
2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案解析(第2套)Part I Writing (30minutes)Dire cti ons :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on this kind of modem life. Youshould write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.THIS MODERN LIFEWORK HOME PLAY SLEEPPart II Listening Comprehension (30minutes)Section ADire cti ons:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and thequestions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, youmust read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then markthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1.A) He is pl eas ed t o sit on th e co m mitt ee.B) He is w illi ng t o of fer t he w om an a ha nd.C) He wil l te ll the wo man h is d eci sion l at er.D) He wo uld like to b eco me a c lu b mem ber.2.A) Their planne d tri p to V an cou v er is o bvious ly ov erpriced.B) The y sho uld bor row a gui de b o ok ins te ad of buy ing o ne.C) The guid e bo oks i n th e lib rar y hav e the lat est inf orm ation.D) The libr ary c an h elp ord er g uide book s ab out Van cou ver.3.A) He re gr ets h avi ng t ake n the his t ory c our se.B) He fin ds li ttl e in ter est in th e hist ory b ook s.C) He has tro ubl e fi nish ing his read ing ass ign men ts.D) He ha s di ffi cul ty w rit ing t he w e ekly book rep ort.4.A) T he m an h ad be tte r ch oos e an o ther res tau ran t.B) The ne w res tau ra nt is a per fect pla ce f or d ating.C) The ne w res tau ra nt ca ugh t her f anc y imm ediately.D) The ma n ha s goo d taste in ch o osin g the restau ran t.5. A) H e ha s bee n lo oki ng fo rw ar d to sp rin g. C) He w ill cle an t he wo ma n’s b oots for sp rin g.B) He has be en w ait ing f or t he w in ter s ale.D) He will help th e wom an p ut th in gs aw ay.6. A) At a tai lor’s. C) In a cl oth es st ore.B) At Bob’s hom e. D) In a th eatre.7. A) His guest s fa vor Tib etan dri nks. C) Mineral wat er is goo d fo r hea lth.B) At Bob’s h ome.D) Plain water will serv e the purpose.8. A) Repor t th e res ult of a d isc us sion. C) Submit an im portant doc ume nt.B) Rais e so me en vir onm ent al i ssue s. D) Revise an en vi ronm ental repo rt.Questio ns 9 t o 12 a re b ase d on t he c onve rsa tio n yo u hav e ju st heard.9.A) Th ey po llute t he so il u sed t o co v er th em. C) The ru bbi sh in th em takes lon g to d issolv e.B) The y ar e ha rmf ul t o nea rby nei g hbor hoo ds. D) The g as th ey em it is extrem ely poi sono us.10.A) Gr owi ng po pul ati on. C) Changed eating hab it s.B) Pac kag ing mat eri als. D) Lower pro duction co st.11.A) By s avi ng e ner gy. C) By redu ci ng po iso nou s wast es.B) By us ing les s al umi num. D) By mak ing the m ost of ma te ria ls.12.A) We are run nin g out o f na tur al r es ourc es soon.B) On ly co mbi ned eff ort s ca n make a diff erence.C) Th e wa ste p rob lem wil l ev entu al ly hu rt all of u sD) Al l of u s ca n act ual ly b ene fit fro m rec ycling.Questio ns 13 to 15 are bas ed o n the conv ers ati on y ou have just h eard.13.A) Mi ami.B) Va nco uver.C) Bellin gh am.D) Bo sto n.14.A) To g et i nfo rma tio n on o ne-wa y ti cket s to C anada.B) To i nquire abo ut th e pr ice of “ S uper Sav er” seats.C) To g et a dvi ce o n how to fl y as ch eapl y as p ossible.D) To i nqu ire abo ut th e sh ort est rou t e to dr ive hom e.15.A) Jo in a t our ist g rou p.C) Av oid t rip s in p ubl ic h olid ays.B) Choos e a ma jor air lin e. D) Bo ok ti cke ts a s early a s po ssi ble.Section BDire cti ons:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C),and D). Then mark the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Pass age OneQuestions 16 to 18 are bas ed o n the pass age you h ave just heard.16.A) Th ere are mys ter iou s sto rie s be hi nd his works.B) Th ere are man y mis und ers tan din gs ab out h im.C) Hi s wor ks h ave no ma tch wor ld wide.D) Hi s pe rson al h ist ory i s li ttl e kno w n.17.A) He mov ed to S tr atf ord-on-Av on in his chi ldh ood.B) He f ai led t o go b eyo nd g ram mar scho ol.C) He w as a mem ber of th e to wn c ounc il.D) He o nc e wor ke d in a w ell-kn ow n act ing comp any.18.A) Wr ite rs o f his tim e ha d no m ean s to pro tect th eir works.B) Pos sib le s our ces of cl ues abo ut hi m wer e lost in a fire.C) Hi s wor ks w ere ada pte d be yon d reco gnitio n.D) Pe opl e of his ti me h ad li ttl e in ter e st in h im.Pass age TwoQuestio ns 19 to 21 are bas ed o n the pass age you h ave jus t heard.19.A) It s how s you hav e be en i gno rin g your health.B) It c an s eri ous ly a ffe ct y our t hin ki ng pr ocess.C) It i s an e ar ly wa rni ng o f so me il ln ess.D) It i s a sy mpt om o f to o muc h pr es sure.20. A) Redu ce ou r wo rkl oad. C) Use painkillers f or relief.B) Contro l ou r tem pe r. D) Avoid mas kin g sym pto ms.21. A) Lyi ng do wn a nd h avi ng so me sl eep. C) Goin g out for a wa lk.B) Rubbi ng an d pr ess ing one’s bac k. D) List ening to lig ht mu sic.Pass age Thr eeQuestio ns 22 to 25 are bas ed o n the pass age you have just heard.22. A) Depe ndi ng he avi ly o n loa ns. C) Spend ing beyond one’s m ean s.B) Havin g no b udg et p lan s at a ll. D) Leavi ng n o roo m for lar ge b ills.23. A) Ma ny of the m ca n be c ut. C) They eat up most of the fami ly i nco me.B) All of t hem hav e to b e co ver e d. D) They eat up mo st o f the fam ily inco me.24. A) Re nt a hous e ins tead of buy i ng on e. C) Make a con se rva tio n pla n.B) Discu ss th e pr obl em i n the fa mily. D) Move to a ch eap er p lac e.25. A) Fi nan cia l iss ues pla gui ng a f amil y. C) Family budg et p rob lem s an d sol utions.B) Diffi cul ty i n mak ing bot h end s mee t. D) New ways to bo ost fam ily i nco me.Section CDire cti ons :In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you arerequired to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage isread for the third time, you should check what you have written.Perh aps bec aus e go ing t o co lle ge is so mu ch a p art o f th e Am eri can dre a m, many peo ple g o fo r no 26 r eas on. Some go be cause t hei r pa ren ts e xpect it, o the rs be cause ifs w hat their fr iends a re do ing. Then, the re’s th e bel ie f tha t a co llege degree w ill 27 ens ure a goo d job a nd hig h pa y.Some s tud ent s 28 th rou gh fo ur y e ars, at ten din g classes, or skipping (逃课) th em as the case ma y be, rea ding o nly what can’t b e avo ide d, loo kin g fo r le ss 29 cour ses, and n ever being to uche d or c ha nge d in any im por tan t way. Fo r a fewof these peop le, c oll ege p rov ides no 30 , yet be ca use o f paren tal or p eer pressure, th ey ca nno t vo lun tarily l eave. The y st op tryi ng in the hop e tha t th eir t ea che rs will mak e the decisi on f or th em b y 31 them.To put it b lun tly/(直截了当地),u nle ss you’re w illing to make you r colleg e yea rs cou nt, you mig ht be 32 doing some thi ng e lse. N ot e ver yon e sh ou ld at ten d col lege, no r sh ould every one w ho do es atte nd b egin ri ght a fter h igh scho ol. Many col leg e st ude nts 33 t akin g a yea r or so o ff. A year ou t in the w orld hel ps some peo ple to 34 their prioriti es a nd goal s. If you’r e re all y going to g et s omet hin g out of going to colleg e, you have to ma ke it mean som eth in g, and to do that you must h ave som e ide a wh y yo u’r e th ere, w hat you h ope to get ou t of it, and 35 even wha t yo u hop e to b ecom e.PartⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Sect ion ADire cti ons:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefullybefore making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark thecorresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Youmay not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questio ns 36 to 45 are bas ed o n the foll owi ng p assage.Ifs our g uil ty p lea sur e: W atchin g TV is the mos t co mmo n ev ery day a ctiv ity, aft er w ork and sle ep, in ma n y parts o f the w orl d. Ame ric ans vie w fiv e ho u rs of T V ea ch d ay, an d while w e kn ow th at sp end ing so mu ch time s itti ng 36 can l ea d to obesit y/(肥胖症)a nd ot her dis e ases, r es ear chers h ave n ow q uan tified just how 37 b ein g a co uch pot at o can b e.In a n a nal ysi s o f da ta fr om e igh t l arg e 38 .pu blished studies, a Harv ar d-le d g rou p r epo rte d in th e that fo r e very tw o hour s per day sp ent c han nel 39 , the ris k of dev elop ing Ty pe 2 diabetes Journal of the Am eri can M e dica l Aso c ia t ion (糖尿病)ro se 20% ov er 8. 5 ye ars, the ri sk o f heart d isease increased 15% ove r a 40 , and t he od ds o f dyin g pre maturely 41 13% d uri ng a s eve n-yea r f oll o w-up. Al l o f t hes e 42 are linked to a lac k o f p hysical exerci se. But com par ed wi thSection BDire cti ons :In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked witha letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Essa y-G ra ding Sof tware Offers P ro fessors a BreakA)Imag ine t aki ng a col leg e exam, an d, inste ad of h andi ng in a blue bo o k and get tin g a gra de fro m a pro fe ssor a fewweeks lat er, cl ick ing t he “s end” but t on whe n you are do ne an d receivin g a grad e back instan tly, y our e ssa y scored by a soft war e pr ogr am. An d th en, ins tea d of bei ng do ne w ith that exam, ima g ine th at the sy ste m wo uld i mme dia t ely let yo u rewrit e the tes t to t ry to imp rov e you r grade.B)EdX, the no npr ofi t ente rpr is e foun ded by Harvard and th e Massach usetts Instit ute of T ech nol ogy (M IT) to offercour ses on the In ter net, h as j ust i ntr o duce d su ch a syst em and will make its a uto mat ed(自动的)so ftw are av aila ble fre e on the W eb t o an y in sti tut ion tha t want s to use it. The s oftware u ses a rtif ici al inte lligen ce to g rad e student essays and shor t wr itt en an sw ers, f ree ing pro fes sors for o ther tasks.C)The n ew s er vic e wi ll b rin g th e ed u cati onal consortium(联盟)int o a g rowin g co nfl ict ove r th e role of automation ineduc ati on. Alt hough auto ma ted gr a ding sy stems for mu lti ple-ch oice an d true-false te sts are n ow wid esp read, the use o f arti fic ial int ell ige nc e te chn olog y to g rade essay answers has not yet received w ide spread ac cep tan ce b y ed u cato rs a nd has m any c rit ics.D)Anan t Aga rw al, an e lectri cal e ngi ne er who is presiden t of Ed X, predicted that t he in sta nt-gradin g so ftw are would be ausef ul tea chi ng too l, enab lin g s tud ents to tak e t est s and write essays o ver and ov er and im prove th e q ual ity of the ir answ ers. H e said t he te chn olo gy wo uld of fer d isti nct advantages o ver t h e trad itiona l cla ssroom sy ste m, whe re stud ents ofte n wa it da ys or wee ks fo r gr ade s. “There is a hug e value in learning with ins tan t feedb ack,” Dr. Ag arwa l said.“Studen ts a re te lli ng u s the y learn m uch b ett er with instant feedback.”E)But skeptics (怀疑者) th e aut oma ted sy stem is n o match fo r live teac hers. O ne lo ngtime cri tic , Le s Per elman, h asdrawn nat ion al at ten tio n sev er al ti m es for p utting t ogether non sen se essa ys tha t hav e foo led s oft ware gradi ng programs into g ivi ng h igh m ark s. He h as a lso been hig hly critical of stu dies cla imi ng th at th e so ftw are com pares w ell t o hum a n graders.F)He is amon g a grou p of educato rs who last month beg an circulating a petition(呼吁) opp osing a utom ate dasse ssm ent s oft ware. The gr oup, whic h calls its elf P rofession als Ag ains t Mac hin e Scoring o f Stud ent Essay s in High-St ake s Ass ess men t, has co lle cted n ear ly 2,000 sig natures, inc lu ding some from f amo us pe ople li ke Noa m Chom sky.G)“Let’s f ac e the re ali tie s of aut oma ti c ess ay scoring,” th e gr oup’s s tate ment rea ds in part.“Com puters ca nnot ‘read’.They ca nnot me asu re t he ess ent ial s of e ffe ctive written co mmu nication:a ccu rac y, re aso nin g, ad equ acy of evid ence, good s ens e, ethical( 伦理的) po sit ion, co nvincing argu men t, meanin g ful o rga niz ation, an d clari ty, am ong othe rs. H)But EdX exp ect s its so ftw ar e to b e adop ted w idely by schoo ls an d univ ersities. It offe rs free onlin e classes fromHarvar d, MIT and the Uni ver sit y of Cali fornia-Berk eley; th is f all, it w ill add c lasses fro m W ell esl ey, G eorge town an d the Univ er sit y of Te xas. In a ll, 12 u nive rsi ties p artici pate in Ed X, wh ic h of fers ce rti ficates for cou rse co mp leti on a nd has s aid t hat it pl ans to co nti nue to ex pand nex t year, in clu ding add ing i nt erna tio nal sch ools.I)The E dX as ses sme nt to ol r equ ire s h uman t eachers, or g rad er s, to first g rade 100 essay s or essa y que stions. T he sys temthen us es a v ari ety of ma chi ne-le ar ning te chn iqu es to train itself to be able to gra de any nu mbe r o f e ssa ys or a nsw ers auto mat ica lly a nd al mos t inst ant ly. The so ftw are will assig n a grade depend ing on t he sc ori ng sys tem c re a ted by th e teac he r, whe the r it i s a le tte r gr ade or nume rical(数字的)ran k.J)EdX i s n ot t he f irs t t o us e th e auto m ated as sessment tech nol ogy, which date s to early com puter s in the 1960s. The re is now a range of c omp ani es of fer ing commercial pr ograms to g rad e wri tten test an swe rs, an d four stat es—Loui sia na, Nort h Dakota, U tah a nd We st Vi rgi nia—are u sin g some form of th e tec hnology in sec ond ary scho ols. A fifth, Indiana, has experi men ted wi th i t. In so m e c ases th e so ftware is used as a “seco n d re ader,” to c hec k the r eliabi lity o f t he h uman graders.K)But the gr owi ng inf luence of the Ed X conso rtium to set stan dar ds is lik el y to give the te ch nolo gy a boo st. On Tues day, Stanfor d a nno unc ed tha t i t w oul d work wi th EdX to develop a join t educ ationa l system tha t w ill ma ke use of th e auto mat ed a sse ssm ent tec hno log y.L)Two sta rt-ups, Co urs era an d U da cit y, re cen tly fo und ed by Stanfo rd fac ulty me mbe rs to create “massiv e o pen onlin e cour ses,” or MOO Cs, ar e also c om mitt e d to au tomated assessmen t sys tems b eca use o f the va lue o f inst ant feed ba ck.“It all ows st ude nts to get im med iat e fee dba ck on their work, so th at lean turn s into a gam e, wi th stu den ts nat ural ly(吸引) to war d res ubm itt ing th e wo rk unti l the y get it righ t,” said Dap hne Rolle r, a comp uter scient ist a nd a found er o f Courser a.M)Last y ear t he He wlett Fou nd atio n, a gran t-making organ izatio n set u p by one of the H ewlett- Pac kard fou nde rs and hi s wife, s pon sor ed tw o $100,000 p riz es aim ed at impr ovi ng so ftw are t ha t grad es essay s and s hor t ans wers. More t ha n 150 te ams ent ere d ea ch ca teg or y. A winne r of o ne o f the Hewlet t con tests, Vi k Par uch uri, w as h ired by Ed X to hel p desi gn it s as ses sme nt s oft war e.N)“One of our foc use s is to help ki ds l earn ho w to think critically,”said Victor Vu chic, a prog ram officer at th e Hewl ett Foun dat ion. “ I t’s p rob abl y imp oss i ble to d o that with mul tip le-cho ice t ests. T he ch alleng e is th at th is re qui res hum an graders, and s o th ey co st a l ot mo re and t hey take a lot mor e time. ”O)Mark D. Sherm is, a pro fe sso r at th e Univ ers ity o f Akron in Oh io, su perv ised the H ewlett Found at ion’s cont est o n automat ed ess ay s cor ing an d wr ote a paper ab out the exp er ime nt. In his vi ew, th e t ech nol ogy—tho ug h impe rfe ct—ha s a pl ace in ed uc atio n al se tti ngs.P)With in cr eas ingl y lar ge cla sse s, it is impos sib le for mo st teach ers to g ive stu den ts mea nin gfu l fee dback on writ in g assi gnm ent s, he said. Pl us, he not ed, criti cs of th e tech nology have tende d to come from th e nation’s best un iver sities, where th e le vel o f te ach ing is mu ch bett er t han at mo st schoo ls.Q)Ofte n the y come f rom v ery fa mou s instit uti ons wh ere, in fact, th ey do a much b ett er job o f prov iding fe edb a ck than a mach ine eve r cou ld,”Dr. Sh erm is s aid. “ Th er e seems to be a lack o f appre cia tio n of w hat i s actua lly g oin g on in the real wor ld.”46.Some p ro fes sio nal s in educ ati on a re coll ect ing sig natures to v oice th eir o pposition to automa ted essay gradin g.ing so ftw are t o gr ade stu den ts’ es says sav es teacher s tim e fo r other w ork.48.The H ewl ett con tes ts ai m at i mp rovi ng es say g rad ing sof tware.49.Thou gh th e aut om ate d gradin g sy stem i s wid ely used in mu lti ple-c hoic e tests, au tom ate d essay g rad i ng is stillcrit ici zed by m any e duc ato rs.50.Some p eo ple d on’t be lie ve th e so ft ware gra din g sy stem can do as goo d a job a s hum an g rad ers.51.Crit ics of autom ate d es say sco rin g d o not s eem to kn ow the tr ue realities in le ss famou s un ive rsitie s.52.Crit ics argue m any i mpo rta nt a spe ct s of ef fective writing cann ot b e me asured by co mpu te r rating pro gra ms.53.As cl ass s ize gro ws, mo st t eac her s a re un able to g ive stud ent s valuable c omme nts as to how t o im pro ve th eir writing.54.The a uto mat ed a sse ssm ent t ech nol o gy is s ometim es u sed to do uble chec k the w ork of hu ma n graders.55.Student s find in sta nt f eed bac k hel ps impr ove their lear nin g con sid er ably.Section CDire cti ons:There are 2 passages in this 'Section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide onthe best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through thecentre.Pass age OneQuestio ns 56 to 60 are bas ed o n the foll owi ng p assage.The e ndl ess de bat e ab out “wo rk-l ife b al ance ’’ often con tains a ho pefu l fo otn ote ab out stay-at- h om e dad s. If Amer ic an s oci ety and bu sin ess wo n5t m ake it eas ier on fut ure femal e leade rs who cho ose to hav e ch ild ren, there is st ill th eray of h ope tha t i ncr eas ing num be rs o f fu ll-tim e f ath ers wil l. Bu t bas ed on to d ay’s s ocioec ono mic tren ds, th is h ope is,unfo rtu nat ely, m isguid ed.I t’s t ru e tha t the num ber o f me n wh o hav e lef t wo rk to d o their thin g as full-ti me p are nts h as d oubled in a d ecad e, butifs s til l very sma ll: o nly0. 8% o f marr ied co upl es w here the s tay-at-h ome father was ou t of th e la bor fo rc e fo r a y ea r. Ev enthat perc ent ag e is li kel y inf lat ed by men th rus t int o their caretak er ro le by a dow nsi zin g. Thi s is sim ply n ot a large eno ughgrou p t o re duc e t he soc ial stigma(污名)an d f orce o ther adju stm ents nece ssa ry to sup porting men i n th is dec isi on, e ven ifonly for a rel ati vel y sh ort t ime.Even sho rt er t ime s aw ay fro m wo r k for working f ath ers are al ready difficu lt. A stu dy f oun d th at 85% of n e w fa the rs take some tim e off aft er th e bi rth o f a chil d—b ut fo r all b ut a f ew, i t’s a week o r two a t mo st. Mea nw hil e, the av erage forwome n wh o tak e le ave is mo re t han 10 wee ks.Such choi ce s imp act who mov es up in t he o rganization. Wh ile you’re aw ay, so meo ne e lse is do ing yo ur wo rk, maki ng your sal es, t aki ng car e of yo ur cu sto mers. Th at can’t h elp you at work. It c an o nly hu rt y ou. Wo men, of co ur se, fac ethe s ame iss ues of ret urn ing aft er a l ong a bse nce. But with many m ore wome n th an m en cho osin g to le av e the wor kforceenti rel y to rais e fa mil ies, ret urn ing f r om an e xte nded paren tal leave d oesn’t raise as m any eye bro ws a s it d oes for m en.Wome n wou ld ma ke mo re if t he y didn't break th eir earn ing trajectory (轨迹)by leavi ng th e workforce, o r if higher-pay ing pro fes sio ns w ere m ore f ami ly-fr ien dly. In th e fo res eeable futu re, st ay- at-ho me fath ers m ay ma ke a ll thediff erenc e fo r in div idu al f ami lies, b ut th eir pre sen ce w on’t redu ce t he n umbe rs o f hi gh-pot ential wom en w ho are fo rc ed t ochoose betw een fam ily a nd c are er.56.What giv es wo me n a ray of h ope to achi eve wor k-life balance?A)More men t aki ng a n ex ten ded p ar en tal leav e.B)Peop led cha ngi ng at tit udes to war ds fami ly.C)More wom en e nte rin g bus ine ss m anagemen t.D)The i mpr ove men t of t hei r so cio eco nomi c st atu s.57.Why d oes t he a uth or s ay th e ho pe f or mo re full-time fath ers is mi sgui de d?A)Wome n ar e be tte r at t aki ng c are of c hild ren.B)Many men v alu e wo rk m ore t han th eir family.C)Thei r number is t oo sm al l to m ake a diff erence.D)Not m any m en h ave the c han ce t o s tay at hom e.58.Why d o fe w men tak e a lo ng p are nt al le ave?A) A long lea ve w ill h av e a ne gat ive im pact on th eir car eer.B)They jus t hav e to o man y re spo nsi bil ities to f ulf ill at wo rk.C)The e conomi c los s wi ll b e too muc h for th eir fam ily to bear.D)They are lik ely t o ge t fir ed i f ab sen t f rom work for too long.59.What is th e mo st li kel y re act ion to men r etu rni ng f rom an ex ten ded parenta l le ave?A) Jea lou sy.C) Ad mirati on.B) Surpri se.D) Sy mpa thy.60.What doe s the aut hor say a bou t hi gh-pot ential wom en in the n ot-too-dist ant f utu re?A)They wil l ben efi t fr om t he tr en d of more fat hers stayi ng at hom e.B)They wil l fin d hi gh-pay ing p rof es si ons a b it m ore f amily-fr ien dly.C)They are unli ke ly to b re ak th ei r car e er tr ajecto ry to raise a fam ily.D)They wil l sti ll f ace the d iff icu lt c hoi c e bet ween career an d ch ild ren.Pass age TwoQuestio ns 61 to 65 are bas ed o n the foll owi ng p assage.Some of t he wor ld’s most s ign ifi cant prob lem s nev er hit h ead lin es. On e exam ple co mes f rom ag ric ulture. Food ri ots and hunge r make n ews. But t he tre nd lyin g behind th ese matters is rarely talk ed ab out. Th is is the d ecl ine i n the gro wth i nyiel ds of som e of t he wo rld’s m ajo r crop s. A ne w stu dy by the Univ ersity of Mi nnesot a and McG ill U niv ersity in Montre a llooks at w her e, and how far, t his dec line is occur rin g.The aut hor s t ake a vas t n umb er of d ata poi nts fo r the fou r m ost importa nt crop s :ric e, wh ea t, co m a nd soyabeans (大豆).The y find th at on b et wee n 24% an d 39% of all harvested areas, t he impr ove men t in y iel ds tha t t ook plac e b efo re th e1980s slowed dow n in t he 1990s an d 2000s.Ther e ar e tw o wo rry ing f ea tur es of t he sl owd own. One is that it h as b een particu larly sh arp in t he wo rld’s m o st(人口多的)c oun tri es, In dia and Ch in a. Thei r abi lit y to f eed them selves h as been an i mpo rtant so urc e of r ela ti ve sta bility b ot hwithin t he c ountri es a nd on wor ld f ood m ark ets. That self-sufficien cy canno t be tak en for g ran ted if yi eld s continu e to slo wdown or re ve rse.Seco nd, yie ld gr owt h has be en lo wer in w heat and rice th an in co m and soya be ans. Th is is probl ema tic beca use whea t a nd ric e a re m or e im por tan t as f ood s, ac cou nting for ar oun d half of a ll calories con sum ed. C om and soy abeans aremore im por tan t a s f ee d g rai ns. T h e au tho rs not e that “w e h ave pr ef erent ial ly focuse d o ur cro p i mprov e ment efforts onfeeding ani mal s an d car s ra the r th an on cr ops t hat feed people and are the basis of food secu rity in muc h of the world. ”, The r eport qu ali fi es th e mo re op tim i stic find ing s of another new p ap er whic h sug ge sts t hat the w orl d wil l n ot hav e to dig u p a lo t mo re l and for far min g i n ord er t o fe ed 9 b illion peo ple in 2050, as the Food and Agr icu ltu re O rgan isa tio n hasargued.Inst ead, i t says, tha nks t o slo win g po pula tio n gro wth, l and curr en tly p lou ghed u p fo r cro ps might b e ab le to r eve rt (回返)to for est or wi lde rne ss. Thi s co uld hap pen. The troub le is that the f orec ast as sum es con tin ued im pro ve ments i n y ields,whic h ma y not act ual ly h app en.61.What doe s the aut hor try t o dr aw att enti on to?A) Fo od ri ots and h ung er i n the wor l d. C) Th e de clin e of the g ra in yield gro wth.B) Ne ws headlin es in the l ead ing m edia.D) Th e fo od su ppl y in p opu lou s cou ntri es.62.Why d oes t he a uth or m ent ion I ndi a and C hin a in p articu lar?A)Thei r se lf-suf fic ien cy i s vit al t o th e st abil ity o f wo rld foo d marke ts.B)Thei r fo od yi eld s ha ve b egu n to d ec rease sh arp ly in recen t years.C)Thei r bi g pop ula tio ns are c aus ing w orld wid e co ncerns.D)Thei r fo od se lf-su ffi ciency has b een taken fo r gr anted.63.What doe s the new stu dy by the t w o univ ersities say abou t recen t cro p impro vem ent efforts?A)They fai l to p rod uce the s am e rem ar kable results as bef ore the 1980s.B)They con tri but e a lo t to t he i mpr ove ment of hu man foo d pr odu ctio n.C)They pla y a ma jor rol e in g uar ant eei ng th e foo d security o f th e wo rld.D)They foc us mo re o n th e inc rease o f animal feed than hum an f ood g rains.64.What doe s the Foo d and Agr icu ltu r e Org anisation s ay abou t wo rld food prod uct ion in th e com ing dec ade s? aA)The g row ing p opu lat ion wil l greatl y incr ease th e pressu re o n wo rld food supp lies.B)The o pti mis tic p red ict ion abo ut fo od prod uction shou ld b e viewed wit h c auti on.C)The "slo wdo wn o f th e gro wth in yi e lds o f major f ood cro ps will b e rev ersed.D)The w orl d wil l be abl e to f eed its p o pulatio n wit hou t in creasi ng f arm lan d.65.How d oes t he a uth or vi ew t he a rgu ment of th e Fo od an d Ag riculture O rgan isa tio n?A)It is b uil t on t he f ind ings of a n ew s tu dy.B)It is b ase d on a dou btf ul as sum pti on.C)It is b ack ed b y str ong evi den ce.D)It is o pen to fu rth er d isc uss ion.Part IV Translation (30minutes)Dire cti ons:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.据报道,今年中国快递服务(c ouri er s erv ices)将递送大约120亿件包裹。

2015年12月大学英语4级真题答案(第二套)Part I WritingLearning Should Be A Lifelong ProcessIt is often said that learning is a daily experience and a lifetime mission, which indicates the importance of lifelong learning we have been lectured over and over again.Lifelong learning is crucial to our life and career in modern society. Living in such an era of rapid development of information, we have to keep pace with times through ceaseless learning; otherwise, we’ll be too out to seize many opportunities. For example, a taxi driver who learns to use a Taxi App such as Didi can make much more money than those who don’t every day; a housewife who opens a shop online can even out-earn a white-collar worker. All of their successes can be attributed to their constant learning in addition to the progress of technology.There is an old saying that you are never too old to learn. Thus, learning is an attitude regardless of age. Only through learning ceaselessly can we achieve our potential and live a better life in this rapidly developing society.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A1. D) The time for the man’s visit to the woman’s company.2. C) In a library.3. B) He cannot get through to New York.4. D) Discuss his thesis with Prof. Hudson.5. C) He still does not know where he left his watch.6. A) He forgot all about what he said.7. C) She is always making excuses for being late.8. B) He has to move out of the building soon.9. B) From some of her friends.10. C) She finished her secondary school.11. A) She is a shorthand-typist.12. C) It has been off and on for ten years.13. D) Social games.14. C) The owner’s attitude.15. A) It is a rather tough job.Section B16. D) It hurts a person and those around them.17. B) They take drugs to get high.18. C) It is hard to get rid of.19. B) Producing tasty healthy frozen food.20. A) It was carefully tested with consumers.21. B) Low expectations.22. C) It has a positive implication for consumers.23. A) It is practiced in most of the states.24. B) Whether there should be a minimum age limit for execution.25. D) He was sentenced to death for a crime he committed as a minor.Section C26. transactions27. in silence28. short of29. resent30. embarrassed31. spare32. response33. turn the tables34. realization35. convenientPart III Reading ComprehensionSection A36. N) saw37. F) decades38. H) globally39. D) chances40. J) occurs41. A) additional42. B) associated43. G) experiences44. M) reduce45. K) populationsSection B46. D) Shouldn’t preparing—and consuming—food be a source of comfort, pride, health, well-being, relaxation, sociability?47. B) It’s not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by.48. F) Perhaps a return to real cooking needn’t be far off.49. O) You don’t have to hit the grocery store dail y, nor do you need an abundance of skill.50. G) Back in the 1950s most of us grew up in households where Mom cooked virtually every night.51. E) When I talk about cooking, I’m not talking about creating elaborate dinner parties or three-day science projects.52. J) There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods, but the Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy, mostly plant-based diet that just about every expert says we should be eating.53. M) To those Americans for whom money is a concern, my advice is simple: Buy what you can afford, and cook it yourself.54. C) And yet we aren’t cooking. If you eat three meals a day and behave like most Americans, you probably get at least a third of your daily calories outside the home.55. H) Although frozen dinners were invented in the’ 40s, their popularity didn’t boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later.Section C56. A) It is disappearing.57. C) In the abstract.58. D) Spending money is so fast and easy.59. A) It represents a change in the modern world.60. D) He feels insecure in the ever-changing modern world.61. A) They are culture-related.62. C) They get less sleep on public holidays.63. C) The World Cup.64. B) They want to get sufficient sleep.65. B) Few people really know the importance of sleep.Part IV TranslationLijiang, an ancient town in Yunnan Province, is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China. The life tempo there is slower than that of most Chinese cities. There is beautiful natural scenery everywhere in Lijiang, and many minorities provide tourists with various and colorful cultural experience. It has also been known as the “City of Love” in history. Numerous legends about people who were born for love and died for love circulate among the local folk. Nowadays, this ancient town is regarded as the paradise of love and romance in the eyes of both Chinese and foreign visitors.。

2015年6月英语四级真题答案完整版(试卷一)作文真题听力真题Short conversations1.W: I’m going to give up playing chess. I lost again today.M: Just because you lost? Is that any reason to quit?Q: What does the man imply?2.M: Do you know Sally’s new address? She’s got some mail here, and I’d like to forward it to her.W: Well, we’ve not been in touch for quite a while. Let’s see. Mary should know it.Q: What does the woman mean?3.W: I missed classes this morning. Could you please lend me your notes?M: My notes? You’ve never see my handwriting, have you?Q: What does the man imply?4.M: I’m taking my girlfriend to the fancy new restaurant for her birthday tonight.W: I went there last weekend, I found it rather disappointing.Q: What does the woman mean?5.W: Winter is over at last. Time to put away my gloves and boots.M: I’ve been waiting for this for months.Q: What does the man mean?6.W: Thank you for bringing the books back.M: I thought you need them over the weekend. Many thanks for letting me use them.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?7.W: Are you working flexible hours?M: No, I’m not. The weather today is so nice, so I decided to walk to work, and that meant I had to leave an hour earlier than usual.Q: What did the man decided to do?8.W: Our plane has been circling for a long time. Why the delay?M: The airport is closed for a while this morning, and things are still not back to normal.Q: What does the man mean?Long conversation长对话一Woman: Morning, this is TGC!Man: Good morning, Walter Barry here, calling from London. Could I speak to Mr. Grand, please?Woman: Who’s calling, please?Man: Walter Barry, from London.Woman: What is it about, please?Man: Well, I understand that your company has a chemical processing plant. My own company LCP, Liquid Control Products, is a leader in safety from leaks in the field of chemical processing. I’d like to speak to Mr. Grand to discuss ways in which we could help TGC to protect itself from such problems and save money at the same time.Woman: Yes, I see. Well, Mr. Grand is not available just now.Man: Can you tell me when I could reach him?Woman: He’s very busy for the next few days. Then he’ll be away in New York. So it’s difficult to give you a time.Man: Could I speak to someone else, perhaps?Woman: Who, in particular?Man: A colleague, for example?Woman: You are speaking to his personal assistance. I can deal with calls for Mr. Grand.Man: Yes, well, could I ring him tomorrow?Woman: No, I’m sorry, he won’t be free tomorrow. Listen, let me suggest something. You send us details of your products and services, together with references from other companies. And then we’ll contact you.Man: Yes, that’s very kind of you. I have your address.Woman: Very good, Mr…?Man: Barry. Walter Barry, from LCP in London.Woman: Right, Mr. Barry. We look forward to hearing from you.Man: Thank you, goodbye.Woman: Bye.9. What do we learn about the woman’s company?10. What do we learn about the man?11. What’s the woman’s position in her company?12. What does the woman suggest the man do?Long conversation长对话二Man: Miss Yamada, did you ever think that you would find yourself living and working in the western world?Woman: No, not really, although I’ve always listened to recordings of great orchestras from Europe.Man: So you enjoyed classical music even when you were very young?Woman: Oh, yes. I was an only child.Man: You were born in 1955, is that right?Woman: Yes, I began violin lessons at school when I was 6.Man: As young as that, did you like it?Woman: Oh, yes, very much.Man: When did you first play on your own? I mean, when did you give your first performance?Woman: I think I was 8…? No, Nine. I just had my birthday a week before, and my father had bought me a new violin. I played a small piece at the school concert.Man: Did you know then that you would become a professional violinist?Woman: Yes, I think so. I enjoy playing the violin very much, and I didn’t mind practicing, sometimes three or four hours a day.Man: And when did you first come to Europe?Woman: I was very lucky. When I was fifteen, I won a scholarship to a college in Paris. That was for a three-year course.Man: How did your parents feel about that?Woman: I think they were pleased and worried at the same time. It was the chance of a lifetime. But of course I would be thousands of miles from home. Anyway, I studied in Paris for three years and then went back to Tokyo.13. What do we know about the woman before she went to Europe?14. What does the woman say about her music experience?15. What does the woman say about her study in Paris?Spot DictationLooking at the basic biology systems, the world is not doing very well. Yet economic indicators show the world is prospering. Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the decade. The economy grew, trade increased, and millions of new jobs were created. How can biological indicators show the opposite of economic indicators?The answer is that the economic indicators have a basic fault: they show no difference between resources uses that sustain progress and those uses that will hurt it. The main measure of economic progress is the gross national product (GNP). In simple terms, this totals the value of all goods and services produced and subtracts loss in value of factories and equipment. Developed a half-century ago, GNP helped establish a common way among countries of measuring change in economic output. For some time, this seemed to work reasonably well, but serious weakness are now appearing. As indicated earlier, GNP includes loss in value of factories and equipment, but it does not take into account the loss of natural resources, including nonrenewable resources such as oil or renewable resources such as forests.This basic fault can produce a misleading sense of national economic health. According to GNP, for example, countries that overcut forest actually do better than those that preserve their forest. The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for using up the forests.Passage OneWhat makes a person famous? This is a mystery that many people have carefully thought about. All kinds of myths surround the lives of well-known people.Most people are familiar with the works of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest English writers of the 16th and 17th centuries. Yet how many know Shakespeare the person, the man behind the works?After centuries of research, scholars are still trying to discover Shakespeare's personal history. It is not easily found in his writings. Authors of the time could not protect their works. An acting company, for example, could change a play if they wanted to. Nowadays, writers have copyrights that protect their work.Many myths arose about Shakespeare. Some said he had no formal education. Others believe that he began his career by tending the horses of wealthy men. All of these myths are interesting, but are they true? Probably not. Shakespeare's father was a respected man in Stratford-on-Avon, a member of the town council. He sent young William to grammar school. Most people of Elizabethan times did not continue beyond grammar school; so, Shakespeare did have, at least, an average education.Some parts of Shakespeare's life will always remain unknown. The Great London Fire of l666 burned many important documents that could have been a source of clues. We will always be left with many questions and few facts.Question16 What does the speaker say about William Shakespeare?Question 17 What do we learn about Shakespeare's father?Question 18 Why does the speaker say parts of Shakespeare's life will remain a mystery? Passage TwoWherever you go and for whatever reason, it's important to be safe. While the majority of people you will meet when travelling are sure to be friendly and welcoming, there are dangers-theft being the most common.Just as in your home country, do not expect everyone you meet to be friendly and helpful. It's important to prepare for your trip in advance and to take precautions while you are travelling. As you prepare for your trip, make sure you have the right paperwork. You don't want to get to your destination only to find you have the wrong visa, or worse, that your passport isn't valid any more. Also, make sure you travel with proper medical insurance, so that if you are sick or injured during your travels, you will be able to get treatment. If you want to drive while you are abroad, make sure you have an international driver's license.When you get to your destination, use official transport. Always go to bus and taxi stands. Don't accept rides from strangers who offer you a lift. If there is no meter in the taxi, agree on a price before you get in. If you prefer to stay in cheap hotels while travelling, make sure you can lock the door of your room from the inside. Finally, remember to smile. It's the friendliest and most sincere form of communication, and is sure to be understood in any part of the world!Question 19 What is mentioned as a most common danger when people go travelling abroad?Question 20 What is the most important thing to do when you prepare for your trip abroad?Question 21 What does the speaker suggest you do when you arrive at your destination? Passage 3The British are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humour has a limit, as the British retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost. When Ratner took over his father's chain of 130 jewelry shops in 1984, he introduced a very clear company policy. He decided that his shops should sell down market products at the lowest possible prices. It was a great success. The British public loved his cheap gold earrings and his tasteless silver ornaments. By 1991, Ratner's company had 2,400 shops and it was worth over 680 million pounds. But in April of that year, Gerald Ratner made a big mistake. At a big meeting of top British businesspeople, he suited up and explained the secret of his success. People say "How can we sell our goods for such a low price?" I say "Because they are absolute rubbish." His audience roared with laughter. But the British newspapers and the British public were not so amused. People felt insulted and stayed away from Ratner's shops. Sales fell and 6 months after his speech, Ratner's share price had fallen by 42%. The following year, things got worse and Gerald Ratner was forced to resign. By the end of 1992, he lost his company, his career and his house. Even worse, 25,000 of his employees had lost their jobs. It had been a very expensive joke.Question 22 What did Gerald Ratner decide to do when he took over his father's shops?Question 23 On what occasion did Gerald Ratner explained the secret of his success?Question 24 How did people feel when they leaned of Gerald Ratner's remarks?Question 25 What does the story of Gerald Ratner suggest?翻译真题在西方人心目中,和中国联系最为密切的基本食物是大米。

大学英语四级阅读理解模拟题及解析2015年大学英语四级阅读理解模拟题及解析Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year, or manured(施肥)a field; but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized.Animals fight; so do savages (野蛮人); hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently --- this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done --- is not being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. And it not only has won, but, because it has won, has been in the right. For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like.Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history, in which millions of people were killed or disabled. And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other in the streets --- while, that is to say, we have got to the stage of keeping the rules and behaving properly to each other in daily life --- nations and countries have not learnt to do this yet, and still behave like savages.57. In the opening sentence the author indicates that ________.A) most history books were written by conquerors, generals and soldiers.B) those who truly helped civilization forward is rarely mentioned in history books.C) history books focus more on conquerors than on those who helped civilization forward.D) conquerors, generals and soldiers should not be mentioned in history books.58. In the author’s opinion, the countries that ruled over a large number of other countries are ________.A) certainly both the greatest and the most civilizedB) neither the most influential nor the most civilized.C) possibly the most civilized but not the most powerful.D) likely the greatest in some sense but not the most civilized.59. The meaning of “That is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right.”(Last sentence of Paragraph 2) is that ________.A) those who fight believe that the winner is right and the loser wrong.B) only those who are powerful have the right to go to war.C) those who are right should fight against those who are wrong.D) in a war only those who are powerful will win.60. In the third paragraph, what the author wants to convey to us is that ________.A) World War I and World War II are different from previous wars.B) our age is not much better than those of the past.C) modern time is not so civilized compared with the past.D) we have fought fewer wars but suffered heavier casualties.61. This passage is most likely taken from an article entitled ________.A) War and World PeaceB) Creators of CivilizationC) Civilization and HistoryD) Who Should Be Remembered参考答案:BDABC。

大学英语四级考试COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST—Band Four —(2015年6月第1套)参考答案写作部分参考范文This picture vividly describes that the person uses a computer in the whole day even when he falls asleep at night. What the cartoon conveys is the impact of computers on people.New products are being invented every minute of every day, all of which will hold sway over people in some respects. However, in all these technologies and products, computers have exerted the most important influence on people. Some people assert that computers have made life more complex and stressful, while some people believe that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time. I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. For example, if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. However, Internet can make some problems at the same time.In a word, in spite of the fact the computer appears to have made life more complex and stressful, I feel that the advantages are more obvious, which have become an integral part of everyday life.范文解析:本题由一幅连环画“This Modern Life: Work, Home, Play, Sleep”引出话题,图画显示:现代人无论工作、居家、娱乐,还是睡眠,都与电脑密不可分。

2015年6月英语四级答案完整版一、听力(35题,35分)Short Conversations 1. A. The woman should go on playing chess. 2. D. Mary probably knows Sally’s new address. 3. B. His notes are not easy to read. 4. D. The man had better choose another restaurant. 5 .C. He has been looking forward to spring. 6. B. The man appreciates the woman’s help. 7. B. Go to work on foot. 8. A. Temporary closing has disturbed the airport’s operation. Conversion one 9. C. It has a chemical processing plant. 10. D. He’s a salesman. 11.C. Mr. Grand’s personal assistance. 12. B. Provide details of their products and services. Conversion two 13. A. She listened to recordings of many European orchestras. 14. D. She began taking violin lessons as a small child. 15. A. It was the chance of a lifetime. Passage One 16. B) His personal history is little known. 17. D) He was a member of the town council. 18. C) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire. Passage Two 19. A) Theft. 20. B) Have the right documents. 21. B) Use official transport. Passage 3 22. C) Sell inexpensive products. 23. A) At a meeting of top British businesspeople. 24. D) Insulted. 25. B) There should be a limit to one's sense of humour 填空: 26. prospering 27. decade 28. opposite 29. sustain 30. In simple terms 31. establish 32. reasonably 33. take into account 34. misleading 35. using up 分) 二、选词填空(10题,5分)第一套选词填空:第一套选词填空:36 announcing 37 entitled 38 critically 39 potential 40commitment 41develop 42enhance 43retain 44component 45challenges 第二套选词填空:第二套选词填空:36 assets 37 excellent 38 origin 39 up-to-date 40 attend 41 guidelines 42 aware 43 involved 44 especially 45 volunteering 三、匹配和阅读(各1分,共10分) 第一套段落信息匹配:第一套段落信息匹配:文章是:essay-grading software offers professors a break. 46-55 FBMCE QGPJD 四、仔细阅读((各2分,共20分) 第一套仔细阅读:第一套仔细阅读:56. B) It will protect them from sunburn 57. A) It is ineffective in preventing melanomas 58. 58. D) D) D) Daily Daily Daily application application application of of of sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen helps helps helps reduce reduce reduce the the the incidence incidence incidence of of melanomas 59. C) It is not based on direct observation of the subjects 60. A) A Using both covering up and sunscreen. 61. B) Well-educated people tend to work longer. 62. B) A rapid technological advance. 63. A) Economic growth will slow down. 64. 64. C) C) C) Even Even Even wealthy wealthy wealthy people people people must must must work work work longer longer longer to to to live live live comfortably comfortably comfortably in in retirement. 65. D) Skills are highly valued regardless of age. 第二套仔细阅读:第二套仔细阅读:61. A )More men taking an extended parental leave. 62. C) Their number is too small to make a difference. 63. A) A long leave will have a negative impact on their career. 64. C) Surprise 第三套仔细阅读第三套仔细阅读61. C) The decline of the grain yield growth. 62. 62. A) A) A) Their Their Their self-sufficiency self-sufficiency is is vital vital vital to to to the the the stability stability stability of of of world world world food food markets. 63. D) They focus more on the increase of animal feed than human food grains. 64. D) The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland. 65. B) It is based on a doubtful assumption. 五、翻译(整体给分,共15分)分)第一套第一套中国是世界上最古老的文明之一.构成现代世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国.中国现在拥有世界上发展最快的经济,并正经历着一次新的工业革命中国还启动了雄心勃勃的太空探索计划,其中包括到2020年建成一个太空站. 目前,中国是世界上最大的出口国之一,并正在吸引大量外国投资。

2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题(第2套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on this kind of modern life.Y ou should write at least l20 words but no more than l80wordsPart II Listening Comprehension(30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations.At theend of each conversation,one or more questionswill be asked about what Was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spokenonly once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A.,B),C)and D).and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l with a single line through the center.1.A.He is pleased to sit on the committee.B.He is willing to offer the woman a hand.C.He will tell the woman his decision later.D.He would like to become a club member.2.A.Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced.B.They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.C.The guide books in the library have the latest information.D.The library Can help order guide books about V ancouver.3.A.He regrets having taken the history course.B.He finds little interest in the history books.C.He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.D.He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.4.A.The man had better choose another restaurant.B.The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.C.The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.D.The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.5.A.He has been looking forward to spring.B.He has been waiting for the winter sale.C.He will clean the woman,s boots for spring.D.He will help the woman put things away.6.A.At a tailor’s.B.At Bob’s home.C.In a clothes store.D.In a theatre.7.A.His guests favor Tibetan drinks.B.His water is quite extraordinary.C.Mineral water is good for health.D.Plain water will serve the purpose.8.A.Report the result of a discussion.B.Raise some environmental issues.C.Submit an important document.D.Revise an environmental report.Questions 9 t0 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A.They pollute the soil used to cover them.B.They are harmful to nearby neighborhoods.C.The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.D.The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.10.A.Growing population.B.Packaging materials.C.Changed eating habits.D.Lower production cost.11.A.By saving energy.B.By using less aluminum.C.By reducing poisonous wastes.D.By making the most of materials.12.A.We are running out of natural resources soon.B.Only combined efforts can make a difference.C.The waste problem will eventually hurt all of us.D.All of us can actually benefit from recyclin9.Questions l3 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13.A.Miami.B.V ancouver.C.Belling ham.D.Boston.14.A.To get information on one—way tickets to Canada.B.To inquire about the price of“Super Saver”seats.C.To get advice on how to fly as cheaply as possible.D.To inquire about the shortest route to drive home.15.A.Join a tourist group.B.Choose a major airline.C.Avoid trips in public holidays.D.Book tickets as early as possible.Section BDirections:in this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question,youmust choose the best answer from the four choices marked A.,B),C.and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions l6 t0 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A.There are mysterious stories behind his works.B.There are many misunderstandings about him.C.His works have no match worldwide.D.His personal history is little known.17.A.He moved to Strat ford—on—Avon in his childhood.B.He failed to go beyond grammar sch001.C.He was a member of the town council.D.He once worked in a well—known acting company.18.A.Writers of his time had no means to protect their works.B.Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.C.His works were adapted beyond recognition.D.People of his time had little interest in him.Passage TwoQuestions l9 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard 19.A.It shows you have been ignoring your healthB. It can seriously affect your thinking processC.It is an early warning of some illness.D.It is a symptom of too much pressure.20.A.Reduce our workload.B.Control our temper.e painkillers for reliefD.Avoid masking syrup toms_21.A. Lying down and having some sleep.B.Rubbing and pressing one’s back.C.Going out for a walkD.Listening to light musicPassage ThreeQuestions 22 t0 25 are based on the passage you have just heard 22.A.Depending heavily on loans.B.Having no budget plans at all.C.Spending beyond one's meansD.Leaving no room for large bills23.A.Many of them can be cut.B. All of them have to be covered.C.Their payment cannot be delayedD.They eat up most of the family income24.A.Rent a house instead of buying one.B. Discuss the problem in the family.C.Make a conservation planD.Move to a cheaper Place25.A.Financial issues plaguing a family.B.Difficulty in making both ends meet.C.Family budget problems and solutionsD.New ways to boost family incomeSection CDirections:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage Its read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.Perhaps because going to college is so much a part of the American dream,many people go for no 26 reason.Some go because their parents expect it,others because it's what their friends are doing.Then,there,s the belief that a college degree will27 ensure a good job and high pay.Some students 28 through four years,attending classes,or skipping(逃课)them as the case may be,reading only what can’t be avoided,looking for less 29courses,and never being touched or changed in any important way.For a few of these people,college provides no 30,y et because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily leave. They stop tryingin the hope that their teachers will make the decision for them by31_them.To put it bluntly (直截了当地),unless you’re willing to make your college years count,You might be32 doing something else.Not everyone should attend college,nor should everyone who does.attend begin right after high school.Many college students 33 taking a year or so off.A year out m the world helps some people to 34 their priorities and goals.If you’re really going to get something out of going to college,you have to make it mean something,and to do that you must have some idea why you're there,what you hope to get out of it,and35 even what you hope to become.Part HI Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections:in this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 t0 45 are based on the following passage.It’s our guilty pleasure:Watching TV is the most comtion everyday activity,after work and sleep,in many parts of the world.Americans view five hours of TV each day,and while we know that spending so much time sitting36 can lead to obesity(肥胖症)and other diseases,researchers have now quantified just how 37 being a couch potato can be.In an analysis of data from eight large 38 published studies,a Harvard—led group reported in the that for every two hours per day spent channel 39 ,the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes Journal of the American Medical Association(糖尿病)rose 20%over 8.5 years,the risk of heart disease increased l5%over a 40 ,and the odds of dying prematurely 41 13%during a seven— year follow—up.All of these 42 are linked to a lack of physical exercise.But compared with other sedentary(久坐的)activities,like knitting,viewing TV may be especially 43 at promoting unhealthy habits.For one,the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything else.And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to 44 them.Even so.the authors admit that they didn’t compare different sedentary activities to 45 whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes,heart disease or early death compared with,say,reading.A.climbedB.consumeC.decadeD.determineE.effectiveF.harmfulG.outcomesH.passivelyI.previouslyJ.resumeK.sufferedL.surfingM.termN.terminals0.twistingSection BDirections:in this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.Y ou may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Essay.Grading Software Offers Professors a BreakA.Imagine taking a college exam,and,instead of handing in a blue book and getting a grade from a professor a few weeks later,clickingthe“send”button when you are done and receiving a grade back instantly,your essay scored by a software program.And then,instead of being done with that exam,imagine that the system would immediately let you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade.B.EDX,the nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)to offer courses on the Internet,has just introduced such a system and will make its automated(自动的)software available free on the Web to any institution that wants to use it.The software uses artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written answers,freeing professors for other tasks.C.The new service will bring the educational consortium(联盟)into a growing conflict over the role of automation in education.Although automated grading systems for multiple—choice and true—false tests are now widespread,the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics.D.Anant Agarwal,an electrical engineer who is president of EDX,predicted that the instant—grading software would be a useful teaching tool enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over andimprove the quality of their answers.He said the technology would offer distinct advantages over the traditional classroom system,where students often wait days or weeks for grades.“There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback,”Dr.Agarwal said.“Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback.”E.But skeptics(怀疑者)say the automated system is no match for live teachers.One longtime critic,Les Perelman,has drawn national attention several times for putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks.He has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to human graders.F.He is among a group of educators who last month began circulating a petition(呼吁)opposing automated assessment software.The group.which calls itself Professionals Against Machine Scoring of Student Essays in High—Stakes Assessment,has collected nearly 2,000 signatures,including some from famous people like Noanl Chomsky.G.“Let’s face the realities of automatic essay scorin9,”the group’s statement reads in part. “Computers cannot‘read.’They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication:accuracy.reasonin9,adequacy of evidence,good sense,ethical(伦理的)position,convincing argument,meaningful organization,and clarity,among others.”H)But EdX expects its software to be adopted widely by schools and universities.It offers free online classes from Harvard.MIT and the University of California—Berkeley;this fall,it will add classes from Well else.Georgetown and the University of Texas.In all,12 universities participate in EDX,which offers certificates for course completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year,including adding international schools.I.The EDX assessment tool requires human teachers,or graders,to first grade l00 essays or essay questions.The system then uses a variety of machine—learning techniques to train itself to be able to grade any number of essays or answers automatically and almost instantly.The software will assign a grade depending on the scoring system created by the teacher,whether it is a letter grade or numerical(数字的)rank.J . EDX is not the first to use the automated assessment technology,which dates to early computers in the l960s.There is now a range of companies offering commercial programs to grade written test answers,and four states--Louisiana,North Dakota,Utah and West Virginia--are using some formof the technology in secondary schools.A fifth,Indiana,has experimented with it.In some cases the software is used as a“second reader.”to check the reliability of the human graders.K.But the growing influence of the EDx consortium to set standards is likely to give the technology a boost.On Tuesday,Stanford announced that it would work with EDX to develop a joint educational system that will make use of the automated assessment technology.L.Two start.ups.Coursera and Udacity,recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create“massive open online courses,”or MOOCs,are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of instant feedback.‘‘It allows students to get immediate feedback on their work.so that learning turns into a game,with students naturally gravitating(吸引)toward resubmitting the work until they get it right,”said Daphne Koller,a computer scientist and a founder of Coursera.M.Last year the Hewlett Foundation, a grant—malting organization set up by one of the Hewlett Packard founders and his wife.sponsored two$100,000 prizes aimed at improving software that grades essays and short answers.More than l50 teams entered each category.A winner of one of the Hewlett contests.Vik Paruchuri,was hired by E(Ⅸto help design its assessment software.N.“One of our focuses is to help Mds learn how to think critically,”said Victor Vuchic,a program officer at the Hewlett Foundation.“It’s probably impossible to do that with multiple—choice tests The challenge is that this requires human graders,and so they cost a lot more and they take a lot more time.“O.Mark D.Shermis,a professor at the University of Akron inOhi0.supervised the Hewlett Foundation’s contest on automated essay scoring and wrote a paper about the experiment.In his view,the technology--though imperfect--has a place in educational settings.P.With increasingly large classes,it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments,he said.Plus,he noted,critics of the technology have tended to come from the nation’s best universities,where the level of teaching is much better than at n lost schools.Q)“Often they come from very famous institutions where,in fact,they do a much better.job of providing feedback than a machine ever could,”Dr.Shermis said.“There seems to be a lack of appreciation of what is actually going on in the real world.”46.Some professionals in education are collecting signatures to voice their opposition to an to mated essay grading.47.Using software to grade students’ essays saves teachers time for other work.48.The Hewlett contests aim at improving essay grading software.49.Though the automated grading system is widely used in multiple—choice tests.automated essay grading is still criticized by many educators.50.Some people don’t believe the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders.51.Critics of automated essay scoring do not seem to know the true realities in less famous universities.52.Critics argue many important aspects of effective writing cannot be measured by computer rating programs.53.As class size grows,most teachers are unable to give students valuable comments as to how to improve their writin9.54.The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to double check the work of human graders.55.Students find instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A.,B),C)and D.Y ou should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.Passage On eQuestions 56 t0 60 are based on the following passage.The endless debate about“work—life balance”often contains a hopeful footnote about stay at home dads.If American society and business won’tmake it easier on future female leaders who choose to have children,there is still the ray of hope that increasing numbers of full—time fathers will.But based on today’s socioeconomic trends,this hope is,unfortunately,misguided.It’s true that the number of men who have left work to do their thing as full—time parents has doubled in a decade,but it’s still very small:only 0.8%of married couples where the stay—at—hone father was out of the labor force for a year.Even that percentage is likely inflated by men thrust into their caretaker role by a downsizing.This is simply not a large enough group to reduce the social stigma(污名)and force other adjustments necessary to supporting men in this decision.even if only work more than their family.Even shorter times away from work for working fathers are already difficult.A study found that 85%of new fathers take some time off after the birth of a child—but for all but a few.it’s a week or two at most.Meanwhile,the average for women who take leave is more than lo weeks.Such choices impact who moves up in the organization.While you’re away,someone else is doing your work,making your sales,taking care of your customers.That can’t help you at work.It can only hurt you.Women,of course,face the same issues of returning after a long absence.But with many more women than men choosing to leave theworkforce entirely to raise families,returning from an extended parental leave doesn’t raise as many eyebrows as it does for men.Women would make more if they didn’t break their earning trajectory(轨迹)by leaving the workforce,or if higher-paying professions were more family friendly.In the foreseeable future,Stay at home fathers may make all the difference for individual families.but their presence won’t reduce the numbers of high potential women who are forced to choose between family and career.56.What gives women a ray of hope to achieve work life balance?A.More men taking an extended parental leave.B.People’s changing attitudes towards family.C.More women entering business management.D.The improvement of their socioeconomic status.57.Why does the author say the hope for more full—time fathers is misguided?A.Women are better at taking care of children.B.Many men value work more than their family.C.Their number is too small to make a difference.D.Not many men have the chance to stay at home.58.Why do few men take a long parental leave?A.A long leave will have a negative impact on their career.B.They just have too many responsibilities to fulfill at work.C.The economic loss will be too much for their family to bear.D.They are likely to get fired if absent from work for too lon9.59.What is the most likely reaction to men returning from an extended parental leave?A.Jealousy.B.SurpriseC.AdmirationD.Sympathy.60.What does the author say about high-potential women in the not—too-distant future?A.They will benefit from the trend of more fathers staying at home.B.They will find high—paying professions a bit more family—friendly.C.They are unlikely to break their career trajectory to raise a family.D.They will still face the difficult choice between career and children.Passage TwoQuestions 61 to65 are based on the following passage.Some of the world’s most significant problems never hit headlines.One example comes from agriculture.Food riots and hunger make news.But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about.This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world’s major crops.A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where.and how far.this decline is occurring.The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops:rice,wheat,corn and soyabeans(大豆).They find that on between 24%and 39%of all harvested areas,the improvement in yields that took place before the l980s slowed down in the l990s and 2000s.There are two worrying features of the slowdown.One is that it has been particularly sharp in the world’s most populous(人口多的)countries,India and China.Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets.That self-sufficiency cannot be taken for granted if yields continue to slow down or reverse.Second,yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than in coll and soyabeans.This is problematic because wheat and rice are more important as foods,accounting for around half of all calories consumed.Corn and soyabeans are more important as feed grains.The authors note that“we have preferentially focused our crop improvement efforts on feeding animals and cars rather than on crops that feed people and are the basis of food security in much of the world.” The report qualifies the more optimistic findings of another new paper which suggests that the world will not have to dig up a lot more land for farming in order to feed 9 billion people in 2050,as the Food and Agriculture Organisation has argued.Instead,it says,thanks to slowing population growth,land currently ploughed up for crops might be able torevert(回返)to forest or wilderness.This could happen.The trouble is that the forecast assumes continued improvements in yields which may not actually happen61.What does the author try to draw attention to?A.Food riots and hunger in the world.B.News headlines in the leading media.C.The decline of the grain yield growth.D.The food supply in populous countries.62.Why does the author mention India and China in particular?A.Their self-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets.B.Their food yields have begun to decrease sharply in recent years.C.Their big populations are causing worldwide concerns.D 1 Their food self-sufficiency has been taken for granted.63.What does the new study by the two universities say about recent crop improvement efforts?A. They fail to produce the same remarkable results as before the l980s.B.They contribute a lot to the improvement of human food production.C.They play a major role in guaranteeing the food security of the world.D.They focus more on the increase of animal feed than human food grains.64.What does the Food and Agriculture Organisation say about world food production in the coming decades?A.The growing population will greatly increase the pressure on world food supplies.B.The optimistic prediction about food production should be viewed with caution.C. The slowdown of the growth in yields of major food crops will be"reversed.D.The world will be able to feed its population without increasing farmland.65.How does the author view the argument of the Food and Agriculture Organisation?A.It is built on the findings of a new study.B.It is based on a doubtful assumption.C.It is backed by strong evidence.D. It is open to further discussion.Part IV Translation(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.Y ou should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier services)将递送大约120亿件包裹。

2015年6月英语四级阅读题模拟练习及答案二Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Arctic Ocean ice may hold trillions of small pieces of plastic and other synthetic trash,and they are being released into the world‟s oceans as global warming melts the polar cap,researchers say,Though the finding is surprising and worrying,the possible harm to marine life is so far unknown,the authors concluded.called micro plastics,the pollutants come mostly from debris that has broken apart,as well as from cosmetics and fibers released from washing clothes,according to the Study,which was published in the iournA. Earth‟s Future and first reported by Science magazine.At current melting trends.more than l trillion pieces 5 millimeters or smaller could wind up in the oceans during the coming decade.the authors estimate.The concentration of plastic debris is 1,000 times greater than that floating in the so.called Great Pacific Garbage Patch.The researchers based their findings on core samples of ice taken during polar expeditions in 2005 and 2010.Rayon was the most colninon synthetic material discovered—54%.Though rayon is not a plastic(it‟s made from wood),the authors included it“because it is a manmade semi.synthetic that makes up a significant proportion of synthetic microparticles found in the marine environment.”Rayon is used in cigarette filters,clothing and personal hygiene products.Polyester(聚酯)was the next most common pollutant found in the ice(21%),followed by nylon(16%),polypropylene(聚丙烯)(3%)and polystyrene,acrylic and polyethylene (2%each).The authors cA.led the ice trap“a major historic globA. sink of man.made particulates.”and said their findings“go some way to helpclarify one of the most puzzling aspects of current understanding on the quantities of pla stic debris reported in the oceans.”As Science points out,288 million tons of plastics were produced in 2012.Micro plastics garbage has aso been found on the shores of southernmost Chile,so the authors said it‟s time to investigate the planet‟s other polar region.“WHile multiyear sea ice makes up a smaller proportion of aunual sea ice cover in the Southem Ocean.and perenniA. sea ice cover around Antarctica is following different trends,our finding indicate the importance of sampling ice from the Antarctic to see if it too contains micro plastics,”they write.56.According to the passage.what are mainly called“micro plastics”?A.The pollutants come mostly from debris.B.The pollutants come mostly from fibers.C.The pollutants come mostly from cosmetics.D.The pollutants come mostly from daily supplies.57.What does the phrase“wind uP”mean in Para.2?A.putan endtoB.screwupC.sweep acrossD.roll up58.Why does the author include“rayon”in.though it is not a plastic?A.Because it is a significant manmade semi.synthetic discovered in the ocean.B.Because it is a major natural semi.synthetic appearing in the marine.C.Because it is a minor manmade synthetic dug out in the marine.D.Because it is a significant natural synthetic explored in the marine.59.What can we infer from the ice trap“a major historic global sinkof mail-made particulates”?A.The historic sink should be attributed to man-made particulates.B.People on a worldwide scA.e have reaped what they had sown.C.The ice trap is of major historic meaning on the globA. context.D.The major historic globA. sink is derived from the ice melting.60.What‟s the best title of this passage?A.Rayon was the most common synthetic in the ocean.B.It‟s time to research the planet‟s other polar region.C.Trillions of plastic pieces found in the Arctic ice.D.Trillions of plastic pieces will wind up in the ocean.56.According to the passage,what are mainly called“micro plastics”?根据文章,哪些东西都被称为“微塑料”?A.The pollutants come mostly from debris.主要是一些碎片污染物。
英语四级阅读模拟试题及答案解析 二

2015年英语四级阅读模拟试题及答案(精品试卷二)Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.,B., C. and D.. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Fried foods have long been frowned upon. Nevertheless, the skillet (长柄平底煎锅) is about our handiest and most useful piece of kitchen equipment. Strong woodcutters and others engaged in active labor requiring 4,000calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of their rations prepared in this fashion. Meat, eggs, and French toast cooked in this way are served in millions of homes daily. Apparently the consumers are not beset with more signs of indigestion than afflicted by those who insist upon broiling, roasting, or boiling. Some years ago one of our mosteminent physiologists investigated the digestibility of fried potatoes. He found that the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat was employed. The latter, however, dissolved within the alimentary tract ( 消化道 ) more readily than the boiled type. Furthermore, he learned, by watching the progress of the contents of the stomach by means of the fluoroscope (荧光检查仪), that fat actually accelerated the rate of digestion. Now all this is quite in contrast with "authority". Volumes have been written on nutrition, and everywhere the dictum ( 权威意见) has been accepted--no fried edibles of any sort for children. A few will go so tar as to forbid this style of cooking wholly. Now and then an expert will be bold enough to admit that he uses them himself, the absence of discomfort being explained on the ground that he possesses a powerful gastric ( 胃的 )apparatus. We can of course sizzle perfectly good articles to death so that they will be leathery and tough. But thorough heating, in the presence of shortening, is not the awful crime that it has been labeled. Such dishes stimulate rather than retard contractions of the gall bladder. Thus it is that bile ( 胆汁 ) mixes with the nutriment shortly after it leaves the stomach.We don't need to allow our foodstuffs to become oil soaked, but other than that, there seems to be no basis for the widely heraldedprohibition against this method. But notions become fixed. The first condemnation probably rose because an "oracle" ( 圣贤) suffered from dyspepsia (消化不良) which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu. The theory spread. Others agreed with him, and after a time the doctrine became incorporated in our textbooks. The belief is now tradition rather than proved fact. It should have been refuted long since, as experience has demonstrated its falsity.56. This passage focuses on__________.A. why the skillet is a handy piece of kitchen equipmentB. the digestibility of fried foodsC. how the experts can mislead the public in the area of food preparationD. why fried foods have long been frowned upon57. People engaged in active labor eat fried foods because__________.A. they are healthfulB. they are much cheaperC. they can be easily digestedD. they can provide the calories the workers need58. The author implies that the public should__________.A. prepare some foods by fryingB. avoid fried foods if possibleC. fry foods for adults but not for childrenD. prepare all foods by frying59. When the author says that "an 'oracle' suffered from dyspepsia which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu" he isbeing__________.A. gratefulB. factualC. sarcasticD. humorous60. The passage was probably taken from__________.A. a medical journalB. a publication addressed to the general publicC. a speech at a medical conventionD. an advertisement for cooking oilPassage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.In the second half of the twentieth century, many countries of the South ( 发展中国家) began to send students to the industrialized countries for further education. They urgently needed supplies of highly trained personnel to implement a concept of development based on modernization.But many of these students decided to stay on in the developed countries when they had finished their training. At the same time, many professionals who did return home but no longer felt at ease there also decided to go back to the countries where they had studied.In the 1960s, some Latin American countries tried to solve this problem by setting up special "return" programs to encourage their professionals to come back home. These programs received support from international bodies such as the International Organizationfor Migration, which in 1974 enabled over 1,600 qualified scientistsand technicians to return to Latin America.In the 1980s and 1990s, "temporary return" programs were set up in order to make the best use of trained personnel occupying strategic positions in the developed countries. This gave rise to the United Nations Development Program's Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate ( 移居国外的 ) Nationals, which encourages technicians and scientists to work in their own countries for short periods. But the brain drain (人才流失) fromthese countries may well increase in response to the new laws of the international market in knowledge.Recent studies forecast that the most developed countries are going to need more and more highly qualified professionals around twice as many as their educational systems will be able to produce, or so it is thought. As a result there is an urgent need for developing countries which send students abroad to give preference to fields where they need competent people to give muscle to their own institutions, instead of encouraging the training of people who may not come back because there are no professional outlets for them. And the countries of the South must not be content with institutional structures that simply take back professionals sent abroad, theymust introduce flexible administrative procedures to encourage them to return. If they do not do this, the brain drain is bound to continue.61. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage? A. The developing countries believe that sending students to the industrialized countries is a good way to meet their own needs for modernization.B. The South American countries have been sending students to developed countries since the 1920s.C. Many people trained abroad remain in the developed countries instead of coming back to serve their home countries.D. The International Organization for Migration successfully helped more than 1,600 professionals to return to their own countries in a single year.62. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the developing countries are losing their brain power?A. Many professionals did not feel comfortable in their home countries after they returned home.B. "Temporary return" programs encouraged professionals to work in their home countries for short periods.C. The new laws of the international market encourage knowledge transfer.D. The professionals from the developing countries have been trained in fields where they could not apply their knowledge to the best advantage in their home countries.63. In the author's opinion, the developing countries should__________.A. keep their present administrative procedures so as to ensure that their students return after graduationB. cooperate more effectively with international organizations C. set up more return programs under the guidance of the UN D. send students abroad in the fields where their knowledge is more likely to be made full use of in their own countries64. According to the passage, the problem of the developing countries will continue__________.A. as long as the developed countries need more qualified professionals than they can educate domesticallyB. as long as the developing countries are content with their present institutional structuresC. unless those countries stop sending large number of students to be trained abroadD. if theh governments fail to make administrative adjustments concerning the return procedures of their professionals65. The best title for the passage is__________.A. The Brain Drain of the Developing CountriesB. Knowledge TransferC. The Talents from the Developing CountriesD. The Failure of Development Programs【参考译文】很长时间以来,人们都不喜欢油炸食品。

2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解(第2套)Part I Writing这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文。
一、提出观点:电脑在日常生活中虽然重要但并非必不可少(an important but not indispensable role)现代生活漫画中是一个人,一天当中他无时无刻不在使用电脑,不论是在工作时、在家时、玩游戏时,还是在睡眠中。
但是我们不应该在电脑上花费过多的时间而舍弃享受美好的生活.Part II Listening Comprehension1.W:Tom.would you be interested in serving on the membership committee this year? M:Can I get back to you on that in a few days?0:What does the man mean?C.2.W:We should buy a good guide book and study it before our trip to Vancouver. M:We could.But they are overprice—d.What about the library?Q:What does the man mean?B.3.W:You took a history course this term.didn’t you?What can you say about it?M:Well,the trouble is that I never get through the weekly r—eadin—g list,though some books are quite interesting.Q:What does the man mean?C.assignments,difficulty和book report等,由此可推测对话内容与男士在历史课上所碰到的问题相关。

15年英语四级大学模拟考试——解析Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: Every year 100 million holiday—makers are drawn to the Mediterranean. With one third of the world's tourist trade, it is the most popular of all the holiday destinations; it is also the most polluted.It has only 1 per cent of the world's sea surface, but carries more than half the oil and tar floating on the waters. Thousands of factories pour their poison into the Mediterranean, and almost every city, town and village on the coast sends its sewage, untreated, into the sea. The result is that the Mediterranean, which nurtured so many civilizations, is gravely ill—the first of the seas to fall victim to the abilities and attitudes that evolved around it. And the pollution does not merely keep back life of the sea—it threatens the people who inhabit and visit its shores. The mournful form of disease is caused by sewage.Eighty five per cent of the waste from the Mediterranean's 120 coastal cities is pushed out in to the waters where their people and visitors bathe and fish. What is more, most cities just drop it in straight off the beach; rare indeed are the places like Cannes and Tel Aviv which pipe it even half a mile offshore. Not surprisingly, vast areas of the shallows are awash with bacteria and it doesn't take long for these to reach people. Professor William Brumfitt of the Royal Free Hospital once calculated that anyone who goes for a swim in the Mediterranean has a one in seven chance of getting some sort of disease. Other scientists say this is an overestimate; but almost all of them agree that bathers are at risk. Industry adds its own poisons. Factories cluster round the coastline, and even the most modern rarely has proper waste treatment plant. They do as much damage to the sea as sewage. But the good news is that the countries of the Mediterranean have been coming together to work out how to save their common sea. 21. The causes of the Mediterranean's pollution is____. A) the oil and tar floating on the water B) many factories put their poison into the sea C) untreated sewage from the factories and coastal cities D) there are some sorts of diseases in the sea 22. Which of following consequence of a polluted sea is not true according to the passage? A) Bring up so many civilizations. B) Various diseases in the sea. C) It threatens the inhabitants and travelers. D) One in seven chance of getting some sort of disease swimming in the sea. 23. The word “sewage”refer to ____. A) poison C) liquid material B) waste D) solid material 24. Why does industry do much damage to the sea? A) Because most factories have proper waste treatment plants. B) Because many factories have not properwaste treatment plants even the most modern one. C) Because just the modern factory has a waste treatment plant. D) Because neither ordinary factories nor most modern ones have p roper waste treatment plants. 25. What is the passage mainly about? A) Save the world. B) How the people live in the Mediterranean sea. C) How the industry dangers the sea. D) Beware the dirty sea.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: THE CLASSROOM is a man's world, where boys gettwo thirds of the teachers' attention — even when they are in a minority— taunt (辱骂) the girls without punishment, and receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls. They are accustomed to being teachers' pets, and if girls get anything like equal treatment, they will protest eagerly and even wreck lessons. These claims are made in a book out this week, written by Dale Spender, a lecturer at the London University Institute of Education. She argues that discrimination against girls is so deeply in co educational schools that single sex classes are the only answer.Her case is based on tape recordings of her own and other teachers' lessons. Many of them, like Spender, had deliberately set out to give girls a fair chance.“Sometimes,” says Spender, “I have even thought I have gone too far and have spent more time with the girls than the boys.” The tapes proved otherwise. In 10 taped lessons (in secondary school and college), Spender never gave the girlsmore than 42 per cent of her attention (the average was 38 percent) and never gave the boys less than 58 percent. There were similar results for other teachers, both male and female. In other words, when teachers give girls more than a third of their time, they feel that they are cheating the boys of their rightful share. And so do the boys themselves. “She always asks the girls all the questions,” said one boy in a classroom where 34 per cent of the teachers' time was allocate d to girls. “She doesn't like boys, and just listens to the girls.” said a boy in another class, where his sex got 63 per cent of teacher attention. Boys regarded two thirds of the teacher's time as a fair deal — and when they got less they caused trouble in class and even complained to higher authority. “It's important to keep their attention,” said one teacher, “Otherwise, they play you up something awful.” Spender concludes that, in mixed classes, if the girls are as boisterous and pushy as the boys, they are considered “unladylike”, if they are docile and quiet, they are ignored. 26. If boys are better treated in class, ____ would be better. A) single sex classes and co educational classes B) co educational classes C) single sex classes D) None of the above 27. Dale Spender obtained the evidence for her claims by ____ . A) her own lessons in secondary school and college B) the other teachers' tape recordings C) both male and female teachers D) tape recordings of her own and other teachers' lessons 28. What are the boy's reactions when girls are given more attention? A) They will keep the teachers' attention again. B) They will make some trouble and complain to the headmaster. C) They will play up the teacher something awful. D) They will feel they are cheated by teachers. 29. The word “boisterous” in the last paragraph probably means ____. A) rough B) brave C)troublesome D) emotional 30. The best title for this passage would be ____. A) boys are teachers' pets B) boys do better in co educational classes C) single sex classes are better than co eduationedclasses D) girls do better than boysQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: Gestures aren't the only area in which the unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to different business customs and behavior. For example: Caffeine junkies should restrain themselves in the Middle East.“Three cups of tea or coffee isusually the polite limit in offices and during social calls,” counsels “Travel Pak,” a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline.“But if your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you've had your fill, give your empty cup a quick twist a sort of wiggle—as you hand it back. That means “No more, thank you.” Middle East visitors also should not be surprised “if others barge right into the office in the middle of your conversation with the person you are seeing,” notes “Travel Pak.” An old Arab custom calls for keeping an “open office.” The British, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after all business has been transacted. The commercial caller is expected to be sensitive to this point, know when to stop, and initiate his or her own departure. In Japan certain guests at evening business gatheringswill leave early. They should be allowed to leave without effusive good byes. The Japanese consider formal departures to be disruptive in such cases and disturbing to remaining guests. In Scandinavia and Finland business guests may be asked to shed their clothes and join their hosts in a sauna. The invitation is a sign that a good working relationship has been established. In the Arab world, the word “no” must be mentioned three times before it is accepted. In contrast, it is considered good business manners to make many and long efforts to pick up the check. In the People's Republic of China, gift giving is considered an insult, says Patrick J. Lewis, President of Club Universe, a Los Angeles tour operator. “If you want to give someone a gift, make sure it's modest in value. This will not be considered offensive, but it may be declined, ” The Chinese manner of expressing friendship and welcome is to clap. Lewis adds. “You may be greeted with clapping when entering a factory, hospital, commune, or school.Politeness dictates that you respond with applause, even though it may seem like you're clapping for yourself.” 31. In the Middle East, it is considered ____. A) impolite to drink at least 3 cups of coffee B) impolite to drink more than 3 cups of coffee unless your host drinks more C) polite to ask the host to give you as more as he can D) polite to leave a party as early as you want 32. In Japan, the guest at an evening party will ____. A) leave early without saying good bye B) stay as long as he can C) stay to have a swimming with the host D) present their business cards immediately 33. In Finland, business guests may ____. A) take flowers to the host B) send an expensive gift to the host C) have a swimming or sauna with the host D) present a business card 34. In China, a gift to the host means ____. A) attemption to praise the host B) a modest manner C) a respondence of applause D) offended action to the host's dignity 35. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage? A) Uninvited visitors are welcome in Middle Easternoffice. B) In Britain, business visitors can stay as long as they like. C) In China, people may greet a foreigner's entering a school with clapping. D) In the Arab world, saying “No” for 3 times until itis accepted. Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: W hat is the importance of the Afro American history to all Americans? How could Afro Americans contribute anything to American history when they were just slaves and servants? This is the image which many of us are taught when we go to school. This is the image many Afro Americans have of themselves also. The Afro Americans need to remake their real historical image so that it is known and accepted in its truthfulness by themselves and the rest of the world. Men and women of darker color are human beings entitled to respect and acceptance in history. When we think of famous scientists and inventors we immediately think of men such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Jonas E.Salk. This is because we associate famous people with the Anglo Saxon race. But what about theAfro American inventors and scientists? How many men during World War Ⅰ owe their lives to Garrett Morgan who inventedthe gas mask? Garrett Morgan also invented the traffic light which saves numerous lives on our streets. Daniel Hale Williams was the first successful heart surgeon. Charles Drew saved hundreds of thousands of lives during World War II by his discovery of the ways and means of preserving blood plasma. Percy Julian has helped millions suffering from the excruciating pain of arthritis. These men and others should be as easily recognized as Bell, Edison and Salk. America is made up of many different blends of cultures. These many cultures have come to enrich and diversify the American way of life. We should not think, because history has neglected to include the background of a particular culture, that these people have an inferior history. We should search for the truth and set the record straight against the slanders, the stereotyping and false images which have identified these people. We should understand each of the cultures and learn of their specific contribution to America's lifestory. Only after we are taught the complete and accurate history of our great country and learn that the blending of cultures and backgrounds gives us ourstrength, can we go forward on the path to peace. 36. The function of the first paragraph is to ____. A) present the main idea or the summary of the essay B) present an introduction to the topic C) provide background to the main theme D) present many cultures have contributed to American history 37. Which of the following statements is true? A) Graham Bell, T.Edison and J.E.Salk are not very important people. B) Black people who contribute to society should have equal recognition with their white colleagues. C) We should not associate famous people with the Anglo Saxon race only. D) G.Morgan, D.H.Williams and Charles Drew were not Afro Americans. 38. Paragraph three tells us that ____. A) we should oppose slander and stereotyping B) the American way of life is richer because it is made up of many cultures C) some cultures have been completely neglected D) Afro Americans have an inferior history 39. The word “image” refers to ____. A) picture B) portray C) impression D) similar 40. The main idea of the passage is ____. A) There are many Afro Americans who are famous asscientists and inventors B) Many Afro Americans have devoted to American history C) Afro American experience to American history D) Afro American history must be recognized as an important part of American historyPart Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 41. Hardly had the minister finished his statement____ several reporters raised their hands and put forward a string of questions. A) when B) as C) then D) than 42. The impact of this well known book might not have been so far reaching ____ for Mr.William, who dared to publish it. A) if had it not been C) is it not being B) had it not been D) its only having been 43. There were a lot ____ criticisms in the paper than expected. A) of C) of more B) more D) much more 44. You shouldn't ____ that last week and you should do it next week. A) have done C) be doing B) do D) have to do 45. Your father likes to play golf; he's really enthusiastic ____it. A) by B) about C) with D) on 46. They have been waiting for many hours to see the singer, but the airplane must have been ____. A) off time C) ahead of schedule B) on time D) behind schedule 47. He insisted that we all ____ in his office at one o'clock. A) be C) would be B) to be D) shall be 48. I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ____ I could have done with it. A) whether C) why B) what D) where 49. I left very early last night, but I wish I ____ so early. A) didn't leave C) haven't left B) hadn't left D) couldn't leave 50. I'd get it for you ____ I could remember who last borrowed it. A) except that C) if only B) on condition that D) considering whether 51. I did not call to make my airline reservation, butI ____. A) should have C) must have B) may have D) shall have 52. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he hadn't seen it himself, he ____ it. A) never have believed B) never did believe C) could never believe D) would never have believed 53. I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. ____ the people in the city voted for his opponent. A) Most all of C) Almost all of B) Most of all D) Almost the whole of 54. The cottage will be cold. Make sure ____ the heater. A) you light C) lighting B) for lighting D) you'll light 55. There are times when the ____ on the road to success prevent our reaching our goals. A) barriers C) boundaries B) blocks D) accidents 56. Persons of all ages are ____ to enjoy the country's medical care. A) asked C) willing B) entitled D) required 57. The Indian guide ____ the danger ahead on the muddy, wet road. A) ignored C) warned B) heard about D) foresaw 58. At the gathering, he talked ____ about the matter, dampening everyones spirits. A) in detail C) on end B) with ease D) in a confusing way 59. His ____ and experience make him an excellent person for this job. A) complacency C) cooperation B) compensation D) capability 60. During the strike, the electricity was cut off for hours, so we had to ____ candles for lighting. A) manage with C) carry out B) turn on D) keep to 61. Susan must ____ quite well on the exam since she seems so confident of passing. A) do C) be done B) have been doing D) have done 62. “How many from your class went abroad?” “ ____ but one”. A) Any B) Some C) All D) Most 63. I wish Bill would drive us to the train station but he has ____ to take us all. A) very small a car C) a too small car B) too smalla car D) such a small car 64. Astronomers were glad to know that their ____ aboutthe moon were correct. A) suppositions C) philosophy B) descriptions D) summarization 65. Lucille has been feeling ____ recently. A) under the weather C) cold B) in the weather D) isolated 66. Unwise judgment and bad management caused the small company to ____. A) set another record C) go broke B) reduce its production D) go down 67. Each day in summer, teenagers go to the beach, hoping to ____ a beautiful tan. A) lose C) bathe B) help D) acquire 68. Heating ____ into the students' dormitories now. A) is putting C) is been put B) is being put D) has been putting 69. We know that Mr.Smith has an extremely tight schedule, but we believe he should have ____ time at least for his supporters. A) a little C) little B) one D) a 70. All the members are participating in the scheme____ a few small firms. A) except C) except for B) besides D) in addition to Part Ⅳ Cloze (15 minutes) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A),B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Each human being is born as something new,__ (71)__ that never existed before.He is born with__ (72)__ he needs to win at life. Each person in his own__ (73)__ cansee,hear,touch,taste, and think__(74)__ himself. Each has his own unique __(75)__ — his capabilities and limitations.__ (76)__ can be a significant,__ (77)__, aware, and creatively __(78)__ person in his own right — a winner. The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer __(79)__ a person as a winner, we do not mean one__ (80)__ beats the other guy__ (81)__ winning over him and __(82)__ him lose. To us, a winner is one who responds authentically by being __ (83)__ , trustworthy, responsive, and genuine,__ (84)__ as an individual and as a member of__(85)__. A loser is one who fails to respond authentically. Martin Buber __(86) __this idea as he retells an old story of a rabbi who on his __(87)__ bed sees himself as a loser. The rabbilaments that, in the world to come, he will not be asked why he wasn't Moses; he will be asked why he wasn't __(88)__. Few people are one hundred percent winners or one hundred percent losers. It's a__ (89)__ of degree. However, once a person is on the road to being a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more __(90)__. This book is intended to facilitate the journey. 71. A) everything B) anything C) something D) thing 72. A) that B) what C) which D) how 73. A) way B) case C) method D) appetite 74. A) of B) to C) for D) about 75. A) possibilities B) abilities C) potentials D) energy 76. A) One B) All C) Every D) Each 77. A) thinking B) think C) thought D) have thought 78. A) produce B) productive C) product D) productivity 79. A) as B) to C) for D) on 80. A) what B) those C) which D) who 81. A) with B) for C) on D) by 82. A) making B) let C) letting D) make 83. A) credit B) believing C) credible D) believed 84. A) all B) both C) which D) each 85. A) society B) group C) community D) party 86. A) takes B) tells C) speaks D) expresses 87. A) die B) death C) dying D) died 88. A) his B) him C) himself D) self 89. A) matter B) case C) thing D) something90. A) than B) much C) then D) so Part Ⅴ Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic, “The Way to Success” based on the following outlines. Your composition should be no less than 100 words. 1. 每个人都试图在事业上获得成功。

2015年12月大学英语四级考试模考卷二Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Honesty Should Be Treasured by commenting on the saying “A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth”. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.Honesty Should Be Treasured_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. A) He hasn’t eaten well recently. C) He can’t stop searching for work yet.B) He’s been helping his sister a lot. D) He’s been working on his paper constantly.2. A) The meals served at school taste bad. C) The prize will be awarded next term.B) The price of school meals will be higher. D) The school meals have been sold out.3. A) Buy a newspaper. C) Stand near the store.B) Ask for directions. D) Help others more often.4. A) Borrowed some books from the woman. C) Lent the woman some books.B) Given the woman a book bag. D) Gone away for the weekend.5. A) The woman is a close friend of the man. C) The woman is seeing a doctor.B) The woman has been working too hard. D) The woman is tired of her work.6. A) There is enough spare time to fix the projector.B) There is another projector the man can use.C) The presentation can be given in another room.D) She is going out to order a spare projector.7. A) The man wants to review the woman’s outline first.B) The man has expected to receive the report earlier.C) The woman needs to review the report again.D) The woman has completed more work than the man.8. A) He doesn’t like to travel in heavy rain.B) He wonders whether the thunderstorm will cause damage.C) He won’t be able to watch the weather report.D) He will get home before the storm begins.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) The college doesn’t have any rock-climbing equipment.B) Not many students are interested in it.C) There is no one to teach them how to do it.D) There are no appropriate places for rock-climbing nearby.10. A) Climbers develop skills useful in other activities.B) Climbers have the opportunity to be outside and enjoy the scenery.C) Climbing isn’t as expensive as other sports.D) Learning to climb doesn’t take a very long time.11. A) Finding a climbing partner. C) Increasing upper-body strength.B) Selecting the appropriate equipment. D) Discussing popular climbing sites.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) He can’t find his office key. C) He is unable to talk.B) He has misplaced some exams. D) He doesn’t like his classroom.13. A) Mark the latest homework assignment.B) Put a cancellation notice on the classroom door.C) Make an appointment with the doctor.D) Return exam papers to his students.14. A) Teach Don’s class while he’s absent.B) Give Professor Webster the key to Don’s office.C) Leave a message on the board in Don’s classroom.D) Bring Don the homework that was due that day.15. A) To give Don’s students the next assignment.B) To leave the master key for Don.C) To put the homework on Don’s desk.D) To call Don at the end of the afternoon.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) The replacement of the harpsichord by the piano.B) The development of electronic musical instruments.C) The relative costs of different types of musical instruments.D) The performance of classical music on synthesizers.17. A) He is surprised by it. C) He thinks it is too soon to tell.B) He disagrees with it. D) He is alarmed by it.18. A) In the early nineteenth century. C) In the early twentieth century.B) In the late nineteenth century. D) In the mid-twentieth century.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) Because it was too heavy. C) Because its string was short.B) Because it did not bend easily. D) Because it did not shoot far.20. A) It went out of use 300 years ago. C) It was discovered before fire and the wheel.B) It was invented after the short bow. D) It is still in use today.21. A) They are accurate and easy to pull. C) They are usually used indoors.B) Their shooting range is 40 yards. D) It took 100 years to develop them.Passage ThreeQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) A recipe for a soft drink. C) The history of cola.B) The medicinal effects of cola. D) Soft-drink production.23. A) As a soft drink. C) As flavored hard candy.B) As a medicine. D) As a cooking oil.24. A) He sold cola to doctors. C) He suffered from severe headaches.B) He was a drug store clerk. D) He developed the cola syrup.25. A) By mixing it with special oils. C) By adding soda water.B) By heating it. D) By combining it with different flavors.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.More than 600 million people worldwide work (26) ______ long hours and Britons are the worst (27) ______ among rich nations. An International Labor Organization report on working (28) ______ shows that more than a quarter of British workers put in more than 48 hours a week.The study by the United Nations agency covered 50 countries (29) ______. “The good news is that progress has been made in regulating normal working hours in developing and transition countries,” said Jon C. Messenger, co-author of the study. “But overall the findings of this study are definitely worrying. ”And progress towards a maximum 48-hour week was still (30) ______ nearly 100 years after the standard was agreed by members, the ILO report said. It pointed to the growth of service industries, such as tourism and transport, and the expanding informal economy, where workers are not (31) ______, contributed to longer working hours. Both elements are signs of increasing globalization, it said.Topping the results of the study were Peruvians with more than half of them working more than 48 hours each and every week. They are (32) ______ South Koreans (49.5 per cent), Thais (46.7 per cent) and Pakistanis (44.4 per cent).In developed countries, where working hours are (33) ______, 25.7 per cent of British workers put in more than 48 hours a week followed by Israelis (25.5 per cent), Australians (20.4 per cent), Swiss (19.2 per cent) and U.S. workers (18.1 per cent).The ILO (34) ______ that shorter working hours benefit workers’health and family lives, reduce accidents at the workplace and generally make workers more (35) ______.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our task would be fairly simple. The public school ___36___, however, has no such choice, for the job must be ___37___ on at the same time. Because we depend so ___38___ upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce ___39___ in many fields. Because we live in a democratic nation, whose citizens make the policies for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to ___40___ the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking and wise judgment. Such balance is ___41___ by too much emphasis on any one field. This question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative ___42___ among the natural sciences themselves.Similarly, we must have a balance between current and ___43___ knowledge. The attention of the public is ___44___ drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from the sound, ___45___ materials that form the basis of courses for beginners.A) awardedB) heavilyC) classicalD) displayE) establishedF) systemG) involvedH) defeatedI) continuallyJ) speciallyK) emphasesL) establishmentM) specialistsN) carriedO) judgeSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Land of the Wasted TalentJapanese firms face a demographic catastrophe. The solution is to treat women better.A) Unlike an earthquake, a demographic (人口的) disaster does not strike without warning. Japan’s population of 127m is predicted to fall to 90m by 2050. As recently as 1990, working-age Japanese outnumbered children and the elderly by seven to three. By 2050 the ratio will be one to one. As Japan grows old and feeble, where will its companies find dynamic, energetic workers?B) For a company president pondering this question over a laboriously prepared breakfast of steamed rice, broiled salmon, miso soup (味噌汤) and artistically presented pickles, the answer is literally staring him in the face. Half the talent in Japan is female. “Outside the kitchen, those talents are woefully underemployed”, as Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Laura Sherbin of the Centre for Work-Life Policy, an American think-tank, show in a new study called “Off-Ramps and On-Ramps: Japan”.C) Nearly half of Japanese university graduates are female but only 67% of these women have jobs, many of which are part-time or involve serving tea. Japanese women with degrees are muchmore likely than Americans (74% to 31%) to quit their jobs voluntarily. Whereas most Western women who take time off do so to look after children, Japanese women are more likely to say that the strongest push came from employers who do not value them. A startling 49% of highly educated Japanese women who quit do so because they feel their careers have stalled (止步不前).D) The Japanese workplace is not quite as sexist as it used to be. Pictures of naked women, ubiquitous (普遍存在的) on salarymen’s desks in the 1990s, have been removed. Most companies have rules against sexual discrimination. But educated women are often shunted into dead-end jobs. Old-fashioned bosses see their role as prettifying the office and forming a pool of potential marriage partners for male employees. And a traditional white-collar working day makes it hard to pick up the kids from school.E) Even if the company rule book says that flexitime is allowed, those who work from home are seen as uncommitted to the team. Employees are expected to show their faces before 9am, typically after a long commute on a train so packed that the gropers cannot tell whom they are groping. Staff are also under pressure to stay late, regardless of whether they have work to do: nearly 80% of Japanese men get home after 7pm, and many attend semi-compulsory drinking binges in hostess bars until the small hours. Base salaries are low; salarymen are expected to fill their pay packets by putting in heroic amounts of overtime.F) Besides finding these hours just a bit inconvenient, working mothers are unlikely to get much help at home from their husbands. Japanese working mums do four hours of child care and housework each day—eight times as much as their spouses. Thanks to restrictive immigration laws, they cannot hire cheap help. A Japanese working mother cannot sponsor a foreign nanny for a visa, though it is not hard for a nightclub owner to get “entertainer” visas for young Filipinas in short skirts. That says something about Japanese lawmakers’ priorities. And it helps explain why Japanese women struggle to climb the career ladder: only 10% of Japanese managers are female, compared with 46% in America.G) Japanese firms are careful to recycle paper but careless about wasting female talent. Some 66% of highly educated Japanese women who quit their jobs say they would not have done so if their employers had allowed flexible working arrangements. The vast majority (77%) of women who take time off work want to return. But only 43% find a job, compared with 73% in America. Of those who do go back to work, 44% are paid less than they were before they took time off, and 40% have to accept less responsibility or a less prestigious title. Goldman Sachs estimates that if Japan made better use of its educated women, it would add 8.2m brains to the workforce and expand the economy by 15%—equivalent to about twice the size of the country’s motor industry.H) What can be done? For Japanese women, the best bet is to work for a foreign company. Two-thirds of university-educated Japanese women see European or American firms as more female-friendly than Japanese ones. Foreign firms in Japan (and similarly sexist South Korea) see a wealth of undervalued clever women and make a point of hiring them. One woman who switched from a Japanese bank to a foreign one marvelled that: “The women here have opinions. They talk back. They are direct.”I) Japanese companies have much to learn from the gaijin (外国人). IBM Japan encourages flexitime. BMKK, the Japanese arm of Bristol-Myers Squibb, a drug firm, has a programme to woo back women who have taken maternity leave. Why can’t native Japanese firms do likewise?A few, such as Shiseido, a cosmetics firm, try hard. But apparently small concessions to work-life balance can require a big change in the local corporate mindset. Working from home should be easy: everyone has broadband (宽带). “But Japanese bosses are not used to judging people by their performance”, sighs Yoko Ishikura, an expert on business strategy at Keio University.J) The firms that make the best use of female talent are often those where women can find sponsors. Most of the women interviewed for the study by Ms Hewlett and Ms Sherbin who got back on the career track after time off did so because a manager remembered how good they were and lobbied for them to be rehired. Eiko, one of the women interviewed, felt pressure from her male colleagues to quit when she became pregnant and announced that she was leaving to do an MBA. Her clear-sighted boss realised that this was not what she really wanted to do. He suggested leaving Tokyo and working at another branch with a more supportive atmosphere. Eiko transferred to Hong Kong, where career women are admired and nannies are cheap.46. It is difficult for a traditional white-collar woman during working hours to collect children from school in Japan.47. If employers had arranged flexible working time for Japanese women, about 66% of them with higher education would not have quitted their jobs.48. Two-thirds of Japanese women who get university education think European or American companies are more friendly to women than Japanese ones.49. Eiko’s boss proposed that Eiko should leave Tokyo for another sub-company where the atmosphere was more supportive.50. In Japan, working mothers spend four hours looking after their children and doing housework per day, which is seven times more than their husbands.51. It is in those firms where women can get support that their talent is made the best use of.52. The number of working-age Japanese is much greater than that of children and the senior people in 1990.53. Even though the company rule book allows Japanese women to work flexitime, women working from home are regarded as not devoting themselves to the team.54. Almost 50% of Japanese university graduates are women, only 67% of them have jobs.55. It is apparent that small concessions to keep a balance between work and life can demand local firms in Japan change their mindset greatly.Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always bad and usually foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern ingenuity (创造力) has changed this. Either Man will abolish war, or war will abolish Man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons that cause the most serious danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons, may before long, offer an even greater threat. If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not as contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in killing people, but by arbitration (调解) in accordance with agreed principles of law. It is not easy to change very old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted.There are those who say that the adoption of this or that ideology would prevent war. I believe this to be a big error. All ideologies are based on dogmatic (教条式的) statements which are, at best, doubtful, and at worst, totally false. Their adherents believe in them fanatically (狂热地) that they are willing to go to war in support of them.The movement of world opinion during the past few years has been very largely such as we can welcome. It has become a commonplace (老生常谈) that nuclear war must be avoided. Of course very difficult problems remain in the world, but the spirit in which they are being approached is a better one than it was some years ago. It has begun to be thought, even by the powerful men who decide whether we shall live or die, that negotiations should reach agreements even if both sides do not find these agreements wholly satisfactory. It has begun to be understood that the important conflict nowadays is not between different countries, but between Man and the atom bomb.56. This passage implies that war now is ______.A) worse than in the past C) not so dangerous as in the pastB) as bad as in the past D) as necessary as in the past57. In the sentence “To do this, we need to persuade mankind... ” (Line 6, Para. 1), “this” refersto ______.A) solving international problems C) abolishing warB) improving weapons D) living a peaceful life58. From Paragraph 2 we learn that the author of the passage ______.A) is a supporter of some modern ideologiesB) does not think that the adoption of any ideology could prevent warC) believes that the adoption of some ideologies could prevent warD) has no doubt about the truth of any ideologies59. The last paragraph suggests that ______.A) international agreements can be reached more easily nowB) man begins to realize the danger of nuclear warC) nuclear war will definitely not take placeD) world opinion welcomes nuclear war60. According to the author, ______.A) war is the only way to solve international disputesB) war will be less dangerous because of the improvement of weaponsC) it is impossible for man to live without warD) war must be abolished if man wants to survivePassage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.A useful definition of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or material adversely (有害地). Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled—a far cry (悬殊的差别) from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor (水蒸气) might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions.Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentrations (浓度) of these pollutants were altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical (生物地球化学的) cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature’s output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city.In this localized region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The result is an increased concentration of noxious (有害的) chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm.61. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______.A) water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areasB) the definition of air pollution will continue to changeC) a substance becomes an air pollutant only in citiesD) most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled62. In what way can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling air pollution?A) They function as part of a purification process.B) They are dwarfed by the pollutants produced by human activities.C) They are less harmful to living beings than are other pollutants.D) They have existed since the Earth developed.63. According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance isonly useful if ______.A) the other substances in the area are knownB) it is a localized areaC) it can be calculated quicklyD) the naturally occurring level is also known64. Which of the following is best supported by the passage?A) To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly revise the air pollutionlaws.B) One of the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce airpollution laws.C) Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants.D) Human activities have great impact on air pollution.65. The passage mainly discusses ______.A) the economic impact on air pollutionB) what constitutes an air pollutantC) how much damage air pollutants can causeD) the quantity of compounds added to the atmospherePart IV Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.微博(Micro-blog)的出现让人类的生活变得更加便捷和丰富多彩。

写作提纲一、提出观点:电脑在日常生活中虽然重要但并非必不可少(an important but not indispensable role)一、论证观点:1、过度沉迷于电脑对我们的健康不利(exert a negative impact on our health)2、过度使用电脑会将我们隔离在社交圈之外(isolate us from the social circles)三、总结观点:l、电脑确实改善了我们的生活(really promote our life)2、不应该在电脑上花费过多的时间而舍弃享受美好的生活(should not spend too much timeon it at the expense of savoring our good life)范文点评全文翻译现代生活漫画中是一个人,一天当中他无时无刻不在使用电脑,不论是在工作时、在家时、玩游戏时,还是在睡眠中。

2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题(第2套)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions:for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then ment on this kind of modern life.You should write at least l20 words but no more than l80wordsPart lI Listening prehension(30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what Was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause,you must read thefour choices marked A.,B),C)and D).and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet l with a single line through the centre.1.A.He is pleased to sit on the mittee.B.He iS willing to offer the woman a hand.C.He will tell the woman his decision later.D.He would like to bee a club member.2.A.Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced.B.They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.C.The guide books in the library have the latest information.D.The library Can help order guide books about Vancouver.3.A.He regrets having taken the history course.B.He finds little interest in the history books.C.He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.D.He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.4.A.The man had better choose another restaurant.B.The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.C.The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.D.The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.5.A.He has been looking forward to spring.B.He has been waiting for the winter sale.C.He will clean the woman,s boots for spring.D.He will help the woman put things away.6.A.At a tailor’s.B.At Bob’s home.C.In a clothes store.D.In a theatre.7.A.His guests favor Tibetan drinks.B.His water is quite extraordinary.C.Mineral water is good for health.D.Plain water will serve the purpose.8.A.Report the result of a discussion.B.Raise some environmental issues.C.Submit an important document.D.Revise an environmental report.Questions 9 t0 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A.They pollute the soil used to cover them.B.They are harmful to nearby neighborhoods.C.The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.D.The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.10.A.Growing population.B.Packaging materials.C.Changed eating habits.D.Lower production cost.11.A.By saving energy.B.By using less aluminum.C.By reducing poisonous wastes.D.By making the most of materials.12.A.We are running out of natural resources soon.B.Only bined efforts can make a difference.C.The waste problem will eventually hurt all of us.D.All of us can actually benefit from recyclin9.Questions l3 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13.A.Miami.B.Vancouver.ham.D.Boston.14.A.To get information on one—way tickets to Canada.B.To inquire about the price of“Super Saver”seats.C.To get advice on how to fly as cheaply as possible.D.To inquire about the shortest route to drive home.15.A.Join a tourist group.B.Choose a major airline.C.Avoid trips in public holidays.D.Book tickets as early as possible.Section BDirections:/n this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hearsome questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A.,B),C.and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l with a single linethrough the centre.Passage OneQuestions l6 t0 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16.A.There are mysterious stories behind his works.B.There are many misunderstandings about him.C.His works have no match worldwide.D.His personal history is little known.17.A.He moved to Stratford—on—Avon in his childhood.B.He failed to go beyond grammar sch001.C.He was a member of the town council.D.He once worked in a well—known acting pany.18.A.Writers of his time had no means to protect their works.B.Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.C.His works were adapted beyond recognition.D.People of his time had little interest in him.Passage TwoQuestions l9 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard 19.A.It shows you have been ignoring your healthB. It can seriously affect your thinking processC.It is an early warning of some illness.D.It is a symptom of too much pressure.20.A.Reduce our workload.B.Control our temper.e painkillers for reliefD.Avoid masking syruptoms_21.A. Lying down and having some sleep.B.Rubbing and pressing one’s back.C.Going out for a walkD.Listening to light musicPassage ThreeQuestions 22 t0 25 are based on the passage you have just heard 22.A.Depending heavily on loans.B.Having no budget plans at all.C.Spending beyond one's meansD.Leaving no room for large bills23.A.Many of them can be cut.B. All of them have to be covered.C.Their payment cannot be delayedD.They eat up most of the familyine24.A.Rent a house instead of buying one.B. Discuss the problem in the family.C.Make a conservation planD.Move to a cheaper Place25.A.Financial issues plaguing a family.B.Difficulty in making both ends meet.C.Family budget problems and solutionsD.New ways to boost familyineSection CDirections:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the firsttime,you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage Its read for thesecond time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what youhave written.Perhaps because going to college is so much a part of the American dream,many people go for no26 reason. Some go because their parents expect it,others because it's what their friends aredoing.Then,there,s the belief that a college degree will27 ensure a good job and high pay.Some students 28 through four years,attending classes,or skipping(逃课)them as the case may be,reading only what can’t be avoided,looking for less 29courses,and never being touedor changed in any important way. For a few of these people,college provides no 30,yet.Becauseof parental or peer pressure,they cannot voluntarily leave.They stop trying in the hope that theirtea。

2015年6月英语四级考试模拟卷及答案解析Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe centre.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction, biography,poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow worker and accomplice(同谋).If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible finess(委婉之处), from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is giving you, or attempting to give you, something far moredefinite. The thirty two chapters of anovel—if we consider how to read a novel first—are an attempt to make something as formed and controlled as a building but words are more impalpable than bricks, reading is a longer and more complicated process than seeing. Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. Recall, then, some event that has left a distinct impression on you—how at the corner of the street, perhaps, you passed two people talking. A tree shook; an electric light danced; the tone of the talk was comic, but also tragic;a whole vision, an entire conception, seemed contained in that moment.21.What does the author mean by saying “Yet few people ask from bookswhat books can give us.”?A.The author means that lots of people read few books.B.The author thinks that readers have only absorbed part of knowledgein books.C.The author holds that few people have a proper idea about whatcontent some kind of books should include.D.The author considers that readers can scarcely understand most ofthe books.22.According to the passage, which of the following statement isright?A.A reader should find some mistakes when he is reading.B.The more difficult a book is, the more you can get from it.C.To read something is easier than to watch something.D.One should be in the same track with the writer when he is reading.23.What is the possible meaning of “impalpable” (Paragraph 2) inthe passage?A.Clear.B.Elusive.C.Delicate.D.Precise.24.What’s the main idea of this passage?A.The importance of reading.B.The proper way to read.C.How to get most from one book.D.The characters of a good book.25.When a writer is writing he often get the whole conception ____.A.after a long time’s thinkingB.through an instant inspirationC.according to his own experienceD.by way of watching the objects attentivelyQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause to exist”—something each of us does daily.We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sese to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun,”the creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example,we mightdo this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work isanother.These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius,but they are also involved in many of our day to day activities.26.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one accordingto the passage?A.To prepare a meal.B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.C.To buy some books from a bookstore.D.To “write” a letter with the computer.27.The author holds that ____.A.creativity is of highly demandB.creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extentC.creativity is to create something new and concreteD.to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one’screativity28.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that____.A.we can seldom create new thingsB.a new thing is only a taleC.a new thing can only be created at the basis of original thingsD.we can scarcely see really new things in the world29.What does the author think about the relationship between a newthought and its being put into practice?A.It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it inpractice.B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of anew thing.C.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.D.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become aninventor.30.The best title for this passage is ____.A.How to Cultivate One’s CreativityB.What is CreativityC.The Importance of CreativityD.Creativity—a Not Farway ThingQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese students or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive asAmerican students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar(讨论会). The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseacher looking for answers to questions together with the students. One linguistic(语言的) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal(情态的) verbs—far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, “This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong.” or “You could be right, but you might find this point of view alsointeresting.”In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect the professor to givean answer to the question. I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sure about it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student’s ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a processof enhancing critical thinking.31.In the USA, when the students are in class, ____.A.a Chinese student tends to be very activeB.an American student likes to make troubleC.a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD.an American student tends to be vigorous32.A teacher in the USA prefers to ____ when he answers questions.A.be very sincereB.be very directC.be very self confidentD.be very indifferent33.What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference ofteaching methods between China and the USA?A.He thinks that Chinese teaching metods can make students learn more.B.He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is toimprove students’ remembrance.C.He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.D.He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.34.The author thinks that the relationship between the student andthe teacher is ____.A.more intimate in ChinaB.closer in ChinaC.looser in USAD.more harmonious in USA35.The education in USA may produce some ____ graduates.A.talkativeB.conventionalC.creativeD.imaginativeQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:On line courses (also called distance learning) are a hot new trend in American education. According to the nonprofit Distance Education and Training Council,about 400 US colleges and schools offer some portion of their programs on the Web. At the university level, they cost the same as traditional classes and require similar weekly assignments and textbook reading, the difference is in class participation.Generally speaking, students congregate(使聚集) on line throughout each week to explore topic with the professor, but these discussions occur“asynchronously(不同时发生地)” rather than in real time. (You read others’comments and post your own whenever you get a chance.) Written assignments are posted, you e mail in your work periodically, and you’re requiredto take a proctored exam in order to receive degree credit. Career boosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you’ll also find a variety of literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign language study. While you still can’t get an Ivy League degree on line, a growing number of elite(卓越的) institutions, including Stanford and New York Univer sity are beginningto offer on line courses.The benefits for busy people are obvious. “I always get a front row seat,”says one student studying at the State University of New York Learning Network.“I can get up in the middle of class, grab a cup of coffee. The class is waiting for me when I get back, and I haven’t missed a thing.” On the other hand, some students miss the face to face interaction that oftensparks interest and involvement.36.Generally speaking, on line education costs ____.A.more than the traditional oneB.less than the traditional oneC.as much as the traditional oneD.the author hasn’t mentioned37.The major way to hand out assignments of on line students is ____.A.to hand out them in personB.to post themC.to e mail in themD.to let the teacher enter into their personal main pages38.Which kind of program is probably NOT welcomed by most of thestudents?A.Software development.B.Decoration and design.C.International trade.pany management.39.The closest meaning of “Ivy League” (Par. 2) ____.A.famous universities in USAB.famous business colleges in USAC.famous companies in USAD.universities with a long history40.It is implied that in USA ____.A.on line education will take the place of the traditional one soonB.there are only a few on line programs until nowC.one need not take part in the exam in order to receive a diplomaby way of on line educationD.one can not receive a degree certificate of New York Universitythrough distant learningPart Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Choose the one answerthat best completes the sentence.41.____ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earna profit.A.WhateverB.WhicheverC.WhereasD.Because42.You are supposed ____ everything ready by now.A.to getB.gettingC.to have gotD.having got43.The football player is hoping to ____ to another club.A.transferB.transmitC.transformD.transport44.The medicine which the doctor gave her can only ____ her temporarilyfrom pain.A.relaxB.relieveC.relayD.release45.She was simple, ____ and hard working woman.A.practicableB.favorableC.feasibleD.practical46.I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performance.A.carried outB.carried offC.carried awayD.carried on47.These safety measures will ____ the reduction of accidents.A.give inB.result fromC.result inD.originate in48.After we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked itthat we decided to settle there ____.A.in turnB.for goodC.as usualD.at most49.____ these changes we must revise our plan.A.In the course ofB.In the light ofC.In spite ofD.In addition to50.“I don’t feel like ____ now.”“But the faster we get the assignment____ the sooner we can go out and relax.”A.to study, to doB.to study, doneC.studying, doneD.studying, to do51.In order to be a good scientist, ____.A.mathematics is vitalB.one must master mathematicsC.mathematics is important to understandD.one to understand mathematics52.I’m ____ him to arrive on Sunday.A.awaitingB.waitingC.expectingD.hoping53.It’s high time that something, ____ to prohibit selling fakecommodities.A.must be doneB.was doneC.be doneD.were done54.What’s the matter? I smell something ____.A.burnB.burnsC.being burnedD.burning55.It was a long time before the cut on my hand ____ completely.A.healedB.recoveredC.improvedD.cured56.You’ll have to buy some new shoes as these are ____.ed upB.wasted awayC.broken downD.worn out57.I ____ at home to look after my sick mother.A.can’t help stayB.can’t help stayingC.cannot help but stayD.cannot help but staying58.More and more cheaper materials are being ____ for the better, moreexpensive kind in production.A.replacedB.displacedC.substitutedD.transformed59.The taxi had to ____ because the traffic light had turned red.A.set upB.catch upC.shut upD.pull up60.____ to secret document is denied to all but few.A.AccessB.ApproachC.ContactD.Touch61.Will all those ____ the proposal raise their hands?A.in relation toB.in excess ofC.in contrast toD.in favor of62.A cold is nothing to you ____ it is merely a cold; but it sometimesbecomes a danger.A.no matterB.as well asC.so long asD.so far as63.People here usually ____ channel 2 at 7:00 a.m. to hear the news.A.tuneB.tune inC.toneD.turn in64.The attack on Pearl Harbor ____ the indignation of the whole nation.A.rasiedB.roseC.arousedD.arose65.American people are highly ____, and therefore may find itdifficult to become deeply involved with others.A.movingB.mobileC.motionalD.movable66.A large sum of money has been raised for the ____ of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts.A.profitB.favourC.advantageD.benefit67.In arithmetic the rules of addition are basic, and all the otherrules are built on this ____.A.basisB.baseC.basesD.basic68.On Christmas Eve, we had several guests, who were ____ friends ofour daughter.A.almostB.mostlyC.mostD.nearly69.In our culture, honesty has always been considered an important____of a person’s character.A.elementB.roleC.shareD.practice70.Students who pass the test will be ____ to the next grade.A.progressedB.proceededC.promotedD.proposedPart Ⅳ Translation from E[nglish into Chinese (15 minutes)Directions:In this part, there are five items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one or two sentences. These sentences are all taken from the Reading Passages you have just read in the Reading Comprehension of the Test Paper. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify theirmeanings in the context.71.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.(Passage 1, Para.1)72.Perhaps the quickest way to understand the elements of what a novelist is doing is not to read, but to write; to make your own experiment with the dangers and difficulties of words. (Passage 1, Para. 2)73.For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusualphotograph.(Passage 2, Para. 3)74.The professor didn’t act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a reseacher looking for answers to questions together with thestudents.(Passage 3, Para.2)75.Career boosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you’ll also find a varietyof literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreignlanguage study.(Passage4, Para.2)Part Ⅴ WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Should Tobacco Industry Be Forbidden?” You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline (givenin Chinese) below:1.烟草业目前对我们的社会有一定好处;2.吸烟却有害健康;3.从长远打算,烟草业终将被禁止。

2015年12月英语四级第二套阅读真题答案【完整版】新东方&新东方在线联合发布For many American, 2013 ended with an unusually bitter cold spell. Late November and December 36 early snow and bone-chilling temperatures in much of the country, part of a year when, for the first time in two 37 , record-cold days will likely turn out to have outnumbered record-warm ones. But the U.S. was the exception: November was the warmest ever 38 , and current data indicates that 2013 is likely to have been the fourth hottest year on record.Enjoy the snow now, because 39 are good that 2014 will be even hotter, perhaps the hottest year since records have been kept. That’s because, scientists are predicting, 2014 will be an El Niño year.El Niño, Spanish for “the child”,40 when surface ocean waters in the southern Pacific become abnormally warm. So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet’s surface, that the41 energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world.El Niño are 42 with abnormally dry conditions in Southern Asia and Australia. They can lead to extreme rain in parts of North and South America, even as southern Africa 43 dry weather. Marine life maybe affected too: EI Ninos can 44 the rising of the cold,mutrient-rich(营养丰富的) water that supports large fish 45 , and the unusually warm ocean temperature can destroy coral(珊瑚).A) additional I) logicallyB) associated J) occursC) bore K) populationsD) chances L) realizeE) communicated M) reduceF) decades N) sawG) experiences O) specificH) globally答案:NFHDJ ABGMKHow to Eat WellA)Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food, the stuff thatis correctly called junk(垃圾) and should really carry warning labels?B)I t’s not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by Supermarketsoffer more variety than ever, and there are over four times as manyfamers’ markets in the U.S. as there were 20 years ago. Nor is it for lack of available information. There are plenty of recipes(食谱), how-to videos and cooking classes available to anyone who has a computer, smartphone or television. If anything the information isoverwhelming.C)And yet we aren’t cooking. If you eat three meals a day and behavelike most Americans, you probably get at least a third of your daily calories(卡路里) outsides the home. Nearly two-thirds of us grab fast food once a week, and we get almost 25% of our daily calories from snacks. So we’re eating out or taking in, and we don’t sit down—or we do, but hurry.D)Shouldn’t preparing—and consuming—food be a source of comfort,pride, health, well-being, relaxation, sociability? Something thatconnects us to other humans? Why should we want to outsource(外包) this basic task, especially when outsourcing it is so harmful?E)When I talk about cooking,I’m not talking about creating elaboratedinner parties or three-day science projects. I’m talking aboutsimple, easy, everyday meals. My mission is to encourage greenhands and those lacking time or money to feed themselves. Thatmeans we need modest, realistic expectation, and we need to teachpeople to cook food that’s good enough to share with family and friends.F)Perhaps a return to real cooking needn’t be far off. A recent Harrispoll revealed that 79% of Americans say they enjoy cooking and 30% “love it”; 14% admit to not enjoying kitchen work and just 7%won’t go near the stove at all. But this doesn’t necessarily translate to real cooking and the result of this survey shouldn’t surpriseanyone; 52% of those 65 or older cook at home five or more times per week; only a third of young people do.G)Back in the 1950s most of us grew up in households where Momcooked virtually every night. The intention to put a home-cooked meal on the table was pretty much universal. Most p eople couldn’t afford to do otherwise.H)Although frozen dinners were invented in the 40s, their popularitydidn’t boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later.Since then packaged, pre-prepared meals have been what’s fordinner. The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggestcatalysts(催化剂),but the big food companies—which want to sellanything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking—made the home cook an endangered species.I)Still, I find it strange that only a third of young people reportpreparing meals at home regularly. Isn’t this the same crowd that rails against processed junk and champions craft cooking?And isn’t this the generation who say they’re concerned about their health and the wee-being of the planet? If these are truly the values of many young people, then tier behavior doesn’t match their beliefs.J)There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food campaigns to reduce calories in their processed foods, but the Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy,mostly plant-based diet that just about every expert says we should be eating. Considering that the governments standards are not nearly ambitious enough, the picture is clear: by nor cooking at home,we’re not eating the right t hings, and the consequences are hard to overstate.K)To help quantify(量化) the costs of a poor diet, I recently tried to estimate this impact in terms of a most famous food, the burger(汉堡包). I concluded that the profit from burgers is more than offset(抵消) by the damage they cause in health problems and environmental harm.L)Cooking real food is the best defense —not to mention that any meal you’re likely to eat at home contains about 200 fewer calories than one you would cat in a restaurant.M)To those Americans for whom money is a concern, my advice is simple;Buy what you can afford, and cook it yourself. The commonprescription is to primarily shop the grocery store, since that’s where fresh produce, meat and seafood, and dairy are. And to save money and still e at well you don’t need local organic ingredients; all you need is real food. I’m not saying local food isn’t better, it is. But there is plenty of decent food in the grocery stores.N)The other sections you should get to know are the frozen foods and the canned goods. Frozen produce is still produce; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes. Just make sure you’re getting real food without tons of added salt or sugar. Ask yourself, Would Grandma consider this food? Does it look like something that might occur in nature?It’s pretty much common sense: you want to buy food, notunidentifiable hoodlike objects.O)You don’t have to hit the grocery store daily, nor do you need an abundance of skill. Since fewer than half of Americans say they cook at an intermediate level and only 20% describe their cooking skills as advanced, the crisis is one of confidence. And the only remedy forthat is practice. There’s nothing mysterious about cooking theevening meal. You just have to do a little thinking ahead and redefine what qualifies as dinner. Like any skill, cooking gets easier as you do it more; every time you cook, you advance your level of skills,. Someday you won’t even need recipes. My advice is that you not payattention to the number of steps and ingredients, because they can be deceiving.P)Time, I realize, is the biggest obstacle to cooking for most people. You must adjust you priorities to find time to cook. For instance, you can move a TV to the kitchen and watch your favorite shows whileyou’re standing at the sink. No one is asking you to give upactivities you like, but if you’re watching food shows on TV, trycooking instead.46. Cooking benefits people in many ways and enables them to connect with one another.47. Abundant information about cooking is available either online or on TV.48. Young people do less cooking at home than the elderly these days.49. Cooking skills can be improved with practice.50. In the mid-20th century, most families ate dinner at home instead of eating out.51. Even those short of time or money should be encouraged to cook for themselves and their family.52. Eating food not cooked by ourselves can cause serious consequences53. To eat well and still save money, people should buy fresh food and cook it themselves.54. We get a fairly large portion of calories from fast food and snacks.55. The popularity of TV led to the popularity of frozen food.答案:DBFOG EJMCHThe wallet is heading for extinction. As a day-to-day essential, it will die off with the generation who read print newspapers. The kind of shopping — where you hand over notes and count out change on return — now happens only in the most minor of our retail encounters, like buying a bar of chocolate or a pint of milk from a corner shop. At the shops where you spend any real money, that money is increasingly abstracted. And this is more and more true, the higher up the scale you go. At the most cutting-edge retail stores —Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, forinstance —you don’t go and stand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay. The staff are equipped with iPads to take your payment while you relax on a sofa.Which is nothing more or less than excellent service, if you have the money. But across society, the abstraction of the idea of cash makes me uneasy. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. But earning money isn’t quick or easy for most of us. Isn’t it a bit weird that spending it should happen in half a blink (眨眼)of an eye? Doesn’t a wallet —that time-honoured Friday-night feeling of pleasing, promising fatness —represent something that matters?But I’ll leave the economics to the experts. What bothers me about the death of the wallet is the change it represents in our physical environment. Everything about the look and feel of a wallet — the way the fastenings and materials wear and tear and loosen with age, the plastic and paper and gold and silver, and handwritten phone numbers and printed cinema tickets — is the very opposite of what our world is becoming. The opposite of a wallet is a smartphone or an iPad. The rounded edges, cool glass, smooth and unknowable as a pebble (鹅卵石). Instead of digging through pieces of paper and peering into corners,we move our gingers left and right. No more counting out coins. Show your wallet, if you still have one. It may not be here much longer.56. What is happening to the wallet?A) It is disappearing. C) It is becoming costly.B) It is being fattened. D) It is changing in style.57. How are business transactions done in big modern stores?A) Individually. C) In the abstract.B) Electronically. D) Via a cash register.58. What makes the author feel uncomfortable nowadays?A) Saving money is becoming a thing of the past.B) The pleasing Friday-night feeling is fading.C) Earning money is getting more difficult.D) Spending money is so fast and easy.59. Why does the author choose to write about what’s happening to the wallet?A) It represents a change in the modern world.B) It has something to do with everybody’s life.C) It marks the end of a time-honoured tradition.D) It is the concern of contemporary economists.60. What can we infer from the passage about the author?A) He is resistant to social changes.B) He is against technological progress.C) He feels reluctant to part with the traditional wallet.D) He feels insecure in the ever-changing modern world.Passage TwoEverybody sleeps, but what people stay up late to catch—or wake up early in order not to miss—varies by culture.From data collected, it seems the things that cause us to love the most sleep, on average, are sporting events, time changes, and holidays.Around the world, people changed sleep patterns thanks to the start orend of daylight savings time. Russians, for example, began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to “winter time” starting on October 26.Russia’s other late nights and early mornings generally correspond to public holidays. On New Year’s Eve, Russians have the world’s latest bedtime, hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.Russians also get up an hour later on International Women’s Day, the day for treating and celebrating female relatives.Similarly, Americans’ late nights, late mornings, and longest sleeps fall on three-day weekends.Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey ( 冰球) final.The World Cup is also chiefly responsible for sleep deprivation (剥夺). The worst night for sleep in the U.K. was the night of the England-Italy match on June 14. Brits stayed up a half-hour later to watch it, and then they woke up earlier than usual the next morning thanks to summer nights,the phenomenon in which the sun barely sets in northern countries in the summertime. That was nothing though, compared to German, Italians, and the French, who stayed up around an hour and a half later on various days throughout the summer to watch the Cup.It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns; in some of these nations, it’s like ly that only the richest people do. And people who elect to track their sleep may try to get more sleep than the average person. Even if that’s the case, though, the above findings are still striking. If the most health-conscious among us have such deep swings in our shut-eye levels throughout the year, how much sleep are the rest of us losing.61.What does the author say about people’s sleeping habits?A)They are culture-related.B)They affect people’s health.C)They change with the seasons.D)They vary from person to person.62.What do we learn about the Russians regarding sleep?A)They don’t fall asleep until very late.E)They don’t sleep much on weekends.F)They get less sleep on public holidays.G)They sleep longer than people elsewhere.63.What is the major cau se for Europeans’s loss of sleep?A)The daylight savings time.H)The colorful night life.I)The World Cup.J)The summertime.64.What is the most probable reason for some rich people to use a device to record their sleep patterns?A)They have trouble falling asleep.K)They want to get sufficient sleep.L)They are involved in a sleep research.M)They want to go to bed on regular hours.65.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?A)Sleeplessness does harm to people’s health.N)Few people really know the importance of sleep.O)It is important to study our sleep patterns.P)Average people probably sleep less than the rich. 答案:ABDAC ACCBB。

12015年12月大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part Ⅰ Writing 审题思路这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文。
此次话题lifelong learning (终身学习)在考生日常生活中是比较常见的,因此写起来难度不大。
写作提纲一、引出话题:终身学习很重要(the importance of lifelong learning) 二、论证重要性:在信息时代,必须通过不断学习,紧跟时代步伐(keep pace with the times through ceaseless leaning): 1、使用打车软件(a Taxi App)的出租车司机比不用软件的司机挣得多2、—个开网店的家庭主妇甚至比白领职员挣得多(out-earn a white-collar worker)三、深化主题、总结全文:活到老、学到老;只有不断学习,才能在迅速发展的社会中实现肖身潜能(achi eve our potential),生活得更好(live a better life)范文点评全文翻译学习应该是一个终身的过程常言道:学习是一种日常体验和终身使命。
高分范文 精彩点评Learning Should Be a Lifelong Process①It is often said that learning is a daily experience and alifetime mission. ②The saying indicates the importance of lifelonglearning, which we have been lectured over and over again.③ Lifelong learning is crucial to our life and career in modemsociety. ④ Living in the Information Age, we have to keep pace withthe times through ceaseless learning; otherwise, well be too outdatedto seize any opportunities.⑤ For example ,a taxi driver who learnsto use a Taxi App such as Didi can make much more money thanthose who don’t; a housewife who opens a shop online can evenout-earn a white-collar worker.⑥ All of their success can beattributed to their constant learning in addition to the progress oftechnology.⑦ As an old saying goes, it is never too old to learn. Thus,learning is an attitude regardless of age. Only through learningceaselessly can we achieve our potential and live a better life in thisrapidly developing society.① 开门见山,引出谚语。

2015年6月英语四级阅读理解练习及解析1 There are people in Italy who can’t stand soccer. Not all Canadians love hockey.A similar situation exists in America, where there are those individuals you may be one of them who yawn or even frown when somebody mentions baseball. 『Baseball to them means boring hours watching grown men in funny tight outfits standing around in a field staring away while very little of anything happens.』① They tell you it’s a game better suited to the 19th century, slow, quiet, gentlemanly. These are the same people you may be one of them who love football because there’s the sport that glorifies “the hit”.By contrast, baseball seems abstract, cool, silent, still.On TV the game is fractured into a dozen perspectives, replays, close ups. The geometry of the game, however, is essential to understanding it. You will contemplate the game from one point as a painter does his subject; you may, of course, project yourself into the game. It is in this projection that the game affords so much space and time for involvement. The TV won’t do it for you.Take, for example, the third baseman. You sit behind the third base dugout and you watch him watching home plate. His legs are apart, knees flexed. His arms hang loose. He does a lot of this. The skeptic still cannot think of any other sports so still, so passive. 『But watch what happens every time the pitcher throws: the third baseman goes up on his toes, flexes his arms or bring the glove to a point in front of him, takes a step right or left, backward or forward, perhaps he glances across the field to check his first baseman’s position.』② Suppose the pitch is a ball. “Nothing happened,” you say. “I could have had my eyes closed.”The skeptic and the innocent must play the game. And this involvement in the stands is no more intellectual than listening to music is. Watch the third baseman. Smooth the dirt in front of you with one foot; smooth the pocket in your glove; watch the eyes of the batter, the speed of the bat, the sound of horsehide on wood. If football is a symphony of movement and theatre, baseball is chamber music, a spacious interlocking of notes, chores and responses.1. The passage is mainly concerned with ______.A. the different tastes of people for sportsB. the different characteristics of sportsC. the attraction of footballD. the attraction of baseball2. Those who don’t like baseball may complain that ______.A. it is only to the taste of the oldB. it involves fewer players than footballC. it is not exciting enoughD. it is pretentious and looks funny3. The author admits that ______.A. baseball is too peaceful for the youngB. baseball may seem boring when watched on TVC. football is more attracting than baseballD. baseball is more interesting than football4. By stating “I could have had my eyes closed. ” the author means (4th paragraph last sentence):A. The third baseman would rather sleep than play the game.B. Even if the third baseman closed his eyes a moment ago, it could make no different to the result.C. The third baseman is so good at baseball that he could finish the game with eyes closed all the time and do his work well.D. The consequent was too bad he could not bear to see it.5. We can safely conclude that the author ______.A. likes footballB. hates footballC. hates baseballD. likes baseball词汇与短语1. dugout n. 棒球场边供球员休息的地方2. pitcher n. 投手3. symphony n. 交响乐4. chamber n. 室内5. contemplate vt.沉思,注视长难句解析①【解析】此句的主干是“Baseball?means?watching?”,其中“in funny tight outfits”用来修饰“grown men”,“standing?”和“staring”用来做“grown men”的定语。

模拟试题二Part I WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Overseas Study at an Early Age. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 目前很多父母在子女高中毕业前就送他们出国学习2. 形成这种趋势的原因3. 我对些的看法Oversea Study at an Early AgePart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet1.The Sky's LimitAir travel is a rapidly growing source of greenhouse gases. But it is also an indispensable way of travel. The new A380 The double-decker A380, the biggest airliner the world has seen, landed at Heathrow last month to test whether London's main airport could handle the new 550-seater, due to enter commercial service at the end of this year. It was a proud moment for Britain's Rolls-Royce, the makers of the aircraft's Trent 900 engines. Rolls-Royce says the four Trents on the A380 are as clean and efficient as any jet engine, and produce "as much power as 3,500 family cars". A simple calculation shows that the equivalent of more than six cars is needed to fly each passenger.Take the calculation further: flying a fully laden A380 is, in terms of energy, like a 14km (nine-mile) queue of traffic on the road below. And that is just one aircraft. In 20 years, Airbus reckons, 1,500 such planes will be in the air. By then, the totalnumber of airliners is expected to have doubled, to 22,000. The huge airplane alone would be pumping out carbon dioxide (CO2) at the same rate as 5 million cars.That may not seem much compared with the 60 million vehicles that pour off assembly lines every year—or the 1 billion vehicles already on the world's roads. But whereas cars are used roughly for about an hour or so a day, jet airliners are on the move for at least 10 hours a day. And they burn tax-free, highoctane (1) 高能量的) fuel, which dumps hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 into the most sensitive part of the atmosphere.Aviation is a relatively small source of the emissions blamed for global warming, but its share is growing the fastest. The evidence is strong. As a result, aviation is increasingly attracting the attention of environmentalists and politicians. Amid much controversy, CO2caps (最高限制) and carbon-trading could soon be used to help curb aircraft emissions.Frequent flyers, free ridersAirlines are accused of having a free ride in terms of air pollution because they pay no tax on the fuel they use for international flights. Even though today's aircraft are about 70% more efficient than those of 40 years ago, concerns over emissions have grown. Despite booming demand for air travel, many airlines are losing money. Now green campaigners want people to think twice before they fly. The opposing voice is particularly loud in Europe, where low-cost carriers are expanding fast on busy shorthaul (2) 短距离) routes. The European Parliament will vote in July on a proposal to limit aircraft emissions.America is deeply unhappy at the prospect of its airlines being affected. Sharon Pinkerton, a senior representative of the Federal Aviation Administration insisted, on a visit to Brussels last year, that American carriers should be exempted from the scheme. This sets the scene for another transatlantic aviation dispute, to add to the two bitter and long-running disputes over subsidies to Europe's Airbus and the liberalisation of air traffic between the two continents.The airlines are growing nervous. The big international carriers represented by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) would rather Europe waited for the deliberations of a United Nations body, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), which has set technical, legal and safety rules for more than 50 years. International aviation was excluded from the Kyoto protocol on global warming, but only on condition that, by theend of 2007, countries and airlines worked under the umbrella of ICAO to come up with a way of reducing emissions through a trading scheme.Soon after the end of the Second World War the member governments of ICAO agreed that airlines should be free of fuel taxes. Some say this was to outlaw unilateral taxes that could distort markets, but others reckon it was done to boost the fledgling airline industry emerging from the fighting. The corollary was that aviation, unlike motor traffic and other forms of transport, would pay in a transparent manner for the infrastructure and services it required-air-traffic management, landing charges, flyover rights and so on. That was supposed to take care of the external costs. But no one in those days thought much about the environment. Counting the cost It was not until 1999 that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) attempted to reduce the effect of aviation on the environment. Transport as a whole was judged to be responsible for about a quarter of the world's CO2 discharges. That makes it one of the biggest sources, alongside power generation and households, as a source of the gas. Within transport, aviation accounts for about 13%. Its contribution to total man-made emissions worldwide is said to be around 3%. So why all the fuss about so little? One reason is thathigh-altitude emissions are probably disproportionately damaging to the environment. The nitrogen oxides from jet-engine exhausts lead to the formation of ozone, another greenhouse gas. Contrails (飞行云) are also suspected of enhancing the formation of cirrus clouds, which some scientists think adds to the global warming effect. The IPCC estimated that the overall impact on global warming ofaircraft could be between two and four times that of their CO2 emissions alone, though there is no scientific consensus about the size of this multiplier.Naturally, the airlines choose to measure the greenhouse gases they produce in the way that casts them in the best light —a trick they deploy on safety statistics, too. For instance, over half of aircraft accidents occur around take-off and landing. So accidents per passenger-mile compare very favourably with other means of transport. But at least one study has shown that, if accidents are measured per journey instead, aircraft are the second-most dangerous way of travelling, after motorcycles.Likewise on greenhouse gases. IATA says an aircraft's fuel consumption is about the same as that of a family car, at 3.5 litres per 100 passenger-kilometres. So CO2 emissions are similar. But that is true only if the aircraft is full and the car's passenger seats are empty. And even then, a jumbo jet flying from London to Sydney would be like nearly 400 Volkswagen Polos each travelling just over 16,000km—the average distance a European drives in a year. In other words, although cars and aircraft discharge roughly the same amount of CO2for each passenger-kilometre, the aircraft travel an awful lot farther. Waiting to landCrowded airports compound the problem. Busy runways at places such as Heathrow mean aeroplanes have to circle wastefully. The possibility of being held up ensures that pilots carry extra fuel, thereby increasing the aircraft's weight and, hence, its consumption of fuel. Other small changes could further save fuel and avoid carbon emissions: aircraft could be towed everywhere on the ground by electric vehicles. Consumers, too, can take a stand by voluntarily offsetting the carbon emissions associated with flying by paying, for instance, to have trees planted.This week IATA said the net loss of the world's airlines in the past six years would amount to almost $44 billion. Carriers have been hit by terrorism, war, recession, the respiratory disease SAILS and soaring oil prices. There were hopes the industry could make a small profit in 2007, but having to pay for environmental costs could change that. Yet global warming is not something that airlines, or any otherindustry, can shake off for ever. Sooner or later, aviation will have to shoulder the burden it imposes on the planet.1. This passage is mainly about how the development of airline industry has affected the environment through its greenhouse gases emission.2. It is predicted that in 20 years, the huge airplanes alone would be pumping out carbon dioxide at the same rate as 5 million cars.3. The author compares the effect of airliners on the environment and that of the cars and concluded that the effect ofthe former is less because the number of airplanes is much smaller than that of the cars.4. In the past, aviation industry was the smallest source of greenhouse gases emission and thus did not attract people's attention.5. Many airlines are having less profit today although there are more demand for air travel.6. America is proposing an alternative plan to solve the problem of emission from airliners.7. The airlines are mom and more nervous, and they want the problem be considered by IATA, a United Nations body.8. ______as a whole was judged to be responsible for about a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide discharges.9. Although aviation accounts for only 3% of the total man-made emission,its______ are believed to be disproportionately damaging to the environment.10. During the past six years, airline industry has been hit by terrorism, war,______which made the industry suffer a total loss of $44 billion.Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank followingthe passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden and (47) overturning of the political and social framework, such as later occurred in France and Russia, (48) both were already independent nations. Significant changes were ushered in, (49) they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated (50) rather than outright revolution. During the conflict, people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Most of them were not (51) disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of the more isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.America's War of Independence heralded the birth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which (52) its first large influx of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States; (53) was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer (54) for prisoners and debtors; the third newcomer—the United States — based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not so (55) as one might suppose. In some states, notably Connecticut and Rhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonialself-rule already existing. British officials, everywhere ousted, were (56) by ahome-grown governing class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king and parliament.A) violentB) seriouslyC) revolutionaryD) evolutionE) anotherF) andG) replacedH) repelledI) otherJ) receivedK) butL) severeM) availableN) whenO) revolutionSection BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneA study of facts and figures on development demonstrates that China has made remarkable social progress in a range of significant areas in the last 45 years.China feeds and clothes 22 percent of the world's population with only seven percent of the world's farmland. The necessities of life food, clothing, goods for everyday use —are now within reach of the majority of the Chinese people. Nutrition has improved greatly for both urban and rural residents.The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to eliminate or reduce poverty, bringing down the number of poor in the rural population from 250 million in 1978 to only 80 million in 1994, even though this was a period in which China's population increased by over 100 million.The per capita living area in cities and towns increased from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 7.5 square meters in 1993. In rural areas the per capita housing has reached 20.8 square meters.Educational developments have liberated millions of Chinese people from ignorance and illiteracy. In 1986 China instituted nine years of compulsory schooling, with the result that by 1993 school enrolment had reached 97.7 percent. Today, illiteracy among young and middle-aged people has dropped to only seven percent.The state is taking measures to keep its labor force fully employed. In recent years the urban unemployment rate has remained between two and three percent. China has put strict controls on industrial pollution in an effort to improve the overall urban environment. Ecological methods of farming are being promoted and afforestation is being speeded up. In 1993 the country's forest coverage was 13.9 percent and 766 nature reserves covered a total of 661, 800 square kilometers.China is working toward the goal of health care for everyone by the year 2000. In 1993 there were two hospital beds for every 833 people and two doctors for every 1,266 people. By now the immunization of children has reached 85 percent, and increased efforts are being made to monitor and control AIDS and venereal diseases.57. What is an appropriate title for this passage?[A] Fast Economic Development in China. [B] Social Development in China.[C] The Current Chinese Society. [D] People's View on China's Reform.58. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?[A] Chinese people account for 22 percent of the world's total population.[B] The arable land in China constitutes seven percent of that of the world.[C] Most Chinese people now can easily buy the necessities of life.[D] Urban residents can eat nutritiously, but rural residents cannot.59. What is mentioned as a difficulty of poverty elimination efforts by the passage?[A] Slow economic development. [B] Vast area of land.[C] Huge population increase. [D] Natural disaster.60. Which of the following statements is NOT true?[A] Educational developments have set millions of Chinese people free.[B] After 1986, every child in China must receive an education of at least nine years.[C] Nowadays, only 7% of young and middle-aged people cannot read or write.[D] There is compulsory education for children now.61. Which of the following is mentioned as an example of achievements in health care?[A] Increasing budget and attention. [B] Preferential tax policy and incentives.[C] Decreasing mortality rate and medicine price. [D] Ratio of hospital beds to patient.Passage TwoI have certainly seen lots of changes in my lifetime! I look around my home and see "mod cons" that I could never have dreamed of 50 or 60 years ago. I spent the early part of childhood in a cottage without running water or electricity and yet these days, I feel paralyzed if there is a power cut for even just an hour or two! So, I have changed too. Things that I couldn't even imagine in the past now seem quite normal.Businessmen can travel from London to New York in three hours and lots of people exceed the seventy-mile-per-hour speed limit on motorways. A person of 75 is not old these days. A serious illness does not mean certain death because there have been so many advances in medical science. We no longer need to be afraid of contracting diseases like polio or smallpox. I can speak to my son in Australia from my own sitting room here in Manchester, watch athletes running a race on the other side of the world without moving from my own home and I can even do my shopping while I sit here in an armchair. I never need to worry about food going bad in the warm weather and, at the flick of a switch, I can have a hot meal in a couple of minutes. So, it seems, the quality of life has greatly improved since my own childhood.I'm not convinced, however, that people are happier today than they were 50 years ago. We are certainly materially better off than we were but most people still seem to be weighed down by problems. My daughter and her family are a good illustration. They have a spacious, comfortable home with every labor-saving device you can think of. There's a washing machine, a clothes dryer, a food processor, a vacuum cleaner and all sorts of other household items which are designed to save time but it seems to me that my daughter and her husband just spend all that "saved" time working! They never relax and are always complaining of being tired and "stressed".62. What is the passage mainly about?[A] How life has improved. [B] How life has become worse.[C] A comparison of life now and that in the past. [D] Memory of life in the past.63. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?[A] People can travel faster nowadays.[B] In the past, a 75-year-old person is considered old.[C] Now a person will die if he suffers from a serious illness.[D] At present we will no longer be helpless victims of diseases like polio or smallpox.64. What does the word "contracting" (Line 4, Para. 2) mean?[A] Infecting. [B] Acquiring. [C] Shrinking. [D] Entering into an agreement.65. Which of the following is NOT an example given by the author to demonstrate the convenience of _____ modern life?[A] Quick food. [B] Easy shopping. [C] Internet. [D] TV shows.66. According to the author, what is a problem of modem life?[A] Increased crimes. [B] Diminished friendships. [C] Increased divorce rate. [D] Pressure of modem life.Part ⅤClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.On March I, a reader's letter published in Lianhe Zaobao's Forum page with the headline "Feedback from Readers Taken Seriously" caught my eyes. The author cited a number of suggestions he made which received (67) responses from the authorities and quick follow-up actions to back his observation. His own experiences (68) him to conclude that: "This is a good (69) of the democratic system at work in Singapore." Newspaper provides avenues for people to air their views and these are taken seriously by the authority (70) act promptly to find solutions (71) problems. (72) first glance, the letter appears only to affirm the positive and effective communication between government departments and the people. (73) should not be overlooked, however, is that underpinning this virtuous circle is the (74) of the media. To begin with, the people must have faith in the media for them to (75) up problems and issues in the belief that when their concerns are highlighted in thepress, the authorities will (76) the situation. This is evidence of the credibility that the press enjoys among people. Similarly, the government, well (77) of the influence the newspapers have over its readers, pays close attention to reports, comments and views in the press. And ministries or departments will investigate and (78) with problems that come under their purview in a speedy manner. This shows that government (79) the media and believes the concerns expressed by the man in the street are genuine. It is the duty of the media to keep the people (80) of government policies and major events as well as provide (81) feedback to the government on the problems and hardships the people face. The media (82) as a bridge between the government and the people and should seek to make each aware of the concerns of the other and establish an (83) channel of communication between them. This is also the process (84) which the media develops its credibility. To win the trust of the people and strengthen its hand, the government should keep (85) of the changing needs of the people and help them overcome problems. An open and democratic government should respect the fight of the people to have (86) to information. It should, for example, explain to them the rationale for changing an important policy. And the information should be timely and comprehensive.67. [A] slow [B] swift [C] mild [D] emotional68. [A] lead [B] leads [C] let [D] led69. [A] illustration [B] show [C] way [D] sign70. [A] where [B] when [C] which [D] by which71. [A] of [B] to [C] with [D] about72. [A] As [B] In [C] On [D] At73. [A] What [B] How [C] Which [D] That74. [A] persuasion [B] influence [C] credibility [D] status75. [A] bring [B] propose [C] make [D] discover76. [A] exacerbate [B] press [C] remedy [D] disregard77. [A] resent [B] aware [C] above [D] notice78. [A] dispenses [B] passes [C] deals [D] handles79. [A] respects [B] is afraid of [C] is superior to [D] relies80. [A] away [B] informed [C] fear [D] acquisitive81. [A] questionable [B] little [C] retorted [D] accurate82. [A] acts [B] plays [C] is [D] looks83. [A] good [B] effective [C] smooth [D] accurate84. [A] in [B] to [C] by [D] with85. [A] pace [B] looking [C] abreast [D] time86. [A] access [B] channel [C] way [D] methodsPart VI TranslationDirections: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87. There are a lot of people______________________(喜欢看电视), but I prefer to read books in my spare time.88.There is no specific requirements on the sample listening tests, so students can listen to the dialogue repeatedly__________________________________(想要听几遍都可以).89. Internet is__________________________________________(起着越来越重要的作用) in our modem society.90. __________________________(除了比较长之外), the report can be regarded as convincing and impressive.91. As a client relationship manager, one has to always consider the needs of the customers ______________________(而不是自己的方便)参考答案Part I Writing[范文] Overseas Study at an Early AgeNowadays, more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost. It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too.Consequently, pursuing overseas study has become a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rash-economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children's overseas study.As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor beneficial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one's self-improvement, but it's better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. A2. A3. B4. C5. A6. C7. A8. Transport9. high-altitude emissions10.recessionPart IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section A47. A 48.N 49. K 50. D 51. B 52. J 53. E 54. M 55. C 56. GSection B57. B 58. D 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. C 63. C 64. B 65. C 66. DPart ⅤCloze67. B 68. D 69. A 70. C 71. B 72. D 73. A 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. B 78. C 79. A 80. B 81. D 82. A 83. B 84. C 85. C 86. APart VI Translation87. who love to watch TV88. as much as they want89. playing an increasingly important role90. Except for its lengthiness91. rather than/instead of one's own convenience。

2015年12月英语四级真题答案(卷二)作文:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Listening is more important than talking.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of listening. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。
参考范文:It is quite important to be a good listener.Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking.It’s being content to listen to the entire thought of someone rather than waiting impatiently for your chance to respond.Slowing down your responses and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more amiable person.As you wait for the person you are communicating with to finish,as you simply listen more intently to what is being said,you will feel more relaxed,and so will the people you are talking to.Not only will being a better listener make you a more patient person,but it will also improve your relationship with others because everyone loves to talk to someone who truly listens to what they are saying.It is quite easy for you to be a better listener.As long as you for get yourself and imagine yourself in the speaker’s experience to understand the emotion behind the words,and then give your appropriate responses slowly,you will be an endeared listener.【听力】暂缺选词填空:36. G,favorite 该题难度不大。
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2015年英语四级阅读模拟试题及答案(精品试卷二)Section CDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.,B., C. and D.. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Fried foods have long been frowned upon. Nevertheless, the skillet (长柄平底煎锅) is about our handiest and most useful piece of kitchen equipment. Strong woodcutters and others engaged in active labor requiring 4,000calories per day or more will take approximately one-third of their rations prepared in this fashion. Meat, eggs, and French toast cooked in this way are served in millions of homes daily. Apparently the consumers are not beset with more signs of indigestion than afflicted by those who insist upon broiling, roasting, or boiling. Some years ago one of our most eminent physiologists investigated the digestibility of fried potatoes. He found that the pan variety was more easily broken down for assimilation than when deep fat was employed. The latter, however, dissolved within the alimentary tract ( 消化道 ) more readily than the boiled type. Furthermore, he learned, by watching the progress of the contents of the stomach by means of the fluoroscope (荧光检查仪), that fat actually accelerated the rate of digestion. Now all this is quite in contrast with "authority". Volumes have been written on nutrition, and everywhere the dictum ( 权威意见) has been accepted--no fried edibles of any sort for children. A few will go so tar as to forbid this style of cooking wholly. Now and then an expert will be bold enough to admit that he uses them himself, the absence of discomfort being explained on the ground that he possesses a powerful gastric ( 胃的 )apparatus. We can of course sizzle perfectly good articles to death so that they will be leathery and tough. But thorough heating, in the presence of shortening, is not the awful crime that it has been labeled. Such dishes stimulate rather than retard contractions of the gall bladder. Thus it is that bile ( 胆汁 ) mixes with the nutriment shortly after it leaves the stomach.We don't need to allow our foodstuffs to become oil soaked, but other than that, there seems to be no basis for the widely heralded prohibition against this method. But notions become fixed. The first condemnation probably rose because an "oracle" ( 圣贤) suffered from dyspepsia (消化不良) which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu. The theory spread. Others agreed with him, and after a time the doctrine became incorporated in our textbooks. The belief is now tradition rather than proved fact. It should have been refuted long since, as experience has demonstrated its falsity.56. This passage focuses on__________.A. why the skillet is a handy piece of kitchen equipmentB. the digestibility of fried foodsC. how the experts can mislead the public in the area of food preparation D. why fried foods have long been frowned upon57. People engaged in active labor eat fried foods because __________. A. they are healthfulB. they are much cheaperC. they can be easily digestedD. they can provide the calories the workers need58. The author implies that the public should__________.A. prepare some foods by fryingB. avoid fried foods if possibleC. fry foods for adults but not for childrenD. prepare all foods by frying59. When the author says that "an 'oracle' suffered from dyspepsia which he ascribed to some fried item on the menu" he is being__________. A. gratefulB. factualC. sarcasticD. humorous60. The passage was probably taken from__________.A. a medical journalB. a publication addressed to the general publicC. a speech at a medical conventionD. an advertisement for cooking oilPassage TwoQuestions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.In the second half of the twentieth century, many countries of the South ( 发展中国家) began to send students to the industrialized countries for further education. They urgently needed supplies of highly trained personnel to implement a concept of development based on modernization.But many of these students decided to stay on in the developed countries when they had finished their training. At the same time, many professionals who did return home but no longer felt at ease there also decided to go back to the countries where they had studied.In the 1960s, some Latin American countries tried to solve this problem by setting up special "return" programs to encourage their professionals to come back home. These programs received support from international bodies such as the International Organization for Migration, which in 1974 enabled over 1,600 qualified scientistsand technicians to return to Latin America.In the 1980s and 1990s, "temporary return" programs were set up in order to make the best use of trained personnel occupying strategic positions in the developed countries. This gave rise to the United Nations Development Program's Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate ( 移居国外的 ) Nationals, which encourages technicians and scientists to work in their own countries for short periods. But the brain drain (人才流失) fromthese countries may well increase in response to the new laws of the international market in knowledge.Recent studies forecast that the most developed countries are going to need more and more highly qualified professionals around twice as many as their educational systems will be able to produce, or so it is thought. As a result there is an urgent need for developing countries which send students abroad to give preference to fields where they need competent people to give muscle to their own institutions, instead of encouraging the training of people who may not come back because there are no professional outlets for them. And the countries of the South must not be content with institutional structures that simply take back professionals sent abroad, they must introduce flexible administrative procedures to encourage them to return. If they do not do this, the brain drain is bound to continue.61. Which of the following is NOT correct according to the passage? A. The developing countries believe that sending students to the industrialized countries is a good way to meet their own needs for modernization.B. The South American countries have been sending students to developed countries since the 1920s.C. Many people trained abroad remain in the developed countries instead of coming back to serve their home countries.D. The International Organization for Migration successfully helped more than 1,600 professionals to return to their own countries in a single year.62. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the developing countries are losing their brain power?A. Many professionals did not feel comfortable in their home countries after they returned home.B. "Temporary return" programs encouraged professionals to work in their home countries for short periods.C. The new laws of the international market encourage knowledge transfer.D. The professionals from the developing countries have been trained in fields where they could not apply their knowledge to the best advantage in their home countries.63. In the author's opinion, the developing countries should __________. A. keep their present administrative procedures so as to ensure that their students return after graduationB. cooperate more effectively with international organizationsC. set up more return programs under the guidance of the UND. send students abroad in the fields where their knowledge is more likely to be made full use of in their own countries64. According to the passage, the problem of the developing countries will continue__________.A. as long as the developed countries need more qualified professionals than they can educate domesticallyB. as long as the developing countries are content with their present institutional structuresC. unless those countries stop sending large number of students to be trained abroadD. if theh governments fail to make administrative adjustments concerning the return procedures of their professionals65. The best title for the passage is__________.A. The Brain Drain of the Developing CountriesB. Knowledge TransferC. The Talents from the Developing CountriesD. The Failure of Development Programs【参考译文】很长时间以来,人们都不喜欢油炸食品。