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裁剪的时候,先是裁剪师傅在面料上根据制版的要求画出线条,然后有裁剪助理协助 完成整件衣服的裁剪工作。

The draping is used mostly in the wedding cutting, then it can achieve a stereoscopic effect of the wedding.
The End
这一步是师傅根据设计花稿进行 装饰制作的过程。在设计图纸出来的时候, 设计花稿是一起出来的。婚纱礼服经过整 烫以后,手工师傅开始进行后面的手工工 作了。包括钻,珠片,手工花等等的工作。
Sewn beads
The final step is about the manual work.According to the decoration design and the good decoration, the craftsmen begin to adorn this dress. The handwork is especially important in a high-end wedding dress.
The wedding dress design
Wu Fengjie
when i was a little girl, I awalys dreamed that i could wear a beautiful wedding dress in a day......
We have seen a beautiful wedding dress, but the wedding dress production process is not so clear for us, and it may be different form the production process of replication. Let us have a look, the wedding dress production process.
车缝的流程是有车工来完成的。车工技术要熟练,走的线条非常讲究,有的边是车1cm, 有的边要车3cm,有的要走直线,有的要走弧线,弧度要圆顺。精益求精的工作过程,是 一件高档婚纱诞生的前提。
After the whole wedding dress is completed in the sewing, it comes to the ironing table. The ironing table and the machines on the ironing table are the professional tools, and different clothing need different ironing table.The ironing process is also very important, and different material need different temperature, and we must take care the overall effect of the whole dress and the lines of fabric in the same time.
Platemaking needs a specialized master to complete. It is according to the requirements of designers and design drawings, then there will be a test for piece of plate after platemaking process, and the test means makingcloth samples on the basis of the plate, then dress the model it, and then check plate for something bad, and it will modify one to three times after the platemaking.
整件婚纱在车工完成后,就开始上了 烫台进行整烫定型了。烫台和烫台上的机器 都是专业使用的工具,不同服装使用的烫台 是不一样的。整烫的过程也非常重要,不同 的面料要使用不同的温度,烫的时候面料的
This step is the process that the master makes the decoration production according to the decoration design. The decoration design is made together with the dress design. After the ironing process, craftsmen started the manual work. Including drilling, beads, handmade flower and so on.
漂亮的婚纱大家都见过,婚纱的制作过程大家一定还不清楚,跟复制 的制作过程可不一样哦。下面就让大家看看,婚纱是怎么制作出来的。
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来自百度文库 Design
The design department staff designs the wedding style.

when cutting, the cutting master draws lines in the fabric according to the platemaking requirements, and then tailoring assistant assists to complete the cutting work of the whole garment.
The sewing process needs a latheman to complete. The latheman must be skillful, and walking the line is very exquisite, some edges are 1cm, some are 3cm, some walk in a straight line, or some go to round. The exquisite working process, is the premise of the birth of a high-end wedding.
师傅根据花稿和配好的装饰,开始点缀这件 婚纱的工作了。婚纱礼服手工在一件成品婚 纱礼服中尤其重要。
Then Such a beautiful wedding
will be finished.

I wish every girl could find the most suitable wedding dress in the world.