



投资学习题第一篇投资学课后习题与答案乮博迪乯_第6版 由flyesun 从网络下载丆版权归原作者所有。

1. 假设你发现一只装有1 00亿美元的宝箱。

a. 这是实物资产还是金融资产?b. 社会财富会因此而增加吗?c. 你会更富有吗?d. 你能解释你回答b 、c 时的矛盾吗?有没有人因为这个发现而受损呢?2. Lanni Products 是一家新兴的计算机软件开发公司,它现有计算机设备价值30 000美元,以及由L a n n i 的所有者提供的20 000美元现金。


在交易过程中有金融资产的产生或损失吗?a. Lanni 公司向银行贷款。

它共获得50 000美元的现金,并且签发了一张票据保证3年内还款。

b. Lanni 公司使用这笔现金和它自有的20 000美元为其一新的财务计划软件开发提供融资。

c. L a n n i 公司将此软件产品卖给微软公司( M i c r o s o f t ),微软以它的品牌供应给公众,L a n n i 公司获得微软的股票1 500股作为报酬。

d. Lanni 公司以每股80美元的价格卖出微软的股票,并用所获部分资金偿还贷款。

3. 重新考虑第2题中的Lanni Products 公司。

a. 在它刚获得贷款时处理其资产负债表,它的实物资产占总资产的比率为多少?b. 在L a n n i 用70 000美元开发新产品后,处理资产负债表,实物资产占总资产比例又是多少?c. 在收到微软股票后的资产负债表中,实物资产占总资产的比例是多少?4. 检察金融机构的资产负债表,有形资产占总资产的比率为多少?对非金融公司这一比率又如何?为什么会有这样的差异?5. 20世纪6 0年代,美国政府对海外投资者所获得的在美国出售的债券的利息征收 3 0%预扣税(这项税收现已被取消),这项措施和与此同时欧洲债券市场(美国公司在海外发行以美元计值的债券的市场)的成长有何关系?6. 见图1 -7,它显示了美国黄金证券的发行。



第一章1. 答:交易机制指市场的交易规则和保证规则实施的技术以及规则和技术对定价机制的影响。


2. 答:报价驱动机制与指令驱动机制的区别在于:①价格形成方式不同。













3. 答:一般来说,做市商市场的流动性要高于竞价市场,即投资者在竞价市场所面临的执行风险要大于做市商市场。




















17章习题答案1.证券投资基金是什么?它与股票、债券等其他金融产品有什么区别?2.证券投资基金有何特点?3.信托型基金和公司型基金有何区别?4.开放式和封闭式基金有何区别?5.我国证券投资基金治理结构存在着那些缺陷?6.某开放式基金单位净值为12.50欧元,购买费用6%,其发行价格为多少?7. 甲基金的投资组合构成如下:该基金目前无其他借入资金,但其投资组合的应记管理费用总额为30 000美元,发行在外总份额为400万,则该基金的单位净值为多少?8.就上题的甲基金,若本年内投资组合经理将D股票全部卖出,并以每股50美元的价格买入200 000股E股票,以每股25美元的价格买入200 000股F股票,则该投资组合的换手率为多少?9. 假设年初以每份20美元的价格购入1000份国际基金,应付4%的购买费用率,当年基金投资的证券价值上涨了12%,基金的费用率为1.2%。































(填空)2 ____是投资者为实现投资目标所遵循的基本方针和基本准则。

(单选) A证券投资政策 B证券投资分析 C证券投组合 D评估证券投资组合的业绩3 一般来说,证券投资与投机的区别主要可以从________等不同角度进行分析。

(多选) A 动机 B对证券所作的分析方法 C投资期限 D投资对象E风险倾向4在证券市场中,难免出现投机行为,有投资就必然有投机。


(填空)2 累积优先股是一种常见的、发行很广泛的优先股股票。

其特点是股息率______,而且可以 ________计算。


(单选)A约定股息率 B股票可由公司赎回 C具有表决权 D优先分派股息和清偿剩余资产。

4 股份有限公司最初发行的大多是_____,通过这类股票所筹集的资金通常是股份有限公司股本的基础。

(单选) A特别股 B优先股 CB股 D普通股5 当公司前景和股市行情看好、盈利增加时,可转换优先股股东的最佳策略是_______ 。

(单选)A转换成参与优先股 B转换成公司债券 C转换成普通股 D转换成累积优先股6 下列外资股中,不属于境外上市外资股的是________。

(单选)A H股 BN股 CB股 DS股7 股份制就是以股份公司为核心,以股票发行为基础,以股票交易为依托。

(判断) 8 可赎回优先股是指允许拥有该股票的股东在一个合理的价格范围内将资金赎回。

(判断) 9________是指在管理层和股东之间发生冲突的可能性,它是由管理层在利益回报方面的控制以及管理人员的低效业绩所产生的问题。



投资学练习答案导论2.A3.ABCDE4.正确第一至第四章习题1.公司剩余盈利2.固定、累积3.C4.D5.C6.C7.正确8.错误9.A 11.C 12.C 13.D14.AD 15.B 16A 17.B 18.D 20.C 21.B22.A 23.D 24.B 26.A 29.C 30.C 31.A32.C 33.错误 34.正确 35.正确 36.错误 37.C38.A 39.B 40.B第五章习题1.D2.AC3.AB4.BCD5.正确6.正确7.ABCD8.正确9.E 10.D 11.B 12.E13.D 14.C 17.C第六章练习8.D 10.B 12.B 13.A 14.C第七章练习1.B2.C3.C4.C5.D 8.C 9.B12.B 13.D 14.C 15.B 17.E 18.B 19.B 22.C 23.B 24.B 25E26.A 27.B 28.A 33错误 34.A 35.A第八章练习2.B3.A4.B5.D6.D7.C8.A9.B12.C 13.C 14.D 16.C 17.C 18.D19.B 23.B 25.D 27.C投资学第九章习题答案1.不做2.不做3.C4.不做5.不做6.3%7.不做8.B9. C 10.D 11. D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.(答案为0.75) 18.D 19.C 20.B21.不做投资学第十章至第十一章习题答案1.相关系数为02. B3. B4. C5.错6.错7. B8. E9. A10.对11.D投资学第十二章至第十三章习题答案1.不做2.高于票面值因为10%大于8%3.具体看课本公式(老师只是讲公式没有给出确切得答案)4.贴现贴现率5.反方向6.C7.C8.对9.对10.不做11.折价平价溢价12.不做13.不做14.不做15.A16.C17.C18.具体看书本323页19.具体看课本325页20.看课本319至32021.不做22.不做第十四章至十五章习题答案1.先行同步滞后2.不做3.开拓拓展成熟衰落4.资产负责表损益表现金流量表5. C6.宏观分析行业分析公司分析7. A8. B9. A10.D11.D12.A13.A14.对15.对十七章注意事项: 注意技术分析得三大假设假设1. 市场行为涵盖一切信息假设2.价格沿趋势运动假设3.历史会重演。






























投资学基础讲义 第17章 宏观经济分析与行业分析

投资学基础讲义	第17章	宏观经济分析与行业分析



国际宏观经济环境分析国际政治关系政治、经济、军事、外交国际经济关系全球或者区域经济增长、国际金融以及利率和汇率变动、股市波动、贸易关系等国际金融市场环境分析市场之间的流动(比如黄金市场低迷,股市)汇率影响证券实际升值,进口增加,出口减少,影响相应行业预期升值,人民币增加国际金融市场动荡,影响证券17.2.1国内宏观因素分析1.内生产总值( Gross Domestic Product)快速增长的GDP +结构合理表示该国经济正迅速扩张,经济结构趋于合理,上市公司有充足的机会来提高销售量,利润也会持续上升,从而使人们对经济形势产生良好的预期,增加了,人们投资的积极性,从而促进证券市场价格上扬;非均衡状态时,可能激发各种矛盾,从而导致经济衰退,进而证券市场价格就会下降。

2. 通货膨胀( Inflation )(1)高水平的通货膨胀会导致中央银行提高利率, 严控信贷规模, 从而导致股价下跌。

(2)通货膨胀使生产成本增加, 特别对于产品价格增加慢于成本增加的企业,经营状况恶化、盈利下降以至陷入亏损, 这些企业的股价将因此下降并拖累大市下跌。

(3)一部分产品价格上涨大于成本增加幅度的生产企业和相当一部分消费型商业企业会从价格上涨中获得利益, 一些资本密集型企业则会从资产增值中获得利益,其股价就会上涨。

(4)通货膨胀不但会产生经济影响, 还有可能产生社会影响, 从而影响人们的心理和预期, 进而对股价产生影响。

3.失业率( Unemployment rate )失业率是指正在寻找工作的劳动力占总劳动力(即包括正在工作和正积极寻找工作的劳动力) 的百分比。



张元萍《投资学》课后习题答案第一章能力训练答案选择题1 2 3 4 5 6A B A D D C7 8 9 10 11 12B AC ABC ABD ABCD13 14 15 16 17ABCD ACD BD AB BD思考题1.投资就是投资主体、投资目的、投资方式和行为内在联系的统一,这充分体现了投资必然与所有权相联系的本质特征。


















东北财经大学《证 券投资学》(第三版)综合训练答案

东北财经大学《证 券投资学》(第三版)综合训练答案

第1章股票1.1填空题1)执行机关 2)后配股 3)B股 H股1.2选择题1)B 2)B 3)A1.3问答题1)股份制度也称股份公司制度,它是指以集资入股、共享收益、共担风险为特点的企业组织制度。

股份制度的功能:(1)股份制初期的功能: 筹集(或集中)资金是股份制的主要功能。

(2)股份制成熟时期的功能: 在股份制已发展到比较完善的今天,改善和强化企业的经营管理机制已成为其主要功能,而融资功能作为其固有的本能而成为次要功能。






















投资学第7版Test Bank答案17

投资学第7版Test Bank答案17

Multiple Choice Questions1. A top down analysis of a firm starts with ____________.A) the relative value of the firmB) the absolute value of the firmC) the domestic economyD) the global economyE) the industry outlookAnswer: D Difficulty: Easy2. An example of a highly cyclical industry is ________.A) the automobile industryB) the tobacco industryC) the food industryD) A and BE) B and CAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: Consumer durables, such as automobiles, are highly cyclical as purchases can be delayed until good times. Necessities, low-ticket items, and addictive products are purchased in good times and bad.3. Demand-side economics is concerned with _______.A) government spending and tax levelsB) monetary policyC) fiscal policyD) A and BE) A, B, and CAnswer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: Demand-side economics is concerned with monetary and fiscal policy(government spending and taxing).4. The most widely used monetary tool is ___________.A) altering the discount rateB) altering the reserve requirementsC) open market operationsD) altering marginal tax ratesE) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: The Federal Reserve's open market operations are the most widely used and most effective monetary tool for influencing interest rates.5. The "real", or inflation-adjusted, exchange rate, isA) the balance of trade.B) the budget deficit.C) the purchasing power ratio.D) unimportant to the U. S economy.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: The ratio of one country's purchasing power to another's is called the "real", or inflation adjusted, exchange rate, and is an important measure of the relative costs of domestic versus foreign goods.6. The "normal" range of price-earnings ratios for the S&P500 Index isA) between 2 and 10.B) between 5 and 15.C) less than 8.D) between 12 and 25E) greater than 20.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Stock prices commonly trade at between 12 and 25 times earnings.7. Monetary policy is determined byA) government budget decisions.B) presidential mandates.C) the board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.D) congressional actions.E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System determines monetary policy through open market operations, changes in the discount rate and reserverequirement adjustments.8. A trough is ________.A) a transition from an expansion in the business cycle to the start of a contractionB) a transition from a contraction in the business cycle to the start of an expansionC) a depression that lasts more than three years.D) only something used by farmers to feed pigs and not an investment termE) none of the aboveAnswer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: The trough occurs when the economy has hit "rock bottom" in the business cycle and recovery is ahead.9. A peak is ________.A) a transition from an expansion in the business cycle to the start of a contractionB) a transition from a contraction in the business cycle to the start of an expansionC) a depression that lasts more than three years.D) only something used by farmers to feed pigs and not an investment termE) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: The peak occurs when the economy has hit the top in the business cycle.10. If the economy is growing, firms with high operating leverage will experience__________.A) higher increases in profits than firms with low operating leverage.B) similar increases in profits as firms with low operating leverage.C) smaller increases in profits than firms with low operating leverage.D) no change in profits.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: As sales increase, firms with high operating leverage spread these fixed costs over more units and thus increase profits.11. If the economy is shrinking, firms with high operating leverage will experience__________.A) higher decreases in profits than firms with low operating leverage.B) similar decreases in profits as firms with low operating leverage.C) smaller decreases in profits than firms with low operating leverage.D) no change in profits.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: As sales decrease, firms with high operating leverage spread these fixed costs over fewer units and thus decrease profits.12. If the economy is growing, firms with low operating leverage will experience__________.A) higher increases in profits than firms with high operating leverage.B) similar increases in profits as firms with high operating leverage.C) smaller increases in profits than firms with high operating leverage.D) no change in profits.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: As sales increase, firms with high operating leverage spread these fixed costs over more units and thus increase profits.13. If the economy is shrinking, firms with low operating leverage will experience__________.A) higher decreases in profits than firms with high operating leverage.B) similar decreases in profits as firms with high operating leverage.C) smaller decreases in profits than firms with high operating leverage.D) no change in profits.E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: As sales decrease, firms with high operating leverage spread these fixed costs over fewer units and thus decrease profits.14. GDP refers to _________.A) the amount of personal disposable income in the economy.B) the difference between government spending and government revenues.C) the total manufacturing output in the economy.D) the total production of goods and services in the economyE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: GDP is a measure of the productive output of the country, both in terms of goods and services.15. The average duration of unemployment and changes in the consumer price index forservices are_________.A) leading economic indicatorsB) coincidental economic indicatorsC) lagging economic indicatorsD) composite economic indicatorsE) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: These indicators (C) lag the general economy, and are indicators that the economy is about to change directions.16. A firm in an industry that is very sensitive to the business cycle will likely have a stockbeta ___________.A) greater than 1.0B) equal to 1.0C) less than 1.0 but greater than 0.0D) equal to or less than 0.0E) There is no relationship between beta and sensitivity to the business cycle.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Cyclical stocks are more volatile than the market in general, and thus have betas greater than 1.0.17. If the economy were going into a recession, an attractive industry to invest in would bethe ________ industry.A) automobileB) medical servicesC) constructionD) A and CE) B and CAnswer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Medical services are necessities, and thus perform about the same regardless of the business cycle. Automobile and construction industries are cyclical, and perform poorly during recessions.18. The stock price index and contracts and new orders for nondefense capital goods areA) leading economic indicators.B) coincidental economic indicators.C) lagging economic indicators.D) not useful as economic indicators.E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Contracts and orders for plant and equipment are indicative of futureeconomic times, and thus are leading economic indicators. The stock price index is one of the best leading economic indicators, a reflection of market efficiency.19. A firm in the early stages of the industry life cycle will likely have ________.A) high market penetration.B) high risk.C) rapid growthD) A and CE) B and CAnswer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: In the early stages of the industry life cycle, the firm is likely to be high in risk.20. Assume the U. S. government was to decide to increase the budget deficit. This actionwill most likely cause __________ to increaseA) interest ratesB) government borrowingC) unemploymentD) both A and BE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: Increasing the deficit raises government borrowing, increases the demand for funds and thus increases the interest rates. Deficit spending is also used to stimulate the economy by encouraging increasing the output of economy.21. Assume the U. S. government was to decide to decrease the budget deficit. This actionwill most likely cause __________ to decreaseA) interest ratesB) government borrowingC) unemploymentD) both A and BE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: decreasing the deficit lowers government borrowing, decreases the demand for funds and thus decreases the interest rates.22. Assume that the Federal Reserve decreases the money supply. This action will cause________ to decrease.A) interest ratesB) the unemployment rateC) investment in the economyD) trade balanceE) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: Decreasing the money supply is an economic contraction strategy, resulting in a decreased output of the economy.23. If the currency of your country is depreciating, the result should be to ______ exportsand to _______ imports.A) stimulate, stimulateB) stimulate, discourageC) discourage, stimulateD) discourage, discourageE) not affect, not affectAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Depreciating currency means that country's goods and services are cheaper and thus that country's exports are stimulated. Likewise, goods and services of other countries are now more expensive; and thus production is discouraged.24. If the currency of your country is appreciating, the result should be to ______ exportsand to _______ imports.A) stimulate, stimulateB) stimulate, discourageC) discourage, stimulateD) discourage, discourageE) not affect, not affectAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: An appreciating currency means that country's goods and services are more expensive to foreigners and thus that country's exports are discourages. Likewise,goods and services of other countries are now less expensive; and thus imports are stimulated.25. Increases in the money supply will cause demand for investment and consumptiongoods to _______ in the short run and cause prices to ________ in the long run.A) increase, increaseB) increase, decreaseC) decrease, increaseD) decrease, increaseE) be unaffected, be unaffectedAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: An increase in the money supply results in increased demand for goods and services, which ultimately is reflected in higher prices for these goods and services.26. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)A) are for firms that operate in the NAFTA region.B) group firms by industry.C) are a perfect classification system for firms.D) A and B.E) A and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: The NAICS is a grouping of NAFTA firms by industry. However, theclassification system is not perfect as firms with dissimilar clients may be classified in one category.27. If interest rates increase, business investment expenditures are likely to ______ andconsumer durable expenditures are likely to _________.A) increase, increaseB) increase, decreaseC) decrease, increaseD) decrease, decreaseE) be unaffected, be unaffected.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: As interest rates increase, it becomes too expensive for businesses to increase their investment expenditures and the fewer durable goods produced become moreexpensive.28. Fiscal policy generally has a _______ direct impact than monetary policy on theeconomy, and the formulation and implementation of fiscal policy is ______ than that of monetary policy.A) more, quickerB) more, slowerC) less, quickerD) less, slowerE) Cannot tell from the information given.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Fiscal policy has a more direct impact on the economy than does monetary policy. However, the formulation and implementation of fiscal policy is much slower than monetary policy. Monetary policy is determined by the Federal Reserve System.Fiscal policy must be deliberated, passed, and implemented by both the executive and legislative branches of the federal government.29. Fiscal policy is difficult to implement quickly becauseA) it requires political negotiations.B) much of government spending is nondiscretionary and cannot be changed.C) increases in tax rates affect consumer spending gradually.D) A and B.E) A and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: Fiscal policy must be negotiated and can change only discretionary items within the budget, making it more difficult to implement. However, fiscal policychanges affect consumer spending almost immediately.30. InflationA) is the rate at which the general level of prices is increasing.B) rates are high when the economy is considered to be "overheated".C) is unrelated to unemployment rates.D) A and B.E) A and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: A and B are true. The government attempts to walk the fine line between the trade offs between unemployment and inflation.Use the following to answer questions 31-36:Two firms, A and B, both produce widgets. The price of widgets is $1 each. Firm A has total fixed costs of $500,000 and variable costs of 50 cents per widget. Firm B has total fixed costs of $240,000 and variable costs of 75 cents per widget. The corporate tax rate is 40%. If the economy is strong, each firm will sell 1,200,000 widgets. If the economy enters a recession, each firm will sell 1,100,000 widgets.31. If the economy enters a recession, the after-tax profit of Firm A will be ________.A) $0B) $6,000C) $30,000D) $60,000E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $1,100,000 - 500,000 FC - 0.5($1,100,000) VC = ($50,000)(1-.4) = $30,00032. If the economy enters a recession, the after-tax profit of Firm B will be _______.A) $0B) $6,000C) $36,000D) $60,000E) none of the aboveAnswer: E Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $1,100,000 - $240,000 FC - 0.75(1,100,000) VC = $-35,000 (1 - 0.4) =-$21,000.33. If the economy is strong, the after-tax profit of Firm A will be _______.A) $0B) $6,000C) $36,000D) $60,000E) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $1,200,000 - $500,000 FC- 0.5(1,200,000) VC = $100,000 (1 - 0.4) =$60,000.34. If the economy is strong, the after-tax profit of Firm B will be __________.A) $0B) $6,000C) $36,000D) $60,000E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $1,200,000 - $240,000 FC - 0.75(1,200,000) VC = $60,000 (1 - 0.40) =$36,000.35. Calculate firm A's degree of operating leverage.A) 11.0B) 2.86C) 9.09D) 1.00E) none of the above.Answer: A Difficulty: DifficultRationale: Based on test bank questions 17.31 and 17.33,DOL = [(60,000 - 30,000)/30,000]/[(1,200,000-1,100,000)/(1,100,000) = 1.000/.0909 =11.0.36. Calculate firm B's degree of operating leverage.A) .714B) 9.09C) 29.86D) 7.14E) none of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: DifficultRationale: Based on test bank questions 17.32 and 17.34,DOL = [(36,000 + 21,000)/21,000]/[(1,200,000-1,100,000)/(1,100,000) = 2.7143/.0909 = 29.8637. Classifying firms into groups, such as _________ provides an alternative to the industrylife cycle.A) slow-growersB) stalwartsC) countercyclicalsD) A and BE) A and CAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: The groups in this classification are slow-growers, stalwarts, fast-growers, cyclicals, turnarounds, and asset plays.38. Supply-side economists wishing to stimulate the economy are most likely torecommendA) a decrease in the money supply.B) a decrease in production output.C) an increase in the real interest rateD) a decrease in the tax rate.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Supply-siders argue that lowering tax rates stimulates investment.39. Which of the following are not examples of defensive industries?A) food producers.B) durable goods producers.C) pharmaceutical firms.D) public utilitiesE) B and CAnswer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: B represents a cyclical industry, while the others are examples of defensive industries.40. ________ is a proposition that a strong proponent of supply side economics would mostlikely stress.A) Higher marginal tax rates will lead to a reduction in the size of the budget deficitand lower interest rates as they depend on government revenues.B) Higher marginal tax rates promote economic inefficiency and thereby retardaggregate output as they encourage investors to undertake low productivity projects with substantial tax shelter benefitsC) Income redistribution payments will exert little impact on real aggregate supply asthey do not consume resources directly.D) A tax reduction will increase the disposable income of households, and thus, theprimary impact of a tax reduction on aggregate supply will stem from the influence of the tax change on the size of the budget deficit or surplus.E) None of the above is a likely statement for a supply-side proponent.Answer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: Supply-side economists focus on incentives and marginal tax rates.41. The industry life cycle is described by which of the following stage(s)?A) start-up.B) consolidation.C) absolute decline.D) A and B.E) A, B and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: The four stages of the industry life cycle are: start-up, consolidation, maturity, and relative decline.42. In the start-up stage of the industry life cycleA) it is difficult to predict which firms will succeed and which firms will fail.B) industry growth is very rapid.C) firms pay a high level of dividends.D) A and B.E) B and C.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: In the start-up stage, it is very difficult to predict which firms will succeed and which firms will fail, as no historical data are available. In this stage, industrygrowth is very rapid (if the industry is successful) and firms pay little or no dividends.43. In the consolidation stage of the industry life-cycleA) it is difficult to predict which firms will succeed and which firms will fail.B) industry growth is very rapid.C) the performance of firms will more closely track the performance of the overallindustry.D) A and B.E) B and C.Answer: C Difficulty: Easy44. In the maturity stage of the industry life cycleA) the product has reached full potential.B) profit margins are narrower.C) producers are forced to compete on price to a greater extent.D) A and B only.E) A, B, and C.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy45. In the decline stage of the industry life cycleA) the product may have reached obsolescence.B) the industry will grow at a rate less than the overall economy.C) the industry may experience negative growth.D) A and B only.E) A, B, and C.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy46. A variety of factors relating to industry structure affect the performance of the firm,includingA) threat of entry.B) rivalry between existing competitors.C) the state of the economy.D) A and C.E) A and B.Answer: E Difficulty: Easy47. The process of estimating the dividends and earnings that can be expected from the firmbased on determinants of value is calledA) business cycle forecasting.B) macroeconomic forecasting.C) technical analysis.D) fundamental analysis.E) none of the above.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: Fundamental analysis is the analysis of the determinants of value such as earnings prospects. It includes both macroeconomic analysis and industry analysis.48. The emerging market exhibiting the highest growth in real GDP in 2005 wasA) VenezuelaB) South KoreaC) BrazilD) RussiaE) MalaysiaAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: See Table 17.1.49. The emerging stock market exhibiting the highest U.S. dollar return in 2005 wasA) VenezuelaB) ArgentinaC) PolandD) MexicoE) ChinaAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: See Table 17.1.50. The life cycle stage in which industry leaders are likely to emerge is theA) start-up stage.B) maturity stage.C) consolidation stage.D) relative decline stage.E) all of the above.Answer: C Difficulty: EasyRationale: Industry leaders are most likely to emerge during the consolidation stage, after products become established.51. Investment manager Peter Lynch refers to firms that are in bankruptcy or soon might beasA) slow growers.B) stalwarts.C) cyclicals.D) asset plays.E) turnarounds.Answer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: Lynch classifies firms into six categories. Turnarounds may offertremendous investment potential if they can recover.52. A top-down analysis of a firm's prospects starts withA) an examination of the firm's industry.B) an evaluation of the firm's position within its industry.C) a forecast of interest rate movements.D) an assessment of the broad economic environment.E) the application of the CAPM to find the firm's theoretical return.Answer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: A top-down analysis first looks at the broad economy, then the industry, then the firm's position within the industry.53. Over the period 1999-2005, which of the following countries had a change in its realexchange rate that was favorable for U.S. consumers who want to buy its goods?A) CanadaB) ItalyC) GermanyD) FranceE) JapanAnswer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: Only Japan had a favorable change. The other countries listed all hadnegative changes. The numbers are shown in Figure 17.1.54. In recent years, P/E multiples haveA) fallen dramatically.B) risen dramatically.C) fallen slightly.D) risen slightly.E) remained level, on average.Answer: B Difficulty: EasyRationale: Since 1994 P/Es have risen dramatically as shown in Figure 17.2.55. Which of the following are key economic statistics that are used to describe the state ofthe macroeconomy?I)gross domestic productII)the unemployment rateIII)inflationIV)consumer sentimentV)the budget deficitA) I, II, and VB) I, III, and VC) I, II, and IIID) I, II, III, and VE) I, II, III, IV, and VAnswer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: All of the factors are key economic statistics.56. An example of a positive demand shock isA) a decrease in the money supply.B) a decrease in government spending.C) a decrease in foreign export demand.D) a decrease in the price of imported oil.E) a decrease in tax rates.Answer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: Increases in the items mentioned in answers A, B, and C would be favorable demand shocks. Imported oil price changes are supply shocks. A decrease in tax rates is the only favorable demand shock mentioned.57. During which stage of the industry life cycle would a firm experience stable growth insales?A) ConsolidationB) Relative DeclineC) MaturityD) Start-upE) StabilizationAnswer: A Difficulty: EasyRationale: One of the features of the Consolidation phase is stable growth. There is no stage. During Start-up there is rapid growth; during the Maturity phase there is slowing growth; and during the Relative Decline phase there is minimal or negative growth.58. The emerging stock market exhibiting the highest local currency return in 2005 wasA) RussiaB) VenezuelaC) PolandD) MexicoE) ChinaAnswer: B Difficulty: ModerateRationale: See Table 17.1.59. Sector rotationA) should always be carried out.B) is never worthwhile.C) is shifting the portfolio more heavily toward an industry or sector that is expected toperform well in the future.D) can be implemented costlessly.E) none of the aboveAnswer: C Difficulty: Easy60. According to Michael Porter, there are five determinants of competition. An exampleof _____ is when new entrants to an industry our pressure on prices and profits.A) Threat of EntryB) Rivalry between Existing CompetitorsC) Pressure from Substitute ProductsD) Bargaining power of BuyersE) Bargaining power of SuppliersAnswer: A Difficulty: Easy61. According to Michael Porter, there are five determinants of competition. An exampleof _____ is when competitors seek to expand their share of the market.A) Threat of EntryB) Rivalry between Existing CompetitorsC) Pressure from Substitute ProductsD) Bargaining power of BuyersE) Bargaining power of SuppliersAnswer: B Difficulty: Easy62. According to Michael Porter, there are five determinants of competition. An exampleof _____ is when the availability limits the prices that can be charged to customers.A) Threat of EntryB) Rivalry between Existing CompetitorsC) Pressure from Substitute ProductsD) Bargaining power of BuyersE) Bargaining power of SuppliersAnswer: C Difficulty: Easy63. According to Michael Porter, there are five determinants of competition. An exampleof _____ is when a buyer purchases a large fraction of an industry's output and can demand price concessions.A) Threat of EntryB) Rivalry between Existing CompetitorsC) Pressure from Substitute ProductsD) Bargaining power of BuyersE) Bargaining power of SuppliersAnswer: D Difficulty: Easy64. Assume the U. S. government was to decide to increase the budget deficit. This actionwill most likely cause __________ to increaseA) interest ratesB) government borrowingC) unemploymentD) both A and BE) none of the aboveAnswer: D Difficulty: EasyRationale: Decreasing the deficit lowers government borrowing, decreases the demand for funds and thus decreases the interest rates. Increasing the deficit does the opposite.65. If interest rates decrease, business investment expenditures are likely to ______ andconsumer durable expenditures are likely to _________.A) increase, increaseB) increase, decreaseC) decrease, increaseD) decrease, decreaseE) be unaffected, be unaffected.Answer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: As interest rates decrease, it becomes less expensive for businesses toincrease their investment expenditures and the more durable goods produced becomeless expensive.66. An example of a defensive industry is ________.A) the automobile industryB) the tobacco industryC) the food industryD) A and BE) B and CAnswer: E Difficulty: EasyRationale: Consumer durables, such as automobiles, are highly cyclical as purchasescan be delayed until good times. Necessities, low-ticket items, and addictive products are purchased in good times and bad.Use the following to answer questions 67-76:Two firms, C and D, both produce coat hangers. The price of coat hangers is $1.20 each. Firm C has total fixed costs of $750,000 and variable costs of 30 cents per widget. Firm D has total fixed costs of $400,000 and variable costs of 50 cents per widget. The corporate tax rate is 40%. If the economy is strong, each firm will sell 2,000,000 widgets. If the economy enters a recession, each firm will sell 1,400,000 widgets.67. If the economy enters a recession, the total revenue of Firm C will be ________.A) $1,680,000B) $1,400,000C) $2,000,000D) $0E) none of the aboveAnswer: A Difficulty: ModerateRationale: $1,400,000(1.20) = $1,680,000。





(对)4股票、债券属于一种直接投资工具,而证券投资基金则是一种间接投机工具(对)5证券发行市场是一个无形的市场,不存在具体的固定场所(对)6场外交易市场就是证券交易所之外形成的证券交易市场(对)7 如果所有证券都被公平定价,那么所有的股票讲提供相等的预期收益率(错)8股票价格和成交价量是市场行为最基本的表现(对)9在一只股票的收盘价高于其昨天的收盘价时,所画出的K线是阳线(错)10在证券投资中,基本分析主要解决买什么股票,而技术分析主要探讨以什么价格买进股票。

(对)12 相对来说,多根K线组合得到的结果比较正确(对)13 一根有上下引线和实体的阳K线从上到下依次是:最高价、收盘价、开盘价和最低价(对)14 在其他条件均相同时,股利收益高的股指期货价格要大于股利收益低的股票的期货价格(错)15在其他条件均相同时,股利β值高的股票的期货价格要高于β值低的股票的期货价格单选题1证券投资策略是投资者为实现投资目的所遵循的基本方针和基本准则2 具有表决权不是优先股的特征之一(约定股息率,股票可由公司赎回,优先分派股息清偿剩余财产是)3股份有限公司最初发行的的大多数是普通股,通过这类股票所筹集的资金通常是股份有限公司股本的基础4 当公司前景和股市行情看好、盈利增加时,可转换优先股股东的最佳策略是转换成普通股5代理问题是指在管理层和股东之间发生冲突的可能性,它是由管理层在利益回报方面的控制以及管理人员的低效业绩所产生的问题。



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17章习题答案1.证券投资基金是什么?它与股票、债券等其他金融产品有什么区别?2.证券投资基金有何特点?3.信托型基金和公司型基金有何区别?4.开放式和封闭式基金有何区别?5.我国证券投资基金治理结构存在着那些缺陷?6.某开放式基金单位净值为12.50欧元,购买费用6%,其发行价格为多少?7. 甲基金的投资组合构成如下:该基金目前无其他借入资金,但其投资组合的应记管理费用总额为30 000美元,发行在外总份额为400万,则该基金的单位净值为多少?8.就上题的甲基金,若本年内投资组合经理将D股票全部卖出,并以每股50美元的价格买入200 000股E股票,以每股25美元的价格买入200 000股F股票,则该投资组合的换手率为多少?9. 假设年初以每份20美元的价格购入1000份国际基金,应付4%的购买费用率,当年基金投资的证券价值上涨了12%,基金的费用率为1.2%。











































































6、12.5*(1+6%)=13.257.(200 000*35+300000*40+400000*20+600000*25-30000)/4000000=10.4925。
