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1.Bacterial cell walls are composed principally of peptidoglycans,and

reproduction is by binary fission. [A. abruption;B. binary fission; C. break up ;

D. divide]

2.The photosynthetic bacteria contain a range of bacteriochlorophylls and do not

liberate free O2 during photosynthesis. [A. photosynthesis; B. photosynthate;

C. breath;

D. Reverse]

3.Conjugation involves the transfer of large portions of genetic material between

donor and recipient cells in mating pairs. [A. donor; B. donate; C. donation; D.


4.The cyanobacteria are photosynthetic prokaryotes containing chlorophyll, and

also phycobiliprotein pigments such as phycocyanin.[A.peptidoglycan;B.

crystal violet;C. chlorophyll; D. algae]

5.Those using light as their energy source are termed phototrophic.[A.

chemotrophic; B. lithotrophic; C. organotrophic ;D. phototrophic]

6.Excessive extraction of water can lower water-tables,which, in some inlands

(内陆),may lead to____. A.subsidence B.salt-water instrusion



7.But because of losses through ______ and plant transpiration.A.evaporation




8.Irrigation has allowed the expansion of agriculture into semi-arid and even

____ environments. A.dry B.arid C.drought d. water

9.The steady flows that dams cause alter the seasonal cycles of _____ and

riparian plants and animals. A. aquatic B. aquatics C.aquaculture


10.New landfills have complex bottom layers to trap contaminant-laden water,

called leachate ,leaking through the buried trash [A.wall B.leachate C.leader


11.A modern municipal solid waste landfill is typically constructed above an

impermeable clay.[A.impress B.impermeable C.improve D.impolite]

12.However,many incinerators were eliminated because of aesthetic concerns,

such as foul odors, noxious gases, and gritty smoke.[A.grave B.gritty C.grove


13.The buring waste heats water and the steam drive a turbine to generate

electricity, which is sold to a utility.[A.tool B.turbine C.troop D.type]

14.Selection of landfill sites is based on an understanding of local geology

conditions.[A.geoblo B.geology C.condition D.location]

15.The paradox is that in its gaseous state____,abundant thought it is,is

unavailable to most life. A.nitrogen B.oxygen C.hydrgen D.


16.To be used, free molecular nitrogen has to be fixed. This ____comes about in

two ways. A.energy B.fixation C.paradox D.radiation

17.This fixation is accomplished by____bacteria living in association with

leguminous and root-noduled monleguminous plants,by free-living aerobic
