
(2)情态动词/be +介词短语 这种句型用于说明物体的特征、状态和范围,以及计量
单位等。例如: The type CYJ15-18-18 oil pumping machine is of simple
and compact construction. CYJ15-18-18型抽油机的结构紧凑。 The wiring should be in good condition and core flex
二、熟悉英语产品说明书中的常用句型。(1) 句型是语言结构的要素。无论是英译汉还是汉译英都离
不开句型。熟悉英文产品说明书中的常见句型对成功地翻译 原文十分必要。
(1)情态动词/be +形容词/过去分词+目的状语 该句型主要用于文章的开头,说明该产品的用途。例如:
The product is used for creating your own hair style special for creating your look and shaping beautiful hair.
(3)对设备特点的说明 Simple construction, easy operation and maintenance, and comparatively high productivity. 结构简单,操作容易,维修方便,生产率较高。 (4)故障排除 Trouble: The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed. Solution: Replace the batteries. If the shaver still does not work, see “Guarantee & Service”. 问题:按下开/关按钮后剃须刀不工作。 解决方法:更换电池。如果剃须刀仍然不能工作,请参 阅“保证及维修服务”。

12 耐压的
12 Pressure-resisting
Business English Translation
包装说明或包装用语,包括运输标志 (Shipping Mark)、指示用语(Indicative Mark)和 警示用语(Warning Mark) ,其显著特点是语言精 练,句式简洁,十分醒目。
Business English Translation
1. 本产品在国内外享有1. The product enjoys a good
reputation/ high prestige at
home and abroad. The product has won high
• 例句:
• 1. The product is convenient for operation and maintenance.
• 2. 本品操作简单,维修方便。
• 3. The product is simple in structure, easy to install and maintain, and safe and reliable in operation.
15 注意事项
15 Precautions
16 生产商/企业
16 Manufacturer/Producer
17 贮藏/储藏/保存方法 17 Storage/Preservation method
18 批准文号
18 License number/Permit
No./Ratification No.

成分:每100毫升含量,蛋白质1.5%以上,钙250-300毫克,铁15-20毫克,锌1 5-20毫克。
批准文号:浙卫食准字(89)第0004-35号标准代号:Q WJB0201-89 杭州娃哈哈营养食品厂出品,浙江医科大学医学营养系监制。
【译文】W aha ha,ahil dre n’s no uri shi ngliq uid is o-dev elo ped bHan gzh ouWah aha Nu tri tio usFoo d P rod utFat orand th e D ept. o f M edi alNut rit ion of Zh eji ang Me dia l U niv ers it. Th e l iqu idont ain s r ihami noaid s,vit ami nsand pa rti ula rlsup pli eshil dre n i thCaand tr aeele men tssuh as Fean d Z n e sse nti altohea lth gr oth. I t o upi esthe le adi ngpos iti oninthe de vel opm ent of no uri shi ngpro dut s a ndhas pa sse d t henat ion-le vel ev alu ati onofnel-de vel ope d p rod uts. I ngr edi ent s: ho ne, ha tho rn, ju jub e,liu m,Chi nes e l otu s s eed, b arl e,lon gan, a lnu t,et.Nu tri ent s:per 100ml: p rot ein ov er 1.5%, Ca 250-300mg, Fe 15-20 m g,Zn15-20 mg. C ont ent s:10amp oul esper as e,10mlperam ple, t ota l 100ml. St ora ge:T o b e k ept in aool pl ae.Qu ali t g uar ant eefor on e e arand st ora geper iod on e a nda h alf ea r.Dos age: 1-2amp oul esa d a i n t hemor nin g a ndeve nin g.San tio n N o.: Zh eji ang Fo odHgi ene Pe rmi t 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管常缩写成LED; 中央处理器常缩写成 CP U;自动对焦(A uto fo us)常缩写成AF; 手动对焦(Ma nua l f ous)常缩写成M F 3客观性 电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。

商品说明书品种繁多,不同商品的说明书内 容及特点也不尽相同。一般来说,商品说明 书包括以下几个部分:
标题 正文
商标、型号、货名以及“说明书”或“使用说明 书” 介绍产品概况,说明产地、规格、材料或成分; 构造、性能、适用范围、技术参数、安装、使 用方法、注意事项等。重点是使用及保养维修 方法。
6. 陈述句: 简单的肯定陈述句应用十分普遍,特别是在 介绍产品的特性、功能、效用时。 例:GFMD系列采用极柱端子一体化结 构,将电池内阻降低了20%左右。 GFMD series adopt the integrated poles and terminals that reduce the battery’s internal resistance by about 20%.
(二) 语篇特征
由于英语和汉语分属不同语系:英语属印欧 语系,汉语属汉藏语系,英语结构紧凑,汉语结构 松散。语言学家以“竹节句法”来比喻英语句 子, 即英语句子是由不可缺的各种连接词衔接而成, 宛如节节相连的竹子;而汉语句子则被比喻为 “流水句法”,所谓的流水是指少用乃至不用连 接 词,但仍行文流畅。所以说,英语重形合
三. 产品说明书的文体特征
(一) 词汇特征 1、相对固定性和专业性 一方面,这种特殊文体因其狭窄的语域而使用 了相对稳定、有限的词汇; 另一方面,由于这种文体的描述对象(包括产品 和服务) 覆盖面甚广,涉及各种行业和领域,因 此常会遇到一些某个技术领域中特有的“土 话”、“行话”,或是“俚语”。
厂家名称、地址、电话、邮编、代号或批准文号、 照片或图片等
商标、型号、货 名以及“说明书” 或“使用说明书”
一般包括构造、性能、 适用范围、技术参数、 安装、使用方法、注 意事项等

例3 原文: 请仔细阅读说明书,以便使本机发挥其最佳性能, 经久耐用,不出故障。
To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble-free use, please read this instruction manual carefully.
绿源苔干有清热降压、通经络、壮筋 骨、去口臭、解酒毒的功效。 译文:
It has been proved that lvyuan Taigan is able to produce certain medical effects, namely, to allay internal heat and fever, to reduce hypertension, to regulate and strengthen bodily functions, to relieve halitosis and to dispel the effects of alcohol.
2.多使用省略句,常省略冠词、介词和不重要的形容词、 副词、连词等
4.大量使用情态动词 5.使用专业术语以实现表达的技术性和准确性 6.信息结构的安排多采用末尾焦点和后部重荷的原则

商品说明书翻译商品名称:XXXXX说明书编号:XXXXX发布日期:XXXXX一、产品概述该产品是一款创新型的XXXXX(产品类型)产品,具有XXXXX (产品特点)。
二、产品规格1. 外观特征本产品外观采用XXXXX(材质或颜色),造型精美,质感出众。
2. 技术参数(在此列出产品的各项技术参数)例如:- 电源:XXXXX- 功率:XXXXX- 工作温度:XXXXX- 存储温度:XXXXX- 输入接口:XXXXX- 输出接口:XXXXX- 支持格式:XXXXX3. 主要功能本产品具备以下主要功能:(在此列出产品的各项主要功能)例如:- XXXXX功能:提供XXXXX的效果,满足用户不同需求。
- XXXXX功能:支持XXXXX的操作,方便用户在XXXXX环境中使用。
- XXXXX功能:提供XXXXX的效果,提升用户的体验。
三、使用方法1. 准备工作- 插入电源线,并确保电源供应正常。
- 配置相应的XXXXX设备(如键盘、鼠标等)。
2. 开机与关机- 开机:按下电源按钮,待屏幕显示XXXXX后,即可开始使用。
- 关机:点击XXXXX按钮,在弹出的选项中选择关机,等待系统正常关闭后,断开电源。
3. 操作指南(在此详细介绍产品的各项操作指南)例如:- XXXXX操作:XXXXX- XXXXX操作:XXXXX- XXXXX操作:XXXXX四、安全使用注意事项为了保障用户的安全,使用本产品时请注意以下事项:1. 避免过度使用产品,适当休息并保持良好的工作环境。
2. 请勿将产品暴露在高温或潮湿的环境中,以免损坏电子元件。
3. 当产品出现异常时,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务中心进行咨询或维修。
4. 请勿尝试拆卸或修理本产品,以免造成损坏或安全风险。

在产品包装或直接附在产品上的纸或其它 材料制成的标签。最常见的是成衣上的标 签,上面标有衣物名称、面料成分、尺码 、颜色和洗涤说明等。
四. 印在包装上的说明书。有些产品的
文字说明直接印在其外包装(包装盒、 包装罐、包装瓶等)上,例如许多食品 和饮料的文字说明就属此类,其中包括 产品名称、商标、成分、净重、贮存及 保质期等。
脂肪酸占69%”同属译者添加的信息,在原文里 根本没被提及。所以这段译文根本没有如实地反 映原文的产品信息。
由此可见,消费者可能会因为一份有完整准确信 息的商品说明书而信赖该产品,也可能因为一份 蹩脚的说明书而认为该产品同样拙劣。目前,在 商品说明书的翻译中,存在乱译(random translation)和错译(mistranslation)的现 象。乱译指译者在翻译过程中不忠实于原文的信 息,任意添加原文中不存在的信息或任意删去原 文中存在的信息。错译指译者没有正确地理解原 文的语言,或者对译入语的语言掌握不好,辞不 达意,以至于使译文的信息与原文的信息大相径 庭,提供给译入语读者的是错误的信息。诸如用 词含糊不清、错字、错用术语、语法错误、赘述 等等都属于错译范围。这些错误会大大影响翻译
译文:全新妮唯雅美白泡沫面乳令肌肤享受澄净清新地 感觉,配合妮维雅多重美白系列其他产品地使用可获得 更为有效地美白效果。蕴含纯净美白因子地温和配方令 肌肤澄净白皙。
一、语篇结构特征:产品说明书 通常由标题,正文,结尾和附录构 成。
二 、句法特征
的状语 This mode is convenient for receiving both
产品说明书的翻译 (补充讲解)

例3:Seniovita is a proven basic preparation in cases of atherosclerotic and degenerative organic diseases associated with old age.
5. 本品色泽自然,汁水清香,味干爽口,花形完美, 是四季皆宜的高级饮料。 This product is characterized by its natural colour, faint scent, unique taste and perfect form. It is a nice tea to be taken in all seasons.
例1:Read and follow warnings and instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. 阅读并遵循电池制造商提供的所有警告和说明。
例2:Do not disassemble, install backward, or expose batteries to liquid, moisture, fire or extreme temperature.
6. 该空调广泛用于各种场合,如宾馆、饭店、医院、 托儿所、住宅等, 为您创造舒适的生活环境。 This air conditioner is suitable for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, nurseries, houses, etc., creating a comfortable environment with ideal temperature.

请仔细阅读说明书,以便使本机发挥其最 佳性能,经久耐用,不出故障。
To obtain the best performance and enduring failure-free use, please read this instruction carefully.
倩碧丝滑恒润唇彩富含闪亮恒润配方。夺 目唇光,晶彩绽放。
在操作规程、使用说明书一类的英文资料中, 经常有一些以inspect, check, examine, signal等 动词作谓语的句子,翻译这些句子时,一般 要在这些动词后添加“是否”、“有无”等 词,才符合汉语的表达习惯。
Inspect the instrument carefully for damage when removing it from the protective container.
Troubles and troubleshooting: if the unit makes no
response when power button is pressed, please check if ① the power supply is already turned on, ② the correct input is chosen, ③ the volume is turned to its minimum level, ④ the speakers are correctly connected, and ⑤ the main unit is set at the “mute”
8. 多使用祈使句和主动语态
Read and follow warnings and instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer. 阅读并遵循电池制造商提供的所有警告和说明。 切勿带包装置于微波炉中加热。 Do not microwave with the packaging.
9. 产品说明书的翻译解析

耳机插孔 顶部麦克 风 响铃/静 音开关 音量按钮 前置摄像 头
Apple Retina 显 示屏
开/关 睡眠/唤醒 受话器 状态条
应用程序图标 SIM托盘 基座接口
主屏按钮 底部麦克 风
How do we say “产品说明书”in English?
Unfamiliarity with the equipment, poor fault judgment or lack of proper training may cause injury to both operator and others。 不熟悉设备,判断故障不当,或缺乏正确 的培训,都可能会给操作者本人或他人造 成伤害。
4. 使用技术术语及行语
产品说明书常用词汇 application
construction commission hazard prior to terminate
日常生活常用词汇 use
structure, building experiment and adjustment danger before end
2. 简洁清晰
威莱家庭影院智能音频功率放大器说明书: Troubles and troubleshooting: if the unit makes no response when power button is pressed, please check if ① the power supply is already turned on, ② the correct input is chosen, ③ the volume is turned to its minimum level, ④ the speakers are correctly connected, and ⑤ the main unit is set at the “mute” mode.
CASIO PRW2500T-7(3258) 说明书翻译

E-34 Taking Direction ReadingsE-34 To take a digital compass readingE-37 To perform bidirectional calibrationE-38 To perform northerly calibrationE-39 To perform magnetic declination correctionE-40 To store a direction angle reading in Bearing MemoryE-42 To set a map and fi nd your current locationE-43 To fi nd the bearing to an objectiveE-44 To determine the direction angle to an objective on a map and head in that direction (Bearing Memory)E-47 Taking Barometric Pressure and Temperature Readings E-47 To enter and exit the Barometer/Thermometer ModeE-47 To take barometric pressure and temperature readingsE-53 To calibrate the pressure sensor and the temperature sensor E-55 Taking Altitude ReadingsE-56 To take an altimeter readingE-58 To select the altitude auto measurement methodE-59 To specify the altitude differential start pointE-60 To use the altitude differential valueE-61 To specify a reference altitude valueE-62 To save a manual measurement E-70 Specifying Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Altitude UnitsE-70 To specify temperature, barometric pressure, and altitude unitsE-72 Precautions Concerning Simultaneous Measurement of Altitude and TemperatureE-73 Viewing Altitude RecordsE-73 To view altitude recordsE-76 To clear the contents of a specifi c memory areaE-77 Viewing Tide and Moon DataE-78 To enter the Tide/Moon Data ModeE-79 To view Moon Data for a particular date, or Tide Data for a particular date and time E-80 To adjust the high tide timeE-81 To reverse the displayed Moon phaseE-86 Using the AlarmE-86 To enter the Alarm ModeE-87 To set an alarm timeE-88 To turn an alarm and the Hourly Time Signal on and offE-88 To stop the alarmE-89 Using the StopwatchE-89 To enter the Stopwatch ModeE-89 To perform an elapsed time operationE-89 To pause at a split timeE-90 Tomeasuretwofinishese-34采取读数的方向e-34采取数字指南针e-37进行双向校准e-38执行向北校准e-39进行磁偏角校正e-40存储在内存的方向角轴承设置一个地图,找到您的当前位置找到一个客观的轴承确定的方向角的地图上往那个方向(轴承内存)以大气压力和温度读数进入和退出的气压计、温度计模式带气压和温度读数校准压力传感器和温度传感器e-55以海拔读数e-56采取高度计读数e-58选择高度自动测量方法e-59指定起始点的高度差e-60使用高度差的价值e-61指定高度的参考价值e-62节省手动测量e-70指定温度,气压和海拔,单位注意事项同时测量高度与温度e-73观看高度记录e-76明确的内容的特定内存区域e-77观看潮汐和月球数据e-78进入潮/卫星数据模式e-79查看卫星数据为特定的日期,或潮汐数据为特定的日期和时间e-80调整涨潮时间e-81扭转显示月相e-86使用报警e-86进入报警模式e-87设置报警时间e-88把报警和每小时的时间信号和关闭e-88停止报警e-89使用秒表e-89执行时间操作e-89暂停在一个分裂的时间e-90测量完成E-8E-91 Using the Countdown TimerE-91 To enter the Countdown Timer Mode E-93 To confi gure countdown timer settings E-94 To use the countdown timerE-94 To turn the progress beeper on and offE-95 Checking the Current Time in a Different Time ZoneE-95 To enter the World Time ModeE-95 To view the time in another time zoneE-96 To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city E-97 IlluminationE-97 To turn on illumination manually E-97 To change the illumination duration E-99 To turn the auto light switch on and off E-101 Other SettingsE-101 To turn the button operation tone on and off E-102 To turn Power Saving on and off E-103 Troubleshooting E-109 Specifi cationsE-9Charging the WatchThe face of the watch is a solar cell that generates power from light. The generated power charges abuilt-in rechargeable battery, which powers watch operations. The watch charges whenever it is exposed to light.Charging GuideWhenever you are not wearing the watch, leave it in a location where it is exposed to light.• Best charging performance isachieved by exposing the watch tothe strongest light available.When wearing the watch, make sure that its face is not blocked from light by the sleeve of your clothing.• The watch may enter a sleep state (page E-13) if its face is blocked by your sleeve even only partially.Warning!Leaving the watch in bright light for charging can cause it to become quite hot.Take care when handling the watch to avoid burn injury. The watch can become particularly hot when exposed to the following conditions for long periods.• On the dashboard of a car parked in direct sunlight • Too close to an incandescent lamp • Under direct sunlightApproximate Reception Ranges打开表的节电功能(页e-13)和保持它在通常的地区暴露储存注意长期在一个地区,那里没有光或穿著它在这样一种方式,它是阻止光暴露可能导致电源下运行。

中央处理器(central processing unit)
自动对焦(auto focus)
手动对焦(manual focus)
干洗 Dry Cleaning 不可水洗 Do not Wash 可机洗 Machine Washable 冷水洗 Cold Wash 分开洗涤 Wash Separately 不可拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring 不可漂白 No bleach / Do )产品说明书的内容 (2)产品说明书中的主要句型
标题: 产品名称,生产厂家,品牌,注册商标,产品 类型,产品代号。
正文: 产品概况,提供产地,规格,成分,材质,特 点,结构号,质量保证。
结尾: 生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电 话,传真,电子邮件等便于客户联系的有关信
不可浸泡 Do not Soak 荫凉挂干 Line Dry in Shade 不可熨 Do not Iron 低温烫 Cold Iron 用蒸汽熨烫 Steam Press/Iron 不可用蒸ew NIVEA Visage Whitening Foam instantly cleanses the skin, while supporting the whitening effect of the following NIVEA VISAGE Multiple White products. The gentle formula with White Pure Active encourages a clear, fair complexion.

a) Take care not to expose the camera to sudden changes in temperature. b) Please make sure the 6pcs to-be-charged batteries are all of the rechargeable type.
Food label(标签)confirmation code:SPQ421023-B462
Product standard No.: QB/T1433.2 Shelf life: 12 months
Production license code: QS4210 0801 0133
Hygiene license code: E sanitary food certificate No.(2007)0378 Production date: see the package
Shelf life: Two years
Suitable Crowd:Apply to all people Storage: Avoid strong 命名):*** Effective compositions: Borneol(冰片),mint(薄荷), etc. Function: Relieve skin irritation, improve skin metabolism. Administration: Apply to the affected part. Several times a day. Warnings: Never apply it to face. Wait a few days between each tube. Validity term: Tow years. Storage: Kept out of children’s reach. Avoid strong light.

glutinous rice as its main ingredients. A unique
aroma and taste of sweet potatoes is retained in it. It
• Olay Regenerist Micro-sculping Revitalizing Essence Water
• It is beyond normal hydration concept, and is useful in resisting skin aging problems. It helps to reduce dry-lines and fine lines, make skin firming and water tender, and helps to improve skin care benefit of next
• 案例1:
• 用法与用量:外用,涂擦于洗净的冻疮部位,每 日2-3次。涂擦时轻轻按摩,以便吸收。
• 【注意事项】 • 1. 不可与其他外用产品混合使用; • 2. 注意防寒保暖,经常用40*C以上的热水或姜汤
浸敷; • 3. 用后密封,置于儿童不易拿到之处。
• 参考译文:
• [Usage and Dosage]
• (三)形译法 • 产品名称或说明书中用字母或单词表示形状时,
翻译可直接用原字母,或采用汉语中近似的表达, 使读者对产品的形状一目了然。 • O-ring O形环 • X-ray X光 • V-gear V形齿轮 • X-type 交叉形 • H-hinge 工字铰链
• (四)综合译法 • 有些专来自术语,要兼顾音、意。采用这种方法的

成分:每100毫升含量,蛋⽩质1.5%以上,钙250-300毫克,铁12.5-20毫克,锌12.5-20 毫克。
【译⽂】wahaha, a children's nourishing liquid is co-developed by hangzhou wahaha nutritious food product factory and the dept. of medical nutrition of zhejiang medical university. the liquid contains rich amino acids, vitamins and particularly supplies children with ca and trace elements such as fe and zn essential to healthy growth. it occupies the leading position in the development of nourishing products and has passed the nation-level evaluation of newly-developed products. ingredients: honey, hawthorn, jujube, lycium, chinese lotus seed, barley, longan,walnut, etc.nutrients: per 100ml: protein over 1.5%, ca 250-300 mg, fe 12.5-20 mg, zn12.5-20 mg.contents: 10 ampoules per case, 10 ml per ample, total 100 ml.storage: to be kept in a cool place. quality guarantee for one year and storage period one and a half year.dosage: 1-2 ampoules a day in the morning and evening.sanction no.: zhejiang food hygiene permit (89)0004-35standard code: q/wjb 0201-89manufactured by: hangzhou wahaha nutritious food product factorysupervised by: dept. of medical nutrition of zhejiang medical university【例2】care and maintenanceyour device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. the suggestion below will help you protect your warranty coverage.· do not store the device in hot areas. high temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.· do not store the device in cold areas. when the device returns to its normal temperature, moisture can form inside the device and damage electronic circuit boards.· do not attempt to open the device other than as instructed in this guide.· do not drop, knock, or shake the device. rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.· do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the device.· do not paint the device. paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.· use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean any lenses (such as camera, proximity sensor, and light sensor lenses).· use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the device and may violate regulations governing radio devices.· use chargers indoors.【译⽂】您的⼿机为设计优越、做⼯精良之产品,应妥善维护、保养。

Manufactur. be+形容词(过去分词)+目的状语
2. 情态动词should, shall, can, may+be+介词短语
3. 过+目的状语
This kind of products possess such characteristics as safe-use, weatherresistance, abrasion-resistance, high mechanical intensity, low line loss, etc. They are used broadly i清洁肌肤,
1 modes
设备清单——equipment check list ( 不用the list of equipment check)
Fungizone intravenous is especially intended to treat cryptococcosis…
24常用词及短语举例be active against
be intended to
be administrated in
To prevent the formation of urinary calculi,especially in cases where they tend to recur.
To protect the liver cell during administration of drugs hazardous to the liver.
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食用指导:厨邦鸡粉味道鲜美,适用于上汤、粥品、炒菜 及各种肉类的调味。用厨邦鸡粉腌制肉类特别入味。厨邦 鸡粉是炒菜调味的好帮手。 Application Suggestions: the taste of Chubang Chicken Powder is delicious and suitable for soup, congee, fried vegetables and meat. It’s also good to marinate meat; Chubang Chicken Powder is a good helper of cooking.
• • • •
汤、粥、面条 火锅 炒青菜和肉类 腌制肉类
• • • •
Stock base (基本原料)for soup, congee and noodles Soup base(锅底、汤底、底料) for hot-pot Flavor enhancer(增味剂) for stir-fry & stew Marinade(腌制)for meat
(四)借助各种词典、百科全书、网络资源,对即将动手的翻 译文本作彻底的研究,解决翻译难点。 配料 ingredients 增味剂 flavor enhancer 食用香料 flavoring agent 香辛料 spices 柠檬黄 tartrazine 抗氧化剂 antioxidants 味道鲜美 delicious 粥品 congee/ gruel 腌制 marinate 产品标准号 Product Standard Code 保质期 quality guarantee (proof) period/ shelf life/ storage life 注意 caution
2. 句法特点 (1)大量使用祈使句 产品说明书的指示说明部分经常使用祈使句,而且大多省 略主语。因为祈使句常用来表强调、命令、警告等,在给予指 示时直截了当,简洁有力。常用祈使句包括句首为动词原形、 情 态 动 词 , 如 : may, can, should, must, can’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t, do not, please (do), Never (do)等 。 如: Please provide: your name, address, and telephone numbers and proof of purchase. Turn off the power. Do not remove tabs. Pull black lever towards you. NEVER use insect repellents on wounds or irritated skin.
1. 词汇特点 产品说明书特别是工业产品说明书,是一种相对专业的 应用文体,其要求所含信息必须明确易懂,无含混模糊 之处,体现在词汇上就是用词的固定性和专业性。固定 性是指相关技术术语在同行业中是固定的、约定俗成的 。而专业性则指相关技术术语具备某专业领域中特有的 词汇术语所具有的专业特性。 如固定词汇:ingredients; net weight; antioxidants; jot
The Translation of Task One
厨邦鸡粉 Chubang Chicken Powder 配料:白砂糖、增味剂、鸡肉、食用香料、淀粉、鸡油、香 辛料、柠檬黄、抗氧化剂 Ingredients: Sugar, Flavor Enhancer, Chicken, Flavoring Agent, Starch, Chicken Fat, Spices, Tartrazine, Antioxidants
Task one
项目背景:广东美味鲜调味食品有限公司新推出一款粤港风味的 鸡粉调味料,市场部已经拿到该产品的中文说明书,经理让你将 其翻译为英文说明书,以便推向市场。 厨邦鸡粉 配料:白砂糖、增味剂、鸡肉、食用香料、淀粉、鸡油、香辛料 、柠檬黄、抗氧化剂 食用指导:厨邦鸡粉味道鲜美,适用于上汤、粥品、炒菜及各种 肉类的调味。用厨邦鸡粉腌制肉类特别入味。厨邦鸡粉是炒菜调 味的好帮手。 汤、粥、面条 火锅 炒青菜和肉类 腌制肉类 产品标准号:SB/T 10415 注意:用后盖好,存放于阴凉干燥处
Translation of Product Manual 产品说明书翻译
Course Objectives
After finishing this chapter, you are expected to 1) Get a general idea about product manual; 2) Be familiar with the linguistic features and the translation techniques of product manual; 3) Be able to translate product manual in a proper and effective way.
(2)语态 由于说明书的对象是各种产品,注重事物的发生和存在, 而通常不注重是谁指使其发生或存在。这样实施者在说明书 中是弱项,常以被动语态或非人称形式(或干脆省略)等方 式被“隐藏”起来,主动句往往省略了“您”。如: The products can be installed in several types such as cabinet, vertical racks, horizontal racks, ground placement and installed with other kinds of power supply according to user’s requirements. 产品可根据用户需要,采用柜式、立架式、卧式、地面摆 放及与其他电源柜内置式使用等各种形式。
I Linguistic Features of Product Manual
产品说明书,又称产品使用手册,是介绍物品性能、 规格、使用方法的应用型文体。按其用途可分为家用电器 说明书、药品说明书、化妆品说明书、食品类说明书、机 械装备说明书、仪器器械说明书、书籍说明书等。 随着我国经济蓬勃发展及对外开放步伐加快,国内各品 牌产品纷纷抢占国际市场。与此同时,各国产品也纷纷抢 占中国市场。在此过程中,说明书翻译起到了至关重要的 作用。 说明书的常见形式:手册式说明书、插页式说明书、标 签式说明书和印在标签上的说明书。
• • • •
生产日期:请见罐底 制造商:广东美味鲜调味品食品有限公司 地址:广东省中山市西区歧港路口
1. 了解与该公司相关的背景材料,在疑难词句上标上记号; 2. 分析产品说明书的语言特点; 3. 借助各种词典、百科全书、网络资源等工具,对即将动手翻 译的文本作彻底研究,解决难点;(平行文本:借助其他相 同企业的官网英文版介绍,看其用词用句) 4. 使用恰当的翻译方法和技巧翻译该产品说明书;
2. 内容客观、精确,语言具有感染力 说明书的目的是让消费者了解产品的特征和性能,以 便作出正确选择并正确使用产品。说明书的内容应该客观 真实,语言通俗易懂,必须准确传递完整信息,也可恰当 使用文学性语言,增强可读性和感染力。 3. 条式风格突出,版面设计独特 由于说明书涉及内容较多,一般采用条式排列,使其 内容清楚明白。同时为了达到吸引消费者的目的,往往采 用各种不同的特殊字体和版面来突出该产品。如黑体字标 题、数字序号、特殊符号等。
产品标准号:SB/T 10415 注意:用后盖好,存放于阴凉干燥处 生产日期:请见罐底 Product Standard Code: SB/T 10415 Quality Guarantee Period: Two Years Production Dat: Please keep in cool and dry place
The tabs should not be removed. 手环不应该被移动。
(3)句子结构、时态简单 产品说明书讲究言简意赅、通俗易懂、避免繁杂冗长。 因此产品说明书中句子大部分都是简单句,而且时态比较简 单,多用现在时态。为了使句子结构简单,非谓语动词形式 (v-ing,v-ed,to do)出现频率较高。 The AD598 is a complete monolithic Linear Variable Differential Transformer(LVDT) signal conditioning subsystem. It is used in conjunction with LVDTs to convert transducer mechanical position to a unipolar or bipolar DC voltage with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. AD598 型线性可调差变压器( LVDT )的信号调节子系统是 全单片式的。该子系统配有LVDT, 将传感器的机械位置信 号转化为单极或双极直流电压,准确度高,重复性好。
Task Two
某化妆品贸易公司刚从欧洲进口了一批化妆品,准备投放市场 。进口部李主任要求你将产品说明书译为中文。
Rich in almond ablumen, almond VA, VE compound essence and AMF, play the moisturizer, protecting and slippery triple efficiency. Thicken the hair pole effectively, reduce dryness and dandruff, nourish hair, and hair is left fresh, smooth, easy to comb, and restore elastic and glossy. Directions: Apply product to clean hair, massage hair and scalp, after a while, rinse with water. Caution: External use only. If contact with your eyes, rines with water immediately. Keep away from children and pets. Store in cool and dry place.