

优科无线AP 设置

优科无线AP 设置

优科无线AP设置1.将笔记本有线网口手工指定IP地址为192.168.0.200,笔记本用网线连接无线AP的10/100/1000POE口,默认登录地址:用户名:super 密码:sp-admin(注意:初始配置是针对全新无线AP,若拿到的是用过的可以先恢复出厂,恢复出厂方法:通电状态下用笔尖按住无线AP的重置孔5秒不放,拔掉电源在插电5秒后松开重置按钮,管理IP默认变为192.168.0.1)2.打开浏览器登录3.更改默认登录密码:4.指定DNS,此步骤可以默认即可6.开启DHCP功能5.修改列表中2.4G信息注意:若教室周围有较强的2.4G信号,可以在平板上安装“wifi概观360”软件扫描下周围的无线信号所占用的Channel,然后将我们的设备和周围的Channel错开,2.4G信号Channel选择1、6、11相互间干扰最小。

8.添加2.4G学生信号ChangyanSTU,设置ssid及密码9.修改5G 显示信息Channel可以修改为149-169之间的可选频段(注意:畅言智慧课堂对5G无线信号名称要求为ChangyanTCH开头,密码iFlytek1234)下图的标签位置可以查看5G状态,若为UP状态平板搜不到5G信号(不是所有平板和手机都支持5G操作前可以网上查看配置是否支持5G)可以更改Channel153、157、161测试,也可以把上图的Wireless Availability 先Disabled ,保存后,再点击一次Enabled,保存退出,看是否能搜到信号。



Ruckus ZoneDirector Smart OS说明书

Ruckus ZoneDirector Smart OS说明书

Ruckus Smart/OS is a software suite and application engine included in every Ruckus ZoneDirector Smart Wireless LAN (WLAN) controller that delivers a myriad of breakthrough WLAN features not found in any other centrally-managed wireless system.Designed for busy networking and IT staff, Ruckus Smart/OS is one of the industry’s most elegant and straightforward WLAN systems available today. Smart/OS leverages a highly- intuitive Web interface that enables everything with a click of a mouse. At the heart of Smart OS is a unique set of advanced capabilities made extremely simple to confi gure and manage. These include adaptive wireless meshing, advanced RF management, robust security capabilities, simple-to-use guest networking, hot spot authentication and traffi c redirection .In addition, Smart OS offers all the traditional WLAN manage-ment tasks – sophisticated authentication, state-of-the-art encryption, fast roaming, guest networking and wireless intru-sion detection – standard in centrally-managed WLAN systems.With Smart/OS, a central dashboard gives IT staff a complete at-a-glance overview of the entire WLAN environment from recent user and system activities to detailed usage summaries, most frequently used access points (APs) to currently active WLANs Smart Wi-Fi Application EngineBENEFITSUltra-simple WLAN confiAn intuitive, graphic-rich Web interface makes WLAN configurationand ongoing administration the easiest it has ever been.Elegant guest networking without the hassleEnabling guest access can be performed in minutes. Customize guest-pass printout pages, generate random or exact passes unique to every user and defi ne the duration of each guest pass.Flexible and scalable WLAN confi gurationCreate up to 32 unique WLAN per controller. Maps WLANs to specifi c APs or VLANs and create WLAN groups to be shared by certain APs .Smart Mesh Networking for fl exible WLAN deploymentA simple checkbox enables Smart Mesh Networking for the entire WLAN. Once enabled, APs require only power source and self-confi gure and self-optimize.Users access policies provide rich WLAN controlAdministrators can easily create and enforce access controls based on specifi c users, traffi c types or TCP ports.Multi-site authentication to scale large deploymentsSupport for WISPr tunneling from each ZoneDirector allows all Smart/OSSmart Wireless LAN software for Ruckus Smart WLAN controllersWLAN confi guration and administrationUltra simple confi guration and managementOne of the easiest to manage WLAN systems on the market,Smart/OS enables administrators to confi gure an entireWLAN in less than 5 minutes using an intuitive, point-and-click wizard. Once confi gured, a robust set of features, suchas user access policies, adding/changing SSIDs, enablingSmart Meshing, is performed by clicking a checkbox.Adaptive Wi-Fi meshingRuckus Smart Mesh Networking enables self-organizingand self-healing wireless meshing. Smart Mesh Networkingeliminates the need to run Ethernet cabling to every SmartWi-Fi AP, allowing administrators to simply plug in ZoneFlexAPs to any power source, then walk away. All confi gurationand management is delivered through Smart/OS on theZoneDirector Smart WLAN platform.Secure authentication, encryption andaccess controlsRuckus Smart/OS provides state-of-the-art encryption andsimplifi ed authentication options along with user accesscontrols for robustWi-Fi security.In addition, Smart/OS supports uniquecapabilities such as Dynamic Pre-Shared Keys (Dynamic PSK) thatautomates the generation and instal-lation of unique encryption keys oneach end device without IT interven-tion. Support for Web-based captiveportal, LDAP support, native ActiveDirectory, 802.1x and RADIUS all comestandard.To protect against unsanctionedlters. This givesng.FlexMasterAPsControllersManagementNorthbound API (XML)ClientsSNMPDelegatedAdministrationSNMP,TR-69Beamforming QoSRF Management Secure Mobility Advanced Wi-Fi Security Guest Networking Adaptive Wi-Fi Meshing Hot Spot Authentication Security Meshingntication SecurMeshienticaturityhingation Smart/OSD A T A F O R W A R D I N GSmart/OS features one of the industry’s most intuitive and easy to use WLAN graphical userinterfaces. This at-a-glance dashboard provides a comphensive view of the entire WLAN, lettingadministrators quickly drill won to diagnose problems and optimized the network.Ruckus Smart Wireless LAN Architecture with Smart/OSFast and seamless mobilityRuckus Smart/OS delivers faster and more secure Wi-Fi roam-ing. Advanced Layer 3 tunneling and key caching techniques eliminate client reauthentication with a remote servers when roaming across APs.By creating a separate and dedicated WLAN that tunnels VoIP clients back to the ZoneDirector WLAN controller roaming clients maintain their IP address when associating with any AP . Smart/OS also supports the caching of Pairwise Master Keys (PMK) as well as opportunistic PMK caching to reduce or elimi-nate delays caused by performing full 802.1X reauthentication.Elegant and easy guest networkingWithin Smart/OS, guest networking is easily enabled through a highly intuitive, browser-based facility that lets any guest-facing staff generate a unique Wi-Fi guest pass in less than 60 seconds with no configuration changes required on any client device. Guest passes can be time-limited in hour, day, and week incre-ments allowing more granularity between different types of guests. Unique pass keys can be dynamically generated by the ZoneDirector for each guest and bound to a specific client MAC address upon successful authentication. A single pass key can also be shared among many users. Unlike other solutions, no additional appliances are needed.Guest pass print outs can be customized and fixed guest passes, that are easy to remember, can be generated and bound to a single users or shared by multiple users.Advanced multi-site authenticationRuckus Smart/OS allows each ZoneDirector to automatically interact with an external Web or authentication server through the use of the Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISPr) pro-Sophisticated quality of serviceAdvanced quality of service mechanisms within RuckusSmart/OS and ZoneFlex APs deliver unmatched support for latency-sensitive VoIP and IP-based streaming video. Smart/OS allows administrators to set traffic thresholds for users on a specific SSID and limit the number of users per APs.Additionally, on each Ruckus AP , four software queues are dedicated for every client while video and voice traffic is automatically classified and prioritzed. And multicast IP traffic is automatically directed to requesting clients and prioritized to ensure picture-perfect video streaming.Robust management for seamless integrationSmart/OS allows for seamless integration with existing SNMP-based management systems. Administrators can gather detailed stats about WLANs, APs and clients. SNMP traps can be generated for events and alarms such as APs joining the ZoneDirector, loss of AP connectivity, rogue AP detection and client authentication failures.RADIUS accounting provides enhanced monitoring, man-agement and compliance, enabling back-end billing.w w w.r u c k u s w i r e l e s s.c o m Copyright © 2009, Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved. Ruckus Wireless and Ruckus Wirelessdesign are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other trademarks are theproperty of their respective owners. Smart/OS3000C/021409.SpecificationsDoS ATTACK PREVENTION Supported•。

























二、设置步骤1. 准备工作在开始连接前,请确保您的控制器已经成功连接电源,并处于正常工作状态。

2. 打开无线连接功能在控制器的设置菜单中,找到并点击“无线连接”选项,进入无线连接设置界面。

3. 开启无线连接在无线连接设置界面中,找到“开启无线连接”按钮,点击并等待控制器开启无线连接功能。


4. 选择可用网络在搜索到的可用网络列表中,选择您要连接的无线网络,并点击进行连接。


5. 输入密码连接无线网络后,控制器会要求您输入网络的安全密码。


6. 配置网络在成功连接网络后,您可以继续进行网络配置,例如输入静态IP 地址、DNS设置等。


7. 连接成功完成上述步骤后,您的控制器即可成功连接无线网络。


三、注意事项1. 确保网络稳定在使用无线连接功能时,请确保您的网络环境稳定,并保持较好的信号质量。


2. 安全设置为了保护您的网络安全,请在配置网络时设置合适的密码和加密方式,确保他人无法未经授权连接到您的控制器。

3. 更新固件我们建议您定期更新控制器的固件,以获得更好的使用体验和功能支持。


4. 远程访问使用无线连接功能后,您可以通过互联网远程访问控制器。




Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers配置指南说明书

Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers配置指南说明书

Software Release 5.2CONFIGURATION GUIDEPart Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BPublication Date: 08 November 2017Copyright Notice and Proprietary InformationCopyright 2017 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.No part of this documentation may be used, reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of or as expressly provided by under license from Brocade. Destination Control StatementTechnical data contained in this publication may be subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable regulations and to comply with them.DisclaimerTHIS DOCUMENTATION AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN (“MATERIAL”) IS PROVIDED FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. BROCADE and RUCKUS WIRELESS, INC. AND THEIR LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE MATERIAL IS ERROR-FREE, ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. BROCADE and RUCKUS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES OR UPDATES TO THE MATERIAL AT ANY TIME.Limitation of LiabilityIN NO EVENT SHALL BROCADE or RUCKUS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, DATA OR USE, INCURRED BY YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT, ARISING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO, OR USE OF, THE MATERIAL.TrademarksRuckus Wireless, Ruckus, the bark logo, BeamFlex, ChannelFly, Dynamic PSK, FlexMaster, Simply Better Wireless, SmartCell, SmartMesh, SmartZone, Unleashed, ZoneDirector and ZoneFlex are trademarks of Ruckus Wireless, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. Brocade, the B-wing symbol, MyBrocade, and ICX are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. in the United States and in other countries. Other trademarks may belong to third parties.Configuring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 2Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BContentsConfiguring the Ruckus Wireless Controllers (4)Set up Cloudpath as an AAA Authentication Server (4)Create AAA Accounting Server (Optional) (6)Run Authentication Test (6)ZoneDirector (6)SmartZone (7)Unleashed (7)Possible Results from Authentication Test (8)Create Hotspot Services (8)Set Up the Walled Garden (ZoneDirector and SmartZone only) (12)Create the Onboarding SSID (12)Create the Secure SSID (15)Select AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on ZoneDirector Controller (18)Select AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on SmartZone Controller (19)Configuring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With CloudpathPart Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B3Configuring the Ruckus Wireless ControllersThis document describes how to configure the Ruckus ZoneDirector, SmartZone, and Unleashed controllers to integrate with the Cloudpath system, and includes the following steps:•Set up Cloudpath as an AAA Authentication Server•Create AAA Accounting Server (Optional)•Create Hotspot Services•Set Up the Walled Garden•Create the Onboarding SSID•Create the Secure SSIDSet up Cloudpath as an AAA Authentication Server Create AAA authentication and accounting servers for the Cloudpath onboard RADIUS server. The following images show this configuration on the Ruckus ZoneDirector, SmartZone, and Unleashed controllers.FIGURE 1 Create AAA Authentication Server on ZoneDirectorConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 4Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 2Create AAA Authentication Server on SmartZoneFIGURE 3Create AAA Authentication Server on UnleashedEnter the following values for the Authentication Server:1.Name 2.Type = RADIUS 3.Auth Method = PAP 4.IP address = The IP address of the Cloudpath ES.5.Port = 18126.Shared Secret = This must match the shared secret for the Cloudpath ES onboard RADIUS server. (Configuration > RADIUSServer ).Set up Cloudpath as an AAA Authentication ServerConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 5Create AAA Accounting Server (Optional)7.Leave the default values for the remaining fields.Create AAA Accounting Server (Optional)Use the same process to create the AAA Accounting Server.Enter the following values for the Accounting Server:2.Type = RADIUS3.Auth Method = PAP4.IP address = The IP address of the Cloudpath ES.5.Port = 1813NOTEThe Authentication server uses port 1812. The Accounting server uses port 1813.6.Shared Secret = This must match the shared secret for the Cloudpath ES onboard RADIUS server. (Configuration > RADIUSServer)7.Leave the default values for the remaining fields.Run Authentication TestYou can test the connection between the controller and the Cloudpath ES RADIUS server.Follow the instructions for the applicable controller. For the possible results, see Possible Results from Authentication Test.ZoneDirectorAt the bottom of the AAA server page, there is a section called "Test Authentication/Accounting Servers Settings." The Test Against field should be Local Database, as shown below. Enter a test User Name and Password, then click the Test button.Configuring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 6Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 4Authentication Test on ZoneDirectorSmartZoneYou are prompted to Test Authentication when you save a configuration for an AAA Authentication server. Enter your credentials, then click the Test button.FIGURE 5Authentication Test on SmartZoneUnleashedEnter the test credentials on the Test Authentication Servers Settings tab, then click the Test button.Run Authentication TestUnleashedConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 7FIGURE 6Authentication Test on UnleashedPossible Results from Authentication TestIf you run the authentication test, you receive get one of these responses:•Failed! Connection timed out •Failed! Invalid username and password •Authentication FailedIf you receive:Failed! Invalid username or passwordThis means that connectivity was established.Create Hotspot ServicesEnter the following values for the Hotspot Service:1.Navigate to: Hotspot Services on ZoneDirector, Hotspot WISPr on SmartZone, or Services > Hotspot Services on Unleashed.Create Hotspot ServicesPossible Results from Authentication TestConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 8Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B the Hotspot Service.FIGURE 7Create Hotspot Service on ZoneDirector Create Hotspot ServicesConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 9FIGURE 8Create Hotspot WISPr on SmartZoneCreate Hotspot ServicesConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 10Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 9Create Hotspot Service on Unleashed3.Point the unauthenticated user to the Cloudpath Enrollment Portal URL , which can be found on the Cloudpath Admin UI Configuration > Workflows page, in the Workflows table.4.Check Redirect to the URL that the user intends to visit .5.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Authentication Server (ZoneDirector only).6.Enable MAC authentication bypass redirection (ZoneDirector only).7.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Accounting Server (ZoneDirector only).8.Leave the defaults for the remaining settings. Click OK .Create Hotspot ServicesConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 11Set Up the Walled Garden (ZoneDirector and SmartZone only)Enter the following values for the Walled Garden:1.On the Hotspot Service > Configure page, scroll to the bottom to the Walled Garden section below the Hotspot Serviceconfiguration created in the previous section.FIGURE 10 Walled Garden Configurationfor ZoneDirectorFIGURE 11 Walled Garden Configurationfor SmartZone2.Include the DNS or IP address of the Cloudpath system and Save (or Apply )Create the Onboarding SSIDEnter the following values for the onboarding SSID: the SSID.Set Up the Walled Garden (ZoneDirector and SmartZone only)Configuring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 12Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B2.Type=Hotspot Service (WISPr).FIGURE 12 Onboarding SSID Configurationon ZoneDirectorCreate the Onboarding SSIDConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 13FIGURE 13 Onboarding SSID Configurationon SmartZoneCreate the Onboarding SSIDConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 14Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 14 Onboarding SSID Configurationfor Unleashed3.Authentication Option Method=Open (SZ and ZD).4.Encryption Option Method=None (SZ and ZD).5.Select the Hotspot Service created in Task 2.6.Enable Bypass CNA (SZ and ZD).•For ZoneDirector, this setting is at the bottom of the screen in the Bypass Apple CNA Feature section. Check the Hotspot Services box.•For SmartZone, this setting is in the Hotspot Portal Section.7.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Authentication Server (SmartZone only).8.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Accounting Server (SmartZone only).9.Leave the defaults for the remaining settings and click OK (or Apply ).Create the Secure SSIDEnter the following values for the secure SSID:1.Name the SSID.2.Type=Standard Usage.3.Authentication Option Method=802.1x EAP .4.Encryption Option Method=WPA2 (not applicable for Unleashed once the 802.1x EAP authentication option method is selected).5.Encryption Option Algorithm=AES (not applicable for Unleashed once the 802.1x EAP authentication option method is selected).6.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Authentication Server.7.Select the Cloudpath RADIUS Accounting Server (SmartZone only).Create the Secure SSIDConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 158.Leave the defaults for the remaining settings and click OK (or Apply ).FIGURE 15 ConfigureSecure SSID on the ZoneDirector controllerCreate the Secure SSIDConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 16Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 16 ConfigureSecure SSID on the SmartZone controllerCreate the Secure SSIDConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 17FIGURE 17 ConfigureSecure SSID on the Unleashed controllerThe SSIDs are now configured on the wireless LAN controller. When the user connects to the onboarding (open) SSID they are redirected to the Cloudpath web page. When the user successfully completes the enrollment process, they are migrated to the secure SSID.Select AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on ZoneDirector Controller To use Cloudpath onboard RADIUS Accounting and Connection Tracking, the AAA Accounting server must be selected for the WLAN.NOTERADIUS Accounting and Connection tracking status can be viewed on the Cloudpath system, Configuration > RADIUS Server .Create the Secure SSIDSelect AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on ZoneDirector ControllerConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath 18Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev BFIGURE 18Select RADIUS Accounting server for the WLAN on ZoneDirector1.Scroll down to the Advanced Options section for the Secure SSID configured for Cloudpath.2.Expand Advanced Options.3.Select the AAA accounting server previously configured for Cloudpath.4.Leave the defaults for the remaining settings and click OK (or Apply ).Select AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on SmartZone Controller The AAA accounting server was selected during the Secure SSID configuration. No further action is required. See Figure 13 on page 14.Create the Secure SSIDSelect AAA Accounting Server for the WLAN on SmartZone ControllerConfiguring Ruckus Wireless LAN Controllers to Integrate With Cloudpath Part Number: 800-71677-001 Rev B 19Copyright © 2006-2017. Ruckus Wireless, Inc. 350 West Java Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089. USA。

优科无线AP 设置

优科无线AP 设置

优科无线AP设置1.将笔记本有线网口手工指定IP地址为192.168.0.200,笔记本用网线连接无线AP的10/100/1000POE口,默认登录地址:用户名:super 密码:sp-admin(注意:初始配置是针对全新无线AP,若拿到的是用过的可以先恢复出厂,恢复出厂方法:通电状态下用笔尖按住无线AP的重置孔5秒不放,拔掉电源在插电5秒后松开重置按钮,管理IP默认变为192.168.0.1)2.打开浏览器登录3.更改默认登录密码:4.指定DNS,此步骤可以默认即可6.开启DHCP功能5.修改列表中2.4G信息注意:若教室周围有较强的2.4G信号,可以在平板上安装“wifi概观360”软件扫描下周围的无线信号所占用的Channel,然后将我们的设备和周围的Channel错开,2.4G信号Channel选择1、6、11相互间干扰最小。

8.添加2.4G学生信号ChangyanSTU,设置ssid及密码9.修改5G 显示信息Channel可以修改为149-169之间的可选频段(注意:畅言智慧课堂对5G无线信号名称要求为ChangyanTCH开头,密码iFlytek1234)下图的标签位置可以查看5G状态,若为UP状态平板搜不到5G信号(不是所有平板和手机都支持5G操作前可以网上查看配置是否支持5G)可以更改Channel153、157、161测试,也可以把上图的Wireless Availability 先Disabled ,保存后,再点击一次Enabled,保存退出,看是否能搜到信号。



Skytech TM R-AF1-1 单功能无线遥控系统说明书

Skytech TM R-AF1-1 单功能无线遥控系统说明书

Model: TM/R-AF1-1INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSINGLE-FUNCTION WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM FOR OPERATING VALVES WITH ON/OFF LATCHING SOLENOIDSINTRODUCTIONThis SKYTECH remote Wireless Wall Timer system was developed to provide safe, reliable, and user-friendly remote control system for gas heating appliances. The system can be operated manually from the transmitter. The system operates on one of 65,536 security codes that are programmed into the transmitter at the factory.WALL TIMERThe wall timer operates on a (2) 3V button cell batteries (included) made specifically for remote controls and electronic lighters. Before using the wall transmitter, install the two (2) 3V button cell batteries. Follow instructions below.The wall timer has a 30 min, 60 min, 120 min, and OFF buttons. When any of the buttons on the wall timer is pressed, a signal light on the wall timer illuminates briefly to verify that a signal has been sent. If the signal light does not illuminate, check the batteries. Upon initial use, there may be a delay of 5-seconds before the remote receiver will respond to the wall timer.TO INSTALL BATTERIES1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown below then snap OFF.2. Locate the (2) holders for the 3V button cell batteries.3. Place the button cell batteries into the battery holders and snap into place. (Make sure that the batteries are installed with the (+) plus side as shown to the right.4. After the batteries are installed replace the faceplate on the base.TO REMOVE THE BATTERIES1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot on the side at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown to the right then snap OFF.2. Locate the (2) holders for the 3V button cell batteries.3. Insert a small screwdriver into the slot at the button cell battery and pop the battery out (Slots shown in picture above).4. After the batteries are installed replace the faceplate.IF YOU CANNOT READ OR UNDERSTAND THESE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR OPERATEWALL MOUNTING THE TIMER 1. Remove face from backing plate by insetting a small screwdriver into the small slot at the top or bottom of the faceplate as shown to the right then snap OFF. 2. Locate the (2) two mounting holes and mark the holes on the wall. 3. Use the (2) two dry wall anchors and screws (that are supplied) to mount the base plate to the wall as shown. 4. The wall transmitter can also be mounted onto an existing (Plastic) electrical box. 5. Base plate should be mounted level on the wall for best operation.REMOTE RECEIVERIMPORTANTTHE REMOTE RECEIVER SHOULD BE POSITIONED WHERE AMBIENTTEMPERATURES DO NOT EXCEED 130° F.The remote receiver (right) operates on (4) 1.5-volt AA batteries. It isrecommended that ALKALINE batteries be used for longer battery life and maximum microprocessor performance. IMPORTANT: New or fully charged batteries are essential to proper operation of the remote receiver as a latchingsolenoid power consumption is substantially higher than standard remote controlsystems.NOTE : The remote receiver will only respond to the transmitter when the 3-position slide button on the remote receiver is in theREMOTE position. The remote receiver houses the microprocessor that responds to commands from the transmitter to control system operation.FUNCTIONS:1. With the slide switch in the REMOTE position, the system will onlyoperate if the remote receiver receives commands from the transmitter. Upon initial use or after an extended period of no use, the ON button may have to be pressed for up to three seconds before activating solenoid. If the system does not respond to the transmitter on initial use, see LEARNING TRANSMITTER TO RECEIVER section. 2. Slide switch to ON for manual operation.3. With the slide in the OFF position, the system is OFF.4. It is suggested that the slide switch be placed in the OFF position ifyou will be away from your home for an extended period of time.Placing the slide switch in the OFF position also functions as a safety "lock out" by both turning the system OFF and rendering the transmitter inoperative.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGDO NOT CONNECT REMOTE RECEIVER DIRECTLY TO 110-120VAC POWER. THIS WILLBURNOUTTHE RECEIVER. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM MANUFACTURER OF GAS VALVE FOR CORRECT WIRING PROCEDURES. IMPROPER INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC COMPONENTS CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO GAS VALVE AND REMOTE RECEIVER.INSTALLATIONThe remote receiver can be mounted on or near the fireplace hearth. PROTECTION FROM EXTREME HEAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. Like any piece of electronic equipment, the remote receiver should be kept away from temperatures exceeding 130º F inside the receiver case. Battery life is also significantly shortened if batteries are exposed to high temperatures.Make sure the remote receiver switch is in the OFF position. For best results it is recommended that 18 gauge stranded wires should be used to make connections and no longer than 20-feet.WIRING INSTRUCTIONSCONNECTING THE RECEIVER TO A VALVE WITH THE LATCHING SOLENOID1. Connect the BLACK 18 gage stranded wire with the 1/4’ female terminal from the receiver to the BLACK wire with the 1/4” maleterminals from the valve solenoid.2. Connect the RED 18 gage stranded wire with the 1/4’ female terminal from the receiver to the RED wire with the 1/4” male terminalsfrom the valve solenoid.3. After receiver wires are connected to the valve solenoid wire make sure the receiver shield is located over the receiver and thenlocate the receiver in an area that will not exceed the 130° F.IMPORTANT NOTE: Operation of these controls is dependent on which wire is attached to which terminal. If operation of controldoes not correspond to operating buttons on transmitter, reverse wire installation at the receiver or at the control.NOTE: Up to 6.3 VDC of power is provided at the receiver terminal.GENERAL INFORMATIONLEARNING TRANSMITTER TO RECEIVEREach transmitter uses a unique security code. It will be necessary to press the LEARN button on the receiver to accept the transmitter security code upon initial use, if batteries are replaced, or if a replacement transmitter is purchased from your dealer or the factory. In order for the receiver to accept the transmitter security code, be sure the slide button on the receiver is in the REMOTE position; the receiver will not LEARN if the slide switch is in the ON or OFF position. The LEARN button in located on the front face of the receiver; inside the small hole labeled LEARN. Using a small screwdriver or end of a paperclip gently Press and Release the black LEARN button inside the hole. When you release the LEARN button the receiver will emit an audible “beep”. After the receiver emits the beep press ANY transmitter button and release. The receiver will emit several beeps indicating that the transmitter’s code has been accepted into the receiver.The microprocessor that controls the security code matching procedure is controlled by a timing function. If you are unsuccessful in matching the security code on the first attempt, wait 1 - 2 minutes before trying again--this delay allows the microprocessor to reset its timer circuitry--and try up to two or three more times.OPERATION4. This remote control will operate the gas valves latching solenoid to open the gas flow to full ON.5. When the ON button is depressed the transmitter sends a RF signal to the receiver. The receiver then sends apulse of 6-volts of power to the solenoid. The solenoid then opens the gas flow to the burner then to full ON.6. When the OFF button is depressed the transmitter sends a RF signal to the receiver. The receiver then sends apulse of 6-volts of power to the solenoid. The solenoid then closes the gas flow to the burner then to full OFF.7. The remote control will only work with the hand held transmitter. The receiver slide switch is only for positive OFF or REMOTEoperation.NOTE: Extensive use of the Latching Solenoid (ON/OFF) will reduce the receiver's battery life significantly.BATTERY LIFELife expectancy of the alkaline batteries in the TM/R-AF1 can be up to 12 months depending on use of the solenoid function. Replace all batteries annually. When the transmitter no longer operates the remote receiver from a distance it did previously (i.e., the transmitter's range has decreased) or the remote receiver does not function at all, the batteries should be checked. It is important that the remote receiver batteries are fully charged, providing combined output voltage of at least 5.0 volts. The transmitter should operate with as little as 2.4 volts battery power. NOTE: Extensive use of the Solenoid will reduce the receiver's battery life significantly.TROUBLE SHOOTINGIf you encounter problems with your fireplace system, the problem may be with the fireplace itself or it could be with the TM/R-AF1 remote system. Review the fireplace manufacturer's operation manual to make sure all connections are properly made. Then check the operation of the remote in the following manner:1. Make sure the batteries are correctly installed in the RECEIVER. One reversed battery will keep receiver from operating properly.2. Check battery in TRANSMITTER to ensure contacts are touching (+) and (-) ends of battery. Bend metal contacts in for tighter fit.3. Be sure RECEIVER and TRANSMITTER are within 20 to 25-foot operating range.4. Keep RECEIVER from temperatures exceeding 120° F. Battery life shortened when ambient temperatures are above 115° F.5. If RECEIVER is installed in tightly enclosed metal surround, the operating distance will be shortened.NOTE:1. Heat conditions can cause batteries to discharge when temperatures exceed 1150 F. Studies show that alkaline batteries, whenexposed to a constant temperature of 1200 F, can lose up to 50% of their operating power. When the battery cools down, it will partially recharge itself, but constant heating and cooling will reduce the battery’s normal life expectancy. SPECIFICATIONSBATTERIES: Transmitter 12V - (A23)Remote Receiver 6V - 4 ea. AA 1.5 Alkaline FCC ID No.'s: transmitter - K9LTMR2A; receiver - K9L330IRX Operating Frequency: 303.8 MHZ Canadian ISC ID No.'s: transmitter – 2439A-TMR2A; receiver – 2439A 3301RX FCC REQUIREMENTSNOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VOID THE USER’S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.FOR TECHNICAL SERVICE, CALL: U. S. INQUIRIES CANADIAN INQUIRIES(855) 498-8324 or (260) 459-1703 (877) 472-3923For Sales: (888) 672-8929WEBSITE: MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY FOR SKYTECH II, Inc。







2.修改国家代码和时区依次选择:Configuration->Devices->All->RF Domain->Default->自己的设备(这里为rfs4000-DCC922)->RF Domain Ocerrides->RF DomainTime Zone为时区,Country Code为国家代码设置完毕后,按Commit,Save。



为选择国家,控制器上做的一切配置都不会生效!3.添加/修改WLAN设置a)添加WLAN依次选择:Configuration->Wireless->Wireless LANs按右下角的’Add’可添加新的WLAN按’Add’后,会跳转到WLAN设置页。


b)修改密码/加密模式单击’Security’,在’Select Encryption’项目中勾选需要的加密模式,在’Key Settings’中按要求填入密码(注:不同加密模式的密码填入框会有区别),按’OK’保存配置.按’Commit’,’Save’,生效,保存。

4.AP设置在Configuration->Profiles的左下角,Configuration->Devices->Device Configuration中均可看到所有已上线的设备,可双击进行单个AP配置,或在Profile中选择拥有AP型号的default-apxxxx进行统一配置(注:AP300的配置在Configuration->Devices->AP300 Devices 中)。



无线局域网控制器(WLC)最优配置方法目录介绍 (2)先决条件 (2)要求 (2)使用组件 (2)公约 (3)最佳做法 (3)无线/射频 (3)网络连接 (4)网络设计 (8)移动性 (8)安全 (13)总结 (16)如何把WLC 崩溃文件从WLC传输到TFTP服务器 (21)介绍本文档提供了WLC的简短配置窍门,包括在TAC中心常见的几个有关无线统一基础设施问题。




先决条件要求思科建议您了解这些议题:•了解如何配置无线局域网控制器( WLC )和轻量级接入点(LAP)的基本操作•轻量级接入点协议( LWAPP )和无线安全的基本知识使用组件此文档中的信息是基于这些软件和硬件版本:•思科2000/2100/4400系列WLC ,运行软件版本在4.2或5.0•LWAPP的接入点, 1230,1240,1130,10x0和1510 系列本文件中所涉及的设备均在特定的实验室环境。


公约在文件公约中,如了解更多信息请参考 Cisco Technical Tips Conventions 连接。

最佳做法无线/射频对于无线/射频( RF )最佳做法如下 :•对于任何无线部署,前期必须要进行一个适当的实地勘察,以确保为无线用户提供适当的服务质量。





•建议在控制器上限制服务设置标识符( SSIDs )的配置数量。



热点 访客接入 强制门户 MESH 语音 • WISPr • 支持 • 支持 • 支持 • 802.11e/WMM • U-APSD • AP隧道
国家 • 中国、美国、 加拿大、欧盟、日本、台 湾、韩国
IP VLAN支持 冗余 DHCP服务器 • IPv4, IPv6, dual-stack • 802.1Q (每个BSSID) ,动态VLAN • 1+1并自动同步 • 支持
ZoneDirector 5000

Ruckus ZoneDirector 5000 为首款WLAN控制器, 将 强大的功能性、 简易性和可扩展性融入一个经济型系统 中。
每台ZoneDirector 5000可支持多达1,000个接入点和20,000 个客户端, 轻松实现最大规模的校园部署。
*针对ZoneFlex 7962、 7762及 7363双频接入点
一旦开始运行, ZoneDirector 5000就会自动管理ZoneFlex 网络接入点, 即按照需要自动调整发射功率等级和射频信 道, 以便阻止相临接入点的干扰, 实现接入点故障时的冗余 覆盖。 配置变更能够轻松同步到多个接入点或整个系统。 定 制化界面能够提供各种客户端和网络信息及事件的即时接 入情况, 此外, 还有实时热图显示接入点位置与信号覆盖, 以及Ruckus智能Mesh拓扑。 ZoneDirector智能WLAN系统集成了Ruckus称之为 SpeedFlex™的独特性能工具。 Ruckus SpeedFlex支持管 理员通过WLAN本地或远程测定客户端Wi-Fi性能。 借助 SpeedFlex, 管理员能够更好地规划和修复故障、 监测及测 试WLAN性能, 从而消除了对互联网加速工具的需求, 而这 些工具提供的本地Wi-Fi环境结果通常都是不准确的。

Luxul XWC-1000 无线控制器说明文件说明书

Luxul XWC-1000 无线控制器说明文件说明书
Seamlessly Roam Between Multiple Access Points
Simply Configure up to 16 Luxul Access Points
Cost-Effectively Deliver Centralized WLAN Configuration and Control
Controller Simple Setup Wizard Management via Web Interface Cloud-based Firmware Updates
Access Point AP Provisioning Supports up to 16 APs Secure Guest Networks via VLAN 802.1Q VLANs WPA, WPA2 Security with TKIP, AES Encryption
Standard Power XAP-310 Wireless 300N Low Profile AP
All references to speed are for comparison purposes only. Product specifications, size and shape are subject to change without notice, and actual product appearance may differ from that depicted herein.
Certifications FCC, CE, RoHS
Compatible Access Points
High Power XAP-1510 AC1900 Dual-Band Wireless AP XAP-1500 Dual-Band Wireless 900N Low Profile AP XAP-1410 AC1200 Dual-Band Wireless AP XAP-1240 Wireless 300N Outdoor AP XAP-1230 Wireless 300N Commercial Grade AP XAP-1210 Wireless 300N Low Profile AP

Un-link 最新AC控制器使用手册.

Un-link 最新AC控制器使用手册.

目录目录 .......................................................................................................................................... 2第一章详细配置指南简介 .....................................................................................................4 1.1本说明约定 .................................................................................................................4 1.2本说明章节安排 .........................................................................................................4第二章产品概述 ....................................................................................................................5 2.1 产品简介 .....................................................................................................................5 2.2 主要特性 .....................................................................................................................5第三章硬件描述 ....................................................................................................................6 3.1 面板布置 .....................................................................................................................6 3.2安装环境 .....................................................................................................................6第四章快速安装指南 .............................................................................................................7 4.1 硬件连接 .....................................................................................................................7 4.2 如何登陆 AC 控制器 ...................................................................................................7 4.3网络设置 .....................................................................................................................9 4.3.1子端口设置 ..............................................................................................................9 4.3.2瘦AP 端口设定 (10)4.3.3DHCP 配置 (10)4.3.4 链路检测 (11)4.4 RF配置 (12)4.4.1 AP默认配置 (12)4.4.2瘦 AP 配置模板 (13)4.4.3 瘦 AP 配置模板应用 (14)4.5 接入控制 (14)4.6 高级应用 (15)4.7 管理 (16)4.7.1 更改密码 (16)4.7.2 AC升级 (17)4.7.3 AP镜像上传 .........................................................................................................17 4.7.4 备份 /恢复设定 .....................................................................................................18 4.8 信息 ...........................................................................................................................19 4.8.1 AP资产管理 ..........................................................................................................19 4.8.2 瘦 AP 在线列表 ......................................................................................................19 4.8.3 无线终端列表 .. (21)第一章详细配置指南简介本文档旨在帮助您正确使用 AC 控制器的功能,内容包括 AC 控制器的性能特征以及所有功能的详细说明,若要使用路由器中的其他应用方面的功能,可以参考本文档相关部分内容。



RUCKUS美国优科无线产品介绍大全《产品目录》无线控制器- ZoneDirector 3000系列 (3)无线控制器 - ZoneDirector 1000系列 (10)无线接收器 - 室内11n ZoneFlex 7942 (15)无线接收器 - 室外11n ZoneFlex 7942-OT (21)无线接收器 - 室内11g ZoneFlex 2942 (27)无线接收器 - 室外11g ZoneFlex 2942-OT (35)无线接收器 - 室外大功率(500mw)ZoneFlex 2741 (40)无线接收器- 室内双频11n ZoneFlex 7962 (48)无线接收器- 室外双频11n ZoneFlex 7762 (54)无线接收器- 室内大功率(500mw)ZoneFlex 2942-FB (60)无线接收器- 室外大功率(500mw)ZoneFlex 2942-FBOT (65)无线网络管理系统– FlexMaster (72)无线控制器- ZoneDirector 3000系列Ruckus ZoneDirector 3000是首个企业级智能无线局域网系统,它在一个很低的总体拥有成本上,提供了一个安全、可靠,同时又易于扩展的无线局域网解决方案。

Ruckus ZoneDirector 3000的设计理念力求简洁而易用,通过一个中央点,其最多可以管理500台ZoneFlex 802.11b/g和802.11n,以及室内室外的智能无线AP。

完全不像传统的无线局域网那么昂贵、复杂、难以部署,对任何一个需要高性能无线局域网而又期望其易于实施和管理的企业来说,选用ZoneDirector 3000都是再合适不过的了。

ZoneDirector 3000集成了很多高级的功能,诸如智能天线操纵,智能无线网状结构,以及动态无线安全等,这些都是你在其他的WLAN系统中见不到的。

Ruckus ZoneDirector 3000可以由非无线网络专业人员进行部署和操作,安装非常快速简便。

美国 优科无线 Ruckus-2942 基本配置

美国 优科无线 Ruckus-2942 基本配置

Ruckus-2942/7942基本配置2942/7942这两款都是Ruckus Zone系列的产品,2942是b/g技术,7942是n的技术,两者配置完全一样,下面要讲到的就是这两款AP 的基本配置。


下图为胖瘦AP的配置栏对比:左边是胖AP时候的配置可选项,右边是瘦AP时候的配置可选项,我们如何才能把瘦AP恢复成胖AP呢?做初始化就可以恢复了,点击“Maintenance”下的“Reboot/Reset”选项就可以看到下图在这里我们点击“Reset now”也就是下面带横线的那个选项,就可以看到这样的图,“请稍等。




还是在“Configuration”下点击“Internet”就可以看到下图这里可以定义是否“DHCP”还是“Static IP”(注意:在DHCP 模式下是不可以修改Gateway以及DNS的)。

同样在最左边点击“Wireless”选项可以看到这个图,在这里面还有9个选项卡我们先看第一个“Common”卡,在这里我们可以调“Wireless Mode”下拉菜单里面有两个选项,b模式和g 模式,Channel可以手工定义也可以自动定义,不同的国家代码可以选择更多的信道,下面就是国家代码的下拉选项,一般我们这里选择“United States”因为这发射功率是最大的(200毫瓦)。



优科无线解决方案篇一:优科无线AP 设置优科无线AP设置1.将笔记本有线网口手工指定IP地址为,笔记本用网线连接无线AP的10/100/1000POE口,默认登录地址:用户名:super 密码:sp-admin(注意:初始配置是针对全新无线AP,若拿到的是用过的可以先恢复出厂,恢复出厂方法:通电状态下用笔尖按住无线AP的重置孔5秒不放,拔掉电源在插电5秒后松开重置按钮,管理IP默认变为)2.打开浏览器登录3.更改默认登录密码:4.指定DNS,此步骤可以默认即可6.开启DHCP功能5.修改列表中信息注意:若教室周围有较强的信号,可以在平板上安装“wifi概观360”软件扫描下周围的无线信号所占用的Channel,然后将我们的设备和周围的Channel错开,信号Channel选择1、6、11相互间干扰最小。

8.添加学生信号ChangyanSTU,设置ssid及密码9.修改5G 显示信息Channel可以修改为149-169之间的可选频段(注意:畅言智慧课堂对5G无线信号名称要求为ChangyanTCH开头,密码iFlytek1234)下图的标签位置可以查看5G状态,若为UP状态平板搜不到5G信号(不是所有平板和手机都支持5G操作前可以网上查看配置是否支持5G)可以更改Channel153、157、161测试,也可以把上图的Wireless Availability 先Disabled ,保存后,再点击一次Enabled,保存退出,看是否能搜到信号。






Ruckus Wireless™



ZD1000系列控制器 ZD3000系列控制器
ZF7942-OT(室外11n) ZF7962(室内双频11n)
每款AP都支持胖AP模式和瘦AP模式 既有11g也有11n
全向天线能量不汇聚, 传播不远
L2TP tunneling or WISPr traffic redirection
ZoneFlex 7731 应用于3G网络回传
5GHz, 802.11n managed point-to-point bridge
Can be extended to adjacent licensed spectrum
5GHz 802.11n
ZoneDirector 3000/1000 无线控制器介绍
使用、配置、部署和维护,都非常容易 ZD3000分为 25、50、100、250 、500个AP容量 ZD1000分为 6、12、25、50个AP容量 完全的集中控制 先进的软件特性
Pole mount
Fasten to pole using a steel band clamp 30-60 mm (1.18-2.36”) diameter clamp is included
Mounting bracket can be fastened to vertical and horizontal poles/surfaces
定向天线单元,支持 802.11a/b/g/n双频 四模传输协议,提供 比普通天线更出色的 信号品质。

Luxul XWC-1000 无线控制器用户手册说明书

Luxul XWC-1000 无线控制器用户手册说明书

READ ME FIRST Wireless Controller XWC-1000Package Contents:XWC-1000 Wireless ControllerRack Mount KitPower CordQUICK INSTALL GUIDEBEFORE YOU BEGIN INSTALLATIONX Access Point Firmware: Be sure that the firmware of any APs you intend to manage with the Wireless Controller is v5 or newer. Visit the AP Firmware upgrade page at /ap-upgrade for details.X Controller Setup Sequence: Once you configure the XWC-1000 WirelessController, the Controller will automatically configure and manage all compatible APs on the same subnet. APs can be added or removed at any time, however. A DHCP server is required on the network.X Firmware Updates: The XWC-1000 Wireless Controller automatically checks for firmware updates of Controller-compatible APs and the Wireless Controller itself, but requires Internet access to do so. The Wireless Controller will still operate without Internet access, but firmware updates will not be available.Wireless ControllerX Access Point Placement: Place APs to ensure adequate coverage, but not so far apart that there is no signal overlap. You may have to experiment with AP placement to optimize the roaming experience. The APs should overlap enough that the client device has a good connection to the AP to which it is currently attached, but also sees the next-nearest AP.Ideally, roaming clients should seesignal strength of two overlapping APs in the range of -60 to -70 dBm at n Note: Visit /ap-placement for details on how toselect and optimize AP placement.n Note: Consider using Ekahau HeatMapper to assist with this process, available from . Luxul also offersan informative “How-To” video on HeatMapper at /how-to-videos.Physical Installation (cont)Connect Ethernet and PowerUse an Ethernet cable to plug the XWC-1000 Wireless Controller into the network, then connect the Wireless Controller power cable.Connect any APs to the network (or ensure they’re connected).2 Preparing for AccessIP AddressingIf the XWC-1000 is connected to a network with a 192.168.0.X address scheme, and your computer shares a similar address on the same network, you can skipto the next step, Access and Setup.n Note: Be sure a DHCP server is present on the network and that all Luxul APs and the XWC-1000 Wireless Controller will share the same subnet.n Note: If your network uses a 192.168.0.X IP address scheme, you are ready to start the setup process. If not, you will need tomanually change the IP address of your computer to be able to configure the XWC-1000 Wireless Controller so that it is on thesame subnet as your network. For help setting the IP address ofyour particular operating system,visit /ip-addressing.3 Getting ConnectedAccess the Setup Wizard by opening your web browser and enter the Wireless Controller’s default IP address in the address field. Log in to the Wireless Controller using the default user name and password:Default IP: adminPassword: adminc Caution: If there is another device on the network alreadyusing the address, you’ll need to either temporarilydisconnect or reconfigure that other device, or manuallyconfigure the Wireless Controller with a different addresson a separate isolated network.4 Wireless Controller ConfigurationFollow the built-in Setup Wizard in the Wireless Controller. The Wizard will walk you through creating a configuration profile, then it will automatically configure and manage all available APs on the same network. You may add or remove APs to or from the managed profile at any time.t Smart Tip: For more information on setup and configuration best practices, visit /smart-tips.5 Hardware OperationSelecting front-panel LED colorUse the switch on the rear panel of the XWC-1000 Wireless Controller toswitch the Power and System LEDs on the front panel between green and blue to best match the equipment in the rack where the Wireless Controller is sharing space.Resetting the ControllerX Reset/Reboot: Use a paper clip to briefly press and release the Reset button on the rear panel of the Controller to force it to reboot. The front panel LEDs will go dark once the button is released, then the System LED will blink slowly while the controller reboots.X Restore Factory Defaults: To restore the controller to Factory Default configuration, press and hold the Reset button for at least 5 seconds. TheSystem LED will blink quickly to indicate that the Controller is returning to Factory Default configuration, go dark for a few seconds, then blink slowly while the controller boots.X Normal Operation: When the controller is operating normally, the System LED will blink like a heartbeat, i.e. blink-blink-dark.Sales P: 801-822-5450 E:***************Technical SupportP: 801-822-5450 Option 3 E:*****************LUX-QIG-XWC-1000-v4 0281709Copyright and Trademark Noticeslicense only exists for equipment, circuits and subsystems contained in this or any Luxul product.registered trademarks are property of their respective holders.。

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Ruckus Wireless™
