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1. Is the news very important? 2. Who taught you English last year? 3. Don’t listen to music in the classroom. 4. You can study and make much progress. 5. I wonder how I worked out the problem. 6. Please prepare the table for the dinner. 7. What is the population of Canada? 8. How long is the river? 9. John is the tallest of the students. 10.This river is as long as that one.
1. Why don’t you talk to your parents? 2. He allows his son too much money . 3. It’s time for school. 4. I should learn to relax. 5. Are there many clouds in the sky? 6. Are there any apples on the tree? 7. He goes to the movies once a week. 8. How long does it take you to get to school? 9. This book is not as interesting as that one? 10.We missed the train because of the bad traffic.
1. Which book do you like better? 2. Are there any people in the room? 3. Don’t speak Chinese in an English class. 4. You had better finish your homework on time. 5. The grandpa showed us how to plant a tree. 6. Let me think it over. 7. Can I trouble you to help me? 8. She goes to school with her friend. 9. He is writing with a pencil. 10.What’s the matter with your bike?
1. Who is that girl over there ? 2. Can you sing this song in English? 3. Lily is easy to get along with. 4. He is taller than any other boy in his class. 5. I am sure he will be very successful some day. 6. Have you finished your homework? 7. There are two million people in our city. 8. I will introduce myself to you . 9. She used to ride her bike to school. 10.Where does he come from?
1. Is this handbag hers? 2. This kind of paper feels very soft. 3. How many cars are there in the parking lot? 4. They have something important to tell you. 5. He made a mistake in class yesterday. 6. Do you like math? 7. How well he plays volleyball! 8. I haven’t finished my homework yet. 9. The book was written by his mother. 10.They didn’t stop working until the snow began.
1. He is late for the lecture.演讲 2. What is your favorite fruit? 3. He kept me waiting for two hours. 4. Do you know who is standing there? 5. The twins didn’t finish their homework until ten. 6. Is that a red apple? 7. Which book did you borrow? 8. Let’s take a train to Beijing. 9. Their teacher told them to be on time. 10.Mum taught us how to make dumplings yesterday.
1. Do you have a ruler? 2. The noodles taste nice. 3. How far is the museum? 4. Pass her those black pens. 5. There’s a football match on TV now. 6. Have you turned off the radio? 7. Will you please give me a hand? 8. Tony gets up early every day. 9. You need to pay for the lost book. 10.Show me that magazine you bought yesterday.
1. Would you mind closing the door? 2. Do you like the story ? 3. We can’t afford to pay such a high price. 4. She and I are going on a trip this afternoon. 5. Let’s help her clean her room. 6. Is the pencil his? 7. Does the soup taste delicious? 8. The hat looks nice on you. 9. What do you think of the story? 10.You know he has been to Beijing twice.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
1. What did you have for supper? 2. Can you tell me the way to the station? 3. What an excellent talk he gave us! 4. I do not think the boy is lazy. 5. There are many tall buildings in our city. 6. Tom hopes to become a doctor. 7. She didn’t know what to do next. 8. Is it easy to learn a foreign language? 9. I will go to see you if I am free tonight. 10.Our teacher told us an interesting story yesterday.
1. They enjoyed spending time with their children. 2. They are waiting at the bus stop? 3. She often helps me with English. 4. Could you please help me with my math? 5. Did you have a good time last night? 6. They would like some tea. 7. What would you like for breakfast? 8. He found a wallet on his way home. 9. You’d better not tell him the truth. 10.I said he could walk to school with me.
1. Each student has a computer at school. 2. Would you like some rice? 3. I can’t decide when to start. 4. We are all excited about the news. 5. Let’s go swimming together. 6. Do you agree with me? 7. Who made this nice cake? 8. Never be late for school. 9. She asked me not to draw on the wall. 10. Jock was surprised when he heard the news.