
(完整版)_毕业设计外⽂翻译_外⽂原⽂Annual Reviews in Control 31 (2007) 211⼀20Future trends in process automation Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Process Control and Automation, Kemistintie 1, FI Espoo, FinlandReceived 27 April 2007Accepted 29 August 2007Available online 29 October 2007AbstractThe importance of automation in the process industries recent years. In the serves to enhance product quality, master the whole range of products, improve process safety and plant availability, efficiently utilize resources and lower emissions. In the rapidly developing countries, mass production is the main motivation for applying process automation. The greatest demand for process automation is in the chemical industry, power generating industry, and petrochemical industry; the fastest growing demand for is in the pharmaceutical industry.The importance of automation technology continues to increase in the process industries. The traditional barriers between information, communication and automation technology are, in the operational context, gradually disappearing. The latest technologies, including wireless networks, field bus systems and asset management systems, boost the efficiency of process systems. New application fields like biotechnology and microtechnology pose challenges for future theoretical work in the modeling, analysis and design of control systems. In this paper the industry trends that are shaping current automation requirements, as well as the future trends in process automation, are presented and discussed.KeywordsProcess automation;Future trends1. IntroductionThe starting points in assessing the future needs for automation are, on the one the other, the way in which they are reflected in the development of society and the economy. Global risk management willattain ever greater importance in the future. In particular, better control and anticipation is needed in order to contain the risks related to the economy, environment, energy and infrastructure. Faced with climate change and a growing scarcity of raw materials, the world needs to find and develop new environmental and energy solutions. The world's water supply is also in need of development. International competition and global business environments reach everywhere. Business operations and capital markets are dynamic; they seek environments that offer the best opportunities for success in open competition. In addition to business and production, also R&D seeks the best possible operational environments. Economic, organizational and technological trends will cause significant changes in automation technology during the next few years.By developing technologies, it is possible to find solutions to the basic needs of society and the industry. The development of technology all of the current competitive advantages and to create new ones in many new fields, thus further improving prosperity and well-being. The development of of new cooperation models: networking among business companies, universities and research institutes, as well asdecision-makers in the public sector. A trans-disciplinary approach e.g. in materials development requires expertise in physics, chemistry, biomaterials, electronics, communications, programming and automation.Globalization along brings with it social challenges and problems in the interaction between different population groups and cultures. The growth of multiculturalism requires new management practices, knowledge of foreign cultures, and the ability to support and take advantage of the existence of minorities and difference. The management and development of skills and competences in a decentralized organization is becoming increasingly important.The importance of automation in the process industry recent years. It the entire chemical, oil, gas and biotechnology industries. Innovative instrumentation systems now control complex processes, ensuring process reliability and safety, and provide a basis for advanced maintenance strategies. Incessant cost pressures in the chemical and bioindustries leave no alternative to improved productivity. Companies need to take a engineering will play a central role. Process controlensures that the plant assets continuously operate predictably within the most profitable range, leading to a greater output of consistent products, reliability, yield and quality using less energy. This technology will and retrofitting activity designed to increase flexibility.In this paper the industry trends that are shaping current automation requirements, as well as the future trends in process automation, are presented and discussed. The paper is structured as follows: In Section 2 development of the automation market for the process industries up until 2010 is presented: market developments by industries, regions and product and services. In Section 3 future automation technology trends, like the integration of production and business operations and industrial communication technologies, are discussed. The paper ends with recent accomplishments and future application trends in process automation.2. Development of the automation market for the process industries up until 20102.1. Market developments by industriesAccording to the report by Intechno Consulting (Basel, Switzerland), the world market for process automation will grow at an average annualrate of 5.1% between 2005 and 2010 to reach 94.2 billion $ in 2010. The greatest demand for process automation is in the chemical industry, power generating industry, and petrochemical industry; the fastest growing demand for is in the pharmaceutical industry. The share of in individual application sectors.Fig.1. Development of the world market for process automation up until2010—segmentation by industries2.2. Market development by regionsNorth America is the leading market for process automation.Asia-Pacific and Eastern Europe are winning market shares from Western Europe and North America. China is a growing engine for automation in Asia, in spite of its lower levels of plant automation. India, too, is gaining market shares worldwide. In the serves to enhance product quality, master the whole range of products, improve process safety and plant availability, efficiently utilize resources and lower emissions. In the rapidly developing countries, mastering mass production is the main motivation for applying process automation. Quality and environmental aspects are, 2000 were for the process control level, and 60.7% for the field level, including all sensors, measurement equipment, and actuators integrated in the various process technological machines. By 2010, the share of control level in field bus communication and EthernetTCP-IP components. The former is expected to grow at a rate of 8.2%year, and that of the latter should be around 17%.The share of external engineering demand will keep increasing worldwide. It is expected to rise from 13.9% in 2000 to 15.5% in 2010. Engineering expenditures are expected to further increase, especially inthose industries with prototype plants. The trend towards rationalization and plant optimization, accompanied by increased integration of automation systems with the information systems of the production site and the enterprise level, will further addto the engineering share out of the total plant project costs.3. Future technology trends in automation3.1. Current status of the industrial communication technologiesEvolution of communication technologies changes in the structure of industrial automation systems. Up until now, communication support in plant automation systems defined according to the computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) concept. In this such a way that each device is designed for a specific task, and specific networks are used to interconnect devices at the same level, i.e. those running the same task.However, the devices one function, or module, which increases the intelligence level of the equipment automation. Devices like sensors that used for measurement now architecture. Nevertheless, themost of the process control strategies.A brief survey of the most important industrial, low-layer protocols(referring to the ISO model) is given in the following. In addition, some currently essential or emerging protocolsThe most widely available industrial networks at the present time can be classified into three main categories: traditional fieldbusses, Ethernet-based networks and wireless networks.The worldwide leaders within the automation domain with respect to the number of installed Fieldbus nodes are nodes) and Interbus (about 7 million nodes). A good commercial position is also Fieldbus. Fieldbus technology industrial automation, and fulfills the current technical requirements of local industrial communications at the field level of an enterprise.HART and Foundation Fieldbus this diagnostic capability to the process surrounding the instrument. As this trend continues, we will benefit from predictive intelligence. We will know more about the of potential problems and profit-draining inefficiencies. We will move from abnormal situation management to abnormal situation prevention.The increased data transfer needs of the currently popular office network technology – Ethernet-based networks – into industrialenvironments. Several organizations (e.g. IAONA (Industrial Automation Networking Alliance)) are promoting the use of Ethernet in industrial automation. In these applications, the fieldbus standards also include Ethernet-based networks, which implement the Ethernet protocol in low layers. The main development area is the real-time requirements of these networks. Currently, the working group IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) WG11 is refining the RTE requirements. The Ethernet-based industrial networks included in the IEC 61784 standard are: EthernetIP, Profinet, Interbus, VnetIP, TCnet, EtherCAT, Powerlink, Modbus TCP and Sercos III.In the same way as for Ethernet, the wireless architectures , 2000) and the network currently under development IEEE 802.15.4ZigBee (IEEE, 2003).Wireless communication the process industry. The technology the production floor can remain in contact with the control centre. Isolated instrumentation, for example pump stations located at remote sites in the mountains, can be integrated into the automation strategy. Wireless technology also offers the advantage of flexibility. Ease of use,visualization, parametrization, and diagnostics through remote links are important considerations.3.1.2. High-layer data specificationsThe communication part of an automation device might order to manage these different types of data, the communication stack defines of the information sources and to the specification of the product data and safety and security data.The information standards for process operation and maintenance are driven by OpenO&M Initiative joint working groups, mainly representing three industrial organizations: MIMOSA (for the asset management related information standards), the OPC Foundation (for data transport standards) and ISA's SP95 (for Enterprise-Control System Integration Standards Committee). One of the most strongly established standards, the OPC, also enables the use of state of the art technologies such as web services, the ability to provide secure data exchange, and the use of encapsulated data with eXtensible Markup Language (XML). On the other Fieldbus) of field devices.3.2. Integration of production and business operationsPlants in the different process industry fields must be seen as production systems: their elements are the process (material transformation), inbound logistics (material transport), the plant (physical shell), automation (automatic operation) and organization (manual operation, supervision, management). Operation is a collaborative process of this production system.Optimization means the best allocation of functions to these components of the production system. This integrated approach is increasingly being expanded to production networks representing complete value-creating production chains. Suppliers and customers are often included in this approach.Virtually seamless of information, communications and automation technology throughout the whole organization is thus needed in order to address the complexity of today's processes. The buzzword in the industry is seamless communications. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), which are normally positioned between the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and control system levels, can be used to optimize a business process on the shop floor, improve product quality, increase process reliability and reduce compliance and validation efforts. The well-known production control (MES) systems in the process industriesinclude ABB industrial IT production Planning, Honeywell Experion PKS-Optivision, Metso DNA MES, Tietoenator TIPS and Siemens Simatic IT-Systems. The main modules of the ERP systems are Master Production Schedule, Material Requirements Planning, Logistics and Customer Service Management. The market leader of the ERP systems is the German SAP AG. i2 Technolgies, and ASP AG APO systems are correspondingly the most common APS systems on the market for supply chain management. Plant optimization, accompanied by increased integration of automation systems with the information systems of the production site and the enterprise level, is justifiable also expected to be the main objective of the process automation in these enterprises in the near future.4. Recent accomplishments and future application trends in process automation4.1. Process control and MPCModel predictive control in the continuous process industry, and now covers over 90% of industrial implementations of multivariable control. One reason for its success is its ability to of MPC controlapplication was presented by Richalet, and the developed software was called IDCOM. The dynamic matrix control (DMC) algorithm also represented the first generation of MPC technology and was developed by Shell Oil engineers.A successful industrial controller for the process industries must maintain the system as close as possible to the constraints. The second generation MPC algorithm, like QDMC, provided a systematic way to implement these input and output constraints, but there was no clear way to MPC algorithms distinguished between several levels of constraints ( infeasible solution, addressed the issues resulting from a control structure that changes in real-time, provided a richer set of feedback options, and allowed for a wider range of process dynamics (stable, integrating and unstable) and controller specifications. The increased competition and mergers of several MPC vendors fourth generation MPC products: RMPCT offered by Honeywell, and DMC-plus offered by Aspen Technology with features such as multiple optimization levels to address prioritized control objectives, additional flexibility in thesteady-state target optimization including QP and economic objectives, direct consideration of model uncertainty (robust control design), andimproved identification technology based on prediction error methods and sub-space methods.Thousands of MPC applications reported in a wide variety of application areas. Most of them in refining, but a significant number of applications can also be found in the petrochemical and chemical sectors. Significant growth areas include the pulp and paper and food processing industries. The first multivariable MPC technology to cover the entire papermaking line published . The largest number of nonlinear MPC applications encompass chemicals, polymers and air and gas processing, The size and scope of NMPC applications are typically much smaller than those of linear MPC applications.Major developments in the process control community in general aiming at contributions to systems and control theory are expected, e.g. in nonlinear optimal control, combined state and parameter estimation for nonlinear systems, robustness analysis and robust synthesis methods for nonlinear systems, spatial decomposition, decentralization and of large-scale nonlinear network-like processes and future trends in process control see (Dochain.2006).4.2. Applications of AI methodsMost of the applications of the AI methods in the process industries designed for unit processes in the beginning of the production chain, especially in pulping, mineral and metal processing. A typical feature of these processes is the difficulties involved in constructing detailed mechanistic models. Increasing international competition is forcing the process industry to be more efficient and to emphasize the importance of the be found in the area of quality control of the end products, where a small improvement in control can give a considerable competitive edge to the enterprise compared to its competitors.The importance of artificial intelligence techniques in real-time process control is emphasized in many of the published articles, and the MM processes especially are reported to benefit from the application of AI techniques.4.3. Process monitoring and fault diagnosisMonitoring the quality of the product online and predictingpreventing process disturbances are the key issues in producing chain, and thereby improving the efficiency. Operational safety of processes is ofimportance and therefore should be the first objective of process control. Problems caused by operational faults range from increased operational costs to forced shutdown of processes. The increased complexity and the degree of integration of modern chemical plants means that the potential economic loss is greater and the diagnosis of fault locations more difficult. It is estimated that inadequate management of abnormal process situations causes annual losses of US$ 20 billion in the petrochemical industry in the USA. Consequently, managing disturbances is seen as the next challenge in developing and implementing new control systems.Venkatasubramanian published a review of monitoring methods, especially those applied in the field of chemical processes. They classified the methods according to the form of process knowledge used. One category is based on process models, and includes both qualitative causal models and quantitative methods. The other category is based on process reviewed,e.g. by Komulainen.4.4. The new extended role of operators and operator-support systemsIn recent years the process industry and information technologies in order to remain competitive. This where massive amounts of measurement data are now available. At the same time, the technology the operator's work are the management of critical situations and decision making in a range of problem situations. In critical situations, the decisions must be made quickly and therefore all the relevant information must be readily and easily accessible.A study to analyse the features and use of the operator's support systems at two Finnish paper mills carried out . Automation systems at the plant include a variety of solutions provided by different vendors and which in use for very different periods of time. The production lines management systems: process control, machine control, quality control, web inspection, process analysis, production planning, and condition and runnability monitoring systems. One planning systems. According to the study, only 30–40% of the existing operator-support systems currently installed at production sites were actually used due to the usability problems and operators’ poor knowledge of the systems. The main reasons for infrequent use of process operation support systems are presented in .Most of the information affecting the decision-making process during the critical situations is so called tacit knowledge. Ensuring that this tacit knowledge is retained as large groups of older operators retire, especially in Europe, will be an additional challenge for the process industry. In the future, the efficient management of knowledge supporting the decision making will thus become more and more important. One clear trend in the development of process control systems is to include features for knowledge and information management. The knowledge and performance support systems will be integrated as a part of process control systems, making it an optimal solution to support operations in the whole production line.The study of interactions between and machines is an important aspect in the adoption of control technologies, and involves both technical issues and social implications. Human machine studies consider all the conditions where , modeling and evaluation of machine systems (HMS), which include decision-making and cognitive processes, modeling of performance, real and virtual environments, design methodology, task allocation-sharing and job design, intelligent interfaces, operator support, work organization, and selection and。

毕业设计(论文)英文翻译题目专业班级姓名学号指导教师职称200年月日The Restructuring of OrganizationsThroughout the 1990s, mergers and acquisitions a major source of corporate restructuring, affecting millions of workers and their families. This form of restructuring often is accompanied by downsizing. Downsizing is the process of reducing the size of a firm by laying off or retiring workers early. The primary objectives of downsizing are similar in U.S. companies and those in other countries:●cutting cost,●spurring decentralization and speeding up decision making,●cutting bureaucracy and eliminating layers of especially they did five years ago. One consequence of this trend is that today’s managers supervise larger numbers of subordinates who report directly to them. In 1990, only about 20 percent of managers supervise twelve or more people and 54 percent supervised six or fewer.Because of downsizing, first-line managers quality control, resources, and industrial engineering provide guidance and support. First-line managers participate in the production processes and other line activities and coordinate the efforts of the specialists as part of their jobs. At the same time, the workers that first-line managers supervise are less willing to put up with authoritarian management. Employees want their jobs to be more creative, challenging, fun, and satisfying and want to participate in decisions affecting their work. Thus self-managed work teams that bring workers and first-line managers together to make joint decisions to improve the way they do their jobs offer a solution to both supervision and employee expectation problems. When you ’t always the case. Sometimes entire divisions of a firm are simply spun off from the main company to operate on their own as new, autonomous companies. The firm that spun them off may then become one of their most important customers or suppliers. That AT&T “downsized” the old Bell Labs unit, which is now known as Lucent Technologies. Now, rather than - return is free to enter into contracts with companies other than AT&T. this method of downsizing is usually called outsourcing.Outsourcing means letting other organizations perform a needed service andor manufacture needed parts or products. Nike outsources the production of its shoes to low-cost plants in South Korea and China and imports the shoes for distribution in North America. These same plants also ship shoes to Europe and other parts of Asia for distribution. Thus today’s managers face a new challenge: t o plan, organize, lead, and control a company that may as a modular corporation. The modularcorporation is most is most common in three industries: apparel, auto manufacturing, and electronics. The most commonly out-sourced function is production. By out sourcing production, a company can switch supplier best suited to a customer’s needs.Decisions about what to outsource and what to keep in- to contract production to another company is a sound business decision to contract production to another company is a sound business decision, at least for U.S. manufacturers. It appears to the unit cost of production by relieving the company of some overhead, and it frees the company to allocate scarce resources to activities for which the company examples of modular companies are Dell Computer, Nike, Liz Claiborne fashions, and ship designer Cyrix.As organizations downsize and outsource functions, they become flatter and smaller. Unlike the behemoths of the past, the new, smaller firms are less like autonomous fortresses and more like nodes in a net work of complex relationships. This approach, called the network form of organization, involves establishing strategic alliances among several entities.In Japan, cross-ownership and alliances among firms-called keiretsu-both foreign and U.S. auto parts producers. It also owns 49 percent of Hertz, the car rental company that is also a major customer. Other alliances include involvement in several research consortia. In the airline industry, a common type of alliance is between an airline and an airframe manufacture. For example, Delta recently agreed to buy all its aircraft from Boeing. Boeing Airlines. Through these agreements, Boeing guarantees that it will be able to sell specified models of its aircraft and begin to adapt their operations to the models they will be flying in the future. Thus both sides expect to reap benefits from these arrangements for many years.Networks forms of organizations are prevalent in access to the universities and in small, creative organizations. For example, the U.S. biotechnology industry is characterized by network of relationships between new biotechnology firms dedicated to research and new products development and established firms in industries that can use these new products, such as pharmaceuticals. In return for sharing technical information with the larger firms, the smaller firms gain access to their partners’ resources for product testing, marketing, and distribution. Big pharmaceutical firms such as Merk or Eli Lily gain from such partnerships because the smaller firms typically development cycle in the larger firms.Being competitive increasingly requires establishing and managing strategic alliances with other firms. In a strategic alliance, two or more firms agree to cooperate in a venture that is expected to benefit both firms.企业重组整个20世纪90年代中,合并和收购一直是企业重组的主要起源,影响着千百万的工人和他们的家庭。

(本科毕业设计外文文献翻译学校代码: 10128学 号:题 目:Shear wall structural design of high-level framework 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程专业(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-(5)班 指导教师: (副教授)Shear wall structural design of high-level frameworkWu JichengAbstract: In this paper the basic concepts of manpower from the frame shear wall structure, analysis of the structural design of the content of the frame shear wall, including the seismic wall shear span ratio design, and a concrete structure in the most commonly used frame shear wall structure the design of points to note.Keywords: concrete; frame shear wall structure; high-rise buildings The wall is a modern high-rise buildings is an important building content, the size of the frame shear wall must comply with building regulations. The principle is that the larger size but the thickness must be smaller geometric features should be presented to the plate, the force is close to cylindrical. The wall shear wall structure is a flat component. Its exposure to the force along the plane level of the role of shear and moment, must also take into account the vertical pressure. Operate under the combined action of bending moments and axial force and shear force by the cantilever deep beam under the action of the force level to look into the bottom mounted on the basis of. Shear wall is divided into a whole wall and the associated shear wall in the actual project, a whole wall for example, such as general housing construction in the gable or fish bone structure film walls and small openings wall. Coupled Shear walls are connected by the coupling beam shear wall. But because thegeneral coupling beam stiffness is less than the wall stiffness of the limbs, so. Wall limb alone is obvious. The central beam of the inflection point to pay attention to the wall pressure than the limits of the limb axis. Will form a short wide beams, wide column wall limb shear wall openings too large component at both ends with just the domain of variable cross-section rod in the internal forces under the action of many Wall limb inflection point Therefore, the calculations and construction shouldAccording to approximate the frame structure to consider. The design of shear walls should be based on the characteristics of a variety of wall itself, and different mechanical characteristics and requirements, wall of the internal force distribution and failure modes of specific and comprehensive consideration of the design reinforcement and structural measures. Frame shear wall structure design is to consider the structure of the overall analysis for both directions of the horizontal and vertical effects. Obtain the internal force is required in accordance with the bias or partial pull normal section force calculation. The wall structure of the frame shear wall structural design of the content frame high-rise buildings, in the actual project in the use of the most seismic walls have sufficient quantities to meet the limits of the layer displacement, the location is relatively flexible. Seismic wall for continuous layout, full-length through. Should be designed to avoid the wall mutations in limb length and alignment is not up and down the hole. The same time. The inside of thehole margins column should not be less than 300mm in order to guarantee the length of the column as the edge of the component and constraint edge components. The bi-directional lateral force resisting structural form of vertical and horizontal wall connected. Each other as the affinity of the shear wall. For one, two seismic frame shear walls, even beam high ratio should not greater than 5 and a height of not less than 400mm. Midline column and beams, wall midline should not be greater than the column width of 1/4, in order to reduce the torsional effect of the seismic action on the column. Otherwise can be taken to strengthen the stirrup ratio in the column to make up. If the shear wall shear span than the big two. Even the beam cross-height ratio greater than 2.5, then the design pressure of the cut should not make a big 0.2. However, if the shear wall shear span ratio of less than two coupling beams span of less than 2.5, then the shear compression ratio is not greater than 0.15. The other hand, the bottom of the frame shear wall structure to enhance the design should not be less than 200mm and not less than storey 1/16, other parts should not be less than 160mm and not less than storey 1/20. Around the wall of the frame shear wall structure should be set to the beam or dark beam and the side column to form a border. Horizontal distribution of shear walls can from the shear effect, this design when building higher longer or frame structure reinforcement should be appropriately increased, especially in the sensitive parts of the beam position or temperature,stiffness change is best appropriately increased, then consideration should be given to the wall vertical reinforcement, because it is mainly from the bending effect, and take in some multi-storey shear wall structure reinforced reinforcement rate - like less constrained edge of the component or components reinforcement of the edge component. References: [1 sad Hayashi, He Yaming. On the short shear wall high-rise building design [J].Keyuan, 2008, (O2).高层框架剪力墙结构设计吴继成摘要: 本文从框架剪力墙结构设计的基本概念人手,分析了框架剪力墙的构造设计内容,包括抗震墙、剪跨比等的设计,并出混凝土结构中最常用的框架剪力墙结构设计的注意要点。

Computer networking summarizeNetworking can be defined as the linking of people, resources and ideas. Networking occurs via casual encounters, meetings, telephone conversation, and the printed words. Now the computer networking provide beings with new networking capabilities. Computer network are important for services because service tasks are information intensive. During the is transmitted between clients, coworkers, management, funding sources, and policy makers. Tools with rapidly speed up communication will dramatically affect services.Computer network growing explosively. Two decades ago, few people essential part of our infrastructure. Networking is used in every aspect of business, including advertising, production, shipping, planning, bulling, and accounting. Consequently, most corporations in on-line libraries around the world. Federal, state, and local government offices use networks, as do military organizations. In short, computer networks are everywhere.The growth in networking economic impact as well. An entire industry jobs for people with more networking expertise. Companies need workers to plan, acquire, install, operate, and manage the addition computer programming is no longer restricted to individual computers; programmers are expected to design and implement application software that can communicate with software on other computers.Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols, allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably. Traditionally, they split between wide area networks (WANs) and local area networks (LANs). A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines, and a LAN is a localized network usually in one building or a group of buildings close together. The distinction, computers. Today networks carry e-mail, provide access to public databases, and are beginning to be used for distributed systems. Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers and disk-systems.Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that cooperate to perform tasks. In this environment, each part of the networked system does what it is best at. The of a personal computer or workstation provides a good user interface. The mainframe, on the other the results to the users. In a distributed environment, a user might use in a special language (e. g. Structured Query Language-SQL), to the mainframe, which then parrrses the query, returning the user only the data requested. The user might then use the data. By passing back the user’s PC only the specific information requested, network traffic is reduced. If the whole file were transmitted, the PC would then of one network to access the resources on a different type of network. For example, a gateway could be used to connect a local area network of personal computers to a mainframe computer network. For example, if a company this example, using a bridge makes more sense than joining all thepersonal computers together in one large network because the individual departments only occasionally need to access information on the other network.Computer networking technology can be divided into four major aspects.The first is the data transmission. It explains that at the lowest level electrical signals traveling across wires are used to carry information, and shows be encoded using electrical signals.The second focuses on packet transmission. It explains why computer network use packets, and shows . LANs and WANs discussed above are two basic network.The third covers internetworking—the important idea that allows system, and TCPIP, the protocol technology used in global internet.The fourth explains networking applications. It focuses on , and programs provide services such as electronic mail and Web browsing.Continued growth of the global Internet is one of most interesting and exciting phenomena in networking. A decade ago, the Internet was a research project that involved a few dozen sites. Today, the Internet into a production communication system that reaches millions of people in almost all countries on all continents around the world. In the United States, the Internet connects most corporations, colleges and universities, as well as federal, state, and local government offices. It will soon reach most elementary,junior, and senior addition, many private residences can reach the Internet through a dialup telephone connection. Evidence of the Internet’s impact on society can be seen in advertisements, in magazines and on television, which often contain a reference to an Internet Web site that provide additional information about the advertiser’s products and services.A large organization with diverse networking requirements needs multiple physical networks. More important, if the organization chooses the type network that is best for each task, the organization will network can only communicate with other computers attached to same network. The problem became evident in the 1970s as large organizations began to acquire multiple networks. Each network in the organizations formed an island. In many early installations, each computer attached to a single network and employees employees was given access to multiple svreens and keyboards, and the employee was forced to move form one computer to another to send a massage across the appropriate network. Users are neither satisfied nor productive when they must use a separate computer. Consequently, most modern computer communication syetem allow communication between any two computers analogous to the way a telephone system provides communication between any two telephones. Known as universal service, the concept is a fundamental part of networking. With universal service, a user on any computer in any part of an organization can send messages or data to any other users. Furthermore, a user does not need to change computer systems whenchanging tasks—all information is available to all computers. As a result, users are more productive.The basic component used to commect organization to choose network technologies appropriate for each need, and to use routers to connect all networks into a single internet.The goal of internetworking is universal service across an internet, routers must agree to forward information from a source on one network to a specified destination on another. The task is complex because frame formats and addressing schemes used by underlying networks can differ. As s resulrt, protocol software is needed on computers and routers make universal service possible. Internet protocols overcome differences in frame formats and physical addresses to make communication pissible among networks that use different technologies.In general, internet software provides the appeatrance of a single, seamless communication system to which many computers attach. The syetem offers universal service :each computer is assigned an address, and any computer can send a packet to any other computer. Furthermore, internet protocol software —neither users nor application programs are a ware of the underlying physical networks or the routers that connect them.We say that an internet is a virtual network system because the communication system is an abstraction. That is, although a combination of of a uniform network syetem, no such network exists.Research on internetworking modern networking. In fact,internet techmology . Most large organizations already use internetworking as primary computer communication mechanism. Smaller organizations and individuals are beginning to do so as well. More inportant, the TCPIP technology computers in schools, commercial organications, government, military sites and individuals in almost all countries around the world.电脑网络简述网络可被定义为人、资源和思想的联接。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译题目:On-the-job Training院系名称:管理学院专业班级:工商管理0702班学生姓名:刘月停学号: 20074900818指导教师:张可军教师职称:讲师附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文.附件1:外文资料翻译译文CATIA V5 的自动化CATIA V5的自动化和脚本:在NT 和Unix上:脚本允许你用宏指令以非常简单的方式计划CATIA。
CATIA 使用在MS –VBScript中(V5.x中在NT和UNIX3。
0 )的共用部分来使得在两个平台上运行相同的宏。
在NT 平台上:自动化允许CATIA像Word/Excel或者Visual Basic程序那样与其他外用分享目标。
ATIA 能使用Word/Excel对象就像Word/Excel能使用CATIA 对象。
在Unix 平台上:CATIA将来的版本将允许从Java分享它的对象。
这将提供在Unix 和NT 之间的一个完美兼容。
CATIA V5 自动化:介绍(仅限NT)自动化允许在几个进程之间的联系:CATIA V5 在NT 上:接口COM:Visual Basic 脚本(对宏来说),Visual Basic 为应用(适合前:Word/Excel ),Visual Basic。
Automation 是一种“微软“技术,它使用一种解释环境中的COM对象。
ActiveX 组成部分是“微软“标准于几个应用程序之间的共享对象,即使在解释环境里。
OLE(对象的链接与嵌入)意思是资料可以在一个其他应用OLE的资料里连结并且可以被编辑的方法(在适当的位置编辑).在VBScript,VBA和Visual Basic之间的差别:Visual Basic(VB)是全部的版本。
它能产生独立的计划,它也能建立ActiveX 和服务器。

Dalian Neusoft University of Information
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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:艺术学院专业:环境设计姓名:学号:外文出处: The Swedish Country House附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文附件1:外文资料翻译译文室内装饰简述一室内装饰设计要素1 空间要素空间的合理化并给人们以美的感受是设计基本的任务。
2 色彩要求室内色彩除对视觉环境产生影响外,还直接影响人们的情绪、心理。
3 光影要求人类喜爱大自然的美景,常常把阳光直接引入室内,以消除室内的黑暗感和封闭感,特别是顶光和柔和的散射光,使室内空间更为亲切自然。
4 装饰要素室内整体空间中不可缺少的建筑构件、如柱子、墙面等,结合功能需要加以装饰,可共同构成完美的室内环境。
5 陈设要素室内家具、地毯、窗帘等,均为生活必需品,其造型往往具有陈设特征,大多数起着装饰作用。
6 绿化要素室内设计中绿化以成为改善室内环境的重要手段。
二室内装饰设计的基本原则1 室内装饰设计要满足使用功能要求室内设计是以创造良好的室内空间环境为宗旨,使室内环境合理化、舒适化、科学化;要考虑人们的活动规律处理好空间关系,空间尺寸,空间比例;合理配置陈设与家具,妥善解决室内通风,采光与照明,注意室内色调的总体效果。
2 室内装饰设计要满足精神功能要求室内设计的精神就是要影响人们的情感,乃至影响人们的意志和行动,所以要研究人们的认识特征和规律;研究人的情感与意志;研究人和环境的相互作用。

毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。
IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系别:专业:班级:姓名:学号:外文出处:附件: 1. 原文; 2。
译文2013年03月附件一:A Rapidly Deployable Manipulator SystemChristiaan J。
Paredis, H. Benjamin Brown,Pradeep K. KhoslaAbstract:A rapidly deployable manipulator system combines the flexibility of reconfigurable modular hardware with modular programming tools,allowing the user to rapidly create a manipulator which is custom-tailored for a given task. This article describes two main aspects of such a system,namely,the Reconfigurable Modular Manipulator System (RMMS)hardware and the corresponding control software。
1 IntroductionRobot manipulators can be easily reprogrammed to perform different tasks, yet the range of tasks that can be performed by a manipulator is limited by mechanicalstructure。
Forexample,a manipulator well-suited for precise movement across the top of a table would probably no be capable of lifting heavy objects in the vertical direction. Therefore,to perform a given task,one needs to choose a manipulator with an appropriate mechanical structure.We propose the concept of a rapidly deployable manipulator system to address the above mentioned shortcomings of fixed configuration manipulators。
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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译题目:金融银行信用风险管理与知识管理教学院:经济与管理学院专业名称:工商管理学号:学生姓名:谭勤辉指导教师:刘显铭2013 年05 月28 日Managing Credit Risks with Knowledge ManagementforFinancial BanksPan JinDepartment of EconomicsEconomics and Management School of Wuhan UniversityWuhan,Hubei ProvinceChinaAbstract-Nowadays,financial banks are operating in a knowledge society and there are more and more credit risks breaking out in banks.So,this paper first discusses the implications of knowledge and knowledge management, and then analyzes credit risks of financial banks with knowledge management. Finally, the paper studies ways for banks to manage credit risks with knowledge management. With the application of knowledge management in financial banks, customers will acquire better service and banks will acquire more rewards.Index Terms–knowledge management; credit risk; risk management; incentive mechanism; financial banksI.INTRODUCTIONNowadays,banks are operating in a“knowledge society”.So, what is knowledge? Davenport(1996)[1]thinks knowledge is professional intellect,such as know-what, know- be shared and communicated. The awareness of the importance of knowledge results in the critical issue of “knowledge management”.So, what is knowledge management? According to Malhothra(2001)[2], knowledge management(KM)caters to the critical issues of organizational adaptation, survival and competence in face of increasingly discontinuous environmental change. Essentially it embodies organizational processes that seek synergistic combination of data and information processing capacity of information technologies and the creative and innovative capacity of beings. Through the processes of creating,sustaining, applying, sharing and renewing knowledge, we can enhance organizational performance and create value.Many dissertations some special fields. Aybübe Aurum(2004)[3] analyzes knowledge management in software engineering and D.J.Harvey &R.Holdsworth(2005)[4]study knowledge management in the aerospace industry. Li Yang(2007)[5] studies knowledge management in information-based education and Jayasundara&Chaminda Chiran(2008)[6] review the prevailing literature on knowledge management in banking industries. Liang ping and Wu Kebao(2010)[7]study the incentive mechanism of knowledge management inBanking.There are also many papers about risks analysis and risks management. Before the 1980s, the dominant mathematical theory of risks analysis was to describe a pair of random vectors.But,the simplificationassumptions and methods used by classical competing risks analysis caused controversy and criticism.Starting around the 1980s, an alternative formulation of risk analysis was developed,with the identifiability. The new formulation is univariate risk analysis.According to Crowder(2001)[8], David&Moeschberger(1978)[9]and Hougaard(2000)[10],univariate survival risk analysis dominantly, which is based on the i.i.d assumptions(independent and identically distributed) or, at least, based on the independent failure assumption.Distribution-free regression modeling allows one to investigate the influences of multiple covariates on the failure, and it relaxes the assumption of identical failure distribution and to some extent, it also relaxes the single failure risk restriction. However, the independent failures as well as single failure events are still assumed in the univariate survival analysis. Of course,these deficiencies do not invalidate univariate analysis, and indeed, in many applications, those assumptions are realistically valid.Based on the above mentioned studies, Ma and Krings(2008a, 2008b)[11]discuss the relationship and difference of univariate and multivariate analysis in calculating risks.As for the papers on managing the risks in banks, Lawrence J.White(2008)[12]studies the risks of financial innovations and takes out some countermeasures to regulate financial innovations. Shao Baiquan(2010)[13]studies the ways to manage the risks in banks.From the above papers, we can see that few scholars Ⅰis introduction. SectionⅡanalyzes credit risks in banks with knowledge management. SectionⅢstudies ways for banks to manage credit risks with knowledgemanagement. SectionⅣconcludes.II.ANALYZING CREDIT RISKS IN BANKS WITHKNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTA.Implication of Credit RiskCredit risk is the risk of loss due to a debtor’s non-payment of a loan or other line of credit, which may be the principal or interest or both.Because there are many types of loans and counterparties-from individuals to sovereign governments-and many different types of obligations-from auto loans to derivatives transactions-credit risk may take many forms.Credit risk is common in our daily life and we can not cover it completely,for example,the American subprime lending crisis is caused by credit risk,which is that the poor lenders do not pay principal and interest back to the banks and the banks do not pay the investors who buy the securities based on the loans.From the example,we can find that there are still credit risks,though banks banks includes tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge,which is scattered in different fields.For example, the information about the customers’income, asset and credit is controlled by different departments and different staffs and the information can’t be communicated with others. So it is necessary for banks to set up a whole system to communicate and share the information and knowledge to manage the risks.C.Setting up Incentive Mechanism and Encouraging Knowledge InnovationThe warning mechanism of credit risks depends on the incentive mechanism in banks,so, banks should take out incentive mechanism to urge staffs to learn more knowledge and work creatively to manage credit risks.We can show the incentive mechanism as Fig.1:Fig.1 The model of incentive mechanism with knowledge management From Fig.1,we can see there are both stimulative and punitive measures in the incentive model of knowledge management for financial banks.With the incentive mechanism of knowledge management in financial banks,the staffs will work managing credit risks with knowledge management.We can show them in Fig.2:Fig.2 The blocks of managing credit risksA.Distinguishing Credit RiskDistinguishing credit risks is the basis of risk management.If we can’t recognize the risks,we are unable to find appropriate solutions to manage risks.For example,the United States subprime crisis in 2007 was partly caused by that the financial institutions and regulators didn’t recognize the mortgage securitization risks timely.With knowledge management,we can make out some rules to distinguish credit risks,which are establishing one personal credit rating system for customers and setting up the data warehouse.We can use the system to analyze customers’credit index, customers’credit the changes of customers’property and income to recognize potential risks.B.Assessing and Calculating Credit RiskAfter distinguishing the credit risks,we should assess the riskexposure,risk factors and potential losses and risks, and we should make out the clear links.The knowledgeable staffs in banking should use statistical methods and model and the regulators should establish credit assessment system and then set up one national credit assessment system.With the system and the model of risk assessment,the managers can evaluate the existing and emerging risk factors,such as they prepare credit ratings for internal use.Other firms,including Standard &Poor’s,Moody’s and Fitch,are in the business of developing credit rating for use by investors or other third parties.TableⅠshows the credit ratings of Standard&Poor’s.TABLE ISTANDARD&POOR’S CREDITT RATINGSCredit ratings ImplicationsAAA Best credit quality,extremely reliableAA Very good credit quality,very reliableA More susceptible to economic conditionsBBB Lowest rating in investment gradeBB Caution is necessaryB Vulnerable to changes in economicCCC Currently vulnerable to nonpaymentCC Highly vulnerable to payment defaultC Close to bankruptD Payment default has actually occurredAfter assessing credit risks,we can use Standardized Approach andInternal Rating-Based Approach to calculate the risks.And in this article,we will analyze uncovered loan.To calculate credit risk of an uncovered loan,firstly,we will acquire the bo rrower’s Probability of Default(PD),Loss Given Default(LGD),Exposure at Default(EAD)and Remaining Maturity(M).Secondly,we calculate the simple risk(SR)of the uncovered loan,using the formula as following: SR=Min{BSR(PD)*[1+b(PD)*(M-3)]*LGD50,LGD*12.5} (1)Where BSR is the basic risk weight and b(PD)is the adjusting factor for remaining maturity(M).Finally,we can calculate the weighted risk(WR)of the uncovered loan,using the following formula:WR=SR*EAD (2)From(1)and(2),we can acquire the simple and weighted credit risk of an uncovered loan,and then we can take some measures to ’t repay the loans,banks can get the compensation from the insurance company.(3)Loans Securitization. Banks can change the loans into security portfolio,according to the different interest rate and term of the loans,and then banks can sell the security portfolio to the special organizations or trust companies.D.Managing Credit Risk and Feeding backA customer may acquire the customer’s credit information,credit the data the banks get.By assessing and calculating the risks of the customer,banks can expect the future behavior of the customers and provides different service for different customers. Banks can provide morevalue-added service to the customers who remedial after the risks broke out.In order to set up the warning and feeding back mechanism,banks should score credit of the customers comprehensively and then test the effectiveness and suitability of the measures,which banks use to mitigate risks.Finally, banks should update the data of the customers timely and keep the credit risk management system operating smoothly.IV.CONCLUSIONIn this paper,we first discuss the implications of knowledge and knowledge management.Then we analyze the credit risks of financial banks with knowledge management. Finally,we put forward ways for banks to manage credit risks with knowledge management.We think banks should set up data warehouse of customers’credit to assess and calculate the credit risks,and at the same time,banks should train knowledgeable staffs to construct a whole system to reduce risks and feed back.With knowledge management,banks can take out systemic measures to manage customers’credit risks and gain sustainable profits.ACKNOWLEDGMENTIt is financed by the of China(NO.06JC790032).REFERENCES[1]Davenport,T.H.et al,“Improving knowledge work processes,”Sloan Management Review,MIT,USA,1996,Vol.38,pp.53-65.[2]Malhothra,“Knowledge management for the new world of business,”New York BRINT Institute,2001, software engineering education,”Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference onAdvanced Learning Technologies,2004,pp..[4]D.J.Harvey&R.Holdsworth,“Knowledge management in the aerospace industry,”Proceedings of the IEEE International Professional Communication Conference,2005,pp..[5]Li Yang,“Thinking about knowledge management applications in information-based education,”IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies,2007,pp.27-33.[6]Jayasundara&Chaminda Chiran,“Knowledge managemen t in banking industries:uses and opportunities,”Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka,2008,Vol.12,pp.68-84.[7]Liang Ping,Wu Kebao,“Knowledge management in banking,”The Conference on Engineering and Business Management,2010, pp..[8]Crowder,M.J.Classical Competing Risks,British:Chapman&Hall, 2001,pp.200.[9]David,H.A.&M.L.Moeschberger,The Theory of Competing Risks, Scotland,Macmillan Publishing,1978,pp.103.金融银行信用风险管理与知识管理摘要:目前,金融银行经营在一个知识型社会中,而且越来越多的信用风险在在银行中爆发。

Bid Compensation Decision Model for Projectswith Costly Bid PreparationS.Ping Ho,A.M.ASCE 1Abstract:For projects with high bid preparation cost,it is often suggested that the owner should consider paying bid compensation to the most highly ranked unsuccessful bidders to stimulate extra effort or inputs in bid preparation.Whereas the underlying idea of using bid compensation is intuitively sound,there is no theoretical basis or empirical evidence for such suggestion.Because costly bid preparation often implies a larger project scale,the issue of bid compensation strategy is important to practitioners and an interest of study.This paper aims to study the impacts of bid compensation and to develop appropriate bid compensation strategies.Game theory is applied to analyze the behavioral dynamics between competing bidders and project owners.A bid compensation model based on game theoretic analysis is developed in this study.The model provides equilibrium solutions under bid compensation,quantitative formula,and quali-tative implications for the formation of bid compensation strategies.DOI:10.1061/(ASCE )0733-9364(2005)131:2(151)CE Database subject headings:Bids;Project management;Contracts;Decision making;Design/build;Build/Operate/Transfer;Construction industry .IntroductionAn often seen suggestion in practice for projects with high bid preparation cost is that the owner should consider paying bid compensation,also called a stipend or honorarium,to the unsuc-cessful bidders.For example,according to the Design–build Manual of Practice Document Number 201by Design–Build In-stitute of America (DBIA )(1996a ),it is suggested that that “the owner should consider paying a stipend or honorarium to the unsuccessful proposers”because “excessive submittal require-ments without some compensation is abusive to the design–build industry and discourages quality teams from participating.”In another publication by DBIA (1995),it is also stated that “it is strongly recommended that honorariums be offered to the unsuc-cessful proposers”and that “the provision of reasonable compen-sation will encourage the more sought-after design–build teams to apply and,if short listed,to make an extra effort in the prepara-tion of their proposal.”Whereas bid preparation costs depend on project scale,delivery method,and other factors,the cost of pre-paring a proposal is often relatively high in some particular project delivery schemes,such as design–build or build–operate–transfer (BOT )contracting.Plus,costly bid preparation often im-plying a large project scale,the issue of bid compensation strat-egy should be important to practitioners and of great interest of study.Existing research on the procurement process in constructionhas addressed the selection of projects that are appropriate for certain project delivery methods (Molenaar and Songer 1998;Molenaar and Gransberg 2001),the design–build project procure-ment processes (Songer et al.1994;Gransberg and Senadheera 1999;Palaneeswaran and Kumaraswamy 2000),and the BOT project procurement process (United Nations Industrial Develop-ment Organization 1996).However,the bid compensation strat-egy for projects with a relatively high bid preparation cost has not been studied.Among the issues over the bidder’s response to the owner’s procurement or bid compensation strategy,it is in own-er’s interest to understand how the owner can stimulate high-quality inputs or extra effort from the bidder during bid prepara-tion.Whereas the argument for using bid compensation is intuitively sound,there is no theoretical basis or empirical evi-dence for such an argument.Therefore,it is crucial to study under what conditions the bid compensation is effective,and how much compensation is adequate with respect to different bidding situa-tions.This paper focuses on theoretically studying the impacts of bid compensation and tries to develop appropriate compensation strategies for projects with a costly bid preparation.Game theory will be applied to analyze the behavioral dynamics between com-peting bidders.Based on the game theoretic analysis and numeric trials,a bid compensation model is developed.The model pro-vides a quantitative framework,as well as qualitative implica-tions,on bid compensation strategies.Research Methodology:Game TheoryGame theory can be defined as “the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers”(Myerson 1991).Among economic theories,game theory has been successfully applied to many important issues such as negotiations,finance,and imperfect markets.Game theory has also been applied to construction management in two areas.Ho (2001)applied game theory to analyze the information asymme-try problem during the procurement of a BOT project and its1Assistant Professor,Dept.of Civil Engineering,National Taiwan Univ.,Taipei 10617,Taiwan.E-mail:spingho@.twNote.Discussion open until July 1,2005.Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers.To extend the closing date by one month,a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on March 5,2003;approved on March 1,2004.This paper is part of the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ,V ol.131,No.2,February 1,2005.©ASCE,ISSN 0733-9364/2005/2-151–159/$25.00.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .implication in project financing and government policy.Ho and Liu (2004)develop a game theoretic model for analyzing the behavioral dynamics of builders and owners in construction claims.In competitive bidding,the strategic interactions among competing bidders and that between bidders and owners are com-mon,and thus game theory is a natural tool to analyze the prob-lem of concern.A well-known example of a game is the “prisoner’s dilemma”shown in Fig.1.Two suspects are arrested and held in separate cells.If both of them confess,then they will be sentenced to jail for 6years.If neither confesses,each will be sentenced for only 1year.However,if one of them confesses and the other does not,then the honest one will be rewarded by being released (in jail for 0year )and the other will be punished for 9years in jail.Note that in each cell,the first number represents player No.1’s payoff and the second one represents player No.2’s.The prisoner’s dilemma is called a “static game,”in which they act simultaneously;i.e.,each player does not know the other player’s decision before the player makes the decision.If the payoff matrix shown in Fig.1is known to all players,then the payoff matrix is a “common knowledge”to all players and this game is called a game of “complete information.”Note that the players of a game are assumed to be rational;i.e.,to maximize their payoffs.To answer what each prisoner will play/behave in this game,we will introduce the concept of “Nash equilibrium ,”one of the most important concepts in game theory.Nash equilibrium is a set of actions that will be chosen by each player.In a Nash equilib-rium,each player’s strategy should be the best response to the other player’s strategy,and no player wants to deviate from the equilibrium solution.Thus,the equilibrium or solution is “strate-gically stable”or “self-enforcing”(Gibbons 1992).Conversely,a nonequilibrium solution is not stable since at least one of the players can be better off by deviating from the nonequilibrium solution.In the prisoner’s dilemma,only the (confess,confess )solution where both players choose to confess,satisfies the stabil-ity test or requirement of Nash equilibrium.Note that although the (not confess,not confess )solution seems better off for both players compared to Nash equilibrium;however,this solution is unstable since either player can obtain extra benefit by deviating from this solution.Interested readers can refer to Gibbons (1992),Fudenberg and Tirole (1992),and Myerson (1991).Bid Compensation ModelIn this section,the bid compensation model is developed on the basis of game theoretic analysis.The model could help the ownerform bid compensation strategies under various competition situ-ations and project characteristics.Illustrative examples with nu-merical results are given when necessary to show how the model can be used in various scenarios.Assumptions and Model SetupTo perform a game theoretic study,it is critical to make necessary simplifications so that one can focus on the issues of concern and obtain insightful results.Then,the setup of a model will follow.The assumptions made in this model are summarized as follows.Note that these assumptions can be relaxed in future studies for more general purposes.1.Average bidders:The bidders are equally good,in terms oftheir technical and managerial capabilities.Since the design–build and BOT focus on quality issues,the prequalification process imposed during procurement reduces the variation of the quality of bidders.As a result,it is not unreasonable to make the “average bidders”assumption.plete information:If all players consider each other tobe an average bidder as suggested in the first assumption,it is natural to assume that the payoffs of each player in each potential solution are known to all players.3.Bid compensation for the second best bidder:Since DBIA’s(1996b )manual,document number 103,suggests that “the stipend is paid only to the most highly ranked unsuccessful offerors to prevent proposals being submitted simply to ob-tain a stipend,”we shall assume that the bid compensation will be offered to the second best bidder.4.Two levels of efforts:It is assumed that there are two levelsof efforts in preparing a proposal,high and average,denoted by H and A ,respectively.The effort A is defined as the level of effort that does not incur extra cost to improve quality.Contrarily,the effort H is defined as the level of effort that will incur extra cost,denoted as E ,to improve the quality of a proposal,where the improvement is detectable by an effec-tive proposal evaluation system.Typically,the standard of quality would be transformed to the evaluation criteria and their respective weights specified in the Request for Pro-posal.5.Fixed amount of bid compensation,S :The fixed amount canbe expressed by a certain percentage of the average profit,denoted as P ,assumed during the procurement by an average bidder.6.Absorption of extra cost,E :For convenience,it is assumedthat E will not be included in the bid price so that the high effort bidder will win the contract under the price–quality competition,such as best-value approach.This assumption simplifies the tradeoff between quality improvement and bid price increase.Two-Bidder GameIn this game,there are only two qualified bidders.The possible payoffs for each bidder in the game are shown in a normal form in Fig.2.If both bidders choose “H ,”denoted by ͑H ,H ͒,both bidders will have a 50%probability of wining the contract,and at the same time,have another 50%probability of losing the con-tract but being rewarded with the bid compensation,S .As a re-sult,the expected payoffs for the bidders in ͑H ,H ͒solution are ͑S /2+P /2−E ,S /2+P /2−E ͒.Note that the computation of the expected payoff is based on the assumption of the average bidder.Similarly,if the bidders choose ͑A ,A ͒,the expected payoffswillFig.1.Prisoner’s dilemmaD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .be ͑S /2+P /2,S /2+P /2͒.If the bidders choose ͑H ,A ͒,bidder No.1will have a 100%probability of winning the contract,and thus the expected payoffs are ͑P −E ,S ͒.Similarly,if the bidders choose ͑A ,H ͒,the expected payoffs will be ͑S ,P −E ͒.Payoffs of an n -bidder game can be obtained by the same reasoning.Nash EquilibriumSince the payoffs in each equilibrium are expressed as functions of S ,P ,and E ,instead of a particular number,the model will focus on the conditions for each possible Nash equilibrium of the game.Here,the approach to solving for Nash equilibrium is to find conditions that ensure the stability or self-enforcing require-ment of Nash equilibrium.This technique will be applied throughout this paper.First,check the payoffs of ͑H ,H ͒solution.For bidder No.1or 2not to deviate from this solution,we must haveS /2+P /2−E ϾS →S ϽP −2E͑1͒Therefore,condition (1)guarantees ͑H ,H ͒to be a Nash equilib-rium.Second,check the payoffs of ͑A ,A ͒solution.For bidder No.1or 2not to deviate from ͑A ,A ͒,condition (2)must be satisfiedS /2+P /2ϾP −E →S ϾP −2E͑2͒Thus,condition (2)guarantees ͑A ,A ͒to be a Nash equilibrium.Note that the condition “S =P −2E ”will be ignored since the con-dition can become (1)or (2)by adding or subtracting an infinitely small positive number.Thus,since S must satisfy either condition (1)or condition (2),either ͑H ,H ͒or ͑A ,A ͒must be a unique Nash equilibrium.Third,check the payoffs of ͑H ,A ͒solution.For bid-der No.1not to deviate from H to A ,we must have P −E ϾS /2+P /2;i.e.,S ϽP −2E .For bidder No.2not to deviate from A to H ,we must have S ϾS /2+P /2−E ;i.e.,S ϾP −2E .Since S cannot be greater than and less than P −2E at the same time,͑H ,A ͒solution cannot exist.Similarly,͑A ,H ͒solution cannot exist either.This also confirms the previous conclusion that either ͑H ,H ͒or ͑A ,A ͒must be a unique Nash equilibrium.Impacts of Bid CompensationBid compensation is designed to serve as an incentive to induce bidders to make high effort.Therefore,the concerns of bid com-pensation strategy should focus on whether S can induce high effort and how effective it is.According to the equilibrium solu-tions,the bid compensation decision should depend on the mag-nitude of P −2E or the relative magnitude of E compared to P .If E is relatively small such that P Ͼ2E ,then P −2E will be positive and condition (1)will be satisfied even when S =0.This means that bid compensation is not an incentive for high effort when the extra cost of high effort is relatively low.Moreover,surprisingly,S can be damaging when S is high enough such that S ϾP −2E .On the other hand,if E is relatively large so that P −2E is negative,then condition (2)will always be satisfied since S can-not be negative.In this case,͑A ,A ͒will be a unique Nash equi-librium.In other words,when E is relatively large,it is not in the bidder’s interest to incur extra cost for improving the quality of proposal,and therefore,S cannot provide any incentives for high effort.To summarize,when E is relatively low,it is in the bidder’s interest to make high effort even if there is no bid compensation.When E is relatively high,the bidder will be better off by making average effort.In other words,bid compensation cannot promote extra effort in a two-bidder game,and ironically,bid compensa-tion may discourage high effort if the compensation is too much.Thus,in the two-bidder procurement,the owner should not use bid compensation as an incentive to induce high effort.Three-Bidder GameNash EquilibriumFig.3shows all the combinations of actions and their respective payoffs in a three-bidder game.Similar to the two-bidder game,here the Nash equilibrium can be solved by ensuring the stability of the solution.For equilibrium ͑H ,H ,H ͒,condition (3)must be satisfied for stability requirementS /3+P /3−E Ͼ0→S Ͼ3E −P͑3͒For equilibrium ͑A ,A ,A ͒,condition (4)must be satisfied so that no one has any incentives to choose HS /3+P /3ϾP −E →S Ͼ2P −3E͑4͒In a three-bidder game,it is possible that S will satisfy conditions (3)and (4)at the same time.This is different from the two-bidder game,where S can only satisfy either condition (1)or (2).Thus,there will be two pure strategy Nash equilibria when S satisfies conditions (3)and (4).However,since the payoff of ͑A ,A ,A ͒,S /3+P /3,is greater than the payoff of ͑H ,H ,H ͒,S /3+P /3−E ,for all bidders,the bidder will choose ͑A ,A ,A ͒eventually,pro-vided that a consensus between bidders of making effort A can be reached.The process of reaching such consensus is called “cheap talk,”where the agreement is beneficial to all players,and no player will want to deviate from such an agreement.In the design–build or BOT procurement,it is reasonable to believe that cheap talk can occur.Therefore,as long as condition (4)is satis-fied,͑A ,A ,A ͒will be a unique Nash equilibrium.An important implication is that the cheap talk condition must not be satisfied for any equilibrium solution other than ͑A ,A ,A ͒.In other words,condition (5)must be satisfied for all equilibrium solution except ͑A ,A ,A͒Fig.2.Two-biddergameFig.3.Three-bidder gameD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .S Ͻ2P −3E ͑5͒Following this result,for ͑H ,H ,H ͒to be unique,conditions (3)and (5)must be satisfied;i.e.,we must have3E −P ϽS Ͻ2P −3E͑6͒Note that by definition S is a non-negative number;thus,if one cannot find a non-negative number to satisfy the equilibrium con-dition,then the respective equilibrium does not exist and the equi-librium condition will be marked as “N/A”in the illustrative fig-ures and tables.Next,check the solution where two bidders make high efforts and one bidder makes average effort,e.g.,͑H ,H ,A ͒.The ex-pected payoffs for ͑H ,H ,A ͒are ͑S /2+P /2−E ,S /2+P /2−E ,0͒.For ͑H ,H ,A ͒to be a Nash equilibrium,S /3+P /3−E Ͻ0must be satisfied so that the bidder with average effort will not deviate from A to H ,S /2+P /2−E ϾS /2must be satisfied so that the bidder with high effort will not deviate from H to A ,and condi-tion (5)must be satisfied as argued previously.The three condi-tions can be rewritten asS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,2P −3E ͔andP −2E Ͼ0͑7͒Note that because of the average bidder assumption,if ͑H ,H ,A ͒is a Nash equilibrium,then ͑H ,A ,H ͒and ͑A ,H ,H ͒will also be the Nash equilibria.The three Nash equilibria will constitute a so-called mixed strategy Nash equilibrium,denoted by 2H +1A ,where each bidder randomizes actions between H and A with certain probabilities.The concept of mixed strategy Nash equilib-rium shall be explained in more detail in next section.Similarly,we can obtain the requirements for solution 1H +2A ,condition (5)and S /2+P /2−E ϽS /2must be satisfied.The requirements can be reorganized asS Ͻ2P −3EandP −2E Ͻ0͑8͒Note that the conflicting relationship between “P −2E Ͼ0”in condition (7)and “P −2E Ͻ0”in condition (8)seems to show that the two types of Nash equilibria are exclusive.Nevertheless,the only difference between 2H +1A and 1H +2A is that the bidder in 2H +1A equilibrium has a higher probability of playing H ,whereas the bidder in 1H +2A also mixes actions H and A but with lower probability of playing H .From this perspective,the difference between 2H +1A and 1H +2A is not very distinctive.In other words,one should not consider,for example,2H +1A ,to be two bidders playing H and one bidder playing A ;instead,one should consider each bidder to be playing H with higher probabil-ity.Similarly,1H +2A means that the bidder has a lower probabil-ity of playing H ,compared to 2H +1A .Illustrative Example:Effectiveness of Bid Compensation The equilibrium conditions for a three-bidder game is numerically illustrated and shown in Table 1,where P is arbitrarily assumed as 10%for numerical computation purposes and E varies to rep-resent different costs for higher efforts.The “*”in Table 1indi-cates that the zero compensation is the best strategy;i.e.,bid compensation is ineffective in terms of stimulating extra effort.According to the numerical results,Table 1shows that bid com-pensation can promote higher effort only when E is within the range of P /3ϽE ϽP /2,where zero compensation is not neces-sarily the best strategy.The question is that whether it is benefi-cial to the owner by incurring the cost of bid compensation when P /3ϽE ϽP /2.The answer to this question lies in the concept and definition of the mix strategy Nash equilibrium,2H +1A ,as explained previously.Since 2H +1A indicates that each bidderwill play H with significantly higher probability,2H +1A may already be good enough,knowing that we only need one bidder out of three to actually play H .We shall elaborate on this concept later in a more general setting.As a result,if the 2H +1A equilib-rium is good enough,the use of bid compensation in a three-bidder game will not be recommended.Four-Bidder Game and n-Bidder GameNash Equilibrium of Four-Bidder GameThe equilibrium of the four-bidder procurement can also be ob-tained.As the number of bidders increases,the number of poten-tial equilibria increases as well.Due to the length limitation,we shall only show the major equilibria and their conditions,which are derived following the same technique applied previously.The condition for pure strategy equilibrium 4H ,is4E −P ϽS Ͻ3P −4E͑9͒The condition for another pure strategy equilibrium,4A ,isS Ͼ3P −4E͑10͒Other potential equilibria are mainly mixed strategies,such as 3H +1A ,2H +2A ,and 1H +3A ,where the numeric number asso-ciated with H or A represents the number of bidders with effort H or A in a equilibrium.The condition for the 3H +1A equilibrium is3E −P ϽS Ͻmin ͓4E −P ,3P −4E ͔͑11͒For the 2H +2A equilibrium the condition is6E −3P ϽS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,3P −4E ͔͑12͒The condition for the 1H +3A equilibrium isS Ͻmin ͓6E −3P ,3P −4E ͔͑13͒Illustrative Example of Four-Bidder GameTable 2numerically illustrates the impacts of bid compensation on the four-bidder procurement under different relative magni-tudes of E .When E is very small,bid compensation is not needed for promoting effort H .However,when E grows gradually,bid compensation becomes more effective.As E grows to a larger magnitude,greater than P /2,the 4H equilibrium would become impossible,no matter how large S is.In fact,if S is too large,bidders will be encouraged to take effort A .When E is extremely large,e.g.,E Ͼ0.6P ,the best strategy is to set S =0.The “*”in Table 2also indicates the cases that bid compensation is ineffec-Table pensation Impacts on a Three-Bidder GameEquilibriumE ;P =10%3H 2H +1A 1H +2A 3A E ϽP /3e.g.,E =2%S Ͻ14%*N/A N/N 14%ϽS P /3ϽE ϽP /2e.g.,E =4%2%ϽS Ͻ8%S Ͻ2%N/A 8%ϽS P /2ϽE Ͻ͑2/3͒P e.g.,E =5.5%N/AN/AS Ͻ3.5%*3.5%ϽS͑2/3͒P ϽEe.g.,E =7%N/A N/A N/A Always*Note:*denotes that zero compensation is the best strategy;and N/A =the respective equilibrium does not exist.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .tive.To conclude,in a four-bidder procurement,bid compensation is not effective when E is relatively small or large.Again,similar to the three-bidder game,when bid compensation becomes more effective,it does not mean that offering bid compensation is the best strategy,since more variables need to be considered.Further analysis shall be performed later.Nash Equilibrium of n -Bidder GameIt is desirable to generalize our model to the n -bidder game,al-though only very limited qualified bidders will be involved in most design–build or BOT procurements,since for other project delivery methods it is possible to have many bidders.Interested readers can follow the numerical illustrations for three-and four-bidder games to obtain the numerical solutions of n -bidder game.Here,only analytical equilibrium solutions will be solved.For “nA ”to be the Nash equilibrium,we must have P −E ϽS /n +P /n for bidder A not to deviate.In other words,condition (14)must be satisfiedS Ͼ͑n −1͒P −nE͑14͒Note that condition (14)can be rewritten as S Ͼn ͑P −E ͒−P ,which implies that it is not likely for nA to be the Nash equilib-rium when there are many bidders,unless E is very close to or larger than P .Similar to previous analysis,for “nH ”to be the equilibrium,we must have S /n +P /n −E Ͼ0for stability requirement,and condition (15)for excluding the possibility of cheap talk or nA equilibrium.The condition for the nH equilibrium can be reorga-nized as condition (16).S Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE ͑15͒nE −P ϽS Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE͑16͒Note that if E ϽP /n ,condition (16)will always be satisfied and nH will be a unique equilibrium even when S =0.In other words,nH will not be the Nash equilibrium when there are many bidders,unless E is extremely small,i.e.,E ϽP /n .For “aH +͑n −a ͒A ,where 2Ͻa Ͻn ”to be the equilibrium so-lution,we must have S /a +P /a −E Ͼ0for bidder H not to devi-ate,S /͑a +1͒+P /͑a +1͒−E Ͻ0for bidder A not to deviate,and condition (15).These requirements can be rewritten asaE −P ϽS Ͻmin ͓͑a +1͒E −P ,͑n −1͒P −nE ͔͑17͒Similarly,for “2H +͑n −2͒A ,”the stability requirements for bidder H and A are S /͑n −1͒ϽS /2+P /2−E and S /3+P /3−E Ͻ0,re-spectively,and thus the equilibrium condition can be written as ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒ϽS Ͻmin ͓3E −P ,͑n −1͒P −nE ͔͑18͒For the “1H +͑n −1͒A ”equilibrium,we must haveS Ͻmin ͕͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒,͑n −1͒P −nE ͖͑19͒An interesting question is:“What conditions would warrant that the only possible equilibrium of the game is either “1H +͑n −1͒A ”or nA ,no matter how large S is?”A logical response to the question is:when equilibria “aH +͑n −a ͒A ,where a Ͼ2”and equilibrium 2H +͑n −2͒A are not possible solutions.Thus,a suf-ficient condition here is that for any S Ͼ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒,the “S Ͻ͑n −1͒P −nE ”is not satisfied.This can be guaranteed if we have͑n −1͒P −nE Ͻ͓͑n −1͒/͑n −3͔͒͑2E −P ͒→E Ͼ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P͑20͒Conditions (19)and (20)show that when E is greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P ,the only possible equilibrium of the game is either 1H +͑n −1͒A or nA ,no matter how large S is.Two important practical implications can be drawn from this finding.First,when n is small in a design–build contract,it is not unusual that E will be greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P ,and in that case,bid compensa-tion cannot help to promote higher effort.For example,for a three-bidder procurement,bid compensation will not be effective when E is greater than ͑2/4͒P .Second,when the number of bidders increases,bid compensation will become more effective since it will be more unlikely that E is greater than ͓͑n −1͒/͑n +1͔͒P .The two implications confirm the previous analyses of two-,three-,and four-bidder game.After the game equilibria and the effective range of bid compensation have been solved,the next important task is to develop the bid compensation strategy with respect to various procurement situations.Table pensation Impacts on a Four-Bidder GameEquilibriumE ;P =10%4H 3H +1A 2H +2A 1H +3A 4A E ϽP /4e.g.,E =2%S Ͻ22%*N/A N/A N/A S Ͼ22%P /4ϽE ϽP /3e.g.,E =3%2%ϽS Ͻ18%S Ͻ2%N/A N/A S Ͼ18%P /3ϽE ϽP /2e.g.,E =4%6%ϽS Ͻ14%2%ϽS Ͻ6%S Ͻ2%N/A S Ͼ14%P /2ϽE Ͻ͑3/5͒P e.g.,E =5.5%N/A 6.5%ϽS Ͻ8%3%ϽS Ͻ6.5%S Ͻ3%S Ͼ8%͑3/5͒P ϽE Ͻ͑3/4͒P e.g.,E =6.5%N/AN/AN/AS Ͻ4%*S Ͼ4%͑3/4͒P ϽEe.g.,E =8%N/A N/A N/A N/AAlways*Note:*denotes that zero compensation is the best strategy;and N/A=respective equilibrium does not exist.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y N A N J I N G U N I VE R S I T Y OF o n 01/06/14. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。

毕业设计外文文献翻译Graduation design of foreign literature translation 700 words Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Job Market Abstract:With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), concerns arise about its impact on the job market. This paper explores the potential effects of AI on various industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, and the implications for employment. The findings suggest that while AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity, it may also lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. The paper concludes with a discussion on the importance of upskilling and retraining for workers to adapt to the changing job market.1. IntroductionArtificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI has made significant advancements in recent years, with applications in various industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. As AI technology continues to evolve, concerns arise about its impact on the job market. This paper aims to explore the potential effects of AI on employment and discuss the implications for workers.2. Potential Effects of AI on the Job Market2.1 Automation of Repetitive TasksOne of the major impacts of AI on the job market is the automation of repetitive tasks. AI systems can perform tasks faster and moreaccurately than humans, particularly in industries that involve routine and predictable tasks, such as manufacturing and data entry. This automation has the potential to increase productivity and efficiency, but also poses a risk to jobs that can be easily replicated by AI.2.2 Job DisplacementAnother potential effect of AI on the job market is job displacement. As AI systems become more sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks, there is a possibility that workers may be replaced by machines. This is particularly evident in industries such as transportation, where autonomous vehicles may replace human drivers, and customer service, where chatbots can handle customer inquiries. While job displacement may lead to short-term unemployment, it also creates opportunities for new jobs in industries related to AI.2.3 Shifting Job RequirementsWith the introduction of AI, job requirements are expected to shift. While AI may automate certain tasks, it also creates a demand for workers with the knowledge and skills to develop and maintain AI systems. This shift in job requirements may require workers to adapt and learn new skills to remain competitive in the job market.3. Implications for EmploymentThe impact of AI on employment is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, AI has the potential to increase productivity, create new jobs, and improve overall economic growth. On the other hand, it may lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. To mitigate the negative effects of AI on employment, it is essentialfor workers to upskill and retrain themselves to meet the changing demands of the job market.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, the rapid development of AI has significant implications for the job market. While AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks and increase productivity, it may also lead to job displacement and a shift in job requirements. To adapt to the changing job market, workers should focus on upskilling and continuous learning to remain competitive. Overall, the impact of AI on employment will depend on how it is integrated into various industries and how workers and policymakers respond to these changes.。

Dalian Neusoft University of Information
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General programmable manipulator structure designRobot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precisionengine,micro-electronics and computer,automation control and dr ive,sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on.With thedevelopment of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology isdeveloped quickly and all types of the robots products are com e into being.The practicalityuse of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for humanbeing,but also advances the industrial automation program.Modern industrial robots aretrue marvels of engineering.A robot the size of a person can easily carry a load over one,transformsystem,drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic andcomplex of mechanical configuration,electronic,software and har dware.In this article,themechanical configuration combines the character of direction coor dinate and the arthrosiscoordinate which can improve the stability and operation flexibility of the system.The mainfunction of the transmission mechanism is to transmit power to implement department andcomplete thenecessary movement.In this transmission structure,the screw tr ansmissionmechanism transmits the rotary motion into linear motion.Worm gear can give varytransmission ratio.Both of the transmission mechanisms have a characteristic of compactstructure.The design of drive system often is limited by the environment condition and thefactor of cost and technical lever.''''The step motor can rec eive digital signal directly and hasthe ability to response outer environment immediately and has n o accumulation error,whichoften is used in driving system.In this driving system,open-loop control system is composedof stepping motor,which can satisfy the demand not only for control precision but also for thetarget of economic and practicality.On this basis the analysis of stepping motor in powercalculating and style selecting is also given.The analysis of kinematics and dynamics forobject holding manipulator is given in completing the design ofmechanical structure and drivesystem.Kinematics analysis is the basis of path programming an d track control.The positiveand reverse analysis of manipulator gives the relationship betwe en manipulator space anddrive space in position and speed.The relationship between man ipulator’s.tip.position.and.arthrosis angles is concluded by coordinate transform method.Th e geometry method is usedin solving inverse kinematics problem and the result will provi de theory evidence for controlsystem.The f0unction of dynamics is to get the relationship b etween the movement and forceand the target is to satisfy the demand of real time control.in this chamfer,Newton-Euripidesmethod is used in analysis dynamic problem ofthe cleaning robot and the arthrosis force andtorque are given which provide the foundation for step motor s electing and structure dynamicoptimal ting.Control system is the key and core part of the object holding manipulator systemdesign which will direct effect the reliability and practicality of the robot system in the divisionof configuration and control function and also will effect or limit the development cost and cycle.With the demand of the PCL-839card,the PC computer which ha s a.tight structure and iseasy to be extended is used as the principal computer cell an d takes the function of systeminitialization,data operation and dispose,step motor drive and error diagnose and so on.A tthe same time,the configuration structure features,task princi ples and the position functionwith high precision of the control card PCL-839are analyzed. Hardware is the matterfoundation of the control.System and the software is the spir it of the control system.Thetarget of the software is to combine all the parts in optimiz ing style and to improve theefficiency and reliability of the control system.The software design of the object holdingmanipulator control system is divided into several blocks such as system initialization block,data process block and error station detect and dispose model and so on.PCL-839card cansolve the communication between the main computer and the contr ol cells and take themeasure of reducing the influence of the outer signal to the control system.The start and stopfrequency of the step motor is far lower than the maximum running frequency.In order toimprove the efficiency of the step motor,the increase and dec rease of the speed is mustconsidered when the step motor running in high speed and start or stop with great acceleration.The increase and decrease of the motor’s.speed can be controlled by the pulse freque ncysent to the step motor drive with a rational method.This can be implemented either bythe dynamic response of acomputer-based manipulator in accordance with some prespecified system performance anddesired goals. In general, the dynamic performance of a manipulator directly depends on theefficiency of the control algorithms and the dynamic model of the manipulator. The controlproblem consists of obtaining dynamic models of the physical robot arm system and thenspecifying corresponding control laws or strategies to achieve the desired system response andperformance.Current industrial approaches to robot arm control treat each joint of the robot arm as asimple joint servomechanism. The servomechanism approach models the varying dynamics of amanipulator inadequately because it neglects the motion and configuration of the whole armmechanism. These changes in the parameters of the controlled system sometimes are significantenough to render conventional feedback control strategies ineffective. The result is reduced servoresponse speed and damping, limiting the precision and speed of the end-effector and making itappropriate only for limited-precision tasks. Manipulators controlled in this manner move at slowspeeds with unnecessary vibrations. Any significant performance gain in this and other areas ofrobot arm control require the consideration of more efficient dynamic models, sophisticatedcontrol approaches, and the use of dedicated computer architectures and parallel processingtechniques.In the industrial production and other fields,people often end angered by such factors as,but also is of great significance for physical security protect ion,improvement of theenvironment for labor,reducing labor intensity,improvement of labor productivity,raw materialconsumption savings and lowering production costs.There are such mechanical components as ball footbridge,slides, an air control mechanical.A programmable controller,a programming device,stepping motors,stepping motors drives,direct current motors,sensor,s witch power supply,anelectromagnetism valve and control desk are used in electrical connection.The programmablecontroller output two lines pulses to stepping motors drives to drive the two stepping motorsdrives on beam and vertical axis;direct current motors drive the rotation of the base and the,up and down,moves location;the mainframe sendsignals to control the opening and closing of the hand to car ry objects.Related parameterscan be changed according to request of the changes of the obj ects and movement flow at anytime change the relevant parameters in the design,so it has great flexibility and operability.。

毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(原文)NEW APPLICATION OF DATABASERelational databases in use for over two decades. A large portion of the applications of relational databases in the commercial world, supporting such tasks as transaction processing for banks and stock exchanges, sales and reservations for a variety of businesses, and inventory and payroll for almost of all companies. We study several new applications, which recent years.First. Decision-support systemAs the online availability of data , businesses to exploit the available data to make better decisions about increase sales. We can extract much information for decision support by using simple SQL queries. Recently support based on data analysis and data mining, or knowledge discovery, using data from a variety of sources.Database applications can be broadly classified into transaction processing and decision support. Transaction-processing systems are widely used today, and companies generated by these systems.The term data mining refers loosely to finding relevant information, or “discovering knowledge,” from a large volume of data. Like knowledge discovery in artificial intelligence, data mining attempts to discover statistical rules and patterns automatically from data. However, data mining differs from machine learning in that it deals with large volumes of data, stored primarily on disk.Knowledge discovered from a database can be represented by a set of rules. We can discover rules from database using one of two models:In the first model, the user is involved directly in the process of knowledge discovery.In the second model, the system is responsible for automatically discovering knowledgefrom the database, by detecting patterns and correlations in the data.Work on automatic discovery of rules influenced strongly by work in the artificial-intelligence community on machine learning. The main differences lie in the volume of data databases, and in the need to access disk. Specialized data-mining algorithms developed to which rules are discovered depends on the class of data-mining application. We illustrate rule discovery using two application classes: classification and associations.Second. Spatial and Geographic DatabasesSpatial databases store information related to spatial locations, and provide support for efficient querying and indexing based on spatial locations. Two types of spatial databases are particularly important:Design databases, or computer-aided-design (CAD) databases, are spatial databases used to store design information about databases are integrated-circuit and electronic-device layouts.Geographic databases are spatial databases used to store geographic information, such as maps. Geographic databases are often called geographic information systems.Geographic data are spatial in nature, but differ from design data in certain ways. Maps and satellite images are typical examples of geographic data. Maps may provide not only location information -such as boundaries, rivers and roads---but also much more detailed information associated with locations, such as elevation, soil type, land usage, and annual rainfall.Geographic data can be categorized into two types: raster data (such data consist a bit maps or pixel maps, in two or more dimensions.), vector data (vector data are constructed from basic geographic objects). Map data are often represented in vector format.Third. Multimedia DatabasesRecently, there much interest in databases that store multimedia data, such as images, audio, and video. Today multimedia data typically are stored outside the database, in files systems. When the number of multimedia objects is relatively small, features provided by databases are usually not important. Database functionality becomes important when the number of multimedia objects stored is large. Issues such as transactional updates, querying facilities, and indexing then become important. Multimedia objects often they were created, who created them, and to what category they belong. One approach to building a database for such multimedia objects is to use database for storing the descriptive attributes, and for keeping track of the files in which the multimedia objects are stored.However, storing multimedia outside the database makes it the basis of actual multimedia data content. It can also lead to inconsistencies, such a file that is noted in the database, but whose contents are missing, or vice versa. It is therefore desirable to store the data themselves in the database.Forth. Mobility and Personal DatabasesLarge-scale commercial databases stored in central computing facilities. In the case of distributed database applications, there strong central database and network administration. Two technology trends which this assumption of central control and administration is not entirely correct:1.The increasingly widespread use of personal computers, and, more important, of laptop or “notebook” computers.2.The development of a relatively low-cost wireless digital communication infrastructure, base on wireless local-area networks, cellular digital packet networks, and other technologies.Wireless computing creates a situation where machines no longer at which to materialize the result of a query. In some cases, the location of the user is a parameter of the query. A example is a traveler’s information system that provides data on the current route must be processed based on knowledge of the user’s location, direction of motion, and speed.Energy (battery power) is a scarce resource for mobile computers. This limitation influences many aspects of system design. Among the more interesting consequences of the need for energy efficiency is the use of scheduled data broadcasts to reduce the need for mobile system to transmit queries. Increasingly amounts of data may reside on machines administered by users, rather than by database administrators. Furthermore, these machines may, at times, be disconnected from the network.SummaryDecision-support systems are gaining importance, as companies realize the value of the on-line data collected by their on-line transaction-processing systems. Proposed extensions to SQL, such as the cube operation, of summary data. Data mining seeks to discover knowledge automatically, in the form of statistical rules and patterns from large databases. Data visualization systems data as well as geographic data. Design data are stored primarily as vector data; geographic data consist of a combination of vector and raster data.Multimedia databases are growing in importance. Issues such as similarity-based retrieval and delivery of data at guaranteed rates are topics of current research.Mobile computing systems , leading to interest in database systems that can run on such systems. Query processing in such systems may involve lookups on server database.毕业设计(论文)——外文翻译(译文)数据库的新应用我们使用关系数据库已经有20多年了,关系数据库应用中有很大一部分都用于商业领域支持诸如银行和证券交易所的事务处理、各种业务的销售和预约,以及几乎所有公司都需要的财产目录和工资单管理。

Basic Concepts PrimerTOPIC P.1: Bridge MechanicsBasic Equations of Bridge Mechanicswhere: A =area; cross-sectional areaA w = areaof web c = distance from neutral axisto extreme fiber (or surface) of beamE = modulus of elasticityF = force; axial force f a= axial stress f b= bending stress f v = shear stress I = moment of inertia L = original length M = applied moment S = stressV = vertical shear force due toexternal loadsD L = change in length e = strainBasic Concepts Primer Topic P.1 Bridge MechanicsP.1.1Introduction Mechanics is the branch of physical science that deals with energy and forces andtheir relation to the equilibrium, deformation, or motion of bodies. The bridgeinspector will primarily be concerned with statics, or the branch of mechanicsdealing with solid bodies at rest and with forces in equilibrium.The two most important reasons for a bridge inspector to study bridge mechanicsare:Ø To understand how bridge members functionØ To recognize the impact a defect may have on the load-carrying capacityof a bridge component or elementWhile this section presents the basic principles of bridge mechanics, the referenceslisted in the bibliography should be referred to for a more complete presentation ofthis subject.P.1.2Bridge Design Loadings Bridge design loadings are loads that a bridge is designed to carry or resist and which determine the size and configuration of its members. Bridge members are designed to withstand the loads acting on them in a safe and economical manner. Loads may be concentrated or distributed depending on the way in which they are applied to the structure.A concentrated load, or point load, is applied at a single location or over a very small area. Vehicle loads are considered concentrated loads.A distributed load is applied to all or part of the member, and the amount of load per unit of length is generally constant. The weight of superstructures, bridge decks, wearing surfaces, and bridge parapets produce distributed loads. Secondary loads, such as wind, stream flow, earth cover and ice, are also usually distributed loads.Highway bridge design loads are established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). For many decades, the primary bridge design code in the United States was the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (Specifications), as supplemented by agency criteria as applicable.During the 1990’s AASHTO developed and approved a new bridge design code, entitled AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. It is based upon the principles of Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), as described in Topic P.1.7.P.1.1SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.2Bridge design loadings can be divided into three principal categories:Ø Dead loadsØ Primary live loads Ø Secondary loadsDead LoadsDead loads do not change as a function of time and are considered full-time, permanent loads acting on the structure. They consist of the weight of the materials used to build the bridge (see Figure P.1.1). Dead load includes both the self-weight of structural members and other permanent external loads. They can be broken down into two groups, initial and superimposed.Initial dead loads are loads which are applied before the concrete deck is hardened, including the beam itself and the concrete deck. Initial deck loads must be resisted by the non-composite action of the beam alone. Superimposed dead loads are loads which are applied after the concrete deck has hardened (on a composite bridge), including parapets and any anticipated future deck pavement. Superimposed dead loads are resisted by the beam and the concrete deck acting compositely. Non-composite and composite action are described in Topic P.1.10.Dead load includes both the self-weight of the structural members and other permanent external loads.Example of self-weight: A 6.1 m (20-foot) long beam weighs 0.73 kN per m (50 pounds per linear foot). The total weight of the beam is 4.45 kN (1000 pounds). This weight is called the self-weight of the beam.Example of an external dead load: If a utility such as a water line is permanently attached to the beam in the previous example, then the weight of the water line is an external dead load. The weight of the water line plus the self weight of the beam comprises the total dead load.Total dead load on a structure may change during the life of the bridge due to additions such as deck overlays, parapets, utility lines, and inspection catwalks.Figure P.1.1 Dead Load on a BridgePrimary Live LoadsLive loads are considered part-time or temporary loads, mostly of short-term duration, acting on the structure. In bridge applications, the primary live loads are moving vehicular loads (see Figure P.1.2).To account for the affects of speed, vibration, and momentum, highway live loads are typically increased for impact. Impact is expressed as a fraction of the liveSECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.3load, and its value is a function of the span length.Standard vehicle live loads have been established by AASHTO for use in bridge design and rating. It is important to note that these standard vehicles do not represent actual vehicles. Rather, they were developed to allow a relatively simple method of analysis based on an approximation of the actual live load.Figure P.1.2 Vehicle Live Load on a BridgeAASHTO Truck LoadingsThere are two basic types of standard truck loadings described in the current AASHTO Specifications . The first type is a single unit vehicle with two axles spaced at 14 feet (4.3 m) and designated as a highway truck or "H" truck (see Figure P.1.3). The weight of the front axle is 20% of the gross vehicle weight, while the weight of the rear axle is 80% of the gross vehicle weight. The "H" designation is followed by the gross tonnage of the particular design vehicle.Example of an H truck loading: H20-35 indicates a 20 ton vehicle with a front axle weighing 4 tons, a rear axle weighing 16 tons, and the two axles spaced 14 feet apart. This standard truck loading was first published in 1935.The second type of standard truck loading is a two unit, three axle vehicle comprised of a highway tractor with a semi-trailer. It is designated as a highway semi-trailer truck or "HS" truck (see Figure P.1.4).The tractor weight and wheel spacing is identical to the H truck loading. The semi-trailer axle weight is equal to the weight of the rear tractor axle, and its spacing from the rear tractor axle can vary from 4.3 to 9.1 m (14 to 30 feet). The "HS" designation is followed by a number indicating the gross weight in tons of the tractor only.SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.414’-0”(4.3 m)8,000 lbs (35 kN) 32,000 lbs (145 kN)(3.0 m)10’-0”CLEARANCE AND LOAD LANE WIDTH6’-0” (1.8 m)2’-0” (0.6 m)Figure P.1.3 AASHTO H20 Truck14’-0”(4.3 m)8,000 lbs (35 kN) 32,000 lbs (145 kN)(3.0 m)10’-0”CLEARANCE AND LOAD LANE WIDTH6’-0”(1.8 m)2’-0” (0.6 m)32,000 lbs (145 kN)VFigure P.1.4 AASHTO HS20 TruckExample of an HS truck loading: HS20-44 indicates a vehicle with a front tractor axle weighing 4 tons, a rear tractor axle weighing 16 tons, and a semi-trailer axle weighing 16 tons. The tractor portion alone weighs 20 tons, but the gross vehicle weight is 36 tons. This standard truck loading was first published in 1944.In specifications prior to 1944, a standard loading of H15 was used. In 1944, theSECTION P: Basic Concepts Primer Topic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.5H20-44 Loading HS20-44 Loadingpolicy of affixing the publication year of design loadings was adopted. In specifications prior to 1965, the HS20-44 loading was designated as H20-S16-44, with the S16 identifying the gross axle weight of the semi-trailer in tons.The H and HS vehicles do not represent actual vehicles, but can be considered as "umbrella" loads. The wheel spacings, weight distributions, and clearance of the Standard Design Vehicles were developed to give a simpler method of analysis, based on a good approximation of actual live loads.The H and HS vehicle loads are the most common loadings for design, analysis, and rating, but other loading types are used in special cases.AASHTO Lane LoadingsIn addition to the standard truck loadings, a system of equivalent lane loadings was developed in order to provide a simple method of calculating bridge response to a series, or “train”, of trucks. Lane loading consists of a uniform load per linear foot of traffic lane combined with a concentrated load located on the span to produce the most critical situation (see Figure P.1.5).For design and load capacity rating analysis, an investigation of both a truck loading and a lane loading must be made to determine which produces the greatest stress for each particular member. Lane loading will generally govern over truck loading for longer spans. Both the H and HS loadings have corresponding lane loads.* Use two concentrated loads for negative moment in continuous spans (Refer to AASHTO Page 23)Figure P.1.5 AASHTO Lane Loadings.Alternate Military LoadingThe Alternate Military Loading is a single unit vehicle with two axles spaced at 1.2 m (4 feet) and weighing 110 kN (12 tons)each. It has been part of the AASHTO Specifications since 1977. Bridges on interstate highways or other highways which are potential defense routes are designed for either an HS20 loading or an Alternate Military Loading (see Figure P.1.6).SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.6110 kN (24 k)110 kN (24 k)Figure P.1.6 Alternate Military LoadingLRFD Live LoadsThe AASHTO LRFD design vehicular live load, designated HL-93, is a modified version of the HS-20 highway loadings from the AASHTO StandardSpecifications. Under HS-20 loading as described earlier, the truck or lane load is applied to each loaded lane. Under HL-93 loading, the design truck or tandem, in combination with the lane load, is applied to each loaded lane.The LRFD design truck is exactly the same as the AASHTO HS-20 design truck. The LRFD design tandem, on the other hand, consists of a pair of 110 kN axials spread at 1.2 m (25 kip axles spaced 4 feet) apart. The transverse wheel spacing of all of the trucks is 6 feet.The magnitude of the HL-93 lane load is equal to that of the HS-20 lane load. The lane load is 9 kN per meter (0.64 kips per linear foot) longitudinally and it is distributed uniformly over a 3 m (10 foot) width in the transverse direction. The difference between the HL-93 lane load and the HS-20 lane load is that the HL-93 lane load does not include a point load.Finally, for LRFD live loading, the dynamic load allowance, or impact, is applied to the design truck or tandem but is not applied to the design lane load. It is typically 33 percent of the design vehicle.Permit VehiclesPermit vehicles are overweight vehicles which, in order to travel a state’s highways, must apply for a permit from that state. They are usually heavy trucks (e.g., combination trucks, construction vehicles,or cranes) that have varying axle spacings depending upon the design of the individual truck. To ensure that these vehicles can safely operate on existing highways and bridges, most states require that bridges be designed for a permit vehicle or that the bridge be checked to determine if it can carry a specific type of vehicle. For safe and legal operation, agencies issue permits upon request that identify the required gross weight, number of axles, axle spacing, and maximum axle weights for a designated route (see Figure P.1.7).SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.7Figure P.1.7 910 kN (204 kip) Permit Vehicle (for Pennsylvania)Secondary LoadsIn addition to dead loads and primary live loads, bridge components are designed to resist secondary loads, which include the following:Ø Earth pressure - a horizontal force acting on earth-retaining substructureunits, such as abutments and retaining wallsØ Buoyancy -the force created due to the tendency of an object to rise whensubmerged in waterØ Wind load on structure - wind pressure on the exposed area of a bridge Ø Wind load on live load -wind effects transferred through the live loadvehicles crossing the bridgeØ Longitudinal force -a force in the direction of the bridge caused bybraking and accelerating of live load vehiclesØ Centrifugal force -an outward force that a live load vehicle exerts on acurved bridgeØ Rib shortening -a force in arches and frames created by a change in thegeometrical configuration due to dead loadØ Shrinkage - applied primarily to concrete structures, this is a multi-directional force due to dimensional changes resulting from the curing processØ Temperature -since materials expand as temperature increases andcontract as temperature decreases, the force caused by these dimensional changes must be consideredØ Earthquake -bridge structures must be built so that motion during anearthquake will not cause a collapseØ Stream flow pressure -a horizontal force acting on bridge componentsconstructed in flowing waterØ Ice pressure - a horizontal force created by static or floating ice jammedagainst bridge componentsØ Impact loading - the dynamic effect of suddenly receiving a live load;this additional force can be up to 30% of the applied primary live load forceØ Sidewalk loading - sidewalk floors and their immediate supports aredesigned for a pedestrian live load not exceeding 4.1 kN per square meter (85 pounds per square foot)Ø Curb loading -curbs are designed to resist a lateral force of not less than7.3 kN per linear meter (500 pounds per linear foot)Ø Railing loading -railings are provided along the edges of structures forprotection of traffic and pedestrians; the maximum transverse load appliedto any one element need not exceed 44.5 kN (10 kips)SECTION P: Basic Concepts PrimerTopic P.1: Bridge MechanicsP.1.8A bridge may be subjected to several of these loads simultaneously. The AASHTO Specifications have established a table of loading groups. For each group, a set of loads is considered with a coefficient to be applied for each particular load. The coefficients used were developed based on the probability of various loads acting simultaneously.P.1.3Material Response to LoadingsEach member of a bridge has a unique purpose and function, which directly affects the selection of material, shape, and size for that member. Certain terms are used to describe the response of a bridge material to loads. A working knowledge of these terms is essential for the bridge inspector.ForceA force is the action that one body exerts on another body. Force has two components: magnitude and direction (see Figure P.1.8). The basic English unit of force is called pound (abbreviated as lb.). The basic metric unit of force is called Newton (N). A common unit of force used among engineers is a kip (K), which is 1000 pounds. In the metric system, the kilonewton (kN), which is 1000 Newtons, is used. Note: 1 kip = 4.4 kilonewton.FyFigure P.1.8 Basic Force ComponentsStressStress is a basic unit of measure used to denote the intensity of an internal force. When a force is applied to a material, an internal stress is developed. Stress is defined as a force per unit of cross-sectional area.The basic English unit of stress is pounds per square inch (abbreviated as psi). However, stress can also be expressed in kips per square inch (ksi) or in any other units of force per unit area. The basic metric unit of stress is Newton per square meter, or Pascal (Pa). An allowable unit stress is generally established for a given material. Note: 1 ksi = 6.9 Pa.)A (Area )F (Force )S (Stress =毕业设计外文译文桥梁力学基本概论《美国桥梁检测手册》译文:桥梁结构的基础方程S=F/A(见1.8节)fa=P/A(见1.14节)ε=△L/L(见1.9节)fb=Mc/I(见1.16节)E=S/ε(见1.11节)fv=V/Aw(见1.18节)桥梁额定承载率=(允许荷载–固定荷载)*车辆总重量/车辆活荷载冲击力式中:A=面积;横截面面积Aw=腹板面积c=中性轴与横梁边缘纤维或外表面之间的距离E=弹性模量F=轴心力;轴向力fa=轴向应力fb=弯曲应力fv=剪切应力I=惯性距L=原长M=作用力距S=应力V=由外荷载引起的垂直剪应力△L=长度变量ε=应变1桥梁主要的基本概论第一章桥梁力学1.1引言结构力学是研究物体的能量、力、能量和力的平衡关系、变形及运动的物理科学的分支。

毕业设计外文翻译Graduation Design – English TranslationIntroductionThe graduation design is a crucial part of a student’s academic journey. It is a project that showcases the knowledge and skills that the student has acquired throughout their studies. The purpose of this translation is to provide an overview of the graduation design and explain its significance.Significance of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design serves as an opportunity for students to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in a practical manner. It allows them to put their skills into action and demonstrate their problem-solving abilities. Through the completion of the graduation design, students are equipped with the necessary tools to enter the workforce with confidence.Components of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design typically consists of several key components. Firstly, there is a written report that provides an in-depth analysis of the project. This report outlines the objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions of the graduation design. It also includes a literature review that discusses the existing research related to the topic.In addition to the written report, a presentation is also required aspart of the graduation design. This presentation allows students to communicate their findings to a larger audience. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their ability to effectively present complex information in a clear and concise manner.Furthermore, the graduation design often involves a practical component. This can range from designing and building a prototype to conducting experiments or surveys. The practical component allows students to apply their engineering skills and test their theories in a real-world setting.Evaluation of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design is evaluated based on several criteria. The written report is assessed for its clarity, organization, and depth of analysis. The presentation is evaluated for the student’s ability to effectively communicate their ideas and engage the audience. The practical component is assessed based on the quality and accuracy of the work completed.ConclusionIn conclusion, the graduation design is a significant project that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical manner. It consists of a written report, a presentation, and a practical component. The completion of the graduation design prepares students for their future careers by equipping them with the necessary tools and abilities.。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献原文及译文Chapter 11. Cipher Techniques11.1 ProblemsThe use of a cipher without consideration of the environment in which it is to be used may not provide the security that the user expects. Three examples will make this point clear.11.1.1 Precomputing the Possible MessagesSimmons discusses the use of a "forward search" to decipher messages enciphered for confidentiality using a public key cryptosystem [923]. His approach is to focus on the entropy (uncertainty) in the message. To use an example from Section 10.1(page 246), Cathy knows that Alice will send one of two messages—BUY or SELL—to Bob. The uncertainty is which one Alice will send. So Cathy enciphers both messages with Bob's public key. When Alice sends the message, Bob intercepts it and compares the ciphertext with the two he computed. From this, he knows which message Alice sent.Simmons' point is that if the plaintext corresponding to intercepted ciphertext is drawn from a (relatively) small set of possible plaintexts, the cryptanalyst can encipher the set of possible plaintexts and simply search that set for the intercepted ciphertext. Simmons demonstrates that the size of the set of possible plaintexts may not be obvious. As an example, he uses digitized sound. The initial calculations suggest that the number of possible plaintexts for each block is 232. Using forward search on such a set is clearly impractical, but after some analysis of the redundancy in human speech, Simmons reduces the number of potential plaintexts to about 100,000. This number is small enough so that forward searches become a threat.This attack is similar to attacks to derive the cryptographic key of symmetric ciphers based on chosen plaintext (see, for example, Hellman's time-memory tradeoff attack [465]). However, Simmons' attack is for public key cryptosystems and does not reveal the private key. It only reveals the plaintext message.11.1.2 Misordered BlocksDenning [269] points out that in certain cases, parts of a ciphertext message can be deleted, replayed, or reordered.11.1.3 Statistical RegularitiesThe independence of parts of ciphertext can give information relating to the structure of the enciphered message, even if the message itself is unintelligible. The regularity arises because each part is enciphered separately, so the same plaintext always produces the same ciphertext. This type of encipherment is called code book mode, because each part is effectively looked up in a list of plaintext-ciphertext pairs.11.1.4 SummaryDespite the use of sophisticated cryptosystems and random keys, cipher systems may provide inadequate security if not used carefully. The protocols directing how these cipher systems are used, and the ancillary information that the protocols add to messages and sessions, overcome these problems. This emphasizes that ciphers and codes are not enough. The methods, or protocols, for their use also affect the security of systems.11.2 Stream and Block CiphersSome ciphers divide a message into a sequence of parts, or blocks, and encipher each block with the same key.Definition 11–1. Let E be an encipherment algorithm, and let Ek(b) bethe encipherment of message b with key k. Let a message m = b1b2…, whereeach biis of a fixed length. Then a block cipher is a cipher for whichE k (m) = Ek(b1)Ek(b2) ….Other ciphers use a nonrepeating stream of key elements to encipher characters of a message.Definition 11–2. Let E be an encipherment algorithm, and let Ek(b) bethe encipherment of message b with key k. Let a message m = b1b2…, whereeach bi is of a fixed length, and let k = k1k2…. Then a stream cipheris a cipher for which Ek (m) = Ek1(b1)Ek2(b2) ….If the key stream k of a stream cipher repeats itself, it is a periodic cipher.11.2.1 Stream CiphersThe one-time pad is a cipher that can be proven secure (see Section, "One-Time Pad"). Bit-oriented ciphers implement the one-time pad by exclusive-oring each bit of the key with one bit of the message. For example, if the message is 00101 and the key is 10010, the ciphertext is01||00||10||01||10 or 10111. But how can one generate a random, infinitely long key? Synchronous Stream CiphersTo simulate a random, infinitely long key, synchronous stream ciphers generate bits from a source other than the message itself. The simplest such cipher extracts bits from a register to use as the key. The contents of the register change on the basis of the current contents of the register.Definition 11–3. An n-stage linear feedback shift register (LFSR)consists of an n-bit register r = r0…rn–1and an n-bit tap sequence t =t 0…tn–1. To obtain a key bit, ris used, the register is shifted one bitto the right, and the new bit r0t0⊕…⊕r n–1t n–1 is inserted.The LFSR method is an attempt to simulate a one-time pad by generating a long key sequence from a little information. As with any such attempt, if the key is shorter than the message, breaking part of the ciphertext gives the cryptanalyst information about other parts of the ciphertext. For an LFSR, a known plaintext attack can reveal parts of the key sequence. If the known plaintext is of length 2n, the tap sequence for an n-stage LFSR can be determined completely.Nonlinear feedback shift registers do not use tap sequences; instead, the new bit is any function of the current register bits.Definition 11–4. An n-stage nonlinear feedback shift register (NLFSR)consists of an n-bit register r = r0…rn–1. Whenever a key bit is required,ris used, the register is shifted one bit to the right, and the new bitis set to f(r0…rn–1), where f is any function of n inputs.NLFSRs are not common because there is no body of theory about how to build NLFSRs with long periods. By contrast, it is known how to design n-stage LFSRs with a period of 2n– 1, and that period is maximal.A second technique for eliminating linearity is called output feedback mode. Let E be an encipherment function. Define k as a cryptographic key,(r) and define r as a register. To obtain a bit for the key, compute Ekand put that value into the register. The rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the message. The process is repeated until the message is enciphered. The key k and the initial value in r are the keys for this method. This method differs from the NLFSR in that the register is never shifted. It is repeatedly enciphered.A variant of output feedback mode is called the counter method. Instead of using a register r, simply use a counter that is incremented for every encipherment. The initial value of the counter replaces r as part of the key. This method enables one to generate the ith bit of the key without generating the bits 0…i – 1. If the initial counter value is i, set. In output feedback mode, one must generate all the register to i + ithe preceding key bits. Self-Synchronous Stream CiphersSelf-synchronous ciphers obtain the key from the message itself. The simplest self-synchronous cipher is called an autokey cipher and uses the message itself for the key.The problem with this cipher is the selection of the key. Unlike a one-time pad, any statistical regularities in the plaintext show up in the key. For example, the last two letters of the ciphertext associated with the plaintext word THE are always AL, because H is enciphered with the key letter T and E is enciphered with the key letter H. Furthermore, if theanalyst can guess any letter of the plaintext, she can determine all successive plaintext letters.An alternative is to use the ciphertext as the key stream. A good cipher will produce pseudorandom ciphertext, which approximates a randomone-time pad better than a message with nonrandom characteristics (such as a meaningful English sentence).This type of autokey cipher is weak, because plaintext can be deduced from the ciphertext. For example, consider the first two characters of the ciphertext, QX. The X is the ciphertext resulting from enciphering some letter with the key Q. Deciphering, the unknown letter is H. Continuing in this fashion, the analyst can reconstruct all of the plaintext except for the first letter.A variant of the autokey method, cipher feedback mode, uses a shift register. Let E be an encipherment function. Define k as a cryptographic(r). The key and r as a register. To obtain a bit for the key, compute Ek rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the message, and the other bits of the result are discarded. The resulting ciphertext is fed back into the leftmost bit of the register, which is right shifted one bit. (See Figure 11-1.)Figure 11-1. Diagram of cipher feedback mode. The register r is enciphered with key k and algorithm E. The rightmost bit of the result is exclusive-or'ed with one bit of the plaintext m i to produce the ciphertext bit c i. The register r is right shifted one bit, and c i is fed back into the leftmost bit of r.Cipher feedback mode has a self-healing property. If a bit is corrupted in transmission of the ciphertext, the next n bits will be deciphered incorrectly. But after n uncorrupted bits have been received, the shift register will be reinitialized to the value used for encipherment and the ciphertext will decipher properly from that point on.As in the counter method, one can decipher parts of messages enciphered in cipher feedback mode without deciphering the entire message. Let the shift register contain n bits. The analyst obtains the previous n bits of ciphertext. This is the value in the shift register before the bit under consideration was enciphered. The decipherment can then continue from that bit on.11.2.2 Block CiphersBlock ciphers encipher and decipher multiple bits at once, rather than one bit at a time. For this reason, software implementations of block ciphers run faster than software implementations of stream ciphers. Errors in transmitting one block generally do not affect other blocks, but as each block is enciphered independently, using the same key, identical plaintext blocks produce identical ciphertext blocks. This allows the analyst to search for data by determining what the encipherment of a specific plaintext block is. For example, if the word INCOME is enciphered as one block, all occurrences of the word produce the same ciphertext.To prevent this type of attack, some information related to the block's position is inserted into the plaintext block before it is enciphered. The information can be bits from the preceding ciphertext block [343] or a sequence number [561]. The disadvantage is that the effective block size is reduced, because fewer message bits are present in a block.Cipher block chaining does not require the extra information to occupy bit spaces, so every bit in the block is part of the message. Before a plaintext block is enciphered, that block is exclusive-or'ed with the preceding ciphertext block. In addition to the key, this technique requires an initialization vector with which to exclusive-or the initial plaintext block. Taking Ekto be the encipherment algorithm with key k, and I to be the initialization vector, the cipher block chaining technique isc 0 = Ek(m⊕I)c i = Ek(mi⊕ci–1) for i > Multiple EncryptionOther approaches involve multiple encryption. Using two keys k and k' toencipher a message as c = Ek' (Ek(m)) looks attractive because it has aneffective key length of 2n, whereas the keys to E are of length n. However, Merkle and Hellman [700] have shown that this encryption technique can be broken using 2n+1encryptions, rather than the expected 22n(see Exercise 3).Using three encipherments improves the strength of the cipher. There are several ways to do this. Tuchman [1006] suggested using two keys k and k':c = Ek (Dk'(Ek(m)))This mode, called Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt (EDE) mode, collapses to a single encipherment when k = k'. The DES in EDE mode is widely used in the financial community and is a standard (ANSI X9.17 and ISO 8732). It is not vulnerable to the attack outlined earlier. However, it is vulnerable to a chosen plaintext and a known plaintext attack. If b is the block size in bits, and n is the key length, the chosen plaintext attacktakes O(2n) time, O(2n) space, and requires 2n chosen plaintexts. The known plaintext attack requires p known plaintexts, and takes O(2n+b/p) time and O(p) memory.A second version of triple encipherment is the triple encryption mode [700]. In this mode, three keys are used in a chain of encipherments.c = Ek (Ek'(Ek''(m)))The best attack against this scheme is similar to the attack on double encipherment, but requires O(22n) time and O(2n) memory. If the key length is 56 bits, this attack is computationally infeasible.11.3 Networks and CryptographyBefore we discuss Internet protocols, a review of the relevant properties of networks is in order. The ISO/OSI model [990] provides an abstract representation of networks suitable for our purposes. Recall that the ISO/OSI model is composed of a series of layers (see Figure 11-2). Each host, conceptually, has a principal at each layer that communicates with a peer on other hosts. These principals communicate with principals at the same layer on other hosts. Layer 1, 2, and 3 principals interact only with similar principals at neighboring (directly connected) hosts. Principals at layers 4, 5, 6, and 7 interact only with similar principals at the other end of the communication. (For convenience, "host" refers to the appropriate principal in the following discussion.)Figure 11-2. The ISO/OSI model. The dashed arrows indicate peer-to-peer communication. For example, the transport layers are communicating with each other. The solid arrows indicate the actual flow of bits. For example, the transport layer invokes network layer routines on the local host, which invoke data link layer routines, which put the bits onto the network. The physical layer passes the bits to the next "hop," or host, on the path. When the message reaches the destination, it is passed up to the appropriatelevel.Each host in the network is connected to some set of other hosts. They exchange messages with those hosts. If host nob wants to send a message to host windsor, nob determines which of its immediate neighbors is closest to windsor (using an appropriate routing protocol) and forwards the message to it. That host, baton, determines which of its neighbors is closest to windsor and forwards the message to it. This process continues until a host, sunapee, receives the message and determines that windsor is an immediate neighbor. The message is forwarded to windsor, its endpoint.Definition 11–5. Let hosts C0, …, Cnbe such that Ciand Ci+1are directlyconnected, for 0 i < n. A communications protocol that has C0 and Cnasits endpoints is called an end-to-end protocol. A communications protocolthat has Cj and Cj+1as its endpoints is called a link protocol.The difference between an end-to-end protocol and a link protocol is that the intermediate hosts play no part in an end-to-end protocol other than forwarding messages. On the other hand, a link protocol describes how each pair of intermediate hosts processes each message.The protocols involved can be cryptographic protocols. If the cryptographic processing is done only at the source and at the destination, the protocol is an end-to-end protocol. If cryptographic processing occurs at each host along the path from source to destination, the protocolis a link protocol. When encryption is used with either protocol, we use the terms end-to-end encryption and link encryption, respectively.In link encryption, each host shares a cryptographic key with its neighbor. (If public key cryptography is used, each host has its neighbor's public key. Link encryption based on public keys is rare.) The keys may be set on a per-host basis or a per-host-pair basis. Consider a network with four hosts called windsor, stripe, facer, and seaview. Each host is directly connected to the other three. With keys distributed on a per-host basis, each host has its own key, making four keys in all. Each host has the keys for the other three neighbors, as well as its own. All hosts use the same key to communicate with windsor. With keys distributed on a per-host-pair basis, each host has one key per possible connection, making six keys in all. Unlike the per-host situation, in the per-host-pair case, each host uses a different key to communicate with windsor. The message is deciphered at each intermediate host, reenciphered for the next hop, and forwarded. Attackers monitoring the network medium will not be able to read the messages, but attackers at the intermediate hosts will be able to do so.In end-to-end encryption, each host shares a cryptographic key with each destination. (Again, if the encryption is based on public key cryptography, each host has—or can obtain—the public key of each destination.) As with link encryption, the keys may be selected on a per-host or per-host-pair basis. The sending host enciphers the message and forwards it to the first intermediate host. The intermediate host forwards it to the next host, and the process continues until the message reaches its destination. The destination host then deciphers it. The message is enciphered throughout its journey. Neither attackers monitoring the network nor attackers on the intermediate hosts can read the message. However, attackers can read the routing information used to forward the message.These differences affect a form of cryptanalysis known as traffic analysis.A cryptanalyst can sometimes deduce information not from the content ofthe message but from the sender and recipient. For example, during the Allied invasion of Normandy in World War II, the Germans deduced which vessels were the command ships by observing which ships were sending and receiving the most signals. The content of the signals was not relevant; their source and destination were. Similar deductions can reveal information in the electronic world.第十一章密码技术11.1问题在没有考虑加密所要运行的环境时,加密的使用可能不能提供用户所期待的安全。
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毕业设计外文资料翻译题目土木工程项目管理的实现学院 ________ 土木建筑学院_____________ 专业 __________ 土木工程_______________ 班级________________ 土木1108 __________学生 ____________ 高升_______________学号___________________________指导教师_____________ 刘俊岩_______________二0—五年三月六日FACTA UNIVERSITATISSeries: Architecture and Civil Engineering Vol. 4, No 2, 2006, pp. 85 - 89CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECTS REALIZATIONMANAGEMENTSlobodanMirkovi?University of Ni?,Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture,SerbiaAbstract :The paper treats the management of the realization ofcivil engineering projects or civil engineering buildings construction management, as a complex dynamic process, which entails a large number of strategic and operative decisions which are important for an efficient, cost effective, and economic construction. The management process execution is not possible without the functions such as planning, organizing, coordination and control. Planning, as the initial function, important for the forecast of the future events, tasks and goals, is rendered much simpler by the application of computers and software packages. Such software packages facilitate the integral management, planning, realization, as well as control of the course of realization of civil engineering projects, that is the entire course of civil engineering buildings construction. The most frequent programs in this application are the Scheduler, Prima Vera andProject. The experience acquired in the application of these software packages that the best results in civil engineering attained by the software package PROJECT 2003.Keywords: Project, software packages, management process, organization project and building technology.INTRODUCTIONStarting from the fact that the realization of civil engineering projects or construction of civil engineering buildings is a very complex dynamical process, affected by an extremely large number of factors which are constant or stochastic in character, it can be stated that thestructure realization, that is construction, is possible only with making timely and correct decisions, and with adoption of most efficient methods and ways of management and realization.According to the previous statement, the management of the realization of civil engineering projects that is management of building construction, is regarded as a dynamical process of decision making, about the activities which improve the functioning and development of civil engineering production, as a macro system, mind the available scope of relevant information. The management is performed through the realization of four basic functions, which are: planning, organization, coordination and control.Planning is the basic initial function which determines the goals, tasks, plans and programs,but also the strategic decisions and ways for their most efficient realization. In its essence, the goal of planning isto forecast the future events (those that can be acted upon;those that canbe partially acted upon and those which can be acted upon in distant future).Organization as a function or organizational system with the appropriate structural elements, which is capable to realize, in an optimal way, the planned goals and tasks, formed by the planning.Coordination as a function essence, it can be regarded as the operational managementwhenperforming or putting into practice the planned goals and tasks.Control as a function the basis of the action of the organizational system, by the realization of the adopted decisions,goals, tasks. It controls the regularity of usage or consumption of the engagedresources,labor, finances, so it is regarded at the same time as a means of feedback recording, and of collecting information important for the decision making process.Management of civil engineering projects can -technical but also social.A successful management of civil engineering projects realization requires knowledge of the civil engineering production, its complexity and specifics in respect to other kinds of production. The basic specifics of the civil engineering production reflect in uniqueness and character of work; in kind and dimensions of civil engineering buildings regarded as the results of work; in the final products being in separate from the location; in the universality and mobility of the capacities; in the action of variable climate-meteorological,topographic, geological-geomechanical, management or building construction management requires making timely andcorrect decisions which bring about in the conditions of significant instability or stochastic character of execution. In this way the action of destabilizing factors is forestalled and the building production is increased; the capacity are increased; the quality of construction is improved;the construction time is decreased; the working conditions are improved; the construction works are increasingly automatized and mechanized and the professional skills and qualification levels of the construction workers are enhanced. Attainment of these goals is only possible if the building construction is organized on the basis of the scientific construction organization, on the basis of the contemporary methods and technologies, contemporary planning methods, in one word, on the basis of quality preparations of construction works.All the mentioned basics ought to be taken into consideration and incorporated in the contemporary building construction and technology projects, which should include an integral research of the construction situation or conditions; and integral study of the technological processes; planning;optimization and adequate dimension -ing of the production andstorage facilities, temporary communication lines (roads), infrastructure network,etc. The static and dynamic planning the construction organization and technology projects. It is effected through the application of contemporary methods of static and dynamic planning with the wide application of computers and modern program packages such as Project; Prima Vera, Scheduler, etc.All these programs make the integral project management possible, that is, they offer great options in directing and coordination of theactivities, resources and construction time in the course of building construction.The fundamental issue of all the programs is that they facilitate the time planning of a project; control, adjustment of resources and control of expenses.In the framework of time planning and project duration, they arrange the activities;improve and update the network; control the network serviceability; network numbering;calculation of time parameters and appropriate reserves regarding the duration of activities and the adopted timetable. The time planning reports are given in the form of tabular and graphic representations of network plans, bar graphs of network plans, engaged labor,machinery and finances the form of the dynamic usage plans of the researched resources.In the field of calculation and control of costs, they automatically calculate the finances by the activities, and cumulative. From the reports related to the costs, they produce theappropriate request).The experience in application of some program packages such as Scheduler, PrimaVera and Project, that the contemporary requirements of civil engineering production finds the program package Project 2003 the most suitable from various reasons,the most important being: quick access to all the program elements ( activities;resources;course, reports); simple entry of the required data; quick and automatic calculation of all the changes entered during the processing; simple adjustment of resources;quantity of work or time duration of an activity; simple managementwith known connection(SF:SS:FF) with the knowntypes of activities with estimated duration; with fixed units; or withfixedwork; easy usage of the most of activity combinations wit the fixed quantity of work (intensity); for instance the activities with the fixed units in the fixed quantity of work-intensity; activities with fixed units; activities with fixed work in fixed quantity of work—intensity; activities with fixed duration; activities with fixed duration in fixed quantity of work —intensity. For instanee, the program package Prima Vera utilizes only four combinations, and those are: activities with fixed units in fixed quantity of work—inten sity; activities with fixed un itstime; activities withfixed units; activities with fixed duration and units; activitieswith fixed units and unitstime.Apart from other things, one should point out that the reportsare well conceived and organized.CONCLUSIONSFast and efficient construction of civil engineering structures is nowadays and building technology projects, which include all the relevant elements of work which are important for the economical and cost-effective building. One of the most important elements of the organization and building technology projects is the planning itself, as the essence ofcivil engineering projects management,that is, building construction management. The complexity of civil engineering projects,and production, with a lot of participa nts —activities and with a lot of factors conn ectedto the material-energy resources; mechanization and equipment; labor and working conditions renders the planning itself very complex. That is why the application of computers and software packages: accelerates the planning process by many times; makes quick comprehension of risk factors possible; directs attention to important activities or works which to the ; creates the conditions for making the strategic and operative decisions which are important for management and control of the works being realized.In the contemporary world, there is a large number of software packages which can be applied, the most significant being the Scheduler, Prima Vera and Projects. All these software packages serve the same purpose of planning the construction or realization of civil engineering projects; to create the conditions for making the correct and timely strategic and operative decisions important for the reliable management with the projects realized by the construction companies during the civil engineering structures building.These programs are used for the standard and special calculations related to the rational exploitation of the available resources and their distribution to the facilities or construction sites. According to the experiences so far, such requirements are best met by the software package Project 2003. It is certain that a symbiosis of this software package with the programs from the field of 3-D graphics would yield the best calculation and visual effects in the field of civil engineering projects realization management. REFERENCES1.Fedorenko N.P, Kantorovi ? 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