
这些抗体都是大分子物质,它们进入肠道上皮细胞的方式最可能是A.协助扩散B.自由扩散C.胞吞D.主动运输9.酶是活细胞产生的具有催化作用的有机物,酶的特性不包括A.具有高效性B.具有专一性C.升高化学反应活化能D.作用条件较温和10.ATP之所以成为细胞生命活动的直接供能物质,是因为它具有独特的结构,下列能准确表示ATP的结构简式的是A.A-P~P~P B.A~P~P~P C.A-P-P-P D.A-P-P~P11.仙人球是一种耐早的植物,浇水过多会发生“烂根”现象,发生这种现象的主要原因是A.土壤缺乏氧气导致根细胞长期无氧呼吸产生过多酒精,毒害植物根部B.土壤中水分过多导致根细胞吸水涨破C.水分充足土壤中微生物大量繁殖导致根细胞被破坏D.土壤中有毒物质溶解到水中导致根细胞遭到破坏12.玉米种子经过增殖分化,发育成一棵完整的植株,玉米细胞分化后不发生改变的是A.细胞原有的功能B.细胞的形态和结构 C.细胞器的种类和数量D.细胞核内的遗传物质13.下列关于洋葱根尖分生区细胞有丝分裂的叙述,错误的是A.在中期,每条染色体的着丝粒排列在赤道板上B.在前期,染色质丝螺旋缠绕,缩短变粗,成为染色体C.在末期,细胞膜从细胞的中部向内凹陷,把细胞缢裂成两部分D.在后期,每个着丝粒分裂成两个,姐妹染色单体分开,成为两条染色体14.孟德尔通过分析豌豆杂交实验的结果、发现了生物遗传的规律。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.如图所示,跳伞运动员以4m/s 的速度沿竖直方向匀速下降,下降一段距离后刮起了水平方向的风,最终运动员以5m/s 的速度匀速运动,则此时风速大小是()A .5m/sB .3m/sC .9m/sD .41m/s2.如图,在一棵大树下有张石凳子,上面水平摆放着一排香蕉。
已知老猴子以恒定大小的速率v 拉动软藤,当软藤与竖直方向成θ角时,则小猴子的水平运动速度大小为()A .v cos θB .v sin θC .v cos θD .v sin θ3.如图所示是小明同学画的人造地球卫星轨道的示意图,则卫星()A .在a 轨道运行的周期为24hB .在b 轨道运行的速度始终不变C .在c 轨道运行的速度大小始终不变D .在c 轨道运行时受到的地球引力大小是变化的4.如图所示,底部均有4个轮子的行李箱A 竖立、B 平卧放置在公交车上,箱子四周有一定空间。
当公交车()A .缓慢起动时,两只行李箱一定相对车子向后运动B .急刹车时,行李箱A 一定相对车子向前运动C .缓慢转弯时,两只行李箱一定相对车子向外侧运动D .急转弯时,行李箱B 一定相对车子向内侧运动5.对图分析错误的是()A.图甲中火车转弯时既不挤压内轨,也不挤压外轨时的行驶速率约为ghrL,取决于内、外轨的高度差h、内外轨间距L及铁路弯道的轨道半径rB.图乙中汽车过凹形路面时,速度越大,对路面的压力越大C.图丙中洗衣机脱水时利用离心运动把附着在物体上的水分甩掉,纺织厂也用这样的方法使棉纱、毛线、纺织品干燥D.图丁中实验不计一切阻力,实验中两个球同时落地,说明平抛运动水平方向为匀速运动,竖直方向为自由落体运动6.嫦娥四号探测器于2019年1月在月球背面成功着陆,着陆前曾绕月球飞行,某段时间可认为绕月做匀速圆周运动,圆周半径为月球半径的K倍。

若F1和F2的大小相等,则物块与地面之间的动摩擦因数为( )A.B.C.D.3、下面说法正确的是()A.线圈中的磁通量变化越大,线圈中产生的感应电动势就越大B.线圈中的磁通量变化越快,线圈中产生的感应电动势就越大C.线圈中的磁通量越大,线圈中产生的感应电动势就越大D.线圈放在磁场越强的地方,线圈中产生的感应电动势就越大4、如图所示,实线是电场线,一带电粒子只在电场力的作用下沿虚线由A运动到B的过程中,下列选项正确的是( )A.带电粒子带正电B.带电粒子做匀加速运动C.带电粒子做加速度减小的加速运动D.带电粒子的动能减少,电势能增加5、如图所示,A、B、C为一等边三角形的三个顶点,某匀强电场的电场线平行于该三角形所在平面。

内蒙古自治区2021-2022学年普通高中学业水平考试(高二会考)英语试题一、听力选择题1. How many people will have dinner together tomorrow night?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.A job.B.A training course.C.An interesting experience.3. What does the man imply about Mary?A.She is not interested in shopping.B.She is too busy to go out.C.She is staying at home.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.How to treat others.B.How to support a family.C.How to find a great job.5. What was the weather like in southern China during the woman’s holiday?A.Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Snowy.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What did Fred do last night?A.He went to the police station.B.He drove into a store and broke it up.C.He went shopping with his girlfriend2. Who did Fred have a fight with?A.The storekeeper.B.The policeman.C.The girlfriend.3. Where h Fred's car now?A.In the store.B.In the street.C.In the police station.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

1.“嫦娥五号”在绕月轨道上与月球构成的天体系统A.与地月系层次相同B.不位于太阳系中C.中心天体为地球D.位于地月系之中2. “嫦娥五号”在海南文昌成功发射时,下列城市电视直播这壮举的时间,正确的是A.伦敦,伦敦时间(0时区)11月24日12时30分B.莫斯科,莫斯科时间(东3区)11月24日5时30分C.悉尼,悉尼时间(东10区)11月24日6时30分D.纽约,美国东部时间(西5区)11月24日23时30分3.“嫦娥五号”探测器在太空运行期间,下列叙述正确的是A.太阳直射点位于南半球并向北移动B.北京昼短夜长C.地球离太阳最近D.早晨太阳从正东方升起图1为大气受热过程示意图。

3.从地形条件分析,世界人口稠密的地区分布在A.平原B.高原C.丘陵D.山区4.南北半球温带地区人口数量差异大的原因是A. 北半球温带地区降水条件适宜B. 南半球温带地区地势起伏更大C. 北半球温带地区陆地面积更大D. 南半球温带地区土壤特别贫瘠环境问题已经引起了广泛的关注,某中学环保社团为了增强群众的环保意识,画了一幅宣传画。
据此完5. 该宣传画反映的环境问题是A.水土流失C.水体污染6. 缓解该环境问题可以采取的措施有① 节约用水,提高水资源的利用率② 推广使用新能源汽车,减少碳排放③ 提高植被的覆盖率,增加下渗④ 加大科技投入,增加抽水深度A.①②B.①③ B.生物多样性减少D.地面沉降C.②④D.③④地层和化石是记录地球历史的“书页”。
7.三叶虫出现在A.太古代B.古生代C.中生代8.根据地层及其化石的有关知识,可知A. 生物总是从低级向高级进化B. 中生代不具备形成煤炭的条件C. 不同时代的地层可能含有相似的化石D.新生代D.化石的特点与环境关系不大地理试题 第2页(共8页)机密★启用前2023年春季学期内蒙古自治区普通高中学业水平合格性考试理地注意事项:1.本试卷共8页,满分100分。

一、基础知识(8分,每小题2分)1. 下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一组是( )A.中肯/中意穿着/歪打正着得心应手/应接不暇B.创伤/重创桂冠/弹冠相庆好大喜功/乐善好施C.供稿/供应涤纶/羽扇纶巾厚古薄今/日薄西山D.解数/解读寒舍/退避三舍曲径通幽/曲突徙薪2. 加点的成语使用正确的一项是()A、进入高三以来,一向学习成绩平平的王红特别刻苦,进步很大,几次考试的排名都在上升,真叫人不得不另眼相看B、白居易创作时很注意接近民众,不管是乡间农妇,还是下里巴人,他都能谈得来,因此他的诗歌很受民众欢迎。
3.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )A.阐明、发现大自然和人类社会的发展规律,关键不在于个人的天赋,而在于以勤奋严谨的求知方法去探索。
B. 能够克制自己,能抵抗诱惑,追求更远大目标的孩子,长大之后会表现得更有自信,也更能面对挫折。

精选全文完整版(可编辑修改)内蒙古自治区2018-2019学年普通高中学业水平考试真题化学试题一、单选题1. 下列有关环境问题的叙述不正确的是A.赤潮、白色污染和绿色食品都与相关物质的颜色有关B.pH小于5.6的雨水是酸雨C.利用太阳能等清洁能源代替化石燃料,有利于节约能源,保护环境D.地震发生后,灾区急需大量消毒剂,而不可用于环境消毒2. 我国一些城市在春秋季节,经常会出现大雾天气,致使高速公路关闭,航班停飞。
雾属于下列分散系中的A.乳浊液B.悬浊液C.溶液D.胶体3. 下列物质中,具有净水作用的是A.淀粉B.明矾C.食盐D.酒精4. 下列物质中,不含硅酸盐的是A.陶瓷B.硅芯片C.玻璃D.普通水泥5. 下列各组粒子中,属于同位素的是A.和B.和C.和D.和6. 下列试剂不能用来鉴别乙醇和乙酸的是A.紫色石蕊试液B.碳酸钠溶液C.蒸馏水D.酸性高锰酸钾溶液二、多选题7. 糖类、脂肪和蛋白质是维持人体生命活动所必需的三大营养物质。
下列说法正确的是A.蛋白质水解的最终产物是氨基酸B.淀粉水解的最终产物能与银氨溶液反应析出银C.淀粉和纤维素均可用(C6H10O5)n表示,因此它们互为同分异构体D.油脂能发生皂化反应,生成甘油和高级脂肪酸三、单选题8. 制取聚乙烯的反应:属于A.加聚反应B.加成反应C.取代反应D.酯化反应9. 铝能用于冶炼难熔金属(如Fe、Mn),这是因为铝A.熔点低B.导电性好C.既能与强酸反应又能与强碱反应D.还原性强,反应中放大量的热10. 下列说法错误的是A.石油在加热和催化剂的作用下,使链状烃转化为环状烃B.煤的干馏是物理变化C.乙烯的产量可以用来衡量一个国家的石油化工发展水平D.天然气是一种清洁的化石燃料11. 下列物质属于氧化物的是A.纯碱B.食盐C.水D.苯12. 下列说法中不正确的是A.冰醋酸能导电B.的电离方程式:C.熔融状态的氯化钠能导电D.的电离方程式:13. 下列物质中,既能与硫酸反应,又能与氢氧化钾溶液反应的是A.B.C.D.14. 下列离子方程式正确的是A.铜片与稀硝酸反应:B.钠与水反应:C.将氯气通入氯化亚铁溶液:D.铝溶于氢氧化钠溶液:15. 下列各组中的离子,能在溶液中大量共存的是A.、、、B.、、、C.、、、D.、、、16. 下列有关物质的说法错误的是A.水玻璃可用作木材防火剂B.氧化铁常用作红色油漆和涂料C.氨常用作制冷剂D.二氧化硅可以和水直接反应制取硅酸17. 下列关于漂白粉的叙述正确的是A.工业上将通入冷的消石灰中制取漂白粉B.漂白粉的有效成分是和C.漂白粉在空气中久置不会变质D.漂白粉不可用作游泳池及环境的消毒剂18. 下列反应中,能说明是酸性氧化物的是A.B.C.D.19. 集气瓶内装有红棕色气体,加入足量蒸馏水盖上玻璃片振荡,气体颜色消失,再打开玻璃片后,瓶中气体又变为红棕色,则该气体是A.NO B.C.D.20. 下列现象中硫酸表现脱水性的是A.浓硫酸干燥氯气B.向蔗糖中加入浓硫酸,蔗糖变黑C.在常温下可以用铁、铝制容器盛装冷的浓硫酸D.锌粒放入稀硫酸中有气体放出21. 下列反应的化学方程式不正确的是A.铜与浓硫酸反应:B.铝与氧气反应:C.钠与氧气反应:D.铁粉与水蒸气反应:22. 鉴别和溶液的试剂是A.溶液B.溶液C.溶液D.溶液23. 向某溶液中加入溶液,无明显变化,再向溶液中滴加几滴氯水,溶液出现血红色,则原溶液中一定含有的阳离子是A.B.C.D.24. 下列反应中,硝酸只表现氧化性的是A.与反应生成、、B.与铜反应生成、和C.与氧化铜反应生成和D.与S单质混合共热生成、和25. 加热条件下,与氢氧化钠溶液反应产生刺激性气味气体的是A.B.C.D.26. 已知某元素的原子序数为12,该元素在周期表中位于A.第三周期第ⅡA族B.第二周期第Ⅷ族C.第二周期第ⅡA族D.第四周期第ⅡB族27. 下列分子中含四个极性键的是A.B.C.D.28. 下列反应中,属于吸热反应的是A.氢氧化钠与稀硫酸反应B.氢氧化钡晶体与氯化铵晶体反应C.铝与稀盐酸反应D.乙醇的燃烧反应29. 关于下图所示装置的叙述,正确的是A.锌为负极B.铜为负极C.电子由铜片通过导线流向锌片D.该装置将电能转变为化学能30. 反应经一段时间后,的浓度减少了,在这段时间内用表示的平均反应速率为,则这段时间为A.5s B.2.5s C.0.1s D.10s31. 在反应中,下列措施能使化学反应速率增大的是A.将碳粉改为块状碳B.减少的浓度C.降低温度D.使用合适的催化剂32. 下图中的小球代表碳原子,棍代表碳碳单键,每个碳原子的剩余价键全部与氢原子结合,则(1)与(2)的关系为A.同位素B.同分异构体C.同系物D.同种物质33. 肼()是一种高能燃料,常温下是液体,燃烧产生巨大能量,可作为航天火箭的推动力。

1、质量为m 的篮球从某一高处从静止下落,经过时间1t 与地面接触,经过时间2t 弹离地面,经过时间3t 达到最高点。
重力加速度为g ,忽略空气阻力。
地面对篮球作用力冲量大小为( )A .123++mgt mgt mgtB .123+-mgt mgt mgtC .123-+mgt mgt mgtD .123--mgt mgt mgt2、如图,在研究功与内能改变的关系时,将一小块易燃物放在厚玻璃筒底部,用力向下压活塞,可以将易燃物点燃。
关于该实验,下列说法正确的是( )A .筒内气体,在被压缩的同时从外界迅速吸收热量,导致气体温度升高B .只要最终筒内气体压强足够大,筒内易燃物就会被点燃C .若实验中易燃物被点燃,是活塞与筒壁间摩擦生热导致的D .该实验成功的关键是向下压活塞的力要大,速度要快3、2019年10月11日,中国火星探测器首次公开亮相,暂命名为“火星一号”,计划于2020年发射,并实现火星的着陆巡视。
已知火星的直径约为地球的53%,质量约为地球的11%,请通过估算判断以下说法正确的是( )A .火星表面的重力加速度小于29.8m /sB .探测器在火星表面所受重力等于在地球表面所受重力C .探测器在火星表面附近的环绕速度等于7.9km /sD .火星的第一宇宙速度大于地球的第一宇宙速度4、如图所示为某一电场中场强E-x 图像,沿x 轴正方向,电场强度为正,则正点电荷从x 1运动到x 2,其电势能的变化是A.一直增大B.先增大再减小C.先减小再增大D.先减小再增大再减小5、如图所示,水平传送带A、B两端相距x=2m,物体与传送带间的动摩擦因数μ=0.125,物体滑上传送带A端的瞬时速度v A=3m/s,到达B端的瞬时速度设为v B。

解不等式 即得解.
由题得 ,
解之得 .
故函数的定义域是 .
根据等差数列的性质:若 ,则 ,即求.
等差数列 中, , ,
故选: .
26.在 中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,已知 , , .
(2)求 的值.
27.如图,在四棱锥 中, 平面 ,底面 是正方形,且 .
(1)求棱 的长;
(2)求证: .
28.已知等差数列 的前n项和为 , , .
(1)求数列 的通项公式;
(2)若 ,求n的值.
29.设函数 .
圆 的圆心 ,半径 .
因为圆心 到直线 的距离
故选: .
由于函数 互为反函数,所以其图像关于直线y=x对称,由于D选项中a>1,所以直线y=x+a在y轴上的截距也大于1正好相符
由题得 .

第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.____ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.A.Not knowing B.Knowing not C.Not known D.Known not2.You can’t use the computer now, ________ the upgrade of the system is under way. A.until B.unlessC.as D.after3.Taught in a more professional way, you _________ the swimming skill much better. A.might master B.would have masteredC.can have mastered D.could master4.What a pity! ________joined in the party, I would have met my old friend.A.lf I have B.Had I C.I had D.Have I5.-- What about the two of us going downtown?-- ___________ . I hate spending time hanging around.A.That suits me fine B.Why notC.It depends on the weather D.Well, that's the last thing I will do6.The folks were delighted at the message of their relatives _______ that mine explosion. A.survived B.to survive C.were surviving D.surviving7.The economy in big cities has continued to rise thanks to the local governments to increase ______.A.that B.themC.it D.those8.—I’m afraid I couldn’t go to your birthday party.I have a test next Monday. —Oh,!You’re my best friend and you must be there!A.go ahead B.come on C.you needn’t D.it doesn’t matter 9.________ an increase in foreign legal conflicts,China is expected to see the number continue to rise.A.To witness B.Being witnessedC.Witnessed D.Having witnessed10.That children ______meet with setbacks is a matter of necessity as they_____, so parents don’t worry about that.A.shall; grew up B.must;grew up C.can; grow up D.will; grow up 11.—I’ve got something weighing on my mind. Could you give me some advice?—______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.A.Don’t mention it B.No wonderC.My pleasure D.No problem12.Everyone in the village hoped that he would ______ after a few days’ treatment. A.pick up B.come up C.keep up D.make up13.I hope my teacher will take into _______ the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.A.idea B.considered C.account D.thought14.Little about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A.did Rose care B.Rose did careC.Rose does care D.does Rose care15.Wild swans’ ________ in the area is a good indication of a better environment. A.exhibition B.escapeC.absence D.appearance16.---When shall we start the reconstruction of the historic building?--- Not until our program ______ by the authority.A. will approveB. will be approvedC. has approvedD. has been approved17.The prediction from Maya worries residents _______ December 21, 2012 would be the end of the world.A.if B.that C.whether D.which18.The Chinese people are kind and caring. If not, I _____ in China in the past 30 years. A.didn’t stay B.hadn’t stayedC.couldn’t stay D.couldn’t have stayed19.Never before ________ the famous museum was just a stone's thro away from their school, so out ________.A.had they known; went all they B.they had known; went all theyC.had they known; they all went D.they had known; they all went20.The wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world ______ the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level.A.has improved B.is improving C.improved D.has been improving第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

内蒙古自治区2021-2022学年高二上学期普通高中学业水平考试地理真题(wd无答案)一、单选题(★★★)1. 北京时间2020年11月24日4时30分,“嫦娥五号”月球探测器在海南岛文昌发射基地成功发射,它在太空运行23天后,于北京时间2020年12月17日1时59分携带月壤样品着陆内蒙古四子王旗,标志着我国探月工程“绕、落、回”三步走战略取得圆满成功。
1.“嫦娥五号”在四子王旗着陆时,下列城市电视直播这一壮举的时间,正确的是()A.伦敦,伦敦时间(0时区)2020年12月17日9时59分B.莫斯科,莫斯科时间(东3区)2020年12月17日6时59分C.悉尼,悉尼时间(东10区)2020年12月17日3时59分D.纽约,美国东部时间(西5区)2020年12月16日1时59分2.“嫦娥五号”探测器在太空运行期间,下列叙述正确的是()A.北京正午太阳高度渐大B.呼和浩特昼长夜短C.地球离太阳最远D.内蒙古草原上牧民早晨看到太阳从东偏南升起(★★)2. 投射到地球上的太阳辐射能,要穿过厚厚的大气,才能到达地球表面。
1.地球大气最重要的能量来源是()A.地面辐射能B.太阳辐射能C.大气辐射能D.大气逆辐射能2.下列情况中,近地面大气昼夜温差最大的是()A.多云的陆地B.多云的海上C.晴朗的陆地D.晴朗的海上(★★★)3. 读下面水循环示意图,回答下面小题。
1.图中①所表示的水循环环节是()A.蒸发B.水汽输送C.降水D.地下径流2.“南水北调”工程可以改变的水循环环节是()A.①B.②C.③D.④(★★★) 4. 读“近地面气压带、风带示意图”,完成下面各题。
1.图中气压带代表( )A.赤道低气压带B.副极地低气压带C.极地高气压带D.副热带高气压带2.图中气压带、风带对气候产生的影响,叙述正确的是( )A.受该气压带影响,北非地区终年高温少雨B.受风带1影响,台湾东部夏季多暴雨C.受风带2影响,新西兰终年温和湿润D.受气压带和风带2的交替控制,罗马夏季高温干燥,冬季温和多雨(★★★)5. 读某地地质剖面示意图回答问题。

内蒙古自治区普通高中学业水平考试英语(参考试卷)本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两个部分,共 100 分,考试用时 90 分钟。
第Ⅰ卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
例: Stand over there, _______ you’ll be able to see it better.A. orB. andC. butD. while答案是 B。
1.— Would you take this along to the office for me?—__________.A. With pleasureB. That’s rightC. Never mindD. No, thanks2.Jack is very polite.Whenever he sees his teachers he will _______ hello to them.A. tellB. talkC. sayD. speak3.I ’m free this afternoon. Let’ s go swimming, ________?A. shall weB. will youC. don’ t weD. can’t we4.I must talk to her about this now. I can’t put it ________ any longer.A. outB. upC. onD. off5.Tim began to play _________ tennis at ________ age of 12.A. /; /B. /; theC. the; /D. the; the6.In June, they produced ______ cars than they did during the same periodof last year.A. manyB. moreC. as manyD. a few7.Lucy ________ time to go to the library since she got her new job.A. didn ’t haveB.hasn’ t hadC.doesn’ t haveD. hadn’t hadst week, John bought a camera, ________ is popular with young people.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. that9.—Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?—Sorry. I ’m not sure. But it ________ be.A. willB. mightC. mustD. shall10. I think your opinion about life will change _______ you get older.A. asB. thoughC. unlessD. whenever11.I haven ’t seen Li Hua recently. I wonder _______ he gets along wellwith his English study.A. howB. thatC. ifD. what12. Since much of the information in this book is _______, you’ d betterchoose another one.A. out of sightB. out of orderC. out of workD. out of date13. He drove slowly on the road, _______ the quiet of the evening.A. enjoyingB. having enjoyedC. enjoyedD. to enjoy14.— Will it rain today?— _______. It is so cloudy today?A. That dependsB. I guess notC. I don’t think soD. I’m afraid so15. Our new teacher is so young that she has no _______ over the class.A. powerB. energyC. strengthD. control第三节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-30 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

2024年内蒙古自治区普通高中学业水平考试政治试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.货币的本质是( )A.一般等价物B.价值尺度C.流通手段D.支付手段2.价值规律的表现形式是( )A.商品的价值量与社会必要劳动生产率成正比B.供求关系决定商品价格C.社会必要劳动时间决定商品价值量D.商品的价格围绕价值上下波动3.某省对淘汰类企业每度电加价5分钱,这些企业将面临一场严峻考验:要么改进技术,要么增加用电成本。
这一做法是在通过调整电价( )A.刺激生活消费B.调节企业生产C.改变价值规律D.降低商品价值量4.坚持公有制的主体地位,必须做到( )A.就全国而言,国有资产在社会总资产中占优势B.国有企业在全国企业总数中占绝大多数C.非公有制经济成为社会主义经济的重要组成部分D.国有经济控制国民经济命脉,在国民经济中占主导地位5.面对日益激烈的就业形势,劳动者应( )①树立正确的就业观②主要依赖政府的扶持③全面提升自己的素质④全力依靠社会的救济A.①③B.①④C.②③D.②④6.列宁说“所谓赋税,就是国家不付任何报酬而向居民取得的东西。
”这句话主要说明了税收具有( )A.强制性B.无偿性C.固定性D.平等性7.我们要维护良好的市场秩序,必须( )①禁止各种形式的地方保护、非法垄断及其他非法竞争行为②禁止强买强卖、巧取豪夺、牟取暴利、坑蒙拐骗等非法行为③坚持自愿、平等、公平、诚实守信④阻止外来企业、商品进入市场,切实保护地方利益A.①②④B.②③④C.①③④D.①②③8.我国社会主义市场经济的根本标志是( )A.坚持公有制为主体B.实现共同富裕C.国家实施强有力的宏观调控D.让局部先富起来9.美国福特公司的莱曼汽车,设计在德国,制动装置生产在韩国,在美国生产燃油泵,在澳大利亚生产发动机……一部整车从设计到装配竟涉及8个国家。
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例:Stand over there, _______ you’ll be able to see it better.A. orB. andC. butD. while答案是B。
1. —Would you take this along to the office for me? —__________.A. With pleasureB. That’s rightC. Never mindD. No, thanks2. Jack is very polite. Whenever he sees his teachers he will _______ hello to them.A. tellB. talkC. sayD. speak3. I’m free this afternoon. Let’s go swimming, ________?A. shall weB. will youC. don’t weD. can’t we4. I must talk to her about this now. I can’t put it ________ any longer.A. outB. upC. onD. off5. Tim began to play _________ tennis at ________ age of 12.A. /; /B. /; theC. the; /D. the; the6. In June, they produced ______ cars than they did during the same period of last year.A. manyB. moreC. as manyD. a few7. Lucy ________ time to go to the library since she got her new job.A. didn’t haveB. hasn’t hadC. doesn’t haveD. hadn’t had8. Last week, John bought a camera, ________ is popular with young people.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. that9. —Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?—Sorry. I’m not sure. But it ________ be.A. willB. mightC. mustD. shall10. I think your opinion about life will change _______ you get older.A. asB. thoughC. unlessD. whenever11. I haven’t seen Li Hua recently. I wonder _______ he gets along wellwith his English study.A. howB. thatC. ifD. what12. Since much of the information in this book is _______, you’d betterchoose another one.A. out of sightB. out of orderC. out of workD. out of date13. He drove slowly on the road, _______ the quiet of the evening.A. enjoyingB. having enjoyedC. enjoyedD. to enjoy14. — Will it rain today?— _______. It is so cloudy today?A. That dependsB. I guess notC. I don’t think soD. I’m afraid so15. Our new teacher is so young that she has no _______ over the class.A. powerB. energyC. strengthD. control第三节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-30各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
In France, there once lived a famous man named the Marquis de Lafayette. When he was a little boy, his mother called him Gilbert. Gilbert’s father and grandfather had both been 16 men in his village. He was proud of them, andhe 17 that he might grow up to be like them. Gilbert’s home was near a 18 . One day word came that a cruel 19 had been seen in the woods. Men said it had killed many of the villagers’ sheep. Gilbert was only seven, but all his 20 were about the cruel animal. “Shall we take a 21 ?” asked his mother. “Oh, yes!” said Gilbert. “We may see that wolf in the forest. But don’t be 22 .” His mother smiled, 23 she felt quite sure that there was no 24 . They did not go far into the woods. The mother sat down under a tree and began to 25 . Seeing Mom interested in her book, Gilbert decided to 26 the animal. He walked quietly into a wilder place. He looked 27 around, but saw only a rabbit. Then, 28 , he heard footsteps. He stood still and 29 . When the animal was very 30 to him, he jumped out of his hiding place and held it round its neck. It did not try to bite. But it threw Gilbert upon the 31 . Gilbert was soon on his feet again. He was not 32 at all. He looked at the animal: It was not a wolf but a calf(牛犊). The boy felt very 33 . He hurried back to his mother, tears in his eyes. He told her what had happened. His mother said, “You were very 34 . You are my hero because you 35 what you thought was a great danger and you were not afraid.”16. A. famous B. wise C. brave D. generous17. A. wished B. guessed C. realized D. believed18. A. mountain B. forest C. farm D.river19. A. tiger B. lion C. bear D. wolf20. A. thoughts B. questions C. plans D. complaints21. A. bath B. picture C. walk D. break22. A. tired B. afraid C. cruel D. surprised23. A. so B. once C. but D. for24. A. danger B. wonder C. use D. point25. A. sing B. read C. sleep D. draw26. A. give up B. worry about C. look for D. ask about27. A. angrily B. hurriedly C. proudly D.carefully28. A. finally B. suddenly C. gradually D. strangely29. A. listened B. cried C. waited D. watched30. A. close B. familiar C. blind D. harmful31. A. stone B. wall C. tree D. ground32. A. defeated B. bothered C. frightened D. hurt33. A. annoyed B. ashamed C. nervous D. excited34. A. smart B. curious C. courageous D. lucky35. A. faced B. avoided C. chose D. accepted第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AMr. Hadley was my 6th grade teacher. At that time I was a short girl weighing 70 kilograms. Boys always laughed at me because of it. So I became an extremely shy young lady.One day Mr. Hadley told us that we would be required to come to the front of the class and read the reports that we had completed.When my turn came, I refused to stand in front of all those students and open up to their tricks. Mr. Hadley handed me my report and asked me to read it. I gave it back to him. He walked to the front and said, “Martha has a very good report here and I think everyone needs to hear her read it. If you make strange noises or make fun of her in any way, I will let you fail right here and now. OK?”Mr. Hadley walked back to me and handed me the paper again, asking me to go to the front of the class. I walked there on legs that were shakingand I felt a rabbit in my chest. Everyone was all quiet, including those boys. I stood there trying to be calm.Mr. Hadley walked over to me and put his arm around me,“You can do it. I have confidence in you!” His words helped me calm down. I read the report and instead of the kids laughing at me and making fun of me, they all stood up and clapped their hands.From that day on the kids never made fun of me any more and some actually made friends with me. I continued to be quite shy all through school butI knew if I had to stand up in front of the class, I could do it.36. Martha felt extremely shy because of her .A. studyB. ageC. appearanceD. beauty37. Martha refused to read her report in front of the classbecause .A. she didn’t like the teacher of the 6th gradeB. she knew her report was not goodC. the teacher wouldn’t listen to herD. she was afraid of being laughed at38. How did Martha feel when she came to the front to read her report?A. CuriousB. ExcitedC. NervousD. Angry39. From the passage we know that .A. Martha’s report was well writtenB. Martha had a rabbit as her petC. Martha was a good-looking girlD. the teacher helped Martha with her report40. Mr. Hadley helped Martha gain .A. satisfactionB. self-confidenceC. humorD. happinessBThe New York Public Library, in the heart of the city at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue, may have to close its doors.The library is one of New York’s most beautiful and valuable buildings. Even though it is in the busiest part of the city, it has grass and trees around it, and benches for people to sit on. Even more unusual in crowded New York, its rooms are very large. The roof of the Main Reading Room is 51 feet high. Here, a reader can sit and work in comfort.The library has over thirty million books and paintings. It owns one of the first copies of a Shakespeare’s play, a Bible printed in the 15th century, and a letter written by Columbus in which he tells of finding the new world.Every New Yorker can visit the library and use its riches -- free.But the cost of running the library has risen sharply in recent years, and the library has not enough money to continue its work. In the past,it was open every day. Now it is closed on Saturdays and Sundays and every evening to save money.The library is trying to raise more money to meet its increasing cost. Well-known writers and artists are trying to help. So are the universities, whose students use the library, and the government of New York City. But the problem remains serious.Yet a way must be found to save the library because, as one writer said,“The Public Library is the most important building in New York City -- it contains all our knowledge.”41. Where is the New York Public Library?A. Outside New York.B. In the north of the city.C. In the busiest part of New York.D. In the heart of a university.42. What can be found in the library?A. A Bible read by Columbus.B. All the copies of Shakespeare’s plays.C. More than forty million paintings.D. A letter about finding the new world.43. The periods when the library is open now include _______ .A. Tuesday eveningB. Sunday morningC. Saturday afternoonD. Monday morning44. What is the passage mainly about?A, Saving a library. B. Repairing an old building.C. Building a new library.D. Reading in comfort.45. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The library has grass and trees in it.B. New Yorkers don’t have to pay to use the library.C. Famous writers don’t have to pay to use the library.D. The main reading room of the library is 15 feet high.CIf you ask someone why he or she wears clothes, the answer will probably be "to keep warm and to cover my body". These are the basic reasons why clothes are worn, but people also want to look attractive and appear successful to others.If people only wore clothes for warmth and to cover their bodies, most clothes would be simple and cheap. In most Western countries, however, clothes are sometimes very expensive. The main reason for this is not the cost of the cloth or the cost of making the clothes. The clothes are expensive because of fashion(时尚).Successful businessmen, for example, often wear very expensive suits, shirts and ties. Sometimes they pay thousands of dollars for a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie. It’s just a suit and a tie but they paythese prices because of the famous name of the designer. A suit costing much less would be just as warm and would cover the wearer's body just as well.Fashion is always changing, which means those who want to be fashionable have to buy new clothes every few months, even if last month's clothes have only been worn once or twice. Some people have wardrobes full of clothes that have hardly been worn but are no longer in fashion. Being fashionable, therefore, can be a very expensive pastime(消遣)!46. What do people basically wear clothes for?A. Looking attractive to others.B. Following the fashion.C. Appearing successful to others.D. Keeping warm and covering bodies.47. The main reason why clothes are sometimes very expensive is that_______.A. one has to buy new clothesB. these clothes are in fashionC. the cost of the cloth is highD. making clothes costs much48. We can learn from the passage that _______.A. expensive clothes are not worth their pricesB. fashion is not always changingC. expensive clothes are warmerD. fashion designers like expensive clothes49. What does the underlined word “wardrobes” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Fashionable clothes shops.B. The clothes that some people have.C. Cupboards for storing clothes.D. Shelves used for keeping books.50. What is the passage mainly about?A. Suits and ties.B. Clothes and fashion.C. Beauty and success.D. Cost and pastime.第Ⅱ卷第三部分:写作(共两节,满分25分)第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容在表格空白处填入适当信息。