接工艺:Welding process•铆接:Riveting•铆接工艺:Riveting process•激光切割:Laser cutting•激光切割工艺:Laser cutting process•激光焊接:Laser welding•激光焊接工艺:Laser welding process•表面处理:Surface treatment•镀膜:Plating•镀膜工艺:Plating process•喷涂:Spraying•喷涂工艺:Spraying process4. 测量和控制以下是机械专业中常用的测量和控制相关的词汇翻译:•测量:Measurement•控制:Control•传感器:Sensor•仪表:Instrument•数字显示器:Digital display•仪表盘:Dashboard•电气控制系统:Electrical control system•自动控制系统:Automatic control system•PLC:Programmable logic controller•CNC:Computer numerical control•示波器:Oscilloscope•流量计:Flow meter•压力计:Pressure gauge•温度计:Thermometer•液位计:Level gauge•压力传感器:Pressure sensor•温度传感器:Temperature sensor •位置传感器:Position sensor•加速度计:Accelerometer•加速度传感器:Accelerometer sensor •控制阀:Control valve•电动阀门:Electric valve•运动控制:Motion control•频率控制:Frequency control5. 结论本文档提供了机械专业常用词汇的翻译参考,方便机械专业学习者更好地理解和运用机械专业知识。



对水进行化学、物理处理并除去溶解物质的水。 由于要求水冷冷却式激光刻印机的冷却水为绝缘体,所以使用纯水。 10.6 微米的波长振荡。 是以二氧化碳为介质的激光, 用于加工机械及刻印。 指激光连续振荡的状态。
CO2 激光 (CO2 laser) CW (continuous wave)
与谐振器光轴成垂直方向的模式。有以一个点为激光束强度分布断面形状的 单一模式和显示多条激光束的多模式。 激光振荡器照射出的激光变宽的角度。
拉伸器 (stretcher) LD
Laser Diode 的简称。 与半导体激光意思相同。
LD 激发 (LD pumping) 连续波 (continuous wave) 离子交换
方向性 (光波以直线形式传播) 单色性 相干性
激光 (laser)
普通的光 激光束
灯泡 许多不同的波长
激光 单一波长 波峰和波谷排列一致
激光防护眼镜 (laser glasses) 激光二极管 (laser diode)
用于保护眼睛不受激光伤害的防护眼镜。 选择波长最佳的眼镜。 通过半导体材料产生激光的器件的总称。
导引激光 (alignment beam) DEEP UV (deep uv) DPSS (DPSS) 短脉冲激光 (short pulse laser) 端面泵浦 (end pumping) 多模式 (multi mode)
所谓导引激光指的是显示激光照射位置并进行调整的补助光。 刻印激光为不可见光,因此利用可见且可确认的导引激光进行调整。 只在真空区域易传播,波长短于 200 nm 的光。 准分子激光的 ArF (193 nm) 及 F2 (157 nm) 相当于真空紫外线光。 Diode Pumping Solid State 的简称。与 LD 固体激发激光同义。



Elect‎r omag‎n etic‎电磁的pr‎i ncip‎l e原则p‎r inci‎p al主要‎的macr‎o scop‎i c宏观的‎m icro‎s copi‎c 微观的d‎i ffer‎e ntia‎l微分ve‎c tor矢‎量scal‎a r标量p‎e rmit‎t ivit‎y介电常数‎p hoto‎n s光子o‎s cill‎a tion‎振动den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes态‎密度dim‎e nsio‎n alit‎y维数tr‎a nsve‎r se w‎a ve横波‎d ipol‎e mom‎e nt偶极‎矩diod‎e二极管m‎o no-c‎h roma‎t ic单色‎t empo‎r al时间‎的spat‎i al空间‎的velo‎c ity速‎度wave‎pack‎e t波包b‎e per‎p endi‎c ular‎to线垂‎直 be ‎n omal‎to线面‎垂直iso‎t ropi‎c各向同性‎的anis‎t ropi‎c各向异性‎的vacu‎u m真空a‎s sump‎t ion假‎设semi‎c ondu‎c tor半‎导体non‎m agne‎t ic非磁‎性的con‎s ider‎a ble大‎量的ult‎r avio‎l et紫外‎的diam‎a gnet‎i c抗磁的‎p aram‎a gnet‎i c顺磁的‎a ntip‎a rama‎g neti‎c反铁磁的‎f erro‎-magn‎e tic铁‎磁的neg‎l igib‎l e可忽略‎的cond‎u ctiv‎i ty电导‎率intr‎i nsic‎本征的in‎e qual‎i ty不等‎式infr‎a red 红‎外的wea‎k ly d‎o ped弱‎掺杂hea‎v ily ‎d oped‎重掺杂a ‎s econ‎d der‎i vati‎v e in‎time‎对时间二阶‎导数van‎i sh消失‎t enso‎r张量re‎f ract‎i ve i‎n dex折‎射率cru‎c ial主‎要的qua‎n tum ‎m echa‎n ics量‎子力学tr‎a nsit‎i on p‎r obab‎i lity‎跃迁几率d‎e lve研‎究infi‎n ite无‎限的rel‎e vant‎相关的th‎e rmod‎y nami‎c equ‎i libr‎i um热力‎学平衡(动‎态热平衡)‎f ermi‎o ns费米‎子boso‎n s波色子‎p oten‎t ial ‎b arri‎e r势垒s‎t andi‎n g wa‎v e驻波t‎r avel‎l ing ‎w ave行‎波dege‎n erac‎y简并co‎n verg‎e收敛di‎v erge‎发散pho‎n ons声‎子sing‎u lari‎t y奇点(‎奇异值)v‎e ctor‎pote‎n tial‎向量式pa‎r tica‎l-wav‎e dua‎l ism波‎粒二象性h‎o moge‎n eous‎均匀的el‎l ipti‎c 椭圆的r‎e ason‎a ble公‎平的合理的‎r efle‎c tor反‎射器cha‎r acte‎r isti‎c特性pr‎e requ‎i site‎必要条件q‎u adra‎t ic二次‎的pred‎o mina‎n tly最‎重要的ga‎u ssia‎n bea‎m s高斯光‎束azim‎u th方位‎角evol‎v e推到s‎p ot s‎i ze光斑‎尺寸rad‎i us o‎f cur‎v atur‎e曲率半径‎c onve‎n tion‎管理hyp‎e rbol‎e双曲线h‎y perb‎o loid‎双曲面ra‎d ii半径‎a symp‎t ote渐‎近线ape‎x顶点ri‎g orou‎s精确地m‎a nife‎s tati‎o n体现表‎明wave‎diff‎r acti‎o n波衍射‎a pert‎u re孔径‎c ompl‎e x be‎a m ra‎d ius 复‎光束半径l‎e nsli‎k e me‎d ium类‎透镜介质b‎e adj‎a cent‎to与之‎相邻con‎f ocal‎beam‎共焦光束a‎unit‎y det‎e rmin‎a nt单位‎行列式wa‎v egui‎d e波导i‎l lust‎r atio‎n说明in‎d ucti‎o n归纳s‎y mmet‎r ic对称‎的stea‎d y-st‎a te稳态‎b e co‎n sist‎e nt w‎i th与之‎一致sol‎i d cu‎r ves实‎线dash‎e d cu‎r ves虚‎线be i‎d enti‎c al t‎o相同ei‎g enva‎l ue本征‎值note‎w orth‎y关注的c‎o unte‎r act抵‎消rein‎f orce‎加强the‎moda‎l dis‎p ersi‎o n模式色‎散the ‎g roup‎velo‎c ity ‎d ispe‎r sion‎群速度色散‎c hann‎e l波段r‎e peti‎t ion ‎r ate重‎复率ove‎r lap重‎叠intu‎i tion‎直觉mat‎e rial‎disp‎e rsio‎n材料色散‎i nfor‎m atio‎n cap‎a city‎信息量fe‎e d in‎t o注入d‎e rive‎from‎由之产生s‎e mi-i‎n tuit‎i ve半直‎觉inte‎r mode‎mixi‎n g模式混‎合puls‎e dur‎a tion‎脉宽mec‎h anis‎m原理di‎s sipa‎t e损耗d‎e sign‎a te b‎y命名为t‎o a l‎a rge ‎e xten‎t在很大程‎度上eta‎l on标准‎具arch‎e type‎圆形int‎e rfer‎o mete‎r干涉计b‎e att‎r ibut‎e d to‎归因于ro‎u ndtr‎i p 一个往‎返infi‎n ite ‎g eome‎t ric ‎p rogr‎e ssio‎n无穷几何‎级数con‎s erva‎t ion ‎o f en‎e rgy能‎量守恒fr‎e e sp‎e ctra‎l ran‎g e自由光‎谱区ref‎l ecti‎o n co‎e ffic‎i ent(‎f ract‎i on o‎f the‎inte‎n sity‎refl‎e cted‎)反射系数‎t rans‎m issi‎o n co‎e ffic‎i ent(‎f ract‎i on o‎f the‎inte‎n sity‎tran‎s mitt‎e d)透射‎系数opt‎i cal ‎r eson‎a tor光‎学谐振腔u‎n ity归‎一opti‎c al s‎p ectr‎u m an‎a lyze‎r光谱分析‎g requ‎e ncy ‎s epar‎a tion‎s频率间隔‎s cann‎i ng i‎n terf‎e rome‎t er扫描‎干涉仪sw‎e ep移动‎r epli‎c a复制品‎a mbig‎u ity不‎确定sim‎u ltan‎e ous同‎步的lon‎g itud‎i nal ‎l aser‎mode‎纵模den‎o mina‎t or分母‎f ines‎s e精细度‎t he l‎i miti‎n g re‎s olut‎i on极限‎分辨率th‎e wid‎t h of‎atr‎a nsmi‎s sion‎band‎p ass透‎射带宽co‎l lima‎t ed b‎e am线性‎光束non‎c olli‎m ated‎beam‎非线性光束‎t rans‎i ent ‎c ondi‎t ion瞬‎态情况sp‎h eric‎a l mi‎r ror ‎球面镜lo‎c us(l‎o ci)轨‎迹expo‎n enti‎a l fa‎c tor指‎数因子ra‎d ian弧‎度conf‎i gura‎t ion不‎举inte‎r cept‎截断bac‎k and‎fort‎h反复sp‎a tica‎l mod‎e空间模式‎a lgeb‎r a代数i‎n pra‎c tice‎在实际中s‎y mmet‎r ical‎对称的a ‎s ymme‎t rica‎l con‎f oral‎reso‎n ator‎对称共焦谐‎振腔cri‎t eria‎准则con‎c entr‎i c同心的‎b iper‎i odic‎lens‎sequ‎e nce双‎周期透镜组‎序列sta‎b le s‎o luti‎o n稳态解‎e quiv‎a lent‎lens‎等效透镜v‎e rge ‎边缘sel‎f-con‎s iste‎n t自洽r‎e fere‎n ce p‎l ane参‎考平面of‎f-axi‎s离轴sh‎a ded ‎a rea阴‎影区cle‎a r ar‎e a空白区‎p ertu‎r bati‎o n扰动e‎v olut‎i on渐变‎d ecay‎减弱uni‎m odua‎l mat‎r ix单位‎矩阵dis‎c repa‎n cy相位‎差long‎i tudi‎n al m‎o de i‎n dex纵‎模指数re‎s onan‎c e共振q‎u antu‎m ele‎c tron‎i cs量子‎电子学ph‎e nome‎n on现象‎e xplo‎i t利用s‎p onta‎n eous‎emis‎s ion自‎发辐射in‎i tial‎初始的th‎e rmod‎y nami‎c热力学i‎n phas‎e同相位的‎p opul‎a tion‎inve‎r sion‎粒子数反转‎t rans‎p aren‎t透明的t‎h resh‎o ld阈值‎p redo‎m inat‎e ove‎r占主导地‎位的mon‎o chro‎m atic‎i ty单色‎性spat‎i cal ‎a nd t‎e mpor‎a l co‎h eren‎c e时空相‎干性by ‎v irtu‎e of利‎用dire‎c tion‎a lity‎方向性su‎p erpo‎s itio‎n叠加pu‎m p ra‎t e泵浦速‎率shun‎t分流co‎r ona ‎b reak‎d own电‎晕击穿au‎d acit‎y畅通无阻‎v ersa‎t ile用‎途广泛的p‎h otoe‎l ectr‎i cef‎f ect光‎电效应qu‎a ntum‎dete‎c tor量‎子探测器q‎u antu‎m eff‎i cien‎c y量子效‎率vacu‎u mph‎o todi‎o de真空‎光电二极管‎p hoto‎e lect‎r ic w‎o rk f‎u ncti‎o n光电功‎函数cat‎h ode阴‎极anod‎e阳极fo‎r mida‎b le苛刻‎的恶光的i‎r resp‎e ctiv‎e无关的i‎m ping‎e撞击in‎turn‎依次cap‎a cita‎n ce电容‎p hoto‎m ulti‎p lier‎光电信增管‎p hoto‎c ondu‎c tor光‎敏电阻ju‎n ctio‎npho‎t odio‎d e结型光‎电二极管a‎v alan‎c he p‎h otod‎i ode雪‎崩二极管s‎h ot n‎o ise ‎散粒噪声t‎h erma‎l noi‎s e热噪声‎‎In‎this‎chap‎t er w‎e con‎s ider‎Maxw‎e ll’s‎equa‎t ions‎and ‎w hat ‎t hey ‎r evea‎l abo‎u t th‎epro‎p agat‎i on o‎f lig‎h t in‎vacu‎u m an‎d in ‎m atte‎r. We‎intr‎o duce‎the ‎c once‎p t of‎phot‎o ns a‎n d pr‎e sent‎thei‎r den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes.‎S ince‎the ‎d ensi‎t y of‎stat‎e s is‎a ra‎t her ‎i mpor‎t ant ‎p rope‎r ty,n‎o t on‎l y fo‎r pho‎t ons,‎w e ap‎p roac‎h thi‎s qua‎n tity‎in a‎rath‎e r ge‎n eral‎way.‎We w‎i ll u‎s e th‎e den‎s ity ‎o f st‎a tes ‎l ater‎also‎for ‎o ther‎(quas‎i-) p‎a rtic‎l es i‎n clud‎i ng s‎y stem‎s of ‎r educ‎e ddi‎m ensi‎o nali‎t y.In‎addi‎t ion,‎w e in‎t rodu‎c e th‎e occ‎u pati‎o n pr‎o babi‎l ity ‎o f th‎e se s‎t ates‎for ‎v ario‎u s gr‎o ups ‎o f pa‎r ticl‎e s.‎在本‎章中,我们‎讨论麦克斯‎韦方程和他‎们显示的有‎关光在真空‎中传播的问‎题。

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激光加工技术laser processing technology 送粉法激光熔覆laser cladding with powder feed 送丝法激光熔覆laser cladding with filler wire 预置法激光熔覆material preset laser cladding 激光表面合金化层laser surface alloying layer
激光表面合金化厚度laser surface alloying layer thickness
激光修复laser repairing 激光修复技术laser repairing technology
前处理pre-treatment 后处理post- treatment
激光熔覆laser cladding 激光熔覆材料laser cladding materials
激光熔覆层laser cladding layer 热影响区heat-affected zone
单道熔覆single-pass cladding 多道熔覆multi-pass cladding
搭接overlapping 搭接率overlapping ratio
单层熔覆single-layer cladding 多层熔覆multi-layer cladding
抬升量lift distance 激光熔池laser molten pool
重熔深度remelt depth 熔覆层堆高clad height
熔覆层厚度clad thickness 结合界面bonging interface
熔覆路径cladding track 熔覆速度cladding speed
熔覆方向cladding direction 送粉速率powder feeding rate
同轴送粉coaxial powder feeding 旁轴送粉paraxial powder feeding
送粉头powder feeding head 载气carrier gas
保护气shielding gas 推积速率deposition rate
激光表面合金化laser surface alloying 稀释率dilution ratio
激光重熔laser remelting 激光热处理laser heat-treatment
激光淬火laser quenching 激光退火laser annealing
激光冲击强化laser shock peening 激光焊接laser welding
激光立体成形laser solid forming 激光再制造laser remanufacturing。
