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通信作者:杜鑫,E-mail 52244475 @q q.c o m


年华北理工大学附属开溧医院对开溧职工进行健康查体数据5 187例,并进行统计学。依据体检时R P P四

分位数将研究对象分为RPP <7 700 J 700矣RPP <8 961 J 961矣RPP < 10 400,RPP&10 400等4组,采用逐步线性回

归分析RPP与颈动脉内膜中层厚度的相关性。结果(1)5 187例研究对象中男3 121例,女2 066例,年龄40 ~94

岁;(2)随着R P P的增加CIMT逐渐增厚J组CIMT的厚度分别为(0. 80 ±0. 17)m m、(0. 83 ±0. 19)m m、(0. 86 ±

0.19)m m、(0.89±0.20)m m;(3)将CIMT作为因变量,RPP作为自变量,应用多元线性回归分析方法显示:通过校正

其他混杂因素后,结果发现R PP与CIMT呈正相关,随着R P P的,CIMT逐渐增厚。结论R PP与颈动脉内膜中厚度呈正相关。


【DOI】10.3969 / j. issn. 1671-450.2019.01.004

The correlations of rate pressure product w ithcarotidintim am edia thickness * DU Xin,LI Jie,Shouling,MA Lin,ZHANGShuhua. * Department of Ultrasound ,

Hospital Hebei Province, Tangshan 063000,China

Correspondence author:DU Xin,E-rnaii 552444477 @ qq. com

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the correlations of rate pressure product with carotid intima media thickness. Metliods The data of health examination for employees of Kailuan Group in Kailuan Hospital Affiliated to North China Uni­versity of Technology from 2010 to 2011 were analyzed and statistically processed. The subjects were divided into four groups :

RPP < 7 700,7 700 < RPP < 8 961,8 961 < RPP < 10 400 and RPP < 10 400. The correlation betw^een RPP and ca­

rotid intima - media thickness was analyzed by stepwise linear regression. Results ( 1) There were 3 121 males and 2 066 fe­

males aged 40 -94 years in 5 187 subjects;(2) With the increase of RPP,CIMT gradually became thicker,and the thick­

ness of CIMT in four groups were (0. 80 ± 0. 17) mm,(0.83 ±0.19) mm,(0.86 ±0.19) mm,(0.89 ±0.20) mm;(3)

Using CIMT as dependent variable and RPP as independent variable,multiple linear regression analysis showed that ater ad­justing for other confounding factors,it was found that RPP was positively correlated with CIMT. With the increase of RPP,CIMT became thicker. Conclusion RPP was positively correlated with carotid intima-media thickness.

[Key words】Heart rate and blood pressure product; Carotid intima-media thickness;Correlation

据估计全球每年大约有1 700万人死于心脑血管 疾病,其中高血压导致的死亡 940万,逐渐

的心 与心脑血管疾病的发病率密切相关[1]。心率血压乘积(rate-pressure product,RPP)为静息心率 与收缩的乘积, 心肌耗氧量的指标[2],与缺血性心血管疾病的发生密切相关,目前针对RPP与动 脉粥样硬化疾病的相关性研究已逐渐成为热点[3],但 论尚存 。颈动脉内膜中层厚度(carotid intima-media thickness,CIMT)是超声检查中最直观检测到的与早期动脉粥样硬化性疾病相关的指标[45],国内关于 RPP与CIMT相关性的大 阐少,因此笔者据开溧 职工近年的查体据对此进行了相关性,报道如下。


1.1研究对象整理分析2010—2011年华北理工大 学附属开溧医院对开溧 职工进行的健康体数据,最终纳人5 187例研究对象,其中男3 121例,女 2 066例,年龄40 ~ 94岁。根据研究对象心率血压乘
