Racial_Problem_in_America 美国种族问题
2004年第3期东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)N o 3 2004总第209期Journal o f N ortheast Normal U niversity (Philosophy and Social Sciences)Sum N o 209[收稿日期]2004-03-21 [基金项目]教育部重点研究基地重大项目(02JAZJD770008) [作者简介]董小川(1951-)男,吉林长春人,东北师范大学历史文化学院教授,博士生导师,历史学硕士。
美国人的人种和种族概念与观念董小川(东北师范大学历史文化学院,吉林长春130024)[摘 要]在美国人看来,人种(race)是一个确定的社会范畴,通常是指拥有某种特定的生理、文化等特征的群体。
[关键词]人种;种族;美国[中图分类号]K 712 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001-6201(2004)03-0047-08 美国哲学家哈里斯 M 卡伦认为,美国独立时期所要解决的是 上等人(superior ) 问题,而独立后的美国所要解决的是 下等人(inferior) 问题;美国独立前所要解决的是 自由与平等(free and equal) 问题,而独立后所要解决的是 志同道合与自觉意识(like-mindedness and self-consciousness) 问题[1](P68-69)。
卡伦所讨论的是社会学研究中一个重要的问题,同时也是美国社会所面临的最棘手的问题:人种(Race)与种族(Ethnicity )问题。
2.群体代表美国很多地方出现了代表性的群体,如“Black Lives Matter”,这是一种抗议行动,旨在侧重于稳定关注与黑人有关的问题。
some as refugees some as adventures
some fleeing some as captives
The United states was founded on the principle of human equality ,but in the fact the nation has fallen far short of that ideal. American society is a stratified one, in which power,wealth,and prestige are unequally distributed among the population.This equality is not simply a matter of distinctions between gender and social classes,it tends to follow racial and ethnic lines as well,with the result that class divisions often parallel racial divisions.
In the United S tates , except the dominant white Anglo-Saxon Potestant other groups are minority group in American society. Thhese racial and ethnic minorities mainly refers to : Blacks Native Americans Ameican Indians Hispanics Asian Americans And all these racial groups suffer from discrimination and injustice.And the problems have attracted the most public attention : the blacks (Afro-Americans)
Angel and Devil?
• In spite of the gains of the Civil Rights Movement, racial problems still exist. Tensions sometimes erupt in violence. Moreover, blacks and whites are not the only racial groups struggling to get along. Multicultural America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment. Some contend that current immigration laws unfairly discriminate against certain racial groups. • Even so, in the past 40 years, race relations in America have greatly improved. Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of education, employment and housing. Interracial marriages are becoming more accepted. Children of different races-and their parents-are learning to play together and work together. Maybe Dr. King's dream will come true after all.
美国种族 英文作文
![美国种族 英文作文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98b859886e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374cac.png)
美国种族英文作文The United States is a melting pot of different races and ethnicities. From African Americans to Asian Americans, from Native Americans to Hispanic Americans, the country is home to a diverse range of people.Racial discrimination has been a long-standing issue in the United States. People of color have faced systemic racism and prejudice, leading to disparities in areas such as education, employment, and criminal justice.Despite the challenges, there have been significant strides towards racial equality in the United States. Civil rights movements and the election of the first African American president have been important milestones in the fight against racial injustice.The media plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions of race in the United States. Positive representation of diverse racial and ethnic groups can help challengestereotypes and promote understanding and acceptance.Interracial relationships and marriages have become increasingly common in the United States, contributing to the blurring of racial boundaries and the creation of a more inclusive society.The concept of "model minorities" has also been used to describe certain racial and ethnic groups who are perceived as achieving a higher level of success and assimilationinto American society. However, this label can be problematic as it overlooks the diversity and unique experiences within each racial group.The United States still has a long way to go in addressing racial inequality and fostering genuine inclusivity. It requires ongoing efforts from individuals, communities, and institutions to dismantle systemic racism and create a more equitable society for all.。
American racial problem 美国种族问题
![American racial problem 美国种族问题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/54eef6c28bd63186bcebbc36.png)
• In America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves by white people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment. • Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn’t just between the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don’t have right to protect themselves
• Black people were the only "immigrants" who didn't choose to come to America. For hundreds of years, Africans were taken from their homes to be slaves in the New World. Even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves. The phrase "all men are created equal" didn't apply to blacks in their day. The end of the Civil War finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Many Southern states practiced segregation to "keep blacks in their place." Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, even drank from different water fountains
学院本科生毕业论文题目Analysis of the American RacialDiscrimination againstBlacks on Contemporary分析二十一世纪美国对黑人的种族歧视系别外国语言文学系专业英语姓名指导教师截稿日期2012 年 5 月ContentsAcknowledgements (ⅰ)Abstract (ⅱ)I. Introduction ...... . (1)II.The Forms and Reasons of Racial Discrimination against Black People (2)2.1The Forms of Racial Discrimination against Black People ...................... (2)2.1.1 The Field of Education (2)2.1.2 Labor Market...................................................................... (3)2.1.3 Criminal Justice System (4)2.2The Reasons of Racial Discrimination against Black People (4)2.2.1 Political Reason (4)2.2.2 Cultural Reason (5)2.2.3 Economical Reason (5)2.2.4 Reasons on Black People Themselves (6)III.The Way of Blacks and G overnment’s Fight against Racial Discrimination (6)3.1 Famous Black Leaders against Racial Discrimination (6)3.2 The Way of Blacks and G overnment’s Fight against Racial Discrimination (7)3.3 International Organizations Fight against Racial Discrimination (9)IV. Conclusion (10)References ................................................................... ............. (11)AcknowledgementsI must show my sincere thanks to those who offered me a large number of help during the course of my research.First, I must show my thanks to my supervisor Mr. Tang whose encouragement, enthusiastic instruction, valuable advice have a huge influence on my research, which have greatly contributed to the completion of my thesis.Second, I am also grateful to those Chinese and foreign translators. With the help of them, I got plenty of abundant and useful referential materials, without them I couldn’t complete my research smoothly.Finally, I also give my thanks to my dear teachers and classmates whose encouragements greatly support me lead to success. Thanks a lot again.Analysis of the American Racial Discriminationagainst Blacks on ContemporaryAbstract: Racial discrimination in America can date back to European slave trade period. It is a deep social problem in the United States because blacks and other minor ethnic groups are living in the bottom of the American society.Racial discrimination is a very serious social problem in American and still exists nowadays. There are many reasons cause human historical racial discrimination. Cultural、historical and political factors are the sources of American black racial discrimination. However, blacks to have the rights with whites there are many people in America always are busy with fighting against racial discrimination.Key words:American racial discrimination against摘要:美国种族歧视可以追溯到欧洲奴隶贸易时期。
英语动词有主动语态(activevoice)和被动语态(passive voice)之分,主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。
在俄汉被动句的语义分析中,顺序、包容、邻近、数量4 条认知原则在意义(概念)领域和句式结构的形式领域同时起作用,或者说在意义域起作用的原则也‘投射’到形式域,这就是所谓的语法认知‘象似性’或语法隐喻,从意义认知域向形式认知域的投射。
新视野大学英语第二册第三课Section A
![新视野大学英语第二册第三课Section A](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b7c41418a8114431b90dd8ce.png)
她无法想象竟会住在这么一个小 城镇里。
She couldn’t imagine living in a small town like this.
v. 想象
Imagine a few people sitting in a waiting room. (Unit 4-B, Book I)
Background information
种族主义在美国 在美国,种族主义是一个众所周知的问 题。从种族定性到其他诸如平权措施、警察 残酷对待少数族裔以及奴隶制历史和不断升 级的反移民怨恨等问题。
Topic-related video
Warm-up Questions
Key to the Questions
1. The strong-willed daughter thought doubt meant no action; she would rather act now and worry later while her father reminded her it was never too late to change her mind.
Words and Phrases
1. imagine (L.1)
vt. plan
We imagine a quiet holiday at home for this summer after a busy year. 忙碌了一年,我们打算今年夏天在家过个安静 的假期。 imagine doing sth
我将约会南茜去跳舞。 Practice I'll date Nancy for the dance.
Descriptive Chinese Abstract摘要詹姆斯·鲍德温是二十世纪美国著名的黑人作家。
本文通过对《另一个国家》的仔细研读并结合对相关历史和文化背景以及鲍德温其他文本的分析,得出了如下结论: 鲍德温在研究性关系的同时兼顾了紧张的黑白种族矛盾,并力图将种族关系与性关系结合起来以探求普遍的人性,希望籍此帮助黑人和白人走出精神困境,从而促进种族融合。
关键词:詹姆斯·鲍德温;《另一个国家》;跨种族性关系;困惑;爱English AbstractAbstractJames Baldwin has been considered one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. Among all the subjects he concerns, his racial and sexual politics are most striking.In his third novel, Another Country, Baldwin makes an intensive study of interracial sexuality by elaborately characterizing two interracial couples. Confined by racism, the two couples keep in a state of agony and confusion during their sexual love. As a result, one couple ends up with the white woman’s insanity and the black man’s suicide, and as for the other, though their love gets developed to some extent, their future remains uncertain. The uncertainty in the interracial sexuality and in some other minor sexuality brings people to a better understanding of how the very existence of rigid categories of race and sex in American cultures has ruined the prospect of a harmonious society. However, on the whole, in spite of their confusion, the interracial couples as well as other characters do not go to extremes as characters in black protest novels usually do. Instead, with the hope for racial reconciliation, they struggle to find better solutions to the social problems.After a careful study of Another Country, with the related historical and cultural background as well as Baldwin’s other works, this thesis draws a conclusion as follows: Baldwin gives equal consideration to the tense racial contradiction while dealing with the sexual prejudices. And he tries to link them to probe into the universal humanity. While doing so, Baldwin aims at extricating both the black and the white from their confusion, and promoting the racial reconciliation. While dealing with the interracial sexuality, though he gets confused most of the time, Baldwin does not give up his attempt on racial reconciliation. The black writer Baldwin, full of love and social responsibility, has a strong humanist solicitude for his fellow men in the novel.In Another Country, Baldwin interweaves his personal experiences of different periods of his time with those of his characters. Therefore, by means of the study of the interracial sexuality, Baldwin’s own confusion on the racial problem and his love for his people can be collected, which will contribute to the comprehensive understanding of Baldwin.Key Words: James Baldwin; Another Country; interracial sexuality; confusion; love湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。
Housing inequality
Housing inequality is another manifestation of racial discrimination.
In the United States, residents of different races have significant differences in housing choices, rent, and housing prices. Black and Latinx Americans often live in less ideal communities, facing higher housing costs and fewer opportunities.
• The impact and sequences of racial discrimination
• Strategies and actions to address racial discrimination
• Conclusion
01 Introduction
Theme Introduction
The movement received significant successes, including the passing of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, which outlines racial discrimination and provided access to voting rights for all citizens
English courseware on racial discrimination in the
英文,Reading extracurricular books is a great way for me to relax and learn. I enjoy reading a variety of genres, from novels to history, from science fiction to biographies. English books are an essential part of my reading list because they not only help me improve my English skills,but also expose me to stories and perspectives fromdifferent cultural backgrounds.中文,阅读课外书对我来说是一种放松和学习的方式。
Reading books in English has not only improved my language skills, but has also given me a deeper understanding of different cultures. For example, when I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, I was able to gain insight into the racial issues in America during the 1930s. The book not only entertained me, but also educated me about the history and social issues of that time period.英文,Reading books in English has not only improved my language skills, but has also given me a deeper understanding of different cultures. For example, when I read "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, I was able to gain insight into the racial issues in America during the 1930s. The book not only entertained me, but also educated me about the history and social issues of that time period.中文,阅读英文书籍不仅提高了我的语言能力,还让我更深入地了解了不同的文化。
种族歧视racial discrimination美国是一个移民国家。
The United States is a country of immigrants. To the united nation's formation and development, the birth of the United States of America and prosperity, Immigration has made a profound impact. In its development process, it also has been accompanied with not harmonious musical notes, which is the racial discrimination.美国的种族歧视有着深远的历史渊源,尤其是对黑人的歧视。
随着黑人法典和奴隶法的废除,以及一系列黑人公民权利法的制定,美国黑人的政治和社会地位一度有所改善;然而,1877年,南方重建时期结束,种族主义者大肆反击,人权再度恶化;直到1909年,人权运动开始有组织的进行,例如Martin Luther King发表《我有一个梦想》的演讲,黑人的处境才真正意义上有所改善。
America's racial discrimination has a profound historical origin, especially to the discrimination of blacks. With the black code and the slave law abolished, and a series of black civil rights law drafted, the American black political and social statuswas improved; However, in 1877, the period of the reconstruction was end, racist counterattacked the society that made the situation of the human rights turn bad again; Until 1909, the human rights movement was organized, such as Martin Luther King had published a speech called《I have a dream》,which made black’s situation improved. Analysis the current situation of the race in America, there are still many problems. It seems that it's a long way.隐形的种族歧视现象大量存在。
A review of racial issues in the United States16B3132116F 邱一哲Despite the fact that the term "race" has no scientific meaning, it is an indisputable fact that there is a racial issue in American society. Race only refers to the color of people, but it is the life of people in the United States (in other places is also the way) to distinguish from each other. The race itself is not a social issue, but racism is a social problem, because it is only by skin color and the difference between the different groups of people.Chinese readers are right to be critical of the American race, but just as denying that racism does not solve racial problems, it is equally useless to criticize the United States government or the American society. All Americans are victims of racial inequality, regardless of their race in the upper or lower levels.There is a hierarchy of racial divisions in the racist society. In the United States, the white people in the upper, black (and other people of color) in a low level, so the white children will believe that they are better than the color of the people, to enjoy the privilege of. This attitude makes it difficult to maintain the equality between the white and the black. It is even worse, the potential for racism to harm people's self-esteem, limiting their chances of receiving education and career opportunities.This paper first reviews the history of race relations in the United States, then talk about the white children to be racist education and develop their own state of racism, finally settling on Americans should do. Ask several suggestions in order to change this situation.At the beginning of the 17th century, in the United States, with the white colonialists to seize land and kill the native Indians and African Americans as slaves, forcing their work on the land, racism began. At that time, the majority of white people (mostly European immigrants), they have the right to the sale of slaves in the United States in 1787, the United States Constitution of this set of rights as legal. White people have the right to live, work, and school with the black people, that is, segregation. The civil war in the United States abolished slavery, but segregation has always been a part of American life, and it has been a long time since the civil war. Until 1964, the United States Supreme Court announced that the white children and black children can not be separated from school to provide them with equal educational opportunities. (segregation is not equal), andordered the government to let the white children and black children go to school together, and not to separate them.Racial discrimination is a common thing in the United States. The white American, especially the man of European descent, is still in the most economic, political and educational organization in the United States to control the high income, the power of the work and position. The prejudice against blacks and other people of color in the United States is also common, most of the white people in the United States publicly expressed their opposition to blacks, against the Asian people, against the Latin American attitude. The actual situation may be even worse, because we have reason to believe that many of the American white people put their feelings of racial issues in the bottom of my heart.Although African Americans are usually the target of racial prejudice, but Chinese Americans and other Asian Americans suffer from racial discrimination case also can be found everywhere. Statue of liberty in the United States like perhaps confers a symbol of any freedom of people, but in fact, decades to the Congress of the United States has been the number of Chinese immigrants under strict control, the law also stop the immigrant Chinese became a citizen of the United States. In recent years, Chinese Americans have become the "model minority", accounts for the population of the United States most white praised the quality of their diligence and law-abiding, but Chinese American is still target of racism and behavior.Many social science research shows that even well-educated Chinese Americans are not as good as white people to enter the senior management positions and engage in political work. Even the "model minority", in their career and income, there are all kinds of invisible restrictions. Why does racial inequality continue to exist in the United States in the presence? Why can't white Americans abandon the past and treat people equally? To answer this question, we must understand how American children are educated by race and racism.Power guardian from Japan. In Japan, there is no guardian of the white man, the toy manufacturers to open up the western market, creating a white power guardian. I was surprised to see the white power guardian in Hefei. I don't know how Chinese children look at the color of skin, but I know that in the United States, the guardian of the white power is superior to other members of the American children's preference for him. In the United States, there is a black man in this group of toys, and there is no green man. Because I know people in the United States on theattitude of blacks, American children do not like the black man, I do not feel strange. The pink woman's value is often lower, not because she is inferior, but because she is a woman. Pink on behalf of women, so most American children believe that her strength is not. However, the pink woman as a white man of the romantic couple, but also by the preference of the. Therefore, people can not only interpret racism from this group of toys, but also interpret the gender discrimination. Children in the United States do not develop racial and sexual discrimination by playing with the power of the guardian. Instead, they have developed the idea of race and gender differences, so when they play this group of toys, they give the different members of the different roles. Even if they didn't start playing with the power guardians, they didn't look on people as equals.At the end of this article, the author of the United States to those who want to correct the "black poor, white," the concept of the United States to make two recommendations. One is more openly talking about racial differences, and talking about race can promote people's understanding and understanding of racial differences. It is better to have a skin color than to pretend not to look at the color of the skin. Such a discussion is not only necessary to advocate in adults, but also the need to promote in children.Is that of whites and blacks in the United States and other people of color to establish a real friendship, true friendship is mutual respect, mutual maintenance for the dignity of the person, let a person all the personality characteristics, including ethnic differences and get attention. In the United States, the friendship between different ethnic groups is too low. Children to the middle school age, the friendship between the different races on the obvious barriers. In the middle of the adult, marriage between different races are very rare, even married, their marriage nor the same race between a solid relationship.An interview with the Chinese people in the United States can also be given to help. They can help Americans understand how Chinese people look at American people from another culture, so they understand that there is no significant racial difference in the same culture. The Chinese people in the United States can also try their best to contact with the white, but also with the black exchanges, with the same attitude of respect, with different groups of people.I want to end this article by looking back to history. In the middle of thirty-fourth Century, about 5 "million Americans died in the civil war, many of them white, and they were farmers and lived a normal life. Whether they are fighting for the north or fighting for the south, they are the victims of a society that is highly regarded as a slave.As in the civil war, Americans have to remember that life is always the core of the American values, and that the race is still a worthy cause. Fighting for racial equality is not on the battlefield, but in the neighborhood, in school and in the workplace. More and more serious ethnic groups in the United States, the concept of inequality between the eradication of color will be a major challenge for the United States in the new millennium. Only time will tell whether Americans will shape their own in this way again, the honest and understanding is good.。
The silence before the eruption在美国,黑人等少数民族始终是二等公民,在政治、经济、教育等问题上受到不同程度的歧视。
据联合国发表的一份调查报告,在美国,犯有同样的罪,黑人及有色人种往往受到比白人重2至3倍的惩罚,杀害白人被判死刑的黑人是杀害黑人被判死刑的白人的4倍In the United States, blacks and other minorities are second-class citizens in the political, economic, educational, and other matters are subject to different levels of discrimination. Blacks accounted for 13% of the total population of the United States, but at all levels of elected Office in black only accounts for 5%. The State police in color must be a substantial proportion, but actually in black around the police rarely, and senior police officers in black people less. United States of the 500 largest enterprises in black when the CEO and President, the Wall Street investment company on the big black officers also in rarity. Between blacks and whites, educational level, employment rates, average wages, etc. all have significant differences, thus forming a racial differences between rich and poor and the black people of poverty is known. Justice of racial discrimination also extremely serious. In the United States, was imprisoned in the prison of blacks and sentenced to death by black proportion is significantly higher than whites. In State prison, about 47% of the prisoners for black, 16% of the prisoners is Hispanic. 1977 to 1998, blacks accounted for United States national population of 10% to 12%, but in 5709 name penalty people, 41% were black. According to the United Nations published a report, in the United States, committing the same offence, black and coloured people tend to be heavier than whites in 2 to 3 times the punishment, killing the white man was sentenced to death for killing black blacks was sentenced to death by 4 times that of whitesIn the past it was widely believed that the low level of Negro education, crime rates are high, long as social unrest molecular identity against anti-union discrimination. Therefore affect black employment and competitiveness, which in turn caused the black people living in poverty and a series of disaster. Due to the prolonged absence of job opportunities, get social assistance, many blacks driven, forced to take the "desperation", theft, robbery, drug trafficking, prostitution, crime means to support themselves. Causing people to Blacks more exacerbated the negative impact of racial discrimination. Why form a vicious circle ...由于种种原因黑人给社会秩序带来一定影响,人们却无法无法否定黑人创造的无与伦比的艺术。
读书应该脚踏实地英文作文英文,Reading is an essential part of my life. It not only broadens my knowledge, but also enriches my inner world. Reading helps me to see the world from different perspectives and gain valuable insights into various aspects of life. 。
I remember when I was in high school, I read a book called "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This book not only taught me about the racial issues in America during the 1930s, but also showed me the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. The characters in the book inspired me to be a better person and to always strive for justice and equality.Another example is when I read "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. This book opened my eyes to the idea of following my dreams and listening to my heart. It taught me that the journey is just as important as the destination, and that I should always stay true to myself no matter what challengesI may face.Reading has also helped me to improve my languageskills. By reading a wide variety of books, I have beenable to expand my vocabulary and improve my writing abilities. It has also helped me to become more articulatein expressing my thoughts and ideas.中文,读书对我来说是生活中不可或缺的一部分。
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Racial Problem in AmericaAmericans assert that everybody was equal, and freedom and democracy are boasted from time to time. Now many Americans think that the racial discrimination is disappeared. However, it is not true. "All man are equal" is still did not give to some color people in America today. From the past to now, Racial issues always exists.As America is a country of multi-nationality, the racial discrimination has existed since the nation begins, even before its beginning. When Dutch and English encroach on the American continent, the White’s policy never presses religious restrictions on them as they did on the others. In the White’s encroachment, the White settlers kept themselves aloof from the other color people-blacks. And they thought that the White is superior to the Black. Their policy was one of extermination, not absorption. Then it moves to the slavery. At the time of slavery, Blacks were suppressed by the White people. The Black was forced to do lower jobs and be servant or slavery of the White. They had experienced that they are treated to be lower humans.By the time of American Civil War, when all the southern economic system was founded on Negro slave labor, the plantation owners had worked out all the necessary justification for it. Some of them even attempted to prove, with a wealth of biblical that Negroes were sub-human and were suited for nothing other than slavery. Then at the end of the war finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Many Southern states practiced segregation to "keep blacks in their place." Separated schools, separated restaurants and even separated entrance for Whites and Blacks showed clearly that there was a strong racial discrimination in the society. It is obvious that the racial discrimination existed from its history.As we all know that Martin Luther King had a famous speech, "I Have a Dream" in 1963. And he dreamed of a nation in which people were not judged by the color of skin, but by the content of their character. He also dreamed of a nation where all people were equal and harmony. This dream has come true for some, but for some, it’s still a fantasy. Luckily, the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s helped black people get many of the rights which are promised in the Constitution. But in spite of the achievement of it, racial problems still exist. The laws have changed, but some white people remain prejudiced. And the 1992 Los Angeles riots is a good example to show that.It’s no doubt that the racial tension has defused by people’s labor and activities. But we also can see that racial discrimination does exist in America nowadays. We can know it from today’s black unemployment rate and rate of survival black patients. According to unemployment and job loss figures released for August 2009 by the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the national unemploymentrate jumped from 8.9% in April to 9.4% in May. For African-Americans is a 14.9% jobless rate for Black Americans.It nearly twice the white unemployment rate of 7.3 percent. Then according to a study in the September 16 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association, “the su rvival rates for blacks were significantly lower, 25 percent vs. 37 percent for whites”. It is clearly know that there is racial discrimination in many fields of the American society.Maybe someone think that as now the American president, Mr. Obamas, is not a white, there will be no racial problems any more. It’s deadly wrong. We can see from Mr. Obamas’s attitude on the thing of asking to comment on the July 16 arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., who is black, by a white sergeant in the Cambridge Police Department. The president just confidently stated on live television that the Cambridge Police Department had “acted stupidly” in arresting Professor Gates instead of condemning it. And then he had a shot sermon on the problem of racial issue that still exists in America: "What I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there is a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. And that’s just a fact". The racial problem still exists and the president also has no way to solve the enduring problem of racial tension.In essence, the racial discrimination is produced by two or more different culture’s confrontation. When two different cultures confront with each other, the dominating culture necessarily judge the weaker culture according to its own measure. As the W hite community’s civilization has a long history and high productivity, it’s sure that the white thinks they are superior to the B lack. It’s defin ite that there is racial discrimination in America between the white and other colors. It can be changed only by practicing the research or slogan into fact, and have strike means or effective measures to guarantee the equal and human right. Maybe in the future, Martin Luther King’s dream can really come true.All in all, racial problem always exists in America, not only the past, but also now.。