



Business continuity objectives: Requested solutions
• Protecting critical information • Maintaining access to data • Providing a resilient infrastructure
– A three-site solution to meet the most rigorous business resiliency needs
– Additionally for the System z users, the following are available:
• z/OS Global Mirror (previously known as Extended Remote Copy (XRC) • z/OS Metro/Global Mirror
– TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication (TPC-R)
• Allows you to manage large Copy Services implementations easily – Provides data consistency across multiple systems • A part of Tivoli Productivity Center 5.1 and IBM SmartCloud Virtual Storage Center
DS8000 Copy Services functions
• The DS8000 includes the following optional licensed functions:

ibm ds8000系列存储电池故障处理方案

ibm ds8000系列存储电池故障处理方案

ibm ds8000系列存储电池故障处理方案IBM DS8000系列存储电池故障处理方案包括以下步骤:
1. 准备工作:准备常规工具包,建议工程师携带U盘,用于必要时收集PEPackage。

实施工程师需要具备IBM DS8000存储日常管理的基本知识,通过DS8000存储MC控制台进行管理和维护的能力,以及掌握IBM DS8000存储硬件结构,并具备电池更换经验。

2. 检查设备:在操作前,检查请操作的设备的型号、序列号,如型号序列号不符则应反馈CMO。


3. 更换电池:DS8000存储电池为3个电池1组,单个电池故障后,整组电池都会报错,更换电池以整组为单位更换。


4. 注意事项:DS8000存储线缆很多,操作时务必小心仔细,不要触碰不相关的线缆和部件;安装电池组后,务必检查BBU组件的线缆均连接插好,确认空气开关置于正确的位置。




目录1.IBM DS8000的重点提示 (2)2.IBM DS8000的强劲性能 (4)2.1SPC性能评测结果 (4)2.2 IBM官方公布的DS8000性能指标 (4)2.3 DS8000创造高性能的原因——独有技术 (5)3.IBM DS8000的可靠性 (9)3.1DS8000的RAS原则 (9)3.2DS8000的冗余保护机制 (10)3.3DS8000内部监控和预警系统 (15)3.4DS8000的自我愈合 (17)4.IBM DS8000的可管理性 (18)4.1DS8000的虚拟引擎技术 (19)4.2DS8000的LPAR功能 (19)4.3DS8300随需容量解决方案 (20)4.4IBM TPC管理工具 (20)5.IBM DS8000的高级拷贝功能 (21)5.1本地快照软件――FLASHCOPY(PTC) (21)5.2远程复制软件-PPRC(RMC) (26)6.IBM DS8000的升级扩展能力 (29)7.IBM DS8000一览表 (30)附录............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

IBM TotalStorage DS8000系列提供了高性能、高容量的存储系统,这些存储系统专为提供下一代的性能、可扩展性、弹性和总体价值而设计。


IBM DS8000是IBM高端磁盘阵列的划时代产品,采用了大量IBM最新的存储科研技术,这使得IBM DS8000在性能、可靠性、可管理性以及升级扩展能力方面均达到了一个新的高度,从而得到广大用户的认可。

1.IBM DS8000的重点提示IBM TotalStorage DS8000是IBM的“旗舰”随需应变存储解决方案,专为满足当今的随需应变业务对高性能、高容量存储的需求而设计。





准备工作在开始更换硬盘之前,请确保您已经做好以下准备工作:1. 确定故障的硬盘位置。

2. 确定新硬盘的规格和型号。

3. 确保您具备足够的技术知识和经验来执行此操作。

4. 确保您已经备份了存储在该硬盘上的重要数据。

硬盘更换步骤请按照以下步骤进行硬盘更换:1. 断开硬盘电源和数据线。

2. 使用螺丝刀打开硬盘固定螺丝,将故障硬盘从存储系统中取出。

3. 将新硬盘插入存储系统的硬盘插槽中。

4. 使用螺丝刀将新硬盘固定好,确保固定螺丝紧固。

5. 连接新硬盘的电源和数据线。

6. 开启存储系统,并根据厂商提供的操作手册进行相应配置。

7. 检查存储系统是否识别新硬盘。

8. 进行必要的测试和确认,确保新硬盘能正常工作。

注意事项在进行硬盘更换过程中,请注意以下事项:- 确保新硬盘和存储系统兼容。

- 在进行硬盘插拔操作时,小心避免对硬盘造成物理损坏。

- 在断开和连接电源线和数据线时,务必先确认存储系统已经关闭,并遵循正确的操作步骤。

- 请遵循存储系统制造商提供的更换硬盘的详细指南,以确保正确和安全执行操作。





为什么选择IBMIBM SAN 产品和解决方案为多协议的局部、校园、城市和全球存储网络提供了整合的中小企业和大型企业 SAN 解决方案。

了解更多信息(英文)我们可以提供:企业级 SAN 导控器针对最高可用性和可扩展性的企业解决方案。

∙IBM System Storage SAN768B and SAN384B∙IBM TotalStorage SAN256B∙Cisco MDS 9513∙Cisco MDS 9509∙Cisco MDS 9506∙Data Center Fabric Manager (DCFM™)中端 SAN 交换机针对可扩展的、经济的中小企业和大型企业解决方案。

∙IBM System Storage SAN80B-4∙IBM System Storage SAN64B-2(英文)∙IBM System Storage SAN40B-4∙IBM System Storage SAN32B-3∙Cisco MDS 9148∙Cisco MDS 9134 (英文)入门级 SAN 交换机针对简单的、经济的中小企业(SMB)解决方案。

∙IBM System Storage SAN24B-4 Express∙Cisco MDS 9124 ExpressIBM Express 型 SAN 交换机经济且易于使用的中小企业(SMB)解决方案。

∙IBM System Storage SAN24B-4∙Cisco MDS 9124 Express多协议路由器∙IBM System Storage SAN06B-R∙Cisco MDS 9222i∙IBM System Storage SAN04B-R支持和服务∙产品支持(英文)∙服务(英文)∙红皮书(英文)∙教育培训(英文)软件和解决方案∙SAN V olume Controller∙开放软件系列(英文)∙SAN 解决方案(英文)资源∙新闻∙网络连接存储∙案例研究∙存储融资∙System x (x86) 服务器∙BladeCenter 刀片服务器∙Cluster 服务器∙Power Systems (System i 服务器, System p 服务器)∙网络解决方案∙System z (mainframe) 服务器∙存储产品存储产品:∙磁盘系统∙磁带系统∙存储区域网络∙网络连接存储∙介质∙软件∙产品排序(A-Z)高端及企业级系统∙DS6000 系列∙DS8000 系列查看所有企业磁盘系统产品∙IBM XIV 存储系统中端及高性能系统∙Storwize V7000∙DS4800∙DS5000查看所有中端及高性能磁盘系统产品∙DS3950∙DS5020 Express∙DCS9900 系列入门级系统- DS3000 系列∙DS3000 系列∙DS3500 系列∙EXP3000查看所有入门级磁盘系统产品N 系列-统一存储设备∙N7000 系列∙N6000 系列∙N5000 系列∙N3000 系列网关∙N7000 系列网关∙N5000 系列网关N 系列软件和解决方案∙N 系列软件∙N 系列解决方案(英文)归档和保留时间∙DR550∙IBM 信息归档∙具有 Snaplock 的 N 系列(英文)支持和服务∙产品支持(英文)∙N 系列支持和服务(英文)∙磁盘服务(英文)∙针对存储产品的远程支持管理器(英文)∙磁盘红皮书(英文)软件和解决方案∙数据移动性(英文)∙开放式软件系列(英文)资源∙资源库(英文)∙新闻∙N 系列资源(英文)∙案例研究∙产品指南(英文)∙存储融资∙DS 系列说明书(英文)∙DS6000/DS8000 白皮书网络产品:∙以太网交换机∙以太网路由器存储产品特惠方案:∙即刻了解创新领先地位:∙企业信息架构解决方案∙存储虚拟化∙存储XIV 创新∙重复数据删除∙数据移动性(英文)∙新产品资讯全面的存储解决方案∙XIV 智能存储系统方案建议书(418KB)∙存储高可用解决方案建议书(511KB)∙企业级存储DS8000 容灾方案建议书(922KB) ∙更多解决方案获取Adobe® Reader®服务器:∙IBM Power 刀片服务器∙IBM Power 710∙IBM Power 720∙IBM Power 730∙IBM Power 740∙IBM Power 750∙IBM Power 770∙IBM Power 780高性能计算服务器:∙IBM Power 755∙IBM Blue Gene/P (英文)∙HPC 服务器和软件 (英文)软件:∙虚拟化 - PowerVM∙AIX∙IBM i∙Linux∙可用性 - PowerHA (英文)∙安全性 (英文)∙能源(英文)∙管理– Systems Director & VMControl (英文)∙IBM 中间件(英文)解决方案:∙云 (英文)∙事务 (英文)∙分析学 (英文)∙更多解决方案 (英文)。

ds8100 datasheet (2007.8.7)

ds8100 datasheet (2007.8.7)

IBM System Storage DS8000series High-performance disk storage for business-critical enterpriseworkloadsHighlights■Designed to deliver robust,flexible, highly available andcost-effective disk storage tosupport continuous operationsfor mission-critical workloads■Built for outstandingperformance and supports4Gigabits per second (Gbps)Fibre Channel (FC)/IBM FICONhigh bandwidth connectivity forfast access to data■Offers unique storage system logical partitions (LPAR)capability to help enableconsolidation while maintainingseparation for differingworkloads ■Able to scale up to 512Terabyte(TB) of physical capacity thatcan be accessed by a widevariety of servers■Can help to enable greaterefficiency for IBM serverenvironments through featuressuch as HyperPAV, co-operativecaching and input/output (I/O)priorities■Offers a choice of FC and FibreChannel ATA (FATA) disk drives,enabling tiered storage usage■Enterprise Choice warranty of1-, 2-, 3- or 4-years onhardware and advancedfunctions.Virtualised,resilient,high-performancestorage for medium to large enterprisesThe IBM System StorageDS8000series has been enhanced toinclude IBM System StorageDS8000Turbo models, which offereven higher performance, highercapacity storage systems that aredesigned to deliver a generation-skipping leap in performance,scalability, resiliency and total value.Created specifically for the mission-critical workloads of medium and largeenterprises, the DS8000series canhelp consolidate system storage,support tiered storage requirements,simplify storage management andsupport system availability to addressthe needs of businesses operating in anon demand world.The DS8000series is designed toprovide exceptional performance whileadding virtualisation capabilities thatcan help organisations allocate systemresources more effectively and bettercontrol application quality of service.The DS8000series offers powerful data backup, remote mirroring and recovery functions that can help protect data from unforeseen events. In addition, the DS8000supports non-disruptive microcode changes. These functions are designed to help maintain data availability, which can benefit businesses in markets where information must be accessible around-the-clock, every day of the year.Virtualised to simplifyVirtualisation can offer dramatic opportunities for organisations to help reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their storage systems. Introducing a new level of virtualisation with innovative storage system LPAR, the DS8000series delivers theIBM POWER5processorIBM Virtualization Engine LPAR capability. This storage system LPAR technology is designed to enable the creation of two completely separate storage subsystems. The subsystems can be used for production, test or other unique storage environments and they operate within a single physical enclosure. Each storage partition can be established to support the specific performance requirements of a different, heterogeneous workload. The DS8000series systemhardware-based partitioningimplementation helps to isolate andprotect the LPARs. These storagesystem LPAR capabilities are designedto help optimise management efficiency,cost effectiveness and flexibility.Impressive performanceThe DS8000series is designed todeliver a new standard in highperformance, helping organisationsprocess, store and retrieve data morequickly. Its innovative designincorporates a high-bandwidth andfault-tolerant internal FC interconnect,FC disk technology and a patentedhighly efficient new caching technology.The DS8000series includes top-notchfront-end performance with single portperformance of up to 400Megabytesper second (MBps) with up to fourports per host adapter. TheDS8000series also boasts leadingback-end performance, designed todeliver greater total storage systemsequential bandwidth than otherenterprise disk storage platforms.The DS8000series uses 64-bitIBM POWER5microprocessors in dual2-way (for the DS8100) or dual 4-way(for the DS8300) processor complexesto help reduce cycle times andaccelerate response times, giving usersfast access to vital information. Foreven greater performance, theDS8000Turbo models include anupdated IBM POWER5+ processorfeature that can enable, for transactionprocessing workloads, up to 15 percentimprovement in I/O operations persecond compared to previousDS8000models. All of theDS8000models are designed to offeroutstanding performance scalability –scaling up in disk, cache and fabricinfrastructure – with increasing numbersof processors (2-way, 4-way, etc.).Cache efficiency can help to greatlyimprove I/O performance and reducethe overall cache requirements.DS8000series systems can beequipped with up to 256Gigabyte (GB)of cache to help support high-capacityworkloads. The DS8000series cachingalgorithms are designed to dynamicallyand adaptively self-tune to continuallyoptimise for the current workload. It canhelp the system deliver an unimpededflow of data and high levels of throughput – bringing information to businesses and their customers smoothly and rapidly. Moreover, the cooperative caching and I/O priority functions of the DS8000can help enable even greater cache efficiency and performance for higher priorityIBM AIX DB2applications running on IBM System p servers.The DS8000series also incorporates features designed to extend the performance in an IBM System z environment. Parallel Access Volumes (PAV), HyperPAV, priority I/O queuing, Multiple Allegiance capabilities and support for the IBM System z MIDAW facility help the DS8000series to process data efficiently, dramatically improving performance and enabling better use of large volumes. To facilitate rapid data transfer between the storage enclosure and the server, the DS8000series can also supportup to 1284Gbps FC/FICON ports or up to 64IBM ESCON ports.All of these performance enhancements can deliver tangible results: TheDS8000series systems have as much as seven times the throughput of the IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) Model 800. This enablescustomers to buy one DS8000seriessystem where multiple other storageservers may have been needed in thepast for similar capacity andthroughput.Exceptional flexibility and scalabilityThe DS8000series is well-prepared toaddress the exponential growth of datawithin an enterprise. Many of theboundaries for logical volumes, devices,paths, logical units (LUNs) and logicalsubsystems (LSS) have been extendedso previous disk storage limitations nolonger apply. Additionally, the physicalstorage capacity of the DS8000seriessystems can range from 1.1TB up to512TB of physical capacity and diskcapacity may be increased within aframe without system disruption byadding integrated packages of 16diskdrives. Organisations can mix andmatch disk packages that contain73GB, 146GB or 300GB FC diskdrives or 500GB FATA disk drives toconstruct a tailored system thataddresses their specific price,performance and capacityrequirements. The DS8000offers FATAdisk drive packages to help meetsecond-tier storage needs. These FATAdrives can provide cost-effectivestorage for large amounts of lessfrequently used information such asbackup data, archiving, documentimaging, retention and reference data.In addition, IBM RAID-5andRAID-10configurations can beintermixed within a singleDS8000series enclosure.The DS8000series models are modularsystems that are designed to be builtupon and upgraded from one modelto another in the field, helpingorganisations respond swiftly tochanging business requirements. Tohelp accommodate more ongoingworkload fluctuations, theDS8000series supports the addition ordeletion of volumes on-the-fly to helpmeet sudden spikes in demand or toreact to other changes. To help furthermeet the changing storage needs ofgrowing businesses, the DS8000seriescan use the IBM Standby Capacityon Demand option, which is designedto allow access to extra capacityquickly whenever the need arises. Withall these capabilities, the DS8000seriescan quickly respond to changingbusiness needs.AvailabilityThe DS8000series is designed to address the needs of on demand environments requiring the highest levels of availability. It has a dual-processor complex implementation and is designed to support concurrent microcode loads, dynamic hardware upgrades, sophisticated Light Path diagnostics and near transparent I/O failover and failback. It also features many redundant, hot-swappable components to help support continuous operations. Furthermore, each system is built to monitor its internal functions. If a potential problem is detected, DS8000series systems can automatically ‘call home’ to alert service personnel that a potential problem could be developing. TheDS8000series also offers an audit logging security function designed to track and log changes made by administrators.The DS8000series offers exceptional advanced functions for data backup, remote mirroring and disaster recovery. These capabilities, which are part of the IBM System Storage Resiliency Family, are designed to help maintain access to information even in unexpected circumstances.IBM FlashCopyThe IBM FlashCopy feature is a point-in-time copy capability that can be usedto help reduce application outagescaused by backups and other datacopy activities. FlashCopy is designedto enable data to be copied in thebackground while making both sourceand copied data available to usersalmost immediately. In addition to beingable to make a full physical copy inthe background, FlashCopy has a‘no-copy’ feature that is designed toreduce internal data movementoverhead and can enable a quickerreuse of disk capacity that mightotherwise be dedicated to copyoperations for an extended period oftime. With its copy-on-write capability,the only data copied is that which isabout to be changed or overlaid.Copies can be made quickly, afterwhich data can be backed up andcapacity reallocated.Remote mirroring and copy functionsThe DS8000series remote mirroringand copy functions – Global Mirror,Metro Mirror and Global Copy – aredesigned to create duplicate mirrorsand copies of application data atremote sites that are cities – orcontinents – away. These capabilitiesinclude both synchronous andasynchronous protocols for disasterrecovery and backup.High-speed data transfers help keepdata up-to-date and allow it to beretrieved rapidly. Global Mirror isdesigned to help maintain datacurrency at the remote site within a fewseconds of the local site, regardless ofdistance. It includes exceptionalcapabilities, such as self-managedcross-system data consistency groups,which help protect data integrity forlarge applications across a wide varietyof flexible system configurations. TheDS8000also supports a three-siteMetro/Global Mirror solution to helpenable even greater protection fromunexpected site outages.These copying and mirroringcapabilities are designed to help giveusers constant access to criticalinformation during both planned andunplanned local outages. Forbusinesses in on demand fields, thatlevel of data availability and resiliency isessential in sustaining businesscontinuity. To help increase flexibility and investment protection, these functions are compatible with those of the IBM System Storage DS6000series and ESS Models 800and 750.Simplified systems managementThe DS8000series simplifies system deployment by supporting major server platforms, including IBM z/OS, z/VM, OS/400, i5/OS and AIX operating systems (OS), as well as Linux®,HP-UX, Sun SOLARIS, Novell NetWare and Microsoft®Windows®environments, among others. With such broad platform support, theDS8000series can easily accommodate a comprehensive list of applications.The DS8000series is also designed to streamline configuration and management capabilities through the IBM DS Storage Manager – a high-function graphical user interface (GUI) management console that helps storage administrators manage multiple subsystems and controllers, perform logical configuration setup and changes and also administer copy service management functions. The DS Storage Manager is designed to be accessed conveniently through a Webbrowser from any location with networkprivileges, greatly enhancingmanagement efficiency.To help enable even more effective andflexible system management theDS8000series also supports acommand line interface (CLI) and anSMI-S compliant applicationprogramming interface (API). Moreover,configuration options such as RAID5or10selection, volume creation/deletionand LUN masking are designed to beunder direct user control with no vendorassistance required. Changes aredesigned to be made dynamically whilethe DS8000series remains online.Available separately, IBM TotalStorageProductivity Centre (TPC) softwaretakes storage management to a newlevel. This collection of softwareprovides a single administrativeinterface for the DS8000, many otherindividual IBM storage systems andnon-IBM disk systems that are alsobased on open SMI-S interfaces. TPCfor Replication can help in themanagement, automation andmonitoring of FlashCopy and remotemirroring functions.More storage in less spaceThe DS8000series packs morecapacity into each enclosure than theprevious generation of IBM storageunits. The result is a disk system thatoccupies up to 20percent less floorspace than the ESS800while requiringless management and maintenance.The benefit to businesses is a dramaticreduction in acquisition, operation andreal estate costs.Completing the solutionWhatever your requirement, IBM canprovide support with a completesolution that includes storage hardware,servers, software, services and support.The DS8000series offers a leadingEnterprise Choice warranty withIBM world-class support. Additionally,IBM Global Services (IGS) can offercomprehensive assistance, includingplanning and design as well asimplementation and migration supportservices. If a hands-on test drive ofIBM storage solutions or access toproof-of-concept and benchmarkingplatforms is desired, you can visit anIBM briefing centre or an IBM SolutionCentre. Moreover, IBM works withIBM Business Partners (BPs) and otherleading technology companies todeliver the right solutions for yourbusiness.For more informationContact your IBM representative or anIBM BP or visit:/storage/disk/ds8000IBM United Kingdom Limitedemea marketing and publishing services(emaps)Normandy HousePO Box 32Bunnian PlaceBasingstokeRG21 7EJUnited KingdomThe IBM home page can be found at IBM, the IBM logo, , AIX, DB2,DS8000, ESCON, FICON, FlashCopy, i5/OS,OS/400, POWER5, POWER5+, System p,System Storage, System z, TotalStorage,Virtualization Engine, z/OS and z/VM aretrademarks of International Business MachinesCorporation in the United States, othercountries, or both.Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvaldsin the United States, other countries or both.Microsoft and Windows are trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States,other countries or both.References in this publication to IBM products,programs or services do not imply thatIBM intends to make these available in allcountries in which IBM operates. Any referenceto an IBM product, program or service is notintended to imply that only IBM products,programs or services may be used. Anyfunctionally equivalent product, program orservice may be used instead.IBM hardware products are manufactured fromnew parts, or new and used parts. In somecases, the hardware product may not be newand may have been previously installed.Regardless, IBM warranty terms apply.This publication is for general guidance only.Information is subject to change without notice.Please contact your local IBM sales office orreseller for latest information on IBM productsand services.IBM does not provide legal, accounting or auditadvice or represent or warrant that its productsor services ensure compliance with laws. Clientsare responsible for compliance with applicablesecurities laws and regulations, includingnational laws and regulations.Photographs may show design models.©Copyright IBM Corporation 2007All Rights Reserved.TSD00374-GBEN-1007-SSSTG-000446 (05/07) ZL。

IBM DS8000主要硬件介绍

IBM DS8000主要硬件介绍

DS8000主要硬件部件介绍本文主要介绍了DS8000的处理器抽屉,处理器内存(Processor memory),RIO-G,I/O抽屉(I/O enclosures),设备卡(Device adapters)和磁盘抽屉(Disk enclosures)。

处理器抽屉(Processor complex)DS8000 基本机柜(base frame)中包含两个处理器抽屉. 9x1 型号包含双2-路处理器,9x2 型号包含双4-路处理器. (双2-路表示每个处理器抽屉包含 2 CPUs, 双4-路表示每个处理器抽屉包含4 CPUs.)下图是DS8000处理器抽屉的前面和后面视图。

图-1 处理器抽屉一个处理器抽屉主要包括:_ 5个hot-plug PCI-X slots with Enhanced Error Handling (EEH)_ 2个Ultra320 SCSI controllers_ 1个10/100/1000 Mbps integrated dual-port Ethernet controller_ 2个serial ports_ 2个USB 2.0 ports_ 2个HMC Ethernet ports_ 4个remote RIO-G ports_ 2个System Power Control Network (SPCN) ports处理器内存(Processor memory)DS8300处理器内存最多可达256 GB ,DS8100处理器内存最多可达128 GB 。


处理器内存又分为volatile 内存和persistent 内存(又叫NVS(non-volatile storage))。

volatile 内存用来作为一般意义上的cache使用。

persistent 内存是用来保存DASD fast write (DFW) 数据,直到数据全部写到硬盘上为止。

EMC HDS IBM三款高端存储之结构对比

EMC HDS IBM三款高端存储之结构对比

EMC/HDS/IBM三款高端存储之结构对比作者:piner (转载请注明本文出处:)永久链接:/html/y2007/m05/98-storage-contrast.html我在前面介绍了现在比较流行的三款高端存储的基本体系结构,包括IBM 的ds8000系列,hds的usp系列以及EMC的dmx3系列。


1、体系结构hds与emc都采用了多点冗余的复合式体系结构,有多个专用的存储控制器,如专用的前端控制器,专用的后端控制器,并且以以专用的cache 控制器为核心,CPU集成在前/后端控制器中,操作系统以微码方式集成在硬件中,并可以方便的升级维护。




至于IBM,采用的是传统的对称体系结构,采用其强大的570 pserver作为存储的控制器,所以,存储的管理OS运行在控制器内,CPU与内存也都在控制器内。







IBM ds8000配置手册

IBM ds8000配置手册

目录目录1 文档版本.............................. 错误!未定义书签。

2 DS8000逻辑配置 (3)2.1 关于虚拟化存储的几个重要概念 (3)2.2 安装DSCLI (8)2.3 激活DS8000 license (10)2.4 DS8000逻辑配置 (11)2.4.1 列出arraysite (12)2.4.2 创建Array (12)2.4.3 创建RANK (15)2.4.4 创建Extend Pool (15)2.4.5 将rank加入到相应的extend pool (16)2.4.6 创建LUN (17)2.4.7 创建volume group (19)2.4.8 将LUN加入到需要的volume group中 (22)2.4.9 创建host connection (22)2.4.10 用脚本执行命令 (25)2.4.11 主机端安装SDD软件,识别vpath (26)1 DS8000逻辑配置1.1 关于虚拟化存储的几个重要概念Storage Hierarchy▪DiskIndividual DDMs▪Array SitesPre-determined grouping of DDMs of same speed and capacity (8 DDMs for DS8000; 4 DDMs forDS6000)▪ArraysOne 8-DDM Array Site used to construct one RAID array (DS8000)One or two 4-DDM Array Sites used to construct one RAID array (DS6000)▪RanksOne Array forms one CKD or FB Rank (4 or 8 DDMs)No fixed, pre-determined relation to LSS▪Extent PoolsAll Extents in a Pool are same storage type (CKD/FB); same RAID recommendedAssociated with Server0 or Server1 (DS8000)–Controller 1 or Controller 2 (DS6000)Extent Pools▪User-configured to be either CKD or FB▪Contain one or more ranks divided into fixed-sizeextentsCKD –3390 Mod1FB –1GBRecommend one rank per pool as inexample --▪Contain one or more LUNs/volumes made up ofextents2 volumes in the example (2310,7501)–xyzz(x=address group, xy=LSS, zz=volid)▪Extent pool is assigned to Server0 or Server1during configuration (‘server affinity’)By user during custom configurationBy algorithm during auto or expressconfigurationServer1 in the example–Indicated by odd-numbered LSSsExtent Pool 3▪Minimum of 2 pools to utilize subsystemServer0 and Server1▪Maximum of n pools where n is the number of ranks in subsystem8 pools/8 ranks in the example▪Extent pool can contain one or more ranksRecommend one rank per extent pool unless a volume size larger than one rank is requiredOne rank per pool means pool containsLUNs/volumes on one rank onlyOne rank per pool will not constrain addresses–Volumes on one rank in one pool can be in multiple LSSs–Volumes on different ranks in different pools can be in the same LSS (limited by odd/even server affinity)▪Rank can be added to extent pool at any time▪Rank can be removed from extent pool if no extents on rank are currently assigned to LUNs/volumesExt. Pool 5Rank 5Ext. Pool 1Rank 1Ext. Pool 3Rank 3Ext. Pool 7Rank 7 Ext. Pool 4Rank 4Ext. Pool 0Rank 0Ext. Pool 2Rank 2Ext. Pool 6Rank 6……LSSs/LCUs▪Logical grouping of volumesDetermines addressing, address group, and PAVs–Max of 256 addresses in LSS–16 LSSs in an address group (00-0F, 10-1F, 20-2F, etc.)– A given PAV can only be used within one LCUAlso used for copy services PPRC paths and consistency groupproperties/timeouts▪Maximum number of LSSsDS8000 –128 at GA (max 16 ESCON CKD, max 64 FICON CKD, max 64 FB)DS6000 –32 at GA (no ESCON, max 32 CKD if no FB, max 32 FB if no CKD, max 16CKD+16FB if mixed)▪Pre-determined association with Server0 or Server1Even LSSs associated with Server0Odd LSSs associated with Server1▪LSS configured to be either FB or CKDCKD –during LCU creationFB –during volume creation▪No pre-determined relation to physical ranks▪No pre-determined relation to extent pools other than server affinityOne LSS can contain volumes from different pools One pool can contain volumes that are in different LSSsOne LCU can contain CKD volumes of different types (3390 M3s & M9s)Many-many relationship▪LSS definitionCKD –during LCU creation FB –during volume creation ▪LSSs numbers are pre-grouped in groups of 16 LSSs to make up address groupsLSSs 00-0F --address group 0, LSSs 10-1F --address group 1, etc.LSS 23 in the example is in address address group 7Entire address group (all 16 LSSs) will be either FB or CKDDS8000 --8 address groups at GADS6000 –2 address groups at GAVolumes▪One logical volume is made up of extents from one extent pool Typically made up of extents from one rank unless LUN size is larger than one rank▪A specific volume is in one LSS▪Multiple volumes in one extent pool or on one rank can be in the same or different LSSs▪Multiple volumes in different extent pools and on different ranks can be in the same LSS▪Minimum volume/LUN size is one extentCKD –Mod1FB –1 GB▪Note –volume sizes are now given in binary (e.g. 1GB=1073741924 bytes) ESS volume sizes were given in decimal (e.g. 1GB=1000000000 bytes)▪Maximum volume/LUN sizeCKD 56GB–With appropriate zSeries software supportFB2TB–Or capacity of one rank when using one rank per extent pool▪Maximum number of volumes/LUNsDS8000 –32K at GA (16K max FB; 16K max CKD)DS6000 –8K (8K max CKD if no FB; 8K max FB if no CKD; 4K max CKD/4K max FB if mixed)▪Volumes can be deleted and extents reusedHosts▪Multiple server ports can be specified (in one or more groups) in one host definitionFour host attachments (one port each) are shown for pSeries1Server ports can be grouped for convenience–Two host attachments with 2 ports each are shown for pSeries2–One host attachment with 4 ports is shown for pSeries3▪A host attachment can accessSpecific disk subsystem I/O ports “All valid ”disk subsystem I/O ports ▪A specific host attachment can be inonly one volume group▪Host attachments are assigned to volume groups▪Specific host attachment (one port or set of grouped ports) can be in only one volume group▪Multiple hosts (even different open systems host types --with same blocksize and addressing mode) allowed in same volume groupSafest approach is one host per volume groupIf shared access to LUNs is required, shared LUNs may be placed in multiple volume groups (e.g. LUN1 below)Volume Group 2Volume Group 1Volume Groups▪FB LUN masking▪Contains one or more host attachments and one or more LUNs▪A specific host attachment can be in only one volume group▪Attachments from multiple hosts (even different open systemshost types) are allowed in the same volume groupRecommend one host per volume group with shared LUNs in multiple volume groups▪Specific LUN can be in more than one volume groupAllows LUN sharing (e.g. LUN1 in example below)Volume Group 1Volume Group 2▪Volumes from different LSSs and different Extent Poolscan be in one volume group (Volume Group 1 below)▪Volumes from same LSS and/or same Extent Pool can bein different volume groups (7512, 7515)1.2 安装DSCLI为提高配置的速度,建议大家划分DS8000采用DSCLI(DS Command Line Interface),在笔记本上安装DSCLI后(执行命令setupwin32.exe),修改其C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli\profile\ dscli.profile,如下:# Management Console/Node IP Address(es)# hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to -hmc1 and -hmc2 command# options.hmc1: Default target Storage Image ID# "devid" and "remotedevid" are equivalent to# "-dev storage_image_ID" and "-remotedev storeage_image_ID"# command options, respectively.devid: IBM.2107-7523201# locale# Default locale is based on user environment.locale: en其中hmc1为DS8000的HMC地址,此处为HMC缺省IP172.16.0.1; devid 为DS8000的storage facility image ID,为IBM.2107-7523201。



IBM-DS存储的配置步骤DS3500或5020配置步骤(单控)1,物理连接管理端和盘柜的方法:先把管理端的IP 改为192.168.128.100(不能占用101,101为控制器默认链接IP)用一根网线把管理端的机器的网口和存储上的ENT1口连起来,然后在cmd里ping通就可以打开IBM DS SM管理软件2,找出随机的system storage DS3500或5020 support software 光盘双击后第一界面继续NEXT然后点击NEXT继续NEXT点击OK继续NEXT弹出任何界面都OK然后点击INSTALL开始安装,安装完成,开始菜单里找到如下点DS storage manager client,打开管理软件如下图界面,右击小电脑图标,弹出三个选项选择Out-of-band management再第一个空白处输入A控制器的管理IP 如上,然后点击ADD ,当添加完成,会询问是否继续添加,点NO正常添加完成后如图系统会要求强制设置,密码复杂性要满足大小写加数字加特殊符号:如Abc!@#123<>设置成功就可以进入管理界面了如图单击Logical右击unconfigured capacity ,选择create arrayNEXTARRAY NAME 可以自定义,随便输入继续NEXT选择好之后finish 完成array创建点击yes,开始创建LUNNEXT选择好之后NEXT结束LUN的创建如需继续创建新的LUN 可以点击yes 如果不需要点击NO开始映射的步骤(mapping)选择DEFINE , HOST GROUP为创建主机组HOST 为单台主机定义一个主机NAME同样可以随意输入,然后NEXT识别完成后NEXT,选择主机的操作系统类型后,finish 完成选择DEFINE ADDITIONAL MAPPING,add完后close 关闭对话框映射完成后可以看到对应主机里的LUN现在可以重启服务器,打开磁盘管理,查看到映射过来的LUN,服务器里显示为磁盘N,如果服务器里多了个莫名其妙的几十M的小盘在SM的mapping里把Access remove掉右击Access 选择remove mapping输入yes 点击OK然后刷新下磁盘管理或重启服务器,几十M的小磁盘就消失了。



IBM DS8000 快速维护手册V1.0目录IBM DS8000 快速维护手册1目录1一、如何查看Open Service Event?〔相当于查看ESS的Problem Log〕1二、如何运行"View Storage Facility State〞〔相当于ESS的End Of Call〕2三、如何检查RIO的环路状态2四、如何关闭Serviceable Event2五、如何收集PE Package2六、如何配置HMC的RSF〔允许外部拨入〕和CALL HOME3七、如何备份HMC的Critical Console Data3八、如何关闭DS8000根本柜控制面板上的黄色故障灯4九、如何运行CdaPreVerify,进展**检查4十、如何将DS8000关闭和加电4十一、如何查看DS8000的微码版本5十二、如何查看DDM的微码5十三、如何将微码通过FTP从笔记本电脑上传到HMC里面5十四、如何更换DDM6一、如何查看Open Service Event?〔相当于查看ESS的Problem Log〕1.登陆HMC,Web-based System Manager(WebSM)会自动翻开。

用户名:CE密码:serv1cece 〔中间为数字1〕2.选择Service Focal Point中的Manage Serviceable Events:3.默认选项是只查看"OPEN〞的Service Event:4.正常情况下不应该有OPEN的Service Event:5.如果有OPEN的Service Event,可以看到Event的ID、SRC、首次发现时间和最后一次的发现时间。

可以选择"View Details〞查看Event的Detail:6.可以看到Event所指向的备件号、描述和位置号Location Code:注意:并不是每一种Event都会使DS8000的故障灯亮起。

如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储

如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储

如何安装Storage Manager管理软件客户端并调IBM DS系列存储如何安装Storage Manager 9.15客户端并调试IBM DS系列存储一、安装 Storage Manager 9.15 管理软件客户端当前IBM提供的最新Storage Manager版本为09.15(其实已经有更新的了在LSI网上有下载)。


1 准备工作:1)一台台式机或者笔记本电脑;注明:用作客户端,从这台电脑上面管理DS4000产品;2)以太网线(如果有交换机的话)或者直连线(如果没有交换机的话)注明:线缆用作连接客户端和DS4000上面的以太网口3)配置客户端的ip地址和DS4000的IP地址在同一个网段(DS4000的默认的IP地址是:控制器A:,控制器B:;DS4800的控制器A主机端口2:,DS4800的控制器B主机端口2:192. 168.129.102)进行”ping”的测试,确保连通;4)下载storage manager9.15(58MB)版本,下载网址:/pc/support/site.wss/doc 安装部分:1)下载Storage manager9.15版本以后,解压到客户端硬盘;2)进入解压的目录\W2KWS03_9P15_IA32\Windows,执行SMA-W32-弹出的窗口中选择”运行”3)出现如下界面:注:后台开始出现下面DOS窗口,在后台运行,不要关闭。

4)选择”Next”5)选择”I accept the terms of the License Agreement”,点击”Next”6)选择安装路径或保持默认的路径不变:7)选择”Management Station”(如果选择另外两个选项,可以有机会安装SM agent和RDAC)8)选择”Do not automatically Start the Monitor”(注:会占用较多的资源,也可以装)9)选择”Install”10)当选择”Done”,后台的DOS程序也会自动关闭,程序中应该已经多出一项”Storage Manage 9 Client”一项,打开即可以使用。



Performance comparison across DS8000 models
DS8000 family models
Two base models with scalable controllers and capacity
•POWER6 controllers (2-way and 4-way) •4 Gb/s and 2 Gb/s host and device adapters •3.5” Enterprise Fibre Channel drives
Introducing the DS8800
4th-generation DS8000 enterprise disk platform
Key messages – Faster hardware throughout – Higher capacity with more efficient footprint – Exceptional reliability for critical workloads Key dates – Announcing on October 7 – Generally Available on November 19 – Technical sales call is October 19, 2010: • 11:00 a.m. New York, 4:00 p.m. London, 5:00 p.m. Paris, 15:00:00 GMT • IBMers and IBM Business Partners
•POWER6+ controllers (2-way and 4-way) •8 Gb/s host and device adapters •2.5” Enterprise SAS-2 drives



HDS高端存储介绍与EMC、IBM竞争分析和技术比较日立数据系统有限公司2012年2月目录第1章中端与高端存储划分分析 (4)1.1业界公认的中端、高端存储对应分析 (4)1.2业界选型的高端划分证明 (5)1.3中端和高端存储差异和划分依据 (7)1.3.1结构差异,高端多控制器的优势 (7)1.3.2高端存储的扩展能力优势 (12)1.3.3高端存储的可靠性优势 (12)1.3.4容灾优势,高端存储才有三中心技术 (13)第2章中端存储的对比分析 (15)第3章高端存储的对比分析 (18)3.1HDS高端存储指标比较 (31)3.2HDS高端存储总体优势比较 (35)3.2.1HDS高端存储市场占有第一 (35)3.2.2HDS存储100%承诺的可靠性第一 (36)3.2.3安全服务、易用易管理第一 (38)3.2.4完美高端“交换式”结构带来的性能第一 (38)3.2.5HDS存储创新的“软件功能”第一 (39)3.2.6HDS有众多OEM厂商,开放性第一 (40)第4章国家电网2010年存储入围选型档次对应说明 (41)第5章HDS解决方案的优势对比 (43)附件:HDS、EMC、IBM存储详细比较 (48)第1章中端与高端存储划分分析1.1业界公认的中端、高端存储对应分析HDS、EMC与IBM作为传统的竞争对手,存储产品线的发展一直处于交替竞争状态。

目前三个厂商都把自身产品明确分为中端和高端存储产品线,高端存储主要为HDS的VSP系列,EMC的DMX系列,IBM DS8000系列,并主要采用多控制器结构,在扩展容量的同时可以横向扩展控制器并保证性能扩展。

中端存储主要为HDS AMS2000系列,EMC CX4系列(刚升级为VNX系列),IBM DS5000系列,HP EVA系列,主要采用双控制器接口,尤其两个控制器已经固定配置,能够扩展的只有容量。


IBM DS8000配置文档

IBM DS8000配置文档

DS8K逻辑配置文档 Step By Step目 录1.1 安装DSCLI (2)1.2 激活DS8000 license (3)1.3 DS8000逻辑配置 (5)1.3.1 列出arraysite (6)1.3.2 创建Array (6)1.3.3 创建RANK (9)1.3.4 创建Extend Pool (9)1.3.5 将rank加入到相应的extend pool (10)1.3.6 创建LUN (11)1.3.7 创建volume group (16)1.3.8 将LUN加入到需要的volume group中 (17)1.3.9 创建host connection (18)1.3.10 用脚本执行命令 (21)1.3.11 主机端安装SDD软件,识别vpath (22)1.1 安装DSCLI为提高配置的速度,建议大家划分DS8000采用DSCLI(DS Command Line Interface),在笔记本上安装DSCLI后(执行命令setupwin32.exe),修改其C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli\profile\ dscli.profile,如下:# Management Console/Node IP Address(es)# hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to -hmc1 and -hmc2 command# options.hmc1: Default target Storage Image ID# "devid" and "remotedevid" are equivalent to# "-dev storage_image_ID" and "-remotedev storeage_image_ID"# command options, respectively.devid: IBM.2107-7523201# locale# Default locale is based on user environment.locale: en其中hmc1为DS8000的HMC地址,此处为HMC缺省IP172.16.0.1; devid为DS8000的storage facility image ID,为IBM.2107-7523201。

IBM 存储 DS 使用及维护手册

IBM 存储 DS 使用及维护手册

DS4800使用及维护手册——VER 1.0目录1IBM DS4800概述 (3)2安装环境准备 (5)2.1机房环境准备 (5)2.2DS4800机头及扩展柜物理尺寸 (5)2.2.1DS4800 Disk System Model 88 (1815-88A) (5)2.2.2EXP810存储扩展单元(1812-81A) (5)2.3操作环境 (6)2.3.1DS4800 Disk System Model 88 (1815-88A) (6)2.3.2EXP810存储扩展单元(1812-81A) (6)3DS4800存储分配规则 (8)3.1IP地址 (8)3.2与扩展单元的连接规划 (8)3.3磁盘大小规划与主机名规划 (11)4DS4800存储规划 (12)4.1新增A存储分配规划 (13)4.2新增B存储分配规划 (17)4.3新增C存储分配规划 (22)4.4新增D存储分配规划 (28)5存储设备总体安装步骤 (35)5.1设备到货 (35)5.2DS4800安装和上电自检 (35)5.3安装配置PC (35)5.4DS4800客户化 (35)5.5系统连接 (35)5.6安装多路径软件RDAC (36)5.7设备安装验收 (36)6DS4800 存储分配操作步骤 (37)6.1DS4800管理软件及初始配置 (37)6.2具体操作步骤 (40)6.2.1微码升级 (40)6.2.2创建硬盘阵列和逻辑盘 (43)6.2.3定义热备份硬盘 (48)6.2.4高级功能的激活 (50)6.2.5存储分区——Storage Partition (53)6.2.6在AIX环境中安装DS4800 (64)6.2.7在HP环境下安装DS4800时的多路径 (66)6.2.8在WINDOWS环境下安装DS4800多路径软件............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

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IBM TotalStorage DS8000系列存储服务器方案建议书内容提要:本文详尽介绍了IBM TotalStorage DS8000 系列存储服务器的产品特点和技术特性。

说明:1 .概述作为最新一代的随需应变存储,IBM TotalStorage DS8000 系列确立了高效和高性价比存储及高性能关键任务负载管理的新标准。

DS8000 使用了最新的IBM POWER5 服务器技术,可以为客户提供优异的性能、线性可扩展性和长期的成本有效性。

DS8000 高端型号提供了在单一物理DS8000 系统双存储系统LPAR (逻辑分区)上运行2 个完全独立的存储阵列的成本优势。

为帮助进一步降低长期成本,DS8000 将系统硬件以及操作系统和多种高级功能的4 年保修作为标准配置。

DS8000 系列专为寻求通过新途径来简化系统和存储管理基础设施、支持业务连续性以及优化信息在其整个生命周期中使用的大中型企业而设计。



IBM DS8000 体现了IBM 的以下承诺:成本更低的存储基础设施- “越简单越好”优化业务连续性- “速度、安全性、简明性和更低的成本”信息生命周期管理- “基于实现差别化数据管理的高效存储解决方案”利用IBM 作为业界最重要集成系统供应商的领先地位,DS8000 证明了IBM 双POWER5 服务器架构的优越。

DS8000 还包括了大量的功能增强,如大大增加的寻址能力以及更加灵活和高效的管理功能。

此外,DS8000 还利用了IBM 镜像解决方案的优势,并能够在这些环境中实现与新的DS6000 以及ESS 750 、800 和800 增强型服务器的互操作。

DS8000 系列在价格、性能、效率和长期总体价值方面为您实现了全新的突破。

2 .IBM TotalStorage DS8000 技术要点几乎全新的DS8000 系列模块化硬件设计使用了业界领先的各种组件,提供了全新的处理能力和包装,占地空间最多可比上一代产品(IBM TotalStorage 企业存储服务器,简称ESS )减少20% 。


通过以下途径实现这些目标:- 可以提高性价比的新的系统/ 网络连接- 可大大增加内部带宽的高性能容错互连- IBM POWER5 服务器技术的最新进展- 高速缓存最高可达256GB ,为以前最高高速缓存的4 倍- IBM 在自主高速缓存优化领域的最近进展- 最新的切换式光纤通道连接磁盘- “存储系统LPAR ”,相当于在单一DS8000 存储阵列上的独立运行环境中运行2 个完全独立的双存储子系统所有这些使DS8000 能够提供跨存储子系统实现平衡的领先性能。

DS8000 可以将物理存储容量从1.1TB 扩展到最高192TB ,最高可提供相当于上一代产品6 倍的性能,为支持更多的存储整合提供了极大的灵活性,而存储整合正是简化存储和管理基础设施的第一步。

DS8000 为实现前所未有的巨大成本节省提供了机会。

这些系统中使用了73GB (15K rpm )、146 (10K rpm )和300GB (10K rpm )物理存储容量和速度的磁盘,而且这些磁盘可在单一DS8000 存储子系统中混合使用,不仅延续了IBM 提供灵活性和“量身定制”配置的传统,而且专为满足特殊的存储需求而进行了优化。


此外,我们还在单一DS8000 系统的内部提供了IBM 业界领先并能够实现互操作的RAID-5 和RAID-10 。

我们可以提供多种DS8000 机型。

DS8100 在双2- 路集群配置中提供了最新的POWER5 服务器,可通过从1.1TB 到115.2TB 的物理存储容量满足或超越大多数客户对容量和性能的要求。

此外,DS8300 还在双4- 路集群配置中将最新的POWER5 服务器作为标准配置,进一步将存储容量扩展到192TB 。

此外,DS8300 可通过选项的方式提供存储系统LPAR (逻辑分区),实现更大灵活性和成本优势——只有IBM “业界最早”的虚拟引擎功能才使这些成为可能。

另外,DS8100 可现场升级到DS8300 ,而且这两种产品都将硬件和高级功能的4 年保修作为标准配置,从而延续了IBM 为客户提供长期价值的承诺。

IBM 未来计划推出更多的机型,提供新的、甚至更加丰富的服务器性能、集成解决方案功能和更高的可扩展性。

IBM 的计划要求能够将DS8100 系列和8300 系列升级到未来的机型。

IBM TotalStorage DS8000 系列的业界领先双服务器架构可以将存储容量扩展到1PB 以上(使用(300GB 磁盘)。

DS8000 的架构设计虽然受到寻址能力的限制,但单一阵列的存储容量仍然可以达到令人吃惊的96PB ,提供了前所未有的增长潜力。

我们希望您将认识到这一点,即DS8000 在设计时已经明确考虑到了未来的需要。

DS8000 系列的优势基于非常可靠和成熟的运行环境,可以为您提供高可用性和高弹性。

DS8000 提供了丰富的管理选项,包括标配的全新IBM TotalStorage DS 存储管理器,这是一个强大而又易用的GUI 管理工具,允许在能够提供网络接入的任何地点方便地对系统进行管理。

DS8000 系列提供了全新的价格、性能和可扩展性,并进一步增强了IBM 提供业界领先业务连续性解决方案的能力,能够以非常低的成本提供最佳的数据和系统可用性。

3 .IBM TotalStorage DS8000 重点提示IBM TotalStorage DS8000 是IBM 的“旗舰”随需应变存储解决方案,专为满足当今的随需应变业务对高性能、高容量存储的需求而设计。

IBM TotalStorage DS8000 系列可以提供:- 线性可扩展性,物理存储容量可从1.1TB 扩展到最高192TB- 多种DS8000 系列机型——DS8100 (双2- 路POWER5 处理器)和DS8300 (双4- 路POWER5 处理器,提供存储系统LPAR 选项),能够实现机型之间的升级,提供业界领先的长期价值。

- 硬件和高级功能4 年保修,这也是同类产品中的“第一”- 优异的连接能力和性能,最多可支持32 个新的4 端口2GB 光纤通道/FICON 适配器,提供最多128 个主机适配器端口。

- 支持最多32 个新的2 端口ESCON (18MB )适配器,为传统运行环境提供丰富的IBM eServer z 系列支持。

- 支持1 或2 GB 光纤通道/FICON 及ESCON 混合连接- “混合和搭配”使用73GB (15K rpm )、146 (10K rpm )和300GB (10K rpm )光纤通道连接磁盘,提供了根据不同的负载需求确定磁盘性价比和存储容量的灵活性和机会。

- 全新的容错服务器“互连”,通过带宽的增加帮助确保POWER5 双集群服务器的性能平衡。

- 最高256GB 高性能高速缓存,支持各种高容量/ 高性能负载,这些负载只有在DS8000 提供的可扩展性和性能的支持下才成为可能。

- 自适应替换高速缓存(ARC ),这是一种新的自主高速缓存负载优先级确定和性能优化功能。

- DS8000 4K 高速缓存块设计提供的优异高速缓存效率和性价比- 可变的写高速缓存大小,可帮助提高性能- NVS (非易失存储)增加到最多8GB- 增强LUN (逻辑单元号)和卷管理DS8000 可支持LUN 和卷的无中断创建和删除。

当删除一个LUN 或卷时,它们的存储容量可以被重新格式化和使用。

LUN 和卷可以跨多个阵列配置。

因此,卷/LUN 的大小不会受到阵列大小的限制。

LUN 的最大存储容量可以达到2TB 。

此外,现在还可以支持最多拥有65520 个柱面的CKD 卷。

- 另外,DS8000 还大大增强了寻址能力:o 最多可支持256 个逻辑子系统(LSS )o 最多可支持65280 个逻辑驱动器o 最多可支持130560 个FICON 逻辑路径(每控制单元512 个逻辑路径)o 最多可支持8000 个进程登录(每SCSI-FCP 端口509 个)- 需要指出的是,寻址边界可以延伸到DS8300 上运行的每一存储系统LPAR- 支持流行的IBM TotalStorage FlashCopy (以前的FlashCopy V2 )功能- 标准价格中包括了为DS8000 、DS6000 和ESS 750 、800 和800 增强型混合环境提供的城域/ 全局镜像支持,为客户提供了灵活性和投资保护。

- 标准价格中包括了为DS8000 和ESS 750 、800 和800 增强型混合环境提供的IBM TotalStorage zOS 全局镜像和z/OS 城域/ 全局镜像功能支持,为客户提供了灵活性和投资保护。

- 并发支持所有的主要服务器平台,包括z/OS 、z/VM 、OS/400 、i5/OS 、AIX 、Linux 、HP UX 、SOLARIS 、NetWare 、Windows 等- 标准功能中包括了基于全新IBM TotalStorage DS 存储管理器GUI 的管理功能。

- 标准功能中包括了对多路径子系统设备驱动器和命令标签队列进行优化的开放系统性能- 标准功能中包括了多应用和I/O 优先级队列等z 系列性能优化功能- 随需备用容量,允许安装可在业务需要时轻松激活的非活动磁盘驱动器- 安装服务为标准配置,不要求附加收费4 .IBM TotalStorage DS8000 技术优势高速缓存性能、灵活性和效率DS8000 专为满足最高要求的性能而设计。

通过IBM 的高性能POWER5 服务器,DS8000 最多可提供256GB 的内存,能够对高速缓存环境进行量身定制和性能优化,可以满足几乎任何负载的需求。

拥有IBM 新的智能高速缓存功能的DS8000 可以动态自主调节随机和顺序列表的大小。


它可以在不需要双目录结构的情况下接近这一最佳比例,并根据命中率调节这些列表的大小,由此而为用户提供的优异性能和高速缓存管理效率进一步体现了IBM 降低数据和存储管理成本的承诺。
