Materials Studio目录[隐藏]Materials studio简介模块详细介绍Materials studio简介1. 1、诞生背景2. 2、软件概况3. 3、模块简介4. 4、比Cer ius2更具有优点模块详细介绍1. 基本环境2. 分子力学与分子动力学3. 晶体、结晶与X射线衍射4. 量子力学5. 高分子与介观模拟6. 定量结构-性质关系[编辑本段]Materials studio简介1、诞生背景美国A ccelrys公司的前身为四家世界领先的科学软件公司――美国Molecular Simulations Inc.(MSI)公司、Genet ics Computer G roup(G CG)公司、英国Synop sys Scient ific系统公司以及Oxfo rd Molecular Group(OMG)公司,由这四家软件公司于2001年6月1日合并组建的Accel rys公司,是目前全球范围内唯一能够提供分子模拟、材料设计以及化学信息学和生物信息学全面解决方案和相关服务的软件供应商。
A ccelrys材料科学软件产品提供了全面完善的模拟环境,可以帮助研究者构建、显示和分析分子、固体及表面的结构模型,并研究、预测材料的相关性质。
A ccelrys的软件是高度模块化的集成产品,用户可以自由定制、购买自己的软件系统,以满足研究工作的不同需要。
A ccelrys软件用于材料科学研究的主要产品包括运行于UNIX工作站系统上的C erius2软件,以及全新开发的基于PC平台的Material s Studio软件。
2、软件概况Mate rials Studio是专门为材料科学领域研究者开发的一款可运行在PC上的模拟软件。
Materials Studio是一个采用服务器/客户机模式的软件环境,它为你的PC 机带来世界最先进的材料模拟和建模技术。
Materials Studio使你能够容易地创建并研究分子模型或材料结构,使用极好的制图能力来显示结果。
Materials Studio的服务器/客户机结构使得你的Windows NT/2000/XP,Linux和UNIX服务器可以运行复杂的计算,并把结果直接返回你的桌面。
Materials Studio采用材料模拟中领先的十分有效并广泛应用的模拟方法。
无论是使用高级的运算方法,还是简单地利用Materials Studio增强你的报告或演讲,你都可以感到自己是在用的一个优秀的世界级材料科学与化学计算软件系统。
Materials Studio可以在Windows 98,Me,NT,2000和XP下运行。
Materials Studio的中心模块是Materials Visualizer。
Materials Visualizer也管理、显示并分析文本、图形和表格格式的数据,支持与其它字处理、电子表格和演示软件的数据交换。
Materials Studio是一个模块化的环境。
你可以选择符合你要求的模块与Materials Visualizer组成一个无缝的环境。
你也可以把Materials Visualizer作为一个单独的建模和分子图形的软件包来运行。
1. Microsoft Office模块:2. Microsoft Teams模块:Microsoft Teams是一款用于协作和沟通的团队软件。
3. Microsoft Edge模块:4. Microsoft OneDrive模块:5. Microsoft Visual Studio模块:Microsoft Visual Studio是一款用于软件开发的集成开发环境(IDE)。
Visual Studio支持多种编程语言,如C#、C++、Python等,以及各种开发框架和技术。
注释1:在标准OTP或者EPROM设备MSP430P112或MSP430E112中,用于上拉或下拉的可选电阻R optx 是不可编程的。
输出 P2x,Tax
注释:1.对于所有输出组合,最大总电流I OH(max)和I OL(max)不能超过±12mA,以便输出电压满足输出电压下降标准。
2.对于所有输出组合,最大总电流I OH(max)和I OL(max)不能超过±36mA,以便输出电压满足输出电压下降标准。
基本环境 MS.Materials Visualizer 分子力学与分子动力学 MS.DISCOVER PASS MS.Amorphous Cell MS.Forcite MS.Forcite Plus
晶体、结晶与X射线衍射 MS.Polymorph Predictor MS.Morphology MS.Reflex MS.Reflex Plus MS.X-Cell
Accelrys最新发展的基于Oracle数据库的配方 设计软件,可以帮助研究人员对配方设计所 需的信息和知识进行存储、整理及分析,并 在此基础上设计最优配方。其应用涵盖了配 方设计的全过程,包括初始概念形成、试验 设计以及配方优化等
先进的经典分子力学工具,可以对分子或周 期性体系进行快速的能量计算及可靠的几何 优化。包含Universal、Dreiding 等被广泛使 用的力场及多种电荷分配算法。
先进的量子力学程序,广泛应用于陶瓷、半 导体、金属等多种材料,可研究:晶体材料 的性质(半导体、陶瓷、金属、分子筛等)、 表面和表面重构的性质、表面化学、电子结 构(能带及态密度)、晶体的光学性质、点 缺陷性质(如空位、间隙或取代掺杂)、扩 展缺陷(晶粒间界、位错)、体系的三维电 荷密度及波函数等。
支持对凝聚态材料进行原子水平模拟的功能 强大的力场。是第一个由凝聚态性质以及孤 立分子的各种从头算和经验数据等参数化并 验证的从头算力场。可以在很大的温度、压 力范围内精确地预测孤立体系或凝聚态体系 中各种分子的结构、构象、震动以及热物理 性质
独特的密度泛函(DFT)量子力学程序,是 唯一的可以模拟气相、溶液、表面及固体等 过程及性质的商业化量子力学程序,应用于 化学、材料、化工、固体物理等许多领域。 可用于研究均相催化、多相催化、分子反应 性、分子结构等,也可预测溶解度、蒸气压、 配分函数、溶解热、混合热等性质。
Wien2k、Ganssian、VASP、Material Studio
Materials Studio简介
诞生背景 美国Accelrys公司的前身为四家世界领先的科学软件公司―― 美国Molecular Simulations Inc.(MSI)公司、Genetics Computer Group(GCG) 公 司 、 英 国 Synopsys Scient ific 系 统 公 司 以 及 Oxford Molecular Group(OMG)公司,由这四家软件公司于2001年6月1日合并组建的Accelrys 公司,是目前全球范围内唯一能够提供分子模拟、材料设计以及化学信息 学和生物信息学全面解决方案和相关服务的软件供应商。
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Materials Studio 模块简介
Introduction of Materials Studio’s Moduls
Materials Studio的特点
2. 能够容易地创建并研究分子模型或材料结构,使用极好的 制图能力来显示结果。
Materials Studio的特点 3. 与其它标准PC软件整合的工具使得容易共享这
些数据 Origin, Matlab 4. 采用材料模拟中领先的十分有效并广泛应用的
Materials Studio软件采用Client-Server结构。其核心模块Visualizer运行 于客户端PC,支持的操作系统包括Windows 98、2000、NT;计算模块( 如Discover,Amorphous,Equilibria,DMol3,CASTEP等)运行于服务 器端,支持的系统包括Windows2000、NT、SGIIRIX以及Red Hat Linux 。浮动许可(Floating License)机制允许用户将计算作业提交到网络上 的任何一台服务器上,并将结果返回到客户端进行分析。
Materials Studio软件包含多个模块,每个模块都有其独特的功能和用途。
1. 建模模块:该模块用于创建各种类型的分子模型,包括大分子模型、小分子模型、聚合物模型等。
2. 催化模块:这个模块专注于对催化剂的研究,包括新催化剂的开发,催化剂性能的优化,以及催化剂的基本原理研究等。
3. 电池模块:该模块主要用于模拟和研究电池性能,包括电池的电化学性能、热力学性能、动力学性能等。
4. 半导体计算模块:该模块主要应用于半导体物理和器件的研究,可以模拟计算半导体材料的电子结构、光学性质、热力学性质等。
总的来说,Materials Studio软件包含多个模块,每个模块都有针对性的功能和应用领域,用户可以根据自身需求选择相应的模块进行使用。
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流体滑动(Ku #):非连续分子效应 电动效应:电渗、电泳、AC电渗、介电泳、电热效应 流固耦合:流体驱动结构变形、结构体影响流体流动,直接双向耦 合,ALE变形网格 磁场/Lorenz力驱动流体: ferro-hydrodynamics 旋转或移动物体:旋转式混合器、微搅拌器 多孔介质流
中仿科技---专业信息化软件及技术咨询公司 CnTech Co.,Ltd--- Leading Engineering Virtual Prototyping Solutions Provider
中仿科技---专业信息化软件及技术咨询公司 CnTech Co.,Ltd--- Leading Engineering Virtual Prototyping Solutions Provider
中仿科技---专业信息化软件及技术咨询公司 CnTech Co.,Ltd--- Leading Engineering Virtual Prototyping Solutions Provider
薄膜阻尼结构体 热-固耦合 热-电-固耦合 声-固耦合 流-固耦合 电渗流 传质流 焦耳热 每个模块预定义的耦合 任意应用模式自由组合
广义层流 – Stokes流(非惯性) – 不可压缩流 – 弱可压缩流(微压缩效应) – 多孔介质流* 传热 – 对流与传导 – 非等温流 – 自然/强迫对流 传质 – 对流与扩散 – 多溶质对流与扩散
1. Word模块:2. Excel模块:Excel是一款用于创建和管理电子表格的模块。
3. PowerPoint模块:PowerPoint是一款用于创建和展示演示文稿的模块。
4. Outlook模块:除了上述主要的模块外,MS软件还有其他一些重要的模块,如Access和OneNote等。
5. Access模块:Access是一款用于创建和管理数据库的模块。
6. OneNote模块:综上所述,MS软件是一套功能强大、多功能的办公和企业管理软件套件。
MS.Reflex 模块因后来技术的不断提升,又新增加了 Reflex Plus、Reflex QPA模块。 Reflex模块主要是模拟晶体材料的X光、中子以及电子 等多种粉末衍射图谱。可以帮助确定晶体的结构,解析衍 射数据并用于验证计算和实验结果。模拟的谱图可以直接 与实验数据比较,并能根据结构的改变进行即时的更新。 Reflex Plus主要是在Reflex标准功能的基础上加入已 被广泛验证Powder Solve技术,提供了一套可以从高质量 的粉末衍射数据确定晶体结构的完整工具。 Reflex QPA利用粉末衍射数据及Rietveld 方法进行定 量相分析的强大工具,可以通过多相样品的粉末衍射图判 定不同组成成分相对比例的。
对Acetohexamide晶体结构用x-ray射线 衍射分析,并将实验值导入与模拟值同汇入 到同一张衍射图谱中,得到如下图示。 图中红色曲 线为实验值, 蓝色曲线为 模拟值,黑 色曲线为两 者的差值。
经查阅文献资料可知, BaSi6N8 晶体结构在 build crystal对话框中的Enter group为44IMM2,空间群结构 的各边长( lengths ) a 、 b 、 c 为 7.9316 、 9.3437 、 4.8357。建立空间群并添加原子后得到 BaSi6N8的晶体 结构如下。
对BaSi6N8进行粉末衍射(power diffraction)。采用 不同的射线(x-ray、neutron、electron)对其衍射分析, 并将不同衍射结果叠加到同一张衍射图中后确定晶体结构 、解析衍射数据。其衍射图样如下。
Reflex Powder Diffraction 对话框窗口
用户可以使用mswien2k进行势 能面扫描,以了解分子的振动、 旋转等运动。
mswien2k也支持杂化密度泛函计算 ,使用户能够考虑更复杂的材料体系 。
用户可以使用mswien2k进行材料电 子结构搜索,以了解材料的电子性质 和化学反应活性等。
易用性:软件界面友好,操作简单,方便 用户使用。
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04 优势
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mswien2k是由德国Max-Planck-Institut fur Festkörperforschung (MPIKK) 开发的一款基于Windows平台的密度泛函理论计算软件。
自1997年发布第一个版本以来,mswien2k不断进行更新与优化,目前已更新 至mswien2k19版。
mswien2k特点与优势 特点 01
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MS 模块介绍
TheoryThis section provides information on background theories which are applied across several modules in Materials Studio. For more detailed explanations please consult the theory topics provided in the module sections of the Online Help. The subjects covered include:Simulations theoryo Forcefields▪The potential energy surface▪The forcefield▪The energy expression▪Functional forms▪Modeling periodic systems▪Forcefield types▪Stepdown and equivalencing▪Supported forcefields▪Consistent forcefields - pcff and COMPASS▪cvff forcefield▪Dreiding forcefield▪Universal forcefieldo Preparing the structure▪Assigning forcefield types▪Assigning charges▪Applying constraints▪Non-bond interactions▪Non-bond cutoffs▪Atom-based cutoffs▪Charge groups and group-based cutoffs▪Cell multipole method▪Ewald sums for periodic systemso Calculating properties▪Concentration and temperature profiles▪Cohesive energy densities▪Correlation functions▪Pair correlation function▪Rotational time correlation functions▪Space-time correlation functions▪Spatial orientation correlation functions▪Stress autocorrelation functions▪Velocity autocorrelation function ▪Dipole moment and related properties▪Fluctuation properties▪Geometry measurement distributions▪Local mode analysis▪Mean square displacement▪Mechanical properties▪Polarization and dielectric behavior▪Property-time evolutions▪Radius of gyration∙Quantum theoryo Self-consistent field theoryo Density functional theoryo Dispersion correction for DFTo Brillouin zone samplingo Fermi surfaceso Density of states and partial density of states ∙Geometry optimization theoryo The optimization processo Line searcho Geometry optimization algorithms▪Steepest descents▪Conjugate gradient▪Newton-Raphson methodso Methodology for optimization calculations▪When to use different algorithms▪Convergence criteria▪Significance of minimum-energy structure ∙Dynamics theoryo Equations of motiono Statistical ensembleso Temperatureo Pressure and stresso Constraints during dynamics simulations∙Scattering theoryo Atomic and ionic scatteringo Scattering from an arbitrary structureo Single crystal diffractiono Debye formulao Thermal vibrationso Voronoi tessellationsMesoscale theoryo Bead types theoryo Coarse graining theoryCASTEPCASTEP is a state-of-the-art quantum mechanics-based program designed specifically for solid-state materials science. CASTEP employs the density functional theory plane-wave pseudopotential method, which allows you to perform first-principles quantum mechanics calculations that explore the properties of crystals and surfaces in materials such as semiconductors, ceramics, metals, minerals, and zeolites.Typical applications involve studies of surface chemistry, structural properties, band structure, density of states, and optical properties. CASTEP can also be used to study the spatial distribution of the charge density and wavefunctions of a system.In addition, you can use CASTEP to calculate the full tensor of second-order elastic constants and related mechanical properties of a crystal (Poisson coefficient, Lame constants, bulk modulus). The transition-state searchingtools in CASTEP enable you to study chemical reactions in either the gas phase or on the surface of a material using linear synchronous transit/quadratic synchronous transit technology. These tools can also be used to investigate bulk and surface diffusion processes.CASTEP can be used effectively to study properties of both point defects (vacancies, interstitials, and substitutional impurities) and extended defects (for example grain boundaries and dislocations) in semiconductors and other materials.Furthermore, the vibrational properties of solids (phonon dispersion, total and projected density of phonon states, thermodynamic properties) can be calculated with CASTEP using either the linear response methodology or the finitedisplacements technique. The results can be used in various ways, for instance, to investigate the vibrational properties of adsorbates on surfaces, to interpret experimental neutron spectroscopy data or vibrational spectra, to study phase stability at high temperatures and pressures, etc. The linear response method can also be used to calculate the response of a material to an applied electric field - polarizability for molecules and dielectricpermittivity in solids - and to predict IR spectra.CASTEP can be used to calculate the properties required to analyze the results of solid-state NMR experiments, i.e., chemical shifts and electric field gradients on atoms of interest.The CASTEP STM analysis tool allows you to model scanning tunneling microscopy images at different bias voltages in order to solve the surface structures based on the experimental STM images.Tasks in CASTEPThe CASTEP module allows you to perform first-principles quantum mechanical calculations in order to explore the properties of crystals and surfaces in the solid state. CASTEP can currently perform five different tasks:∙Single-point energy calculation∙Geometry optimization∙Molecular dynamics∙Elastic constants calculation∙Transition-state searchEach of these calculations can be set up so that it generates specified chemical and physical properties. An additional task, known as a properties calculation, allows you to restart a completed job to compute additional properties that were not calculated as part of the original run.There are a number of steps involved in running a CASTEP calculation, which can be grouped as follows:∙Structure definition: A periodic 3D Atomistic document containing the system of interest must be specified. There are a number of ways toprepare a structure:o Periodic structures can be built using the tools available in the Materials Visualizer for building crystals, surfaces, and single-wall nanotubes.o Existing structures can be modified using the MaterialsVisualizer sketching toolso Structures can be imported from an existing structure fileIn the case of a transition-state search, a 3D Atomistic Trajectorydocument containing a reaction sequence is required as the inputdocument. You should define the structures of the reactants and theproducts in two separate 3D Atomistic documents via the methods listedabove and then use the Reaction Preview tool to generate the trajectory.Note. CASTEP can only be used to perform calculations on 3D periodic structures. If you wish to study a molecular system using CASTEP, you will need toconstruct a supercell to use as the input structure.Note. CASTEP performance can be greatly increased if the symmetry of the structure is taken into account. CASTEP offers an option of finding and using the symmetry automatically if the input structure is described as having a P1 symmetry. This option is particularly relevant for calculations on molecular crystals and crystal surfaces, since these structures are typically created asP1 (or p1) systems. Automatic conversion to a higher symmetry structure will honor all atomic properties that are relevant to the current CASTEP settings, such as constraints and electronic configuration.Tip. The time required for a CASTEP calculation increases with the cube of the number of atoms in the system. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the smallest primitive cell description of your system whenever possible. Select Build | Symmetry | Primitive Cell from the menu bar to convert to a primitive cell.Calculation setup: Once a suitable 3D structure document has been defined, then it is necessary to select the type of calculation to beperformed and set the associated parameters. For example, in the case ofa dynamics calculation, these parameters include the ensemble and itssettings, the temperature, and the number and length of the time steps.Finally, the server on which the calculation is to be run should beselected and the job initiated.∙Analysis of the results: When the calculation is complete, the files related to that job are returned to the client and, where appropriate,displayed in the Project Explorer. Some further processing of thesefiles may be required to obtain observables such as optical properties.The tools on the CASTEP Analysis dialog may be used to visualize theresults of the calculation.DMol3DMol3 allows you to model the electronic structure and energetics of molecules, solids, and surfaces using density functional theory (DFT). You can study a broad range of systems using DMol3, including organic and inorganic molecules, molecular crystals, covalent solids, metallic solids, and infinite surfaces of a material. With DMol3, you can predict structure, reaction energies, reaction barriers, thermodynamic properties, and vibrational spectra.DMol3 uses DFT to produce highly accurate results, while keeping the computational cost fairly low for an ab initio method. You can learn more about how DMol3 works in the Theory in DMol3 section.Note. DMol3 is suitable for molecules and 3D periodic solids, but will not work for 1D or 2D periodic structures. To model such systems, you must build a 3D structure with a vacuum between periodic copiesTasks in DMol3The DMol3 module allows you to model the electronic structure and energetics of organic and inorganic molecules, molecular crystals, covalent solids, metallic solids, and infinite surfaces. DMol3 can currently perform six different tasks:∙Single-point energy calculation∙Geometry optimization∙Molecular dynamics∙Transition-state search∙Transition-state optimization∙Following a reaction pathEach of these calculations can be set up so that it generates specified chemical and physical properties. An additional task, known as a propertiescalculation, allows you to restart a completed job to compute additional properties that were not calculated as part of the original run.There are a number of steps involved in running a DMol3 calculation, which can be grouped as follows:∙Structure definition: A 3D Atomistic document containing the system of interest must be specified. There are a number of ways to prepare astructure:o Molecules can be built using the sketching tools in the Materials Visualizero Polymers can be constructed using the Polymer Builder in the Materials Visualizero3D periodic structures can be built using the tools available in the Materials Visualizer for building crystalso Nanostructures can be prepared using the tools available in the Nanostructure Builder in the Materials Visualizero Existing structures can be modified using the MaterialsVisualizer sketching toolso Structures can be imported from an existing structure fileIn the case of a transition-state calculation, a 3D Atomistic Trajectory document containing a reaction sequence is required as the inputdocument. You should define the structures of the reactants and theproducts in two separate 3D Atomistic documents via the methods listedabove and then use the Reaction Preview tool to generate the trajectory.Note. DMol3 can only be used to perform calculations on molecules and 3D periodic structures (crystals). Structures with 2D periodicity (surfaces) cannot be used in DMol3.∙Calculation setup: Once a suitable 3D structure document has been defined, then it is necessary to select the type of calculation to beperformed and set the associated parameters. For example, in the case ofa transition-state search, these parameters include the search protocoland the convergence threshold. Finally, the server on which thecalculation is to be run should be selected and the job initiated.∙Analysis of the results: When the calculation is complete, the files related to that job are returned to the client and, where appropriate,displayed in the Project Explorer. The tools on the DMol3 Analysisdialog may be used to visualize the results of the calculation.To select a DMol3 task1.Choose Modules | DMol3 | Calculation from the menu bar to display theDMol3 Calculation dialog.2.Select the Setup tab.3.Select the required DMol3 task from the Task dropdown list.The following topics provide more detail about the various steps involved in setting up and running a DMol3 calculation:∙Energy∙Geometry optimization∙Dynamics∙Transition state searching∙Following a reaction path∙Properties∙Setting up DMol3 calculations∙Analyzing DMol3 resultsNote. DMol3 tutorials are available to lead you through the various proceduresin a step-by-step manner.DFTB+The Density Functional based Tight Binding (DFTB) method is based on a second-order expansion of the Kohn-Sham total energy in Density Functional Theory (DFT) with respect to charge density fluctuations. The zeroth order approach is equivalent to a common standard non-self-consistent (TB) scheme, while at second order a transparent, parameter-free, and readily calculable expressionfor generalized Hamiltonian matrix elements can be derived. These are modified by a self-consistent redistribution of Mulliken charges (SCC).Besides the usual "band structure" and short-range repulsive terms, the final approximate Kohn-Sham energy additionally includes a Coulomb interaction between charge fluctuations. At large distances this accounts for long-range electrostatic forces between two point charges and approximately includes self-interaction contributions of a given atom if the charges are located at one andthe same atom. Due to the SCC extension, DFTB can be successfully applied to problems where deficiencies in the non-SCC standard TB approach become obvious.DFTB+ which is included in Materials Studio distribution is the latest implementation of the DFTB method. It is being developed in the group of Prof.Thomas Frauenheim at the Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science.Note. At present, this module is only available to members of the Nanotechnology Consortium. Further information on the Nanotechnology Consortiumcan be found at the Consortium website.Tasks in DFTB+The DFTB+ module allows you to perform first-principles quantum mechanical calculations on large systems. DFTB+ can currently perform four different tasks:∙Single-point energy calculation∙Geometry optimization∙Molecular dynamics∙ParameterizationEach of these calculations can be set up so that it generates specifiedchemical and physical properties.There are a number of steps involved in running a DFTB+ calculation, which can be grouped as follows:∙Structure definition: A 3D Atomistic document or a 3D Atomistic Trajectory document containing the system of interest must be specified.There are a number of ways to prepare a structure:o Molecules can be built using the sketching tools in the Materials Visualizero Polymers can be constructed using the Polymer Buildero Periodic structures can be built using the tools available in the Materials Visualizer for building crystalso Nanostructures can be prepared using the Nanostructure Buildero Existing structures can be modified using the MaterialsVisualizer sketching toolso Structures can be imported from an existing structure file ∙Calculation setup: Once a suitable 3D Atomistic document or 3D Atomistic Trajectory document has been defined, select the type of calculation tobe performed and set the associated parameters. For example, in the case of a dynamics calculation, these parameters include the ensemble and its settings, the temperature, and the number and length of the time steps.Finally, the server on which the calculation will be run should bespecified and the job initiated.∙Analyzing the results: When the calculation is complete, the related files are returned to the client and, where appropriate, displayed inthe Project Explorer. The tools on the DFTB+ Analysis dialog can be used to visualize the results of the calculation.To select a DFTB+ task1.Choose Modules | DFTB+ | Calculation from the menu bar to display theDFTB+ Calculation dialog.2.Select Energy, Geometry Optimization, or Dynamics from the Task dropdownlist.3.Set the Quality for the calculation and the Charge on the system.Note. If a trajectory document is in scope, the selected task will be performed iteratively over each frame in the trajectory. For cohesive energy density and mechanical properties calculations, you can specify particular frames of a trajectory to be included in the calculation.Tip. To perform a DFTB+ single-point energy, geometry optimization, or dynamics calculation on a single frame of a trajectory document, copy the frame to a new 3D structure document and use this as the input.The following topics provide more detail about the various steps involved in setting up and running a DFTB+ calculation:∙Energy∙Geometry Optimization∙Dynamics∙Parameterization∙Setting up DFTB+ calculationsTheory in DFTB+DFTB role in materials modelingThe Density Functional based Tight Binding (DFTB) method occupies an important place in the hierarchy of techniques available for the atomistic modeling of materials. Large scale simulations of technologically relevant problems are dominated by the use of empirically derived forcefields. However, since theyare adapted to a finite set of equilibrium situations (mostly experimental data and ab initio results for equilibrium configurations), they usually apply well to systems that are within the parametrization space, but often fail in other situations. Forcefields are not transferable to different chemical situationsor to calculations of spectroscopic data which rely quantitatively on detailed knowledge of the electronic structure.A method based on quantum mechanics is therefore highly desirable for large-scale applications. Such methods can be found in density-functional theory (DFT) for small to medium sized systems. A general overview of DFT is provided here. Despite the general appeal of the DFT approach, accurate DFT calculations on more than hundreds of atoms for longer trajectory times remain prohibitively expensive.For the foreseeable future, the computational demands for describing structural, electronic, and dynamic properties of large and complex materials with technologically relevant size, simulation time, and statistics demand approximate solutions. In this context, empirical tight-binding (TB) methods have been developed and used in solid-state physics. Due to their conceptual simplicity, in most cases even neglecting self-consistency, they more readily address size problems. Although the TB approach is based on quantum mechanics,it lacks reliability and transferability due to the parametrization of the electronic Hamiltonian with respect to a finite set of equilibrium structures and properties. Additionally, there is serious weakness in having no well-defined procedure for constructing the required data from an atomic basis (wavefunctions and potentials) in a way which could include any desiredchemical element.The DFTB approach merges the spirit and reliability of DFT with the simplicity and efficiency of TB ansatz. While minimizing both the computational cost and the number of parameters, this method offers a high degree of transferabilityas well as universality for both ground-state and excited-state properties. DFTB operates with the same accuracy and efficiency for organic molecules, solids, clusters, insulators, semi-conductors, and metals, even biomolecular systems are investigated. Use of DFTB is independent of the type of atoms which constitute the material (Frauenheim et al., 2002).DFTB methodologyA detailed explanation of DFTB expressions is given in Frauenheim et al. (2002). The fundamental step of the DFTB derivation is to expand the total energy ofthe DFT representation to the second order in charge density and spin density fluctuations (Elstner et al., 1998). A number of approximations are necessaryto evaluate the energy contributions in the resultant expansion:∙The Hamiltonian matrix elements are represented on a minimal basis of optimized pseudo-atomic orbitals. Atomic eigenvalues of free spin-unpolarizedatoms are used as diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian, and the non-diagonalelements are evaluated by the two-centre approximation (Porezag et al., 1995).∙The Hamiltonian elements are tabulated together with the overlap matrix elements, S, with respect to the interatomic distance, R.∙The charge-density fluctuations δn are written as a superposition of atomic contributions δnα which are approximated by monopolar charge fluctuations atthe atoms, α:Δqα = qα - qα0.Here qα0 is the number of electrons for the neutral atom α, and qα aredetermined from a Mulliken population analysis.∙This formulation is sufficient to obtain a self-consistent solution in absence of magnetization; this description is referred to as the self-consistent charge DFTB(SCC-DFTB) approximation.∙Spin-polarized descriptions can be derived in a similar vein, based on the Mulliken spin populations of the orbitals of each atom. The final expression requiresadditional atomic information - the tabulated coefficients Wαll' that can becalculated for free atoms by taking second derivatives of the DFT total-energyexpression with respect to the magnetization density.∙The total energy in the DFTB formulation contains a few terms that do not depend on the electron density fluctuations. They are combined into a short-range repulsive energy consisting of atom-type specific pair potentials. These areconstructed as the difference between the total energy versus distance calculatedin DFT and the corresponding electronic energy derived in the DFTB approach for properly chosen reference systems.∙Periodic systems are treated in the same way as above, with an added complication of the Brillouin zone summation using the special k-points technique, see the DFT overview.∙It is possible to use DFTB in the zeroth order with respect to charge density fluctuations. This non-self-consistent scheme (NCC-DFTB) is conceptuallyequivalent to the standard tight binding scheme.The resultant total energy expression in DFTB can be iterated to charge self-consistency, and analytical interatomic forces can be calculated easily by differentiating the total energy with respect to the nuclear coordinates.The main advantage of the self-consistent approach (SCC-DFTB) over the conventional tight binding (NCC-DFTB) is the introduction of a Coulomb interaction between charge fluctuations. At large distances this accounts for long-range electrostatic forces between two point charges and approximately includes self-interaction contributions of a given atom if the charges are located on the same atom. Due to the SCC extension, DFTB can be successfully applied to problems where deficiencies in the non-SCC standard TB approach become obvious.DFTB applicationsNCC-DFTB for clusters, molecules, and solids has been introduced by Porezag et al. (1995) and Seifert et al. (1996).The self-consistent version SCC-DFTB was introduced by Elstner et al. (1998).A spin-polarized extension of DFTB has been described in detail in a study of iron clusters, Kohler et al. (2005).DFTB treatment of dispersive van der Waals interactions in DNA modeling has been presented by Elstner et al. (2001a).Optical properties of materials have been calculated with DFTB either in time-dependent DFT formulation (Niehaus et al, 2001a; Niehaus et al, 2005a) or in the Green's function GW approach (Niehaus et al, 2005b).DFTB has also been used successfully to model electron transport in molecular nanostructures, see Pecchia et al, 2004a; Pecchia et al, 2004b; di Carlo et al, 2002.DiscoverDiscover is a molecular simulation program. It provides a broad range of simulation methods, giving you the ability to study molecular systems and a variety of materials types. It also enables you to perform structural characterization and property prediction for molecules, materials, andbiological compounds.Discover incorporates a range of well-validated forcefields for dynamics simulations, minimization, and conformational searches, allowing you to predict the structure, energetics, and properties of organic, inorganic, organometallic, and biological systemsTasks in DiscoverThere are a number of steps involved in running a Discover calculation, which can be defined broadly, as follows:∙Structure definition: A 3D model document containing the structures of interest must be specified. There are a number of ways to specify astructure: it can be built using one of the builders; it can be imported from an existing structure file; or an existing structure can bemodified.∙System setup: Once a structure in a 3D model document has been defined then it is necessary to define an energy expression for the system. Todefine an energy expression a forcefield must first be specified andforcefield types and charges must be assigned to each atom consistentwith the selected forcefield. Additional forcefield features, such asthe method to be used for treating nonbonded terms, must also bespecified at this time.∙Calculation setup: The type of calculation and the associated parameters are selected. For example, a dynamics calculation requires thespecification of the ensemble, the temperature (and possibly pressure),the number and length of time steps and how often to write informationto a trajectory file. The server on which the calculation is to be runis then selected and the job initiated.∙Analysis of the results: When a calculation finishes, the files related to that job are returned to the client and, where appropriate, aredisplayed in the Project Explorer. Very often for dynamics, andoccasionally for minimization, some further processing of these files is required to obtain results that can, for instance, be compared withexperimental results.With the exception of structure definition, which is discussed elsewhere, the topics in this section describe each of these steps in more detail.Note. Also available are several Discover tutorials, that lead you through the various procedures in a step-by-step manner.CCDCThe CCDC module allows you to query Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) instances installed locally or hosted on remote servers from Materials Studio.CCDC contains the following tools:∙ConQuest Search provides an interface to the CCDC ConQuest query engine of the CSD database. You can search the CSD for instances of structurefragments loaded in Materials Studio or search the CSD using a structure reference or chemical name. Alternatively, you can transfer yoursubstructure from Materials Studio directly into the ConQuest desktopapplication.∙Motif Search allows you to analyze hydrogen bond motifs formed between particular functional groups in a crystal structure. You can search theCSD to identify observed interaction motifs and obtain their probability distribution. You can categorize a list of input crystal structures with respect to hydrogen bond motifs. The predicted hydrogen bond motifs canbe scored against the statistical frequency of these motifs found in the CSD.PolymorphPolymorph allows you to predict potential stable or metastable crystal structures of a given compound directly from the molecular structure. It has been developed for polymorph prediction of fairly rigid, non-ionic or ionic molecules composed mostly of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. The。
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分子模拟的相关介绍( 多尺度模拟)
MS (molecular simulation)分子模拟缩写。 分子模拟是理论和实验的桥梁。实验是通过 理论的模型化和假设实现的;模拟是通过实 验的模型化实现的;理论是对模拟的假设和 预测。 分子模拟的优点: (1) 省钱; (2) 安全; (3) 极限条件,如超高温、低温, 超高压、低压,以及时间倒流等。
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多种先进算法的综合运用使Material Studio成 为一个强有力的模拟工具。无论是性质预测、 聚合物建模还是X射线衍射模拟,我们都可以 通过一些简单易学的操作来得到切实可靠的 数据。灵活方便的Client-Server结构还是的 计算机可以在网络中任何一台装有NT、Linux 或Unix操作系统的计算机上进行,从而最大 限度的运用了网络资源。
先进的量子力学程序,广泛应用于陶瓷、半 导体、金属等多种材料,可研究:晶体材料 的性质(半导体、陶瓷、金属、分子筛等)、 表面和表面重构的性质、表面化学、电子结 构(能带及态密度)、晶体的光学性质、点 缺陷性质(如空位、间隙或取代掺杂)、扩 展缺陷(晶粒间界、位错)、体系的三维电 荷密度及波函数等。
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ms中forcite analysis模块的介绍
ms中forcite analysis模块的介绍Materials Studio是一款由Accelrys公司开发的计算材料科学研究软件套件,其中包含了多种模拟和表征各种材料性质的模块。
使用Forcite模块模拟MoS2对水的吸附过程,需要经过以下步骤:1. 建立模型:在Materials Studio的Visualizer或者Discover等其他建模工具中创建一个MoS2单层或几层的模型。
2. 参数设置:将模型导出到Forcite中,然后进行适当的参数设置。
3. 初始化:在设置了基本的参数之后,使用程序内置的工具来初始化解的动力学系统。
4. 运行模拟:启动模拟并观察结果。
5. 数据分析:当模拟完成后,可以在Forcite中进行详细的数据分析。
6. 重复与优化:如果发现有任何问题或者不准确的地方,可以调整模型的参数重新进行模拟直到达到满意的结果为止。
7. 输出报告:最后根据得到的数据撰写一份关于这个模拟过程的详细的报告。
可以使用Materials Studio的可视化功能创建图表和其他可视化内容以便更好地解释和分析结果。
计算实例 ——FTBC-C4自组装大分子单点能计算和几何优化
2)Electronic设置 如图 SCF——自洽迭代 精度:0.001 迭代周期:300圈
计算实例 ——FTBC-C4自组装大分子单点能计算和几何优化
(2)计算性质选择: Electron density-电子密度 Orbitals:电子轨道分布 (3)Run:提交任务
• 计算实例
进行Calculate, 然后进行View。
• 计算实例
我们可以把Castep分析得到的数据copy到Origin里面作 图,这样比较容易分析。
选择Castep模块的 calculation设置参数 对话框:
• Geometry Optimization—几何 优化
• 计算实例
——GaAs光学性质计算 2)Electronic设置:
• 截断能:350eV
• K点:4*4*4 • SCF—自洽迭代
迭代周期:100 3)Run:提交任务
• 计算实例
——GaAs光学性质计算 • 结构优化:选 择Castep模块 的 Analysis设 置参数对话框, 进行Structure 分析。
• 计算实例
——GaAs光学性质计算 (2)优化完成 后进行能量计 算:
选择Castep模块 的 calculation设 置参数对话框:
2)Electronic设置 如图 SCF——自洽迭代 精度:0.0001 迭代周期:600圈
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Materials Studio分子模拟软件Materials StudioVersion 2010Copyright ©2010, Neotrident Technology Ltd. All rights reserved.Materials S tudio™•多尺度,应用领域全面领域金属功能陶瓷催化剂结晶领域:金属、功能陶瓷、催化剂、结晶…方法:分子力学、量子力学、介观模拟、…单击此处编辑母版标题样式分析仪器方法更加适合于实验科学家使用•强有力的技术支撑操作简便单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•易用的Windows ®用户界面方便的参数设置客户端-服务器计算方式M aterials S tudio™MenuToolbar 单击此处编辑母版标题样式PropertyViewProject单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Job s usJob status客户端-服务器工作模式服务器客户端模拟流程Gateway单击此处编辑母版标题样式Job is Running !Finished successfully !单击此处编辑母版副标题样式:PC Hardware :PCHardware : PC LaptopWorkstationOS :Windows2000WorkstationHPC machineOS :Windows2000WindowsXP WindowsXP Windows VistaWindows VistaWindows2003 Server RedHat AS4.0/5.0SLES 9.0/10.0Materials VisualizerM aterials S tudio™•Materials Visualizer •Castep •DMol 3•Onetep •Qmera •VAMP•Forcite plus 单击此处编辑母版标题样式Forcite plus •Gulp•COMPASS•Amorphous Cell p •Equilibria •Sorption•Adsorption Locator 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•Blend •MesoDyn •Mesocite •QSAR Plus •Reflex plus •XcellP l h P di •Polymorph Predictor •Morphology ……理论基础=E H Ψ= E ΨHamilton operator operates on wavefunction 单击此处编辑母版标题样式⎧h of all electronic degrees of freedomErwin Schrödinger})({})({})({22i i i E V m r r r Ψ=Ψ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨+∇−h 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式In practice, wave functions are expressed in terms of one particle functions}][{})({i i F r Φ=Ψ密度泛函理论(Density Functional Theory)Hohenberg Kohn 定理r n E r r E r r r =Ψ,...Hohenberg-Kohn ()[]()[]N ,1()[]()[]()[]()[]r n E r n U r n T r n E xc r r r r ++=0单击此处编辑母版标题样式[])()()]([,,,2r r r n v k i k i k i eff rr r r r r ϕεϕ=+∇Kohn-Sham 方程单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Walter Kohn()()()r r f r n i ii r r r ϕϕ×=∑∗前提条件i()rd r n N 3∫Ω=r •只能计算体系的基态性能局限性•需要对交换相关能E xc 做近似处理CASTEP •使用平面波赝势•由Cambridge 大学Mike Payne 教授发布CASTEP是领先的固态DFT 程序•每年发表的数百篇论文其研究领域包括:结构优化性质研究半导体陶瓷金属分子筛等单击此处编辑母版标题样式•晶体材料结构优化及性质研究(半导体、陶瓷、金属、分子筛等)•表面和表面重构的性质、表面化学•电子结构(能带、态密度、声子谱、电荷密度、差分电荷密度及轨道波函分析等)•晶体光学性质•点缺陷性质(如空位、间隙或取代掺杂)、扩展缺陷(晶体晶界、位错)•磁性材料研究单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•材料力学性质研究•材料逸出功及电离能计算•NMR CASTEP 可以计算STM 图像模拟•红外/拉曼光谱模拟; 声子谱以及声子态密度;•反应过渡态计算材料的核磁共振谱•动力学方法研究扩散路径MSDmol 3-第一个商业化DFT 程序–使用高效、紧凑的数值轨道基组MS Dmol–能够处理周期性和非周期性结构单击此处编辑母版标题样式研究领域电子结构的解析反应过渡态,中间态的搜索,优化基于全部或部分Hessian矩阵的振动频率计算单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Mulliken,Hirshfeld以及ESP电荷的计算,键级分析,电极矩计算生成热,自由能,熵,热容以及ZPVE的计算支持溶剂化模型COSMO Fukui函数的计算ONETEP -ONETEP -领先的线性标度的量子力学计算程序ONETEP 的技术特点:•线性标度DFT 程序•SCF 收敛与体系大小尺寸无关•可处理超大体系并系统性地进行精度调控PW(Pl )单击此处编辑母版标题样式•对能量和力的计算与PW(Plane-wave)方法同等精度•并行计算效率高ONETEP 可以直接执行三种任务:· 单点能的计算结构优化过渡态搜索单击此处编辑母版副标题样式可以获得体系的下列化学和物理性质:· 电子密度静电势·Mulliken Mulliken 电荷· Mulliken 自旋· 键级·(DOS) 态密度(DOS) · 分子轨道(MOs)QMERA -QMERA -量子力学与分子力学杂化模块QMERA 的技术特点:•分别以DMol 3为QM 引擎、GULP 为MM 引擎•可处理复杂体系并系统性地进行精度调控•实现对周期性体系使用机械添加嵌入法(mechanical additive embedding)处单击此处编辑母版标题样式理连接原子•Electronic 方法处理纳米材料耦合作用•能够得到材料特定的化学和物理性能:·(Hirshfeld,Mulliken or electrostatically fitted charges) 原子布居数分析(Hirshfeld, Mulliken or electrostatically fitted charges)· 简谐振动频率分子轨道电荷密度静电势单击此处编辑母版副标题样式0D 1D 2DPoint defects D islocation glide Brittle fracture•非周期体系•半经验方法(MINDO/3,MNDO ,MNDO/C ,MNDO/d ,AM1,AM1*,PM3)V AMP 是半经验量子力学法•壳层和闭壳层Hartee-Fock (RHF ,UHF ,A-UHF )•CI 组态相互作用(完全CI ,CIS ,CISD ,PECI )单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括•电子密度、静电势•分子轨道(正则的)或定域轨道•原子电荷:NAO-PC ,Coulson 和Mulliken 电荷•分子和原子多极矩•一级静电极化率(*)单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•氢原子的ESP 的超精细耦合常数(*)•13C 的化学位移•紫外光谱•生成热、熵和热容•图形化显示:总电荷密度、自旋密度、静电势、分子轨道、定域轨道热动力学性质(焓熵和热容)•热动力学性质(焓、熵和热容)•原子电荷和键级分子力学方法n 使用球和弹簧来描述原子之间所成的共价键n包括非键Van der Waals 作用和静电相互作用n通过实验手段和/QM 吸附能单击此处编辑母版标题样式实手段和或Q 计算来获取相关参数n 通常与动力学、结构优化或者蒙特卡罗方法联吸附等温线扩散速率用n 非常适合于模拟分子与晶体间的相互作用分离沸石体系IR 光谱单击此处编辑母版副标题样式高分子性质粘性玻璃态结构Part 1力场表达式–Part 1E =E + E + E non-bond 势能单击此处编辑母版标题样式total valence crossterm non bondE valence =E bond + E angle + E torsion + E oop + E UB 键合能单击此处编辑母版副标题样式E non-bond =E vdW + E Coulomb + E hbond非键能COMP ASS 力场针对凝聚态专门优化的分子势,用于分子力学研究 价参数和原子点电荷由ab initio 数据拟合得到van der Waals 参数通过对实验测得的内聚能和平衡密度单击此处编辑母版标题样式数据的拟合得到适合的范围包括有机和无机分子精确快速的预测体系的结构构象频率以及热物理 精确、快速的预测体系的结构、构象、频率以及热物理性质-ONO 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式专门针对ONO 2体系进行过优化,适合研究含能材料体系H S J Ph Ch B 199811273387364H. Sun , J. Phys. Chem. B, 1998, 112: 7338-7364Amorphous cell •支持多种分子力场•可研究配比或者溶剂的影响Amorphous cell构建复杂无定形模型并预测关键性质•MC 法建模•一般与Discover 和Forcite Plus 连用其研究领域包括单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括:•内聚能密度/溶解性参数•基于动态轨迹的分子及分子链的所有的几何性质•构象统计研究端距和回旋半径•原子-原子对和取向相关函数单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•X 光或中子散射曲线•气体/小分子的扩散率•红外光谱和偶极相关函数•弹性强度系数•表面性质•研究润滑剂及润滑能力的限制性剪切模拟•研究电极化和绝缘体行为的Poling 法Amorphouscell 中实现了建立更加复杂Molecule :Displays the name of a molecule.的模型TemperatureSpecify the temperature in degrees K.单击此处编辑母版标题样式Number of configurations Specify the number of different amorphous cell structures to be built Target density 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Target densitySpecify the target density in g/cm3Cell parameters Cell parametersSelect whether to use 2 dimensions (Specify a, b) ora single dimension (Specify c) with assigned values.Forcite Plus •支持多种分子力场•对各种体系均适用Forcite Plus是先进的分子力学和分子动力学模拟程序•随着计算机软硬件的发展,近年来备受重视其研究领域包括单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括:•计算径向分布函数,取向关联函数和散射曲线•测量距离、角度和旋转半径的分布•给出特定成分的浓度曲线•绘制温度、压力、体积、应力以及单胞参数•给出分子力学和分子动力学模拟的势能及其组成项、动能和总能量值单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•材料力学性质研究•计算偶极相关函数•大量分子体系的内聚能密度和溶解性参数•对于估算自扩散系数的均方位移和速度相关函数•在学习表中观察并绘制轨迹数据按任意性质排序,如,按能量排序,找到最低能量构型Blend 模块Blends 模块通过估计二元混合物兼容性来缩短工艺探索周期,这些二元混合物包括溶剂-溶剂,聚合物-溶剂以及聚合物-聚合物混合体系。
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Materials Studio分子模拟软件Materials StudioVersion 2010Copyright ©2010, Neotrident Technology Ltd. All rights reserved.Materials S tudio™•多尺度,应用领域全面领域金属功能陶瓷催化剂结晶领域:金属、功能陶瓷、催化剂、结晶…方法:分子力学、量子力学、介观模拟、…单击此处编辑母版标题样式分析仪器方法更加适合于实验科学家使用•强有力的技术支撑操作简便单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•易用的Windows ®用户界面方便的参数设置客户端-服务器计算方式M aterials S tudio™MenuToolbar 单击此处编辑母版标题样式PropertyViewProject单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Job s usJob status客户端-服务器工作模式服务器客户端模拟流程Gateway单击此处编辑母版标题样式Job is Running !Finished successfully !单击此处编辑母版副标题样式:PC Hardware :PCHardware : PC LaptopWorkstationOS :Windows2000WorkstationHPC machineOS :Windows2000WindowsXP WindowsXP Windows VistaWindows VistaWindows2003 Server RedHat AS4.0/5.0SLES 9.0/10.0Materials VisualizerM aterials S tudio™•Materials Visualizer •Castep •DMol 3•Onetep •Qmera •VAMP•Forcite plus 单击此处编辑母版标题样式Forcite plus •Gulp•COMPASS•Amorphous Cell p •Equilibria •Sorption•Adsorption Locator 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•Blend •MesoDyn •Mesocite •QSAR Plus •Reflex plus •XcellP l h P di •Polymorph Predictor •Morphology ……理论基础=E H Ψ= E ΨHamilton operator operates on wavefunction 单击此处编辑母版标题样式⎧h of all electronic degrees of freedomErwin Schrödinger})({})({})({22i i i E V m r r r Ψ=Ψ⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨+∇−h 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式In practice, wave functions are expressed in terms of one particle functions}][{})({i i F r Φ=Ψ密度泛函理论(Density Functional Theory)Hohenberg Kohn 定理r n E r r E r r r =Ψ,...Hohenberg-Kohn ()[]()[]N ,1()[]()[]()[]()[]r n E r n U r n T r n E xc r r r r ++=0单击此处编辑母版标题样式[])()()]([,,,2r r r n v k i k i k i eff rr r r r r ϕεϕ=+∇Kohn-Sham 方程单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Walter Kohn()()()r r f r n i ii r r r ϕϕ×=∑∗前提条件i()rd r n N 3∫Ω=r •只能计算体系的基态性能局限性•需要对交换相关能E xc 做近似处理CASTEP •使用平面波赝势•由Cambridge 大学Mike Payne 教授发布CASTEP是领先的固态DFT 程序•每年发表的数百篇论文其研究领域包括:结构优化性质研究半导体陶瓷金属分子筛等单击此处编辑母版标题样式•晶体材料结构优化及性质研究(半导体、陶瓷、金属、分子筛等)•表面和表面重构的性质、表面化学•电子结构(能带、态密度、声子谱、电荷密度、差分电荷密度及轨道波函分析等)•晶体光学性质•点缺陷性质(如空位、间隙或取代掺杂)、扩展缺陷(晶体晶界、位错)•磁性材料研究单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•材料力学性质研究•材料逸出功及电离能计算•NMR CASTEP 可以计算STM 图像模拟•红外/拉曼光谱模拟; 声子谱以及声子态密度;•反应过渡态计算材料的核磁共振谱•动力学方法研究扩散路径MSDmol 3-第一个商业化DFT 程序–使用高效、紧凑的数值轨道基组MS Dmol–能够处理周期性和非周期性结构单击此处编辑母版标题样式研究领域电子结构的解析反应过渡态,中间态的搜索,优化基于全部或部分Hessian矩阵的振动频率计算单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Mulliken,Hirshfeld以及ESP电荷的计算,键级分析,电极矩计算生成热,自由能,熵,热容以及ZPVE的计算支持溶剂化模型COSMO Fukui函数的计算ONETEP -ONETEP -领先的线性标度的量子力学计算程序ONETEP 的技术特点:•线性标度DFT 程序•SCF 收敛与体系大小尺寸无关•可处理超大体系并系统性地进行精度调控PW(Pl )单击此处编辑母版标题样式•对能量和力的计算与PW(Plane-wave)方法同等精度•并行计算效率高ONETEP 可以直接执行三种任务:· 单点能的计算结构优化过渡态搜索单击此处编辑母版副标题样式可以获得体系的下列化学和物理性质:· 电子密度静电势·Mulliken Mulliken 电荷· Mulliken 自旋· 键级·(DOS) 态密度(DOS) · 分子轨道(MOs)QMERA -QMERA -量子力学与分子力学杂化模块QMERA 的技术特点:•分别以DMol 3为QM 引擎、GULP 为MM 引擎•可处理复杂体系并系统性地进行精度调控•实现对周期性体系使用机械添加嵌入法(mechanical additive embedding)处单击此处编辑母版标题样式理连接原子•Electronic 方法处理纳米材料耦合作用•能够得到材料特定的化学和物理性能:·(Hirshfeld,Mulliken or electrostatically fitted charges) 原子布居数分析(Hirshfeld, Mulliken or electrostatically fitted charges)· 简谐振动频率分子轨道电荷密度静电势单击此处编辑母版副标题样式0D 1D 2DPoint defects D islocation glide Brittle fracture•非周期体系•半经验方法(MINDO/3,MNDO ,MNDO/C ,MNDO/d ,AM1,AM1*,PM3)V AMP 是半经验量子力学法•壳层和闭壳层Hartee-Fock (RHF ,UHF ,A-UHF )•CI 组态相互作用(完全CI ,CIS ,CISD ,PECI )单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括•电子密度、静电势•分子轨道(正则的)或定域轨道•原子电荷:NAO-PC ,Coulson 和Mulliken 电荷•分子和原子多极矩•一级静电极化率(*)单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•氢原子的ESP 的超精细耦合常数(*)•13C 的化学位移•紫外光谱•生成热、熵和热容•图形化显示:总电荷密度、自旋密度、静电势、分子轨道、定域轨道热动力学性质(焓熵和热容)•热动力学性质(焓、熵和热容)•原子电荷和键级分子力学方法n 使用球和弹簧来描述原子之间所成的共价键n包括非键Van der Waals 作用和静电相互作用n通过实验手段和/QM 吸附能单击此处编辑母版标题样式实手段和或Q 计算来获取相关参数n 通常与动力学、结构优化或者蒙特卡罗方法联吸附等温线扩散速率用n 非常适合于模拟分子与晶体间的相互作用分离沸石体系IR 光谱单击此处编辑母版副标题样式高分子性质粘性玻璃态结构Part 1力场表达式–Part 1E =E + E + E non-bond 势能单击此处编辑母版标题样式total valence crossterm non bondE valence =E bond + E angle + E torsion + E oop + E UB 键合能单击此处编辑母版副标题样式E non-bond =E vdW + E Coulomb + E hbond非键能COMP ASS 力场针对凝聚态专门优化的分子势,用于分子力学研究 价参数和原子点电荷由ab initio 数据拟合得到van der Waals 参数通过对实验测得的内聚能和平衡密度单击此处编辑母版标题样式数据的拟合得到适合的范围包括有机和无机分子精确快速的预测体系的结构构象频率以及热物理 精确、快速的预测体系的结构、构象、频率以及热物理性质-ONO 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式专门针对ONO 2体系进行过优化,适合研究含能材料体系H S J Ph Ch B 199811273387364H. Sun , J. Phys. Chem. B, 1998, 112: 7338-7364Amorphous cell •支持多种分子力场•可研究配比或者溶剂的影响Amorphous cell构建复杂无定形模型并预测关键性质•MC 法建模•一般与Discover 和Forcite Plus 连用其研究领域包括单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括:•内聚能密度/溶解性参数•基于动态轨迹的分子及分子链的所有的几何性质•构象统计研究端距和回旋半径•原子-原子对和取向相关函数单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•X 光或中子散射曲线•气体/小分子的扩散率•红外光谱和偶极相关函数•弹性强度系数•表面性质•研究润滑剂及润滑能力的限制性剪切模拟•研究电极化和绝缘体行为的Poling 法Amorphouscell 中实现了建立更加复杂Molecule :Displays the name of a molecule.的模型TemperatureSpecify the temperature in degrees K.单击此处编辑母版标题样式Number of configurations Specify the number of different amorphous cell structures to be built Target density 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式Target densitySpecify the target density in g/cm3Cell parameters Cell parametersSelect whether to use 2 dimensions (Specify a, b) ora single dimension (Specify c) with assigned values.Forcite Plus •支持多种分子力场•对各种体系均适用Forcite Plus是先进的分子力学和分子动力学模拟程序•随着计算机软硬件的发展,近年来备受重视其研究领域包括单击此处编辑母版标题样式其研究领域包括:•计算径向分布函数,取向关联函数和散射曲线•测量距离、角度和旋转半径的分布•给出特定成分的浓度曲线•绘制温度、压力、体积、应力以及单胞参数•给出分子力学和分子动力学模拟的势能及其组成项、动能和总能量值单击此处编辑母版副标题样式•材料力学性质研究•计算偶极相关函数•大量分子体系的内聚能密度和溶解性参数•对于估算自扩散系数的均方位移和速度相关函数•在学习表中观察并绘制轨迹数据按任意性质排序,如,按能量排序,找到最低能量构型Blend 模块Blends 模块通过估计二元混合物兼容性来缩短工艺探索周期,这些二元混合物包括溶剂-溶剂,聚合物-溶剂以及聚合物-聚合物混合体系。