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1.听力Part A 原文:

In my opinion, technology has become too advanced. I am 17-years-old, and I can still

remember a time when I did not have a computer in my home, and if you did, it was uncommon.

Not until the mid-1990s was it common for(middle class families)to have computers. In our

society today, almost every single family has at least one computer if not more, and these

computers are incredibly advanced compared to what you'd have had in your home a short ten

years ago. Over the years, I have seen technology bloom; all I have known my entire lifetime, is

that there is going to be something bigger, I should really say smaller, and better (out on the

market)in no time. I can't believe how fast manufacturers are coming out with new technology.

What will happen in the future, will technology become so advanced is changes the course of our

humanity? You can do everything you want from a computer, work, play,(talk to friends),

research, and even order food! A person could live their entire life jammed up in a room with a

computer, and they would have access to everything they need! It is insane! The advances in

communication technology are blowing up all over the place as well. I, myself just bought a new

camera phone, and this phone is amazing. The picture quality is superb, and not only that but I

(have access to the)internet on my PHONE! I can't believe how the cell phone market has so

drastically increased. The first phone I ever had was five years ago, when I was 12 years old. That

phone today would be considered huge, clunky, heavy, and "old". I personally couldn't even

imagine myself walking around with that phone (without being embarrassed). It just goes to

show how much things have changed in five years, and people just keep on taking it all in. Every

time I have bought a new phone since that point, six months later, I have wanted a new one

because my phone was not up to date. Can you believe it, after not even a year a phone can

completely go off the market because it is not advanced enough? The manufacturers are putting

these things out faster than people can buy them.

2. 听力Part B 原文


It is an honor to speak with you today on the issue of(public health disparities). I would first like

to thank the organizations that made this event possible. This has truly been a collaborative effort

among a diverse group of constituents. I think this sets a positive tone and precedent for a healthy

and spirited discussion. As many of you may know, reforming and improving our health care

system is an issue that is close to my heart. I believe that in the richest and most powerful country

in the world, we ought to be able to provide (basic health care)to all of our citizens. It is vitally

important that we lessen the impact and burden of illness on all people in communities, regardless

of race, gender, or religions. Our discussions today are critically important to rectify the injustices

that many people face in our current health care system. Today’s sessions have a greater purpose than mere discussions and networking opportunities----today’s conference signifies an increased

and (necessary call for action)among our region’s top health professionals. Public health is

at health care in a

directly connected to poverty, income, education, and community. We cant’ look

silo and assume it is only a luxury for the well off. Health care needs to be provided to all people

of all color. We are morally responsible for (improving the disparities in health care)because a

healthy society is the foundation on which we build our schools, our neighborhoods, and our

economy. Health care is not a privilege----it is a right. I know we have along road to travel in
