体验商务英语综合教程3(第二版)Unit8-Reading翻译第一篇:体验商务英语综合教程3(第二版)Unit 8-Reading翻译激励优质员工一个组织鉴别、吸引和留住优质高绩效的能够开发制胜战略的员工的能力已经成为确保竞争优势的决定性因素。
”由于缺乏市场远见,以产品为中心的IBM 公司没有注重客户的需求。
职场综合英语教程第三册Unit 8 E-commerce
![职场综合英语教程第三册Unit 8 E-commerce](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/099be81a915f804d2b16c189.png)
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With 128 million active users globally, eBay is one of the world's largest online marketplaces, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything.
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"Double-11" Festival in China
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China's online retailers are gearing up for what has become the country’s annual online shopping festival on November 11th. November 11 is a date made up of four one's, and “double eleven” has always been considered a special day for single men and women in China. Five years ago the internet retailer Alibaba began promoting it as a shopping festival, and it has now turned to be the country's busiest day for online retailers, millions of shopping lovers and thousands of couriers.
综合商务英语教程第三册unit 8
![综合商务英语教程第三册unit 8](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/72c0ba5dcc22bcd126ff0cf9.png)
• A resolute core purpose and supporting values. • A central organizational principle. • A compelling idea.
• 2. brand awareness
by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public
• • 3. brand engagement
techniques from modeling. Data mining and game theory that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future events.
III. Reading
• Read the article about branding. Skim the
• IV. Language Focus • In this unit, we have met a number of appositive clauses. Appositive
clauses resemble relative clauses. However, they are different from each other. Study the following information and answer the following questions
全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3 Unit1—8课后翻译及答案
![全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3 Unit1—8课后翻译及答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3b5c6cf5482fb4daa58d4bd8.png)
Unit 11、我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。
We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2、父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。
My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3、这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。
The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4、作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。
Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5、至于这本杂志,他刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上的文章摘要。
When it comes to this magazine, it is/ carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.Unit 26、虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,克服危机。
Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.7、在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。
商务英语综合教程3答案【篇一:商务英语综合教程3】ss=txt>一、基本信息课程编号: 024222007课程名称:体验商务英语综合教程3英文名称:intermediate business english course book课程性质: 专业基础课总学时:72学时学分:4学分适用对象:商务英语专业本科3年级学生先修课程:综合英语二、编写说明(一)课程的性质《体验商务英语综合教程》是为商务英语专业学生开设的一门专业基础课。
商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富 Unit8 The decade of Steve 课后答案
![商务英语阅读(第二版) 王关富 Unit8 The decade of Steve 课后答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7972f33f87c24028915fc3f9.png)
Unit 8The decade of SteveExercises1.Answer the questions on the text.1)What makes the story of Steve Jobs so incredible and remarkable?So perseverant in his goals;Experiencing and overcoming so many difficulties and frustrations;Dominating in as many as four distinct industries;Running Apple so well------creatively, competitively, and profitably;Miraculously returning from his fatal diseases.2)What are the four markets that Steve Jobs reorganized and dominated?Music, movies, mobile telephones as well as computing.3)Why is he regarded as the rare businessman?Predilections unique to him.Distinctive design taste and elegant retail stores.Outside-the box approach to advertisingA showman, born salesman, and a magician.Legitimate worldwide celebrityAlways making products customers want to buy.Visionary but grounded in reality.Motivated not by money, but by a visceral ardor for Apple.4)What astounding achievements has Steve Jobs made up to date?Increasing corporate worth from $5 billion in 2000 to $170 billion now.Moving from cash drain and near bankruptcy to $34 billion in cash and market securities.275 retail stores in 9 countries with 73% share of US MP3 player market, and undisputed leadership in mobile phone innovation.His personal net worth about $5 billion.5)What was the first important success of Steve’s team?It created the first Macintosh (iMac), a breakthrough all-in-one computer and monitor. With drastic cost cutting and lucrative sales, it greatly improved the Apple’s balance sheet and financially got Apple well prepared for big investments and business leap.6)Why did Steve object to Ellison buy out Apple in 1997?Because he didn’t like people to second-guess the intention of his return (as making money) and wanted to take high moral ground so that he could easy and graceful decisions.7)Why did Steve build Apple-owned retail stores and some have doubts?Because through the building of retail stores, Steve could establish direct contact with customers, get to know what they really want, and fill the stores with allthose products.But some people at the time, even members of the board had great doubts about establishing retail stores. They are extremely nervous that the stores might become a risky cash drain.8)What are the outstanding qualities reflected from Jobs’integration ofmicromanagement with big-picture vision?# Micro-management:Consciousness/ dedication/ concentrationHe tries to know everything about Apple. He is involved in so many details that people can hardly believe. He is so detailed that he might tell an ad writer that the third word in the fourth paragraph wasn’t right.# Big-picture vision:Acumen for market changeHe recognized gorgeous design as differentiator for Apple.Creative, innovative and visionary in product developmentClients responded “Give me the next Steve Jobs”Knack for taking opportunities at the right momentHe made iTunes compatible with Windows and expanded Apple market to all PCs.He developed Apple’s own digital-music sales stores.9)How did Steve Jobs master the message?Carefully consider what he and Apple say and don’t say to the public.Rehearse time and again before speaking publicly.Authorize only a small number of executives to speak publicly.He is careful to avoid overexposure.Nobody is supposed to speak without the permission of Apple’s media relations team reporting directly Steve Jobs.10) How did Steve Jobs handle Apple’s stock options backdating scandal?He remained silent initially but later in the report to SEC he admitted and apologized for the change of option grant dates for employee benefits. He said it was totally inappropriate for Apple to do.11) Whom did Steve Jobs thank and why when he returned?He thanked Tim Cook (Apple’s chief operating officer) for excellent running of the company during his absence.He also thanked a twentysomething who died in a car crash for donating his liver.12) How do people feel about the future of Apple?Though some are worried about its future due to Steve’s health problem, most are confident about its future because:He is a fabulous brand and irreplaceable person.He has educated and influenced Apple employees well enough to think and behave like him.His influence has gone beyond Apple and become a hero for the IT industry.His pursuit for secrecy and surprise and proven brilliance will ensure greater successes for Apple in the future.2.Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1)When the starlet was asked about her new boyfriend, she couldn’t help but gushabout him and their intimate plans for Valentine’s Day.2)The leaking of as many as 251,000 State Department documents, including secretembassy reports from around the world, is nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy.3)With very critical views on the government economic policies, she often palsaround with those scholars who also take rather radical stance on economic issues.4)It is high time for everyone in the department to kick into full gear and fulfill oursales quota by the end of the year.5)The mother did whatever possible to prevent her son from hanging out with theguy who she thought was up to nothing good.6)Obama’s victory in the election was viewed by many as progress in the UnitedStates. But I think his ethnicity is beside the point.7)The neighbors said what happened was totally out of character for the womanthey knew as quiet and friendly.8)Unfortunately, the firm has not been able to pare) production cost to the level thatmatches its competitors in the market.9)On the back of strong corporate earnings reports from a number of firms last week,coupled with the improving unemployment rate, investor sentiment was bolstered on the first trading day of the week.10)The team is expected to take a vote tonight that could set in motion a new plan torevitalize the financial market.11)It was a long time before our business partners could catch on to what we reallyintended.12)As a shrewd man, he successfully pounced at the opportunity last year to becomethe marketing manager.3.Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A______________________ B________________________________________ 1)market share A) A group of advisors, originally to a political candidate,for their expertise in particular fields, but now to anydecision makers, whether or not in politics. 62)cash drain B) The rate of new product development, which isgetting faster with more severe competition andfaster technological advancement. 103)shareholder wealth C) Percentage or proportion of the total availablemarket or market segment that a product orcompany takes. 14)net worth D) A group of executives employed to manage aproject, department, or company with theirparticular expertise or skills. 55)management team E) A person, project, business or company thatcontinues to consume large amounts of cash withno end in sight. 26)brain trust F) A person or firm that invests in a businessventure, providing capital for start-up orexpansion, and expecting a higher rate of returnthan that for traditional investments. 97)balance sheet G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from theirownership of shares in a firm, which can beincreased by raising either share prices ordividend payments. 38)captains of industry H) A financial statement that summarizes acompany's assets, liabilities and shareholders'equity at a specific point in time. 79)Venture capitalist I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an importantdeterminant of the value of a company, primarilycomposed of all the money that has been investedand the retained earnings for the duration of itsoperation. 410)product cycle L) A business leader who is especially successfuland powerful and whose means of amassing apersonal fortune contributes substantially to thecountry in some way. 84.Translate the following passage into Chinese:头已秃顶,留着胡须的他坐在其超大的华盛顿办公室内谈论着经济话题,从眼神可看出显得疲劳。
商务英语阅读教程3 课后翻译
![商务英语阅读教程3 课后翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a1713517647d27284a73513c.png)
Unit 1Text A1. 经过数月在网上搜寻并研究西北大学和仔细询问到访过西北大学的朋友、老师和咨询顾问,玛克辛最终希望自己能被西北大学录取。
2. 对于像玛克辛一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。
3. 但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4 万美金费用的那部分申请者。
Text B1. 20 世纪80 年代和90 年代初期,私立中学的毕业生一生的预期收入比公立中学的普通毕业生多35%,研究人员发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所接受的教育,而非他们的背景。
2. 研究人员也尽量精确地描述私立中学施展魔力的办法:凭借更优秀的考试成绩,而不是凭借关系网带来的各种机会或者质量更高的诸如礼仪或领导方法等软技巧的教学。
3. 一位知情人士认为如下的操作不太可能:许多父母通过再抵押贷款来支付学费,但由于不稳定的房价和银行日益紧缩的信贷条件,这条路很快就走不通了。
Unit 2Text A1. 随着金砖四国(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)以及其他新兴市场的经济影响力和自信不断增强,发展重点方面的差异一定会变得越来越重要。
2. 非政府组织试图提高贫困人民的生活水平,公司则渴望赢得具有巨大增长潜力的市场中的消费者,非政府组织和公司之间存在着利益趋同现象。
3. 要签署加入《联合国全球契约》,公司只需承诺履行十大主要准则,例如提高环保的责任意识,反对腐败,并且每年汇报一次他们所取得的进展。
Text B1. 在为数不多的出类拔萃、堪称日本企业典范的跨国公司中,索尼一直居于领导者的地位,从特丽珑电视到索尼随身听,这些产品的成功代表了电子消费品的品质,但这个品牌正随着过去成功势头的消退而日渐衰落。
2. 出井伸之提前一年离职的决定表明公司可能比预想的还要糟糕,而他定下的 2007 年利润恢复至 10%的目标更是遥不可及。
3. 年复一年,扩张造成了行动缓慢的大型化趋向,并且索尼公司也成了日本企业界停滞不前的案例。
第一章:Vocabulary1.What is vocabulary? How can you improve your business vocabulary?Vocabulary refers to the words and phrases used to convey ideas and concepts. To improve your business vocabulary, you can read extensively,record new words, and review and practice them regularly.2.How can you learn new vocabulary words?You can learn new vocabulary words by reading, taking notes, and reviewing and practicing the new words.3.What kinds of strategies can you use to remember new vocabularywords?You can use various strategies such as association, grouping, visualization, and mnemonic devices to remember new vocabulary words.4.What are some common business idioms and expressions?Some common business idioms and expressions include。
《商务英语综合教程》 Unit (8)
![《商务英语综合教程》 Unit (8)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b1e1027a69eae009591bec2e.png)
• Always listen to the customer. They have complained for a reason and it is important to understand why they are complaining.
• 2.
• Don’t be afraid to apologize for the mistake. Many customers are simply looking for an apology and acknowledgement of their complaint, yet so many businesses are hesitant to admit when they have made a mistake.
Unit 8 Complaints
A. Brainstorming B. Business Knowledge
◆ Additional Reading C. Business Skills D. Business Actions
complaints; • 3. to learn the basics of serving customers; • 4. to learn how to respond to customer
complaints; • 5. to learn from a case of Amazon.
A. Brainstorming
sure they are satisfied with the solution.
• 5. • You have acknowledged the mistake, fixed the problem
Unit 1Trade off 权衡各方面的利益Pull off (成功或艰苦地)完成Intellectual property 知识产权Merchandise trade 商品贸易Strategic sector 战略部门Anti-dumping duties 反倾销税Export subsidies 出口补贴Bilateral relationship 双边关系Euro zone 欧元区Sovereign wealth fund 主权财富基金Exchange rate 汇率Monetary policy 货币政策国际收支经常项目顺差 current-account surpluses 知识产权 intellectual property外资收购 foreign takeoverUnit 2Discount retailers 折扣零售商Brand equity 品牌资产价值Profit margin 盈利溢价 price premiums基线销售 baseline sales营销组合 marketing mixUnit 3Mete out 予以严惩Persuasion Principle 劝说原则Familiarity Principle 熟悉原则A sales point (产品的)卖点Potential consumer 潜在顾客广告案例 advertising case以产品为中心的广告 product-orientated advertisingUnit 4Foreign direct investment(FDI)对外直接投资Cross-holdings 相互持股Market capitalization 公司市值Outsource 外包Core competency 核心竞争力Deregulation 放宽管制Complementary economies 经济互补体Go public 上市企业并购 mergers and acquisition 海外扩张 overseas expansion全球化战略 globalization strategy保护主义措施 protectionist measures市场准入 access to market知识产权 intellectual property right 贸易伙伴 trading partners资本投入 capital investmentUnit 6Tighten your belt 勒紧腰带,省吃俭用Translate into 转化为Volatile price 波动价格Rein in 严格控制Deflate a bubble 消除泡沫Collateral value 抵押(担保)价值Mortgage (住房)按揭贷款,抵押贷款External finance premium 外部融资溢价Subprime mortgage 次级按揭(抵押)贷款Monetary policy making 制定货币政策Credit crunch 信贷资金骤减Variable mortgage rates 浮动按揭/抵押贷款利率Surging and plunging asset prices 大起大落的资产价格楼市暴跌 housing crush/collapse维持价格稳定 maintain price stability核心通货膨胀(率) core inflation (rate )消费者物价指数 consumer price index (CPI)资产负债表 balance sheet市场预期 market expectationsUnit 7Niche bank 专注细分市场的银行Withholding taxes 代扣所得税,预扣税款Capital market 资本市场Portfolio investment 笼统有价证券投资Extended producer liability 生产者延伸责任Investment climate 投资环境Emerging markets 新兴市场Corporate taxes 公司税Customs clearance 清关,海关放行外国直接投资 foreign direct investment(FDI)经纪公司 brokerage firm边际税率 marginal tax rate保税仓库 bonded warehouse信贷机构 credit institution财产权 property rights名义工资 nominal wageUnit 8Divestiture 公司部门或子公司的出售,清算或资产分派Portfolio 一组投资Niche 产品或服务所需的特殊领域Acquisition 收购Liquidate 清算Untapped niches 尚未被竞争者发现的市场机会Convenience stores 便利店Market segments 市场细分Premium brand 高端品牌竞争优势 competitive advantage实证研究 empirical studies核心品牌 core brand控股公司 a holding companyUnit 9To drum up 竭力争取(支持),招揽(生意等)Glut 过多供应Exodus 大批的离去Turnover 员工流失International assignment 海外任务Global recruitment 全球招聘Reward scheme 奖励机制Talent management 英才管理涨薪 pay rises职业阶梯 career ladder董事会主席 board directorUnit 10Cost-effective 有成本效益的,划算的Differerntiation 差异化Loyalty marketing 忠诚营销Customerization 产品定制Non-stop flight 直飞航班Cost and revenue projections 成本和利润计算Customer feedback 客户反馈Substantial salary cuts 大幅度减薪/实质减薪Job rotation 岗位轮换行业危机 industry crises商务舱 business class产品开发 product development地勤部门 ground services departmentUnit 11Serve up 提供Infringe on 侵犯By all accounts 如大家所说Steal a march on 出其不意抢在别人之前Grease the palms of someone 向某人行贿Market cap 市值Dole out 少量的发放In the heyday 在鼎盛时期从无到有,白手起家 start from scratch利基市场,细分市场 niche market迫切需要 cry out for蓄意侵犯 willfully infringe on 严格控制 rein in最大的一份 lion's shareUnit 12Ahead of the curve 领衔一筹的Plow into 投入Churn out 粗制滥造Bottom line 净盈利Balance sheet 资产负债表Institutional investor 机构投资者Mutual funds 共同基金Pension fund 退休基金Intangible assets 无形资产Listed company 上市公司Case in point 例证Competitive edge 竞争优势Fuel economy 燃油经济性,节油Market capitalization 总市值Renewable resources 可再生资源Utility company 公共事业公司替代能源 alternative resources 新兴市场 emerging market。
商务英语阅读教程3unit8课后翻译答案第一篇:商务英语阅读教程3unit8课后翻译答案UNIT 8TEXT A当人们刚开始在美国定居的年代,全国的零售形式的小贩背着商品到处兜售,18世纪末和19世纪初,在一些城市和主要定居点出现了普遍商店,以满足众多顾客和他们的不同需求如果商品在传统商店出售,零售商必须保证商店位置合适,安全方便,配备停车场,如果可能的话,还要有便捷的公共交通3顾客光顾零售商店的原因有很多,大多为了满足某样需求,有些顾客光顾商店是因为他是商店的忠实顾客,或者是为了通过购物经历来找人派遣孤独第二篇:商务英语阅读教程3unit7课后翻译答案UNIT 7TEXT A资不抵债和不良信贷率已接近历史记录,全国范围约6%的人不能按时偿还月供,自从FRED搜集数据以来第一次出现私房屋主的债务超过房子价格的情况。
2最近一些年,逐渐扩大的贸易逆差拖累了美国输出的增长,现在贸易使美国经济逐渐走出了困境,在2007年的头几个月,出口增加和进口减少的结合使每年的GDP增长率增加了近1个百分点,但整体经济只增长了0.6个百分点3最关键的问题在于即使其他经济陷入衰退,是否出口仍能保持该水平,这取决于美国的低迷时期对削弱世界其他区域的增长有多大的影响,以及次贷危机对全球经济的影响有多深第三篇:商务英语写作课后翻译答案All staff and their family members are welcome.欢迎各位员工及家人参与。
The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3p.m.on Friday , August 4 in room 1131.董事会将于8月4日星期五下午3点在1131室召开会议。
There has been a change in our clinic service policy which we would like to bring to your attention.我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。
商务英语阅读unit 8
![商务英语阅读unit 8](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c042b132561252d381eb6e06.png)
In addition, three countries that are in the European Economic Area (EEA) but not the EU — Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein — also apply many EU regulations, however, having no vote in EU decision-making processes. Switzerland has agreements with the EU governing many aspects of product North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is one of the most powerful and wide-reaching treaties in the world. It governs the entire spectrum of North American trade and has hemispheric cooperation on a scale never before seen.
NAFTA is a treaty between Canada, Mexico, and the United States that was designed to foster greater trade between the three countries. NAFTA has been in effect since 1 January 1994. It has since been updated with two major additions, the North American Agreement for Economic Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Agreement for Labor Cooperation (NAALC). A very recent addition was the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, designed to foster cooperation on issues of national security.
Unit 8 International TradeI Note-taking, Retelling & Summarizing1. International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries or territories.2. In most countries, it represents a significant share of GDP.3. While international trade has been presented throughout much of history like the Silk Road and Amber Road, its economic, social, and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries.4. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact.5. Increasing international trade is the primary meaning of "globalization".6. International trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch of international economics.7. Traditionally trade was regulated through bilateral treaties between two nations.8. For centuries under the belief in Mercantilism most nations had high tariffs and many restrictions on international trade.9. In the 19th century, especially in Britain, a belief in free trade became paramount and this view has dominated thinking among western nations for most of the time since then.10. In the years since the Second World War, multilateral treaties like the GATT and World Trade Organization have attempted to create a globally regulated trade structure.II VocabularyA. Choose the best answer for each of the following.1. A2. C3. D4. B5. D6. B7. D8. C9. D10. B11. B12. B13. D14. A15. BB. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets.1.Abundance2.adjustparatively4.Consuming5.endowed6.externals7.logic8.induced9.invalidated10.lobbying11.multiplication12.objective13.remaining14.uneasy15.wreckedIII. Proofreading and Error Correction[1] for[2] also[3] cases[4]√[5] another[6] Surprising ly[7]would[8] coconuts[9] at[10] soIV. Sentence Transformation1.He convinced me of the necessity of making further enquiries before paying the money.2.We had a good time despite _the terrible whether____.3..His frequent depression is due to his inability to get about very much.4.There is no excuse _for being rude______.5.It is not worth waiting since we missed the last bus.V. TranslationA.1.It is likely that the court case in the future will be even messier than what she predicts now.2.In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.3.It's worth reflecting how events of the past would have looked had tomorrow's technology been available at the time.4.The most exciting moment of the trip is when I climbed the Great Wall5.It still remains a mystery where and why he killed her.B.1.世界贸易组织,通过制定国际贸易的准则成为促进国际贸易的主要国际机构。
商务英语综合教程第三册Unit 8 International Business_OK
![商务英语综合教程第三册Unit 8 International Business_OK](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6ffd2966d4d8d15abf234ee3.png)
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Unit 8 International Business (7)
2.Ghosh says boards of successful companies often seek out the founders and CEOs of failed compa nies because they value experience over a clean slate. After all, Henry Ford and Steve Jobs experie nced multiple failures before achieving success.
(3) Your love will not be willing to listen to your criticism.
• 爱情方面,你的伴侣不会乐意听你的批评。
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Unit 8 International Business (6)
• 我们所有人都知道工作的重要性,不仅仅是为了一份薪水, 也为了心灵的平静,这份平静是随着你能供养自己的家庭 而来。
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Unit 8 International Business (11)
the more... the more 越……更 (1)The more you learn, the more you know, The more you know, th
Unit 8 International Business (2)
Warm-up Activities
I. Pair work Do you want to start your own business?
新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 unit 8 PPT课件
![新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 unit 8 PPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5f81cdad33d4b14e8524688d.png)
5 不管是好是坏,世界在过去二十多年间所经历的变化可 能比过去两百年间所经历的还要多。为了让彼此间联系得更 紧密,营造出一个真正的地球村,我们消耗了更多的资源, 烧掉了更多的能源,造成了更多的污染,灭杀了更多的动植 物。过去,我们一直把电视看作是连接全世界的终极手段, 直到我们了解了互联网,才发现事实并非如此。
Real Communication An Integrated Course
外语教学与研究出版社 版权所有
不管是中国的节日还是西方的节日, 节日是我们放松的时候
1 每年的这个时候,整个世界仿佛都陷入了一种迷狂—— 人们狂热地进行着岁末的庆祝活动。我说的是岁末。
2 问题就出在这儿。为什么我们中国人要把12月24日到31 日这一周作为岁末来庆祝,而我们自己的岁末(按照阴历) 至少还有一个月才到呢?
5 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone more changes in the past two decades than it did in the past two centuries. We have used more resources, burnt more fuel, caused more pollution and killed off more animals and plants as we have come closer to each other to form a truly global village. Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet.
《《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案》来自南京廖华在线阅读本文:《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。
新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 unit 8
![新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 unit 8](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/719d23c233d4b14e85246823.png)
所有这些变化都让我们用另外一种眼光来看待外面的世 界以及我们自己的家园。在这个全球市场中,得到任何东西 都是要付出代价的。如果我们想拥有西方世界那著名的眩目 而舒适的生活,我们也必须接受西方文化中的一些异常事 物。当然,这并不是说节日对于西方人来说有着不同在中国大陆,还是在高度发达的西方国家,抑或 是世界上最贫穷的社会,节日承载着相同的意义。世界各地 的人们和家人、朋友一起庆祝节日。节日的基本概念是一样 的,就是大家分享一顿盛宴或是一餐便饭(在西方或是我们 的国家里,人们会小酌几杯)。
Be it on the mainland or in the highly developed West or in the poorest of societies, a festival carries the same meaning. People across the world celebrate them with their family and friends. The basic concept is the same too, sharing a feast or a humble meal (with a few drinks in some societies like ours and the West).
So the problem is not Western culture, or what we generally associate with it. The problem is those who are blinded by everything Western. We h a v e t o f i n d o u t w h y m o r e a n d m o r e Chinese, especially the youngsters, feel at one with Western festivals as much as they do with the Chinese ones. But thankfully our festivals h ave lo st n o n e o f t h e ir c h a r m . A n d h e re i s where the alarm bells sounded by scholars and students come in.
Unit11. After months of researching Northwestern on the Web and grilling friends, teachers and advisers who had gone there, Maxine pinned her hopes on getting accepted.经过数月在网上搜索并研究NW大学和仔细询问到访过NW大学的朋友、老师和顾问,Maxine 最终希望自己能被NW大学录取。
2. For students like Maxine who are applying to college for next fall, that dream is turning out to be frustratingly unobtainable. It turns out the odds of getting into a selective college have never been worse.对于像Maxine一样正在申请秋季入学的学生来说,他们会沮丧地发现这一梦想难以实现。
3. But admissions directors are already worrying about the shrinking pool of future applicants, especially the sliver of those who can afford to foot the $40,000 annual tab.---但是招生主管们已经开始担忧申请者数量缩减的问题,尤其是为数不多的每年有能力支付4万美元的那部分申请者。
4. Those who left private schools in the 1980s and 1990s can expect to earn 35% more in life than the average product of a state school, they found, around half of which can be attributed to education, not background.20世纪80年代和90年代中期的私立学校毕业生能够期望一生的收入比国立中学的普通毕业生多35%,他们发现这其中大约一半可以归因于他们所受的教育,而非背景。
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1 当人们刚开始在美国定居的年代,全国的零售形式的小贩背着商品到处兜售,18世纪末和19世纪初,在一些城市和主要定居点出现了普遍商店,以满足众多顾客和他们的不同需求
2 如果商品在传统商店出售,零售商必须保证商店位置合适,安全方便,配备停车场,如果可能的话,还要有便捷的公共交通