






二、Meta分析的进展1. 历史回顾与早期发展Meta分析起源于20世纪40年代,最初主要用于医学领域。



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2. 异质性的处理异质性是Meta分析中需要重点关注的问题之一。






























































The effect of fructose consumption on plasma cholesterol in adults: a meta-analysis of controlled feeding trials1,2,3Tao An4,5, Rong Cheng Zhang4,5, Yu Hui Zhang4, Qiong Zhou4, Yan Huang4, Jian Zhang4, *.4 State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China5Tao An and Rong Cheng Zhang contributed equally to this study.3 Supplemental Table 1 and supplemental Figures 1-4 are available as Online Supporting Material with the online posting of this paper at RUNNING TITLE: Fructose and cholesterolWORD COUNT: 5618; NUMBER OF FIGUREA: 3; NUMBER OF TABLES: 2 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Online Supporting Materials: 5AUTHOR LIST FOR INDEXING: An, Zhang, Zhang, Zhou, Huang, Zhang1 The study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China with grant of the National High-tech Research and Development Program of China to Dr Jian Zhang.2 Author disclosures: T. An, R.C. Zhang, Y.H. Zhang, Q. Zhou, Y. Hung, J. Zhanghave no conflicts of interest.* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Mailing address: Heart FailureCenter, Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences and Peking Union Medical College, 167 Beilishilu, Beijing, China; Zip code: 100000; Telephone number: 86-10-88396180; Fax number: 86-10-88396180; E-mail: Fwzhangjian62@PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBERS: CRD420120033511ABSTRACT2Fructose is widely used as a sweetener in production of many foods, yet the relation 3between fructose intake and cholesterol remains uncertain. We performed a systematic 4review and meta-analysis of human controlled feeding trials of isocaloric fructose 5exchange for other carbohydrates to quantify the effects of fructose on total 6cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), and HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) in adult 7humans. Weighted mean differences were calculated for changes from baseline 8cholesterol concentrations by using generic inverse variance random-effects models. 9The Heyland Methodological Quality was used to assess study quality. Subgroup 10analyses and meta-regression were conducted to explore possible influence of study 11characteristics. Twenty-four trials (with a total of 474 subjects) were included in our 12meta-analysis. In an overall pooled estimate, fructose exerted no effect on TC, LDL-C 13and HDL-C. Meta-regression analysis indicated that fructose dose was positively 14correlated with the effect sizes of TC and LDL-C. Subgroup analyses showed that 15isocaloric fructose exchange for carbohydrates could significantly increase TC by 1612.97 mg/dL (95%CI: 4.66, 21.29; P = 0.002) and LDL-C by 11.59 mg/dL (95%CI: 174.39, 18.78; P = 0.002) at >100g fructose/d but had no effect on TC and LDL-C when 18fructose intake was ≤100g/d. In conclusion, very high fructose intake (>100g/d) 19could lead to significantly increase in serum LDL-C and TC. Larger, longer and 20higher-quality human controlled feeding trials are needed to confirm these results.21Key words: fructose, cholesterol, meta-analysis2223INTRODUCTION24Hyperlipidemia is a common risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), with 2544.4% of adults in the United States having abnormal TC values and 32% having 26elevated LDL-C levels (1). Compared to subjects with normal blood lipid, those with 27hyperlipidemia have a 3-fold risk of heart attacks (2). Lifestyle modification should be 28initiated in conjunction both primary and secondary prevention of CHD. More 29consideration exists as to what constitutes healthy eating.30Fructose is the most naturally occurring monosaccharide, and has become a major 31constituent of our modern diet. Fruit, vegetables, and other natural sources provide 32nearly one-third of dietary fructose, and two-thirds come from beverages and foods in 33the diets (eg, candies, jam, syrups, etc) (3). Fructose is preferred by many people, 34especially those with diabetes mellitus because of its low glycemic index (23% versus 35glucose 100%) (4). After intestinal uptake, fructose is mainly removed from the blood 36stream by the liver in an insulin-independent manner, and is used for intrahepatic 37production of glucose, fatty acids or lactate. Cross-sectional studies in human suggest 38that excessive fructose consumption can lead to adverse metabolic effects, such as 39dyslipidemia and increased visceral adiposity (5-7). The Dietary Guidelines for 40Americans, 2010, point out that it is lack of sufficient evidence to set a tolerable upper 41intake of carbohydrates for adults (8). Although The Candian Diabetes Association 42suggests consumption of no more than 60g of added fructose per day by people with 43diabetes for its triglyceride-raising effect (9), the threshold dose of fructose at which 44the adverse influence on cholesterol is controversial.45To determine the effect of fructose on cholesterol, a substantial number of clinical 46trials have been performed on adult humans with different health status (diabetic, 47obese, overweight, hyperinsulinemic, impaired glucose-tolerant and healthy). These 48trials used various intake levels of fructose and different protocols. Thus, it is difficult 49to reach a consistent conclusion across these studies. Therefore, we conducted a 50systematic review of the scientific literature and meta-analysis of controlled feeding 51trials to evaluate the effect of isocaloric oral fructose exchange for carbohydrates on 52cholesterol and to clarify the active factors of fructose.53Materials and Methods54This meta-analysis followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews 55and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) criteria (10).56Search strategy.We searched PubMed (/pubmed; from 571966 to December 2012), Embase (; from 1966 to December 582012) and the Cochrane Library database () by using the 59following search terms: fructose and (lipemia or lipaemia or lipids or cholesterol or 60“total cholesterol”or “LDL cholesterol” or “HDL cholesterol”) in English. We also 61searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure () and Wangfang 62database () in Chinese according to the search strategy. The 63search was restricted to reports of trials on humans.64Study selection.All clinical trials using fructose and indexed within the above 65databases were collected. Two independent reviewers (T.A., R.C.Z) screened the 66abstracts and titles for initial inclusion. If this was not sufficient, full texts articles 67were obtained and reviewed by at least two independent reviewers (T.A., R.C.Z, Q.Z., 68Y.H.). The reference lists of retrieved articles also used to supplement the database.69Any disagreements were resolved through discussion. We included controlled feeding 70trials investigating the chronic effect of fructose on blood cholesterol, from both 71randomized and nonrandomized studies, if they met the following criteria: subjects 72must have been administered fructose for at least 2 weeks; studies investigated the 73effect of oral free (unbound, monosaccharide) fructose when compared with isocaloric 74control diet with another carbohydrate in place of fructose; studies were performed in 75human adults with either a parallel or crossover design; subjects in both experimental 76groups and control groups were instructed to consume isocaloric diets. If the study 77reported any comparisons, we included all such comparisons in the meta-analysis.78Data extraction and quality assessment.Two reviewers (T.A., R.C.Z) independently 79extracted relevant data from eligible studies. Disagreements were resolved by one of 80the two authors (Y.H.Z., J.Z.). These data included information on study features 81(author, year of publication, study design, randomization, blinding, sample size, 82comparator, fructose form, dose, follow-up and macronutrient profile of the 83background diet), participant characteristics (gender, age and healthy status) and 84baseline and final concentrations or net changes of total cholesterol, LDL-C and 85HDL-C. Data initially extracted were converted to system international unit (eg, TC: 1 86mmol/L converted to 38.6 mg/dL). For multi-arm studies, only intervention groups 87that met inclusion criteria were used in this analysis. If blood lipid concentrations 88were measured several times at different stages of trials, only final records of lipid 89concentrations at the end of the trials were extracted for this meta-analysis.90The quality of each study was assessed with the Heyland Methodological Quality 91Score (MQS) (11), generalized as follows: randomization; analysis; blinding; patient 92selection; comparability of groups at baseline; extent of follow up; treatment protocol;93co-intervention; outcomes. The highest score for each area was two points. Higher 94numbers represented a better quality (MQS≥8).95Data synthesis.Statistical analyses were performed with Stata software (version 11.0;96StataCorporation, TX, USA) and REVMAN software (version 5.2; Cochrane 97Collaboration, Oxford, United Kingdom). Separate pooled analyses were conducted 98by using the generic inverse variance random-effects models even where there was no 99evidence of between-study heterogeneity because these models give more 100conservative summary effect estimates in the presence of undetected residual 101heterogeneity than fixed-effects models. The different changes from baseline between 102fructose and carbohydrate comparators for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and 103HDL cholesterol were used to estimate the principle effect. We applied paired 104analyses to all crossover trials according to the methods of Elbourne and colleagues 105(12). Weighted mean differences of fructose consumption on cholesterol 106concentrations and corresponding 95% CIs were calculated. A 2-sided P value <0.05 107was set as the level of significance for an effect. The variances for net changes in 108serum cholesterol were only reported directly in two trials (29, 31). We calculate net 109changes for other studies by using the means±SDs cholesterol concentrations at 110baseline and at the end of intervention period (13). SDs were calculated from SEs 111when they were not directly given. If these data were unavailable, we extrapolated 112missing SDs by borrowing SDs derived from other trials in this meta-analysis (14). In 113addition, we assumed a conservative degree of correlation of 0.5 to impute the 114change-from-baseline SDs, with sensitivity analyses performed across a range of 115possible correlation coefficients (0.25 and 0.75) (13). For crossover trials in which 116only final measurements were included, the differences in mean final measurements 117were assumed on average to be the same as the differences in mean change scores 118(13). Inter-study heterogeneity was tested by the Cochrane’s Q-test (P < 0.1), and was 119quantified by the I2statistic, where I2 ≥ 50% was evidence of substantial heterogeneity. 120To explore the potential effects of factors on the primary outcomes and investigate the 121possible sources of heterogeneity, we performed meta-regressions and predefined 122subgroup analyses stratified by comparator, dose, study duration, randomization, 123health status, study design and study quality. As for studies used a range of fructose 124doses, the average doses calculated on the basis of the average reported energy intake 125or weight of participants (28.5 calories per kilogram of body weight). Sensitivity 126analyses were also performed according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systemic 127Review. Funnel plots and Egger’s linear regression test were conducted to detect 128publication bias.129RESULTS130Based on our search criteria, 1602 eligible studies were identified, and 1565 131studies were excluded on review of the titles and abstracts. The remaining 37 studies 132were retrieved and fully reviewed. Fifteen of these did not meet the inclusion criteria 133and were excluded in the final analysis. A total of 22 studies (providing data for 24 134trials) involving 474 subjects (15-36) were included in the meta-analysis 135(Supplemental Fig. 1, Table 1).136The reports of Koh and Reiser (22, 23) included two trials (bringing the total 137number of trials to 24). Eleven trials were randomized (17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27-29, 31, 13834, 36). Nineteen trials used crossover (15-19, 21-32), and five used parallel designs 139(20, 33-36). As for the 19 cross-over trials, 10 trials have reported the washout period 140(16, 18, 22, 25, 27-31), 9 trials did not have washout period (15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 14132). The trials varied in size, from 8 to131 subjects. The mean age of trial participants 142ranged from 26.7 to 64.4 years. Seventeen trials (15, 17-23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 36) 143were performed in outpatient settings, 3 trials (26, 29, 32) in inpatient settings, and 4 144trials in both outpatient and inpatient settings (16, 24, 33, 35). Nine trials were 145conducted on diabetic subjects (19-21, 24-27, 29, 30), 8 trials in healthy subjects (17, 14618, 22, 23, 28, 31, 34, 35), 3 trials in overweight/obese subjects (32, 33, 36), 2 trials in 147hyperinsulinemic subjects (16, 23), 1 trial in those who were impaired 148glucose-tolerant (22), and 1 trial in subjects with type IV hyperlipoproteinaemia (HLP) 149(15). Background diets were 42-55% carbohydrate, 25-38% fat, and 13-20% protein. 150The carbohydrate comparators choose starch in 13 trials (15, 16, 21, 23-25, 27-30, 32, 15136), glucose in 6 trials (22, 31, 33-35), sucrose in 3 trials (17, 18, 26), and mixed 152carbohydrates in two trials (19, 20). Four trials used fructose in crystalline (16, 18, 20, 15321), 5 trials in liquid (19, 32-35), and 15 trials in mixed form (15, 17, 22-31). The 154reported mean baseline serum TC ranged from 170 to 230.8 mg/dl, LDL-C ranged 155from 90.7 to 157 mg/dl, and HDL-C ranged from 35.1 to 57.1 mg/dl. Nineteen trials 156reported the fructose intake among background diet was not different between the 157fructose and control groups, in which 15 trials reported the background fructose intake 158account for ≤3% of total energy (9 to 24g) (15-23, 29, 32, 33, 35), while 4 trials did 159not report the proportion of it (24, 25, 26, 34). Four trials used background fructose ≤3% 160(3.2 to 18g) of total energy in the control groups, but put total fructose into 161consideration in the fructose group (27, 28, 30-31). Only o ne trial reported less than 16220g (4.3 % of total energy) fructose was consumed among basal diet (36). The baseline 163values were not provided in 5 trials (19, 22, 23). The median fructose dose in the 164available trials included in our meta-analysis was 79.25 g/d (range: 30-182 g/d), and 165the duration varied from 2 to 26 weeks.166The quality scores of each study ranged from 6 to 9. Fifteen trials were classified 167as high quality (MQS≥8),and 8 trials were of low quality (17, 19, 26, 30, 32-35). 168Only three trials were blinded, one single-blinded (34) and 2 double-blinded (29, 35). 169Eight trials (19, 21, 24, 26-30) received industry funding. Three studies with four 170trials (15, 16, 22) did not report any information about financial conflicts of interest. 171Effect of fructose on cholesterol172Total cholesterol.Twenty-two trials (16-34, 36) reported the value of TC, and the 173pooled estimate was 2.47 mg/dL (95% CI: -3.04, 7.98; P = 0.38) without statistically 174heterogeneity (heterogeneity Chi2 = 28.14, I2= 25%, P = 0.14) (Fig. 1). The residual 175sources of heterogeneity were investigated by meta-regression models. Univariate 176meta-regression showed that the fructose dose was positively related to TC, even after 177adjusted for study duration and health status(regression coefficient = 0.18; 95% CI: 1780.06, 0.31, P = 0.008)(Table 2). The dose-response relation between fructose 179consumption and TC largely explained the residual heterogeneity of the effect. 180Subsequently, we stratified fructose dose ≤60, >60 to 100, and >100 as moderate, 181high, and very high, respectively, according to Candian Diabetes Association and 182reference ranges for fructose (9, 37, 38). Fructose could significantly increase TC by 18312.97 mg/dL (95%CI: 4.66, 21.29; P= 0.002) when fructose intakes were >100g/d 184but had no effect on TC if fructose was given lower than 100g. Predefined subgroup 185analyses were conducted by study characteristics (Supplemental Table 1). Sensitivity 186analyses according to possible correlation coefficients (0.25 and 0.75) and 187systematically removal of each individual trial did not alter the overall analysis and 188analyses stratified by dose.189LDL cholesterol.The mean change for LDL cholesterol in nineteen trials (15, 16, 18, 19020, 22, 23, 25-35) was 3.76 mg/dL (95% CI: -1.07, 8.6; P = 0.13) without statistically 191heterogeneity (heterogeneity Chi2 = 19.85, I2= 9%, P = 0.34) (Fig. 2). The residual 192sources of heterogeneity were investigated by meta-regression models. Univariate 193meta-regression showed that the fructose dose was positively related to LDL-C, even 194after adjusted for comparators, study duration and health status(regression coefficient 195= 0.15; 95% CI: 0.03, 0.28, P = 0.02)(Table 2). The dose-response relation between 196fructose consumption and LDL-C largely explained the residual heterogeneity of the 197effect. We stratified fructose dose according to CDA and reference ranges for fructose 198(9, 37, 38). Fructose intake >100g/d could significantly increase LDL-C by 11.59 199mg/dL (95%CI: 4.39, 18.78; P= 0.002). Predefined subgroup analyses were 200conducted by other study characteristics (Supplemental Table 1). Sensitivity analyses 201across possible correlation coefficients (0.25 and 0.75) did not alter the overall 202analysis and analyses stratified by dose. The removal of Cybulska et al resulted in a 203significant LDL-C-raising effect in the overall analysis (P = 0.03).204HDL cholesterol.The result of HDL cholesterol was calculated based on 24 trials 205(15-36), the mean difference was -0.56 mg/dL (95% CI: -2.05, 0.93; P = 0.46) without 206heterogeneity (heterogeneity Chi2 = 21.85, I2= 0%, P= 0.53) (Fig. 3). 207Meta-regression analysis did not show significant effect modifier of HDL-C. 208Predefined subgroup analyses were conducted by study characteristics (Supplemental 209Table 1). Sensitivity analyses according to possible correlation coefficients (0.25 and 2100.75) and systematically removal of each individual trial did not alter the overall 211analysis.212Publication bias213Funnel plots and Egger’s test indicated no significant publication bi as in the 214meta-analyses of TC, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol (TC Egger’s test: P= 2150.881; LDL cholesterol Egger’s test: P= 0.815; HDL cholesterol Egger’s test: P= 2160.484) (Supplemental Figs. 2-4).217DISCUSSION218This meta-analysis of 24 controlled feeding trials with 477 subjects found no 219effect on TC, LDL-C and HDL-C when fructose was substituted for other 220carbohydrates. Residual heterogeneity was detected by meta-regression for this 221outcome that fructose dose was positively correlated with the effect sizes of TC and 222LDL-C.223The present meta-analysis is consistent with a prospective 2-year trial on chronic 224effect of fructose from Turku sugar studies XI, which did not report any change in 225cholesterol for those individuals who consumed more than 100g fructose/d (39). 226Aeberli et al reported another prospective, randomized, 3-week controlled crossover 227trial in which healthy young men were fed 80 g/d free fructose, and found a 228significant atherogenic LDL subclass distribution (40). However, there was an average 229of 34g combined fructose consumed among basal foods in this study, which meant 230subjects consumed fructose over 110g/d. The median dose of fructose available in our 231meta-analysis was ≈79.25 g/d, it was higher than 90th percentile (78 g/d) and lower 232than 95th percentile (87 g/d) in the United States, reported by the National and Health 233and Nutrition Examination Survey III (41). As for subjects with diabetic mellitus, 234Sievenpiper et al did not report cholesterol-raising effect if the fructose dose was >60 235g/d (median: 97.5 g/d) in their meta-analysis (42). The result of our study and 236intervention trials may be supported the idea that fructose did not increase cholesterol 237for the subjects with generalizable levels of exposure.238The results of subgroup analyses showed that the effects of fructose intake on TC 239and LDL-C were significant as the fructose dose > 100g/d. An intake of 100g/d is 240approximately equal to 400kcal/d or 20% of energy intake for a sedentary person with 241an energy requirement of 2000 kcal/d. The doses for cholesterol-raising effect account 242for less than 10 percent of intake in males and females aged 19 to 22 years, the group 243with the highest level of exposure in the United States (41). Another study found that 244the upper quintile of Americans consume more than 110g fructose daily as added 245sugar or as high-fructose corn syrup (43). Although a small number of people 246consume fructose at very high dose, it is necessary to advise them to change their 247lifestyle.248The dose-dependent effect on triglyceride was also reported in a recent 249meta-analysis that concluded the same dose threshold of 100g/d for a 250triglyceride-increasing effect of fructose on fasting triglyceride level in adult humans 251(38). For healthy subjects who consumed 150g of fructose/day, endogenous 252cholesterol synthesis and the fat content of viscera and liver have been shown to 253increase (44). All evidences have proved that fructose is proposed to have adverse 254effects at very high or excessive doses. The mechanism of the cholesterol increase by 255fructose might be due to increased levels of advanced glycation end products, which 256cause damage to LDL and make it poorly recognized by lipoprotein receptors and 257scavenger receptors (45). Furthermore, excess exposure to fructose can damage the 258function of adipocytes and may reduce the recycling of cholesterol extracted from 259serum LDL. Studies have shown that elevated uric acid might contribute to LDL-C 260increases, and this effect can be reduced by allopurinol (46).261Based on the composition of added sugars in the United States where the fructose: 262glucose ratio is close to 0.43, and the NHANES 1999–2004 estimates (41), the 263increase of fructose consumption is always accompanied with an increase in total 264energy intake. Persons consuming >100g/d of sugars are potentially eating in excess 265of their energy requirement (47), and then overweight and obesity could result. So we 266can not suggest that it is safe to only limit fructose to <100g/d in coronary heart 267disease management and prevention. It may need to take into account the other 268components of foods that accompany the fructose. This dose threshold effects on TG 269and LDL-C can only help better inform nutritional guidance and avoid inappropriate 270marketing of carbohydrates.271Our meta-analysis did not show significant effect of fructose on HDL-C. 272However, Perez-Pozo et al (46) reported a significant HDL-C-lowing effect in 74 273adult men fed with 200g fructose/d in a randomized, 2-week crossover trial, 274suggesting that excessive fructose dose intake can also affect HDL-C. Further trials 275are needed to find the threshold of fructose on HDL-C.276There are several limitations to our work. First, many trials had a relatively small 277sample size, and most of them were funded by industry which can affect the quality of 278studies. Second, the change of fructose in the background diet can affect the practical 279utility of the outcomes of meta-analyses. However, most of trials used the background 280diet with ≤ 3% of total energy derived from fructose (15-23, 27-33, 35), others trials 281did not report the proportion of fructose in the background (24, 25, 26, 34). It was 282hard to make sure the dose of background fructose in every trial. Third, the data 283provided by Reiser et al (23) must be interpreted with caution. Although this study 284met all of our inclusion criteria, they choose a low P:S (polyunsaturated : saturated) 285rate of the fat as the background diet, which might change the metabolism of fructose 286as diets high in saturated fatty acids can enhance intestinal fructose absorption (48). 287Fourth, some of included trials lack test statistics, baseline values and SDs. We 288overcame these problems according to the methods proposed by Cochrane Handbook 289for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Finally, it is difficult to differentiate effects of 290other modifiers, such as exercise and age, from those included trials. These factors can 291also influence the final result. Fructose can indeed be metabolized during exercise, 292and the rate of metabolism is different between exercise and sedentary lifestyle. Most 293of participants were requested to follow a designed regiment at home, but it is not 294easy to maintain the activity intensity. On the plus size, the age of participants in our 295meta-analysis ranged from 18 to 72 years old. Evidence from animal experiments 296shows that fructose absorption may affected by age, as older rats showed decreased 297fructose absorption (49). However, no human trial has been done to assess the 298difference in fructose effect among different age groups. Therefore, further studies 299should attempt to limit or isolate the degree of heterogeneity present in the study 300population to better assess the effect of age.301In conclusion, our meta-analysis shows that fructose used as a sweetener in 302isocaloric exchange for other carbohydrates has significant increasing effects on TC 303and LDL-C in individuals with very high fructose (>100g). This effect seems not to be 304dose-dependent when fructose is given at moderate or high dose of fructose (<100g). 305Further studies should concentrate on larger, longer and higher-quality human 306controlled feeding trials, which provide a better assessment of the effect of fructose on 307cholesterol.308Acknowledgements309Tao An, Rong Cheng Zhang and Jian Zhang designed the research; Tao An, Rong 310Cheng Zhang, Yu Hui Zhang and Jian Zhang preformed the research; Tao An and 311Rong Cheng Zhang summarized the data and had primary responsibility for the 312accuracy of the analysis; Rong Cheng Zhang wrote the manuscript. All the authors 313had full access to the data. None of the authors declared a conflict of interest.314。





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二、Meta分析的进展1. 定义与发展Meta分析最初用于医学领域,通过对之前研究结果进行再次分析,综合各个研究结果来得到更为可靠的结论。


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AbstractBackground: Whether depression causes increased risk of the development of breast cancer has long been debated. We conducted an updated meta-analysis of cohort studies to assess the association between depression and risk of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: Relevant literature was searched from Medline, Embase, Web of Science (up to April 2014) as well as manual searches of reference lists of selected publications. Cohort studies on the association between depression and breast cancer were included. Data abstraction and quality assessment were conducted independently by two authors. Random-effect model was used to compute the pooled risk estimate. Visual inspection of a funnel plot, Begg rank correlation test and Egger linear regression test were used to evaluate the publication bias. Results: We identified eleven cohort studies (182,241 participants, 2,353 cases) with a follow-up duration ranging from 5 to 38 years. The pooled adjusted RR was 1.13(95% CI: 0.94 to 1.36; I2=67.2%, p=0.001). The association between the risk of breast cancer and depression was consistent across subgroups. Visual inspection of funnel plot and Begg’s and Egger’s tests indicated no evidence of publication bias. Regarding limitations, a one-time assessment of depression with no measure of duration weakens the test of hypothesis. In addition, 8 different scales were used for the measurementof depression, potentially adding to the multiple conceptual problems concerned with the definition of depression. Conclusions: Available epidemiological evidence is insufficient to support a positive association between depression and breast cancer.IntroductionDepression is highly prevalent in the general population, and it is estimated that 5.8% of men and 9.5% of women will experience a depressive episode in a 12-month period. The lifetime incidence of depression has been estimated at more than 16% in the general population (World Health Organization, 2001; Kessler et al., 2003; World Health Organization, 2008). Breast cancer is by far the most commom cancer in women (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2008), the global burden of breast cancer measured by incidence and mortality is substantial and on the increase (Benson et al., 2012). There are an estimated 1.5 million cases diagnosed annually and almost 0.5 million died from this disease, representing 14% of female cancer deaths in the worldwide (Jemal et al., 2011; Benson et al., 2012). Many factors have been shown to be associated with the occurrence of breast cancer, such as having a first degree relative with breast cancer, bearing the first child at a late age, alcohol consumption and long term use of menopausal estrogen replacement therapy (Kampert et al., 1988; Gail et al., 1989;Slattery et al., 1993). However, it has long been debated that whether depression is an increased risk of the development of breast cancer. Depression may affect the endocrine and immune function (Kowal et al., 1955; Miller et al., 1993), which may have influence on cancer initiation and progression, including breast cancer. Importantly, women themselves widely believed that depression was a risk factor in the development of their breast cancer (Mitchell et al., 1995). However epidemiology evidences on the association between depression and breast cancer incidence are mixed and inconclusive.A great many of studies have assessed the association between depression and subsequent risks of breast cancer. A previous meta-analysis (Oerlemans et al., 2007) focusing on breast cancer pooled results from 7 prospective studies published before 2003 as a secondary analysis and reported a pooled relative risk estimated of 1.59 (95% confidence intervals, 0.74-3.44). Since then some cohort studies have been published, which provide stronger evidence of the association between depression and breast cancer. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis of cohort studies to describe the association between depression and risk of breast cancer.Materials and MethodsSearch strategyWe conducted a systematic literature search (up toApril 2014) of Medline, Embase, Web of Science for studies describing the association between depression and breast cancer. We used the following terms “depression”or “depressive disorder” or “major depressive disorder”or “depressive symptoms” and “breast cancer” or “breast carcinoma” combined with “cohort study” or “prospective study” or “follow-up study” or “longitudinal study”.In addition, studies from reference lists of all relevant publications and reviews were searched to identify potential pertinent studies.Study selectionStudies meeting the following criteria would be included in this meta-analysis: i) the study was a cohort design (prospective cohort or historical cohort); ii) the exposure was depression symptoms or depressive disorder which were measured by self-reported scales or structured clinical interview or clinician diagnosis; iii) the endpoint was diagnosis or report of breast cancer, all participants were free of any subtypes of cancer at the beginning of the study; iv) the study reported the RR or hazard risk(HR) with corresponding 95% CIs for the association between depression and breast cancer; and v) study was publishedin English. If multiple independent published reports were from a same cohort, only the latest one was included. Study selection was independently performed by two authors (S.H.L and D.X.X) and conflicts were resolved through discussion with the third reviewer (L.Z.X).Data extractionWe extracted the following information fromeach retrieved article: name of the first author, yearof publication, study location, characteristics of study population at baseline, duration of follow-ups, sample size, numbers of cases, depression and breast cancer measurements, adjusted effect estimate and corresponding 95% CIs, and variables used in multivariable analysis. Quality assessment was performed according to the Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment scale for cohort studies (Wells et al., 2006) by two investigators (S.H.L and D.X.X). This scale allocates a maximum of nine points for quality of selection (0-4 points), comparability (0-2 points), exposure and outcome of study participants (0-3 points). The two authors discussed the implementationof this assessment tool and agreed on a method of implementation before their independent assessments ofstudies. The level of agreement between the two reviewers was calculated by another investigator (L.Z.X).Statistical analysisThe RRs were used as the common measure of association across studies, and the hazard ratios (HRs) were considered equivalent to RRs. Forest plot was produced to visually assess the RRs and corresponding 95% CIs across studies. Statistical heterogeneity across studies was estimated by I2 statistic. I2 values of 25%, 50%, 75% are regarded as cut-off points for low, moderate and 2003). The RRs were pooled using the fixed-effect modelif no or low heterogeneity was detected, or random-effect model otherwise (DerSimonian et al., 1986). In sensitivity analyses, we conducted leave-one-out analysis (Wallaceet al., 2009) for each study to examine the magnitude of influence of each study on pooled risk estimates. Subgroup analyses for study location, number of participants and cases, follow-up time, exposure measurement, smokingor alcohol drinking and study quality were conductedto examine the robustness of the primary results. Visual inspection of a funnel plot and Begg rank correlation test, Egger linear regression test (Begg et al., 1994;Egger et al., 1997) were used to evaluate the potential publication bias. The Duval and Tweedie nonparametric trim-and-fill procedure(Duval et al., 2000) was used to further assess the possible effect of publication bias. All statistical analyses were performed with STATA version 11.0 (StataCorp, College Station, Texas, USA). All tests were two sided with a significance level of 0.05.ResultsEligible studiesTotally 1705 articles were identified from the Medline, Embase, Web of Science. After the first round of screening based on titles and abstracts with aforementioned criteria, 1682 articles were excluded. Examining the articles remained in more details, nine articles (Hahn et al.,1988; Jacobs et al., 2000; Dalton et al., 2002; Nyklicek et al., 2003; Goldacre et al., 2007; Gross et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2011; Lemogne et al., 2013) met the inclusion criteria. The detailed reasons for exclusion were shown in Figure 1. Besides, one article (Schuurman et al., 2001) was found from the previous meta-analysis (Oerlemans et al., 2007) and one (Knekt et al., 1996) was identified by searching the reference lists. In total, elevenarticles were included in this meta-analysis.Study characteristicsCharacteristics of the eleven articles were showedin Table 1. These studies were published between 1988 and 2013. The sample size of studies varied from 1,533to 57,320, with a total of 182,241, and the number of breast cancer cases ranged from 20 to 728, with a totalof 2,353. With regard to study location, three studies were conducted in the USA, two studies in Taiwan, twoin Netherlands, one in France, one in the UK, one in Denmark, and one in Finland. In four of eleven studies, depression was measured by self-reported scales which were the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI), and Ediburgh Depression Scale (EDS). Two studies used the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) and one used International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care (ICHPPC) to define depression. The other four studies defined depression according to the International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification or International Classification of Disease,Eighth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM or ICD-8-CM). The outcome of studies was ascertained by medical records or death certificates in seven studies, by self-report in two studies, and by combining self-report with medical records in the rest two studies. The eleven articles were assessed and were of moderate quality with a mean score of 6.9 (ranging from 6-8).All the included studies provided adjusted RRs. The major confounding factors adjusted included age, family history of breast cancer, cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, obesity, social status, and complications.Association between depression and risk of breast cancer The association between depression and breastcancer risk was shown in Figure 2. The majority of allthe eleven studies indicated a positive trend between depression and breast cancer (RR>1), but only two of them were statistically significant. At the same time one article (Nyklicek et al., 2003) reported that depression could reduce the risk of breast cancer in middle-aged women. With a moderate to high heterogeneity (I2=67.2%, p=0.001), the pooled analysis from random-effect model revealed that depression was not associated with breastcancer risk (RR,1.13; 95% CI 0.94 to 1.36).Subgroup analyses and sensitivity analysesTable 2 showed the results of subgroup analyses. We conducted subgroup analyses by study characteristics, such as study locations, number of study of participants and cases, duration of follow-up, exposure levels and study quality, while the results were not statistically significant. In addition, we conducted subgroup analyses according to the results whether or not adjusted by alcohol consumption or smoking, and neither alcohol consumption nor smoking altered the showed that Jacobs et al’s study (Jacobs et al., 2000) and Goldacre et al’s study (Go ldacre et al., 2007) imposed the largest influence on the results. The pooled RRs were 1.24 (95%CI: 0.95-1.61) and 1.06 (95%CI 0.92-1.22) after excluding the two studies, respectively.Publication biasVisual inspection of funnel plot revealed some asymmetry (see supplementary Figure 1A). However,the Begg rank correlation test, Egger linear regressiontest provide no evidence of substantial publication bias (Begg’s test Z=1.25, p=0.213; Egger’s test t=-0.39,p=0.709). A sensitivity analysis using the trim-and-fill method was performed with 3 imputed studies, which produced a symmetrical funnel plot (see supplementary Figure 1B). The pooled RR incorporating the three hypothetical studies was smaller than the original results, but it still did not reach the statistically significant (RR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.84-1.27).DiscussionThe study results were derived from eleven cohort studies which reported association between depression and risk of breast cancer. In all, our meta-analysis involved 2,353 cases of breast cancer and 182,241 participants.No significant association between depression and risk of breast cancer was found (RR, 1.13; 95%CI, 0.94 to 1.36) after adjustment for potential confounders. Furthermore, the association between depression and breast cancer persisted across subgroup analyses.Taking into account the impact of ethnic and geographic on the incidence of breast cancer, subgroup analyses by locations (European countries vs. USA vs. Taiwan) were conducted but no significant difference was found. As we know, different levels of exposure mayhave different effects on the study outcome. Therefore,we conducted subgroup analysis by exposure levels (depression symptoms vs. depressive disorder) which showed no statistically significant association between depression and breast cancer risk. Given that a long period was required to develop a detective tumor, subgroup analysis by the duration of follow-up were conductedand the results were not statistically significant as well, though the RR was elevated in the cohorts of more than10 years of follow-up. There were studies identifiedthat depression individuals may engage more unhealthy behaviors that predispose them to further onset of cancer, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity (Son et al., 1997; Strine et al., 2008). But the subgroup analyses according to the results that whetheror not adjusted by smoking and alcohol consumption didnot find significant association.A meta-analysis conducted by Marjolein EJ Oerlemanset al. (2007) in 2007 investigated the relationship between depression and overall cancer risk. The previous metaanalysis also identified association between depressionand breast cancer as a secondary analysis. The secondaryanalysis included seven prospective studies which involved 111756 participants and 1601 cases and reported no significant association (RR, 1.59; 95%CI, 0.74-3.44). Our meta-analysis, with four more cohort (Goldacre et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2011; Liang et al., 2011; Lemogne et al., 2013) studies and one update study (Gross et al., 2010), demonstrates no evidence of association between depression and breast cancer, which is consistent with the previous meta-analysis. However, we noticed that the previous review found depression might be a risk factor for breast cancer (RR, 2.5; 95%CI, 1.06-5.91) if study population were followed more than 10 years. In our review, this association in subgroup analysis by follow-up more than 10 years was not proved. To our knowledge, the larger size of participants, the stronger evidence of the study. The combined results of our meta-analyses are more credible with relatively narrow confidence intervals. Considering the limited number of the included studiesof the previous meta-analysis, we can not conclude that there is significant association between depression and breast cancer.Experimental animal studies, human studies andclinical evidence suggest that depression may put an influence on the development of breast cancer through several mechanisms, such as impairing immune function, causing an aberrant activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis and inhibiting DNA repairmechanisms (Kiecolt-Glaser et al., 2002; Reiche et al., 2005; Soygur et al., 2007). However, epidemiological research evidences did not indicate the presence of sucha relationship between depression and breast cancer. The and epidemiological studies may be explained by two reasons. On the one hand, the strength of experimental evidence may be compromised due to species differences, inconsistent of laboratory conditions and the measurement of biomarker. Some experiments could not be replicated by different investigators. On the other hand, epidemiological studies may have some methodological flaws, such as insufficient follow-up duration, different definitions and measurement of exposure, the size of sample and so on. Overall, evidence supporting that depression increases the risk of breast cancer are insufficient.There are two strengths in our meta-analysis. Firstly,all studies in the present analyses were cohort studies,which minimized the selection and recall bias. Although our review is an updated meta-analysis, it provides robust and credible conclusion for the association between depression and breast cancer. Secondly, most of studies included in this meta-analysis had average follow-up times more than 10 years. Sufficiently long follow-up duration is necessary because most cancers have a latent period of a few years or even decades (Spratt et al., 1996; Friberget al., 1997). Thus, our results based on long follow-up duration studies could indicate that the depression might not increase the risk of breast cancer.Limitations: A few limitations of our meta-analysis should be acknowledged. Firstly, depression was only measured on the basis of a single baseline measure, which was clearly not identical to depression diagnosis. During the follow-up duration, the exposure intensity of subjects would change. Penninx et al (1998) (Penninx et al., 1998) proved that repeated assessment of depressive symptoms yielded positive association with later developmentof some cancers, in contrast to single measurements. Therefore, a one-time assessment of depression withno measure of duration weakens the test of hypothesis.Secondly, no less than 8 different scales were used for the measurement of depression in the 11 original studies. It may add to the multiple conceptual problems concerned with the definition of depression (Buntinx et al., 2004), which could increase the heterogeneity in our metaanalyses. In conclusion, available epidemiological evidencesare insufficient to support association between depression and the development of breast cancer. Given the high prevalence and morbidity of depression and breast cancer, the results of this meta-analysis not only can act as the clue of the etiology, but can provide the evidence to women who believed that depression could increase the risk of breast cancer.Acknowledgements。



meta分析论⽂写作 meta分析对具备特定条件的、同课题的诸多研究结果进⾏综合的⼀类统计⽅法。


meta分析论⽂写作篇⼀ 中药治疗痛风临床疗效Meta分析 (1.南京医科⼤学第⼀附属医院,江苏南京 210029;2.南京中医药⼤学,江苏南京 210046) 摘要:⽬的:系统评价中药治疗痛风的疗效及安全性。





关键词:中药;痛风;系统评价;Meta分析 中图分类号:R259.897⽂献标识码:A⽂章编号:1673-7717(2011)03-0666-05 Meta-Analysis on Clinical Therapeutic Effects of TCM on Gout YUAN Hong-yu 1,HE Miao2,OU Ning1 (1.The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029,Jiangsu,China; 2.Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210046,Jiangsu,China) Abstract:Objective:To assess the efficacy and safety of TCM for gout systematically. Methods The pertinent literatures of TCM for gout searched by electronic databases were analyzed with RevMan4.2. Results:Twenty-five randomized controlled trials with 1750 patients were met the inclusion pared with chemical medicine, the combined statistical result of efficiency rate of TCM was Z4.69,P0.00001,RR1.08 (95% CI, 1.05 to 1.11), that of ADR was Z11.37,P0.00001,OR0.05,(95% CI,0.03 to 0.08).Conclucion:There were better therapeutic effect and lower incidence of ADR of TCM on gout. Key words:TCM;Gout;System evaluation;Meta analysis 痛风是嘌呤代谢紊乱或尿酸排泄减少所引起的⼀组疾病,临床表现为特征性反复发作的急性关节炎,痛风⽯沉积,痛风性慢性关节炎和关节畸形,常累及肾脏,引起慢性间质性肾炎和尿酸性尿路结⽯形成,严重时可出现关节毁损致残,肾功能不全。










2、制定⽂献的纳⼊、排除标准,作者设定了详细的⽂献纳⼊、排除标准:3、检索⽂献:规定检索范围(Medline(1946 to December 2013), Embase(1947 to December 2013), and the Cochranecentral register of controlled trials),并对会议论⽂集进⾏⼿⼯检索,选择可能符合条件的研究,联系这些只发表了会议摘要的研究者,要求他们提供完整的数据集或论⽂。







meta分析范文Meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to combine the results of multiple studies in order to provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of a particular research question. It allows researchers to synthesize the findings of various studies and draw more reliable conclusions than any single study could provide.In this paper, we will discuss the process of conducting a meta-analysis, its advantages, and its potentiallimitations.The first step in conducting a meta-analysis is todefine the research question and establish inclusion and exclusion criteria for the studies to be included in the analysis. This involves identifying the relevant literature, searching for studies that meet the criteria, and then selecting the studies that will be included in the analysis. Once the studies have been selected, the next step is to extract the relevant data from each study and convert itinto a common format that can be used for analysis.After the data has been extracted, the next step is to analyze the data using statistical techniques. Thistypically involves calculating effect sizes, which measure the strength of the relationship between variables, andthen combining the effect sizes from the individual studies to produce an overall estimate of the effect. This estimate can then be used to draw conclusions about the research question and to assess the overall strength of the evidence.One of the key advantages of meta-analysis is that it allows researchers to synthesize the findings of multiple studies, which can provide a more comprehensive andreliable understanding of a particular research question.By combining the results of multiple studies, researchers can increase the statistical power of their analysis and draw more reliable conclusions than any single study could provide. This can be particularly useful when individual studies have produced conflicting results, as meta-analysis can help to identify the sources of the discrepancies and provide a more accurate estimate of the true effect.Another advantage of meta-analysis is that it can help to identify patterns and trends that may not be apparent in individual studies. By combining the results of multiple studies, researchers can identify consistent findings and explore potential sources of variation across studies. This can help to generate new hypotheses and guide future research in the field.Despite its many advantages, meta-analysis also has some potential limitations that should be considered. One potential limitation is publication bias, which occurs when studies with positive results are more likely to be published than studies with negative results. This can lead to an overestimation of the true effect, as the published literature may not accurately reflect the full range of findings on a particular research question. To address this limitation, researchers can use statistical techniques such as funnel plots to assess the presence of publication bias and adjust their estimates accordingly.Another potential limitation of meta-analysis is the risk of including low-quality studies, which can bias theoverall estimate of the effect. To address this limitation, researchers can use inclusion criteria to select only high-quality studies for inclusion in the analysis and conduct sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of their findings.In conclusion, meta-analysis is a powerful tool that can provide a more comprehensive and reliable understanding of a particular research question by synthesizing the findings of multiple studies. By combining the results of individual studies, researchers can increase thestatistical power of their analysis, identify patterns and trends, and draw more reliable conclusions than any single study could provide. However, it is important to consider the potential limitations of meta-analysis and take steps to address them in order to ensure the reliability and validity of the findings.。



《Meta分析系列之五_贝叶斯Meta分析与WinBUGS软件》篇一Meta分析系列之五_贝叶斯Meta分析与WinBUGS软件Meta 分析系列之五:贝叶斯Meta分析与WinBUGS软件的高质量范文一、引言随着现代统计学的发展,Meta分析已经成为评估大量独立研究结果和合成信息的重要方法。


本篇将探讨贝叶斯Meta 分析的基本原理、步骤,以及使用WinBUGS软件进行实际操作。




三、贝叶斯Meta分析的步骤1. 确定研究问题和目标:明确Meta分析的目的和问题,选择合适的数据库和文献来源。

2. 文献筛选与数据提取:根据研究问题和目标,筛选相关文献并提取所需数据。

3. 构建模型:根据数据的性质和特点,选择合适的模型(如随机效应模型或固定效应模型)。

4. 参数设置:确定效应参数的先验分布和其他必要参数。

5. 运行分析和结果解释:利用贝叶斯软件进行参数估计、后验推断以及预测等分析。


使用WinBUGS软件进行贝叶斯Meta分析的具体步骤如下:1. 安装和启动WinBUGS软件。

2. 导入数据:将提取的数据导入WinBUGS软件中。

3. 构建模型:根据数据特点选择合适的模型,并设置参数的先验分布。

4. 运行模型:设置迭代次数、保存间隔等参数,运行模型进行参数估计和后验推断。



meta分析讨论部分万能模板本文主要讨论 meta分析部分万能模板,希望大家阅读后有不同的意见和看法,欢迎在下方留言讨论,欢迎来分享。


虽然张教授也是临床医生,但对于 meta分析这方面的知识和经验,我还是有一些不足之处。

但鉴于我对 meta分析这个领域还不是很了解,所以在此先分享一下本人的理解。














作为初学者,怎么学写meta分析? -可以这样学写 meta 分析的基本步骤(1)明确简洁地提出需要解决的问题。



















如RCT meta的PRISM,观察性研究的MOOSE 等。

meta分析的概念是什么?meta分析国内翻译为“荟萃分析”,定义是“Thestatisticalanalysisoflargecollectionofanalysisr esultsfromindividualstudiesforth epurposeofintegratingthefindings.”中文翻译:对具备特定条件的、同课题的诸多研究结果进行综合的一类统计方法。





















【2018-2019】meta论文范例-优秀word范文 (6页)

【2018-2019】meta论文范例-优秀word范文 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==meta论文范例篇一:Meta分析在药物评价中的应用论文Meta分析在药物评价中的应用【摘要】meta分析指用统计学方法对收集的多个研究资料进行分析和概括,以提供量化的平均效果来回答所研究的问题。


meta 分析用于药物评价,可以正确认识药物的疗效与风险,为药物的临床应用提供科学依据。

【关键词】meta分析;系统综述;药物评价【中图分类号】r311;r96 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】1004-7484(201X)10-0016-01meta分析是文献的量化综述,是指用适当的统计学方法对收集的多个研究资料进行分析和概括,以提供量化的平均效果来回答所研究的问题。

meta分析的基本思想源于20世纪30年代的“合并p值”思想, beecher于1955年首次提出初步的概念[1],1976年心理学家glass进一步按照其思想发展为“合并统计量”,称之为meta分析,并将其定义为:对若干独立的统计结果进行综合、分析的统计方法[2-3]。



篇二:一篇成功的meta分析论文有哪些良好的基础构建一篇成功的meta分析论文有哪些良好的基础构建医刊汇 5018跟您说Meta是一个科学的临床研究活动,指全面收集所有相关研究并逐个进行严格评价和分析,再用定量合成的方法对资料进行统计学处理得出综合结论的整个过程;meta分析自二十世纪八十年代中期开始被引入到对随机对照和观察性临床研究的归纳评价中,其在医学应用中的主要目有四个:一、提取多个临床研究的数据,从而将单独临床研究中有限的病例数整合为较大的样本量,提高统计效能。



一篇标准meta分析范文中文一、标题1 题目:点明主题。





三、关键词3 关键词:为此文章的关键字,能点出文章的主题。



五、资料与方法5 纳入标准:使用纳入研究的方法学特征(如试验方法,随访时间)和报告特征(如发表年份、语言、发表状态)作为可靠、合理的标准6 信息来源:在检索策略中列出所有的信息来源(如使用的数据库、与研究作者联系获得详细信息)和最后检索日期。


7 检索:至少提供一个数据库的完整检索方式,包括对检索的限制,检索词,这个策略是否能被重复使用。

8 研究筛选:表明研究筛选过程,提供检索、纳入标准、质量评价后的纳入研究的数目,每个阶段给出排除理由,最好提供流程图。

9 统计分析方法:所用的分析软件和分析方法,一般有Stata软件或Revman软件。

六、结果10 资料提取:从研究中提取资料,列出所有的文献的研究特征,如发表年份、来源地区、作者、实验数据、随访时间、质量评价等。


11 单个研究的偏倚:描述用于评价每个研究的偏倚危险的方法(提供是在实施阶段或结局阶段),在数据合成过程中是如何使用这些方法的12 合成方法:描述主要的合成方法(如危险度、均差)13 合成结果:描述数据处理方法和合成的结果,在每个Meta分析中进行异质性检验(I?),不存在异质性则采用固定效应模型,否则用随机效应模型。

14 研究的结果:对于所有呈现的结局(危害、有益):①每个干预组的简单总结表;②估计效应值和置信区间。









# (一)资料来源。


像PubMed、Web of Science、知网这些地方,都被我们翻了个遍。


# (二)纳入与排除标准。




# (三)数据提取与质量评价。







# (一)研究的基本情况。




# (二)治疗效果的Meta分析。

1. [治疗方法1]咱们先来看[治疗方法1]。




对meta分析的关注也有很长一段时间了,记得当自己刚刚开始读研究生的时候,导师就建议有机会的话,希望能够去做一篇meta 分析来试试。












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一门专业学科——Meta 分析。

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对象的限制, meta 分析不失为一种好的选择;对小样本的临
床实验研究, meta 分析可以统计效能和效应值估计的精确

因此,设计合理、严密的 meta 分析文章能对证据进行更

盟主今天就带大家看看一篇可谓范文的 meta 分析。

这是一篇2014 年发表在 BMJ 上的 meta 分析: 1、作者首先提出
临床问题:在健康无症状感染人群中进行 Hp 根除治疗,是否可


3、检索文献:规定检索范围(Medline(1946 to December 2013), Embase(1947 to December 2013), and the Cochranecentral register of controlled trials ),并对会议论文集进行手工检索,

单独的附件形式列出,共56 条: 4、筛选文献:作者列

6、对纳入的研究进行偏倚风险评价:这篇meta 分析纳入的都是 RCT 研究,偏倚风险评价由两名研究者根据Cochrane 手册独立完成,分歧通过讨论解决。


