目录1意义与要求 (1)1.1实际意义 (1)1.2技术要求 (1)2设计容及步骤 (1)2.1方案设计 (1)2.2详细设计 (2)2.2.1 主要硬件介绍 (2)2.2.2 电路设计方法 (3)2.2.3绘制流程图 (6)2.2.4程序设计 (7)2.3调试和仿真 (7)3结果分析 (8)4课程设计心得体会 (9)参考文献 (10)附录 (11)电加热炉温度控制系统设计1意义与要求1.1实际意义在现实生活当中,很多场合需要对温度进行智能控制,日常生活中最常见的要算空调和冰箱了,他们都能根据环境实时情况,结合人为的设定,对温度进行智能控制。
2设计容及步骤2.1方案设计要想达到技术要求的容,少不了以下几种器件:单片机、温度传感器、LCD 显示屏、直流电动机等。
1 前言 (1)2 控制系统的总体方案 (2)2.1 概述 (2)2.2 控制方式的确定 (2)2.3检测元件和执行机构的选择 (3)2.4微型计算机的选择 (4)2.5输入输出通道及外围设备的选择 (6)2.6系统的原理框图 (6)3 控制算法的选择和参数计算 (8)3.1 控制算法的选择 (8)3.2 参数的计算 (8)4系统硬件设计 (16)4.1概述 (16)4.2 系统的硬件设计 (16)4.3系统电气原理图 (33)4.4 元器件明细表 (34)5 软件程序的编制 (35)5.1概述 (35)5.2程序流程图 (35)5.3 地址分配 (40)5.4程序设计 (40)6 控制系统的调试与实验 (42)6.1单元电路调试 (42)6.2 程序调试 (42)6.3 系统调试 (43)6.4 系统实验和结果分析 (43)7 设计总结 (44)7.1 系统具备的主要功能 (44)7.2 系统的测量精度 (44)7.3 存在的问题及改进措施 (44)参考文献 (46)致谢 (47)1 前言随着我国国民经济的快速发展,锅炉的使用范围越来越广泛。
本设计以锅炉为被控对象,以锅炉出口水温为主被控参数,以炉膛内水温为副被控参数,以加热炉电阻丝电压为控制参数,以PLC为控制器,构成锅炉温度串级控制系统;采用PID 算法,运用PLC梯形图编程语言进行编程,实现锅炉温度的自动控制[2]。
5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Computer Science (ICAMCS 2016)The constant temperature control system design based on STM32 andPID algorithmZhao Xuyang1,a and Yang Hao2,b1School of Zhao Xuyang,,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310000,China2School of Yang Hao,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310000,Chinaa ,b****************.cnKeywords: PID Algorithm;STM32;semiconductor temperature regulator;constant temperatureAbstract. Time—varying, nonlinear and multivariable coupling are characteristics of temperature. In the temperature control process, the detected temperature is often lags behind the regulation of temperature, which will cause the phenomenon such as the temperature of the controlling system overshoot and temperature oscillation. Temperature control is proposed based on incremental PID algorithm model in this paper, the system uses low-power STM32 as the main chip, DS18B20 digital temperature sensor and semiconductor temperature regulator. Experimental results show that the system can effectively maintain the temperature of the system constant.IntroductionIn natural environment, the system will generate a heat exchange which is difficult to control with the outside world, and produce unpredictable interference.During this situation it will be difficult to achieve in precise temperature controlling. When performing high-precision temperature control, temperature tends to produce overshoot phenomenon [1].Temperature control system with a lag, nonlinear and time-varying characteristics, can not establish a precise mathematical model, therefore, the use of conventional linear control theory can not achieve satisfactory control effect. semiconductor temperature controller working condition have a relationship with heat conditions and the environment factors. its work process is a non-steady state process, it needs to be addressed precisely controlled .PID control theory has a characteristic of convenient parameter setting, flexible structural change, robust and easy to implement [1,2]. the system design using incremental PID algorithm can not only solve the above problems, but also in the unsupervised, for a long time temperature will be automatically collected, automatic controlling of the semiconductor temperature controller achieves heating or cooling function, the system temperature will always be maintained constantly.Using a master chip STM32 and digital temperature sensor DS18B20 design a constant temperature system, the advantages consist of anti-interference digital signal, high sensitivity, fast response, and reasonable controlling of semiconductor temperature regulator,through the whole system design can effectively realize a special case temperature stable. within the setting temperature model of a small area in the design of a system with the column a special case. the result shows that the temperature controlling system of constant small area with very good results after analysis.System hardware designHardware System features modular designDS18B20 digital temperature sensor is placed on both sides of a special case, the datas are directly send to the master chip STM32 so that microchip could obtain temperature value, According to the requirements of the system setting temperature judgment mainly adopts the cooling method in the operation of the semiconductor temperature regulator in regulating or adjust temperature with heating methods . adjusting the way through the PID control algorithm of thetemperature read by the line processing, while the master semiconductor chip STM32 control thermostat-off, so that a special case temperature maintained at a stetted temperature. this system without manual monitoring, and data can be collected via the RS232 serial port and then the observed system temperature curve plotted, by autonomous control system effectively maintained aThe hardware system module functional designSystem functional hardware modules include temperature acquisition module, data display and export module, fan power switch module, semiconductor temperature controller module five modules.Temperature acquisition moduleTemperature acquisition module uses a digital temperature sensor DS18B20, the sensor has high measurement accuracy, the output signal is digital with anti-jamming performance, no front-end data processing module, direct access to the STM32's I / O port , the master chip can directly read data.Data display and export moduleTaking the versatility of the system into account, used in the design is one of the communication interfaces RS232 computer data communication channel, data communication is actually using a USB data format. In this communication stepper can get higher data transfer speeds, true plug and play, it can also make it easy to connect the communication between different devices.When data is displayed using USB to serial cable to the PC, using serial debugging assistant can easily read the temperature data acquisition, and also can import the data into a computer terminal for data storage. Therefore, the use of a standard interface technology can effectively solve the problem of inconsistent communication protocols [4].Fan power switch moduleWhen the semiconductor thermostat is in the cooling operation state, it is important to timely dissipate the heat, otherwise it will make semiconductor refrigeration unnormal. According to the determination of the fan work condition, by the cathode of high and low level control fan switch, the anode is normal power supply connection.This module is controlled by the master chip I / O port output level to control the fan switch purposes.Semiconductor temperature regulator moduleThe core of the temperature control system is semiconductor temperature regulator. The semiconductor temperature regulator reliability is relatively high, while the power supply terminal through the access of different polarity power supply, it can absorb heat and release heat so as to achieve the effect of refrigeration and heating. using this module is characterized by the use of a device can replace separate heating and cooling systems. precise temperature control thermostat semiconductor characteristics to facilitate the composition of automated control systems [1,2]. Figure 2 is a semiconductor temperature control circuit diagram of a switching regulator.Figure 2 Diagram of semiconductor thermostat switch control circuitSoftware system and algorithm designThe system software design process includes temperature digital signal acquisition, temperature display、PID algorithm temperature control 、temperature feedback components. The main part of the PID control algorithm is changing the value of the ambient temperature and after the feedback the temperature regulation value, it ultimately achieve the effect of Steady-State accuracy.PID algorithm designPID algorithm has a simple structure, the robust performance is good, high reliability, easy parameter setting features .P, I, D control law have their own separate areas, performing linear combination constitutes control amount, then the control amount will control objects [5,6].In the control system, a system based on real-time temperature and the set threshold value increment controls semiconductor temperature regulator operation. Therefore, the output portion of the controller is required to control the amount of incremental, in the design of the system is used incremental PID algorithm [7,8]. equation for the incremental PID algorithm is as follows.△u = A • e (k) + B •e (k-1) + C • e (k-2) (1) Where: △u increment control quantity; ratio of A, B, C as PID control, differentiation, integration coefficients; e (k), e (k-1), e (k-2) before and after the three measurements the temperature difference .Precision of the digital temperature sensor DS18B20 can reach ± 0.5 ℃, when setting the thermostat system temperature threshold, typically the change of temperature thermostat system is set within ± 0.5 ℃, partly because the system itself and the temperature sensor error performance limits; on the other hand with a time-varying temperature, constant temperature control need to constantly switch control semiconductor thermostat and fan control to a large extent, this will reduce the life of the instrument, and even burn the instrument.The main process of PID algorithm controller is parameter tuning, tuning in essence is through changing the regulator parameters to match the characteristics of properties and processes in order to improve the dynamic and static index system, so as to achieve the best control effect parameters. in tuning process, the first controller is as a pure proportional controller, form a closed loop, changing the coefficients, so that the coefficient corresponding to the input reaches a critical state (oscillation amplitude). Last in turn introduced differential and integral parameters according to attenuation 1 / 4 obtained, this attenuation can take into account the stability and rapidity.The result of the experiment and analysisReal entire test system shown in Figure 3, including the serial communication section, column oven, control panel and temperature control systems DS18B20, fans, and other semiconductor temperature regulator.Figure 3 System schematic diagramFirst obtaining room temperature, setting the thermostat system defined temperature less than room temperature, then connecting to the PC serial display interface, running the system, it will be observed that the fan is running, the positive power semiconductor thermostat is in cooling state, when the temperature is close to the serial display system the lower limit set temperature, the fan and the temperature of the semiconductor regulators are turned off, followed by heat exchange with the outside of the system will cause the temperature to rise, when the temperature rises to the set temperature limit, the fan is turning and positive power semiconductor in the temperature regulator cooling state, repeating the cooling state maintains the temperature at the set range. Column Compartment closed box is a small area, gathering room temperature is 25.4 ℃, the set temperature for the system is 20 ℃, when the permissible error set upper and lower threshold values were 20.5 ℃ and 19.5 ℃, the temperature control results shown in Figure 4Figure 4 Diagram of temperature controlling effectThe collected data of constant temperature system threshold below room temperature is as table 1. Table 1 Thermostatic system threshold below room temperature data collection formTime Left of box Middle of box Right of box0min 25.2℃ 25.4℃ 25.4℃5min 21.3℃ 20.6℃ 20.9℃10min 19.8℃ 20.1℃ 19.6℃ 20.3℃ 19.8℃ 20.1℃column oven PowersupplyDS18B20theoretical temperature, the blue curve represents the set temperature threshold. The data of Table 1 is collected at the different parts of the column oven temperature on a fixed time interval ,by this set of data can provide data support for the precise control of various parts of the column oven . variation tendency from the red curve show the actual temperature drop is divided into stages and temperature stabilization phase, after 225 seconds the system enter into the temperature stabilization phase. under the control of the incremental PID algorithm, the value of a small area of the temperature and the temperature of the theory has a good agreement, because of the exchange principle of the temperature of the nature result that the actual temperature are some errors in the data, but in the end the system could be stabilized, error is within a controllable range .by the ratio of the critical ratio method tuning PID proportion P, the integral I, differential D parameters, ideal set of data is debugged within surplus overshoot, it will be saw that the overshoot of the actual temperature curve is reduced to 17.5 % .this control process reduces the overshoot and maintain a constant temperature system efficiently and quickly.SummarySmall regional integrated climate control system is made up of a dual data collection, synchronous dual refrigeration heating control systems and incremental PID control algorithm. The algorithm combined with semiconductor temperature controller provides a set of high-precision temperature control system. solutions can effectively reduce outside interference, maintaining the temperature of the entire area of constant temperature changes in real-time monitoring system. this system temperature control effect is obvious, the structure has small size, and is suitable for most stringent temperature requirements systems, as well as the instrument cooling system, can effectively improve the instrument of practical life.AcknowledgmentsThanks to the teacher's guidance and let me join the related projects include science and technology plan projects in Zhejiang province (2015C33009), science and technology plan projects in Jiaxing (2015 AY11008)References[1] Wang Hongjie,Du Jialian,Chen Jincan,Optimization on the Performa-nce Characteristics of a Semiconductor Refrigeration System, J. 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课程设计说明书 温度控制系统的设计与实现
关键词:温度控制;建模;自动控制;过程控制;PIDAbstractIn industrial production with extremely extensive application, temperature control system is a typical process control system.Temperature control system has the larger inertia. It is the response signal to step off some of time.And it produces the adverse effect to the temperature measurement. The control system is the important industrial control index. Temperature is an important parameters in the process of industrial production. Also it is one of the main parameters of objects, many properties and characteristics of temperature, many important process only under certain temperature range can efficiently work. Therefore, the precise measurement of temperature control, reliable industrial production and scientific research has very important significance.This paper discusses the concept of process control system and introduces a kind of temperature control system .The electric kettle is the controlled object, PID algorithm is used for system design,through experience method to get the model of temperature control system and we can get the controlied response well.Keywords:Temperature control; Mathematical modeling; Automatic control;Process control; PID目录第一章概述 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
设计了培养箱温度控制系统,配备温度传感器,采用DS18B20数字温度传感器,无需数模/数转换,可直接与单片机进行数字传输,采用PID控制技术,可保持温度在要求的恒定范围内,配备键盘输入设定温度;配备数码管L ED显示温度。
技术参数及设计任务:1、使用单片机AT89C2051控制温度,使培养箱保持最高温度110 ℃ 。
2、培养箱温度可预设,干燥过程恒温控制,控温误差小于± 2℃.3、预设时显示设定温度,恒温时显示实时温度。
采用PID控制算法,显示精确到0.1℃ 。
6、温度检测部分采用DS18B20数字温度传感器,无需数模/数转换,可直接与单片机进行数传7 、人机对话部分由键盘、显示器、报警三部分组成,实现温度显示和报警。
总体规划如下:图1 系统总体框图2、硬件单元设计一、单片机最小系统电路Atmel公司的AT2051作为89C单片机,完全可以满足本系统所需的采集、控制和数据处理的需要。
AT 89C2051 是 AT89 系列微控制器中的精简产品。
基于51单片机的水温自动控制系统0 引言在现代的各种工业生产中 ,很多地方都需要用到温度控制系统。
1 设计任务、要求和技术指标1.1任务设计并制作一水温自动控制系统,可以在一定围(30℃到96℃)自动调节温度,使水温保持在一定的围(30℃到96℃)。
2 方案分析与论证2.1主控系统分析与论证根据设计要求和所学的专业知识,采用AT89C51为本系统的核心控制器件。
AT89C51是一种带4K字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器的低电压,高性能CMOS 8位微处理器。
方案二:采用动态显示的方案由单片机的I/O口直接带数码管实现动态显示,占用资源少,动态控制节省了驱动芯片的成本,节省了电 ,但编程比较复杂,亮度不如静态的好。
图1 AT89C51引脚图2.3 检测系统分析与论证1 温度检测:有选用AD590和LM35D两种温度传感器的方案,但考虑到两者价格差距较大,而本系统中对温度要求的精度不很高,因而选用比较廉价LM35D。
1.1 设计指标设计一个温度控制系统具体化技术指标如下。
1. 被控对象可以是电炉或燃烧炉,温度控制在0~100℃,误差为±0.5℃;2. 恒温控制;3. LED实时显示系统温度,用键盘输入温度;1.2 本文的工作详细分析课题任务,设计了电源电路,键盘电路,单片机系统,显示电路,执行器电路,报警电路,复位电路,时钟电路,A/D转换电路等系统。
关键词:单片机,热电偶温度传感器,LCD,MAX6675The Design of the Electric Boiler Temperature Control SystemAuthor:Deng JiWenTutor:Wu JuanAbstractAnnealing temperature control system in industrial production and scientific research occupies an important bustion system of boiler steam drum is industrial steam boiler safe and stable operation of the important indicators.Temperature is too high, can make the steam with water too much, separation of poor, make the follow-up of superheater tube wall scaling, heat transfer efficiency drops, superheated steam temperature drop, serious when will cause steam quality to drop, affect the production and safety; Temperature is too low will damage part of the wall of the water cycle can't meet the technological requirements, serious happens when the boiler exploded.Especially large boiler, once the improper control, easy to make all of the water in the water or steam drum drum with vaporization, cause serious accident. Therefore, in boiler operation, it is very important to ensure that the temperature in the normal range.Based on single chip microcomputer technology to realize the electric boiler temperature control system is mainly composed of the temperature detection circuit, temperature control circuit, display circuit of three parts.In this design, choose to meet the requirements of measuring temperature range thermocouple temperature sensor to achieve data acquisition, instrument amplifier circuit of voltage signal is amplified and realize the temperature detection and signal transmission; After the data collected in the MCU, then the corresponding control, so as to realize the temperature control; Adopt LCD1602 LCD monitor the real-time display of data processing.Then according to the design of circuit are analyzed in actual production and testing, to achieve the desired requirements.Key words: MCU,Thermocouple Temperature Sensor,LCD,MAX6675目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 电锅炉简介 (1)1.3 电锅炉温度控制系统 (2)1.4 设计要求 (2)2 温度控制系统方案分析 (3)2.1 设计思想 (3)2.2 几种方案设计 (3)2.3 方案设计要求 (4)2.4 课题研究的意义 (4)3 电锅炉温度控制系统硬件设计 (6)3.1 温度检测电路 (6)3.1.1 热电偶传感器 (6)3.1.2 MAX6675电路 (6)3.2 温度显示单元电路 (8)3.3 温度控制电路 (10)3.3.1 蜂鸣器驱动电路 (10)3.3.2 继电器 (11)3.3.3 STC89C51单片机 (12)4 电锅炉温度控制系统软件设计 (18)5 电锅炉温度控制系统仿真 (20)5.1 电路仿真结果 (20)6 电锅炉温度控制系统设计实物图 (22)结论 (23)致谢 (24)参考文献 (25)附录 (26)附录A (26)附录B (26)1绪论1.1课题背景锅炉技术的发展受经济发展速度和投资规模因素影响,能源政策和节能、环保要求的制约等越来越严重。
Key words: PLC,Heating furnace,Temperature control system,Automatic control
1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1
关键字: PLC,加热炉,温度控制系统,自动控制
中 北 大 学 2017 届 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书
Design of Heating Furnace Temperature Control System
Abstract:Modern industry development is becoming more and more automated, and in the automatic control device of programmable controller is widely used, because it is based on the old relay, control technology, communication technology, computer technology into one, at the same time, compared with the traditional teacher relay control, its ability is stronger, the operation is more simple and convenient, safe and reliable, for the long-term continuous work of modern industry regularly, it will be more suitable for the temperature control. This paper mainly through the overall design of the heating furnace temperature control system, choose the best hardware design, the use of software, program flow chart, ideas, text and other aspects detailed introduces the principle of each module, design and application, with the use of control algorithm and program design. Taking PLC as the core, through the PLC programming the temperature control object, can be conveniently designed to meet the temperature requirements of the control system. The SIEMENS S7-200PLC, and programming language design, with automatic control theory, solve the problem of heating furnace temperature control.
中北大学课程设计任务书2012/2013学年第一学期学院:信息与通信工程学院专业:自动化学生姓名:学号:09050542 课程设计题目:温度程序控制系统设计起迄日期: 2013年1 月7日~2013年1 月18日课程设计地点:中北大学指导教师:张艳兵张秀艳系主任:王忠庆下达任务书日期: 2013年 1 月 7日课程设计任务书课程设计任务书4.主要参考文献:1、李朝青.单片机原理及接口技术.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,20052、张艳兵、赵建华、鲜浩.计算机控制技术.北京:国防工业出版社,20083 、袁保生.Protel99SE电路设计实验指导.太原:中北大学,20104、胡锦、蔡谷明、梁先宇. 单片机技术使用教程. 北京:高等教育出版社,2003.5、李勋. 单片机实用教程. 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2000.6、李晓莹. 传感器与测试技术. 北京:高等教育出版社,2004.5.设计成果形式及要求:课程设计说明书1份原理图和PCB图各1份程序清单1份6.工作计划及进度:起迄日期工作内容2013年1月7日~ 1月8 日 1月 9日~ 1月11日 1月12日~ 1月14 日1月 15日~ 1月16日1月 17日~ 1月18 日查阅资料,确定设计方案设计硬件电路画出流程图,编写控制程序撰写课程设计说明书课程设计答辩系主任审查意见:签字:年月日基于单片机的电炉温度检测、控制系统摘要:本文主要解决对电炉的温度进行实时检测和控制的问题。
过程控制系统课程设计题目:反应器串级控制系统设计——系统设计部分学生:何嘉涛班级:2013电气7班学号:*************指导老师:***2016年12月12日目录前言 (4)第一章连续槽反应器温度控制系统设计的目的意义 (4)1.1 连续槽反应器简介 (4)1.2 目的及意义 (5)第二章连续槽反应器温度控制系统工艺流程及控制要求 (5)第三章总体设计方案 (6)3.1 方案比较 (6)3.1.1 简单控制系统 (6)3.1.2 串级控制系统 (7)3.2 方案选择 (8)第四章串级控制系统分析 (8)4.1 主回路设计 (8)4.2 副回路设计 (8)4.3 主、副调节器规律选择 (8)4.4 主、副调节器正反作用方式确定 (9)第五章仪器仪表的选取及元器件清单 (9)5.1 温度的测量与变送器的选择 (9)5.2 调节器的选择 (10)第六章控制系统的组成 (12)6.1控制系统仪表元件清单件清及配接 (13)6.2利用Matlab进行仿真 (13)串级反应器温度控制系统设计摘要:在工业过程中,温度是最常见的控制参数之一,反应器温度控制是典型的温度控制系统。
硬件上选用西门子公司的S7-200 PLC,并用相应的STEP7软件编程。
关键词:温度,反应器,串级PIDIn the industrial process,temperature is one of the most common control parameters,reactor temperature control system is a typical temperature control system.The temperature control effect will influence the production efficiency and product quality,if it is not controlled properly,process equipment will be damaged,even personal safety will be threatened.Thus the reactor temperature control is essential. Continuous stirred tank reactor is the key equipment in chemical production,it is a complicated control object with a large time delay, nonlinearity,time-varying characteristics and drastic changes and large amplitude disturbance. Combined with the control requirements.The hardware and software selection are done following the selection of control scheme.As to hardware, the S7-200 PLC of Siemens is chosen, and the corresponding software STEP7 is chosen for programming.Then Force Control of Beijing Three-dimensional Force Control Company ischosen to make the supervision picture.Matlab7.0 work for the simulation.Keywords: temperature,reactor, cascade PID前言——串级控制系统随着科学技术的发展,现代过程工业规模越来越大,复杂程度越来越高,产品的质量要求越来越严格,以及相应的系统安全问题,管理与控制一体化问题等,越来越突出,因此要满足这些要求,解决这些问题,仅靠简单控制系统是不行的,需要引入更为复杂、更为先进的控制系统,由此串级控制系统应运而生。
2012届毕业设计(论文)题目温度智能控制系统设计专业班级2008自动化05 学号2008500260姓名苗青指导教师述斌教授学院名称电气信息学院2011年 5 月 27 日温度智能控制系统设计Intelligent temperaturecontrol system design****: **指导教师: 述斌教授摘要随着电子产品向智能化和微型化的不断发展,单片机已成为电子产品研制和开发中首选的控制器。
关键词:单片机AT89C51;温度控制;温度传感器DS1820;液晶显示器LCDAbstractWith the electronic products developing to intelligent and miniaturization,single chip has become the first chosen controller which is used to develop and explore the electronic product. In order to promote single chip applicating in real life and production, the paper will introduce a temperature control system which is based on a kind of single chip AT89C51, and it can achieve the function that the system can regulate the temperature independently.The temperature system adopts the temperature sensor DS1820 to get the current temperature, and transfer it to the microcontroller with the way of digital signal.The acquised temperature will be compared with the temperature which is put in by 4X2 matrix keyboard, and will be displayed by liquid crystal display.If collected temperature below the set temperature, the system will automatically control to heat up by the relay modules.If collected temperature higher than the set temperature, the system will automatically control to reduce by the relay modules.The paper introduces the hardware which is part of the control system, including:temperature acquisition circuit,temperature setting of the circuit, temperature display circuit, relay circuit and so on. The paper has also mainly introduced the design of software. Here use modular construction, the main module:temperature acquisition module, keyboard scan and key processing module, temperature display module, temperature comparison module, relay control module.According to make it actually, I find it has these characteristics: small volume, flexible operation, high reliability, practical, low cost and so on. It has practical significance.Keywords:Single Chip AT89C51;Temperature Control; T emperature Sensor DS1820;Liquid Crystal Display;第一章绪论1.1 选题背景与意义在生产过程中,温度的控制是十分常见的。
计算机控制系统课程设计说明书电烤箱温度控制系统设计DESIGN OF ELECTRIC OVEN TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM 学生姓名周泽民学院名称信电工程学院学号20120501153班级12 电气 1专业名称电气工程及其自动化指导教师曹言敬2015 年7 月10 日摘要本次温度控制系统设计整体而言完全可以实现对电烤箱温度闭环恒定控制。
关键词单片机;温度;电烤箱;控制目录1 绪论 .................................................................... (1)1.1 技术指标 ............................................................. (1)1.2 控制方案 .................................................................... (1)1.2.1 控制系统的建模 ...................................................... (1)1.2.2 PLC 系统 ....................................................... (2)1.2.3 单片机系统 ....................................................... (3)1.2.4 选择最优方案 ....................................................... (4)2 硬件部分设计 .................................................................... (5)2.1 C51 单片机简介 .................................................................... (5)2.1.1 中央处理器CPU ...................................................... (5)2.1.3 AT89C51 单片机引脚功能 ...................................................... (6)2.1.4AT89C51单片机时钟电路及时序 (8)2.1.5 AT89C51单片机复位电路 ....................................................... (9)2.2 温度检测电路设计 ............................................................ (10)2.2.1 温度传感器 ...................................................... (10)2.2.2 变送器 ....................................................... (10)2.2.3 A/D 转换 ....................................................... (10)温度控制电路设计 ............................................................2.5 数码管显示电路设计 ............................................................ (16)3 控制程序设计 .................................................................... (19)3.1 工作流程 ............................................................. (19)3.2 功能模块 ............................................................. (19)3.3 资源分配模块 ............................................................. (19)3.4 软件功能设计 ............................................................. (19)3.4.1 键盘管理 ....................................................... (19)3.4.2 显示管理 ....................................................... (20)3.4.3 温度检测模块 .................................................................... (22)3.4.4 温度控制模块 ....................................................... (23)3.4.6 主程序模块 ....................................................... (23)3.5基于 SIMULINK 的 PID 仿真 (24)结论................................................................ (26)II徐州工程学院课程设计说明书致谢 (27)参考文献 (28)附录 (29)附录 1 (29)附录 2 (30)徐州工程学院课程设计说明书1绪论1.1 技术指标温度控制是工业生产过程中经常遇到的控制,有些工艺过程对其温度的控制效果直接影响着产品质量,因而设计一种较为理想的温度控制系统是非常有价值的。
XX XX 大学毕业设计说明书学院、系:专业:学生姓名:学号:设计题目:锅炉温度控制系统设计起迄日期: 20**年2月13日~20**年6月10日指导教师:教授系主任:发任务书日期:20**年1月7日目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1课题背景 (3)1.2 课题目的及意义 (4)1.3设计指标 (4)1.4 论文工作 (5)第2章系统设计方案与论证 (5)2.1 系统设计方案 (6)2.2 方案选定 (7)第3章锅炉温度控制系统硬件电路设计 (7)3.1 系统供电电源电路设计 (8)3.2单片机最小系统 (9)3.3 温度测量电路 (13)3.4 A/D转换单元 (16)3.5 输出模块 (20)3.6 键盘电路 (23)第四章锅炉温度控制系统软件设计 (24)4.1 主程序流程图及分析 (24)4.2 子程序流程图及分析 (25)第5章调试 (28)结论 (29)第1章绪论1.1课题背景根据国内实际情况和环保问题的考虑和要求,燃烧锅炉由于污染并效率不高,已经逐渐被淘汰;燃油和燃气锅炉也存在着燃料供应不方便和安全性等问题。
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关键词:温度控制系统控制单片机: .:引言:温度控制是工业生产过程中经常遇到的过程控制,有些工艺过程对其温度的控制效果直接影响着产品的质量,因而设计一种较为理想的温度控制系统是非常有价值的。
这三个参数对系统性能的影响如下:()比例系数① 对动态性能的影响比例系数加大,使系统的动作灵敏,速度加快,偏大,振荡次数加多,调节时间加长。
当太大时,系统会趋于不稳定,若太小,又会使系统的动作缓慢;② 对稳态性能的影响加大比例系数,在系统稳定的情况下,可以减小静差,提高控制精度,但是加大只是减少静差,不能完全消除。
()积分系数① 对动态性能的影响积分系数通常使系统的稳定性下降。
太大,系统将不稳定;偏大,振荡次数较多;太小,对系统性能的影响减少;而当合适时,过渡特性比较理想;② 对稳态性能的影响积分系数能消除系统的静差,提高控制系统的控制精度。
温度控制. 电压变换:电路图见图-图-电压变换电路说明:这部分电路先将输出的电压控制信号(~) 用一个运放构成的反向放大器转移到电平~,然后通过小功率稳压芯片降压。
. 控制电路:具体电路包括由两片构成的功率放大,以及由继电器构成的输出电流方向控制两部分,如图-所示。
图-功率输出电路U1R31kR41k第三章 软件流程 基本控制 一、中断:、定时器中断:采集温度数据、调用算法核生成温度控制数据、发送温度控制数据到温度控制系统;、键盘中断:外部中断,响应键盘输入; 、中断:外部中断,是完成的反馈信号。
二、地址分配键盘显示控制器:占用地址空间(状态、命令口),(数据口)占用外部中断线; 芯片:占用地址空间,占用外部中断 芯片:占用地址空间 算法中的数据: 采样温度 控制量控制量的方向 设定的温度 显示缓冲区控制数字表达式为: 其中改写为增量形式:具体流程图可见图-。
图- 数字增量型控制算法流程图时间最优的控制流程图图-时间最优的控制流程图第四章系统功能及使用方法温度控制系统的功能本系统的温度显示围:℃~℃,显示精度:℃ ,可使控温箱体的温度恒定在℃~℃围的任意温度上。
调试中遇到的问题及分析串扰:可以采用诸如模、数、功率分离,一点接地等方法来避免串扰;. 输出经电平转换至但联调加入后向通道时电平转换不起作用。