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一. 概念:表示动作与主语之间是被动关系的句子是被动语态。

二. 主动语态与被动语态之间如何转换

We Visited that factory last summer →主动语态


That factory was visited by us last summer →被动语态


三. 各种不同时态的主动语态与被动语态的对比

四. 如何正确使用被动语态

1. 有些动词带有两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语,变被动语态时,可把其中一个宾语变成主语,另一个留在被动结构谓语后面。需要注意的是:若把直接宾语变成被动语态的主语,需要在间接宾语之间加上介词“to ”。

eg. He often tells us interesting stories . (主动语态)


.him by us to told often are stories g Interestin .him by stories g interestin told often are We (被动语态)

▲常带双宾语的词有:tell , show , lend , pass 等。

2. 在主动语态中,某些动词之后带有复合宾语,即宾语和宾语补足语,这个复合宾语由动词不定式来充当,to 被省略,但在被动语态中,这个to 还要还原。

eg. I often hear her sing this popular song . (主动语态)




She is often heard to sing this popular song .(被动语态)

▲ 有这种用法的常用动词有:make , let , see , hear , watch , feel , notice 等。 3. 有些“be +过去分词”的结构并不是被动语态,它们有可能是“系表结构(即系动词之后由过去分词来充当表语)。” 比较:(1)⎩⎨

⎧)()(.Fengping by closed is door The .closed is door The 被动语态。这个门是由冯平来关的



⎨⎧)()(.Mary by broken was glass The .broken is glass The 被动语态。的这个玻璃杯是玛丽弄坏系表结构。这个玻璃杯是坏的

4. 只有及物动词和可有宾语的动词+介词词组才可以有被动语态。 eg. ⎩⎨



(.China in place taken been have changes Great .China in place taken have changes Great 错误正确

⎨⎧)()(.sea deep the in d disappeare was dolphin The .sea deep the in d disappeare dolphin The 错误正确


1. A talk on Chinese history in the school hall next week .

A. be given

B. has been given

C. will be given

D. will give

答案:C (2003天津市) 2. To make our city more beautiful , rubbish into the river . A . needn’t be thrown B . mustn’t be thrown C . can’t throw D. may not throw

答案:B (2003重庆市) 3. You may go fishing if your work .

A. is done

B. will be done

C. has done

D. have done

答案:A (2003河北省) 4. The trees must three times a week .

A. water

B. is watering

C. be watered

D. waters

答案:C (2003长沙市)5. —I won’t come to the party unless S ue , too .

—You mean if Sue comes you’ll come ?

A. will invite

B. invites

C. invited

D. is invited

答案:D (2003江西省)

6. I like my new bike . It very well .

A. rides

B. is riding

C. is ridden

D. has ridden

答案:A (2003江西省)

7. Mr. Chen has a lond voice . His voice can clearly even in that big classroom .

A. hear

B. be heard

C. be hearing

D. have heard

答案:B (2003台湾省)8. —It’s time to do your homework , Jack .

—Yes , Mum . I’ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme .

A. ends

B. end

C. will be ended

D. will end

答案:A (2003广州市)

9. You to the meeting , why didn’t you go ?

A. be invited

B. will be invited

C. were invited

D. are invited

答案:C (2003山西省)

10. A lot of trees along the river last year .

A. planted

B. are planted

C. were planted

答案:C (2003四川省)


一. 选择填空

1. The rivers smells terrible People must dirty things into it .

A. be stopped to throw

B. be stopped from throwing

C. stop to throw

D. stop form throwing

2. Paper first invented in China .

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

3. —Do you like the flower ? — Yes , it sweet .

A. is smelling

B. smelt

C. is smelt

D. smells

4. It snowed heavily last night . The ground thick snow .

A. was covered with

B. was filled with

C. was made of

D. covered with

5. The light in the room before you leave .

A. must turn of

B. will turn off

C. are turned

D. must be turned off

6. the kind of question often in your class , Ann ?

A. Does , ask

B. Is , asked

C. Has , asked

D. Will , ask

7. The bridge in three weeks .

A. will build

B. is built

C. will be built

D. builds

8. The old men and the children must in our country .

A. take good care

B. be taken good care

C. take good care of

D. be taken good care of

9. Paul doesn’t have to be made He always works hard .

A. learn

B. to learn

C. learned

D. learning

10. The girl was unhappy because she by some boys in the class .

A. is laughed

B. was laughed

C. laughed at

D. was laughed at
