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Influence law-making bodies to adopt pro-labor legislation
Effects of Unions
Threat effects
When two firms exist in the same area, and one is unionized, it is often the case that the non-union firm will change its work practices to closely mirror those of the unionized firm in order to prevent the union from taking root in their workplace as well. In effect, when UPS has a strike, Federal Express workers get a raise
Terms & Conditions
Seniority vs. merit promotions
Wagner Act (continued)
Sec 7: gives EEs the “right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, or to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining…”
Business Results
Why Employees Form Unions: Economic Reasons
EEs as individuals compare the benefits and costs of having a union represent them
Wagner Act
Bedrock of U.S. labor relations public policy
Sec 1: “protection by law of the right of employees to organize and bargain collectively safeguards commerce…”
Value is placed on money and benefits as well as abstract factors
EEs value having a voice in the organization Value having control over changes affecting
Sec 8: establishes unfair labor practices by management
Sec 9: provides for election of representatives of EEs as bargaining agents and holds that these representatives will be the exclusive rep of all EEs in unit
Belong to an organization of fellow workers – the “brotherhood”
Opportunity to participate in establishing important terms and conditions of employment
Notably, research suggests that unions do not lead to firm insolvency
Instead, unions appear to be “rational actors” who attempt to maximize wages for members without driving the employing organization under
Sec 2: defines terms, such as ERs and EEs, and explains who is covered and excluded by the law
Sec 3: establishes the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to administer the act
Video: Clockwork
Observation Notes
How could this apply to “white-collar” jobs? Overall thoughts/feelings?
Talent Management Strategy Model
Talent Strategy
their work
Benefits of Union Membership
Material wants and needs are met
Job security Higher wages Greater benefits Safer working conditions
Social and Political benefits:
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Learning Objectives
To explore how the need for unions came about To understand how unionization impacts organizations To learn the key legislation which establishes union rights