
Unit 1
Trim:车身内饰 Marriage:车身和底盘合装 Chassis:车身底盘 EOL:End of line终检线 Head Light
头灯。根本就是直译,就是把“头”和“灯”二个名词凑在一起,前面的名词当作形容 词,简单明了,学过一次就不会忘记!
Grille 水箱护罩。这个字也很好记,不过拼法千万要正确,最后的那个“e”千万别忘了,否则 就变成了“烧烤”的意思了!如果要讲“镀铬水箱护罩”,那就是Chrome Grille。
引擎转速表。对真正开车的行家来说,引擎转速表﹙Tachometer﹚才是更重要的仪表。因为 速度表所显示的,只是车子对地面相对运动的速度,车况如何并无法显示。可是引擎转速表就 不同了,了解引擎的扭力曲线、明白引擎在多少转数时有多少动力输出,才能藉由掌握适时的 换档时机、来获得所需要的动力衔接。
Unit 1
汽缸盖(Cylinder Head) 发动机的盖子及封闭汽缺的机件,包括水套和汽门及冷却片。
爆震(Detonation) 为火焰的撞击或爆声,在火花点火引擎的燃烧室内,因为压过的空气燃料混合气会自燃,
Instrument 仪表。凡是速度表、引擎转速表、机油压力表、冷却水温表等等的,都叫做仪表,在英文里英 文都统称为Instrument。 Instrument Panel 仪表板。把多种仪表放置在一起、方便资讯的取读,这个许多仪表聚集在一起的地方,就是所 谓的仪表板-InstrumentPanel。 Tachometer
Unit 1
Fog Light 雾灯。和头灯一样,就是把雾﹙Fog﹚和灯﹙Light﹚凑在一起就行了,英文里这类的用法非常多,像 是红绿灯就是Traffic Light,车流就是Traffic Flow。 Bumper 保险杠,这个词是从Bump-凸起加上“er”字尾所演化而来的,因为保险杆就是车头、车尾的凸出物 ,装设保险杆的目的就是用来抵挡轻微的碰撞、以保护车身的。如果把Bump加“y”变成Bumpy,那 意思就变成了“颠簸”,It is indeed a bumpy road-这条路真是够颠簸的! Air Intake 进气口。
Unit 10 Anti-lock Brake System 汽车专业英语教学课件

Unit 10 Anti-lock Brake System
The anti-lock brake control module monitors the electromechanical components of the system.
Malfunction of the anti-lock brake system will cause the anti-lock brake control module to shut off or inhibit the system. However, normal power-assisted braking remains.
Unit 10 An brake booster. (3) Brake master cylinder. (4) Necessary brake tubes and hoses.
The anti-lock brake system consists of the following components: (1) Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU). (2) Anti-lock brake control module.
Unit 10 Anti-lock Brake System
Unit 10 Anti-lock Brake System
The ABS is a four-wheel system that prevents wheel lock-up by automatically modulating the brake pressure during an emergency stop. By preventing the wheels from locking, it enables the driver to maintain steering control and to stop in the shortest possible distance under most conditions[1].

汽车工程专业英语全文翻译一当今的汽车一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成..这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备..Body:车身Engine:发动机Brakes:制动器Power train:传动系Steering:转向系Electrical:电器及电子设备Suspension:悬架Layout of a passenger car:乘用车总布置Layout of a commercial vehicle:商用车总布置1.1 车身汽车车身是由车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李箱盖焊接在金属板外壳发动机发动机作为动力装置..最常见的发动机气缸的排列方式称为发动机配置..直列式发动机的汽缸呈一列布置..这个设计创造了一个简单的发动机缸体铸造..在车辆应用中;汽缸数一般是2-6缸;汽缸中心线与水平面垂直..当汽缸数增多时;发动机尺寸和曲轴就成为一个问题..解决这个问题的办法就是采用V形汽缸呈两列布置;且两列气缸之间夹角为V形发动机..这个设计使发动机尺寸和曲轴都变得更短且更坚硬.. 前置发动机纵向安装;既可前轮驱动也可后轮驱动..后置发动机是将发动机安装在后轮后面..发动机可横置或纵置;一般情况下为后轮驱动..1.4 电气系统电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能..该电平由一个充电电路维护..1.4.1 充电充电系统为所有汽车电子元件提供电能..充电系统主要包括:蓄电池;交流发电机;电压调节器;即通常是交流发电机上不可或缺的;充电警告或指示灯和金属丝连成一个完整电路..蓄电池为起动提供电能;然后发动机工作;交流发电机就为所有的电子元件提供电能..同时也给蓄电池充电即用来使发动机起动..电压调节器有过充保护作用..1.4.2 起动起动系统包括:蓄电池、电缆、起动机、飞轮和换向器..起动时;有两个动作同时运行;该起动机齿轮与飞轮齿圈啮合;并起动电机;然后运行传输到发动机曲轴..起动机电机将起动机安装在发动机缸体上并由电池供电..1.4.3 点火一个基本的点火系统包括:蓄电池、低压电缆、点火线圈、线圈高压电缆、火花塞电缆和火花塞..点火系统提供高强度火花使火花塞点燃燃料室里的液体燃料..火花必须在适当的时候提供;并达到能够使燃料点燃的能量要求..这些能量从蓄电池和交流发电机获得;点火线圈使电压增高..该系统有两个电路;主电路或低压电路点燃火花;次电路或高压电路产生高压并将其分配到火花塞上.. 复习题1. 列出汽车有那几部分组成..2. 根据车身外形车辆常见类型是什么3. 向下移动的冰锥增加汽缸容积和新鲜的通过进气阀开启的空气燃料混合..2.压缩行程向上移动的活塞减少了汽缸内体积和压缩的空气燃料混合物..不久之前;香港贸易发展局是达成共识;火花塞点燃压缩空气燃料的混合物;从而启动了燃烧过程..更高的压缩比意味着更好的燃油利用率..压缩的程度受制于敲限制..3.做功行程火花点火后在火花塞点燃了压缩空气燃料的混合物;作为混合的结果温度升高..在汽缸增加;迫使活塞向下的压力..活塞转让的权力;通过连杆曲轴..4.排气行程向上移动的活塞燃烧排出的气体废气通过公开排气阀..在四冲程过完成后又周期重复..这台发动机有数以百计的其它部分..发动机的主要部件是发动机缸体;发动机头;活塞;连杆;曲轴和阀门..其他部分一起营造系统..这些系统是燃油系统;进气系统;点火系统;冷却系统;润滑系统和排气图2 - 2..这些系统都有一定的作用..这些系统将在后面详细讨论..发动机缸体是发动机的基本框架..所有其他发动机零件要么在其中的位置或固定它..其所持有的气瓶;水套和油画廊图2 - 4..发动机缸体还持有曲轴;那拴到块的底部..还装在凸轮轴块;除却架空凸轮OHC发动机..在大多数汽车;这个部件是由灰铸铁或者一种合金混合物灰铁和其它金属如镍或铬..发动机缸体是铸件..有些气缸体;特别是在小汽车里的那些;都是由铝做成的..这种金属比铁轻得多;然而;铁的耐磨性比铝好..因此;在大多数铝制发动机的气缸活塞;连杆和曲轴2.3.1 曲柄机构和能量活塞由曲柄机构和气缸;连杆组成..这些部件通过气体能量推动;从而引起这些部件产生惯性力..气能产生的力可以再细分为垂直于竖直平面的力Fn;且作用于汽缸壁;和一个推动连杆的力Fs;这个连杆的力;从而引起切向力Ft并作用于曲柄机构;这些能量要求在一起产生扭转和法向力Fr..这气体作用力分为作用角α;支点于连杆的作用角β;和压缩比入:连杆作用力: Fs=Fg/cosβ侧向力 : Fn=Fgtanβ法向力 : Fr=Fgcosα+β/ cosβ切向力 : Ft=Fg sinα+β/ cosβ所以的这些关系代表了一种方法计算各部件的振动.活塞是四个运动周期中一个重要部分;很多活塞都是从铝中提炼出来研制而成的.活塞;通过连杆传递能量来压缩点燃混合气体.这些能力转化为曲柄的动能.这样;圆形的钢圈装入汽缸;用活塞环来密封整个燃烧室.这个称为活塞环..这些用来放活塞环的称为凹槽..一个活塞销放在中间通过一个小孔固定..活塞销的作用是固定活塞于连杆之间的连接;对活塞销起作用的是活塞销凸台..活塞本身;它的环和活塞销一起称为活塞总成..1活塞为了抵抗高温的燃烧室;活塞必须非常坚固;但是也必须轻便;因为它是在气缸内高速运转而上下运动的;活塞内是空的;在顶部是厚的用来传递高温高压的气体动力;底部温度较低所以做成薄的..顶部是活塞头或活塞顶;薄部分是裙部;两节之间的凹槽称为环带..活塞顶可以是平的;凹的;圆顶的或是隐蔽的;在柴油机的燃烧可能形成完全或部分活塞冠;依靠这种方法喷射..所以活塞采用不同的形状..2..活塞环如图2-9所示;活塞环装进接近活塞顶部的环槽..简单来说;活塞环是薄的;是圆形的金属片;适合槽活塞顶部的..现在的发动机;每个活塞有三个活塞环;老式的发动机有四个甚至五个..活塞环装在活塞内表面的凹槽内..活塞环的外表面紧靠着汽缸壁活塞环提供了活塞环于汽缸壁之间的密封;也就是说;只有活塞环接触汽缸壁..顶头两个活塞环是防止气体从汽缸壁漏出的;称为压缩环..最底下的一个是防止汽油飞溅到缸桶而从间隙进入到燃烧室;所以称为油环..表面镀铬的铸铁压缩环一般用于汽车的发动机..镀铬的活塞环提供了光滑;耐磨的表面..在做功行程;燃烧室对压缩环的压力是非常大的..原因是他们朝汽缸壁方向挤开;一些高压的气体进入到活塞环;这样使得活塞环表面充分接触到汽缸壁;燃烧的气体压力使得活塞环底部紧紧地压住活塞凹槽;然而;越高的燃烧的气体压力更加紧紧地把活塞环表面和汽缸壁密封住.. 3..活塞销活塞销是用来连接活塞于连杆的..活塞销装入销孔;装入连杆最顶头的小孔..连杆的顶部应远小于连杆的尾部才能装进曲柄轴颈..小的底部装进活塞的内底部..活塞销通过一边装入活塞销;通过小的连杆一端;然后通过活塞的另一边..这使得连杆稳固地在活塞中间适当的位置..活塞销是是空心的且是高强度的钢制成的..很多销的镀铬的使得更加耐磨..连杆是高强度的钢铸造的;它通过曲柄轴颈传递力和运动从活塞到曲柄销..连杆小的一头是连接活塞销的..轴瓦是用软金属制成的;比如青铜;用来这样合成的..下级的连杆装进曲柄轴颈..这称为大头..这个轴承;是钢背的铅或者是锡壳制成的..这些是一样被用作主要轴承..大端的分离切口往往是单个的;所以它足够小可以从燃烧室中取出.. 连杆由合金钢铸成..曲轴如图2-10所示;连同连杆通过旋转而带动活塞往复运动从而带动汽车行驶..它是由碳钢和低比例的镍合成的主要的曲轴轴颈装进汽缸;大端匹配连杆..在曲轴的后端附加有飞轮;在曲轴的前端有驱动轮对应的正时齿轮;风扇;冷却水和发电机..曲轴的摆幅;i;e;是主要的轴颈和大端中心之间的距离..控制冲程的幅度;冲程是双次进行的;摆动的幅度是活塞从TDC到BDC的距离;反之亦然..单缸的发动机每两次曲轴循环只能提供单一的能量脉冲..能量只能提供四分之一的时间..当超过一个汽缸时它能从曲轴获得流动性的能量..额外的能量被均匀地隔开遍及两个转数或四冲程的一个周期..四缸的一般用于汽车..为了保持曲轴的平衡设置第一和第四的活塞是在TDC..第二和第三的活塞是在BDC每个冲程的间隔是180°;图标的序列显示了各个缸的点火顺序;点火顺序是1-3-4-2;但是这个顺序可以改变为1-2-4-3;如果安装了另外的凸轮轴.. 注意到第四个活塞总是伴随着第一活塞进行的..当第四活塞进气阀完全打开时;第一缸的活塞完全关闭;这是用来调节气门间隙的..表格飞轮有碳钢制成;装在曲轴的后端..同时带动曲轴旋转和离合器..同时传送给变速器;和启动齿圈包围着在四个冲程当中只有一个冲程是做功的所以飞轮只有在这个时间带动曲轴;发动机在这几个不做功的冲程转动..平衡器和减震器是用来保持发动机曲轴正常缓冲的..比如每个燃烧室燃烧;它能加快曲轴旋转..轴的惯性它稍稍随后;这样在曲轴上起扭转作用..连续扭转震动引起的频率不同于发动机的转速和发动机缸数..减震器减少他们的振动..减震器主要由轮毂和惯性环组成..惯性环是结合轮毂通过弹性插入的..惯性环转动是和曲轴密切相关的在燃烧室内;然而抑制其扭转;并通过曲轴控制犯低级转速..一些减震器是由两个惯性环和而且是不同的尺寸从而更好地控制其振动..使用了一段时间后;弹性体会恶化或连接件可以不要..致使减震器失效或是引起自身振动.. 损坏的必须得替换下来..减震器的设计要结合轮毂的密封轴颈..在轮毂里密封凹槽;造成石油泄漏..袖套修理可以恢复减震器如果是在良好的条件下..轮毂在一定条件下可以维修来调节衬套..2.6.1 汽油汽油是从原油中提炼石油..汽油是高度易燃的;这意味着它容易在空气容易燃烧..汽油容易蒸发..这种特性被称为波动;是重要的..但是;它不能太容易挥发;否则将转向油箱内的蒸汽..管内的燃料;燃料蒸气可能阻止液体汽油流..这就是所谓的蒸气锁..在燃料蒸气锁普遍在暴露于高温线泵的进口侧..汽油的燃烧;随其质量和添加剂比例混合的..汽油的燃烧方式在室燃烧是很重要的.增加燃烧室中的燃料混合物点火前的压力;有助于提高发动机功率..这是通过压缩到一个较小的燃料混合物体积..高压缩比;不仅有利于推力;而且也给更多的有效的动力..但更进一步的压缩比起来;敲倾向增加..辛烷值是对汽油的抗爆性的质量或在燃烧过程中能够抵抗爆炸的认定..有时被称为爆震敲质量或能力抵御爆炸..爆轰;有时也被称为敲门;作为燃料的燃烧空气的混合物;由于温度过高;在燃烧室内的压力条件的最后一个部分失控爆炸的定义..由于爆炸产生的压力波冲击;因此产生敲缸声;燃料燃烧和空气的混合物的扩张;导致丧失权力;局部温度过高;如果足够严重;引擎损害..有两种常用的汽油辛烷值测定的的方法马达法和研究方法..两者都使用的实验室相同的类型单缸发动机来做实验;这是一个头部和一个变量来表示敲缸爆震强度装置..作为燃料使用;发动机压缩比和空气燃料混合料试验样品进行了调整;试验出爆震强度..两个主要标准参考燃料;正庚烷和异辛烷;任意分配0和10辛烷值;然后分别是混合产生测试样品相同的爆震强度..因此百分比异辛烷的混合被认为是测试样品辛烷值;因此;如果相应的参考配方是由15%正庚烷和85%异辛烷;测试样品的额定电机向上或85研究法辛烷值;依据测试的一种方法..2.6.2完全燃烧汽油;是在理想条件下汽油在混合气中完全燃烧汽油所需要空气和汽油是15比1..这意味着1公斤汽油混合15公斤空气..汽油完全燃烧所需的空气被称为化学正确的混合物.. 15:1的比例适用于汽油;其他燃料有不同的比率.为了表示更实际;空气燃料混合物提供给空气燃料比14.7:1气缸偏离理论上完全燃烧所需;多余的空气因子R已被选定引擎:=空气质量提供/理论要求R为1 空气质量提供相应数额的理论的必要..<“1 空气或缺乏丰富的混合物..增加电力的射程R = 0.85 0.95输出结果..> 1.3 该混合物是如此精简的点火更长发生..精益失火超限.. = 0.95 0.85 火花点火发动机开发在5% 15%空气不足的最大功率.. = 1.1 1.2 发生在最大的燃油经济性高达20%左右的过剩空气..为R≈1.0 这种过剩空气系数允许与化学计量比空转..= 0.85 0.75 良好的转换发生15% 25%的空气不足..转型是指从一个给定的负载范围在实践中;过剩空气因素的R = 0.9 1.1已被证明是最实用的..在一定的操作条件下;燃料需求不同的混合模式于基本注入燃料的数量大于干预必需的. 冷启动在冷启动时;空气燃料混合物的发动机制定的加浓了..这是由于在起动速度低如果混合物燃油与空气粒子流动速度;并以最小的燃油蒸发和汽缸壁和进气口;在低温下润湿燃料..为了弥补这些现象;从而促进ID的冷发动机;注入更多的燃料才更容易起动..1.后启动阶段在低温起动后;必须加浓的一段短时期的混合物;以补偿较浠混合气的形成和摄入量与燃料缸..此外;在高扭矩;为更好的油门响应更加丰富的混合物时;加速从闲置的结果..2.热机预热阶段遵循冷启动阶段..该发动机的燃料需要;因为凝结一些仍然在寒冷的汽缸壁的热身阶段额外的燃料..在低温时;混合物的形成是由于较浓的大型燃料液滴的加入;由于与拟定的发动机在空气中混合燃料效率下降..其结果是;在进气阀门和进气歧管;只有在较高温度下燃油蒸发浓缩.. 上述因素均随温度降低必要的加浓的混合物.3.加速度如果油门突然被打开;空气燃料混合物瞬间倾斜过;以及混合浓缩短期在部分负荷运行;实现最大的燃油经济性和排放值是观察的关键因素.. 5.全负荷该引擎提供了在满负荷最大功率;当空气燃料混合比;必须加以丰富;在部分负荷..这种丰富依赖于发动机转速和提供最大的在整个发动机转速范围内尽可能的扭矩..这也确保在满负荷运行最佳燃油经济性的数字..6.怠速除了发动机的效率;发动机怠速主要决定于闲置的燃料消耗;在发动机冷高摩阻力;必须通过提高空气燃油混合输入克服..为了实现平稳运行在空闲;空闲速度控制怠速提高..这也导致了更快速热身的发动机..闭环闲置速度控制功能可以防止怠速过高..该混合物的数量相对应维持在有关的负载如冷发动机;并增加摩擦怠速所需要的数量..它还允许一个没有长期闲置的调整不断废气排放值..闭环闲置速度控制还部分地弥补在发动机老化带来的变化;并确保稳定的发动机整个使用寿命空转..7.空载减速时切断燃油降低燃油消耗不仅是长下坡运行和制动过程中;而且在城市交通..由于没有燃料完全燃烧;减少废气排放..8.发动机限速当发动机转速达到预设;教统会抑制燃油喷射脉冲..9..的空气燃料混合物在高海拔适应在高海拔地区的空气密度低就必须更精简的空气燃料混合物..在高海拔地区;由于较低的空气密度;容积流量的空气流量传感器对应一个较低的空气质量流量测量..这个错误可以弥补纠正的燃料数量..过度富集是可以避免的;因此;过多的燃料消耗..正如图2 - 20所示;燃料系统有一个油箱;油管;燃油泵;燃油滤清器和化油器..这零部件商店汽油;并提供给需要的化油器..简而言之;油箱储存汽油..行携带的燃料从油箱的燃料化油器..移动汽油燃油泵从油箱的燃料;并通过线化油器..燃料过滤器除去杂质的汽油..然后;化油器发送燃料的空气和汽油的混合物 - 进入燃烧室..1..燃油泵大多数车今天使用一个机械式燃油泵..这种燃料泵出了汽油;并通过油管向化油器或喷射系统..在大多数汽车;泵安装在发动机缸体..有些汽车电动燃油泵有一个..该泵安装在皮卡与燃料和燃料轨;发送单元油箱..对机械燃油泵操作取决于对凸轮轴叶..作者:爱在旋转移动泵摇臂..泵内;可以灵活的隔膜通过膜片弹簧摇臂;拉杆和链接..如图所示;燃油泵也有一个入口和燃料出口..由于凸轮轴上的旋转叶;横膈膜上下移动内部的引擎..隔膜的吸向下运动从进入泵油箱..隔膜向上运动推到了化油器;从泵的燃料..2..化油器化油器提供燃料比例的空气量流经喉管..当你在加速器踏板时;扩大开放节流阀吸引更多的空气通过化油器..化油器提供这取决于许多因素更丰富或更精简的混合物:发动机转速;负荷;温度;节气门位置..为了满足复杂的要求;一化油器是一个非常复杂的设备与许多内部通道及零部件.1喉管汽车化油器的设计是由喉管..喉管简直是气道狭窄的部分..空气通过化油器的喉咙;因为它移动的速度通过这个狭窄通道的旅行..通过建立合资企业增加的空气速度在喷嘴打开一个低压区..推动在一个大气压下水库内燃料的化油器浮子室称为..燃料是强行通过一根管子到空气流..2浮子室浮子室是一个储存和供应燃料的化油器水库..由于发动机使用的燃料;它会自动浮子室补充..浮动室内乐作品在同一作为一个抽水马桶水箱控股的基本原则..阿浮有赖于在水库燃料的顶部..作为燃料使用时;浮球液位下降..当浮动滴;一针阀打开..开放式针形阀允许从燃料的燃料泵入化油器的浮子室流..当商会是满了;针形阀是向上推;并关闭燃油进口..3测量燃油浮子室之间的压差和造成的燃料流..然而;为了维持适当的空气燃料比;化油器必须仅提供适量的燃料..为此;主放电管有一个小孔称为喷射或主射流..这允许燃料进入气流..在大多数情况下;这个小口子浮子室是在主放油管的末端..在那里;它的体积小燃油流量限制..4需要冷启动安排切断阀通过一个手段扼杀供气提供了丰富的混合物约8:1;并提供了一个轻松的粒子蒸发足够的引擎..5慢速贯穿化油器的空气量过小的时候;发动机只运行缓慢产生非常小的扼流圈抑郁症..这意味着太少将提供燃料和发动机将停止..缓慢运行的系统已经在这个区域里存在着抑郁症的高当发动机空转的电源插座..调节螺钉控制系统运行缓慢;一个螺丝设置空转速度运行缓慢等使混合物是让发动机转速平稳.. 6油门机制机制的油门控制空气燃料混合物流动..油门有几个;包括油门轴和节流板的一部分..通过打开和关闭;节气门控制的空气进入发动机燃料混合物流动..在诸如开放更多的空气流动;少的板关闭的气流..这些变化也气流控制汽油流..增加气流意味着更大的压力下降;从而更多的燃料流..气流减少意味着减少压降和流量较少的燃料..该议案的节流轴转动油门板..油门轴电缆连接到油门;反过来;连接到车内的油门踏板..司机控制空气燃料混合物踏板流动..2.6.5 莫特郎尼克点火和燃油喷射系统化油器将准确的空气燃料混合气发送到发动机..然而;并非所有的汽车都有化油器..许多现代汽车是用燃油喷射系统图2 - 22..燃油喷射系统与化油器式有许多优势..例如;它们能提供更多的精确控制..它们能够更好地匹配空燃比在不断变化的发动机状态..它们还提供更好的经济性和排放控制..此外;燃油喷射系统不需要化油器多余的那部分..该系统是一个莫特郎尼克发动机管理系统;包括控制单元ECU;它执行至少两个基本功能点火和喷油;但可能包含其他子系统需要改进的发动机控制1..测量值的检测气缸内的燃烧过程不仅受混合气和空气燃料比的影响;而且还受点火提前点火和点火火花的能源影响..一个优化的引擎控制;因此必须控制在整个喷射时刻的空气燃料比R A即喷入的燃油量;以及点火提前角α和持续角B..影响燃烧过程中的主要参数检测为测量值和一起处理瞬间发动机运行工况点火和喷射的最佳时机的计算..2..工作变量/传感器发动机转速和负荷是主要的工作变量..由于特定的点火提前角和精确的喷射时间对应于每个发动机的转速/负载地图点;重要的是所有的变量;其中涉及到同一个点都在相同的速度/负载面积计算..这不仅是可能的;如果点火提前和喷射时间以同样的速度和负载值发动机转速检测只有一次使用相同的传感器计算..这就避免了统计误差;可导致不同的负载传感器设备公差;例如;..而一个略有杆负荷范围不同的分配限制敲到发动机爆震的易感性增加..清除点火时间角和注射时间分配是由莫特郎尼克系统提供动力;即使在发动机运行条件下;3..莫特郎尼克系统该莫特郎尼克系统包括一系列子系统;两个基本子系统点火和喷油..综合后的系统更加灵活;可实现比相应的各个系统的功能更多..莫特郎尼克系统的重要特点是其作为一个最子功能所需的大量可自由编程实现地图..废气再循环EGR的功能至今尚未在欧洲使用;因此提供一种替代系统的唯一..控制系统的lambda只能算是今天;如果配合使用为减少尾统开环控制功能以及一个扩展的系统与闭环功能结合敲和lambda控制在管理系统气。
汽车专业英语读译教程 (梁桂航 第3版 ) 习题与答案TEXT B

汽车专业英语读译教程(第3版)TEXT B课后练习题(EXERCISES)参考答案UNIT 1 AUTOMOTIVE BASICSTEXT B Automobile's History/ ・ Translate the following English names of car makers into Chinese:1.General Motors Corporation 通用汽车公司2.Ford Motor Co.福特汽车公司3.Chrysler Motors Corporation 克莱斯勒汽车公司4.Toyota Motor Corporation 丰田汽车公司5.Nissan Motor Co. Ltd.日产汽车公司6.Honda Motor Co. Ltd.本田汽车公司7.Mitsubishi Motors Corporation 三菱汽车公司8.Mercedes-Benz AG梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车公司9.BMW AG宝马汽车公司10.Volkswagen AG群众汽车公司11.Audi AG奥迪汽车公司12.Suzuki Motor Corporation 铃木汽车公司13.Isuzu Motors Ltd.五十铃汽车公司14.Mazda Motor Corporation 马自达汽车公司15.Volvo Car Corporation 沃尔沃轿车公司16.Volvo Bus Corporation 沃尔沃巴士公司17.Porsche AG保时捷汽车公司//. Translate the following English names of cars into Chinese:1.Chevrolet Corvette; Buick Century; Cadillac Deville 雪佛兰克尔维特;别克世纪;凯迪拉克德维尔2.Ford Mustang; Ford Mendeo; Lincoln Town Car 福特野马;福特蒙迪欧;林肯城市3.Dodge Caravan; Jeep Grand Cherokee; New Yorker 道奇捷龙;吉普大切诺基;纽约人ndcruiser; Camry; Crown; Lexus陆地巡洋舰;凯美瑞;皇冠;雷克萨斯1.What are the advantages of continuously variable transmission?Because there are no gears to tie a given road speed directly to a given engine speed, the CVT can vary the engine speed as needed to access maximum power as well as maximum fuel efficiency. This allows the CVT to provide quicker acceleration than a conventional automatic or manual transmission while delivering superior fuel economy.2.What are the main components of automated manual transmission?Transmission control ECU, clutch activator, transmission actuator, operators, and sensorsII. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese :The basic technical criteria for continuously variable transmissions are size, weight, transmission-ratio range, transfer efficiency, noise emissions and installation possibilities. With regard to these aspects, mechanical continuously variable transmissions, in the form of chain-driven transmission, have provided the best results so far.评判无级变速器的基本技术标准是尺寸、重量、传动比范围、传动效率、噪声排放和安装可能性。

steering axis inclination
toe-out on turns tipping effect thrust angle wheel tracking dog tracking eccentric cam
转Hale Waihona Puke 负前束 侧倾效应 推力角,推力线 (前轮与后轮)同辙行驶 蛇形行驶 偏心凸轮
scraping scrubbing imaginary deviation
n.刮, 擦
n.洗擦, 擦净
[i'mæ ʤinəri] a.假想的, 想象的, 虚构的
[ֽdi:vi'ei∫ən] n.背离,偏离
eccentric [ik'sentrik]
159 Adjustable front wheel settings on most modern vehicles are caster, camber, and toe. Nonadjustable settings are steering axis inclination and toe-out on turns. Rear wheel settings that can be made on many modern vehicles are camber and toe. Modern practice is to check both front and rear wheel alignment. Note that the various alignment angles are all related. A change in one can alter the others. Alignment Measurement Values 14 All alignment values, except for toe, are measured in degrees. Toe is measured in fractions of an inch or millimeters. Caster 15 Positive caster tends to force the wheels to travel in a straight ahead position. It also assists in recovery (wheels turning back to straight ahead position) after making a turn. On late model cars, there is often little or no positive caster. Positive caster makes it more difficult to turn the wheels from the straight ahead position than when no caster angle is present [1].

['flaiwi:l] [spriŋ] ['ɔpəreit] ['mekənizəm] [trænz'mi∫ən] [tɔ:k]
n.飞轮 n.弹簧 vt.操作,控制,使运行 n.(机械)结构,机械装置 n.变速器 n.扭转力;转矩
Chapter 3 Power Train 3.1 Clutches
Chapter 3 Power Train 3.2 Manuel Transmission
3.2.1 Text
1.Transmission Gear Ratios
The modern manual transmission can provide the driver with up to six forward gear ratios. The reduction gears provide gear ratios of approximately 3.5:1 (stated as 3.5 to 1) for the lowest gear, to about 1.5:1 for the highest. The direct drive gear has a 1:1 gear ratio. The overdrive gears have a gear ratio of about 0.7:1.
[ə'prɔksimə tli]
['bɛəriŋ] n.[机]轴承,支座
[ֽtræ ns'æ k sl]
汽车专业英语(第4章)《汽车专业英语 》王锦俞主编

In this article, we will learn why you need a clutch, and understand how the clutch in your car works. The reason of you need a clutch in the car is that the engine spins all the time, but the car wheels don't. In order for a car to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine somehow. The clutch allows us to smoothly engage a spinning engine to a nonspinning transmission by controlling the slippage between them.
Inter-mediate shaft are also connected as a single piece, so all of the gears on the inter-mediate shaft and the intermediate shaft itself spin as one unit. The input shaft and the inter-mediate shaft are directly connected through their meshed gears so that if the input shaft is spinning, so is the inter-mediate shaft . In this way, the inter-mediate shaft receives its power directly from the engine whenever the clutch is engaged. The gears 1 ride on bearings, so they spin on the output shaft. If the engine is off but the car is coasting, the output shaft can turn inside the gears1 while the gears1 and the inter-mediate shaft are motionless.

汽车专业英语课后专业词汇汇总(带音标)一❖automobile ['ɔ:təməubi:l, ,ɔ:təmə'bi:l]汽车(美)❖assembly line [ə'sembli]装配线❖petroleum refining [pi'trəuliəm, pə-]石油提炼❖body and frame车身与车架❖engine ['endʒin] 发动机、引擎❖drive line 传动系统❖running gear 控制装置❖suspension[sə'spenʃən]悬架系统❖unitized body ['ju:nitaizd]整体式车身❖gasoline engine ['ɡæsəli:n]汽油机❖diesel engine ['di:zəl]柴油机❖gas turbine['tə:bain, -bin]燃气轮机❖battery ['bætəri]电池、电池组❖fuel cell燃料电池❖hybrid power ['haibrid][pauə]混合动力系统❖piston ['pistən]活塞❖rotary engine ['rəutəri]转子发动机❖vehicle ['vi:ikl, 有时发'vi:hi-]交通工具、车辆❖transmission [trænz'miʃən, træns-, trɑ:n-]变速器❖drive shaft传动轴❖differential [,difə'renʃəl]差速器❖rear axle ['æksəl]后轴、后桥❖rear-wheel drive后轮驱动❖front-wheel drive 前轮驱动❖braking system 制动系统❖wheel车轮❖tire 轮胎❖steering system 转向系统❖spring [spriŋ]弹簧❖shock absorber [ʃɔk] [əb'sɔ:bə]减震器❖Macpherson strut [mæk'fə:sn] [strʌt]麦弗逊式悬架❖torsion bar ['tɔ:ʃən]扭力杆❖strut rod 支撑杆❖stabilizer bar ['steibilaizə]横向稳定杆二❖internal combustion engine [in'tə:nəl] [kəm'bʌstʃən] ['endʒin]内燃机❖fuel 燃料❖external combustion engine [ik'stə:nəl]外燃机❖steam engine 蒸汽机❖intermittent combustion engine[,intə'mitənt]间隔燃烧式发动机❖continuous combustion engine [kən'tinjuəs]连续燃烧式发动机❖turbine engine ['tə:bain, -bin]涡轮发动机❖rocket engine ['rɔkit]火箭发动机❖jet (or reaction) engine喷气式发动机❖Wankel engine汪克尔发动机、转子发动机❖stroke [strəuk]冲程、行程❖cooling system冷却系统❖fuel system燃料系统❖ignition system [iɡ'niʃən]点火系统❖spark-ignition engine 火花点燃式发动机❖compression-ignition engine 压燃式发动机❖liquid-cooled 用液体冷却的、水冷的❖air-cooled 用空气冷却的、风冷的三❖cylinder block 气缸体❖cylinder ['silində]气缸❖connecting rod 连杆❖crankshaft['kræŋk,ʃɑ:ft]曲轴❖cylinder head气缸盖❖combustion chamber[kəm'bʌstʃən] ['tʃeimbə]燃烧室❖valve气门、阀❖camshaft['kæmʃɑ:ft]凸轮轴❖flywheel ['flaiwi:l]飞轮❖intake manifold 进气歧管❖exhaust manifold ['mænifəuld]排气歧管❖carburetor [,kɑ:bju'retə, 'kɑ:-]化油器❖fuel injector 燃料喷射器❖cast iron ['aiən]铸铁❖aluminum [ə'lju:minəm]铝❖cooling fluid 冷却液❖spark plug [plʌɡ]火花塞❖intake valve进气门❖exhaust valve[iɡ'zɔ:st]排气门❖cam凸轮❖gear齿轮❖belt皮带❖chain链条❖overhead camshaft (OHC) 凸轮轴上置式❖rpm=revolutions per minute[,revə'lju:ʃən]转速、转数/分钟❖horsepower ['hɔ:s,pauə]马力、功率❖intake system 进气系统❖sensor ['sensə, -sɔ:]传感器❖oxygen sensor ['ɔksidʒən]氧传感器❖fuel induction system[in'dʌkʃən]燃料吸入系统四❖fuel tank 燃料箱、油箱❖fuel line燃料管路❖fuel pump 燃料泵、燃油泵❖fuel filter [filtə]燃料滤清器❖PCM (power train control module) 动力系统控制模块(计算机)❖fuel injection system 燃料喷射系统❖distributor [di'stribjutə]分电器❖ignition module ['mɔdju:l, -dʒu:l]点火模块、点火控制器❖ignition coil点火线圈❖ignition wire点火线路❖charging system 充电系统❖ignition switch点火开关❖solenoid ['səulənɔid]电磁线圈❖starter motor 起动电动机❖alternator 交流发电机❖voltage regulator['vəultidʒ] ['reɡjuleitə]电压调节器、稳压器❖lubrication system [,lu:bri'keiʃən]润滑系统❖oil pump机油泵❖oil filter机油滤清器❖oil cooler 机油冷却器❖antifreeze ['æntifri:z]防冻剂、防冻液❖coolant pump ['ku:lənt]冷却液泵❖thermostat ['θə:məustæt]节温器❖radiator['reidieitə]散热器、水箱❖clutch [klʌtʃ]离合器❖radiator overflow tank散热器溢流箱、膨胀水箱❖air intake ducting进气管❖air filter 空气滤清器❖manifold air pressure sensor 进气歧管压力传感器❖turbocharger ['tə:bəu,tʃɑ:dʒə]涡轮增压器❖muffler ['mʌflə] 消声器、消音器❖catalytic converter [kætə'litik] [kən'və:tə]催化转化器❖exhaust pipe 排气管❖pollution control system[pə:'lju:ʃən]排放控制系统❖carbon monoxide (CO) ['kɑ:bən] [mɔ'nɔksaid, mə-]一氧化碳❖nitrogen oxide (NO x) ['naitrədʒən] ['ɔksaid]氮氧化物❖hydrocarbons (HC) [,haidrəu'kɑ:bən]碳氢化合物❖carbon canister ['kænistə]碳罐❖EGR ( exhaust gas recirculator) 废气再循环❖PCV ( positive crankcase ventilation) [,venti'leiʃən]强制曲轴箱通风❖diverter valve [dai'və:tə]分流阀❖vapor-liquid separator ['veipə] ['likwid] ['sepəreitə]气液分离器❖vacuum modulator ['vækjuəm] ['mɔdjuleitə, -dʒu-]真空调节器五❖timing['taimiŋ]正时、定时❖air-fuel ratio ['reiʃiəu, -ʃəu]空燃比❖stoichiometric ratio [,stɔikiə'metrik]理论空燃比❖mixture ['mikstʃə]混合物、混合气❖TDC (top dead center)上止点❖BDC (bottom dead center) 下止点❖bore [bɔ:]气缸直径、孔径❖crankpin ['kræŋk,pin]连杆轴颈、曲柄销❖throw [θrəu]曲柄半径❖displacement [dis'pleismənt]排量❖compression ratio [kəm'preʃən]压缩比❖four-stroke engine四行程发动机、四冲程发动机❖intake stroke进气行程❖compression stroke压缩行程❖power stroke做功行程❖exhaust stroke排气行程❖preignition[,pri:iɡ'niʃən]提前点火❖valve overlap[,əuvə'læp, 'əuvəlæp]气门重叠六❖two-stroke engine二行程发动机、二冲程发动机❖truck [trʌk]货车、卡车❖bus公共汽车❖Mercedes Benz [mə'sidi:z] [benz] 梅赛德斯-奔驰❖pickup truck敞篷小型载货卡车、皮卡❖camper['kæmpə]露营车、野营车❖travel trailer ['treilə]旅行拖车、旅行挂车❖compression-ignition engine压燃式发动机❖spark-ignition engine点燃式发动机❖high-pressure injection 高压喷射❖low-pressure injection 低压喷射❖injector [in'dʒektə]喷油器、喷嘴❖psi 磅/平方英寸(英制压强单位)❖photochemical smog [,fəutəu'kemikəl] [smɔɡ, smɔ:ɡ]光化学烟雾❖outboard motor ['autbɔ:d] ['məutə]舷外发动机❖snowmobile ['snəuməubi:l]摩托雪橇、雪地机动车❖chain saw [tʃein] [sɔ:]链锯、电锯❖reed valve[ri:d] [vælv]簧片阀❖lubricant ['lu:brikənt]润滑剂、润滑油❖scavenging ['skævindʒiŋ]扫气❖General Motors ['dʒenərəl] ['məutəz]通用汽车❖blower ['bləuə]扫气泵❖rotor ['rəutə]转子❖coal-fired燃煤的、烧煤的❖nuclear-powered ['nju:kliə'pauəd]核动力的❖drivability[,draivə'biləti]动力性、驱动性能❖generator['dʒenəreitə]发电机❖transaxle ['træn,sæksəl, trænz-, trɑ:n-]变速差速器、联合传动器(前驱车)❖electronic controller [,ilek'trɔnik] [kən'trəulə]电子控制器❖downshift ['daunʃift]调低速挡、降挡❖manual transmission['mænjuəl] [trænz'miʃən, træns-, trɑ:n-]手动变速器❖hydrogen ['haidrədʒən]氢❖carbon dioxide 二氧化碳❖oxygen ['ɔksidʒən]氧❖methanol['meθənɔl]甲醇❖spacecraft['speiskrɑ:ft, -kræft]航天器、宇宙飞船❖anode ['ænəud]阳极、正极❖cathode ['kæθəud]阴极、负极七❖crankcase ['kræŋk,keis]曲轴箱❖oil pan [ɔil pæn] 油底壳机油盘❖water jacket [‘wɔ:tə’dʒækit] 水套❖cylinder sleeve [‘silində sli:v] 气缸套❖dry sleeve [drai sli:v] 干缸套❖wet sleeve [wet sli:v] 湿缸套❖warpage [‘wɔ:peidʒ] 变形❖liner [‘lainə] 衬套衬垫❖bearing [‘bεəriŋ] 轴承❖harmonic balancer [hɑ:‘mɔnik ’bælənsə] vibration damper [vai'breiʃən 'dæmpə]扭转减震器、谐振平衡器❖timing gear [‘taimiŋɡiə] 正时齿轮❖connecting rod journal [kə'nektiŋ rɔd 'dʒə:nəl ] 连杆轴颈❖main (bearing) journal [mein ‘bεəriŋ’dʒə:nəl ] 主轴颈❖counterweight [‘kauntə,weit] 平衡重❖thrust surface [θrʌst ‘sə:fis ] 推力面❖drive flange [draiv flændʒ] 传动法兰盘凸缘❖fillet [‘filit] 圆角❖nose [nəuz] (曲轴)前端❖pulley [‘puli] 皮带轮❖air conditioning [εəkən‘diʃəniŋ] 空调❖bearing cap [‘bεəriŋ kæp] 轴承盖❖copper [‘kɔpə] 铜❖lead [li:d] 铅❖Babbitt [‘bæbit] 巴氏合金❖tin [tin] 锡❖bearing clearance [‘bεəriŋ’kliərəns] 轴承间隙❖thrust bearing [θrʌst ‘bεəriŋ] 推力轴承止推轴承❖thrust washer [θrʌst ‘wɔʃə] 推力垫圈止推垫圈❖piston ring [‘pistən riŋ ] 活塞环❖compression ring [kəm‘preʃən riŋ ] 气环❖oil control ring [ɔil kən‘trəul riŋ] 油环❖piston pin [‘pistən pin ] 活塞销❖wrist pin [rist pin] 活塞销❖lock ring [lɔk riŋ ] 锁环❖piston land [‘pistən lænd] 活塞顶部❖heat dam [hi:t dæm ] 绝热槽❖piston head [‘pistən hed] 活塞头部❖piston skirt [‘pistən skə:t] 活塞裙部❖ring groove [riŋɡru:v] 活塞环槽❖piston pin bushing [‘pistən pin ’buʃiŋ] 活塞销衬套❖ring end gap [riŋ end ɡæp ] 活塞环开口间隙❖ductile iron [‘dʌktail ’aiən ] 球墨铸铁❖chromium [‘krəumjəm] 铬❖molybdenum [mɔ‘libdinəm] 钼❖torsional ring [‘tɔ:ʃənəl riŋ] 扭曲环❖chrome-plated [krəum ‘pleitid ] 镀铬的❖rod cap [rɔd kæp] 连杆盖❖bearing insert [‘bεəriŋ in’sə:t ] 轴承衬套八❖cross-flow head ['krɔs,fləu] [hed]横流式气缸盖❖coolant ['ku:lənt]冷却液❖head gasket [hed]['ɡæskit]气缸垫❖wedge-shaped combustion chamber ['wedʒʃeipt] [kəm'bʌstʃən] ['tʃeimbə]楔形燃烧室❖hemispherical combustion chamber [,hemi'sferikəl] [kəm'bʌstʃən] ['tʃeimbə]半球形燃烧室❖open combustion chamber ['əupən] [kəm'bʌstʃən] ['t ʃeimbə]统一式燃烧室、开式燃烧室❖pre-combustion chamber [pri:, prə] [kəm'bʌstʃən] ['tʃeimbə]预燃式燃烧室❖valve seat [vælv] [si:t]气门座❖vavle guide [vælv] [ɡaid]气门导管❖retainer [ri'teinə]弹簧座❖vavle spring [vælv] [spriŋ]气门弹簧❖high-chrome steel [hai] [krəum] [sti:l]高铬钢❖stellite ['stelait]钴铬钨硬质合金❖keeper ['ki:pə]锁紧装置❖valve stem [vælv] [stem]气门杆❖lifter ['liftə] (tappet)['tæpit]挺柱❖pushrod [puʃrɔd ]推杆❖rocker arm ['rɔkəɑ:m ]摇臂❖valve train clearance [vælv] [trein] ['kliərəns]气门间隙❖variable valve timing ['vεəriəbl] [vælv] ['taimiŋ]可变气门正时九❖oil pressure regulator [ɔil] ['preʃə] [,reɡju'leitə]机油压力调节器❖main oil gallery [mein] [ɔil] ['ɡæləri]主油道❖oil screen [ɔil] [skri:n]滤油网、机油滤网❖oil pressure sensor [ɔil] ['preʃə] ['sensə, -sɔ:]机油压力传感器❖dashboard ['dæʃbɔ:d] 仪表板❖sump [sʌmp]机油箱、油底壳、污水坑❖baffle ['bæfl]挡板❖gear-type oil pump [ɡiə] [taip] [ɔil] [pʌmp] 齿轮油泵❖rotor oil pump ['rəutə] [ɔil] [pʌmp]转子油泵❖pressure regulator valve ['preʃə] ['reɡjuleitə] [vælv] 压力调节阀、调压阀十❖water pump[‘wɔ:tə] [pʌmp] 冷却水泵❖pressure cap ['preʃə] [kæp]压力水箱盖❖fan [fæn] 冷却风扇❖temperature indicator['tempəritʃə] ['indikeitə]温度指示器❖air-cooled system ['εəku:ld] ['sistəm]风冷系统❖liquid-cooled system ['likwidku:ld] ['sistəm]水冷系统❖transmission cooler [trænz'miʃən] ['ku:lə]自动变速箱油冷却器❖expansion tank [ik'spænʃən] [tæŋk]膨胀水箱❖housing [hauziŋ] 外壳❖impeller [im'pelə] 叶轮、转子❖hub [hʌb] 轮毂❖pulley ['puli] 皮带轮❖closed cooling system [kləuzd] [ku:liŋ] ['sistəm] 闭式冷却系统十一❖electronic carburator [,ilek'trɔnik] ['kɑ:bə,reitə]电控化油器❖fuel vapor line ['fjuəl] ['veipə] [lain]燃油蒸汽管❖fuel injector pump ['fjuəl] [in'dʒektə] [pʌmp]喷油泵❖nozzle ['nɔzl]喷嘴、管嘴❖plastic ['plæstik]塑料❖fuel cap ['fjuəl] [kæp]油箱盖❖filler neck ['filə] [nek]油箱填充口颈❖fuel metering unit ['fjuəl] [mi:təiŋ] ['ju:nit]油量计量装置❖Mechanical fuel pump [mi'kænikəl] ['fjuəl] [pʌmp]机械燃油泵❖electrical fuel pump[,ilek'trɔnik] ['fjuəl] [pʌmp]电动燃油泵❖fuel pressure regulator ['fjuəl] ['preʃə] ['reɡjuleitə]燃油压力调节器❖injector fuel rail [in'dʒektə] ['fjuəl] [reil]燃油分配管、燃油轨❖direct injection system[di'rekt] [in'dʒekʃən] ['sistəm]直接喷射式燃料系统❖indirect injection system [,indi'rekt] [in'dʒekʃən] ['sistəm]非直喷式燃料系统❖port fuel injection(PFI) [pɔ:t] ['fjuəl] [in'dʒekʃən] 进气道燃油喷射❖throttle body injection(TBI) ['θrɔtl] ['bɔdi] [in'dʒekʃən] 气门体燃油喷射❖multiple-point (port) fuel injection ['mʌltipl] [pɔint] ['fjuəl] [in'dʒekʃən] 多点燃油喷射❖single-point (throrrle body) fuel injection ['siŋɡl] [pɔint] ['fjuəl] [in'dʒekʃən] 单点燃油喷射❖continuous injection [kən'tinjuəs] [in'dʒekʃən] 连续喷射十二❖dry-type air filter [drai] [taip] [εə] [filtə]干式空气滤清器❖exhaust pipe [iɡ'zɔ:st] [paip] 排气管❖undercarriage['ʌndə,kæridʒ] 底盘、下部结构❖fiberglass ['faibəɡlɑ:s]玻璃纤维❖glass pack muffler [ɡlɑ:s] [pæk] ['mʌflə]玻璃纤维消声器❖supercharging system ['sju:pə,tʃɑ:dʒiŋ] ['sistəm]进气增压系统❖turbocharger ['tə:bəu,tʃɑ:dʒə]涡轮增压十三❖conventional ignition system[kən'venʃənəl] [iɡ'niʃən] ['sistəm]传统点火系统❖primary circuit ['praiməri] ['sə:kit] 初级回路(低压回路)❖secondary circuit ['sekəndəri] ['sə:kit]次级回路(高压回路)❖ballast resistor['bæləst] [ri'zistə]附件电阻、稳流电阻❖crank [kræŋk]起动、摇转❖primary winding[‘praiməri] [’waindiŋ]初级线圈、一次绕组❖breaker['breikə]断电器❖secondary winding ['sekəndəri] ['waindiŋ]次级线圈、二次绕组❖condenser [kən'densə]电容器❖arc [ɑ:k]电弧❖distributor cap [di'stribjutə] [kæp]分电器盖❖coil tower [kɔil] ['tauə]点火线圈顶端接头❖surge [sə:dʒ]电涌振荡❖distributor shaft [di'stribjutə] [ʃɑ:ft, ʃæft]分电器轴❖firing order [‘faiəriŋ] [’ɔ:də]点火顺序❖electronic ignition system [,ilek'trɔnik] [iɡ'niʃən] ['sistəm]电子点火系统❖semiconductor [,semikən'dɔktə]半导体❖electronic spark timing(EST) [,ilek'trɔnik] [spɑ:k] ['taimiŋ]电子点火正时❖ignition control(IC) [iɡ'niʃən] [kən'trəul]点火控制❖HEI(Hight Energy Ignition)module [hait] ['enədʒi] [i ɡ'niʃən] ['mɔdju:l]高能点火模块❖computer-controlled coil ignition C3I system [kəm'pju:tə] [kən'trəuld] [iɡ'niʃən] ['sistəm]微机控制线圈点火系统❖electronic ignition(EI) [,ilek'trɔnik] [iɡ'niʃən]电子点火❖distributorless ignition system [di'stribjutəlis] [iɡ'ni ʃən] ['sistəm]无分电器点火系统❖ignition(coil)module [iɡ'niʃən] [kɔil] ['mɔdju:l]点火控制模块❖direct ignition system [di'rekt] [iɡ'niʃən] ['sistəm]直接点火系统❖cableless EI system ['keiblis] ['sistəm]无高压线电子点火系统十四❖storage battery ['stɔridʒ] ['bætəri]蓄电池❖stator ['steitə]定子❖slip-ring and brush assembly [slip] [riŋ] [ænd] [brʌʃ] [ə'sembli]滑动环和碳刷组件❖starter ['stɑ:tə]起动机❖clutch mechanism [klʌtʃ] ['mekənizəm]离合机构❖armature ['ɑ:mə,tjuə, -tʃə]电枢、转子❖commutator ['kɔmjuteitə]换向器十五❖greenhouse gas ['ɡri:nhaus] [ɡæs]温室气体❖sulfur dioxide(SO2) 二氧化硫❖sulfuric acid[sʌl'fjuərik] ['æsid] 硫酸❖acid rain ['æsid] [rein]酸雨❖particulate [pə'tikjulit]微粒❖PCV valve 强制曲轴箱通风阀❖evaporative emission control[i'væpəreitiv] [i'miʃən] [kən'trəul] 燃油蒸发排放控制❖heated air intake system ['hi:tid] [εə] ['inteik] ['sistəm] 进气预热系统❖EGR valve 废气再循环阀❖catalyst['kætəlist]催化剂、触媒❖two-way catalytic converter ['tu:'wei] [kætə'litik] [kən'və:tə]二元催化转化器❖three-way catalytic converter ['θri:'wei] [kætə'litik] [kən'və:tə]三元催化转化器❖platinum ['plætinəm] 铂、白金❖palladium [pə'leidiəm] 钯❖catalyst bed ['kætəlist] [bed]催化剂床、催化剂基座❖rhodium ['rəudiəm] 铑❖carbon dioxide(CO2) ['kɑ:bən] [dai'ɔksaid]二氧化碳❖nitrogen(N) ['naitrədʒən]氮十六❖transducer [trænz'dju:sə] 传感器、变换器、换能器❖feedback ['fi:dbæk] 反馈、反馈信息❖zirconia ['zə:kəniə]氧化锆❖coolant sensor ['ku:lənt] ['sensə ]冷却液(温度)传感器❖thermistor [θə:'mistə, 'θə:m-]热敏电阻❖air charge temperature (ATC) sensor [εə] [tʃɑ:dʒ] ['tempəritʃə] ['sensə, ]进气温度传感器❖intake air temperature (ITA) sensor ['inteik] [εə] ['tempəritʃə] ['sensə ]进气温度传感器❖throttle position sensor (TPS) ['θrɔtl] [pə'ziʃən] ['sensə]节气阀位置传感器❖potentiometer [pəu,tenʃi'ɔmitə] 电位计、电势计❖manifold absolute pressure(MAP) sensor ['mænifəuld] ['æbsəlju:t, æbsə'lju:t] ['sensə]进气歧管绝对压力传感器❖capacitor [kə'pæsitə]电容器❖silicon ['silikən]硅❖mass airflow (MAF) indicator [mæs] ['εəfləu] ['indikeitə] 空气流量传感器❖vane-type MAF sensor [vein] [taip] ['sensə ]叶片式空气流量传感器❖heated resistor MAF sensor ['hi:tid] [ri'zistə] ['sensə ]加热电阻式空气流量传感器❖hot wire-type MAF sensor [hɔt] ['waiə] ['sensə ]热线式空气流量传感器❖knock sensor (detonation sensor) [nɔk] ['sensə]爆([,detə'neiʃən] ['sensə ])震传感器❖piezoelectric sensing element [pi:,eizəui'lektrik, pai,i:-] ['sensiŋ] ['elimənt]压电传感元件❖vehicle speed sensor ['vi:ikl, 有时发'vi:hi-] [spi:d] ['sensə ]车辆速度传感器❖crankshaft position sensor ['kræŋk,ʃɑ:ft] [pə'ziʃən] ['sensə ]曲轴位置传感器❖variable reluctance sensor ['vεəriəbl] [ri'lʌktəns] ['sensə ]磁感应式传感器、可变磁阻传感器❖Hall-effect sensor [hɔ:l] [i'fekt] ['sensə ]霍尔效应传感器❖camshaft position (CKP) sensor ['kæmʃɑ:ft] [pə'ziʃən] ['sensə ] 凸轮轴位置传感器❖EGR valve position (EVP) sensor [vælv] [pə'ziʃən] [‘sensə ] EGR阀位置传感器❖park/neutral switch [pɑ:k] ['nju:trəl] [switʃ] 停车/空档开关❖A/C switch [switʃ] 空调开关❖actuator ['æktjueitə] 执行器❖relay ['ri:lei, ri'lei] 继电器十七❖driving wheel ['draiviŋ] [hwi:l]驱动车轮❖pressure plate ['preʃə] [pleit] 压盘❖griven plate or friction disc ['frikʃən] [disk]从动盘、摩擦盘❖clutch release bearing [klʌtʃ] [ri'li:s] ['bεəriŋ]分离轴承❖clutch fork [klʌtʃ] [fɔ:k]离合器拨叉、分离叉❖clutch housing [klʌtʃ] [haus, hauziŋ]离合器壳❖diaphragm spring ['daiəfræm] [spriŋ]膜片弹簧❖double (dual) plate clutch ['dʌbl] (['dju:əl]) [pleit] [klʌtʃ]双片式离合器❖ball-thrust bearing [bɔ:l] [θrʌst] ['bεəriŋ]推力球轴承❖clutch linkage [klʌtʃ] ['liŋkidʒ]离合器踏板❖master cylinder ['mɑ:stə, 'mæstə] ['silində]主缸、主油缸❖slave cylinder [sleiv] ['silində]工作油缸、从动缸❖ring gear [riŋ] [ɡiə]环形齿轮、齿圈❖double (dual) plate clutch ['dʌbl] (['dju:əl]) [pleit] [kl ʌtʃ]双片式离合器❖ball-thrust bearing [bɔ:l] [θrʌst] ['bεəriŋ]推力球轴承❖clutch linkage [klʌtʃ] ['liŋkidʒ]离合器踏板❖master cylinder ['mɑ:stə, 'mæstə] ['silində]主缸、主油缸❖slave cylinder [sleiv] ['silində]工作油缸、从动缸❖ring gear [riŋ] [ɡiə]环形齿轮、齿圈十八❖neutral ['nju:trəl]空档❖front–wheel drive vehicle前轮驱动汽车❖final drive主减速器❖synchronizer ['siŋkrənaizə, 'sin-]同步器❖sliding sleeve滑动套筒❖shifting fork换档拨叉十九❖automatic transmission [,ɔ:tə'mætik] [trænz'miʃən, træns-, trɑ:n-]自动变速器❖torque converter [tɔ:k] [kən'və:tə]液力变矩器❖planetary gear ['plænitəri] [ɡiə]行星齿轮系统❖clutch [klʌtʃ]离合器(自动变速箱中)❖band [bænd]制动器、制动带❖pump (impeller) [pʌmp]([im'pelə] )泵轮❖turbine ['tə:bain, -bin] 涡轮❖guide wheel or stator[ɡaid] [hwi:l] (['steitə])导轮❖ATF (automatic transmission fluid) [,ɔ:tə'mætik] [trænz'miʃən] ['flu(:)id]自动变速箱油❖sun gear [sʌn] [ɡiə]中心齿轮、恒星齿轮、太阳轮❖ring gear [riŋ] [ɡiə]环形齿轮、齿圈❖planet gears (pinion gears) ['plænit] [ɡiə] (['pinjən][ɡiə] )行星齿轮❖planet gear carrier ['plænit] [ɡiə] ['kæriə]行星齿轮架❖servo piston ['sə:vəu] ['pistən]伺服活塞❖overrunning clutch ['əuvə'rʌniŋ] [klʌtʃ]单向离合器❖valve body阀体❖continuously variable transmission (CVT) [kən'tinjuəsli] ['vεəriəbl] [trænz'miʃən]无级变速器二十❖universal joint (U-joint) [,ju:ni'və:səl] [dʒɔint]万向节❖cross and bearing type cardan universal joint (four-point joint) [krɔ:s] [ænd] ['bεəriŋ] [taip] ['k ɑ:dən] [,ju:ni'və:səl] [dʒɔint]十字轴万向节❖yoke [jəuk]万向节叉❖needle-type bearing['ni:dl] [taip] ['bεəriŋ]滚针轴承❖slip joint [slip] [dʒɔint]伸缩接头、滑动接头❖center bearing ['sentə] ['bεəriŋ] 中间支撑、中间轴承❖constant velocity (CV) joint ['kɔnstənt] [vi'lɔsəti] [dʒɔint]等速万向节❖ball-style CV joints [bɔ:l] [stail] [si:] [vi:] [dʒɔints]球笼式万向节❖tripod-type CV joint['traipɔd] [taip] [si:] [vi:] [dʒɔint]三叉式万向节二十一❖four-wheel drive (4WD) system四轮驱动系统❖all-wheel drive (AWD) system全轮驱动系统❖sport utility vehicle [spɔ:t] [ju:'tiləti] ['vi:ikl]运动型多功能车❖station wagon['steiʃən] ['wæɡən]旅行车❖van [væn] (有蓬的)货车❖passenger car ['pæsindʒə] [kɑ:]乘用车、客车❖transfer case[træns'fə:] [keis]分动器❖center differential['sentə] [ .difə'renʃəl ]中央差速器、桥间差速器❖full-time 4WD system全时四轮驱动系统❖part-time 4WD system分时四轮驱动系统❖limited slip differential ['limitid] [slip] [,difə'renʃəl]防滑差速器二十二❖front suspension [frʌnt] [sə'spenʃən]前悬架❖independent suspension [,indi'pendənt] [sə'spenʃən]独立悬架❖ball joint [bɔ:l] [dʒɔint]球形接头❖coil spring [kɔil] [spriŋ]螺旋弹簧❖steering knuckle ['stiəriŋ] ['nʌkl]转向节❖spindle ['spindl]转向节轴❖torsion bar ['tɔ:ʃən] [bɑ:]稳定杆❖rear suspension [riə] [sə'spenʃən]后悬架❖leaf suspension [li:f] [sə'spenʃən]钢板弹簧❖semi-grooved shock absorber['sem(a)i-] [ɡru:vd] [ʃɔk] [əb'sɔ:bə]半椭圆形弹簧❖spring shackle [spriŋ] ['ʃækl]钢板弹簧吊耳❖stabilizer bar ['steibilaizə] [bɑ:]横向稳定杆❖spiral-grooved shock absorber ['spaiərəl] [ɡru:vd] [ʃɔk] [əb'sɔ:bə]螺旋槽式减震器❖gas-filled shock absorber [ɡæs] [fild] [ʃɔk] [əb'sɔ:bə]充气式减震器❖air shock absorber [εə] [ʃɔk] [əb'sɔ:bə]空气减震器❖automatic level control system [,ɔ:tə'mætik] ['levəl] [kən'trəul] ['sistəm]高度自动控制系统❖electronic suspension [,ilek'trɔnik] [sə'spenʃən]电子控制悬架❖air suspension system [εə] [sə'spenʃən] ['sistəm]空气悬架总成❖active suspension system ['æktiv] [sə'spenʃən] ['sistəm]主动式悬架系统❖MacPherson strut [mækfersən] [strʌt]麦弗逊悬架二十三❖steering column ['stiəriŋ] ['kɔləm]转向柱❖steering wheel['stiəriŋ] [hwi:l]方向盘❖steering gear ['stiəriŋ] [ɡiə]转向器❖steering linkage['stiəriŋ] ['liŋkidʒ]转向传动装置❖energy-absorbing (collapsible) steering column ['enədʒi] [əb'sɔ:biŋ] ([kə'læpsəbl] )['stiəriŋ] ['kɔləm]能量吸收式(折叠式)转向柱❖manual steering ['mænjuəl] ['stiəriŋ]手动转向、人力转向❖pitman arm (recirculating ball) steering gear ['pitmən] [ɑ:m]([ri:'sə:kjuleitiŋ] [bɔ:l]) ['stiəriŋ] [ɡiə]循环球式转向器❖rack-and-pinion steering gear [ræk] [ænd] ['pinjən] ['stiəriŋ] [ɡiə]齿轮齿条式转向器❖caster ['kɑ:stə, 'kæs-]主销后倾角❖camber ['kæmbə]车轮外倾角❖toe [təu]前轮前束❖steering axis inclination ['stiəriŋ] ['æksis] [,inkli'neiʃən]主销内倾角❖turning radius ['tə:niŋ] ['reidiəs]转弯半径❖power steering [pauə] ['stiəriŋ]动力转向❖electronic power steering (EPS) system [,ilek'trɔnik] [pauə] ['stiəriŋ] ['sistəm]电子动力转向系统❖steering sensor ['stiəriŋ] ['sensə]转向传感器二十四❖tube [tju:b, tu:b]内胎❖tube-type tire [tju:b] [taip] ['taiə]有内胎轮胎❖tubeless-type tire ['tju:blis] [taip] ['taiə]无内胎轮胎❖tread [tred]胎面、胎冠❖ply [plai]帘布层❖carcass ['kɑ:kəs]胎体❖bias tire ['baiəs] ['taiə]斜交轮胎❖belted bias tire ['beltid] ['baiəs] ['taiə]带束斜交轮胎❖belted radial tire['beltid] ['reidiəl] ['taiə]带束子午线轮胎❖tire valve ['taiə] [vælv]轮胎气阀❖rim [rim]轮辋❖drop center wheel[hwi:l]凹槽式车轮❖safety rim['seifti] [rim]安全式轮辋❖disk wheel [disk] [hwi:l]盘形车轮、封闭式车轮❖cast aluminum wheel[kɑ:s, kæst] [ə'lju:minəm] [hwi:l]铸铝车轮❖wire wheel ['waiə] [hwi:l]辐条式车轮❖magnesium [mæɡ'ni:ziəm]镁。

第1单元汽车基础课文A 汽车的基本组成今天的一般汽车含有15000多个相互独立的零件,这些零件必须相互配合才能工作。


大学汽车专业英语教材Chapter 1: Introduction to Automotive Engineering 1.1 Overview of the Automotive Industry1.2 Importance of English in the Automotive Field 1.3 Basic Terminology in Automotive Engineering 1.3.1 Vehicle Components and Systems1.3.2 Technical Terms and Definitions1.4 Careers in Automotive Engineering1.5 Study Tips for Automotive Engineering Students Chapter 2: Automotive Design and Development2.1 Vehicle Design Process2.1.1 Concept Development2.1.2 Design Specifications2.1.3 Styling and Aesthetics2.2 Vehicle Testing and Validation2.2.1 Performance Testing2.2.2 Safety Testing2.2.3 Environmental Testing2.3 Materials Used in Automotive Design2.3.1 Metals2.3.2 Polymers2.3.3 Composites2.4 Case Studies of Successful Automotive Design Projects Chapter 3: Automotive Powertrain Systems3.1 Internal Combustion Engines3.1.1 Engine Components and Operations3.1.2 Types of Engines3.1.3 Alternative Powertrain Technologies3.2 Transmission Systems3.2.1 Manual Transmissions3.2.2 Automatic Transmissions3.2.3 Continuously Variable Transmissions (CVTs)3.3 Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies3.3.1 Hybrid Electric Vehicles3.3.2 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles3.3.3 Electric Vehicles3.4 Case Studies on Innovative Powertrain Systems Chapter 4: Automotive Electronics and Control Systems4.1 Introduction to Automotive Electronics4.2 Engine Control Systems4.2.1 Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI)4.2.2 Ignition Systems4.2.3 Engine Management Systems4.3 Vehicle Communication Systems4.3.1 Controller Area Network (CAN)4.3.2 In-Car Entertainment Systems4.3.3 Telematics Systems4.4 Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)4.4.1 Adaptive Cruise Control4.4.2 Lane Departure Warning Systems4.4.3 Collision Avoidance Systems4.5 Case Studies on Automotive Electronics and Control Systems Chapter 5: Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Systems5.1 Basics of Vehicle Dynamics5.1.1 Vehicle Handling and Stability5.1.2 Tire Behavior and Performance5.1.3 Braking Systems5.2 Suspension Systems5.2.1 Types of suspensions5.2.2 Suspension Design and Tuning5.3 Steering Systems5.3.1 Rack and Pinion Steering5.3.2 Power Steering Systems5.3.3 Electronic Steering Systems5.4 Case Studies on Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Systems Chapter 6: Automotive Safety and Crashworthiness6.1 Importance of Automotive Safety6.2 Passive Safety Systems6.2.1 Seatbelts and Restraint Systems6.2.2 Airbag Systems6.2.3 Safety Cage Design6.3 Active Safety Systems6.3.1 Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS)6.3.2 Electronic Stability Control (ESC)6.3.3 Adaptive Headlights6.4 Crashworthiness and Impact Analysis6.4.1 Crash Simulation and Testing6.4.2 Energy Absorption Structures6.4.3 Case Studies on Automotive SafetyChapter 7: Automotive Manufacturing and Quality Control7.1 Automotive Manufacturing Processes7.1.1 Stamping7.1.2 Welding7.1.3 Assembly7.2 Lean Manufacturing Principles in the Automotive Industry7.3 Quality Control and Assurance7.3.1 Six Sigma Methodology7.3.2 Statistical Process Control7.3.3 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)7.4 Case Studies on Automotive Manufacturing and Quality ControlConclusionIn conclusion, this English textbook for university-level automotive engineering students provides comprehensive coverage of essential topics in the field. From the fundamentals of automotive design and development to advanced concepts in automotive electronics and control systems, this textbook aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills tosucceed in their future careers. By studying this textbook, students will gain a solid foundation in both technical English vocabulary and automotive engineering principles.。
汽车专业英语读译教程(3版) 参考译文UNIT 9 TEXT C

UNIT 10 TEXT C自动变速器维修提示1.电路故障导致应急运行常见的电路故障有电缆断开、电磁开关阀故障、无传感器信号、变速器电子控制失灵。
汽车 专业 外文 文献 英文 翻译

外文文献原稿和译文原稿A New Type Car -- Hybrid Electric VehicleWith skyrocketing fuel prices and changes in weather patterns, many car manufacturers claimed to develop the kind of vehicles that will increase the mileage and reduce the emissions. Hybrid car is a kind of vehicle which can meet above requirements. A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine.The reasons of building such a complicated machine are twofold: to reduce tailpipe emissions and to improve mileage. Firstly, hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they use far less gasoline than conventional cars. Meanwhile, hybrid cars burn less gasoline per mile, so they release fewer greenhouse gases. Secondly, hybrid cars are economical. Hybrid cars, which run on gas and electricity, can get up to 55 to 60 miles per gallon in city driving, while a typical SUV might use three times as much gas for the same distance! There are three reasons can mainly account for that: 1) Hybrid engines are much smaller than those on conventional cars. A hybrid car engine is to accommodate the 99% of driving time when a car is not going up hills or accelerating quickly. When extra acceleration power is needed, it relies on the battery to provide additional force. 2) Hybrid gasoline engine can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electric motor and battery.3) Hybrid cars often recover braking energy. Electric motors could take the lost kinetic energy in braking and use it to charge the battery. Furthermore, hybrids are better than all-electric cars because hybrid car batteries recharge as you drive so there is no need to plug in. Most electric cars need to be recharged every 50-100miles. Also, most electric cars cannot go faster than 50-60 mph, while hybrids can.Hybrid cars bridge the gap between electric and gasoline-powered cars by traveling further and driving faster and hybrid gas-electric cars are proving to be a feasible alternative at a time of high gas prices. So, in my opinion, hybrid cars will have a bright future.How Does Hybrid Electric Vehicle Work?You probably own a gasoline or diesel-engine car. You may have heard of electric vehicles too. A hybrid vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a combination of both. Hybrid vehicles utilize two or more sources of energy for propulsion. In the case of HEVs, a combustion engine and an electric motor are used.How it works depends on the type of drive train it has. A hybrid vehicle can either have a parallel or series or parallel-series drive train.Parallel HybridThe parallel hybrid car has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission,electric motor, and batteries.A parallel hybrid is designed to run directly from either the combustion engine or the electric motor. It can run using both the engine and the motor. As a conventional vehicle, the parallel hybrid draws its power from the combustion engine which will then drive the transmission that turns the wheels. If it is using the electric motor, the car draws its power from the batteries. The energy from the batteries will then power the electric motor that drives the transmission and turns the wheel.Both the combustion engine and the electric motor are used at the same time during quick acceleration, on steep ascend, or when either the engine or the motor needs additional boost.Since the engine is directly connected to the wheels in a parallel drive train, it eliminates the inefficiency of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and back. This makes a very effective vehicle to drive on the highway.Series HybridThe series hybrid car also has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries with the addition of the generator. The generator can be the electric motor or it can be another separate component.The series configuration is the simplest among the 3. The engine is not connected to the transmission rather it is connected to the electric motor. This means that the transmission can be driven only by the electric motor which draws its energy from the battery pack, the engine or the generator.A hybrid car with a series drive train is more suited for city driving conditions since the engine will not be subjected to the varying speed demands (stop, go, and idle) that contributes to fuel consumption.Series-Parallel HybridThe series-parallel configuration solves the individual problems of the parallel and series hybrid. By combining the 2 designs, the transmission can be directly connected to the engine or can be separated for optimum fuel consumption. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape Hybrid use this technology.Honda’s hybridFor those of you who have toyed with the idea of buying a hybrid but were discouraged by the price, you are not alone. In fact, despite the growing concern for the environment, not to mention the skyrocketing price of gas, hybrid cars still only represent a small percentage of global car sales, and a major reason for this is the cost.Hybrids are considered the wave of the future because they not only reduce emissions, addressing the issue of climate change, but they get great gas mileage, an important consideration with the current price of oil. It should be noted that hybrids can also improve the power of the engine, which compromises any advantages in fuel efficiency and emissions. Whatever the application, however, the technology makes the cars more expensive.Because of this, they are the vehicle of choice for only a small niche of people who can afford them, and they currently enjoy a special status amongst the image conscious celebrity-set. For most average consumers, however, they are not an option.That may soon change.Honda Motor Corporation, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and a leader in fuel efficient technology, has unveiled it’s plan to introduce a low-cost hybrid by 2009. If they can pull it off, they hope to make the hybrid a more mainstream car that will be more appealing to the general public, with the ultimate goal of achieving greater sales and broader appeal than their current incarnation.This, of course, is making Detroit nervous, and may signal a need for American car makers to start making greener and more fuel efficient vehicles, something they could afford to ignore in the past because hybrid cars weren’t worth their attention (due to such a small market share) while gas-guzzling SUVs have such high profit margins.Honda, meanwhile, has had to confront a growing need to compete with Toyota, which has not only grown to be the world’s largest automaker, but makes the car that has become synonymous with the hybrid movement, the Prius. Honda is therefore faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of challenging Toyota’s dominance in the market.Concurrently, Toyota is racing to lower production costs on the Prius, as well, which would hopefully result in a lower cost to the consumer. All eyes are on a potentially favorable car buyers market in 2009.In the meantime, with even adamant global warming naysayers warming up (no pun intended) to the possibilities of an ecological disaster on the horizon, maybe it’s time that we got over our need to drive huge SUVs and start moderating our fuel consumption.Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4.00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.Engine Operating PrinciplesMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating 4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary ( Wankel ) , the 2-srtoke, and stratified charge.Reciprocating means up and down or banck and forth, It is the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder blick, or engine block. The blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passges called water jackets for coolant circulation. The top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder. However, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The piston is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a piston pin or wrist pin. The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft, which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rodbearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. Shown in Fig. 1-1The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is used to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of piston travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876. In the 4-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Intake strokeAs the piston moves down, the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinder through open intake valve. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the intake valve opens about 10°before t.b.c., giving 20°overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50°after b.d.c. to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、 Compression strokeThe piston turns up, the intake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to about 1Mpa, depending on various factors including the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridges the gap of the spark plug.3、 Power strokeThe expanding gases of combustion produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhaust valve open some 50°before b.d.d., allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next intake stroke.The intake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke. This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repeared in every as long as the engineremains running.A 2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operating cycle.However, the intake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke, and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has, the more power strokes produced for cach revolution. This means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly bdcause the power atrokes arecloser together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinders of multi-cylinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways. 1、Inline engines use a single block of cylinder.Most 4-cylinder and any 6-cylinder engines are of this design. The cylinders do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engines use two equal bands of cylinders, usually inclined 60degrees or 90degrees from the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12 engines have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engines have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreeas apart. These space saving engine designs are often air-cooled, and are found in the Chevrolet Carvair, Porsches, Subaus, and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid cooled.Late-model V olkswagen vans use a liquid-cooled version of the air cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.译文新型汽车----混合动力汽车在油价飞涨的今天,汽车制造商被要求发展一种排放低,行驶里程长的汽车。

所以说,发动机是动力源, 并被认为是汽车的心脏。
《汽车专业英语读译教程》参考译文-课文B-UNIT 5 TEXT B

第4单元课文B 一种新型的柴油机电子控制燃油喷射系统在柴油机排放法规日趋严格的形势下,燃油喷射系统的最重要设计目标是:降低排放,同时改善主要性能(提高输出,降低燃油消耗和降低噪声)。

4. Anti-lock Brake System(GM) 防抱死制动系统(通用)
5.Electronic Motor Power Steering System (EMPS) (TOYOTA)
电子电动机动力转向系统 (EMPS)(丰田)
6. Supplemental Restraint System(TOYOTA) 安全气囊系统(丰田)
CVT=continuously variable transmission 无级变速器 DIN 德国工业标准 DIS=distributorless ignition system 无分电器点火系统
DLC=data link connector 诊断插座
ECM=electronic controlled module 电子控制模块 ECT=electronic controlled transmission 电子控制自动变速器 EGR=exhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环 F4 WD=full time four wheel drive 全时四轮驱动 MAP=manifold absolute pressure 歧管绝对压力 OBD=on board diagnostic 车载诊断装置
Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) DTC Detected –Rough Road Data Unusable
检测到电子制动控制模块的诊断 故障代码——不能用不平整道路 数据
Ignition Control (IC) Circuit Low Voltage
PCV=positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风
API =American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会

第一章汽车总论1)Today’s average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must worktogether. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。
2)The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: thisobtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train. P3发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产生能量。

obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called a compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train. 发动机作为动力设备,常见的类型是内燃机,其原理是通过发动机缸内的液体燃料燃烧而产 生能量。发动机可分为两类:汽油机(点燃式)和柴油机(压燃式),都属于热力发动机。 燃料燃烧产生热量使缸内气体气压上升,从而产生能量,驱动与动力传动系相连接的轴旋转。 The way engine cylinders are arranged is called engine configuration. In-line engines have the cylinders in a line. This design creates a simply cast engine block. In vehicle applications, the number of cylinders is normally from 2 up to 6. Usually, the cylinders are vertical. As the number of the cylinders increase, the length of the block and crankshaft can become a problem. One way to avoid this is with a V configuration. This design makes the engines block and crankshaft shorter and more rigid. 发动机的布置即发动机气缸的排列方式。 发动机缸体按直线排列的即直列式,这种布置使 得发动机缸体结构简单。汽车发动机一般为 2~6 缸,通常气缸是垂直放置的,但气缸数量的 增加会导致缸体和曲轴的长度过大,解决问题的措施之一就是采用 V 型布置,这种布置方 式可以使发动机缸体和曲轴长度尺寸更短,从而大大增加刚度。 An engine located at the front can be mounted longitudinally and can drive either the front or the rear wheels. Rear engine vehicles have the engine mounted behind the rear wheels. The engine can be transverse or longitudinal and usually drives the rear wheels only. 前置发动机可以纵向布置,能够驱动前轮或后轮。后置发动机布置在后轮后侧,发动机即可 纵向布置又可横向布置,一般只能驱动后轮。 1.3 chassis 底盘 the chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle.the chassis includes the power train,steering,suspension,and braking systems. 底盘由汽车的主要操作系统组装而成。包括传动系、行驶系、转向系和制动系四部分。 1)Powertrain system conveys the drive to the wheels.传动系-将驱动力传递到车轮。 2)Steering system controls the direction of movement.转向系-控制汽车的行驶方向。 3)Suspension and wheels absorbs the road shocks.悬挂系-吸收路面震动 4)Brake slows down the vehicle.制动系-使汽车减速缓行。 1.3.1 power train system 动力传动系统 The power train transfers turning effort from the engine to the driving wheels.a power train ca n include a clutch manual transmission or a torque converter for automatic transmission, a dr ive shaft, final drive and differential gears and driving axles. Alternatively,a transaxle may be use d. A transaxle is a self-contained unit with a transmission, final drive gears and differential locate d in one casing. 传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变 矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。另外有些传 动系采用由变速器、主减速器和差速器组成的一体式的变速驱动桥。(或者采用一个独立的 变速驱动桥,即变速器……在同一个箱体内。) A vehicle with a manual transmission uses a clutch to engage and disengage the engine from the power train. Engine torque is transmitted through the clutch to the transmission or transaxle.the transmission contains sets of gears that increase or decrease the torque before it is transmitted
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Sub-Throttle Valve Motor The sub-throttle actuator uses a step motor located between
the main throttle valve and air cleaner. It is fitted on the throttle body and controls the position of the sub-throttle valve based on commands made by the TRAC ECU thus controlling the engine output. By controlling the sub-throttle plate, engine management controls engine torque reducing wheel spin. Sub-Throttle Position Sensor
The master cylinder cut solenoid valve opens and closes the hydraulic circuit from the master cylinder or TRAC pump to the ABS actuator. When the TRAC system is operating, it supplies the brake fluid pressure from the TRAC pump to the disc brake cylinders via the ABS actuator. It also prevents the fluid from flowing out of the ABS actuator pump to the master cylinder.
The function of the TRAC Pump is to generate brake fluid pressure necessary fores when the TRAC system is operating. It draws brake fluid from the master cylinder reservoir, pressurizes and directs it to the TRAC brake actuator.
sub-throttle plate 副节气门
center console
TRAC brake actuator TRAC制动执行器
master cylinder cut 主缸切断电磁阀,主缸隔离电磁阀
solenoid valve
pressure regulator 调压电磁阀
The pressure regulator valve controls the brake fluid pressure generated by the TRAC pump.
The relief valve relieves the systems highest pressure should a malfunction occur [2].
Fig. 10-3 TRAC system components
Components The TRAC OFF switch is located on the instrument panel
above the center console. It allows the driver to activate or deactivate the TRAC system when the switch is depressed. The system defaults to ON when the ignition switch is cycled.
v.干涉, 干预, 插入, 介入
['əuvəstiə(riŋ)] n. 过度转向
['ʌndəstiə(riŋ)] n. 不足转向
v. & n.招呼,欢呼, 高呼
n. & v.默认(值)
traction control
The check valve prevents fluid from flowing out of the disc brake cylinder to the TRAC pump. TRAC Operation
electronic stability 电子稳定性控制(ESC)
control (ESC)
make the headlines 成为头条新闻
make a difference 发生影响,起作用,区别对待
active safety system 主动安全系统
Traction Control System (TRAC) and Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
This sensor is fitted to the sub-throttle valve shaft. It converts the sub-throttle valve opening angle to a voltage signal and sends this signal to the TRAC ECU via the ECM (Engine ECU). The sensor operates in the same way as the main throttle position sensor. TRAC Pump
Once activated, the TRAC System reduces engine torque and rear wheel speed as necessary to bring the vehicle under control. The ABS ECU, TRAC ECU and ECM all work together to provide traction control. ABS speed sensors are monitored by the TRAC ECU which in turn controls a sub-throttle plate and applies the rear brakes. The ECM also retards engine timing while the ABS modulates pressure at the rear brakes.
Fig.10-4 Sub-throttle valve motor
TRAC Brake Actuator The TRAC brake actuator consists of two cut solenoid valves and
three spring loaded valves which regulate the brake fluid pressure in the right and left rear wheels. The rear wheels are controlled independently through the ABS actuator based on signals from the ABS ECU.
and Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
• Traction Control System (TRAC) Components TRAC Operation
• Intake Electronic Stability Control (ESC) What Is Electronic Stability Control? How ESC Works Many Names
Traction Control System (TRAC)
The purpose of the traction control system (TCS, or TRAC) (Fig.10-3) is to prevent wheel spin from occurring due to acceleration. The maximum torque that can be transmitted to the wheels is determined by the coefficient of friction generated between the road and the tires. If torque exceeds that level, the wheels are likely to spin. Conditions for TRAC operation may include: loose gravel, slippery road surfaces, acceleration while cornering and hard acceleration [1].
掌握 TRAC和ESC系统的有关属术语 掌握TRAC和ESC系统的组成和原理 提高翻译技巧与阅读能力
coefficient gravel console deactivate slippage alleviate headline rollover intervene oversteer(ing) understeer(ing) hail yaw-rate default
[kəui'fi∫ənt] n.系数
n.砂砾, 砂砾层
[di:'æ ktiveit] v.解除, 使无效, 使不活动
['slipid ]