



Spec U.S. Standard Type:duplex Minimum Piston Diameter:2½"Maximum Piston Diameter:5"Stroke length:10"Maximum Working Pressure:1,800 PSIRod/Piston Load:13100lb Gallons per Minute:234.0Barrels per Day:8023Brake Horse Power:119.1Gaso, 1740, Duplex, Piston Pump (Mud Pump)Pumps in this series1740174117421743SpecsPump CurvesHover over Power Curves to reveal RPM and GPMPerformance Data Table40 RPM 62.3 HP45 RPM 70.1 HP50 RPM 77.8 HP55 RPM 85.6 HP60 RPM 93.4 HP65 RPM 101.2 HP 70 RPM 109.0 HP 75 RPM 116.8 HP 80 RPM 124.5 HP 85 RPM 132.3 HP 90 RPM 140.1 HP 95 RPM147.9 HP501001502002503005" DIA. — 667 MAX. P.S.I.4¾" DIA. — 739 MAX. P.S.I.4½" DIA. — 824 MAX. P.S.I.4¼" DIA. — 923 MAX. P.S.I.4" DIA. — 1042 MAX. P.S.I.3¾" DIA. — 1186 MAX.P.S.I.3½" DIA. — 1362 MAX.P.S.I.3¼" DIA. — 1579 MAX.P.S.I.3" DIA. — 1800 MAX. P.S.I.2¾" DIA. — 1800 MAX.P.S.I.2½" DIA. — 1800 MAX.P.S.I.Phone:IEQ Industries Ltd PO Box 230097Grand Rapids, MI 49523800.544.9053 |616.452.6882Features/BenefitsGASO DUPLEX PISTON PUMPSRatings published here in are intended to be used only for preliminary planning purposes, and as such carried no warranties whatsoever. All applications for gas opines must be approved in writing. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE IS TRANSCRIBED FROM A GASO TECHNICAL MANUAL FROM THE 1960’S - 70’S. IEQ INDUSTRIES OR THE CUSTODIANS OF THIS WEBSITE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS CONTENT.Power End SpecificationsPower Frame. High-strength gray iron alloy casting with heavy wall sections, well ribbed to ensure rigid construction and design to fully enclose all working parts.Gears. Continuous to Sykes herringbone construction. Main gear is heat treated high-grade ductile iron. Pinion gear is cut from forged alloy steel and hardened.Crankshaft. Have a center section for mounting main gear. Large diameter crank pinsPinion Shaft. Alloy steel bar stock, machine and precision ground.Bearings. Heavy duty tapered roller bearings on crankshaft. Self-contained double roll bearings on pinion shaft to permit free floating of shaft for self centering of peers.Connecting Rods. Heavy cross section castings with renewable Babbitt lined steel shell bearings and crank and; bronze bushing in cross head end. Lubrication. All power and parts including gears, cross heads, connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings and pinion crank shaft bearings, are lubricated by splash system from lubricant in crankcase reservoir.Fluid End SpecificationsPower Frame. Alloys stocked are Molybdenum’s cast iron and cast steel. Fluid ounce can be trimmed out for pumping various liquids. Ductile iron can be furnished upon request.Cylinder Heads. Heavy section alloy casting to match material of pump fluid body.Valve Covers. Heavy section alloy casting to match material of pump fluid body.Liners. All pumps are available with interchangeable pipe liners. Standard materials available are Molybdenums alloyed iron, file hard steel and special corrosion resistant liners.Piston Rods. Various rod materials are available. These are: steel, bronze, stainless steel, file hard steel, and chrome plated steel.Pistons. Molly–iron and bronze bodies fitted with various types of rings or cups are available.slush service pistons can also be furnished.Valves. Valves and seats are available as follows: hardened and ground steel wing guided, bronze wing guided, steal or bronze insert type, direct blood valves for use on cast iron or bronze seats. McClatchie and mission can also be furnished.Stuffing Boxes. All duplex pumps are furnished with replaceable type stuffing boxes which are available in cast iron and bronze.Packing. Standard packing is a set of lip–type packing rings. Other packings can be furnished for special applications.Stuffing Box Lubrication. Furnished by use of regulated flow of oil from a force-feed lubricate or mounted on the pump, with a separate oil line to each stuffing box.Disclaimer IThis website is intended as a reference tool only. It has been constructed from published data that is based on manufacturer's sales and engineering documents that are either current, historical and obsolete. Much of the machinery data contained herein has been re-rated through the years with different engineering criteria which maybe in conflict with legacy data. Much of the content published here is calculated online with the use of dynamic data using formulas and extrapolations considered to be sound engineering formulas and are correct to the degree that the data used is accurate. We have done our best to be as precise as as possible in this posting but do not represent any of the calculations or performance data to be entirely accurate. The data published here is intended to be general information rather than actual and to serve as a reference rather than a technical absolute. The user of such data should confirm such information independently.Copyright and Disclaimers is your resource for Gaso pumps, Gaso pump parts and a supplier of ORIGINAL GASO PARTS and equipment, new used and remanufactured Wheatley, GASO andWheatley/GASO plunger and piston pumps and pump parts and is not affiliated with Wheatley/GASO Inc. or its parent company, National Oilwell Varco,p Copyright ©2017, IntelleQ Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved, *Used under license from IntelleQ Holdings, LLC.。



摘要----------------------------------------------------------------------------------目录----------------------------------------------------------------------------第一章的总体概述-------------------------------------------------------第二章动机的选择--------------------------------------------------------- 第三章浆泵的一些零件的设计计算-----------------------------------第四章浆泵主要零件的额加工工艺-------------------------------------4. 1 偏心轮的加工---------------------------------------------------4. 1 . 1工工艺4. 1. 2 注意事项4. 2 泵头体处理工艺----------------------------------------------4. 2. 1 泵头提到额失效过程4. 2 .2 影响泵头体服役寿命的主要因素4. 2. 3 冶金因素4. 2 .4 平面强化4. 2. 5 机加工4. 3 缸套磨损机理研究材料选择及结构设计-------------------4. 3. 1 磨损原因分析4. 4 泵轴热处理要解决的问题---------------------------------------4. 4. 1 感应器的设计4. 4. 2 保护水套的设计4.4 . 3 工艺过程的设计4. 4. 4 工艺调试4. 5 泥浆泵轴表面热处理的方法----------------------------------4. 5. 1 表面热处理方式选择4. 5. 2 火焰表面淬火工艺4. 5. 3 火焰表面淬火工艺制定4. 5. 4 注意事项4. 5 . 5 缸套磨损机理研究、结构设计及表面处理技术的应用4. 5. 6 效果分析4. 6 齿轮---------------------------------------------------------------4. 7 活塞密封圈的选择------------------------------------------------ 第五章泵的使用与维护----------------------------------------------5. 1 安装5. 2 维护5. 3正确使用与维护5. 4 泵的润滑5. 5常见故障及排除第六章柱塞泥浆泵的经济可行性分析-------------------------------第七章结论---------------------------------------------------------------参考文献----------------------------------------------------------------附录一专题------------------------------------------------------------附录二外文翻译----------------------------------------------------- 英文翻译中文翻译第一章泥浆泵泵的总体概述柱塞泥浆泵的工作原理:图1.1由图1.1解释。



***********©National Oilwell Varco - All rights reserved - RigDoc 100522317 Rev. 1National Oilwell Varco's 12-P-160 Mud Pump provides smooth performance. It's construction is robust and durable for use in most environments. The 12-P-160 is rated @ 1,600 input horsepower (1,193 kW) at 120 strokes per minute with a 12 inch (304 mm) stroke. Multiple liner sizes allow pressure and volume to handle circulation in deep drilling applications.The mud pumps advanced fluid end design gives exceptionally smooth triplex performance. In addition, this unique design facilitates fast inspection and easy servicing. Compact engineering provides higher it easily adaptable to varied rig configurations. This provides flexibility as drilling requirements and consditions change.Power End• Fabricated steel frame construction •• Adaptability to a variety of drive arrangements on either sides or on both sides •• Pressurized lubrication system Optional Accessories • HydrA-LIGN™ piston rod • Blak-JAK™ liner retention system• Blak-JAK™ Torque master quick change valve cover retention system • Pneumatic pump rotation toolBelt Drive• Belt life in excess oflowest cost of ownership in the industry• No requirement for lube oil filter, cables, cable trays, MCC cubicles, starters •• Naturally balanced for smooth running • No casting • No weldingWarranties• The standard module carries a three-year, 100% warranty against cracking• The premium module has a four-year, 100% warranty against cracking•L.H. Side of pumppump model to select the fluid end module that exactly matches the drilling requirements. The 12-P-160 can be equipped with either the standard or premium forged, two-piece interchangeable fluid modules. • Cold worked for longer life - The internal bores of the standard modules are shot peened. The premium modules have auto-frettage bores. The benefits of these processes are increased module fattigue life and greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking • High pressure modulesFluid End key features• Two-piece modular cylinder design is completely interchangeable between modules • Fast Change™ screw-type valve covers, which facilitate quick removal and installation are currently standard• Suction manifold can be equipped with front or side inlet connections • Discharge piping connects from either side• Piston and liner chambers are easily accessible and fully open • Two-piece piston rod construction allows removal of piston without disturbing liner • Easy-to-operate clamps give positive locking for liners and piston rod assemblies • Spray system cools and lubricates piston and liner surfacesFluid End ModulesPlan view of pumpQuiet Blower• 3000 scfm Quiet Blower emits approximately 82 dbaCondition Monitoring• Local display graphs the pump power end vibrations and temperatures • Trending of pump data to identify and predict maintenance needs • Can also be used to record pumping data (strokes pressure), which canbe exported via flash card to rig computerPerformance 12-P-160297 367 529 621 720 772Gallons Per Minute (GPM)P r e s s u r e (p s i )Liner size*Both 5,000 psi or 7,500 psi are available† Rated maximum input horsepower and speedPage 38。



目录前言 (2)第一章安装、使用、保养 (3)RS-F1600/1300钻井泵外形图 (4)1 技术规范及性能参数 (5)2 结构特点 (7)3 新泵的安装 (8)4 泵的起动及操作 (11)5 润滑 (13)6 喷淋泵装置 (14)7 保养 (15)8贮藏 (17)9日常维护保养一览表 (18)第二章维护手册 (20)1动力端的维护 (21)2 动力端零件的装配 (22)3液力端维护 (29)4液力端零件的装配 (30)5可能发生的故障和排除方法 (35)第三章零件目录 (36)1 零件目录图纸清单 (37)2 随机工具 (53)3 随机备用件 (55)前言本说明书为了帮助用户对钻井泵有所了解和给钻井泵的操作者和修理工提供指导,就RS-F1300/1600钻井泵的技术规范、结构特点、安装、使用、维护和拆卸等方面分别作较详细的介绍,正确使用本说明书将有助于保证泵的正常运行,但由于篇幅的局限,不可能把每一个一般性的技术问题都一一说明得十分清楚。





第一章安装、使用、保养安装、使用、保养1 技术规范及性能参数1.1 技术规范1.2 性能参数(取机械效率η=90%,充满系数α=100%,容积效率100%)2 结构特点2.1动力端泵机架为钢板焊接结构,传动轴和曲轴轴承座系铸钢件,粗加工后与机壳组焊,在曲轴轴承座处采用筋板加强结构,焊后退火以消除内应力,钢性好强度高。







产品介绍 产品特点
适用范围 主要性能参数
BW-150型泥浆泵是一种卧式 三缸往复单作用活塞泵,可以 换八种不同压力和流量,用于 地质岩心钻探山东神华工程中 向钻孔输送冲洗液(泥浆、清 水、皂化液),适合1500米内 小口径金刚石钻探配套,也可 以用于中低压力、水泥浆灌注, 本泵多档变速变量、节省能源、 结构紧凑、体重轻、效率高、 经久耐用、操作安全方、维修
该泵类主要用于地质钻 探、地质工程施工配套
BW-150型泥浆泵主要用于地质勘探、地 质工程施工配套及地基处理低、中压注浆 泵等。
国内已在地质、煤炭建筑冶金化工水利石 油等行业广泛应用。
1、动力与变速箱之间采用 外置干式摩擦离合器,操 作安全、简单,磨损后极 易调整,维修也很方便, 大大降低了维修费用; 2、有电动机直接驱动和柴 油机直接驱动等多种形式, 用户可根据需要订货或定 制;
3、可变换八种不 同压力和ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ量,适 用范围非常广泛; 4、结构紧凑,造 型美观,经久耐 用;;
5、流量均匀,压 力波动小 6、效率高,节约 能源。
最大流量 320L/min 最大压力
驱动功率 30kw 吸水管直径 75mm
排水管直径 50mm 钻进孔深(m)金刚石
钻进<1sh08800 外形尺寸(mm) 1280*855*750



图 9 F -1300/1600液力端总成
(1)耐磨盘密封 (2)耐磨盘 (3)缸套法兰 (4)缸套密封圈 (5)缸套压盖
(6)缸套 (7)缸套锁紧环 (8)活塞杆 (9)活塞 (10)活塞密封 (11)螺母
(12)定传盘 (13)阀杆导向器 (14)插板 (15)缸盖密封圈 (16)缸盖堵头
(17)缸盖 (18)阀盖密封圈 (19)档泥板 (20)阀盖
注: 把螺纹起点装在5点钟的位置是使缸套压盖螺纹更易啮合。


用润滑脂薄涂在缸套压盖⑤的内表面,然后从后部套到缸套⑥上,将两半缸套锁紧环⑦装在缸套槽内,用“O ”型圈把两半缸套锁紧环箍住。












编者二00三年^一月早节12345目录表(F-1300/1600 三缸泵)内容三缸泵使用维护说明书F-1300/1600三缸泵零件目录KB-75空气包零件目录JA-3剪销安全零件目录F-1300/1600三缸泵性能参数第1章操作与维护手册公制泵总体尺寸(mm)技术规范十分小心,以保证最长的寿命和最小的由于传动故障造成的停机。






注: 1N = O.IKg1•三角皮带传动(1)检查皮带轮槽状态在安装前,检查皮带轮槽是否磨损变圆,因为这样将会使三角带很快坏。



23 吨
3NB500C.3NB1000C.3NB1300C.3NB1600C 共 32 页
80 309.6 420.8 278.4 379.2 20.8 17.6 15.6 13.52 11.52 9.68
328.95 447.1 295.8 402.9
14.36 5
10.28 5
90 348.3 473.4 313.2 426.2 23.4 19.8 17.55 15.21 12.96 10.89
φ150 160 15.68
φ140 182 17.84
φ130 211 20.68
φ120 248 24.3
φ110 295 28.91
3.48 4.47 0.26 0.22 0.195 0.169 0.144 0.121
50 193.5 263 174 237 13 11 9.75 8.45 7.2 6.05
3NB500C. 3NB1000C. 3NB1300C. 3NB1600C 共 32 页 第 3 页
本说明书为了帮助用户对泵有所了解和给泥浆 泵的操作者和修理 工提供指导,就 3NB1600.3NB1300C.3NB1000C.3NB500C 泥浆泵的技术规 范,结构特点,安装使用,维护和拆卸等方面分别作较详细的介绍。正 确使用本说明书将有助于保证泵的正常运行,但由于篇幅的局限,不可 能把每一个一般性的技术问题都一一说明的十分清楚。

泥浆泵教材(6.7 12P160泥浆泵介绍)

泥浆泵教材(6.7 12P160泥浆泵介绍)

12-P-160泥浆泵的介绍从工作原理和结构方面来讲,12-P-160泥浆泵和F-1600泥浆泵基本相同,下面对12-P-160泥浆泵做简要的介绍:一、缸套尺寸与压力、排量关系表:注:●以上数据基于泥浆泵发挥90%的机械效率和100%的容积效率●泵速和输入功率为额定值,输出功率为额定功率的90%●表中蓝色数据为我平台现用缸套尺寸、压力及排量关系值二、常用螺栓尺寸与扭矩表:补充说明:1.凡尔压盖上紧后,再用16磅的大锤猛击3-4下即可2.楔块调整螺栓采用5-1/2″长的专用扳手,1个人上紧即可3.1英尺•磅 = 1.356牛•米三、常用密封件一览表:补充说明:以上密封件为单泵所需数量四、常用润滑油、润滑脂一览表五、常用易损件使用更换标准六、保养规程1、日保养●在泵静止时检查动力端的齿轮油位和油质情况。




















BOMCO F-1300/1600钻井泵操作手册AH13010100CZAH16010100CZ2005年12月前言感谢您购买和使用宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司生产的F系列钻井泵。

F-1300与 F-1600两种规格的钻井泵外形尺寸、机架和液力端相同,只是动力端的轴承和齿轮副不同。









1 安全准则以下列出了与F-1300/1600钻井泵绞车密切相关的一般安全预防措施。




1.1 合格的人员只有被授权的合格人员才能操作该设备。

1.2 防护设备操作人员都必须穿戴防护服、防护帽、防护鞋及其它的防护设备等。


1.3 安全习惯安装、操作、拆卸和维护该设备时,好的全面的安全习惯必须随时遵守。


1.4 设备的操作操作者只有通读该设备的操作手册并且完全熟悉所有操作控制、功能后才可进行操作。

1.5 未被授权人员当操作、维护或运行该设备时,未被授权的人员应当远离。

1.6 可见度当可见度不高时,不允许操作该设备。



bw-250型注浆泵操作规程(4篇范文)第1篇 bw-250型注浆泵操作规程第一章开泵前的准备工作1、检查进水管和滤水器活阀,如有堵塞或锈死,应及时处理。






















REVISION HISTORY02 01.03.2005 Updated to new template PG KKRev Date( for issue Prepared Checked Approved CHANGE DESCRIPTION DescriptionRevision Change02 Updated to new template; content review and updateTABLE OF CONTENTS1PERFORMANCE DATA (4)2TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (5)2.1General Dimensions (5)2.2Specifications for the 12-P-160 (6)1 PERFORMANCEDATALiner size, inches (mm)7 ¼”(184.2)7”(177.8)6 ¾”(171.5)6 ½”(165.1)6 ¼”(158.8)6”(152.4)5 ¾”(146.1)5 ½”(139.7)5”(127)4 ½”(114.3)Max. Discharge Pressure, psi (kg/cm2) with high pressure Fluid End† 3200(225)3430(241.1)3690(259.4)3980(279.8)4305(302.7)4670(328.3)5085(357.5)5555(390.5)6720(472.4)7500(527.2)Pump Speed spm Input HP,HP (kW)Hyd.** HP,HP (kW)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)GPM**(LPM**)120*1600*(1193*)1440(1074)*** ***669(2533)621(2349)574(2172)529(2002)486(1840)444(1682)367(1389)297(1124)100 1333(994)1200(895)643(2435)600(2270)558(2111)517(1958)478(1810)441(1668)405(1533)370(1401)306(1158)248(938)80 1067(796)960(716)515(1948)480(1816)446(1689)414(1566)383(1448)353(1334)324(1226)296(1121)245(927)198(750)60800(597)720(537)388(1461)360(1362)335(1267)310(1175)287(1086)264(1001)243(920)222(841)184(697)149(564)40533(397)480(358)257(974)240(908)223(844)207(783)191(724)176(667)162(613.1)148(561)122(462)99(375)Volume/Stroke, gal. (Liters)6.433(24.35)5.997(22.70)5.576(21.11)5.171(19.58)4.781(18.10)4.406(16.68)4.046(15.32)3.702(14.02)3.060(11.58)2.478(9.38)*Rated maximum input horsepower and speed**Based on 90% mechanical efficiency and 100% volumetric efficiency ***Operation over 675 gpm could result in reduced valve life†5,000 PSI Fluid End configuration available2 TECHNICALSPECIFICATIONDimensions2.1 General ArrayNOTE: Center of Gravity is for complete pump less sprocket2.2 Specifications for the 12-P-160DimensionsHeight, floor to center of front inlet suction, inches (mm) 16 ½ (419)Height, floor to center of discharge, inches (mm) 45 ¼ (1149)Overall length over skids, inches (mm) 209 (5309)Width over frame, inches (mm) 78 5⁄8 (1997)Width over pinion shaft, inches (mm) 113 ¾ (2889)Height, floor to top of gear case, inches (mm) 75 (1905)Height over fluid cylinders, inches (mm) 62 15⁄16 (1599)Weight-complete, less sheave, lbs. (kg) 54,700 (24,810)Fluid ConnectionsSuction connection 10” ASA-150 lb. R.J. flangeDischarge connection, cross 6” API-5000 lb. R.J. flangeCapacity DataMaximum liner bore, inches (mm) 7 ¼ (184.2)Stroke, inches (mm) 12 (304.9)Maximum input horsepower (kW) 1600 (1193)Rated pump speed, spm 120Pinion speed, rpm 413(791)Hydrostatic test pressure of fluid cylinders, psi (kg/cm2) 11,250Mechanical DataFluid cylinder Steel, 2 piece interchangeable modular designValves, API number MOD. 7Valve seats Bottom shouldering, modified for high pressurePiston rod-piston connection Piloted and shouldered, National CB-4Piston rod-intermediate rod connection Piloted and shouldered, metal-to-metal lockType of gears Relieved herringboneGear ratio 3.439:1Gear and pinion Through hardened alloyType of crosshead pin TaperedNumber and type of pinion shaft bearing 2 self aligning rollerNumber and type of main bearing 2 double row tapered rollerNumber and type of crosshead bearing 3 double row needleNumber and type of crankshaft-connecting rod bearing 3 cylindrical rollerDouble extension on pinion shaft, inches (mm) 9 ¼ Dia. x 18 ½ Long (234.95 x 469.9)Sprocket with QD Hub Type S-Dual Electric Motor DriveTwo- 75T 1½” pitch quint.(Drive sprocket 1200 RPM max.)Ind. or rig drive-drive sprocket 1000 rpm max. 75T 1½” pitch octupleInd. or rig drive-drive sprocket 1100 rpm max. 75T 1½” pitch tenwideSheave, QD Hub Type S 53” OD 24-8V Section belts。


1、 打开电源开关,红灯亮表示接通电源。
2、 把两个钮子开关分不置于“自动”和“停”位置。
3、 搅拌锅和搅拌叶片用湿布擦过,先将水倒入搅拌锅内,然后在5-10秒 内把500克水泥加入水中,将搅拌锅放在搅拌机的锅座上,升至搅拌位置, 按下程控器启动按钮既完成低速120秒一一停15秒(将叶片和锅壁上的水 泥浆刮入锅中间)一快速120秒一停机。
4、 拨动手柄使搅拌锅下移,逆时针转搅拌锅至松开位置,取下搅拌锅。
5、 每次使用后赶忙完全清除搅拌叶与搅拌锅内外残余的水泥浆。




















BWZ-250/50型泡沫水泵增压装置使用说明书一.概述 (1)二.用途与特点 (1)三.工作原理 (2)四.技术性能指标 (3)五.增压缸结构及管线连接 (4)六.使用与维护 (5)七.密封件明细 (8)八.配套装置 (8)九.说明 (9)一.概述泡沫钻进作为一种先进的钻探技术方法已为全世界钻探同行所公认,但实施该项技术需采用高压泡沫输送设备。










Wastecorp Mud-Sucker 泥浆泵说明书

Wastecorp Mud-Sucker 泥浆泵说明书

PUMPS DESIGNED FOR ONE APPLICATION.YOURS. MUNICIPAL | INDUSTRIAL | COMMERCIAL | MARINE | RECREATIONALM U D -S U C K E R D I A P H R A G M P U M P S1From waste clean-ups to sewage disposal, theMud-Sucker can pump over 10,000 gallons per hour of heavy waste or debris laden water. Wastecorp Mud-Sucker’s are available in trailer mounted dolly style, stationary or cart style models with multipleThese pumps incorporate a check ball or a check flapper valve and are available in heavy duty single or double diaphragmmodels.MunicipalBelt filter press Centrifuge feed Lagoon dredging Portable clean-up Scum transfer Septage transfer Thickened sludgeIndustrialBilge pumpingBiodiesel producers Clay slurriesCommercial marine ConstructionCruise ship waste transferExplosive jelly Ferric chloride Fiberboard filler Golf course lagoons Leisure marine Lime slurryLocomotive tankers & rest room waste.Metal slurry transfer Mining waste Paint transferPassified chemical sludgePharmaceutical Polymer transfer Pulp and paper Raw latexShip bilge transfer Waste oil sludgeFood ProcessingBeefColostrumFruit & vegetable Pork Poultry SeafoodSugar refining TanneryVegetable oilY our Pumping Application and Wastecorp’s Mud-Sucker.®T H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.2CONTENTS2FA SERIES5-61 ½”- 2” connection sizes. Pump up to 50 GPM.3FA SERIES7-83“ aluminum Pump up to 1 ½”- 2”connection sizes. Pump up to 80 GPM.B SERIES PROFESSIONAL9-103“ or 4” ball valve style pumps designed for heavy solids handling. Pump up to 110 GPM.DD-SERIES11-121 ½” - 4” connection sizes. Double diaphragm pumps designed for multiple fluid transfer tasks with one pump. Pump up to 280 GPM.BW SERIES133” or 4” walking beam style pumps designed for food processing waste and refinery sludge.BW-DD SERIES144” double diaphragm walking beam style pumps engineered for mining waste transfer and municipal sewage.SPECIALTY SERIES15Hydraulic pumps, air operated, grout pumps andSludge-Sucker Hand Pumps.HONEY WAGON 16SANITATION SYSTEMSFeaturing Mud-Sucker diaphragm pumps up to2” sizes. Honey wagons are designed for commercial and leisure marina’s, harbours and shipping ports Tanks available from 50 gallons to over 1000 gallons.GENUINE 17-18MUD-SUCKER ACCESSORIES.Check out our revolutionary pump tools that can increase productivity and reduce mess.™™™™™™®®DischargeDischarge(Shown in open position)Discharge flapper valve.(Shown in open position)Flapper Valve or Ball Valve,Which Mud-Sucker Style Is Right For You?T H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.4Progress Through Innovation.Pump Series Connection Size (Inches)Capacity(US GPM)Vertical (ft)Horiz.(ft)Vertical (ft)Horiz.(ft)LIGHT-MEDIUM DUTY1 F-H 1 -SUCTION DISCHARGE"182010050100Over 80 years have passed since the first walking beam style diaphragm pump roled out from the factory. This pump design with its guided valve chamber system has stood the test of time and is still used in today’s modern plunger and diaphragm pumps to prevent clogging.Today, Wastecorp Pump uses the latest technology to empower your pumping application, with quality components and unmatched customer service.Mud-Sucker Diaphragm Pumps are OEM designed and manufactured by Wastecorp Pumps in North America.M U D -S U C K E R D I A P H R A G M P U M P S5THE NEW 2FA SERIESPUMP LIKE A PRO WITH MUD-SUCKER 2FA SERIES PUMPS.Designed for Marine, and multipurpose applications available in single and double diaphragm models. You choose from electric or engine drives.The Mud-Sucker 2FA Series is designed for marine and multi-purpose applications. You choose between a 1½” or a 2” connection and electric, gas or diesel models.The 2FA features a heavy duty 7” diaphragm with a marine grade aluminum contoured velocity channel. This design improves the flow of fluids, providing a virtually clog free design.The Mud-Sucker 2FA Series is Wastecorp’s most compact self-priming design, withmost models weighing under 80 Lbs. The 2FA is designed to pump debris laden liquid or slurries such as cruise ship or pleasure boat septic tank waste and vegetable oil. The 1½ & 2FA™ can be customized with your choice of fittings and adapters to suit your specific needs. The Standard model features a single phase 1 HP; 1800 RPM, 60 Hz, 110-220V with helical parallel gear reducer.ABCA . Heavy duty shaft and crank armdesigned for heavy use applications and long life cycles.B . Marine grade aluminum pump bodyenhances fluid transfer.C . Quick connect fittings designed to fitsecurely with hoses and attachments.™™Premium ComponentsWastecorp rubber/fabric-reinforced and thermoplastic (TPE) pump diaphragm offer a combination of performance and economic benefits.These products have superior flex fatigue resistance,excellent abrasion resistance, and good temperature resistance. Increased flex life results in less downtime, lower maintenance costs and lower replacement costs for the pump user.Did You Know?The Mud-Sucker 2F Series is a popular pump to transfer vegetable oil in the production of biofuels.Mud-Sucker® 2FA-EC™• Standard single phase 1 HP; 1800 RPM, 60 Hz, 110-220V with helical parallel gear reducerT H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.6E L E N G I N E E L E C T R I C I TMud-Sucker® 2FA-M™• Featuring a Honda GX 100 3 HP engine • Available with wheel kit • Solids handling up to 1¼”* See page 11 for the double diaphragm configuration.Guard removed for clarityCONNECTION. ELECTRIC, ENGINE AND EXPLOSION PROOFDRIVE UNITS AVAILABLE.The Mud-Sucker FA™ Series heavy dutydiaphragm pump is available with amarine grade aluminum pump body,thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) diaphragmand various drive options. WastecorpPumps offers the FA™ series in twoconfigurations: stationary or wheelmounted for easy mobility and portabilityaround the job site.The FA can transfer solids up to 2¼”making it an ideal pump for heavy dutymunicipal and industrial applications.Each unit is equipped with fabricreinforced neoprene flapper valves onboth the suction and discharge, withsteel weights designed to enhance fluidtransfer of any kind.Mud-Sucker® 3FA-M Series™• Standard 5 hp gas or dieselengine• Pump up to 80 GPM• Solids handling up to 2¼”3FA SERIES ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONSENGINE WHEEL KIT EXPLOSION PROOFMud-Sucker® 3FA-EC Series™• Standard 3 hp gas or dieselengine• Pump up to 80 GPM• Solids handling up to 2¼”Guard removed for clarity3FA Front ViewT H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.8THE SECRET IS IN A SIMPLE DESIGN.1. Long lasting neoprene diaphragm2. Cross section improves flow of liquid and sludge.3. Quick connections available to get your job done quickly.4. Heavy duty flappers are low cost and easy to replace.1234B SERIESSEVERE DUTY PUMPING POWER. CRUSH DEBRIS LADEN WASTE WITH EASE.Designed for mining, food processing, agricultural, construction,refinery sludge, petrochemicals and much more. Available in 3”and 4” connection sizes with pumping capabilities up to 110 GPM.The heavy duty Mud-Sucker B Series Professional isdesigned for the toughest sludge and slurry basedliquids known for publicworks and industrial applications.The simple and proven design is equipped with anadjustable stroke eccentric, allowing the operator toalter the flow rater and any time .Access to the pump interior is as simple asremoving the valve chamber cover. With the BSeries Professional, maintenance is easy andcost effective.The Mud-Sucker B Series has one lubricationpoint to reduce maintenance.Plus, theMud-Sucker is designed to work non stop andself primes up to. 25 ft.For Minimal Maintenance And A Long Life cycle,There is Simply No Other Pump Like a Mud-Sucker.BA. Ball valve design breaksapart up to 2 ¼”solids easily andtransfers heavy sludge.B. Heavy duty cast iron designenables you to pump the toughestsludge and slurry without highmaintenance costs.AT H E PU M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.10Mud-Sucker®3B-EC | 3B-M Series™• Capacity up to 80 GPM• 5 HP; 1750 RPM 3PH; 60 HZ460V TEFC helical parallel gear motor • 5 HP engine driven models• 13” OD TPE diaphragm• Heavy duty cast iron pump bodyMud-Sucker® 4B-M | 4B-EC Series™• Capacity up to 110 GPM • 5 HP; 1750 RPM 3PH; 60 HZ460V TEFC helical parallel gear motor • Up to 8 HP 3600 RPM engines • 14 ¾ OD TPE diaphragm• Heavy duty 5-1/8” urethane ball valve system3”4”B SERIES CUSTOM VARIATIONSI N -L I N E D O L LY T R A I L E RY our choice of gas,electric or diesel drives.A stronger sealsur r ounds the pu mp body and diaphragm.Select f r om s ev eral diaphragm styles to suit the type of fluid you are pumping.™M U D -S U C K E R D I A P H R A G M P U M P S11The 2”, 3“ and 4” Mud-Sucker doublediaphragm pump series incorporates the same design characteristics as the FA™ Series, but its double diaphragm configuration increases the operating capacity (US GPM) two-fold. This enables you to perform multiple fluid transfer tasks simultaneously.Versatile and powerful, you can mount the Mud-Sucker DD Series almost anywhere while pumping up to 280 GPM.The Mud-Sucker double diaphragm series is offered with your choice of fabric reinforced flapper valve design or heavy duty ball valve design. From clean water or debris laden liquids to thick slurries, the Mud-Sucker F-DD™ is engineered for years of trouble-free pumping with minimal replacement parts costs.CBAA. Contoured Velocity Channel Aids in handling tough slurries and debrisB. Several Sizes for The Toughest Jobs Choose from 2”, 3” and 4” connection sizes and pump up to 280 GPM.C. Powerful Drive SystemsChoose from gas, diesel or electric models up to 13 HP.Mud-Sucker® 2FDD™Wastecorp’s 2” double pump out models feature 2” suction/discharge ports and are ideal for marine, locomotive and multi-purpose pumping.• Lightweight aluminum pump casing• Choice of gas, diesel and electric• Solids handling up to 1¼”• Pump up to 50 GPMT H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.12Mud-Sucker ® B-DD ™ (Ball Valve)For high solids applications including mining, food processing petrochemicals and more. The B-DD Series is tested and proven for superior performance and wear resistance. • 3 and 4” models available • U p to 10 hp electric (single or three phase) • 10 hp gas or diesel engine • P ump up to 220 GPM • D ischarge head to 50 ft • S olids handling up to 2 ¼”Mud-Sucker® FM-DD™ (Gas or Diesel)The Mud-Sucker FM-DD Series features an ultra low maintenance design. Withfew moving parts, the DD Series is designed to outlast in the most punishing conditions. • Select from 2-4” gas models • Pump up to 280 GPM • Solids handling up to 2 ¼Mud-Sucker® FEC-DD™The heavy duty FA-DD Series features aredesigned pump body to improve performance with a wider selection of piping configurations.• Pump up to 280 GPM • Solids handling up to 2½”• Choice of electric, gas or diesel engines up to 13 HPConvenient Electric Start Feature Engine driven models start quickly to get your job done quickly.E L E C T R I C E N G I N E T R A I L E RE N C L O S U R ETHE PROVEN PERFORMER FOR OVER 80 YEARS.MUD-SUCKER WALKING BEAM DIAPHRAGM PUMPS IN 3”OR 4” MODELS. PUMP UP TO 2 ¼” SOLIDS UP TO 110 GPM.The Mud-Sucker 3BW™ and 4BW™heavy duty walking-beam Series aredesigned to transfer the toughest foodprocessing, pulp and paper, chemicaland mining wastes.Each pump is manufactured of castiron components and use a singlethermoplastic elastomer diaphragm,urethane ball valves with steel core andyour choice of urethane, cast iron,bronze or stainless steel valve seats.Heavy viscous slurry materials anddebris laden liquids pass throughthese pumps with ease.The 3” unit can pump up to 80 GPM,without adjustment or speedvariations. The 4” unit can pump upto 110 GPM, without adjustment orspeed variations.Optional fully enclosed pumpbody.A.M U D -S U C K E R D I A P H R A G M P U M P S15HYDRAULIC PUMPS• Up to 3” x 3” sizes available • Pump up to 80 GPM• Discharge head to 50 TDH • Hydraulic motor requirements: 8.5-12 GPM at 1600 PSIAIR DRIVEN PNEUMATIC PUMPS• Air consumption – up to 35 ACFM at 56 cycles/min - 85 PSI • 1 ½”-3” models available • Pump up to 80 GPM• Discharge head up to 50 TDHSLUDGE SUCKER ® GROUT PUMPS• 18 – 25 GPM at 12 PSI pressure • Dimensions: 23” x 12” x 20” • Large hopper/funnel• Contoured lever action handle • Ideal for heavy duty public works applicationsSLUDGE SUCKER ® HAND PUMPS• Size: 1” or 1 ½” inlet / outlet • Reinforced buna flapper valve• Available in bronze or marine gradealuminum with standard stainless steel fittingsKeep Your Mud-Sucker ® Operating Like New With genuine maintenance kits.CASE IN POINT...CASE IN POINT...Wastecorp’s Sludge Sucker® Hand Pump Series pump out trenches, manholes and telephone land line infrastructure projects for cable operators, telephone and wireless operators and public utilities worldwide.Wastecorp offers FLEET PRICING for 50 or more units. Call us to find out more.THEP U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.16Honey WagonFEATURING WASTECORP MUD-SUCKER PUMPS. FROM 50 GALLON - 1000 GALLON AND BEYOND. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT /mudsucker/marine.htmlSingle Axle• Select from 150-300 gallon sizes• Features a Mud-Sucker ® gas or electric 2FA Series pump• Convenient rear discharge valve • Heavy duty tank reduces odorsRinse Tank Sanitation System• Features a separate 55 gallon rinse tank to sanitize hoses and attachments• 150 gallon primary waste holding tank • Choose from 1½” -2” Mud-Sucker Pumps • Heavy duty axle and hose systemsDual Axle - Severe Duty• Select from 500, 800 and 1000 gallon sizes• Heavy duty flapper check valve keeps waste moving quickly• Engineered for high sewage and slurry content• Ideal for high volume marine or rec- reational applications-S UC K E RD I A P H R A G M P U M P S17STRAINERS & COUPLINGSHOSES & HOSE PACKAGESHose AssemblyEverything You Need To Get Your JobDone.• Select from 25’ or 50’ packages• Superior abrasion & crush resistance• Premium hose resists kinking• Premium suction tool and fittings• Improved double helix design allowsfor added flexibility & durability evenin sub-zero temperaturesGet a precision fit for collapsible and crush proof hoses.Components designed to improve your pump flow.Pump StrainersPump strainers improve flow bypreventing debris from enteringyour pump. Choose from a varietyof solids strainers, skimmers, pipeand more.Foot ValveWastecorp foot valves featurea built-in strainer to help youtransfer sewage and slurry• Sizes available from 2”- 6”Couplings and Quick Connect FittingsWastecorp offers a wide variety ofcouplings and fittings that providea secure fit to your hose and pump.Severe Duty Discharge Hose• Sizes available up to 300 ft• Temperature range from 5°f - 170°f• Designed for agricultural, marineconstruction, industrial, miningirrigation applications and more• Ultraviolet inhibitors reduce aging and weather checking• Made with factory-installed poly weld cuffsM U DWastecorp Universal RV Adapter Allows for quick removal of holding tank wastewater (brown and black) from any recreational vehicle.The Universal RV adapter now features acheck valve to prevent back flow, giving you the most sanitary pump out ever.Ball Valve Lifting TongsNever Touch a Check Ball Again!This heavy duty ball lifter is designed to last a lifetime. Made of heat treated steel with largegrip handles, lifting tongs are a valuable tool forany pump operator needing to remove ballvalves from Mud-Sucker® B Series™ and DDSeries™ (ball valve style) pumps.The extended handle and finely ground pointsfirmly grip the ball to ensure easy and precise removal or adjustment.A WA S T E C OR P I N N O V A T I O NSUCTION TOOLSThe Pump Mover.Maneuver any Mud-Sucker®trailer mounted pumpwithout the help of a vehicle.Always Thirstyfor Debris Laden Liquids.The Gulper is a sanitary way to remove water,wastewater and debris for industrial facilitiesfishing vessels, recreational boats, marinas,hotel and resort properties and much more.Connects to any 1½"-3" hoses and mostpump makes.Simple to UseOnce completed, simply pushback on the handle to releasethe seal.New! Check ValveThe heavy duty check valve preventsback-flow and improves suction forquick and sanitary fluid transfer.OUR BEST SELLING ACCESSORIESOUR BEST SELLING ACCESSORIESSAVE 10% WITH YOUR NEW MUD-SUCKER PUMP ORDER.MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER.T H E P U M P W I T H A T T I T U D E.18E-mail:******************PUMPS DESIGNED FOR ONE APPLICATION.YOURS.WastecorpPumpsat1.888.829.2783orbyE-mail:******************。


图4 3NB1600泵装置传动系统图



WT 系列泥浆泵操作手册 零件清单KOSIKA亲爱的顾客:衷心感谢您购买 水泵机组。












预防危害的标示您也将会看到其他重要的提示标识: 注意。

这个词的意思是:如果您没有按指示进行操作,您的机组或其他财产可能有损坏 这些信息是帮助防止您的机组、或者其他财产或环境可能遭到损害。

KOSIKAKOSIKA目录1.安全标识的位置 (3)2.安全须知 (4)3.部件 (5)4.控制器 (6)5.开机前准备 (7)6.发动机起动 (11)7. 操作 (13)8.停机 (14)9.维修保养 (15)10.运输和储存 (20)11.故障诊断 (22)12.性能参数 (24)13.零件分解图 (25)1. 安全标识的位置这些标示警告您潜在的危害及可造成的严重伤害。



高温部件,请勿触碰HOT! CHAUD!提醒:使用前请仔细阅读本产品使用说明书!小心:1. 使用前请务必向水泵体内加入足够的水 2. 拧紧进水管和出水管的接口处。






二、操作前的准备1. 确认设备完好,检查各部件是否齐全、紧固,尤其是泵体、泵盖、轴承等关键部件。

2. 检查电机、电缆、控制箱等电气设备,确保绝缘良好,无破损。

3. 检查油箱油位,确保有足够的润滑油。

4. 确认泵进出口管道、阀门、接头等连接部位无泄漏。

5. 熟悉操作面板各按钮、开关、仪表的功能。

三、操作步骤1. 启动前,将泵体、泵盖、轴承等关键部件涂上润滑油。

2. 检查油箱油位,确保有足够的润滑油。

3. 将启动开关置于“关”位置,按下启动按钮,启动电机。

4. 观察电机运转是否正常,如有异常,立即停机检查。

5. 检查泵进出口管道、阀门、接头等连接部位,确保无泄漏。

6. 将启动开关置于“开”位置,开始泵送作业。

7. 逐步调整泵送压力,确保泵送压力稳定。

8. 观察泵送介质流量、压力、温度等参数,确保在正常范围内。

9. 定期检查油位、润滑油质量,及时补充或更换润滑油。

10. 在泵送过程中,注意观察泵体、泵盖、轴承等关键部件的温度,如有异常,立即停机检查。

11. 泵送作业结束后,将启动开关置于“关”位置,关闭电机。

12. 检查泵进出口管道、阀门、接头等连接部位,确保无泄漏。

13. 清洁设备,将润滑油涂在关键部件上。

四、注意事项1. 操作人员应熟悉设备性能、操作规程,确保操作安全。

2. 操作过程中,注意观察设备运行状态,发现异常立即停机检查。

3. 操作过程中,严禁将手、脚等部位伸入泵体、泵盖等部位。

4. 泵送介质温度过高或过低时,应采取相应措施,确保设备正常运行。

5. 操作过程中,严禁在设备运行状态下进行维护、检修。

6. 严禁超负荷运行,避免设备损坏。

7. 严格遵守安全操作规程,确保操作安全。

五、维护保养1. 定期检查设备,确保各部件无损坏、磨损。

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