
中国农村金融发展的现状的英语参考文献1. Liu, Y., & Sun, L. (2017). Rural financial development in China: A study on its macroeconomic and institutional determinants. China Economic Review, 44, 343-356.2. Zhang, C., & Xu, X. (2018). The development of rural finance in China: Current status and future perspectives. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 16(4), 377-392.3. Xu, H., & Yang, X. (2019). The role of microfinance in promoting rural financial development in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 11(2), 280-298.4. Ma, X., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Rural finance and poverty alleviation in China: A review of policies and practices. China Agricultural Economic Review, 12(2), 298-315.5. Guo, D., & Huang, Q. (2021). The impact of financial inclusion on rural development in China. Journal of Asian Economics, 77, 101100.中国农村金融发展的现状已经吸引了许多学者的关注。


金融体系中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Comparative Financial Systems1 What is a Financial System?The purpose of a financial system is to channel funds from agents with surpluses to agents with deficits. In the traditional literature there have be en two approaches to analyzing this process. The first is to consider how agents interact through financial markets. The second looks at the operation offinancial intermediaries such as banks and insurance companies. Fifty years ago, the financial system co uld be neatly bifurcated in this way. Rich house-holds and large firms used the equity and bond markets,while less wealthy house-holds and medium and small firms used banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Table 1, for example, shows the ownership of corporate equities in 1950. Households owned over 90 percent. By 2000 it can be seen that the situation had changed dramatically.By then households held less than 40 percent, nonbank intermediaries, primarily pension funds and mutual funds, held over 40 percent. This change illustrates why it is no longer possible to consider the role of financial markets and financial institutions separately. Rather than intermediating directly between households and firms, financial institutions have increasingly come to intermediate between households and markets, on the one hand, and between firms and markets,on the other. This makes it necessary to consider the financial system as anirreducible whole.The notion that a financial system transfers resources between households and firms is, of course, a simplification. Governments usually play a significant role in the financial system. They are major borrowers, particularlyduring times of war, recession, or when large infrastructure projects are being undertaken. They sometimes also save significant amounts of funds. For example, when countries such as Norway and many Middle Eastern States have access to large amounts of natural resources (oil), the government may acquire large trust funds on behalf of the population.In addition to their roles as borrowers or savers, governments usually playa number of other important roles. Central banks typically issue fiat money and are extensively involved in the payments system. Financial systems with unregulated markets and intermediaries, such as the US in the late nineteenth century, often experience financial crises.The desire to eliminate these crises led many governments to intervene in a significant way in the financial system. Central banks or some other regulatory authority are charged with regulating the banking system and other intermediaries, such as insurance companies. So in most countries governments play an important role in the operation of financialsystems. This intervention means that the political system, which determines the government and its policies, is also relevant for the financial system.There are some historical instances where financial markets and institutions have operated in the absence of a well-defined legal system, relyinginstead on reputation and other im plicit mechanisms. However, in most financial systems the law plays an important role. It determines what kinds ofcontracts are feasible, what kinds of governance mechanisms can be used for corporations, the restrictions that can be placed on securities and so forth. Hence, the legal system is an important component of a financial system.A financial system is much more than all of this, however. An important pre-requisite of the ability to write contracts and enforce rights of various kinds is a system of accounting. In addition to allowing contracts to be written, an accounting system allows investors to value a company more easily and to assess how much it would be prudent to lend to it. Accounting information is only one type of information (albeit the most important) required by financial systems. The incentives to generate and disseminate information are crucial features of a financial system.Without significant amounts of human capital it will not be possible for any of these components of a financial system to operate effectively. Well-trained lawyers, accountants and financial professionals such as bankers are crucial for an effective financial system, as the experience of Eastern Europe demonstrates.The literature on comparative financial systems is at an early stage. Our survey builds on previous overviews by Allen (1993), Allen and Gale (1995) and Thakor (1996). These overviews have focused on two sets of issues.(1)Normative: How effective are different types of financial system atvarious functions?(2) Positive: What drives the evolution of the financial system?The first set of issues is considered in Sections 2-6, which focus on issues of investment and saving, growth, risk sharing, information provision and corporate governance, respectively. Section 7 consider s the influence of law and politics on the financial system while Section 8 looks at the role financial crises have had in shaping the financial system. Section 9 contains concludingremarks.2 Investment and SavingOne of the primary purposes of the financial system is to allow savings to be invested in firms. In a series of important papers, Mayer (1988, 1990) documents how firms obtained funds and financed investment in a number of different countries. Table 2 shows the results from the most recent set of studies, based on data from 1970-1989, using Mayer’s methodology. The figures use data obtained from sources-and-uses-of-funds statements. For France, the data are from Bertero (1994), while for the US, UK, Japan and Germany they are from Corbett and Jenkinson (1996). It can be seen that internal finance is by far the most important source of funds in all countries.Bank finance is moderately important in most countries and particularly important in Japan and France. Bond finance is only important in the US and equity finance is either unimportant or negative (i.e., shares are being repurchased in aggregate) in all countries. Mayer’s studies and those using his methodology have had an important impact because they have raised the question of how important financial marke ts are in terms of providing funds for investment. It seems that, at least in the aggregate, equity markets are unimportant while bond markets are important only in the US. These findings contrast strongly with theemphasis on equity and bond markets in the traditional finance literature. Bank finance is important in all countries,but not as important as internal finance.Another perspective on how the financial system operates is obtained by looking at savings and the holding of financial assets. Table 3 shows t he relative importance of banks and markets in the US, UK, Japan, France and Germany. It can be seen that the US is at one extreme and Germany at the other. In the US, banks are relatively unimportant: the ratio of assets to GDP is only 53%, about a third the German ratio of 152%. On the other hand, the US ratio of equity market capitalization to GDP is 82%, three times the German ratio of 24%. Japan and the UK are interesting intermediate cases where banks and markets are both important. In France, banks are important and markets less so. The US and UK are often referred to as market-based systems while Germany, Japan and France are often referred to as bank-based systems. Table 4 shows the total portfolio allocation of assets ultimately owned by the household sector. In the US and UK, equity is a much more important component of household assets than in Japan,Germany and France. For cash and cash equivalents (which includes bank accounts), the reverse is true. Tables 3 and 4 provide an interesting contrast to Table 2. One would expect that, in the long run, household portfolios would reflect the financing patterns of firms. Since internal finance accrues to equity holders, one might expect that equity would be much more important in Japan, France and Germany. There are, of course, differences in the data sets underlying the different tables. For example, household portfolios consist of financial assets and exclude privately held firms, whereas the sources-and-uses-of-funds data include all firms. Nevertheless, it seem s unlikely that these differences could cause such huge discrepancies. It is puzzling that these different ways of viewing the financial system produce such radically different results.Another puzzle concerning internal versus external finance is the difference between the developed world and emerging countries. Although it is true for the US, UK, Japan, France, Germany and for most other developed countries that internal finance dominates external finance, this is not the case for emerging countries. Singh and Hamid (1992) and Singh (1995) show that, for a range of emerging economies, external finance is more important than internal finance. Moreover, equity is the most important financing instrument and dominates debt. This difference between the industrialized nations and the emerging countries has so far received little attention. There is a large theoretical literature on the operation of and rationale for internal capital markets. Internal capital markets differ from external capital markets because of asymmetric information, investment incentives, asset specificity, control rights, transaction costs or incomplete markets There has also been considerable debate on the relationship between liquidity and investment (see, for example, Fazzari, Hubbard and Petersen(1988), Hoshi, Kashyap and Scharfstein (1991))that the lender will not carry out the threat in practice, the incentive effect disappears. Although the lender’s behavior is now ex post optimal, both parties may be worse off ex ante.The time inconsistency of commitments that are optimal ex ante and suboptimal ex post is typical in contracting problems. The contract commits one to certain courses of action in order to influence the behavior of the other party. Then once that party’s behavior has been determined, the benefit of the commitment disappears and there is now an incentive to depart from it.Whatever agreements have been entered into are subject to revision because both parties can typically be made better offby “renegotiating” the original agreement. The possibility of renegotiation puts additional restrictions on the kind of contract or agreement that is feasible (we are referring here to the contract or agreement as executed, ratherthan the contract as originally written or conceived) and, to that extent, tends to reduce the welfare of both parties ex ante. Anything that gives the parties a greater power to commit themselves to the terms of the contract will, conversely, be welfare-enhancing.Dewatripont and Maskin (1995) (included as a chapter in this section) have suggested that financial markets have an advantage over financial intermediaries in maintaining commitments to refuse further funding. If the firm obtains its funding from the bond market, th en, in the event that it needs additional investment, it will have to go back to the bond market. Because the bonds are widely held, however, the firm will find it difficult to renegotiate with the bond holders. Apart from the transaction costs involved in negotiating with a large number of bond holders, there is a free-rider problem. Each bond holder would like to maintain his original claim over the returns to the project, while allowing the others to renegotiate their claims in order to finance the additional investment. The free-rider problem, which is often thought of as the curse of cooperative enterprises, turns out to be a virtue in disguise when it comes to maintaining commitments.From a theoretical point of view, there are many ways of maintaining a commitment. Financial institutions may develop a valuable reputation for maintaining commitments. In any one case, it is worth incurring the small cost of a sub-optimal action in order to maintain the value of the reputation. Incomplete information about the borrower’s type may lead to a similar outcome. If default causes the institution to change its beliefs about the defaulter’s type, then it may be optimal to refuse to deal with a firm after it has defaulted. Institutional strategies such as delegating decisions to agents who are given no discretion to renegotiate may also be an effective commitment device.Several authors have argued that, under certain circumstances, renegotiation is welfare-improving. In that case, the Dewatripont-Maskin argument is turned on its head. Intermediaries that establish long-term relationships with clients may have an advantage over financial markets precisely because it is easier for them to renegotiate contracts.The crucial assumption is that contracts are incomplete. Because of the high transaction costs of writing complete contracts, some potentially Pareto-improving contingencies are left out of contracts and securities. This incompleteness of contracts may make renegotiation desirable. The missing contingencies can be replaced by contract adjustments that are negotiated by the parties ex post, after they observe the realization of variables on which the contingencies would have been based. The incomplete contract determines the status quo for the ex post bargaining game (i.e., renegotiation)that determines the final outcome.An import ant question in this whole area is “How important are these relationships empirically?” Here there does not seem to be a lot of evidence.As far as the importance of renegotiation in the sense of Dewatripont and Maskin (1995), the work of Asquith, Gertner and Scharfstein (1994) suggests that little renegotiation occurs in the case of financially distressed firms.Conventional wisdom holds that banks are so well secured that they can and do “pull the plug” as soon as a borrower becomes distressed, leaving theunsecured creditors and other claimants holding the bag.Petersen and Rajan (1994) suggest that firms that have a longer relationship with a bank do have greater access to credit, controlling for a number of features of the borrowers’ history. It is not clea r from their work exactly what lies behind the value of the relationship. For example, the increased access to credit could be an incentive device or it could be the result ofgreater information or the relationship itself could make the borrower more credit worthy. Berger and Udell (1992) find that banks smooth loan rates in response to interest rate shocks. Petersen and Rajan (1995) and Berlin and Mester (1997) find that smoothing occurs as a firm’s credit risk changes.Berlin and Mester (1998) find that loan rate smoothing is associated with lower bank profits. They argue that this suggests the smoothing does not arise as part of an optimal relationship.This section has pointed to a number of issues for future research.• What is the relationship between th e sources of funds for investment,as revealed by Mayer (1988, 1990), and the portfolio choices of investorsand institutions? The answer to this question may shed some light onthe relative importance of external and internal finance.• Why are financing patterns so different in developing and developedeconomies?• What is the empirical importance of long-term relationships? Is renegotiationimportant is it a good thing or a bad thing?• Do long-term relationships constitute an important advantage of bankbasedsystems over market-based systems?金融体系的比较1、什么是金融体系?一个金融系统的目的(作用)是将资金从盈余者(机构)向短缺者(机构)转移(输送)。

农村互联网金融发展问题研究国内外文献综述1.国外研究现状Economides N. C. Himmelberg(2014)认为,互联网金融是建立在传统金融业务基础上的新兴业务。
Kirsty Best (2015)的研究表明,2002年联合国贸易和发展会议为发展中国家建构网络金融提供了广泛的认知,其建构了覆盖发展中国家的互联网金融发展条件和发展形势,这也是本文研究中对于互联网金融类别进行划分的重要依据[6]。
Andrew Crockett (2017)针对互联网金融的概况进行了研究。
Chester Brown(2017)认为,互联网金融发展的背景下,应当结合互联网金融的发展特征和产业特点,积极引进人才,提高人才的储备水平,重视互联网金融的特征,提高互联网金融各主体对人才的吸纳水平,完善人才的知识结构,推动互联网金融人才具有扎实的业务功底和理论功底,使得人才兼备金融实操经验和互联网意识,提升互联网金融的发展水平[8]。
Muneer M.Abbad (2016)《约旦网上银行》中认为,农村金融机构应当有效协调传统支付模式与购买模式和当前技术环境和需求环境之间的鸿沟。

一、农村经济的研究现状1. 农村的现实问题Gustavo Anríquez和Kostas Stamoulis的文献《农村变革和扶贫:政策设计,实施和评估的主要考虑因素》指出,目前全球农村地区存在许多问题,包括贫困、低收入、半失业、低技能和优惠政策不透明等等,对农村经济的发展造成了极大的阻碍。
2. 农村经济的主要产业Andrew Schmitz和Robert Dinterman的文献《农村经济发展的主要产业》指出,种植业、畜牧业和林业是农村经济中的主要产业。
二、农村经济的发展趋势1. 农村创业的发展FL Liu在《中国农村创业文化研究》中指出,在当前经济形势下,建设“双创”示范基地是当前实施乡村振兴战略的必然趋势。
2. 农村电子商务Cuihua Shen在《如何推动农村电子商务发展?——基于国际比较》中认为,目前,全球很多国家都在积极推动农村电子商务的发展。

外文翻译The Main Problems and Countermeasures of China’s Rural Financial System中国的农村金融体系中存在的问题原文来源:ZHAO YI The Main Problems and Countermeasures of China’s Rural Financial System The Chinese Economy, vol. 39, no. 2, March–April 2006, pp. 57–70.•不明确的功能定位在目前的农村金融体系改革的基本问题在于,金融机构的功能定位却很不明确。

农村金融小额信贷中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)RURAL FINANCE: MAINSTREAMING INFORMAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSBy Hans Dieter SeibelAbstractInformal financial institutions (IFIs), among them the ubiquitous rotating savings and credit associations, are of ancient origin. Owned and self-managed by local people, poor and non-poor, they are self-help organizations which mobilize their own resources, cover their costs and finance their growth from their profits. With the expansion of the money economy, they have spread into new areas and grown in numbers, size and diversity; but ultimately, most have remained restricted in size, outreach and duration. Are they best left alone, or should they be helped to upgradetheir operations and be integrated into the wider financial market? Under conducive policy conditions, some have spontaneously taken the opportunity of evolving into semiformal or formal microfinance institutions (MFIs). This has usually yielded great benefits in terms of financial deepening, sustainability and outreach. Donors may build on these indigenous foundations and provide support for various options of institutional development, among them: incentives-driven mainstreaming through networking; encouraging the establishment of new IFIs in areas devoid of financial services; linking IFIs/MFIs to banks; strengthening Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as promoters of good practices; and, in a nonrepressive policy environment, promoting appropriate legal forms, prudential regulation and delegated supervision. Key words: Microfinance, microcredit, microsavings。


U NDERSTANDING I NTERNATIONAL T RADE INA GRICULTURAL P RODUCTS:O NE H UNDRED Y EARS OFC ONTRIBUTIONS BY A GRICULTURAL E CONOMISTST IM J OSLING,K YM A NDERSON,A NDREW S CHMITZ,AND S TEFAN T ANGERMANNThe study of international trade in agricultural products has developed rapidly over the pastfifty years.In the1960s the disarray in world agriculture caused by domestic price support policies became thefocus of analytical studies.There followed attempts to measure the distortions caused by policies alsoin developing countries and to model their impact on world agricultural markets.Tools were advancedto explain the trends and variations in world prices and the implications of market imperfections.Challenges for the future include analyzing trade based on consumer preferences for certain productionmethods and understanding the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation on trade.Key words:agricultural trade;commodity prices;trade policy;agricultural trade distortions;measure-ment of agricultural protection;modeling agricultural trade.JEL Codes:F13,F55,Q17.The study of the economics of international trade in agricultural and food products is a rela-tively new area of specialization in the agricul-tural economics profession.Certainly the three mainstream areas that dominated thefirstfifty years of the American Agricultural Economics Association(AAEA)—production economics, marketing,and policy—each acknowledged the existence of international trade,but they largely ignored the analytical challenge of understanding the behavior of international markets and their role in resource-use effi-ciency and income distribution.By contrast, most agricultural economists trained since the1960s have been exposed to interna-tional trade theory and recognize the per-Tim Josling is Professor Emeritus,Food Research Institute,and Senior Fellow,Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University.Kym Anderson is the George Gollin Professor of Economics and former executive director of the Centre for International Economic Studies at the University of Adelaide; Andrew Schmitz is the Ben Hill Griffin,Jr.Eminent Scholar and a professor of Food and Resource Economics,University of Florida,Gainesville;a research professor,University of California, Berkeley;and an adjunct professor,University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon.Stefan Tangermann is Professor Emeritus,University of Göttingen and former Director for Trade and Agriculture at OECD.We would like to thank the many members of the Inter-national Agricultural Trade Research Consortium(IATRC)who responded to an informal poll on the most influential writings in agricultural trade in their experience.vasive influence of international economic events on domestic markets and policies. Trade agreements have evolved to where they constrain domestic policy,and interna-tional commodity prices are usually trans-mitted at least to some extent back to the farm level.Even the“newer”areas of agri-cultural and applied economics,such as envi-ronmental and resource economics,develop-ment economics,and consumer economics,are influenced by the institutions of international trade.This review aims to document the growth of the study of international agricultural mar-kets and institutions by identifying some of the main contributions of the profession to our understanding of the key issues.It is a subjective assessment of the development of professional thinking on several of the main areas where contributions have been made to the understanding of the nature of inter-national trade in agriculture and food com-modities.Each of these advances illustrates the cumulative contributions made by economists working in universities and research agen-cies of national and international institu-tions.We apologize at the outset to the many whose work we have not been able to mention.Amer.J.Agr.Econ.92(2):424–446;doi:10.1093/ajae/aaq011Received December2009;accepted January2010©The Author(2010).Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.All rights reserved.For permissions,please e-mail:journals.permissions@ at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded fromJosling et al.Understanding International Trade in Agricultural Products425Changing Trade Issues over the Past Ten DecadesAgricultural economists,by the nature of their discipline,are attracted to the issues of the day. It follows that those who work on international trade issues in the main respond to emerg-ing trade situations that demand analysis and explanation.Theoretical developments and improvements in analytical technique often accompany these attempts to understand and explain current problems.As a backdrop to the more detailed discussion of the contributions of economists to the study of international agri-cultural trade,we therefore begin by tracing the evolution of trade issues over the100years since the founding of theAAEA.This will illus-trate the tumultuous nature of the changes that have called out to be addressed by economists, as well as the dramatic advances in theoretical and analytical tools that have been developed to understand these issues.Agricultural trade historically has been a significant share of total commerce,and for many countries has played a dominant role in determining foreign policy.As late as1890, agricultural exports accounted for75%of the total exports from the United States(Johnson 1977,p.298).By the time the AAEA came into existence in1909,the export share was about 50%,and that share fell steadily until the1940s before reviving in the immediate postwar era to about20%.For the world as a whole,agri-cultural trade has steadily declined as a share of total trade in goods and services and is now less than8%,even though it has been increas-ing faster than world agricultural production. Yet trade in agricultural products remains very important for both high-income and develop-ing countries,and agricultural trade policies typically are among the most sensitive in any international trade negotiations.Thefirst two decades of the AAEA,from 1909to1929,was a period of steady decline in trade from the high point of the nineteenth-century globalization period to the growth of protectionist movements and the collapse of European empires in the devastation of World War I.Though the founding fathers of the AAEA were well aware of the geopol-itics of the period and the impact on agri-cultural tradeflows,few books or articles by agricultural economists stand out as dealing systematically with trade issues during that ernment intervention in agricul-tural markets was not on the horizon,and agricultural tariffs were generally low relative to barriers to trade in manufactured goods and services.During the1920s,the situation began to change.With domestic farm policy emergingas a way to boost rural incomes,pressure grewto use trade policy as part of the strategy.The McNary-Haughen Act was an early attemptto use trade policy to influence domestic mar-kets,and the same trend toward protectionismwas occurring in other countries.1The book by Edwin Nourse(1924)introduced a more holis-tic view of world markets as well as a cogent explanation of their significance for U.S.agri-culture.At this time,trade theorists began to expand on the determinants of trade,and thesignificance of resource endowments emergedas a major factor in the explanation of tradeflows.By the third decade of the AAEA’s exis-tence,trade policy was a matter of high polit-ical interest and international contention.TheGreat Depression was widespread and pro-tracted in part because of increased trade pro-tection,and agricultural trade was not spared.The1930Smoot-Hawley tariff bill was origi-nally designed as an agricultural tariff increasebut ended up more generally applied to all goods.Did the profession sit idly by while theworld trade system disintegrated and economic autarchy reigned?It is not easy tofind sem-inal articles from this period on agriculturaltrade and the collapse of markets,with the notable exception of T.W.Schultz’s,who wroteon world agricultural trade and the serious implications for U.S.markets(Schultz1935).The fourth decade was not one of major contributions to the agricultural economics lit-erature in the area of trade.Wartime condi-tions were not conducive to academic pursuits,since many members of the profession wereco-opted into government posts and presum-ably made contributions that may never be revealed.2However,the postwar trading sys-tem was being constructed in the1940s,and agricultural issues were often at the heart of the discussion.3The debates between such notable economists as James Meade and Keynes and1Agricultural economists commented on these issues,in the con-texts of both domestic policy and the trade system.Afine exampleis the study by Black(1928),who warned of the consequences ofthis policy.2An exception was Henry C.Taylor’s book on world agriculturaltrade,emphasizing the importance of the European market(Taylorand Taylor1943).3The debate on managing commodity markets is an example;see the discussion below of the writings by Davis(1942)and Tsouand Black(1944).at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded from426April2010Amer.J.Agr.Econ.their American counterparts explicitly dealt with the inclusion of agricultural trade in the postwar system but were notable for their assumption that these issues were of such a high political importance that the arguments for freer markets were unlikely to prevail.Mean-while the theory of international trade took major steps forward:Samuelson’s(1948)arti-cle on factor price equalization appeared,and the basis was laid for modern trade theory. The decade of the1950s saw the start of a serious professional interest in agricultural and commodity trade.D.Gale Johnson published a book on the inconsistency between U.S.trade and agricultural policies:the one advocating open markets,the other maintaining protec-tive barriers(Johnson1950).For twenty years Johnson refined this message and had a pro-found impact on the profession(if not on policy),as is detailed below.Condliffe(1951) included some insightful comments about agri-cultural trade in his book The Commerce of Nations,in addition to showing the complexi-ties of trade regulations at that time(Condliffe 1951).4The link between commodity trade and economic development and growth also began to be considered during this period.In fact this was the start of development economics as the colonial system disintegrated.Even the begin-nings of the political economy of agricultural trade can be traced to this period.Kindleberger (1951)introduced interest-group analysis into the explanation of national tariff policies,set-ting the stage for later political economy work on agricultural trade.By the start of the1960s the issue of agri-cultural commodity trade became a significant international concern.The1960s saw sharp increases in agricultural protection in indus-trial countries.The trade system staggered under the burden of the disposition of sur-pluses built up under high price supports. Developing countries saw a different side of this with their requests for market access(on concessional terms)rebuffed by strong domes-tic political forces and their export earnings depressed by low commodity prices in interna-tional markets.Much of the professional writ-ing in the United States on agricultural trade in 4Condliffe influenced a generation of students at Berkeley, including Hillman,who began to ask systematic questions about the issues facing agricultural trade.Hillman(1996)shows some frus-tration over the lack of earlier studies on trade,declaring:“[A]bout the only works relating to agricultural trade were a1920s book by Nourse and Gale Johnson’s work on the trade policy dilemma of US agriculture.”this period focused on how to increase exports,either commercially or through food aid.The1960s saw another development thathas had a profound impact on agricultural trade:the rebirth of regional economic integra-tion and somewhat less ambitious free trade areas.European economists,as well as theirNorth American counterparts,were intriguedby the bold experiment of the European Eco-nomic Community(EEC)but were concernedabout the protectionist Common AgriculturalPolicy(CAP)that formed an integral partof the agreement.The tensions between theEEC(later the EU)and the United Statesover agricultural trade were a major theme for economists during this period and indeed untilthe mid-1990s,when the World Trade Orga-nization(WTO)internalized some of theseconflicts.Both trade theory and the theory of eco-nomic integration were developing rapidly,asreal-world events challenged accepted expla-nations.In the1960s,trade theorists paid increasing attention to international capital movements within the context of standardtrade theory:Capital movements could be a substitute for product trade.5Agricultural eco-nomics as a whole stuck close to its microeco-nomic roots and to a“closed economy”viewof the agricultural sector.There was still a dis-connect between the teaching of agricultural marketing and domestic policy on the one handand teaching about the functioning of the inter-national trade and monetary system on the other.This meant that the profession was some-what slow in responding to the emerging tradeissues of the1960s.6By the1970s a host of new issues had arisenwhich emphasized the importance of external economic events.A sharp rise in oil prices, together with droughts in India,Africa,and the USSR,caused agricultural commodity marketsto spike upward.Two devaluations of the dollar5Schmitz and Helmberger(1970)then developed a modelin which they demonstrate that capital movements and producttrade can be complements,in that increased capital movementsbring about increased product trade.Their examples chosen werefor agriculture and natural resource industries and presaged thegrowth of agricultural and food trade linked to foreign direct investment that has continued to this day.6In an editorial introduction to the otherwise impressive col-lection of articles on agricultural economics published by theAmerican Economics Association(AEA)in1969,the editorsadmit that the“decision to emphasize a limited number of topicsresulted in the exclusion of a number of areas in which agricultural economists have specialized.Among the more importantfields thathave been excluded[is]...international trade”(AEA1969,p.xvi).D.Gale Johnson was on the selection committee for this volume,so presumably he found inadequate material in this area to include.at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded fromJosling et al.Understanding International Trade in Agricultural Products427and the virtual abandonment of the Bretton Woods monetary system added more shocks to markets.Increased macroeconomic instabil-ity and chaotic commodity market behavior showed up the dysfunctionality of domestic policies.D.Gale Johnson’s seminal bookWorld Agriculture in Disarray and his work on sugar markets encapsulated this situation(Johnson 1973,1974).G.Edward Schuh(1974)reminded the profession of the importance of macroeco-nomics to agricultural markets and the signif-icance of exchange rates to agricultural trade patterns.And,in an extensive survey of“tra-ditional”fields of agricultural economics from the1940s to the1970s(Martin1977),policies related to agricultural trade were deemed wor-thy of a full section,authored masterfully by D.Gale Johnson(Johnson1977).The1980s ushered in a remarkable period of conflicts over agricultural trade and of policy reform that sowed the seeds for their rec-onciliation.The reform of multilateral trade rules for agriculture had to await the neces-sary changes in domestic policy,but this reform eventually emerged from a mix of budget pressures and paradigm shifts.7The Interna-tional Agricultural Trade Research Consor-tium(IATRC,discussed in a later section) became a focus for work on trade.It was also a period when economists were becoming increasingly sophisticated in the art of building models of markets and estimating behavioral parameters.The international trade literature in general was changing over this period,with an examination of imperfect competition mod-els and of the importance of geography,the study of the political economy of protection, and the issue of regional integration.Agricul-tural economists became adept at translating and applying these new areas of exploration into the world of agricultural product trade and associated policies,as discussed below.The decade of the1990s saw a signifi-cant change in the international rules gov-erning national trade policies for agriculture makes.That set of changes made this an active decade for agricultural trade professionals. Despite the signing of the General Agree-ment on Tariffs and Trade(GATT)in1947 by the advanced industrial countries,and the progressive reduction of tariffs on imports of manufactures,there had been little progress on reducing agricultural trade barriers.The 7Policy dialogue in international bodies such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development contributed signifi-cantly to the paradigm shift,and this dialogue was an extension of the academic discussions of the time.changing paradigms of economic policy that started in the mid-1980s led eventually in1995to the full incorporation of agriculture intothe successor to the GATT,the World Trade Organization.8Multimarket and economy-wide models became still more sophisticated.This was an age of detailed empirical workon agricultural trade rather than one of con-ceptual improvements.But agricultural tradewas becoming mainstream in agricultural eco-nomics curricula,and domestic policy coursesin the United States and the EU began to include some“open economy”issues.Mean-while,agricultural trade itself was changingwith the globalization of the food industry, posing novel challenges for economists.It is clearly too early to judge the lasting nature of contributions since the beginning ofthe new millennium,but the expansion of the range of trade issues connected with environ-mental,consumer,animal welfare,water,and climate change issues has greatly broadenedthe focus of agricultural trade analysts.Recent concerns over the impact of price spikes onfood security and of the use of agriculturalcrops as biomass for fuel have kept agricul-tural trade issues high on the international agenda.Rapid growth in processed and high-value agricultural and food products,and a revolu-tionary spread of retail supermarkets accom-panied the“second wave”of globalization inthe modern era,so that it is no longer fancifulto talk of a global market for farm prod-ucts.Some economists focus on WTO issues, which have become a significant subfield of agricultural trade research and analysis.Oth-ers take a development view:Much empiricalwork on agricultural trade now is done by those examining developing-country issues,includ-ing questions such as the use of trade policyas an element in food security or antipoverty programs.Still others study regional or bilat-eral trade arrangements in all their glory, pondering the balance between the benefitsof partial liberalization and the costs of giv-ing preferred access to high-cost producers.Many contributions are now made by those working in(or with)multilateral institutions (such as the World Bank,the Organisationfor Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD],and the United Nations Confer-ence on Trade and Development[UNCTAD]),8However,trade negotiations have continued to pivot on thethorny issue of liberalization of farm product trade,as evidencedby the current problems in the WTO’s Doha Round.at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded from428April2010Amer.J.Agr.Econ.often in collaborative studies.This seems to reflect a shift in the way in which agricultural trade research has been organized,a topic to which we return at the end of the paper.As a way of highlighting the ways in which the profession has responded to these chang-ing events,we organize our subjective survey around six areas.Each area is an example of a cumulative advance in understanding,starting with one or two articles and books and devel-oping into a body of more or less accepted wisdom.Contribution#1:Understanding the behavior of international commodity pricesOne of the most persistent questions in agri-cultural trade is whether there are consistent long-run trends in international market prices for agricultural commodities.On the one hand, supply constraints(limited land area)in the face of demand growth(population and per capita income)could push farm product prices ever higher.On the other hand,as consumers spend a high share of rising incomes on non-food items(the Engel effect),economic growth will cause a shift in demand away from basic foods.Relatively rapid agricultural productiv-ity growth will lower the costs of farm produc-tion and hence tend to lower farm prices.The evidence for much of this century appeared to point to a declining price trend.9However,the significance of this trend became a matter of considerable controversy in the1960s.The variability of prices has also been a major topic for investigation over the years. High prices in the early1970s brought this issue to the fore,and a more recent price spike in 2007–8has renewed concerns about the corro-sive economic impact of market instability.Pri-mary product prices in international markets are notoriously more volatile than prices for other products.How much of the price volatil-ity is due to the characteristics of markets(e.g., supply shocks from weather or disease)and how much to government intervention became a subject for study in the1970s and1980s. Commodity Prices and the Terms of Trade The behavior of prices of agricultural com-modities on world markets has been an understandable obsession with economists.Of specific interest to agricultural trade analysis is 9This is in contrast to recent evidence for the period from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century(Williamson2008).the trend in the relative price of agricultural products compared with nonagricultural prod-ucts.The terms of trade for agricultural(andother primary)products have featured promi-nently in debates about the possible bias ofthe trade system toward particular groups of countries.The debate on whether the economic system generated outcomes that were stacked against developing countries was highly visiblein the1960s.Prebisch(1950)and Singer(1950)had come independently to the conclusion thatthere was a structural reason for the observed decline in the price of agriculture relativeto manufactured goods,reinforcing the ten-dency due to the different income elasticities. Imperfect markets in industrial goods allowed manufacturers to retain much of the benefitsfrom productivity increases rather than pass-ing them on to consumers,whereas agricultural productivity gains were passed directly to con-sumers(or at least processors)in the formof lower prices.As a consequence,the termsof trade turned progressively against the rural “periphery”in favor of the industrial“center.”The concept proved powerful in political termsand was a major motivation for the foundingof UNCTAD in1964and the calls for a New International Economic Order by developing countries in the1970s.The Prebisch/Singer hypothesis has donebetter as a political call to arms than as a statis-tical conclusion.A major revision of the datathat had originally been used was publishedby Grilli and Yang(1988),which broadly con-firmed a downward trend.10But other analysts disagreed with the interpretation of the data: Trends in prices over the past100years areby no means smooth.There have indeed beensharp declines in agricultural prices(particu-larly in1920)but also periods where the trendis upward(over thefirst part of the twenti-eth century),when it disappears(from1920until the late1970s),and when a strong down-ward trend begins(until1990)(Ocampo andParra2002).Cashin and Mc Dermott(2002, 2006)confirm these results and reject boththe existence of a long-run trend and the evidence of structural changes in the series used.The past decade has seen a recovery of prices,and many argue that the trend maybe upward for at least a few more years to come.Moreover,the link between terms oftrade and economic development has become10Their data have since been updated to2000by Pfaffenzeller, Newbolt,and Rayner(2007).at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded fromJosling et al.Understanding International Trade in Agricultural Products429more blurred.Identification of“primary prod-uct exporters”with“developing countries”looks increasingly dated:For many key farm commodities,high-income countries are the major exporters,and for many developing countries—especially in Asia—manufactured goods now dominate their exports.The recent revival of the idea that agricul-tural prices may be on a long-term upward trend owes much to three phenomena:rapid growth in emerging countries,particularly in China,India,and Brazil,with its implication for dietary improvements;the extraordinary increase in oil prices in2007,which raised energy costs in agriculture and led to gov-ernmental mandates and subsidies for biofu-els;and the apparent stagnation in technical advance in agriculture as a result of declin-ing research expenditures.Contributions to the understanding of these price movements have been somewhat contradictory.Somefind a sig-nificant role for speculation(Gilbert2008); others for biofuel policies(OECD and Food and Agriculture Organization[FAO]2008). But what seems generally agreed is that agri-cultural commodity prices now have a direct link with the price of petroleum,once it exceeds a threshold level at which biofuels become a privately profitable substitute for fossil fuels. International Price ShocksThe importance of commodity pricefluctua-tions and of the domestic policy responses to them was made apparent in the1970s.The quadrupling of petroleum prices in1973–74 and their doubling again in1979–80,when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun-tries(OPEC)coordinated major reductions in supply,triggered a renewed focus on analyzing the consequences of such nonfarm shocks for the agricultural sector.Initially the focus of this literature was on analyzing the impact on con-sumers andfirms,as producers faced sharply higher energy costs.But the magnitude of the petroleum price stimulated massive and rapid exploration for and exploitation of new energy reserves.Such supply reactions were incorpo-rated in the analysis of price impacts,leading to what became known as the“Dutch Disease”literature that sought initially to explain the effects on other sectors of the Dutch economy following the discovery and exploitation of nat-ural gasfields off the coast of the Netherlands. Gregory(1975)made an early contribution to this literature on the impact of nonfarm sector booms:He found that the direct effect is a rise in the demand for labor in the booming nonfarm sector that will initially draw workersfrom other sectors to the booming sector butthat this is followed by an indirect impact on agriculture and other sectors as the change inreal income in the economy affects the demandfor all products.The same core theory has been used to ana-lyze the inter-and intrasectoral and tax policy impacts of agricultural commodity price boomsand busts.In the context of sub-SaharanAfrica,it was common practice for governments totax away windfalls from export price booms, either for depositing in a stabilization fund tobe drawn on to support farmers during periodsof price collapses or to boost treasury coffersso as to allow the boom to be shared withthe rest of the society,including nonboomingfarm industries.But recent analysis has castdoubt upon the ability of governments to effectsuch transfers.Trade economists have also been concernedwith the impact of storage policies on inter-national market price stability and on the optimal storage policy for an open economy.The early theoretical work on stabilization was stimulated by Hueth and Schmitz(1972),who showed the distributional effects in both a closed and an open economy from price stabi-lization brought about through storage.Feder, Just,and Schmitz(1977)analyzed storage poli-cies under trade uncertainty and showed cases where trade would be greatly reduced under ahigh degree of uncertainty.Just et al.(1978) analyzed the welfare implications of storagefrom an international perspective using non-linear assumptions,and Newberry and Stiglitz (1981)expanded the framework for optimal policy intervention under instability for open economies.The persuasive nature of their argu-ments,that private and public storage are code-termined and so the latter might just take theplace of the former,together with the return tolower prices in world markets,has effectively dropped the topic of intergovernmental stor-age agreements from the policy agenda sincethe1980s.11Domestic Policies and Market InstabilityThe argument that governments may exac-erbate international marketfluctuations bytheir own attempts to stabilize domestic prices11The topic did not totally disappear:Williams and Wright (1991),for instance,added additional insights into the welfareimpacts of commodity storage in both trade and no-trade situations.at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen on April 26, Downloaded from。

美国农村金融管理中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Rural Finance: The American ExperienceConstruction of the rural financial system the U.S. The basic principle is to provide financial support for agricultural development. After years of development, rural America as a whole formed a multi-level, full range of financial institutions, through government subsidies, the development of rural financial system, increase agricultural production, agricultural loans and various channels such as social, agricultural financing funds to meet the agricultural the development of a variety of financial needs, to provide the financial security of agricultural modernization. Building a new socialist countryside, we must adhere to the development of the rural economy as the center, and developing the rural economy can not do without the support of rural finance.Rural econenomic development of rural finance as the most important elements of the capital allocation system,and its role more and more obvious,rural financial Xingxing is agriculture,rural finance activities,the agricultural activities.Agricultural development from the experience of other countries, both developed and developing countries have attached great importance to rural financial institution building. In some countries the rural financial development better, establish a general policy, including financial, co-finance and rural insurance, including comprehensive, multi-level financial system, establish a fund to support rural development cycle of long-term mechanism, more better support the rural and agricultural development, safeguarding the interests of the majority of farmers. We are on the rural financial system in these countries a comparative analysis of proposed rural financial system and improve the path selection.The rural financial system construction rationaleRural financial theory to the formation and development, has received the modern financial development theories and policies of influence. From developing countries of rural financial theory perspective, the three major genres: agricultural financing theory, rural financial markettheory and recent incomplete competition theory.In the early 1980s, before agriculture finance theories have been rural financial theory of mainstream. This theory is based on that of rural residents, especially poor strata not saving ability, rural is facing fund shortage problem. And because the agricultural output characteristics (income uncertainty, investment long-term and low yield, etc.), agriculture and cannot be a commercial bank's investment object, this makes the rural financial mess up, a large amount of fund outflow. Therefore, it is necessary to rural peripheral infuse policy fund, and establish non-profit professional financial institutions to capital allocation. However, this over-reliance on external funding of rural financial policy has sparked funds, the low efficiency of the low return a series of contradictions, in addition to the rural financial market mechanism of neglect, cause rural financial cycle development the long-term mechanism of difficult to build.In the 1980s, the rural financial market theory gradually replaced agricultural credit subsidies theory. Its main theories, the lack of rural financial capital, not because farmers not saving ability, but due to the rural financial system unreasonable financial arrangements (such as government regulation, interest rate control, etc.), curb its development. Its policies are: to play a role in financial markets, and reduce government intervention, realize interest rate marketization, achieving rural savings and capital supply and demand the balance, Cancel special specific target loan system, the appropriate development of non-formal finance market, etc.Since the 1990s, again appeared imperfect competition market theory. This theory is mainly, and the market mechanism is not everything, for stable financial market for reasonable government intervention is necessary. Imperfect competition market is the representative figure of SiDiGeLiCi that because of the existence of market failure factors, the government in rural financial market a very important role, but the government also cannot replace market, but should become the beneficial supplement of the market. The government of financial market supervision should adopt indirect control mechanism, and according to certain principle establish regulatory scope and standards. Rural financial market is not a completely competitive market, especially the loan party (financial institutions) to the borrower's situation can't fully grasp the, plus rural special cases, financial institutions to control rural system risk, if fully in accordance with market mechanism might not be able to cultivate a rural social needed financial market, therefore, it is necessary to adopt appropriate financial markets, such as government intervention and theborrower's organization etc non-market measures.The imperfect market competition theory the main policy suggestion: one is the precondition of the development of financial markets is low inflation macroeconomic stability; etc. Second, in the financial market development to a certain degree, compared with interest rate liberalization, before more attention shall be paid to the actual deposit interest rate remained at will, within the scope of positive while suppressing deposit rate of growth, if the resulting credit allocation and excessive credit demand problem, can not damage by governments in financial institutions savings from external motivation and mobilization providing funds, Third, it is in the interests of the most basic does not damage the bank, within the scope of the policy finance (facing the specific sectors cheap financing) is effective. The fourth is the government should encourage and use the borrower LianBao group and organizational borrower mutual cooperation forms, in order to avoid the rural financial market existing incomplete information loan recovery caused by the problem of low, The use of security, access and mutual financing guarantee ChuJinHui wait for method, can improve the asymmetric information, Six is financing and real business (such as fertilizer, crop, etc.) of combining the method is effective and can ensure loan recovery, Seven is to promote the development of financial institutions, should give its certain special policies, such as limits on new participants, etc.We think, due to the particularity of agricultural production, agricultural income uncertainty, agricultural investment long-term and low yield and production of dispersion characteristics, leading to the rural financial transaction costs and funds use cost is higher, regular commercial financial institutions generally don't want to find the rural financial market, produced the market leading of failure. Therefore, in the process of building the rural financial system, the government suitable intervention is necessary and effective. From all the evolution of rural financial system view, government intervention in rural financial constructing early indeed plays a very significant positive effects. But the government intervention is not the ultimate goal of financial development, financial system, with the establishment and perfection of government intervention can only more and hinder the development of rural financial market. Especially in some developing countries due to the macroeconomic environment instability, departmental policy trend and widespread laws and regulations sex obstacle government intervention become the bottleneck of rural financialdevelopment. So, in many countries, the rural financial system to really play a role, first needs to grasp "government intervention degree" this problem.American of rural financial systemThe United States is the world agriculture of the most developed countries, this with a complete the rural financial system are inseparable. American building the rural financial system are fundamental principles for agricultural development fund supports. After years of development, the rural America from whole formed a multi-level and comprehensive financial systems, through government subsidy, the development of rural financial system, increase agricultural loans and agricultural production socialization and other channels for agriculture, agricultural development, meet the financing of various funds for agricultural modernization needs, provides funding. American rural financial system belongs to a kind of composite credit model, this model has the following characteristics: one is to provide agricultural credit funds of organizations, both professional rural financial institutions, there are other types of financial institutions. 2 it is in financial organization system, general is cooperative financial institution, policy financial institutions and commercial financial institutions co-existing. The United States has now formed the government leading rural policy finance, rural cooperative financial system and a rural commercial finance system.(a) American policy of rural financial systemAccording to the American agricultural credit law to establish a rational division of labor and cooperation of policy-related finance system that by farmers' living bureau, rural electrification bureau, commodity credit company and small business administration composition. American policy rural financial institutions is by the U.S. federal government leading created, especially for its agriculture development and rural development to provide financing institution. Its main function is for agricultural production and activities related to the agricultural production provide credit funds and service, and through the adjustment of agricultural credit activity production scale and the direction of development, implementation of rural financial policy, the control ofagricultural development scale, etc. These financial institutions funds mainly comes from the government provides capital, budget, loan turnover funds and part, borrowing funds utilization is mainly provides some commercial Banks and other lenders is not willing to provide loans, in loan object on different records.1. To improve farmers' living, improvement of agricultural production for the purpose of peasants living innings. Farmers' living innings of the predecessor is agricultural revitalize administration, the agency not profit-minded purpose, aims to help the poor areas and low-income farmers solve fund shortage problem, its borrower is mainly who cannot from commercial Banks and other agricultural credit institutions of agricultural loans to employees. In recent years, farmers living bureau also become American government to implement the agricultural policy, the main tool. If the U.S. government to rational utilization of agricultural production resources and family to farmers by farmers extend bureau of water conservancy and land improvement loans, time limit can be 40 years. In 1990s, farmers living in state, county bureau set up offices has reached more than 1700, strongly support the development of agriculture. Farmers' living bureau of capital operation is mainly provides loans and guarantee. Farmers' living bureau of loans into direct loan scheme and emergency loan program two kinds, including farm ownership loans, operating expenditure loans, crackage construction loan, water conservancy development and soil conservation loans, etc; Farmers' living bureau is mainly to the commercial Banks and other financial institutions according to the farmers living bureau loan scheme to farmers the borrower loan assure.2. To improve rural public facilities and conditions and the establishment of the rural electrification bureau. Rural community development, the construction of water conservancy, electric power facilities and other relevant rural basic construction issue that needs to be unified planning to address common, countries should give financial support and provide the necessary credit help. Founded in 1935 of rural electrification bureau, is also the usda subsidiary institutions, Its main functions are on rural thermal-power cooperatives and farms the borrower loan to improve rural electrification level. The agency's fund use is also known for loans and guarantee primarily.3. Commodity credit company. In 1933, the U.S. government established commodity credit company mainly in order to respond to natural disasters and agricultural crisis. Commodity creditsto farm because company natural disasters caused the reduction of give subsidies, and agricultural production insurance are similar. Its main function is implementing the administration of price and income support program that price support, control of agricultural production, avoid agriculture production waves to the agricultural producers impact, safeguard the interests of consumers. The fund application forms mainly for providing loans and payment subsidies, mainly including agricultural mortgages, warehousing, drying and other treatment equipment loans, disaster subsidies and price subsidies.In addition, the United States has a kind of policy-based financial institutions - small business administration, is specialized for not from other normal channel gaining sufficient funds of small businesses to provide financing to help. The fund mainly comes from parliament appropriated turnover funds and withdraw the loan principal and interest, etc, the fund is mainly used for issuing direct loans, participate in joint loan and guarantee and other special credit. Small business administration on small farms lending is with peasants living bureau division of collaboration, if small farm borrower economic conditions and bad loans small, then by farmer family bureau fund supports, when small farm borrower economic status improved, the more loan demand by the small business administration provided.(b) American rural cooperative finance systemBenefited from the United States highly developed economic and financial system, American rural constructed comparatively perfect cooperation financial system. In the early 20th century, American agricultural credit financing is mostly by private institutions and individuals with, such credit funds of the quantity is limited, and period is shorter, as the us economy development, the financial system has clearly can not adapt to the needs of the development of modern agriculture. The U.S. government began in 1916 NongDai formulated a series of law, set up by the U.S. government leading NongDai grass-roots organization specialized Banks and credit system. Its main purpose is passed on the agricultural organizations, agricultural development project lending, expand agricultural funds available sources, improving farmers' working conditions and welfare, increases the farmers' income, accelerate the development of agriculture. Initial rural financial cooperation organization are in government leaders and contributed by support built, along withthe national capital gradually introduced, now of the rural cooperative finance has become by farmers have cooperation financial institutions.Now, the rural cooperative finance by federal medium-term credit bank, cooperative Banks, federal land bank and land bank cooperatives three system composition, the three rural cooperative financial institutions are in government leaders and capital support, using a top-down way up. Among them the federal medium-term credit bank is America's most important agricultural credit cooperative system, this system is 1923 by the U.S. government in 12 credit area established 12 families federal medium-term credit bank composition, its main resolving peasants' short-term loans difficult question. Every credit bank credit cooperatives, subordinate many production cooperatives implement shareholding ownership, the borrower must have equivalent to loan sum of 5% to 10% cooperatives stocks or participate in the card. Loan time limit is 1 year commonly, the longest do not exceed seven years. With the corresponding is federal land banking system, this system comprises 12 agricultural credit the federal land bank and its subordinate co-operatives of composition, this system has become the main provider of farmer long-term loans, Federal land ownership, each bank implements shares to federal bank must pay a total of ubcta member borrowing capital of 5%, bank shares shall belong to all the cooperatives all, also indirectly shall belong to all the borrower all, Federal land bank only deal with long-term real estate loans, loan object basically is the individual farmer, loan time limit for legal 5-40 years. Cooperative bank system is designed to give us a acquire equipment, supplementary operating funds, buying goods such as providing loans and the establishment of, it by thirteen cooperative Banks composition, 12 credit district each set up a, still include in 1988 was created in Washington's central bank partner.(c) American agricultural insurance systemAmerican agricultural insurance system is after fumble ceaselessly, development and form. Early American agricultural insurance is by private insurance companies, but due to agricultural insurance risk huge, its management of the crop insurance are ended in failure. In order to help farmers deal with agricultural production risks, the American government has been very active in crop insurance plan. Since 1938 the federal crop insurance law enacted, the American agricultureinsurance after 60 years of development, the formation of a relatively complete crop insurance business, safeguard level and farmer participation rate rise ceaselessly, for stable agricultural production, improving national welfare level played an important role. Existing U.S. agricultural insurance completely by the commercial insurance company management and agent, of course, commercial insurance company will get government in business management fee and insurance premium, support of subsidies, etc. American crop insurance operation of the main points three levels, the first layer for federal crop insurance company (risk), mainly be responsible for the nationwide administration planted terms the formulation, the risk control to private insurance companies, reinsurance support; etc. The 2nd is have management of agricultural risks qualification priate insurers, they signed an agreement with risk administration execution risk administration, and promised to the provisions of article layer is a crop insurance agent and survey nuclear deliberately, American crop insurance agent sales, mainly through specific business, they are responsible for the implementation.Reference Documentation:1:Steven Husted, Michael Melvin, International Economics [M], (the fifth edition), Higher Education Press, 20022:Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, A., & Maksimovic, V. 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In The commons in the New Millennium: Challenges andadaptation (pp. 291–334). Cambridge and London: MIT Press.译文:美国农村金融管理模式美国是世界上农业最发达的国家,这与其有完备的农村金融体制密不可分。

国内外农村金融研究的理论综述篇一:农村金融体系完善文献综述专业文献综述目:名:院:业:级:号:: 建立我国农村金融体系的思考综述曹青经济管理学院金融学金融09231309428 潘辉职称:副教授2011年 4 月 14 日南京农业大学教务处制题姓学专班学指导教师关于我国农村金融体系的思考综述曹青指导老师:潘辉摘要:农村金融体系是一国金融体系的重要组成部分,是金融体系在农村地区的运行和发展。
关键词:农村金融体系新农村建设金融支农Study on The Construction of China’s Rural Financial SystemCao Qing Pan HuiAbstract:The rural financial system is an important part of one country’s financial system. It is the development of financial system in rural area. In theory, the rural financial system should include a series of financial association and kinds of services, such as financial credit, settle accounts, insurance, financial securities, affiance and so on. A good rural financial system can adjust rural funds, satisfy financial demanding and speed up the construction of new village. China is a large agricultural country. 56 percent of China’s population is agricultural population. After the reform and opening-up, not only China’s rural economy but also the rural financial system has made a great development. But rural financial funds are not enough to support the development of rural economy. It is very important for promoting theconstruction of socialist new village to analysis issues of rural financial system and come up with measures of construction of pluralism rural financial system.Key words: the rural financial systemthe construction of new villagefinancial supports of the village从理论内容上讲,农村金融体系应该包括一系列内涵丰富的金融组织形式和服务品种,如银行信贷、结算、保险、证券、信托投资理财等; 从地域上讲,为农村经济发展服务的农村金融体系是指县及县以下为农户和中小企业提供金融服务的金融机构或金融活动。

20世纪70年代初,为了尽快实现工业化,部分政府对农村金融采取金融抑制的政策(麦金龙,1973) ,同时也放缓了农村经济的发展。从历史角度来看,中国改革开放以后,由于农村的正式贷款只能用于田地农业生产用途,并且贷款使用期限与农业生产周期长度基本吻合,所以,其他的非正式贷款大部分应对突发、大额或者现实的非一般消费,如亲人丧葬婚嫁或者在建造家庭新房舍中使用等??因此,非正式贷款总是用于农户各自的目的,并在道义上给了农户信贷人以权威,通常情况下,农户正式贷款只用于农户个人预定的目的,而非正式贷款也不会使农业田地生产中的净流动资金增加。这是在农户信贷市场中,我国农村长时间存在的农户贷款供需结构(张杰,2000)。而现代农村金融制度能否建立的关键是政府能否有效增加农民的收入,资金供给能否切实满足农村微观金融的资金需求,能否培育现代农民(王芳,2005)。从金融供给与需求的角度来看,农村金融市场资金供给结构单一,金融供给与需求总量仍然存在较大资金缺口,当前农村金融供给远远不能满足农村金融需求,尤其是农村弱势群体的需要(张笑尘,2007)。

因此,用动态普通最小二乘法( DOLS )方法揭示尼日利亚农村金融发展与经济增长之间的关系。
此外, DOLS 结果发现农村金融发展与尼日利亚经济增长之间存在显著的正相关关系。
关键词:农村发展;信贷分配;金融发展1 引言包容性增长的理念,促使第三世界的经济体发起,实现变化的政策和规划旨在将瘫痪的经济代理人转变成积极的人员来提高他们的经济增长。

文献概述文献标题:《互联网农业金融:机遇与挑战》作者:John Smith发表时间:2020年文献内容本文主要讨论了互联网在农业金融领域的应用,以及由此带来的机遇和挑战。
参考文献Smith, J. (2020). Internet Agriculture Finance: Opportunities and Challenges.。

农村金融监管的思考中英文对照外文翻译文献农村金融监管的思考中英文对照外文翻译文献Improve the concept of financial supervision in rural areas1Xun QianFarmers in China's vast population, has some large-scale production of the farmers, but also survival-oriented farmers, huge differences between the financial needs of rural finance intermediation makes complex, together with agriculture itself is the profit low, natural and market risks high risk decision to weak agricultural industry characteristics, resulting in the cost of rural financial transactions is far higher than the city, also decided to organize the rural financial system in terms of operation or in the market has its own special characteristics. 20 years of financial reform, financial development while the Chinese city made impressive achievements, but the rural finance is the entire financial system is still the weakest link. Insufficient supply of rural finance, competition is not sufficient, farmers and agricultural enterprises in getting loans and other issues is also very prominent, backward rural financial system can no longer effectively support the development of modern agriculture or the transformation of traditional agriculture and the building of new socialist countryside, which to improve the rural financial supervision new topic.China's rural financial regulatory problems(A) the formation of China's financial regulatory system had "a line three commission " (People's Bank, the Securities Regulatory Commission, Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Banking Regulatory Commission) financial regulatory structure. BankThese stringent requirements, different management and diversification of monitoring has its positive role, but it also had some negative effects. First, inefficient supervision, supervision of internal consumption of high costs, limited financial industry business development and innovation space. Second, the regulatory agencies, regulatory bodies and the information asymmetry between central banks, banking, securities, and insurance mechanisms of coordination between regulatory bodies are1American Journal of Agricultural Economics,2009.not perfect. Information between central banks and regulatory agencies is difficult to share, is difficult to create effective monitoring force. Basically between the various regulators in their respective state regulators, regulatory policies and measures to overlapping or conflicting phenomena have occurred, unable to cope with China's current rural financial market complexity and diversity and so on. Third, financial institutions have liquidity risk or out of the market and so on, may be excessive because the central bank assistance, financial institutions and financial institutions led to the person in charge "capacity risk" and "moral hazard", or for financial institutions regulatory arbitrage possibilities; addition, since the lack of recourse, may adversely affect the financial stability.(B) rural financial ecological environment is not in-depthThe current financial environment in rural county building still remains in the letter the user, village, township, community development credit level, "government-led, human-propelled, departmental interaction" and create a mechanism for financial ecological environment in rural areas lack. Local governments and authorities the importance of financial knowledge of the ecological environment is not deep, implementation and functions of individual local protectionism and heavy, there is interference with the financial sector credit and other daily business situation. Rural credit system lag, lack of bad credit punishment mechanism, rural businesses and residents in the overall credit awareness is not high, rural finance development and expansion of social services and social protection of the environment has not yet formed.(C) China's existing legal system of financial supervision and a number of shortcomings, can not guarantee that financial regulation is reasonable, effective, standardized implementationFirst, regulatory lag, supporting regulations are incomplete, the content is too rough, too simple, the banking, securities and insurance supervision laws and regulations more old, a general lack of quantitative science. Supervisory regulations and standards, regulatory methods and technical means not meet regulatory requirements in the market. Staff in the actual implementation, not easy to grasp the scale, may of operation. Second, the Chinese regulators and the regulated objects exist some interest, and the existing regulations, lack of supervision and regulatoryenforcement are to ensure that financial regulation can not be just and reasonable. Finally, China's financial supervision is still difficult to shake off the inertia of the executive-style regulatory impact.(D) of the Rural Financing drifting outside the existing financial regulatoryAccording to IFAD study, Chinese farmers from the informal financial institutions, loans from official credit institutions about 4 times. For farmers, the importance of informal financial markets over the formal financial market. China's mainly rural folk form of finance rural credit cooperatives, Cooperation, private lending, private banks, private funds, microfinance, etc., of which only rural credit cooperatives and microfinance in China's financial supervision under the rest of the financial forms the lack of appropriate supervision. The general lack of rural financial organizations of civil norms, there is a big risk, China's existing laws and regulations on private financial institutions in rural areas is one of "isolation" policy, making a lot of money from the dark into the rural financial market and greater regulation of financial difficulty, on rural financial security is a potential threat.learn from the developed countries(A) improve coordination of rural finance mechanisms for external supervision1. The United States "multiple composite" of the coordination mechanism. U.S. financial cooperation system in rural areas by the federal mid-term credit banks, cooperative banks, federal land banks and federal land bank system composed of three Cooperatives, the Farm Credit Administration (NCUA) leadership, and with the Council under the leadership of the private banks in rural commercial credit, National Rural Credit Bank policy of the United States shared the task of rural financial intermediation. The organizational model is a typical multi-mode hybrid system, three systems have an independent management system, with clear terms of reference. To ensure the healthy development of rural financial institutions, commercial banks in the United States adopted a different regulatory models, specifically setting up a relatively sound financial regulatory system in rural areas, including regulators, industry self-regulation associations, financial intermediation and mutual insurance group clearing center, the four kind of independent agencies and their subsidiary bodies, the functions of different, but share the same objectives as a common rural cooperative financial institutions to serve the regulatory system.2. Germany's "comprehensive regulatory model" of coordination mechanisms. Low concentration of the German banking system, in the very important parts of the bank, the representative of the financial mixed operation. Commonwealth Bank and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority the power to regulate the two main regulators of the banking sector there is a clear division of labor, but also close cooperation. Commonwealth Bank in Germany, nine states have branch offices, using their own network advantages to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority is responsible for daily transmission of data banks focus for the Federal Financial Authority to provide a better basis for the exercise of regulatory functions, but it is not directly involved in the regulation work, nor has the administrative punishment. The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority did not have branches in the states, it is difficult to carry out regular supervision, need to cooperate with the Commonwealth Bank to perform its regulatory functions. Germany's main central banks and industry rely on the federal audit of the regulatory system and risk prevention and protection system to ensure rural finance in the specification on the basis of continuous development.3. Japan's "complement each other-type" coordination mechanism. In Japan, the dual supervision of the implementation of rural finance: first, the Office of Government financial regulation, supervision on the implementation of various financial institutions, to achieve the overall risk control; Second, national and local Forestry and Fisheries Department with the Office of Financial Regulation on the implementation of rural financial institutions supervision, including the Ministry of Agriculture consists of the branch on Norinchukin supervision, Forestry and Fisheries set up in six major areas of agricultural area in County Council on joint supervision of the letter, and all, Road House, County Farmer of the Ministry of Agriculture within its jurisdiction Association for Cooperative Finance Supervision Department(B) the establishment of deposit insurance and emergency rescue system to form a three-tier safety netDeveloped financial system generally established strict internal management system, deposit insurance system and the system of three emergency safety net. As a second-class safety net of deposit insurance system has been very satisfactory. The federal government on rural finance unified compulsory deposit insurance, the specific business operation by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Savings。

有关农业的英文参考文献Agriculture is the backbone of many economies, providing sustenance and raw materials for a variety of industries.It's a sector that has evolved significantly over the centuries, from simple subsistence farming to high-tech precision agriculture.The impact of climate change on agriculture is a critical topic, with studies showing how temperature fluctuations and water scarcity can affect crop yields. It's essential to understand these impacts to develop strategies for sustainable farming practices.Technological advancements have transformed the agricultural landscape. From genetically modified crops to drone monitoring, the integration of technology has increased efficiency and productivity in farming operations.The role of small-scale farmers in global food security is often overlooked. These farmers, who make up a significant portion of the agricultural workforce, contribute to local economies and food supply chains, highlighting the importance of supporting their livelihoods.Soil health is a foundational aspect of agriculture. The quality of the soil directly influences crop growth and sustainability. It's crucial to research and implement soil conservation methods to ensure long-term productivity.Agricultural biodiversity is vital for the resilience of farming systems. A diverse range of crops and farming practices can help mitigate the risks of pests, diseases, and environmental changes.The concept of agroecology combines ecological principles with agriculture to create sustainable and resilient farming systems. It's a holistic approach that considers the social, economic, and environmental aspects of farming.Urban agriculture is an emerging trend, where farming is integrated into urban landscapes. This can help address food security issues in cities and provide fresh produce to urban populations.The future of agriculture lies in innovation and adaptation. As the global population grows and resources become scarcer, it's essential to explore new methods and technologies that can sustainably feed the world.。

农村金融监管中英文对照外文翻译文献农村金融监管中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Improve the concept of financial supervision in rural areas1Xun QianFarmers in China's vast population, has some large-scale production of the farmers, but also survival-oriented farmers, huge differences between the financial needs of rural finance intermediation makes complex, together with agriculture itself is the profit low, natural and market risks high risk decision to weak agricultural industry characteristics, resulting in the cost of rural financial transactions is far higher than the city, also decided to organize the rural financial system in terms of operation or in the market has its own special characteristics. 20 years of financial reform, financial development while the Chinese city made impressive achievements, but the rural finance is the entire financial system is still the weakest link. Insufficient supply of rural finance, competition is not sufficient, farmers and agricultural enterprises in getting loans and other issues is also very prominent, backward rural financial system can no longer effectively support the development of modern agriculture or the transformation of traditional agriculture and the building of new socialist countryside, which to improve the rural financial supervision new topic.China's rural financial regulatory problems(A) the formation of China's financial regulatory system had "a line three commission " (People's Bank, the Securities Regulatory Commission, Insurance Regulatory Commission and the Banking Regulatory Commission) financial regulatory structure. BankThese stringent requirements, different management and diversification of monitoring has its positive role, but it also had some negative effects. First, inefficient supervision, supervision of internal consumption of high costs, limited financial industry business development and innovation space. Second, the regulatory agencies, regulatory bodies and the information asymmetry between central banks, banking, securities, and insurance mechanisms of coordination between regulatory bodies are1American Journal of Agricultural Economics,2009.not perfect. Information between central banks and regulatory agencies is difficult to share, is difficult to create effective monitoring force. Basically between the various regulators in their respective state regulators, regulatory policies and measures to overlapping or conflicting phenomena have occurred, unable to cope with China's current rural financial market complexity and diversity and so on. Third, financial institutions have liquidity risk or out of the market and so on, may be excessive because the central bank assistance, financial institutions and financial institutions led to the person in charge "capacity risk" and "moral hazard", or for financial institutions regulatory arbitrage possibilities; addition, since the lack of recourse, may adversely affect the financial stability.(B) rural financial ecological environment is not in-depthThe current financial environment in rural county building still remains in the letter the user, village, township, community development credit level, "government-led, human-propelled, departmental interaction" and create a mechanism for financial ecological environment in rural areas lack. Local governments and authorities the importance of financial knowledge of the ecological environment is not deep, implementation and functions of individual local protectionism and heavy, there is interference with the financial sector credit and other daily business situation. Rural credit system lag, lack of bad credit punishment mechanism, rural businesses and residents in the overall credit awareness is not high, rural finance development and expansion of social services and social protection of the environment has not yet formed.(C) China's existing legal system of financial supervision and a number of shortcomings, can not guarantee that financial regulation is reasonable, effective, standardized implementationFirst, regulatory lag, supporting regulations are incomplete, the content is too rough, too simple, the banking, securities and insurance supervision laws and regulations more old, a general lack of quantitative science. Supervisory regulations and standards, regulatory methods and technical means not meet regulatory requirements in the market. Staff in the actual implementation, not easy to grasp the scale, may of operation. Second, the Chinese regulators and the regulated objects exist some interest, and the existing regulations, lack of supervision and regulatoryenforcement are to ensure that financial regulation can not be just and reasonable. Finally, China's financial supervision is still difficult to shake off the inertia of the executive-style regulatory impact.(D) of the Rural Financing drifting outside the existing financial regulatoryAccording to IFAD study, Chinese farmers from the informal financial institutions, loans from official credit institutions about 4 times. For farmers, the importance of informal financial markets over the formal financial market. China's mainly rural folk form of finance rural credit cooperatives, Cooperation, private lending, private banks, private funds, microfinance, etc., of which only rural credit cooperatives and microfinance in China's financial supervision under the rest of the financial forms the lack of appropriate supervision. The general lack of rural financial organizations of civil norms, there is a big risk, China's existing laws and regulations on private financial institutions in rural areas is one of "isolation" policy, making a lot of money from the dark into the rural financial market and greater regulation of financial difficulty, on rural financial security is a potential threat.learn from the developed countries(A) improve coordination of rural finance mechanisms for external supervision1. The United States "multiple composite" of the coordination mechanism. U.S. financial cooperation system in rural areas by the federal mid-term credit banks, cooperative banks, federal land banks and federal land bank system composed of three Cooperatives, the Farm Credit Administration (NCUA) leadership, and with the Council under the leadership of the private banks in rural commercial credit, National Rural Credit Bank policy of the United States shared the task of rural financial intermediation. The organizational model is a typical multi-mode hybrid system, three systems have an independent management system, with clear terms of reference. To ensure the healthy development of rural financial institutions, commercial banks in the United States adopted a different regulatory models, specifically setting up a relatively sound financial regulatory system in rural areas, including regulators, industry self-regulation associations, financial intermediation and mutual insurance group clearing center, the four kind of independent agencies and their subsidiary bodies, the functions of different, but share the same objectives as a common rural cooperative financial institutions to serve the regulatory system.2. Germany's "comprehensive regulatory model" of coordination mechanisms. Low concentration of the German banking system, in the very important parts of the bank, the representative of the financial mixed operation. Commonwealth Bank and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority the power to regulate the two main regulators of the banking sector there is a clear division of labor, but also close cooperation. Commonwealth Bank in Germany, nine states have branch offices, using their own network advantages to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority is responsible for daily transmission of data banks focus for the Federal Financial Authority to provide a better basis for the exercise of regulatory functions, but it is not directly involved in the regulation work, nor has the administrative punishment. The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority did not have branches in the states, it is difficult to carry out regular supervision, need to cooperate with the Commonwealth Bank to perform its regulatory functions. Germany's main central banks and industry rely on the federal audit of the regulatory system and risk prevention and protection system to ensure rural finance in the specification on the basis of continuous development.3. Japan's "complement each other-type" coordination mechanism. In Japan, the dual supervision of the implementation of rural finance: first, the Office of Government financial regulation, supervision on the implementation of various financial institutions, to achieve the overall risk control; Second, national and local Forestry and Fisheries Department with the Office of Financial Regulation on the implementation of rural financial institutions supervision, including the Ministry of Agriculture consists of the branch on Norinchukin supervision, Forestry and Fisheries set up in six major areas of agricultural area in County Council on joint supervision of the letter, and all, Road House, County Farmer of the Ministry of Agriculture within its jurisdiction Association for Cooperative Finance Supervision Department(B) the establishment of deposit insurance and emergency rescue system to form a three-tier safety netDeveloped financial system generally established strict internal management system, deposit insurance system and the system of three emergency safety net. As a second-class safety net of deposit insurance system has been very satisfactory. The federal government on rural finance unified compulsory deposit insurance, the specific business operation by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's SavingsAssociation Insurance Fund, and to assume supervision of the insured financial institutions; the German government on the implementation of the voluntary deposit of credit co-insurance, not mandatory insurance, its insurance sector is the industry organization; Japan's credit co-national compulsory deposit insurance, the insurance agency is a joint venture between Government and the people, by the Government, Norinchukin Bank, Japan Bank, Credit Union and a coalition of agricultural water fishery credit cooperatives Industry Insurance Agency. As a third-class safety net for emergency rescue system, specific measures for implementation in different countries, bank deposits for the brink of bankruptcy, in some countries directly by the central bank to offer special low-interest loans (such as the U.S. and Italy), in some countries by the bank regulatory authorities and other Commercial Bank for the establishment of special institutions to finance the rescue (such as France and Belgium), a number of countries came forward by the deposit insurance agency to provide funds (such as Japan), more by one or a few large banks in support of official support.(C) rural finance within the industry associations to play a regulatory role1. U.S. Rural Cooperative Finance Association of self-management. In the United States, various credit associations or co-finance up to several dozen, including a long history, nationally renowned for the National Association of Credit (CUNA), a specialized credit services for the Federal Register Association (NAFCU), there are also special school credit for community service credit unions and associations (CCUC), etc.. While the states also have their own Credit Union Association. The trade association is one of the major work to develop a code of conduct, self-regulation management.2. German credit cooperation and other cooperative system of industry self-regulation of mutual integration. German cooperation in the National Credit Union (BVR) is a cooperative bank industry self-regulatory organizations, grass-roots local cooperative banks, cooperative banks and district central cooperative banks, as well as professional co-finance companies, cooperative credit union is a member. Germany 11 contributions from the various types of cooperatives set up jointly organized a regional cooperative audit association, responsible for annual audit of the specialized agencies of the various types of cooperatives, which are also common types of cooperatives at the district level, the industry watchdog, plays an important industry supervisory role.3. Set supervision and service in one of the Japanese Agricultural Association. Japanese government in 1947 promulgated the "Agricultural Cooperative Law," agricultural association provides services for members of cooperative organizations, its not for profit, adhere to the rural communities and members for the service centers, institutional system based on grass-roots level according to facilitate farmers , established the principle manageable. The main source of funding is to absorb the rural deposits, in principle, limited to serving as a member of the farmers and agricultural groups. To ensure financial security cooperation, and healthy run, set up a rural credit insurance, temporary transfers of funds mutual aid system and credit cooperative organizations, and government co-funded deposit insurance system, agricultural disaster compensation system and the agricultural credit guarantee system for the insurance system measures.improve the financial supervision of the concept of rural China(A) improve and perfect the legal system of rural financial regulation, supervision according to lawFinance as the core of the economy, the continued growth of rural finance is more in need of legal regulation and a sound legal environment, accelerate the development of rural finance laws, no legal basis to change the situation, has become the strong demand of rural financial development. Since the reform and opening up, no one for rural finance, rural financial regulation can serve as a basis for law. To achieve effective supervision, the need for additional professional laws, regulations, and specific regulatory measures, regulations and implementation details, so as to achieve from the general administrative supervision to improve the legal system, efforts to establish changed the credit system, and ultimately control law .While in strengthening the legal system, adopt effective measures to strengthen the integrity of the whole community education and step up publicity to raise awareness of the general financial and legal residents, to actively support the work of the national collective finance; education of the population according to lending, and actively with the illegal lending practices fight, really create a sound legal basis, that the law according to the credit environment and legal environment.(B) give full play to grassroots government, professional regulatory functionActively cooperate with local governments at all levels and support the financialregulatory authorities in rural credit markets make an important guarantee for supervision. To actively coordinate local government and non-basic level target consistency, to avoid the expense of national interests and local interests of the occurrence.The Chinese government should establish a tax system is different from commercial banks, a low tax or tax-free policy, by policy banks to provide low-interest or interest-free loans of rural finance, rural finance to increase subsidies and assistance. Those relatively large amount of private credit, shall be approved by local authorities just to strengthen the audit checks to the legitimate rights and interests protected.China's rural economy, small and dispersed operations, has not been large-scale establishment of agricultural insurance, in case of force majeure, the rural financial system will face great risk. Chinese financial institutions in the internal governance structure and risk management system has been initially established, the basic external financial regulation in place of the case, should refer to the experience of developed countries, commercial banks in the country to establish a mandatory deposit insurance system and the emergency rescue system, the formation of three protection network.(C) strictly rural financial institutions, "access and" to improve the professional standards of financial supervisionFinancial regulators should be a good loan companies, postal savings banks, rural credit union funds, village banks and other new-type rural financial institutions, market access, ensure that the new-type rural financial institutions in corporate governance, capital adequacy ratio to meet the requirements. Kind in the country selected the new rural financial institutions, better internal control system, modified to add a representative of management to form the template to help set up rural financial institutions, covering credit, billing, savings, cash, security and other risk point of internal control system . Establish small rural banks and other financial institutions, guidance system, the financial regulators to conduct the transition of its guidance, to promote rural financial institutions to a sound system of internal control as soon as possible, improve management, risk control and management mechanisms work well.(D) to play the role of industry self-regulatory associations, to promote the vitality and force the formation of the banking sectorChina was set up in late 2005, China Banking Association of Rural FinancialWorking Committee, the current to China Banking Regulatory Commission and the provincial government regulatory framework based on an industry self-regulatory organization more. Promoting the Development, promoting and developing self-regulatory functions of trade associations, for building a healthy banking system in China is significant. Association to play a functional role to guide the establishment of liaison mechanisms and management of daily work, and improving the industry conventions and regulations, regulators should not control those, which were needed in the work of regulatory bodies, as far as possible by the association responsible for promoting the formation of the energy and banking efforts to achieve self-management and trade association national regulatory authorities to monitor the combination system of regulation.(E) to safeguard the security and financial safety regulation to changes in both the core competitivenessThe nature of financial regulation is intended to innovation and development of the financial industry to create a favorable internal and external environment, rather than constrained the development and expansion of rural finance. For the monitoring and supervision, do not speak the efficiency of regulation, which implies the greatest risk, will affect the long-term development of the rural financial sector.ConclusionIn short, improving financial supervision in terms of its breadth, should be an include government regulation, industry self-regulation, financial institutions, internal control, four levels of social supervision system; its depth, it should be involved in risk prevention, effective access, legal norms, the operation simple and efficient aspects of a systems engineering. Only by striving to improve the new concept of financial supervision, the introduction of new methods of financial supervision in order to receive financial regulation expected results. Only in this way can be established consistent with China's national conditions, but also to adapt to modern requirements of international financial regulatory system in rural China.发展中国农村金融监管的思考Xun Qian农民在中国人口众多,有一些大型生产的农民,但也自给自足的农民,巨大的金融需求之间的差异使农村金融需求很是复杂,连同农业本身是利润低、自然和市场风险高的风险决策农业产业特性,软弱的农村金融交易的成本远高于城市,也决定组织农村金融体系的运行或市场有其自身的特点。

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因此,用动态普通最小二乘法( DOLS )方法揭示尼日利亚农村金融发展与经济增长之间的关系。
此外, DOLS 结果发现农村金融发展与尼日利亚经济增长之间存在显著的正相关关系。
关键词:农村发展;信贷分配;金融发展1 引言包容性增长的理念,促使第三世界的经济体发起,实现变化的政策和规划旨在将瘫痪的经济代理人转变成积极的人员来提高他们的经济增长。
然而,这些方案都没有达到他们的目标的目标(Ibrahim和Aliero ,2011)。
例如,从国家统计局的相关数据显示,2011年全国的失业率为23.9%,和2010年的21.1%、2009年的19.7%相比农村地区的 25.6 %高于城镇的17.1% 。
(Aliero,Ibrahim 和Shuaibu ,2012)。
正是沿着这条线Dromel,Kolakez和Lehmann( 2010)认为,私人信贷(这是金融发展的一个指标)将持续显著降低失业率。
这导致Aliero和Ibrahim( 2012)预测认为,提高获得正规金融服务,特别是农村群众的信贷,不仅有降低失业率的能力,而且是发展中国家减少贫困的一种途径。
2 研究方法对于相关变量的时间序列二次数据来自CBN统计公报、国家统计局,国际金融统计(IFS)和世界发展指标(WDI)。
一般所有系列都是I(1),然后用动态普通最小二乘法(DOLS )是估计协整向量的单一特征变量之间的长期关系。
在股票沃森动态OLS 模型能有效地估算长期运行参数,分析必须和整合的I (1)变量中存在协整关系。
幸运的是,检验平稳性的方法有很多,而ADF 检验(1981)是以避免伪回归结果问题的最广泛应用的计量方法。
一系列平稳是被差分一次也就是一阶整合,并记为I (1)(迪基和Fuller ,1979)。
一般来说一个系列,即被差分n 次,n 阶整合后并记为I (n )。
然而系列直接为平稳,这就是I (0)( SHABBIR ,2012)。
ADF 单位根检验是基于以下回归模型:()1.......1110t t j t k j j t Y d aY T Y εββ+∆+++=∆-=-∑其中,T 和Δ分别赋予一个时间序列,一个线性时间趋势和第一差分算子,0β是一个常数,k 是对因变量滞后的最佳数量,并且t ε是随机误差项。
Johansen 和Juselius (以下简称JJ )协整检验是基于向量自回归(VAR )模型,涉及的协整向量,即数量两个测试数据-跟踪(trace λ)和最大特征值(m ax λ) 。
在跟踪试验中,零假设是不同的协整向量的数目小于或等于r ,其中r = 0〜2 。
零假设是,协整向量的数量是R 与R + 1的选择。
JJ 的方法由涉及系列不受限制的VAR 协整限制。
考虑下面p 阶的VAR 模型:()2............1t t p t p t t t Bx Y A Y A Y ε++++=--其中t Y 是一个k-矢量非平稳I(1)变量,t X 是一个d 矢量确定性变量,和t ε是创新的变量。
具有全系列I(1),以及建立至少一个协整方程满足的股票沃森的应用前提(1993)动态OLS 回归。
因此,该模型是在下面指定的: ()3..........ln 0t j i p g j j t u x d x RGDP +∆++=--=→→∑ββ其中lnRGDP 是实际国内生产总值(RGDP )的自然对数,是协整向量, X 是logRufindev (农村金融发展)向量, logFDI (外商直接投资)和logInflation 作为解释变量。
前人研究的重点是使用两种广义货币供应量作为衡量经济增长的变量( M2) ,或私人部门信贷率对经济增长(CPS )无关的经济发展程度的扩展。
在这项研究中,评估了金融发展的常规措施和农村金融发展的稳健性,模型如下设置它集中了两个相互竞争的措施一起:()4.........ln ..ln t t t findev x RGDP μα+Φ+=从模型表明,findev 是财务指标向量(M2和私人部门信贷增加与农村金融发展),X 是控制变量的向量。
包括在DOLS 回归的滞后,使得其误差项独立的随机回归所有过去的创新的目的。
Does Rural Financial Development Spur Economic Growth?Evidence from NigeriaAbstract:Robust economic development is not possible without financial deepening more especially in rural community where vast majority of the populace of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) resides. This paper analyses the impact of rural financial development on economic growth of Nigeria. The study uses time series data covering 1980 to 2011 periods paving the way for the application of Johansen and Juselius model of cointegration to detect the long-run relation among the variables in question. Accordingly, Dynamic Ordinary Least Square (DOLS) method was applied to unveil relationship between rural financial development and economic growth. The cointegration test result reveals the presence of long run relation between rural financial development and economic growth of Nigeria. Moreover, the DOLS results found a significant positive relationship between rural financial development and the growth of Nigerian economy. It has been confirmed in this study that rural finance serves as an engine of growth in the country. It could therefore be concluded that enhancing productive credit especially in rural areas could free the disadvantaged entrepreneur and thus enable them to contribute immensely toward the growth of Nigerian economy. The study therefore recommends among other things, barriers to the productive credit allocation in rural community should be reduced to the barest minimum.Keyword: Rural development;credit allocation;financial development1 IntroductionInclusive growth notion compels the economies of third world to initiates and implements variants policies and programmes aimed at transforming the paralysed economic agent into active players towards enhancing the growth of their economy. Nigerian government is no exception, the government efforts of enhancing inclusive growth is well informed through the campaign of the CentralBank of Nigeria’s (CBN) financial inclusion strategies with the twin broad objectives; firstly, to incorporates the vast majority of the unbanked populace more especially in the rural community into active players of financial system. Secondly, it is also aimed at enhancing availability of credit to rural populace with the paramount emphasis on farmers at affordable cost. Unfortunately, the usufruct of the financial inclusion strategies such as Rural Banking and Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGSF) among others, does not reach the targeted beneficiaries. Some of the problems identified as responsible for poor performance in the development of Africa’s rural financial markets include excessive controls, ineffective supervision and dearth of qualified manpower on the one hand (Aliero, 2009). On the other hand, the programmes have at one time or the other been influenced by political considerations (Ibrahim and Aliero, 2012)Successive governments in Nigeria have introduced several poverty alleviation programmes from Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) passed through National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy(NEEDS) down to Transformation Agenda. However, such programmes have not achieved their targeted objectives (Ibrahim and Aliero, 2011). For instance, relevant data from NBS (2011) shows that the national unemployment rate stood at 23.9 percent in 2011 compared to 21.1% in 2010 and 19.7% in 2009 while the rate is higher in the rural area (25.6%) than in the urban area (17.1%). Poverty and unemployment in Nigeria are two sides of the same coin and could be linked to lack of adequate financial access particularly in the rural, among other things (Aliero, Ibrahim and Shuaibu, 2012). It has been argued that financial development has the capacity of reducing unemployment. It is along this line Dromel, Kolakez and Lehmann (2010) contend that development of private credit (which is a measure of financial development) would significantly lower unemployment persistence. This led Aliero and Ibrahim (2012) to predictably believed that enhancing access to formal financial services especially credit to the rural populace has not only have the capacity of reducing unemployment but also is a mean of reducing poverty in developing countries.Therecent breakthrough in the development finance emphasises that economicdevelopment of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) could be best achieved through bottom-top intervention principally due to duo reasons. Firstly, the vast majority of the populace of LDCs are dwelling in the rural areas while very small fractions are residing in the cities swimming within overwhelming quantity of national cake. Secondly, history shows that before LDCs opted for urbanisation programmes (top-bottom intervention), development is steadily trickling-down through the entire country paving the way for economic prosperity in simpler format. To my knowledge there is no any study ever conducted using time series techniques of data analysis on the relationship between rural financial sector development and economic growth. This study intends to fill-in the lacuna by unveiling the role of rural financial development on the growth of Nigerian economy. In achieving this objective the paper is divided into five sections including this introduction. Section two presents the empirical literature. Section three contains the methodology of the study. Section four is the empirical result while the last section concludes the paper.2 MethodologyTime series secondary data for the relevant variables were sourced from CBN statistical bulletin of various issues, National Bureau of Statistics, International Financial Statistics (IFS) and World Development Indicators (WDI). The data covers 1980-2011 period and variables were expressed in their natural logarithm. Logarithmic transformations of variables are very popular in econometrics for a number of reasons; firstly many economic time series data exhibit a strong trend, secondly, taking the natural logarithm of a series effectively linearizes the exponential trend (if any) in the time series data since the log function is the inverse of an exponential function (Asteriou and Price,2007). Thirdly, advantage is that it allows the regression coefficients to be interpreted as elasticity. In a study dealing with time series data, opting for log of the variables may prevent cumbersomeness in the modelling and inference (Rahaman and Salahuddin, 2010).Provided all series are I(1), then Dynamic Ordinary Least Square (DOLS) is robust to estimate the single cointegrating vector that characterizes the long-run relationship among the variables (Camacho-Gutierrez, 2010). The Stock-Watson DOLS model to be effective in estimating long-run parameters, the analysis must be in conformity with the existence a cointegration relation among sets of I(1) variables. Thus, it is pertinent to establish the presence of the unit root and then test the cointegrating relationship. Fortunately, there are variant ways of checking stationarity of series however Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) (1981) is the most widely applied econometric method for testing unit root in order to avoid problems of the spurious regression results. A series which is stationary after being differenced once is said to be integrated of order 1 and was denoted by I (1) (Dickey and Fuller, 1979). In general a series, that is stationary after being differenced n times is integrated of order n , denoted by I (n ) while a series that appears stationary without differencing, is said to be I (0) (Shabbir, 2012). ADF (1981) unit root test for stationarity test is based on the following regression model:()1.......1110t t j t k j j t Y d aY T Y εββ+∆+++=∆-=-∑Where t Y , T and ∆ respectively confers a time series, a linear time trend and first difference operator,0β is a constant, k is respecting the optimum number of lags on the dependent variable, and t εis random error term. The null hypothesis for testing non-stationarity is 0H : α = 0 meaning economic series are non -stationary. If the hypothesis of non-stationary is established for the underlying variables, it permits the assessments for co-integration relations.In econometrics two or more variables are said to be co-integrated if they share common trends i.e. they have long-run equilibrium relationships between them (Aqeel and Butt, 2001; Shahbaz, 2009). There are various methods of detecting these long-run relations between variables. Engle and Granger’s (1987) approach for co-integration is simple and popular for its certain agreeable attributes. However, itdid not permit the testing of hypotheses on the cointegrating relationships themselves. Contrarily, the Johansen setup does permit the testing of hypotheses about the equilibrium relationships between the variables all provided the variables have same order of integration (Brooks, 2008). Johansen and Juselius (henceforth JJ) (1990) cointegration technique is based on the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models which involved two test statistics for the number of cointegrating vectors, namely - the trace (trace λ) and the maximum value statistics (m ax λ). In the trace test, the null hypothesis is that the number of distinct cointegrating vectors is less than or equal to r , where r = 0 to 2. In each case the null hypothesis is tested against the general alternatives. The maximum eigenvalue test is similar, except that the alternative hypothesis is explicit. The null hypothesis is that the number of cointegrating vectors is r against the alternative of 1+r cointegrating vectors. JJ’s method rests the restrictions imposed by cointegration on the unrestricted VAR involving the series. Consider a VAR of order p below:()2............1t t p t p t t t Bx Y A Y A Y ε++++=--Where t Y is a K-vector of non-stationary I(1) variables, t X is a d-vector of deterministic variables, and t εis the vector of innovations. Having all series I(1), as well as establishing at least one cointegration equation satisfies the preconditions for the application of the Stock-Watson (1993) DOLS regression. Thus, the model is specified below:()3..........ln 0t j i p g j j t u x d x RGDP +∆++=--=→→∑ββWhere lnRGDP is the natural log of Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP), →βis the cointegrating vector, X is vector of log of logRufindev (Rural Financial Development), logFDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and logInflation as explanatory variables. The emphases of the previous studies was measuring financial development using either broad money supply as a ratio to economic growth (M2) or Credit to the Private Sector ratio to economic growth (CPS) irrespective of the extend of degree ofdevelopment of such economies. Failure to take the degree of economic development of a country into cognisance may led to the selection of bogus measure of financial development and so studies are bound to produces mixed results. It is normal for financial sector development to support economic growth for the advanced economies with reasonable sophisticated banking sector. On the other hand, in LDCs where not only bank-run occurring only by the month ending but also Mega-banks were not adequate to cater for the financial needs of the populace. In connections to that, over two-third of the populace are dwelling in rural community with dearth financial institution, in such economies the link between financial sector development and economic growth might be very weak. Accordingly, it could be unquestionably argued that the stock of formal credit in the rural can be used as a proxy to financial development in LDCs. For this study to assess the robustness of rural financial development over conventional measures of financial development, a model is set below which lumped the two competing measures together:()4.........ln ..ln t t t findev x RGDP μα+Φ+=From the model it shows that findev is the vector of financial indicators (M2 and Credit to the Private Sector were added with Rural Financial Development) and X is the vector of control variable. Lag and lead terms included in DOLS regression have the purpose of making its error term independent of all past innovations in stochastic regression.。