因此本文的目的要表明,Stewart–Gough 并行平台能够作为攀爬机器人,与其他机器人相反,并行攀爬机器人能后轻易而优雅地避免结构节点。
并联机器人综述(英文经典),Parallel kinematics
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 12P a r a l l e l K i n e m a t i c shis document surveys parallel-kinematics literature and identifies its usefulness. Thedocument has been developed while we were developing our SimParallel machine.On of the aims of this document is to propose an effective solution to the limitations of thetwo rotary axes of five-axis machines that are currently used in industry. However, thesurvey of the parallel-kinematics literature will not be limited to this (two DOFs) family ofparallel kinematics mechanisms lest a seed for an idea for our sought mechanism does existin parallel-kinematics mechanisms with other DOFs. The available parallel mechanismsconcepts will be mentioned and then their kinematics usefulness to our purpose will be morecritically stated in the conclusion section.The document consists of the following 11 sub-sections;•Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Six DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Spatial Translational Three-DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Spatial Rotational Three-DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. • Other Three-DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms.•Asymmetric Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Two DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Four and Five-DOFs Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms. •Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms Redundancy. •Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms in Industrial Machine-Tools. •Summary and Conclusions1. Parallel-Kinematics MechanismsThe conceptual design of PKMs can be dated back to the middle of the last century whenGough established the basic principles of a mechanism with a closed-loop kinematicsstructure and then built a platform for testing tyre wear and tear [Gough, 1956]. A sketch ofthe mechanism is shown in Figure 1. As shown in the figure, that mechanism allowschanging the position and the orientation of a moving platform with respect to the fixedplatform.T______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 13Later in 1965 Stewart designed another parallel-kinematics platform for use as an aircraftsimulator [Stewart, 1965]. A sketch of that Stewart mechanism is shown in Figure 2. Forsome reason the mechanisms of Figure 1 and that of Figure 2 as well as many variations (e.g.the one shown in Figure 3 ) are frequently called in the literature Stewart platform. They arealso called Hexapod mechanisms.Figure 2 Stewart Platform Figure 1Gough Platform______________________________________________________________________________________Parallel Kinematics 14Of course other mechanisms related, may be less formally, to PKM existed well before andsoon before Gough’s platform. Bonev [2003] surveyed many of these earlier mechanisms.Gough though is the one who gave some formalization to the concept. It might beinteresting to know that Gough’s platform remained operational till year 1998 and it is nowkept at the British National Museum of Science and Industry. See Figure 4 for photos of theoriginal and current shapes of Gough platform.Many have extensively analyzed Gough/Hexapod platform [Hunt, 1983, Fichter 1986,Griffis and Duffy, 1989; Wohlhart, 1994]. One problem with these six-DOFs platforms isthe difficulty of their forward-kinematics solution, because of the nonlinearity and the highlycoupled nature of their governing equations. This difficulty has been overcome byintroducing some assumptions [Zhang and Song, 1994] and a closed-form solutiuon can befound in [Wen and Liang, 1994]. Others introduced some sensors to measure at least one ofFigure 4Old and Revived Gough Platform Figure 3 Gough-Stewart-Hexapod Platformthe variables of the platform and hence reduce the unknowns of the governing equations[Merlet, 1993; Bonev et al, 1999]. The above mechanisms are six DOFs mechanisms becauseeach of them allows the moving platform to move arbitrarily (within the limit of the work-space) in the six DOF space.Having had a look on the mechanisms above one can now introduce a formal definition ofparallel-kinematics mechanisms; A parallel-kinematics mechanism (or parallel manipulator) isa closed-loop mechanism. That is, a moving plate (ie end-effector) is connected to thestationary base by at least two independent kinematic chains, each of which is actuated. Onthe other hand, A serial-kinematics mechanism (or serial manipulator) is an open-loopmechanism in which each link is connected to ONLY two neighbouring links. All themechanisms discussed in the introduction of Chapter 1 are serial-kinematics mechanisms.The advantages of parallel-kinematics mechanisms in general are;•Excellent load/weight ratios, as a number of kinematic chains are sharing the load.•High stiffness, as the kinematics chains (limbs) are sharing loads and in many cases the links can be designed such that they are exposed to tensile and compressive loadsonly [Hunt, 1978]. This high stiffness insures that the deformations of the links willbe minimal and this feature greatly contributes to the high positioning accuracy ofthe manipulator.•Low inertia, because most of the actuators are attached to the base, and thus no heavy mass need to be moved.•The position of the end-effector is not sensitive to the error on the articular sensors.Higher accuracy due to non-cumulative joint error.•Many different designs of parallel manipulators are possible and the scientific literature on this topic is very rich, as will be shown later in this chapter.•The mechanisms are of low cost since most of the components are standard.•Usually, all actuators can be located on the fixed platform.•Work-space is easily accessible.•The possibility of using these mechanisms as a 6-component force-sensor. Indeed it can be shown that the measurement of the traction-compression stress in the linksenables to calculate the forces and torques acting on the mobile platform. This isespecially useful in haptic devices [Tsumaki et al, 1998].On the other hand, the disadvantages of parallel-kinematics mechanisms in general are;•For many configurations there are some analytical difficulties ( eg the forward kinematics solution is not easy or finding all the mechanism singularities can beextremely difficult task).•The need in many cases for the expensive spherical joints.•Limited useful work-space compared to the mechanism size.•Limited dexterity.•Scaling up PKMs can enlarge the translational DOFs and usually is unable to enlarge the rotational DOFs.•Potential mechanical-design difficulty.•Mechanism assembly has to be done with care.•Time-consuming calibration might be necessary. See [Ryu and Abdul-rauf, 2001] to realize that calibration of PKMs is not a trivial issue.______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 15______________________________________________________________________________________Parallel Kinematics 16Many other different points of view about the benefits of PKMs and their drawbacks can befound in the literature [Brogårdh, 2002].2. Six-DOFs PKMsThe PKMs mentioned in the previous section are six-DOFs PKMs. Some of thesemechanisms have S-P-S kinematics chains. S-P-S chains are preferred as they, as discussed inAppendix A, transmit no torque through the limbs. These PKMs can also be realized usingS-P-U chains or any other chain that has six-DOFs associated with its joints. One can checkthat against Grübler/Kutzbach criterion above, or review Appendix A. In fact acomprehensive attempt to enumerate the joints combinations and permutations that can beutilized when all the limbs are identical has been reported [Tsai, 1998]. It can also be shownthat the DOFs associated with the limbs joints need to be at least six. See Appendix A too.Figure 5 shows one PKM that has been proposed. It uses six P-R-U-U limbs [Wiegand et al,1996]. Similar to the PKMs above this one also has limited tilting ability. The reachabletilting angle changes strongly with the position of the P joints and fluctuates between 20 and45 degrees. In special poses up to 57 degrees can be reached.It is important to notice that changing the number of limbs in symmetrical six-DOFs PKMswill not change the DOFs of the platform. This has been shown using Grübler/Kutzbachcriterion in Appendix A, and also can be observed in Figure 6 to Figure 9. In these examplesthough we need more than one actuator per limb, and if there are less than six actuatorssome of the DOFs will not be controllable.A Symmetrical PKM is one that has identical kinematics chains (also called limbs or legs)each of which utilize identical actuator.Figure 6 shows another six-DOFs PKM [Tsai and Tahmasebi, 1993]. This PKM has three P-P-S-R limbs. However, planar motors can not provide high load-carrying capacity and theyoccupy the whole base leaving no space to the material to be processed. A similar PKM waslater built and studied [Ben-Horin et al, 1996]. Figure 7 shows a PKM with three P-P-R-Slimbs [Kim and Park, 1998; Ryu et al, 1998]. The range of tilting angles of the platform ofthis mechanism is one of the widest that can found in the literature. However, themechanism uses 8 actuators (for the six P joints and two of the R joints) to realize themotion that can be realized with six actuators only, and many translational motions can beFigure 5 Six-DOFs PKM withsix P-S-U limbs______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 17realized in direct straight lines. A PKM similar to that shown in Figure 7 has been proposedearlier [Alizade and Tagiyev, 1994]. That earlier PKM had three P-R-P-S limbs instead.Figure 6 Six-DOFs PKM with three P-P-S-R chains Figure 7 Six-DOFs PKM with three P-P-R-S chains Figure 8 Six-DOFs PKM using three Scott mechanisms( b ) ( c )______________________________________________________________________________________Parallel Kinematics 18Probably no mechanism is more famous than the single DOF crank-slider of Figure 8.a. It isa P-R-R-R kinematic chain that coverts linear to rotary motion or vice versa. Scott’smechanism of Figure 8.b [Khurmi and Gupta, 1985] is another traditional planar mechanismthat greatly resembles the well known crank-slider mechanism. Three of these Scottmechanisms have been put together, as shown in Figure 8.c, to realize a three-DOFsmechanism and then each of the Scott mechanism was made to displace vertically, resultingin a six-DOFs mechanism [Zabalza et al l, 2002]. Some of the R joints of the originalmechanism have been replaced by S joints to allow spatial motion of the arms. Theadvantage of the concept is that if one attempts to express the position and the orientationof the platform via its three vertices, then the kinematics relations will be fairly decoupled.The PKMs of Figure 6 and Figure 7 could be considered decoupled. Other six-DOFsdecoupled PKMs have also been proposed [Zlatanov et al. 1992; Wohlhart, 1994].Spherical actuators that can provide three-DOFs actuation are expensive and notcommercially available [Williams and Poling, 2000], but if two of these actuators are used theGough-Stewart platform of Figure 3 can be reduced to the one shown in Figure 9. Pendingthe quality and the mechanical characteristics of these spherical actuators, the solution offersan elegant and promising solution. The work-space, as least the translational part of it, is stilllimited though and load is shared between two rather than six limbs.Six-DOFs PKMs represent the roots of the concept of PKMs and hence they had to belooked at. However, one might say that a six DOFs PKM is PKMs at their extreme, andconsequently one might think that reducing the number of DOFs that act in parallel mightalleviate the disadvantages of parallel-kinematics mechanisms while benefiting from theiradvantages. This is actually true in many cases. In trials to avoid the disadvantages of sixDOFs parallel-kinematics mechanisms while utilizing the other benefits of parallel-kinematics mechanisms, two, three, four and five DOFs PKMs were proposed, as will beshown in the subsequent sections.3. Spatial Translational Three-DOFs PKMsThree-DOFs PKMs for pure rotation or pure translation are of special importance as theyare, in our view, represent a low-level entity or building block of PKMs that helps deepeningthe understanding of these mechanisms. One can subsequently hybridize these two buildingFigure 9 Six-DOFs PKM with two S-P-U Chains______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 19blocks or sub-systems from them. Spatial translational three-DOFs PKMs are discussed inthis section and spatial rotational three-DOFs PKMs are discussed in the next section.Using Grübler/Kutzbach criterion one can see that using three limbs (legs) each having five-DOFs is one way to realize three-DOFs symmetrical PKMs. See Appendix A for examples.Many of such PKMs have been built and Figure 10 to Figure 13 show examples of thisfamily of translational three-DOFs PKMs. That is, Figure 10 shows a PKM with three limbseach with U-P-U joints [Tsai, 1996]. This mechanism has been studied by others [DiGregorio and Parenti-Castelli, 1998] and been further optimized [Tsai and Joshi, 2000] andits mobility also has been discussed in details [Di Gregorio and Parenti-Castelli, 2002].Obviously the same kind of motion can also be obtained using P-U-U kinematic chains[Tasora et al, 2001], as shown in Figure 11.Figure 10 Translational U-P-U PKM Figure 11 Translational P-U-U PKM______________________________________________________________________________________Parallel Kinematics 20One should notice that the U-P-U mechanism is a special case from the R-R-P-R-Rmechanism, when the axes of each R-R pairs are perpendicular. This R-R-P-R-R has beenstudied and the conditions that need to be satisfied to enable its pure translational motionhas been established [Di Gregorio and Parenti-Castelli,1998]. The P joints can also bereplaced by R joints and the result is shown in Figure 12 [Tsai, 1999]. Alternatively one ofthe R joints could be replaced by P joints resulting in R-P-R-P-R (or R-C-C; C forCylindrical) [Callegari and Marzitti, 2003]. This is shown in Figure 13.In fact all the combinations and permutations the basic R and/or P joints that would resultin PKMs with three five-DOFs limbs have been enumerated [Tsai, 1998; Kong andGosselin, 2001]. Notice that if pure translation is sought using symmetrical PKMs, then Sjoints would not be a favorable choice as one S joint in each limb simply means that rotationcannot be constrained.The Delta mechanism [Clavel, 1988] is one of the earliest and the most famous spatialtranslational three-DOFs parallel-kinematics robots, as it has been marketed and usedindustrially for pick and place applications. A sketch of this mechanism is shown in Figure14. This mechanism can provide pure 3D translational motion to its moving platform usingits three rotary actuators via its three limbs. Each of these limbs actually is a R-R-Pa-RFigure 12 Translational R-U-U PKM Figure 13 Translational R-P-R-P-R (R-C-C) PKM______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 21 (Revolute-Revolute-Parallelogram-Revolute) kinematic chain. The mechanism can alsoprovide a rotary independent motion about the Z axis as a 4th decoupled DOF.Many variations of that Delta mechanism has been proposed and implemented. One ofthese close variations is the patented Tsai’s manipulator [ Tsai, 1997; Stamper 1997 ], whichalso provides 3D translational motion to its platform. Here, the parallelograms areconstructed using R joints instead of S joints and Stirrups in the previous case. Thatmechanism is shown in Figure 15. Another close variation was also presented [Mitova andVatkitchev, 1991]. The kinematic chains of that variation were R-Pa-R-R instead.A P-R-Pa-R with vertical prismatic joints was also suggested [Zobel et al, 1996]. Variationsextremely similar to that were later implemented using pneumatic drives [Kuhlbusch andNeumann, 2002]. These variations are shown in Figure 16.Figure 14Clavel-Delta translational PKMFigure 15Tsai or Meryland translationalPKM______________________________________________________________________________________When the lines of action of the three prismatic joints are tilted further till all of them are inthe horizontal plane, the star mechanism of Figure 17 is then obtained. This mechanism wasdeveloped by Hervé [Hervé and Sparacino, 1992]. Notice here that the prismatic joints arereplaced by helical ones (ie screw & nut), which should not represent a difference fromkinematics points of view.Figure 16Translational P-R-Pa-R PKMs Figure 17 Herve ’ Star translational PKM Figure 18 The Orthoglide translational PKM ( a ) ( b )( c )______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 23 The orthoglide mechanism [Wenger and Chablat, 2000 and 2002] is another variation withthe angles between the action lines of the prismatic joints are changed further resulting inbetter motion transformation (from joints to platform) quality. This is shown in Figure 18.Prior to that a similar mechanism has also been designed and built as a coordinate-measuring-machine [Hiraki et al, 1997]. In that mechanism the lines of action of theprismatic joints are changed further to guarantee that the heavy parts if the mechanism areresting on the machine base.Parallelograms represent a common thread among the mechanisms of Figure 14 to Figure 18as a parallelogram would directly constrain the rotational motion about certain axis. SeeAppendix A. Notice also that in all the designs above the two axes of the two revolute jointsof each chain are always parallel, sometimes parallel to the direction of the prismatic joint (ifany) and sometimes perpendicular to it, which agrees with conditions shown later in theliterature [Kong and Gosselin, 2004b].It is important to notice that each limb of each of the PKMs of Figure 14 to Figure 18 hasonly four-DOFs associated with its joints. According to Grübler/Kutzbach criterion thesePKMs are not mobile [Stamper, 1997]. In fact some mechanisms are mobile only undersome geometric conditions. These are called internally over-constrained mechanisms. SeeAppendix A for more about these over-constrained mechanisms. Screw theory can beutilized in conjunction with the Grübler/Kutzbach criterion [Huang and Li, 2002] to showthe mobility of these over-constrained mechanisms.Further, other (that do not utilize parallelograms) spatial translational PKMs with three limbseach of which having four-DOFs have been proposed. Symmetrical PKMs that have three(P-R-R-R) limbs and are aimed at realizing pure spatial translational motion have been built[Kong and Gosselin, 2002a; Kong and Gosselin, 2002b]. Two of these PKMs are shown inFigure 19. For these over-constrained PKMs to realize pure translation the followinggeometrical conditions need to be satisfied;• The axes of the 3 R joints within the same limb are parallel.• The three directions of the R joints of the limbs should not be in the same plane orparallel to the same plane.• Within the same leg the axis of the P joint is not perpendicular to the direction of the R joints axes.Figure 19 Translational Over-Constrained P-R-R-R PKMThe directions of the P joints don’t have to be parallel, but if they are this will help enlarging the work-space. Also, it has been shown that if the three directions of the R joints are perpendicular to each other linear isotropic transformations will be obtained throughout the work-space (and thus no singularities). Compare that to the isotropic conditions reported for the orthoglide mechanism of Figure 18. Isotropic transformation is discussed further in Chapter 4.The geometrical conditions of the mobility of a similar over-constrained PKMs that has three C-P-R (P-R-P-R) limbs, shown in Figure 20, have also been found [Callegari and Tarantini, 2003]. These conditions are;•The axes of the 2 R joints within the same limb are parallel.•The three directions of the R joints of the three limbs should not be in the same plane or parallel to the same plane.It has been shown that singularity of that mechanism can be kept outside the work-space while maintaining a convex work-space. The isotropic points of that mechanism have also been shown.Figure 20Translational Over-ConstrainedP-R-P-R Symmetrical PKMIn fact the geometrical conditions of the different over-constrained PKMs that utilize four-DOFs limbs have been enumerated [Hervé and Sparacino, 1991; Kong and Gosselin, 2004a].Using three limbs each with P-P-P joints is actually another, may be trivial, over-constrained translational PKMs.Another concept that has been extensively utilized at the industrial level is presented now. If three limbs each with six-DOFs (eg U-P-S kinematic chain) associated with its joints are used, then the platform will have six DOFs (as discussed in Appendix A). However, if less than six actuators are used with these three limbs then some DOFs will not be controllable.After choosing which DOFs are to be controlled, one can compensate for the known but uncontrolled motion of the remaining DOFs using other, may be serial, mechanism. One can also use some limbs to mechanically constraint some of the platform DOFs. In fact this is the basic idea behind Neumann’s patented mechanism [Neumann, 1988] of Figure 21.This seems like creating some DOFs that are needed and then constraining or compensating for them. Still, the idea has been utilized. Various aspects of this PKM has been studied extensively [eg Siciliano, 1999] and a further utilization of the concept will be shown in a subsequent section of this chapter. One might say or think that this concept/mechanism is actually is under-utilization of resources because of a prior conviction to utilize a Gough-like platform/limbs.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 254. Spatial Rotational Three-DOFs PKMsExactly as in the case of spatial translational three-DOFs PKMs spatial rotational three-DOFs PKMs can be realized using three limbs each with five-DOFs associated with itsjoints. The difference now is how the joints of the PKM would be assembled. A PKM withthree U-P-U limbs, just like the one discuused in conjunction with Figure 10, has beenproposed [Karouia, and Hervé, 2000]. Another PKM with three R-R-S (or R-S-R) limbs, asshown in Figure 22, has also been proposed [Karouia, and Hervé, 2002a]. PKM with threeR-U-U have also been presented as well [Hervé and Karouia, 2002b]. Figure 23 also showshow to use three P-R-P-R-R (or C-P-U) limbs to realize a spherical/rotation three-DOFsPKMs [Callegari et al 2004]. PKMs with three U-R-C and with three R-R-S legs have beenproposed as well [Di Gregorio, 2001; Di Gregorio, 2002]. A PKM that utilizesparallelograms (similar to the delta PKM above) within its three R-Pa-S limbs was yetanother propsoed spehrical PKM [Vischer and Clavel, 2000]. In fact the possible sphericalPKMs that are based on five-DOFs limbs are enumerated [Kong and Gosselin 2004b; Kong and Gosselin 2004c; Karouia, and Hervé, 2002b; Karouia, and Hervé, 2003].Figure 21 Neumann ’s constrained U-P-S PKM Synthesis of three-DOFs translational PKMs based on either Lie/Displacement group theory [Hervé and Sparacino, 1991; Hervè, 1999] or on screw theory [Tsai, 1999; Kong and Gosselin, 2004a] have been discussed. Figure 22 Orientation R-S-E PKM______________________________________________________________________________________Again, as in the translational case, over-constrained PKMs can be used to realizeorientational PKMs. If only R joints are used then three R-R-R legs can be used [Gosselinand Angeles, 1989]. The geometric condition that will mobilize this over-constrained PKM isthat all the axes of the used R joints are to be concurrent at the rotation center of themechanism. See Figure 24. Figure 25 shows one of these R-R-R limbs separately. Notice thatin this case the space freedom ( λ ) is three as no element of the mechanism is translating,which should simplify the application of Grübler/Kutzbach criterion. Notice also that onlytwo R-R-R legs can theoretically be used to realize a three-DOFs rotational PKM. SeeAppendix A. This is not usually favorable though as one actuator will not be placed on thePKM base. For isotropic transformation the axes of the R joints of each limb should beperpendicular to each other [Wiitala and Stanisi ć, 2000].Figure 24 Orientation R-R-R over-constrained PKM Figure 25 Orientation R-R-R limb Figure 23 Orientation C-P-U PKMWhen P joints are used then four-DOFs legs can be used to realize over-constrainedrotational PKMs [Kong and Gosselin, 2004c]. The combinations and permutations ofpossible over-constrained spherical PKMs as well as their necessary geometrical conditionsare enumerated [Kong and Gosselin, 2004b; Kong and Gosselin, 2004c].As happened in the translational case using Neumann’s PKM of Figure 21, three six-DOFslegs can be used to realize a six-DOFs PKM and then mechanically constrain thetranslational DOFs. The limbs used can have kinematic structure of P-U-S or R-U-S or theirvariations, as per Figure 26. In these cases an arm extending from the base is used topivot/constrain the platform. The P-U-S or R-U-S chains can theoretically be replaced by S-P-S chain, which also has six DOFs associated with its joints [Mohammadi et al, 1993], asshown in Figure 27.( a ) ( b)( c)Figure 26Orientation U-P-S or R-U-S PKMFigure 27Orientation S-P-S PKM______________________________________________________________________________________ Parallel Kinematics 27Type synthesis of three-DOFs rotational PKMs based on either Lie/Displacement group theory [Karouia and Hervé, 2003] or on screw theory [Kong and Gosselin, 2004b] have been discussed.5.Other Three-DOFs PKMsSo far spatial three DOFs mechanisms have been discussed. Three DOFs mechanisms can provide planar motion too. That is, they can provide the platform with two translational motions and one rotational motion about the plane normal. If, one relies on P and/or R joints as well as Grübler/Kutzbach criterion, then one can find that there are 7 possible symmetrical mechanisms. These are (RRR, RRP, RPR, PRR, RPP PRP, and PPR). S and U joints here not useful here. Each of the three identical kinematic chains in this case needs to have 3 DOFs [Tsai, 1998]. Figure 28 [Hunt, 1983] and Figure 29 [Tsai, 1998] represent two of these possible seven mechanisms that have actually been implemented.Figure 28Planar R-R-R PKMFigure 29Planar P-R-P PKMFigure 30Planar PKM with three PRR limbsor redundancyThe mechanism of Figure 30 is another planar symmetrical 3 DOF PKM that has been proposed [Marquet et al, 2001]. Three P-R-R limbs are used. In the figure one can actually see a 4th chain. This is actually a redundant one to treat singularity, which will be discussed in Section 7. With this fourth P-R-R limb P-U-S limbs have also been proposed.Planar PKMs cannot provide two spatial rotational DOFs and hence they can not directly serve the purpose of this work, and hence they are surveyed thoroughly. Other PKMs can ______________________________________________________________________________________。
并联机器人原文Virtual Prototyping of a Parallel Robot actuated by Servo-Pneumatic Drives using ADAMS/ControlsWalter Kuhlbusch, Dr. Rüdiger Neumann, Festo AG & Co., Germany SummaryAdvanced pneumatic drives for servo-pneumatic positioning allow for new generations of handlings and robots. Especially parallel robots actuated by servo-pneumatic drives allow the realization of very fast pick and place tasks in 3-D space. The design of those machines requires a virtual prototyping method called the mechatronic design [ 1]. The most suitable software tools are ADAMS for mechanics and Matlab/Simulink for drives and controllers. To analyze the overall behavior the co-simulation using ADAMS/Controls is applied. The combination of these powerful simulation tools guarantees a fast and effective design of new machines.1. IntroductionFesto is a supplier for pneumatic components and controls in industrial automation.The utilization of pneumatic drives is wide spread in industry when working in open loop control. It’s l imited however, when it comes to multipoint movement or path control. The development has been driven to servo-pneumatic drives that include closed loop control. Festo servo-pneumatic axes are quite accurate, thus they can be employed as drives for sophisticated tasks in robotics. The special advantage of these drives is the low initial cost in comparison to electrical and hydraulic drive systems. Servo-pneumatic driven parallel robots are new systems with high potentials in applications. The dynamical performance meets the increasing requirements to reduce the cycle times.One goal is the creation and optimization of pneumatic driven multi-axes robots. This allows us to support our customers, and of course to create new standard handlings and robots (Fig. 1).The complexity of parallel robots requires the use of virtual prototyping methods.Fig. 1. Prototypes of servo-pneumatic driven multi-axes machinesPreferred applications are fast multipoint positioning tasks in 3-D space. Free programmable stops allow a flexible employment of the machine. The point to point (ptp) accuracy is about 0.5 mm. The continuous path control guarantees collision free movement along a trajectory.1.1. Why parallel robots?The main benefits using parallel instead of serial kinematics is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2. Benefits of robots with parallel kinematicsHigh dynamical performance is achieved due to the low moved masses. While in serial robots the first axis has to move all the following axes, the axes of a parallel robot can share the mass of the workpiece. Furthermore serial axes are stressed by torques and bending moments which reduces the stiffness. Due to the closed kinematics the movements of parallel robots are vibration free for which the accuracy is improved. Finally the modular concept allows a cost-effective production of the mechanical parts. On the other hand there is the higher expense related to the control.1.2. Why Pneumatic Drives?The advantages of servo-pneumatic drives are:direct drives→high accelerating powercompact (especially rodless cylinders with integrated guidance)robust and reliablecost-effectiveDirect drives imply a high acceleration power due to the low equivalent mass in relation to the drive force. With pneumatic drives the relationship is particularly favorable. Festo has already built up some system solutions, predominantly parallel robots (see Fig. 1), to demonstrate the technical potential of servo-pneumatics. Which performance can be reached is shown in Fig. 3. This prototype is equipped with an advanced model based controller that makes use of the computed torque method [ 3].Fig. 3. Performance of the Tripod2. Design MethodThe system design, where several engineering disciplines are involved in, requires a holistic approach. This method is the so-called mechatronic design. The components of a mechatronic system are the mechanical supporting structure, the servo drives as well as the control. All these components are mapped into the computer and optimized with respect to the mutual interaction. This procedure can be used to analyze and improve existing systems as well as to create new systems. The two main steps of the mechatronic design are first building models in each discipline, and secondly the analysis and synthesis of the whole system. These steps are done in a cycle for the optimization.The modeling can be carried out in two ways: Either you apply one tool to build up models in all disciplines, but with restrictions. The other way is to use powerful tools in each discipline and to analyze the whole system via co-simulation. In this case you have to consider some specials of the solving method like communication step size or direct feedthrough behavior.2.1. Why Co-Simulation?Co-simulation is used because of the powerful tools, each specialized in its own discipline. ADAMS is an excellent tool for the mechanical part and Matlab/Simulink is the suitable tool for controller development and simulation of pneumatics.The behavior of the mechanical part is modeled at best usingADAMS/View. The advantages of ADAMS are:fast physically modeling of rigid and elastic bodiesextensive features for parameterizationanimation of simulation resultssolving inverse kinematics by “general point motion”visualization of eigenmodes (ADAMS/LINEAR)export of linear models (A,B,C,D)A big advantage is the automatic calculation of the direct and inverse kinematics. The direct kinematics of parallel structures often cannot be solved analytically. Furthermore different kinematics can be compared to each other very easily when you define a trajectory of the end-effector via “general point motion”.Applying these two software tools guarantees a high flexibility regarding the design of new systems. It is very important to analyze the closed loop behavior at an early stage. This makes a big difference between the mechatronic design and the conventional design. Furthermore the visualization of the mechanical system makes the discussion within a team very easy.2.2. RestrictionsA disadvantage is that the model of the mechanics is purely numerically available. However some symbolic code of the mechanical system is needed for the control hardware when the system becomes realized. In general we have to derive the equations of the inverse kinematics, which are used in the feed forward control. For specific robot types a controller with decoupling structure is necessary in order to fulfill the requirements. Then the symbolic code of the dynamics is needed. For this we have to pull up further tools to complete the task.2.3. What has to be analyzed?For the design of new robots it is important to know about the effect on the system stability and accuracy. The main properties that influence stability and accuracy are opposed in Table 1 for different kinematical structures.Table 1: Properties of different kinematical configurationsWith respect to the control the cartesian type is the best one. But the main disadvantage of a serial robot compared with a parallel one is the lower dynamics and the lower stiffness (see Fig. 2).Depending on the requirements with regard to dynamics and accuracy different control approaches must be applied. As mentioned above we prefer to employ a standard controller SPC200 for a single axis. Due to the coupling of the axes the stability of the closed loop system must be checked.3. Model of the TripodThe model of the Tripod consists of three parts: the mechanics, the pneumatic drives, and the controller.3.1. Mechanics (ADAMS)We apply the so-called delta-kinematics which causes a purely translational movement of the tool center point (tcp). An additional rotary drive allows the orientation of the gripper in the horizontal plane. Together with the rotary drive the machine has four degrees of freedom.Fig. 4. Degrees of freedom and structure of the TripodThe tripod is modeled using rigid body parts what is often sufficient for the present type of parallel structure. The upper and lower plates are fixed to ground. The profile tubes are connected to these plates via fixed joints. Eachslider has one translational degree of freedom. Both ends of a rod are connected to the neighbored parts by universal joints. Including the rotary drive, the model verification results in four Gruebler counts and there are no redundant constraints. The model is parameterized in such a way that different kinematical configurations can be generated very easily by means of design variables. The most important parameters are the radiuses of the plates (see Fig. 4) and the distances to each other. For instance the following configurations can be achieved just by variation of these parameters or design variables.Fig. 5. Variation of kinematics by “design variables”3.2. Servo-Pneumatic Drives (Simulink)The models of the servo-pneumatic drives are developed by means of Matlab/Simulink. Depending on the requirements several controller models were developed. It is common to all that they are highly non-linear. Mainly the compressibility of air makes a more complex control system necessary. All controller models including the standard controller SPC200 are available asC-coded s-functions. This allows to use the same code in the simulation as well as on the target hardware.A survey of the control scheme is shown in Fig. 6. For this contribution it is important to know about the interface for the co-simulation. The calculated forces of the servo pneumatics are the inputs to the mechanics. The slider positions are the outputs of the mechanics. Detailed information on the controllers can be found in [ 2] and [ 3].Fig. 6. Control structure4. Analyzing the behavior of the whole systemWhen the modeling is done we can go on with the second step of the mechatronic design. In the following it is assumed that the SPC200 controller always controls the machine. The task is the analysis and synthesis of different parallel kinematics relative to stability, dynamics, and accuracy for a given workspace.Some studies, e.g. concerning the workspace, can be made exclusive using ADAMS. Others such as feedback analysis are carried out by means of co-simulation.The workspace can be determined by varying all drive positions in all combinations. After simulation the end-effector positions are traced using the feature “create tracespline”.Fig. 7. Drive motions for the workspace calculationThe data can be visualized in ADAMS or any other graphics tool. As an example the workspace of the Tripod configuration of Fig. 7 is represented in Fig. 8Fig. 8. Workspace of the Tripod (configuration as in Fig. 7) Measuring the velocity of the end-effector at the same time delivers the gear ratios of all drives over the workspace.To examine the behavior of the closed loop system ADAMS/Controls is used to couple ADAMS and Simulink. Before the model can be exported some inputs and outputs of the plant must be defined by state variables. The inputs of the Tripod are the drive forces. Though the controller makes only use of the drive position some additional signals are defined as outputs: The drive velocities are needed for solving the differential equations of the pressures in the pneumatics model. Furthermore we need the velocity of the tool center point to calculate the non-linear gear ratios. Finally the drive accelerations serve for the calculation of the equivalent moved masses. The whole system is shown in Fig. 9.Fig. 9. Model of the whole systemThe model of the mechanics is embedded in Simulink. ADAMS/Controls makes the interface available by means of s-function.The equivalent moved masses depend on the positions of drives. The non-linearity of the robot grows with the strength of this dependency. As shown in Table 1 with the parallel kinematics there is a medium strong coupling of the dynamics. This coupling is neglected, if we use the standard SPC200 controller. Nevertheless there is an influence on the stability of theclosed loop system. To initialize and parameterize this controller we need the following information from the mechanics model:equivalent moved mass of each drive (depends on slider positions)gravity forces in initial positionCoulomb and viscous frictionThe controller is designed for a single axis with a constant mass. Due to the position dependency of the equivalent moved masses of the robot we have to choose an average value for each drive. Unfortunately with ADAMS there is no easy way to calculate the equivalent moved masses along atrajectory. We tried to apply different methods such as dividing a drive force by its acceleration during a slow motion, but this method yielded not insatisfying results. The best method found is the linearization of the system.However this requires ADAMS/Linear. When we define the drive accelerations as plant outputs in ADAMS/Controls the direct feed through matrix D of the exported linear system delivers the mass matrix in the defined operating point as1)()(-⋅=q q D f MCorresponding to the three degrees of freedom of the rigid body system the size of the mass matrix M(q) is three by three. It depends on the vector of the generalized coordinates of the drives. The non-diagonal elements cause the coupling between the axes. The factor f depends on the units chosen for the inputs and outputs. Whenthe forces are given in [N] and the accelerations are given in [mm/s 2] f is 0.001.With a slider mass of 2 kg and an end-effector mass of 2 kg the massmatrix for the three positions shown in Fig. 10 are:The gravity forces can be calculated very easily by static simulation.Likewise it is easy to model the friction in ADAMS. Nevertheless theparameters can differ very strong from one application to another one.With the parameterized controller the stability should be checked inseveral operating points by means of eigenvalues and the dynamics of the closed loop system can be analyzed by means of frequency responses.Of course with a robust controller you can start with a simulation in time domain. This gives information about the accuracy and system limits. For this we need the references for the drives. For a reference trajectory of the tool center point ADAMS applying the “general point motion” can generate the drive positions.Fig. 10. Solving inverse kinematics by feature "general point motion"In the following the simulation results are presented for a tripod configuration shown in Fig. 10. The workspace of this machine is illustrated in Fig. 8.Fig. 11. Left: Trajectory of the tool center point. Right: Drive references and measures5. ConclusionThe coupling of the software tools ADAMS and Simulink via co-simulation is a powerful method of virtual prototyping. This method enables an efficient design and optimization of servo-pneumatic driven robots. Especially robots with parallel kinematics can be analyzed very fast using ADAMS. Due to the potential of the linear analysis the use of ADAMS/Linear is meaningful. Particularly with controlled systems the linear analysis is required.Literature[ 1] Kuhlbusch, W., Moritz, W., Lückel, J., Toepper, St., and Scharfeld, F.: T RI P LANAR - A New Process-Machine Type Developed by Means of Mechatronic Design. Proceedings of the 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium on Mechatronics and Advanced Motion Control, Paderborn, Germany, 1999.[ 2] Neumann, R., Göttert, M. Ohmer, M.: Servopneumatik – eine alternative Antriebstechnik für Roboter, Robotik 2002, 19-20. Juni in Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002, VDI-Bericht Nr. 1679 p. 537-544.[ 3] Neumann, R., Leyser, J., Post, P.: Simulationsgestützte Entwicklung eines servopneumatisch angetriebenen Parallelroboters. TagungsbandSIM2000 – Simulation im Maschinenbau, Dresden, Germany, 2000, p. 519-536.。
自从1965年美国加利福尼亚大学的控制论专家L A Zadeh教授提出模糊数学以来,在学术领域中引起广泛关注,并于20世纪80年代初将模糊控制首次运用于实际机器人,充分展现了模糊控制在机器人控制方面的应用潜力。
本文根据掌握的大量并联机器人文献,对非对称3平动3UPU并联机器人在运动学、动力学、机构性能分析等方面的主要研究成果、进展进行了阐述,同时阐述了非对称3平动3UPU并联机器人在国内外的发展状况以及并联机器人构型设计原则关键词平动 3自由度并联机器人一、课题国内外现状及研究的主要成果少自由度并联机器人由于其驱动元件少、造价低、结构紧凑而有较高的实用价值,更具有较好的应用前景,因此少自由度的并联机器人的设计理论的研究和应用领域的拓展成为并联机器人的研究热点之一。
研究少自由度并联机构最早的学者应属澳大利亚著名机构学教授 Hunt ,在1983年,他就列举了平面并联机构、空间三自由度3-rps并联机构,但对四,五自由度并联机构未作详细阐述。
clavel提出了一种可实现纯平运动三自由度Delta 并联机器人,在Delta机构的支链中采用平行四边形机构约束动平台的3个转动自由度。
在 Tricept并联机床上采用的构型是由 Neumann发明的一种具有3个可控位置自由度的并联机构,该机构的突出特点是带有导向装置,采用3个内副驱动支链并由导向装置约束动平台。
Tsai 通过自由度分析提取支链的运动学特征,系统研究了并联机构的综合问题,特别研究了一类实现三自由度平动的并联机构。
Rasim Alizade于2004年提出基于平台类型和联接平台的形式和类型进行分类的一种并联机构的结构综合和分类的新方法和公式,并综合出具有单平台和多平台的纯并联和串并联复联机构.我国燕山大学的黄真教授及其团队除了研制出解耦微型6维力传感器和微动机械,设计出一种新的高精度的机构方案外,还率先对少自由度并联机器人的基础理静刚度和精度.上海交大的高峰教授2002年运用复合副的概念来组合已知自由度数和自由度类型的支链,通过支链输出杆特殊的Plucker坐标来综合2-自由度的机器人。
1960年,美国Unim ation公司根据戴沃尔德技术专利研制出第一台机器人样机,并定型生产U n imat e(意为“万能自动”)机器人。
Virtual Prototyping of a Parallel Robot actuated by Servo-Pneumatic Drives using ADAMS/ControlsWalter Kuhlbusch, Dr. Rüdiger Neumann, Festo AG & Co., GermanySummaryAdvanced pneumatic drives for servo-pneumatic positioning allow for new generations of handlings and robots. Especially parallel robots actuated byservo-pneumatic drives allow the realization of very fast pick and place tasks in 3-D space. The design of those machines requires a virtual prototyping method called the mechatronic design [ 1]. The most suitable software tools are ADAMS for mechanics and Matlab/Simulink for drives and controllers. To analyze the overall behavior the co-simulation using ADAMS/Controls is applied. The combination of these powerful simulation tools guarantees a fast and effective design of new machines.1. IntroductionFesto is a supplier for pneumatic components and controls in industrial utilization of pneumatic drives is wide spread in industry when working in open loop control. It’s limited however, when it com es to multipoint movement or path control. The development has been driven to servo-pneumatic drives that include closed loop control. Festo servo-pneumatic axes are quite accurate, thus they can be employed as drives for sophisticated tasks in robotics. The special advantage of these drives is the low initial cost in comparison to electrical and hydraulic drive systems. Servo-pneumatic driven parallel robots are new systems with high potentials in applications. The dynamical performance meets the increasing requirements to reduce the cycle times.One goal is the creation and optimization of pneumatic driven multi-axes robots. This allows us to support our customers, and of course to create new standard handlings and robots (Fig. 1).The complexity of parallel robots requires the use of virtual prototyping methods.Fig. 1. Prototypes of servo-pneumatic driven multi-axes machines Preferred applications are fast multipoint positioning tasks in 3-D space. Free programmable stops allow a flexible employment of the machine. The point to point (ptp) accuracy is about 0.5 mm. The continuous path control guarantees collisionfree movement along a trajectory.. Why parallel robotsThe main benefits using parallel instead of serial kinematics is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 2. Benefits of robots with parallel kinematicsHigh dynamical performance is achieved due to the low moved masses. While in serial robots the first axis has to move all the following axes, the axes of a parallel robot can share the mass of the workpiece. Furthermore serial axes are stressed by torques and bending moments which reduces the stiffness. Due to the closed kinematics the movements of parallel robots are vibration free for which the accuracy is improved. Finally the modular concept allows a cost-effective production of the mechanical parts. On the other hand there is the higher expense related to the control.. Why Pneumatic DrivesThe advantages of servo-pneumatic drives are:direct drives→high accelerating powercompact (especially rodless cylinders with integrated guidance)robust and reliablecost-effectiveDirect drives imply a high acceleration power due to the low equivalent mass in relation to the drive force. With pneumatic drives the relationship is particularly favorable. Festo has already built up some system solutions, predominantly parallel robots (see Fig. 1), to demonstrate the technical potential of servo-pneumatics. Which performance can be reached is shown in Fig. 3. This prototype is equipped with an advanced model based controller that makes use of the computed torque method [ 3].Fig. 3. Performance of the Tripod2. Design MethodThe system design, where several engineering disciplines are involved in, requires a holistic approach. This method is the so-called mechatronic design. The components of a mechatronic system are the mechanical supporting structure, the servo drives as well as the control. All these components are mapped into the computer and optimized with respect to the mutual interaction. This procedure can be used to analyze and improve existing systems as well as to create new systems. The two main steps of the mechatronic design are first building models in each discipline, and secondly the analysis and synthesis of the whole system. These steps are done in a cycle for the optimization.The modeling can be carried out in two ways: Either you apply one tool to build up models in all disciplines, but with restrictions. The other way is to use powerful tools in each discipline and to analyze the whole system via co-simulation. In this case you have to consider some specials of the solving method like communication step size or direct feedthrough behavior.. Why Co-SimulationCo-simulation is used because of the powerful tools, each specialized in its own discipline. ADAMS is an excellent tool for the mechanical part and Matlab/Simulink is the suitable tool for controller development and simulation of pneumatics.The behavior of the mechanical part is modeled at best using ADAMS/View. The advantages of ADAMS are:fast physically modeling of rigid and elastic bodiesextensive features for parameterizationanimation of simulation resultssolving inverse kinematics by “general point motion”visualization of eigenmodes (ADAMS/LINEAR)export of linear models (A,B,C,D)A big advantage is the automatic calculation of the direct and inverse kinematics. The direct kinematics of parallel structures often cannot be solved analytically. Furthermore different kinematics can be compared to each other very easily when you define a trajectory of the end-effector via “general point motion”.Applying these two software tools guarantees a high flexibility regarding the design of new systems. It is very important to analyze the closed loop behavior at an early stage. This makes a big difference between the mechatronic design and the conventional design. Furthermore the visualization of the mechanical system makes the discussion within a team very easy.. RestrictionsA disadvantage is that the model of the mechanics is purely numerically available. However some symbolic code of the mechanical system is needed for the control hardware when the system becomes realized. In general we have to derive the equations of the inverse kinematics, which are used in the feed forward control. For specific robot types a controller with decoupling structure is necessary in order to fulfill the requirements. Then the symbolic code of the dynamics is needed. For this we have to pull up further tools to complete the task.. What has to be analyzedFor the design of new robots it is important to know about the effect on the system stability and accuracy. The main properties that influence stability and accuracy are opposed in Table 1 for different kinematical structures.Table 1: Properties of different kinematical configurationsWith respect to the control the cartesian type is the best one. But the main disadvantage of a serial robot compared with a parallel one is the lower dynamics and the lower stiffness (see Fig. 2).Depending on the requirements with regard to dynamics and accuracy different control approaches must be applied. As mentioned above we prefer to employ astandard controller SPC200 for a single axis. Due to the coupling of the axes the stability of the closed loop system must be checked.3. Model of the TripodThe model of the Tripod consists of three parts: the mechanics, the pneumatic drives, and the controller.. Mechanics (ADAMS)We apply the so-called delta-kinematics which causes a purely translational movement of the tool center point (tcp). An additional rotary drive allows the orientation of the gripper in the horizontal plane. Together with the rotary drive the machine has four degrees of freedom.Fig. 4. Degrees of freedom and structure of the TripodThe tripod is modeled using rigid body parts what is often sufficient for the present type of parallel structure. The upper and lower plates are fixed to ground. The profile tubes are connected to these plates via fixed joints. Each slider has one translational degree of freedom. Both ends of a rod are connected to the neighboredparts by universal joints. Including the rotary drive, the model verification results in four Gruebler counts and there are no redundant constraints. The model is parameterized in such a way that different kinematical configurations can be generated very easily by means of design variables. The most important parameters are the radiuses of the plates (see Fig. 4) and the distances to each other. For instance the following configurations can be achieved just by variation of these parameters or design variables.Fig. 5. Variation of kinematics by “design variables”. Servo-Pneumatic Drives (Simulink)The models of the servo-pneumatic drives are developed by means ofMatlab/Simulink. Depending on the requirements several controller models were developed. It is common to all that they are highly non-linear. Mainly the compressibility of air makes a more complex control system necessary. All controller models including the standard controller SPC200 are available as C-coded s-functions. This allows to use the same code in the simulation as well as on the target hardware.A survey of the control scheme is shown in Fig. 6. For this contribution it is important to know about the interface for the co-simulation. The calculated forces of the servo pneumatics are the inputs to the mechanics. The slider positions are the outputs of the mechanics. Detailed information on the controllers can be found in [ 2] and [ 3].Fig. 6. Control structure4. Analyzing the behavior of the whole systemWhen the modeling is done we can go on with the second step of the mechatronic design. In the following it is assumed that the SPC200 controller always controls the machine. The task is the analysis and synthesis of different parallel kinematics relative to stability, dynamics, and accuracy for a given workspace.Some studies, . concerning the workspace, can be made exclusive using ADAMS. Others such as feedback analysis are carried out by means of co-simulation.The workspace can be determined by varying all drive positions in all combinations. After simulation the end-effector positions are traced using the feature “create tracespline”.Fig. 7. Drive motions for the workspace calculationThe data can be visualized in ADAMS or any other graphics tool. As an example the workspace of the Tripod configuration of Fig. 7 is represented in Fig. 8Fig. 8. Workspace of the Tripod (configuration as in Fig. 7)Measuring the velocity of the end-effector at the same time delivers the gear ratios of all drives over the workspace.To examine the behavior of the closed loop system ADAMS/Controls is used to couple ADAMS and Simulink. Before the model can be exported some inputs and outputs of the plant must be defined by state variables. The inputs of the Tripod are the drive forces. Though the controller makes only use of the drive position some additional signals are defined as outputs: The drive velocities are needed for solving the differential equations of the pressures in the pneumatics model. Furthermore we need the velocity of the tool center point to calculate the non-linear gear ratios. Finally the drive accelerations serve for the calculation of the equivalent moved masses. The whole system is shown in Fig. 9.Fig. 9. Model of the whole systemThe model of the mechanics is embedded in Simulink. ADAMS/Controls makes the interface available by means of s-function.The equivalent moved masses depend on the positions of drives. Thenon-linearity of the robot grows with the strength of this dependency. As shown in Table 1 with the parallel kinematics there is a medium strong coupling of the dynamics. This coupling is neglected, if we use the standard SPC200 controller. Nevertheless there is an influence on the stability of the closed loop system. To initialize and parameterize this controller we need the following information from the mechanics model:equivalent moved mass of each drive (depends on slider positions)gravity forces in initial positionCoulomb and viscous frictionThe controller is designed for a single axis with a constant mass. Due to the position dependency of the equivalent moved masses of the robot we have tochoose an average value for each drive. Unfortunately with ADAMS there is no easy way to calculate the equivalent moved masses along a trajectory. We tried to apply different methods such as dividing a drive force by its acceleration during a slow motion, but this method yielded not in satisfying results. The best method found is the linearization of the system. However this requires ADAMS/Linear. When we define the drive accelerations as plant outputs in ADAMS/Controls the direct feed through matrix D of the exported linear system delivers the mass matrix in the defined operating point as1)()(-⋅=q q D f MCorresponding to the three degrees of freedom of the rigid body system the size of the mass matrix M(q) is three by three. It depends on the vector of thegeneralized coordinates of the drives. The non-diagonal elements cause the coupling between the axes. The factor f depends on the units chosen for the inputs and outputs. Whenthe forces are given in [N] and the accelerations are given in [mm/s2] f is .With a slider mass of 2 kg and an end-effector mass of 2 kg the mass matrix for the three positions shown in Fig. 10 are:The gravity forces can be calculated very easily by static simulation. Likewise it is easy to model the friction in ADAMS. Nevertheless the parameters can differ very strong from one application to another one.With the parameterized controller the stability should be checked in several operating points by means of eigenvalues and the dynamics of the closed loop system can be analyzed by means of frequency responses.Of course with a robust controller you can start with a simulation in time domain. This gives information about the accuracy and system limits. For this we need the references for the drives. For a reference trajectory of the tool center point ADAMS applying the “general point motion” can generate the drive positions.Fig. 10. Solving inverse kinematics by feature "general point motion"In the following the simulation results are presented for a tripod configuration shown in Fig. 10. The workspace of this machine is illustrated in Fig. 8.Fig. 11. Left: Trajectory of the tool center point. Right: Drive references and measures5. ConclusionThe coupling of the software tools ADAMS and Simulink via co-simulation is a powerful method of virtual prototyping. This method enables an efficient design and optimization of servo-pneumatic driven robots. Especially robots with parallel kinematics can be analyzed very fast using ADAMS. Due to the potential of the linear analysis the use of ADAMS/Linear is meaningful. Particularly with controlled systems the linear analysis is required.Literature[ 1] Kuhlbusch, W., Moritz, W., Lückel, J., Toepper, St., and Scharfeld, F.: T RI P LANAR - A New Process-Machine Type Developed by Means of Mechatronic Design. Proceedings of the 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium on Mechatronics and Advanced Motion Control, Paderborn, Germany, 1999.[ 2] Neumann, R., Göttert, M. Ohmer, M.: Servopneumatik – eine alternative Antriebstechnik für Roboter, Robotik 2002, 19-20. Juni in Ludwigsburg, Germany, 2002, VDI-Bericht Nr. 1679 p. 537-544.[ 3] Neumann, R., Leyser, J., Post, P.: Simulationsgestützte Entwicklung eines servopneumatisch angetriebenen Parallelroboters. Tagungsband SIM2000 –Simulation im Maschinenbau, Dresden, Germany, 2000, p. 519-536.。
关键词:并联机构位置反解步进电机结构设计AbstractIn recent years ,increased interest in parallel robots has been observed..Parallel robots possess a number of advantages when compored to serial arms, The most importantone is certainly the possibility to keep the motors fixed into the base ,thus allowing a large reduction of the robot structure’s active mobile mass.keeping the motors on the robot base is a requairment when direct-drive is used ,thus ,parallel robots are well suited to direct-drive actuation.Another advantage of parallel robots is their high rigiditg.these features allow more precise and much faster mani pulations. The delta parallel robot is very famous among them.In this paper,the historyapplication character of the parallel robots are introduced .And I compted the degree of free of the parallel robot,analysis the singular position. The position solution and position inverse solution too. At last, there are several methords of controlling. And I choice one of then which is better suited to this robot. This method will be introduced latter.Key word:parallel delta, position inverse solution , singular position目录摘要.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
并联机器人在医疗领域可用于 辅助手术、康复训练以及精确 的医疗设备定位等。
并联机器人还可用于科研机构 的实验研究以及教育领域的教
20世纪70年代,并联机器人概念开始萌芽,研究人员开 始探索其运动学和动力学特性。
80年代至90年代,随着计算机技术和控制理论的发展, 并联机器人的设计、分析和控制技术取得了重要突破。
高刚度、高精度、高负载能力、结构紧凑、动态响应快等。由于并联机器人的 这些特点,它们在许多领域都得到了广泛应用。
并联机器人在制造业中用于高 精度装配、焊接、切割、打磨 等作业,提高生产效率和产品
由于并联机器人具有高刚度和 高精度特点,它们在航空航天 领域被用于飞机和卫星的精密 装配与检测。
并联机器人的工作原理基于先进 的控制系统,通过计算机或控制 器对各个关节进行精确的协调和
在工作过程中,控制系统根据目 标位置和姿态,通过运动学逆解 算法计算出各个关节的需要到达
控制系统根据机器人的动力学模 型,通过控制算法实现机器人平 稳、快速的运动,并确保机器人
并联机器人在汽车制造、重型机械等需要承受较大负载的行业中,能够发挥很好 的应用效果。
并联机器人采用紧凑的结构设计,使得其在空间占用上相对 较小,有利于节省生产现场的空间资源。
紧凑的结构设计使得并联机器人能够灵活地适应各种生产布 局,提高生产线的整体效率和灵活性。
现有机器人的行程和负载能力 有限,未来可以进一步优化结 构设计以提高机器人的整体性 能。
目前只进行了实验室测试,未 来可以进一步开展实际应用场 景的测试,以验证机器人的实 际应用效果。
[3] 王某某, 张某某. 一种直线 电机驱动的六棱锥式并联机器 人及其控制方法. 中国专利, 申 请号: CN202010012345.X
考虑电机与机器人本体之间的连 接方式,如直接安装、通过关节
通过控制电机的电流来控制电机的输出力、速度 和位置。
通过控制电机的速度来控制机器人的运动轨迹和 速度。
通过控制电机的位置来控制机器人的运动位置和 姿态。
随着技术的不断发展,直线电机驱动的并联机器人将会在更多领域得到应用,并且 其性能也将得到进一步提升。
本研究旨在设计一种直线电机驱动的六棱锥式并联机器人,对其结构、运动学和动力学进行 分析,并研究其控制策略和运动规划方法。
可以进一步研究该机器人的运 动学和动力学模型,以实现更 精确的控制和优化。
[1] 张某某, 王某某. 基于直线 电机的六棱锥式并联机器人设 计与分析. 机械工程学报, 2020, 56(12): 1-10.
自从1961 年美国推出第一台工业机器人以来,机器人得到了迅速的发展。
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
Pierrot和Company,1999年提出四自由度 H4并联机构 在1999年,Rolland年提出两种用于物料搬运的 四自由度并联机构:Kanuk和Manta 在2000年,黄真和赵铁石综合处第一种对称的四 自由度4-URU并联机构,可实现三个移动自由 度和一个绕Z轴的转动自由
School of Mechanical Engineering
在1999年,Park与Lee年提出一种机构复杂的双层五自 由度并联机构 ustad提出一种基于两个并联机构的五自由度混合型结构 在2001年,Jin综合出具有三个移动自由度和两个转动自 由度的非对称五自由度并联机构
School of Mechanical Engineering
在原有DELTA机器人的分支运动 链中加装了一个和动平台垂直的 转动副,从而在DEITA机器人原 有的三个移动自由度外,又获得 了一个转动自由度。
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering
并联综述并联综述1.简介1.1 背景并联是指由多个机械臂以并联的方式连接在一起,通过共享载荷、合作操作的一种系统。
1.2 目的本文旨在介绍并联的基本概念、结构组成、工作原理以及应用领域,以便读者能够全面了解并联的特点和优势。
2.结构组成2.1 机械臂并联的核心部件是机械臂,通常由多个关节组成。
2.2 连杆和连杆驱动系统机械臂之间通过连杆连接,连杆驱动系统用于控制连杆的运动,从而实现机械臂的协同运动。
2.3 控制系统控制系统是并联的大脑,通过控制算法和传感器反馈信号,实现对机械臂的精确控制。
3.工作原理3.1 平台运动并联的机械臂通过连杆和关节传递力和运动,实现平台的运动。
3.2 协作操作通过控制系统的协调控制,多个机械臂能够实现协作操作。
4.应用领域4.1 制造业并联在制造业中被广泛应用于装配、焊接、喷涂等工序,能够提高生产效率和产品质量。
4.2 医疗领域并联在医疗领域中被用于手术操作,具有高精度、稳定性好的优点,减轻了医生的劳动强度。
4.3 物流领域并联在物流领域中能够完成货物的搬运、分拣等工作,提高了物流效率。
4.4 其他领域并联还可以应用于航空航天、冶金、矿山等领域,发挥更多的作用。
6.法律名词及注释6.1 并联:由多个机械臂以并联的方式连接在一起,通过共享载荷、合作操作的一种系统。
6.2 关节:机械臂上的可转动连接部件,用于实现机械臂的运动。
6.3 传感器:用于感知机械臂周围环境的装置,能够提供位置、力量、力矩等信息。
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自从 1961 年美国推出第一台工业机器人以来,机器人得到了迅速的发展。
将模糊控制和控制相结合,根据各自的特点设计了模糊推理自校正PID 控制器用于并联微动机器人的控制,该方法使系统阶跃响应的快速性、稳定性和动态跟踪,性能均优于传统控制器。
4.2奇异位形奇异位形是并联机器人机构学研究的又一项重要内容,同串联机器人一样,并联机器人也存在奇异位形,当机构处于奇异位形时其 Jacobian矩阵为奇异阵,行列式值为零,此时机构速度反解不存在,存在某些不可控的自由度。