世纪商务英语写作第三版Lesson 12 Follow-up letters


世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 12 Complaint, Claim and Settlement

世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 12 Complaint, Claim and Settlement
Part Three
Expressions (2)
11. short delivery 短量;货少运了 12. short weight 短重;货不够秤 13. inferior quality 质量低劣 14. improper packing 不适当的包装 15. A is attributable to B A是由B引起/导致的 16. the time limit for claim 索赔期限 17. within... days after arrival of the goods 货物到达后……天内 18. go into the matter 调查此事 19. the survey charges 检验费 20. total amount of claim 索赔总额
Part Three
Typical Sentences (1)
1. The claim is to be lodged within 45 days after the arrival of the consignment at the destination port.
2. The claim must be accompanied by a survey report for seller’s reference. 3. After looking into the matter, the surveyors find that the damage was caused by
Part One
2. The Different Types of Claims (2) The insurance claim takes place after the insured goods are damaged or lost

世纪商务英语Unit 12

世纪商务英语Unit 12

Unit 12 美容业Background KnowledgeTrends in the Beauty Industry Over the Past 10 Years1. There is a lot of money to be made in beauty, now more than ever. Every month, there seems to be a new product on the market promising youth for older women and glamour for younger women. Every magazine has a huge beauty section because the advertisers are willing to pay big bucks for huge glossy ads about eye shadow or lipstick. And it’s no wonder beauty is a big business: it doesn’t cost a lot of money to produce a s mall tub of cream (Creme de La Mer costs upwards of $100) but women will dole out their cash to buy it.2. The anti-aging industry is growing at a furious rate. Ten years ago you had only Oil of Olay promising to erase fine lines and wrinkles. Now you have microdermabrasion products, Retinoids (think Retin-A, which isn’t just for acne anymore), antioxidants and peels. On top of this, you have a whole host of new minor cosmetic procedures that women are trying as early as age 25. These fillers (think Botox and Restylane) offer women a simpler, less costly option to look younger. They are becoming so mainstream, women in Dallas are getting them done in the mall of all places.3. On a lighter note, recently I’ve noticed a ‘less is more’ trend that I hope take s off. It started with an article in a magazine about how the French are so much more casual than Americans with their makeup and we all know French women are so very sophisticated. This unleashed a few ‘Beauty secrets from the French articles’. Then the N ew York Times writer Alex Kuczynski wrote a book that got a ton of recent buzz about how she became obsessed with cosmetic surgery and has opted to now go au naturel (in a natural state). On the streets of New York, you don’t see a lot of bright lipstick and heavily lined eyes. I can’t speak for anywhere else, however. But since New York is the trendsetter of American beauty and culture, we’ll see where that takes us.4. The celebrity factor...in advertising. Over the past five years or so, celebrities have become spokesmodels for beauty products, unseating the ‘Supermodels’ of the late 80’s, early 90’s. This reflects a general trend in advertising, I think, where celebrities have pitched all sorts of products from watches to foundation. They don’t wear a to n of makeup when stalked by paparazzi, I’ve noticed, but they surely make a ton off pitching it for ad agencies.The beauty industry has had a great influence on the way people view beauty now. By spending billions of dollars exhorting anti-aging products and using super-skinny, airbrushed models and celebrities to pitch them, the beauty industry has created An Ideal Woman in the minds of anyone who watches TV or picks up a magazine. The Ideal Woman is thin with flawless skin, no matter her age. And she has drawerfuls of products that miraculously make her that way.In this day and age, beauty goes hand in hand with youth, so it’s a distorted image for women. So many people are obsessing more than ever about their jowls falling or linesappearing. It’s turn ing people to cosmetic surgery. At the same time, you have young people trying to look older and piling on makeup at places like Sephora, which has whole lines of makeup geared for teens and preteens. More and more younger girls are making themselves up in an effort to appear older.Reading Skill FocusPractice 11. signal words: for example2. 1) she is an excellent cook;2) she is a good gardener;3) she is a housewife.Practice 21. signal words: resemble2. 1) living in matriarchal societies2) family bonds lasting a lifetime3) human-like characteristicsReading MosaicComprerensive Reading美容业需要焕颜1 一位男性作家曾经说过,唯一比药店柜台上的瓶瓶罐罐还多的桌子,就是女人的梳妆台。



第一单元名片1.2 Lead-in1.2.11)Harbin2)公司3)Century Village4)财务主任5)助理工程师6)名誉主席7)首席运营官8)传真9)邮政信箱10) 外销部经理1.2.3(略)1.7. Practice1.7.1 全部正确1.7.2 245 (1中改成“先高后低”;3中改成“之后”)1.7.31) senior advisor2) chief executive officer3) executive vice manager4) senior engineer5) technologist6) technician7) section chief8) division chief9) emeritus professor10) visiting professor11) special grade teacher12) research fellow13) chairman14) secretary general15) administrative chief of … Town16) physician-in-charge17) editor-in-chief18) accountant19) assistant to president20) commissioning editor1.7.41)North Shaoshan Road 或者Shaoshan Road (N).理由:如果简单地采用直译的办法将其翻译成Shaoshan Bei Road,则会让人产生一种错觉,认为其跟Shaoshan Road 没有关系,是不相干的路。


2)Second Zhongshan Road理由:同上。


3)Jiusan Society理由:单位、部门名称翻译成英语时,如果英语中缺乏对应的词,大多数情况下可以采用直译的办法。


An important meeting will take place in the Conference Room at twelve noon tomorrow and every Head Office Union Representative is expected to attend. Please acknowledge receipt of this memo by phoning my secretary on extension 251 today.
We are pleased to be able to help you make this change, Cary.
Case study
To: Jackson Pallock, Internal Auditor From: Mabelline Yuric, Sales Supervisor of Cosmetics Subject: Response to Request for New-Life Cosmetics Sales
They are as follows: Telephone Mr. Brown of The Dog and Parrot and Mrs Smith of John Barry Furniture to tell
them that their orders will arrive three days later than promised because of a machinery breakdown. Please apologise for the delay. Interview Mr. J King at 2pm who has a complaint about a bedroom suite he has bought. Take delivery of a kitchen unit which is arriving at 4pm Telephone the local garage and cancel my appointment to discuss the refurbishment of their car showroom.

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Reply to inquiries

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Reply to inquiries

Dear Mr. Sunny,
Thank you for your letter of Sep. 6th, 2011.
We are able to produce 3 series of starter batteries, namely BCI (Battery council international), DIN (German standard) and JIS (Japanese Standard) batteries. From your website, I get to know that your company has kept a long-term business relationship with some Japanese carmakers. So I figure the batteries you are using should be JIS series.
1) Because of our size, we are able to offer extremely competitive prices, and, in addition, we can offer a further 5% discount on sales over US$ 5,000, which , I am sure will make our products impossible to resist.
3) Thank you for your letter dated 20 August. We appreciate your continuing confidence in our Chambers Mixmaster.
Provide all the required information and, if necessary, additional details of interest to the reader.

世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 12 Complaint, Claim and Settlement

世纪商务英语-外贸函电unit 12 Complaint, Claim and Settlement
The transportation claim is raised by the shipper/consignor or owner of the shipped goods against the carrier. When, for instance, the cargo shipped is found with damage or imperfection after its arrival at the port of destination while the original Bill of Lading issued by the carrier indicates the word of “Clean”, such a claim will then be lodged. Another typical reason for this kind of claim is the shortage of goods compared with the volume in the B/L.
▪ Part Four
Sample Letters
▪ Part Five
Practical Training
Part One
1. The Purpose of Making Complaints The party making complaints aims at either the improvement of current
products /services of their business partner, e.g. a supplier or a carrier, or the compensation for the losses caused by the wrongdoings of the business partner. Sometimes the two goals are combined when the party receiving complaints not only accepts the compensation request but also promises to deliver a better job in the future.



写作目的(writing purpose)受众/读者(audience)构思过程(thought process)演绎式组织模式(deductive organizational patterns)归纳式组织模式(inductive organizational patterns)直接组织模式(direct organizational patterns)间接组织模式(indirect organizational patterns)写作修改的3个步骤(three distinct stages of revision: adding on; moving around; cutting out)管理沟通(managerial communication)组织沟通(organizational communication)人际关系与团队建设(human relationships and team building)销售沟通(sales communication)商务文件(business documentation)国际交流(跨文化交际)(international communication/ intercultural communication)表达式写作(expressive writing)沟通式写作(communicative writing)简洁风格(clarity)简易风格(the plain style)简明风格(concision)附件说明信函(cover letters of résumé)3类求职信函(three general types of cover letters for job applications: the application letter; the prospecting letter; networking letter )后续询问信函(follow-up letter)致谢信函(thank-you letter)谢绝工作回复(job rejection letter)接受工作回复(job acceptance letter)辞职信函(resignation letter)告别信函(farewell letter)常见履历表格式(common résumé formats):按年月顺序(chronological résumé format) 按任职顺序(functional résumé format) 复合式(combination résumé format)简短文件(short document)信息咨询函(message to obtain information)谈判便函(messages that negotiate)说服沟通便函(persuasive messages)商务便函的特征(8C):清晰性(clarity)正确性(correctness)具体性(concreteness)完整性(completeness)周到性(consideration)礼貌性(courtesy)简洁性(conciseness)一致性(coherence)商务备忘录版式(format of a business memo)商务备忘录功能(function of a business memo)信函结构(structure of a letter)信件和信封格式(styles of letter and envelop)会议纪要(minutes)逐字记录(verbatim minutes)决议记录(minutes of resolution)陈述记录(minutes of narration)记录内容版式(minutes’ content format)会议议程(meeting agenda)会议筹划(meeting preparations)会议程序(3个环节)(meeting process: planning & preparing, conducting, and following-up) 会议后续工作(follow-up activities)后续文案职责(accountability of follow-ups)书面发言写作策略(writing strategies for business presentation)书面发言的材料组织(wring organization for business presentation)书面发言用语(language used in a presentation)书面发言避讳用语(language avoided in a presentation)人际沟通的功能(functions of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的目的(purpose of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的4个阶段(four general stages in interpersonal communication)团队的特征(group characteristics)团队的角色(group roles)团队影响力(group influence)沟通结构(communication structures)企业前景(vision)企业使命(mission)企业价值观(corporate values)企业目标(goal)战略计划(strategies)政策与流程(policies and procedures)业务流程的构成要素(15个)(content of procedures)业务流程的版式及内容(format of a procedure)商务文件的层次结构(3个)(tiers of documentation)ISO 9000质量体系(ISO 9000 Quality System )商务蓝皮书(blueprint)商务计划书(business plan)战略性计划书(strategic plan)战术性计划书(tactical plan)操作性计划书(operational plan)操作性管理(operational control)战术性管理(tactical control)战略性管理(strategic control)商务背景(business background)市场计划(marketing plan)财务预测(financial projections)行动计划(action plans)商务提案(business proposal)内部提案(internal proposal)外部提案(external proposal)招标提案(solicited proposal)非招标提案(unsolicited proposal)提案写作的简单模式(simple form for proposal writing)提案写作的复杂模式(detailed form for proposal writing)外部提案的结构要素(6个)(elements of the external proposal: introduction; problem identified and defined; objective & goal set; solutions proposed; implementation & measuring; costs and timeframe estimated)内部提案模式的内容版式(content format of internal proposal)征集提案(Request for Proposal, RFP)征集启示的基本要素(basic components of a RFP)提案评估(proposal evaluation)议程报告(agenda)行程安排(itinerary)费用支出报告(expense reports)项目进程报告(progress report)人事评估报告(personnel evaluation)第一手资料来源(primary sources)第二手资料来源(secondary sources)引证信息(documenting information)解析数据(interpreting data)常规商务报告(routine reports)任务报告(task reports)条目清单功能(itemized lists)图表辅助功能(graphic aids)标题的功能(headings)协议的本质(essence of a deal)合同的修订(contractual modifications)违约与补偿(breach of contract and remedy)律师费用条款(attorneys fees clause)合同免责(escape from contract)第三方签字(third party signature)合同追加条款(contract rider)合同授权(authorization)商务谈判(contract negotiation)合同起草(contract drafting)合同实施(execution)合同终止(closeout)合同(contract)合同有效性(validity of contracts)要约(offer) 接受(acceptance)法定权力(capacity)Sales contracts 买卖合同Contracts for supply of power ,water,gas or heat 供应电、水、气、热力合同Contracts for loan of money 借款合同Leasing contracts 租赁合同Financial leasing contracts 承揽合同Contracts for construction projects建设工程合同Carriage contracts运输合同Technology contracts 技术合同Safekeeping contracts 保管合同Warehousing contracts 仓库合同Agency appointment contracts 委托合同Trading-trust contracts行纪合同Brokerage contracts居间合同。

《实用商务英语写作教程》课件Chapter 12 Reply to Complaint

《实用商务英语写作教程》课件Chapter 12 Reply to Complaint

Sample letter 1—goods delivered wrongly
• Dear Ms Roswell • Thank you for your letter regarding the mistake with your order (number 5920-887). As I said in our telephone conversation yesterday
How to Respond to the Complaint Letter
When responding to a customer complaint, it’s important to make sure your tone is specific:
• Respond specifically to the issues brought up by the customer. • Provide a specific apology that acknowledges any mistakes on your end. • State exactly what you intend to do to make it right. • Propose how you will improve the customer’s experience in the future.
• This morning we shipped the shortfall of 100 OPPO H135 earphones via FedEx, as you requested in our conversation. They should arrive no
later than the afternoon of October 13, 2018. I would also like to offer you a 5% discount on your next orders, as a sign of our commitment to customer satisfaction.

商务英语写作unit 12

商务英语写作unit 12

Writing Techniques
A private letter of introduction is the communication between individuals. It will introduce someone to the writer’s friends, close colleagues, relatives and ask help from these people. When we write a personal introduction letter, we should pay attention to the following: (1) This type of letter is more casual in words, format and style; (2) The tone should be polite and considerate. After all, it is a request for help rather than an order; (3) It should be short, brief and clear.
Structure Analsis and Introduction I
The structure of the sample private letter of invitation above is as follows: 1. Title 2. Salutation 3. Give a brief introduction of the introduced person, including name, post, relationship with the writer and other important information; 4. Indicate the intentions and reasons for introducing the person, such as the expected support, help or work arrangement; 5. Show appreciation to the receiver of the letter in advance of his/her expected favor. Sometimes Item 4 and 5 can be combined into one sentence or paragraph. 6. Complimentary close 7. Signature and title



可编辑修改精选全文完整版12.1 Crossing culturesVOCABULARYGlobalisation1Why do you think kofi Annan said this?‘…arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.’Kofi Annan, United Nations3What does the term globalization mean to you?4Mark the following aspects of globalization positive (+), negative (-) or don’t know (?).Compare and discuss with your partner.1 free trade (abolition of trade barriers)2 opening of markets3 social integration and merging of cultures (the global village)4 increased competition in the world market5 free movement of labour (migration of workers)6 free movement of capital7 development of advanced communications8 reduction in the cost of goods9 growing influence of multinational corporations5Which of these effects can you see particularly in your country?READINGCross-culture communication6Why is culture important to business people? Discuss with a partner.7 Read this opening passage from a book by Neil Bromford on cross-cultural communication. Choose the best‘blurb’to go on the back of the book.8 Think of a title for Neil Bromford’s book.9Look at these words (1-8) from the text above and find a synonym (A-I) for each.0 feature A unusual1 uncommon B aspect2 awareness C strange3 to lose face D knowledge4 to chat E to feel humiliated5 pressed for time F to weaken6 influence G to make conversation7 unfamiliar H in a hurryREADING1Make a list of three dos and three don’ts for people who have to do business in a different culture.2Dr A J Schuler gives advice on improving cross-cultural communication in organization. Read the text and choose the best word (A, B, C or D) to fill each gap.UNDERSTANDING CULTURAL DIFFERENCESDirect experienceThe best way to learn about another culture is to be thrown in at the deep end. In other words, get (0) _______ experience. Try to listen to the radio or watch TV programmes from that country or go to special clubs for that specific nationality or group-discussion groups, religious groups, dance groups, etc. In any kind of contact (1) ________ the time to listen and to learn.Don’t be afraid of differenceEven if others’behaviour seems strange of foreign, remember that differences are less (2) ________ than the things we all have in common. We are all made of the same DNA, and as human beings, we share many of the same (3)_______ and basic interests. Enjoy the things we share and at the same time, try to ‘enjoy’the differences.Understand your own cultureBy thinking about your own cultural behaviour and habits, you will open your mind(4)________the behaviour of others. Also this will help you-when you are interpreting the behaviour of an unfamiliar culture-to avoid applying your own cultural (5)________ .Avoid stereotypesWe find stereotypes useful because they help us to order our world and to categorise the different people and experiences in it. They also help to (6)_______ us when we feel uncertain. On the whole though, stereotypes are very superficial and don’t take account of individual differences. Also, because they can be defensive and made to protect us from uncertainty, they often (7)_______ negative wiews of a different culture.We live in a changing worldCultres change through time, and these days, in the ‘global village’ that we live in, this process is happening more rapidly. Don’t(8)________ the effect that your interaction with another culture will have on that culture. As you try to understand them and move(9)________ them, so they will do the same and the cultre that you thought you were dealing with will have changed.Think also about how your own cultural values are being received or accommodated by your foreign (10)_____as you both try to bridge the gap.0 A unique B fist-hand C original D personnel1 A take B have C spend D pass2 A many B numerous C ample D amount3 A motors B motivators C motivations D motifs4 A up B for C of D to5 A standards B mentality C figures D thought6 A assure B ensure C insure D reassure7 A make B promote C mean D reassure8 A undergo B underprice C underestimate D understand9 A to B across C close D towards10 A opposite B counterpart C relation D workmate GRAMMARGrammar TipAll the verb forms in exercise 3 are used to speculate about the past; in other words to wonder how things might have been different from what thy actually were. Speculation3What is implied about what actually happened in each of these cases?0 If I had listened to your advice, I would never have taken the rain.I took the train and it was a disaster.1 I would be a millionaire by now if I had taken up her offer.2 If I were braver, I would have told him what I thought.3 I shouldn’t have been so hasty in my judgment of her.4 I wish we had been taught to speak languages better at school.5 Without influential political connections, he wouldn’t have got so far.6 He should have thought before he spoke.7 She could have been anything she wanted to be, if she had put her mind to it.8 In hindsight, it might have been more polite to arrive a little early.4Complete the following sentences0 I’m glad she spoke good English. It could have been (could/ be) difficult otherwise.1 If I had known I was going to have to pay for myself, I _________(never/accept) their invitation.2 No-one would have heard me say I was leaving if he _________(not/put) the call on speaker phone.3 I know you didn’t want to go to their party, but you________(should/reply) to the invitation.4 Never eat raw vegetables-they__________(might/wash) in unclean water.5 You__________(should/not/take) a gift. No-one else did and I think the hosts were embarrassed.6 I really wanted to meet Anna- I wish you____________(introduce) me.5Study the following culturally sensitive situations. What is the best way to handle each situation?1 Serge prided himself on his adventurousness with food. Until, that is, Mr Sato, the company’s main Japanese supplier, invited him out to dinner and ordered them each a dish consisting of a small charred bird. As Serge hesitated Mr Sato proceeded to eat his bird whole, head and all.2 Tina was pressed for time. She was at the Milan trade fair only for one day with too many people to see and too many things to do. Her heart sank as she saw Umberto Ginelli approaching. Signor Ginelli was one of her best customers but always seemed to have all the time in the world to chat.3 Frank was known for telling jokes in poor taste and Stefan was dreading spending another evening with him, especially with his boss there, as he was easily offended. Then Frank began,‘Did you hear the one about the Irishman and the American tourist?’4 Maison Blanc was a very expensive restaurant and Sarah had always wanted to go there. But now she was there, she couldn’t relax. Malcolm had invited everyone in the team to celebrate his promotion, but it wasn’t really clear whether he was going to pay or each person had to pay for themselves.6 Have you had any similar experiences? Describe them to your partner. Ask what they would have done in the same situation.READING1 Work with your partner to answer the following quiz taken from the in-flight2 Compare your answers with the ones given. How did you do ? Are you surprised?LISTENINGUnderstanding business culture3 12.1 You will hear an extract from the radio series The real world of business. In this programme an American electronics entrepreneur talks about his experience of doing business in China. Listen and mark one letter(A, B or C) for the correct answer.1 Jim hadn’t realized that Guanxi wasA so vital in business.B so common in Chinese culture.C such a complicated principle.2 He defines Guanxi asA building a support network of collaborators in business.B the exchange of presents between collaborators.C the experience you gain from doing business over a long time.3 A lot of foreign companiesA use Chinese interpretersB fail because they don’t understand Guanxi.C try to form partnerships with Chinese business people.4 The Chinese government’s policy on bribery isA quite relaxed.B much stricter than it used to be.C to ignore it.5 You should show an interest inA the most important person in the group.B Chinese food.C Chinese culture and society.6 When you receive a business card you shouldA read it properly before putting it away.B not put it in your pocket.C give yours at the same time.7 One reason it takes time to get an agreement isA the Chinese don’t like to commit themselves.B there are often many levels of management to go through.C they will want to solve all the small problems first.8 The most important thing isA to be patient.B to understand the tax lawsC to learn some Chinese.WRITINGA market profile report4 Following a recent business trip to China to investigate the possibilities of importing teas, your manager has asked you to write a report on the particularities of doing business over there. Write the report, including the following points:●the aims of your visit.●How your meetings with tea manufacturers went.●The reaction of your potential business partners to your proposals.●Advice and recommendations for other colleagues who follow up this visit.。



《世纪商务英语——综合教程IV》(第三版)教案Unit 1 Import and ExportRelated InformationProcedures for Import and ExportAs import from one country means export of that country, take the procedures of export transaction as an example to illustrate the general procedures for import and export:1. Market researchThe most difficult part of exporting is taking the first step. Any exporter who wants to sell his products in a foreign country or countries must first conduct a lot of market research. Market research is a process of conducting research into a specific market for a particular product. Export market research, in particular, is a study of a given market abroad to determine the needs of that market and the methods by which the products can be supplied. The exporter needs to know which foreign companies are likely to use his products or might be interested in marketing and distributing the products in their country. He must think whether there is a potential for making a profit.2. Business negotiationIf a foreign company is interested in buying the exporter’s products, negotiation should be organized. Business negotiation plays a very important role in the conclusion and implementation of a sales contract. It has a great bearing on the economic interests of the parties concerned. No matter what way the negotiations are held, in general, they consist of the following links: enquiry, offer, counter offer, acceptance and conclusion of sales contract, among which offer and acceptance are two indispensable links for reaching an agreement and concluding a contract.3. Conclusion of sales contractAs soon as an offer is accepted, a written sales contract or sales confirmation is usually required to be signed between the buyer and the seller to confirm the sales and stipulate their rights and obligations respectively. A sales contract or sales confirmation contains some general terms and conditions as well as the specific terms that vary with the commodity. But such terms as the names of the seller and the buyer, the description of the goods, quality and specification, quantity, packing, unit price, amount, payment, date of delivery, shipping, insurance, inspection, claim and arbitration are indispensable. The sales contract or salesconfirmation is normally made out in two originals, one for the buyer and the other for his seller.4. Implementation of contractUnder CIF contract with terms of payment by L/C, the implementation of export contract usually goes through the steps of goods preparation, inspection application, reminding of L/C, examination and modification of L/C, chartering and booking shipping space, shipment, insurance, documents preparation for bank negotiation and the settlement of claims, etc.①Preparing goods for shipmentAfter a contract is made, it is the main task for the exporter to prepare the goods for shipment and check them against the terms stipulated in the contract. The quality, specification, quantity, marking and the packing should be in line with the contract or the L/C, the date for the preparation should agree with the shipping schedule.②Inspection applicationIf required by the stipulations of the states or contract, the exporter should obtain a certificate of inspection from the institutions concerned where the goods are inspected. Usually, the commodity will be released only after the issuance of the inspection certificate by the inspection organization.③Reminding, examining and modifying L/CIn international trade, a banker’s letter of credit is commonly used for the payment of purchase price. In the course of the performance of contract, one of the necessary steps for the seller is to urge the buyer to establish an L/C. According to the contract, the buyer should establish the L/C on time, but sometimes he may delay for various reasons. For the safe collection of payment, the seller has to urge the buyer to expedite the opening of the L/C. Upon receipt of a letter of credit, the seller must examine it very carefully to make sure that all terms and conditions are stipulated in accordance with the contract. If any discrepancies exist, the seller should contact the buyer immediately for necessary amendments so as to guarantee the smooth execution of the contract.④Chartering and booking shipping spaceAfter receiving the relevant L/C, the exporter should contact the ship’s agents or the shipping company for the chartering and the booking of shipping space and prepare for the shipment in accordance with the importer’s shipping instruction. Chartering is required for goods of large quantity which needs full shipload; and for goods in small quantities, space booking would be enough.⑤Customs formalitiesBefore the goods are loaded, certain procedures in customs formalities have to be completed. As required, completed forms giving particulars of the goods exported together with the copy of the sales contract, invoice, packing list, weight memo, commodity inspection certificate and other relevant documents, have to be lodged with the customs.After the goods are on board, the shipping company or the ship’s agent will issue a bill of lading which is a receipt evidencing the loading of the goods on board the ship.⑥Find a customs brokerTo different countries, import customs clearance procedures may differ. In some countries, the customs service does not require an importer to have a license or permit and an individual may make his own customs clearance of goods imported for personal use or business. You’d better, however, have a licensed customs broker (or a freight forward er) act as the clearing agent for you unless you’re very familiar with the import customs clearance formalities in your country.Therefore, the first tip is to find a licensed customs broker who can work with you on a long term basis. They are especially valuable to you when your business is not located in the destination air/sea port which is usually the port of entry —if you’re unable to be there to prepare and file your entry, the customs broker may act as your agent, pick up and deliver the shipment to your door.⑦InsuranceThe export trade is subject to many risks. For example, ships may sink or consignments may be damaged in transit, exchange rates may alter, buyers default or government suddenly impose an embargo, etc. It is customary to insure goods sold for export against the perils of the journey. The cover paid for will vary according to the type of goods and the circumstances. If the exporter has bought insurance for the goods, he will be reimbursed for the losses.⑧Documents preparation for bank negotiationAfter the shipment, all kinds of documents required by the L/C shall be prepared by the exporter and the importer and presented, within the validity of the L/C to the bank for negotiation. As to the shipping documents, they include the commercial invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy, packing list, weight memo, certificate of inspection, and, in some cases, consular invoice, certificate of origin, etc. Documents should be correct, complete, concise and clean. Only after the documents are checked to be fully in conformity with the L/C, the opening bank makes the payment. Payment shall be disregarded by the bank for any discrepancies in the documents.⑨Settlement of disputesIn international trade, it’s not uncommon for imports to be de layed, or to find that when goods arrive the shipment is incomplete or contains damaged goods. It may be the supplier’s responsibility, the importer’s fault, or caused by shipping or customs delays. In any case, it’s worth agreeing in advance how deliveries will be inspected and how problems will be handled. In most cases, returning incorrect shipments and waiting for a new delivery is too expensive and time consuming.Lead-in1. Listening1. F2. T3. T4. TTape Script:International Trade is One of the Hot Industries of the New Millennium International trade is one of the hot industries of the new millennium. But it’s not new. Think Marco Polo. Think the great caravans of the biblical age with their cargoes of silk and spice. Think even further back to prehistoric man trading shells and salt with distant tribes. Trade exists because one group or country has a supply of some commodity or merchandise that is in demand by another. And as the world becomes more and more technologically advanced, as we shift in subtle and not so subtle ways toward one world modes of thought, international trade becomes more and more rewarding both in terms of profit and personal satisfaction.2. Spot Dictationplicated2. conclude a transaction.3. in the course of4.undergoes four stages5.implementing the contract6.illustrateText ALanguage Study1. merchandise①n. commercial goods; commodities 商品,货物◆There is much discount merchandise on holidays.◆Merchandise first should be the products of labour.②vt. to engage in the commercial purchase and sale of (goods or services); trade 做生意,交易◆He is merchandising auto parts.merchandise broker 商品经纪人merchandise budget 商品预算merchandise export 商品出口merchandise cost 商品成本2. brokern.an agent who, acting on behalf of a principal, buys or sells goods, securities, etc, in return for a commission (股票债券等的)经纪人,(买卖的)中间人,代理人◆He set up in business as an insurance broker.brokerage n. 经纪业,佣金,回扣,经纪费broker agent 经纪人兼代理人broker insurance 保险代理人3. prospectivea. looking towards the future 将来的,未来的;盼望中的;预期的;有希望的◆The foreign investor withdrew funds without getting his prospective benefits.◆She demonstrates an article to a prospective buyer.prospective buyer 可能的买主prospective damage 预计的损失prospective market 未来的市场prospective return 预期收益prospective benefits 预期利益4. outlayn. an expenditure of money, effort, etc 费用,花费;支出◆The weekly outlay on day-to-day operation in the company was enormous.◆This will involve high expenses and nonrecoverable outlays.outlay accounts 支出账户outlay cost 支出成本outlay for loan payment 偿还债务支出outlay of liquidation 清理支出5. attorneyn. a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters (业务或法律事务上的)代理人◆The attorney’s summation was telling.◆He has been appointed as the attorney of the company to sign the contract with itspartner.attorney at law 律师attorney fee 律师公费attorney general 首席检察官power of attorney 委托权; 委任书6. substantiala. large in amount or number 很多的,大量的◆The man incurred substantial losses during the stock market crash.◆The existence of substantial invisible income suggests that the income distributionsystem should be standardized.substantial cost differentials 巨大成本差额substantial increase 大幅度增长substantial labour surplus market 劳动力大量剩余市场7. identifyvt. recognize sb/sth and be able to say who or what they are 确认、证明某人(某事物);鉴别出◆The man refused to identify himself as the person who should have been in full chargeof the accident.identification n.识别,证实,核对dentification card 身份证dentification dimensions 船舶文件规定的尺度identify oneself with 支持,参与8. make a commitment (to sb/sth) 作出承诺◆I’d like to make sure if it is acceptable to the factory before making a commitment toyou.9. relieve...of... 免除某人的职务;解除某人的(负担等);减轻某人的(痛苦等)◆The company relieved Mr. Brown of his post as manager.◆The workers are relieving of burdens from the ship.Translation of the Text商品进出口对大多数国家来说,进出口是国际收入和支出的主要来源。



Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7
公共关系(Public Relations)是一个组织与其相关公众之间的传播管理, 也可以说是沟通管理。公共关系的目的是为了对公众舆论产生影响,为某一 组织树立良好的形象和声誉,其在本质上追求组织通过传播手段与公众建立 良好关系并与公众共享利益的目的。
以及在座诸位的健康干杯 e. 香港永远是祖国的一颗璀璨明珠。 我衷心希望香港发展得更好,衷心
祝愿这片土地上所有居民生活得更加幸福美满 f. 我们很荣幸今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且和我们的中国朋别。 g. 语言难以表达我对你们的感激之情。对于你们今天对我所表示的友爱和
关心,我真的感到非常荣幸。 h. 我希望你们能在这儿玩得愉快 i. 我提议为布莱克先生的七十岁生日干杯 j. 我特别荣幸地欢迎我们的新同事——来自美国的约翰·瓦特先生。
4. We enjoyed every minute that we worked with you.
( b)
5. I hope you will have a very enjoyable stay. 6. I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty wele.
of all of you present tonight. Cheers
( d)
9. We are very happy to be here tonight when we can have the
opportunity to express our thanks and to bid farewell to our Chinese
进入市场经济信息时代,公关领域日趋活跃,公关活动的过程就是信息 传播的过程,而信息载体就是公关文稿。广义的公关文稿泛指在公关活动中 通过可能涉及到的传播手段所发布的各类文稿,包括:公关广告、供销广告、 请柬、贺卡、名片、书信、电报文、传真文、聘书、题赠、对联、公关演讲 稿、就职演说稿、公关案例及分析、新闻消息与通讯、公关采访提纲、调查 报告、计划书、简报、总结、会议记录与纪要,以及各种公文、合同、意向 书、市场预测报告等文体。总体上,可以分为对内和对外用途两大类:

How to write a follow up letter

How to write a follow up letter

When writing a follow-up letter after an interview, you should:

Thank the interviewer and briefly remind him or her of your name and qualifications. Reiterate your interest in the position. Add important information that did not come up during the interview. Remind the interviewer of some aspect of the interview that went well, briefly elaborate on an idea brought up in the interview, or work to repair any damage that may have been done during the meeting.

Sending a follow-up letter after a job interview helps you stand out from the other candidates and improves your chances of landing the position. Use your letter to express appreciation for the interviewer's time, reinforce that you are still interested in the job and remind the company of your qualifications. Address your letter to the person who conducted the interview when you visited with the company.


A thank you letter should be short – three or four paragraphs at the most
Job Rejection Letter
• When you have decided to reject a job offer, you may want to let the employer know in writing that you are declining the offer.
Attached is a copy of the original letter and resume that I sent. As you will see, they detail my work experience, my education, and my sincere interest in working for your company.
the position. Include your contact information and phone number, even though it is on file with the employer.
Job Acceptance Letter
• Even if you have accepted a job over the phone, it’s a good idea to write a job acceptance letter to confirm the details of employment and to formally accept the job offer. Your letter should include the following:
JoHale Waihona Puke Acceptance Letter

商务英语写作教程 Unit 12

商务英语写作教程   Unit 12
Business Report
本章概要 ➢商业报告
1.什么是商业报告?商业报告一般包含哪几部分?有何撰写规范? 2.商业报告通常用在何处?有哪些分类?撰写要求与信函或电子邮件有 何区别
12.1 Business Report
商业报告(business report)是企业为交流信息而使用的一种文书形式,它以书 面形式给读者提供有关信息和数据。撰写商业报告的目的通常是为了提供信息、记 录备查、提出建议、说服劝导。
12.1 Business Report
(3)保证语言平实、句子清晰 大词或术语并不代表更专业或更学术,使用简单词汇,句子反而更加易懂, 例如use和change就比utilise和modification更好。尽量使用主动语态,符合读者 “谁做了什么”的思维习惯。
从内容上看,正式的商业报告同电子邮件或正式信函不同。一篇 好的报告是用客观的方法清晰描述现在或过去的情况。“客观”意味 着报告需要更多地呈现事实,而非观点。报告中有时也需要有个人观 点或建议,但仅内容
1. 撰写前 (1)确定写作目的。写作目的应符合SMART原则:具体(specific)、可衡量 (measurable)、可完成(attainable)、相关(relevant)、有时限(timebound); (2)了解读者需求。读者是依据报告作决策的人员、该决策的直接影响人群, 还是报告中期的审核和发放者?读者具有相关背景,还是缺乏对相关话题的了 解?是否急于得到报告结果?是持支持态度还是反对态度?只有了解了读者的 预期和需求,才能在报告中使用准确的措辞、语气和细节处理方式; (3)明确要传达的主要信息和全文结构。

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Application letters

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Application letters
etter should contain the following components:
State the reason for writing. Give the position that you are applying for and mention where you heard about the job. If you read about the position in a newspaper, state the name of the paper and the date on which it was printed. If you heard about the position through a contact, ask the contact for permission to use his/her name and mention this in the first paragraph.
As a promoter for Kentech Training at the 1997 Paris Air Show, I discussed Kentech's products with marketers and sales personnel from around the world. I also researched and wrote reports on new product development and compiled information on aircraft industry trends. The knowledge of the aircraft industry I gained from this position would help me analyze how Aerosol products can meet the needs of regular and prospective clients, and the valuable experience I gained in promotion, sales, and marketing would help me use that information effectively. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these and other qualifications with you. If you are interested, please contact me at (317) 555-0118 any morning before 11:00 a.m., or feel free to leave a message. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the ways my skills may best serve Aerosol Monitoring and Analysis.


Abovementioned policy中的abovementioned是一长词;我们也应该避免 使用;可改为;this policy;
Please send us your catalog at once and by return mail 在此句中出现 了词义重复的现象;应改为Please send us your catalog at once
Sec 8
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7
I 商务信函的语言特点5
商务书信的语言须准确 完整;包含一切必要的信息;对重要信息遗漏会损 害公司形象;同时对于令对方不悦的事情;也应该婉转地表达出来;而不能直接 地陈述; 例如:
Thank you very much for your inviting me to speak at your annual gettogether of your staff members and friends in the business circle Much to my regret; I can not go because at that time I will be on a business trip in Europe 此处;作者就把自己不能参加对方的邀请说得非常机智且有礼貌;使邀 请人读上去感到很自然;全然没有不悦的感觉;
商务信函business letters是商务活动中书面交流信息的主要手段之一;是 企业对外公共宣传关系中重要的手段;对于公司树立良好的形象有着极为重要 的意义;
商务信函涉及商务活动的各个环节;贯穿商务活动的始终;内容广泛;通常包 括建立业务关系establish business relationship 询盘inquiry 发盘offer 还盘 counteroffer 受盘acceptance 订货placing orders 保险insurance 装运 shipment 索赔claim等方面;

商务英语写作Unit12 Letters of Application

商务英语写作Unit12 Letters of Application
8. As the enclosed resume shows, I am well experienced in the research and development in the field of…..
To learn some samples
To master some guidelines for writing letters of application
Practice 2
Dear Sir/Madam, I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy for an accountant in your company. I' d like to apply for the position. I majored in Accounting at Northeast University in Boston, from which I graduated on June 20. I have letters of recommendation from my instructors in this subject. I should like to have the opportunity to show them to you. Although I have had no previous experience in accounting, I am acquainted with the procedure. Perhaps you will agree that such qualities of mine as persistence, patience and the willingness to work hard make me considered for the job wanted. I’ll be glad to have an interview at your convenience. Yours sincerely, Linda Blake

商务英语写作 第12次课

商务英语写作 第12次课

Steps for Congratulations
Begin with the reason for writing. You should present the congratulations the first part of the letter. 2. Tell how you learn about the good news and make the reader feel certain that he or she deserves the praise. 3. End the letter by using an encouraging and conversational tone.
Pottery Works订购了三 个花瓶,其中一个在运送过程中损坏。 致函要求更换一个相同的花瓶,如果没 有货则要求退还三个花瓶的款项,并且 问清楚如何将您手上的另外两个花瓶退 回。(写这封信时,注意指出对方包装不 妥。)
Sample version
Sir: I received delivery of three vases on June 3. However, one of them was broken during shipment. Therefore, I would like you to send me a matching replacement at no charge, or if this is not possible, a refund for all three vases. In the case of a refund,
Sample E-mails
Mr. Kara: I have learned with great delight that you are establishing your own advertising company and starting business today. I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of congratulation from all sides. Due to your brilliant background and rich experience, you will greatly succeed in the near future.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Lesson 12 Follow-up Letters (跟进函)Key to ExercisesPractice 1Complete the following chart with the information given in the samples.Practice 2Read the two samples again and discuss the following questions.1. When were the interviews conducted? Is it necessary to mention the time of the interview in the follow-up letters?The interview in Sample 1 was conducted on December 28 while in Sample 2 the writer didn’t mention the time of interview. It will be better to mention the time of the interview because it helps remind the reader of the interview.2. Why does the writer in Sample 1 show great interest in the vacancy?Because it is a new and expanding area.3. How do the writers in the samples show their qualifications for the opening? Give examples.In Sample 1 the writer mentioned his qualifications with the words “…relate closely to the requirement for that particular job.” In Sample 2, the writer stated his qualifications with the words “…have provided me with the qualifications necessary to…”.4. What is in common in the ending of the two samples? What can you conclude about the ending of the follow-up letters?The writers convey their thanks again at the end of the letter. Usually, the writer expresses the appreciation of being interviewed at the end of the follow-up letter. Practice 3Complete the sentences according to the Chinese in the parentheses.1. I remain interested in participating in the next round of interview.2. I am excited about the opportunity to work in such a challenging environment.3. From our discussion I have gained a detailed picture of the position and the company and I am very enthusiastic about this job opportunity.4. I would really enjoy working as a member of your team and I feel I could learn agreat deal from you.5. I would love to work in the company that inspires creativity and offers team playing encouragement.Practice 4Decide whether the following statements convey confident tone. If not, please revise them.1. I can get the job done under demanding schedules, and I would enjoy the opportunity to do the same for your organization. (Confident)2. I’m convinced a position will turn up before long for which I am a perfect fit. (Overconfident, clue: convinced, perfect)3. I believe my skills and experience would be an ideal match for this position. (Overconfident, clue: believe, ideal)4. Considering my qualifications and prior work experience in this field, I would complement your management trainee program. (Confident)5. I would contribute to the technical and analytical skills required to get work done. (Confident)6. I hope that you will find my qualifications suitable for the job. (Not confident, clue: hope)7. My qualification in the areas of accounting and customer service meet your job requirements. (Confident)8. If necessary, I would be glad to resend my application materials or to provide any further information you might need regarding my candidacy. (Not confident, clue: if necessary)9. I might be a good candidate for the job. (Not confident, clue: might)10. I have the ability to work within a team as well as cross-team. (Confident) Practice 5Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs given.Practice 6Complete the follow-up letter by giving the beginning and the ending of the letter appropriate information.Practice 8Put the words or phrases given in the right place.1. I was particularly interested to learn about the positive impact on your law practice.2. I agree that Finance could best complement my law degree for a business law practice.3. Thank you for letting me know you had decided to hire someone else for the programming position I interviewed for.4. I remain interested in participating in the next round of interviews.5. I very much appreciate the time and concern you and your staff took to talk with me and show me around your headquarters.6. Representative position only served to convince me further that I am right for this job.7. The people and the environment at your company were so welcoming and friendly.8. I wanted to remind you that I do have some experience in designing web pages for the Internet.9. I was very impressed with your operation and the people I have met so far in your office.10. I have been trying to figure out how to use my M.B.A. degree to be a better lawyer.Practice 9Rewrite the following sentences to eliminate the misplaced modifiers.1. I have a strong willingness to learn more about your company.2. What you will expect and get from me as a member of your team is dedication, enthusiasm, and professionalism.3. The client’s lost file was finally located.4. I am looking forward to hearing from you once the final decision regarding this position is made.5. Please feel free to contact me for any necessary information on the reference address given above in the letter.6. I was impressed with the many friendly and enthusiastic employees who are willing to share with me their knowledge.7. If you need additional information in the meantime, please contact me.8. I would enjoy the opportunity to do the same for your organization.9. I look forward to meeting with you again in the near future to further discuss your needs.10. My team management experience and hands-on approach would surely allow me to successfully develop the team of five people.。
