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DOI:10.3971/j.issn.1000 8578.2010.06.028

收稿日期:2009 01 13;修回日期:2010 02 26

作者单位:062552河北任丘,华北石油总医院肿瘤科作者简介:陈坤(1963 ),女,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事肿瘤内科治疗工作


陈 坤,蔺 强,赵彦南,毕艳华,王 娜,刘月娥

C omparison of Gemcitabine and Paclitaxel Combined with Fractionation dose Cisplatin in Treatment of Untreated Advanced Non small Cell Lung Cancer

CH EN Kun,L IN Q iang ,ZHA O Yan nan,BI Y an hua,W A NG N a,L IU Yue e

Dep ar tment of Onco logy and H ematology ,Gener al H os p ital of H uabei O il Field Comp any ,Renqiu 062552,China Abstract:Objective

T o compare the ther apeutic effects and side effects of g emcitabine and paclitaxel

co mbined w ith fr act ionatio n dose cisplat in in the tr eatment of untreated advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCL C).Methods Eig hty one patients w ith untreated advanced NSCL C w ere r andom ized into two gr oups:gemcitabine plus cisplatin (G P)and paclitax el plus cisplatin (T P).Pat ients in GP received reg imen:GEM 1000mg /m 2,d 1,d 8,DDP 30mg/m 2,d 2~d 4,repeated ev er y 28day s.P atients in T P receive regimen:PT X 175mg/m 2,d 1,DDP 30mg/m 2,d 2~d 4,r epeated ever y 28days.Results Ov er all respo nse rat e w as 45.0%(18/40)in G P and 43.2%(16/37)in T P.Response Rates w ere no t sig nifi cantly different in two gr oups ( 2=0.527,P =0.957).M edian surv ival time and 1 y ear survival rate in GP wer e 11months and 37.7%,respectiv ely ,while 11mo nths and 31.7%in T P.Ov erall sur viv al w ere no t significantly differ ent in tw o gr oups ( 2=0.140,P =0.708).Side effects w ere differ ent in two gr oups:thrombopenia was sig nificantly higher in G P than that in T P,ho wever per ipheral neurit is,nau sea and v omiting ,and myosag ia w ere significantly hig her in T P than that in GP.Conclusion G P and T P had similar ther apeutic efficacy ,how ev er,side effects in G P w er e much slig ht er than that in T P.We pr esumed GP co uld be used as f irst line chemother apy reg imen in untreated adv anced NSCL C.Key words:No n small cell L ung cancer;G emcitabine;Paclitax el;Cisplatin;Chemotherapy

摘 要:目的 对比吉西他滨与紫杉醇分别联合顺铂化疗初治非小细胞肺癌的疗效和不良反应。方法 81例患者随机分为两组,吉西他滨组(G P):吉西他滨1000mg/m 2,d 1,d 8,静脉滴注,顺铂30mg/m 2,d 2~d 4,静脉滴注,28天为1周期。紫杉醇组(T P ):紫杉醇175mg /m 2,d 1,顺铂30mg/m 2,d 2~d 4,静脉滴注,28天为1周期。结果 GP 组总有效率(CR +PR )45.0%(18/40),T P 组43.2%(16/37),两组近期疗效差异无统计学意义( 2=0.527,P =0.957)。GP 组中位生存期为11月,1年生存率37.7%,而T P 组为11月,31.7%,两组生存差异无统计学意义( 2=0.140,P =0.708)。两组主要不良反应不同,GP 组血小板减少症显著高于T P 组,而T P 组外周神经炎、恶心呕吐和肌痛显著高于GP 组。结论 吉西他滨与紫杉醇联合分次顺铂治疗非小细胞肺癌疗效相当,但吉西他滨的治疗相关不良反应较轻,可作为初治晚期非小细胞肺癌的一线方案。


中图分类号:R 734.2;R 730.53 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 8578(2010)06 0709 03

0 引言

吉西他滨(GEM )、紫杉醇(PTX)等第三代化疗药自上世纪90年代后广泛应用于临床,在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的化疗中占有重要地位,国内外许多


同[1 5]。本研究为了探讨一个更加适合的方案,比较了吉西他滨和紫杉醇分别联合分次顺铂治疗NSCLC 的疗效和不良反应,现报道如下。1 资料和方法

1.1 临床资料

经病理学或细胞学确诊的初治 B ~ 期非小细胞肺癌(不包括湿性 B)共81例。卡氏评分均
