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The Second Turning Point
The Nazi
The Holocaust大毁灭
The lack of mother’s love Disillusioned 幻想破灭 Suffered from disease Social environment Race discrimination
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace does it perish.
It’s a weak civilization if it can’t be carried forward and protected by certain mighty, and will be conquered by cruelty sooner or later.
The World War two
• 第二次世界大战(World War II,1939年9月1日— 1945年9月2日),简称二战,是以德国、意大利、 日本法西斯等轴心国及保加利亚、匈牙利、罗马 尼亚等国为一方,以反法西斯同盟和全世界反法 西斯力量为另一方进行的第二次全球规模的战争。 从欧洲到亚洲,从大西洋到太平洋,先后有61个 国家和地区、20亿以上的人口被卷入战争,作战 区域面积2200万平方千米。据不完全统计,战争 中军民共伤亡7000余万人,4万多亿美元付诸流水。 第二次世界大战最后以美国、苏联、中国、英国 等反法西斯国家和世界人民战胜法西斯侵略者赢 得世界和平与进步而告终。
啤酒馆政变又称啤酒馆暴动、慕尼黑政变;在1923 年11月9日晚上发生,由德国纳粹党在慕尼黑的贝格 勃劳凯勒啤酒馆发动,并计划仿效先前贝尼托·墨 索里尼的向罗马进军,进行类似行动推翻魏玛共和 国。但最后失败。主要策划者包括纳粹党领导人阿 道夫·希特勒、一战德军名将埃里希·鲁登道夫及 其他战斗联盟的成员。政变失败后三天,希特勒被 判叛国罪。他的部分同党被捕,也有些逃到奥地利。 魏玛共和国政府捣破纳粹党的总部,并查封了党报 《人民观察家报》。1924年2月26日,希特勒与其部 下鲁道夫·赫斯被判监五年,鲁登道夫则被判无罪。 在牢狱中,赫斯担当秘书,协助希特勒撰写了《我 的奋斗》,作为后者的自传与政治思想的代表作。 希特勒最后在该年12月被释放,
The first step to eliminate one nation is to disintegrate its language which embodied its culture that started from school.
German citizen after 1932 Political party: National Socialist
German Workers Party(Nazi) Position: Chancellor of Germany
from1933 to 1945
Hitler’ parents , younger sister and his wife
Klara Hitler Alois Hitler Eva Braun Paula
He talented in painting
His paintings
Also His paintings
His designs
First Turning Point
Beer Hall Putsch 酒馆政变
Introduction important story
comment proverbs
Personal details
Born: 20th April, 1889 Austria Died: 30th April, 1945 Berlin, Germany Nationality: Austrian citizen until 1925
If Hitler, his ambition of painting can be achieve, the WW II would be happen?
➢ Evil: persecuted the Jews lead to World War II
➢ Genius: strategist, speaker, psychologist, architect, painter, politician
• In one word: he is a success man also a failure one, his broad knowledge make him to be a unique leader, but his prejudice bring death to him and his empire.