

教你学术论文 毕业论文的写作教程 3

教你学术论文 毕业论文的写作教程 3

IntroductionGenerally speaking, the purpose of an introduction is to introduce the topic of the writing and to create interest on the part of the readers. It can be as short as a sentence or a paragraph and as long as an entire chapter, depending on the length andcomplexity of the writing. The introduction chapter of your dissertation or thesis is theone in which you provide all of the basic information that the reader will need to understand the dissertation which is to follow. Such things as the background of your research, how you came to research your topic, what your topic is and how it relates to the world around it, and what kind of general principles and methodology you will be using to research your topic and evaluate your hypothesis, are all aspects of what you will cover in the introduction chapter.I General functions of introduction1. introducing the subject:The author is here to supply sufficient background information to relieve the readers who are not well informed in this field of troubles in understanding and evaluating the results of the given study without referring to previous publications on the topic. Since the topic in this section is what the paper is going to deal with, the readers, then, can get a preliminary but overall impression before going on with the full text of the paper.2. limiting the research scope (Establish and Narrow the topic)Only when an introduction clearly defines the limits of the research scope (the limits within which you treat the subject) can readers retrieve the information efficiently provided that the subject is introduced correctly. Your introduction should direct the readers to a specific focus.There are a number of expressions used to limit the scope of work:The problem is within the scope of …The problem under discussion is within the scope of …Studies of these effects covered various aspects of …Our studies with this technique are confined to only one particular aspect …The problem described previously was directed to the example of…, which differsfrom …The subject is concerned chiefly with the study of …The author has limited his studies to the related aspects of …The approach under study is only applied to …The problem I have referred tofalls within thefield of …The theory cannot apply to other cases of …The emphasis of this paper is to survey …3. stating the general purposeThe task is to inform the reader of the general purpose of the paper and illustrate the primary objectives of his research. To start writing your introduction chapter, come up with a simple one sentence summary of the goal of your research. The reader will come to the first chapter of your thesis expecting a statement of purpose. This statement should tell the reader what the topic of the research paper is and what you hope to achieve.4. showing the writing arrangementThe logical arrangement of the writing enables the reader to understand the paper more easily when further reading is necessary. The best place for this information can be found at the end of the introduction.It is supposed to give the reader a sense of how the dissertation will be organized. Provide some kind of chapter by chapter breakdown to tell the reader what can be expected so that the reader will be able to scan the paper at first and have a good sense of what ended up happening. Use solid principles of organization throughout your paper, in addition to hitting all the above topics in your introductory paragraph, to make your dissertation as readable as possible.Expressions used to indicate the organization of the information include:This paper is divided intofive major sections asfollows …Sections one of this paper opens with …Section three develops the second hypotheses on …In this paper, data and results are presented under the major heading of …Sectionfour shows (introduces, reveals, treats, deals with, develops, etc) …The result of… is given in the last sectio n.Thefifth section provides an exposition that places the primary emphasis on …In thefollowing, a wide range of test data are reported …II. Structural features of introduction and some idiomatic expressions 1. starting with the research background (Literature review)To orient the reader, the pertinent(related) literature(文献) should be reviewed in writing a professional paper. The research background is usually given in the section of introduction accompanied by the recent development in this field. That is to answer the question“what have been done? ”You can talk about the background of the project. How did you choose the project? What kind of greater historical context does the research that you are engaged in exist within? You may want to talk about any related experiments or research that specific people have done in the past, including landmark research cases which are related to the topic at hand. This gives the reader a sense of how your research fits into the greater scheme of things, and lets the reader compare what you are about to present to the research which they may or may not already be familiar with from leading figures in the history of the field.Some expressions used to introduce the background of the subject in an introduction are:Over the past several decades, …Somebody reported …The previous work on … has indicated tha t …Recent experiments by … have suggeste d …In most studies of…, … has been emphasized with attention being given to …Industrial use of… is becoming increasingly common.There have been afew studies highlighting …It is well known that …2. transiting to the existing problem (investigation needed/gap )Authors usually transit to the main problem to be discussed or weak points remaining in the previous work to be further studied and/or improved. That is to answer the question“what have not been done? ”The following are expressions often used to present existing problems:Great progress has been made in thisfield, but (however, nevertheless, etc.) …Also, the consideration of … alone cannot explain the observedfact that …A part of the explanation could lie in … however, …The study of… gives rise to two main difficulties: one is …, the other i s …Despite the recent progress reviewed in …, there is no generally accepted theory concerning …From the above discussion, it appears that at present neither … nor … are known.Sofar there is not enough convincing evidence showing …The data available in literaturefailed to prove that …The theory of… did not explain how much modifications aros e.No direct outcome was then reported in …Until now, not any experiment in this area has suggested that …Until now, nofield experiments of … have been reported.No clear advancement has sofar been seen in …The methods we use differs greatlyfrom the one reported ten years ago.3. focusing on the present research (Purpose /value of your research)On the basis of reviewing the previous research, especially unfolding or displaying the weak points of the previous work to be overcome or existing problems to be solved, the author may gradually and naturally turn the reader’s attention to the present research, by stating his primary research objectives, novel ideas, advanced methods, new materials, fresh factors, etc. that is to answer the question“what am I going to d o? ”Now tell the reader what your hypothesis is, as well as your basic reasons for believing in the hypothesis. How does your knowledge of the reality of the field make you lean towards one hypothesis or another? Explain to the reader how you will be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis that you set out with through the course of your research. Talk about any particular relevant issues that could affect the course of the research, or any basic questions or problems that people might have regarding the topic and how you will go about your research process. Try to anticipate how people will react to your hypothesis and make sure that you are able to start your project on a strong heading. It may be best to have the opening paragraph of your thesis reviewed before you embark on the research process, to make sure that you are on the right track (or at least that the track makes sense to others) before you set off and put a lot of effort into collecting data.Expressions to be used to introduce the present work:In this paper, … is investigated(studied, discussed, presented, etc.)The present work deals mainly with …We repot here … in the presence of…This paper reports on …On the basis of existing literature data, we carried out studies in an effort to …The present study will thereforefocus on …The primary goal of this research is …The purpose of this paper is …In this paper, we aim at …III. ways to begin an introductionnarrative: to begin with an anecdote or a brief story that somehow illuminates the thesis, effective in catching the reader ’s attentio n descriptive: to provide an effective lead to the discussion of the subject by explaining ,illustrating or giving a bit of backgroundpreparatory: to begin with an explanation or definition of the subject to prepare for a discussion in detail in the body of the essay inquisitive: pose provocative questions to simulate the reader ’s interestcorrective: to put a common belief or show how the subject has been misunderstoods tating a problem: begin with the statement of the problem and proceed to discuss the solutiongiving a surprising fact or statistics: to grab the reader ’s attentionusing a striking quote: to use surprising quote from a well-known book or person and lead to the discussion of the topic。

英语学术论文实用写作 第三章 Google搜索引擎的使用技巧

英语学术论文实用写作 第三章 Google搜索引擎的使用技巧
和“谷歌”在功 能和优势上的差别,我们查找英文的学术资源,当 然要用谷歌了。下面依次介绍google引擎的一些使 用技巧。
进入 主页之后,我们会看到如下的界面:
进入与关键词最 相关的页面
使用学术搜索,可以准确查找学术论文,并且方便以规范的方式引用学术 文献。在google主页的“更多”中可以找到“学术搜索”。
在对话框架输入文献的全名或片段,比如Syntactic Structures这一 著作名,就能找到这一文献的全部信息,这时我们可以点击右下角的 “引用”。
使用谷歌时,可以选择多个检索词,用逗号隔开,并按一定的顺序输 入,点击“Google搜索”,系统会默认检索者的意图是对两个或多个 概念的比较。 比如,我们输入semantics, pragmatics,两个检索词之间的逗号可以改 为空格,不影响检索结构,如semantics pragmatics。
六、使用星号(*) 星号是一个通配符,代表省略或忘记了的一个或多个字符。 比如假设我忘记了一位学者的名字,只记得他姓“张”,最后一个 字是“波”,但是中间的字忘记了,这时我们可以查:张*波,结果如 下:
七、使用引号(“”) 把查找对象放进引号“”里,表明查找对象是一个整体,不允 许颠倒顺序,也不接受与之相近的查找结果。 比如查找“George Lakoff”,可以排除Robin Lakoff或别的姓Lakoff的 人的网页。 这一查找技巧,可以用于查找整段的引文,也可以被老师用来 查找学生写的作文或论文是否整段、整篇抄袭了别人的文章,比如我 们可以查找[“American cognitive linguist, best known for his thesis that lives of individuals are significantly influenced by the central metaphors”], 可以查到下面这样的结果:














- 1 -。



学术写作英文作文英文:Academic writing is a crucial skill for any student or researcher. It involves the ability to communicate complex ideas and research findings in a clear and concise manner.In this essay, I will discuss the importance of academic writing and provide some tips on how to improve your skills.Firstly, academic writing is important because itallows you to communicate your ideas to a wider audience. Whether you are writing a research paper or a thesis, your work will be read by other scholars in your field. Therefore, it is essential that you are able to expressyour ideas clearly and effectively.Secondly, academic writing is important because ithelps you to develop critical thinking skills. When you are writing an academic paper, you need to analyze and evaluate the evidence that you have gathered. This process requiresyou to think critically about the information that you have and to draw logical conclusions.To improve your academic writing skills, there are several things that you can do. Firstly, you should read widely in your field. This will help you to understand the conventions of academic writing and to develop your own style. Secondly, you should practice writing regularly. This will help you to develop your skills and to identify areas where you need to improve. Finally, you should seek feedback from others. This will help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and to improve your writing accordingly.In conclusion, academic writing is an essential skill for anyone who wants to succeed in their studies or research. By following the tips outlined in this essay, you can improve your writing skills and become a more effective communicator.中文:学术写作是任何学生或研究人员的重要技能。



更新或改进;基础研究着重理论上的新见解,计算方法的另 辟新径
• 学术性
• 透过对所研究的客体外象的观测,分析探讨其内在本质,将感性认 识进行理论上的深化; • 切忌将一连串现象无分析归纳的无序堆砌,而将论文写成实验报告 或工作总结。
• 真实性
• 错误、虚假、失实将导致论文科学性和学术性的丧失,甚至可能涉 嫌有剽窃行为; • 不凭主观臆断和好恶随意舍取数据和素材,引证他人成果必须给出 出处,但只提取与文章密切相关的重要信息用以引证,
• 要按所投杂志规定的格式准确书写。
• 卷号、期数、页数、年份等一定要核对 无误。
• 不宜使用长句子及不常见的词汇。 • 主从复合句必须有从句也有主句。 • 正确使用名词的单复数
• 不及物动词不可用被动语态。如不可用:was appeared, was occurred等。 • 不宜使用省略式词汇。如:does’nt, should’nt 等。 • 在两个或数个并列成分的最后两个中间加and 连接。
Results and discussion
• 实验结果是整篇论文的基础,因此必须用明白、 流畅的语言陈述你所得到的结果。 • 要求
– 数据及图表的内容及含义交代清楚,有条理;
– 对数据及现象的归纳、演绎、解释、立论要有逻辑 性、自洽性。
– 语句要准确、流畅、多样化,不宜重复使用相同的 句型和词汇。
• 姓氏和名字要弄清楚,以免发生以名代姓。
– Ji-HongZhu或JihongZhu
• 单位和地址信息准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息 顺利地与作者联系。


பைடு நூலகம்
English for Academic Paper Writing Publication-Unit 2 Title,author,affiliation keywords-Writing requirement -printing format:following specific requirements of-t e journal-number of authors:4;xxx et al-professional itle:omission-address:the same as letters-multiple au hors-multiple affiliations-internal units-10
English for Academic Paper Writing Publication-Unit 2 Title,author,affiliation keywords-1.Title-General fun tions abstract of an abstract-Generalizing the text,a tracting the reader,-facilitating the retrieval-Lingu stic features-using more nouns,noun phrases gerunds;u ing-an incomplete sentence;-avoiding question titles-
English for Academic Paper Writing Publication-Unit 2 Title,author,affiliation keywords-2.Author/affiliatio -General functions-bearing author's responsibility;fa ilitating retrieval-correspondence;heightening celebr ty-Linguistic features-spelling names HU Jingtao,Hu J ngtao,-LI Ju,Li Ju;-giving correct information about ffiliation no-abbreviations;adequate postal address;z p code-9

英语学术论文写作技巧academic writing skills(全英文版)共38页文档

英语学术论文写作技巧academic writing skills(全英文版)共38页文档
Consider the following project title: “A survey on college students’ awareness of environmental
protection/copyright protection” Discuss the following with a partner: Look at the project title above and highlight the key words/phrases. How is the title framed (e.g. statement/question/heading)? What does the title ask you to do?
- gathering information from various sources;
- organizing this information so that it appropriately answers the needs of the task that the writer has to complete;
The reasons why students carry out extended academic writing activities may s their ideas; to provide evidence to support their ideas; to dispute or support existing theories; to display knowledge.
Internet. e) Write down the details of your sources. f) Decide if you need to do more reading. g) Write the contents page, bibliography, title page and abstract. h) Arrange a tutorial with your tutor. i) Do some reading. j) Decide on a topic. k) Write the first complete draft. l) Highlight/take notes of relevant information. m) Plan the contents in detail. n) Work on establishing a clear focus. o) Make a rough outline plan of your ideas. p) Check that sources are available/accessible.



II. Sample Reading
1. Read Sample 2 and decide what elements this sample includes and how they function.
The present tense is most commonly used in the writing, emphasizing the present significance of the study.
III. Language Focus
B. Citing Verbs
'Neutral' citing verbs 'Tentative' citing verbs 'Strong' citing verbs
III. Language Focus
A. Tense in Citation Check Sample 2 and complete the following table.
1) Are some sentences written in the present tense?
2) Are some sentences written in the past tense?
describe, show, reveal, study, demonstrate, note, point out, indicate, report, observe, assume, take into consideration, examine, state, believe (unless this is a strong belief), mention, etc.


Taking notes while reading the collected literature helps students to record the information, to document the source, to understand and organize the ideas stimulated by their reflections on what they have read. Careful note-taking can ensure that the students appropriately credit authors for their original ideas, facts, and direct quotations. In addition, well-written and well-organized notes make it easier and more efficient to write the paper.
3.2 Content of Notes
3.2 Content of Notes
How to Write a Dissertation in English
Con 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Q
The content of a note includes whatever a student thinks he or she might need for his or her research paper. Important thoughts, ideas, quotes, facts or statistics often make up the content of a note. Summarize the information as much as possible in one’ own words because this will help avoid inadvertently plagiarizing information. Put double quotation marks around any material copied and make sure the information is transferred accurately. To be specific, a note usually includes the following items: 1. The background information; 2. A summary of general ideas supporting the preliminary thesis statement; 3. Explanatory information such as definition, a plot summary and bibliographical data; 4. Direct quotations, examples, facts and anecdotes; 5. Statistics such as percentages, weights, amount of money, ratios and dates.



学术论文写作报告(英文版)1. IntroductionWriting an academic paper requires careful consideration of various elements such as topic selection, research methodology, data analysis, and proper citation. This report provides a comprehensive guide to academic paper writing, focusing on the key steps involved and the necessary components to include. The report aims to assist researchers and students in effectively structuring and presenting their work in an organized and coherent manner.2. Topic SelectionThe first step in writing an academic paper is selecting an appropriate topic. The topic should be specific yet broad enough to allow for thorough research. It is essential to choose a topic that is relevant to the field of study and of interest to the writer. Consideration should also be given to the availability of reliable sources and potential research gaps that can be addressed.3. Literature ReviewAfter selecting a topic, conducting a literature review is crucial to identify the existing research and establish the research gap. The literature review provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on the subject and helps the writer understand the key concepts, theories, and methodologies that have been used in previous studies. It also helps in formulating research questions and hypotheses.4. Research MethodologyOnce the research questions have been formulated, it is important to select an appropriate research methodology. The methodology should be aligned with the research objectives and should allow for the collection of relevant and reliable data. Common research methods include surveys, case studies, experiments, and observations. The chosen methodology should be adequately justified and explained in the paper.5. Data Collection and AnalysisAfter determining the research methodology, data collection can begin. This involves gathering relevant data through various sources such as interviews, surveys, experiments, or existing databases. The collected data should be analyzed using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques. The analysis should be presented in a clear and concise manner, highlighting any significant findings.6. Results and DiscussionThe results section of the academic paper presents the findings of the research. It should be presented using tables, charts, or graphs to aid in understanding. The discussion section focuses on interpreting the results in relation to the research questions and objectives. It involves critically analyzing the findings, comparing them with previous studies, and discussing their implications.7. ConclusionThe conclusion is a summary of the key findings and their implications. It should answer the research questions and provide insights into the broader significance of the research. The conclusion should also highlight any limitations of the study and suggest directions for future research.8. ReferencesProper citation and referencing are crucial in academic writing. The reference section should include all the sources used in the paper, cited in a consistent and accurate format. It is important to follow the specific citation style required by the journal or institution.9. Formatting and ProofreadingBefore submitting the academic paper, it is important to ensure proper formatting. This includes following the guidelines provided by the journal or institution regarding font type, font size, line spacing, and margins. Additionally, the paper should be thoroughly proofread to eliminate any grammatical or spelling errors. Using professional editing tools or getting feedback from peers can be helpful in improving the overall quality of the paper.ConclusionWriting an academic paper requires attention to detail and adherence to specific guidelines. This report has provided an overview of the key steps involved in academic paper writing, including topic selection, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, and proper citation. By following these guidelines, researchers and students can improve the quality of their academic papers and increase their chances of success.。



英语学术论⽂范⽂范⽂怎么写 学术论⽂是某⼀学术课题在实验性的科学记录,你们能够⽤英⽂写出来吗?下⾯是店铺带来英语学术论⽂优秀范⽂,希望对⼤家有帮助。

英语学术论⽂范⽂篇1:基于本⼟旅游⽂化的⼤学旅游英语教学研究 Study on College Tourism English Teaching Combining with Aba Local Tourism Culture Abstract:Boasting of rich,outstanding natural and cultural tourism resources,marvelous landscape,specific humanistic environment,Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture is well-known to the world, which has been attracting ever-increasing tourists home and abroad with its unique charm,such as the fairy-land like natural scenery,mysterious Tibetan Buddhist culture,ancient Qiang’s Shibi (necromancer) culture, the Red Army’s Long March culture and so on. These rich natural and cultural tourism resources raise the economic benefits of cultural tourism development emphasis. Aba is an ethnic minority area leading with the tourism industry; after years of development,tourism has become the main source of income for the local ethnic minorities. More and more foreign tourists have been attracted into this area, particularly, Europe, the United States and other English-speaking countries have become the major source countries; a large number of high-qualified tourism professionals are in urgent need, and tourism English teaching plays a very important role for cultivating High quality talents who are both proficient in English, grasping high level tourism skills, and quite familiar with Aba tourism resources. This paper analyzes and puts forward some constructive measures on how to combine Aba tourism resources, local culture with college tourism English teaching. Key words: Aba tourism resources local culture college tourism English teaching Introduction: After joining WTO, China gets more and more intimacy communication opportunities with the world; has been attracting ever-increasing foreign tourists and foreign tourism industry is rapidly developing. However,the development of the tourism industry and excellent tourism practitioners can not be synchronized, particularly high quality foreign tourism practitioners are seriously lacking, which causing the deve lopment of China’s foreign tourism lag,especially the local tourism resources and cultural characteristics can not be good publicized. Most of the local colleges are in charge of cultivating qualified personnel for local economic development, many vocational colleges set up Tourism English major, but because of teaching conception, method and practice are old-fashioned and out of touch, it results in Tourism English graduates are unable to adapt to the development needs of the tourism industry, and not well for the local tourism economy. Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture boasts abundant tourism resources and unique ethnic culture,which needs more high quality tourism practitioners who are skilled with foreign communicative ability and having comprehensive local culture knowledge to publicize the local culture and bring to a great height of development. Thus, the local college tourism English teaching should attach great importance to the needs of penetrating the local tourism and culture, and combining the introduction of local characteristics and cultural tourism with English teaching has very important significance. 英语学术论⽂范⽂篇2:英语专业学⽣写作的影响因素及对策分析 Analyzing the Factors and Corresponding Measures for English Majors’ Writing 【Abstract】As we know, English writing is an important part of communicative competence. But for many English majors, it is hard to express their thoughts clearly. In order to find out the main problems and corresponding measures,the author analyzes many compositions written by English majors. With some academic opinions and the author’s own analysis, some problems existing in students’ writing are listed. According to the problems, the author summarizes some influencing factors. Finally, the author gives some relevant solutions. Through analyzing those samples, the author hopes it has some help for English majors’ writing. 【Key words】Writing;English major;Influencing factors;Effective measures 0 Introduction “English writing is a re-creation process where students use the knowledge of the language through thinking. So writing skills can reflect students’ language competence” (Bai 2009:99). But for many English majors,English writing is a difficulty for them. So many reasons have led to this kind of phenomenon. The author summarizes several types of mistakes that English majors often make, such as vocabulary mistakes,grammar mistakes. According to these problems,the author analyzes the influencing factors and tries to find suitable ways to solve this problem. 1 Influencing Factors 1.1 Vocabulary Mistakes Generally there are three kinds of vocabulary mistakes existing in English majors’ writing. They are spelling mistake,collocation mistake and part of speech problem. In the following part,they are discussed one by one. First,the spelling mistakes are common in their compositions. “Vocabulary is the requisite element of English writing” (He 2008:141). If students want to write a good composition to express their thoughts, they should grasp enough vocabulary and understand words correctly. However, most English majors do not learn vocabulary like that. For example, the words “indepadent” is not correct in spelling; the words “indepondance” and “independent” are not correct; the words “dapt”,“nowdays” are not spelled correctly. This is because students neglect the spelling when they learn the word at the beginning. What’s more, many students recite the word in accordance with pronunciation. Second,collocation mistakes occur frequently. Collocation is the key point of vocabulary learning. It plays a vital role in expressing the author’s intention. As we all know, the English collocation is very different from Chinese. Some students are used to thinking in Chinese and then directly translate Chinese into English literally. Such literal translations will definitely lead to mistakes. Generally speaking,the words do not appear isolated from others. That is to say, there are fixed about collocation between adjective and noun,verb and object noun etc. However,students often do not pay attention to this collocation and accumulate the words mechanically, leading to inappropriate expression in English. For example, “look dinner” and “leave earth” are not appropriate. 英语学术论⽂范⽂篇3:马丁. 路德.⾦《我有⼀个梦》的⽂体分析 Abstract: On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the stylistic characteristics of speech as a style. Key words: Stylistics, Stylistic devices, analysis, speech. 马丁. 路德.⾦《我有⼀个梦》的⽂体分析 摘要:本⽂⾸先阐述了⽂体学的定义,并在此基础上对对美国着名⿊⼈领袖马丁. 路德.⾦的着名演讲《我有⼀个梦》中所使⽤的⽂体⼿段进⾏了详尽的分析,进⽽对演讲⽂体的风格进⾏了简要的论述。



学术英语论文范文精选3篇评价系统(The pprisl Systems)是对系统功能语言学的新进展。



该研究由Mrtin指导,Croline Coffin,Rick Iedem,Henrike Korner,Dvid Rose,Robert Vee 和Peter White 参与。

这项研究是“写得得体”(Write It Right)科研项目的一部分。












介入系统深受Bkhtin (1981,1986)对话性和多语性的影响。




介入可以通过情态词、言剧性表达、模糊语等来实现,如my,it is sid tht等。





英语学术论文写作(第三版)--第2章--Research Proposal

英语学术论文写作(第三版)--第2章--Research Proposal

home Main Exercise
Chapter Two Part One: Research Proposal Writing
home Main Exercise
1. Definition of Research Proposal
Research proposal is a brief (up to two pages or more) overview of your research paper, giving the reader sufficient information about the work you have done, about the way you did it and the value of this work.
home Main Exercise
3. Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing
The following are the common mistakes in proposal writing.
●Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question. ● Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research. ● Failure to cite landmark studies. ● Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers. ● Failure to stay focused on the research question.



英语学术论文写作学术论文的概念及分类学术论文(Research Papers)又称科学论文或研究论文,是对某一学科领域中的课题进行探讨、研究,表达新的科学研究成果或创见的文章,简称“论文”。
























但一般都包括以下五章:Introduction,Literature Review,Research Design,Data presentation and discussion,Conclusion下面分别介绍这五章的写作要求。

Chapter 1 Introduction本章应该包括以下内容:本研究的背景、意义以及预期解决的问题。


本章末尾一般对全篇论文的章节主要内容作简单介绍(An overview of the thesis,不超过半页)。


Chapter 2 Literature Review本章是文献综述,其主要目的是向读者介绍与本研究有关系的现有研究(existing studies),重点介绍以下内容:(1)关于这个问题(指论文要研究的问题)前人已经做了哪些研究?采用了哪些研究方法?得出了哪些研究结论?(2)关于这个问题还有哪些问题没有解决?前人的研究存在哪些局限性?关于这个问题还有哪些争议或值得进一步研究的问题?文献综述不是简单地“抄书”,也不是“走过场”。







比如Rod Ellis在1994年出版的The Study of Second Language Acquisition 一书中将1994年以前的大约20年时间里有关第二语言习得的研究做了一个非常全面的综述,而这本书并没有首次报告Ellis本人做的研究。



英文学术论文写作与发表技巧Academic writing and publishing are vital skills for those who want to excel in the fields of education, research, and professional discourse. Writing an academic paper involves a complex process of research, analysis, formatting, and editing, whereas publishing requires understanding the intricacies of manuscript preparation, submission, and peer-review. This article aims to provide an overview of the key techniques for academic writing and publishing, starting from selecting a topic, organizing the paper, citation and referencing, formatting, and submitting the manuscript for publication.1. Selecting a topicThe first step in writing an academic paper is to identify and narrow down a topic. The topic should be specific, precise, and relevant to the discipline or field of study. A good starting point is to review the literature, identify gaps or areas of interest, and formulate research questions that can be answered through empirical evidence. The topic should also be feasible in terms of time, scope, and resources available for conducting a study.2. Organizing the paperOnce the topic has been selected, the next step is to organize the paper into sections, beginning with an introduction that provides context and background information on the topic, followed by a literature review that outlines previous studies and research gaps. The methodology section should describe the research design, sample size, data collection methods, and statistical analysisprocedures.The results section should present the findings in an objective and clear manner, whereas the discussion section should interpret the results, discuss their implications, and suggest future research directions. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the key findings, restate the research questions, and draw overarching conclusions.3. Citation and referencingCitation and referencing are essential for academic writing because they provide evidence of the sources that have been used in the research, indicate the credibility of the study, and enable readers to locate and access the cited sources. The citation style should be consistent throughout the paper, and conform to the guidelines of the particular discipline or journal.4. FormattingFormatting involves the presentation of the paper in a professional and readable format, including the use of headings, fonts, margins, and spacing. The paper should also conform to the guidelines of the particular journal or publisher, including the preferred referencing style, manuscript length, and format. Attention to detail in formatting can increase the chances of acceptance for publication.5. Submitting the manuscript for publicationOnce the manuscript has been completed, it should be reviewed for grammatical errors, clarity, coherence, and overall quality before submitting it for publication. The submission process involves selecting an appropriate journal or publisher, following the guidelines for manuscript preparation, and submitting the paper online or through email. The review process involves evaluation by the editorial board or peer-reviewers, who provide feedback on the quality, relevance, and contribution of the study. Based on the feedback, authors can revise and resubmit the manuscript, or withdraw it and submit it to another journal or publisher.In conclusion, academic writing and publishing require a systematic and disciplined approach that involves selecting a suitable topic, organizing the paper, citing and referencing sources, formatting, and submitting it for publication. With practice, patience, and attention to detail, authors can improve their writing and publishing skills, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.6. Tips for effective academic writing- Start with a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes the main argument or research question, and guides the structure of the paper.- Use plain language and avoid technical jargon, unless it is necessary for clarity and precision.- Write in an objective and impersonal tone, avoiding personal opinions or emotions that may bias the interpretation of the data. - Use active voice and vary sentence structures to maintain reader engagement and clarity.- Follow the guidelines of the particular discipline or journal forcitation and referencing, which may include using footnotes, endnotes, or in-text citations.- Revise and proofread the paper multiple times, checking for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors.- Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or writing tutors who can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement.7. Tips for publishing academic papers- Select a journal or publisher that is reputable, relevant to the topic, and aligned with the research goals and scope.- Follow the guidelines for manuscript preparation and submission, which may include instructions for formatting, word count, file format, cover letter, and author declaration.- Choose appropriate keywords, abstract, and title that capture the essence of the study and attract readers' attention.- Engage in peer-review, which involves evaluating other scholars' papers and providing constructive feedback that can improve the quality and relevance of the research.- Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, debates, and theoretical frameworks in the field, by attending conferences, reading journals, and networking with peers.- Take advantage of social media, blogs, and online platforms to disseminate the findings and insights of the research to wider audiences, including policymakers, practitioners, and the general public.8. Challenges and opportunities in academic writing and publishingAcademic writing and publishing can be a rewarding but also challenging endeavour, as it requires dedication, perseverance, and continuous learning. Some of the challenges that scholars face include:- Time management, as writing and publishing can be time-consuming and require balancing multiple tasks and priorities.- Rejection and criticism, as not all papers get accepted for publication, and the feedback from reviewers can be rigorous and demanding.- Ethical considerations, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflicts of interest, which can undermine the credibility and integrity of the research and authorship.However, there are also opportunities for growth, innovation, and impact in academic writing and publishing, such as:- Collaboration and teamwork, as scholars can benefit from exchanging ideas, collaborating on research projects, and co-authoring papers that showcase diverse perspectives and expertise. - Interdisciplinary and cross-cutting approaches, as academic writing and publishing can bridge different fields, methods, and theories, and contribute to solving complex and pressing social, economic, and environmental issues.- Open access and public engagement, as academic writing and publishing can involve making research findings and insights available to wider audiences, including policymakers, practitioners, and citizens, who can use them to inform their decisions and actions.In conclusion, academic writing and publishing are essential skills for scholars who aim to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their fields, and communicate their ideas and insights to wider audiences. By following the key techniques and tips outlined in this article, scholars can improve their writing and publishing skills, overcome the challenges, and seize the opportunities of academic scholarship.。

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helps to avoid two main ins of a writer:
writing in a style that the reader does not understand
bore the reader
30. Guide for authors
Guide for authors
General guidelines
• double spaced

• • • • •
font size 2 or larger
font type with serifs for main text font type without serifs for headings large margins page numbers + line numbers blank rows before and after headings

decimal sign in English is a point, not a comma (0.3 not 0,3)
Rule 11: shorten
• short manuscript has higher chance to be read

• •
editor may like your manuscript but still ask to cut down by as much as 50%
• • • each journal provides authors with manuscript preparation and submission guidelines see journal volumes and journal website for details authors are asked to follow these guidelines strictly
III. Guidelines: How to write the paper
09th September 2013, 3rd Lecture
3. Editing the paper
29. Editing strategy
Guide for authors
Language & style revision

only in methods and results sections the passive voice is generally more effective
Rule 4: abbraviations
• • avoid extensive use of abbreviations (max. 2-3 per manuscript) unless it is unavoidable It CAN but not does NOT always increase readability of a manuscript
Rule 5: avoid usபைடு நூலகம் of ...
• “often” because it is not clar enough

• • •
“only” “quite” “editorial we” in place of “I” for a single author
Rule 6: one expression
Reader’s advice
General rule:
The reader is always right!
• you may think you are clear enough but if the reader feels you are not, don’t argue but revise
Collegial proofreading
29. Editing strategy
Why are we editing?
• gross & raw work is done

now manuscript needs to be transformed into a readable & interesting text
• pre-review of your manuscript

• •
aims to avoid mistakes and lack of clarity
helps to increase quality of manuscript helps to increase the chances to pass peer-review
Rule 3: active vs. passive
• • • use active instead of passive voice (= “I/we show” instead of “It was shown that …”) it shortens and simplifies sentences it clarifies who did what
use short sessions (20-30 min.) for self-editing and shortening of sections check whether all sentences in a paragraph are needed
32. Collegial proofreading
Rule 10: use of numbers
• spell out small numbers (< 10)

express numbers in figures (> 10)
spell out all numbers at the beginning of a sentence or restructure sentence
• • avoid synonyms to achieve elegant variation (e.g. project, study, research, investigation) stick to one expression throughout manuscript
Rule 7: read out loud
31. Language & style revision
Rule 1: good English
• quality of English is important criteria in review process

• • • •
use English spelling-control
learn to write in English avoid writing in mother tongue and translate ask a native-English speaker or use professional help not every English-speaking colleague writes good English
Rule 2: inclusive language
• avoid racist, sexist or any other form of exclusive language

• •
“humans” instead of “man”
“he or she”, “s/h” instead of solely “he” use of plural helps also (e.g. “farmers manage their land” instead of “the farmer manages his/her land”)

you might be the expert in the filed, but the reader is the sovereign
• read out loud what you have written

helps identifying difficult and awkward phrases
Rule 8: provide evidence
Provide evidence of what you are writing
Rule 9: use of tenses
• refer to own results in past tense

refer to established knowledge in present tense
Rule 9: use of tenses
Section Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Tense Past tense Present tense Past tense Past tense Present tense Present tense Why? Refers to work done Refers to the problem Refers to work done Refers to work done Refers to established knowledge Refers to the problem